This index is primarily one to new information.Previously published information referred to in this volume has not been indexed unless extensivecomparisons or reinterpretationsare involved. For some , especiallyones not in the AOU check-list,only scientificnames have been entered, and in some instances, entriesunder scientificnames are more extensivethan thoseunder vernacularnames. New generic,specific, and subspecificnames are printed in boldface type.

Accentor, Alpine, 284-294 Herpsilochmusrufimarginatus, 477-478; Hylophylax Accipitercooperii, 96-106 poecilonota,477-478; Hypocnemiscantator, 477-478; A. gentilis,96-106 Hypoleucusauritus, 110-116; H. olivaceus,110-116; A. striatus, 96-106 H. sulcirostris,110-116; H. varius, 110-116; Junco Aethia cristatella, 342-349 hyemalis,490-497, 669-676; Leucocarbocapensis, A. pusilla,342-349, 679, 685 110-116; L. nigrogularis,110-116; Lonchurastriata, Age, determinationof, 689-690 193-196;Microcarbo africanus, 110-116; M. melano- Agelaiusphoeniceus, 69-73ß 544-548 leucos,110-116; Microrhopiasquixensis, 477-478; Aguilera, Eduardo, Sexual differencesin nest atten- Myrmotherulaspp., 477-478; Notocarboatriceps, dance and chick-feeding rhythms of White 110-116;N. bransfieldensis,110-116; N. georgianus, Spoonbills, 416-420 110-116; N. verrucosus,110-116; Oporornisphila- Aimophilaaestivalis, 463-471 delphia,164ß 166; Oporornis tolmiei, 164, 166; Pachy- Ainley, David G., review by, 226-227; see Emslie, S. ptila belcheri,306, 308; P. desolata,306-308; P. sal- D., et al. vini, 306, 308; P. turtur, 306, 308; Phalacrocoracidae, Ainley, Marianne Gosztonyi, In memoriam: Margaret 110-116; Phalacrocoraxcarbo, 110-116; Podicepsni- Howell Mitchell, 601-602 gricollis,649-658; Poephilaguttata, 193-196; Pru- Aix sponsa,756-762 nella collaris,284-294; Pygiptilastellaris, 477-478; Alabama, 18-23 Somateriamollissima, 661; Stictocarbogaimardi, 110- Alaska, 342-349, 387-395, 620-622, 750-754 116;S. magellanicus,110-116; S. pelagicus,110-116; Albatross,Laysan, 119-123 Terenurahumeralis, 477-478; Thamnophilusdoliatus, Alberta, 161-170 477-478; Zonotrichiaquerula, 669-676 Alcorn, J. R., The of Nevada (rev.), 218-220 Ankney, C. Davison, see Alisauskas, Ray T., and Alisauskas,Ray T., and C. Davison Ankney, Com- ßsee Gregoire, Paul E., and -- mentary:Body size and fecundity in LesserSnow Antas, P., see Myers, J.P., et al. Geese, 440-443 Aphelocomacoerulescens, 202-203 Amadon, D., review by, 639-640 Aquilachrysaetos, 96-106, 438-439 Amat, JuanA., Age-relatedpair bonding by male Eur- Arenariainterpres, 696, 700, 704 asian Wigeons in relation to courtship activity, Arizona, 299-303, 367-374, 522-530, 531, 532, 606- 197-198 607 AmericanOrnithologists' Union, Elliott CouesAward, 238; William Brewster Memorial Award, 236-237; Armstrong,Robert H., Guide to the birds of Alaska Proceedingsof the One Hundred and Seventh (rev.), 819 Stated Meeting, 1AA-29AA Arnold, Keith A., review by, 454 Amundsen, Trond, and Jogeir N. Stokland, Egg size Auklet, Cassin's, 1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6, 7, 689-694; Crested, and parental quality influence nestling growth 342-349; Least, 342-349, 679, 685; Rhinoceros, 1, in the Shag, 410-413 2,3-4,6 Anas americana, 188-190 Austin, David H., see Williams, Lovett E., Jr., and A. bahamensis,188-190 A. crecca, 3, 188-190 Australia, 334-340 A. fiavirostris,188-190 Avery, Michael L., and Curtis O. Nelms, Food avoid- A. penelope,197-198 anceby Red-wingedBlackbirds conditioned with A. platyrhynchos,188-190, 255-259 a pyrazine odor, 544-549 A. strepera,188-190 Aythya valisineria,75-84 Anatini, 188-190 Anatomy and morphologyof Compsohalieusfuscescens, 110-116; C. penicillatus,110-116; Drymophilade- Bakken, George S., Estimatingthe effect of wind on villei,477-478; Dysithamnus mentalis, 477-478; For- avian metabolic rate with standard operative micivorarufa, 477-478; Grailariaquitensis, 477-478; temperature, 587-594

820 October1990] Indexto Volume107 821

Baldassarre,Guy A., see Losito, Michael P., et al. thrinus, 35-43; Chen caerulescens,550-559; Cer- Banks,Richard C., Taxonomicstatus of the Coquette cornactamanu, 244-245; Cleptornismarchei, 500- of Guerrero, Mexico, 191-192 505; Diomedeaimmutabilis, 119-123; Fulmarusgla- Barlow, Jon C., review by, 232 cialia,683, 686, 750-754; Gymnorhinuscyanocepha- Barnes, Michael E., see Robel, Robert J., et al. lus, 296, 299-302; Larus heermanni, 772-774; Loxia Barrowclough,George F., and R. J.Gutierrez, Genetic curvirostra,376-382; L. leucoptera,376-382; My- variation and differentiation in the SpottedOwl zomelarubrata, 502; Opisthocomushoazin, 626-627; (Strix occidentalis),737-744. Otus asio,567-578; Pandion haliaetus,506-513; 516- Barzen, Jeb A., and Jerome R. Serie, Nutrient reserve 519;Parus gambeli, 522-530; P. inornatus,522-530; dynamicsof breeding Canvasbacks,75-85 Phalaropusfulicaria, 682-683, 686; Phylloscopusbo- Bednarz, James C., Daniel Klem Jr., Laurie J. Good- realis, 434-437; Platalea leucorodia,416-420; Podi- rich, and Stanley E. Sennet, Migration countsof cepsnigricollis, 655; Progne subis, 275-282; Protono- raptorsat Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania,as in- taria citrea, 133-143, 146-149, 151-152; Prunella dicatorsof population trends, 1934-1986,96-109; collaris,284-294; Pterodroma phaeopygia, 317-325; review by, 801-802 Pyrenestesostrinus, 153-158; Rhipidura rufifrons, 502; Beebier, Bruce M., see Lein, M. Ross, and -- Rissatridactyla, 681-682, 686; Rostrhamussociabilis, Behavior,activity patterns, 18-23, 319-336, 337, 416- 327-332;Rynchops niger, 260-272; Scolopaxminor, 420, 655; age-related,197-198, 554-555, 557; ag- 407-409; Sialiamexicana, 606-607; Spizellaarborea, onistic, 18-23, 188-190, 354, 355, 502, 510, 550- 210-211,211-212; S.pusilla, 580-585; Sternacaspia, 559,606-607; antipredator, 258,506, 513,518, 530, 260-272;S. dougallii,354-357; S. hirundo,354-357; 584, 666, 696, 704;breeding, 35-43, 119-123, 126- Tachycinetathallisina, 606-607; Troglodytesaedon, 131, 153-158, 205-206, 206-208, 275-282, 284-294, 781-784; Tyto alba,248-250, 251-252; Uria aalge, 296-303,317-325, 334-340, 376-382, 407-409, 416- 603-605; U. lomvia, 683-684, 686; Vanellus corona- 420, 580-585, 603-605, 626-627, 750-754, 772-774; tus,10-16; V. lugubris,10-16; V. melanopterus,10- copulatory, 284-294, 334-340, 419-420; court- 16; Xanthocephalusxanthocephalus, 205-206, 206- ship, 122, 188-190, 197-198; dispersal,129-130, 208; Zenaidamacroura, 18-23; Zosteropsconspicil- 131; effect of environment on, 146-149, 327-332, latus, 500-505 550-559; extrapair, 275-282, 334-340, 419-420, Beissinger,Steven R., Alternative foodsof a diet spe- 584-585; feeding, 1-8, 18-23, 133-143, 146-149, cialist, the Snail Kite, 327-333 151-152, 153-158,210-211, 211-212, 244-245, 260- Beletsky, Les D., Gordon H. Orians, and John C. 272, 327-332, 354-357, 376-382, 400-402, 416-420, Wingfield, Steroid hormones in relation to ter- 434-437, 500-505, 506-513, 516-518, 519, 522-530, ritoriality, breedingdensity, and parentalbehav- 544-548, 550-559, 678-687;feeding aggregation, ior in male Yellow-headed Blackbirds, 60-68 678-687; foraging (seeBehavior, feeding); forced Belgium, 86-93 copulation, 275-282; dominance, 550-559; ho- Below, T., see Myers, J. P., et al. mosexual, 189-190; incubation, 10-16, 264, 320, Belthoff, JamesR., and Gary Ritchison,Roosting be- 324, 418-419, 773; individual distance, 129, 130; havior of postfledgling Eastern Screech-Owls, interspecific,522-530, 606-607; learning, 202-203, 567-579 544-548; maintenance,18-23; mating preference, Benkman, Craig W., Intake rates and the timing of 35-43, 157-158, 197-198, 248-250, 251-252, 296- crossbillreproduction, 376-386 303;nest helper, 626-627;nesting, 39-40, 43, 154- Bering Sea, 678-687 155, 156, 337, 376-382, 407-409, 507, 515-516,517, Birkhead,T. R., and F. M. Hunter, Numbers of sperm- 519,606-607; nest-sitetenacity, 126-131,281,319, storagetubules in the Zebra Finch (Poephilagut- 321, 339, 408, 506, 519; pair, 202, 319, 321, 334- tata) and BengaleseFinch (Lonchurastriata), 193- 340; parental care, 40-41, 43, 205-206, 206-208, 197 260-272, 279, 281,345, 349, 416-420, 580-585, 626- Bj6rklund, Mats, Mate choice is not important for 627, 766-767, 772-774; roosting,18-23, 567-578; female reproductive successin the Common sexual differences in, 133-143, 260-272, 416-420, Rosefinch(Carpodacus erythrinus), 35-44 580-585, 603-605; site fidelity, 126-131,319, 321, Blackbird,Red-winged, 69-73, 544-548;Yellow-head- 339, 603-605, 745-748; social, 119-123, 502, 506- ed, 60-67, 205-206, 206-208 519, 530, 550-559, 606-607; territorial, 627, 781- Bluebird, Western 606-607 784; thermoregulatory,10-16; vocal, 13, 14, 37- Bock,Walter J., A specialreview: Peters'"Check-list 39, 42, 202-203, 243, 278, 510, 623-625 of birds of the world" and a history of avian Behaviorof Agelaiusphoeniceus, 522-530; Anasameri- checklists, 629-639 cana, 188-190; A. bahamensis,188-190; A. crecca, Boersma, P. D., see Paine, R. T., et al. 188-190;A. fiavirostris,188-190; A. platyrhynchos, Bohlen, H. David, The birds of Illinois (rev.), 461-462 188-190;A.penelope, 197-198; A. strepera,188-190; Boles,Walter E., see Longmore, N. W., and -- Aphelocomacoerulescens, 202-203; Bubulcus •ois, 334- Bolivia, 473-483 357; Bucephalaalbeola, 126-131; Carpodacusery- Bollinger,Eric K., seeBollinger, Patricia Blair, et al. 822 Index to Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Bollinger, Patricia Blair, Eric K. Bollinger, and Rich- 364;Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 60, 65, 67, 205- ard A. Malecki, Tests of three hypothesesof 206, 206-208 ' hatching asynchronyin the Common Tern, 696- Breeding,timing of (seeBreeding season) 706 Breitwisch, Randall, see Zaias, Julia, and -- Brachyramphusmarmoratus, 3, 387-395 Bretagnolle, V., R. Zotier, and P. Jouventin, Compar- Brant, 620-622 ative population biology of four prions ( Branta bernicla,620-622 Pachyptila)from the Indian Ocean and conse- Braun, Michael, see Morton, Eugene S., et al. quencesfor their taxonomic status,305-316 Brawn,Jeffrey D., Interspecificcompetition and social Briskie,James V., and SpencerG. Sealy, Evolution of behavior in Violet-green Sparrows,606-608 short incubation periods in the parasitic cow- Breeding of Aethia cristatella,342-349; A. pusilia,342- birds, Molothrusspp., 789-794 349;Aix sponsa,756-762; Aythyavalisineria, 75-84; British Columbia, 126-131, 161-170 Bubulcus•bis, 334-340; Bucephalaalbeola, 126-131; Bromley, Peter T., review by, 221-222 Calidrispusilia, 718-727; Carpodacuserythrinus, 35- Brown, David E., Arizona game birds (rev.), 817-818 43; Cercomacra manu, 242-243; Chen caerulescens, Brown, JamesH., and RaymondPierotti, review by, 440-443,444-446; Falcocolumbarius, 29-30, 32; Ful- 216-218 marusglacialis, 750-754; Gymnorhinuscyanocepha- Bruce, Murray D., see McAllan, Ian A. W., and -- lus, 296, 299-302; Larus heermanni, 772-774; Loxia Brush, Alan H., reviews by, 232-233, 459, 460-462, curvirostra,376-382; L. leucoptera,376-382; Mimus 647-648, 819 polyglottus,414-415; Pachyptilabelcheri, 309, 310; Bryan, A. Lawrence,see Stangel, Peter W., et al. P. desolata,309, 310; P. salvini, 309, 310; P. turtur, Bubulcushis, 334-340 309, 310; Pandion haliaetus,513-515, 516, 518-519; Bucephalaalbeola, 126-131 Passerdomesticus, 45-57; P. montanus,45-57; Phal- Buffiehead, 126-131 aropuslobatus, 718-727; Phoeniculuspurpureus, 765- Burger,Joanna (Ed.), Seabirdsand other marine ver- 770;Platalea leucorodia, 416-420; Prognesubis, 275- tebrates:competition, predation, and other in- 282; Prunellacollaris, 284-294; Pterodromaphaeo- teractions (rev.), 225-226 pygia,317-325; Ptychoramphusaleuticus, 691-692, Burns, Kevin J., and Robert M. Zink, Temporal and 693-694; Pyrenestesostrinus, 153-158; Rynchops ni- geographichomogeneity of gene frequenciesin ger, 260-272; Scolopaxminor, 407-409, 748; Soma- the Fox Sparrow (Passerellailiaca), 421-425 teria mollissima,660-667; Spizellapusilia, 580-585; Buteojamaicensis, 96-106 Sternacaspia, 260-272; S. hirundo,696-704; Sturnus B. lagopus,96-106 vulgaris,359-365; Troglodytesaedon, 782-783; Uria B. lineatus,96-106 aalge,5, 603-605; Xanthocephalusxanthocephalus, B. platypterus,96-106 60-67, 205-206, 206-208 Butler, William, see Piatt, John F., et al. Breedingseason of Aethiacristatella, 343-344, 346-347; A. pusilla,343-344, 346-347;Fulmarus glacialis, 752, 754; Loxiacurvirostra, 376-382; L. leucoptera,376- Cade,Tom J.,review by, 213-216;James H. Enderson, 382;Mimus polyglottos, 415; Pandion haliaetus, 513- Carl G. Thelander,and Clayton M. White (Eds.), 515; Passer domesticus,47; P. montanus, 47; Pter- PeregrineFalcon populations, their management odromaphaeopygia, 319, 323-324; Ptychoramphus and recovery (rev.), 803-806 aleuticus,693; Pyrenestesostrinus, 155, 156, 158; Calidris alba, 172-179 Scolopaxminor, 408-409, 748; Sternahirundo, 698; C. pusilia,718-727 Sturnusvulgaris, 360; Uria aalge,603-605; Xantho- California, 161-170, 202-203, 421-424, 434-437, 649- cephalusxanthocephalus, 62 658, 689-694, 737-742 Breeding success,1, 5, 29-30, 32, 39-40, 60, 65, 67, Calls (see Vocalizations) 128, 129, 130, 155, 157, 205-206, 206-208; 300- Cameroon, 153-158 301,342,344-346,347-348,360,361-364, 408,409, Campbell, R. Wayne, review by, 460 513-515, 516, 518,519, 595-600,692,699, 700,701, Canvasback, 75-84 750-754, 759, 772-774 Carey, Cynthia, review by, 799-801 Breedingsuccess of Aethiacristatella, 342, 344-346, 347- Carey,Michael, Effects of broodsize and nestlingage 348; A. pusilia,342, 344-346, 347-348; Aix sponsa, on parentalcare by male Field Sparrows(Spizella 759; Bucephalaalbeola, 128, 129, 130; Carpodacus pusilia),580-586 erythrinus,39-40; Falcocolumbarius, 29-30, 32; Ful- Carpodacuserythrinus, 35-43 marusglacialis, 750-754; Gymnorhinuscyanocepha- Cash, Kevin J., and L. Scott Johnson, Commentary: lus,300-301; Haematopusbachmani, 1, 5; Larusheer- Male parental investment and female compe- manni, 772-774; Pandion haliaetus, 513-515, 516, tence in Yellow-headed Blackbirds, 205-206 518, 519; Ptychoramphusaleuticus, 692; Pyrenestes Castro,G., seeMyers, J.P., et al. ostn'nus,155, 157; Scolopaxminor, 408, 409; Sterna Census methods, 96-106, 447-450, 451-452, 595-600 hirundo,699, 600, 601; Sturnusvulgaris, 360, 361- Cepphuscolumba, 3, 7, 387-395 October1990] Indexto Volume107 823

Cercomacra carbonaria, 242 reus,765-770; Prognesubis, 275-282; Tachycineta C. ferdinandi,242 thallasina, 607 C. mat•u, 239-245 Compsohalieusfuscescens, 110-116 C. melanaria, 242 C. penicillatus,110-116 C. nigricans,242 Copperative breeding (see Communal breeding) Cerorhincamonocerata, 1, 2, 3-4, 6 Coquette,Rufous-crested, 191-192; Short-crested, 191- Chancellor,R. D., see Meyburg, B.-U., and -- 192 Chandler, C. Ray, see Mulvihill, Robert S., and Cormorant, Black-faced, 100-116; Brandt's, 3, 110-116; Double-crested, ! ! 0- ! ! 6; Great, ! 00- ! ! 6, 400-402; Chat, Yellow-breasted, 784-787 Little Black, 110-116;Little Pied, 110-116;Pelag- Chen caerulescens,199-201,440-443, 444-446, 550-559 ic, 3, 5, 6, 7, 387-395; Pied, !!0-!!6; Reed, 1!0- Chickadee, Mountain, 522-530, 531, 532 116 China, 404-406 Corvus caurinus, !, 2, 3, 5-6, 7, 8 Chordeilesminor, 610-613 C. ossifragus,518 Circuscyaneus, 96-106 Cottrell, G. William, see Mayr, Ernst, and -- Clangulahyemalis, 387-395 Cowbird, Bay-winged, 789-792; Bronzed, 789-792; Clapp, RogerG., seeMarks, JeffreyS., et al. Brown-headed, 789-792; Screaming, 789-792; Clark, GeorgeA., Jr., review by, 456-457 Shiny, 789-792 Clark, William S., A field guide to hawks--North Cracraft,Joel, review by, 222-223 America (rev.), 220-221 Craig, Robert J., Foragingbehavior and microhabitat Cleptornismarchei, 500-505 use of two speciesof white-eyes (Zosteropidae) Clutch size of Aix sponsa,760, 761, 762; Bubulcusibis, on Saipan, Micronesia, 500-505 335, 337; Bucephalaalbeola, 128, 129; Chencaeru- Cramp, Stanley (Chief Ed.), Handbook of the birds of lescens,440-443, 444-446; Larus heermanni, 772- Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The 773; Pandion haliaetus,516; Passerdomesticus, 47- birdsof the westernPalearctic. Volume V: Tyrant 49, 50, 53-54, 56; P. montanus,47-49, 50, 53-54, flycatchersto thrushes(rev.), 809-8!2 56;Pyrenestes ostrinus, 156; Scolopax minor, 408, 409; Crossbill, Red, 69-73, 376-382, 385-386; White- Sturnusvulgaris, 359-365 winged, 376-382, 385-386 Clutton-Brock,T. H. (Ed.), Reproductivesuccess: stud- Crow, Fish, 5!8; Northwestern, 1, 2, 3, 5-6, 7, 8 ies of individual variation in contrastingbreed- Cruz, Felipe, and Justine B. Cruz, Breeding, mor- ing systems(rev.), 223-224 phology, and growth of the endangered Dark- Coffey,Ben B., Jr., and Lula C. Coffey,Songs of Mex- rumped Petrel, 3!7-326 ican birds (rev.), 232 Cruz, JustineB., see Cruz, Felipe, and -- Coffey,Lula C., seeCoffey, Ben B., Jr., and -- Curlew, Bristle-thighed, 779-780 Cooke, Fred, J. Chris Davies, and R. F. Rockwell, Com- Cuthill, Innes C., see Lohrer, Fred E., et al. mentary: Responseto Alisauskasand Ankney, 444-446; see Gratto-Trevor, Cheri L., et al.; see Davies, J. Chris, see Cooke, Fred, et al. Quinn, Thomas W., et al. Dendroica caerulescens,784-787 Colaptesauratus, 367-374 D. castanea, 784-787 Commentaries,Male parental investmentand female D. coronata, 784-787 competence in Yellow-headed Blackbirds, see D. fusca,784-787 Cash, Kevin J., and L. ScottJohnson; Response D. magnolia,539-543, 784-787 to Cash and Johnson, see Gori, David F.; Half a D. palmarum,784-787 million eidersoff Cape Cod:compounded errors D. pensylvanica,784-787 or changedpopulations, see Erskine, Anthony J.; D. petechia,539-543, 784-787 Comparisonof patch-usemodels for wintering D. striata, 784-787 American Tree Sparrows, see Tome, Michael W.; D. tigrina, 784-787 Responseto Tome, see Gaines, Sarah; A note on D. virens, 539-543, 784-787 statisticalpower, see Forbes,L. Scott;Body size Derleth, Eric L., see Diefenbach, Duane R., et al. and fecundity in Lesser Snow Geese, see Ali- DeWolfe, BarbaraB., review by, 817 sauskas,Ray T., and C. Davison Ankney; Re- Dickerman, Robert W., Geographicvariation in the sponseto Alisauskasand Ankney, seeCooke, Fred, juvenal plumage of the Common Nighthawk J. Chris Davies, and R. F. Rockwell; Do point (Chordeilesminor) in North America, 6!0-6!3 counting and spot mapping produce equivalent Diefenbach, Duane R., Eric L. Derleth, W. Matthew estimatesof densities?,see Tomialoj•, Lud- Vander Haegen, JamesD. Nichols, and JamesE. wik, and JaredVerner; Responseto Tomiatoje Hines, American Woodcock winter distribution and Verner, see Hamel, Paul B. and fidelity to wintering areas,745-749 Communalbreeding in Diomedeaimmutabilis, 119-123; Dilley, William E., seeToops, Connie, and -- Opisthocomushoazin, 626-627; Phoeniculuspurpu- Diomedeaimmutabilis, !!9-!23 824 Index to Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Distribution of Aimophilaaestivalis, 463-471; Cercorna- Eggs,410-412, 696-704, 789-792, 794; density, specific cra rnar•u,240-241; Parus bicolor , 184-187; Scolopax volume, and volume, 319, 789-792, 794; laying, minor, 745-748 309, 310, 319, 324, 376-382, 693, 696-704, 792; Distribution, spatial,466, 515, 679-680, 684-685 temperature, 431-433 Dixon, Keith L., Constancyof marginsof the hybrid Eggs, descriptions and measurements, Larus heer- zone in titmice of Parusbicolor complex in coastal manni, 773; Passer domesticus,47, 49-50; P. mon- Texas, 184-188 tanus,47, 49-50; Pterodromaphaeopygia, 319 Doughty, Robin W., Return of the Whooping Crane Egret, Cattle, 334-340 (rev.), 812-814 Eider, Common, 208-209, 660-667 Dove, Mourning, 18-23 E1 Halawani, Mohamed E., see Gratto-Trevor, Cheri Drummond, Hugh, see Urrutia, Lena P., and -- L., et al. Drymophiladevillei, 475-476, 477-478, 481, 485, 487, Ellis, David H., and Dwight G. Smith, review by, 812- 489 814 Duck, Harlequin, 387-395; Wood, 756-762 Empidonaxminimus, 790, 792 Duffy, David Cameron,review by, 225-226 Emslie, S. D., R. P. Henderson, and D. G. Ainley, Dunning, John B., Jr., and Bryan D. Watts, Regional Annual variation of primary molt with age and differencesin habitat occupancyby Bachman's sex in Cassin's Auklet, 689-695 Sparrow, 463-472 Endangeredspecies, 123, 317-325, 351,463-471, 608- Dunning, John S., South American birds: a photo- 609, 737-742 graphic aid to identification (rev.), 461 Enderson, James H., see Cade, Tom J., et al. Dysithamnusmentalis, 475-476, 477-478, 481,485, 487, England, 623-625 489 Engstrom,R. Todd, and Gregory W. Evans,Hurricane damage to Red-cockadedWoodpecker (Picoides Eagle, Bald, 96-106, 390, 394, 395; Golden, 96-106; borealis)cavity trees, 608-610 438-439 Environment, influence on, Aimophilaaestivalis, 463- Ecology,breeding communities,387-395; commensal 471; Chen caerulescens,550-559; Phalacrocoraci- feeding,678-687; community structure, 6-7, 353- dae, 113-114, 115-116; Phoeniculuspurpureus, 766; 354, 776; competition, 8, 31, 133-143, 351-357, Protonotariacitrea, 146-149; Pterodromaphaeopygia, 367-374, 504-505, 606-607; demography,24-33; 323; Rostrhamussociabilis, 327-332 dispersal,471; habitatpartitioning, 351-357; hab- Erskine,Anthony J., Commentary:Half a million ei- itat selection, 367-374, 434-437, 463-471, 522- dersoff CapeCod: compounded errors or changed 530, 531,532, 539-543, 567-578, 608-609, 775, 778; populations.,208-209 population structure, 25-33, 614-618; predator- Evans, Gregory W., see Engstrom, R. Todd, and prey relationships,1-8, 327-332, 438-439, 686- 687,775-778; resource partitioning, 133-143, 500- Evans,Roger M., Terminal-eggchilling and hatching 505; seasonal variation, 25-33; territoriality, intervals in the American White Pelican, 431- 86-93 434 Ecologyof Aimophilaaestivalis, 463-471; Aquilachrys- Evered, Duncan Stuart, Measuresof wing area and aetos,438-439; Cercomacrarnanu, 244-245; Clep- wing spanfrom wing formula data, 784-787 tornismarcheL 500-505; Colaptesauratus, 367-374; Evolution of communal breeding, 275-282; repro- Dendroicamagnolia, 539-543; D. petechia,539-543; ductive divergence, 153-158 D. virens,539-543; Falcocolumbarius, 25-33; F. per- Evolution of Myrmotherulaspp., 473-483; Phaenico- egrinus,1-8; Fulmarusglacialis, 686-687; Geothlypis philuspalmarum, 712-713, 715-716; P. poliocepha- trichas, 539-543; Loxia curvirostra, 376-382; L. leu- lus,712-713, 715-716; Pyrenestesostrinus, 153-158 coptera,376-382; Melanerpesuropygialis, 367-374; Melospizamelodia, 775-778; Mniotilta varia, 539- 543; Mycteria americana,614-618; Otus asio,567- Falco columbarius, 25-33, 96-106 578;Parula americana, 539-543; Parus gambelL 522- F. peregrinus,1-8, 96-106 530, 531, 532; P. inornatus,522-530, 531, 532; Pas- F. sparverius,96-106 serculussandwichensis, 775-778; Phalaropusfulica- Falcon, Peregrine, 1-8, 96-106 ria, 686-687; Phylloscopusborealis, 434-437; Proton- Fails, J. Bruce,see Weary, Daniel M., et al. otaria citrea, 133-143, 146-149, 151-152, 539-543; Fantail, Rufous, 502 Rissatridactyla, 686; Rostrhamussociabilis, 327-332; Feathers(see Molts and plumages) Setophagaruticilla, 539-543; Sialia mexicana,606- Fecundity (seeClutch size) 607;Sitta europaea, 86-93; Sp&ellaarborea, 210-211, Feducia,A., Birds of colonial Williamsburg: a histor- 211-212; Sternadougallii, 351-357; S. hirundo,351- ical portfolio (rev.), 647-468 357; Sturnusvulgaris, 367-374; Tachycinetathallas- Fenbert, Lisa, see Gaunt, Abbot S., et al. ina, 606-607; Uria lomvia, 686; Wilsonia citrina, 539- Ficedula albicollis, 429-431 543; Zosteropsconspicillatus, 500-505 F. hypoleuca,429-431, 730-734 October1990] Indexto Volume107 825

Finch, Bengalese,193-196; Zebra, 193-196 and Lisa Fenbert, Rapid atrophy and hypertro- Fitzpatrick, John W., and David E. Willard, Cercomacra phy of an avian flight muscle,649-659 manu,a new speciesof antbird from southwestern Gauthier, Gitles, Phitopatry, nest-sitefidelity, and re- Amazonia, 239-245 productive performance in Buffieheads,126-132 Fivizzani, Albert J., see Gratto-Trevor, Cheri L., et at. Gavia adamsii, 387-395 Fledgling of Passerdomesticus, 50-52, 57; P. montanus, Getter, Hans P., and H•kan Tegelstr6m, Restriction 50-52, 57 enzyme cleavageof nuclear DNA revealsdiffer- Fleming, W. James,see Petit, Lisa J., et al. ences in repetitive sequencesin two speciespair Flicker, Northern, 367-374 (Ficedulaand Parus), 429-431; see Tegetstr6m, Florida, 202-203, 327-332, 414-415, 544-548, 614-618 H•kan, et al. Flycatcher,Least, 790, 792; Pied, 730-734 Geneticvariation in (seeGenetics, genetic variation) Food and feeding habits of (see also Behavior,feed- Genetics, 31-32, 199-201,278-279, 280, 310, 421-424, ing) Aethiacristatella, 346, 348, 349;A. pusilla,346, 429-431,473-475, 478-483, 486-487, 614-618, 620- 348, 349, 679, 685; Cercomacra mat•u, 244-245; 622, 707-716, 730-734, 737-742; gene flow, 617- Chencaerulescens, 550-559; Cleptornismarchei, 500- 618,716, 742; genetic variation, 421-424, 473-475, 505; Falcoperegrinus, 1-8; Fulmarusglacialis, 678- 478-482, 614-618, 620-622, 707-716, 730-734, 737- 681, 683, 684-687; Loxia curvirostra, 376-382; L. 742 leucoptera,376-382; Pachyptilabelcheri, 309-310, Genetics of Branta bernicla, 620-622; Chen caerulescens, 311; P. desolata,309-310, 311; P. salvini, 309-310, 199-201;Drymophila devillei, 481,487; Dysithamnus 311; P. turtur, 309-310, 311; Parusgambeli, 522- mentalis,481,487; Falcocolumbarius, 31-32; Ficedula 530, 531,532; P. inornatus,522-530, 531, 532; Passer albicollis,429-431; F. hypoleuca,429-431, 730-734; domesticus,53, 55, 57; P. montanus,53, 55, 57; Phal- Formicivorarufa, 481, 487; Grailariaquitensis, 481, acrocoraxcarbo, 400-402; Phalaropusfulicaria, 678- 487; Herpsilochmusrufimarginatus, 481, 487; Hylo- 687;Phylloscopus borealis, 434-437; Protonotariacit- phylaxpoecilonota, 481,487; Microrhopiasquixensis, rea,133-143,146-149,151-152; Pyrenestesostrinus, 481,487; Mycteria americana,614-618; Myrmothe- 153-158; Quiscalusmajor, 327, 331, 332; Rissatri- rula spp., 473-475, 478-483, 486-487; Pachyptila dactyla, 678-682, 684-687; Rostrhamussociabilis, belcheri,310; P. desolata,310; P. salvini, 310; P. tur- 327-332; Rynchopsniger, 260-272; Somateriamol- tur, 310; Paruscaeruleus, 429-431; P. major,429- lissima,662, 666;Spizella arborea, 210-211,211-212; 431; Passerellailiaca, 421-424; Phaenicophiluspal- Sternacaspia, 260-272; S. dougallii,351-357; S. hi- marum,707-716; P. poliocephalus,707-716; Progne rundo,351-357; Tyto alba,252; Uria lornvia,678- subis,278-279, 280;Pygiptila stellaris, 481,487; Strix 681, 683-687;Zosterops conspicillatus, 500-505 occidentalis,737-742; Terenura humeralis, 481, 487; Foraging (see Food and feeding habits; Behavior, Thamnophilusdoliatus, 481,487 feeding) George,T. Luke, review by, 802-803 Forbes,L. Scott,Commentary: A note on statistical Geographicvariation in molts and plumages,184- power, 438-439 187, 610-613; vocalizations, 202-203 Ford, Hugh A., Ecologyof birds: an Australianper- Geographicvariation in Aphelocomacoerulescens, 202- spective (rev.), 814-815; see Lohrer, Fred E., et 203; Chordeilesminor, 610-613; Parus bicolor, 184- at. 187; Passerellailiaca, 421, 424 Forman, Lisa, see Morton, Eugene S., et at. Georgia, 608-609, 775-778 Formicivorarufa, 475-476, 477-478, 481, 485, 487, 489 Geothlypistrichas, 539-543, 784-787 Fox, A.D., review by, 806-808 Gill, RobertE., Jr.,see Marks, Jeffrey S., et al. Fratercula cirrhata, 7, 387-395 Goldstein, David L., and Afshan Zahedi, Variation in F. corniculata, 387-395 osmoregulatoryparameters of captive and wild Freeman, Scott, and Wendy M. Jackson,Univariate House Sparrows (Passerdomesticus), 533-538 metrics are not adequateto measureavian body Goodman,Steven M., and Peter L. Meininger (Eds.), size, 69-74 The birds of Egypt (rev.), 460-461 Fukuda, Michio, see Mizutani, Hiroshi, et al. Goodrich, Laurie J., see Bednarz, JamesC., et al. Furmar, Northern, 387-395, 678-687, 750-754 Goose, Snow, 199-201, 440-443, 550-559 Fulmarusglacialis, 387-395, 678-687, 750-754 Gordon, L. M., see Myers, J.P., et at. Furness, Robert W., The skuas (rev.), 226-227 Gori, David F., Commentary:Response to Cash and Johnson, 206-208 Goriup, Paul D. (Ed.), Ecology and conservationof Gadwall, 188-190 grasslandbirds (rev.), 802-803 Gaines,Sarah, Commentary: Response to Tome,211- Goshawk, Northern, 96-106 212 Grackle, Boat-tailed, 327, 331, 332 Gal•pagos,317-325 Grailariaquitensis, 477-478, 481, 485, 487 Gaunt, A. S., review by, 229-230 Gratto-Trevor,Cheri L., Lewis W. Oring, Albert J. Gaunt, Abbot S., Robert S. Hikida, JosephR. Jehl, Jr., Fivizzani, Mohamed E. E1 Halawani, and Fred 826 Indexto Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Cooke, The role of prolactin in parental care in Hawaii, 199-123, 779-780 a monogamousand a polyandrousshorebird, 718- Hawk, Broad-winged,96-106; Cooper's,96-106; Red- 729 shouldered,96-106; Red-tailed,96-106; Rough- Grebe, Eared, 649-658 legged, 96-106; Sharp-shinned,96-106 Greenberg,Russell, reviews by, 640-642, 815-817; see Hayman, Peter, John Marchant, and Tony Prater, Ornat, Arturo Lopez, and -- Shorebirds:an identificationguide to the waders Gregoire,Paul E., and C. DavisonAnkney, Agonistic of the world (rev.), 454-455 behavior and dominancerelationships among Henderson, R. P., see Emslie, S. D., et al. LesserSnow Geeseduring winter and spring mi- Henricks,Paul, seeMarks, JeffreyS., et al. gration, 550-560 Henny, Charles J., review by, 808-809 Grimmett, R. F. A., and T. A. Jones, Important bird Hepp, Gary R., Robert A. Kennamer, and William F. areas in Europe (rev.), 461 Harvey IV, Incubation as a reproductive costin Growth and development of Aethiacristatella, 342, 346, female Wood Ducks, 756-764 347, 349; A. pusilla,342, 346, 347, 349; Passerdo- Herpsilochmusrufimarginatus, 475-476, 477-478, 481,485, mesticus,50-52, 53, 57; P. montanus, 50-52, 53, 57; 487, 489 Phalacrocorax aristotelis, 410-412; Pterodroma Hickey, JosephJ., In memoriam:Alfred E. Eynon,398 phaeopygia,321,323, 324-325; Sternahirundo, 698- Hikida, Robert S., see Gaunt, Abbot S., et al. 700, 701-702 Hines, James E., see Diefenbach, Duane R., et al. Guam, 404-406 Histrionicus histrionicus, 387-395 Guillemot, Pigeon, 3, 7, 387-395 Hoatzin, 626-627 Gull, Glaucous-winged,3, 387-395;Heerman's, 3, 772- Holm, Halvor, see Parker, Howard, and -- 774 Home range (seeTerritory of) Gutierrez, R. J., see Barrowclough,George F., and Honeyeater, Micronesian, 502 Houde,Peter W., Paleognathousbirds from the Early Gwynne, J. A., seeRidgely, RobertS., and -- Tertiaryof the Northern Hemisphere(rev.), 455- Gymnorhinuscyanocephalus, 296-303 456 Houston, C. Stuart, In memoriam: Willetta Lueshen, Habitat of Aimophilaaestivalis, 463-471; Cercoraacra 399 manu, 244-245; Parusgambeli, 525; P. inornatus, Hudec,Karel, see •astn•,, Karel, et al. 525; Phylloscopusborealis, 434-437; Sitta europaea, Hunt, GeorgeL., Jr., see Obst, Bryan S., and -- 87, 89-90, 91, 93; Sternadougallii, 352-353, 356- Hunter, F. M., see Birkhead, T. R., and -- 357; S. hirundo, 352-353, 356-357 Hutchinson, Clive D., Birds in Ireland (rev.), 233 Hackett, ShannonI., and Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Hybrids and hybridization of Ficedulaalbicollis x F. Comparisonof phenotypicand geneticdiffer- hypoleuca,430-431; Oporornis philadelphia x O. tol- entiation in South American antwrens (Formi- miei, 161-170; Parusbicolor complex, 184-187 cariidae), 473-489 Hylophylaxpoecilonota, 475-476,477-478, 481,485, 487, Haematopusbachmani, 1, 3, 5-6, 7 489 Hagan, John M., III, and JeffreyR. Waiters,Foraging Hypocnemiscantator, 475-476, 477-478, 481, 485, 487, behavior, reproductive success, and colonial 489 nesting in Ospreys,506-521 Hypoleucusauritus, 110-116; H. olivaceus,110-116; H. Haiti, 707-716 sulcirostris,110-116; H. varius, 110-116 Haliaeetusleucocephalus, 96-106, 390, 394, 395 Hamel, Paul B., Commentary:Response to Tomiatoj• and Verner, 451-453 Iapichino, Carmelo, and Bruno Massa,The birds of Harrier, Northern, 96-106 Sicily (rev.), 647 Harris, M.P., and S. Wanless,Breeding status and sex Icteria virens, 784-787 of Common Murres (Uria aalge)at a colony in Idaho, 161-170 autumn, 603-605 Illinois, 784-787 Harris, Tony, Shrikes of southern Africa (rev.), 232- Incubation and incubation period of Passerdomesticus, 233 50;P. montanus,50; Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 431- Hart, Mark, see McKinney, Frank, et al. 433;Pterodroma phaeopygia, 320, 324;Rynchops ni- Harvey, William F., IV, see Hepp, Gary R., et al. ger, 264, 272; Somateriamollissima, 663; Sternacas- Hatch, Scott A., Individual variation in behavior and pia, 264, 272; Sturnusvulgaris, 359, 361, 363; Va- breeding successof Northern Fulmars,750-755; nellus coronata,10-16; V. lugubris, 10-16; V. see Platt, John F., et al. melanopterus,10-16; Hatching,success of (seeBreeding success) Indian Ocean, 305-314 Hatching, timing of, 30, 32, 206, 309, 310, 344, 347, Islet, Morton, and Phyllis Isler, review by, 228-229 359-365, 431-433, 696-704, 773 Islet, Phyllis, seeIsler, Morton, and -- October1990] Indexto Volume107 827

Jaarola,Maarit, see Tegelstr6m, Ht•kan, et al. Larusglaucescens, 3, 387-395 Jackson,Wendy M., see Freeman,Scott, and -- L. heermanni, 3, 772-774 James,Paul C., see Warkentin, lan G., et al. Lehmann, Val W., Bobwhitesin the Rio Grande plain Japan,284-294, 400-402 of Texas (rev.), 454 Jay,Pinyon, 296-303; Scrub,202-203 Lein, M. Ross, and Bruce M. Beehler, editors of book Jehl, JosephR., Jr., see Gaunt, Abbot S., et al. reviews, 213-233, 454-462, 629-648, 795-819 Johnson,Douglas H., and Terry L. Shaffer,Estimating Lensink, Calvin J., see Piatt, John F., et al. nestsuccess: when Mayfield wins, 595-600 Leucocarbocapensis, 110-116 Johnson,Kristine, and John M. Marzluff, Someprob- L. nigrogularis,110-116 lems and approachesin avian mate choice,296- Lewis, Mark G., and Fred A. Sharpe,Birding in the 304 San Juan Islands (rev.), 460 Johnson, L. Scott, see Cash, Kevin J., and --; and Lidster, Wayne W., see Piatt, John F., et al. L. Henry Kermott, Possiblecauses of territory Ligon, J. David, and SandraH. Ligon, Female-biased takeovers in a north-temperate population of sex ratio at hatching in the Green Woodhoopoe, House Wrens, 781-784 765-771 Johnson,Ned K., review by, 218-220 Ligon, SandraH., see Ligon, J. David, and -- Johnson,Timothy H., Biodiversityand conservation Livezey, BradleyC., review by, 455-456 in the Caribbean:profiles of selectedislands (rev.), Lohrer,Fred E., JohnL. Trapp,David A. Wiedenfeld, 799-801 Hugh A. Ford, Innes C. Cuthill, and Robert D. Jones, T. A., see Grimmett, R. F. A., and -- Magrath, editors of RecentOrnithological Litera- Jouventin,P., seeBretagnolle, V., et al. ture, 1A-27A, 1B-37B, 1C-36C, 1D-68D Junco,Dark-eyed, 490-497, 561-566, 669-676 Lonchura striata, 193-196 Juncohyemalis, 490-497, 561-566, 669-676 Longcore,Jerry R., see McAuley, Daniel G., et al. Longevity(see Mortality and survival) Longmore, N. W., and Waiter E. Boles,A method of Kabaya,Yuko, seeMizutani, Hiroshi, et al. combinedskin-fluid specimenpreparation, 788- Kale, Herbert W., II, and David S. Maehr, Florida's 789 birds (rev.), 797-799; review by, 818-819 Loon, Yellow-billed, 387-395 Kansas, 69-73, 669-676 Lophornisbrachylopha, 191-192 Kaufman, Kenn, review by, 454-455 L. delattrei, 191-192 Keast, J. Allen, In memoriam: Julian R. Ford, 601 Losito, Michael P., Ralph E, Mirarchi, and Guy A. Keith, Stuart,review by, 647 Baldassarre,Summertime activity budgets of Kemp, Kenneth E., see Robel, Robert J., et al. hatching-yearMourning Doves, 18-24 Kendziorek, Marshal, see Piatt, John F., et al. Louisiana, 550-559, 745-748 Kennamer,Robert A., see Hepp, Gary R., et al. Loxia curvirostra, 69-73, 376-382, 385-386 Kentucky, 567-578 L. leucoptera,376-382, 385-386 Kenya, 765-770 Lynch, JamesF., review by, 814-815 Kepler, CameronB., seeSnyder, Noel F. R., et al. Lyrebird, Albert's, 788 Kerlinger, Paul, Flight strategiesof migrating hawks (rev.), 801-802 Maehr, David S., see Kale, Herbert S., II, and Kermott, L. Henry, see Johnson, L. Scott, and Magrath, Robert D., see Lohrer, Fred E., et al. Maine, 376-382, 407-409 Kerpez, Theodore A., and Norman S. Smith, Com- Majewski, Przemyslaw, see Panek, Marek, and petition between EuropeanStarlings and native woodpeckersfor nest cavities in saguaros,367- 375 Malecki, Richard A., see Bollinger, Patricia Blair, et al. Kestrel, American, 96-106 Mallard, 188-190, 255-259 Kilham, Lawrence, The American Crow and the Com- Manitoba, 75-84, 199-201,431-433, 718-727, 790-792 mon Raven (rev.), 230-231 Mao Ying, see Williams, Timothy C., and -- King, A. A., and J. McLelland (Eds.),Form and func- Marchant,John, see Hayman, Peter, et al. tion in birds, vol. 4 (rev.), 229-230 Marks, Jeffrey S., Roland L. Redmond, Paul Hen- Kite, Snail, 327-332 dricks, Roger B. ½lapp, and Robert E. Gill, Jr., Kittiwake, Black-legged,3, 7, 387-395, 678-687 Notes on longevity and flightlessnessin Bristle- Klein, Daniel, Jr., see Bednarz, James C., et al. thighed Curlews, 779-781 Koenig, Walter D., review by, 223-224 Maron, J. L., see Myers, J.P., et al. Kofalk, Harriet, No woman tenderfoot: Florence Mer- Marti, Carl D., Sex and age dimorphismin the Barn riam Bailey, pioneer naturalist (rev.), 817 Owl and a test of mate choice, 246-254 828 Indexto Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Martin, Purple, 275-282 McKilligan, N. G., Promiscuityin the Cattle Egret Maryland, 275-282 (Bubulcusibis), 334-341 Marzluff, John M., review by 230-231; see Johnson, McKinney,Frank, Lisa Guminski Sorenson, and Mark Kristine, and -- Hart, Multiple functionsof coursthipdisplays in Mass and measurements of Aethia cristatella, 346, 347; dabblingducks (Anatini), 188-191 A. pusilla,346, 347; Agelaiusphoeniceus, 69-73; Aix Measurements (see Mass and ) sponsa,759; Anas platyrhynchos, 256-257, 258; Ay- McKitrick, Mary C., review by, 797-799 thya valiseneria,75-84; Cercomacracarbonaria, 242; McLelland, J., see King, A. S., and -- C. ferdinandi,242; C. manu, 240-242;C. melanaria, Meininger,Peter L., see Goodman,Steven M., and 242; C. nigricans,242; Chencaerulescens, 440-443, 444-446; Dendroica caerulescens,784-787; D. cas- Melanerpesuropygialis, 367-374 tanea,784-787; D. coronata,784-787; D. fusca,784- Melospizamelodia, 775-778 787; D. magnolia,784-787; D. palmarum,784-787; Memorialof Alfred E. Eynon,398; Julian R. Ford,601; D. pensylvanica,784-787; D. petechia,784-787; D. Willetta Lueshen,399; Margaret Howell Mitch- striata,784-787; D. tigrina,784-787; D. virens,784- ell, 601-602; William H. Phelps Jr., 181-183; Sir 787; Falco columbarius,27, 28; Geothlypistrichas, Peter Markham Scott, 602 784-787; Icteriavirens, 784-787; Juncohyemalis, 492, Menura alberti, 788 562, 564, 671, 672, 673; Loxia curvirostra, 69-73; Merlin, 25-33, 96-106 Mniotilta varia, 784-787; Myrmotherulaspp. 474; Metabolismof Juncohyemalis, 562-563 Oporornisagilis, 784-787; O. formosus,784-787; O. Mexico, 191-192, 539-543, 772-774 philadelphia,164, 166, 784-787;O. tolmiei,164, 166; Meyburg,B.-U., and R. D. Chancellor(Eds.), Raptors Pachyptilabelcheri, 307; P. desolata,307; P. salvini, in the modern world (rev.), 639-640 307; P. turtur, 307; Passerdomesticus, 50-52, 56; P. Megtrov, M. M., and G. Sugi• (Eds.), [Ornithology in montanus, 50-52, 56; Phalacrocorax aristotelis, 411, Croatia] (rev.), 817 412; Podicepsnigricollis, 652, 653; Prunellacollaris, Michigan 784-787 288;Pterodroma phaeopygia, 320-321,322, 323;Pty- Microcarboafricanus, 110-116 choramphusaleuticus, 691-692, 693;Rynchops niger, M. Melanoleucos, 110-116 263, 264; Scolopaxminor, 409; Seiurusaurocapillus, Micronesia, 500-505 784-787; S. noveboracensis,784-787; Setophagaru- Microrhopiasquixensis, 475-476, 477-478, 481,485, 487, ticilla,784-787; Sitta europaea, 91, 92;Somateria mol- 489 lissima,660-667; Spizella pusilla, 583; Sterna caspia, Migrationand orientation,25-33, 172-179,180, 404- 263, 264; S. hirundo,699; Tyto alba,248, 249-251; 406, 425-427, 490-497; effectsof weather on, 425- Vermivoracelata, 784-787; V. chrysoptera,784-787; 427 V. peregrina,784-787; V. ruficapilla,784-787; Wil- Migration and orientationof Calidrisalba, 172-179; sonia canadensis,784-787; W. citrina, 784-787; W. Falcocolumbarius, 25-33; Juncohyemalis, 490-497; pusilla,784-787; Zonotrichia querula, 69-73 Oporornisformosus, 425-427; Seiurus aurocapillus, Massa,Bruno, see Iapichino, Carmelo, and -- 425-427; S. noveboracensis,425-427; Wilsonia citri- Massachusetts, 784-787 na, 425-427 Mating systemsof Carpodacuserythrinus, 35-43; Gym- Mikuska, J6zsef,review by, 817 norhinuscyanocephalus, 296, 299-302; Opisthocomus Mimuspolyglottos, 414-415 hoazin,627; Prognesubis, 275-282 Mirarchi, Ralph E., seeLosito, Michael P., et al. Matthysen,Erik, Behavioraland ecologicalcorrelates Mizutani, Hiroshi, Michio Fukuda,Yuko Kabaya,and of territory quality in the EurasianNuthatch (Sit- EitaroWada, Carbon isotope ratio of feathersre- ta europaea),86-95 vealsfeeding behavior of cormorants,400-403 Mayr, Ernst,and G. William Cottrell (Eds.),Check- Mniotilta varia, 539-543, 784-787 list of birds of the world: a continuation of the Mockingbird, Northern, 414-415 work of JamesL. Peters, vol. XI (rev.), 629-639 Molothrusaeneus, 789-792; M. ater, 789-792; M. badius, McAllan, Ian A. W., and Murray D. Bruce,The birds 789-792; M. bonariensis,789-792; M. rufoaxillaris, of New South Wales: a working list (rev.), 458- 789-792 459 Molts and plumagesof Anasplatyrhynchos, 225-259; McAuley, Daniel G., Jerry R. Longcore,and Greg F. Bubulcus•bis, 338; Cercomacramanu, 239-240, 241- Sepik, Renestingby American Woodcocks(Scol- 242;Chordeiles minor, 610-613; Drymophila devillei, opaxminor) in Maine, 407-410 475-476,489; Dysithamnus mentalis, 475-476, 489; McDonald, Mara M., and Michael H. Smith, Specia- Formicivorarufa, 475-476, 489; Herpsilochmus ruff- tion, heterochrony,and geneticvariation in His- marginatus,475-476, 489; Hylophylaxpoecilonota, paniolan palm-tanagers,707-717 475-476,489; Hypocnemis cantator, 475-476, 489; Mcintyre, Judith W., The Common Loon: spirit of Lophornis brachylopha,191-192; Microrhopias northern lakes (rev.), 457-458 quixensis,475-476, 489; Mimus polyglottos, 414-415; October1990] Indexto Volume107 829

Myrmotherulaspp., 475-476, 488; Numeniustahi- M. leucophthalma,473-483, 485-489 tiensis,779-780; Oporornisphiladelphia, 162, 164, M. longicauda,473-483, 485-489 165, 169, 170; O. tolmiei, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170; M. longipennis,473-483, 485-489 Parusbicolor, 184-187; Phalacrocoraxcarbo, 400-402; M. menetriesii,473-483, 485-489 Ptychoramphusaleuticus, 689-694; Pygiptila stellaris, M. obscura,473-483, 485-489 475-476, 489; Terenura humeralis, 475-476, 489; M. ornata, 473-483, 485-489 Thamnophilusdoliatus, 475-476, 489 M. schisticolor,473-483, 485-489 Monson, Gale, review by, 817-818 M. sclateri,473-483, 485-489 Montana, 161-170 M. surinamensis,473-483, 485-489 Moore, Frank R., Evidence for redetermination of mi- Myzomelarubrata, 502 gratory direction following wind displacement, 425-428 Nakamura,Masahiko, Cloacal protuberance and cop- Morrison, Michael L., see With, Kimberly A., and ulatorybehavior of the Alpine Accentor(Prunella collaris), 284-295 Morse, DouglassH., AmericanWarblers (rev.), 815- Nelms, Curtis O., see Avery, Michael L., and -- 817 Nest and nest site of Bubulcusibis, 337; Carpodacuser- Mortality and survival of Aethia cristatella,345, 349; ythrinus,36, 39-40, 43; Colaptesauratus, 367-374; A. pusilla,345, 349; Aix sponsa,759, 760;Brachyram- Melanerpesuropygialis, 367-374; Pachyptila belcheri, phusmarmoratus, 387-395; Cepphuscolumba, 387- 307, 309; P. desolata,307, 309; P. salvini, 307, 309; 395; Cerorhincamonocerata, 4; Clangulahyemalis, P. turtur, 307, 309; Pandionhaliaetus, 507, 515-516, 387-395; Falco columbarius,32-33; Fratercula cir- 517, 519; Picoides borealis, 608-609; Pterodroma rhata, 387-395; F. corniculata, 387-395; Fulmarus phaeopygia,319; Pyrenestesostrinus, 154-155, 157; glacialis,387-395; Gavia adamsii,387-395; Gymno- Scolopaxminor, 408; Sturnusvulgaris, 367-374; Uria rhinuscy anocephalus, 296, 301;Haliaeetus leucoceph- aatge,5 alus,390, 395; Histrionicushistrionicus, 387-395; Larus Nest parasitism,760, 761, 762, 789-792 glaucescens,387-395; L. heermanni,772-774; Mel- Nestling of Aethia cristatella,345, 346, 349; A. pusilla, ospizamelodia, 777; Numeniustahitiensis, 779-780; 345, 346, 349; Phalacrocoraxaristotelis, 410-412; Oceanodromafurcata, 387-395; Passer domesticus, 52- Pyrenestesostrinus, 157; Spizellapusilia, 583 53, 54-55; P. rnontanus,52-53, 54-55; Passerculus Nevada, 161-170, 421-424 sandwichensis,777; Phalacrocorax pelagicus, 387-395; New Brunswick, 376-382 Phoeniculuspurpureus, 768-769; Picoidesborealis, 609; New Jersey,359-365 Puffinusgriseus, 387-395; P. tenuirostris,387-395; New Mexico, 737-742 Rissatridactyla, 387-395; Sittaeuropaea, 91, 92; Ster- New York, 161-170, 351-357, 376-382, 696-704 nahirundo, 696-704; Sturnus vulgaris, 359, 361-364; Nichols, James D., see Diefenbach, Duane R., et al. Uria aalge,387-395; U. lomvia,387-395 Nighthawk, Common,610-613 Morton, EugeneS., Lisa Forman,and Michael Braun, Norris, Ken J., seeWeary, Daniel M., et al. Extrapair fertilizations and the evolution of co- North Carolina, 506-519 lonial breeding in Purple Martins, 275-283 Northwest Territories, 620-622 Mulvihill, Robert S., and C. Ray Chandler, The re- Norway, 410-412, 660-667 lationship between wing shape and differential Notocarboatriceps, 110-116 migration in the Dark-eyed Junco, 490-499 N. bransfieldensis,110-116 Murre, Common, 1, 3, 5, 387-395, 603-605; Thick- N. georgianus, 110-116 billed, 387-395, 678-687 N. verrucosus, 110-116 Murrelet, Marbled, 3, 387-395 Numenius tahitiensis,779-780 Mycteria americana,614-618 Nuthatch, Eurasian, 86-93 Myers, J.P., M. Sallaberry, A. E. Ortiz, G. Castro,L. Nysewander, David R., see Platt, John F., et al. M. Gordon, J. L. Maron, C. T. Schick, E. Tabilo, P. Antas,and T. Below,Migration routesof New Obst,Bryan S., and GeorgeL. Hunt, Jr., Marine birds World Sanderlings(Calidris alba), 172-180 feed at gray whale mud plumes in the Bering Myrmotherulaassimilis, 473-483, 485-489 Sea, 678-688 M. axillaris, 473-483, 485-489 Oceanodromafurcata, 1, 2-3, 6, 7, 387-395 M. behni, 473-483, 485-489 O. leucorhoa,1, 3, 6, 7 M. brachyura,473-483, 485-489 Ohio, 533-538, 784-787 M. erythrura,473-483, 485-489 Oldsquaw,387-395 M. fulviventris,473-483, 485-489 Oliphant, Lynn W., seeWarkentin, Ian G., et al. M. grisea,473-483, 485-489 Olson, Storrs,L., review by, 458-459 M. haematonota,473-483, 485-489 Ontario, 161-170, 376-382, 784-787 M. hauxwelli, 473-483, 485-489 Opisthocomushoazin, 626-627 830 Indexto Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Oporornisagilis, 784-787 Passerculussandwichensis, 775-778 O. formosus,425-427, 784-787 Passerellailiaca, 421-424 O. philadelphia,161-170, 784-787 Pelecanuserythrorhynchos, 431-433 O. tolmiei, 161-170 Pelican, American White, 431-433 Oregon, 161-170, 561-566, 737-742 Pennsylvania,96-106, 490-497, 580-585 Orians, GordonH., seeBeletsky, Les D., et al. Pennycuick,C. J., Bird flight performance:a practical Oring, Lewis W., see Gratto-Trevor,Cheri L., et al. calculation manual (rev.), 642-644 Ornat, Arturo Lopez, and RussellGreenberg, Sexual Peru, 239-245, 473-483 segregationby habitat in migratory warblers in Pesticides (see Pollutants) Quintana Roo, Mexico, 539-543 Peterjohn, BruceG., The birds of Ohio (rev.), 461-462 Ortiz, E., see Myers, J.P., et al. Petit, Daniel R., see Petit, Lisa J., et al. Osprey, 96-106, 506-519 Petit, Kenneth E., see Petit, Lisa J., et al. Osteologyof Compsohalieusfuscescens, 110-116; C. pen- Petit, Lisa J., Daniel R. Petit, Kenneth E. Petit, and W. icillatus,110-116; Hypoleucusauritus, 110-116; H. JamesFleming, Intersexual and temporal varia- olivaceus,110-116; H. sulcirostris,110-116; H. var- tion in foraging ecology of Prothonotary War- ius, 110-116; Leucocarbocapensis, 110-116; L. ni- blers during the breeding season,133-145; Dan- grogularis,110-116; M icrocarboafricanus, 110-116; iel R. Petit, Kenneth E. Petit, and W. James M. melanoleucos,110-116; Notocarbo atriceps, 110- Fleming, Annual variation in foraging ecology 116;N. bransfieldensis,110-116; N. georgianus,110- of Prothonotary Warblers during the breeding 116; N. verrucosus, 110-116; Phalacrocoracidae, season, 146-152 110-116; Phalacrocorax carbo, 110-116; Stictocarbo Petrel, Dark~rumped, 317-325 gaimardi,110-116; S. magellanicus,110-116; S. pe- Phaenicophiluspalmarum, 707-716 lagicus,110-116 P. poliocephalus,707-716 Otis asio, 567-578 Phalacrocoracidae, 110-116 O. kennicottii, 3 Phalacrocoraxaristotelis, 410-412 Owl, Barn, 246-253; Spotted, 737-742 P. carbo, 110-116, 400-402 Oystercatcher,Black, 1, 3, 5-6, 7 P. pelagicus,3, 5, 6, 7, 387-395 P. penicillatus,3 Pachyptilabelcheri, 305-314 Phalarope,Red, 678-687; Red-necked,718-727 P. desolata,305-314 Phalaropusfulicaria, 678-687 P. macgillivrayi,313-314 P. lobatus,718-727 P. salvini, 305-314 Phoeniculuspurpureus, 765-770 P. turtur, 305-314 Phylloscopusborealis, 434-437 P. vittata, 312-314 Phylogeny (seeTaxonomy) Paine, R. T., J. T. Wootton, and P. D. Boersma, Direct Physiology,energy cost of activities,587-593, 663, and indirect effectsof PeregrineFalcon predation 664, 667; flight, 649-658; hematocrit, 533-538; on seabird abundance, 1-9 hormones, 60-67, 718-727; incubation, 320, 324, Palm-Tanager, Black-crowned, 707-716; Gray- 718-727; metabolism, 562-563, 587-593; migra- crowned, 707-716 tion, 649-658; nutrient reserves, 75-84, 660-667; Palmer, Ralph S. (Ed.), Handbook of North American osmoregulation, 533-538; temperature regula- birds (rev.), 213-216 tion, 561-566, 587-593; thermal tolerance, 561- Panama, 473-483 566 Pandion haliaetus, 96-106, 506-519 Physiologyof Aythyavalisineria, 75-84; Calidris pusilla, Panek, Marek, and Przemyslaw Majewski, Remex 718-727; Passerdomesticus, 533-538; Juncohye- growth and body massof Mallards during wing malis,561-566; Phalaropuslobatus, 718-727; Podi- molt, 255-259 cepsnigricollis, 649-658; Pterodroma phaeopygia, 320, Parasitism (see Nest parasitism) 321, 323, 324-325; Somateria mollissima,660-667; Parker, Howard, and Halvor Holm, Patterns of nu- Xanthocephalusxanthocephalus, 60-67 trient and energy expenditure in female Com- Platt, John F., Calvin J. Lensink, William Butler, Mar- mon Eiders nesting in the High Arctic, 660-668 shal Kendziorek, and David R. Nysewander, Im- Parula americana, 539-543 mediateimpact of the 'ExxonValdez' oil spill on Parula, Northern, 539-543 marine birds, 387-397; BayD. Roberts,Wayne W. Parus bicolor, 184-187 Lidster, John L. Wells, and Scott A. Hatch, Effects P. caeruleus,429-431 of human disturbance on breeding Least and P. gambeli,522-530, 531,532 Crested auklets at St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, P. inornatus, 522-530, 531, 532 342-350 P. major,429-431,623-625 Picoidesborealis, 608-609 Passerdom•sticus, 45-57, 533-538 Pierotti,Raymond, see Brown, James H., and -- P. montanus, 45-57 Pintail, White-cheeked, 188-190 October1990] Indexto Volume107 831

Pitocchelli, Jay, Plumage, morphometric, and song Quinn, ThomasW., Fred Cooke,and BradleyN. White, variation in Mourning (Oporornisphiladelphia) and Molecular sexingof geeseusing a cloned Z chro- MacGillivray's (O. tolmiei)warblers, 161-171 mosomalsequence with hornologyto the W chro- Platalea leucorodia,416-420 mosome, 199-202 Plover, Black-winged, 10-16; Crowned, 10-16; Lesser Quiscalusmajor, 327-331,332 Black-winged,10-16 Plumages(see Molts and ) Raikow, Robert J., Hindlimb royologyand evolution Podicepsnigricollis, 649-658 of the Old World suboscinepasserine birds Podolsky, Richard H., Effectivenessof social stimuli (Acanthisittidae,Pittidae, Philepittidae, Eury- in attractingLaysan Albatross to new potential laimidae) (rev.), 222-223 nesting sites, 199-125 Randlk,Alad•ir, see •astn•,, Karel, et al. Poephilaguttata, 193-196 Redmond,Roland L., see Marks, Jeffrey S., et al. Poland, 255-259 Redstart, American, 539-543 Pollutants, 96-106, 387-395 Rhipidurarufifrons, 502 Polygamy (see Mating systems) Ridgely, Robert S., and J. A. Gwynne, A guide to the Poole,Alan F., Ospreys:a natural and unnaturalhis- birds of Panama (rev.), 648; and Guy Tudor, The tory (rev.), 808-809 birds of SouthAmerica: I. The oscinepassetines Population size estimates,208-209 (rev.), 459 Power,Dennis M. (Ed.), Current ornithology,volume Rissatridactyla, 3, 7, 387-395, 678-687 6 (rev.), 456-457 Ritchison, Gary, see Belthoff, JamesR., and -- Power, Harry W., seeStouffer, Philip C., and -- Robel,Robert J., Michael E. Barnes,Kenneth E. Kemp, Prater, Tony, see Hayman, Peter, et al. and JohnL. Zimmerman,Influences of time post- Predation by Arenariainterpres, 696, 700, 704; Corvus mortem, feeding activity, and diet on digestive caurinus,1, 6; C. ossifragus,518; Falco peregrinus, 1- organ morphology of two emberizids,669-677 8; Haliaeetusleucocephalus, 390; Otus kennicottii, 3 Roberts, Bay D., see Piatt, John F., et al. Predation on Aethia cristatella, 342, 345, 348-349; A. Robinson, Scott K., review by, 644-647 pusilla,342, 345, 348-349;Anas crecca, 3; Brachy- Rockwell, R. F., see Cooke, Fred, et al. ramphusmarmoratus, 3; Carpodacuserythrinus, 39, Rodgers,James A., Jr., see Stangel, Peter W., et al. 43; Cepphuscolumba, 3; Cerorhincamonocerata, 1, 2, Rosenberg,Kenneth V., see Hackett, Shannon J., and 3-4, 6; Corvuscaurinus, 1, 2, 3, 5-6, 7, 8; Haematopus bachmani,1, 3, 5-6, 7; Larusglaucescens, 3; L. heer- Rostrhamus sociabilis,327-332 manni, 3; Melospiza melodia,775-778; Numenius Rosefinch, Common, 35-43 tahitiensis,780; Oceanodromafurcata, 1, 2-3, 6, 7; Rynchopsniger, 260-272 O. leucorhoa,1, 3, 6, 7; Pandionhaliaetus, 506, 513, 518; Passerculussandwichensis, 775-778; Phalacro- coraxpelagicus, 3, 5, 6, 7; P. penicillatus,3; Ptycho- Safina,Carl, Foraginghabitat partitioning in Roseate ramphusaleuticus, 1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6, 7; Pyrenestesos- and Common terns, 351-358 trinus,157; Rissa tridactyla, 3, 7; Somateriamollissima, Sallaberry,A.M., see Myers, J. P., et al. 666;Sterna hirundo, 696, 700-701,704; Uria aalge, Sanderling, 172-179 1,3,5 Sandpiper,Semipalmated, 718-727 Pribil, Stanislav,review by, 818 Saskatchewan, 25-33 Price, Trevor, see Van Patten, Kristen C., and Schick, C. T., see Myers, J. P., et al. Scolopaxminor, 407-409, 745-748 Prognesubis, 275-282 Scotland, 603-605 Protonotariacitrea, 133-143, 146-149, 151-152, 539-543 Screech-Owl, Eastern, 567-578; Western, 3 Prunella collaris, 284-294 Sealy, Spencer,G., see Briskie, JamesV., and -- Pterodromaphaeopygia, 317-325 Seedcracker, Black-bellied, 153-158 Ptychoramphusaleuticus, 1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6, 7, 689-694 Seiurusaurocapillus, 425-427, 784-787 Puffin, Horned, 387-395; Tufted, 7, 387-395 S. noveboracensis,425-427, 784-787 Puffinusgriseus, 387-395 Senner, Stanley E., see Bednarz, JamesC., et al. P. tenuirostris, 387-395 Sepik, Greg F., see McAuley, Daniel G., et al. Pygiptilastellaris, 475-476, 477-478, 481, 487, 489 Serie, Jerome R., see Barzen, Jeb A., and -- Pyrenestesostrinus, 153-158 Setophagaruticilla, 539-543, 784-787 Sex, determination of, 199-201,262, 263-264 Sexratio of Anaspenelope, 197; Aquila chrysaetos, 438- Quebec, 161-170, 376-382 439;F alco columbarius, 28; Pheniculus purpureus, 765- Quinn, JamesS., Sexualsize dimorphism and parental 770 care patterns in a monomorphicand dimorphic Shaffer, Terry L., see Johnson, Douglas H., and larid, 260-274 832 Index to Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Shag,410-412; Antarctic, 110-116; Cape, 110-116; Im- atlasof breeding birds in Czechoslovakia.](rev.), perial, 110-116;Kerguelen, 110-116; Pelagic, 110- 818 116;Red-legged, 110-116; Rock, 110-116; Socotra, Statisticaland analyticalmethods, 69-73,296-299, 302- 110-116; South Georgian, 110-116 303, 400-402, 438-439, 447-450, 451-452, 587-593, Sharpe, Fred A., see Lewis, Mark G., and -- 595-600, 784-787 Shearwater,Short-tailed, 387-396; Sooty, 387-395 Stefani, RosemaryA., see Webber, Tom, and -- Shields,Gerald F., Analysisof mitochondrialDNA of Sternacaspia, 260-272 PacificBlack Brent (Brantabernicla nigricans), 620- S. dougallii,351-357 623 S. hirundo, 351-357, 696-704 Sialia mexicana,606-607 Stictocarbogaimardi, 110-116 Siegel-Causey,Douglas, Phylogenetic patterns of size S. magellanicus,110-116 and shapeof the nasalgland depressionin Phal- S. pelagicus,110-116 acrocoracidae, 110-118 Stokland, Jogeir N., see Amundsen, Trond, and Silva, Tony, A monograph of endangeredparrots (rev.), 795-797 Stork, Wood, 614-618 Sitta europaea,86-93 Storm-Petrel, Fork-tailed, 1, 2-3, 6, 7, 387-395; Leach's, Skimmer, Black, 260-272 1,3,6,7 Skutch,Alexander F., Life of the tanager(rev.), 228- Stouffer,Philip C., and Harry W. Power, Density ef- 229 fects on asynchronoushatching and brood re- Smith, Dwight G., see Ellis, David H., and -- duction in European Starlings, 359-366 Smith, Michael H., see McDonald, Mara A., and Strahl, Stuart D., see VanderWerf, Eric A., and

Smith, Norman S., see Kerpez, Theodore A., and Strix occidentalis,737-742 Sturnusvulgaris, 359-365, 367-374 Smith,Thomas Bates, Comparative breeding biology SubiC,G., see Me•trov, M. M., and -- of the two bill morphsof the Black-belliedSeed- Swallow, Violet-green, 606-607 cracker, 153-160 Swanson, David L., Seasonal variation in cold har- Snow, Barbara, and David Snow, Birds and berries: a diness and peak rates of cold-induced thermo- study of an ecologicalinteraction (rev.), 227-228 genesisin the Dark-eyed Junco(]unco hyemalis), Snow, David, see Snow, Barbara, and -- 561-566 Snyder,Noel F. R., reviewsby, 795-797,803-806; James Swanson, Gustav A., In memoriam: Sir Peter Mark- W. Wiley, and Cameron B. Kepler, The parrots ham Scott, 602 of Luquillo: natural historyand conservationof Sweden, 35-43, 730-734 the Puerto Rican Parrot (rev.), 216-218 Systematics(see ) Somateria mollissima,208-209, 660-667 Song (see Vocalizations) Tabilo, E., see Myers, J.P., et al. Sohogramsof Aphelocomacoerulescens, 203; Oporornis Tachycinetathallasina, 606-607 philadelphia,165; O. tolmiei,165; Pachyptila belcheri, Taxonomyof Lophornis brachylopha, 191-192;L. de- 312; P. desolata,312; P. salvini, 312, P. turtur, 312 lattrei, 191-192;Myrmot herula spp., 479-483; Opor- South Africa, 10-16 ornis philadelphia,161, 170; O. tolmiei,161, 170; South Carolina, 463-471,756-762 Pachyptilabelcheri, 305, 312-314; P. desolata,305, Sorenson,Lisa Guminski, see McKinney, Frank,et al. 312-314; P. macgillivrayi,313-314; P. salvini,305, Spain, 45-57, 197-198, 416-420 312-314; P. turtur, 305, 312-314; P. vittata, 312- Sparrow, American Tree, 210-211, 211-212; Bach- 314; Strix occidentalis, 742 man's, 463-471; Eurasian Tree, 45-57; Field, 580- Teal, Chilean, 188-190; Green-winged, 3, 188-190 585; Fox, 421-424; Harris', 69-73, 669-676; House, Tegelstr•Sm,H,•kan, Hans P. Gelter, and Maarit Jaa- 45-57, 533-538; Savannah,775-778; Song, 775- rola, Variation in Pied Flycatcher(Ficedula hy- 778 poleuca)mitochondrial DNA, 730-736; seeGelter, Specimen preparation, 788-789 Hans P., and -- Spectograms,see SOhograms Tennessee, 133-143, 146-149, 151-152 Spizellaarborea, 210-211, 211-212 Terborgh, J., Where have all the birds gone? (rev.), S. pusilla,580-585 640-642 Spoonbill, White, 416-420 Terenura humerails, 475-476, 477-478, 481, 487, 489 Stangel, Peter W., JamesA. RodgersJr., and A. Law- Tern, Caspian, 260-272; Common, 351-357, 696-704; rence Bryan, Genetic variation and population Roseate, 351-357 structure of the Florida Wood Stork, 614-619 Territory of Cercomacra manu, 244; Sitta europaea, Starling, European, 359-365, 367-374 86-93 •astn•,,Karel, Alad•r Randlk, and Karel Hudec, Atlas Texas, 184-187, 260-272 hnlzdnlhoroz•i•en• pt•k• v •SSR1973/77. [The Thamnophilusdoliatus, 475-476, 477-478, 481,487, 489 October1990] Indexto Volume 107 833

Thelander, Carl G., see Cade, Tom J., et al. Walters,Jeffrey R., see Hagan, John M., III, and Tit, Great, 623-625 Titmouse, Plain, 522-530, 531,532; Tufted, 183-187 Warbler, Arctic, 434-437; Black-and-white,539-543; Tome, Michael W., Commentary: Comparisons of Black-throatedGreen, 539-543; Hooded, 539-543; patch-usemodels for wintering American Tree MacGillivray's, 161-170; Magnolia, 539-543; Sparrows,210-211 Mourning,161-170; Prothonotary, 133-143, 146- Tomiafoj•,Ludwik, and JaredVerner, Commentary: 149, 151-152, 539-543; Yellow, 539-543 Do point counting and spot mapping produce Ward, David, Incubation temperaturesand behavior equivalentestimates of bird densities?447-450 of Crowned, Black-winged,and LesserBlack- Toops,Connie, and William E. Dilley, Birdsof south winged plovers,10-17 Florida.An interpretive guide (rev.), 818-819 Warkentin, Ian G., Paul C. James,and Lynn W. Oli- Trapp, John L., seeLohrer, Fred E., et al. phant,Body morphometrics, age structure, and Troglodytesaedon, 781-784 partialmigration of urbanMerlins, 25-34 Tucker, Vance A., review by, 642-644 Washington,1-8, 60-67,69-73, 161-170, 205-206, 206- Tudor, Guy, see Ridgely, Robert S., and -- 208 Turnstone,Ruddy, 696, 700, 704 Watts,Bryan D., Coveruse and predator-relatedmor- Tyto alba,246-253 tality in Songand Savannahsparrows, 775-778; see Dunning, John B., Jr., and • Uria aalge,1, 3, 5, 387-395, 603-605 Weary,Daniel M., Ken J. Norris,and J. BruceFalls, U. lomvia, 387-395, 678-687 Songfeatures birds use to identify individuals, Urrutia, Lena P., and Hugh Diamond, Brood reduc- 623-625 tion and parentalinfanticide in Heermann'sGull, Weather, influence on (see Environment, influence 772-774 on) Utah, 246-253 Webber,Tom, and RosemaryA. Stefani,Evidence for vocallearning by a ScrubJay, 202-204 Van Patten, Kristen C., and Trevor Price, Habitat choice Weights(see Mass and measurements) in captive Arctic Warblers, 434-437 Wiedenfeld, David A., see Lohrer, Fred E., et al. Vander Haegen,W. Matthew, seeDiefenbach, Duane Weller, Milton W. (Ed.), Waterfowl in winter (rev.), R., et al. 806-808 VanderWerf, Eric A., and Stuart D. Strahl, Effects of Wells, John L., see Platt, John F., et al. unit sizeand territorydefense on communalnest Wentz, Lauren E., review by, 457-458 care in the Hoatzin (Opisthocomushoazin), 626- Whelan,Christopher J., review by, 227-228 628 White, BradleyN., seeQuinn, ThomasW., et al. Vaneflus coronatus, 10-16 White,Clayton M., reviewby, 220-221; see Cade, Tom V. lugubris,10-16 J., et al. V. melanopterus,10-16 White-eye,Bridled, 500-505;Golden, 500-505 Veiga,Jos•, A comparativestudy of reproductivead- Wiens, John A., The ecologyof bird communities. aptationsin Houseand Tree sparrows,45-49 Vol. 1, Foundationsand patterns;Vol. 2, Pro- Venezuela, 327-332, 473-483, 626-627 cessesand variations (rev.), 644-647 Vermivora celata, 784-787 Wigeon,American, 188-190; Eurasian, 197-198 V. chrysoptera,784-787 Wiley, JamesW., seeSnyder, Noel F. R., et al. V. peregrina,784-787 Willard, David E., see Fitzpatrick, John W., and V. ruficapilla,784-787 Vermont, 376-382 Williams, Lovett E., Jr., and David H. Austin, Studies Verner, Jared,see Tomia•oj•, Ludwik, and -- of the wild turkey in Florida(rev.), 221-222 Vocalizations of Aphelocomacoerulescens, 202-203; Williams, Timothy C., and Mao Ying, A comparison Cercomacramanu, 243;Oporornis philadelphia, 164- of radar observationsof bird migration at Hai- 165, 166-168, 169-170; O. tolmiei, 164-165, 166- zhouBay, China, and Guam,Marianas, 404-406 168, 169-170;Pachyptila belcheri, 310, 312, 313; P. Wilsonia canadensis,784-787 desolata,310-312, 313; P. salvini, 310, 312, 313; P. W. citrina, 425-427, 539-543, 784-787 turtur,310,312, 313; Parus major, 623-625; Vaneflus W. pusilla,784-787 melanopterus,13; V. lugubris,14 Wingfield,John C., seeBeletsky, Les D., et al. Vocus, Karel H., Owls of the Northern Hemisphere With, KimberlyA., and Michael L. Morrison,Flock (rev.), 233 formation of two parids in relation to cyclical Vuilleumier, Francois, In memoriam: William H. seedproduction in a pinyon-juniperwoodland, PhelpsJr., 181-183;review by, 809-812 522-532 Woodcock, American, 407-409, 745-748 Wada, Eitaro, see Mizutani, Hiroshi, et al. Woodhoopoe, Green, 765-770 Wanless, S., see Harris, M.P., and -- Woodpecker,Gila, 367-374;Red-cockaded, 608-609 834 Indexto Volume107 [Auk, Vol. 107

Wootton, J. T., see Paine, R. T., et al. Zenaida macroura, 18-23 Wren, House, 781-784 Zimmerman, John L., see Robel, Robert J., et al. Wyoming, 161-179, 781-784 Zink, Robert M., see Burns, Kevin J., and -- Zonotrichiaquerula, 69-73, 669-676 Xanthocephalusxanthocephalus, 60-67, 205-206, 206-208 Zosteropsconspicillatus, 500-505 Zotier, R., see Bretagnolle,V., et al. Yellowthroat, Common, 539-543

Zahedi, Afshan, see Goldstein, David L., and -- Zaias, Julia, and Randall Breitwisch,Molt-breeding overlap in Northern Mockingbirds, 414-416

DATE OF ISSVE(Vol. 107, No. 4): 31 October 1990