AVEBAOS DAILT OmODtATiOIl for the Slouth et Fieienel e< C. B. «V*-


5,967 lE upitittg Tartly eloady toaighS;

partly cloudy aad colder. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM



World Series Stars


either for exerdae or gamea. ’Those

who desire to play badminton should get In touch with Miss ’Tinker at READY TO ABANDON WITH 5- BARRAGE

Bronx Bom bers Rise Up m Sixth to Score Seven Rons On NEUTRALITY POLICY MAYOR HAYES

F ive H its, Two E rro rs and Two P asses A fte r l i n g

Geneva Considers Roose HAS 55 MARGIN Carl A llows Bot One Blow in F irst Five Fram es; Gam- Japan Answers FDR velt’s Chiiaigo Speech as IN W A J p U R Y bert, Coffman FoDow Ifim to Moond; Gomez Nicked

Hint to Call on Nations to With a Demand For U nofficial Count Shows fo r T ally in the 5th Bot K eeps Five H its Scattered.

Deal With Sin o-Jap W ar. , , OcL | „ „ Rights To Expand N arrow Victory fo r Demo .T: ihorn bounder Just, inside tho fl.—(AP).—The mighty New York ' third baseline. Ott lifted a hl|^ fly. Yankees broke out of their batting to Gehrig. Leiber fanned, swingingf BULLETIN! crats But Fnsionists Win Geneva, Oct. 6.— (A P ) helplessness in the sixth inning to- at a fast ball with the count two Tokyo, Oct. 6.— (A P )—Scrammed In such a limited area, and two. 3 —The League of Nations Japan officially answered Pres- Japan wants to send her people M ajority of Aldermen. day and pounded King ( ^ Hubbell No runs, one blL no errors, on* 3| assembly today warned elsewhere but all outlets are denied out o f the box with a fivis-run bor- left m ident Roosevelt’s condemna- by countries everywhere. Japan of the pqssibility of rsige in the first game of the World Yankees: Oosaetti walked. Rolte '1 tion of aggressor nations today While the spokesman denied that fanned, swinging at a screw bull* international action unless with a warning that ’’peace Japan was making any demands os Waterbury, Oct. 6 — (AP) — Series against tbe local rivals, the DlMag^o singled past OtL OOMttt -a she agrees to a peaceful will be difficult to maintain” a “have not" nation, he asserted: Mayor Frank Hayea,^ Democrat ap- Giants. stopping at second. Gehrig lifted •' ^ “We hear of late a heated argu high fly to Leiber In ahe^ right nine-power settlement of if the demands of the “have parently had been elated to a fifth Held to one through the flrst ment on the question of unequal five Innings, the Yankees exploded center. The base runners did not the China conflict. distribution of resources between term today over his fuslonlst rival, not” nations are refused. their batting dynamite after tbe try to odvaned after . The assembly unani- the Have and the Have Not coun- The two survivors of the flrst baseball “” game in 1883 State Senator George T. Culhane, Dickey drove a long fly to Leibte The foreign office spokes- tries. have met again in New York, where they expected to see the cham- although the tabulation giving him Giants had taken a one-run lead off mously approved resolutions Lefty Gomes In the fifth Inning be- who made a nice running cate^ man said in reply to the Amer- "If the Haves refuse to concede pionship tussle between the Yankees and Giants. The diamond vet- a 55-vote majority waa unoitlcl^ No runs, one hlL no errarai containing the warning. ican President’s speech at Chi- to the rightful demands of the Have etrans above “choose up sidea” at a night club where they celebrated Sen. (hilhane, a Democrat, was fora a crowd of close to 80,000 un- lefL Poland and Siam abstained Nota. peace will be difficult to main- their reunion. At left la Chick Fulmer of the Cincinnati Reds and at nominated for the mayoralty by Re- der threatening skies. cago yesterday that “ the ideals SECOND DfNINa tain.” right, Fred Goldsmith of the Chicago White Stockings. publicans and Independent Demo- With , a right- from voting, but their at- of right as conceived by west- crats. Glaatsi Riple filed to Hoag. M «i> At the same time one of Japan’s hander, colled in to replace Hubbell Corthy lined to Lossert who took th* titude did not prevent the ern peoples is incompatible to Hayes, who is also lieutenant the Yankees held a 8 to 1 lead snd unanimity because states highest naval officials declared boll off his shoetope. Honenao linofl that of the Orient.” flatly: governor of the state, ordered police were atlU batting In their big sixth to Selkirk. which abstain in voting “We can not stay our hands out guards on all the election machin- inning. Hubbell blew up without He added that Japan’s de- ery last night after Town Clerk No runs, no hits, no en ors, are considered absent un- of respect for a world opinion notice. He walked hia pitching rival. left mand was the Japanese people formed on tbe basts of dispatches WRING’ MURDER PROBE Dora A. Egan Impounded the offi- Gomes, to start tbe from, and der Geneva practices. cial records. Yankees: Blondy Ryan came be permitted “to enjoy the rewritten by Chinese governmental then was tagged for consecutive to worm up HubbeU whil* Mene^n freedom of movement and hap- officials. We believe the surest way Aa the polls closed with an esti- hits by Frank Ooaetti, By ASSOCIATED PRESS to .minimize suffering is to speed mated 88,000 ballots cast, largest adjusted his backstopping equt^ piness which is rightfully UNCOVERS A WEIRD CULT snd Joe DIMmggio to brtog two runs menL Hoag grounded out, B artw J the conclusion. We will do every- In the city’s history, an air of ten- President Roosevelt, in the across. An intentional poos to Lou to MeOarthy. Selkirk bounced ooE '4 view of other nations has an- theirs.” thing poesible to speed tbe end and sion was prevalent and neither side Gehrig loaded the bosM and BUI Harking back to the Japan- bring tbe situation back to normal." In the contest attempted to stage a Whitehead to McCarthy, oa ha U| v nounced a new American pol- victory celebration. Dickey’s single promptly brought th* first pitch. HubbeU mode a nlefl j| Aimed at Undeclared War icy of active cooperation to es- ese exclusion law passed by the An O rganized Band of Peep C. 1 .0 . CANDIDATE The unofficial returns, which may in another run, leaving the baaee gloved-bond stab of Lassert’s b o ^ United States in 1924, the The Japanese comment was based be made official today, showed Om- loaded. The flret out was a force-out per and threw him ouL '6 tablish world peace. on the obvious assumption that spokesman characterized it as ttoller Daniel J. Leary (D.) defeat- on DiMagglo at the plate on MjrrU runs, no bits, no ^rors, n ow a^ The President, in his Chica- President Roosevelt’s attack on ag- ing To ms Fo m d in Village Hoag’s hopper to thM . “one which Is against the nat- ed by Sherwood L. Roadond, (Re- go speech yesterday, indicted gressor nations was aimed, in port WINS IN DETROrr j wiblfcan and Independent Demo- eontlnulng their clubbing, George ------—vwwvwyK ural laws of mankind and is at Japan’# undeclared war against crat) by a mere 33 votas. Selkirk singled to right to score aggression and treaty break Chino. N ear W here Boy and Gfarl Giants: Oeeettt mode a neat stag) greatly deplored by the Japan- Deiaocrats Lsae Aldermen two more runs and sent Hubbell td of Wbltehead*a bounder behind sea- ers and asserted ’’America ac The foreign office spokesman Democrats appsreatly lost con- the showers. ese people.” openly raised the question of Mr. ond base and threw him ouL Hub- f, tively engagefl in the search “Japan’s population has doubled W ere Slain a Week Ago. Patrick H. O’Brien D efeats trol -of the Board of Aldermen by Gumbert lasted only long enough beU lashed a long drive that SelklrR 10 votes. Each party nominates for peace.” during the post SO years. Being (UBBttniied OB Page fw a) to allow Tony Lozserl to get on base caught on tbe bank a few feet Foreign nations today were eight candidates for the board and on an by Burgess Whitehead, front of tbe stands. Moors wag New York, Oct. 8.— (A P )—Squads A . F . of L Man at Prim ary 15 are elected. The eight Republi- bringing in Hoag arith the sixth run. thrown ouL Gomes to Gehrig. T1i9 quick to point to the address can and Independent Democratic Dick (Coffman, curve-ball right- pitcher mode a nice atop o f s hard ‘ of detectives investigating the four- as intimation that the United candidates apparently received more hander and tbe 's nit grotmder. „ i States is ready to abandon her day-old "Scarlet Circle” alaying of — Place O ther Candidates votes than the low man on the top relief pitcher, waa then sum- No runs, no hits, no errors, non# FINANCES, TOPIC CHINESE BLOCK Lewis Weiss, 30, and his sweet- Democratic ticket, although the moned from the Giants’ buU-pen to left. policy of neutrality, and to margin waa ao slim that shifting of heart, Frances Hojek, 19, today take over. Yankees: Gomes groundsd out OR support world action to main- Detroit. OcL 8.— (A P )—The Com- a few votes would have given the tbe flrst pitch, JFHitehead to Mo- tain peace. rounded tip a weird band of organiz- AS GOP LEADERS JAPS’ ADVANCE ed Peeping Toma known locally os mittee for Industrial Organlzetion, PLAY BY PLAY Corthy. Crosettt filed to Moots wttfliJ (Osatlnoed Or. Page •'ea) But they disagreed as to its the "Queens Gunners.” successful in nominating its candi- By ALAN GOBLD the count thrse and two. RoUfl ** hoisted a short fly to Moors, . feasibility. Admittedly up against on appor- dates for mayor snd <3ty Oouncll- Yankee Stadium, Nsw York, OcL SEE HAmiTON ant atone wall in their search for 6.— (A P )—The 1937 World Series No runs, no hits, no srrora, msw League of Nations spokes- ON A im O N T S men in yesterds/s non-partlsen pri- opened in a foggy setting today os left. i- men at Geneva coifsider^ the tell-tale clues in the crime, discover- ed last Sunday afternoon when a mary, claimed a ’’substantial vlc- PRICESOFMEAT rival left-handed aces, (^ 1 HubbeU FODRTH DfNINO speech a timely spur to League tqfy” today in its first major politi- and Vernon Gomes, pitched for the Giants; Bortell flled deep to Hoaff stroller found tbe bullet-pierced plans to summon signatories National Chairman Stops Off cal campaign. Giants and Yankees, in the fifth re- on the first pitch. Ott was throws Foreign O hservers Deny lo- bodies of the yotmg couple slumped newal ot tbe oil New York rivalry. to the nine power treaty into In a cor in the woods near Q u e ^ CIO candidates did not lead the SEEN ON DECLINE cut on a pretty ploy, LaxaeH to field, but its mayoralty candidate, Skies were overcast and mists Oehrifl. Tony grabbed a tricky hote i consultation to deal with the at New London to Disimss Village, Long Island, police ques- Patrick H. O’Brien, former Demo- shrouded the scene. Tbe field was per on the run behind second boasa ’ Taders’ Shanhmg C laim s tioned four men known os “gun- Sino-Japanese conflict. cratic attorney-general of the state, soggy after heavy over-night rains. Leiber popped to Losserl who bach- Britain’s Cabinet met to consider Policies With the Chief- ners." beat John W. Smith, present bead Attendance was for below capa- ed up on tbe gross for the catch.'. both the Spanish and Oriental war- Siaiigh ai A ttacks Fafl, Deputy Chief Inspector John J, of the City Council who waa en- H owever in General P r i(»$ city and estimated from 43,000 to No runs, ao hits, no errors aOna fare, considering the President's Ryan said one of tbe men waa a dorsed by the American Federation 60,000 at gome time. Only the left. t bleachers and boxes, representing words to be an offer of co-operation t a b s of T h b State. C h bese Active b the A ir. of Labor. Richard W. Reading, A re StiU High Compared Yankees; DiMagglo roUed out; in ending at least tbe Far Eastern (Oonttnued oa Page Seven) present city clerk, was high man In the two extremes in seat prices, Whitehead to McCarthy, Gehrig conflict theTleld of five for the mayoralty were flUed. Notables on hand in- fanned, swinging whil* the orot^ cluded former president Herbert Germany’s foreign office, through New London. Oct, 6— (AP) —Ns. Shanghai, OcL 8.— (A P )—The nomination and will contest with With Last Six Years. roared. Dickey grounded ouL Mo- Us official newspaper, however, O’Brien in the Novemter 3 election. Hoover and Postmaster (toneral Corthy unaaslsted. tu>nal Chairman John D. M. Hamil- Japanese advance on all China James A. Farley. wanted to know exactly to which ton, on his flrst stop in a swing OFnCIAL EXPLAINS Reading bolds a withdrawal card The batting order: No runs, no hits, no errorsL nations and tresUes the President through the New England states, fronts from Shanghai to the for from tho Typographical Union. lefL North was reported today to have Chicago. Oct. 6.—CAP)—Butch- Giants Yankees referred. met with Republican chieftains of Out of nearly 327,000 votes, the ers and housewives are expected to Moore, If OoeetU, BO FIFTH INNING If he wishes to take the initiative (Connecticut and Rhode Island here been baited by stiffened Oilneae re- JOBLESS INSURANCE largest number ever cast In a De- Bortell, as Giants: Ripple dropped a slngla I sistance. In the Shanghai sector, be on slightly better speaking terms Rolfe, 8b in Improving world conditions, the today for an intimate discussion of troit city primary, Reading received soon. Ott, 8b DiMagglo, cf into right Arid. McCarthy aingliMl German foreign office article sold, party policies. the repeated Japanese thrusts 137,984; O’Brien 99,129 and Smith Leiber, cf Gehrig, lb post Lazzerl, aendlng . Ripple ta Behind closed doors in a New against the 38-inile line running Women who do the nation’s meat third. Tony got hia glove on the ball the President should determine 68,837. Two other candidates di- buying have been glaring haughtily Ripple, tf Dickey, o whether he “possesses strength London hotel, Hamilton began a northwest from tbe North Station but couldn’t bold iL Moncuso hit vided the remainder of the mayor- in recent weeks at fellows with McCarthy, lb Hoag, U enough actually to moke Justice tri- conference with delegations from were beaten back by sheer force of Com missioner Tone Gives alty votes; Clarence J. McLeod, for- Moncuso, c Selkirk, rf into a double play, CroeetU to umphant in the world.’’ the two states which he sold would numbers in hand-to-hand combat aprons and cleavers, who through no zeri to Gehrig, while Ripple crossed mer Republican Congressman, with fault of their own have been quot- Whitehead, 3b Loxzert, 2b "WlUoo Shipwreck” deal principally with Republican Far to the north, in the strategical- 19,542, and Ralph A. Phllbrook, on HubbeU, p Gomez, p the piste with the flrst run of tha finances. ly more important operations in ing many meat cuts in football game. Whitehead lashed a douhl* ’The paper warned the President attorney, with 1,251. signal figures. Umpires -Plate, Ormzby (A. L.); to remember the ’’shipwreck” of The' National chairman said tbe the rich provinces of Hopeh and off the right field Unc. Hubbefl^ Another Victory Recent sharp declines In livestock first base, Barr, (N. L.); second President Wilson when he sought to proposal for a mid-term national Shantung, reliable foreign reports Law W orks in T h is State. Not only did the (3 0 succeed in base, Baoii, (A. L.); and third base, grounded out to Gehrig, unoaaisteiL safeguard peace for all time conventiem before the 1938 Congres- bore out the Chinese claim that prices, reflect^ In lower wholesale One run, three hits, no errors, on* nominating O’Brien but it placed Stewart, (N. L.) left. through the League of Nations. sional elections would also be dis- Japan's push bod been stopped. its five caudidates for the City quotations of pork particularly, in- After a short conference at the dicated today this icy indifference Yankees: Hoag Hfted a Ugh fly. Japan warned officloUy that peace c. Bsed, and that be hoped to deter- In the eastern sector of the North Hartford. Oct. 6— (AP) — An Council among the 18 who will run plate between tbe umpires and rival may be “difficult to maintain" if mine in what way the National com- Cblna war cone, Japanese claimed for the nine Council seats in the No- of tbe housewife piay begin to melL captains, the crowd stood up while to BorteU on the first pitch. Boh explanation of how unemployment However, meat prices in general, kirk hoisted to Rlppla la short demands of tbe natloos ..which mittee could beat aid tbe state or- that their strongly mechanized col- compensation laws work in Connec- vember election. Altbougb six in- the band in deep center field played “have not” colonies and raw materi- ganlzatlons. umn hod Invaded Shantung prov- cumbents, who had A. F. of L. in- which have been at six-year high the national anthem. righL Lazzerl went (town swinging ticut and other New England states as HubbeU retired the TankeM la - als ore ignored. Heading the Rhode Island delega- ince completed the capture of tbe waa made public today by Labor dorsemenL led the 8eld of 66 candi- levels, are expected to remain relo- FIRST INNING ’The two capitals, Madrid and Giants: Moore grounded out to order for the fourth straight la- Commissioner Joseph M. Tone, ad- dates, Maurice Sugar, attorney for nlng. Vtnklng. that ore lighting enemies (OsBtIniMd OB Page T n ) (OSBtlBBBd OB PBg* n*B). ministrator of the act In this state. (Ooatlnued On Page Tea) Gehrig unassisted. Bortell singled the United Automobile Workers of No runs, no Uta, no errors, ’ on oppoMte sides ot the world view- The explanation, drafted by tbe America, placed seventh; Richard 1 the President’s words os threats regional interstate conference of un- left. T. Fronkensteen, assistant presi- their foes. employment compensation adminis- dent of the U. A. W. A., ninth; SIXTH DfNINO trators, follows: Giants: Moore dribbled a aingid Praise From Spain Tracy M. Doll, president ot the through the middle ot th* «iie«y>nA . The Sodalist newspaper of Volen- Federal Super Diplomat "The first general rule la that If Hudson U. A. W. A. Local, thlr- Gold Is Found Valuable you work for on employer who Is BorteU filed to Selkirk. Ott foulM ) do, seat of the Spanish govern- toenth; Walter P. Reuther. presi- to Dickey who made tha catch ha - ment, rang with praise for “ this subject to the unemployment com- dent of the Detroit West Side U. A. pensation law o f your state, you are front of tbe Giants’ dugouL Taihwr mighty opinion’’ and rejoiced at the Lets Inquirers Down Easy W. A. Local, fourteenth, and R. J. In Tuberculosis Treatment filed deep to Hoag. weight It would carry in Geneva. entitled to unemployment benefits Thomas, president of the Cliryaler under certain conditions, vhien srou No runs, one Ut, no errors, Mr. Rooeevelt’s enUre speech was L«cal and International vlce-pnai- left. become unemployed. Money col- St. Louis, OcL 8.— (A P )—G old,f spread on the fnmt pages of Madrid ^J[“ ***‘*^*®*j’ —OneAsaying he woa on orphan, ooked for dent of the U. A. W. A., seven- From 8 to 8 grams of the gold Yankees: Gomes walked, wlt% newspapers without comment but of the nation’s super-diplomats is lected under this law Is jiooled in a teenth. often charged with money as being solution were injected after a 13- permission to operate a news stand fund'from which benefits ^wlll be the count three and two, CraasM with the headlines, “Americans man you probably never heard of— on Federal property. I Labor, os represented by tbe CIO. "the root of aU evU’’, was credited bour fast. Dr. Teas explained. Only singled sharply to left, Qomeu sf Wont Peace: Rooeevelt BnergeUcal- W. T. Scott, the government’s let- peyabte to you during Jobless today with curative effects in some “ F- S.,“ he added, *T am the main periods in proportion to your previ- celebrated with all-night parties, a light meal foUowed to minimize Oondemna PoUcy of Invaoion and the-folks-down-essy man. support of my mother, slater and brass bands, dancing and oratory, cases of tuberculosis. compUcationz, chief, of which woe (Ooatlaaed ea Page IbR) Scott, head ol the site privilege ous earnings. Fifteen of 26 tubercular patients Fascist Blackmail;’’ "Roosevelt Ae- brother." la Force Jaa. 1 what It considered its triumph at beavy-meta] potoonlng. eusee ProvocaUve Nations." unit, has to pass on 300-odd coses the polls. who received an Injection of prepar- An earnest letter cams from n “There is a brief explanation for Dr. Teas ztoted “there ia a very TREASURY BALANCB ^ In Nanking, a spokesman for monthly involving Federal property man who wanted tbe government to Buch employees: O’Brien did not participate in the ed gold showed “fairly encouraging*’ small number' of tuberculosis pa- Oenerallsslmo Kai-Shek's govem- and deaUng with every th i^ from erect a monument to tbe memory of *Tf you lose your Job and ore un- festivities, but he said his sup- ImprovemenL Dr. Melvin Teas re- tients, probably one or two per cenL Waahington. O ct 6.—(A P )—^ aaent declared the speech was disturbing the bones of pet cats to porters had “every reasou to be ported in the American Review of his “hiatericol ancestors." employed at any time after January in whom the use of gold is indicat- position ot the Treasury on OctolMi “gratuying to CStina os evidence denying memorials to scalped aneee- 1, 1938, you can. collect cash bene- happy." Tuberculosis. ed. Thia group would consist ot ps- 4; '4 tors. A traffic director wanted permii- that America is emsrging from iso- slon to place a sign 80 feet by ip fits unless another Job can be found O’Brien’s Statement In tbe same 18-month study, only Uents with recant Involvement in Receipts, 8S6,798,328A7: rntwR lationism and neutrality.’’ A aenee o f humor belpa." laugh- feet on a post office corner to show for you. In a formal stotemenL he said: four patients in s control group not whom the disease la acute or sub- turaa, 136,608,744.88; halaacab C| “Especially weloome," he sold, ’is ed Scott, who works for the super- bow dangerous the corner was. “Benefits ore payable after a *7his la the first stof^—and a very receiving the gold Ihjei^ons Im- acute." 887,130,838A7; customs rseatets te Mr. Roosevrit’s ImpIM condemna- violng architect of the treasury, “in Scott gets many rsquests to place waiting period of at least two or important Mie^toward the final proveil All those treated were ad- He warned against use of tbe gold the month, 48,080,078AS. tion o f Japan when he said ’without fact, it keeps you sane." advertising on Federal property. On three weeks from the time you victory in the election on Nov. 2 vanced cases at KocB hospital, a treatment by general practitioners, Recetpta for th* flaoal yaar (i warning or Justiflcatlon eiviliana He sends polite answers to lettera being told "no" an ambitfcnis mer- register at the nearest public em- which will result in a fine, clean, sanatorium here. but added ^ shall not hesitate to July 1), 8U09A08,338A8; ''are b e i^ ruthlessly murdered.’ Uks these: chant submitted a second proposal, ployment office operated by the Progreeslve government of Detroit Gold-sodium - tblosuiphate, con- use gold in the future, subject to tures, f2,040.9n,758.74, “n o understand why the United A man from the southwest want- which he claimed carried no adver- state emidoyment service. taaponaive to the aims ot UberaUsm taining 87.4 per cent metal, increas- certain limitations." 8S63.088.089A8 o f ematgancy States deelics to avoid thia (Sino- ad to commemorate the 18 original tising. It arould read: “Benefits ore paid only if you are and labor In this country. ed the body'reslstance and stimulat- Oiratlve effects of gold were penditures; azoeas of able and willing to work. Unemploy- Japoaeee) w w but laolatiotrism is stotea. The list bs sent in for ^ “ This building was erected by the “We con aU rajolce together that ed'formation of scar tissue, Dr. claimed oa early os 13 years ago, $8S1.468AS5J6; gross dabt. M the way, China agrees with the proval incloded Oklahoma and msnt compensation does not cover the cause of progress, humanity Tess sold. Increased resistance in- but the study Just oompletod waa U. B. governmenL This sign donot- those disabled by injury or Otoees. 932,74S,030X>7. aa inersaa* o f . Texas. *4 by------A C5o„ dealers in abosA and liberalism has aron a subston- cluded lowered temperatures, a gain the first mods with adequate labora- 731.98 oTtr tiM prasioaa day; An cx-soIdler from the midwest. (Tooerlca mad cIoth|«." in weight and a more favorable tory testa throughout, tbe phyat- — ts, .113,783.903,43L44, 21,^06L4« of iaacte WAWCHB5TBR EVlWTNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER «, 188T~ h C, " . ' l Y . . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER «, IM t PAGE THREE : ^ fore, but the offer made by tlie Dtum estate for Ita holdings was ad- MSCEUfflEODS SHOWER judged satisfactory and a unanimous ONCE NURSE HERE, SELECTMEN FACE ths West Uda, and oas'of ths prss act estabUsblng It, wUl organise vote was recorded for the purchase. BOARD SIGNS CONTRACTS ACTION NOT TAKEN eat supernumeraries aoay bs named next month. HELP STOMACH The property to be purchased oon PARTY FOR MISS FOLEY Y. M. C A. ENTERING POLICE COMMISSION tonight as a regular. The supsr- sists of a dwelling and amaller out- IN SINO WAR ZONE A BUSY SESSION GOVERNMENT SPENDING numsrartes are Leotsr E. Bahrend, Q UAKE IN BfEXIOO DIGEST FOOD houses and a large lot o f land, 349 ON LYNCH SUCCESSOR Ludua Thrall and Georgs L. La- HkhMl Utsdns— a d TeW llsl feet frontage on Maple street and Miss Anne 6. Foley of Birch TO REBUILD £. CENTER ST. ITS 7TH SEASON ORGANIZES TONIGHT throp. Mexico City, Oct. 6.— (A P )— A 169 feet on Spruce street. Work on Street to Be Married Next Tastarday the Board of AoSaosera modarata earth tnm or at 3:47 a. gm mt 1 w ..5 w r. w m m IS NEARLY A T AN END Correction of Liatinr in Herald fMOi m g »m jm jm Mww m, twitii m remodeling the former Dunn borne Monday to Rockville Man. m. rocked buildings, toppled orer Miss Dorothy Phitt One of Several Matters h it Over Account of Selectmen’s Ap- , , _ organised with Emil L. G. H


■Me at 62 Talcott avenue where The care of the toaane amounted to society will meet at the home of ! Dr. Sloat announced In church Sun- they will be at home after Novem- $776.18. Hospital bills cost $289.16, Mrs. Homer Lane, at Pleasant Val- day morning that It wraa very suc- ber lit Mr. McLean holda a poil- HEBRON and widows’ aid amounted to $61.00. MARLBOROUGH ley. Tbe subject of the meeting U cesafuL Manchester Uon aa ahlpping clerk at the Merrill This amount is partially offset by to be "(?blld Welfare” with Mrs. i M t I l i ' i i l M receipts from the state and from Machine Corporation In Hartford. The Hebron Cora Huskers’ foot- Miss Mary Johnson o f Durham la Hattie Lane as hostess. family of Manchester were guests Date Book Announcement la made of the other towms responsible for stipport of Leon O. Woodworth Sunday. ball team met with defeat at the of some of the poor who live here spending a few dajra with her niece Tbe Ladles Aid society served a recent marriage of Mra Cora Weir bands of the Middletown Silver A. Mrs. Henry J. Blakeslee. dinner for about sixty workers for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson of This Week of High etreet to Clarence Smith, but have not gained a legal resi- Hartford visited Mr. and Mrs. Ca, to a game played Sunday fore- dence. Teachers’ salaries totaled Mr. and Mra. Howrard B. Lord the towm meeting on Monday noon. OcL 9. — Annual semi-formal BUDCn also of thla city. Mr. and Mra. noon on the Mlddlefleld field. The and son, Robert, spent the first of The (Tburcb School Board will hold Evorstte Robertson Sunday. dance by American Legion at Raln- Smith are residing at 138 High $7,850, with reimbursement from Hebron boys were quite badly de- the week with relattvea In Blast their regular monthly meeting at Edward DeWoIf of Springfield, bow Iin Bolton. street. Bockville. the state of 7.0 per ce,iu The school Maas., former postmaster at West feated, but explain this by the fact supervisors’ report shows that four Greenwich, R. L tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. William Coming Events FOR YEAR APPROVED Held Meeting that they were not to good practice, WUllngton, is making an extended OcL,6.—First of winter series of The Longview Parent-Teachers’ pi pUa of the Hebron schbola had a Mrs. Alice Forbes of Suffield is Slmler. The pastor. Rev. Douglas V. this being their first game for the vlalt with bis sister. Mra. Eleauior dances of Knights o f Columbus at association met last evening at the perfect attendance recqrd for the spending a few days with Mr. and Maclean will begin a series of lec- season. Mrs. Henry J. Blakealee. Hansen. Country Club. iM a l of $232,500 Is Voted at Longriew school. Miss Sarah Rob- entire year. They were Rina Bor- tures for church school teachers and Tbe midweek fellowship service erts was the speaker of the evening. Live stock, fanning tools, house- sotl, Marian Hodge, Milton Porter Bari Isiraon of Worcester, Maae., offlcen at this time. OcL 26.—"The First La^y", a Last Night’s Meeting; Items hold articles and other items went will oe held Thursday evening at three-act comedy played by the and Alden Warner. The White spent the week-end with hla parents In the town of South Windsor 7:30 In tbe home of Deacon GMrge iBdnded in Setup. off at a lively rate at the auction School, Gilead, bad the blghest^ver- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson. there are 1270 voters and thera were Community Players and sponsored P. Bugbee at West WUllngton. by the Manchester Motbera’ club at held at the John Palmer place Sat- age o f attendance for the year, 97 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ouderklrk 1014 votes cast on Monday, 490 ■ Rodrvllle, O ct 6.—A t the annual urday. It was said to be the biggest Sunday guests of Mlsa Genevlere Whiton Memorial hall. STAFFORD SPRINGS per cent. Cash paid out by the toWm are vlslUng friends to WheeUng, W straight Republicans and 312 Gardner were Mr. and Mrs. Frank -town meeting held Tuesday night to auction Hebron has ever seen, some for the y ear amounted to $58,977.73. Va. From WheeUng they plan to Also Cotton Blossom Singers straight Rcpubllcana and 312 Benjamin and Mrs. Mary Gardner from Piney Ridge at Y. M. C. A. Iba Tofwn haU. a total of im ooo 200 or more being present. Reid and There remains a cash balance of go to Pittsburgh where they will Sons of Manchester were In charge. tickets and 13 rejected. The officers of Hartford and Mrs. Healy and Nov. 6. — Husking Bee at SL was voted aa the Selectmen s budget Mr. and Mre. Levi D. Gary will $2,939.11 In the treasury. spend some time with their daugh- Cows sold for $75 and $60 apiece. A chosen were as follows: Assessor, Mlsa Underwood of Tolland. Bridget’s church. ,— Nurse association, $1,000; War old frlendi whom they had not seen Mrs. Della Porter Hills was again school harvest festival at the Moore months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Gary urday. He had many callers during in our profeaaiona] Integrity SSmorlal Fund, $500; Dog Warden for many years. They were Mr. and elected as town clerk, town treasur- 5Ieadow school Saturday afternoon. rrs NEVER TOO LATE and ethical standards, impcia Kalsomine miscellaneous, $250; sinking have a daughter. Miss Emma Gary Mr.;. William Bcnnls and Mr. and er, and agent of the town deposit .the day. Mr. Bollea Is the oldest The spacious grounds were fe.stlve, an increasing number of S "H $7,500, making a grand total at home, and a son EUu'l Gary of fund. person In town. Mrs. Lawrence Sparks of Stamford, three flower gardens in full bloom Milwaukee, W ls .-(A P )—You’re thoughtful persons to bring 35< «r $283,500. Stafford Hollow. also Mr. Miner’s nephew, Harry The Democrats elected Clarkson Inclosed by white birch pickets, the never too old to learn, says Dr. tbair prescriptiona hare. 25® « T b e Board of EducaUon was William Hanley son of Mr. and Miner, of East Haddam. F. Bailey as auditor and the Repub- log cabin made by tbe school chil- Lewis E. Drake, and he can prove Mrs. Bernard Hanley of Howland licans elected (diaries E. Hilding. A beautiful vtlvaty fin- mtantsd periateslon to have the un- Miss Marjorie Martin of Dalton. dren gay in trimming, two long IL From tests made with 1,000 ith. Won’t rub or ptaL gned school building in the Elast avenue, has resumed hla studies at Mrnia., and Mra. Caroline Cameron Mark H. W. Hills was elected tax WAPPING tables .of vegetables, fruit, flowers, adults at the University of Wiscon- WELDON DRUG CO. tool yard on School street re- collector. Edward A. Smith has held Roof Cooling In S-gol. Connecticut State College at Stores, of Lanes boro, Mass., motored her;- children's work and a display of sin extension division here, he found cent...... adiegoL after spending the week-end at hla Sunday and called on Mrs. T. D. this office for several years post, The Turasca Girls club, held their pets and people moving about the that persona from 40 to 46 years of Prearrlptlon Pharmaclsta •Hie members of the supervisory home here. Martin and Miss Louise Hollister. but did not care to run again. first Fall meeting at the Wapplng midway visiting and enjoying much age were better students than 903 Main SL We DeUveir ilttee for Drove Hill cemetery Mias Vera Cuman of Prospect Mrs. Cameron formerly lived to Grand jurors elected were: Ames Community church bouse, with the of the thrill of a large Agricultural youths of IS to 16. Tha older stu- Dial 5821 . reappolntod as follows: Colo- street, is employed at the Converse Meriden end was an old friend of W. Sisson, d., J. Kellogg White, d.. following members present; Blanche Fair dents received 24 A ’s and three D’a Francis T. Maxwell, George Ar- home In Eaglsvllle. Mrs. MarUn and Miss Hollister. Stephen Stanek, d., PhlUp Motz. r., Belcher, Pauline Chapman, Florence Clinton Eldredge with the towm in college courses, compared to 17 nld, Jr., and Frederick W. Brad- Miss Catherine Berry accompanied Miss Emily Dankers of Hartford Morris Goldstein, r.. Harold Gray, Dewey, Alice Stratton, Mary Mc- scraper Is repairing roads. A 't and 13 D’s for the younger by Miss Loretta Reilly of Water- spent tbs week-end with Mra. Stanley Mllkusky and Loren Frac- Guire, Edith Carroll, Betty McGuire, Mr and Mrs CTharles Mlske en- group. lAttanisy Saul Pelber wms the bury, student nurses at St. Mary's Clauds W. Jones. chla ware elected constablaa by tnc Warnita Eckenbarger, Marlon Snow tertained relatives from Bridgeport loderator at the meeting which was Dwight Martin, grandson of Mrs. Democrats, and Leo Gambolatl, Sunday. ttonded by about 75 persona. hospital to Waterbury, spent the and Ann Jllleon, with Mlsa Lola M. week-end at the home of Miss Ber- T. D. Martin, who la taking bis ssc- John Johnston, Jr., LoRoy Kinney Foster aa their leader. They are to Mrs. May Underwood, a member Inspertlnn Tonight ond year of blgh secbool work at and Harold Gray were elected to The reguw meeting of BufP** ry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph hold their meetings on Monday eve- of the WUllngton Hill church under- Berry on Morton street. Windham High schol. Is playing on the same office by the Republlca.is. nings Instead of Friday evenings as went an operation In New York. Oman’s Relief Corps wUl be held the second football team at Uie Carlton B. Jones, d., and John N. Miss Alberta A. Delmonico baa they did last year. The following ils evening la the O. A. R. hall, school. Hewitt, r., wrere again chosen ae resumed her studies at Connecticut girls were proposed aa members; ■ ‘lOn of officers will take Mr, and Mrs. Charles Larcomb registrars of voters. Apply on ____ M. Duoff of Olaston- College of Pharmacy in New Haven, Lois Hendricks. Francis Strong and and son of Newington were at their The Rev. Harold R. Keen wae I Ona lp «t Only will be the Inspection officer after spending the week-end at her Hebron place at Burnt HUl for the elected to the board of education by I Ruth Carroll. The following mem- end kill all iSa float wsd' she wtn be acoomphnled by home on High street bers were elected to office: Presi- on ihadoo or oat week-end. Mr. Larcomb was a the Democrats and Annla M. Wright O t^-SPO l dojt not lhambers of her staff. A ll officers Miss Bernice Hanley of Howland former school supervisor here. 'They was elected by the Republicans. dent, Betty McGuire; vice preeldent, roealiltfllLU Goat, a n asked to wear white, avenue, spent the week-end aa the called on friends to the village. The towm meeting, which had been I Pauline Chapman; treasurer, Mary Li^Bodbuw p A members’ supper will be jtorved guest of 5Ilss Sylphia Phelps at New Miss May Sparks and William was adjourned to Monday evening. \.McGuire; lecretary, Anna Socal. at • o'clock with Mrs. Berthe Britain where Miss Phelps Is a stu- Sparks of Larchmont were week- After the buslneie meeting, games GUil ID by ieSer as chatnnan to charge, dent at the Teachers Collage. were played and refreshments serv- > A M # M $ « | ! i n o e t ( other members of the commlt- end vtsltors at the home of the for- mer's brother-ln-Iaw and sUter, •PRACnCINQ FOR HEAVXV ed. They will hold their next meet- _ _ • High and Low haalt, re Mrs. Edith Rich, Mrs. Emma EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED BCS81A HUNTS ABCnO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weyman. ing at the home of Marion Snow, on SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS • Beaulliul copies oi very pumpt, itrop modeli Galvaalzed Ev.^w Ura. laabell Newell, Mrs. Mary At AD Dniggltts and Pet Shops. I f you were to buy this luxurious living room under WnX-O’-THC-WUU’ Town reporta distributed at the Newcastle, England,— (A P — En- Monday evening at 7:30, October •xpendva origlnalt omaxingly RtDUCED lO-qt. Pall Champagne. Mrs. Elsis Scbmalx, the famous maker’s name you’d pay $8oT Wards reg- Edith Symonds and Mrs. Rose towi) meeting Monday show that voy L. Lowe, Newcastle Salvation 11th. It ti to be an Initiation of the ONE SPOT DISTRIBUTING CO. RICHARD STONE Rushed from the style centers of New York and tha towm of Hebron has spent $2,- army veteran, celebrated- hla 92nd OPTICIAN ular low price is $60— now it’s sensationally alaahed Oechowskl. Moscow— (A P )—The Ice-breaker new members, and also a birthday Woonsocket, B. L DRASTICALLY REDUCED for 3 days—right at ; The meeting will start at 8 o’clock Sadko and a seaplane have set out 921.25 the past year to caring for birthday by taking an airplane ride. party to honor of Paulina CHiapman. Wm. J. Bergeron, Uptoroetrlst the height of the Fall season I Beautiful new styles for T H R E E D AYS O N L Y I Compare this quality ita poor. These figures are quoted 789 Main SL State Theater Bldg. TeL 4720 *’sS'*Y9 ® and a class of candidates adU be to search again for Sannikoff land, " I ’m just practicing for heaven,” Next Friday afternoon, October Dlstrlbntor oovering New England to match every Fall ensemble I Suedes— patents— anywhere—examine the rich upholstering—sit in an laland Arctic expeditions have from the recapitulation of expenaes. he told interviewers. 8 at two o’clock the Ladles Aid Sturdy . . . galvanlatd M tlated during the session. and New York. kids— everything you could wish for in shoes! the deep, sumptuous cushions— then BU Y A'T Prisadly Class Social tried fruitlessly to find for more THIS "GIVEAWAY” LOW PRICE! . . . taamt won’t Inakl . The October social and meeting than 125 years. Hurry—buy while at this exciting low price I CASH Of the Friendly Class of the Union The ship and plane also will ex- IN ON WARDS CARNIVAL DAYS I Pay only 55 Down, 55 Monthly, Plus C arrying Chargo Congregational church will be held plore the northern sea route around evening at 8 o’clock. A pro- Novoslbrlsk Islands, studying the gram will be presented by a trio Ice, water and weather conditions In S«m Morse Business college to the area. If they find Sannikoff ih A n n i v e r s a r y S a l e Compare with 2 5 c V a lu e I I*"-’ - ■artford. Including Russell Williams 15 land, the explorers will leave a 'iba’S 1 o f Bristol, Pete Placcnte of Hart- Compare this value group there with a metcorolorlcal ALL THIS WEEK AT fbrd. and John Wilson of Bmad station to pass the winter. Brook. TIME Miss Ruth Wilson, who Is well known to junior minstrel circles In RAYON UNDERWEAR F E L T B A S E R U G S Broad Brook, will also appear on The TEXTILE STORE the program. COST ME PLENTY) Wardi scooped tbe market to bring W e sold TH O U SAND S at this The business meeting will be call- Next To the Bank 913 Main Street, Manchester yon this record-breaking price! 9x12 Siza ad to order at 8 o’clock by the pres- R E A D Y ! sensationally L O W price a Vests, bloomers, pantieil Rein- ident, Mrs. Anna Bilson. Hal TO BORROW "ESMOND” ALL WOOL BLANKETS forced at all the wear point!— for week ago! ON SALE again for a t y Court Case 79 Peter C. Botienmayer of Belden Regular $10.00 Quatit)’. f Y C double servicet Cut full! 3 days only. They’ll sell like The doctor said I needed new Speelal ...... mils, Norwich, was before Judge 2V hot cakes, so COME E A R L Y I glaiies which would have cost me John E. Fisk to the Rockville a t y Court on Tuesday for a violation of more money. I put off getting the rules of the road. Ha was ar- them because I didn’t have the laited by State Policeman Leland B. Regular S8.9 5 V a lu e Price Slash e d on Cable. He was fined $5 end coete cash and I don’t like to borrow o f 811.81 adth the fine being re- money. My eyte got to bad I mitted. couldn’t keep my Job. That time Kleanbore Shells Funeral of Alfred. Rosenberg NEW O IL H E A TER! it cost me plenty not to borrow. The funeral of Alfred Rosenberg.nbe g9cboxup HAND CLEA NER 56, for many years one of Rock- Cottage Sets odorleis warmth at R9gular lowpriea 1$ $32.95 ville's leading business men, will be LOANS—ALL PLANS m On tala 3 days only I Powerful, com- low price I Giant orange- O f Marquisette and Now held at hla home, 2 Lawrence street, Quick, private, (riendljr, limple VVhy trust Inferior grade or pact, convenient. Removes imbedded flams burner radiates on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. moist, healthful heat competitive ahelJe when the Organdie and lurftce dirt from pUcei larger Rev. K. Otto Klette, pastor of the Only ONE thing needed to get t through 1-2 rooms. Auto- price la so Uttle different and 95 lir s t Lutheran church, will officiate loan here; the ability to make vacuums can't reach. Weighs but matic Draft Control I Ful- and tlie Masonic ritual will he car- small, regular payments on any your success results from ac- 5Vi ibt. For npholitery, car inta- ly porcelalned finiihl — ------Ruffled Tie Backs S3 Oowiv S 4 Month, C arrying Charga ried ouL Burial will be in Grove I plan selected. Come in TODAY. AVINCHESTER MODEL 37 SINGLE GUN curate sheila? riortl Hill cemetery. In Cream and Ecru Partable Keraiene Stave...... # 3 * 8 8 Mr. Rosenberg conducted the Star Stjied like ’■MOST OF TH E W IN N E R S USE KLEA.NBORC” regular Hardware store on Union street for $9.35 a doable 91.19 35 years, retiring from business PERSO N AL> Plain Hemmed MEDICINE about a year ago. The finest warraBtad tingle, automatic ejector, all gaogea. Marqulsetta FINANCE CO. / In Ecru and Cream CABINET Price Slash e d $151 City Hospital Report 3k eflnvpntent ofTlee* In Hunting: Coats Reduced 3 Days Only! The TtpoTt of the Rockville O ty 7.V) Mfkln Mtreet. R o o m 3« Stn to T lio a to r 1 C U R T A I N S Bay boepilBl for the month of September llltls . Twl. 34:u ^ > lr. Vols. 831 Moln 88« New 1938 model I Com- has been Issued by 5Irs. Agnes H. • frrwt, Honni 1. orer Oranl’fl tCoro. Figured or Pin DoL Hemmed Scranton Nets pare anywhere I You T f I. M p . l.evlne. $3.95 and Headed. Begn- A real aavingt This $2SI Gets Europe I Fin- lAxzerin, supermtendent. The fol- Adjustable Tops 95 CO AL-W O OD RA N GE lowing Is the report m detail: Num- Ur 08c. Speelal! Pr. large cabinet with one ger Tip Tuning with 23 n«t* of Interwat <3) per rout montliw Waterproof d u c k , double white cnameltd thalf. selectors I Giant Projec- _ Even at $64.95 you aaved ber of patients In hospital Septem- I* 4in unpaid principal not exceeding S3 Down Regularly $79.9.1 Now stitched, with corduroy collar totone speaker I High F i- 40% at Wardal N ow a ber 1, 1937, 26; numoer of patients 9HN). and p ercen t m tin tlilx on nny WINCHESTER AND ITHACA SSM onl/i rcmnlndcr. and rubber lined, bloodproof Colored Nets Pair delity! Automatic volume apecial tale pries tavst admitted during the month, 38; out C arrying Chargo game pocket to rear. A real control I you $15 morel Strong, patients, 24; total treated. 88; dls- REPEATERS—$42.50 Ruffled hlarqulaette For Den or Sun Room heavy conitruction. Por- 88 duirged, 70; X-rays, S3; accidents. buy at this prlca. 4 Tube Battery Set. . . . Ask to see the new Ithaca pump now on display. It's tbe CURTAINS .9 1 8 .9 5 celain finish. 30 qt. cop. 13; births, 9; operations, 21; largest best pointing gun you ever saw. Radia " B " Batteries, reg per reservoir. lO-loaf Bomber trsatsd. 80; smallc.st num- 41 Inches wide, 3 >4 yards 95e . 7 9 c oven I ber treated, IS; dally average, pa- long. Pin Dots. ^ g tiU r $1.00 Pequot Sheets tlaoU, 19. Hunting Caps pair. SpecUl! Turkish Towels Cheat Cllnir. LOUIS S. JAFFE DOUBLE BARREL VALUES 691 Stain 3U Pair 81x90” Regular $15.45 Value! A cheat clinic will be held at the Fnooc 5892 SPRINGFIELDFTZelaD DOUBLES—DOL-d LCS-” O C 89c 72x108” . . rooms of the Rockville Visiting ReooU Fads and Ivory S ig h ts ...... 98c'* .... $1.29 “ Oannon” Fancy Check, AH Re g ularly $ 2 9 ,9 5 1 Horse association In the Prescott C.ASES— Colors. 20x40” . ra m LEFEVEB NITRO SPECLALS— Ehctra heavy duck, double AU Sixes block on Tuesday afternoon, October 3'"$1.00 Double Threflul...... a OC 1$, Patients will be referred to the The strongest Lock on any gun made . $30.85 stitched, with earlapa CLOSET OUTFIT Hinic by their family physicians. Petition Referred . A t the Common Council meeting T W I N B A R B I K E ! Tbaoday evening, a petition was re- 95 M lved from Manager Ernest Links at the Palace theeter asking for lillill A sturdy, speedy BUtP— •anday afternoon matinees starting RF.LUSTKKRD OI»TICIAN now at a 3-day aavinct C$ 3:80 o'clock. The petition was PKRSCKIPTIO.N8 FILLED Equipped with torpedo referred to the Ordinance committee Me have a Mlectlon of tha imw - Rifle Telescopes It's quick acting and thorough. Stainless Vitreous ast style rraines. fender light, etrcamllnad «« China. Attractive! Compare! •lid It is expected that the comrait- Lined ^ Bough Weave ■ ilflll 24 will present an ordinance at the $6.39 carrierl See itt O iu iid l meeting' on Tuesday eve- Oompllmeotary Adjuetmeata. HUNTING 2 CcU 2 Cell d Lcn 5 Cell 'pm ; October 19. Wlncheeter, Lyman, Weaver KNIVES 4Se 49c 80c $1.09 Wedding Annooneed Boy On tbe tiudget Plan and Moesberg. Scopes will to* DRAPES t la nude of the A T JAFFE ’S DRAPES EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS crease your aiming efficiency ;e o f Mlaa Ethel Aboro Kibbe NO EXTRA (;HARUB ^ R p t, Qreea u d ' Brown illKIl Taloott avenue to WUlard Me- 59c Leas Batteries' about 80%. in Bed o r M oot 0 a ty g o f Glastonbury wrhlch took Oamplete Line of Speelel! Bet .... 9 1 eojO

market evils and a buaJrad other AOVERTIBEMENT— ADVER-nSEMENT— LITTLE RED SCHOOL York will elect b governor next should be obtained by a period of Board of Relief post -Bach receiv- state prison in Wsthersfleld on a Morris June 11, 1854 and after en- mattara ot real eonearn about which year, and Farlay baa never indleatad rest either immediately after lunch- ed 1,097 votes. charge he killed Henry Bell, anoth- Tbara la one spot in the United HALE’ S TO OFFER SHERIFF. TUCKINGTON gaging ia various busineas enter- the pollttelana have no real ideas Washington he would paaa up a job like that eon or In the middle of tbe after- New Haven—The Yale Under- er negro in East Granby June 20 in prises ran for tbe office he held so States, St least, where the people just now. noon and tbe patient should also n ew o r k graduate AthleUe Association elect- a quarrel over 50 cents lost in a long for the first Ume in lSl7. St slL I N Y refuse to acquiesce in the now pop- Daybook Moreover, he ts only 49 and try to relax at other times by a ed Albert Fueier of CSilcago presi- card gams. Sentence waa pasaed by DIES IN LITCHFIELD Ha served until 1911, suffered hia Tk> keep the minds ot the people should need no telescope to see the lessening of effort. The nervous pa- TIOGA (MMENTS dent and Joseph B. Stevens of New Superior Court Judge Arthur F. rOBUSKXD BT THB ular condemnation ot tha ''UtUe red By PRESTON OBOVEB only defeat, at the bands of C. C off their actual troublas, atir up residential ,)oaaibmUes for himself tient tries too bard and wastes con- JAPANESE WAB OPENING Rochelle, N. Y., aecretary. Ella. Middlebrooks of Winated and ran BBXALDPK^^a OOKPANT, Die schoolhouae” and, though tha moat I 1940, especlaUy If ha should win •cording to best reports. *T>spke" M BIim U tUMt soma Imaginary ones and- holler £ siderable energy in making hard HOLES IN N. T. STREETS Hartford—Superior Ck>urt Judge Had Held Office Nearly 30 again for the post In 1915, this time Washington—Jim Farley’s report- the governorship next year. is a corruption of tha Russian tor KaneSeeter, Oann. pacific of Americans, are willing to work our of almpls actions. Louis and "Ourrah” U tba way Arthur F. Ells set Oct. 26 as the DOG wnx BE *SEElNO Yeara and Served Two auccesofully. XaOMAB rBRaUBON your head off about them—that la a ed decision to quit tbe government And that raises a third point that Exercise is helpful, if csrrled only By OEOBOE BOSS Shapiro pronounces "Go Away.” B a r g a i n H ound date for trials of a group of union BYE' FOR BUND He waa said to have known al- 0«a*r«l IfaiMrar fight to a finish—in the courts—for device -ot political quacks as old, at and become an economic nobleman, may coma into pUy in his stride to the point of mild fatigue. Ehi- Unosoal Sale of Hand Knitted Terms in General Assembly. l^nna>< OetobT 1, IMI if not quite a royalist, ought to Silverman is allagad to be one truck drivers eb arg^ with con- COLLEGE GIRL moat every family ia the county and its preservation. Tha spot is Lam- least, as tha pyramids. And all from tbe mail pwebes to the ele- erdses which strengthen the sb- rescue him from a boat of pangs. New York, Oct. 6—The current of the “ Big Four” that bald tbs spiracy in connection with recent was regarded as having a clear un- Pabllaliaa Et * i7 EtmIbe Ex»pl peter township. Lancaster county, gance of Pleree^rrowdom. Genial domlnal muscles are particularly over tha world It la balng worked to Tba yeara of tbe open hand when uspIeasantneM in Shanghai has city in a ateel grasp. Sample Dresses to Be truck strike violence. Los Angeles— (A P )—They won’t Utchfleld, Oct. 6— (A P — RealdenU derstanding of farm conditions ow- Sandar* and Holldara. Batarad at iha Jim, the generous giver ot patron- beneficial. give the dog a diploma but he’ll Poat Offtoa at Maaebaalar, Oana, aa Pennsylvsnla; tha people are tha daBth right now. Farley was tbe lord high dispenser had soma Irritating repercussions But ths most romantic figure of Waterbury—Alderman George R of Litchfield county mourned today ing to hia early training, which age, is known and loved Iqr Demo- The patient should start on s defi- In New York City for the depart- all la Dixie Davis. A s counsel for share credit for toe bachelor of arts the death of Sheriff Frank H. Tuck- BaooBd Claaa Mall Mattar.______Mennonite and-Amiah farm folk ot of federal patronage ware pleasant erata the nation over. But if Genial O suns and sklei and clouds of June Guilfoile, (D ), 50, suffered cerebral caused him to see "eye to eye" with nite dietetic regimen. When the ment in charge of Mwera. the late Dutch Schultx, dapper Held at Local Store. dagrea that Louise Shull s ill seek ington, who held office for nearly tbe farm populaQon. SUBBCIUPnOM BATES years for a man o f his disposition. Jim should stay on during the years And flowers of June together Untoebriattag Cheer. hemorrhage at the 15th District that suiters community. change in diet carries the positive Among tbe city’s 7,000,000 In- Dixie was a atencil of a moving at Occidental college. Blind, Miss 30 years, served two terms in tha The sheriff served two terms tn Oaa Taar br MaU ...... U M To tha loyal party servants who of expected retrenchment and be- Ye cannot rival for one hour Wbat oould be more cheering polling place and was taken to S t These ‘'Pennsylvania Dutch" sec- WATERBURY ELECTION suggestion that it will bring im- habitants are a number of ex- picture underworld Is'wyer. Dew- SbuU appeared on the campus with General Assembly and was a mem- ths Genera] Assembly beginning in Par UoBtb by Mali ...... t M helped him make the party great come Jim the denier, bis lovablllty provement, excellent results be October’s bright blue weather. than a cup o f tea by tha fireside Mary’s hoApItU where his name Waa ABlX'Sr^ BIbeU Oapy ...... i *1 trema opportunlets. Thus when ey thinks be knows more about It Is more than unusual when her “ seeing e y e " guide to u k e up a ber of the State'Board of Pardons. Guaranteed Electrieal aad tarians are deeply oppoacd to all he could be liberal without stint, might be forgotten when time came Tbe poet Jackson who wrote after a brisk walk these snappy placed on toe danger list. 1879 and repretentlng Morria Be- Ballaarad Oaa T a a r ...... M .O d Llaut.-Govemor Frank Hayes' obtained. Good suggestion Is one word got around that Nippon was tbe city's racket set-up than any scholarship toe had won and an- The peace officer died last night sides he served from time to Ume for not in history was there such In 1940 to pick a man to save the those vrords must have been a_ lover Fall afternoons. New In tbe shops department store In a town tha size Hartford—Mose Davie, a Hart- Mechanical Auto Repairing sorts of frills. They dress soberly, of the moat important helps the pa- avid for scrap Iron, these e. o. a nounced she would study here four St his home here arier a 10-day lU- HEVBER OP THE AtaOCtATEO Watarbury Democratic machine had a prolonged period of the bulging living man — if he is atiU alive. of the autumn seaaon and who'isn't! are small tea kettles equipped with of Manchaster gets an opportunity ford negro, was under sentence of as first selactmao there, town treas- Rear 26 Cooper Street in a kind of drab uniform; they game from the Tigers. tient may possibly use snd be should looked about for saleable stock He has been a fugitive from an years in toe hope of becoming a ness. He was 83 years of age. PRESd a tremendously narrow escape from purse. With its harvests, its mellowness, life imprisonment today in the urer and postmaster. EstabDshad IM I Tba Aaaoalatad Pratt it axelatiraly To Farlay, Ufa biu been a con- suggest recovery to himself by and aelssd upon our sewer covers. indictment since early summer. electric heating units for making to be tha first to offer its customers short-story writer. stick to horses and frown on auto- But the times hs've ehsnged and Its yeUow, ripened days, its glori- tea at tba tables. W ill boll wstsr Sheriff Turkln^on was bom la He was Interested In the rehabUl- aatlUad to tba ota ot rapnbUeatloa defeat in tba city's election yeater- stantly expanding universe, snd if training hit mind to look forward In some reaches of tbs Bronx s line of merehsndlie thst stores in at all aawa dltpatahtt craditad ts It mobilea; they tha soil by tha tba hand that fed the patronage ous sunsets, its crimson foliage— It in seven minutes. Flnlsbed in un dsy whan Hayes himself was re- for a time he leaves a steadily to improvement day by day. these covers are o f mammoth size New York or Boston would be ar aot otbararlta crtdltad la thla b 'n s must now beat them back. shrinking patronage job to join up Horrey for Our Side strikes a respondent chord for every chromium, burnished copper or tpar tad alto tba loeal aawi pub- methods of their fsthars and grand- The mental load may be cut down — about 280 pounds each— and eager to obtain. Such is the ease in elected mayor by an unofficial plu- Most of the pie is gone snd the with a motor company it will be 8. Hurok, tbe moon-facad im- human amotion and that makes for brass with Ivory white handles they Btbad btralB. fathers— and constitute one of tha by the simple acceptance of that have a market value o f 35 in the rality of only 55 votes out ot a total msn who dispenses what Is left for right In cbaracter. pressario who likes to gam- happy Uving! are decorative as' well as useful ac- connection with s three-day sale of All rt(hta of rapublloatloot ot which can not be changed. The pa- mysterious marts that handle band-knitted Tioga sample dresses apaclal diapatebtt barala ara alto ra- most prosperous agrarian popula- the next three or four yeara wlU ble on foreign talent, stepped off cessories for aay tea table. ot about 38,000 over George T. Cul- tient may also make life easier by such materials. A doxen or so a boat the other day, happy that which starts Thursday at Hale's tions In tba coimtty. They are ax- bavs to aay “No” more often th*" Yoa AetnaUy Save hana, aomlasa o f a Republican-In- not expecting everything which be have disappeared and the har- Tioga yarns are made in nearby ''Tea” an American phenomenon has hundreds of dollars every year by Here’s a Bargain Poll oarrlet ellaat ot N. E. A barr. tremely rigid in their financial tries to turn out successfully. In- assed department of sewers la taken root in Europe — and died South Coventry by The National loa lao. dependent Democratic fusion. Farley may have tbe ability to hs'vlng a good radio in your home. in unbleached muslin— 27 inches stead it is better for him to do his thinking of fastening them *ln off here. He referred to ‘.he ethics— make much plesman'er debt- Though Mayor Hsyat may feel that say “No” and make ’em like it. but Health and Diet Think of all the money you would wide—on sale tomorrow for only Silk Co., Inc., and have already ~ Mtaibar AtDarleaa Nawapapar Pub- best and let the results be as they with concrete. It refuses to take “dead-beads” — lads who chisel ors than creditors for they pay and not In recent yeara has he bad much spend for tickets for footbaU games, 8c a yard. Where? Why Mont- made a name tor themsrives in llabara Ataoelatloa. a miss ts as good aa a mile, bis grip will. There roust be a shrugging sides In the Slno-Japaneae dis- free tickets, arrive late, rustle experience along that line. more than half tbe country. 1922 1937 they insist relentlessly on payment away of undue Intereats In either pute. conceits, the world series, etc; think gomery Ward's of course where the Pabllthara Rapratantatiaat: Tba on the political situation in hli home Advice programs, cough loudly and 'fin- of aU tha fun you’re missing if your Included in this group of sample KEMP’S success or failure. Outside diver- buyer always saves! Jalloa Matbawa Spaclal Abaney—Now And those of them who live In d ty baa been reduced to a finger- A stack of reason! oould be given By DB. FRANK MeOOT ally tell all their friends that tba radio's not up to snuff. Better dressea, etc., are two-pleoe aults, Torb, Cbtoabo. Datrolt and Bottoa. sion or recreation of a pleasurable Democracy Is Safe show la terribla. Hurok said ha Lampeter definitely did not want a hold, and the closeness of this elec- for Farley's decision to leave as kind will also lessen the mental load call PotUrton A Krah and have Reindeer for Eleganoe. three-piece cape draaees, sweater INCORPORATED KEltBER ACDIT BTREa O early aa possible to become ( ‘Victor McLaglen passed through found deadheads Infesting Vieu- them tote around a new one. Most and skirt and balmacaan ooats. New Deal centralised elementary tion may be regarded as an Indica- TREATMENT OF NERVOUSNESS and make his troubles lighter. town on his way to England and The fashion trend being toward ORCULATIO.VS. good report had It) the president na. Paris, Prague, Brussels and every make, any style, trade-ins, Every arUcle in thla group U school in place of their eleven little The most difficult thing for the settled one troublesome question— the luxurious and dIetincUve, the tion that be has won his last elec- of Pierce-Arrow Motor Company. The patient who is moderately Budapest although New York has terms and service psr-excellent! hand knit from genuine Tioga yarns Tha Rarald Prlnttn* Company Ine„ neurasthenic to face is that he has the reason for bis White Horse beeh singularly tree of them. This formal oostume demands ths finest attamat ao dnaaclal ratponttbillty uiatnct flcnools, and particularly tion, either for hltnself or any suc- Farley may never have measured nervous may expect a satisfactory What more could you ask! In accessories. One smart shop and sre styled for this Fall and tor typobrapbleal arrora appaartn# In been inclined to be selfish in bis troop on the West Coast. The radi- proves, the impresario concluded, Announcing Our recovery providing the following Winter. Oolors are- up-to-the-mln- they didn't want one built as a cessor of bis own choosing. them all out In bis mind in deciding point of view and that much of the shows matching bag, shoes and adTortltamantt la tba Manehattar cals have held the big fellow up to that tbe entertainment buslnese ute and tha color effects in these BTtalas Htrald. PW A project. this was tbe time to go. but bis de- conditions are meu he must be will- friction he finds in his environment Caiarni Flidas With Over-usa. glovea of reindeer in black or sable There seenu to be. In fact, a feel- cision turns the light on them, re- ing to do bis part toward correcting scotn for some time aa a bemedaled is on the decline in Europe but comes from this large Interest In Fascist with dictatorial leanings. Scenic wallpaper is best suited to brown. ' The shoes are glove-fit- garments sre gorgeous. Represents- Tbe school, however, was built ing that such victory as tbe Hayes gardless tbe causes of his nervous state: snd on the upbeat here. P. S. He bad self. A determination to become In- McLaglen says he has no plans rooms that are not lived in con- Ung with high slender heels, cut tlvei of the makers of Tioga yarns he must be willing to start right a portfolio filled with contracts. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER « that way and at a cost of 1125,000, machine did achieve was due to tbe First off, bis 312,000 a year job terested in others and to do things to take over the nation at any stantly. For tbe views that are low at the aides and fastened with say that these garments would sell where he stands now. It Is an ad- tha town board of education having failure o f a good many Republican as postmaster general Isn't fat for them will prove a valuable aid. time. His troopers are just a ao ebarmlng at a glance soon get a small silver buckle at tba ankle; in New York or Hartford for aot money for the new Jim Farley. ditional help If the members of the Dry Land Sailor The patient who perseveres in this bunch of good humored fellows tiresome. the glovea are bandsewn sUp-ona, less thsn 375. They are guaranteed overridden a three to one vote of voters to accept Mr. Culhane aa Like many another public servant, famUy will co-operate, but the pa- Broadway Hurly-Burly: Ed- CHICAGO SPEECH unselfish policy will find in the trou- who like t9 ride and wear uni- marvelously soft and cut slightly to be perfect In every detail, are the citizens against tbe project tbelr ideal of an opposition candi- his public life has enhanced his tient should understand that bas- na Ferber spends most of her bles of others a cure of his own. forms and he sighs that it's a Surgery Savea Flowers. long; the bag, generously cut, gath- trimmed with Imported accesaories Preaidant Rooaevelt’t CbicaEO value in tbe private swirl. ically be Is the one who must make luncheon hours these days with Flower sterna that are cut with and buttons and they will be sold at 15^ Anniversary Sale Now tbe Amish folks have taken the date, because a considerable number When disturbing sensations crowd shame a bucko can't do that with- ers at the top Into a chased sliver ^paecll would convince almoat any- It isn't to be denied that Farley the effort to free himself from the Janet Fox, a young and promis- a sharp knife or garden shears 316.95. fight to the courts and Intend to go of them failed to vote at all In the him too much, the deliberate turn- out incurring the suspicion of the ing actresa. frame with handsome clasp. was doing fair to middling in the tyranny of nerves. diagonally across will be able to It seems unbelievable but It is sn ena that he hat arrived at tha con- to the Suprama Court of the United biggest polling Waterbury baa ever ing away from bis troubles will Third Internationale. Funny Coincidence Dept.: that years Immediately before he came In severe cases, tbe help of s psy- bring relief. Regardleae of his feel- absorb mors water and will conse- experiment and all parties interest- On October 7,1922, Kemp’s first begran doing: ehiaion that the United Statea can- Into the public eye aa national Dem- I.enry Fonda, skipper of a sea- Good Things Come in SnssU Statea If necessary for a ruling that known in a d ty election. chologist la advisable but in tbe ing at the moment, he should con- Racket Buster quently stay fresh longer than ed are anxious to check the public not aaeape partlclpatlpo in a con- ocratic chairman. New York state worthy boat in "Blow Ye Winds,” Quantities. Bookcases they have a right to maintain their They take their politics pretty average case the patient will be able sciously turn bis attention in some Special Rackets Prosecutor blooms that are broken or cut Aa usual— and there is a limited response to the phenomenal sale of business in Manchester. W e were not a largre Studio Couches chairman, and ultimately as post- the new nautical play, should dart o f action with tha peace laving to do a great deal for himself. The other direction, saying to his ssrmp- Thomas E. Dewey is moving straight across the stems. quantity of these end tables— Grand ■ample garments made from some Iittle*red seboolhouaes and to refuse seriously over In tha Brass City and master general. But It la not of first step is for the patient to face have been skipper of the schoon- yatiooa ot tba world in aelf protec- toms, “ Get thee behind me.” The inexorably toward the first actual er which had to be rescued on the Rapids make, of mahogany and of the finest 'Hoga yarns. Women establishment, but offered quality merchau'* to permit their tax money to be by tomorrow, in all probablltty. record that ha had attained such the conflict or anxiety which is the This Sounds Like a Fairy Tale combination of these helps will usu- demolition of a rackets empire Long Island Sound the other day. gumwood. Gracefully styled In are urged to see theae garments tta i againat the ambltiona and pur- spent on the consolidated echool Mayor HsLyes' numarous political standing in the Industrial world that cause of hit trouble and a re-ad- but it’s honest-to-goodnesa truth! ally pull the nervous patient out of outside of the brainstorm of a With disappointing publicity re- the Sheraton manner and suitable Anyone familiar with yarn and with dise at fair prices. Our business has grreat* peaea o f those nations which be- he was in line to bead a major justment to bis problem should be hta difficulties, earning him that Hollywood scenario writer. Hale's are offering the women of project. enemlaa will be starting in on the motor company, albeit be was well sults. for so many uses. Watkins are the work involved in hand-knltting liefs in war as a policy. On that sought by bringing It out into the success and happiness which are With "Lucky" Luciano in jail Manchester who love band-knit Probably an tha modem educa- next attempt to break him. Water- known to be a first tine salesman. Constance Cummings probably featuring them as one Item of their will Immediately recognise the tre- open snd trying to got a straight rightfully hie. for a 40 year stretch and ''Lepke” dresses, the chance of a lifetime. ly expanded, and our line of groods has be- point the speech is fairly deilnlta. Before his elevation to the cabi- will be tbe most clotbes-ildden 63rd B l^ d a y Sale and If you take mendous vslues o ffe r^ In this sale tionalists will agree that tha Amish bury local campaigns habitually last understanding of i t Nervousness Those wishing more material are Buchalter and ‘‘Gurrah'' Shapiro On Thursday, Friday and Saturday net, he was .New York state box- actress of the new season. She advantage of It, it means a saving at Hale's. But the average reader of the are benighted. Ignorant foUu. But only a few days leas than the two symptoms are most apt to revolve welcome-to send for my 4 paged ar- fugitives, Dewey has but to prove come varied, but our policy of "Quality” first ing commissioner, a job be received, has 13 costume changes in "M a- you will have tbe opportunity to of 33.75 for you as they are now Stylists who design and lupervlse around a faulty understanding of ticle, HELPS FOR NERVOUS bis charges against Max Silver- Chicago document will be at some the fact remains that they are one years between elections. The bat- by the way. from Governor Al Smith dame Bovary.” purchase a beautiful, genuine hand- priced at 38.75. Would make an the knitting of dresses and other sex. The patient has not understood PATIEN TS. Send your request to man and capture J. Richard (D ix- has never changred. W e invite you to come in leas aa to whether or not the Presl- tle, like that in Shanghai, goes on upon the recommendation of Jim- Tony Conzoneri will turn knit dress for only 316.95. These excellent gift. garments will be present at Hale’s group which never was hit by tba this question, or how to achieve a me In care of this newipaper and ie) Davis to accomplish the most my Walker, ex-mayor. That also Broadway ticket broker ihortly. are complete In every detail, brand during tha three days to help wom- dant actually has soma hope of put- dapreeaion, that has never asked the and on and on. normal adjustment to it. There Is enclose a large, stamped, self-ad- brilliant coup in American crim- was a public office that helped build new and made up In tbe famous Overloaded Otrcnlt. en choose styles best suited to their during: our 15th Anniversary Sale — note the ting aa end to Intamatlonal anarchy nothing in sex which is harmful but dressed envelope. inal history. United States government for any up the service value of Jim Farley. Tioga yarns. Not so very many An architect tells us that if we individuality. All garments will be tb> patient may harm himself by Lepke and Gurrah ara a couple hy thla indefinite thing which be epectal lawa, oonsideratiOB or appro- LIQUOR CHIEF PAID AS Farley has flung himself into pub- It was on February 14, 1778, motitha ago just such a dress would are living In a fifteen-year-old house reblocked to suit the Individual low prices — compare we are sure you having the Incorrect abotit I t Iron wood Is the heaviest wood of Immigrant boys who stepped that the United States flag first have cost you 375— positively. Love- Xarms *tataniational quarantine” priations, and la probably tha most MUCH AS GOVERNOR lic life with both zeal and talent, we are asking the w l^ g sj^em to measurements of the purchsaer at He must also learn how to take known. It vrelghs 81 pounds a off the boat Into strong arm work was seen and saluted In foreign ly color combinations, excellent for ar whether be la of the belief that but In return public life baa not carry several times as much elec- no extra charge. will buy. ^ universally solvent and prosperous Sacramento— (A P )— As a result care of his ph}rslcal health and aa square foot and sinks in water. They are fabulously wealthy, ac- lands. all-year-round wear and beat o f all These ara all twin-atodloa, and can be naed done badly by him. a first rule, he should adopt the rule tricity as it was expected to orig- Thla sale o f Tioga hand knit sam- H will be necessary for the peaceful one in the United States. Perhaps of a recent pay Increase, California’s each dress purchased will be aa doaUe or ainnle beds. of regularity in all habits of living. inally. ple dresses will be held on the sec- i BStlnns to combine in military union they have something the rest of us liquor law chief, George M. Stout, blocked to fit you perfectly. There ond floor at Hale's in the knitting A second reason for his present Meals should ocur at a regular time, are only 1(X) so better hurry right BBd crush the war-seekers by the haven't now draws 310,000 a year, the same departure from public life la that be The same appliec to irour human departmenL salary as Gov. Frank F. Merrlam. and be should get up and go to down to the Yard DepL In Hale’s ‘ $ 26.50 Eppllratinn ot overwhelming force, isn't adverse to more of It. New bed by the clock. Relaxation body. 'Whan you are a fifty-year and get first choice. old don’t ask your wiring system to •87S Kag. 3S1J6 valoi wall mads gnnd oawar. , aa a preliminary to the establtsh- carry as heavy a load as when you Simmons Innersprmg Mattress BasBt ot a pacific international SMOKE SCREENS Simplicity la HaUmark. were a young thing. Don’t over- 36.78 M A P L E aalsteace. Whan you start rearranging your Overnight News BOOKCASE . $29.75 There are two issues occupying load your circuit—if you know wbat ...... $5,95 Rag. 333.80 Studio—witli Ituaa ptBowo. furnlttura in preparation for the win- I mean. Others, not exactly of the aver- a tremendous part of the attention ter mooths—remember that an en- 67SO M A H O G A N Y Currently Yours, Of Connecticut ^ SIMMONS aga, wUl probably believe that they of tha English language press which trance hall should be furnished very BOOKCASE...... $OsOO 6 3 rd aimply. A long table with a mir- (B j s) $30.50 know what was in Mr. Roosevelt's appear to us to be of great similar' ANNIVERSARY $7.78 M APLH ror hung above and chairs at either Nal^iiaally Iowwb uaika Bagnttr pries $14.78 . Bahai sphan be made that speech. Ity aa to significance and worthi- end is quite enough furniture. 0.JUMKjCXy Colchester— Republicans swept in BOOKCASE...... $6.95 N Borne ot them will think'they see ness—In Orest Britain the jockeying to nearly all town office# bettertag 37.98 BCAPLB their last year's party majority by $32.50 Ib it a decision that our attempt at of British and French statesmen to Beware Cluttering. BOOKCASE ...... Feature Dining rooms are always In dan- at least 150 votes and putting Wll ..... $7.00 Vary attractive atndle beat eellar. aaatrallty m ^ be definitely and somehow or other bribe or other- 6 3 rd ANNIVERSARY ger of being cluttered by too much RED RING MURDER PROBE 11am B. Gerhardt in the First Se- $8.98 M A P L E foiek ly abandoned, slnoe it ts hope- wise induce Mussolini to abandon of everything— pictures, prized sil- lectman’s post. In s belated small BOOKCASE ...... $7.75 laas in view o f the rapid spread on hU Spanish Ventura; in tha United ver, and ainall tables. Look around towns election here. $34.25 89.75 M A H O G A N Y A 3ia.36 Studle—baaattfUlly styM . Biartial terrorism, and since the Statea the artificial ballyhoo over your dining room to see if it looks UNCOVERS WEIRO CULT Stafford Springs—Joe H. Reed, overcrowded with well-loved poe- registrar voters for the town of BOOKCASE ...... Praaident must see the need of early at .....$8.50 Justice Black and the Ku Klux Feature seseions. Stafford, announced that a special (OoBttnned from Pag* One) 313.80MAPLE 4 * t O OB $39.50 adUtary allianos against tha aggrea- Klan. election wiu be held OcL 11 to set- Uphalsttiad bask and a t mm . Blade ta aeO at 34tJ3L aora. Borne will accept it aa his Do Too Have Plenty BOOKCASE ...... Neither of them are of any real restaurant owner who held a police tle a tie in the recent small towns Aa extra valoet of towels for everyone's use or doee eandid view that America and the Importance; both are made tha oc- badge and police credentials. balloting between Fred Rabideau 1937 FLOOR SAMPLE father wake the whole household by great pacific majority of nations Ryan previously had advanced and Jacob B. Hunzlnker, Democrat casion of a aeemingly interminable bellowing forth at 6 a. m. "Where and Republican, reepeetlvriy, for nan win oontrol over the makers of noise. In neither case la the pre- are some clean towels?” Better the theory that tbe killer might war through concerted economic stock up on them now while you have posed as a police officer, in an $' tended objective o f the noise mak- ELECTRIC attempted “ shakedown” o f the pcassure. ers their real one. can buy on special sale for the week-end at Montgomery Ward’s. youthful sweet hearts, and might For our part we do not know and There ts no more of sincerity In Plain colors or white, 18x36, two for have demanded to see Weiss' driv- WAKE UP YOUR cannot figure out what the Presi- the one racket than in the other. REFRIGERATORS 25c. 'Struth!. ing license as a preliminary to tbe graft demand. Think! dent had in the back of bis mind Probably not ona in a hundred Compare! Butter fleoee Inenranoe. WalleS In Hands LIVER B ILE- when he made that speech at Chi- among the ruling classes In either WkfcMl C M -4W T«1 J«r Ori M h A T GREAT SAVINGS Whan making a drawn butter In Weiss' clutched hands, whan cago. We don't know whether be Great Britain or France care a the btxly of the former Jamaica ( sauce be sure to blend the butter u pour out two pouadt o f knew himself. We don't know straw whether Spain goes Red or and flour thoroughly before adding High school athlete was found, be Itquid bUo into pour bowtU daily. I f thU bUo boiling water. If they are not well held a wallet containing his driving b l» t f rooly, yotur food donn’t dlMot. whether be was talking principally Fascist save as it may affect their It iiu t d«CBy» la tbo bowolt. Gm bloota op mixed, tba sauce will be lumpy. license. to the American people, frankly and own political and social fortunes. y w ftoouch. Ybo t«t eentilpaud. Tbor A Simmons Coronation Mattress for $ b 19-75 Cook In a double boiler or small Commenting on ths four men By**” I PoU«iod oad you fool oooye candidly aa a President of the Unit- Probably not one In a himdred of oaak oad tbo world leoko poak. saucepan over boiling water. Sauce questioned. Ryan said today: ^ Lm iiwm aro oaly mokdshlfu. A mtf ed States should talk to them in Black’s critics ts genuinely Indig- that la made over a hot direct flame “These men are members of sn nowmmit deooB^t tot ot tbo caooo. It the.famoOT “ Beairtyrest’* m attrm . This innercpi ing by Simmons is being offered for the llrst time in Manchester. It’s a such a grave emergency and on bo nant at having on tbe Supreme is apt to be oily. Add tbe water a informslly organized group. They C*rttr»o LHtJo U w 1 ^ 1 -7 J quality mattreso worth regu aily $29..S0. on c.in’t afford to miss this big vriue. Especially treated in its manufacture with little at a time, stirring constantly, admit they are 'Gunners’, and In ^ pooado of bUo (lowlac special sewn edge. Covered in the popular and long wearing striped ticking. All sizes available. Box spring to match at the same low price. tremendously vital a topic, or Court bench a justice who at one fP W oad B5ofco you fool "up oad up". Horn* ao that the sauce will be of tbe right their own words, gunning ia plain amaolat In aioklDt bUo flow vrtiether be was talking for some time joined an order wboM ‘‘Amer- Cnrtor*o Littlo Lhwr PUte by 1874 1937 consistency. Add seasoning to peeping. OMDO. DtabbonUy rdfooo oaytblat oloo. possible effect on European or icanism” consisted of antagonism to tasU. ^ "Armed with flashlights, they Aalatic war lords or on Geneva. Negroes, Jews and Romas Catho- scatter through the woods and sur- lics, Remeeiihec the Fable prise spooning couples. When they Whether, in fine, our President of the grasshopper and the ants? have wasted severs] hours at this has evolved in bis mind some defi- There Is scarcely the slightest Wall heed tbe moral and don’t be a activity, they gather in a local res- nite policy which the United States doubt that some of the noisiest of grasshopper all your Ufe. Prepare taurant and swap stories.” Hr# the Black halters are or have been All Floor Samples included in this sale now for the long winter months The four men, Ryan said, used must eventually adopt »1th rela- ahead by bustling right down to the tion to the growing aggres.slon of hierabers of the Klan themselves, carry full Factorj- Guarantees. Convenient 1874 nicknames in their intimate conver- Budget Terms can be arranged. Manchester Division of the Gas Co. sation with each other, using such military despotisms, or whetlier he "'*’ **® others have had membership and take a good look at the New 'Oties sa "Fire Chief,” "Searchlight’ was merely casting out hints th.it .several "respectable” fra- Glenwood Utility Gas Range. This and "The Red Roofer.” gas rsnge provides comfortable, the despotisms hid better be care- ' organizations whose prlncl- Funeral services were held today circulating heat no matter what for the girl victim. ful lest America make up her mmd differ scarcely at all from those the weather—warm in winter, cool Investigators today conceded that to do something- something as yet though their methods Model N52 NORGE 5 2 Model S72 Standard in summer. A t tbe same time Cu. Ft.. Dulux Flnlab. there was no connection bet'ween vague and uniletermmed— about ^ have been less spectacu- NORGE 72 Cu. Ft. combining the neweet and moat Regular price 3179.50.. Dulux Flmsb. Regular convenient features for baking, the peculiar, cabalistic-style red thelr perfonnances. '“ t lawless. j 3209.75 ...... broiling and top cooking. Examine circle smeared with Miss Hajek’s <188 Upatlck on the foreheads ot the This is no time and this no proper I European states- s35e00 H AIR-A N D-CO TTO N A LL YEAR fai particular the new dual-thrift men would sell Spain to Fascism In burners providing just the required Blalh couple and a Jamaica High connecticn for criticism of the head Model N51 NORGE 6.1 school fraternity dsnee last Satur- 2 Piece Acorn a minute in exchange for any good Model LTP81 NORGE amount of heat— no gas wasted. of our government for the mere Cu. Ft., Dulux Finish. day night at which tha dancers' Regular pries 3209.50.. LOW TElilP, 8.0 Cu. ir^NERSPRINC M ATTRESSES Here you have all in one unit effl' BY UNION OPEBATOBS guarantee of their own safety__ wrists were etsmped with a “pass $99-50 sake of criticism, -^ u t we believe Ft.. A ll Porcelain. Reg- riant Uteben heating and the finest Reasonable Hourly Ratea. ___ __ which Is what they are working for. out” mark. Frieze Parlor Suite there are any number of people in ular 3374.50...... 274 In gas cookery and with its pur- Channel Back Barrel Chair this country who Wiu view with con- I '* directed chase you win avail youreelf of the — GENERAL — Large davenport with chair to match. Carved bass. Model N72 NORGE 7.2 lowest in gas ratea— the "D ” rats. Sidcrable sppreheneion the entry of ! pretended Holman-O. D. Baker, makers of fine custom made TraaafCr aad Tracldag Oo. i ' Attractive channd back barrel Cu. Ft., Dulux Finish. (1) 1936 UNIVERSAL Truly economy from every angle. ' C A chair, covered with a stylish tapes- Wood moulding on front. Good quality frieze. this government Into the Interna- 'disgrace" of the Supreme Court, 1.75 bedding for over half a century, designed this su- OFFICUl EXPLAINS Regular price 3234.50.. 8 Cu. Ft.. De Luxe. All . a v U try in Berkey green. tional field of dlacufision of peace but at the prestige of President Porcelain. Regular perior mattress especially for our Anniversary Staff Spoat of Pot. RoosevelL Sale. It|s an all year mattress . . upholstered price $39.50. 5 Year Guarantee Ag:ainst Moths and war In advance of any deter- 3249.50 ...... Hint to the new housewife: Stuff JOBLESS INSURANCE on one side with fine hair (cod in Summer) . . soft paper In the spout o f the coffee aslnation of a national policy. They We link these two wholly unre- Model S62 Standard and downy cotton felt on the other side (warm pet while you're waiting for the will not like the making of vague lated subjects of vast discussion NORGE 6-2 Cu. F t. Several used Norge re- and comf.y for Winter.) Here are some o f its new husband to get down to break- (Oenttnned trooD Pag* Ooe) Ousted threats, the framing o f phrases only because they are so much alike Dulux Finish. Regular frigerators. m excellent Custom Made fast Tbe delirioiu aroms won’t 3179.75 ...... other qualities: Prebuilt, quilted borders; Ventila- "Benefits amount to about half A written guarantee from the factory to you. This capable of two or three Interpreta- in their seizure upon general notice. condition...... escape then. Maple Secretary In their monopoly ot public atten- BOX SPRINGS TO tors; Handles; Beautiful two-tone 8 oz. gray and your average weekly wags, under suite is regularly priced at $129.50. See it soon— jrouH tlcx». the tentative exertion of Home-Made "Bake." laws tn New England, up to a maxi- Glass front top, three-drawer bane tion, to the submargenoa ot sub- white woven stripe ticking; tape tied (no buttons preasure here or there on foreign MATCH 29.75 or tuftings.) Custom made to your order only! A long-handled fork is most con- mum of 315 a week. In Ooimectl- and desk. Fine maple, in meDow want it for your home. jects ot Infinitely greater value. In cut, benefits are paid if you are war situatiaiis, apparently with a venient to use for ‘‘raking” fooda rh toned finish. Regular price is Europe the Spanish situation U from tha hot coals of the camp fire. partially unem ploj^ CORONA, hepa to see what the effect will be. ' “Unamplo]rmant oompanaatloo $39.50. $33-95 juggled continually before the eyes Fasten a long-handled kitchen fork PORTABLES EASY TERMS Whether we can or cannot perma- to a yard stick, >room handle or benaflU are not ‘welfare’ or teUar o f peoples so that they will not see money. .They are Uke inauraaoe •ently keep out of the maelstrom of straight stout stick. »rl««4 tm fH what is going on In China iq the pairments which your prsaent em- anofllct Into which the world seems United Ststes the politicisns shoQt 1874 Yea Only Need One Dollsr plo}rm«at is earning for you as a B> be headed, we can at least re- WATKINS 1937 matter of right to be paid if you suf- b r o t h e r s I N C to take advantage of opening an strenuously about Black and the fer the accident of unemployment.” train from the abominable practice 1874 account at Sllbros, Manchester's Supreme Court because, ao long as WATKINS 1937 b r o t h e r s tt BiaUng formleu threats la the . I N C modem clothing store. Step in According to a leading Vienna the people can be kept excited over and look over their complete, new AVUUf Isvlous language common to Euto- of A^ANCHESTER pbyxiriaa, who clalma to have lurs ONE that tawdry issua th iy wtU pay laaa stock o f men's and women's wear- used it snocesafully la |MB cbanceUarias and European ing apparel, and while there is a Incorporate Bipiomata. attention to the poUtlcal bankruptcy 3100,000.00 Worth o f Watkins Fine Furniture is reduced for this 68rd Ann!- of AAANCHESTER of cases without a faUnra, taonay KEMPS, good eelecUon, purchase a new win- of the parties in any solutiaa for verssry . . savings which are our B.rthday Gifts to you! ts tha bast “cure” for wounds. Xb C aur fifuaTimnt— yaa. 3100,000.00 Worth o f Watfcliia ITna Furelture ia reduMd fo r thii 6Srd A nnlvee- ter outfit for the family. A wide Evan burns and carbunrias suc- ServiM Typewriter Co. tha bousing rtmstaga, the vamtna IM Tnuabull St. Hsilliid and nay, nay. aary . . savinga which are our Birthday GifU to you! aelaction ot stylee and prices and cumb to a honey treatment, he Pt^oes ot meat, tha retuni ot stock remember, make your own terms. ■ays. Leeal Aga t; KEMTS, lae. Furniture, Lamps, Ranges, Washers, Delco Oil Burners, Frigidai

I' i^PAOB B i o s r aAJNcausBriCK sviSNING HERALD. HANCHESIER. OONN« WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6 .188T HANCHEHrER EVBNINQ HJfiKALD. BSANUHEHTlfiR. CUNN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER «, 198T PACT provement in shooting during the ...... peaceful nations and frightening off also to Include WOR, Hobby Lobby yd&T. plana were dleenaaed fo r 1 ___ CATHOUC LADIES Manchester will open the^ season DWANIANS PICK FOREIGNERS SEE D. S. of the bad, then such m proposal esn with Dave Elman: WJZ-NBC, 8:80— NEW LIBRARY WALKS MANCHESTER RADIO CLUB OUT of the NieHT Sid Skolsky on Hollywood. tbe aetlvltlea of the club during 1 with Wetberafleld In Manchester on bays a practical valut only if clari- PDUE IS ELECTED DAILY RADIO PROGRAM RADIO^^*^' WAILSTJRIEFS year. BY MARION WHItC Cofvyright. 1937. NCA S«rvio», Inc. October IS. ty Already haa been established aa Talks—WEAF-NBC, 7:30—Dr. « . READY TO ABANDON WEONCSDAYg OCTOBER C (C m tn l ksd Eattem BtAnOard Tima) - — ------Day JOB TO BE STARTED An invitation to extended to TO CONVENE HERE The Manchester aub wlU award to which are good and which are S. Goldwater on “Hospitals and Pub- New York, Oct 6—William B. ELECTS NEW OITICERS radio amateurs and otbara Int A- MAINE GOVERNOR Notat ah programs to and baslo chains of vroupt tharaof ualsts spaef- 'll Basteni Standard Tinas lic Health” ; WABC-CBS. 10;45, CAST ( » ' GBABAOXDM 21 medals to Its rifle team for the bad." TOHEMV.F.®. Given, Jr., president of American ed to short-wave radio ' Sergeant Dolan addressed the coming season’s indoor shooting. I’d fled; coast to coast (e to e) designations Inclodo all available etatlona. Paul B. Sommers on fire prevention. FBnaiXA mCBCB—keroiws group: NEUTRAUTT POLICY In Vienna, such headllnea aa Programe subject to change by atstlpne without prevlaua notiM. P. M. To Construct Pathways to Brake Shoe and Foundry Co., has Second Regular Meeting Is to affiliate vdth thte dub. -I the three highest members will be "Rooaevelt Declares War on War” New York, Oct 6.—(AP)— Aa WEIAF-NBC, 8—One Man's Fami- lars about, 'member^p'' m^y be yMiV wmbm attonwy. "You an know,” he began, in awarded a gold, silver and bronze NBC-WCAP (RED) NETWORK COAST-toz kola kol kfPT kvl ktfo k«r *BniIdin(f As WPA Project to been elected, a director of Bankers AMT KBBB—CUy'i reoiniiwte were typical of the reaction. While CenL l i f t . ly: 8—Walter O'Keefe and Town Held Last Night; Stephen tained from Mr. Edwards, < a calm, rather friendly voice, “a Gibbons Assembly to Be medal in the order o f their finishing, (OMttmied rrom Page Oae) BASIC—Bsstt waaf wnas wtlo wjar usually is the case each year when Hall; 10—Hit Parade; 12:30—Lights Do Park Walks Later. Trust Oo., It was announced today. mb HBfdirar*ft vlctl6i. George A. Harrison of Port- editors awaited some hint of toe 4:00- ftrOO-Sewsa, Doris Kerr—baalet Loyzim Is New President. of toe organization. A young woman was killed in a fall these scores to bg counted aa made Bolton Constable Named at wtag wesb kyw wfbr wre wgy wben World Series and football broad- Out. Austrian government’s attitude, the weae wtatn wwj wsal wdel; Mldwesti Kathryn Craven's Intarviewa west The next meeting 'wU be held Oo^ AM n n u uoAy—ciar» >>i>oe. from the roof of the Bayview in the 14 matches. A medal will be President’s statement that peace- ksd wmaq who wow wdag wire kstp; 4:4ft— g:4^Nora Stirling's Program ^ BABAT HUTCHINS — Amy*i Host Again to State C. L publication “Die Stunde” observed: 0:00— 0:00 Songs by Jack Shannon caatlng conflict on toe network!, WJZ-NBC. 7—Eaay Aces; 8—Ed- Oenatructlon of walks to the Mary Sales of McCrory Stores Corp. for The second regular meeting of the tober 19tb at the holonto o f 8b Apartments lastjBunday night— or, awarded to the person having the land Is Selected at Con- loving nations must strive in oon- Mountain: koa kdyl; South: wmbg; g:10- 0:1ft—Pour Start, Qlrla’ Voeato dy Duchin orcheetra; 9—Biographi- CSieney library In Center park wUl Inag* vWtor. to be more exact, at 12:20 early “Roosevelt has given up toe Meeting of Post Held at Pacific: kfi kgw komo khq kpo kgv toe gridiron sport will wait until September Increased .3 of 1 per cent Manchester Radio Club for tbe Layxlm of Gardner "etroet highest score in prone position, one fcert to halt treaty violators. OPTIONAL (sutlons eperaU Inu^ 0 :3 ^ gtOO—Preaa.Ridle Nows Pariod cal drama, “Andrew Jackson"; 10:30 be started Monday as a WPA pro- to 83,107.874 from 83,096,484 In the SBBOBANT OOIAN—ofBoer m»- Monday morning. We have a wit- American policy of Isolation and ft:0ft— 4:01 Paul Douglas and tporta the baseball classic scheduled for of L Convendon. for highest in sitting position, one Urges Speed ehangeably on either RED or BLUB —NBC Minstrels; 11:15— King’s ject. The building was erected aa a same month last year. Nine months 1937-38 season was held at tbe home iCO—Tha Panda of Hits—to e executives, who via picture receiv- Equatorian music; OLR44 Prague. weU, and 1 wanted to get the air throughout toe United States dur- t:4ft—10.4ft—AHotoIr Cooke of London Cent. BaiL 20c square miles. Baer all were cartoonists before thousand shadowy policemen strug' It was very dark out—there were Tinker hall. The state president, Demonstration and Plowing Contest Britain was elected lieutenant gov- "Mr. Roosevelt talked In very the United States fixes Its position * 10:0^11:00—Ed Lo Baron Orohostra— ers, are to be given a preview ot 8:30—Selections from operettas; ing the spring month. 4;0(^ ft:00-Tho Singing Lady—eaat; attaining success to their present gled to hold him back. And along neither stars nor a moon—and or- Mrs. Jane Carroll of New Haven, at the farm of Dan Andrews in ernor of Division No. 1 , while toe general terms about 'the aacredness before toe disquieting problems eaat: Amos ’n' Andy—woat repeat Sonnott A Welvorton, Pianoe—w some of toe items to be on display DJD Berlin, 9:15— Variety program; of treaties’ without distinguishing The auxiliary to the post will 1A*1g—11:1S—Ink Speta Nagro Quartet fields. the way drunken Corbetts mockjd dinarily I could not see the root presided at the meeting and care- South Gla.stonbury on Friday. Octo- heads of the other divisions were which confront the world and whlcn 10:00—11:30—Oaneng Muse Orohootra 4:45— ft:4ft—Tom Mix* Skotoh—baalo; at the annual business show opening LRX Buenos Aires, 9:30i—Chamber hold the annual meeting next Tues- Al Viorra and Hla Orohaatra—weet her, and paralyzed men arose from opposite except when an occa- fully explained the aims of the so- ber 22, according to an announce- named as follows; 2, Philip T. which treaties conform to interna- have aroused great Interest In 11:00—1t:00—Larry Burke* Taner Solos 6:00— 4:0(^Nowai H. Kegon Orchoat. In New York October 18. The ex- music; JZK Tokyo. 12:40—National ARE YOU NERVOUS? th^r wheel-chairs to block her ciety, the promotion of religion, ment given out by the Hartford O’Brien, Holyoke: 3. Andrew T. Hol- tional morality and which do not. Europe, and on our continent,” La day night. Tentative plans are Be- IliOi‘ -12i0a—To[Oa—To BoSo Announced (3t m.) 6:30— 4:3(H>Prtsa.Radlo Nows Pariod hibits are to be taken to toe special program. sional beam from one of the ships 11:0O-l5«r* ...... Lighto Out,** Dramatio 6 :3 ^ 4:35—Tho Rovolorft—wja only; path. patriotism, education and sociabil- County Farm Bureau office. loran, Framingham; 4, John H. Har- “He spoke of countries eager to Prenaa said. ing made for a Joint Installation of television studio In Radio City for pyoo DjPTouff tbtt you want l« in tbs bay would pass over It. CBS-WABO NETWORK Jack Baker, Toner Songe»«haln craxm? Are ihere tU£e« when you xro 8hs sat up in bed and rubbed Suddenly I beard this frightful ity, J. 8. Owens, Extenaion Agrono- rison, Whitman; 5, William Gleason, attack and others which think only The Japanese foreign office com- officers to be held on Nov. 5 at tho 9:46— 4:46—Lowell Thomao — eaat: the demonstration. CTOts xiid Irritable. . timet when you acold Eaoorto—w.: Tom Mix—mid*, rpt ti^osa who xre dexr«*t to you? her eyas. Her heart still thumped scream, and at that very Instant Mrs. Carroll then proceeded with mist, has made the statement that Wellesley; 8, Orvls Saxby, Stone- of defending themselves, without mented that “the ideals of right ss V. F. W. Home. BASIC—Eaat: wabe wado woko weao KILLED BY CAA^EIN careful and thorough preparation wool wgr wkbw wkre whk wjr wdro 4;0(X— 7:0(^Caty Aeoo, Skit—also eat ^ Ifyour nenrea are on try LYDIA from the excitement of her ad a beam passed slowly over the the work of organization, the ar- ham; 7. aarence L. VItty, St Johns- even here indicating any adequate conceived by Western peoples Is in- 4:1ft— 7:16—Nola Day and Her Songo Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tschirky of The Electric Washer With The of the soil haa an important bear- woau wjaa wpro wfbl wiav wgar: Mid* E. PI.NKHAMS VEGF/fABlJ: COM. venture In sleep. Under the covers roof opposite. I saw a man pick ticles of incorporation being read bury, Vt.; 8, William CheUls, Kezar marks of distinction. He avoided compatible to that of the OrienL" w4sti wbbm wfbm kreoo kinox wbaa 4:30— 7:80—Lum S Abner^eaat only; New York are celebrating their Middletown, Oct. 6— (API—Clif- POL'ND. It will h*lp Nature calm your bar feet were cold and damp. Her and applications filed. Thirty-seven ing on the crop yield and the use of kfab kiDt Mario Coasi, Barltono->network ford Snyder, 29, of Portland died In quivering nerves and give you the strenxth this ^ r l up in his arms and de- Falla, Me.; 9, Roger O. Becdy, diacusalng the role of • Bolsbevlam A spokesman sAld Japah’s demand Several thousand persons in the ‘BAST—wboa wpg whp whoo woro efrb 4:46— 7:46—Slatoro of Skillet ^ wjs: fiftieth wedding anniversary Thurs- xnd energy to face life with a smile. Exclusive “Time-Switch” eyes traveled from one to another members were Initiated. The as- proper machinery to do a good Job Charlotte Lonolng* Senj-~notwork a hospital here today of injuries sus- D liberately fling her over the side Orono, Me. Nathaniel D. Brown ot which menaces all states and peo- was that the Japanese people be United States wear contact spec- ckao wibx wmas woag wnbf wlba wkbn day night, and there will be a For generations one woman haa of the familiar objects la the room sembly chose the name Gibbons In Is most Important. ples. whio wgbt 7:00— 8:00—Eddie Ouchln Ore.—aloo o tained while excavating a basement tom Mother Fow to go •'smlUng tlirouglv^ of the house. That is all. I must All of the large tractor and plow Providence was re-elected treasurer permitted “to enjoy the freedom ot tacles, thin, invisible lenses that DIXIE—wgat wsfa wbro waam wdod 7:30— 8:30-8ld Skolsky* Hollywood WABC-CBS broadcast from a testi- ’ until she was finally., thoroughly, honor o f the late -and esteemed “If the President of the United 7:46— iiftft—To Bo Announced (IK m.) under a school building he had pur- i' * Vegetable Cora, have fainted. My daughter pre- concerns, serving this territory, will of toe district. movement and happiness which is slip beneath the eye lids and over klra wreo wlao wwl wtoo krld ktrh monial dinner In their honor at 10 chased for a home. iwund. it helps Nature tone up the system, awake. Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore. States sees salvation in union of rightfully theirs.” tte eyeball. ktaa waeo koma wdbo wbt wdao whig 8:00— 3 : 0 0 — P r a n k B l a c k A Symphony o’clock. He’s Oscar of the Waldorf, thus Iccsening the discomforts from tha pared an opiate for me, and 1 did The late. Mrs. Jennie Sheridan was be represented and will demonstrate Extenaion of Kiwanla activities to wdbj wwva wmbg wajs wmbr wala 4:00—10:0^H3en. Jehneen’e Comment He suffered internal Injuries and nmctionai disorders which women must Today was Wednesday. Only not awaken until morning.” all parts of the Western Hemisphere ktul kgko wooa wdno wnox kwkh know 4:16—10:16—Songo by Join Edwards noted chef. two sinoe she had last heard elected the first president and Mrs. In the field their tractors, plows and a fractured left leg. endi^ Id the three ordfAia of life; 1. Turn* was voted by the convention. The wmmm wjno wcha wpar wmas wcon 4:30-10i30-Tho NBC Mlnttrol Show ing from girlhood to womanhood. 3. rii». ftom Jim, but what endless days “Thank you, Mrs. Shaw. May Mary Moriarty the first honorary other soil preparing machines. wrva 10:00-11:00—Newot Vagabonds Quartet A tractor Snyder was 'using to D^J^j^foj^motherhood. 3. ApproachlnE I ask if the light was sufficiently president of Gibbons Assembly. The As a special feature, farmers have resolution on the matter would ex- MIDWEST — wmbd wlaa wibw kfh 10:16—11 tl^KIng'o Jeatera Orchootra Tuning In tonight (Wednesday): haul away the dirt pinned him they had been! How many more wkbb wtaq wkbh wcco wsbt kacj wnax 10:4(ft-11:30—Qlll'a Intoriudo of Walts Program Premieres; WABC-CBS, strong for you to recognize this advancement of the local assembly been Invited to show their skill at land Klwanls to island as well as woo 11:00—12:00—Mart Ktnny A Orehottra agalnst'the building when the earth t J’ *v*.J'l^*rJl«*nuarter wife.’ talS Whirlpool would she have to wait until plowing and entries have already 7:15, east and 10:30 west repeat returned to lift the clouds? All man in any way?" has been due In a great measure to mainland possessions In all Ehigiuh MpUNT.—kvor kla koh kal Ivvo kfbb 11:Oft.12:IO—H. Middleman Orohaatra gave away beneath toe machine. COMPOLND and Go "SmUing Through.** fz ”It was not” Un. Shaw re- the leadership and good counsel of started to come in to the local Farm speaking communities. A resolution THE NEW Yoa Can Set It For Any Length of Hme D esired- ill the world would be right If she Bureau Office, according to the could bear bis voice again. If she sumed ber seat these two women. Mrs. Moriarty is to increase toe number of dlvlslona Go Away and Leave It—^And It . . . still a charter member. Agricultural Agent. All entries in eould feel the strength of his band Sergeant Dolan scanned the In New England was voted down. 13:00—TOmnw Dorsey's Orebsstra. Since then the following women this contest must reach the Farm Hartford was the winner of an an hera faces before him. "N ow I am go Bureau office by October 16. En- 13:80 a. nt—Red Nerve's Orehastra. Ing to ask each of you to remem have held the office of president; achievement award for clubs of Thoughtfully she rose and dress- Miss Mary Campbell, Mrs. Lillian trants may use either their own Stops Automatically ber very carefully what happened from 50 to lOQ members. An invita- W T IC Toasrvew's Prsgram ed. Then, because she was so miser- Mahoney, Mrs. Agnes Messier. Mrs. equipment or arrange with the ma- nhly lonely and forlorn, she walk Sunday night We’ll start with tion was accepted to hold next Popular Market a. m. rrSNEW l IT’S DIFFERENT! IT’S THE WASHER' chinery companies to borrow a trac- ra Broadoostliic flMviM, Alleen Strange, Miss Rose Longpre, year’s convention at too ML Wash 7:00—XTA ALPHA Programma. ed down to the drug store on the you, Mr. Hunter. You live on the Mrs. Louise Murphy, Miss Cath- tor and plow for the contest. 855 Main Street Rubinow Building Barlford, OoBn. MODERN HOUSEWIVES DEMAND comer for breakfast On the way top floor, directly under the roof The Plowing Contest will begin Ington hotel at Bretton Woods, N. W. lOM K. O. 88J M. 7:80—Shoppers Specisl. erine Shea, and at the present time H., under the auspices o f toe 7:46—Nsws Service. bought a newspaper. The mur wbefe the murder was committed Miss Helen Thomas holds that o f- at 10:30 a. m. and the demonstra- tatn Standard TUaa /^38 (M 3 / “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” 8:00—Treasure House. der of Amy Kerr, she noticed, was Did you bear any voices on the fice. Under these presidents the tion of various machines will last Worcester club. A report on mem- ntiU front page news. She read It as roof, any sign of quarreling?” asembly has progressed also, al- throughout the day. bership showed 96 clubs in existence $5 Down— One Year To Pay •be drank her coffee. “ No, sergeant” Hunter replied v.ays exemplifying high Ideals and in 412’cities and towns large enough Wadareday, Get. 8 r Returning to her apartment, she He spoke in a frail voice, as if The Arctic and Antarctic oceans to support Klwanls and toe report p. m. cooperating in the furtherance of 8:86—News Service. it Detective Uartin in the hall. match the infirmity of his limbs. community Improvements. The which are cold and not very salty, called upon toe membership to build 4:00->Loraaao Johm. “1 must have been asleep. It was are vivid green In color. THURSDAY SPECIALS 4:16—Tha Guidiag UEht. 9:80—Richard Maxwell. "Good morning. Miss Pierce,” he membership Is now upwards of 125 Its clubs to their proper strength. 9 ‘45— Yodling Jim Tngall, NEW 1937 the scream which woke me up 4:80—Tbe Story of Mary IfarllB. 3 DAY SALE ayeetsd. ‘Tvs Just been through members. 10:00—Pretty K ltt^ sU y . the bouse. Dolan wants everyone My wrlfe ran to the window. . . 4:46—Tbe Road of Ufa. THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY 6:00—“Not For Ladlaa”. 10:18—Myrt and Marge. RINSO down at police headquarters this “ Did you get u p?” SMOKED—LEAN 10 :80—Instrumentalists. Morning at 10:80.” The man shook bis bead sor- 6:16—Wbila Tba a t y Slaapa. AT REDUCED PRICES NAME DONZE OFnCER 6:80—Jock Arm atronj— tha j^Ij. 11:00—Hartford Tubsrculoels and •Wary well. I’ll be there.” Cllly rowifully. “I couldn't do that, you Savings Too Big T o Be Missed PubUc Health Society. PLUS . . . A YEAR’S SUPPLY OF RINSO 40— Msured him. She decided that she see.” He mi de a futile gesture Amaricaa Boy. 6:46—"UtUa Orphan Annla". 11:16—“Carol Kennedy’s Romance” Mould be there at 10 o'clock to teward his legs. "I haven’t wralked 11:80—Big Slater. FREE! in 20 years.” OF RIFLEMEN’S LEAGUE 8:00—Nawa !orm the sergeant o f her latest HL'.NUKEUS OF HOUSEWIVES will have toelr furniture re- 6:18— Carol Data, aoprano. ll:4!t—Aunt Jenny's Rea] life free! djaoovery. He bad ruled Ur. Htmter upholstered by UB this FaU. Glorious New Colors and Patterns 6:80—WrljhtvUla Clarion. Storisg. cut as a poaslbillty because of the Regular g99JI0, 8 Lbs. Ca- Regular $89.98, 8 Lba. Ca- a U y stood up, her eyas afire. to Harmonize with any decorating scheme — stunning NEW 6:46—Vlo Ardan’a Orchaitra 12:00 noon— Chert snd tha Three pacity, with Lovell Wring- pacity, with Lovell Wring- Man's physical Incapacity. This Local Man Secretary-Treasurer effects that wUI appeal to women of taste—designs that will stand SHOULDERS Notes. "Sergeant Dolan,” she cried, “wlU neats. er, Fait Action Emptying Morning, however. Hunter loomed toe test of time. er, Fast Action Emptying you ask Mr. Hunter how It happens, of Charter Oak Group; Local r:00—Amoa ’a’ Andy. 13:18— “Your Nsws Psrada”. Pump, Chrome Trim Tub, Pomp, 2-Tone Green Tub, in Guy's mind as a very Important therefore, that last night across the Men Awarded Medals. SAME LOW PRICE . . . 7:16—Unela Ezra’a Radio Station. 12:80—Romance of Helen Trent with Ezdusire “Time without Time Switch— nessibility. Why should a man de- SIRLOIN 17:46—Our Gel Sunday. street I saw him walking about his 7:80—Share Trio. 8witoh“- $ 7 9 9 5 pberately tie himself to, a wheel- bedroom In his pajamas?” 7:46— “Whlta Eaflea”. 1:00—Betty and Bob. chair when be was well able to The man gasped; he turned to Marcel Donze of the Manchester 8:00—One Man’i Family. 1:16—Hymns of all Churches. $69.95 walk? stare at Cllly, and In his eyes there Americana Legion Rifle team has ROUND 8:80—Wayne King’s Orchestra. 1:30—Arnold (Irlm’a Daughter. 1:46—Hollywood in Person. t blazed the malevolent fear of been elected as secretary-treasurer $39-00 9:00—Walter O'Keefa with Peter ^ . Later, however, when a burly trapped animal. of the Charter Oak League which Van Staaden’a Orcheetra. 2:00—“ Petticoat on tha Air". 1 Veer T o P ayl 2:18— News Service. e'^pollceman ushered her Into a prl- Is that true. Hunter?” Dolan will Include teams representing Mid- CUBE 10:00—-Your Hit Parade. ^ vats room at police headquarters, snapped. dletown, Middlelield, Newington, 10:46—Talks by AUztalr Oooke. 3:38—Hartford Fire Prevention RE-UPHOLSTER Week Program. ^ She discovered she would have no The girl's crazy.” he choked Manchester, Wethersfield, Bristol, STEAKS U :0 0 —News. BENSON 2:30—Dalton Bros—Vocal Trio. ^'-.opportunity to see the sergeant through dry Ups. ' She’s crazy or East Hartford and Hartford. How- your S-pleoe B\ing room 2ft 11:16—Ink Spots. 705 Main Street Johnson Block 2:45—Ted Malone’s “Between the airae. Several of the Bayview ten- —drunk. I can’t walk . . . I have ard Varley, of Newington, Is the suite. Stripped to the frame, 1 C O U N T R Y R O L L 11:30—Ruza Morgan’, Orchestra. Lowastprioad Commandar...Iowastpriead FURNITURE AND RADIO )resldent of the league and Merrill RIB GENUINE SPRING LOIN Bookends’.’ ' ants had arrived before her. They doctors' statements to prove it.” rebullL new springs and flU- 12:00—Weather Report M t in a semicircle around a plain .anfleld, is the vice president. Ing added, woodwork refln- 12:02—Larry Burke. 8:00—Theater Matinee. Prasident...in Studehakar his{orif...and For a moment, Cllly regretted A trophy was awarded Manches- BUTTER 3:80—Do You Remember?. flat top desk, nervously expectant. her Impulsiveness. She should) Ished. Pork Roasts Lamb Chops 12:08—Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra. ter by the league for having won the 18:30—UghU Out She recognized the Downeys; so ob- have told tho sergeant about it AU Work Guaranteed! a ^ea t new low-priced Six f viously mother and daughter. Ur. leaguc’a championship during the TomoTTow*a Program privately, so that he could check seasons 1936-37. ' Jack Alves of the Hunter, looking feeble and frail m It’s Also Easy — Just Phone 8615 — Hare our repreaentattre call lb. a. m. tor himself. Now it was merely Manchester team was awarded two with samples. We Go Anywhere. 2 n»- 6 9 * 6:00— “Reveille’’ 'D IG and beautiful and completely new In every his wheel-chau-, was there with his her word against Hunter's, and ne 23 HIGHLAND PARK gold medals, one for having the 6:80—Francla Cronin, Organist ^ vigorous flowing line, the glamorous 1938 wife. A blanket covered his sup- would take special care not to be highest average of the season and posedly helpless limbs. Cllly felt an Orders Completed In A Week Or Less! 7:00—Morning Watch—Ben Haw- A large attendance of members Studebaker has come to town in all its glory. discovered again. one for being the highest in the off thorne. overwhelming urge to kick him in What time was this. Miss htmd position. John Butterworth of and Invited guests was prsssnt at Until you see it and drive it, you can’t even be- 8:(X>—News. toe borne o f Miss Ella M. Stanley the shins as she passed, to see if be P ierce?” Dolan Inquired. Wethersfield was awarded a medal Always for Honest Upholstering, Alattreas and Box Spring Reno- Fresh FISH Fresh 8:10—Malcolm (Salre. gin to iiugine how thrilling and different a truly "YO O HOO-V-- would Jump. She wondered bow for the meeting of the WCTU yes- ‘Eleven o'clock, sergeant. There for having showm the greatest Im- vating, Come Here! 6:80—Radio Bazaar. modern automobile can be. the man had made the Journey, no mistake about it I saw 9:00—Jake and Carl. terday afternoon. M rs Leslie Hardy Boneless Filets Fancy Swordfish Steak Cod presided to the abeenoe of M rs wheel-chair and all. Detective Mar- him. ...” 9:16—MUky Way. Never since Studebaker cart were first built has MISSES BLOOM!” tin must have provided a spe- "Say! Walt a minute!” 9:80—rood Newt. Roeaa Brookings, tha p r e s e n t who a small amount of money bought yon so much cial police car. la now attending a conference of Cllly spun around to face tbs Manchester Upholstering Co. 9:48—“Artistry of Homemaklag’'. impressive Studebaker luxury and fineness. Mr. Johnson arrived a few min man who suddenly interrupted NOTICE 2 lbs- 4 2S« lb. 6 lb. 10:00—Mrs. Wtggs of tha Cabbage the New England Branch of toe utes after she was seated, and he 48 Aladlson Street Busy Since 1028 IS - 25 WFMS to HaverhUl, Mam. The as- her. It was Mr. Corbett. There Patch. was followed by a young couple— as a maUclous glint in his eyes. of the 10:l8-^oha’s Other Wife. sembly opened with the reading of the Smiths, undoubtedly. As yet the 28rd psalm. Mrs. Hardy con- “In another minute, sergeant, ORAFEFBUn, BALDWIN APPLES, fl C 10:80—Just Plain BiU. JUST TEN DAYS MORE there was no sign of Urs. Wheeler. the young lady will be telling you {SPANISH ONIONS, 10:46—Today’s Children. tributed an appropriate story. Mrs. 4 f o r ...... 25c 4 pounds ...... IOC {pound ...... SMITHES GARAGE Promptly at 10:30, Sergeant Do- about pink elephants,” he offered TAX COLLECTOR 5c 11:00— David Harum. Bertha Lewie was aecretary pro 30' Bissell Street Manchester lan entered the room, followed by with tolerant amusement. “At 11 11:18—Backstage Wife. tern. Mrs. WUUam Rush, the aecre- Then We Clear Out Of Our South Store At 711 Main Street Uartin. Dolan seated himself at clock last night she was in my All persona liable by law to pay 11:80—Half Past Eleven. tary, arrived later, and read toe the desk, his back to the double apartment, drinking rye highballs taxes In the 11:46—"The Mystery Cher’, minutes of the last meeting, but re- We have been nsing this store for the paat six months aa a windows. Martin stood behind And, beUeve me, she was in con- SOUTH MANCHESTER Try 12:00 noon— “Getting tho Moet Out quested Mrs. Lewis to continue the storehouse, and now we have him, leaning against a nindow- ditlon to see a great many things FIRE DISTRICT of Life’’—Dr. WiUlam L. SUdger. meeting. aU. The tenants sat facing the walking.” of Manchester are hereby notified 12:16 p. m.—"Young Wldder Jones”. Mrs. Robert Richmond gave toe windows, where the light shone T h a t's an ou trag^u s lie, Ur. that on OcL 1 I sbaU have a rate 12:80—The Story of Sight treasurer’s report. Mrs. Lswte gave I D o n n e l l y ' s 13:48— Singing Sam. on their faces clearly and relent- Corbett, and you know it!" bill for the coUection o f three mills S DATS THURSDAY a report on Citizenship, tolling 1:00—News: weather. ABOUT 100 PIECES OF FINE lessly. If they lied. Cllly thought. CUly turned to the sergeant, on the dollar laid on the list o f 1936, FRIDAY about a conference she reeently at- Dolan would be able to read It in shaking with fury. But in his eyes, due to the collector Oct. 1st, 1937, For Attractive 1:16—Joyce Jordan. Olrl Interea tended. ONLY 1:80—Words and Music. M illions O f Americans Thrill A t their features. she saw doubt and disappoint- will be at No. 4 Fire Engine LOOK! SATURDAY Rev. William Wallace, pastor of 1:46—State of Maine Program. “Everybody here, M artin?" Do- m ent It was part o f bis Job to House on School Street dally from the North Methodist church, gave FURNITURE TO BE SOLD AT lan asked. ' to S p. m. to receive said taxes. Wedding: Gifts At 2:00—Jack Harney. believe the worst— and he beUeved THRIFTY CLEANING SPECIALS 2:16—Beatrice Fairfax. the address He expressed spprecla- . Uartin checked with a list in Take Notice! All taxes unpaid Corbett's story. She could see It SKIRTS Beantifulljr Dry Cleaned 3:80—Guy Hedlund and Company. Uon of the work of the WCTU and T h e Stars O f The Screen A nd his hand. “Didn't get in toucn From now on, the fight would be Nov. 1, 1937, wUI be charged inter- Moderate Prices SWEATERS and Pressed added a forceful thought by revers- est at the rate of 8-10 ot I per cent 3:00—Popper Young’s Family. NEAR HALF PRICE with the Wheeler woman yet,” he doubly hard. 3:16—Ma Perkins. ing the familiar aaj^ig to raad; reported. "The three other ten- per month from Oct. 1, 1937, until TROUSERS White Excluded paid. 8:80—Vie and Bade. “WhUs there’s hope, there’s Ufsf" ;Consisting: of:! ants are still out of town—but I (To Be Oonttnoed) ^ 8:46—The OTfeUs. Mlm Stanley gave a brief UUc on don’t see the Corbetts." WILLIAM TAYLOR, DOUBLE COMPACTS THRIFTY HOUSEHOLD^PEQALS The Salaries Th ey Draw* the “Advance In Tennaesee’’ baaing • SOLID MAPLE BEDROOM SLTTES The Corbetts. Cllly looked >jp Collector. A brand new style 4-way Compact with day and BLANKETS— Single— Dry Cleaned and Refluffed .. ,39c • CHESTS OF DRAWERS Mancheeter, Conn., Sept. 85, 1987, It on the fact that that atau has In surprise. But, of course, they night lipstick and powder and rouge. A gy i\ t \ BLANKETS—Double— Dry Cleaned and Refluffed .. .i9c recently “gone dry” . j would be summoned. Mrs. Cor- COSMOPOLITAN CLUB'S • DINETTE SETS • JBWKCASES Delegates were appointed to at- Yon don’t hear of the thoosands who faU to r bett’s mother was the only person Gold filled enamel finish...... $OevHJ QUILTS— Guaranteed Ag^nst M oths...... 69c tend the State Convention to be held • BREAKFAST SETS 'Who actually saw the murder com- DRAPES—Dry Cleaned, Color R evived...... 39c ud W D R C make the top and the “ easy money.” • END TABLES FIRST SESSION FRIDAY to WlUlmanUe eariy this month. . ndtted. Her testimony would be CHAIR COVERS— Plain O n ly ...... 19c each niece 338 Hartford, Conn. 1380 • LAMPS every Important. NOTICE OTHER COMPACTS ...... $ Residents of the park are hoping • STUDIO COUCHES 2.501 Baatarn Standard Time that tbe InstaUaUon o f new water ' And so de.spite private opinions and secret ambi- ^ l^en as Martin spoke, the door THRIFTY SHOE REBUILDING SPECULS tions it seems settled by fate that the great ma- ‘ opened and they entered. Mr. Cor- Meeting to Be Held in Center of the GOLD FILLED BRACELETS a £\f\ pipes, which la now In prograaa, wui LADIES’ HALF SOLES ...... 69c Increase tba fot«a of water In their jority of the public will continue to work for a >,fcstt, Cllly noticed, bad survived his Church Parish House; To in New Link S ty les...... 8p4sUU Wedaeaday, O ct 6 MEN’S HALF SOLES...... 79c p. m. homes, to remedy tha Inconvenience living. It may seem to be just a rut but ambi- *Minklng very well. He was Immac- Entertain, Federation. nlats In a light gray worsted, and TAX COLLECTOR GOLD HLLED BRACELETS ^f\f\ CHILDREN’S HALF SO LES...... 69c 4:00—Dance Time. caused for some time now by lack tious men and women have lifted themselves above ZS Inneriprilia MATTRESSES hs carried himself with an air of Set With 3‘Zircona...... LADIES’ HEEL U F T S ...... 4:80—Academy of Medicine. of water “when you need it" Al- U.OO 4:48—Melody Glrla. though the number o f realdanta la their surroundings by systematic SAVING of aasorance. The CosmopoUtaa club win bold An persona Uabls by law to pay Selling in most atorea for $19.95 and np. Rebuilt By Factory Methods. Splendid Values- 6:00—Ad-Uner. tocreaslag. It to hoped the new their earnings and applying them to their bett”' the opening meeting of Its 1937-38 taxes In ttaa SOLID GOLD PENDANTS Set With Various Colored EIGHTH SCHOOL AND 6:80—The Old Fire (3iief. piping will be a welcome aecommo- ment Our price is one you can’t afford to pass season Friday afternoon in Center Stones Including aq s w if and tii-se Mrs. Oorbett, the same meekclnircta pariah bouse, with Mrs. D. U n U T T E S DIS’tTUCT THRIFTY TAILORING SPEOALS 8:86—Doris Kerr—Songs. daUon for aU. • I and humble woman CUly bad firstC. Y. Moore as hostess. The guest of Manchester are hereby notified C am eos...... < p O » / Q op LADIES’ COATS— Relined With Lovely Crepe, Any 6:46—News Serrie. 6KI0—^Dinner Dance Mualc. Get the Habit of Depositing Regularly In it, followed her husband bsal- speaker will be Mrs. Alice Wallace that on Oct. 1 I shall bava a rate Color S4.29 NEW SCHOOl^ SCHEDDLE ;tly Into the room. She won bill for the eollectlan of two mills 6:16—Four Stars. Troy of Proridence, R. I., who ad- NEWEST STYLE WATERMAN. A n and MEN’S COATS R E LIN E D ...... 99 noadescrlpt blue voile dress, dressed the club at a meeting last on the dollar laid on the list o f 1938, PEN AND PE N Q L SE T S...... a P O . l l U up 6:80—News Service. Hamden. Oet. 6 — (AP) — Tba hung Umidy on her thin frame,season and spoke again before the due to the collector O c t Is 1937. UNDER ARM SHIELDS...... ^9* 6:88—Dinner Dance. Board of Education deddad today face was pale and drawn, Manchester Mothers’ club. Mrs. Taxes accepted every work itay NEW POCKETS...... 23c 6:46—Cbarlea Evans Hughes, Jr. on a alz-period school day for the • THE S A V IN G S B A N K COME IN AND LOOK US OVER! ! PACKARD 0 T Ef f\t\ 7:00—PM tle MModlea. another. In spite of asthma, Trojr'a snbject will be ‘’Modern and avealag during October at 47 STAYS ON PANT BOTTOMS...... 35* students of tha Ham«4s»i High aeheol, Shald her bead h l ^ and entered Poetry.” Main Street and every day ontll ELECTRIC RAZORS...... $ j O .U U 7:16—Hobby Lobby. aoeoa of d recant “strike” by about Tt Won’t Cost You A Penny To Investigate! |the room with a firm step. There 'Tbs BissUng of the Hartford Saturday noon at Blackamith Shop, 7:46—Bosks Carter. 800 puplto srbo wanted shorter . O F M A N C* H E S T E R 8:00—Cavalcade of Musia. Swas a ebaUenge in her dark eyes. County Federation of Women’s U WiUlam Street Headquarters for American Watches . . . boun and tost homewoiit. 8:80—Eddie Cantor. A Mutual Sflriags Hawb ^BBd b ef ddn was aggraastve. Smallchibs wm be held in Manchester at Take Notlee! AH taxes unpaid THRIFTY CLEANERS AND Reconvening after bavl^ de- HAMILTON — ELGIN — WALTHAM 9:00—caiesterfleld Presents. gModer, a n y thought, that tbs Urs. c ountry clubhouse on South Nov. 1, 1887. wUI be charged Inter- ferred aetiod for a moatb oa s re- Main strset. on October 14, with the est at the rate of fl-10 of 1 per cent 9:80—Beauty Boot Tbsatar. port by a speelal committee, tba “bett was nervous and haggard. SHOE REBUILDERS 10:00—“Gang Bustars". * ItfeOosmopcMtaa she must endure club as the as hostess. per month from O c t 1. 1887, until board decldad to place in eflset ttaa Menben dsMrlaff hmeheon reaerva- 981 MAIN STREET 10:80—Pattt Chapin—Songs new day aebednla, tw o periods toes BENSON FURNITURE & RADIO ^wtwaeii these two dominant 10:46—To Be Announced. tlons rtMuld nettfy Mrs. C F. Sum- JOSEPH CTARTIEB, R. DONNELLY Be Thrifty With n rifty For A Lovdy Wardrobe. than tba present cos. ‘'The Little Store With the Big Bargains” her Bsr o f Bettoa Canter by Tuesday. 11:00—Sports—News Two extra periods srill bs dsslg- OoDeator. S15 Main S lr « t JEWELEE M unK^ter ll:l% -F r n a k Dafleya OrriMetim. 705-711 MAIN STREET - JOHNSON BLOCS Octebar U . kma, Sepf 88, 1887, ratsd for sleettve twdtoa, bowsear. rtyofm < at tba sod of tha riffiilar d a w woffe. — f t ------— ^------i ------—

ar-1 iM L O B T E X MAKCHESTTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHBSIER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6, IMT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCTOSTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER «, 1987 PAGE ELEVEI7 TANKS LEAD GIANTS Heads DeMoIay NEW PHYSICIAN PRICESOFMEAT ^ HOLY NAME SOaETY’S ms WINDSOR PLANNING , IN SEVENTH BY 7-1 MAYOR HAYES AT THE HOSPITAL SEEN ON DECLINE MEMBERSHIP GROWS Rainy Weather Threatens Opener of World Series COUP IN GREAT BRITAIN (Oanttuned tMos Page One) HAS 55 MARGIN (Oentinned from Page Om ) First Reports on Canvass for ping at second. It was the first hit off Hubbell since the first Inning. tlvely high until livestock numben New Members Made at Yanks AlURockvilles Confident YANKS-GIANTS BID Lectirar, Appeiriiig at Hoi- T Manctiao threw to Bartell and Go- Dr. Irving Dershwitz of Jer- IN W A m U R Y Increase substantially at slaughter Smoker Held Last Night. SEATS FOR 2500 FANS Giants mes was trapped off second. The bousea. ATTENDANCE EXPECTED OBITUARY (OMttaraed from Page Om ) Lineup iit«r S i School Under Giant abortat^ dropped the ball, sey Gty to Be Temporary Hiese are grueaome facts to tell 'The membership of 8t. James's Of A Victory Here Sunday FOR SERIES MARKS Lineup however, and was charged with an Democrata. eight aldermen to seven a housewife, but the faster the Holy Name Society was Increased AT HIGH NIGHT CLASH FUNERALS error as Gomez scrambled back to Republicans. knife swings at the stockyards ths when the repofte were given by the TO FALL BELOW RECORD safety. Rotfe dropped a single :n Resident Doctor. Anpices ol Edocatiooal Mrs. Jennie Leighton From what could be gleaned from lower her meat bills will be. In the teams that are canvassing for new The All-RockvUlas are eomlng^Tech star and former Manchester short left with the count three and the unofficial records the Demo- past few months, thanks mostly to High player. His team includes all -Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie two, filling the bases. DlMagglo members. Several of tbe oommit- here Sunday to help Moriarty’a Attendance and Gate Re- the Giants are greatly Improved Leighton who died at her home in crats may have retained control of drought’s effect in reducing market lees were not able to make a re- Extra Bleachers Are Secured West Sides launch the semi-pro of last year’s players and aeveral over last season. CUb, Predicts Form of cracked the first pitch to left center Dr. Irving DerahwlU of Jersey tbe Board of Education, all of their supplies of animals, butchers in tjie CCC boys as newcomers. He has Look for Crowd of 60,000 Norwich Monday were held this af- for a single, scoring Gomes and port last night, but wiu have a re- Sport Forum footbaU season at M t Nebo but They ara stronger at third base ternoon at 2 o’clock at the T- P. City, N. J., baa been appointed tem- five candldatea having been elected, killing bouses have been taking It {x>rt at the next meeting. Koelsch, Utah, Kunley, Smach and c«pts Records Most Like- Crosettl. Rolfe ran to third and porary resident physieiaa at the while four of the Ctoalitlon candi- for Game With Winsted at and at flrat base, and they have a Fisdsm WiD FoDow Holloran Fimeral Home, ITS Center eaay. A smoker followed last nlght'o that's all the help the local eleven Dobosz for endz, AUard BleleckL new left-handed pitcher In Cliff street. Rev W. Hope of Bethel DlMagglo reached second on the Manchester Memorial hoepltal to dates seem to have been named. The housewife, ultimate dictator . HIGH SPORTS EQL1PMENT. can expect as the visitors are confi- Gessay and Meleskl for guards, at First Game Today Be- throw-ln. Bartell cut off Lelber’a meeting and starting In November Sports BMitor, Manchester Herald: Melton, who might stand the Yank- church, Hartford officiated and the succeed Dr. Stanley Chart who re- of meat prieea has had something there will be at least two meetings Ml Kebo Friday; Play to dent of their ablUty to plaster the Tanner and Cripp for centers, ly to Tumble This Year. ees on their collective heads. They Abdicatioii. bearers were Herbert Andrews, throw after the centerflelder had signed Oct. 1. Dr, Dershwitz was to say about recent recessions In I have followed the High School West Sides aU over tha gridiron. Brets, Mack, Curley aad Wocel for juggled the ball and just failed to a month when out-of-town speakers football, basketball, baseball and . tween Giants and Yan- are such a smart fielding team that William Bralnard, Henry Robinson recommended for the temporary 4-H POETRY AND DARY livestock prices and some whole- will be present and a series at talks And what’s more, the AU-Rockvilles tackles and a backfield composed of an established slugger like Waily and John Williams. Burial was in catch DlMagglo at second. Gehrig residency by Dr. (3eoigs O’Hanlon, sale meat cuts, foreshadowing pos- Start at 8 O’Gock; Locals track teams for several years and make no bones about their ,101601100 Dickerson, Satryb, Rich, Bllnn, Dep- New York. Oct. 6— (AP) —Gen- was Intentionally passed to fill the win be started by Rev. Vincent I must say they are equipped with Berger can’t even break into today’s Dsvtd Wtodaor, «z>KlaK ^ Gr«st the Wapping cemetery. supervlalng director of the Jersey sible reductions In butcher shop Hines, assistant pastor of St. of doing so In no uncertain manner. tula and Captain Tony PhUllps. erally, World Series records, like kees; Gomez and Hubbell lineup because hts throw-ins from bases again. Whitehead ^11 ed to the worst looking uniforms seen In The Windy City eleven haa al- JMtoin, pUaa a gna t coup In bis City Medical Center and conaultant CLUB OPENS SEASON blUa. Jamea's church. The All-Rockvllles are practicing the last button holding the suspend- center field leave something to be hold Dickey’s sharp grounder and It William Brennan of the Manchester Memorial hospi- Seek Second TriomplL any school. The footbaU team has ready played twice this season, William Brennan was installed as faithfuUy every night this week ers, are likely to go any time, or Set for Slab Duel; Bronx desired. bomdand In the not too diatant fU' went for a single scoring Rolfe and tal. Dr. Dershwitz wUl serve at the enough Jerseys to supply only about gaining impressive victories over and promise that local fans wiU Yet If you think all that has made ABOUT TOWN leaving the bases filled. Hoag master councillor of John Mather On Friday. October 1, 1987, a fourteen players and If you attend may hold Indefinitely. tan, the nsult of which will be the hsopltal until a permanent appoint- the New Britain Panthers and see a much faster and stronger the slightest impression on either JOB M O O U gruonded to Ott and DlMagglo was Chapter, Order of DeMoIay, In cere- meeting of the "Manchester 4-H : e m o t e m ArraagemenU to handle a banner a game 3rou will notice an exchange In pre-series calculations, there's tofoed abdleatloa of hU brother, monies at the Masonic Temple Mon- ment Is made within the next two Windsor Locks. Last year Lhe team In action at the Mount on no way of figuring out Just which Bombers Choice to Annex the Yankeee or tbelr followers, you Gibbons Assembly, Catholic La- forced at the plate, Ott to Mancuso. weeks. Poultry and Dairy C3ub" was held of Jerseys when a player la replaced K l^ Qeorge, and the Inetltution of dles of Columbus, will hold an Im' day night. crowd at tha flrat night football Manchester-RockvUle sporta rivalry Sunday. "We’re out to take your marks are in for eclipse. The haven’t been reading your lessons. Selkirk singled sharply to right at tbe home of William aad David by another player. The basketball produced an even break In two They worship the base hit, prefer- a nlld form of FaacUm, according portant business meeting Friday game In local acholastlc history pride and Joy of Manchester Into answers are always WTong. For in- to Alton Hall Blacktngton, Boeton scoring Gehrig and Dickey and Steele. The meeting began at 8:00 team hasn’t decent uniforms and games but the Invaders are deter- tbe Classic. ably the home-run, and they don't evening at 8:15 In the Knights of have been made for the Manchee- camp,” says a spokesman for the stance, no one foresaw the bombard- Bowamaa, pbotognpber and lectur- sending Hoag to third. The Giants selection after conferring with o’clock with nine memiMrs present anyons who attended the Yale tour- mined to make a clean sweep of the team. "We noticed Morlarty’s coach tUnk that a carload of Hubbells and Columbus ciubrooms. and two visltora, John Spencer and nament at the clOM of tbe 1936 sea- ment with which the Yanks last er. Tbla and other atartling etate- clustered around their southpaw Hartford county leaders, among HOSPITAL NOTES ter-Winsted clash at M t Nebo Fri series thla year. at our game last Sunday but it year wiped out whole pages of Meltons could fool Joe DlMagglo, ace wjiile activity Increased In the them former CJovernor John J. R. W. Whaples, the county agent. day night and 2,500 bleacher seaU son could notice that the Manches- , , Grorge BMBte w en made by Mr. Blackins Troop No. 11, Girl Scouts, will Tbe All-RockvUIes are coached won't do much good to cheek up on series batting and run-making By OAYIE TALBOT bull pen. It was decided to take Trumbull and former State Senator As it was the beginning of a new wlU be available to the first com' ter boys were the poorest looking by John Lathrop, former Lowell .Selkirk and the other mighty men tea laat night at a leetun given tm- hold its first meeting tomorrow at club year new officers were elected. us.’’ records that Had stood for ten years der tte auapteea of the Educational Hubbell from the box. He was re- Kenneth E. Cramer. Discharged yesterday; Mrs. Sarah ere. The game ia slated to get un teapi as far as uniforms were con- o.' more. New York, O ct 6— (AP) — This for long—not for seven games, any- 6:30 p. m., at the T. M. C. A. All Some sentiment wss expressed The officers elected were as follows: cerned. Some of the teams had how. Onb of Haneheeter in Hollister placed by a right-hander, Dick Coff- Turklngton, 23 Orchard street, Les- der way at 8 o’clock but tf Incle- This year, the marks most Ukely Is tha gigantic day, barring fire or memters are requested to attend man. The announcer erroneously for Walter E. Batterson. former ter Turklt.fton, 30 Ford street John Pella, president; Elias ment weather interferes It will be new uniforms for these games. Tha There’s no use in trotting out abaat school auditorium. and welcome former Captain Mias Bailey, vice president; WlllUm to be outdone by the Yankees and flood, wrhen aU normal activities Blarirington supported his state- reported that Harry Gumbert had Hartford mayor, for the state treas. Admitted today: Mrs. Florence postponed until Saturday night. track team ia the worst of ail. Giants are the "highs” for attend- columns of comparative figures Marlon Tinker. been selected to replace Hubbell. ureshtp. Blanchette, 38 Maple street Steele secretary-treasurer, and Import Bleacher Seato My suggestion would be to equip traditionally cease for a couple of against that brand of reasoning. For ment Iqr ttplalnlng that the current news reporter; and Harry Bailey ance and gate receipts which they Manager BUI Terry of the Giants Besides Harwood, Samuel F. Discharged today: Mrs. Either In addition to tha regular bleach- each branch of sport with twenty set a year ago. With a sellout at the hour* In the afternoon and the the Giants’ supporters. It's simply vM t of Windsor to Hitler in Berlin Miss Sirah A. Jones of 154 New Pryor, Jr., newly elected National and William Steele, auditors. A kM a direct hearing on the fprth- came out for a conference at the Jessen, East Windsor Hill, Mrs. era -at tha Mt. Nebo field, brought good uniforms and put Manchester Bears Tie Birds 3-All stadium for either game, or a full mortality rate among grandmothers a case of holding their breaths every Bolton road, teacher In the Hollis- committeeman and assistant treas- committee of two. Paul Schendel boys on tha same basis as other tlmo Hubbell or Melton or Hal eomtng action, also that his visit to plate with the umpires before play William Edward and Infant son. and Hamilton ' Grant, were elected there after tha baseball season at house at both local parks for the leaps out of sight ter street school. Is confined to her urer of the National committee, and HAND 80AP\AT the West Side, seats have been schools. Schumacher winds up. If they can the United SUtes tbU faU wlU be was resumed. The hitch was over 309 1-2 Spruce street Albert B. Wil- to make out the coming year's pro- scriss, the marks are sure to go. The simple, ungainiihed truth Is home this week with the grip but the announcement that Gumbert State Senator J. Kenneth Bradley, son, 6 Lincoln street Qokklr rtaovM fn u *. frit brouilit from tha State Armory The Student Fund statement pub- A few of the recorda at which the puzzle the latezt editim of "murder- for the purpose of conferring with expects to return to her class next National president of the Young gram. asD aoLTB that the New York Giants, of DICE BAETEU, President Roosevelt on Important was to pitch. Accordingly Gumbert Census: Fifty-one patients. as4 dirts and from Hartford. Only holders of ilahed In the current Town Report boys will be shooting In the current ere’ row," the Gtanto, naturally, Monday. Republican clubs, were prominent A debate was held between mem- IXTftA shows receipts of $6,122.70 and ex- In Little World Series Harlem, and the New York Yankeea, have an excellent chance of win- matten, not punly social. was ordered to the mound Instead bers of the club which was resolved tickets will be given a place in the classic: of , are meeting at 1:30 p. in the Connecticut delegation. LABDI penditures of $6,009.70, and It seems Batting average—Total series, ning. If they can’t It's Just too bad. Story Behind the Story of Coffman. Lazzert’s sharp ground- The group from this state was re- Dlnant Belgium, — (AP) — Thla that "One should keep pure bred 80B bleachers. High school officials are m. in the latter's handsome, com- Fred Halprln, 51, of 35Vi Chest- er went through Whitehead for an hoping for a l a ^ crowd in order to to me at least $300 or 3500 oould be ...J o e Engel. the CSuittonooga Gehrig, .386 (five series); one series. In practice the laat two days the Wadrington gave his venion nut street, Hartford, was arrested garded as the most representative placid little village on the banks of dairy stock." The debate was won modious park in the flrat game of error, scoring Hoag and sending tbe river Meuse plans to raise s meet tha high expensea of tha game token from the 1937 fund to equip Newark Wins Third Straight pooh bah. Is looking for a mana- , .625. Giants have not looked too proutls- the -story behind the story- of the by Motorcycle Policeman Herman to meet Hamilton in C!onnecticut by the affirmative side whose cap- athletes. This should be done at the World Series. Ing. They had difficulty knocking Sbdlcatlon of King Edward. He Selkirk to third. Coffman replaced monument to Antoine Joseph, in- t ^ was EUias Bailey. and posalbly provide a UtUa more ger. Runs scored—One series, 9, Babe Muake on Main street yesterday at since he came to Connecticut last Allowance once and no time should be wasted. Ruth (1928) and Gehrig (1932); Bain May Out Crowd balls out of the Infield In yesterday’s stated that his love for Wallis Gumbert In the box. Gomez walked, fall to campaign for Alf. M. Lan- ventor of the saxophone. Joseph, The meeting adjourned at 10:00 for YOUR OLDBATTflt: to halp in underwriting expenses 3:45 p. m. on a charge of speeding. for the season. It would be Intaraatlng to hava Game to' Force Seventh CiMy Staaget want across tbs club, 48, Yankees, 1986; one game, The weather has heen threatening bating drill at the stadium. Ths Wmpson was not the primary cause the fourth ball being low. It was don. Republican nominee for Presi- who was known as Antoine Sax, waa o’clock after which refreshments Tanks, « t the asms Urns, were put- WHEK BtJTiiia a aaiTsaT Tleksfs for ths gams may be ob- an axplanatloa of how tha baalut- Brooklyn bridge aad psraoaajly col 4, Ruth, Earl Oombi and Frank complications. Just as It did last for his stepping down from the Pioneer Lodge of Junior Odd Fel- hlz second pass of the Inning and dent. bom hero November 9. 1814, sad were served. baU team spent 11,045.46 laat year. ting large dents tn ths fiUed the bases agraln. Crosettl lift- died In Paris February 4' 1894, be BUY CAPACITY — NOT PLATIS tained from high school students Isctad ths last iastallmeat of ^ Oosstti, all Yankeea. jrear, but tha foreeaat today was for throne, but that his willful and rev. lows wUl omit its meeting Friday The National chairman was the . The next meeting will be held at This seema to be a lot of money to Clash Tomgh^ Chandler Runs batted In—One series, v, cloudy weather and showers in the balustrades. The "big three” of tbe stationary stand taken 4n behalf of ed a short fiy to Moore. Rolfe walk- guest of honor then at Roraback's fore the popularity of bis tnstni tha house of John Pella on Novem- CtMcIi vltli m *n 4 pM «Qt M i$K9lfle i< t h a t « r and are also on sals at Quinn’s drug salary for not managing tha Dodg' evening and hold it on Friday, Octo- b«U«rtw tm n G U A T K B spend on a team that played eight ere...the big-eared one haa three Gehrig, (1928); one game. 5, Laz- morning, possibly clearing toward Giants’ mound staff—Hubbell, .Mel- his sabjects, the relief of aged ed with the count three and one, Harwlnton estate. ment waa assured. ber B. r«*M***; store. Matter’s smoke shop and the ton and — looked ber 15. Members are urged to be Canter Travel Bureau. out-of-town games, exclusiva of the offers, and will do some business In zeri. Bill Dickey, Etorl Smith; by a afternoon. workers, Welsh oocU miners and the forcing Selkirk across the plate. Dl- Harwood held office hours at Re- Pitches 7-ffitter for 10-1 If the rein o f last night should very Impressive, though. present on that evening. Team Eacopes Injury Yale Tournament games, which In the next two days...be has been club, one eeries, 41, and one game. proposed action for alleviation of Magglo filed to Leiber In deep cen- publican State headquarters in my understanding were paid by the 18, both by Yankeee, 1936. contlnus long today, however, the Melton Hope O f Oisnta SOfferlng in the lower classes In ter on the first pitch. Hartford yesterday for the first Coach Tom Kelley'a Red and ganging around the Yankee offlcca A-meeting of St. Bridget’s Guild scholastic board of Connecticut. Victory; Errors Are Many. a lot. and some of tha boys think Hits—One eerici, 12, by Rice, cluba' hopes for a record gate may *Tf Cliff Just stays In his trance, Qreat Britain, so angered the Prime Seven runs, five hits, two errors, time since his election to the chair- White grid warriors cams through Senators, 1925, and Pepper Martin, be knocked Into a cocked hat. will be held this evening at 7:80 m three left. manship. the opener without an injury and The different coaches are not to he'll wind up managing either Kan- we ought to win this thing,” Hub- Minister and Parliament that the the parish hall. Members having blame for this condition and If I Cardinals, 1931. Although practically all the re- bell commented aa he watched Mel- Mmpson situation was seised upon He disclosed the political situa- lO I DtMAGOlO tbe aquad ia hard at work in dally sas a t y or Oakland, both Yankee served seats have been sold, the tickets on the drawing for 35.00 are were coach I would demand decent farm s...Joe DlMag's dad Is having Doubles— One eeries, 6, Fox, ton cavorting around, displa3rlng a MBi . o n as the best means to press for Ed- tion with a number of members of TheT.M.C.A. workouts for ths second clash hare Columbus, O., Oct. 6— (A P )—The Tigers, 1934; one game, 4, Isbell, prospect of a sellout crowd of 70,- requested to make returns st this unlforma for the athletes. No one a tough time eating regularly be- mouth-ful of teeth. ”I hope nobody ward’s abdication. Falling tb agree the state committee and at the Friday. The 14-0 triumph over surprising Little World Series be- White Sox, 1906. 000 depends entirely upon how meeting. close said the first day confirmed should hesitate about attending the cause he won't touch restaurant tells him this is a World Series." with the leaders of the country and of Manchester Leavenworth of Waterbury has had Friday night game. You will not tween the Columbus Red Birds and Home nma—One series, 4, Ruth many customera turn up to buy the At that, tbe long, looae-Jolnted FINANCES, TOPIC his belief that the availability of a tonic effect on the players and grub—not even the kind Joe dishes his family, the King chose to step be disappoint^,and the money re- Newark’s Bears was right back (1926) and Gehrig (1928); one unreserved grandstand seats at mountaineer who will pitch for the down. His inform^ion. Blacking' the state chairman at regular hours they’re going through their paces out In his San Francisco hash 33.30 and the bleacher places at W. C. T. U. HERE MEETS will work well. ceived should be spent immediately where It started today, aU even, and house. game, 3, Ruth, 1926 and '28. Giants tomorrow looks about aa tow said, was given by well known The Home of Friendehip, I with a spirit and enthusiasm that for uniforms to equip twenty play- more than 34,000 worth of chips Largest score—One game, Yanks 31.10. About 30,000 of these go on tight and tense aa a niaa getna’$ Buropesn wiltsrt. ^ GOP LEADERS I hasn’t been seen In a local school- were down on the outcome of the 18, Giants 4, 1936. sale at 9 a. m. Beat advance Indi- ready for a Sunday School plciflo. If boy team In many yean. Kelley has ers in each sport mentioned above. cations put the crowd between 50,- . Rsgardlng author Sinclair Lewis’ WITH MISS STANLEY ^ Signed, seventh and deciding contest to- Scalpers are asking ten bucks for Attendance — Series, 328,051, he is at all worried about the Tank, work, and that of his busy talented CURB QUOTATIONS I been spending much time on the night. a 35.50 pasteboard. , . the keen hu- Yanks-Cardinals, 1926; ono game, 000 and 60,000', sowewbat short of see' threat to pin back hla prom- Sociability and Character SPORT ENTHUSIAST. tbe record of 69,669 the same cluba wife, Dorothy Tbompeon. the lec' weaknesses that cropped up In the (Editor’s Note; We feel certain Tbe Birds, American Association mor and wit of Will Rogers Is sad- 66,669, Yanks-Glanta, 1936. Inent ears, be Isn’t, showing any turer gave his audience a very In' The meeting of the Woman’s Ud-ltfter and the team Is profiting champs, swept the three-game series ly missed In the refreshment room Receipts — Series, 31.304,399, set last year when the Yankees woo signs. Asked for his pre-serlta re- Christian Temperance Union yester- Amn Cits Pow and Lt B 8V4 that the high school authorities fotn- out of six games. pteture, illustrated with (Onn tinned trom Page One) Am Gen ...... 7 Attainment by the mistakes made lost Friday. would be more than glad to outfit at Newark, and then the Bears, In- where the comedian was a regular Yankees-Giants, 1936; one game, actions, hs only grinned . a yard ly more camera shots than day afternoon at the home of Miss 0>ach Kelley seems likely to 3240,591, Yankeea-Olanto, 1936. Ths cynosure of all eyes today, wide and said; "Ask BUI." ' Ark Nat Gas ___ 4H twenty athletes on each sports team ternational loop pennant winners by until last year.. .extra—It is re- 1 ^ aver pqied for in his Ufe- Ella Stanley of Highland Park was tlon were former U. S. Senator start the same eleven that took the a 25H-gonie margin, allowed the ported the Boeton Bees have draft- depending upon the fortunes of That means BIU Terry, who man- well attended. An Inspiring address Asd Gas and El A IS Financial Campaigfn Now Going: On —forty In fact—if funds were avail- battle, waa expected to be either ttma. ‘The speaker said that a new Jesse H. Metcalf, the National com- Amn Superpow ... 1 field against Leavenworth with the able to underwrite the cost of so Birds a total of two runs tn taking ed a rookie under 30 years of age, ages tha Otanta,—and there’s hook by ths author of "It Can’t was given by Rev. William T. Wal- mitteeman from that state; Mrs. posslbla exception that the veteran the three contests here. In tbe last but may have to put him out an- , the Oklahoma'apple- question about IL Anything that lace of the North Methodist church Can Mare ...... IS doing. It’s little short of an im- knocker who always pitches first Jbppcn Here” will be out eoon and Paul Fitzsimmons, the National Cent States El ... % Contributions Will Be Gratefully Received Len Nieee may be at a tackle berth possibility, however, when every three games the Bears outscored other year for more seasoning.. .. WRESTLING any Giant does In the next seven will feaifeature the coming radical on the subject of "Hope". commltteewroman; State Chairman in place of DsinlaU. Nlese suffered a the Birds 19 to 2, laat night’s count World Series games for the Giants, days, you can bet he got the high. Members were reminded of the Clta Sve ...... 2S looo o t m o sports activity, produces a deficit, the boys In the wining and dining or Vernon (E2 Goofy) Gomez, of BANE LMBBE trend of Touth while parents wing Pierce Brereton. and Maud Wet- El Bond and Sh ... bona bruise of the shoulder In prac- being 10 to 1. rooms stopped hoisting steins long New Haven, Conn.—Reb Ruseell, B l^ from Col. Terry first. Where 62d annual convention of the W. C. los Telephone 7206 due to the lack of public support. California, to whom Manager Joe McCarthy rules with a compara- thing way about the land In trail- more, former president of the Na- Ford Ltd ...... 6 tice last week and whether or not Most of the receipts of the Student 'The 322,268.50 players' pool, pour- enough to give Walter Johnson a 225, Texas, defeated Dynamite Joe era. Mr. BtaeUngton deecribed the T. U. in WlUlmantlc, October 12-18, tional Woman’s Republican Club. ed in to the coffers in tbe first four McCarthy baa entrusted the tively loose rein, Terry ia boas 4>f at the Methodist Episcopal church Nlag Hud Pow ... ns he’ll be In action Friday la etill irf Activities Association come from bond when the "Big Train” entered Cox, 228, Kansaa Qty, two of tbrde Yankees’ fortunes. bitsy Ufe of the author, his desire State Treaeurer Penn. Road ...... 3 doubt If he Isn’t the Red and games, will be split on a 60-40 basis . .. Harry Elsenstot, the ex-Dodger, falls. the Giants from the word "go.” on Church street Sessions will the students themselves and this They promised— these two Ne-v A newe photographer asked one for eeclusian, Mrs. L>ewis’a newa- Before the meeting began, re- Segal Lock ...... IS ' White Is expected to line up with with the winner taking tbe heavy Just declared a free agent, didn’t New York—Yvon Robert, 225, M ier. nwgetlne and radio connec- open at 10 a. m. and close at 4 p. m. ports were current among members amount must be spread over so end. There’s a difference of 34,- Yorkers— to wage a Homeric strug- of thB' GlanU yesterday if he and On Tuesday evening a banquet will Uni Gas ...... 5S Palmer and Taggart at the ends, many actlviUea, athletic and -other- get as far os first when he tried to Montreal, pinned Richard Stahl, 220, gle. They are the greatest pltcn- qons and the revelation that the of tbe Connecticut delegation that Uni Lit and Pow A Daniels and Murphy at tackle, 453.70, and tonight's clash decides sell himself to tbe . Germany, 21:08. iome of hla teammates would pose be served, at which the guest speak- 3S wise, that there Isn't enough to se- ers In their leagues. Hubbell, one in front of ths dug-out. Ths player asopla have a eon, now nine years former State Senator Austin Barney Uts Pow and Lt .. S 1 Thurner and Wlnzler at guard. Har- who gets the extra bit. San Francisco — Sandor Szabo, o f age and a real Tankee boy at er will be Mrs. D. Leigh Colvin of of Farmington would be selected by 'Ws ehsHai|e eoapetftion to modaee n A ~ cure the equipment needed. How Determined to make It four In a of the great pitchers of all time, couldn’t see Terry, who had been New York, national W. C. T. U. Tallies ia HOT WATBt BSATSM. I ry Squatrito at left half, Robinson can the school possibly provide ade- 216, Hungary, defeated Bbu Pinder, known aa the “ meal ticket", silenc- that State Chairman Benjamin E. Har- IODINE CALLED FIRST row, manager Oscar Vitt of tbe 225, India, 12:24. delayed downtown by a conference vice president On Tueeday Miss Cons ta sad ess thsis sensaHoasI Talaeel , at right half and Ernie Squatrito at quate imiforms, vtc., when football ed the Yankees' big Berthas in the with Judge Dandls. Catraveled Spots wood as treasurer of the Republican AMONG OER.MICIDES IM ENSM 0 VSSHOP] it win hi worth 7W while—lbs WTiBC* 1 fuUback. Bears nominated Joe Beggs, tall Mlnneapolle—Lou Plummer. 245, ^ The line lecture by the Boston Lenadell Wiggins, secretary of the State Central committee. ew WAw ew»es» receipts total only 3130.20, baseball righthander, to face the Birds to- first game last year. Gomez, seven ‘Tm sorry,” he said, "but 1 {ars irtsitDdom I Four officials will handle the Baltimore, Md., pinned Mayei Mc- aawimsn a nd photographer took Loyal Temperance Legion, will It was understood that Barney MAMCMaAGOMi only 396.01, track and cross country night Burt Sbotton, hoping for a years younger than his mound rival guess you'd better wait until 'de sprak. Berkeley. Calif. — (AP) — Iodine Hero It Hester Value I I gdine with Sumner Dole of Oonnec- only 317.20 (these figures are from Local Sport Lain, 240, Iowa, 38:12'. and twice as eccentric, didn’t work '^V' the audience Into many out of the has the support of the Hartford may not look nice on your skin, comeback, decided to send Nelson lawd’ gets here." Mrs. Hoadley Welles was elected : ticut Stole College at Storra the Town Report for last year) ? Indianapollz—All Baba, 203, de- for the Yanks until tbs second game And there the matter reated. way spots in lovely New England, county representatives on the state but It's still the most efficient germ Potter, drafted last night by the feated Chris Zaharias, 230, Pueblo, the large number of natural color a delegate from the local branch. committee, although another Hart- The TUDOR MODEL referee and Chris Mc(>>rmlck of Remember that the 31.50 charge for Philadelphia Athletics, to the mound. of the 1936 series, but he won two destroyer, the University pf Cali- this town, widely known grid offi- Chatter Ctolo., straight fails; Sblnlki Bhl- games. pieturea ably iUustrating the quaint ford county man, Rep. Charles BIs- fornia department of bacteriology NEW— FOR NOW! With besvw dstf Ssetrte tMter sad tergs i S. A. A. membership covers every The Bears took no chances last ; _ diaracters, and beauty spots. Per- cial. as umpire. extra-curricular activity during the kuma, 205, Japan, Threw Irish Dan Tanka Big Favorite aell, has been suggested for the reports. Tests were made of nine list core nn t chrotas elatsd hsat dsfW night, lambasting four Columbus O’Connor, 222, B ^ o n , 22 minutes. haps no writer is more acquainted post. leading germicides used to combat Square-See tors. A scBsatioBil H94t ealDtl BILL DICKBT school year and If it hadn’t been for hurlers for 14 hits, Including four What wrlth the World Series in Right down to tbe wire, the JIM B i r i u the untraveled spots than he. Harwood la, expected to make his the S. A. A. the situation would be doubles and a pair of tripples. full blast this week (the Yanks In Kansas City, Kans.—Chief Osley Yankeea have been staunch favorites ASSESSORS’ pus and typhus types of bacteria. Saunooke, 290, Oklahoma City, de- been lecturing for the past worse. Spurgeon Chandler, recent acqul- five games ia still our choice) we to win again, oven though every- aaven years, bis stories are up to Shaker-Knit Sweaters Racing Notes Laat year the S. A. A. started the stUon from the *New York Yanks, thought we’d omit the regular feated Cardiff Giant, 318, Venezu- body, Including Manager McClarthy the minute and fails color pictures school year with a balance of near- with whom he won seven and lost meeting of the 98 Per Cent Wrong ela twro of three falls. of the Yankees, has admitted that are beautiful and masterpieces of NOTICE! FOR MEN By ASSOCIATED PRESS ly 3500 but this was eaten up during three before contracting a sore arm, Club. .. realizing full well, however, direct color photography. In the the season ancl left only 3113 as the The InhaMtante of the came up with a seven-hit perform- that our public is waiting for our a04 views that he fiaahed on the Raymond (Sonny) Workman, «5e balance on hand for this year. C!an ance for Newark. grid selections with tense and bated serene by hit own expert projec- TOWN OF MANCHESTER New Car Prices Will Be of the beat and strongest riders now "Sporta Ehithuslaat’’ tell us how It The series continued to be a "com- breath (mouth wash adv.) we're tiooist, many were of Hoods, fires, In action, has decided to become would be possible to take "3300 or edy of errors” as tha Birds turned throwing aside our peraoual prefer- »3.9S • 9 Other Medelt Hot Water Hester free-lance Jockey after C V. Whit- , and disasters at which he was pres- Liable to pay tazee, are hereby noti- 3500 from the fund to equip ath- In three mtsplaya -tnd the Bears ences to attack the task once ent in person. For the roost part fied and required to return to the HIGHER and $5.95 $4.66, $5.95, $6.95. S8.95. S9.95.511.9S. 512.9c ney disposes oChla racers this fall. letes?" one. That gave tbe Birds 18 mls- again... his unusual character studlec wero on or before the first day The New 1938 Plymouth and Chrysler Will Soon Be Here Workman baa received several nat- As for the expenditure of 31,545.- cuea and the Bears 15 for the six from Vermont and Maine with many of November next, a list of property Maroon Navy tering offers to work iftxt year but 46 by the basketball team last year. games, an average of five and one- Never let It be said that we'd delightful views of the Green Moun- owned by them on the first day of NOW IS THE time TO BUY A NEW he has not decided which to accept Here’s where - the money went: half per contest. chirk our duty, well, hardly ever, tain state and the fast-dlsappearlng October, 1937, and the .Asseasors will White Gray ^ Wate and meanwhile will ride as a free Rental of Armory and, bond, 3150; when It’s staring us right in the covered bridges of New England and meet them for the purpose of reeelv- lance at least until the end of the equipment for team, 3180.84; police, ing their list st the CAR AT A PRICE! Dartmouth Green current season. fa ce ... and there are no leas'than »»-\ flastaea of the countryside in au- 3M.50; new bleachers, 3315; mov- 25 big, bad games In front of ue at tumnal beauty. 1937 PLYMOUTH DEMONSTRATOR '• 'I MUNICIP.AL BUILDINO 1937 CHRYSLER DEMONSTR.\TOR A sweater that ing and repairing old bleachers, Sports Roundup the present moment, all daring us ‘j i One of Mr. Blacklngton's Illus- •mUL BOAO Menow and Tiger, the Juvenile 367.82; assembling and taking down iUBN McOARTOY trated stories dealt with the 40- looks well and wears speedsters which ran one-t'wo in the to pick ’em right.. .so wrlth a anser October 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 18, 14, 15, 18. (2) 1937 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE TOURING SEDANS bleachers for games, 388; transpor- New York, Oct. 6.—(A P )—Plen- at ths whlfflesnlffle who crossed us room castle at Ellsworth, Maine, 18. 20, 21. 22, 25, 26. 27 — 9 A. M. to (One Gun Metal — One Black.) well. Fast color. Full Belmont futurity last Saturday, tation of team, 3200.80; Yale tour- Replace Those SmiMth, likely will meet again In the New ty of deals being cooked up here aa up last week, we’re taking m leaf which be found situated In the 11:30 \. .M. and I P. M. to 5 P. ,M. fashion and hand nament. 348.45, representing cost to the baseball clani gather.. .looks I:'*' woods far from other residences, Buy Your New Car Now — And Save! England futurity late thla month. from Michigan and parleying a Worn Tires Now With finished. Boto Bob McGarvey, who trains school after refund from C. I. A. C.; liks the biggest winter turnover In punt, a pass and a prayer to bring where the two Austin sisters have October 28, 29, November 1st — offlcifds, 3134.50; music and danc- itved tor 56 years, one Is now 60 » A M. to 11:80 A. M. and 1 P. ,M. Look Over Our Selected Stock of Tiger for Mre. Ethel Mare of Chi- years...one choice tidbit la that you the foliowring predictions... to 7 P. M. cago, and Duval Headley, trainer of ing, 3191JS0; Janitors, 367.50: Cincinnati Is out to get BUI Me- and the other 67. One sleeps days oranges for players, 315.00; the rest and at night patrols the castle, only THE SAME SWEATERS FOR BOYS Menow, said today they planned to Kechnle of the Bees as manager, Army over Columbia (a long shot WOLVERINE Saturdays (9 A. M. to 12 Noon). ship the colts to New England being miscellaneous items such as with Gabby Hartnett and Jimmy on the first draw from the hat), one room of which Is finished, and $2.95 and $3.95 posters, paint, coach’s expense and ^-> 3 foeds la relays the 40 odd cats. The October 9, 16. 28, 80. USED CARS rather than to Maryland. Tha race Wilson also In the running.. .Just Arkansas over Baylor, California will be over ths mile and 70 yards Incidentols In connection with C. C. a question df whether the Reds can The Safest and Most Dependable Tires latter bear the names of world ce- Owners of Automobiles, Motor- over Waabmgton State, Denver lebrities, rulers and statesmen , ______^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1935 CHEVROLET DeLUXE SEDAN, with radio and distance, giving race followers a L. Total these up and you’ll bag aithsr of ths trio.. .Reds to re- over Colorado State, Tennessee over j^HORSENIDE cycles and Trailers are requested to find the amount is over 31,500. The That Money Can Buy as c r i m i ^ that may happen ; m regtotratlOT'of heater. better chance to Judge the staying build from ground up...eleven of Duke (and don't we look pretty on to be In the limelight. The castle 1935 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN WITH TRUNK power of the rivals. new bleachers were charged to thla year’s team re-signed, but none a limb), Pittsburgh over Duquesne, ' Both Sol«$ find Uppers! The was started 60 years ago by Theo-; Evening meetings are for the ooa- baaketball because that's all thsy of the others have been ^proached Harvard over Brown, Notre Dame Toughest, Softest ind Most 1934 DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN were used for until this season, TheyWe TRIPLE-SAFE dore P. Aiistir.. millionaire New venleoce of those nbo cannot come Rain and riding' triples featured .. .latter list Includes such big shots over Illinois (the Irish again rate ComfortaNo Leather Ever Put York Jeweler at that time. The site t® tt>* day teenlons. Taxpayers are 1934 CONV. FORD COUPE with radio and heater. yesterday’s dull racing program. when they’ll be used for football aa Ernie Lombardi, Gene Schott our beet bet), Nebraska over Iowa And Yet They Cost No More Than Ordinary Tires lacluiM 6000 acres of forest land, i requested to come In the day time 1932 PLYMOUTH SEDAN with radio and heater. Fast Ei^ tsss, claimed out o f his also. and Paul Derringer.. .if they go, State, Georgia Tech over Ken- In Work Shoes Many Art Objeeta If possible and not crowd the eve- last race Mrs. K. N. OUpl^ splash- It’s very easy for other teams In who WlU taka thetr places? GUI MANCtJSO •IJ \X I 1929 FORD COACH OBOBCB SB U m ul tucky, Minnesota over Indiana (and East SIds.. .Wast Sids.. .All Around Ih the building is 156.000 srorth! olhg seeelnns. ed through the mud at Laurel to the state. New Britain, Bristol and those Gophers oughtartbe mad clear Firestone of stained glasa teakwood, zna-' ------BINGO win the top race by 2 )i lengths Mlddlstown for example, to’ equip One burned up gent Is PhllUp K. Sentinel Type TIRES ‘VpBBS the Shoe! Yes,sirl It’sALX. SHELL through), Missouri ^ver if.w M . HORSEHIDEt both soles and upperel bogany, inarble ac.d other materials Ex-Service men having disability from MlUadals stable’a Etorly Tlmea their teams to ths limit as their re- Wrtgley, owner of ths Chiba...ne State, N. Y. U. over ceipts for the season total many 4.40-21 • • • • 5.65 $1.65 Aad Wolverine is the only work shoe uned tn the prneeas of coestruetlon. compensation rating file tame with Fast Express paid $25.50 in tha $2 didn't bother to stay home and root Una (Just a hunch), Northwestern and many at tbe rooms sre filled, t** Assessors before November 1st. OLSON MOTOR SALES ODD FELLOWS SOCIAL. mutuqls. Shot Up, another outsider times the amoimt token in by Man- 4..50-20 e • • • • 6.05 . 1.60 in tha world that gives you this for hla team In the city aerlea over Michigan, Ctornell over Prince- with packages of art objects from All lists of Real Estate must give which paid 10 to 1, took the Kew chester. The public in these places • •» « 6.35 teoghar, stronger, longer wearily Chrjrsler-Plyinouth Sales and Service against the White S ox .. .Phillip K. ton. Purdue over Carnegie Tech, L. 4..S0-21 1.63 leetnsr In tothsolee and uppers. This an parts of the globe, collected by boundaries of the land, as by law 127 Spruce Street Telephone 5313 CLUB Gardena Class D handle^ at turns out in large numbers to see can't understand why the Cubs 4.75-19 see* • • • 6.70 1.65 Jamaica by a noss from .the favorsd their teams In action and are will- S. U. over Rice, Ohio State over leather wean'... and wears, yet fnr- Austin, which hare remained un-: required, or they will not be accept- didn’t come through thi. year and Southern Oal (on a coin teas). e.e • a 6.85 1.60 nisb yoor feet with the greatest de- apened by tbe slsttrs for over half: *a Maditerraoean sea has to maka oath and sign same. Per- ODD FELLOWS BUH^DING Leo may ba past hla prims as a 5.25-21 • • • see 8.80 2.00 player, but If the Dodgere are look- Right over the owmags depth of 4560 feet sona filing lists as agents for ether FOR SALE NEA’e sports staff differs with 5.50-17 a.e • • • • • 8.75 2.10 momsAw persons must declare under oath, At the Center FOOTBALL ing for a 1989 manager, mebbe the us on five choices, picking tha fol- hone’s hips is an ex- LEGAL NOTICES htat they have been duly appointed Several houaee tooated la various seettoua of Mnnrhm trade wasn’t such a bum one, at lowrlng on the same list: Columbia. 5.50-18 • •• • • • • • 9.05 2.25 tra strong, tough ter iBcfiidlag Magta^ two-famUy doptaz and flata. om Huchester High School that... 5.50-19 SM ••• 9.15 2A0 aectiac o f bide. Ins agenta and have full authority and Arkansas, California, Denver, Duke, center layer is horn- ___ wroK pwuiiT knowledge to file such list. Blanks foui^famUy. aad om eeatmOy looatod ttore or offleo bultd- Pittsburgh, Harvard, Notre Dame, 5.50-20 * • • • 9.50 2.50 T*. Judge Landia’ fresh hair cut ia liks SHELL (timilar »® tioe that 1 Pas- can be obtained of the Aaaessors, Nebraska, Georgia Tech, Minnecota, 6.00-16 • • e e • • • 9.75 2.40 sais to jfomf tha talk of the hotel lobbies... im mlasrd Pises, Town a e rk and at the aeveral Poet .V . aug zfo-m e. -..t o houM. to E .^ Winsted High School Mlaeouri, North Caroltiia, < North- 6.00-20 H.D • • • 12.70 2.50 fini*r-nail.).) That OSioas ta Town. Mickey Cochrane, back from Eu- weetern. Cornell, Purdue, L. 8. U„ Shell accounts for tbe emaztngl Oetobsr, ISIT laa aro nttoaS t tmm $8,800. op with toall rope aad looking vary fit, got tha 6.00-21 H.D • • a 13.00 2.50 y ? * **• ytnor Oeatrol Coramisslon 25 Southern Cal. U. C. L. a I. Temple, longer wear In Wolverine She FLCASE NOTE! mqWiuA hstoam mm mortgage with mm MT.NEBO glad band on all aldas.. .ao did John Texas A. and M., Texas Cbrlettan, 30x3 CL Ext. Size 5A5 L3S Honebide Work Shoes. Premlsss of Ttawemiier lat la the Last Day! A. Heydlsr, formar prasldaBt o< the Navy, Washington and P enn... ' Pises. Msnehsstsr. Conn. Friday, October 8 Nattosial League, who is tniaing Ubeial Trade-in Allowance On Your Old Tirea! m X L I> O. HOHENTHA^ JE , Door Prize: Choice of Radio or $10 in Cash. 681 out to ba quits a golfer...Joe While wrs're at It we might Just 2 {S f^ ‘*«’vOsan, of »T MANCHESTER BUHJ)ING Oould, tha fight maaagar, was spot- ^'•“ • ^Ataaokesasr. Oean.. TBC»IAS J. LEWIE. 8P.M. as well Invade tbe realm o f sehcilas- ^ Pssanals MAIN tsd tatrodudag Jos DUCaggio to tic football and pick Manchester to WO lj^lN E 1* Brateard Plassi ilaa- henry a . M CTRIE. ft LOAN ASSOaATION Conn., ss psnalttsa Ffye Excellent Specials and $100 '2,500 SMte ICllS Maltoa ia ths lobby of ths ho- beat Wlnstad thla Friday night at STREET - tel wbsrs all thrsa UTa..to. tin Mt. Nebo...also Brist^ to stop M0RIARTY RROS. 8-UlB UKIVK-L. Hi*' • 801-815 Center Street—Comer Broad Street AdBdsrioa SOe. dealer from V^chlta, Kana, la here East Hartford in a real etoaa one, In Worthwhile Prizes! • SEKVICB ready to gtva a brand now set to and Mlddlatowm to wallop Waat Open 24 Honrs Telephone 8878 . tha first guy smaeklag out a hotasr Hartford by plenty... Glenney*s i T

. j"!;: ' - --Y-'CT'iiifc,'] \

MANGHE8TER BVENINO HERALD, HANGHEEHBI, OQNM,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 ,198T BVENIWG BUEKALO, MANCHBariTR, CONN,, WBDNISDAT, OCTOBER 6, 198T I^XGBTBOnSV .-.J BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Poor Ferdy By MARTIN *«~0\O y0O6rt‘. P i J w %WMM.a'^ WVEMT//int //le C L A S S I F I E D BOOT& y o u VJfNi ? CsOfe' VOR6CTC WVkO'ft Obi YVk' "XtfbM Ht «OOt 06 Y'OOCW. YKVb A>VL N f I t R W O O b i All great eoula ar* cimple—in BOYS W n x GROW UP AND BE- 00«\W VEW? ? thought, word and action. (X)UE FINE MEN IF THEY HAVE 6C(?lM HA6t A GOOD MOTHER TO CON- TOOKV Praise stlmulatea aome men and STANTLY WARN THEM NOT TO demoralises other*. BE LIKE THEIR FATHER. When angry keep quiet and know BOABDEIM WANTED 59-A Fortune Teller (to bride of a few nothing. U>PT—PASS BOOK NO- 6S08— SOMETHINO TO DO? Ride a LOCK AND SAFE combinations FOR SALE—ONE HAND cider months)—You wish to know about Notice U hereby flven tbat Paea bicycle, 25c per hour, free,rides. changeil, key fitting duplicating. FOR RENT—fur nished room. a k eidm head t o be your future husband? WANTED—FARM band, sober and press. Price reasonable, if taken at Board optloaaL Dinners 85c. Lunch- T A L C O TT V IL L E RBO Book No. 6508 Issued by The Sav- Special rates per day. 71 Delmont, Guns, vacuum cleaners, clocks etc., reliable. Steady Job, with good once. Inquire 591 Center street. Bride—No, I wish to know about tiiga Bank of Manchester has been cor. Summit Arnold Nelson. Tel. cleaned, repaired. Bralthwalta, 62 eons 25c daUy. 221 Pine street tbe past of my present husband for borne for right party. CaU 4217 TeL 7949. Rev. George Stevenson of New GARDEN CLUB GUEST A Thought lost or destroyed, and written ap- 6323. Pearl street after 6 p. m. Hampshire has been chosen to be future use. plication has been made to said ELE(}TRICAL APPUANCES pastor of the TalcottvUle Congrega. bank tqr the person in whose name BICYCLES FX5R RENT—25c hour. ■- Haughty Woman—Did any of Th* word of the Lord I* right._ Special rates by day. Ask about BUSINESS RESPONSIBLE MARRIED MEN— RADIO 49 APARTMEN-ra—FLATS— tional church. Rev. Asbury E. Dr. Donald Wj^man to GIt * Psalm* SS, 4. such book was issued, for payment Three men 26 to 40 years of sge, for, Krom of Wctbersfleld occupied the your ancestors do things to cause our 5 for 1 plan. Geo. Williams OPPORTUNITIES 82 TENEMENTS 63 Illustrated Lecture at Wht- posterity to remember them? of the amount of deposit represent- immediate employrment; must be REFRIGERATORS — Re manufac- pulpit Sunday, October 3. We Bhould give God the same ed by said book, or for the issuance 105 Oxford, off Strickland. Tele- tured, Just like new. Guaranteed 1 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM flat, steam ton Memorial Hail on Moa* Fanner—I reckon they did. My phone 6234. FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec permanently located in Manchester Pins were given out to tbe follow. day. grandfather put mortgages on this place in our hearts that Ho holds of a duplicate book therefor. tIoD, brick mercantile building and vicinity; must be able to fur- year. WesUngbouae, Frlgtdaira, heat, newly renovated, near trol- Ing children for having perfect at- in the universe. General E3ectrlc, Keivinator and tendance for the quarter: Muriel place that aren't paid off yeL T. ut e i a a SAT. Off. LOST—FRIDAT, white collie dog, with 3000 ft. of ground floor space. nish A-1 references. Responsible ley and bus. Inquire 82 Walnut S t WANTED— LAUNDRY and cur- Suitable for light manufacturing. position with steady income, and Gnmow. Prices start at $S9A0. See Copping, Earl Doggart, Lois Dog- with 2 brown patches on head. Re- tbeae values today. Brunners FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT a t 227 ffset, Welles Foster, Lorraine Fos- Monday evening, October 11, Dr. SOME MEN OO TO A LOT OF Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox turn to 98 Pine street. tains to do at home. Call 3086. Apply Edward J. Holl. excellent future possibilitlee. AU Donald Wyman of the Arnold Ar- men will be required to wmrk _ Radio Dept 80 Oakland atreat canter street, all modern improve- ter, Janet Rankin, Betty Jane TROUBLE TRYING TO HIDE Quotatiors' Phone 5191. ments. Phone 7864. Rankin, Jane Flynn, Barbara Kent boretum will give an Illustrated lee- .''THEIR UOHT UNDER A BUSHEL LOST— LADY’S SMALL. Bulova minimum of 48 hours a week. Any ture at the Whiten Memorial WHEN A TIN CUP WOULD SUF- wrist watch, with link bracelet, be- AiJTUMOBILES FUK SALE 4 HELP WANTED— man out of work for more than a There will be a Golden Rule Oub on "Flowering Trees and ShrubsSI To be a Journalist you must know OUR BOARDING HOUSE tween comer of Myrtle and Church FEMALE 35 meeting Friday evening with Mrs. FICE FOR THE JOB. FOR SALE—1935 Oldsmoblle De- few months need not apply. Bring HOUSEHOLD GCNIDS SI FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement He is brought to Manchester by a great deal about the real world streets. Reward. Call at Sllbros a copy of this ad and see our em- modern, 32 Hawthorne street ZIgmund Codtz In charge and Miss local garden club, and hie lecturS. and about the law that holds you re- luxe sedan, excellent condition. Call WANTED — GIRL FOR general, Esther Welles and Mias Alice Spen- Harold—You look all In today, ove'*^o0*‘'’ UMF-F--- VES, e<3Ap.' MV VEM.^ 5 HE Store, 881 Main street. 8142. ployment manager, Mr. T, Car- l-NEW 5 FT. 1937 Leonard refrig- nill be given ofithout admission fee/- sponsible for everything you write, housework, one who llkea children, dello, Thursday, Oct. 7th. between cer will be the hostesses. BIU. What’p the trouble? STERUNO CHAAACTER AND Z'LL MAVE to > M U S T H A V E stay nights. Phone 8140. erator was $164.95—now $129.50. It is the custom of the club to ar- BiU—Well. I didn’t get home until to say nothing of history, sociology FOR SALE—$20.00 buys Chrysler 10 and 13:30, Hotel Sheridan, Man- Five year guarantee. Benson Furni- BUSINESS LOCATIONS Mrs. James Ridyard has returned range for at least one open meeting: and literature. STAKruNo su c c e ss in life ONE HER CREtrr- HAD A TOUOH cheater. . FOR RENT 64 to her home in Waterloo, N. Y., after daylight, and I w u Just un- L OWE TO THE FORCEFUL sedan. May be seen at 13 Vine CHRISTMAS CARDS. 10 wonderful ture and Radio. after spending some time with her during the eeason when authorlUea dressing when my wife woke up and —Orerge Bernard Shaw. E.ME didn't do STRUOaLE/ Manchesier street. money making boxes. Sample 21 on the various branches of horticul- eUiPANCE OF MV aSTER 6.0 ba dlv, WANTED—RELIABLE boy for or- FOR SALE—STOVE with good husband at the Green Circle Inn. said: "Aren't you getting up pretty OLIMBILKS TO folder $1 assortment on approval. ture are invited to addreee the early?" In order to save an argu- More women attempt suicide than Liziie-— har- r - rumf — FOR SALE—1929 FORD coach, rands, learn trade in dental labora- oven $10.00. Also Vulcan 5 burner FOR RENT-STOKE at 995 Ham Mrs. Mary Kelley of WUllmanUc CDNEIDBKIKJO TH' H EAD OR Evening Herald Free personal card offer. Chilton street Apply Edward J. HoU. is spending this week at the home townspeople and neighboring gar- ment I put on my clothes and came men, but few persona attempt It on 1929 Ford sedan, 1930 Ford road- tory. Apply 110 Ridge street, be- gaa $3.50. 13 Vine street. den clubs. Acceptances have been an empty stomach. •^UT F O R the ir o n will TH' THIRD R A T p TH' H OOPLH ster, 1931 Studebaker coach, 1930 Greetings, 175T Lincoln street of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Madden. down to the office. CLASSIFIED Boston. tween 4 and 6. The regular meeting of the received IndlcaUng that the follow- —Dr. Merrill Moore of Harvard AND DETERMINATION THAT MATERIAL-SHE Ford coach. No money down. REPOSSESSED 1937 Leonard 6 f t ing clubs will be represented: Rock- Medical School, CLASS, WITH ADVERTISEMENTS refrigerator. Cost $217.95. Used 2 SUMMER HOMES Vernon Civic society has been post- . ; READ IT OR NOT: SHE FORSED INTO MY BElNS, HAD TO BUILD Monaco Motor Sales, 333 Main St. YOUNG WOMAN experienced, gen- WANTED—YOUNG man to work FOR RENT poned from October 4 to Monday ville. South Windsor, Wethersfield. A COUPLE OP Ml mvmns* w»r«a i« » Um . In drug store, one with store ex- months—now $147. 5 year guaran- 67 ‘ . It la said that raw eggs are more 1 NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH f 1929 CHEVROLET conch. 1929 Ford eral housework, $10 week, live In. evening, October 11. Newington, Hartford, West Hart- , ■"*' easily digested than cooked eggs. Liking this job will be easy, be- CLUCKS LIKE nItlAlai ■■flibar* mm4 ftbbravUtloBa References. Telephone 5594. perience preferred. Apply with tee. Benson Furniture and Radio. FOR RENT—TWO 5 room cot- ford. ConnecUcut Valley, Laurel of cause it all depends on the minister. ABLE TO ACCOMFUSM ALL bbch oorat M B ward aad •ompBund roadster, 1929 Dodge Victoria, 1930 Johnson Block. There was a meeting of the l" lo ? This Is a fallacy. words M two words. KiBlasaai ooot to references to Mr. Murphy, at The tages, at Columbia Lake. Can be Friendly Circle Tuesday evenlnj. East Hartford and the Connecticut —Mr*. Herman Barbery, comment- MV fhemomemal fea t s I •rtOO Wf tllffOB itsoo. Pontiac coach. - Special 1930 Ford Center Pharmacy. used year around. Call Manchester Horticultural Society. ing on her Job as a minlster’e | roadster, $80. No down payment. HELP WANTED— FOR SALE—OIL BURNER, ellght- Mias Doris Rlvenburg was In charge On his desk where every visitor COMPETITION tlM frntoo oor 4mw for troBSlOBt Cole Motors, 6463. ly used. Reasonable price. Phone 4131 or 4279. of it and the hostesses were Miss The Arnold Arboretum which is 55 -Si - must see It. a business man has a 1 MALE 86 3062. Lylabel Strong and Misa Ruth Bllnn. under the management of Harvard card reading: It ain't no use their taking him tr. m HELP WANTED— The Vernon Grange will have a University was founded In 1872, and away from me. I’U wait as long as Cssb- — Cbarva WE CAN USE A hard-working, re- WANTED TO RENT 68 What do you know? • OoaseeaUTe Oars ..I T etsi S ^ FAINTIN<;—PAPERING 21 liable man with some sales or MALE OR FEMALE 37 COLD? WE CARRY parlor stoves, harvest supper for the 3rd and 4th now maintains two large establish- - : - How do you know It ? It takes. • toasaeaUra Oars .. S stS 11 eU route experience, to be trained to oU and kitchen stoves. Also other WANTED—THREE rooms unfur- ^*** (nembera. All ments. the main one at Jamaica What of It? —Helen Black FlatL IS-yesw-okl • ea •••aaaaaaa**a| U OtO| Id OtO the members are supposed to con- Plain near Boeton covers 260 child bride of Bud Flatt, big- \ _*tl »eS«a tm t irraaalar tasartloas PROPERTY OWNERS— Attention fill a local d-'lership. $20 minimum CHRISTMAS CARD selling will used furniture. Open evenings. 33 nished, heated, near Main street $6.95 rspapara room, calling papar- make easy axtra money for you. Oak street tribute something for this supper acres. It also maintains a station amous husband. srinw Mmrsaa as the eae Usm rata earnings to start with an excel- by October 14tb. Telephone 705L which is to be served at 6:80. The Some men who really know very ratae far las* term araqr •d or kaliomindd. MatdHal, labor lent opportunity for the future. A reputable local Greeting Card in Chiba for research, with 200 acres ^ little, have tbe knack of appearing 6ar adrmistaa *1*08 sms. raanaiit WANTED—THREE room furnish- Ellington Orange are to be visitors of experimental gardens with a flna It Isn't so bad being mobbed by . A*a srieraa batara tha U M or a ru complete. Inaide, outside painting. Write Box 900, Hartford. Shop offers a rare opportunity to at this meeting, which will be on very profound. Large aavlnga. Work guaranteed. earn additional money for your MACHINERY AND IXKILS 52 ed apartment, with private bath, collection of tropical trees and autograph hunters. I imagine it's a e b a r ^ ealr far the ae- Friday evening tbe 8th. plants. lot worse when they stop mobbing M a a s ^ r of tlmas tha ad appalar- Lang. Phone 3693. own Christmas shopping or other NEW STANDARDS of perform- heated. Inquire Manager F. W. There was an all day "sewing "Sophisticated! My dear, that sd, Aarata* at tha rata aaraad bat bn. needs. You are Invited to take ad- Woolworth. The Arboretum at Jamaica Plain child wouldn’t even believe that the you. M anaaeaaoa ar rofaads eaa ba audo ance, economy are embodied in meeting today at the home of Mrs. is open to the public. Couisca in —^Tyrone Power, film star. •*” dma ads staspad aflar tha vantage of our proposition. Num- every Oliver tractor. Dublin Trac- John Wilson. A pot-luck dinner was stork brought baby storks!” REPAIRING 23 ber of representatives limited. First aeived. horticulture and arboriculture axe tor Co., WlUtmantlc. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 given as a part of the Harvard Uni- farblds'i dtsplor Haas aat come, first served. This proposi- "Id »on, Richard, A. A, DION Roofing and Siding tion Is different Complete sales versity training to those who elect WHEN YOU CATCH YOURSELF CRIPPLED DOCTOR, 82, . Tha B ar^ ami act ba raapoatlbla contractor. Workmanship guaran- FOR SALE MANCHESTER — NEW 6 room of Wrnimantlc spent Monday at to take them. The arboretum ti«« TALKING LOUD AND CXAMOR- GROWS BULBS FOB UVINO mr Bara thaa aaa laaerraet laaartloa teed. Painting and carpenter work. kit FREE. CaU In person or write. VIIISICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 colonial house with all modern Im- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew OUSLY, JUST REMEMBER sdrartlaaaiaat ardarad fat SINGLE—Six rooms, steam beat, Do not phone. Act now for more provements, Insulated, attached ga- Madden. Its own library of over 50,000 books thaa aaa tlaa. 81 Wells street. Telephone 4860. fireplace, garage. a talaphoaa Lumbermena Fire Insurance and Carlson A Son Poultry Farm.'rele- Mr. Barhlte is survived by two ern cultivation, among them the His alarm to ring Hars Mountains village. They run By JOHN C. TERRY u RATO ciraa abora most beautiful flowers that grace At six o'clock. *• adrartlaara. but FOUR GOOD CARS Lumbermen's Casualty Insurance pbone 4217. R(H)MS WITHOUT BOARD 59 daughters, Mrs. A. V. Davis of the feast, choose the hay queen and 1984 Co. See Us for Inaurance and Americau gardens. In his book Then calmly lets lllCH above, SCORCHY ROLLS IHTO A DIVE...... TPt ANDTME OTHERS .T'" 5s aaeaptad as Ridgefield and Mrs. Harold McAllis- It wake the others— march through the village. Then fOUOW IH mPIP SUCCESSION ” ■ ' Chevrolet Master Coach...... $385 Real, Estate. TO RENT—IN THE Waranoke, QUAKE RECORDED ter of Norwalk. "China the Mother of Gardena," of there la dancing—the women choos- *5* ssssatb IBS* neatly furnished rooms. Price rea- Washington. Oct. 6.—(AP)—A which the Garden club poeaesees Mother, father, sisters, brothers— “JL t5s •rat laaartlea at moderate to strong earthquake was Funeral services will be at 2 p. m And, after their hope of rest is ing their partners and rewardlns seeh ad atbarwlaa tba tSAAOE Chevrolet Master Coach ... .*275 sonable. Apply Supt. 801 Main St. Friday. an autographed copy, he reveals the gone. them with chocolate hearts and free S jfl^ F ® 5a oellaotad. No raipenat- lecorded on the Georgetown Uni- tremendous debt tbe world owes to beer. '■ ‘slapbonad adt IBS* Plymouth 4-Or. Sedan, *29-5 Stuart J. Wasley FOR RENT—1 OR 2 FRON'f versity seismograph today. China for horticultural treasures, Turns over and sleeps serenely on. IBSl Ford Panel Delivery ... *75 Beginning at 4:53.04 a. m., e. a. t.. bSTaT^iaSl 755 Main Street rooms, furnished, steam heat, sin- The Africa okapi Is related to one of the best loved being the re- Able—I got terrible trouble, doc- These ears In A-I condition and Tel. 6848 - 7146 gle bouse, ladles preferred, central. the disturbance reached a maxi- the giraffe, but. according to sci- gal Illy. Other books by Mr. Wil- MYSTERIOUS POISON INDEX OP really for the road. Ask for dem- Box J, Herald. mum at 4:59 a. m., and ended at 6 entific findings, the okapi Is more tor. T can't slipp at night. Vot’s FOR SA• LE son are "Aristocrats of tbe Garden’* de bast tink I should doink so dot KILLS MOUNTAIN CATTLE onstration. a. m. primitive In skeletal formation "More Aristocrats of the Garden," CLASSIFICATIONS FOR RENT—FRONT room. All I cen gatt some sIlpp? ONE OF THE BEST LAKE The distance from Washington than any of the fossil giraffes so "Plant Hunting" and "America's Doctor—The best remedy for In- Raymond. Calif. (AP)—An un- modem conveniences with private was estimated at 2.000 miles In a far dlscovereo. Greatest Garden.” known plant poison Is believed by ^ ••••••••••••••• S. D. WILLIAMS FRONT LOTS AT CRYS- family. 16 Ekigerton street. somnia Is aln-ays the simplest one. Momovoo «• C 275 Main Street southwesterly direction. You ovdn a sheep ranch. Why don’t authorities to be the cause of nu- aaa«aaad*6 »« D 3430 Phones 4129 TAL LAKE. $600 cash takes you count your sheep Jumping over merous deaths among cattle In the Obrd o f TbOBko •••••••••••••••-- * FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, Unique among chemical com- J* ^•tOOrlBBI aawdd*«»*«ooa •y. F it if taken in the next few business couple or two women. a fence each night ? mountain ranges near this town. A i«Ot Md FOBBd ...... 1 pounds is water, which has the Able (groaning loudly)—I tried number of poisonous plants grow ^BOBB^OBU *...... Hartford-Silver Lane days. Private home, use of kitchen. Dial power to dissolve more substances 6040 for particulars. dot, bat Its no good. De sheep klpp In the region but as a rule instinct a a a a a • a • a a t than any other medium known. Jumplnk into (Cohens pasture. guides cattle away from them. ABfowMioo So. Manchester A«to»obll«o for Solo ..•*«•••• 4 32 STRONG—6 rooms, rin- Hold Everything! [ig^ U S " ! * ” '** ■*®5aaaa . . . . t Bus Line Schedule A«'s»»rlaa--Tlraa ...... « gle, fireplace, steam h eat 1 t r. IS tUw««a Aata Rapalrinr—Palattaa EMERGENCY Now vacant and being en- Aoto Icboolo a...... f-A Leaving the Center Daily: FREC KLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WASHINGTON TUBBS Aotoo Bhlp by l ^ e k tirely reconditioned. Will be By O ane OUT OUR WAY ABtoo^For Biro ...... •aaaaaa*«« A. M.: 6:30, 7:15, 7:45, 8:15, FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia By Williams • 8:45. B;I5, 10:15, 11:15. sold a t a very low figure. ^COriL 1937 tv NU tUVICK. H9C. T. M. MQ. U. 9AT. Orr- 'iDu 're. csofjwx HAVE 4. rr'S’A cinch....i 'm suppo sed ^LASTED POLECAT ' ^ LIE', L I g l 'i Oorosoo—lonrleo—Storaso 14 CALLS \ CCXJPLE O' SHC MotoroyoJoo^BteyeUo ...... 1] P. M.: 12:15, m 5, 2:15, 8:15, Small amount cash needed. A HECK o r A time J T ) be the pipe PLAYER IN Wa^od ABtoo^Jdotereyeloo------.... It P0L1(>’E 8:45, 4:15, 4:45 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, THAT'S WHAT? “►! fAUW>ER.»» *1 »■■ «■< FrofoBoloBBl ioi itcco 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 1I:IA 1 •keeping YDUR TWISTEiy^THE SPIRIT OF '7 6 ! I CAN Bulaiaa darricaa Oltarad ...... ]t BRAND NEW 5 - ROOM novnf fit! ANKLE A . J LIMP ALL I WANT tq • ------)----- SSSS5ilr-**7''**. 0*«rs« ....ll-A 4343 In addition to the above sched- ule the foUowIng tripe are in- BUNGALOW, steam heat, Faaaral IMraetors ...... is eluded on garage. Sacrifice price. HsatlBE—PlonblBE—lioallBE . . . ii FIRE V ifn?i**"** 1* Saturday* Only: ...... Sooth 12:45, 1:45 and 2:45. r M n tlap -l^ p arln s...... li 4321 Sundays: S ^ s “ '»“M •arrleaa ...... tl A. 5L: 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15. ARTHUR A. North RlWiii ^llat ^oda aad Sanrloa ...... II P. M.: 12:15, 1:15, 2:15, 5:15, Waatad—Baalnaaa Barrlea _ . . . . M S»40P BdBeottoBBl S432 4:15, 5:15, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, S«!S??® C law aa...... n 10:15, 11:15. KNOFLA »«*ata laatrsetloiia ...... tt Daaclns ...... ;...... Paseengera PicJted Up On West 875 Main Street 'V M AMBULANCE Side ol Main Street Waatad—laatraetloaa...... *»M Dial 5440.5938 __ F t m a a e l a l (Dongmo) 5°*®^-ft” 5s—Mortssrae . .. .. n wSilSf®? ‘JbPortaBitlei ...... tl 5 6 )0 BOV.TDU S U P E _ , _ BalP aad ditaatlaaa (HoUoran) NO SIR .N U n V -IM C30WNA 5slp W a n t e d -Pamala ...... It MUST UKE MAS IF I didn't PLAY ROOTBALL THIS . —u------O ff? a . 'c.Nir ...... •« QUERADES.'WfTH iSHOW UP AT YEAR,AMD TM MOT .T.®®*i*...... 3060 AUCTION TONIGHT! Bolp WaBtod^lCato or FoBMlt.* IT THAT BAD LEG 'that pa r t y , <30NMA be PEOPLE ■Itoatlona Wantad—Paaala-V ...... *’-A It (Qoish) OF Tt5URS^>t>U ON ACCOUNT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OUGHTA S E WOULD A S K A BAD ANKLE ! Employmeat5.«-®i“ ®“® ...... ApenetM...... It40 AT REIDS’ AUCTION AUDITORIUM QUESTIONS J SfMk—I^ta—faBHar—Tehicla. 4340 Home in I DOWT WANT P?*»;r®'!5®’-psta ...... 41 U. S. ROUTE 6 — BOLTON, CONN. SPLINTS.’ THE COACH TO Kll.—®®*‘TV"*aad Suppllao •• ...... — 4*41 HOSPITAL 0 WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6. AT 7 P. M. Know about Waatad— Pata— Pnaltry ta e k 44 Large Aseortioent of General Hooeehoid Furnlehliiga Inctadtogl Bede. Dreoeere, Rugs, Chalre, Tablee, Davenports. LampaL A^laa Far Sal...... ^ SI31 f? ,? . “ • *"eaaaortae ...... 44 Disbee, Glaaeware, Kltehen Uteasils, Linena, Etc. BallSIas UatarteU ...... 41 PlamoBda—Watabae' jawal'ir WATER DEPTa ROBERT M. REID & SONS, Auctioneers naetrlcal nnritaaaaa liaSla 201 Main St. MaadMsrtor, Conn. Pbose *1M T m sure you'll like her. She has excellent reierencea" ’•*1 ■» St* eeevies. me...... -44'A •Just so she doesn't make references to how swell her last iob w*a" DalfF Fraiaale U 2SlfI?‘ ®“ ®*f6* ...... *1 3077 UjwI^ it aad TeaU ...... (A fter 5 P. M.) Orn^l lanraMBie ...... ^ iFip OWaa aad Staia EsalPSMSt S4 BOeM THIgTV YEARS TOO 500N . !?•*!;*• a* ‘5a ataraa ...... is 7868 kids' Waatad—^Ta »ar ...... ** ALLEY OOP Baawa ■ laid ■■Ufa KW, LifinrEH -io suspect ■» “IToldjaSo!” By HAMLIN MANCHESTER THSn 'n^EK CS AMVTHIMO W8D*JC) ] IV e JUST HAD THE ^anotheiT LI5 IE M . DOC • W H X rs TH E ■tHEy FIT $>170 A4V PIANS> o o r s Per£8MJStA7/ OJ t o rr,*n,e F,F?yir,JV;.'j ►6BE I* ABSURD / WAIV, vOM PtEASURC OF ME^TINO AS AAVRA O E A O F HAVIN’ TH AT PERFEOLy.'BULL*- BUT HE/.OOPi' WAKE UP, OUlCK.' SSrtara’^ w iT A d® ^ ...... WATER CO. BODEM ENJOYS THE CONFI* •BULL' KARPOM.THE NOTO____ _ RRUSES NCW DOCTOR A N D ACCOMPM'/ME CNTHUTKlP^ ------' ------T.*.. ------_ rTHERB VABE,NC3W, SEE V. YOU'LL HAVE TO BEHAVE ^C07 TF iN D OUT \HHA7 0 C a n d s o n (sOEs, COME T O I 'V/E fOUWD/''^ ' 0INO3AUtu~'\REMEMBEft,WHEM 1 DCNCC OF THE HIGHEST U E A D E R .,A N O IM CiOiNO OUTSIDE ‘ TH E CAME a b o u n d ? YOURSELF, HEREAFTER.* 7H8U TH' JUNQLZ 6 TOUGH. BY GEE! POOl'Y HMs ON MS M IND! ■?‘al»—Itaalaatahta ...... PENAL AUTHORITIES* TO FIND O UT W HY VON eOOEN) ARE VUH BURE OAV A F TE E OAV, 9UMPIU THAT MAY BE / ? WHAT'S THAT ? . SAID 1 SAW TWO DINM4 Waatad-Itaama-BoarO ::n :r 5074 I'VE TOLD THEM YOU ARE :>HOUU> HE lE A E U IHHT. K X Ttr H ES GOT HM SELF M O ^OFFICE- , TH E Y'R E o k a y ? ^ ONE OF W nsCTlEMTS. THEV PEAJETeATE 9A OEOARED J MiNS ■aal Cstata Paa Mawt YJUEH. 1 GO, m o fV LU O N i OP SOME N N O O P A -MM, AW'J De e p e r i n t o t h e Apartaaata. FU ta Taaamaata.. PIECES. IN B«47V, H E •aaiaaas LweaUaaa ter JUat ... GASCOa I THPJH AES SCAPED , JUN GLE — OOP Boma Far Meat ...... W O ULO e W N f l U FIND O UT- Marbaa For Rant ...... LOOKlAJC) FOR HI5 Inanar Banes For Real ...„ , LOST DINOSAUR, ffaatad ta Rsat ...... 5075 p o o z y s e c r e t l y Baal M a t a Fa* Bala IN s e a r c h o f toartataat BaUdlav tor Bala . . ELECTRIC CO. S£f*®® *®4’ ■••• ••••• A RARE PLANT iK SL ^iSi? ...... W e TH E 4ae *ala ...ct. a. 5181 grand WaER- i:VENING HERALD AND TH E N , ■8SL5S1®bate#—Real *»L^*'’“ BataU ...... ** .. e a r l v Ra o n e 5121 M O R NIN G-. f jEflOJi M6.u.VMlosr. k I . , - » I s 'i ifOUBTEES flanclr«8ter Utmifng Vm di WEDNESDAY.tXTTOBER 8 , 188T

Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. It, Mary C. Keensy Tent, Daughters Mrs. Frederick L Fish of 11 Rose Company N a « wiU meet of Union Vetersus of the Civil War, win hold Its regular mseting tomor- Ridgewood street who faU on her tonight at 8 o’clock a t tha Are head- ABOUTTOWN will meet tomorrow night at the row afternoon with Mrs. A. W, doorstep on Sunday and dislocated quarters on School street. Stats Armory. It Is requested that Mucklow of Henry street The guest her elbow, has returned to her * A WM/Oag eC an of tho membon all officers be present as Inspectioa speaker vriU be Mrs. Mary Sloop of home from tha Memorial hospttat at tho O S o m t commlttoes tbot night win be the flrst meeting night Crossnore schooL tevo boon named to orranco tor the In November. The Epworth circle of the South annual huaklaf baa to ba nonaorad The Alpine Society meeting win Methodist church wOl meet tonunt^ Memorial Temple, Pythian Bl»- be held this evening at 7:80 at tha for tha benailt ot Bt aridgat’a row night at 7:46 with Mias Dora divoth, will ba beM in tha church ters, announces a public card party Italian clubhouse on NormAh street MaxweU. hall tonight a t 7 o'clock. for Tuesday evening of next week. RANGE Playing will begin at- 8:80 and srill The auxiliary to Aaderson-Bhea follow a brief business meeting. Post V. F. W., will give its flrst to vis it llambara of tha Army and Navy Cash prises win be awarded and setback party tonight at the V. F. ehib amdliary ara raqueoted to be refreshments served by the stand- W. home In Mancheater Green. RUMMAGE SALE OIL at tha OoDter tonight at 7:30, from ing social committee. Prises win be awiu-ded tha winners artwra thqr will proceed to the and a door prise will also be given. THURSDAY, B A. M. ON For Better Range Oil home of Iba. ESeanor FreelOTe. The The Woman’s Missionary society Playing will begin at 8;1B. Mrs. Old Postofliee, Depot Sqnora TD poat will meet at the Army of the Eknanuel Lutheran church E31sabeth Brimley heads the com- North' Methodist Phone and Navy clubbouae at 7 o'cloch win omit its meeting tomorrow and mittee. . Missionary Society. and from there will go to pay a laet instead will attend the Friday eve- tolbuta of respect to their late ning meeting at the church, to be member, Boyt Freelove. addressed by Missionary Dnvid V^’S Vlkner who has spent many years In For Service and Qnality Ifemberi of the Army and Navy China. SHOE REPAIRING SEE PUBLIC SETBACK club, Yankee Division Veterans as- TONIOHT AT 8:15 Service Station All members of the Sons of Legion V. F. W. HOME aociatlon and the V. F. W. will meet Rifle club are requested to be at SAM YULYES Manchester Green 426 Hartford ^ a d at the Army and Navy club this SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Anderson Shea Anxlllaiy. On Thursday, Friday an^Saturday evening at 7:15 to go to the home the range tonight at 7 o’clock for 701 Maia Street TeL 3866 of Boyt W. Freelove to pay their practice and record shooting. Admission S6o. respects. Come In and Hear Philco*s Own Representa- The following members of the tives, Mr. E. Benson and Mr. F. Carlton. Admission Ticket committee for St Bridget's church Husking Bee are ExpUln tho-Marvgh o f tho requested to meet this evening at eight o’clock In the basement ot There Are "First Nights"—"First Editions"—"First the church: John Boyle, Mrs. John Dllworth, Michael Benevento, An- 1938 AitoBitie Tiiiig thony O’Brlgbt, James Benevento, Maurice McKeever, Mias Rose Mary Issues Of Stamps", Etc., But It Falls To Pallier, Mrs. Bertha Jillson, James Tlemey, James Breen, Mae O'Con- PHILCO nell, Mrs. Leo Burke, Mrs. Cain HALES To Be The HRST To Sell wkh Mahoney, Mrs. John O'Leary, Miss Catherine McGuire, Miss Anna Mc- Guire, Francis Gill, Miss Irene Sul- INCLINED CONTROL PANEL livan, Mrs. Frank Rawson, Thomas Herak yoor ckanca to hear FklleeS A. SpGlane, Mrs. Paul Cervlni, Fred- mm raprcacnUllTe explain the wonden arlck McCarthy, Mrs. Agnes Char- o f the ainaalng new 1938 Donbl»>X tier, Matthew Mere, Mrs. Maynard, Phileoel Come in . . . aik imeeliona -Mrs. Ekiward Brosnan, Henry Vail' . , • and leara how yon ean tano Utnt, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. George easily . . . gracefnlly . . . speedily . . . Kminedy, Mrs. John Mahoney, Mrs. aeenralely . . . with Philco Anlomatie William F. Shea, Miss Irene Jacobs, Toning on the new Philco fncHned Miss Helen Jamroga. Frank Yan- TIOGA Control Panel. One glance.. .n llldt a t kowaU, Miss SteUa Krieski, Francis yoor finger . . . and there’s yoor stm Hart, Henry LaChance, Miss Nellie tionl Be sure to see Model 7XX*, Olns. Bmith. Mrs. Frank Handley, Mrs. trated. It’s the bny of the yesw at osily George Bryant, Michael Murphy, Sample Hand Knit Dresses Mrs. John Qulsb, Mrs. Richard Stamnnlck, Mrs. EMward Morlarty, by

With Imported Accessories


Regardless Of Styles and SO LIGHT AND EASY Asrbl

G)lor At The •MJ Mtf. •eik niua Ni gfc-gJIrt owoy Aorioi EASY TERMS fa imsmro graaioif /av^ Phenominal ad fii ra»aF

Price Of


______M a n c h e s t e r Co h n * -uTCKimr*.

A l E V CIE/tTIOR IR ^OM t ^

artw lb w4 nriik. GREEN STAMPS

OUNcis-THINK'OF IT iwtM Kxsot or txan emiHit GIVEN t Ik coil* HoaNudi al wmm Inw assmed itaivM M anchester Conn* WITH CASH SALES dnW Ms bsea->dn dryi si ewUi( nOli Sizes 14-16-18-20

s Wssa fcsvt awed— T«lw A t wwa eel s(

sp. wuNornuNAP. Every One of These Garments Is

Self Serve and Health Market Thursday Specials Perfect In Every Detail — Are

I^-Pound Can DInty Moore Styles and Would Retail for $75.00

Or More In Hartford Or New York. Special On Pinehurst Tender Health Market play Lamb Chops. Beef Stew

.AH Chops cot from the better The Sale Price Includes Reblock- 15«

kind of branded lambs. ing To Your Individual Measure- 2 for 29o FISH SPECIALS

Rib Lamb Chops ments. Large Ooa Dint}- Moore 39c Fresh Loin Lamb Chops Spaghetti and Meat

Sale Lasts 3 Days Boston Blue lb. 1 2 i e 51 c ‘ Balls 2 for 29^

Another good Lamb buy— Wbolo Shoulder ot Iamb, lie lb. Lmported Swedlah We cot as many chops as you THURSDAY wfah and flz rest for stew. esh Mackerel ib. 1 5 «


Bntterfish Halibut SUced Cod lb. f S c Stewing Oysters. . . . pint 35c SATURDAY Salmon. mama Tmmm^ Haddock Filets.

Cod — Blue. FUet of Sole. We urge you to see these Oxydol for l^e Halibut ib.^S^ 2

dresses because we Farm Crest Cookies Featuring: know you will say when 3 dozen in box, 15c Osnoord or Niagara you read this that it A Cape Ensemble of Hand Knitted Tioga o L i s e r 4 cans 25c ^ i 9 ®

GRAPES, 5c LB. can't be done for the Fonce WooL Smart fit-

Seedless White Grapes price. If you know yam ting cape—straight skirt Giant Sloe Octagon 10c lb. Butterfish -lb. 1 5 ® —new neck and sleeve Das Metnes and knitting, one inspec- treatment Imported S o a p ^ for 2 5 < SQUASH, 5c EA. tion of these dresses will buttons and smart belt Maag’s Clean, Native Spin* convince you that it’s Giant qioa ach — Peas. Two-Piece Dresses of Clams — Oysten

Green B eans...... q t 10c the greatest merchan- Tioga Ondenovean WooL

Fresh Mnshrooma. Super Suds pkg. 1 8 c dising _ scoop in Man- Splendid styling in a fine Broccoli — Beeta. wool that has a charm of chester business history.' Sirloin Steak Ib. 5 2 ® its own. Sale Ob No . 1 Cans Celery Hearts bun.^c Sweater and Skirt of mlo- Grapefmit Juice Tioga Hand Knitted Tan- Melton Sale of TIogB Saaplo Hand Knit keo Zephyr. Aa CBtirdy No. 1 Calves Liver 3 ““ 29c “ new texture of outstand- and FeaturSkgt Dreoneo — Knittiag Shop^ Tomato Juice ing beauty. Feathery yet Balmacaan Qmta ot Potatoes pk. 1 9 ® lb Soeond Floor. durablo. i Hand Knitted Tioga 4 ““ 29c Scotch Tweed Silk

Zephyr, two outstanding iW r GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CA SH SALES. yamn in this coat The

P IN E H U R ST fit of it—the hang of it— 25 tho onuurt simplicity of it Applaa 6 ® B**f Staw *>• 2 5 ®

GROCERY, Inc win convince the style ^ cooflcioas woman tMt MR HAIN STREET The CORK she Elliot have i t IMAL4151 M a n c h e s t e r Co n n - ~