AVEBAOS DAILT OmODtATiOIl for the Slouth et Fieienel e< C. B. «V*- BartlWs 5,967 lE upitittg Tartly eloady toaighS; partly cloudy aad colder. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 5 AdvactMng en Faga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1937 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS YANKS LEAD GIANTS IN 7TH, World Series Stars FOREIGNERS SEE U. S. BLAST HUB OFF SLAB either for exerdae or gamea. ’Those who desire to play badminton should get In touch with Miss ’Tinker at READY TO ABANDON WITH 5-RUN BARRAGE Bronx Bom bers Rise Up m Sixth to Score Seven Rons On NEUTRALITY POLICY MAYOR HAYES F ive H its, Two E rro rs and Two P asses A fte r l i n g Geneva Considers Roose HAS 55 MARGIN Carl A llows Bot One Blow in F irst Five Fram es; Gam- Japan Answers FDR velt’s Chiiaigo Speech as IN W A J p U R Y bert, Coffman FoDow Ifim to Moond; Gomez Nicked Hint to Call on Nations to With a Demand For 5 U nofficial Count Shows fo r T ally in the th Bot K eeps Five H its Scattered. Deal With Sin o-Jap W ar. N arrow Victory fo r Demo Yankee Stadium, New York, OcL.T | :„ „ ihorn bounder Just, inside tho Rights To Expand fl.—(AP).—The mighty New York ' third baseline. Ott lifted a hl|^ fly. Yankees broke out of their batting to Gehrig. Leiber fanned, swingingf BULLETIN! crats But Fnsionists Win Geneva, Oct. 6.— (A P ) helplessness in the sixth inning to- at a fast ball with the count two Tokyo, Oct. 6.— (A P )—Scrammed In such a limited area, and two. 3 —The League of Nations Japan officially answered Pres- Japan wants to send her people M ajority of Aldermen. day and pounded King ( ^ Hubbell No runs, one blL no errors, on* 3| assembly today warned elsewhere but all outlets are denied out o f the box with a fivis-run bor- left m ident Roosevelt’s condemna- by countries everywhere. Japan of the pqssibility of rsige in the first game of the World Yankees: Oosaetti walked. Rolte '1 tion of aggressor nations today While the spokesman denied that fanned, swinging at a screw bull* international action unless with a warning that ’’peace Japan was making any demands os Waterbury, Oct. 6 — (AP) — Series against tbe local rivals, the DlMag^o singled past OtL OOMttt -a she agrees to a peaceful will be difficult to maintain” a “have not" nation, he asserted: Mayor Frank Hayea,^ Democrat ap- Giants. stopping at second. Gehrig lifted •' ^ “We hear of late a heated argu parently had been elated to a fifth Held to one hit through the flrst high fly to Leiber In ahe^ right nine-power settlement of if the demands of the “have ment on the question of unequal term today over his fuslonlst rival, five Innings, the Yankees exploded center. The base runners did not the China conflict. not” nations are refused. distribution of resources between try to odvaned after the catch. State Senator George T. Culhane, their batting dynamite after tbe The assembly unani- the Have and the Have Not coun- The two survivors of the flrst baseball “world series” game in 1883 Dickey drove a long fly to Leibte The foreign office spokes- tries. have met again in New York, where they expected to see the cham- although the tabulation giving him Giants had taken a one-run lead off mously approved resolutions Lefty Gomes In the fifth Inning be- who made a nice running cate^ man said in reply to the Amer- "If the Haves refuse to concede pionship tussle between the Yankees and Giants. The diamond vet- a 55-vote majority waa unoitlcl^ No runs, one hlL no errarai containing the warning. ican President’s speech at Chi- etrans above “choose up sidea” at a night club where they celebrated Sen. (hilhane, a Democrat, was fora a crowd of close to 80,000 un- to the rightful demands of the Have lefL Poland and Siam abstained cago yesterday that “ the ideals Nota. peace will be difficult to main- their reunion. At left la Chick Fulmer of the Cincinnati Reds and at nominated for the mayoralty by Re- der threatening skies. SECOND DfNINa from voting, but their at- tain.” right, Fred Goldsmith of the Chicago White Stockings. publicans and Independent Demo- With Harry Gumbert, a right- Glaatsi Riple filed to Hoag. M «i> of right as conceived by west- crats. hander, colled in to replace Hubbell titude did not prevent the At the same time one of Japan’s Corthy lined to Lossert who took th* ern peoples is incompatible to highest naval officials declared Hayes, who is also lieutenant the Yankees held a 8 to 1 lead snd unanimity because states governor of the state, ordered police boll off his shoetope. Honenao linofl that of the Orient.” flatly: were atlU batting In their big sixth to Selkirk. which abstain in voting “We can not stay our hands out guards on all the election machin- inning. Hubbell blew up without He added that Japan’s de- ery last night after Town Clerk No runs, no hits, no en ors, are considered absent un- of respect for a world opinion notice. He walked hia pitching rival. left mand was the Japanese people formed on tbe basts of dispatches WRING’ MURDER PROBE Dora A. Egan Impounded the offi- Gomes, to start tbe from, and der Geneva practices. cial records. Yankees: Blondy Ryan came be permitted “to enjoy the rewritten by Chinese governmental then was tagged for consecutive to worm up HubbeU whil* Mene^n freedom of movement and hap- officials. We believe the surest way Aa the polls closed with an esti- hits by Frank Ooaetti, Red Rolfe By ASSOCIATED PRESS to .minimize suffering is to speed mated 88,000 ballots cast, largest adjusted his backstopping equt^ piness which is rightfully UNCOVERS A WEIRD CULT snd Joe DIMmggio to brtog two runs menL Hoag grounded out, B artw J the conclusion. We will do every- In the city’s history, an air of ten- President Roosevelt, in the across. An intentional poos to Lou to MeOarthy. Selkirk bounced ooE '4 view of other nations has an- theirs.” thing poesible to speed tbe end and sion was prevalent and neither side Gehrig loaded the bosM and BUI Harking back to the Japan- bring tbe situation back to normal." In the contest attempted to stage a Whitehead to McCarthy, oa ha U| v nounced a new American pol- victory celebration. Dickey’s single promptly brought th* first pitch. HubbeU mode a nlefl j| Aimed at Undeclared War icy of active cooperation to es- ese exclusion law passed by the An O rganized Band of Peep C. 1 .0 . CANDIDATE The unofficial returns, which may in another run, leaving the baaee gloved-bond stab of Lassert’s b o ^ United States in 1924, the The Japanese comment was based be made official today, showed Om- loaded. The flret out was a force-out per and threw him ouL '6 tablish world peace. on the obvious assumption that on DiMagglo at the plate on MjrrU spokesman characterized it as ttoller Daniel J. Leary (D.) defeat- runs, no bits, no ^rors, n ow a^ The President, in his Chica- President Roosevelt’s attack on ag- ing To ms Fo m d in Village ed by Sherwood L. Roadond, (Re- Hoag’s hopper to thM . “one which Is against the nat- gressor nations was aimed, in port go speech yesterday, indicted WINS IN DETROrr j wiblfcan and Independent Demo- eontlnulng their clubbing, George -----------—vwwvwyK ural laws of mankind and is at Japan’# undeclared war against crat) by a mere 33 votas. Selkirk singled to right to score aggression and treaty break Chino. N ear W here Boy and Gfarl Giants: Oeeettt mode a neat stag) greatly deplored by the Japan- Deiaocrats Lsae Aldermen two more runs and sent Hubbell td of Wbltehead*a bounder behind sea- ers and asserted ’’America ac The foreign office spokesman Democrats appsreatly lost con- the showers. ese people.” openly raised the question of Mr. ond base and threw him ouL Hub- f, tively engagefl in the search “Japan’s population has doubled W ere Slain a Week Ago. Patrick H. O’Brien D efeats trol -of the Board of Aldermen by Gumbert lasted only long enough beU lashed a long drive that SelklrR 10 votes. Each party nominates for peace.” during the post SO years. Being (UBBttniied OB Page fw a) to allow Tony Lozserl to get on base caught on tbe bank a few feet Foreign nations today were eight candidates for the board and on an error by Burgess Whitehead, front of tbe stands. Moors wag New York, Oct. 8.— (A P )—Squads A . F . of L Man at Prim ary 15 are elected. The eight Republi- bringing in Hoag arith the sixth run. thrown ouL Gomes to Gehrig. T1i9 quick to point to the address can and Independent Democratic pitcher mode a nice atop o f s hard ‘ of detectives investigating the four- Dick (Coffman, curve-ball right- as intimation that the United candidates apparently received more hander and tbe National League's nit grotmder. „ i States is ready to abandon her day-old "Scarlet Circle” alaying of — Place O ther Candidates votes than the low man on the No runs, no hits, no errors, non# top relief pitcher, waa then sum- policy of neutrality, and to FINANCES, TOPIC CHINESE BLOCK Lewis Weiss, 30, and his sweet- Democratic ticket, although the moned from the Giants’ buU-pen to left.
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