/~' rA ... THE NEW SMALL PONTIAC E ACADIAN ra Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS ~s 'tHE .DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2o,--~19:;-;:;6:;:;-2---:------(P-r-ice_:_7_C_e_nt-s)

lOOs (-.:J{ • • t.~ o Case

A,,.. ',\o,j ..~~ •r< '·>'·om1n1c· . ans ·' Kegs se ). Kegs • • : i 1'. ' ' ' '

By ROBERT BERRELLEZ SANTO DOMINGO (AP)-Oominicans went back to the road of constitutional government Se-eks To and celebrated the end of recurring dictatorship. Acarnival-like celebration was s'et off by a counter-coup that ousted and jailed Maj.-Gen. Rodriguez Echavarria, who' had been assuming sfrongman powers with the backing of a Am-e~n.d s·t•l civilian junta. · I . 1 '::::rn •·:•<'h oilier 1 f h .1 :.. · r :- '1•:1\l\cd t II e cxeculil'e, as he had been srhed· 0 R•l g ts GENEVA, -Pro-W.:stcrn Laotian Prince Roun Oum (right) Is r· .l,_ •• p:ln f;ala_~urr. . a, ulcd to do unde·· plans upset by Laotl·an Pr· nc-es Reach 1.. , ~· ::.•·:1 tnr •• 1 ~-uJIIln dlC· Tuescluy·~ m iIi tary takeover. 1 greeted by Britain's Malcolm MacDonald (center) ami Russin's George Push­ . ;• " 1 d.lll~l) re- · Balagucr s council scat wns kin (back to camera) on his arrival he,·c .Jrm. 151h for the of the · :·t ,.,c' 11 '''111'Y 1 ucsday filled by a young businessman, OTTAWA

:.", ~:u. "" a~rcr- 1 hom~ •. ~eclared he h~d no res· . same . footing with regard to . . ponsLblhly for the Vlolenc be 1 • • • · loss of citizenship will come , •••,,(,. 1 01 tile opposi· · , T e ·: GE:NE:VA meulersl - The fore•gn. nf!an:s~ fl.uance ~nd in· before the Commons this ses· b I 1 1 R II I " nl'\\' council! and thi'Ce Laotian princes F'riday formation mlmStl'Jes, WhiCh nrc sion I c '.~c,:;,. t~\eee~im~IC~:lr·g ET~ursdar. I 0 0 ···~· ng ie se - ;;- ::- :c II pr. I· , e1~~ ~er?ons are behcv~d to gov,ernment for their embat .with his defence minister, Gen. Friday thnt he plans to reinlro· 1 i:·:,::.y ni~ltt. nmtri· 1.11 e w. m Santo ·Dorpmgo, ~ tied Indochina kingdom. Phoumi Nosavan, met for 2'6 duce legislation to amend the ¥· 1 I< ; .: ;:::r:o an,! !lis a>SO· and po~s1bly others ~lsewhere 1 But they will have to con- hours with neutralist Prince B'll1 0 f R' ht d d . JD£O r t::o:r., \lie inteJ'im . ?n the. ISland. No olficlal count: the still·controversial question I' Souvnnna Phouma and his half·l lg s a. ?P e ~n . ·. Att. k c h 1•I· ( , ,;~,,;, l\ill~~urr was 15 nvmlable. Scores have been' o[ who will get what portfolios brother Prince Souphanouvong, The _former ~lhze~shtp mmls·, a( at o· wounded. in the government, leader of the pro • Communist , ter smd th.e. oh]ect lS to prevent I Miss~on 1 T\~E' nn~n Rodriguez Echa1·arria, a ~i- Pnthet Lao movement. i ?ss o[ Clt!zenshlp ~Y natura· 1 · . _., n::": a new ~eren· year·old air force veteran, was Prince Boun Oum, right-wing Souvanna, who is to be pre- i llzed Canadmns who hve a?road LEOPOLDV!LLE r.Reutcrs\ -'girls' school, he[ore darlmess · In ElisJbelh\·i!le. amateur ra· ·:·r .~w:r1l took nrrr. arrested Thursday night by a preinie1· in the countrv's pres· I mie1• in the coalition govern·: for m?re than 10 years Without, Re.bel Congolese mmy troops [ell. dio operators also picked up re r i-:rhararria of young offiCCI's, and re· enl government, has a"greed to I ment, emerged from the meet- 1 Canada. only i a Romu.n Catl1·1 Two Ethiopian .iet pilot:; rc· ports that rchcl troops had E:,;:'::~o ~ro~1p 1 r~turmn~ .t~ T~e F~·1duy. a~tacked _,_,; ~ .~ R.•la~ucr's res· mamr.d 11 prisoner Friday. He ll'clinquish his clnim to the dis· ing with a broad smile and an·. \lay a n,th.le·~o.rn Ca~a(~lan now, ollc m1sswn statton at Sola. on· ported that sc\·cral houses nt· killed four missirm~trics and I! - ::.:• c::•·,: nnmrdiatcly. was front man for. a coup two put7d defence and interior ~in· nounced the t~nee had agreed I~an lose ~~~ cihzcnslnp ls to bc·ithe ~~~rdcr . between 1\atanga, Sola were abl".Ze, but the tmly r·i\'ilian:' al 1\abonga, in north · ~-~ <1b 'r1·cn·man month~ ago that hbcr~~ed t~e 1sh·Ics but . only on cond!Llon on the c?mpos1tion o[ a govern·, c~~le 11 Clhr.en of another coun· and .K11 u , piO\'Jnces:. . 's1gn of hie '.las t:1o soldJcrs Katanga . .: ·;.r:r r:~,r0~er< from t.he republic from the TrUJillo dy- that he w11t .be allowed to Iment winch would be "a fir[lllll~::- . . . U~1led Na~10ns nuht:ny ~cad·· who ran for cr11·er Ill the m~>· . :M:nn:rnl n[ earhe1·. nasty, choose altematJves from the basis'' fol' future peace in Laos., Tins IS .:usl my way of get· qua1ters he1e planned to take! swn church when the Jrls ap· Th~ treop' are lhou:,ht to be . The United' states mhanwhile ---- · ting .xlr. Dief.cnbaker ~o live up every. possible ~clion',' against I pearcd overhead. supporters of ousted leftist 1 · l::ofarl Bon· announced that it recognize• the to lns campa1gn prom1ses," the Icbcls at fn·st hght toctay . HAVE TROUBLES Antoine G1'izc111ga. 1who Pmrdr~:\ ~!1'. 1 i~uucr e 1 p· k . 'll 'd · · .. · . d . . · 1 U'' t. . . was cxpectect to w own 1rrc a ..,,.)m·r'rl professor,. . newly restored regime as" the v I E t IC Cl sgl sm m an mten !ell. i nn soul ces Sdl(. ,, loops Sources at l!:i hcadqu:Jrtcrs r. . I .. ·n 1 t . - ··d :·roath of ofll<'r as chief'constitutional government. 10 trhe prin!e minister had pro.m·l'wo~ld be flown mlo Sola hY·stressed the difiicull:: of deal-;~i~~l ~:.a~o~'a~: e acr Fll ay ------e·n(e. rup. s i 1sed ~urmg the )957 _ elect1on heh~opler. 1 ing with the situation since ~ · · · camp~1~n to pronde comr.lete 1 L1ttle was known ahout the. there are no U:-i troops in lite Gizcn~<•. rcmo1 eli" !rom his • w•11 · equably he tween naturalized attack nt Sola, since L':-i air-. immediate ami soldiers no;t a> dcpt1ty prcmic1· of The . nca I and nalil'e·born Canadians hut i craft were able to make only • flown in hv helicopter would Congo, has been unucr house A . I AI . "hasn:,t t~l;en all the disabilities I on~ flight . OI'Cl' the .: make easy· tar[\Cls from the arrest in StunlcFil!e. The r:-o; ".'plr:· S Af away smce then. I whtch contams a college and· !(round. Friilay :1bu amlotmccd the ar- >nmr , · A h d gaIn n ger Ia part ei Policy CPfroinReuters·AP In Algiers, a militarY tribunal A,·· s--!E~ld:;:r~l~~;~~:~t~:.o~~~~£(.~~~~~ TO\\'X · Re· ·co· unts ORAN, Algeria - Europeans sentenced two Moslem insur- lndl·cate·d charge o[ troop~ 3round !\on· • • 1W' - The · was written by the white su· . h b ;;olo. llncan ~omnment will : premist government of Prime 1oug 11t a p1lc ed altle, with se· gents to death for killing live .\Til from ~~~ polic~· of : ~linister 11 en d r 1 k Verwoerd curily forces here Friday as persons and wounding 18 in at· · ~rat:o_n no matter how , Verwocrd's National Party ha~ violence erupted again In AI· tncks in Algeria last year. Five o 1 s I T B I ,,,,rd praceful!)' u~_prr,,urrs trom theia greater majority In this Par· ge~i~~~m~i~ic~ssnssinated four ~e~~~.plices were given prison . eque 0 ye· ectlons fear f.:Ao-re . mornm•. Jam!l Sauon~ or other outside , liamcnt than ever before, 1 . <·nnywr!l Rt~~d. P~~::~~.~~ mc~~•r!~l~lre;.~ I Outlining the gomnmenl's ~~~o~~o 1n °~~~/ve in Algiers Se~~~t rl~~Y • ~i~~ a ~uir~~~~~ . · . ; •I . I ~~' of \'orthen .t~.~ . ne:~ m•tnn of Par· llegislati1·e:most of itprogram, and the Swartparliarnen· said western·A curfew Algcri~n wns clampedcity after on Eur·this chologicnlmeanwhile steppedoffensive up withits newpsy- By THE CANADIA:-1 PRESS . tic Party trailed e1·crywhcre, · it out or office in I~li:l. Sm.aUpux :1 11 l'lllll!! to armed tnry debate would be affected Iopeans used llrcnrm.s, grenades tt·acts and personal mobilization, Re~ou~ts in three tight fights: all c~ndidutes except Stan Bul-. From the Liberal riell'point. !ilhrr a~amst South 1 bv the present Internal' n . ., and molotov cocklmls against orders. i are •.n~1ca~ed as. a sequel to, lock Ill th~ Bea('hes polling less· a chest-thumping aspect o[ thr 1 1 ~: ;t~ nri~hhorinc man- u~ti .. . 10 a 51 i police and troop~ in repented 11 general strike df an hour Ontano s f1ve legislature byelec· 1 thnn half the wmuer's vote. • tltrce party wiu~ was tltat they · l!:r:\orr or ~OIIIh \\'est ~ and espee1ally the pro· street clashes. Two riot police and 15 minutes had been or- hon contests o[ Thursday. I Like Renfrew South. the con·· were the [irst in IH yc~rs in Cases ~l nr St. 0 hart' r n P Jl "we deterioration of the and a ch·i!ian were injured. dercd in Algiet·s for .Ton. 24, The Uberals announced re- tesls in the pro1·incial capital provincial llye!cctious. , r hlldrer. ~ ~ ~I'CSSII'e 1 mrr41 H0mt. 1111 drknlr fnrer~ ·which , United Nations'' as an instru· Infantrymen were moved . in seconcl anniv~1·sary of the 1960 1 counts }'i.ll he sought i.n the Tor-, city's J,;glinlon and flcai:h_cs , Under former Prcntie1· J.rslie • !!!!;uard , all. mcnl of peace. a_fter youths_ some selllers' uprism!(. . onto !ldmg.s of Eglmton and ll'ere \l'!'h Lth· Frost, t.lte Conscn:JlliC< h;HI LO:iUO:\ ·Benter;' ·- Bril· rqur~t. Funml -~ain>t carry 1 ~g I I squealwrs~ ~he : .. •hlth the11 l•rlurc mi~ht . , firearms-marched on the c1ty In Bone, a French mfantry Beaches, \\On. by the gov~rn- 1 e1·als s!lcmg m1ghtily rnto Ihe, won In m a roll' smce 1~11!1. . . _ •• 1 'fhe Empel'or of Ja an no square and stoned security for· lieutenant shot and killed a 16·1 men! Pro~resslre C?~serratl\'es~1!1o9 ge1!era! ele~twn pluralities, oms sm.JIII)ox onllwc<>k cluimerl ; thr I'!' longel' · t . h' p . . ees to cheer~ of European~ ycar·old European youth and· on the basis or unoH1cm! counts. o[ the Conscn·ahi'CS ! its si:,!h life Fl'iday and two c! !lair1 an In~~ . polrll ~ca 1. t 'tl ~?Ill mns (I IS lipmtual watching from balconlr.~ and Iwounded another as the two Premier Robarts said the Pro· And lilt! Liberals did hetter. Ke nne· d"w' other \ ietim< \\ere reported in ---·~---' ___ 5.!_1 1css _ _:_es, _Qll'lng them Up in 1946. windows. boys put up propaganda posters grcssive Conservatives w i ll too. in Brant and l\enora. i 't ponr condtl ion "' heecnuse tuming to Vienna. But he failed ing villages. ' ' some have resulted in generat­ mittee consider ways of giving the Soviet government. wants it to appear there and o[ficials or TilE------COUNTRY PARSON )! : 1uiprnent Ing enough support, both in the Canada not only a distinctive delayed but because the tough both the Soviet government and -- Commons and ~utside, that the flag but an official national an· old Bolshevik simply refuses to the party have since refused to CAPE CANAVERAL, F I a. i I them. go. talk publicly about his case.

·.•'· I I .

/ / ...... ,..... i . ~ I. ''• TI-lE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, JANUAlW 20 I JT. JOHN'S, N£

GIRLS I TeenAgers Red Plaid Gaiters We have shoes in the popular laced style! Black All Rubber Construction only. Sizes 4-8\1~. ONLY ...... $1.98 Zipper closure. Low heels. Ladies' sizes 5 and 6. Also Blouses for those gym classes. White only. CLEARING AT ...... $1 Sizes 32-38. Only ...... 77c. and sse. SHOPPING CENTRE PARKER & MONROE ltd. 8 FRESIIWATER ROAD

Spo~~ag~~ts On Blilbby Vee And ·bonjour Vic D~n~ ROBBY YEE Bobby was born April 3\ 1943, in Fargo, N.D. His int!r· At last we have some snow) I was never more est in music stem' from rit father, Sidney Velline, \;·b delighted to see it before. Gosh, if we went through played both the violin and the the whoe winter with hardly any snow it piano. Vee's uncle played sa1 would get quite monotonous, and I think some of the and his two older hrothn, Sid­ adults agree with me but they just won't admit it. ne)' Jr., 21. and Bill. 23. are I guess the boys are a· little disappointed because guitarists. Bobby learned t~ play the guitar from brother Si~ they will have to do some shoveling if they want while ~till attendin~ h',; to have a game of hockey on the ponds, but that will schcol. Sid anrl Bill. ahah just be a little exercise (along with shoveling the members of. a 15-pie~r ba~~ driveway of course). There will be a number of our allowed their youn~er hrottcr to sit in on practice >es5brs teens out tobogganing tomorrow along with the if he would "be quiet", So 1 ~ younger set, and r bet the teens will enjoy it just as after, in 1959, the ~roup wa1 much, (if not more) than the little ones. Now all I asked to fill in on a date fcl ha\'e to do is wait for dad to read this and I will then Bl'ddy Holly who had b:e1 killer! in a plane acc:dent. Tr.! · . · &cholarships to the vall each were re~entlJ find out the disadvantages of snow. I have heard hancl hought identical >we'~'·' them before, of course, but clad still insists on repeat­ Jabcbl themsehes \he Sic:~: .I to six students in v; ing them. He keeps wishing that the summer will ows and pnt Bobby \'ec or. lt in Newfoundland. come, but I still think that deep inside he has a little ,·ocalist. mostly hcc.1u;c r.! :Presented by the Educa knew all the lyrics to the ;il of the PrO\ liikng for the snbw. numbers in their limited n::· Grand orange Lodg~, the loire. The audience linrH ·,,,! Iarships are .memorials t CONGRATULATIONS boys, especially the yr.un~ :al Richard SqUires. S1r .fc it was old to keep out of tte ~ddcst~r and W. H. Ca,· way-Bobby Vee. Congratulations are due to DOUG HOUSE, who The date aromed cnnuo.11 ~:·1· ·. has been chosen Athlete Of The Year" (1961). In fcssional interest to hal'e r:! my opinion Doug really deserves this and I am sure group signed to a Libtrly n· that there are a large number who agree with me, as cording contraet and led t~ the loud applause showed on Tuesday night when he a session, where \' Cl· cat h'• \\'as named winner. Doug's tennis is great, not to hit debut disk tagged "Su;'e The members of various teams seem to get at least a little recognition but the cheerleaders never Baby". Since then he and r:~ mention football ot· hockey. I bet he goes fishing, too, get any. They practice hard and are "always at a game rooting for their team. These six lovely ladies are Shadows ha\'e had a slrin: r! hits, including "\\'hat Do Yo1 United Collegiate's cheerleaders. They are ( l. to r.) Shirley Baker. Judy Hussey, Linda Easton. Carol GRADUATION DANCE Want." "Since I ~lc'. Yo·r Vokey, Lorraine Lawrence and Marjorie Yarn. Thev lead the cheering for "United" in hockey, football Baby," "Dcvi lor Aa:cl". 11nd basketball and if anything else comes up. Their" costumes consist of a white bulky knit sweater, with "Rubber Ball" "Take Go:l · Big•er catches of cod Last night St. Patrick's Hall pupils held their a red letter on it, white blouse, dark blue skirts with white lining, white socks and white sneakers. Care Of ~ly Baby" and hi; c,r. ·tedfish were responsibl Graduation Dance in the school's auditorium. Many rent chart item. "\\'ilkin' \l''th .· inonth for increased I turned up in spite of the weather. I doubt if anything Scott. Theresa Putt. Jllary Po\V· lily An~cl." Tl1c >ucee5'f1! . Bon of Nfld's. fresh fis singer has been kept liu;;· be· could keep them away from a dance! All teens are er, Peg Furlong, Joan Tobin, cessing plants in com1 Skating At Sandra Kearsey, Kevin Brock· tween recording scs~ion~. mj~· with December 1960. I alike, I guess! Bits ing TV and pcrsoml appm· And Pieces lehurst. Ed Bailey, Pliil Han· iion of all species last ances, in addition to accunu. ley. Dav~ ~iurphy. Linda Scott, totalled 1,773,000 poun Valerie illartin, :llargic Wilt­ lating college credits h)' meec! Thanks for your letters during the week and The Stadium of correspondence co•.!t! Britain. Bobby's hi;::ge~1 ~in~k~ ~re: I really hard study! Written homework is not enough Champs for 62? I bet you Williams. Barb Windsor, Sharon i· lo do, you must abo study. A certain adult said this havr! Well, personally. I am Young, Glenis Butler, Bill :.Ia- Rt•n to Him, \\'a!l:in' ',\'':'' oly Anqcl, Take Good r:,:·c Of )I)' :YM'CA Fu1 ! Song Hit lo me: It is better to study each subject fifteen min­ remaining quiet for by the way , lone, Run Brocklehurst. Tom Baby," "De\'il or An;ol", i Premier J. R. Small W• utes each night tha.n to study for three hours on one things arc going anyone could Barron, Eery ~lyrick, Bob get it! It should .prove inter· ,\!arshall, ::llikc Caddig:.· l'ee Sid Osmond, Dick Nolan, long. Tom Conway. Bern Brock· With Strings al~d Th:ll'> \l. . campaign, support is so1 as if I cannot get rid of the thought. But no matter Bill If I see you tomorrow, Coultas, Len Conway, Har· lehur;;t, Jah!l Voisey, . Charlie 318G/7185, ar.d b~ br1: 1::.1 lhe first broad-seale el On some street in town, how much you hate the thought of school land' it is ry Walsh. Louise Godden. Judy Walsh, Bri~n ::llorris. Tom .John· least Bobby \'ec. Xo. 3:81' . a[ Y~ICA \'OUth·work Sl Pardon me if I don't say hello. a bad thought' on a Saturday morning) I shall still Hussey, Jeanette Walsh. Pat;,y son. ::\iarilyn lleehan, .Toan 7181. ; Prime :liinistcr John keep reminding you of it. llrocklchnrst, Bob Russell, Bob Brennan, :\!aureen Scaplen, Lois · baker, Health and (Hello) Bcmister, ~like Roche, Sheila Now for gossip· slee,·e or else she wouldn't he Ennis, Betty O'Leary, Lib i\lac­ i!inister J. W. ~fonteith I belong to another, Cormac, Ann Humboldt, Gord premiers of nine provin1 Clyde and Angela arc still acting the way she is. Anyway VIC DA:-- \ Hovcncamp, Bern Baird. Bob national list of 186 It wouldn't look so good, going strong! It is our belief Sid, there arc a number of 6. True Lm·c Dolton's Ileeord's nc·.o: rt:ord· the O'Neill, Jim Grant. Jerry \\'hite, To know someone I'm not supposed to know. \hat they were never broke up other girls around, a dime a B. Crosby ami G. Kelly ing star is \"e D.1·::•. loo:l .~ental leaders, captain Harold Squires, franC:S Roche, .dustry, university pr In the first place althou_gh they down, as they saying goes (but 7. Love Me.. . . E. Presley August 26, 19~2. 111 F·:ltai_J· ,. Just walk on by, Sheila Steele, Betty Roche, Gcr· didn't see much of c~ch other. I don't think that they arc quite U. Banana JJoat Song Jlis Dolton disk ta<:~,·.l "LltU lawyers and other p1 Wait on the corner, aldinc Vicars. Edwina Kavina, I guess it wns just a rumor, so plentiful). · Terriers Altar Boy" is a '''li1l hit. I love you but we're strangers when we meet. you know how they come about. 9. Rose and a Baby Ruth Kcv Galloway, Gerald Rice, .Just walk on by, Anyway they seem quite con· TL lUI' nf G. Hamilton Len Ralph, Don Crickard, Mar· The young \'oea:;-t bce;·1 tented the way things are now me Ill I ~S Y 10. Rock-abye Your Baby ion Atkinson, Carm McGrath,. his career as a rlancrr. At t.. ! Wait on the corner, Shirley Edstrom, Ralph Donne!· I love you but we're strangers when we meet. and they do not sec any rca­ J. Lewis age of 9, his parent> rnrr.ll~l son to change things. Y~sterye~r January 5, 19,i1 ly, Jim Evans, Tom Walsh, him in a dance cJn;s to he:~ Wayne Cranford, Craig Walsh, Rosemary and Jerome arc Thought that you would like I. Cry . ,J. Ray overcome his shyness. At ftr;. In a dimly lit corner, going steady. If I ever saw 2. Shrimp Boat J. Stafford Libby Tizzard, Rae Coultas, he was unenthusi;tstic. M lo get an idea as to what musk Diane !11eadus, Ruth Coleman, At a place outside of town. a couple that was made for each they were interested in fi\'e 3. Slow Poke ... Pee Wee King after a few short week>. wbe' ~Jary Snow, Loretta Sulley, it was proved that he ]l;d Tonight we'll try to say goodbye again, other it is that couple, although years and ten years ago: 4. Li ltlc White Cloud I never til ought that Jerome That Cried . .!. Ray Eleanor Mulcahey, .r ohn Fisher talent and he began to m (Goodbye) January 5, 1957 .roc Mulrooney, Dcrm Connol-I ' would ~et up enough nerve to 1. Singing the Blues 5, Sin . . . . . E. Hownnl turc all of the local atnJtc: W:~ge negotiations But I know it's not over, 6. ly, Ron Abbott. Pat Fleming, entertainment awml'. Ius 1·' Transport and Am ask Rosemary. But he did and G. 1\litchcll Cold Cold Heart · o·u u· I'll call tomorrow night. that is the main thin~:. I guess 2. Green Door. . J. Lowe T. Bennett tcrest increased. 1\ncn ': mon and two r was :1 years old. San:m~· D1"'1 's concerns are no I can't let you go, so why pretend; we shall be seeing a lot of the · 3. Love ~lc Tender How many did you remember: Jr. came through Buffalo .01 ..:. ·~av. Just walk on by, two of them together in the E. Presley 8. Down Yonder ...... Del Wood future. 4. Just Walking In The 9. Tell ~Ie .. Why. Four Aces Skating At tour and caught Dan;~'s ''i official of the U1 Wait on the corner. Louise is really carrying the Rain. . .. J. Ray 10. Charmaine...... i\lantovani promptu performaner. at a Joel! •,Ollclos 1ed that negotia night club. He was •:nprc,e I love you but we're strangers when we meet, torch for a certain guy! She 5. Blueberry HilL.F. Domino How many did you remember. wen underway bet Just walk on by, is always talking about him The Arena enough to offer the roun& mal and the St. J oh and although Louise don't a contract, but Dana's tend,~! Dealers Asso< Wait on the corner, A great number seem to go know it I bet he is always "ASTRO-GUIDE"· By Ceean .· years made this impos;Ib._e. Were scheduh I love you but we're strangers when we meet. talking about her. After all, to the Arena these days and I However, Da\'id did succeed~~ could not think of a better . . Yesterday bet\\ haw can he help it. I hope the For Sunday,· January 21 convincing Dana's father lt•l mon and the local place to gu. But I do think that 0 two of them get together soon, California offered greater ~ lion. for if they don't I don't think Present...... ;For You and something ought to be done portunity for his talented !O~ about a certain group of spec· The dem~nds of bol t)lat Louise will be ·the only Yours. , . Some liability to de- In California. Dana workd ncerned have not one disappointed. tators who always seem to be ccit or poor judgment-leading hard nt his dancing an d . •::·'·~ Patsy and Bob nrc going I there. I don't guess that an)'· 1 Top Predictions discovered that he enJO~' steadily and I think that this ' to Changes, unreliable ideas, wily thing r.an be done about them (By PAT) going to the Arena, hut I ap­ singing. He soon dero.ted mo;r time Bob is really serious. I ' thoughts and, sometimes, legal time to singing and thts chan,!!! ' . peal to the teens themselves wouldn't doubt but Patsy is al· t 3\' 0 : troubles- is suggested by as· who. arc guilty. Ask for your­ of emphasis began o P · b! Efforts 1.-"Break It To Me Gently" ...... Brenda Lee ~o. Everything seems to prove pccts of Mercury. Although the when he went on tour 'nth 1 1!. Each of them is keeping self 1f you act in the right man· ec• 1'J1 2.-"Shadrack" ...... Brook Benton mind is alert and impressionable, ncr when you are there! I Flcctwoods, another succ ·· little secret remembrances of Dolton recording group. __ 3.-"So Deep" ...... Brenda Lee each other. Maybe they won't i,t is not sufficiently steady or think that it is only forgetful· Collect ness on your part, so why not 4.-"The Greatest Hurt" .... ·...... Jackie Wilson need them to remind them of confident, so avoid makin,s de· h d' \let· the happy days they had to· try to mend this- dy, Irene Power, n o.'e,; ck· 5;-"What's The Reason" ...... Bobby Edwards cisions today. 0 gether. Some of those enjoying them· cer' Bax Brown, Vick!e ''!lU,1 Taxes 6.-"Crying In The Rain'' ...... : ..... Everly Brothers Mary and Jim sort of sneak· selves during a skating session well, Derm Connolly, D?n Hil· 7.-"The Lost Penny" ...... Brook Benton ed .up on us before we knew Past ..• The custom of mount­ Future ••• Milk may keep were: chings, Tom Barbour. ll 155Pe't ' ing a ·horse: on the left side 8.-"I'm Blue" (The Gong-Gong Song)-Ikettes that they were going steady without ~curing from . two to , Ev_elyn Austin, Rosemary cock, Rae Coultas, Len /n· originated when horsemen wore 0 Nelli, Bob Burton, Mike Kin­ (me at lrast) I thought for a swords on their left-they had four times longer ihan it docs ccy, Sid Osmond, TerrY .!, 9.-"What's So Good About Goodbye"-Miracles s_ella, Bob English, Frank Eng­ kins, Patsy Eddy, Tom Hal while that they were trying to ; )q mount from the Jc(t to avoid at present. A vitamin element , ,a 10.-"A Little To~ Much" ...... Clarence Henry keep it a secret but it finally 1 getting the sword between )hem lish, Joni Murphy, Elaine At· Lcs King, Eileen O'Riellr, G,1 fed to .caws will do the trick. leaked out. Do you think that , and the horse. kins, Pat Malone, Barbara Dodd Hayes, Patsy Johnson, .D:,e they will last long? Ed lllcCarthy, Vera Hearn' Simmons, Bud Hunt, D13 rii­ THE BIG TOP TEN Patsy and Terry arc seen a The Day Under Your Sign Georgina Earles, Lil Hitchen' Pennell, Dot Knight, Ron p\r. lot together here lately, they I Gloria Fry, Owen Meadus, Dav~ son, Dave Duff, Bruce 'r.e ~ ARIE" {Born 'March 21 to April 191 LIBRA {Sept. 23 to Oc!. 22} · . Brown, llfutt Wortliman, Ron Shirley Baker, Sherry Pal ;: l.;_"The Lion Sleeps To-Night" ...... Tokens seem to be making a regular ' There'• gOod rearo~1 to ftel c:ncoutaGrd If disd,,linrd too &trieilr or unfairly, 1 j ahout'th'e rcs'ults o( recent tfforts. dtildrc:n are.bound to rebel. Abbott, Helen Baird, Carol Marsha Wilansky, Barbara ~~ 2.-"The Peppermint Twist" . couple, alld a nice couple they make also! I wonder if thev , TAURUS (Ap1il 20 io.Moy 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21} Beer, ~eg Furlong, Mary Power, ly, Lou Roberts, Vic Yo.u rl. I YoU won't havr. to prcn too hard (or l>on~t let ~bswt·miml~dne~s hlm(ltr. Be Cynth!~ Ivany, Boyd Pelly, Kay -Joey Dee And The Starliters will make it steady in the nca'r results today, Things will go your ll'3)", canmlcnt tn rour efforts. Paul Timberley, Darry .sewa~f 3.-"Run To Hiin" · .. ,: ...... :...... ,. ... Bobby Vee future. Time will tell, I sup· GEMINI jMay 21 to June 21} SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to De.c. 21} Handngan, Joan Handrigan !llarie Noseworthy, Elam~ Cr!. ·pose •. · I K~ep confu~lon a~ errors to a. nunimum A di~cussion concerning :ulnntcmrnt Joan Brennan, Diane Lane' !ins, Jerry Warren, JerrY J eae~ 4.-"Just Walk On By" ...... Leroy· Van Dyke ' by follo•ing in~tructions explicitly, rould prore extremrly bcndieid, 1 Stub Miller, Dave Lawrence' Judy Fearn, Barbara. ~n se­ 5.-"HaP).>Y Birthda,y Sweet Sixteen"-Neil Sedaka 1 CANCER {Juno .22 lo July 21) CAPRICORN {Dec. 22 to Jon. 201 Sid seems to be keeping· a I You han am[l1e intellectual ability to Work quietly and efficiently, t'rde:nbly ' Carol Holloway, Bob Lawrence' Bonnle Honvood, Hew1e N~~~ a..:...... :"Goodbye Cruel World" ...... James Darren· flame burning for Linda but. he • work.· out an advantagwu!l deal now, with a minimum oC distraction~ • Sharon O'Brien, Dave Tobin' worthy, Sandra Baker~ par· don't seem to be able to get to . LEO (July 22 Ia Aug. 211 • AQUARIUS {Jan. 21 to. ~b. 191 Barbara· Buckle, Sheila Rower' Tobin, Roiiie Martin, ger 7.-"The Language Of Love" .... John D. Lou,dermilk Dy alert thinking, )'Od. ean ove:r,ome- '' An acc:llcnt day for AQuaf.i.ans! ReviK Vl~ 8.-"I Can't. Help Falling In Love With You". first base let alone second. ataclu in your way. ideas to conform "With conditions. B~enda Kenned~·, Pat Taylor: sons, • Dave jlabbitts, ;hi~ Maybe Linda has her o'wn way VIRGO [Aug. 22 to Sop!. 22) PISCES {Fab. 20 Ia March 201 . N1ck Antle, June King, Mary Maunder, Marg Adams, [ar1 ~ .. · ·g~l-MQon R~ve.r ~lt~.u.: ...... ,..... ';, ...... ~ ... ~.Je,:ry -Butler .. 'ro make your home more attnctivc, he To ovtrcr~mc a !c:clim~ or rcstlcsmttt, of working t)lings out, I don't a.lut ftr new dc:corath~ trmds. kce:r mind .1nrl hantJ" bu~y. H_ealey, Norma Cranford, Patsy ley .Green, Hilda Hard.N ~Ulto 10.-A Little Bittry Tear ...... ;.. ;.. :.: ..... Burl Ives Ridgley; Herb Abbott, Richard · · know, but I do know that she . 10 1962, }'idd Entc:rprises,lnc. Deanne Shears, Bob i Cl . < · · ..:...Elvis Presley must have something up her ··-·-··-· Murphy, Patsy Ryan, Barb Ed· Chic Rice and Vic Ryan. '. ' ' ,0 • ··--c--·'--,-.-·--:-;----,-..,-.,·-,.--- ·-:-...... _., _____ ' . : SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1962 d i ' IT. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND 1.: ·, lThe Daily News '' .'' .' ------~------~v-----n------I I ! .' Bell L '~ Questions ; • I Distinguished ' ' Island La)roff ; US Visitors To 'I · ! OTTAWA. CP - :\lines ~lin· government is considcrin~ act· I .I c •t istcr Flynn, three weeks a cab· ion to avert a layoff of miners 'inet minister, was iaced Fri· through the closing of il'e Bell I 11 1 Y : day with his jirst questlt•n in Island mine of Dominion Steel Arrive I the Commons and choose· to and Coal Corporation. ------1defer his reply.· :\lr. Flynn said he would The lion. Willis C. Arm· John's is for the purpose d : James R. Tucker L·Trinity· "take the question as notice" strung, United States Minister visiting the t"nited States con- · ConceptiOn asked whether the ,-par!1amcntary phrase o I u g y to Canada will arrive at Tor· sulate general here. AU· th-~ ' ---· ------i ~can.mg that he would look bay Airport at 1.45 a.m. Tucs- . eleven United States consuhr · : mto 1t and reply later. day January 23rd to begin a' posts in CanJda, including the 1 lfll:.! .lft!ln~ ~ n Ill«! ·: The former deputy speaker three day visit to this l'apital consulate general are under his ; fY'~ V I mY.JIU StJ : of the Comm?ns, M~. Flynn :r;: , f'[ city. supervision. ; was na_med. mmes muuster. at I': .·\pril .,.. lllr. Armstrong will be ac· During his risit, ~lr. Arm·; ~·t,• the _hls~onc feder~l cabmet -'UI 111 ' His ir:.~cr. companied by Mrs. Armstron;(, strong will call on His Honor i ""D .. ~zen meeting Quebec Ctly Dec. 28. ' ' .f rmn h'II and 1\lajor General and l\lrs. l11e Licutc·nant Governor on I!,_....,;~:::::::::::::...._ .. :ne. who Robert Taylor, Ill. Gencnl Tuesday followin~. and meet nf v I ::~ ~nd the Taylor is chief, United StatPs with Premier Smallwoor!. , '\1) liJ ear ~lay~d sa~ Air Force Central Coordinating He will he ~ucst spcal·.cr at , ·EXPOSU~E c ·: hec.;, Si~­ Staff, Oltawa. the Thur>day, .January 25, lunch- The fir.;l pl'rson to be nom· ::·:. ::~. are l\lr. Armstrong has been con meeting of the St. .John's inat~d for the title "Citizen of c::d t1 play posted 10 the t.:niterl States Rotary Cluh ane[ will also ad·: the Year" at Cornet• Brook· b , KilLED Ml~ •crth~r Si~ Emhassy at Ottawa since 1958. dress the St. .John's Cha;>tcr of ; a woman...... h:-:;a He was counselor of Embas,y the Canadian Institute of 1 She is ~lr,. ~-. 11. Powell. one · :1. ~h"dv for Economic Affairs from 1950 International Affairs on Thurs· of Cornrr Brook's most actirc A report on ~ 11 autop,y per· :•:r~r ba··d·.. ' to 1%0 and since 1960 he has day even in~. ' rolunt.,Pr Pommunitl' work·~rs .. formed 011 the body of 33-yc~r­ -··:- i}:-Jthrr served as Deputy Chief of ~!i~· The official party will elc· · ~lrs. Po11·el! is connnissioner foe old Alexander Baker of St. :-t· ~('~:Obns sion and Minister. part from St. John's· at 10.00 the Comer Brook Di.;lricl of John's was rclcascri yestet·day. :.1 t·t". So~n ::llr. Armstrong's trip to St. a.m., Friday, January . 26 for! the Girl Guide Association. an The rrport disclowl that tho. 1 -.::-oup w.n the return trip to Ottawa via , actii'C member of the Vic!ort'aii· · man. il'hose hod~· was disco1·cr· ~ rwfoundland. :Ladle Cove by the Ill. Worship· the Lodge. Reynolds of the U.C. School in i dece;a~cd \'rr on ll he a receptiOn gtven by the u.s .. High School. t.n~ from h.s L11 mr.stone Succt i'rmntrd by the Educational, ful Bro. R. J. Smith, the Grand 1\ The other successful students Caplin Cove. 1 Consul here, H. Lanford. At The "Citizen of the Year" home for nearly two wee!,~. He :'rC'au~c he 1 ~f the Provincial Secrelat·v of the Lodge. are: for the Squires Scholar· Besides ~!r. Tulk, in the W. 1 to thr ,i~ Hear Of this function. nn opportun!t) I project is sponsored annuall•: · was unmarncilors to I hy the Corner Brook ,Jnnio.r ------~-: ~ c1i r~-~~r· . arr memorials to Sir Worshipful Bro. F. :\1. Rowe,' Public School in Buchans; ncr is Barbara of ::.on:! the 1 ~!iss ~Iiss ~!erccr meet other local dignitaries. in-! Chamber of Commerce. This ts Sqlllrl'l. Str .John c.l Treasurer of the Scholarship 1: ~!axinc Crocker of the u. c. the Amalgamated School in Bay II :' ;omm;:: :ad cludm~ members of thr caht· ' the fourth year it ha; been ann \1' H. Ca1·e. Committee and Deputy Grand Schoo'] in Heart's Delight; in the l Roberls. Daily News Photo). Ferry· 1 o:ll of !he --, net and military sen·ice heads. ; sponsored by thr Ja)TCe-'. Copes th~ Dr. j The annual •·citizen of c:-:n:1r::b ~':"0· The Newfoundland Board of' Year'' dinner and dance is to :' brc the .P.,,ppointment~ 'Trade was glad to hear that Discov·er he held at the II'C5l coast city.-~ Ad • L:hr:-ty rr. I the Federal . Government of . Jan .. 23 .. Guest spea~er forth~· O . ~iN r.r~~s ;:!:r! 1e·d to Bigger Catches, Canada has at long last approv· 1affatr wtll be 0. L. Vardy. :'\ew 111 U b 11.::~ ..... (' r::~ ~:: A.nnounced ed the building of an East Valu~bla ;fonndlanrl's Tourist Dtrector. ~ : ._. .. : .. _.; :: -~r Coast Ferry for Newfoundland. ,... " 1 P ~·.l· :1;-d :~~ WI ~ ~ --·- The Newfoundland Board of I I . 'tQ· e~a l ,., ~ <;:~. c of Tr.ade has been very active in lU!ineral I Fr,r,ttht T~~~'al"n . I ~ .,j ··:: l\1 Yoa thiS matter for many years. ad· nth . ¥.9 "a I ~~lt · y.-. 11 Bigger· On tputs vacating that the present I . s t. .-\~:.:··. North Sydney to Port aux Premier Stmllwood Friday~ rter.f}.!lRii,d I ·-ec IOU . --~~c (~r"d 1 :•;;cr ca:che; of cod and 1 incrca;e of 282,000 pounds pounds, 1\'hereas the 1960 figure Basques service insufficient to announeed the discorery of th~ '1 U ·IilUB" i :.:-:d r,;~ ci:· r~:::·~ ''ere re>pon>ihle last 1o1•er that of December 19110. 1 was 57,785,000 pounds. • meet the needs of transporta· mineral berylium in Labrador. E. G. Godden. chairman or ,\·::~::·: w:th I 12 ol t:H! :;:.t~ for in,·rea;Pd produc·l Cod and rcdfish accounted for As usull, fresh fish proces· 1 tion routed via North Sl'dnev, · He said the find was made at About cars of a we;;l- ·the Wholesale Section t:;: of :>rid's. frc;h fish pro· more than hal[ the output, and sing plants located north of St. especially as far as mot~r c;r Seal Lake, 90 miles norlhe JS!' bound Ci\"R frei~ht train left 'Newfoundland Board of Tra:te, · :~t h~1~~ he· ~!!::; plant> in comparison i compensated for a reduction in John's are closed for the· win· passenger sen·ice was con· of Goose Bay, by the Rio Tint·1: the !_racks near Gaff Topsail; i announced Thursda)' th~t Dr. \ cerned. :\lining Company of Canada i 45 m1les east of Deer Lake yes- ~ Parzh·al Copes, ~lemorial Unl· ·~ • ,\lr,:-. :r:~,k· •::!: Dtrember 1960. Produc· the l'olumc of processed had· ter. 1 t::. o! a!! ;pedes last month dock and plaice and greysole. We feel also that an addi· ILimited. but he gave no details! tenlay as ~lowing snow and ' ''ersity, consulting economist 0 1 :·:.:led l.ii3.000 pounds, an On a cumulative basis, the South coast draggers encount· tiona! service to the East Coast as to the size of the disconry. . wtnds gustmg to 70 miles an ! who undertook an economic sur·

19G1 production likewise rc.~is­ ered rough weather on the of this nature would not affect He said bcrylium was an 1' hour pou~ded the area. No: vey of St. John's and i\r~ll'· tercel greater \'Olume. Produe· Banks throughout December. In· other sections of ~he Island as "extremely valuable useful ~nd , one was tn]ured. · 1 foundland for the Newfound· :;, .-\::::"iC:ll· lion of filleted and dressed shore fishing was practically at far as tourist traffic was con· indispensable part of the space • Screra! of the cars were de· I land Board of Trade. would he · :;.,7":H' t ''.r:!. Smallwood groundfish in 1961, as declared a standstill ~· adverse wenther I ccrned, because generallv pNgram." ' mMished and hurled as far as i the guest speaker at the anmtal : ;.L~> .:~d b~· fl•ozcn fish processors, to· also prevented small boat oper 1 speaking, tourists and the local Speaking at the annual han- 50 feet from the tracks. c:o;n · general meeting of the s~cticn \'l l' !:::~ :':HW tailed approximately 64,500.000 ations in many areas. ' , population did not take kindly quet of the Newfoundlanrl Land offir1als satd. An auxiliary~ to be held in the hoard room~ Sponsor Of to tral'elling the same 600 orld Surnyor~ Association ~II'. tram anrl a crane were scr.t at 4 p.m. next Tuesday .•Janu· miles in both ways and this new ! Smallwood said there was a ft·om Bt>hop's F.tlls to rlc~r the ! ary 23rd. '. :: ::t .· ;,:(': I ressel would increase manv I brilliant future in store fr.r ' tracks. hut offictals said the : It is understood that Dr . 1 ·:. \\'·•'· ~I)' YMCA Fund To Spend ! more times than at present th~ Labrador uranium. :work would he· held up hy the Copes will ;:i\·e an interpr~· . . :-~ I 1:· ~~:: Sanitary i tourists to our shores. He was referring to a Brit· , had weather. A passenger train tation of section' of th~ hoard's ' Ish Newfoundland Corpora:wn . hounrl from Port aux Ba;~ues recently published report tl~o~t .\~.;cr. Smallwood bas' t• 'I' ! AN'l'LE disco1·ery of uranium stretchinr, 1 to St. .fohn's was being held in are particularly applicable to ~~l!;ied m•mhership on the. IO~n $400,000 w. nspec 60 miles from Seal Lake to: Deer Lake. , the wholesale trade and will u:1c~a! citizem committee of ' F • ht : ;"('- T:~k~ 1 t:;:.!)r< of the Canadian Y:'.ICA In the following supcrl'isory re1g Monky Hill. I Tl "O . f ,.,h , b d conclude with an appraisal of '\o. 1 1135 stagg ch~n~es which were re· I . • te ? -cat r.cto t oun : the future prospects and dis· '·;:1' In Capital re.th rund.. . D. I ccntly announced hy Dr. R. D., Ott• • I Mr. Smallwood satd the bot·. ft om St. ,~ohn s to Port aux: position of distributive centres \' re In I nJtii>II·Wide Sl.'/17.1100 lp o·ma Dum·an, mill manager, Anglo· I ICia S tom dropped out of the urani:lm: lliJs~ues. 1 he deratled cars, b.e· throughout the proviitce of rl=.)IIP<. 'u~p!!Il i~ sought for ' \o. Nfltl. Del'l'lopment Co. Ud., it market just before the rill'l 1 ltcved. to be empty. were Ill :"iewfoundland. t1 f;r;t hroali-•r·alr t•xpansinn . . h:·· r.:lt Works · was learned that i\lr. T. W. was made. hut it still had a . the muldlc of the train. Thr ------1 L • 1 t!t\'\IC.\ )<".tlh·Will'k SCI'I'!ct•S. ,. ~~--' ~~'81 I . r.rr,~ Jlm1~tl·r .lohn D1eftm·. ·' . ! 'l'he Grund ~·aus Town Conn· Antle. is appointed as general eav1 ng brilliant future in industrial! rn~ine stil! was on the tracks. hl!r. llralth and \\'t'lfare' cil is to spend more than supermtendent or the oper· and commercial uses. offtctals saul. B k In fn. $400,000 on capital works dur· IL~:;:e: J \\'. ~l"nleith ami the · ations at Botwood, the Grand PREDICTS BOO)I rea V ;~~tm of ninP provinces head : ;... ·. · ing 11}62. Grand Falls Jllayor Walter Falls central 'railway, and the Two Canadian National Rail- "This is coming," said th~ F c JJ t! national Ji,t of 186 govern· ' · orders and shipping depart- ways officials who have been on premier, "and !llonky Hill will ,. ' ',\' Tucker has stated that, of the our a s. TV Shop ~-.1::1 t!~:a! lranw. captains of in· ment of the Grand Falls mill: come into its own." · total expenditure, $160,000 is and that Mr. Calvin Langdon a freight·handling tour of New· Four calls 1verc recel·,·ed h)' 1 , . . · ' ::: !' . :: J". btl)·. unirrr,ity presidenls, · t d foundland over the past couple 'Ih b k th \V t to be spent on a proposed water has been cI 10sen as superm en · Icit'.' firemen ··csterday. 1eves . r_o e mto e _es : :::t'.: ··Lt~:c !l•:m and nthrr prominent . B t d of weeks, are due back in St. ' E d T 1 1 d equalization program. Approxi· cnt o( opera twns at o woo . p }" Mak Two of the fires '"ere re· n . e ev1s1on t . .prem1ses '1 l' . H John's sometime todav. t Th d ht d I I malely $50,000 has been set II emc f or lh , " r. ,evm ar· ' 0 ICe e· ~ardin • chimney fires ' and one some 1me . urs ay mg an '11 t t "r A tl The two, CNR Operations b d ff th 1 1 bl • .. aside for the construction of n vey WI rcpor o m • n e ~was an oil burner giving truu!Jle rna. e o WI scvera va ua e .... :-. new fire hnl! at the· central .:-.,:c:-. :\t ~he for all the activities o[ his de· :\fanager E. J. Healey, and :.tar· Q in a house on Victoria Street radios. Newfoundland town, and anoth· pnrtment with the exception inc Superintendent Captain D. Arr ,The thieres gained entry to ·"!' e::r,•llcd ne est . . ;;;, :o t.ciP er larg~ sum is to be spent on of all core operations, which C. Wall~ce, left here on the tour At 8.30 last n;ght firemen i the premises by breaking a door Discuss J·oad pavement and repairs. r,emain an area Mr. earl; m Ja,nuary. Yesterday, One arrest was made by city 1 were called to the Naval Docks located in the rear of the build· :c ·'· ,\: ftr!t wil~ ?£ . . I i Municipal funds have also Chmn s overall responsibility, lth_e) ;om.plete~ the .tour, a.t · police yesterd~y. I where tarpaulms-liSed to cover Iing .. They stole a number of :•:J>t:c. Ml B1shop s Falls m cen!tal New· 1 fresh concrete-had caught f1re tranmtor radiOs valued at ap· weeks. when been laid . aside for the con· foundland. . ! The. lone. offender was . a from sparl:s from a nearby proximately $500 in all. ;,; he h:~d struction this year of a muni· I Wages cipal storage shed in the town. I They were .to Jeare! man g1ven m. fo; bcmg stove. Several tarpaulins were ;;;:t 10 cW 'ttee ~chcrtuled char~e I I . . . . that commmuty last nlght for' drunk and disorderly lll the I destroyed before the blaze was I Pohce are lrtveshgahng the : ·,.:-Jl am~.:r:Jr . W:~o;1 n~golialions bet wren CLC Commt the trip back to St. John's. home. 1put out. incident. :.:.i~. hi~ in· I!! Tramport and Allied Work· -=---==--==--=-- I i When Dana tc. tnion and two ma)'or St. 'Jm:ll'' Da,·i! /''!' Itr\LI'II 11mnc1m •·• ' 1 concerns are now under· Visit ' nuff;;lo on rty, Still Await To 'i 1'he Jlon. Minister of Health ; I I);,rJ::.·~ im· I I· l~~ official of thr Union h~re has announced that Information Fire Destroys ::~r : a ]acal 3 , · osed that negolialions are I has recently been reeei·:ed from Corner Brook :I! . .o; imprr,,cd 1 . r'~ ~ell underway between the the. Canadian Public Health W~eather ' . .c Yotm~ man •~.n and the St. John's Auto· Association that l\lr. Hal ph A special committee to in· Barn DOUBLE I.- ·J ,;;;a·.< tender ·' :Je Dealers Association. Mercer, employed as a health vestigate a jurisdictional dis· t 1. , i:npo,ibJt. ; I. , "Talks were sch~duled to be· inspector, health Inspection di· An RCMP plane is still wait· pute facing Canadian Labor DUTY STURDY I;· .. surcccd in ing at St. John's for weather Fire which broke out in a , ~ between the the Canadian Public Health Congress in the ="ewfoundland I • fatMr th>t r:, Yesterd~r barn ownerl hy Esau Chislett at . I conditions to improve in order woods industry is expected to . ' A:;on. and the local Brewers' St. John's has successfully BLUE DENnl ''· •·cater Ol" ·.'JCialton. passed examinations !carting lo In fly to Labrador to investi· visit the province before mid· Islingtpn, T.B., last night, tot· ;;,J~nttd wn· gate a reported drowning in· ~~~rch, a CLC spokesman !aid ally destroyert the barn and Th1 drm~nd! of both partirs the ~crtifi~ate in sanitary in· threatened two nearby houses. SANFORIZED Da::a wnrkcd h, .e h . , ~pechon. l.anarla. cident. in Corner Brook Friday. •1 1101 rcn ! 1ts· • '!'he RCMP is to investigate • " and also I . . Tim EXAMS The spokesman ~aid the Despite the rough weather. lhe death of 21·ycar..o!d ,John ·;,~ enjoyed : Ex~minations include an oral committe~ i~ expectcrt to rrport residents of the Eett!r.mcnt Campbell, Jr., who, it's under· to the CLC's Cllll\'ention in Van· .: ,., otcd mort ------··- : rxamination, a field inspcl'(ion formed a bucket hri~ade and Dungarees stnocl, acridrntally drowned in coll\'~r April 9. Twn CLC ;: 1nis chanse rllll report and thrrr writtr11 succeeded in ke~ping th~ flames 1papers on environmental sani· St. Michael's Bay, Labrador, on nnion;, the International Wood· ~ 10 pa!· off 1 away from thr houses. Fir~ ur with the Ef1orts To tat ion, food sanitation nnd ·pull· ,January 7th. Hi_~ body was re· 1workers of' America and' the trucks from Whitbourne were , Full cut - Bar 18 I coverer! on ,January lOth. •:united Brotherhood of Carprn· .~r succc~ful lie· heal~1 administration, com· also on the scene. The only I tacked, reinforc­ ;:roup. nmnicable disease~ and vital Weather In the area over the trrs and ,Joiners nrc seeking casualty was a horse which died I -~ Collect Its statistics past week has been poor. bargaining rights for Newfound· when fire destroyed the harn. land Joggers. ed at points of Rhodic ~!er· JOINS STAFF - \' icldc nock· Mr. Mercer joined the ~taf£ 1 WASH 'N' WEAR strain. :: v Don J{ul· Taxes of the division of health in· "·. '! ·:Jr. Riss Ill· ·Jrnd1 ~larenl'ille '!'own Cou n· spcction, provincial department Fire Damages Narrow Escape PLY FLANNEL r of health ill November of 1960 Sentenced Sizes 30- 44 ' Len pear­ i:• orectd ed at the last meet· . ·Tern· Jen· 1 Whilst hls duties as a health I Jrth ~ouncil held January Tom Ha}·e5o 1 inspector necessitate visits to Four youths had b r~l] •2. to take every effort House escape from death Thursday SLACKS 0 'Rielly, GJ.l1 many parts of the Avalon For Robbery ,. ~c1 out>landing taxes. 0 PeninsiJia and other eastern GRAND BANK, (Staff)-A night when a car in which they ~.::son, Daft ,.,·1 dwelling house owned b11 Char· One of five men charged in Sizes 30- 42 . • Dianne 1 1tndQIIrnt taKpaycrs will iic areas Of the provlnce, he is were driving went off the road . "It th les George Thornhill ai For·. December with robbery with ~~··Ron Wil· t)., h , rou~h the mail that mainly responsible for the near St. John's. Self belt, Zipper fly ~ a.c 3u days in which to tunc received considerable violence on Bell Island has · IJruce Pike. 111 Bell Island area. The car apparently skidded on Light and dark shades 3.75 2.75 brn llran~cmcnts with the interior damages in a. fire been sentenced to 18 months ~c:-l')' Paflll'. ntana••r 1 . TAKE TESTS tqcre yesterday afternoon. In prison. • the sli ppcry road surface and n:rbar3 ]\el· I'!Min "' o pay the1r out· All health inspectors, on join· tl ,; ~ tax.rs otlwrwise enun Both Mr. and l\lrs. Thornhill, Patrick Joseph Whelan and tumbled· into a ditch. Neither \"ic Yount. 11 ing the Provincial Department l"f 1"111 of c1·erv lc"al who are employer! at the Booth four other men were chnrg~d of the four occupants was seri· ~n1 at th . • h ,·. rn· Scii"Jrd. of Health, must undertake ex· Fisheries Ltd. plant, were not with· the Dec. 12 robbery of a ously injured. The vehicle was . Eiaine !~t the• rtr disposal to col· cor -c outstanding taxes. aminatlons lending to the ccr· home ni the .time of the fire, · Chinese resident of .the Is· driven by David Lawre1ice of .· J em· scars. tificatc in Sanitary Inspection, which Is believed to have been land. They were charged with Foxtrap. · :->lra JaneS. iu~~~:~ 1 \ be pointed out that Canada. This policy is In llnc caused by an overheated oil entering. the home of Wee Lee, •rcwie Nose­ ~ougb as been obtained with the general policy of the burned. of beating up the Chinese and The accident occurred on the na.ker, LeG lttny of the courts against department of health in ar· Volunteer firefighter• got robbing him of $350. Thorburn Road. . 'n Vie PJI'" r1 an~ese delinquent tax· ranging as much technieal train· ··: · Ro,er 1111 the ~laze under control ]Jeforc Three of the men were sen· ~:lts, ~· .. IQ Iff unless they make ing as possible so that only A hospital on the West Coa>l ~ -s. s.. ,.. fully qualified personnel are it could get serious headway, al· te11ced earlier to 18 months u3<>• d .- ~~ndin~rt ·to pay their out· though considerable Interior . each on the. charges. A juve· Jets a new father hear hi· ; ~r taxes council will responsible for the application H~• ""'" 1 damages were sustained. Some nile ·was fined $50 or twQ baby's first cry on a micro I ; nb . !'je\·illl'. •illcb no alternative but to of technlc~l services of the de· phone. A wail of an idea.. I . Ry£11. ~ces, etc • partment. · Insurance was carried. months on similar ·charges.

...... " . ' .. ' .. ' ...... ·-·. . ··: - •. , I . •

THE DAILY NEWS "What'~ Rhino Talk for 'Giddap'?" Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper IN THE NEWS The DAIL \' NEWS is n morning paper established tn 1B94, and published at By Wayfarer tbe News Building, 35~·359 Duckworth Street, ·St. John's, Newfou(\dlnnd, bY THE POLITICAL GUESSING GAME Robinson & Company, Limited. ' From time immemorial members of the op~c-:. ME~IBER OF THE CAt'ADIAN PRESS tion have risen to speak to the debate on the Adctr1~, and have begun with the identical description of u: The Canadian Press is exclusively Speech from the Throne. It is mor.e notable, th,; entitled to the u•e for republication of all news despatches in this paper credit· have said, for what it does not con tam than whPrl'ice with the He~imenl to: One proposal was for a contributor;· old age pE:· rates will also be raised if the prov­ the O'Leary Commission on publi­ foundation of !he fiPginll'nl in ull those· who hav<' srn·ed in The Centennial l'ommittt•c, L'anada. On lho'c dntl's there any part 11! The 1\laek 1\'atch Tlw Black \\'atch of Canada. sion that would be additional to the p:·c,;2nt st&t':· ince:; agree. Some assistance is to cations and the lakin[( of steps to­ will Ill' a number of funcliom nf Canada in order that we may 20rli Hirlll'y Street, tor:: pension. It was reminiscent of the Liberal pi:: -j he gi,·en to merchant seamen, (i:·e­ wards the repatriation of the Cana- iu :\lonlrPal, of which llw most keep th<•m infomwd as 10 tlw :uontreal. Que. put forward a week ago by ::VIr. Pearson and ; fighters. and other ci\·ili:m groups . dian· constitution. · important will he a visit h)' Her arrangements fnr the Cl'llll'U~ It woultl he ~rcail)' apprcl'iat· ed that the Conset'\'ati\'es had acted in imitation. \\'hich did ,,·ar servit:e. where dis­ :\la.iesty Queen Eli7.niJeth, Tht• nial ami sc111l tickets tn tlw"" Nl if )'llll ll'oUI