'iSUSEsrrrEEN WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1989 fltottfftfBter gwYtifaig H m to WEATHER S. Weslher Bareao Mrs. Chriatln* Olsnney Is chair­ and the committee will take part In Fred MorrMl, R. W. RuaseU, Dr. G. AVEBAOE DAILT craCTLATlON Ur and Mra F. Little, of Fern thki phaaa of tha campaign, begin­ A.F. Lundberg, Thoma A. Burbank, street, kte spending a few daya at man of Ui* rummage sale which Uir month of April, IBW UBERTSw a a a a a w TO a v liaLEAVE a n v as Mr. iand Mra. Ubert wU’ leave for UP1VRNISSEEN ning tonighL Residents are urged Jennie B. Wind. Dr. R. R. Keeney. Ir and aaotewbat W arner to- ABOUT TOWN the Beokihan Tower hotel, In New members of the American l.«ginn auxiliary will conduct tomorrow a U>* coast about May is in companv to give tha boys all the help possi­ Jr., Leo J. Burke, Henry Madden. [gbt; Friday mostly cloody and York City. ble for their varied Scouting en­ weekly Blnffo needon luidfr from B:30 a. m. on In the etore In Also P, J. O. ComeU. Cbarlea B. 6,238 . 'w arm er. the Johnson block. TOO Main etrecL TOWN FOR COAST S 2. IN SCOUT DRIVE deavors. Chapman, Fred W. Wopdhuuae, Member pf the AadH itb * auiptrr* of the Tall Cedars held The V. F. W. > ^ k ly Bingo will automobile. . . Folibwtng Is the report of yceter- ki the Maaonir Temple will take be held as usual tonight at g o'clock Melxln O. Cox, Mtaa Dorothy Tpohy, Boreas of CliehlatteM MANCHESTER — A HTY OF VIU..\OF: CHARM A dance' will take place at the Mr. Ubert baa the boooi of bavmg day: Fred WohUebe, John L. Jenney, Ed­ place thU week Friday hixht. The at the V. F. W. home, Manchester, been a cltlxen of four oountrlea dur­ Tall Cedars relinquished their Green. local Country Club this Saturday Robert H. Smith, Hayden L. Oris, win A. Lydall, Charles M. Murphey, (ThVELYE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS evening , for members and their ing hla lifetime, ttaeae being Switzer­ wold. C. 8. Burr, A .' Lawrence Leon O. Holmes, Louis H. Marie, MANCHESTEK. CONN., THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1939 date week so that the ^ St VQlage Street Residentt, land, the land of hla birth; France. Campaign Had Been Lagging (Clasalfied Advertising on Page 10) Mary's Mother-Daughter-Father- Mrs. S. Slamond of Birch, street friends and all planning lo attend Rlker, Jr., Ella M. Stanley, Timothy R. Donnelly, Earl F. Miner, Edward VOL. LVllL, NO. 1S3 • held the ticket which drew the $5 are asked to make table reserva.- England and latterly, the United P. HolIorSn, Rev. Watson Wood.-uff, J. Murphy, H. F. Bldwell, Peter’s Boo banquet could he held in the States. The Uherts loti a aon. Jack Temple that night. ■^I'rlre recently ruffled off by the Bast tloije with Mrs. John Kramer at the Former World Trayelert, For Last Few Days— The Julius A. Rau,- W. Henry Weir, N. Chocolate Shop. Weldon Ding Co., I Side Athletic club. Bedrtc.k ch)b on or before Friday by calling Ubert by death in the World Waf Curtla, The SoutherglU Family, Horiarty. Brothers, Lbve}oy Candy Istrhughan of F'lre House No. 3 draw 3B1Z. Music for dancing will be and he is burled In a national bat- Mra. Cecil Treadwell, Harry Hilton, Shop, Center Lunch. Royalty I a io K s Over4J. SI Navy Members of the klanrhester Are Uaflahl cemetery In'France. department aupendaed the burning the ticket. furnished by the D'Baldo brothers To Lhre h Cafifomii. Contributors. EVERETT TANK ! of grass on Strong and Woodland orchestra and a large attendance la SEES WAR COMING MOLOTOFF REFUGES streets last night. There were elx There was a gathering of 3H0 at hoped for. firemen when the, burning wa.' start­ the meeting qf the Holy Nsme So­ Mr. and Mra. -Jacob Ubart of t SWEDISH LODGES FLAM The army of Boy Scouts and SAILORS RENEW ed but this was lnrt.-(u>ed to I.*! be- ciety of St'. Jaipes's church held In Junior glrle of the American Le­ Village atreet are planning to moVe committeemen were greatly heart­ Special Sales 1938 Models fbw the work was finished. the school hall last night. gion Auxiliary will hold a re- ened last night .when the day’s re­ hear*al of the play for poppy day to Lna Angeles, California. In the BIG OUTING IN JUNE port IndlcaCM that the current General Electric Refrigerators WHEN NATIONS A l l tonight at the State Armory be­ near future to take up their rral- drive, which had been lagging for PICKETING JOB LITVINOFF; CRUCIAL ] __ tween 8:30 and-7:30. dence with their aba and daughter, days,, began to pick up speed. 3— B5'38 Deluxe, Formerly $186.9.5. Now .$159.93 THURSDAY AT PINEHUR8T . . . Mr. and: Mra. Frank Ubert of Los Event To Take Place At Lie- The drive will be speeded' up for 5—JB7-38, Formerly $209.93. N o w ___ ^...... $179.95 Offleera and a number of the ^nehar^t tl%h »hl|»mrnt, frr^h from Boiitoa T\*h Ptor* wffi Angeles. ^ dertafel Park On Saturday, the remaining three days of the 1—JB6-.38, Formerly $187.95. Now ...... $174.95 membere of Manrheeter Aasembiy drive, today, through Friday when COMPLETE ARMING Led By A Member Of bopoiit titiw a . • BonrlcM. Aklnl^wi. Flllrtii of June 24. 1—G. E. Vacuum Cleaner, Formerly $59.50. Now $57.30 No. 15, Order of Rainbow, plan to The Army and Navy club, of which a houae fo house canvass- will be ______------=------attend the grand aaaemhiy at the 1—G. E. Vacuum CleanYf, Formerly $19.95. Now $27.50 LOPMENTS NEAR Mr. Ubart la anhonory member, will made for dopstlona. The Scouts GEKUINE GRAY SOLE lb. 35c Masonic Tenvpia, Whitney avenue. The local Swedtah lodges will hold 1—G. E. Vacuum Cleaner, Formerly $27.50. Now $22..50 „ ‘ n J n L ' TtIMID OFFESDEBS fXIME Family In Gas Ma$kJ^ Of­ tender the cou'ph a party In connsc- Sponsor Of Record-Break-11 back after fire drhli. .New Haven, Saturday. Worthy tlnn with the club's "LAdlea Night" a Hldsummer’a Day Celebration 4— E. Ranges, Calrod Units, For. $119.95,’ Notf'|^^30 ' m AKKN F.ARI.Y START steak Cod. Po'tlork. Whole Haddock. Extra Fancy Fillets Advisor Mrs. Wallace Robb plana banquet next Saturday night. U will Saturday, June 24th, at the Lleder- fice Of Agent, A ON rHRINTM.VH Bl'IiTNai| StaliD’s Right Hand Mai l i to attend and one or two of the tafel Park, Bast Hartford. All the Belmont, Maee., May 4— (API of Haddock. Salmon and Nice White Halibut. be In honor of their 44th wedding Service and Qualltv —PupUa being punished for other members of the advisory Brother and IBIater Lodges through­ bg NoTil Appropriation j PRBO URGES I Clams. Scallops. Mackerel. Ih. 17c iKjard: anniversary and also the birthdays UMBRELLAS REPAIRED breaches of discipline labored Strike Breaker, Qo Shrewsbury. N J., May 4.— of two of their sons. > out the state of Connecticut are to Alae New Coven. after hours , In the Jtinior high (A P I —Borough, council bellevea Charge Of Soviet Forcifi ha Invited. Plans are now Under­ The, Board of Administration will A WorM Traveler Makes Statement As De- i school' building yesterday. In doing Its Chrlstniaa shopping way adtb Rudolph Carlson aa chair­ T h d ^H A U CORK CW PASS^ early. , Meat Deparftnent Suggestions meet this evening at the Emanuel , Mr. and Mrs. Ubert came to Man­ L. P A L U Z Z l Suddenly school authorities Alfaira; Sorpriied Emhu^ chester In 1B32 from Glastonbury. man of the general committee. 48 BlaaHI Rt,, Tqxra .MAHCHISTia CONH- Everett. Mass.. May 4.—^^APl — Coimcllmrn )resterday approv- ' Calve*’ Liver rnmes In three grailits . . . we sell and realnre only Lutheran church, and the Dorraa decided to test the Are alarm ■\! Mr. Ubert was for many years a This celebration liT’^-baaed on the bate Opens .In House. aystem. Obediently the offenders Strikers were permitted ,tb resume ed the purchase of a 28-fopt flr ' awlety will meet at 8 o’clock for Swedish custom of making an Im­ K the finest grade of fresh OENI'INR CAI.VBM'.JJVr.R . . . priced Imslneaa and to prepare programs courier and steward on many large Bled out. “ peaceful" picketing at^ the Colo- ITARY LAWi . which will be placed at the bor- j $ie$ And Lega^ons Wilt ocean liners and during hla many portant occasion of Midsummer, In ' oiigh'a busiest Intersection and at I j pound for Site—It represent* a good valoet for the Mother and Daughter ban­ A few of the more timid ones I nial Beacon tanker docks today aa quet, May 12. years In thst.service vIMted nearly the home country. The general Weahington, May 4 — !«• held Monday at 10:30 a. m. In the IT’S NATIONAL BABY WEEK tion opened today with a declaration iefllgy Tueeday before police broke Qve Britain 800,000 Men Congregatfcnal house, Stafford by one of its aponaors that while the j up a crowd with tear and nauseat- THUR.‘(DAY ONLY! FrcHhlv Sliced Springs, with the Current EvehU current European war crieia does HEAR FORMER TONE OF BECK [ '" a ^ i r e official who said he spoke SLICED BACON...... lb. 25c DHIED BEEF club of that plade as the hostess hot Justify the huge expenditure "It In 3 Years; To Amend Moscow, May 4— (A P )—Vyachsm ! j -pound package 1 ic. •'i I’nund 29c Club. Mra. A. H. Lister of Bristol and Hale’s Baby Shop Is' Celebrating ! for Chief George O. Kenney said the leff Molotoff. Soviet Rassia’a 4h- will speak on "Roadside Ilenutlflca- la part of our domain that Is ulti­ 'pickets would be permitted to par- lion". Other speakers will ha Mias HALE'S SELF SERVE mately at aUke." MAYORS TODAY ' ade, carry placards and Inform paaa- Bin On Northern Irebnd. SPEECH WILL yeer-old premier and Joseph gtaR M A. L. Pliimley, Mra. H. O. hills, and Chairman Sebrugham tD., .Nev.).. ersby of their strike, but would not right-hand man. took over the dirid* The OriRinal In New Eniflfindt of.-ibe Houae Naval Approprlatlona Crisp, Retl !|^llny Leroy tiarwobd of New Um- Chenille Crib Spreads Canvas Swings be permitted "to restrain or annoy tion of Soviet foreign affelra todOF* don who will apeak on "Connecticut Sub-Oommlttee, made thla^ elate- AS m E S S E S anyone." He added Kenney had not Large aize spreads with nat­ Complete with play beads and London. May 4 fAPl — Prlmr AFFECT FEARS replacing the veteran . Maxim L ^ Hlatory", Lunrheoh will Ire served ural background and pink or ment while recommending enact­ decided how many could parade. RADISHES In the rhiirrh at 12:fB and reiierva- AND HEALTH MARKET blue tuftlnga In Scotty Dog or springs. I^’hlte only. $1.25 ment of the bill carrying funds lo The union said "between 15 and 25” Minister Chamberleln urged the vlnoff, who had been aa Impertaiot I ^ f S l N E Y tion* muat b« made before noon Sat­ Teddy Bear designs. $1.98 atari conatructlon- of 2L1- n e w war- went on duty In a light rain early .House of Commons today to enact figure at Internatloaal Luiirti'Mesh ' T.arge Hunch urday with Mrs. Edwin Scott, Grant Dainty Hand Made aiitps. Including two 45,000-ton bat- Thoms And Goilfo^ Testify , this morning. The union sought If Polish Premier Moderate for nearly 20 yeara. MM'I avenue, Stafford Springs. . Cosmo­ preferential hiring and Increased tha mllltarv training bill, estimat­ Utvlnoff, father of tha SovHt . tieships. and 500 additional alr- I ing that consrriptlon would give the politan club members who dealre THURSDAY SPECIALS plapea. p"y- policy of collecUva oaeurity and Um pound can . .SOr transportation should get In touch Snuggle Duckees Creepers Regarding Payments Re­ I One Tanker Salla government "aomethlng In the man agalrjit whom aoma o f t$d dliNT Green Stampfi Given With Cash Sales. \ Analyzing the troubled world att- neighborhood of 800,000 men alto­ And Leaves Door Open \ Z-lh. can . . . . SOe 4c with Mrs. Robert I.s'slle Corrirer or ' Summer weight white Birds­ In rhalze, blue or white. Sizes; uatloD. Scrugham said; I Meanwhile, one of two struck heavtesi artiUary ef nosi Nasi piOf«rprofi, Mrs.’ W. G, Crawford. eye rnateiial;. just enough to 8 months to 1 year.., ■>- tankers sallfd during the night with gether” over a three-year period. ganda bos thundered for yenra i» A-lb. ran ... .7IW- Iowa Slate $ 1 . 0 0 "Moat of the present tnduatrlal ceived From City For Chamberlain spoke aa Labor protect babies from Summer activity In Europe depends on arm­ a substitute crew and police said Crown Prince Olaf (left, center) of Norwajfi paying the United For Negotiations Spector partly because he to JJewtok-wfik Thothaa Donnelly' who was ar­ drafts'. $2.98 the other probably would go out i Stated a visit with his crown princess. Marths. wHes a looh at aoma reiterated Its opposition to con­ "released” from hto duUenlUen ------aa ooa*> To bo |T«II.T Ano qu«ill.v, Titriinlpii muAt ho In the ground ament program. - When the last scription nnd'na Brltleh attention rested last [December for failure to fighting ship. Is constructed, the Legal Services Rendered. before-afternoon. |of Uncle Sam’s armed might on board the U. S.\8. 'Tennessee, m- missar of foreign affaln Butter" Lb. A aecretary to Mayor Frank B. xraa turned toward Poland and Of War WiH Be Banished. ttiroogh the yk'Inter. > We offer freehly dug Sprtng reruntiMi at shew hla driver^* license and ap­ Fine Hand Embroidered Playtex Pants, Bibs, Sheets last combat dlvtaiou equipped and chored In the Hudson at . At the right U. Rear A d m l^ See Crnrlal Dst slipmsnto t pound* I8c. Tender, Young, Golden Calltornla CAKROTH (T lo pealed from a small fine Imposed In Lewie said the rpeyo*" Nad "effectr Adolphus E. Watson, and overhead looms part of the Tennessee a Dig Soviet Russia. Chaae A Saabora the last arsenal filled with muni ed closing” of the employment ' Brittah government and diploma­ Bilsnoe of Soviet offtetoin am to 10 long Carrot* Ih a bunrh) at 7r huneh, 8 hunrhe* ZOC. thq Town Court to the December tiona, can the factories ’ be shut battery. ’ term of the Htiperlor Court of Hart- Madeira Dresses Waterbury. May 4—(A P I—Tw-o agency of Jacob Llchter. known to tic quartera. awaiting Polish For­ Berlin. Hay 4.— (A P I—A diplo- the algnlflcenoe of UivtooiTa bto firrd Cminty, has been notltlrd that 50c and $1*00 dowm and the workers turned Into former mayora of this city were striking National Maritime Union eign Minister Col. Joseph Beck’s ra- minent crucial developw anto. Qm CAUFGR.N'IA ■ All white or pastel shades of the etreeta? They certainly oan- >mat with Intimate Imowledgs of tha the charge has been Dolled. It was Coffee Lb. 20c Very cool and waterproof. Easy to launder— brought to the stand In the Water-1 members aa "Beacon Jack.” Ae- p'.y tomorrow to Hitler on the Dnn- foreign diplomat said "wIiatotoF peach, blue, and maize. f 1.00 ■ not, either In an autocracy or cuaed by the union of hiring ’’atrlke- slg question, expressed belief he German attuetlon axpreased the oon- continued from the December term Just wash, and dry with a towel. Panties coma bury fraud trial today by the atate this roeano, lU the biggaot ttilaB ICEBERG. LETTUCE ' head 11c until the March term of the Su­ Fraaoo-AmerlcaB Gertrudes to Match ...... 39c aijd 69c In Demi-tasse—small, medium, and lairge. democracy. breakers” to work the tankers, would nvold provomtlon of Qer- vtction today that the tone of PoKah that boa happened la Meaoosr far perior Court. "Warfare Seems Anewvr” which- Is trying the present mayor, Llchter asked Middlesex Court to­ NOMINATION OF SMITH mnny. Foreign Mtolstor Joseph Beck's years.” ' Large (Hamtarg) Hllring Onk^* ■...... lOc, I for ZOo "Warfare In the no-dlelant future Frank Hayes, and 22 others on'a day for an Injunction against a The sudden resignation of Httx But Um surprtosd smbosstofi and ADVERTISEMENT— aeema the inevitable answer. Aa a speech tomorrow would decide Preach Endive Watercress Tomstoe* Spaghetti 3 Cans 25c S9c Baby Pak Cannon ‘ charge of conspiracy to defraud the union picket line in front of hla lutvlnoff aa Soviet Russia’s foreign legations wsra wtds opart on tkafr matter of elefhentary prudence and office. nfintra commlsMr, mennwhilc, hnd whether war feera again would be An Apprerlallon city of over *1,000,000. I to te ip ra ta tl^ of thto lataat r z caution, it seems plain that our Everett Aldermen postponed ac­ CONFIRMED B^ SENATE! east doubt on the reaulU of Britlah- lifted from Europe for the time be­ of Jdssph Btalla, oomlag _ Qotton Shirts Knit Bath Blankets William E. Thoma, mayor for four I want to take this opportunity Any Kind country must now accelerate our de­ tion on a petition for revocation of to thank Robert J. Smith for hla Short alee’^es, double- ^ d« "t Veiy large size. Just the years ending In 1909, and Francla iTranch efforts to bring Soviet Rus- ing or. wbatbar Adolf Hitler would midst Of daltoats Anglo-Rufirik thing to wrap baby In — soft fense preparations while there Is Ldchter’s llcinae^ after a hearing sik In n new security system. take elmoet ImmSdiato action tlatlona on a new Buropaaa timely warning of a fire on my breasted with ties. Sizes; ■> t r ) r T) I 1)1) P.' Qullfolle, who was succeeded by last night. They referred the ques­ 'P-inchu/nit Grocen/J/ic. Infants to 2 years. G ^ •L'L' and abaorbent. Medium- sizes, time to meet the eventuaUUes.” Hayes after the 1929 election, were '■ TnTe Oppoee ConeertptlonConaertptloa against the Free O ty ' of Dansig • DIAL 4151 ' 302 MAIN STREET truck which 1 was able 16 extinguish Mueller's Macaroni He declared, however, the United tion to City Solicitor Morris T. 8U- Boom diplomaU aaid It 50c. $1.00 asked about payments they received AdopU Jomt Resolntion Un­ •llu BriUsh Labor party and and Pomoras (tha Polish iBorridor). a ohlft toward frtoadltor before It hn'd done. scrlniu damaga. Band.s to Match ; -25c ea. States must "defend democracy hy verateln. until two d«y« aFo coun­ UNION REFUSES e _ T * . _ ••_*Union_^^-..,..,.31 Council issuad ma ^4A l n t D U Beck la moderate and laaves tha VWfff Of POST OFFICE -ONE BLOCK FROM STATE ARMOR^ from the dty for legal work. Both vrith Germany or at toafil WILLIAM OSTRIN.SKY, 3 Pkg8. 25c Wash Cloths...... 2 for 25o opposing war, unless forced upon lie sel for Llchter, then adjourned un- [sta th n ^ t announetog their decision door open for nsgottoUons between 182 Blvsell Street Babifes’ 3-Piece \ ' art lawyers and, like Hayeis, Demiv U1 Friday, der Snspensibn Of Rnle$; ncutomUty’-whtok would ha by thekbsoluto necessity of defend­ erats. to oMOto thagDriMimonCriBevs to Oermaby ohd Miaiid. tUs at ing the American oontlneot." LicMer, represented by a new LATEST OFFER 'eoasorlpkW-yoa^d youths. pradtetad. tha spaetor of war ones to Germany, Sweaters The atate charjgas that aa part of cotamel. withdrew bU InJuncUon pe­ Othara took Um opporito Crepe Pajamas • ■-ja»g this country owns or con- tha atlagad conspiracy the city paid Manchester Man’s Ap­ "Tha movamsnt," it said, more win have bees banlalied. Dry Lima Beans 2 i.b..15c Babies’ alt wool sweaters In coat ttota oi«v-*«w»f t he wforld’e raw mar tition when Court opened, however, "wtn and oppose ths military Uiat Moscow to on. Um vargd, Two pair pantlei and one top. large somii for servicea that were and. Judge Franklin P. Hammond Urging Bvery CanaaaMan aiigning itself so deuitaty wtto I or slip-over models, with or with­ V b— Scrugham declared.the Unit- training Wll\ThU to bscauM of the British and Italian dlptonwey. It Rummage Sale Sizes: A months to i years. Col­ out collara. White, pink, bide. unneeeaaary. diamisaed the action. The court was OF OPERATORS nations wUch oppow nirtlMF ^ States "cannot avoid the issue.” admitted sudoas of voluntary w- I.arge Can Beech-Nut " ors; Pink, blue or white. Thoma, a laeryer for 42 yeara, net told why Llchter now desired to pointment Acted On Rrst was bsUevdd in reliable quaners, pawMM. of Adolf lUttor'a Rntok Sizes; 1-3 yeara. ^ " I t isi PhA of our doman that Is crulttog, the hconorolc and Indus- Thursday, May 4, 8:80 A. M. tastlfled that be or, bis firm re­ drop the petition. were urging the Polish atatsamaa to You a r e t h e s e c r e t a r y ultimsMly at stake,” he said. 'The roakt svsrjr eoneession oompattble Johnson Building, 70.1 Main Nt. ceived *130,208 from' the city be­ - BABY SHOP Unttad Ststea is the xvorld’s largest Outside Police Remain (tkwttanad hp Pago ren.) I an m gfi DMbl American l.«glnn Auxiliary, Black Bean Soup \ 2 Cans 27e tween 1931 and 1937, the largest Out-of-city po Ice, their preaent State Capitol. Hartford. May 4.— iChainnan Of Neg( vrith BsUonal dignity. Baby Scales roducer, largest consumer and Ths dlidomat. bowevsr. gnv« ms payment coming In 1937 when be number estimated by dty officials (A P I—The Senate adopted under O F T H E Ivory with wicker basket. Headquarters for G. E-. Appliances irgest distributor of these raw ma­ opinion that If Book should dlars- lairge Rise Jar Beech-Nut aterials. Any approach to equalisa­ got *29,000 for helping prepare at "about 25”, remained on duty suspension of the rules today a Joint And Andes Ranges. Committee gord thass wamingn and flilMir an tion with other natkma means a blUa Waterbury introduced at the in the strike area where *8 men uncompromlatog spaotto, than Oer- State Legtsiature and for other rmetotion confirming tha eppotot- FEAR RESidiATION POLAND P E IL Y ;t I N T E R I O R $2.98 and $3.98 ehift of sovereignty on an, unthink­ Bsent i gaged Thonm to do the work, the Weffare Department and sent it to meat On New Contract MAYSfflFTPOUCY He said he had authoritotive tn AWAmNGREPLf . Lunch Cloths world Ues in the control of the indue- Letter replying that it was Oorpora- the House for final action. formation that Germai^ armtes In Notice HALE’S 9TH ANNUAL trial axis wUeb be aaid extends ia I tloa Oounsel Charles 8. O'Connor, Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin nomi­ East Pruisia vrelra ready for action URGES U. S. PAPERS nated Smith, preaent deputy com­ Tomato Juice 3 for 23c a comparatively~ narrow .belt . . from- oQe of the defeadaatq, and Hayea. at any moment. KENWOOD BLANKET CLUB each Chicago, eastward through central .Money Went To Firm missioner of the department, to suc­ BUlXBTINt All Boy Scout Troops ceed Frederic C. Walcott, who de­ Ff Worry 'Abonl Germany's ambaasadera to Paris Certiii Fordgi aa-^hmoe H a Reerh-Nut England and west centra) Europe. Thoms said all . the money be re­ New Tork, May 4r—(AP)— and London, Oount Johaimos Von ^ Weekly Smart new cloths iiT thfife blight, colorful pat­ ceived went Into hla firm, Carmody TO FOSTER UNITY clined reappototn.ent, to sending a meet rear of Mary terns. AU colors. Brighten up the kitchen or "Statue af Bellgioa.'* ‘ group of major state apptrtntment.'i A shot down of tiM nattoa’s Weieseck and Dr. Herbert Von Dirk- 5 0 c 50 "While the drive behind axpanalen and‘Thoms. M ft eool todoatry with some Reaching Uiii|nr’ aen, wlU return to their posto this WiQ Answer WT n m i^ by bu3ring now! Buy Kenwooda for sleep­ dining room. ^ . GuUfoUe, who preceeded Thoms to the General Aaaemhiy last week Cheney Memorial Tomato Juice 25c af the Fascist states, commenced as for approval. The Smith nomination tew exeeptloas, by nddnlght week-end alnee the PTench and Brit­ ing comfort, beauty and lasting aatlafacUon. a pain killer for an empty stom­ on tha stand, was asked under cross- Friday was assured todsy by ish ambaosadora to Berlin havs ra- Th^- represent the utmost In blanket value. was the first of the xroup to re­ With Geramiy, row To Gerwii Dtmmk Library Tonight at 6 I.arge Package Beech-Nut Regular 79c Giant Size ach,” he ranttnued. "it has novr examination by James D. C.’ Mur-, Former Foblish^rs’ Presi- ceive leglalatlve action. John L. Lewto, CIO chief and turned here. o*clock. V - raadted practically the status of a ray, Hayes’ lawyer, if be would say Smith, a Republican, U< a former preoidrat st tha' Ualted Min# (BriUsh Ambassador Sir NsvUs Turkish Towels religloa.” that the money the dty paid him legislator and aerved aa deputy atate Workera ef America. Lewte Henderson and French Ambasaador Tops (Crockers) 15c Chenille Bath Mat and Lid - Senigtiam asserted the element of I xras "fair" and Just compensation” ent Would Bring Bo$ine$s, lopertod. toe union’s 159-niero- — The pos Robert Ooulondra were called to Warsaw, May 4—(AP)—Tka Po* — nil ^ ' comptroller before hla appointment Paris, Ml (AP) $8- X SO” man’s slza Turkish "greatest danger to the peace of the for aervlc.4 rendered. as deputy welfare coVnmiMtoner. hto ijNliey' oonanltteo took no I siblllty tl ' 1axlm LUvInolTe ilsh people, certain that IhvtISk Cover Sets towels in extra heavy weight All world” lies in the fact that the au- ndtjon to defer the stoppage Beautiful quality chenille in alx colors in In answer to another defense Government Together. The House was In recess when the. I resignation Russian for- (Uenttoned.sk Pngc Itok) Minister COL Joseph Beck frill an­ white with colored borders in blue, toerades which bs've subordinated Senate confirmed the nomination. wWeh ke pievlonety kad order- ______--Jt mean a re­ smart floral patterns. Blue, malse, green, orchid, gold, green, and orchid. Excep­ lawyer's question. Oullfolle aaid he swer "no” tomorrow to GeimaB de* A rm our's Star Lard Lb. pkg. 8c had no knowtodge that pny pay­ Approved Without Debate versal of Ruseto'e foreign poUcy to­ EXPERT peach, black and white. tional valuel (tJaaMaaed m ragv rwa.) ^ mands tor DaaMg Frea O ty and (or- SHOE REPAIRING ments made to him were' In pur- The nomination came before the day worried many FDWchmen who Washington. May 4 — (A P ) — New Totfc, May 4— (A P ) — W. 15JI*mlle-wlda artery aarooi P9» Quality Materials — FIrat Class miance of a conspiracy. James O. Btahlman, former presi­ Senate without advance notice with long have feared the wance of an IpLAN TO CONSUL^ . Workmanship and Service. No. 1 Potatoes 35c, $1.00 set Green Stamps Giv8n W ith Cash Sales. A brisf-re-direct examination by dent of the American Newspaper a favorable report from the Judi­ Lb RoUson, clUkliman of the Bit-J- understanding between^ Germany morM (Polish Oorridor), awalto# Prosecutor Hugh H. Alcorn center­ ciary Committee, and‘ was approved rolnous Mtoera and Operators Ne­ snd.Russia.______\ toe speech today vritbout oxMto* ed around payments received by PubUabera' Association, urged the without debate after Senate Chair­ Some of them, incrcaatngiy irri­ SA»r YIJLYES AK EN SEES GRAB nation’s newspapers today to bring gotiating OommittM, announced to­ ment. . 5c into a "unity of understanding." reach ognement on a new contr^. 11:15 a.m. (5:16 a.m., e x .t) arousk ernmenL their security sysUro, attack^ the its radios to bsar Bsck addrsas ths WEAREVER WEEK SPECIALS IN WATER CONTROL Addressing tbs snnual meeting of The appototment is for a four year for the soft coal industry and U>n4 (iJsnMnnsa am Pags.‘rw».) poUcy of French Foreign Ministers « . fifi;_».z--- fU Sejm (Parliamont.) Tha octoinkl the Chamber of Comroerc* of the term beginning July I, 1939 and the such disagreement would be rej^rt- deorges Bonnet, accusing him . of fO fC IffD m U l C l f vFI OWB" United States the NesbvUle, Tenn. post carries a salary of *9,000. ^ to the Joint wage conference to­ speech wtU be broadcast ontoMfi being irresolute in the face of ri(i-| Poland by short wavs, toUowad to published said: . The House adjourned before the morrow. tog Poltoh-Oerman tension. I Pot Grow n HEALTH MARKET Vermont GoTomor Fetrs free proto could render no resolution was.red y ed from the The dtoagreement, fUlowtag eight dcB, Foihnd, Norway And tranalatlons to Engitoh, PTsobh fits Baltove Stalin Impatient German. V service more worthy o f the endur Senate. - ' weeks of nagotiatlona which has Many Informed French sources. | Tomato Plants FLASHES! tog regard and Iffatitude of the na- Bee BoMwta Veto left 338.000 mtoers idle a month Semi-official aourcao sold ton akg Qo$nig Of Federal Hand I (Imtn BanettM o f the A T Wtra) tlon than to use ail the powers and As OonnecUcut legislators ra- W0I bm reportod to tha Applochun [ maraly meant that Joaaph Denmark To Meet Hay 9. dreaa was not expectsd to cions tk* Fresh Fish Specials door on further nsgoUations tori By the Thonaand reaourcea a t its command, to bring Stalin was impatient at the manner would be .“very firm.” The tone HENDERSON CONFINED American buatoeto and the Ameri­ ttlenttiined Uis Page Twe) ( Osntlnns)l On Page rwe) Utvlnoff was handling negotiations Or the Dozen. Sliced Cod lb.12jc ; On Great Area$ Of Nation the press, has made clear that With all of today's fresh, exciting color Washington. May 4-:-(A^)—The can government into that unity of wilk Britoln and France and bad Copenhagen, May 4— (A P ) Bonate eonfirined wtUrant dliaent understanding. Interest and trust, decided to take a more direct band. foreign rolnlatera of Sweden, Fin­ Poles and their govenunent scliemes at your command,it’s easy for determined to resist any a tten q ^ Sliced Boston Blue ' lb. 10c today the aeialaattan of Leon Ben- which, above all things, is ths cry On the eve of Polish Foreign Min­ land, Norway and Denmark prepM- you, Madame Secretary, to spread glowing tints o f nature Manphester. $2.60 S-Pleea New. . . _____ Haven,_ Hay ,, 4,—(API deraon, 44-year-eM economist, to be tog need today. ister Jobeph Beck’s reply to German ed today to consult' st Slockbolm to cut Poland off from the Baltto. $2.26 Tip-N-Drain aovernor George b. Aiken (B-Ver- Sbeoid Walk Bead la Baal Hay 9 on a common answer to the . The fact that German ForsWk throughout your home. Make it a m. inPVnot inWIWUMliWgJimmediately Alto/Wi*.known. wsaamvBonnet furniture with Waterspar Enamel. Bring new life to scuffed $1.98 aedn Dengim an lie chairman, America to undreasMd betghts of ------City, May 4.— (A P ) — and “reject the notion thet war I planned to see Soviet Ambassador tions would decline the otter^ f ^ Impreoton here. ' ______, ...... „.,r,,..w,..,v..,...... eontrol or other purposes. eebnomie and todnstriat achieve­ Regarded Aa* FilrnMy floors with Florhide. Arid remember-^any. room can b « $2.16 Pot, 6-qt. size ..$1.79 Once given control of dam altea, a « a A if M Lnndon left vrith rapreaimta t * " inevitable.” I Jakob Surlto at a luncheon in the fear acceptance of any pact ment, sodsi stoblUty, poUticel hon­ A lf M. ^ a o n len vwui r ^ r ^ m -y ^ “the American U iv o y e honor today at the Foreign bo a departure from their tradi­ Meanwhile, In Polish PoUtloal redecorated in a single day with Pittsburgh Paints. tha Vermont governor ssserted, GETS FABADAV MEDAL tivss of the country’s Unseat Pro- “Federal authorities have gone to Saringfieid, Mpa* ■ May 4— (A P ) esty and qfiritual strength, without people should not ba tooted as toloSlee. tional neutrality. \ quartera the resignation of 8ogrii$. Lavn Mowers which this or any other democracy taotaat church today a warning what aconomlc quarantine and eco- Gen. Maxime Weygand, fo rm « Reporto from Bwedeii eald W Russian Foreign Oommlerar the utter extreme of claiming not I— le e Faraday medal, one ef the Ifeir/ 4-SUI CIOREI only JurlsiltcUon over oa/igable higheet awards la sdeaUfie etrelea; becomes to the bands of its ~ ‘economic qn an atlaw and econonde Domle astostaaee maan.” ichlet of the Army general etaff, general impression there was toe UtvenoS waa viewed optiir*- WATEMPAR WALLHIDE Sharpened and '4-auain.t-n-Mi W K en but Jurisdiction over Um was aesaiatu today to Dr. WaHam ploitera a fraud, a sham, a si astostaneea” fiMOti "sending Amari- ‘"rhay w«— t)M~hMvltable send-lwras en route back to Parto from offer would be rejected. Slmller rl - Lltvenoira success,■ Vj For beautiful ENAMEL tributaries of navlgabie streams, O. OeaMESk iireetor ef the Oeneral and a delusion.” ean^bg^ Into the oodepit of Europe tag mt out aom to . Itouiea to 4to.|Ankatm to W orm ^ govNnment Dorts were received from Norwaj Molotoff, was regarded as wall* and ceil­ One coet make* Repaired and trtiratarles of trihutartas. and naearek labor*- Citing oondltlons to Russia, Gee- uodtr tha hloa of •SYliit damocrmcyl®® eonveroatlons with looaero Ih The newspaper Tldens Tegn o to the prirufipie a t bilateral' Oslo. Norway, reported HlUer’s pro PbihSd I ings. ..Looks bet- furniture and Wky not have finally over the land that dralna In­ F, N., Y , at the many, I t ^ and Spain as examples, While be "crossed piuty Uhes to fora cot&nent tltot^ has aerer with Britoln, France and woodwork spar­ to those remote tributartee.” Stahlman said i^vate bustoam posols with the Scandinavian steed of the League of Nat.------ter. Lastslouger. iv e a t ^ of the support my president ’ tn an inter­ known UM true msaning of demoe- ^ kle with oewiifb praw i ^ new l U I Sees "Abaoiote ControT’ Aaperlcaa laetttatloB of Eagiiieer- could not survtvo to a country national peace conference move, the nuya.we_taowlt” _*. countries Included a condlUon that ooltoctlve aseurity advooatod; Beat reeulttl Given By The Booster Ctab and Open Forara Germany’s Imports from them re­ Easy to apply. tot the coiB- Aiken, xvho entered Into a bitter lag. It vraa the first time that the where the freedom of the prem was 1934 Republican. jprealdenUal nomlr Litvenoff. lag senaonr Doubts Boiler. $|.15 Honeymoon r i’lLT.-- l From former Premier Andre Tar main unaltered in event of eny Par Quart... Par Quart..,’. $1.50 Of the North Methodist Chardi Double Boilers controveray liltb the Federal gov- arrard, made hy the lasatarioa of ug^r nee said Roosaivelt had “abandoned Poland’s reasons tor Sharpened and Round Easy Clean Corners. ernmwit concerning a flood control le challenged a rscent statement neutrality for ths United States.” IsuTVlvor Of Um French major European conflict. Reichfuehrer Hitler’s den— ^ overiuinled H of Oieat Brtt- to the Veraalllea confer- Swedish Ores Vltol At $1.75 1-qt. aize ...... $1.49 ^ Egg Poachers dan at Union Viil^e, Vt. oaverai I preeentod by President Roosevelt that "no Landon’s addieaa to delegates at nrdlhg Pomorse and formally xrill nm hka Ibr VMaeb Ffyiag. CapsdtF iw w mcotbs ago, declared in an address sensible or woman believes the Uethodtat Uniting Ckinferenee came a declaration that the Swedish ores and other products man Daaaig which now U, new agahi and $2.25 1^^-qt. a iz e ....$1.79 pm. iM-qtk Lower pan. pcapared for delivety before the her Ameif *l^*j*^.***f*?» war pe^_ treaty was of the Scandinavian cou n tM are 2-Cup Siz^— > hnt they that It (the freedom of the preset was broadcast (NBG Blue) and re­ frouDiiiM eomfiel the on Oormhoy* The F. T. Blish Hardware Co* make mowtag $2.50 2-qt a iz e ...... $1.98 89c Joint service Clufae that, if Fed­ has been curtoUad or thraatened or, layed to Europe and South America. vita) to Germany. (UsnltoMd On IVM) a pleaanrak eral autboritlea "got away with this, re It. cittom tb adxUt thst be i**IUsn |*"5he declaration, to an opeit tot The Oslo tadependent newspaper 793 Main Street , Telephone 4121 that It should bs.” ' Ftadi High* Opening. madn a'ratkar atrong caae agalnat ^ HIttor, waa pubIMied PRECISION GRINDING 1 HoDisto. St. V School ■' . > Hall t thay xrould have ohaolute control He found In Hitler's speach re­ 8joefarfstldende« declaring net­ over every home and form in New LBAeSaAatMBV Q HWEM — F plying to Preaidwit RooeevUt’s plea aecxMMlo MjeNleae." Itoday in (ba weekly' poUUcal and works of swiirlty pacta "have TBSIMCBT BAIJhNCik Maxlea GBy. May 4 c-(A P )-e An "That declaration, coming aa It Even skoma na iatcrnstlenall||tg,j;,,y rertow. ‘ Orlagoira. vrbtch PROMPT SERVICE Friday, May 5, i:90 p. nL, D. S. T. England— and tha raat of the coun­ did from the man who sought to for pesos a Might onanlng "for fur­ shown themaelves dangeroue to ty as arriL if this iiolicy la extend­ -----» aaid today ther dtocuaaton” and " I think wra panes eoafenaM fsfl. baaald, ‘itlTasdiea ufiba for hto frequent at' peece.” said “nobody ptona to at­ Washington. >Uy 4— (AP> - PHONE 7385 hr had MomsewM the deny to the press of this country wooUi gain Uma and time aiwayeUa^te, on the government for hav PITTSBURGH 0 PAINTS ed unchecked.” the right to include la the dally can and MmSd mnfort' tha PreM- tack Germany. Hitler said he had poaltionrf tha Treasury M to $ ( Admission—Adults 35c. Children 15c ____ riafB to Mexlqe fights on V m otda e t psaoe.” ling parmtUed .Germany's rebirth am A fter reviewing the difflculttea newspaper pubilshing to Berita tor a weeirii the Ualtad ktotae Mioukl not oanae |m expraaaeil hope, if another ^ **Ricelpta *ls;oiK>.M3.tr; anty M Onr Claaelfled Advf. In KcDcr’a and Mnrphy*a Drug Sore. m a h c h i s t i r C o h m > - flood control oompeete, Aihen as- Any app^' for n conforeaM "kii prapnra to raatot the threat ofleame as a result of HlUer’a policy, Denmark, Soclal-Derookreten. how- tuTcs $70.635.437R«: The Herald Bveix eerted that dsam oenstntetad whol­ MTShStoThTo&ar exclusion of which would have boon any omortiy or ooBMaatian of coun-|that "evan harder condltiona t ^ « walvor of its oonstttutional rights "coold ra-aUta Amariea'a iateatloa RB ly or hi part hy Fadarol mooiy , to ba impsurtlal ia tto appreack to a trtos who imy aala(y on forts as a|the piertoMi ones” be in ip o ^ aftm aattoBlI pokey.” ioermanv hnd been oonauerad. tUMknwM en Fage n^u.) Rage fwa) iaaaesful sohittoa of wotM dUBcul- •l- : ■ 'i 1 V ' ■ . r. •V"

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESpfe CX)NN. THURSDAY. MAY 4 ,193» M ANCHESILKEVEMNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY,.MAY 4. ____ ^ y AGE TWC 25TH ANNIVERSARY flonda Ship Canal Called DORCAS See Shortagf of &, les, Enlarge Working Quarters WONT TALK ABOUT Only Adjournment Soon PLANS ARE PROGRESSING socm EVERETT TANK Entirely Too Extravagant STAGES SURPRISE Higher PAces Tti) Year A t Local WPA ToySOenter DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS BARRYMORE’S SUIT Can Stop Reorganization OF SONS OF ITALY SAILORS RENEW 1. FOR SPRUCE UP w.shinrton Mav 4.—(AP)—SsB-4-proval that any rivers and harborx Washington. M ay ^ „quired to have", he (API_Un-iganlxatloo In this House and In toe Last yaar'e rainy weather oom- vNaw Jersey d ap en d sl^ price range' Today was landing day at the^vUla. Btafford 1 Thom p- n . * A I r Washington. May 4 ate opponents criticliet. today a pro- ^ J adding that If funds were to bs m of Congress • White House." Local R esdents Named On M x t I AH ki Tmirh<*roii» ntalr*. |>” vUls m securing to -be re- IKisal to siithorlzo construction of a After Basiness Session, Elaine B am e s Only Com- «djoummrmfactor which could ' r.xpeels More made available for Ita construction, LMinUI -EIMT CHM No- wallu, raim>««. aU.. ar* rapalrad, cal market ta nearly when Otnter ■ ts now the only Florida ahlp canal as an unwar­ they would come under Budget Bu­ will result tn a falling ot^ In tha (C tr a m Page Oas.) dren received their to y . thl* “ TurnlT' different. p Ttop toe estabilahment June 24 of. Warren said he expected to rw ^ palnud for brtUr vlatblUty at nicbt the beniea start to coin In from General Committee To ranted extravagance, while aup- reau scrutiny. B T D and made tafar. with raducad bas- Members Present Gift To number of crates of strawberrtas Capa Cod. From rapotW.raachlng noon ebangas wart a t onoo atartod: towns, m taking ovsr basement WDRC meot Shows No Hope For , 1,,.,, porters s-ountered with the conten­ that will be oftaradln tha Manchaa- otneari of tha Kancheate^Aeaocta- wers arrest^ Tuaaday during a enlarging the present worUag quaf^ a t ths Chestnut street Idlng It WTIC 197 Miles Long m e r o o t M i e a u l o o e ard to human Uvaa and Umha tlvltles now on two more. One woii.d t tion that It waa being made a poUtl- The canal. If built, would be 197, Alda tha Scbooli—Gtvaa pupUa a ter Auction Market this year. Pres­ tloiB that market la alao'%oS thia fracas In which; police reeopted to a tera and tha lending section. The will allow more space to re tha SIS Hartford. Conn. 1880 I Arrange The Celebration. Trsvalers Broadcasting Serrice, bureaus from one dc|iartment i ral football. miles long and 33 feet deep. It r ramxauiii practical knowledge ot their local Mrs. K, E. Erickson. ident John Ceri^na of the local aa- year, being down to abou^HO per gaa attack. Metropolitan district wurM/ng quarters are to be enlarged toys. ' Caxtem Daylight having Time Opponents of the President's first Senator V.xndenla'rg iR-M lch). Hartford. Conn. Any Conciliation Now. leorgantration plan I«.st their last other for greater efficiency, and the would have to minimum width of UCT1T6Q rrOni l>auip8 l|ll government. Ita functVma and ae>v* aoclatioa said today that rtporfa cant of what It was last; |V>Uce, state-controlled, were la the by Sklng over the basement of the Through tbs efforts of M ate' 80,000 W. 1040 K. C_ 7A? .M. who le«l an iinsiici-essful fight (Usturhance tone. ■ direct chnner to bU»ck it ycuterday other would regroup'umta within de­ 400 feet, 100 feet wider than toe ^ Icea, by enabling them to pcraonal* that ha bad bean abla to gat Indi­ While tha early rsparU building at 18 Cbastnut atrest- Thla director, toys are now being ilsh- J Thursday. May 1 partments. fYwImo Alolsio, venerable of the agalnxt the canal bill In the Com­ cated tha New Jaraay crop would Everett Patrolmen remained on Eaatem Daylight Saving lime • in. when the House killed, 264 to 128, Panama Canal. About 30 miles Of T a C h r t Na t ! WM>k ly contact the Mayor or aty Man- Dorcas society members attended that there will be a ahOrtaga i will be.used aa a ttorags room. Ths ad tha children at tha Tollani Coun­ P M. New . York, May A P t—Elaine , rejection by RepreJ The fourth order may not be .■lonB of Italy In Manchester and merce Ofliinilttee. said he believed new cutting would be required, 1 0 JM ll nW ljTeCR^^^ agar and cooperaU dlracUy with alao be off this year. It Is not ox- rtsf, providing tha same aumf an smargsney sehsdufs with all room In the rear of the ffrat floor ty Temporary Home In Vemdn. In ■Mrs. .Maria IH’lla Ferra of the wo­ the nieasiire woiiM have no chance nearly lOO per cant the monthly Isavss caacallsd. Officials said a" 4:00—Lebrun Sisters. Barrie, 24-vear-old wife of 57-year- 1 Taber artmeat heada. pectad to ha more than <0 par cent aersi are planted In thta will be turned over aa par. of tha addition to furnishing them \oyM, ThunMlay, May 4 _t;15—Ray Bloch's Varieties. llkelv would cover .some of the W) men's dlvlst*)n. hea*l a list of .Man­ of paaajige If what he ealled "gen­ Provldaa practloal incentlvaa In art meeting last night, honoring tbs of last yaar'e crop. year aa wta grown last yaar,^ few" were on duty inside the Col­ chester re.sldenls who are members eral prihlic oi>p,isll1i.n' could be re­ rivers and valleys. wife of their pastor, Mrs. K. E. work shop and -p change will bs - hlcb ara now coming from \ tbs P M 4:45—Four Clubmen. old Actor John Barrymore. 1 d»>^' a rie rS : •,;5d independon, agencies which nmy The canal would stretch from Whole-hearted and enthualaaUc work, eagsy writing, clvlca and -The New Jaraay barrlas ara la tha prices ahould be hikhar this onial Beacon plant, their aalaries 4 :00—Backstage Wife. of the general committee In charce corded III I'oiigrees. Erickson, an enthualaaUC Worker In mads In ths painting department Stafford Center, there have beenMOO 5:00—Ad Liner—Dance Program. herself in her apartment today I President suhintls them lo Congress, pe reorgnnited under the law but . r h a n d Senator i-cp-i Jacksonville across the northern part market about two to three weeks R. M. Raid and Sons wtU paid by tha oil company. Ju st as soon aa Uit ebangas aro book rugs fumlibed the hoe 4:15—Stella Dalian. 5:30—Fisherman's Radio Forum— of the "JSIIi anniversary celebration On the other hand. Senator Tep- wxoperatkm hi the local ThU campaign haa tha soclaty since her husband as­ Maanwblle, Stats LAbor Commis­ refused to discuss her husband's unless both Houses disapprove. If were not covered by plan No. 1. Vhirtprotam^irof Z \ o t Florida to the well been termed ‘'A Oreat Commu- ahead of the barrtsa oSarad bars have charge of the local made here a campaign wlU be which Were made at tha Merid 4:30—Vic and Bade. Richard Pitney and Guests. That, provliles for- setting up a of the Grand Isidge, Order of .Sons l>er iD-Klai. irtt-Up and Clean-Up campalptn sumed the pastorate of Emanuel sioner Jam es ^T. Moriarty acbedulsd suit." for a separation and an ac­ Congiesa quits in the meantime, the of Italy In* Connecticut which will meHsiire. ilalnieii * 46- - Senate - voles — hail been talked about ainca spata nltv L>eaaon In Practical Clvlca." lAitheran church seven years ago. and on tbo number of crataa sold la Mr. Carrlna aald,thla noon. aUrted to tntersat peopU tn Rock- Center. ^43—Girl Alone. 5:45 March of Games. counting of $300,000. reorganization plan holds over un­ Feilerai works sgency lo merge owned toe peninsula 400 years ago, which the BuHdlng Tradea Bureau Malpa Builneaa—It atarta repalri, late afternoon conferences with rep- —Midstream. 6:00—Esso Reporter— News and such units as PWA, WPA,^ and the he held In Now Haven on Sunday. for the lilll. lntrodiiceonded. Mra. Comell'a Low Feet; 21-2 Hovr A S ip E S S E S clined to accept an unfavorable' 11:80—Woody Herman's orchestra. 11:25—Jan Garber's orchestra. desire to follow the mandate of grand niaster of that state, Frank scene of an earthquake 300 mllss , reteect for property. Individual par- vention In Hartford tomorrow and leet tomorrow evening at S o'clock church and waa active In toe 11:30—Charles Baum’s orchestra. chairman. CatlnellB. grand master of .New of mo<1ern tim es" daughter. Hlldur, the late Mra. It the East Bids Rec. Arrangements report on toe proposal and subse­ 12:00—Will Osborne’s orchestra. Congress (o eliminate waste, Ineffl- Som« leglslalors reported that north of Tokyo■^donday. tlc^tlen. In better community Sal unlay. (Osatlanod froas Om .) Brotherhood of the church. 12 00—Sammy Kaye's orchestra. Y’ork ami Eii retie Allosandronl ol Tells of Benefits. -'f Thiira Hanaon. organised and work­ ill ba mads to go to Blnubui-y on Funeral arrangements a rt Incom­ quently -passed toe bill, which 12:30—Laurence Welk's orchontra. clenrv and overlapping. " ...... Col F. C. Harrington. WPA admin­ I’epiier, however, tohl rc(M>rtcra houMkecplng, and thrift, are fac- Tha Juniors wilt gsther In odd ed faithfully In the society for more P a u a g e . 12:30—Leighton Noble's orchestra, TaiaT urged rejection lo protect Pennsylvania, a momlier of the Su- 13th to bear Arthur Johnaon brought It to toe House floor today 12:45—Joe .Sudy's orchestra. istrator, might bo pirked to head perlor'Courl In that-stale and grand Ihe prhject Would furnish employ- .■rt. tore In thIa campaign which are In- Fellows hall, 4V0 Main street, tomor­ than 30 years. It Is compoaed of the urss. Oullfolls said hs could reran plete. with tha request for a committee T»n>orro»'a Program what little IS left of the rtTlclency of a I onW 111,000. >m Washington. 12:55—News. the works unit, but there has been master of Peiuisylvanta mriil lo alxiiit 20,000 p«-nions at lU BtUlad Into people ^ all agtA from row afternoon and are requested to younger women of the church, who o t conference. 1:00 a. m.—Silent. •* , 7 :00—.Shoppers Special.---- ■ government InstltiiUons. Repre­ young children to mature adults meet at West Center and Coojm- Tha question of llnaficlng new dullfolla was aakad If ha would 7 :15—F.sao Reporter —Newa and talk also of Rear Admiral (Tirisllan WrlixHiied By Ma.l«r peak...... Direct , lienefits from opera- at all times are ready to aealet In , I t was announced today that no Bins Killed In House. Tomorrow's Program sentative Rohslon IR.. Ky.l J. Feoples. head of the Treasury's The affair will open with a risss U„„, of jhr canal, he said, would a ^ w holeara to-co-operate with each slreeta at S:4h and traniportstioii whatever way possible In promoting dispute the atate’s flgura providing FUNERALS The House killed a bill providing Weather. voters were ''wslllng until Novem­ main trunk highway lines by msass city raoords could ba producsd to ppileanta for tha coming CCC A. M. 1 Procurement Division. meeting In Ihe afternoon at the ^nie to 54 per cent of the area of ether in public aeivtce will he provliled to Hartford T'he Its work. ______for direct primaries apd alao tooK 6:00—Reveille with Jake and Carl, 7:20—Shoppers Special. ber. 1940, when there'll be a reor- Juniors will put on a ttimr drill and of tolls was dlsoussad this aftamoon show bs rscetvsd .$17,M0 and the aping period will be accepted If Bamnel Cranstoa 7:55—Esao Reporter —News and John Barrymore Troup Jiinlqr High achool In New Uj,,, United Slates and 74 per cent tubvarsivo Ideas about organised No formal program was camad now ara members of tha Na- The funeral of Bamuel Cranston, urffavorable action on other hint in­ guests. ,, gfevanunant and Individual poasee- Honey Vlncek will execute solo out. Tha girls gatbarad around at a Hartford “meeting attended by witness rtpUsd: Weather. Haven si whli li Mayor Murphy will of the iKipiilatlop. I 1 Ouard, or ara going back to who dtsd as s result ot an autoroo- cluding; 6:30— Francis Cronin, organist. and deceive" him waa the declare- deliver, the sddresa of welcome. Prior ..j don't lielteve there has even ■iona aocumuIaUd by hard work dancet. tablea gay with foraythia and green 6 ovsriior Raymond B. Baldwin, 1 wouldn't ditpuU it, but Providing for an Investigation Of 8:00 - Shoppers Special, The senlort will convene Satur­ Highway Comfniasloner Cox, msih- wouldn’tdr sdmit .tt wasn'tw asi' aamsd ol in the fall. bUs'secldsnt In Hartford on Mon­ 6:55—News. 8:30- -E»so Reporter —Newa and lion: . to the mssa meeting the venersbies U^en another rivers and harboro end' thrift, tasd straigly to be re- candlei, and aftar tUa lunch Of PrdvtousI:4v toe Ckmnectieut Milk -Produoert 7:00—Morning Watch. There ts no hope of a rei'oncllla- of different statea will meet at the project with so wide benefits at hut plaoad by raapact for organised ao- day morning at 9.30 at tha Hotel Jellied pear salad, oraokars, cup­ bers of thS IsgtalSUva Committee ly- OuUuUfoila, tn response day win be held at the funeral home Weather. t r y in g TO REFUTE I MASONIC CHURCH to a [usstlon from Murray, said he of the East, Royal Black Association, toe Milk Admlnlstratioa 8:00-^NewB and W eather. doty, Its proteettva aandoea. and Bond. Tha offlcera and guards ot cakes and coffaa, tbay buslad tbam- on Itoada, Bridges and Rlvsrt. and 5' of Taylor and Modaen, 238 Wash­ and other similar agenclea. 8:35—Shoppers Special. Uon this, time." Sons of Italy Hall In Wooster Pl«ce, Lne," Pepper said. . Mystic Review will exemplify the reprsaantativa nswepaperman from considered It necessary ' for the ptory No. 18, will meet to­ ington street, Hartford at 11 o’cloek 8:15—HI Boys. “ 9 OO—Richard Maxwell. The "great profile" she married New Haven, at a reception In their Vandenberg charged that toe ca- Ita ocntiibuUaoa to tha public wal- selves coloring program-: for tha an­ Prohibiting any officer of a p<^ 8:30—Radio Baxaar. honor. The evening will be brought „g| project. If approved, would CMt Initiatory work on a class of candi- nual Mother and Daughtar banquet the prase of the state. The meeting Waterbury corporation counsel, a night at 7:80 tn Orangs tomorrow rooming. Rev. Cramer C. p;15_Safety Talk. four years ago after a cross-coun­ SERVICE SUNDAY f a t a , through, practical rsaltaatlon post he held before he was a mayor, ball. ‘ Dagraaa, Including tha Roy^ llUcal party or membar of a party 8:45—Studio Program. try romance was more vocal. PRESS VIOLATION to a close with a banquet at the $80,000,000 annually (or a t tha tatard^mdanoa of tha r«- dataa. In tha aftamoon at 1:30 at at the church, May 13. waa called by the Roads, Rlvtre and will offIcUte and the committse from appearing In behalf 9:20—Home Folks Frolic. the Bond the closing buslhsss ses­ to hira axtra lags! aid from Urns Black iwill be conferred on a elaaa burtaj will be in Cedar HIU ceme^ I 9:00—Bradley KInCald. 9:25--E.aso Reporter —Newa and At Sioux City. Iowa. Barrymore, Slate Armory In Goffe street s t six years, under one construction apaautra factors In tha community. Bridges group whlfh la seeking a '’a t legislation If they were paid for which some 2,500 people are expect- pisn sion will be bald, and at fiSO the sMution for the llnanatng of huge to tlma becauto of tha amount ot of e« wdatss. Every member who tery. ^ I 9:15—Food News. . Weather. who Is touring with the comedy. Kakaa Claanar Itraata—BtreaU work attached-to the< office. can I MUbly attand ta urgad to do their services. 9:80—Swlngsters. X "My Dear Children." said laSt night: ed Governor Baldwin will be among "Even this sdmlnlstraUon, which and allayt ara elaaned up, repair­ banquet. Miss Betty MeCaiHhy, well puhllo works programs. Involving Prohibiting any aalarled atate off- : 9:30—Girl Interne—Joyce Jordan known local dancer, will be one of In a similar vein, ihiOma, undar so. Nia. Emsna A. Hurlbiirt 9:45—The Happy Gilmans. ‘ Well, there U $300,000 scatter To Coinineinorate Washmg the speakers S t toe bsnqu It. George fajriy free with rawsy. ed, and thareafter kept in good con- modern highways. In -extend from Iclal from eng^ng tn political 10 00 9:45—Us On a Bus. ' Govemineiit Resit Case In the entertainers at the program fol­ New ■\'ork to New Haven and crnsx-examlnaion by Murray, ax- The funeral of Mrs. Emma A. : —Central City. 10.00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. ed around somewhere and It Is best DICenao of New Haven wll, preside, vandenberg said, "acknow ls^ss After your^doctor ha§ I dtkw . UNION REFUSES pressed the opinion that the services managsment or contributing to any 10:19—John's Other Wife. A music concert at which two reaaury's plight to toe extrot lowing the meal: Alles U f Sbtrisy Molntosb and Hurlburt, widow of Frederick W. 10:15—Myrt and Marge. to know where It Is." Fire E eaiaa Out thence to Hartford. be rendered for the city could not campaign fund. ton’s Inaogoral And Gram prominent opera stars will slllg, will „f saying through the Budget Bu- finished his diaflmosi8;| Moderate rhargCs Howard have raeatved small Huriburt. who died Tuesday of a Limiting for four miles an hour 10:30—Just Hajn Bill. 10:30—Hilltop House. Denies Suit Alarrlagr Prelude Conspiracy To Intimidale fir e losses Art Reduced—The be handled by the regulai personnel gold ambtsma;^ 10:45—Wom«rln White. • be the feature of the banquet. |rcaii that only $80,000,000 c m be aocumulatkma of waste and rubbish ' At the conference the poaelbllity recognition of heart attack, was held toU after­ the speed of power boats In Stam ­ 10- 4 5—Stepmother. The veteran actor, stage and the treatment invari­ MOTHERS CLUB PLANS LATEST OFFER of the corporation counael's offiea thsir stttrias in^ recent "Young noon at 3 o'clock at toe Holloran 11:00—David Harum. 1 1 - .00— It Happened In Hollywood. screen Don Juan of his generation, spent next year on sU other Tjvero are removed, thereby eliminating of ilnsnclng by means of moderate becauta of tha tlma raquirsd tn ford harbor. 11:15—Lorenio Jones. Office 1 5 0 Y ears Ago and harbors projects and all of tos ton charges waa supported by the America Paints ilblUon” at the Funeral Home. Rev. Watson Wood­ 1’1;15—Scattergood Balnea. denied the separation suit was a MoUle Editor. ably calls for a pre-J tlM eauaaa of many destructive routine matters of the office. 11:80—Young Widow Brown. other waterway enterprises In toe Brea. Fire traps are raxed, and often Oovarnor and tha lllghway Com- Amarlesn Museum^ Natural HU- ruff of toe Center Congregational 11:30-Big Sister. prelude to a fifth marriage. BOOSTER CLUB'S COMEDY FOR U R G E FOOD SALE While Qullfotle waa on the stand tory. New Ybrk. church officiated. 11:48—The Road of Life. l l ; 45_Aunt JennYs R«al Ufe Miss Barrie, who played toe role United States.” . ' ^ scription» rapiaoed by modem bulldinge. Old OF _ mlaalonar, who feal that only by John H. Oosa, municipal Board of 13:00< Noon—Beauty News and An unusual Masonic church serv- Pepper cited toe (set tost the pro­ soma aelf-supportlng means . can Tha bearers were Bennie Clune. DROP IN APPUCATIONS Stories. of a daughter lo Barrymore In Mobile. Ala.. May 4 .-(A P ) — and dafecuve wiring and obaoiets Ktnanca mtmber and prasident of Hints. I Ice will be held on Sunday evening ject had been approved by Army Mrs Ernest H. Benson, Mra. Bhtf- (OeaMnnad from Page One) Connecticut, faced with heavy high­ Tha Woman’s Foreign sna^nary William Barrett, Albert Tedford of 12:00—Mary Margaret McBride. "My Dear Children." left the cast Attorneys for six persons charged IS READY TO FRESEKr The quicker you Sfrij alaotrloat equipment svhtch may the large Scovlll Manufacturing P. M. 12:15—Her Honor, Nancy James In St. Louis last week, threatening Engineers and the House River and have ba^oma unsafe are replaced wood Qotice and Mri. Oeorga wai- way constnictlon burdens elaa- society of toe fijuth Metmtdjjit tola tow n;' Oliver, William and at the .South Methodist Episcopal Company, was In the courtroom ap­ church will meet tomorrow eveni ibert Tew of UnlonvUle. Burial Hi CAR UCENSES HERE 13:15—Day Dreams, 12:30 - Romance of Helen Trent. to get a divorce. Doris Dudley re­ Harbors Committee, that prescription, the] with aMe aquipment I’ace maka up tha .cdmmtttea from conrarefiea eompoaad of soo repra- whtre, afford to revhmp lU through- parently watting to testify. 12:30—Your Family and Mine. "It has had exactly ths same ap- tha Mancheatsr Mothtra club ar­ sentatlvea of operators and U.M.W. routs ayttam. at 7:80 at toe church. It U request­ __ Riverside cemetery, Farm 12:45—Our Gal Sunday. pined her. newspaper to Be Given At VdcMt Qroundt Improved—lo ts Ooss was In Florida at ths Urns 12:46—Sln^n’ Sam. 1 Of '' — ' Reporter —News and In the suit filed here yesterday, today In an effort to refute . the anniversary of toe Inaugural sooher you can start! ara cleaned up and converted into ranging for a targa food sala for miners at 3 p. m. tomorrow, Robl- Tha Merritt Highway, now open ed that eaob member band In her Ington. HolUnter Street Hall Tomor­ other Finance Board members were "earned” dolUr at tola meeting and According to a report of the State 1 :00—News and Weather. Weather. „ . Barrymore accused his wife of con­ government's contention freedom of Oeorge Washington as President of plairgroimds or thrift gardens, to Tuesday, May 9, at Hale's atora. ton asld. to traffic, was considered, ■■ wai called by the state several wteks 1:18—Laura C. Gaudet, pianist. toe United States and ax Grand row Evening. taking: the medicine.^ In addition to the- ut\ial varied tell about It If she so desires. Motor Vehicle Cammlsstoner, a de­ 1:05 -Oim. Produce Market Bul­ spiring with her mother, Mrs. Edna the press had been violated. nravant their returning to disorder- I'nion Retuaea - Campromlaa the proposed new Wilbur CroM ago. 1:30—^Marjorie Mills. Master of toe Grand Lodge of Vir­ BACKACHE? line of home made foods, the com­ Tha announcement by the chair­ crease In Issuance of . drivar’s letin. Jacobs, and financial adviser, David Federal District Attornev F rails Thsi Preserlplloit Cm Bf lllghway, which Joins the MSirrllt Gullfolle was one of three lawyers NOMINATION 3:00—Highway Safety. Talk. l : 10—Musical Interlude. Fisher, to "defraud and deceive" Inge rested hU , csss _ last nIghL ginia. The services will bo held A three act play eoHUed: "Bill. Romes Ara Beautified—Bhnibbei mittee plana an innovation In tha man indicated that the union had systsm at tha Houaatonlo River, Manchester Grange, P. of H., fol­ ■ ___ Behave!” will bs presented txmior- In Yoar Hsnde In Ism ThM who testifled yesterday that watert lowed an appettstng supper last 1;0S^WPA Band. 1:15—Life Can Be Beautiful. him. after testimony purporting to show under toe auspices of Manchester Is trimmed. Trees ara pi way of a "complata maal" sals. They rafused to aeeapt tha last com- prooesda to New Haven and thence bury paid tham nearly IM.OOO dur the local sub etatlon wMnfiSPf^G® lodge of Mesons, but Masonic bodies low evening at the Hollister etreet LEG PAINS MAY have decided to take orders for hot night In ths Masonic Temple, with Uon at tha etate armory. In 1088 3:30—News for Women Only. 1-30—Main Street—Hartford. Empowered to Use Funda._ rnmnfomlslng ohotograohs of Henrv Ar HoRr By Pkonlnt towns ara mowed and raked. Back­ promlae offerad by the operators, to Hartford. The Crose Highway has Ing a period In which, - the state CONFIRMED BY SENATE 3:45—Meet MIsa Julia. throughout this section, and a great school hall at 8:80 o'clock. ThU dishes and tpaclalUaa, believing that which called for excltMlve bargain- a meeting at which 18 candidates 3,347 licenses were Issued and this 1:45—This EMy Is Ours. He eald that In 1935 he bad em­ p Ewald. former executive editor yards are cleaned up. Homes are not yat been started, but officlabi charges, $300,000 In municipal funds 8:00—The Story of Mary Marlin. 2:00—Doc Barclay's Daughters. powered toe three defendante to use of the Mobile. Press Register, were many religious groups wlU take play U under toe auspicee of the many of the home makare who may Ing rights for the U.M.W.A., and were initiated. The third degree was year 5,003 licenses were Issued. BE DANGER SIGN thoroughly cleaned Inside and out, feci that It la an Immediate neces­ was spent for unauthorixed legal (CJentlBiied from Paga UM.I 8:15—^Ma Perkins. 2:15-'-Llfe and Love of Dr. Susan. his-funds to purcha.se property for designed to dissuade him from an part. Fireside Forum and the Booater club from callar to gartat; and then ara be engagiHl In housecleaning, will an agraement by thenlnlnn for a sity to He In Hartford with New services, much of It for leglslstlve conferred by the ladles' degrees 343 less than the year before. 2 30 Of-particular Interest to members of the North Methodist church. It Of Tired Kidneys appreciate the convenience of hav­ It is aattmated that there ara ap­ 8:80—Pepper Young’s Family. : —Strictly Swing—Gil Bayek. him but thkt they had refused to editorial campaign against gambling dedicated to continued cleanliness checkoff ayitem under which hon- York points. lobbying. team under Irving Wickham, and 2;4fi--Console. Varieties— Dorothy of toe Masonic fraternity will be U being coached by Mark Holmes, II (wekHlM mJ IW P«lx* 7 0 5 7 ing delivered a ready-cooksd maal toe officers of the Orange worked turned to the capitol today for a proximately 6.000 operators in 3:45—Tho Guiding Light turn oyer to him, "any balance activities. - alM T^ >l<*'t Iw* •oo.^a ^ *>J2*S3 by tha mlnlatratlODS of the painter \inion employes would pay the same The queitlon of raising funds for Stone. thereof remaining In their posses­ Overrules Dismissal. toe presence at toe service of the and promisee to be a "howling!' for noon or for supper, such aa (lues to the labor organisation aa the fourth degree. Deputy Elleworth sesalon highlighted by Senate con- Manchester. success In toe way of entertainment. | about tbom. Notmu uuir no xMalxe r«s B c c r r m w s yyUI m O fo r and dacorator, the gardener and the this extension, In the face of other alderatlon the minor court toform 3-00— U. S. Marine Band. sion, and too property purchased Judge John McDuffie last night Connecticut Grand lodge officers. row kMnorl — I. »U«»6°«:. . ■ . ■callopad dishes, Including potato, those paid by the union members. Covell of Axdover who Inspected The total number of operator's 3 30 Clean wholeaome fun, full of ptlnch Tbo kUo.ro «• Notuiu • your prescription and repair man. ’Thus lt\-ing contlltlons demands has threatened to ARRANGE ALL DETAILS bills, the belief grew In legUUtlve : —Columbia Chamber orches­ and acquired.” overruled a defense motion for dl^ Grand Master Thomas H. Desmond, •MM oudo ood ix>io.oou. r y * i.y . are Improved. macaroni and cheeae, aalmon tcallop The break-up of tha confarenoe deflnltely hold up eonetructlon, and toe work paid compliments to the licensea taaued In toe atate tola year ABANDON ATTEMPTS of. Simsbury, haa Indicated to local Unei. and a laugh around every cor­ I It to yoar hoaie, earefauy or meat casaerolea or comblnatlont. degree team and official staff. circles that Governor Baldwin would was 105.199, an Increase of 1,698 tra. This property, he said, included a miesal of charges against John BmptoyiBeat Increased , came dramatically at tha end of today’s meeting (^>nsldcred wh.il house at Bel Air. Weet Los Angeles, Powe. one defendant, on grounds no lodge officers that he will be hero ner. ■ about I pouiUo o4 uroMo.____^ ___ ,1.- I compomided. The plan la to daitvsf tha lattar ba- the morning seeston which wga at- Veto a bill legaltxlng betting on over 1988. and haa assured that his entire The following ere In the cast; rnauiut o. MMty POOMSM ^ Employment la Increased—The fore 13 noon. If mambera or friends was said to be the only recou rse- FOR RECEPTION TONIGHT horse and dog racing If it should TO DESIGN WEEKLY two automobiles, works of art, rugs, prime facie case had been made aad butniii* U>o»«. tbM temled by Or. John Steelman, chief financing by means of tolls. Women memberi of toe Manches- suite will accompany him. Mae Sloan, Leslie VAughan. Ed­ 'vroim wilb jrORif •¥ uwwer. public relief burden ie dlminlahed dselrs to order surh dishes they -reach hla desk. books, manuscripts, furniture, against him. The judge said un­ We Are At Yoor Servkel ^ providing work for many of the mediator for tha U. S. Labor De- It Is planned to loin tiie Wilbur ] ter Country club aro reminded of the planoa, 'guns, fltoing tackle, fura der a conspiracy charge ' the^sllght- Ouest Proarher. ward Culver. Hilda Stratton, Ruth should contact Mrs. Banaon, dial partmant and bit aide, Jamaa F. CninmHteo Haa Ail In Read!- bridge tomorrow afternoon at 2 Ths Republican chief executive, Kxnxax City, May 4.—(AP) — Day by The guest speaker for ths eve­ Tyler, Marion Keeney. Maynard unamptoyad, who without this cam­ 4347, Mra. Qoelee, 4«T7 or Mra. Wal­ Croat Highway with ths tfsrritt and wearing apparel. est thing may Ije significant.” paign would not haw Jobs. Payrolls Deji'ey. - — ------Highway at the Houaatontc, then noM For Arrival Of Gov. o'elosk at toe clubhouse, to Which at hla morning prasa confaranee, da- The Committee on Publishing In-. Tho tempestuous Catlban-Ariel Over defense objection. Judge Mc­ ning will be Rev. J. Oliver Bell of Briggs, William qghbsy, Arlene lace, tOM. . The deadlock waa reached only a they may .Invite their friends. T he cllned to make any comment what­ RADIO Holmes, Corwin anuir. Q U I M N ' a are Increased, Prosperity le 'ad- by-pass New Haven and extend the Baldwin At Maaonic Temple. terexU (or toe MetoodUt Uniting ! Day romance of the actor and the former Duffie admitted several edl^als the New London Methodist church. vanced. few hours before the ehutdo\yn in route to Hartford. The link from committee tncludsi Mrs. Walter ever on toe finance committee's ac­ Today Conference abandoned attempta to­ Hunter College girl who fell In love and news stories written by Ewald Rev. Bell Is an authority on toe Mra. Melvin Oox IS In charge of *^l>4m‘l kek 9omt the elght-etata Appalachian area Gorman, Mrs. William Blteman, Mrs. tion yestsfday 1? approving a msas- day to design a weekly publication the candy (which will be eold be­ PIU., UMd MiMorfullr t^jUBiou. IM W Fronaotas Safety—Bavef Uvaa— Hartford to the MSrrlt Highway ThS arrangsmenU oommlttso Of Friday Bastern Standard Time with him while Interviewing him In toe paper's campaign to suppress life of Washington and Is \well nan. ThMr Ut. bappr robd and wU bUp tb# AIKEN SEES GRAB ~ waa to be extended to outlying re- Chariss Wardsr and Mrs. Robert ura calling for p^-mutue| rice for toe united church and drafted versed In the principles of Masonry. tween toe^ ocU) and alao toe tickets. P H A a M A C T will coat an eatlhitaSd |tfl,000,000 St. Marias church has eompletsd all Hawley. aad for her school paper was Interrupt­ -numbers game" lotteries and, slot ITlIttM 3 Cdiwr^bM Slab oulaotaiMOiM . ■at l u a T l t n fiA a iT n A t H*ona imder control of the United tracks. a yeaoluUon asking that the matter ed previously with a Los Angeles There will be a special musical pro- Scenery and stage propertlee are tba blood. OU Uoas't POa to build. It was tald. prsparationh for toe reception to­ New York,. May 3—BroadcaaUng machines. "I think this U your Workare of America In eommantlng On tha pfojact. Bouresa cloas to ths administra­ Sat. be turned over to m coordinating divorce In AprU, 1937, later set best evidence.” he told toe prose­ In charge of Kenneth Prentice. I Personal Notices | IN WATER CONTROL “ '«• night of CovSnior Raymond E. The May meeting of toe Manches­ Ol toe apeech of Poland’a foreign COmmliaioner Cox stated that the tion, 'howevar, pictured him as de­ committee. aside. " cutor. ______'<■ * * ^ e servlcs la scheduled for 7 Baldwin and Mrs. Baldwin ivbsn ter Garden olub wUI be held at Cen­ termined to withhold his signature If The resolution will lie presented mlnlaler. Col. Josef Beck, before in. this coming Sunday and the SCIENTIFIC FARMtNO entire highway from Now York to toey arrive In town to attend toe ter church houss, Monday evanlng, (Contlnned from Page pna.> BENEHT YMCA TEA Hartford should bs considered ss a the hiU, eoheduled for Introduction OB toe conference floor. parliament In Waraaw, ^ now commlttes on arrangemenU In CARD OF THANKS hnnual Motoer-DaughterV-^ Fathsi^ at 7:80. I t .wUl. be a membera: The Coordinating Committee, been set for approximately 5:15 a. eludes Rev. J. B. Neill, Rev. Di Cody, Wyo.—BIU Monday, ver-1 projact unit, and not aa two aepa- masting. Mrs. Clifford Cheney will m the "House tomorrow, should be Love Story of W« •xpr*t|i our could be designated as governmeni rata highway Joba. Son banqUreh for toe He used his plane for seeding 600 boautlful Boral Irlbulaa and loaned toll of their summer garden plans. far outwelghsd toe revenues which now being published would be cop- . Mexico City, May 4—(AP) — An ihoir eara for tha funoral aa well aa posed benetlclarlea of the lower val­ And Offlcera Are Appointed, time. Cox said It la Important roujio by a aecUOn of the Manches­ the State would resUae, ssUmated at Featuring agreement In the oU expropriation Norwalk, May 4— (AP)—Rather service. acres of range land with created all tbOM who alao effarad tha uaa of ' tinued. ley might be aaaesaed to pay for the that NSW Haven bs by-passsd so ter Pipe Band, whioh arrayed in Jobs Bsnson. who U'graduating $8,000,000 annually by advOCAtaa a t FBED ASTAIBE For hU work In last year’s New coatroversy was believed near to­ than go to jail for three months. wheat grass seed to provide better tkair eara. beneflta received. colorful highland uniform, wiu pips om GEE BOOEBB Opera SlnFcr Uly Pons* secOTd"w - graxlng for • re$[lBtorsd cattle hard. Frits B. Johnson and Family. Mrs, Edwtn C. HigginsIggtns or Porter lih h t trnffle (nny move from H art thU lummsr from th* Loomis Ifi- toa b4U. Eingland hurricane. Wilson E. Bur- day, on toe basis of a government a n u n o t "Thug under the' guise of flood ford to NSW Hsvsn and New York toa Qovsrnor into ths dining hall. Irvlted guest” was homeward bound | fiE i d e a s The teak was completed In ons hour street Is chairman orI? toe bridge-tsa •Ututo In Windsor, h at baan award- Bssate action on tha minor court e ts S t amateur radio atatlon owner preos agency announcement follow­ lA T MOVE MEN a n d control, the watireheds of the up­ tn two and a half hd»rt. PLUS . . "THE SAINTJ GERMAN GENERAL DIES o£ Westerly. R. I., has been named and 20 minutea \ ' which the wives o f . Manohaatar’a s4 a four yaar schoUrahlp at Wsa- bills waa delayed while Democratic STBIKEa BACK" ing a third . conference betwisen ^ a ty Judge Paul R. Connery drew Iff ATIONB FORWARD, per valley might be placed under phyticlana will msnagar for Tuaa­ The Highway Comniltiiotiisr sug- leyan. Tha soholarablp oarrtSs a ■anatora caucused on possible to receive the 'third sward of the President Laxarp • Cardenas and the Jurls^tlon of the federal gov­ day. May 9, at toe Manchester Y. gsated that' the toll to be charged SEES m CONING WlUlam S. Paley (president of Donald B. Rlchberg, American at- from LouU M. Brucker. 27, who said W« Buy . . yearly award of $SQ0. HU father, amendments and their leader, Jos­ IN HOSPITAL, AGED 7 1 he was "Secret Operative X 8.” a ernment and the states of the lower, M. C. A. and for Its baneflt. ' Blmi- be kept small. Hs proposed three CBS) trophy, given annuaUy tn toe •torney.. valley assessed to pay the costa of toll stations bstwssn Nsw York John A. Bsnson, U a son of Mr. and eph B. Downes, want to confer n1to promise yesterday that he would re­ lard card partlss of this group have Mra. Essktal Bsnson of Main atrsst Governor Baldwin on tha measures. amateur who "contributed most Rlchberg. Waahlngton lawyer rep­ operation." been socially and flnanelally aucoeas- and Hartford, qt sach of which a WHEN NATIONS ALL Potsdam. Germany, May 4—(AP)... 1 usefully to the American people. turn to PhUadelphla., Pa., If toe Old Gold Ths Mils wers scheduled for debate resenting oil companies whose prop­ Jurist would suspend toe penalty Im­ ful, and much antouatgam » svlnosd tsfi esnt ehargs would be made, STA¥|mmmmmmmrmm m m —Q a a . WUhelm Groener. 71. toe trophy wUI be presented at a erties were cMflscated last year, making the passage from New York John J. Freeman. 17-yaar-old after a half hour’s recaas. 6 posed on charges of broach of toe AT HIGHEST -In the coming affair on the part of brother of Mrs. WlUlam Brainard last quartermsster general of toe „„ j^ne , with a network started a series of conferences with the committee, their co-workers and to .this area thirty cents. It would COMPLETE ARMING The Senate, delaying action on STARTS SUNDAY Imperial German Army Md for i„.o,dcaBt. peace and disorderly conduct. CASH PRICES SPRING BUILDING BOOM of North School atreet, ratumsd toe minor court reform bills after Cardenas lest Sunday at Saltillo A caretaker found the man on toe friends who are buiUy engaged In not be tha plan to reach back to "CONFESSIONS OF A four yeara minister of defend • un- Coahulla state. The conferences end­ regain toe money already spsnt on' homa yesterday from toe Hartford rival, party leaders oonfarred'^with der toe ojaDwar ropubllc. died early 1 broadcasts Pons' estate Tuesday, a week after filling tables. (OoB|braed from Page Ona) hospital whera ha has been confined ed yesterday. FURTHER SWELLED HERE The hour Is 3 o'clock Tuesday too M srritt road In tolls. It waa Governor Baldwin on the measures, NAZI SPY” this i n o ^ ^ n the city hospUal. to. police arrested Arthur Casper, for toa past sU weeka. Tha lad was adopted today a resolution calling California machInUt, who wras MATTHEW aftamoon. Mra. Howard Boyd baia iuUd, such chargas only going to un­ the individual to national needs He had been suffering fo derwrite toe unpaid balance on this hitch-hiking to toa C.C.C. camp at for an invastlgatlon of the adminis­ found smoking a dgar In toe singer’s Manchester's -spring building consented to arrange for the table "cannot In any w«y aubordinata days from InflammaUon of uie 1 ^ngf^d,England, toe networks wlU awtteh priaes and Mra. D. M, (^Idwsll and hlghany, plus the cost of the new CelUlt, when an automobile struck tration of old age asalstanee by toe home. WIOR boom was further avvelled today themselves to foreign Intoroata." him down, and hU lag was broken. State Welfare DepartoMat . •liver. . ' . . . . __tn Portsmouth. Eng., at 8:09 d. m. MUST SHOW CAUSE Casper, who said he "liked the Mra William U Conlon will ba In IlM to Hartford. Dtscussing^ the big naval outlay, He U survived by his '*^‘*^ ^tTitdaiTto*detSu*toe% saUlng. Main St. Mancheate.r whan permits for (our new dwell? Oovemor'a Opinion. Ha IS now abis to get about with The resolution. Introduced by Sen­ kid" and wanted to see her, baa un­ ings totalling $30,800 were Imed charge of the tea, Mrs. Alfred Bund- which he siiid a-as unprecedentsd ui TODAY • FRIDAY was his.second wife, a daughter of I . . »Qnig,ht* qutsC publicity, and M ra Mortimer Oovemor IMdwln stated that he crutchea. ^ ator Daniel J. McCarthy, 'Anaonia hta first marriage and a son of his I the air tonight. FORDISCRIMINATION til Saturday to go home too or start by Building Tnepector Edwariv C. paacetima, Bc'nigham declarsd hs Democrat, was adoptSd without ds- serving a year In the Bridgeport Moriarty, admlsstona does not believe In poatponlng pay­ bsllsvsd It would carry tos eountty THE NEW second. Elliott. ments on sny largi highway proj- Ever ftaady(Breia of lOag'a Jail, where he U now "tolnklna it Anthony J. Toumaud will erect It is probable ths bridgs tea will "well forward to a degree of prep­ be held tn toe banquet hall, al­ seta unlsss, at toe time of con- Daughters sfie ths Women's Divi­ Two bills which would provide rtSS«JX“^tor(^ "r^ I T^vJ^lieetiiig sea«m's New Orleans, La., May 4-"(AP) over.” ■ a new five room dwelling on Court- aration which will enable America for the nominsUon of puhllo offi­ —The nine-member Municipal Audi­ though at the previous card party atruetlon, provialOD Is mads for pay­ to preserve ita territory, to uphold sion of tos YM.C.A.. which com c m c i s E W s^ ta w manltys Greatest Need Today.' land street at an estimated cost of of the dootura' wives two rOoms wart ment. Tie said that It definitely btnsd in serving ths annual May cials by dirset primary ware re­ tacucs aro ^ e” -(u WABC-CBS 9:45, Mrs. F. D. R«>se- torium OommUslon must ebow $3,700. Its Institutions and (o maintam ita jected ^ the Senate through ac­ m lU l^ X acu ta aro rq, 1 speaking (or pioneer youth of cause May 17 In cIvU District court ‘V- „ STUMPS necettary. Ths goal sat ta 88 to appears to hliYi that the best solu­ honor." dinner last night, ware much pleas­ TABUBWABE TO LADIES! The Old Sawyer Says— ^ . William F, Johnson wtU erect toe 40 Ubles. tion for public works financing of ed wltb the patronage, mors than ceptance of an u^vorabla report ' America. why it should not rent toe auditor­ H er o ld remaining three houses, two of He said, however, such aa expend­ byvthe Judiciary Clommtttee. ium to Negro organisations. t REMOVED this nature ta to bs found in a toll iture must bs based on a poU^ In- iflO being prasenL An exMUent tur­ COLT CAUSES FIRE WEAF-NBC—6:15 Vocal Varie- It Is A Good Time “Thfe Manchester Lumber Co. is an old which are being built for John F. charge system. .. key dinner waa served with all tha Another bill killed would have Ues; 7 Rudy Vailee;-8 Good News; Judge Hugh C, Gage Issued toe A tL KINDS OP Lathrop of Rockville, one on lot SS volvtng tfarss principles: ., required SU towns to have voting fam ily i URGES U. S. PAPERS Tha governor stated that into toe "First, that no AmsHcaa- shall flxiiigs. Boms of'toa members work­ Tokyo; May 4—(AP) — A coltlg B^ng Crosby; 11 Dance Hour order In response to n petition yes­ established name in Manchesteris busi­ i- TREE PLANTING Washington street with flve rooms stfita faoed with other major ex- ed .all d ^ In the kitchen, turning machines, beginning next year. terday by the Rev. R. W. Cbleman, To Take at a coat of $3,600, and one on lot 84 bs sent by his govemmsat to fight A favorable r e p ^ was racaivad subeUtuted for Mrs. O'Leary's cowl WABC-CBS—6:30 Joe E. Brown: ■ LandBcapiiiff and Grading pandlturss. It la only fair that users and dis on toa ^ U nsat of Europe; out lemon meringue and apple plea ot tos 1871 Chicago fire, Domel, 7 Kate Smith; 8 Major Bowes aM - who stated on application last Oc­ recipes delight all fomilies today ness history but that is all that remainir- Washington strset, with tlx rooms TO FOSTER UNTTY of the highway pay toe ooets. and at the supper hour deiieioua hot on a measure providing to t the' tober to rent toe auditorium for a Advantage OF at a cost of $6,300. second that our nation will saforcs state llcenalng of plaxabsra under a A U $0! Japanese newx agency, reported to- uuro: 9 KosUIanetx and O'Keefe, otherwise it is $r brand new concern under Old Colony He believea that Fairfield County toe Monros Doctrtna; and third raised bUculU. Other King’s day In an account of a disastrous wjSt-NBC — 6:16 Mr. Keen; 7 concert by "high CUSs Negro ar- Hei^old recipe, are still used by Ivanhoe. The other Johnson built home will should not Oppose a toll, because, Daughters strvad as waltrasiea hoard of thraa nainad by tha gov- tuts”.was refused. ■4- that our Pacific front Uaa of ds- fin: In a village near Aomori. The I parade of Progress; 10:10 M et^ LOW INTEREST You can’t improve on j^rfection! Ivanhoe new, active and energetic management Landscape Service be erected for Earle Dely of althdugh restowts of that county 180 tn o lb tr ways Saalatedi The profits Wethersfield, and will be eituated fenee. la. toe th meridian, which O a ia ra AeMaa am *V cli Hask.* (X>lt kicked over a candle and. fired 1 poUtan.Opera, part of 3rd act 1 Die E. A. Bernard may use toe highway most. It is a protects HawaU and Alaska afid will ha -used equally .by both organ- Mayonnaise continues to be rich, creamy, that is rapidly creating a commanding on Ruaaell street. It is a flve room and the death to preae freedom In baneflt to ths whole stats, and by The Senate dsfCrrsd aetloa. tsan the stable In toe village. 'High' winds | Melsterslnger.'' RA TES AN D t6 Garden S t Phone 7585 which is toe line accepted m ths Isatlons. stee^ toe flames and 110 houses What to expect Friday: WEAF^ golden — chock-full of teau'mg flavor for building, to cost an asUmatad $9,- this country, was truly astounding," coUsctlng fees, out of stats motor­ porarily, upon an amendment to ths iD p n BLAME JEALOUS SUmKl place for it in Manchester’s business 000. Stahlmsn declarsd. Washington trsaty." wags 'Trick back" bill. H m amend­ STATE out et a total of 180 in to* town NBC—12:15 p. ro. Let'a Talk It AVAILABLE $11.your choicer salads. And Ivanhoe Silad ists will bs forced to ,aid local tax­ m;»« ' l- ORO Thraugi ■aia.l Over; 3ri6 Ha Perkins; 6 Phi Beta A frss prsas la no puhUsbsr’s payers In supporting tos construe- ment would hava enemptsd social were destroyed. There were no Dressing— the “ boiled’' type like “ mother world. iKf' right, bs continued, but toe sole HOSPITAL NOTES casual ties. Kappa aeries. CBS- chain —2:30 MORTGAGE uon burdSa. w s m t CBS Chamber orchestra; 4:30 Ken­ FOR WEDDINC DISASTER used to make” — is racy, piquant, apicy and right of a free people for whom toe Ths sxprsaslon of views waa POLAND QUIETLY “Pleaw accept this as our invitation to : newspapefe were trustees. tucky Derby -preview: 8:06 M wln most economical for the families’ hearty, I'fe- brought about at toe revest of Rep­ Admlttod yaatarday; Mrs. Onro- FUNDS *T hhvs said on numerous occa­ C. HUL W JZ-NBO—11:16 a. fic Ar­ Shanghai, May 4—(AP)—A jeal- everyday salads, B O f M at good grocers, drop in and get acquainted if you have resentative William J. ■‘Thomton of AWAITING REPLY lyn, Bacearo, 189 Olenwood atront, oua suitor waa blamed today Ipy ^SAFARI ON WHEELS' sions a free prSM does not mean my this town, who, as chairman of the Mra. Mary Dlmlow, 75 Autumn rival In Washington of Pres, and Sec os If yoif cmitcBipiRte not already done so.” * ,,,— right as ’a newspaper publUdier to Roida, Rivers and Bridges commit­ street, Mi^ Haael McBride,' 50 Mrs. Somosa of Nlcafagua; 1 p. m. Naatan police for 'a*' wedding day A Talking: Picture of Travei in Africa for Both Yoan* Music Appreciation Hour season’s disaster two daya ago In which a bnUdlng a new ticwc. • •-r -■ ■ ' ^ publish whataver I please, to' violate tee, aaked' that a study, of toe toll tQ—ttnnsfi fram Pagu One) Hartford Road. Jamaa Maori, 709 Benefit Dance ♦ 1 n People and Old. any laws, to Invade pereonal privacy eltuatloii be . rnsde. Thornton be­ Main atrsat. finale; 8 Club Matinee. 17-year-old Chinese bride and 17 in the . . . or to ignore tbs stoics of a grsat lieves that an act enabling the state Qdynla, ons ef Pound’s big BalUO Adnllttad today: Hubart Darrow, Gorsaan-Aiasriefiir R>stb»n Some Friday short waves; OSE other pereons were killed and 44 No Commissions I V A N H O f profkISaion. |. ' to issue $18,000,000 In bends wlU be footholds, may be eummsriasd aa Moravia. N. Y. RADIO GSD GSB London 6:30 Drama "The othera. Including to e . ' bridegroom, No Service Charges The Manchester Lumber^ Tifiai Mary OelesU"; OLR4A Prague 9:80 FIREPLACE ROOM OF THE BOLTON "A free prass does mean my ob­ sufflcleat to start the conatruetlon foUowa: “ Btotha;''Today, a aon to Mr. aad were Injured. Pcderml Deposit lns. 'Corp. Moiionjifiiae a l l ligation and rebponaibUity to kaap To ylald aovaralgnty t t m t ha Mrou Jonathan Oarsta, S4 North ECTB-AUPINE BALL music: TPA4 Paris 11:28 French Two' bouaee collapeed under roofs COMMUNITY B of the Cross Highway and do the 8ERVIG E • for tha people Informed a truthful and N st a t the work on the Merritt part^ atrip ot Pom ona whioh HltUr atroat and a aon to Mr. aad EUiM gs f ii. Idaa shi i t at . C t m . events. ladsn wltb spectators while toe and Fuel Company, inc.;; TOMORROW NIGHT. MAY 5, AT 8 O’CLOCK unhlsaed preaantatton a t tha new* CminiiiKliMi Tabea wedding waa in prograsa. waata to uak Boat Pruaala with tho Oanfiu Bam tt. 8S M t Nebo W g . B tey 6, ‘ PlMiw4457 Xh« Monchester FINE SALADS Rnwell PbuU Manager ^ An eOwOff wM to to ta and wQI to lor the tonsBt el m ndilob la toalr r% ht and wUsh wUi dliruidleB Of tho root of (Donaaay would ho to give Now Tlmt It la Over— PoUce aald the rebuffed suitor TeLSlIBl anable them to dstermlne thpse Hartfioad Bridge prouam, also a.tou up part of Ike most oharlahad pfov- ' p S i B; M a n e * Malaen. IS. ad ifi For btetory'a pages, 1st it be eald learned In advance where toe wed­ Center Street C ?e *to a !to £ e r*^ Oto»«c Congregational Chxreh who things a public nature which art Trust Compony a t lit tlM diseusmca hsiag ta- laoa of poiaad'" ona ot tha pnY> W in. E .i K r a l i without levity. ding would take place and sawed either tavbnble or tatmicat to thsir eonflned to major highway ft* with tha lowaat paresntagaa That the nleeet thing about Feb- 1 away sevtral wobileB piUaza sup- w a U a ia ,” _ - - - . iOf ” i.ftteet. i t S U w t \ [EBaty waa Ita brevity. IportlBcaM' RAGE nVE MANCHESTER EVENING H ER A^. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, MAY 4.198# MANCRESTTR K^TCNTNr, TTF^RALP. >1 ANCHT^rEH. COVN, THTRSPAT. MA^ 4. IM fA G E F O T T R / N ed too ftercaly, auLhorlUas said, to Ushlag a twelve-mile sons of teni- the rulna had yieldad up the worn to do IS sUrt to ellml- Washington Dayixx)k SERIAL STORY Haight. 41-ye«r-oM mother of four permit of contra. naU. And In order to make It tortal aratera around the United an's bodv, that they b ^eved she PUBLIC RECORDS Ibm4fitfr > TEXAS TELESCOPE I W i a O aVE DEEPER children who were atte'nJlng school. had died In the explosion p> Ignition C-7 — jlble. If tie state Itself with- States, to replace the very poorly In [its own sphere, which has the of something contained In a pan she IJItle John—Day, why do people .Ap^catton authenticated and completely un­ BORDER ADVENTURE IMTA nCATU DV nDC i Illce p')Wer to do It. does not PRESTON GROVER iN IU U b A In D l rlRC ed their one story frame ho\isq, on was earring. get married? AppUcatlnn for a marrtega B* CoftHtts 9rr«lh local hospital drive The pan was discovered heneatji reasonable three-mile limit. If there WILL REVEAL NEW I " * “ te the source of polliitloii then Farms road, eight miles outride of Dad—To raise chlldrsn. sonny. cense has been filed with the Town e Rovemroent, which ptpvldea— fa any doubt about the dcfen."e Washington—The State Depart-«ao^other fqrelgii propertlea down BY OREN ARNOU) STISK'llS. this city. the body. . Clerk hy Sylvester Louis Barnes of m e Volunteer fire forces were notified John Aw. Sharks, they could ge{ It BluaK 8tr*(t third of the money, ouRht per- value of the wider limit*' It would ojent refu.«es to become excited over . UiMS. Stamford. May 4 -(A P i .-—Auth­ Capt. F.ilward txickwoo.1 and ali cf thoAe. they wanted a) the or- Ea.«t Hartford, and Dorothy Lons- TO OPEN ON MAY 12TH Sergt. (Tharlca Hoyt of the town by neighbors who discovered the -•.^1 MutekMitr. Coan. 'mlsslivlv at Icart to have the the rstabllalnhefit of a "totalltar- Bolivia tried the business of aels- bury* Gibbon of this town. aeem to be because of uncertainty SECRETS OF STARS CAST OF CHARACTEBS orities delved deeper bxlay into the blaze hut at that time the fire ra g -; pharUyyliim. n O M A t rBROUSUM light to' go In And abate the lan” government In Bolivia. 'ing foreign property (Standard Oil ly, "so you can use It when you re­ (Ire death of Mrs...,C.et)rgianna p<>llce' aaid yrstcnlay shortly, after 0«5«rAI MaoACtr ' to whether we should not. while BETTY MABV JORDAN—Pretty sources of pollution'^mat have en­ Technically tii« ebanga from a holdings) In 1M7 and the president port back to headquarters In Wash­ Mrs. Allen Prescott, Mina Ruth 0«tob«r 1. Iltl young Boeder Patrol service secre- ington." . . m ' I Mrs. Allen Spreading Steadily To New gaged us In this legislation. ws are about It. make the distance theoretical democracy puts the of that day. Col. David Toro, lost tary«' J. S. Brown. r«Mlali*4 e*«TT That seems to us ti^ be both sen' erosier ! United SUtes In a slightly difficult hla )ob In a revolutUm. German "What, Sherry? Although I'm hot Expect Abofll 250 Workers “wTeam n .. m No.™ 26: Miss Elsie New- conmuersniy grenier _ • poelUon. . The eouOtry-a policy In i Buach, who led the revolu U om ^c- High |i McDonald Ob­ SHERIO.A.N STARR—Siandsoroe •M dar* an« Holltaira eB!«r»a «t at all sure 1 ahaU ever tnake a r^ , comb. Captain. Margaret Elliott, Groups Of Women Work­ V M I- O fflc* » i ManehMtfr. Cenn,. aible and honest. But Senator If there was any JusUflcatlon for America for n^nriy 40 years ceeded Toro. • Border Patrol officer. port." .■mbb« C1i «» Mall llanar HOPE KILDARE—Starris'MIow Mrs. John Derby. .Marlon Apel. Adams of Colorado protested that the establishment o f a three-mile ; (lu been to support the government | Busch's father was at German " I t was that you ahd I waded Will Canvass Town To servatory In West Texas officer, also a badwl-ir. Marion Pearl. SU t^RIPTlO N RATM ^ I the upstream mines and quarts mtUa Umlt nearly'a hundred and nOy I In power, w ith -a few sKoeptlOM. i descant, explaining the dictator’s right aCross'the International boun­ ers, Bureau Reports. LUIS BARBO—Mexteoa smug­ Team No. 27; Muis Helen Ma­ FIRST NATIONAL STORES ■ ______. . ,, When the InevlUbls attampt at a nim-Latln name. There U much dary at 9 a.m.. unmolested. If we * •* of his state must not be forblddeii years ago, based as It la believed comes to. confront self- GRrman racial stock in Bolivia. ' gler. CoDect $15,000; To Or­ loney. Captain. Dolores TroWer, Will Be Dedicated On M l can do It that easy, so can aliens. Dorothy Marks. Mrs. Paul Cervlni / Vsar'"*” ! ! ! ! ! ” '* 'o s to dump their mill tailings Into the to have been on the range of the | inst.-illed Dictator German Buach, Bolivia, like the United Stated, The boundary Is 2000 miles long, Alice Barlow, Dorothy Plltt. Washington— (A P I— tn the wake creeks snd Tlveni, and Senator Aus­ has a mlnlng-lnduitiial section and Yesterday: Safa out of sight of cannon of those dnya then there the United States will have to smile a n i there aten't half enough officers \ ■team No. 28: .Mrs. James Dick- of dlscu.ssionil over how many pairs arEMBRR O r'TK K AFSOCIATFD an agrleultilral section.. Their bi- the Barra raaciw, Sherry oontlooes ganize On May 10. tin of Vermont, made a speech would, swm to he soiind reason for upon him. Locke Tomorrow. allotted to guard IL What'd you sOn. Captain. Barbara Peterson. of hose a ■ beauty parliir operator The fact Is that under the cur­ teresta oonfltd ■ TI)at la one of his wood ^eufttag acL wondrriag If Ths AssocUteS PriSwt* AsctusKslf shout Ameticana being the smart­ mean about never making a reporL Gordon Fogg, .Mrs. Gordon Fogg. needs a year ami what a laundry 2^h>3lb ' aatitleS lo tb« om oi. >e|>»blicsilon fixing the width of the territorial rent admintftratloir thla country Busch’s problems, ■. Betty to v ^ M n i after ahe tells him FRESH NEW ENGIAND DRESSED est and best'ctJndltloned people In though ?’’ The annual Manchester Memorial James Dickson. Geneva Pentland. worker's hats should cost, niinlmuni •f ttovt ilapAtrhM to It • "esAsdlspc By NE.A Servloe that Bops had already proposed. AVERAGE •r not otborwfoo ertdtlM , au^ worM a "I Just feel that I may never go? John Falkoskt. Major; Team .No wage orders arc spreading steadily with the highest Ideals. In llf.iD. hand IH' the Inten;^ affairs of Latin K m ptf Pockets. CHAPTER XXV Hospital drive for sustaining funds Barer anS sleo th, loeel B.w»"w|b- , the world Alpine, Texas. Msy 4 Thrusting back lo my Job. I —I msy stay •J9: William J. Stevenson,, captain., to new groups of. women workers. UMcS herein. .4 hut Insisted that we must be "re But there hue pever hern any American governTq'hhl U '*" " f Another Is the desperate Impov­ Sheridan Starr ceased being a '^Jill open Msy 12. Nstlonal Hospital ^ ™ I The Federal Women's Bureau yore. If they seenl\llkely to re- here.” Walter Holland, Harold Beebe, Cyrus | All rtshle of tepublicAllone ef erishment ■ of his country from Ihe^ five stories high agalast the Texas Mexican woodcutter os soon as . Day. when the corps of workers, James said today, that orders Iksded under ■I s'l»ea%h«« hlrflB sr* s Isb m- allstlc” about preventing little mill general inUrnatlnnal agreement »n *p«ci ‘IntemallonBl obllgsllims," Sherry went a little glum at that. Blanchard, William Irwin. ------speel long and fruttleas Chaco war with #ky atop «800-(oot Mt. lAcke, the flight settled over Mexico. ' 27 state minimum wage laws affect sereeS owners from turning the lovely the three mile limit or any other. | which raeana foreign mVestmenta, nearly 2.50 number, will again McCullough Paraguay. "B etty Mary'?" he called, when Team No. ;H). H 9 Ki'ihing. vh[- more than...... I.OtW.tKKl women...... workers------... A Berv- wood's newest, second-largest, and Twlce today he bad deduced from renvBss the iW n for the local In­ m il servtee elleet ef M. streams of his state Into open sew­ Britain, France and the TInIted i do ftdriy vmU wlto UA ' Just how far ;.Busch will press he felt it was daft to start pgatn. •aiii .Mrs Melvin Hathawav. A alter. In about .50 industries ami (hat po- By bitter experience, the 'l.atln most aceurate reflecting telescope her talk that she might be In love stitution. The\93P quota set hy las lae ers— and so the man from Connec- States were the only parties to Ax­ his totalltaiian macbanlam will be "Yes," she answered Instantly, .Uchober. Frank (?rowlev. Mrs Harry ! lentlal coverage of the laws now American govemmenta. especigMclaHy- will begin on May 5 Its qumt for the with Hope Kildare. She had MeiBlMr /^•rlesB H«wsi>»p»r Pob- tlcijt and the man from Missouri known only with time. He baa Im- from Jirfi^th the boxes In the burro the trustees Ih Kitchlng 'operative Is 4.000UOO elaitoe. ing up the trsdltlonal three miles those In the Caribbean, have dis­ d Increased exchange control, Hope's life lo San Felipe canS Usbers Asabcls secrets of outer space. cart. ' _Wor,<^or methe ppam m ev.-c,-s e 'V a l - - Team No: .31; P J. Volquatdien. It takes lime, officials said, be- |jr»t nnwhrrr. Th® Boap bill waa > beratjn® ^ other covered that If. the United States Iring the mining companies to ami Bucb drama can draw twa R l® ,, miltee has failed to reach Its ,-aptain, Joseph G Park Millar rause' most state laws provide for Pnbltshert SjpreseBtstlees: The withholds recognition, they don’t Sixteen miles from- the nearest "It’s dark now. I think we can T ,.iiiilte' Has failed to reach Its passed. And not a thing In ♦h^imArlUmA natloha were Iaaa power- (iuirender all foreign ^change they pie very close together. He kS Jallpe Bsihewe Bpeetil AS'Ber-NPW village, 42 miles from thp nearest make a try for the river." P KJade i s quota and becausVitbecausKlt has not ,*a„| j, O rler. Enneo J determination of wage rates by Tork. ChiessP. 0«troU snS Boitpe. last long. That sort, of influence get forixxport of mliierala That Hope was crazy'^bout her. Prob­ u world looking to r«Al clranalng of |f„i than these three the more or railroad, high up In the Davis Moun- "Can I actually come out of this? m l ^ e d . annually, the StandardStatldard set, ptentella. Wvvllle Peaberiy . — ' eonferences or boards after exten- has been applied far more In the Immediate affects United 8tste% ably she had made up her mind, ...... ^ ** Team 3" Sirs James Roach, rap- s|ve study of living eosts and Indus- MEMBEjt AnniT BiinrAU o r pur waterways- the dirtiest In the rasijial Axatlon of the limit was f ’Arlhbcao Uian^lttitfoiith Ahnerica, Ulns of west Texqi, thla new astro­ Goodness!" snd also because of the fac*\that it pOcketbooks'as an American mining after the experience today, that aRO)l-ATIOf<8______"I apologize. I sure am sotty you ■IS absolutely inip<“ratlve thal\muchX. ; lain. Miss Irene Jacobs. .MTss Adele trial problems ^ i., world outatde of Asia la going I* tacitly agreed to by most of them. where lies Bolivia. ' • corporation owro the hulk of the tin nomical marvel stands almost as Hope’s ardent love was what she Clien'ierka Mrs FMward Lucas When the .Supreme O u rt upheld lonely as the remote spaces of the had to stay there, but there was no needed equipment PrlnOng ConipRny Inc., hr done. Not by all, however, for N orw ay mines -there, *vhlClb.supply 15 per wanted most of all. Sherry reasoned. pFaced In^the hospital, ah |1 Raymond Bldwell, Major. Team | the rohstltutlonallty of womens 0® rtBiKifitiDMlty Tough on Revohitlnns. universe It |s built to explore. way of knowing who might be pb- cent of the world's Up. The big fellov swallowed hard, sppeal 'ls being made by drive AhalN JN1 o 33' .Miss Helen Simpson, cap- minimum wage laws two years ago far typographlcRl •rror» rialma Jiiriadlctinn four miles be­ We used t o ^ pretty high handed seiwlng Us, or who— tn th« But exchange controls are the Thirty motors drive the machin­ and changed the subJecL But gloom man .lohn Eehmallan and his -1Haln Miss Adella Wnihel, Irene 17 states had such laws, some In- yond her headlands and Hpain has about the -thing In the Caribbean, "Don't. Sheridan! It -Is I who EY«Btng H«r*ld. FOR THE RFC riile In South America rather than ery of the massive but delica6ely had settled on him. He talked very ants to make the grade Lhlk .year ', Hadden, imth Kornse, Shirley Stev- ;oiM-nitive. Now 2.5 sIsIm . the Dls- merely K-illng revolution leaders It apologize. I owe you mors than 1 always msintalned the right to nile the exception. South American re­ balanced machinery that focusM the little more until they were back In and turn in the full amount asked.' lernmn trict of Columhta. and P\ierto Rico To I- BROIl. t . or FRY It would be Interesting to know wouldn^t do them any good to wdn can ever telli I —I was not uncom­ THURSDAY, MAY * over waters within six miles of her publics have been using that total­ 82-Inch reflector. Four years of El Paso, In serious conference wdth Last Year’s Drive I No. 34: Raymond Bidw ell. 1 have such laws. where the Chamber of Cfimmcn e of because we wouldn't recognise them. fortable." She had crawled ouL LU­ roast. , Busch was recognized by the itarian device for aeveral years. It gpthdlng and polishing have been re- Hope himself. Last year the quota was $15,000 I captalfi: Marion Lockwood. Florence , Although Oregon set the I^rst the United Slates ptands with re­ tenils to keep weslth at home. .qulred to shape that reflector ac­ with bis help, and stood . near to As a matter of fact, the only rpr United .Slates before he proclaimed 'I had no trouble,” Hope avowed buVtoe tommlttee^re»fh*dRaynaud. 'J r * " '" * *'** • *" a .'” , ! , hi lb LITVINOFF CRISIS So far the change In Bolivia Is curately to one-mllllDoth of an Inch. nmlle up at him. " I w as. Just dv t“ twodhirds mar^ Team V 35: Miss Edna J. : 775.000 women were affected by lation to war hirtw if dictator. So he had no there. " I drove the old rented truck PINE paper atrictinn existing upon any natihn all In a name, totalitarian, which It will take photographs of star.x scared!" Hons of $10,349.78 recorded. Co'rdy. capt^n: Miss Ida Anderson. such laws when the Supreme Court Ilia sudden, unexpected remoVal According to the more responal- trouble In thst respect. Naturally right on Into Juarez, across the acted. In two years, wage orders In the fixing of her outlying sea hsan’t tasted good In these parts million times fainter than the He squeezed her arm a little: and The drive will get away Thurs- Mu,* Alice Altto-n. P. S. Farnsworth, GRANULATED > bag c< Maxim Utvlnolt, Soviet Russia's [ |,|p press reports of Tuemlay's ses­ the State Department la keeping an bridge and into the American offi­ recenUjr. dimmest that the human eye can somehow this gMture conveyed dav night wlUi a luncheon meeting Horace Cody. \ , • have been extended to 275,000. Jurisdiction la whether ahe can In­ eye on what he does with American cers' hands. Of course they let me One half the recent state orders foreign affairs chief, has astonish­ sion of the national ronvenllon of see. Some of theta are 400,000;b00 more than a thousand words might for organization of the workers In} jeam .No. 36: Mrs. Malblas SUGAR duce other , nations to pscognlze It. In when they recognized me— but have been-In such service Industries ed and dismayed the snti-MItler na- the orgsnlxallon, the predominant light yeara " from the earth. And have. She looked quickly up at him Masonic Temple on Wednesday eve-i gpiesa, capUln; Mia. Fred Mohr, If she Is strong enoufth, as strong bake In a moderate oyen until , the they bad some fun doing that! I'm ntng May 10. at which time the , Harry Armstrong,, Mrs. Wil- as retail trade, laundry, beauty, ho­ Uons, which profesa to, he In the note was complaint against New the Fair police. Th e Jail Is a wood one light year Is the distance light again. The big officer was anything 1 lb custard Is aet. but handsome now. He wore a sure glad you two made it safely.” annual plan wlU be explained to the | jgrd Horton, Miss Balr^ra Carter, tels and resUuranU. ' dark as to the reason. aX'the United States, or Britain or frame, hut Its effect Is meant to be travel.s )n the 32,000,000 seconds of BROOKSIDI roll Deal practices, taxes-and" "govern- Now that asparagus Is coming scraggly set of gray whiskers, ad They had to explain every detail, croup and materials distributed. | Miss Mary Saplenza, Major. Team Nine out of ten o f the minimum France or Italy or even Germany, moral rather than physical. A Semt a year at a rate of 188,000 miles wage rates set under sUte laws are It la to bs assumed that Stalin mental expenditures, with particu­ Indian does not like to be eon- Into season, serve/lt often and allow each second. rolUy glued on. Hla normsilly black and then they had a. bow plan to Three report--meetlngB will be 37^ Jerry Saplenza\Captaln; tiAd iBslnicted Utvlnoff to put his she ought to .have no trouble In oh- voiir famll.v tlW pleasure of using effect. A fter all. Barro was still a held 'all at the Manchester Trust Harold Symln^on. Jr., Stanley Del- higher than the Federal minimum BUTTER lar stress on the belief that the One Indian already has occu- hair bad been brushed with gray, ROAST lalning such recognition, unless shej New Vistas threat, and they knew the plans he company — Monday evening______i__ May .u Harry Rylander, Everett\Carl- of 25 cents an hour, and recent DutualTdefens4 proposals to Brit­ grestest of all deterrents to a res­ a Utile too much firewater! thla, spring dgllcacy. too, especially around the temples. BROOKSIDB tries lo block some narrow seaway sulky the first ilav In Jail — No wonder that 15 world-famous HU high-crowned straw sombrero had for his croiwlng at New Cblut;' 15:JO, ^ jiiU^sday u i evening, son. \ wage orders have tended to set pay 1 . ain on the crude and uncompromU- toration of pros[)erity Is the fear astronomers will gather for a two- Monday evening. May 22, from 7-8 TeamACOUii No.*Nvr. •z«»..38: *•»•«»»Miss Mary -Plan- »—•- rates mica higher than ttoae established STRICTLY FRESH doz —ai)d unless some other nation meek and humble the second. It QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS was frayed and tom. Hla clothing nel. ' HEAVY CORN-FED lag bsusls of take-lt-or-leave-lt, and of Ruropean war—with the undis­ never occurred to him to brenk out day sympoaluin organized by Dr. was very old and ragged. He may or may not change his p. m. each evening. All tearri l^ d * tanlda. Captain; Helen Dzaldus,, .before 1937. . GRADE A thihks the matter la worth fighting (Skin Sallow) ers who have not yet secured their Miss Nettle Foglio, Miss Viola Mac­ Highest minimum Is the $18 STEER BEEF to permit Mr. Chamberlain no op­ guised Inference that the Roosevelt of the Jail administered by his own Otto Struve, director of both the But -Betty Mary aaw right place and htt date,” big Sheridan over. Qqestlon; Victoria Inquires McDonald Observatory as this in­ completed teams are asked to do so intosh. Weekly for all women workers In EGGS portunity whatever to dicker or people. He wouldnt tol'erate e through the convincing makeup, to summarized, eventually. "H e’U know- 2S\ administration Is mistrusted hy , What are some of the reasons why stitution will be called, and of the as soon as possible. Team No. 39: Miss Theresa Sa Nevada except lomeatica and sUte For our part It aeems to us that while man's Jsll for five minutes. pty skin might be sallow and unat the man ahe really knew. that Betty Mary escaped, but he ■hlUy-ahally. And that Utvlnoff, Business u tending to Invo^v# us Verkes Observatory In Wisconsin. Following la the lUt ot officers plenza. Captain; Miss Mary CulotU. or local government employes. Low: large twenty miles Is near enough to our Living proctf of their own meth­ tractive? I work In a real estate "S-Sherry.’’ ahs almost whispered won’t know how much aha knows. Miss Margaret Murphy. Miss Ida Or- feeling svbolly capable of beating Id the coming conflict. >y ods o f operating law and order Is ths Vistas of the universe never seen Didn’t you say that women yoa snd workers In the campaign: eat minimum operative la the A r­ pkgs coasts for the so-called high seas office and get no exercise'' It, tremulously, fltelll. Miss Rose Orfltelll. o r O X Y D O L Chamberlain at his own game, did widow of .Iphn Billy, who Is at Uie before are expected to be opehed up talked to tn his bouse,- Betty Mary, John G. Bchmallan, chairman; H. kansas rate of $1.25 a day or $7.50 That would seem to* place the Answer: Some of the possible "Yes ?" Team No. 40: Aldo Paganl. Cap­ not Uterally follow his Instructions, U> extend- except Iti the hlgb-latl- village with her two children, Tiger by this gigantic clestlal eye. - was coming immediately to this C Smith, rice chairman; The Man­ a week for all women except those Chamber, fairly definitely, as not at caiises are a sluggish liver, conatl ."I Just—I Just want you to know tain: Alfred Ambrose. Mias Dorothy RINSO tude Pacific and Bering Sea area, Billy and Sun Billy. Her huahand's One of tha first tasks set ,1s to side ?’’ chester Trust Company, treasurer; L. Russell, Miss Dorothy M. Foley, in cotton factories, gathering fruit CHUCIC ROAST but sat In at the old army poker I think you are grand! You and all wanting war. patlon, poor circulation and perhaps Mrs. Stanley E. Mason, secretary. or farm products. where any such limits would ^en­ head was shot off by John.Gsceola secure additional Information about Hope. L am well aware that you ’’Yes,’’ said Betty Mary, Miss Ernestine G. Maynard. SALAD gam& Whereupon Stalin yelped at anemia. Generally a akin condition Executive committee; Harry K Employer and employe estimates However, yesterday's Associated because It seetns he was ogling other the mysterious "white dwarfs" In risked your lives to rescue me.” "Then Bams won’t know you talk­ Team No: 41: Mrs. Cain Mahoney, him. "Get out!" croach on' and overlap almlliir of thla kind Is Improved through Ruasell, Robert E. H a th a ^ y . a to of living (tasts often vary at the Press report of the Chamber's an­ Women In the cvpress sw*mp village our universe. Host of them have "Shucks! We were Just play act ed to her. And she won’t know you major; Mrs. Thomas F. Morlsrty, DRESSING BONELESS OVEN rights belonging lo Russia. In the Kvergladca. taking vigorous exercise as the Wicren. C. W. Holman. C. Wmore wage hearings. District of Colum- BELMONT la any event, this ruthtess, crude nual meeting opened with these been already discovered by Instru Ing. Skip it. Anyway, young wom­ were a spy. And you didn’t talk capUtn; Mra. John AlUson, Mrs. or POT ROAST Klorlila, which yVcognlrcd the exercise will stir up a better blood wSklna. William 3. Hyde^, bla’^beauty operators said they need- but typical Soviet , action would ' l-acking any real' International n.ents of mpder.ate size, but little is an. we aren't out of danger yet. confidentially to any otner servM t John Hutchinson, Mrs. Charles S lb * worils; Semlnolex' Indepepdence (the Sem- circulation. Now that summer Is J. Shea, Mrs. Charles J. Felber. W. 42 pairs o f 69-cent hose a year. Em­ GOLDEN ROSE or law on the subject. It would seem yet known about them, though they We're still In Mexico.". or anybody, so Barro may conclude Hubbard. Mrs. John B. Farley, Mra. 25 Ream certain t(i bring the matter bf Inoles never slgped a peace treaty coming It should be easy for you to A. Knofla. ployer. represenUtlves suggested 24 carton Spokesmen for American busi­ the right of each nation estshllsh find some outdoor activity which are as big as the earth and of very "Play acting or noL It was won­ that you don’t know his plan at all. A. W. Gates. HOMELAND CEYLON j i a possible Britlsb-Frtnch-Russlan' ness Interests abroad declared to­ with Uncle Sarfi, are still at war Frank CerrinL Major, Teatn No. Team No. 42; Mra Edward J, palm. Employes said minimum liv­ ! c / Its own territorial waters limits — you will enjoy. It would .probably high temperature and luminosity. derful. How did you know to Even if he did, he'may go right on TEA theoretlvally And refuse to live on a 1; Donald Hemingway, capto'n: ing costs weer $22.30 a week. Em­ alttaaca to a head with great speed, night that the United States Scientists want to know what they make up that way? It’s perfecL' with hts plan, thinking he te safe Murp^ty* capUln; Mrs. Walter J- and to enforce Us self proclaimed reservaUon) turned Gsceolp over to be a good plan for you to try eating David G. Thomaa, Clarence Weth- ployers placed them at $17. The size 2T$' one way or another. The next four should protect a Jl,000,000,000-, more vegetables, as these foods are are made of, since they knowd-tbat We didn’t. There a stock, com­ with that many men. He would be, Buckley. Mrs. Walter Balch. Mrs. the InillMs without trying him. In erell, Rudolph Johnson, Niels A. W. Clarence Kabrlck, Mrs. E. J. Under­ wage board established an $18 wage cans or ftve days' may witness a com­ B-yesr market In Clilna and the control of Inshore waters; If It can. usually excellent In causing the the material Is so compreosed that a pany on an El Paso stage. One of too. If we weren’t tipped off; a RICHMOND CUT rhlMppIncs nt the risk of war June, ^ -c o la faces a Seminole Irl- Johnson* \ hill. M ra James Coughlin. minimum. PORK LOINS skin to be more clear. Sunshine cubic Inch of It may weigh several their actors helped us. Hope was hundred armed estranjeros and plete recasting of the .'Kuropean with ..Ispan, If necessary. bunaU No white man will be ad* Team No. 2\ Frank Andeiaon. Team No. 43; Mrs. James-Gor­ BEETS fresh air, exercise, proper cleansing tons. dark and handsome enough tp look smugglera—gosh!” gram a.' \ mtited. captain; Mrs. Fred Moorhouse, Mrs. man, captain; Mrs. James Lewis, This position. It appears, was 'Slid the right kind of diet constitute ’"ITils U Friday night," said Hope. Focused on the nebulae of glow­ like a Mex without much change. F r u k McCaughey. John J. McCann, Miss Marion Janes. Miss Mary WHOLE or taken at a dinner' meeting o f re'pre^ the Ideal akin treatment ing hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen And he was to send tha aliens STEEL MILL CLAIMS They had to cover up my mug, , Robert Crawford. ^ Clemens, Miss Stephanie O'Stem- CHASE & SANBORN which envelope our universe of though. Come on, let's get going.’ across on Sunday nlghL but might Team No. 3: Clyde O. Beck­ EITHER END SOAP, NO CLEANUNESS setntivea o f AmerieSn Chambers of •kl. ‘ In New York (Gallstones) stars, the new telescope 1s expected \Vhat about the- cait, and the change. Knowing He had a big force, with, captain: Edward Atktnwn. 21 The New Deal having soaped up Commerce Abroad. So It cannot be WB can get a big force too. We Team No. 44; Mm. Peter Fagan, NEW PRODUCTION MARKl By GEORGE RaSN Health and Diet QuesUnn; Ira G. writes; “ Having to yield new- Information on the burros?" Kenneth Leslie, John Bengaton, is te e 2 > j‘ said to be’the declared belief of the would simply have to know when captain: Mrs. John O’Leary. Mrs. tbs grain farmers, having soaped )iad some trouble In the way of pain physical.properties of hydrogen, and. Aren’t worth $50. I ’ve turned Mrs. ayde Beckwith. Helen Kelly. Miss Eleanor Fraser. Chamber of Commerce of the United and where on tha Irarder to expect T eam 'N o. 4: ETverett Kennedy, cans ■p the cotton growers, having soap- A d v i c e snd a heavy feeling in the upper (lerhaps a clearer understanding of the burros loose to wild.” Mm. Henry Mutrie. Pittsburgh, May 4.— (A P )—Car- New York.—The poor /Indian of right hand side of the abdomen the physical laws governing the him-” • ’ ' '^'captain: Leon Bradley, aifford Dot- negle-Illlnols Rteel Corporation’s FINAST PEARS ad up some hundreds of thousands States as a arbole, even though It Miss Gertrude Keating. Major. the history hooks m a ^ b e the pa­ By DR. FRANK MeOOT am of the opinion that poiislbly 1 change o f matter, radiation of stars, That’s certainly a fact!" Steri- sen, Harold Belcher. . $76,000,000 Irvin Works today ' stf parlisi^ office serkers.^l^avlng may be the conviction of subsidiary To avoid suspicion. Sherry had Team No. 45; Mrs. Edwin W. PURE 7 S 01 have developed gall stones. Is there and dlaalpation of en'ergy In the dan agreed. Then he added, thoujgbt- IX John I. Oteon. Major. Team No. 5. Ladd, Captain; Mm. Everett Gtylee, claimed a new worid’e production LEAN ENDS organlxstlona. tient, ahiued v lc tln y w the While driven bts cart and Betty Mary btl aoaped up about every kind-, of ASPARAGUS any way I can teat myself at home universe. fully, "But how can we know, for Mm. Harold Reed. CapUln, Harriet Mrs. Leon Bradley, Mrs. Samuel mark— 446.8 tonkvof tinplate turned Ceop. It might, however, be an excel­ M^h's m lsimderati^lng, but not so parallel with the border, not toward Caspemon, Mary Hayes. Mm. O. 1. out by a crew o ^ s ix men In an group— having votes— that It oou'14 to find out If this Is my trouble. "The wealth of seientifle material IL so that they now. were stlU more sure?" Stevenson, Mrs. Thomas Quinn. MAPLE SYRUP eight-hour shift on a 42-lnch. flve- lent Idea If the Chamber as a whole the Seminole In^tlsns who have set You are familiar with the saying, Answer; 1 do not know of any They were silent for a.long mo­ . Emerson. Harry Hultlne. Team No. 46: Miss Mary Dlelen- MILDLY CURED think ef, with the soft soap with which will be mads available to hu­ than three mllee from the river. She ■ \ qseam No. 8: Doorthy E. Hultman. atimd tandem cold reducing mill. MIRABEL tOqk some cognizance of the posl- up a village, In the New York test you could give jrauraalf at home manity through the use of tbs 82- ment, and then Hope Kildare re­ schnelder. Captain; Dorothy Hill­ CORNED BEEF lb which the Federal Reaerve Systeni "Quicker than Jack Robinson,’’ but knew they couldn’t ride any further, "TCapUtn. Ruth Sonnlksen, Carl Gus- Foreman Charles Larkm said this World’s F^K which would determine whether or Ihch telescope Is practically unlimit­ lest some, of Bairo’a agents detect plied: man, Mildred Truax. Margaret ‘ keeps the Treasury supplied. It Is tlon'.pf H i foreign-trade branches lierhaiui you do not know the "There’s only one answer. One of ^^Ufson, Emeat Berggren. Elmer waa a new record, replacmg the [ ' Contemptiious of white nyin's not stones are actually present In ed.’’ believes Dr. Struve. them. They could be Ineonsplcuoua Sloan, Ruth Lleberg. If 15c 25 and piH. Itself on very definite rec­ previous high of 409.8 tons In eight I MARMALADE BOW shout to do snoUier Job of help, t M r attitude la ilfrect Rojnans had saying the gall bladder. • us. In disguise, must go back to Hultlne. ■ ' Team No. 47; Marjorie Behrend, Elx years of patlept effort will if they walked. houm established at the Tennessee ord as toNyhere It stands with rela­ snub to the white mao'.s brhsa •^3iilckcp tlinn''V.4parap^^^ cook­ Mexico.” Team No. 7;Norma Johnson, Cap Captain; Esther Pitkin. Marjorie In­ aoaplng of a new kind, nicely calcu­ come to fruition on May 5, and In 'I can carry you . if you get foot Coal. Iron and Railroad company of Pkg NOTED FOR FLAVOR tion to a war to protect American p in n in g, washing machines, and (Weak After Flu) .(To Be Ointlnued) Uln, Eleanor Bemgren, Helen Mat- man, Betty Hale.' Marian Akrigg, GINGER BREAD lated to put some more of the soap ed.!’ i addition to the world-famous as­ weary," he told her. "Those shoes son. Lorraine VBJKMaverbeke. Lor­ Birmingham. Ala., a U; 8. Steel sub- I ot^r gleaming streamlined Insti­ Question; Thelma asks: *Ts It Dorothy Kimball. in a not particularly New Deal markets In Asia, urged by Chamber ■ Asparagus I'a classed as-a non tronomers present, aeveral hundred you have were not made for walk­ Team No. 48: Julia Shaw, Cap­ sldlary like Carnegle-Tlllnola. MIX tutions. In a "World of Tomor- common for weakness to remain af raine Wegner. Research Director Harold J. Rut- DUFF’S affMlatea, as welrks where It stands starchy vegetable. Is highly prised members of the Ameri.can Associa­ ing In rocks and cactus thorns.” Team No. : Mrs. LHllan GiiaUf- Uln; Emma Lou Kehler. Edna STEAKS quarter but where It will be appre­ -¥ow," they are a world of yes­ ter attack of the Flu?” 8 n ------“ for Its delicate flavor, and Is a mcm tion for the Advancement of Science ’They’re better than the ragged Wuerdlg, Mary Jane Ackerman. tenberg of the CIO-Steel Workers CUBE MINUTE, TOP ROUND. with relation to a war In |>artne terday and there's nothing mueli, Answer; Persistent weakness I son, CapUln. Mm. Matjprie Eld- ciated. The Senate this week pass- her uf the Illy family. U has been will also attend the dedication. It sandals you have on. Anyway, Carl Ackerman, David Heatley. Organizing'Committee said that on I cans SHORT or SIRLOIN ship with some n a tion ^ Kuropg/to Grover Whelm esn do about If; a common aftermath of Influenza. Quotations— rldge, Herman Johnson, Mrq. Mil the old style hand mtlte a crew of I ed a federal streams pollution bill , With every hulliling around them Nteemcd from the time of the was on-Dec. 31, 1933, that the glass weigh a lot” dred Noren, Herbert Johnson. Roy Warren, Major, tn. chaige-of zkx m five men averaged about ten tons GERBER’S •»* > 4 which It appears to fear Greeks and Romans os a table for the mirror was cast at the Com­ ' ’i’ll bet!” He squeezed her arm ouUlde districts. ao framed as to make it not, only super-charged with modernity, the Team No. 9: Chester BoblnsOiL. dally. He claims introduction of | veil la leading us. ileliiitcy and Is reported to grow (Groivlh of Nall) ing Glass Works at Corning. New again. "You ought to be playing palatable to every stream polluter Indians are waahing their laundry QuesUon: Albert aaks; "U a major; Miss Mary McGuire.' cap­ the new high speed mills costing an size Ti wild-so plentifully on the Steppes of York. dolts. Well, stay right behind me, W e are now besiesed by tha tte but a positive delight to many a A t this-writing the. /dbsntt)er's In Mr. iWhelan's beautiful. Illumin­ fingernail has been badly Injured Uln; Mrs. W. 8. Hyde, Miss Helen average of $10,000,000 each elimi­ W H ITt MEAT ated lagoon, rooking their meals Russia, ^hat the cows eat It like Special Machinery Set Up and le t dumb ff anybody talks to peated statemsnt that war te In­ Estes, Thomas F. Kelley, WllUsm cans 9iiA ^jp££iaJU- protective one. war policy. If any, app^M to b«> wui a new nail form when the old PLAN TO CONSULT nated 85,000 Jobs. About 37 o f the over smoky fires wherever they find grass. Months of the most painstaking us.” evitable and that It te ineacapable new type mills have been Installed | TUNA FISH one falls off?" In the flm place the bill would little mixed. spot that is safe from the Fair Charles Lamb, noted atithor; Is They aaw only a few rural folk that we be involved tn It, wishful ™fl^m No. 10; Thomas Bentley, , Answer; This depends upon watchfulness were required before ^ c e 1934. PerhBp^ howe^r, _ there la vigilance. . quoted as asying, “ 1 stick to as­ but no one accosted them, and after thinking repeated so often that a captain; Mra. Mward Lynch, Ger­ ^ O I I U I T O ^ FANCY ^ size is FRESH act up anotber administrative or- whether the patt wbic'h manufac­ the mold tiad cooled enough to be much ef Illumination as anywhere r the youthful redskins, they paragus. whlch-gWI seems to Inspire handled. THen It was shipped to the about tan hour's walking they came large p ^ of the people think this trude Carrier, Helen Carrier. Mrs (Loss of 85.000 Jobs for "each" of cans HALIBUT ganlsationi-whlcb Is of no Interest tures the nail U Injured. I f It is un­ IMPORTED are rOpnlng loose all over the Fair, gentle thoughts" optical department of the Warner to the ' Rio Grande. It looked is their own thought. Thelma Woodbrldge. ' the 27 new mills obriouily errone­ to the pollutenrsbf waters but of else In the expression of opinion In order to enjoy the full delicious' injured, the new asll growth will —Senator OeraM P. Nye, anthor'of (Ooettnoed rrott Page One.) MEAT barefooPtd and shrieking Juvenile and Swasey Co., In (Cleveland, who heavenly to Betty not only because .. . Team. Ncu...ai: Edward Hutchln- ous. Probably 85,000 Jobs lost 1s In­ UVE CHICKEN that we -shduld protect a billion a ness of this food, us? the tender appear. I f It la destroyed, no nsll present Act. nonslderable to the polluters of war whooJ)q. A police ruling will be had designed the observatory and o f Its reol'beauty but because on the . son. captain: Dwight Perry. Mrs. ever, commented that "we ■ Xre pre­ tended to represent a total.— Ed.) tall young spears, cook |hom while growth will be found. IVANOELINI ' — poUtlca, In the second place It year Irajl^ "even at the coat of war made to cohflne the Seminole off­ telescope, (nnd wbo were to grind the other shore lay the United States. Louise Hawley, Harry Roth, Wil­ p aid to make sgreemenU with sny fresh, snd be careful itqt to cook The newspapers of the country Unsweetened I cans with JApon.’’ Nobody has eyer .vet spring to a cerixin area. If It can be mirror. . . » . "It looks wide, ’ she said. " I hope liam P. Cotter. ■ . foim try—with Germany, . England, HERO’S NEPHEW KILLED la Very, very gentle. doesn t them too long. X (Osrrot Juke)' need no champion but the American LOBSTERS dope without a Uvniahawk war and a Special laboratories, grinding and 1 am not too fatigued to swim that Team No. 12: Charles N. Crock­ France. RussU or whosoever they P. MILK for a moment pretend to compel heapd from the forelgn-Amerlcnn Question: Oracle T. inquires: wholesale scalping Altiuiugh asparagus ntay'-l a w ^ ob far." people. ett, captain: Otto Nelson, Raymond Shanghai, May 4.— (A P ) —Domel, gmbers one single peep of sug- "W ill you be kind enough to give polishing machinery, seientifle test­ —John 8. McCurrens, new president may be.-” anybody to stop polluting the na­ tnlned most qf the year in tha'^large Gallantly, then. Sherry stooped Mercier, Arthur Wade, Alice Salis­ Japanese news agency, reported to- me tome Information about carrot ing apparatus and a huge aluminiz­ of American Newspaper PubUzh- The projected non-ajggresslon tion’s waterways. It merely Intern^ ^geatlon that we ought to fight Jap­ While Plan's War city markets In its fresh state, K 1s bury. _ day that Second Lieut. Yoshitoda Juice T Does It contain any vitamins ing cell had to be set up os tbs four and picked ber up In bis arms and pacts were characterlxed by the an to prevent the shocking alsugh- Last time the Fair’s Health -De­ most reasonable In price only when erz’ Aszoctetloa. William J. Hanna, Major, .Team Togo, nephew of the late Admiral to aoap them Intp doing so, 'to pie. and what Is your opinion regarding year Job of grinding and polishing solemnly waded Into the water. She newspaper Arbejderbladet as an partment ran up agntpst the Indians. it Is In season. The canned product .No. 18: Miss Edith Proctor, CapUln. "attem pt'to harness - Scandinavia Helbacbiro^Tugo,-. Japaneae.^av^ extent that the supply of snap holds ter of the Chinese people by Invad­ the value of It? " went slowly forward. thought it a very strange position It Is our responsibility to make It W'Hs defeated. Just as the United however Is excellent, and may be In which to assist a gtrl "In swim­ Marj’ Proctor, Sally Wilson. Martha for the Third Reich’s war car. Thus hero, w-aa killed tn combat near | ouL The big Ides Is not' ^ forbid ers or .to stop the ‘^dislocation Answer: Carrot Juice In the raw ' The finlehed lene was then trans­ sure that the people’s government States was defeated In three wars used when the fresh v'egetabie is ported to Texas, and set up In so ming, but she waited, trusting him. Turklngton, Polly GUllsple. four o f Europe’s oldest democratic,democratic. Nonchang last Sunday. He v b e a n s Is li) condition to can y out the peo*.. tbe'.pollutlon of streams i>(jt Jo pay of Chinese culture and way of life; with the Seminnies. The health too expensive. statq supplies vitqmln A. B and C Team No. 14: Miss Gladys Robin- gntl-Fasclst people would be bound fighting with a sword bequeathed to and also the essential food minerals. delicate a balance that the ^ fp o t. Before she realized It they were half pie’s will, promptly, sjRectiveiy, antl-Fasclst people would be bound but when It becomes apparent that, men wanted the Indians to use son. Captain, Mrs. Maynard Clough, him ^ h t e uncle. tbs polluters lor'remedying the In­ While aaparagus dues not contain I do not .belleve that the extracted 75-ton Insjniment Is driven by a 1-8 way aeroH. The water was Just a without waste or lost moQoa. " to a cause deeply incongruous with RICHMOND Japan, If victorious, would rob .ti( washing, machines toy their dishes— a great deal of nourishment. It is of horsepower motor. little above his knees.. Miss Mae Harris. MWs Ruth Robin their views nnd history." tolerable conditions .tiiey have cre­ a ruling for all exhibitors who enok Juice has any particular value over —President RooMvelt speaking en value because It Is rich .In food rain _ The dedication of the new Me- "Is. the^^tbe ^-swimming—very son, Iss Emily Hanna. f e m i n i n e XOfJOH , CUT W AX ated. Either-a ipdnicipality or s of a billion a year In business, then on the ground. But the Semtnoles' the pulp of the whole carrot, government reergaalzatton. 3 “ “ 2 9 « erals, because It provides a soft, Donald telescope Is expected by as­ hard, Mr. Starr?” she asked mock- Team No. 15: LeeUe Kittle, Cap­ REPLIES FAVORABLY Milwaukee— The old settlers' club| pitTat* Indurtry'^can be reasonably the "buidness leaders" become' sud­ white chamnlon. a man named Joe whether that carrot la eaten grated is (ipruclng up. Its antiquated tables, non-IrrItatIng bulk, nnd because of tronomers to be the most Important Uln.. Ruaee)l CTough. Maynard Riga, Latvia. - May 4.—(AP)— Rogera, explained that the Indians or Is eaten without grating. Carrota IngV- There never, has been and there book cases and-show rases am be­ sure that I f ^ win proceed to set denly willing lo go lo w ar-^ven its desirable flavor. IS not today room on this earth for Clough. Joseph Kittle, William Per- Latvia -waa reported in usually re­ know nothing of washing machines. clearing tha complexion and making A c t io n to astronomical research He chuckled, and held her a little ing replaced by shiny metXt furni­ RICHMOND Boms method of disposal without though the war would «>st the peo- In preparing this vegetable, take facilities made in this country for 25 tighter. a political organisation 01 wan kina rett. liable quarLem today, to have re­ A,nd to begin with, they have ' no the hair glassier. 1 sometimes ad­ Team No. 16: Ernest Panclera, plied favorably to Germany’s pro­ ture. Albert A. Schutlz. the 41-year- NEW CROP plk, of the nation a great deal more ronsiderable care to remove All grit. vise carrot Juice for bablea when years. The only larger reflector When he bad put ber down on the under which a slngli liatlon or Ifroup CUT GREEN lb* ' (jqaiplng poisonous wastes Into ' the dIshea to wash. Captain, Ernest Zamatla, Waites posal for a non-aggression' treaty old president, said the members J 3 29c Inasmuch as small particles of dirt orange Juice or tomato Juice are type Instrument now In use is the American ahore,. with a frank sigh of nations will enslave and dominate ‘ FANCY TEXAS a tr e a ^ or waterways the good ojd j U**" ont billion s year while It last- ; So a red-taped argument followed may stick to the scales, I believe It Sthober, Jr.. Howard .GmnL Edward between the two countries. (moat o f them over 70) decided onl In W-hlch the Indians went about do­ not well tolerated. Probably the 100-lnch Instrument at ML Wilson o f relief to be on his own soli again, all the others. « ONIONS .fedetii govern men t, whose pockfUj***- nobody knovvs how many (I-atvia. along with another Bal- the modernization themselves—un- the beat plan to wash under running c>ilef value of the Juice would come Both these magnificent Instru­ he took off hla wbtekert and zmlled — Secretary of State Cordell Hnu. Kosak, Alphonse Lucas. * FINAST WHOLE ing what they've always done. They water. The tough, fibrous end Is then Jay Rublnow. Major; Team No. ttc country, Etetonla, and four Scan­ det pressure from their wothenfolks. size 2 ate always full of_borrowed monej’, ’ "''*'** .voung men who are not know. It’s a- white man's fight and from the food minerals which it ments will, be overshadowed, how­ down at her. FANCY cut off. 17- John Pentland. captain. Samuel dinavian countries, received the it seems there’s going to be sn | RIFJUOEE e rW A X cans Ibf will hand over a third of the c o s t- business leaders— and Incidentally they are willing to let them fight It supplies, however, aome o f theed ever, when the 200-incb Palomar “I t ’s the first and maybe the last' No one can contend that this te ' Those who like to serve the stalks Glangmve. Frank Nackowekl, Alex proffers of non-nggresslon pacU. auxiliary. ‘ ^ 2 CALIFORNIA out between themselves. nJnerala would cling to the pulp telescope, now building, shall have peace time. It may not be war, but even If the change ta betri^mado in would ^ i)dd tremendously to those chance I ’U ever have to hold you in Johnson, ^Ldolph Ktttel. (Latria te Just north of Poland GREEN PEAS whole win'find that tying the vege­ with 3,5004)00 German and Italian -1 oompliance with the mandate of taxes of w-hich the Chamber so bit­ The.Seminoles are reluctant to dts- and therefore It Is reasonable to been completed. my arms,” be declared simply. ■i. Team No. 18: John 8 . Rottner, and Lithuania. Her accepUnce of cuss their customs, many of which table in a bimdle will prove helpful. euppose that A,peraon eating tha troops moblllXed, It certainly isn’t terly cc;thplalns. A fter tying, cut off the ends, ao They bad crossed where some Captain, Mrs. John S. Rottner, Miss a non-aggression pact would mean FANCY RIPE lbs aome 'state. " would make irwell material for their whole carrot would obtain a greater peace. that' the.bunch will stand upright, fiags and willows grew, and they — Prime Minister Chnmbertatn. ' Ruth McCXirmlck, Joseph Barto, Poland was surrouniled on three Against this tort o f make-believe It would really seem as though press agent. Yes; they have a pro.sa honefit than the one using only the came at once Into a farmeria cotton I f BANANAS Miss Harriet Muldoon. Mdse by Germany and her sympa- agent. He Is a nervous wreck. riace In a cooking vessel with about Juice. 1 understand caviol 'i OLDEST FISHERMAN extra pollution rectification Senator John 1 Chamber, If It Is to be conslst- 3 Inches of boiling water In the field. Another quarter-mile of walk­ Team No. 19: Mrs. Sidney Brown, thtzeni or by countries neutralized CRISCO ~ jumbo For example, one of the trsdltlonal now being used In Hollywood as a Overnight News A . Danaher o f this state and Sepa- ent with Its own complatnta, should bottom. A cover should be provided ing brought them to a paved high­ Mauzton, -Wte.— (A P )— M. B. CapUln, Mm. 8. M. SUvereteln. Mrs. by German non-aggresston pacU In FLORIO/f size large blta of showmanship whenever In beauUtier: however. Its civ lrri way, and writhln minutes they MTsteln. Mrs. WUllam HorowlU. 2 doz, very quickly and emphatically re­ Thla metbpd of cooking wlll.keep the 10 Johnson, 91, o f Mauatoh, te all set event of trouble over Danzig or any doz 29c ^ tor Clark of Miasouri put up the dians are Involved, la to make hon­ 3 LB ORANGES ment o f beauty would come from tta O f Connecticut were In a filling station talephonlng othqt Polteh-German question. FOR BAKIFIG pudiate the suggestion of Its for­ orary chiefs of prominent local cltl delicate tlfis from being broken. To for another fialung aeason. When he ' Mrs. H. WeUtone. ' only peal figh t., Theae two acted as tendency to make tha complexion for a ear to carry them home. Team No. 20; Dr. Sidney Aiken, CAN Fancy r.ens. It always makes a good story serve, remove from pan, cut the By ASSOCIATED PRESS bought bis Ashing license. County (Lithuania, wedged between Po­ or FRYING A lbs Mncere believers iq pollution con- eign branches that while there it more clear and also from the fact "There’e one significant thing I Captain, Mm. ElUot Bemmey. Miss land and Latvia, already has a • Thla la a prescription Eating But the Semlnoles don’t understand strings and. arrange on a large of its being s natural food. ‘ Clerk Willard Franks said Johnson" >;,l.trol by the federal government and no need of fighting for other peo­ plate or platter. Se.ajun with butter. must point OUL Miss Jordan,” O f­ was the oldest person ever to pur­ Rhea Aitken, Mies tJoris Tomm, treaty with Germany binding her - pharmacy. Becaose ear vsiqme WIISIESAP APPLES such "foolerah", as thev call H. ple's. liberty, there It oompelling Essex .—Mrs. James M. Hayden, ficer Stair oald then, rather formal- Mm. N at Schwedel. not to help a third power In a wrar te large we carry caoiglata atecka tried la vain to put aome teeth Into They resist efforts to make Indian . If any Juice remains after efiok- (Tha Potato) chase such a license from him. Inc. dp not discard, but keep It and whose great great grandfather was Jamea Blair, Major; Team No. 31: with Germany. af tha thaasaada ot Hama ra- bund) the law— to make It mean some­ reason to fight where Amertran chiefs of anyone other .than . thetr QueoUOB: Mra. R. T. inquires: David "Prtest" Selden, a famous Mtea Lucinda FTnkbiln, captain: FANCY TEXAS own flesh and blood. ure it later in'sbiips.'^ ' (SlovakU to the south Is under qoired ia tampaaadteg aiedcm thing more than Just another way business Is endangered. "W!hst te tha composition o f the colonial Congregational minister, Mm. John Leavitt, Mm. James Germany’s "protection," while O LD DUTCH aiANsm3 cans 20c CARROTS Here are sonie aaparagus recipes jrcacrlpiteaa. Tkaa yea am as- ^ Otherwise, tf we do get into potato?” . observed ber lOOth birthday here 'Blair, Mm.- William Harris, Miss ' spending' money. But It didn’t tndlan Jastlre for you to try; Nazis tn Berlin have expressed the sored Mllaabt patent drags And Answer: The potato te approxi­ today quietly. She te the widow of Emma Ptnkbeln. _ '. work. n . • . war, and afterward some folks try Then there is tha matter of the Asparagus oa 'Tsast belief Hungary's tatereaU .were so aadi preectlptlia la IHsd pr** bunch mately eeventy-five per cent water; a ship builder and cabinet maker, , Team No. 22: Mm. Mary Dan- FANa TEXAS to place the blame bh Buainees, m annua)...ritual Green Corn dance A fter the. asparagus bsa been dosely bound up with Germany’s daaly.aa jaw Dacter diraete— m ir a c l e w h i p ^ 3 5 c ' ^ m the course of the debate Mr. two per cent protein; twenty' per lives wtth a housekeeper In an old '• naher, eimtaln; Mm. D. O. Thomas, BEETS which they hold In June. The pro­ steamed .until tender, plaps the WATKINS BROTHERS that she would be bound to forget NkfllksiMiMi eg sltaretioBfl P anther said: they have attempted to place the cent carbohydrate, which te prin­ colonial mansion and enjoys good 1 Mrs. Elmer T. Rice, Mm. Everett her friendship with Poland If Po­ moters of the Vtllaga don't know It, stalks on thin pieces Melba Toast cipally starch; one per cent fiber; Kennedy. Mrs. Harry RusseU, Mm. ■ra ever ptradited. Tat oar aarr-^^- Mr. President we are even go- blame tor the World War, the rec­ but they will have to shut tl(ie village and heat In the oven. Just beftre health. lteh-German tension came to ~ ord of the Chamber’s foreign branch and one per cent mineral matter. Storra—^The Connecticut State ' FUNERAL SERVICE William Hlggtno. kig to assist the man who has dowprffor B day. •“Not - meant for serving, pour over the asparagus a . Team No. 38: Mm. Horace SelfiService Stores located at 169 Main St^ and 22 East Center St, College boaketball team announced - ^ build an industrial plant dinner meeting may be bard to ex­ white man’s eyes, the Indians refuse nUxture of cream, Melba Toast ' Learned, captain; Horace B. Leam- w # are going to give him a third plain. to do the dancs aUthe Fair tor tour­ crumbs, snd chopped parslsy with PATBRNITT WARD the election of Herbert Peteraoo ef ! EdabIMied 1874 NA3SIB E X PE LLE D wamW ' ed. Mm. Robert H. Smith, Mm. London, May 4— (A P )— Homo •x the east o f removing the ists. And they plan to hold the s little sslt East Hartford, ita star forwwd, te , Hamnton mckfoid. Mm. Lawrence dance even If they have te go back the eaptalney. Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare an­ WELDON DRUG CO.I tloa that wlU follow from Asparagus and BMag Baaa Kouffle Hanteburg, Pa. — (A P ) — Rap. R. R. ANDRKSUN. DIKRtTOR Riker. plant wdiea he has one. TWELVE MILE LIMIT to the Ehperglodes. Beat together 3 eggs and 3 cups nounced- in the House o f Commons PrescriptifHi Pharmsdsts caiartes t^ u a le tf told tha Penn­ Hartford — State Chairman Team No. 34: Edward-Uthwin. We Deliver Dial 5321 That It what we are doing under The Ssminoiss built a Jail for of milk. Add H cup of cooked as­ sylvania Icgtelatura "there ought to Tbomaii S. Smith said he was tu n * 142 KA81 CKNTKR STKKliT captain; Edward Morterty, Bernice today that nine Naste had been or e It Is r e p o i^ that the United Btatas ■ M it a A thsmaeivss on the grounds Inside paragus snd H cup o f cooked string ha an appropriation to provide avery Ins over today to tha Matteoal NIarsh. Bobsrt Hqlmea, William woOld be expelled from Britain but I It seems te me that J t we State Department Ja investigating tbs village and wUI take cars of beans. Season with smallast poasible boq^ttaf wtth a paternity ward.” Ha Poundattoo iM the Preventloa of PHONK8: Om CK 5171; I^IU R M t’E:.^494 denied London new sp^r. reporta their own policing. Tbsy have psr- ‘ SetottU* ■mK to unllHlM tha national deCaass valua'of aatah- amount of salL Pour mlxturs tata-RlnoIte as w in b m u M (now . Ha lafanttle P aralm iA OatOMettout'ai • ifra. wnBam J. Ta^or, m a^, that the government decided to S E R V IC E -^ mlsaka ftom'Mwbr LaGunnSa nnd 'Caaaorola. aat tai B M U a ff JoM wmtritertWi o^S JTLM l * 1 TMUtt N a 35: Mrs. Chaitea Ham expel 50 membem of Nail organlia' .. X P A G E S E V E N MANCHESTER EVENTN^HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, MAY 4; 198t MAN^CHteTUl(EVENTXG HEKALD.' MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, MAY 4.1939 P A G E S IX \ HEMLOCK IS FOUND Would Substitute Heavy REFINANCE CHENEY, Manchester SAYS REPLY HITS Not Too Late To Plant p e d e s t r ia n PROTECnON!*™-* POISON RING DRINK Public Works For WPA SQDIPMENT FIRMS Date Book AT WEAKEST SPOt News From Manchester’s Neighbors Home Gardens In Town Tonlcbt IS AIM OF STATE STUDY j * Washington. May 4.— (A P I—W.a - -In a speech prepared for today's May 4 — Mother and Daughter - r r Loral home gardener* who ar*<,take about three.we^s to b i^ k A Klinger, past.pre^snt t h j , ^ ^ ^ ^ Father and Son banquet at Maaonlc through th* ground. Beet* and car- Oue Of Oldest Potions In knew her. It xras htr pleasure to doJ disappointed because of th* late RFC R e l e ^ Original Mort­ Temple- Jackson Asserts Hitler Ap­ kind deeds and the contributed to | STAFFORD ^ ^ ^ - teconuaended croiiwallc 4T«&a dur- Air tints Officials Silcnl . ruto. are up notw anu frost will not Associated General C?ontractor# of ^ theae measures to Revive the' Alao. Keller the Maclclan at Hoi- WAPPING anything In town ‘She was greatly ROCKVILLE GRADUATES troetj should taks encouragement , harm them. Peas are also peeping World Found In Body Of .America, advocated today th* sub- y,pit*i goods Industries, which b* Hater Street Hall. Auaplce# Vet- parently Intend^ To MRS W W GRANT devoted to. the doctor, her home and | Cokaitaoner Connor An- « Impmp* Mechani(x Told To from old Omer* »ho have been through and unless they are far ad- -stilulloii of heavy public worlta and , jgjjned as those producing machta- gage, G r ^ s Smaller erane of ForelRn Ware. 86t)9. Maneheatct family. She was a true helpmate SPRINGS \ fi»i . p U “ Another suggestion which ’»a* keeping records of the planting sea­ vanced, cold weather will not kill ;w me relief for what he called he ^ plant* and homes: Tomorrow' them. Such vegetables as onion • Imitation .Conalructton operation* j "j^bandonment of deficit financing and of much aaslstance to the doe-! JOHN C. NETTO nonUces inat Survey Has not mciuded m our report;- co^ sons each spring Exhumed Victim. May 5.-^ ■'BUlle Behave,” 3-act X tor In bit work. Deepest sympathy ; ARE PLANNING REUNION UUUUL^o luM J eluded the CororoUsloner. "because sets will not be harmed, even ol the WPA , t , public ^Hcy which fore- Show Democracy’s Failing Mrs. Harry Stoughton, district 473. -Stafford Return To Work. Last year almost the same condl-, Loans; Aid New^ndnstry. play by Booster club of North 1s exprassed to Dr. Conversa and,;, n ' T I..4. J AmJ R made so many tlmm to tlons prevailed, they aay. Real though th* tops ar* froat killed. Speaklng *t th» i ehadow* future taxation, MeUipdUt church at HoUlater Street ehsliman of the South Windsor Cold frames *r* becoming popu­ of the United States Chamber ot \ Modification at current taxation tha family. ' The Rev. Arthur Dorr of Boston, pany on Friday afternoon from 1 to Been vomplelefl Ann the posl and r planting did not t.-ike place until th* Philadelphia, May 4.— (A P ) — arhool. Red Cross Chapter, reported about Mra William Bowler Is confined, \ - to imimproper parking both lar locally for forcing i-arly plant* Commerce, th* Sioux City, Iowa, |which Impose* an avoidable burden New Haven, May 4.— .needed Coming Eveota annual tianquet audienn- laa night, Grange,'* ♦Jo. 3, motored to East decorations, damages from the hur- Baptist congregations ta tbbt city. had been Inetmcted to return to fj4h)s year in getting this tvork done. the poison, on* of the oldest In the uresslon. I'lfeney Brothers secured "that It represented an effort to Rockville, May 4. (Special)— the Safety Promotion Section of the from tWenty-flve feat up, dependent work but "the etrike wHl con- In towta It has been noticed that world, were found In the body of government contract* would provide conetructlon projects," MayMAY 17—7th11 — 1141 aiuu and OUJ $th BtAsavas gradea xasss eon- , Windsor Grange Tuesday evening ricane repaired and new underpin­ Ha had held pastorates tn Maine 1 M rtm ho have one horse and a equal employment, he declared. Has Cooperated Some from thc^'” Rerorstnirtlnn Finance cert at high school hall, choir and - "trike democracy in Its weakest spot Vernon Grange team worked the There will be a reunion of the mem­ HEBRON State Department of Motor Vehicle* upon &e traffic flow. Our etr«ets tlnoe nntll inch time he all *f many home gardener* plsntod.auch Pietro Stea. on* of the latest *x- ning added. The Ladles Aid society before going to the Boston church. plOUflough sre becoming harder and Local governmental units should Government had cooperated « • corporatfon a mortgage loan of ap- combined orchestra. ' " “ t “ > dlscourapa the demo thiril and fourth degrees for East of the Feilerateri church has paid bers of tha Rockville High School has completed a comprehensive are generally too narrow for today’s the regular employe* are reln- slow growing vegetablaa aa carrots bumed In an Investlgatlnn that has prosli^lely Jl.npl .uoo to enable the »^He was a student of Gordon col­ Harold Gray who ha* been hordi,er to find. furnish food" and shelter for th* re­ (ocUvely with bustnea* In aasumtng atic people-i with democrac> but to Windsor. Supp<-r followed the for the Iniprovamenls ,Miss Gard­ Alumni Association on June 17th at at(Uy of pede.*trlan. traffic accldenla traffic. But a 'free curb’ for fifty statod to their positions.’' Ftke Sykes Memorial sehool. I past 20 years, h.as bad to maki ______4o make a right-hand turn to swing Waohlngten. Atlanta, Mlarol 8UII aauther poison—a less sult- home relief,■ he‘ add- •'ed. May 21 Third annual banquet of Gardner, who was the last Congre­ wife was a former teacher ta the J m ,i(o n e r Michael A. Connor to Critical Of New Deal ed this miist be regarded as esnor- XfiMA of large realtv holdings here. "And with this motive. Mr. HR- Inspector, was also present for tha gational minister here before the This Is the first reunion to be held | change due to overstraining Cai InterMteii'in street and hlgb^ 1 In and form a double line. Then and Chicago, Would be replaced, abia one—wsa found In another re­ /Wth the result that the company Garibaldi society at Sub-Alpine club Isr pointed to, democracy as a sys­ public schools of Themaaton, Conn. they may turn without ctopplng If he said. If the company retas- cently exhumed iVvIy. the cheml*t* Delegates gave stlefitlon today to -May 24 — Fourth .annual outdoor inapectlon. . i^ingrrgatlonal and Baptlsl church- The new pastor and his wife arrlv. since 1934 and It Is expected that I by continued lifting. He has done :-ay Safety. mean* of sUmulsUng the espttal ‘ T?i.*T*to of 8t Paul, toto^ *^ ' ha« been able to substantially re­ tem of government iinalili- to solve Mrs. Raymond Ellison and daugh- federated. Hla cheery smile ih. ,/-hnni trucking for the New Haven Dglry the regulation permtte,permits, or on the fd to take back tbe strikers. MEN ADMIT PART said. It was. of the type known duce the original government grant. musical festival lit EducsUonai »<■ In Stafford today. Thursday, and many of the graduates of the : company for a long Ume working "This seventy-page mimeograph­ of U)* week. goods Industries after hearing * that recovery had b * « I ta n-.vn prohleina, fhlefiy the prob- ti-r are spending a few days at the welcome was extended to every- arrow If the flow through th* tatsr- Th4 report was signed by s Board to the ring's membera a* "wltch'a Documents file.d with the T o ^ Square. J.OOO vdicaa and 100 must li-m of iim-mploymfnt. the prohlein are now making tbsir home In the will attend. | Sundays as well as week days. He ed study represents a grea^eal ol series of talks yesterday which wsr* -increased ohd •ometlmea punWv* home of her parents. First Select- lone and Mra. Gardner was a charm- painstidUng work, " stated-pimmls- ssctloD justifies restriction. Newark. N. J May 4.— (A P ) — oonaUltag of William Schultz of brew" and (ed to victim* so ilowlir . Clerk Indicate that at least $40«.000 clans. ' of bringing security to Its own peo­ parsonaga nkar the church "Such a 'free curb’ Is protection generally critical of the New I ^ - tax burden*, by man and .Mrs. C, .Vinton Benjamin tng tvMtess, the latch string was al­ The purpose of the reunion Is t o ; plans to take u{4 the work of tate- Eastern Air l.lne* ofllctals would not Hartford, Amory Brown of WllU- IN TAVERN DEATH that avtn attending physicians were tag costa springing from labor dto- of this original loan ha.« been paid ple” 'The Little Theater group will enable the graduates of the school, rior decorating which be has done itoner Com.or, comraghling on for th* pedestrian, both day and fh* buslnesemen conferred wlin TTie Christian Endeavor aocletj ways xut. Miss Gardner, who spent rscommendatlons contMhed In th* mantie and Henry Scott of Watar- duped. off for under terms of the newly re­ In this connection he mentioned close their first- season with ,the to get together for an evening of ae a side line at times. He baa many nlghL Tbe person on foot can ob­ rsvsal today whsther any striking Dapper Doctor Arrested members of Congress lart night at pAee. from wag* win hold a social gathering at the tbs winter with Mrs. Hickey and report. "It was planned as an oU bury, who represented employer*; vision, from unemploymsat O ff M corded papers, the original mortgage the New Deal, saying that while ad­ home of Miss Ann Jlllson next Wed­ presentation of "Excuraton” a three entertainment and sociability and order* ahead he say*. , serve approaching traffic and gov- roechnnle* had been re-hlred fcUow- The chemist.’* report* (ollou-ed by 24 slate dinner*. , ‘la released, and In Ita place s new mitting Its Bhortcominqi. this gov­ Mias Mildred Truax ta Manchester, act comedy by Victor Wolfson at fort to leam ju*> w ^re th* great- tag their instructions from union Mia. Miriam Burnham. Meriden. RepreaentaUv* Bloom (D.. N. T.) prOvUiCUft—wWch we d6 SHELTERS UMIT nesday evening. will return home Saturday. also It 1* necessary to raise mor.ey, Goncl, Jr., has bought ten *m himself accordingly. On the only a few 'hours the arrest of a quarrel with ta prtnclpls. but w ^ —3673.000 loan at five percent an- ernmental regime still 'iconatitutes Miss Jean Newberry of South the Warren Meniorlal Hall, Friday to carry on the program of the acres o f land of .Mrs. T. H. Kellogg sot gains ta pedestrian safely could ether hand, operators have an op­ leaders to return to work. Mr*. Edith Du TUly. New London Pair And Woman Compan* walked out of th« New York dlhnsr Leonard Todd, son of Mr. and be made ta the ^orteet time. SU- and CJarl Gal**»o of Stamford, rep­ dapper, 90-year-old physician, Dr. after booing greeted hla statement dtooourog* th* sluslv* tavesunsni nuallv Is effected. the only group In America today Windsor spent the week-end In night. May ^6 under the auspices group. As there are no dues In the j olJIartford. The land Is on Bur- portunity to watch for pedestrians A. P. Martin, president of the Air Horace D. Perlman, .who was held Mrs. Alexander Todd gnd Gladys tlstlc*'contained in the report tell resenting beauty shop . employees; that businessmen should be glad to dollar that must now ta aom# way Rnns To IttlH that IS actually anoll as showing 92 per cent of the guest of Fred Weldon of New York fred T. Schmidt of Prospect street test for those who are now attending_____ per pent of the pcdealrlan accident lines which were withdrawn hers, Haven and Mrs Chase Going Wood- CTiamber official* said •‘‘•Y.J*** ments annuallv until ' 1946 As re ,,, . t.i., 1. The Connecticut State Employe*! and the parts stored by a former problem y4ar after year. The com­ today when so much 'stopping out Police After Gon-Fight potoon and obtained prospects" (or StrucUon to con^snlraC* on working population of the nation's The Pleasant Valley club held Its , . mlnstfcl and Mrs: Sarah A. Brown, 92, Staf-' school. The members of the various; owner. Edward A. Bmltb. It U from behind parked cars' Is noted. end at Washington. Atlanta and bous*. Chairman, of__N«w London, th* ring. lieved only one miu was rosponslbl*, tlon of lU cosu and proflU on » - ■ curlty. for the- loan, factory bull^ i-IIIca and.tov.-na were either on re­ meeting ford's oldest woman and life-long classes will be contacted ta the fur munities which, for want of a bet­ Miami, Fla., would be replaced If representing the public. but Bloom told reporter* h4 thought tags, machinery and equipment /6f Many Take Refuge In Hill* g Ibis aftcrniHin nt the club sahmUy evening ta the C. 8. ported that Mr. Goncl plans to build tor ttle, w* call the ‘congested Pnbllc Must Cooperato He was charged with being an ao- dividual sals*, to order to sacoursg* lief "or so close to 11 that thry rooms. ' Mrs. Emma Alexander, resident died early Tuesday morning therance of tbe ticket sale and there later on. the company refused to taks back eessory to murder. several person* had joined In the Chenev Brothers are mortgaged' to ahared the reliefers' feeling of In­ P. S. bungalow in’ South Wllllngton. afea^rOup, having more than 10,- Detroit, May 4—(A P I—Detroit volume produeilOB. i aged 86, has presented the club with at har home On Park street after a win be on entertainment program The old Oruttemeyer place owned "Constant effort by traffic accident the striker*. . Dr. Perlman, who ha* practiced booing. the RFC / side Dugonts As Japanese security ” a bed quilt ehe made herself. It The Screnaden 'wlir furnish music. three months''.lltaeas. She was bom followed by dancing at In other opulatlon and where pedestrian prevention authorities to protect Tbs company said 63 of Its line police said today that two man ar­ In a second document. Chaney If the poll had been eXtenUed to Mrs. Howard Fratt .and Miss by Mrs. Mary Tynan, was almost c baa more or less difficulty maintenance men had walked out ta Philadelphia (or 38 years, "was rontalns 4.900 pieces. In the Cooper Lane section. May years. completely destroyed by 'fire Tues­ traffic from umiecssaary basords rested her* Isat night after a run taken Into custody at hto home, ■ Brothers agrees to loan u p ^ $19,000 farmers, he asserted, "I know It There was a pleasant family Harriet Carter ware In Wllllmantic 21, 1848 the daughter of James and Everett BeH has been named gen­ mpetlng' with vehicular flow la keep* tbs subject alive In th* minds ■eeklng higher wage*. Martin BOMBINGS FOLLOW (TOSsIob, but "that w# wlU fl|[tat to at five per cent annually to the Bomb Chungking. would have found extensive In­ Monday, afternoon. day forenoon. The Volunteer Fire use of the streets, represent the placed th* number of striker* at nlng gun fight bad admitted par where detectives also seised medl- the for our own dafans*. gathering held at the borne of Mrs. Lydia (Richardson) WUUs. With eral chairman of the committee ta department was called and fought of th* elttzeas. Uni*** this objec­ olnea and records. He was held for Manchester equipment ' company, security among them and doubt ns .losephlne Wefherell on .Monday Mallcarriei Charles Lyon deliver­ major percentage of tha pedsatrlan 119. EAL employ* approximately tlrlpatlon In' a Tueedoy night Chi Roper, former eecretory o t o o ^ the exception, of living a few years charge and the other members are manfully but the flames had gained tive Is achieved, not much progress a torther hearing to give the aaatst- FRENCH MAY BUY newly organized firm which Is seek- to whether their best productive ei- afternoon. It was a stork shower ed mail Tuesday morning In a new Id Tolland she spent all of her life os follows; Invitations and Public­ accident problem year after year. 390 mechanics throughout Its sys­ cago tavara shooting ta whish •lere*, proeldsd *4 8 **^JSS* to secufe government contracts such headway before the fire waa In reducing aocldsats and th* con­ IRISH SENTENCE ant district attorney on opportunity Chungking. May 4.— (A f’ l —Use .'orta will be able to produce enough for her dsughter-ln-law, Mra. Hor­ car. here. Her husband, William Brown ity. Gertruds Fuller, Myrtle Ehiglert Five flaggeatlons sequent personal tajurlss and fatal- tem. security” manufacture complete pars. to meet their obligations.' discovered that It was almost a Vote On Ending Strike patjosi wsa killed and two police­ to queeUOn hlih further before show­ of emergency aheittrs limited ace B. Wetherell of Hartford, who died 42 years og(>. Mrs. Brown Is and Lola Bouffard; entertainment "FnolUUss would not permit aa Itis* can be gaifisd. Prevqffttag ac­ tho United BUM* AouM " * U ^ He'slno mentioned the complaints hopelees case from tbe start. Mr. A t Miami, striker* eollsd a meet­ men wounded. ing "th* prosecution's hand." PLANE ENGINES movsblo behind the.y^h^ ^ cnausltlea In yesterday's Japanese was presented with a beautiful bas­ survived by two nieces, Mrs. Fred Raoher Pease, Herbert Schetaer, E. and Mrs. Michael O’Leary, brother- tataaslv* eagtaaertag study of Indi­ cidents la a cooperatlvs activity. Cheney Brothers manu­ ('ll business, sinet and several other pretty gifts Fenton Burke. Jack O'Loughlln, Nan ing lost Bight to "vote on ending Lieut. Leo Doyle of the homicide Follows Bolber’s Tip peeing oggroiwlon, but of promotM fa ctu re some parachute silk for the Ryder of Park street and Mrs. Jen­ l-.-law and sister-in-law of Mrs. vidual eommunlttsa, but personal The public must work with author- air raid. It was learned tridsy. The I I'lB lnly the problem of deiilocrncy Games were played and refresh iM a i ?i,H()K()Ik ; h nie Kellogg of Hartford. Flaherty, Grace Vanderman and their wolkouL J. L. McFarland, Liverpool, Binninglumi, Cov" squad aaid one priaoner, Orville peoM among nations and et govemm>«nt- hut the new enterprise Tynan, have occupied the bouse obsarvations by department repre- Itlsa. It Is difficult to coerce cltl- vice president of the independent Potlca Captain James Kelly sold killed and Injured were iH'lleved to la to feConcHe these conflicts and to ments ser\’cd. Those attending MRS HOWARD LORD Funeral services were held Marjorie Beyer; Music. Rutb Cong- WsUon, 19, was wounded In th* the arrest was made on Information valeptag odequmto peace ssschtnsgy. win take ^ e n e v silk and turn out .solve these insecurities." with her for several years. The aentatlvea and years of experience sens Into such a frame of ;|nlnd. union, esid it was probable a motion have numbered lens,^than 200. were; Mrs. Ander.son of Hnrtforil. 334-2. Boat Hampton this afternoon at her late home dOD. James tMck, Jr„ Jack WUson are th* foundation for the five aug- They must be 'sold' on tbe idea. Chicago ehooUag and to th* man given by Morris Bulber, known to W u Depaitmenl Com pltltt thie finished 'chute. Exprrimsnts The accomplishments of the New Mrs. Florence , Thrall, Mrs. Louise whole family were at work in the to return to work would carry. entry And London Scenes Many persona Uxlk refuge In hill­ at 2 o'clock. Rev. Rowland J. and Henry Murphy; Ftaanoe. Harold fields when tbe fire started. It is be- , gesUons which are aa follows: CooMtAOt acUvlty by tho(k* ta charge Norman BcuUy, field manager of who submitted to a rasor btod* ab­ police os "Louie, the Rabbi" and de- AOOODOlDDATOfD COHnW have been going on now for many Dsal he listed as three-fold: M. Dart, Mrs. Marlop lAne. Mrs Rotbe; Refreehments. Nan Flaherty; dominal operation performed by aa months and production soon may side dugouts when the Japanese Frank W. ' Fuller and John A. Martin pastor of ttte First Metho­ lieved that an overheated stove s4t 1. Keep crosswalk tatorsectlons of traffic will d6 more to influence th* Newark EAL office .said ysstor- Soribed by them oe one of the 1 —It has Identified the problem Wallace Thrall. Mrs. Geurgle Weth­ Program. Gertrude Fuller and Myr­ unwilling surgeon without an***- Plant To Send Next CTitI start. bombers roared across the city. and faced it na a national probleiri. Wlmmer have been summoned to do dist church win officiate. Burial will the chimney On fife. The Interior of vividly whlte-Uned at all times. the general public Into a cooperative day he hod Interviewed 29 men who Of New Explosions. "bosses” of tbe ring. Bolber Im American observers asid the Jap­ erell, Mrs. Betlv Wetherell,. Mrs be In the Stafford Springs ceme- tle Englert; Tickets, Dorothy Har- th#Uc. Oataha, Nsh.—Tha governmipL The mortgage paf>«rs on the 2— This sdmlnistration has pur­Peggy Wethereil. Mrs. .Mabel Bow­ jury duty'ta tha Hartford Superior the house was all a blaze when^rat 3. Qsuud such intersections with attltuda than any other method.” Bought their old job*. He placed charged with murder. Equipment company loan note that anese Ignored of mlsaed the air field terj. • low and asslstanta from various Th* Commissioner stated that the number of striker* here at 33. Watson waa token to receiving Investigators, tracing the ring sUtesmsn My. should M t ^ Mnw at. chased lime for the democratic pro­ ers. Mrs Ruth Dewoy, .Mrs. Dorothy Court, civil aids. discovered. Tbe walls and frame­ overhanging signs to slow down Of S tef Tn BraziL ' Of the people. E. D. Lawl* oC Oisaha the sum of $8,000 already ha» been and government oftlrea ouialde Four cases of measles and one classes. work of the house are left stkndtag, copies of the pedestrian study would London, May 4.— (A P )—A wave hospital for obaSrvatlon. Although through PenneyIvsnis, New York. Chungking and drop'ped at least So cess to solve these prohlrfiiB which HarrIsRn. Mrs EdIUi Wetherell,'Miss lastallatlon Plans night traffic. thinks ao, too. _ . advanced to the company. Its It has thus rccmgrilzed Mra. Myron Lord ami children case of whooping cough were re- but the whole is so badly glitted aa b*' sent to municipal sxecutives, ot bombing ta'eldsnts ta four cities hla wound appeared superficial th* Naw Jersey and Delaware; have bombs on congested areas In Chung­ Jerry Wetherell. Mrs. Lillian Thrall Kenneth and Helen are visiting rela­ oorted ta Stitfford Springs this week A spMlal meeting oT'-’the Rock­ 8. niumtaato selected tatorssc- removed bullet struck near hi* spin* equipment Is pledged as security for 3— It has eliminated "certainand Mrs. Lillian E. Grant. ville Emblem club' was held on to be practically wortblMs. How­ tlons distinctly from rest of thor­ police cbisfs, mambeia of th* High­ today foUowsd th* ssntonctag yes­ reported approximately 89 known Wsshington. M*y 4.—( A P )* - A 1 thM'^hUMtoaSM t*f future loans up to the $19,000 mark king prot>er. tives In Cranston. R. L by the State Department of health. ever, an ell used i ie a karagi:e was , way Safety (3ommUslon, chairmen TONE AaEPTS BEAUTY sad he complained of exhsustlan dMthe and predicted ."scores'’ of The raiders then crossed the judge-made restrictive Inirrprcla- The Young People's Group of the Wednesday afternoon at whieh ar­ oughfare. French official mission In this ooun-1 ^ gunouU for hiss t*. The loan Is payable by May 1, 1919 llons of our constitution which have Bobby Miner, 0 year* old, son of Rev. Clifford D. Newton, pastor saved, also a small wofk shop aboi near of eitlsen traffic safety oommlttees terday of two Irish Rspuhllcan after many boure without sieop. additional arrests, of thos* already Yangtze and unloaded explostvea on Community Church held a food sale rangements were completed for the 4. Adjust all traffic signal! to lierctoforc pn-vcnlrd a policy ■Mr. and Mra. William Henry Miner of tha Unlversallst. church, Stafford the bouse escaped. and othera tatorested ta trfffic safe­ Array mamber* for an attootat to Arrested with Watson was Ed ta oustody, a man has been oonvlct- try may buy additional airpian# to a fourth floor bsaitog W to the bortli bund where the Canadian lal Hale’s department store In Mnn- had a very suooeesful day flthin,': last Installation of newly elected officers accomipc^sto a'veraga pace of mid SHOP WAGES REPORT blow up ths Hammersmith bridge ta ill inocratlcallv (iccldi-d upon Irnm ehester Tuesday. The proceeds Hollow will preach the Occasional The house was a smaU two-story ty. He emphasised that th* Depart­ ward Rlisy, 87. and a young woman *d et murder and a woman bos con- enstosa. mtUlary authortUM said fo anawor e b a r ^ of church mission girls’ eehool was week Id the brook near his home sermon at the 107tb annual meeting which will take p> ce at the Elks dla-aged pedestrian, t London. ^ _ badly damaged. No other foreign being made effective." will be- used for the scholarships Home oil Wednesday evening. frame building w)6i basemenL It ment of Motor Vahlclsa ckn do lit­ booked os Susanna Smith, 23, until (essisd polaontag three persona. RAILWAY EXPRESS BUSY In tbs northwest part of the town. of the ConnscUcut Unlveraallst 9. EsUblish pedestrian Ulandi Hundreds ot thsatergosrs rushed recsntly a Dstroltsr. All Mgned sx- property wae reported damaged, for the summer conferences. May 10. was one at the ^dest houses in the tle ta regard to pedestrian control The youngster proved that It doesn't Convention to be held ta Danbury. town and bad .been a landmark. It wheraver width of street so re- But Finsi Approml Mnst from two buUaUif* In Liverpool trsdiuon pspsri and ersr* to be i^ldlere Wtrol Streets The Pleasant Valley club 1s plan Mrs. Katherine WlUlams of Man­ and protection inasmuch as th* after tear gas bomn* exploded un ning to hold a food sale at Hale's lake expensive equipment to make a Wednesday and Thursday. May 10 woa perched bntop of a blU near an qulTM. power of *joUon rest* eaUrely with turned over to Chicago detective to- iSL?rS!L" “ ■ AS FREIGHT INCREASES Police and soldiers patrolled success of flablng, tor with ae old chester, Supreme President of tbe Await Public Hearing To Be dor the eoato. Johnson, aarietant s v f ^ 1 streets with drawn pistols to.main- | lilore in Manchester next Saturday. and 1 1 . Rev. Mr. Newton la'vice- overflowed rmSdpw on the GUead "Thaa* suggestion* ar* practical local authoriUe* ta the vkrioua oom- day. FAMED MISSOURI H O T a earlier &la wesk and WM COLUMBIA , rod he landed a trout that measured president of the anoclatlon. Emblem elubt of the United States Heid On May 22. A bomb ehattored part of a house lain order while rescue squads I V WESTCOTI RICE / May 6 opening at 10 o'clock. Mrs and her Supreme Marshal, Mrs. roaU. T h e^ ^ s Im f a moment of and not expensive. The cost of kaep- muniUe* of the atato, a Held over in BinOtagham. Shortly aftermrard Haoy About Details ment officials announced It was h i « 14>4 Inches tn length and weighed Ume to u ve anything, even to cash - ing tatorsectlons ivh|te-Ilned Turnover Up 12.4 Per Cent searched for raid victims and fire­ Lillian Anderson Is to have charge Mary Grataldlo, also of Manchester which even the 8Uto Traffic Com- explosloa* wrecked four ehep fronts Lieutenant 0(^1* said Watson "with a view to th* pooslbl* pur-. men fought flrrs In the heart of the 979-12, Wllllmantic Division of It. The rluh will, jneet at Its IVi pounds, his second catch was a and personal belohgtags. However, through tha year need not unbal­ DESTROYED BY BLAZE Above Last Year For April: 12 Inch troiit weighing 64 of a will instell the officers. mlnsinn has no jurisdiction - save Hartford, May 4 — StaU Labor ta Oovsatry. . v . told him h* and RllSy atUmpted to ehsM of munition*." city. elubrooms ob next Thursday after­ Many vlaltors from nearby clubs, after .tne fire was pub out, acme ance any budget. 'Hanging signs' to where a thoroughfare might be Commissioner Joeeph U. Tons has TWO shops In a north -London dis­ TM tt of a borabtag plan* fM a P o r s o n a l Soft Coal Falling: Off. Thousands gathered along the pound. He also surprised his family clothihg and othei s s )^ Items wars ' warn operatori ar* practical. They hold up a North 8100 CStlosgo Uv- The bids on five of tb4 nine roads noon at Mrs.v George Moulton’s TOLLAND both ta Connecticut and Out of the designated as a "through” route ta announced that he bos tenta­ trict wers shsttsrsd by blasts. A Tbe previous Frsneh river, with their scant belongings, included In thi building program ol place on the Ellington road. The upon bis arrival home adth a string salvaged. Mr. O'Leary lost his .bonk * can b* attaebad to poles already In STB sad that ha was wouadsd. Jsfferaon caty. Mo.. Msy 4.— (A P ) of IS perch and pickerel. MRS JOHN H STEELE slate ere expected to be present th* city. tively accepted the final report of polioeman st snothsr Shop found s police officer quoted Wstooa oir e*y- fo an aeddsnt ta Callfwt^ To Fat GItto welting for transportation from the the town of Columbia for the pres­ hostesses for that afternoon will There will be a dinner served at k also a pension check. These plOM and, refleetorised, will have s the Oonnsctlcut Beauty Shop Mini- somb in time to prevent ft* explod­ —Fir* which destroyed the 70-y*ar- olplUtlng a controversy to O oyjaM Busloess at. the MitacJiester office city. ent year will be opened the first ol lie Miss Annie Dibble and Mrs. Misses Dora and Estelle Dlcksi'm IT78-3, Rockville 1 be replaced. The fire engine wks summary effect on operator* apaed- ing he had bean drinking hssvlly eld Medleon hotel, capital city over administration help to arrang­ of the Railway Express conUnues to ot Eaat Hampton and Mrs. H. E. six o'clock followed by the initalla-' n,um Wag* Board eootainlng pro­ ing. and was bosy about th* details of Observers believed three Japa­ next. week. It Was learned today Homer Lane. Uls opened Monday House, North Coventry, Weetaesday night at tha John Palmer place. It EX-CONVin INSANE from <5hle*go waa "terribls." Poltca rsported svaryon* ta th* per cent over last yea^s figures. NORTH morning for the fourth term after a most successful year. -* Spaelal Ugkto hsoriag has bssn hsM on U e reoom tha bombings wsrs reprisals for the partment Japanese lost two bombera.) Bind extending to the Coventry town aftemocin. Is believed that they may be able Doyle said RIU& was th* man building sacaped, but flv* psraon* the Army’s next chW The business done at the freight week's, vacation. .. Past President Mrs. WtUlam OftM our report atat4A,.tb« mtperU- mendatloas. M U n e U ^ two msmbers of the HIrechfleld to line, the Hlver Vlllsgc road, the Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele. Mra. Reeves of WlndsorvlUe Is ta. charge to combine shop and ell In such a Tbe bearing will take ptoee, he S v e a n u . Which wanU all Ire­ who forced Dr. 8. wer* injured eufflclsnUy to require Brasil aboard th# cju lm N ^ vtito . station was also better during April Rmiei Bridge road, beginning at the Mr. itad Mrs. Howard B. Lord and L Ernest HaU. Miss Alice E. Hall mimtal installations of sodium va­ operate on Watson. 1 •“.•“S? “lal COVENTRY of the program at the Installation. way as to eerve for a temporary por and mercury lamps at Marl­ . Indianapolis,... May 4—(API—Two ■aid, at 2 p.m. on Monday, May 22 land's connscUons with Britain hoepltal treatment. Brig) Gen. Geori* C. eoir.fw of this year than In April 1938, but Willlmanllc-Hartford road and con­ son Robert called on relative* In and Miss Bernice A. Hall made a psychiatrists hold Wil­ Detroit police received Informa­ Leo Levy, manager, estimated EXPLOSION AND HRE Providence, R. I., the first of the Funeral, home, but their plans are not defi­ borough and Salem, respectively, IntUonapoll* ta tha State Capitol and will be open savsrsd. Th* two IRA member* were sail from N*w fo rk May lO t ^ not as good as April 1937. tinuing to the Coventry town line; recent trip to Mlequamlcut, R. I. tion Wednesday that th* suspecU th* loM at more than 118,000. He th* gtiMt of 0*n. A u r*^ da Om s Mra. John E. Kingsbury and week. The funeral - of Jean 'EUsabeth nitely known. J. great deal of sym­ have bad a wholesome effect in liam Ray Butsch. 67, LoulsndUe ex- to *U person*, employar*. employee* ebargsd with setting * bomb which The coal strike has resulted to a the Stiyttord’.s Cronsing road, begin­ daughter Cora loft Monday-to spend The local school wlU re-open Mon- pathy Is felt for the family. ' wer* headed ber* to the rsaldeno* aald h* bellsvsd th* fir*, which II falling off of business and as the Banks, atgbt-months-old daughter of slowing down traffic flow through convict charged with slaying a local and members of the public, who (lamsgod the Hammeremith bridge Montetro. BraslUM ®*‘* «* .^ ning pt the Wllllmnntle-Hartford the week with relatives and friends dayi May 8, foUowlng a ten days' Five more pupils have bean ad­ housewife to get her jewelry, to In­ Of Watoon'a mother. A doaerlptlon , started during tbe dinner hour, Osnsral Montoln. ta a * P M ^ t o rs- - strike continues the falling off of CAUSE $10,000 LOSS vacation. Bertram and Eva (Gordon) Banka of tatorsocUons. In contrast with th* wish to express on opinion either MixoE 99* road and continuing to the Oiventry in New York. They expect to visit Leonard's Corner, Tolland, who died mitted to the two-room school on sane. Another bomb exploded in the en­ of their car was given, I b ^ y orlgtaatod either In th* httebeo or turn with him for a vtalt hsrS. JM JS gJ'S JX l freight will be more noticeable. The tiiwn/lUie, and the Ls-onard’a brldKe Ivan WUcox of Merrow made a Standard type of lamp now In us* for or against the reeommendatlons before midnight on* of severalal hom-1bom- qjevator shaft. Msanwhlls, Oanlsl C. F o p ^ n w - soft, coal business Is about 30 per the New York World’s Fair during at the Hartford hospital on Tuesday, the Green. This brings the enrou- ta moot Connecticut clUes, the so­ In a weird Criminal court session trance Of a north London automo­ Leominster, Maas., May 4.— (A PI roa'd, beginning at Pine street end BOLTON business trip to Toland Monday and meht up to about 70. The closing of Th* unanimous report of the tdda squad details gav* ebas* to a Tha botol was at madlson and ly-appolnUd mtolstor to cent of the total trelght busmeas their week's stay. called on friends. was'held -this ‘aftsriitxih ' at lour dium vapor or. mercury lamps would yesterday ta which Butsch question­ board urged th* adoption ot a ml mi bile dealer's stor* Just bsfor# th# 9 —An explosion which blew out one continuing to the Lebanon town line. The Mother and Daughter ban­ MRS R (1 JONES o’clock at the Ladd Funeral Home on three or four schools In adjacent a. m. "rush hour" of workars. A wo­ car occupied by two men and a Capitol avenuss, only a block from siUd' yeiftsrday that tiu Unitod and what effects the local trelght side of a large concrete building, The other roads In the building Mrs. Allds Lewis Is- a guest at cause operators to be. alert. It be­ ed himself. Dr. Max Bahr. Central mum weekly wag* of $14J)0 for quet will be held on May 29.' Ernest S908T Manchester Ellington avenue. Rev. Valentine 8. districts accounts for the conges­ State Insane hospital eupeirtatond man in a nsarl^ tobacoo stand was wonuui. tbs state bsuse. BtotM^uld Mk* ft ctaar ^ It receipts Is abm effecting freight re­ early today was followed by fire program are now being surveyed, ths horns of ToUand friends. ing obvious tbe special Illumination one-year Ucensed operators. lISJiO After a two-mll* pursuit at high would net fight to any war o f - ceipts on other lines. Evans la the rhalrman of the com­ Alison,'pastor of ths ToUand Fadsr tion at the Onter. Tbe primary has a.deflnlto purpose. eat, and Dr. Larue CorUr eeld be " thrown Into tha strati ana tUgbUy which caused damage estimated un­ and will be let at a later date. They Miss Thslms Price has resumed . . . .-u ------Burial was for two-ysor opsrotors. and clerks spead. during wbleb guns ware mittee. her duUes St the Kent High eehool teacher, Mrs. Archie Green, baa 39 ' T h e weokert phase of pedeatrlon I suffered from parMOl*. Injursd. officially at "upwards of $10,000" at Are the Mathleu road, beginning at The final card party of the series In the North cemetery. ToUand. pupils in her room really too many and $18.00 for three-year operators. Th* two n u msmbers sentsnesa. thrown from th* lUtoMa car. th* a storage plant of the Standard the Old Hop River school house The eleventh annua] Older Boys for the benefit of the reconstruction after spending ten dajrs' recess at protection today to the time 1 Overtime work, defined os work sutpect* stopped and got out with BRITISH CORRESPONDENT and Girls conference being held her home ta Tolland. , Paster U for one teacher to handle. The same ment of most traffic signal*. Tert M a rtta ^ le jpnntod ^ ysatardsy wer# John (»nacU, gjvM Pyroxolold Corporation. / through to the Green-Potter road, fund of the <)uarryvi]le Methodist Tbe reception of naw members at :1a true of Miss Mary Halpta, who excess at 48 hours per week, to to be 2C ydsn’ imprtocnment 8*® WU- thslr bands m?. "W * glvS up," SECOND DISTRICT K. OF P. Filled with stored sheets of cellu­ the Hennequin road, beginning at today at the Second (Dongre- church will taka place tomorrow Mrs. Harry WOod attended the' th* average traffic light coverage T^avldJ^-^wtotwM^ paid kt the rate of 80 cento an hour OIM Mid. "Tm shot,” exclaimed gatlonal church In Coventry will In­ funeral of a friend ta Greenfield, tbs Union Congregational church has 30 or “uore ta the upper grade itsM Browne, 10 years. ,*6th shout EXILED FROM GERMANY loid. the building was. I(x:ated sotoe the CoJumbla-Hebron road and eon- evening at 8 o'clock In the North will be postponed from Sunday, May room where she teaches. M tb seat* for fhot traffic and note tbe many I unhcid to three-year operators, sad 80 ad “Ood aav* Irslandl” as thslr s*n- tte other man. dKtance from- others and firemen ttaulnR through to the lake road, the clude addresses by thie following: school. Mrs. Samuel Dunlop and Maas.. Monday. time* that p ^ e s t r t w eUrting on | **y**^, Adnslt U RebbartM. MEETS WITH ELM LODGE Rev. Harold (”raw of Danielson. Miss MUdred Clough of Hartfprd 7th unUI a later date because of the tag capacity and cubic air require­ the finding,, bowavar, Butieb would cents on hour to otbsr*. tenees ware handed down. soon brought the blase under, eon- Isham-Szegds road, beginning at Mrs. Arthur Christensen will be the indtspqsltloa of the pastor. Rev. Dr. th* green lijght. will be left In tbe Acco|ding to tbs report .If any cp* tbe Jonathan Trumbull Memorial (3aj'lord W. Douglas, and Rev. Rus­ hostesses. ' spent tha week-end at the home of ments are strained as things ara at b4 sent to th* state prtooir hoepltal Police said the maa admlttad 18 irol. When they arrived after the G eoi^ 8. Brookes who Is confined to present • . middle of the rood, or maybe only erator or clerical worker Is blrod for drug star* rebberte* .to Detroit Berlin, May 4.— (A P )—B « Britllh blast, at abqut 1:49 a. m„ h/iwever. highway and continuing to the sell Cllnchy, The confeynce com­ har parents. for criminal taaan*. subjects. Including the Berlin cor Memorial And.l„M im ! Crfoiips Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen were hla home with a severe cold. The Mr. and Mrs. John Browning of a few stops off the curb, when the less than four (lays per meek, she iiior ta thalr departure for Chicago time be­ Szrgda place, and the Hunt road oft mittee Is composed of the following: signals change and thoughtless op­ Butsch to accused of beating Mrs. respondent of the London Deity T, A«.nd Ey™, 'T»rn„rr... Pine street, as far as funds permit. recent guests of. RockvUIe relatives. preacher at Sunday morning sendee Norwich Town were visitors Sunday ' Carrie Letoh Romlg, 641 to death must be paid $4.00 per day and SPECIAL FORCE WIPES Four montha ago. Th* young nd cellu general committee, W. F. Tyler,- wlU be Dr. E. J. Johansr of tbe erators start to drlv* through the roust be paid tor at least two days. woman was hslq as a wttasM. Tsiegrspb. were under orders of ex- Night In East Hartrord. lold smoke. . / At a hearing in Wllllmantic Tues­ chairman;, Mrs. A. J.- Vinton, vice Miss Hazel West of Hartford was. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ ber* Job. 17 with a claw hammer Field and Forest Hartford Theological Seminary. wood Miner.. Intersection. Regarding taatoUation Molds and c id e r s or* to be paid Uteblgan Btau prison raeords oulalon from Germany today.today, to | Fire CHitef Ernest P. JUbnsoo said day before Inspector John F. Q>n- chairman. Rev. V. S. Alison. Rev. a week-end guest of her sister and Pmialty for the crime-murder in OUT REBEL ARAB BAND what British source* saidaid was a "r*-.| Both Memorial And Lynne Ludgea way of the State Department of By Charles E. Booth family. ' Clasa to Arrive -iome Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clark of Hart­ of safety islands, there should b* no 1 of“ « b l i ^ t o “dwto 40 cents an hour up to 118.00 for a shawedmiay and Watson bad Miyed he believed the exhiosim was caused H. E. Robinson, Miss Margaret Tha members of tbe Senioir class orgumeaL Wherever tastaUed. they I of robbery^to death. prtaal" for Britata's ousting at 60 of the K. of p..' «1ll. be repreaenlea by spontaneous combustion. Motor Vehicle., tbe decision tn the Thursday eveplng. Msy II, wiu be ford, and Mrs. Arthur M. Ksefs and 48 hour week and 40 cents per tunir terms there. •lacobson, Miss Alvlua Worcho- the annual meeting and roll call of of the RockviUe high school who daughter, Marian, of QUsad, wars afford the person on fbot a 'breath­ tor overtime after 48 hours. Nasls. at the annual meeting of the Second case of Thoma's Ryan of- this town, murka. Miss Doris Clark, Miss Lll- Tvs somsthlng here ta .my hand Alex Ferguson, 86. an undertaker, Hugh Carietoa Greene, the .cor­ . District. ..K. of P.,. to be held with charged artth driving after drinking tha Federated church and members’ have been ta Washington. D. C. on Sunday visitors at tbe home of Mrs. ing place,' a chance to wait ta Oonttautag, It potato out that tbe Jsruaalam. May 4.— (A P ) — was WUed In th* Uvern shooting. l.an G^Ufln. Ralph Robb and Mias that X want to share with you. It's tbsir annual trip since Monday will safety until the flow of vehicle* has Arab Laglon. a respondent, and flva Brittab bustnqM Elm Lodge, Eazt Hartford, toroor- was reserved. supper at the church...... - Helen Wblte. wnx PROTECT en u) . ■Uto minimum wage act, passed In Two pOUcamsa who wer* to the man wsr* ordered to iMv* th* coun­ row night. A committee a-tth repre- Elsie Layton; rsglstratlon and En­ nothing much, l must confess,' but Ira WUcox of ToUand Grange, a arrive tn RockvUIs this svenlng • at Leslie F. Ward and family of Isssened. 1988, requires that minimum rats# 1 by tha Kmlr Abdullah of plaa* to plain clothea wore wounded. MONTHLY DAIRYMEN’^ Bu r e a u Mias Harriet Fuller entertained tertainment, Mrs. Leon Austin, Mrs. I’ll bet you'll listen as I read. It Transjardsn. wtoad out a band try by May 34. -t! aciitatlvea of the five lodges making twenty ladles at her annual daffodil state deputy, wiu meet with New 8:80 p. m. t Providence strers’ . boms for the. to Not A Cure AH ast In acoontoao* with Ito pnovtolons et fthortly after the sboottag th* Ruth French. 3}lss Margaret Jacob­ says, to quote: "Dear Sir, I've beard, Milfprd Grange for Inspection to­ Tbs members left. Washington Arab rabato yaaurday la a running Green* ta th* 33nd foreign eor* _^up the district has been arranging tea at her home Tuesday afternoon. week-end at their . Hebron place. "Our report stats* frankly that ACTORS ON EARNINGS shall reprassnt a fair raturn tpr em- CblMgo pbysietsn snaweied a call reepondeat to be expoUed from Ger­ / for the program. ,Elach of the lodges DINNER NEXT MONDAY Mtss Fuller hae what Is acknowledg­ son, Rev. Henry Robinson; Banquet that )-ou delight ta taking trampa morrow evening. this morning at eight o'clock and While here their pet dog was In­ do not consider the suggested pl(>yee ssrvloea and an amount suf- battto to Tiaaajordaa. aald raporta to a rooming houe* and wae forced and lunpheon, Mrs. Ruth LoomU leachlag Jarusalem today. many elne* 1038. / ,, ta Blast Hartford, Thompsonvllle, ed to be one of the larger;.,ana mo.'t Into , the .woods and watching all the Warren Clough, a student at Trin­ were scheduled to arrive ta New jured by an autopiobtle. i t was tak­ we-polnt program't, be a eur*-*lL flelsnt to meet living sxpensss. Em under dMth threat to pMfqrm an ;; and the two lodges in Mancneater. and Mrs. Earl Miner. habits ot the wild folk* as they play ity college, Hartford, was at the. York at noon. Tha group then 'Hla loadsr of ths band, Ibrahim The Dairymen's. Bureau of tha beautiful daffodil displays tn Colum en to Manchestei for treatment at w* feel obligated to moke_____Bocroniento, pcoo- Jlay 4.— (A F ) —As ptoyee servicea a re . particularly operation without equlpatopt ex­ " will provide a 19 minute entertain': The Field'Trials for the Rockville or work or fight in their own little home of his parents for the week­ boarded special Long laland^^ Rail El Hasoan, was ooa of savaral cept the ranor bjade, 'Which was Chamber—of Commerce will hold a bla; - a dog hospital and is said to be .ticat recommendaUitas which jnay an outgrowth of tbs Jackie Coogon valuable In this’ occupatlca, ths re­ vinas. gix rAala wesa eapturad. 'ment. Town aerk Hubert P. OoUtos and Fish and Game Club will be held on world." In reacting this opening end. ragO trains and went to the World’s pretty neat all - right again. be old In theory blit which, la ap-|sult against hla mother to recover supplied by the gunman who eayed dinner meeting at the Hotel Sheri­ paragraph,. 1 came to raaUte that port maintains, becausa eachisch ojop- Tha hand bad baan aeousad H try­ The meeting tomorrow night will Flret Selectman a a lr L. Robinson the County lot ta Tolland on Satur- Mrs. Banjamta MlUer and Mrs. Fair. " Mr. and Mra. Walter C- Hewitt plleatioa, ore not much tn evidence poiraon of bis eblKPMOd eomlngs trade him. ' . ' dan next Monday, evening at 8:30 oay and Sunday, May 6 and 7. this reader really did beneflt by my Laura Judson spent Monday in Hart­ FoUowlng a ' tour of the fair erator must have had a yasi's i ing to stir up revolt to Tranojordan, be held In Odd Fellows' HalU East were ta atter.danc* at the rural- were present at tbe anual .banquet a film star, th*the ^ Assembly s e m ^ Judl- schooling costing- from to $400 Hartford. Members of Memoruii o'-clqck,- at which time the speaker humble efforts to bring to the' pub­ ford. (ounda. they returned to New today. VOO wUeb has briaa oomparaOvsly oeaoe- A '.TAriMENI Of OUK urban acquaintance meeting given 01 the American Legion at the Mo; for tuition alone. ^ durtag the Pataotto* disorders of nr cDimcAL coNDmoM Lodge will meet at Depqt Square at will, be Richard Dargap, head of the by the Rotary Club of Wlmmantlc lic eye the fact that the simple MlsSjaLueUe Alisrd, Ubrarion at ybrk station which they were sched­ There to Uttl* use urging citizen* 1 ful Sagal-Lou Dairy ofNew Haven began Hotel, New London, Satur­ to be safe pedestrians and u«i mter-1 Tbe report f u r t ^ .'revMta that tbq,la*tUtuea yoars. Chicago, May 4.—(AP)—Two! 7:19 tomorrow night and will-leave at the Nathan Hale Hotel Tuesday things in life are reSlly and truly tha ToBand pubUe library, left Mon­ uled to leave at 9:10 p, m. an^ reach day evening. 'Mr. Dargan will sAldress the Bureau sections Instead of crossing mid- ap- the Connecticut (3Msumer*' League (Although Trsnsjordaa ta coverod Chicago policemen who Wero I by automobile at 8:30 for Eaat llart- evening. ' WILLINGTON the besL I’U bet. also, that there day -Attend ths Library sehool ta artford at 7:37. Miss Dorothy Gray wM home for ford. * on the subject "Milk Merchandising isn't one person who at- ooms Ume Danbury this week. . ' , Praetlee to Start submitted evidence indicating that by. Britain's Pataotto* wondato. th* wounSed- during a tavern robbery I POLICY Mr. and Mra. Donald Woodward tne week-end from ber duUas at block unless ?**?f“ JJf*'*,*2?* | prort child actor’s contract the and Salesmanship.'* attended a meeting of Eaat Central MISS JENNIE a CHURCH or other hasn't arUhed fOr a ebaaoe MrAn^Uds flenk hes been spend- The BlUngton Orange Softball foclUUes are provided. Until e ^ L half of the ehfld’* the ihtalmum coat of living for the Emir’s ndnUntatraUca Tuesday night remained in a eriti-l Members of the Bureau are In­ mg several days at the home of her the *Mlddleo(di hospital, also Allan ed intersections or* properly tUumI- I . average worklag girt to thta-etate is largo ilsgrss et outoaonm- ‘HtaHta cal ceadlUoa today while their eu-1 Pomona Orange tn North Coventry to get away and leave the troubli team wtU start their practice for tha L. Carr from tbe State hospital, earnings to a trust fund or some viting their drivers and othera em­ Wednesday evening. Mr. Woodward The coihroimlty was shocked and ''of hie modem work) And SMk peace son,. WUHam Senk, and fkmily. season tonight. Egward MlUer of Bated and refleetorised warning |17J)9 weekly. A t present the avr Arab Lsgloa ta a spaelal patrol perlors arranged to return two asie-l Evar think of whht Middletown, Miss Stella Johnson other form of ekvlnge. fore#fore* whidiwhich cooporatosoooporaUo with BrittaliBritish ORDERS NEW ELECTIONS ployees to attend the session to hear Is assistant steward tn the order. It much grieved to hear of the death and quiet ta ths wlldcmsas. True, Mrs. Aaron Pratt of. Windsor, this city la manager of the team. signs provided to restrain-vehleulsr Under the present tow the parsnU qrage beauty shop wag* ta $17.74 poets captured to Detroit 'the word prominm N Corona or Royal Mr Dsrgan's talk as he has had of Mrs. Mary Bennett Converse, was In town Monday and attended from Voluntown, where she teach­ for three-year operators and $1398 Air Foro* units ta tho country.) was believed that several- from here there is no genuine wUdeme$s m Banquet Tonight es, and othera. traffic, w* ore not going to bavs are entitled to the entire amount. On th* order of attending phyM- meano? Some think exletuiive experience In the milk' would take the fifth degree at this wife of Frank B. Converse of West our dbmata; but there -are tranquU the meeting of tX» ToUand Library The Hof Brau Bowling League much success Inducing pedestrians for one and two-ysar operatora, ac- clana nMtbar offloer was told of tha I TO HUNGARIAN HOUSE business and knows his - subject Wllllngton Monday morning about Association In the' afternoon. time, but none were ready to de ao spota around town ta which one can wUI hold Its'annual banquet this to us* crooswalk areas consUtenUy. oordtog to th* Labor DOpartment b a s t d o t ADMTDOinBP. capture. Offtaer Edwin McIntyre, of it only 88 8 pay w Portable Typewriter thoroughlyr A meeting of the leaders and troop 8 o’clocksi She w-as only 1)1 three be quite alone .apd when one la Miss ElUtabeth Hicks -tof ToUand evening at eight o'clock at Princess W * believe that on thoe* tong av­ survey, with extremely law wages. shot to tho, head, was ta a oomatoaa and Naw York city la- spending a mant to Insnmne* Budspest, Msy 4—(AP)-:-Regcnt committee of the Girl Scouts daya ot a heart aUack. She w-as the alone, one has a chance to be one's halt Following tha dinner there will POUCE COURT enues ovsr which operators or* se- FASCINATING ROILBIS sometlmM no more thaa $8.00 a W orosotoT, Maao.. DUy 4.-*-(A:P) oendltiCSL Hla faUew officer, Philip Ailmirml Nicholas Horthy today die- hcld-at the nome of Ult. Lois Clarke daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Donald real self. I ehall nSver forget what tsar days at har ToUand summer be a program of abort talks and sn- eustomsd to move rather r^tdly, week, betog dtaeoimied ta eertato KaOy, was wounded In thb abdo-l agents. Eat the hornet, —An talent boy, only a few bonro •oived the lower House of Parlia­ Tuesday evening. and Olive Keene Bennett and wtks a teacher of mine once told my tertatamsnt ■ In Town Court last night Stanley selected tatoreectlons, properly CAUSE B O n DEATH old. was found this morning under men, cheat and w rist A blood I real meaning of pre- T R Y IT — - ment and ordered elections for a CURB QUOTATIONS born ta Lincoln, R. I., May 8. 1874, class, ''Remember, you are what ' Women’s Chib F. Sledzik, 23. of Middletown, Ught^ and sqiuipped, will attract Exprepeing it* regret that It can­ a Utae bush elooo to tb* home o f transftiMoa w m administered yee-1 nea' chamber to fake place between RESL'ME VACA'TION and came to Wllllngton In 1906. yOu are when you are alone.7 I be- The Vernon Women's RepubUcan charged with loaning bis driver's U- foot trafne from the uo* of Inter­ not M t a $17A9 minimum weekly Mr. and Mr*. W alter Lucas of 410 terday. miiun is highest May 28 and June 8. Berlin, May 4 — (A P ) — Field Besides her husband she leaves Club wUI hold a meetfng thia eve-, BEFORE YOU BUY IT By ASSOCIATED FBESS Ueve ta this and- have found that TALCOTTVILLE esnss, was fined $9 and ooata. Harry' sections not real safe for ‘dark hour* rat*, tha Board said aocb actica ta Ortalto street Tb* toundltog. Jeha tk BuUlvaa, chief o f d e ta il value— yon Observers believed the dissolution Am Sup Pow ...... '... Marehall Hermann Wilhelm Goering two daughtsrs. Miss JesEl'e Con­ when you are alone, you have an ntag at eight o'clock ta the Red A. BtakowokL 22, also of Middle- use. Ban Fnmeisee, May 4.— (A P )— proeludad by tha-"depraasad" stote wrapped to a new pinfc blanket and ttvoa, said wltneeeee to th* ebootF- Rant PaymenU May Be AppHed To P u r A ^ Prkfc was a gecture Indicating confidence and Mra. Goering left today to re verse at home. Mra.. Charles. (3obb excellent opportunity to think and JOHN LOTA8 Men’s hall. Owing to a meeting of I Bptonlng roDers ' on the famUy ■pOnd monay more Cent States El ...... Hanohetaer S8U town, was fined-82 and costa for "W * do n^t belle've that svery of the beauty Jhop buslaess, caused tucked, ta a shopping bag, waa Ing affray, ta which on* man waa These Machineo A r* Gnnmntead By Tho NatfaMi so International difficulties requir­ El Bond and Shara ...... sums their vacation at’ San Remo ol Stafford Springs and two Step­ to tea 'youTMlf, and to liaprovs tbe National Republican bommlttee, drivlM wjthput a license. Ths case washing machta* which held a cuLthroat oompetitlon and a found b y members o f the household, Italy, which they visited for several children. Mrs. Norrlt Hayes of Man­ tatereecUon >uld be oo treated. kUlad, would be sent to Detroit ae-1 wisely than for Typewriter Co.______ing the jRtratlon of the lawmakers Nlag Hud Pow ...... yourself. Mias Katharlns Byms who was ot Samuel Shon. 29, • Matbqr I cuUar fasetoation for 4 jrear-old Jo- "severe prtoe war.” tmaed-over to poUoo and tokea to eoaqieatad by effteers. * B&Iff'bccur wiann 'tHF natr mmiQt. Perm Road .....,, weeks before going to Libya and chester and Franklin (inverse of :uary Jane and Mrs. Andrew k|gd; sahsdulad to spaak. M s Doan obliged, stiwit,'Hartford.''arreate. tor oper­ S to c W ^ wiled-him. Waitlag.tMiM must b* rsgardsd ss the city bcoplUL , DotoeUvM were good inanrance. The adoption yesterday of a law Unit Gas ...... :ih4in returning to Oermsuy. for the BaglevtUai fouf atatera. ’ and Uisa* daii4s8t-TUssdM «)r'r'(iw days to postpone her visit until tha jfime ating a car without a driver's U- SSSSuons. I m. slstenHamet. found him rit- worklag tima' and tip* ^ cannot bo attomptag to trae* th* parwits. Why Not AtrmU Yoontalf ef This Oppo^ityT W l la. Hitler btrthdo^ celebration April 20 brotharo, Mra. Ada E. WtlUama df BTABBKD TO DBATH roesting.- Ung on the drataboard> yesterday^ for control of Jews completed the Unit Lt and Pow X ...... stay tn Boston. Oo Wodnoaday they osnas. was continued to Fridag can be developed to protect . the eoaaUtar4d m ' port o t th* minimum This CooDdD and Mall It TOOAT* "urgent legislative program. The and tbe session of the Reichstag RosUndale, Maas.; Mra Jaipes attondsd the ordmatlon and on Sun­ . Mrs. E. A- Koure of Orovo street night’s court seaaton. below th* electrical elatheo wringar. last Friday. Mann. Ihitnsuii. Mra William Clem­ Boston, May ' 4.— (A P )—Mn:. pedestrian an^ tadlraptly. schlsv* wage, ^ Board said. S o dsduetiona $eeeeeee*e*G ••• • regent chose to have new elections day they wtu attend the flrst solemn will talk'On her work as a aurse The drunken driving ease of Jos­ some control of foot traffic at leaning forward aa if studying th* ganta Fa — P eeauM the wMta Name .. >*•#•••••04 STE.U, 8TOBITS STOCK ens. KllUngly, .Miss Jessie D. Bear Mbude Royal, 30, Ifagro, was stao- among tbe Indians In the far West may b* mad* from th* legal waga JOH N L . bsfore taking up Hungary's next mass of Mrs. kladden's cousin Rev, eph B. Mlasett, 34, of 77 Wyllys night. W* also bsUev* Utot prom­ mechanism, sUeat and talent e x p ^ tboae required by law or maa’a 'tareather asedlcta*” failed to PBOTEST8 BCBNING FLAG netL Wllltagton; Edwin and Henry liad to death beiitaUi tha elevated and (wiU exhibit ber collection of In­ Why. Jo*;” rite aald, . "what ter BortlMd. Mtay 4.—(AP) -Dorn » D♦e•••♦#«•DD^ Internal problem—land reform. John DUion Day. Mr. Madden wUl street. Hartford, waa eonUnutid to inent •warntof:* should be placed life or hoepitaUMtioa Insurance, bring rain, a Navajo Indian lassoed Addreao )••••• o*********** New Haven, May,4.—(A P I— The Mexico a ty . May 4— (A P f —Tbe BennsM of Woodstock and Louts of tracks on Washington street In ths join hla famUy on Sunday. dian reUes and handlcrafL Anyone mfck A. Canal. 19-year-old Junior The ordeb did not affect the upper Monday night on request of MU- midbloek urgtag pedestrians not to funny—” and it ta also provided that the a govammant tamperature guag* JENNEY opening of Nicholas‘Crlacuolo's new German minister ta Mexico made KllUngly. The funeral was bski Rosbuiv district ’ lost night Mrs. U txy Anderson ot New Bri­ Intereatsd Is Invited to attend the Tli* sentonc* andod to a ecreom high aehoel pupil, cnddlad for two and yankad It from Its moorings. house, s seml-permaoest body the shoe store, plknned for lator thia sett's counsel. Attorney RairmoBd cross between tatereecUon*. Th* grMtar part o t Um equipnMat used formal protest today to th* Depart- this aftsraoon'^ at 2 o'clock at •ooree of horrified, pssesrsby looked tain la visiting at tha boms ot her meeting whether a member of the educational sffort tn many Instance* when she saw a llmt little bloody dSW at tha Wort Hartford golf Tho Indian. John Kats. said ha members of which are appointed by week, wae performed ahead of tlnia mant of Foreign Affairs against ths ths Wllltagton >mi church. Or. A. Johneon. by amptoysM must be provided by oouTM, MTTilng $4.78 which be to- the regent and the church and on, unable to eave her. Tbe slayer daughter, Mra. O. A. PodL club or not r.iust be applied In this shape of band protruding to the other side (sit an ’lirga” to sxpreM dtaptaas- —by burglart. Crlacuolo oomplalned burning of B Naxl flag by a group Horans B. Stoat mil offloUite and Koeg Sals Pridu Frank Novak. 84, of 29 Victoria employers. , uadad to gtvo to hta poroat* who 7 tl Mata PL TSi. 8M8 The Dewey*Kchiiiaii Gi* held office by hereditary right eeceped. PoUoe eought her. busbend, Mr. and Mra. Walter Borat hava caution signs. They msy not be of th* wringer. une whaa ha baeSma oonvineod yestarday to police that vlrtuallv the of marchsra ob May Day. Mexloan burial will be la tha new extension Bufut Royal, SS, - for quesUontag’ movad from Manebastar and are now ' The membsrs of tbe Girls’ Q'ee road, WlU be arraigned Friday on He had managed to turn on th* Deduettena from tha dally or havo MX o&Mr ehlldron to aupp 18 Depot gq. -TOL 8880 Specolatioa cantered on tha quea- entire stock of store bad been an tatoxleatioB chai^. He was ai* d»:orativ* but if they help to save voskly wag* may not bo made for Navajo rain gods ware unlmprosasd Jewotera ~ SU U enm — Optidnae, nawspapera oald a group pulled the of ths WUltagton HiU cemstsry. InveeUgatora eald. she was tvalktag living In tha bouaa which was rent­ club of the Roekvills high school will pedestrians from being kUled they switch and scrambled to the drain- On hta way homo last ovoatog Dom­ tion of a-hetber Nazi strength would taken by eomeotaa who gained an flag from a buUdtag, tore it and Mra Converse v w a Idadlyi wom­ bold a food sole at the oftlcs of the ' rested on Center street near Pins atassne* but this wag* may b* pro inick was aot upon by two mca vrbo tha vroathar *aatrument 76.7 Main Stroat with anothar man when ehe was at- ed Iw Mrs. Kata Bakar on tha Sum- wtu be worth while using for a ysor b o a ^ to touch tboae whirring Kata, ehaiged with dastreytog he laeresssd ta the new House. trance Uirouch a cellar window. burned It an and bslovod by eivaryoosi who aar iaslth prnparty. Oo^aMtieut lig h t aad Power o o »r I y " * * * * ^ rated during the flrst wash at am- beat and lilekad him. sad, mad* off or ao untU foot traffle has bsooma Iwbito roUsr*. ( govonuBsat peopeety, was flaad $38. 1 edaeaUoB to tha acMtotsBt naa a ( l Doctara aoid ha 4Had «C ptaymeat o< naw worksa hired with m assMT. ‘ » PAGE NINST'’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1989 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN THLTISDAY, MAY 4.1939 '‘p a g e e ig h t H igh S chool W orld TEN HIGH ERRORS BRING 9-4 LOSS AT BWSTOL Misa Helen-Estes, Faculty Adriaer BOX SCORE Tliainday, May 4 Compiled by Stpdcnti of Manchester High School VOL. VI., NO. 32 Local Golf Notes L o c o l Spovt Chatter Bristol Every Kim Unearned As Vander Meer Threatened A seven-way deadlock tor first . AD R H PO A E place was the unu.aual outcome of Manrhester a doing a lot of balk-*ers suffered their second sticcessive Dobrreki. 3 b ---- .5 1 1 0 2 0 , Principal of MHS For a Day [ORIGINAL ART WORK Sunday's sweepstakes at the local Ing over paying $3000 for .much-' 'shutout from Brtitid High st the Utke. M ...... 5. 0 0 0 0 1 tOUR SHIPNAMED TEAMS ^ The Ghost Story Young Town Officials Country Club. The k>w’ net acore needed bleachers at Mt. Nebo but Bell City yesterday afternoon In two .5 1 0 0 aO 0 hours of play on wind-swept courts Mct'ab^ If . . . . Local Infield Blows Up waa 68 and th> seven who were tied Bristol coughed up $33,000 to erect Winters, ef . . . . .5 2 3 5 0 0 By Second?Year Hoodoo were Jim WUey with 86-17, John what Is probably the finest sthlettc . . .Crow whlpiuid Captain Ken 0 .COMPETE IN PlAYD AY FUN ■ FEATURES EXHIBIT Wlgren. 6-4. 6-4, Urbanettl bowed to Adatno. 2b ...... 5 I 1 1 0 Report On Colorful Day Chanda with 86-13, C. Buckland plant In the slate at Muzzj' Field In Yard*, r f ...... 4 2 2 1' 0 0 with 91-23, Wimam Siteman with the Bell City ;the project was Chopin, 6-3, 6-3 and Amsden took Buckland by 7-5. 4-6 and 7-5. .. .in DaMato, c .a...... 4 1 7 J5 0 0 82-14, George VIetch with 78-10. Ed financed by government fumls, w* .4 1 1 4 0 0 first half hour I learned how to use the only doubles match played, O ow C Lynch, lb In First League Defeat Msncbester Cirls .lournry To, .Manchester's Youth Day rams to Wonder Boy Of Reds Has MAJOR LEAGUE Burke with 99-31 and George Booth Imagine, but lt‘ shows what\ can be Oolsplnto, p ... .0 0 0 0 0 0 Its climax with a lianqiiet In the the files and all references, dating Eighty People Attend The done. . . . and Cliopiu trimmed Wlgren and Bristol To .loin IrT S «im with 91-23. Harold Clvlello, former Urbaneltl, 6-4, 6-4---- Pot*, p ...... 4 0 i 1 3 0 ('hamber of Commeri e hall .Monday hack to 1P22. John J, Wallett High atar, had low groas with a 74. shorL Lynch stole eeeond. Pota mine l’ la>d.T>. placed a pile of wills on my desk Faded To Last Distance In The old wooden grandstand at night If the day had been Judged Art Show In The S to d iT ^ LEADERS 41 9 9 27 4 1 i KeOeyites Earn All Runs Off fanned. Fire runs, three hits, three by the banquet, alone. It would have and told me to’ make two copies •n€ Muzzy Field burned down and It has Steve “Ousher" Casey, Wrestling's errors. each snd mall them to the addresses Incidentally, this was the first been replaced'with a concrete struc­ top heav.vwelght, tackles Marvin Monrheoter Second Inning Xh< S S Conn'otirut th» ! been a success, ss all the boys were . 5 1 2 1 0 0 resent and rm>st of their spc.nsors which he gave me Throughout the Three Starts; Hntchmson By AStiOCIATED PRESS time In hl.s life that George Velfch ture that I* a Combination jT-afield . Wr.itenl>crg, lUlos "The Rh;ulow " lo- Thurner. If ... Manchester—Olbert fanned. Thur- th« Normsndir. and th« Q i»rn Stnr-v May 2. National Lsogae turned In a score below 80 and hlS Murray. 31> . . . . .2 1 0 2 3 1 Colapinto In First But i^After having an excellehl dinner, whole day I was In full charge ^o< bouse snd grandstand. mtidly I night at Foot Guard halt, Hartford, ner filed lo righL Murray filed to fought a long ar.o‘ ha.td l•'r>l^.g> for the .fudge of Probate office. . .Rus* Balling—Myers, Cincinnati .429; feat In carding two strokes below speaking. It’s a honey. .. .there are In a bout that may change the charo- Munlon'k. 21i. ae . 4 0 0 3 3 2 center. No runs, no hits. . the h«,ys gave short speeches which Sent Back To Minors; Red 0 0 supremacy before the No.mand". showed that the rest of the day sell Roberta Slay, Philadelphia. .400. that figure filled him with consldef- sFAcIous dressing room facilities, j plonahlp title holder fbr ths fourth Becker, rl ...... 8 1 3 3 Potz G ves Only Three Bristol—DobreskI out to third. Approximately 80 people attisded 0 0 finally edged out the yiie, n .Mary hsd lieen not only Interesting hut Being a State Senator for a day Runs—Gamia, Boston. 12; Ott, able elation. tolle.ts. showers, storage rooms and time In the current season....sev­ Vlncek, r f ...... 8 1 1 0 Utke reached as Grtowold's throw . to win. not a war, Slit the ltr|.»t,,l has Its advantages as I soon found the exhibit’ of the Crafts and New York, 11. refreohroent stand, all heated by gaa eral weeks ago The Shadow de- Pesclk. ef ...... 1 0 0 0 n 0 from short waa too high. McCabe vsluable as education. Principal Arts clubs which was held In i Sox Regain Second. High school Swimmlog ; I’laydav K'lsirn Bailey said, on Tuesday, that out on Youth Pay. Such an officer Runs batted in —Goodman. Cin- Jim Wiley captured Saturday’s .there's an enclosed press box thitmed the mighty Casey---- then Hlllnakl. l b ---- . i 0 4 6- 0 3 Hits, Fans 14 Rest Of The hit to third, Murray got DobresM held at the Pnetot Tool Wednesday I visited and explored the Capitol Art Studio of Miss Hope Herrj clnnaU, 14; CuccinVllo, Boston. 11. heated by electricity .. .the dressing along came Gua Sonnenberg and Correntl. lb . . , . 1 0 0 3 r 0 at aecond but klurdnek pegged-wild­ he thought thst the boys had done son. Tuesdav evening May 2, sviee|is with S9-22—67, Jack Hay­ •April 76 , an excellent Job on th»lr spee< hes. and met aome high slate officers. 1 Hits—Mueller and Amovtch. den was tied for second with R. rooms lead to the diigouts and there butted The .'Shadow out of-the pic­ UrlswulJ! *a . . 3 0 0 1 1 3 ly to first and McCabe reached sec- - Olrla from Bn«toI. rlamavtlle. end had very^ warm praise ‘for /he enj<,yed every minute of the day eg- 7-9 ■ • By JUD80N BAIUCY PhUadelphla, 19 are four entrances lo the stands. . . ture. . and m-turn Steve the Crush­ BmacbetU. a.i .. . . i 0 0 0 0 0 Way; West Hartford Here I end. Winters out to moiiniL No He Upon entering, the visitors signed ^ Associated Press Sports Writer Fra-ser, the former with 84-16—68 Mancheeter to-.h part In the fun t > i> ...... Ted |,last master, Broivn and rept for one thing I had to mi)^r Doubles — Bartell, Chicago, 7; the field Is about half enclosed with er took on Gus the Goal and eent PratL c ...... ,.8 0 1 6 0 0 runs, no hits, two errors. under the dlreilion of the Hri.t.d their names to the ledger In order and the latter with 83-15—68. J. C oorrugated Iron, the real with s 0 0 Third Inning Allan Coe ~ a uanqi/et speech In the evening.... Baseball's most persistent blight Martin, Philadelphia. 6. Carey and Ed Hutchinson tied for him to the hospital for rcpalTA Ed sMtirpby ...... 1 0 0 0 Tomorrow. High Swimming cluh Upon arrival, that the number of those attending 'Triples—Camllll. Brooklyn. Good- high steel fence with trees planted Hurley, matchmaker for the Garden I Mancheater — Murdock. Becker The Itoys were requested to write Henry Coleman. /tsar Is the one which withers "wonder third, the former with 85-16—69 Olbert, p . 2 0 0 1 2 1 the gtrla were divided for four Owing to the absence of Mr could be determined. Forsythla. map, Cincinnati. Hack and Herman, to front of It___ It's a small edition A, C hid for a return bout and: 0 0 0 0 and Vlnrek fanned in order. No about scime of their duties and Im* rioleta. and sprigs of evergreen deco­ pitchers" In their second year and and the latter with 84-15 — 69. Cl McEvItt, p ---- . .1 0 famoua ahtpa. ea<-h team having, , Kirnt row. front: Mnr>- Hlt.-nmn, Botty tVwry. John thilv Chambers from town government Ciilcago, 2. of a classy big league park.... Hartford gets a real championship * Blaocliaril .. . .1 u 0 n 0 “tr runs, no hits. girla from all three achiaih After IWr'tmra I'hrrI Swon,1 row: Ornrr Norrn. Tom Blnnrhnrd pressPpns about their Jobs for the Robert Doggart caught hv the World cameraman busy at his desk rated the room. there are stgna It la threatening vlello also had low gross In this Briatol—Adams- fanned. "Yard* Work! Because


BY FRED HARMAN TrotiWe, .Yhead R E D R Y D fq o in C0e3iM'06' BUY REMT//^^/^ //ic voo HonufAoP SENSE AND n o n s e n s e : SKU-Utv Janey—Mother, do yOu ramemtwr What Coonta A writer *s>'S that the Nazi manufacturing eatabllshments mak­ that old vaa* you said bad been jP W e seldom notice boo'n-ends much, handed doam from generation to Mg€jm^\ -although, of course, we've seen ing wsr munitions (or Germany are paid In government I .0 U- paper. generation? » them; Mothar— Yea dear: _ . R • Y*ry They are ilk* cars, what really According to this wrttSr this Is an awful indictment of jhe Nazi gov- valuable. FCEL AND FEED 49-A HOUSES FOR RENT 45 U)TS FOR SALE 73 LEGAL NUT1CE8 78 co'jBts. is what one ha* between Jeney—Well, this generation just ANU FOiJNU I All'ItHMOBILKS FOH SAI.E 4 REPAIRING 2a emmsnt. Th* Untied States to do­ LUSI SEVERAL MODERN BIX ROOM FOR BAL£—BUILDING loU on Eatata of Mary E. Jevratt lata of them. , ing exactiv th* earn* thing along dropped It. .MOWER R EPAIRING , sharpening. f o r HALE — HEA80NBD hard Andover In tha Probata Diatrict of TONE o r BECK '. m DODGE SEDAN motor recon­ Autumn itreet. Apply 29 Cottage U )8 T r-U V lN G ROOM rug 9x12. on wooel for stove furnace ahd Hre- single houaet, also two family Bata, Andover deceased.c^aaed. Hubby— What are ws having for another line of endeavor. It Is tak­ ditioned. Guaranteed. Paint good. Hey fitting, .dupllratlng, electrical street. ing the money paid by working men SUt^ Highway, abovn Manrhnatnr plare I4..30 ■ per load, Tel. 8628, In excellent locations. Apply Ed­ Tha Executrixutrix having exhli^itedexhibited her, desfert tonight, dear? Do It Now Bargain at $179..V), Brunner Sales , ullllttes, giina ’ etc., reconditioned ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches­ adrninla.trationion account withMald Ka* and women under ths. attractlvs Be not one of those who always Grcon. Reward. I’honf 6970. Bislthwaitr. A2 Pearl street: KuKeiie GIgllo. FOR SALE—LOT ON Strickland W ifey—Sponge caks. I sponged (Vi. 82 Oakland atreet. late to the Court-Court-'of Trobaty^for aaid SPEECH WILL name of "Social Security" and the has a lot of work to do. but narar ter 4642 or 8025. street,, near Main, cellar partly dug. Diatrict for alloWancallowance. It la ^ the_*gg* from Mrs. Brown. ths FOUND— BROWN HOl'ND dog. no f o r s a l e — w e l l seasoned naro money added to this by every em­ seama to get It done. Tbty ever - > ____ 5 ~ lid. I'OIMiK SEDAN, radio, heat­ LAW N .MOWEH.S BHARPENEi^ or Attractive neighborhood, (porotby ORDEKED:—That tha. 9thK day of flour from Mr* Pmith. and the milk Mavimo Hii.e«t>ot.o za tag. Owner may have ea!n*’ hJi P ployer. spending it for \% PA, PW A, promise, but seldom prbduoe. ■ A er. 1P36 Ford tndor deluxe. 1U;W reconditioned I t .23. Liberal allow­ WANTED TO RENT 68 Toohy. Telephone 4703. from Mr* Jones, UAA4D ----- for adv. C.olhJxr^,,-ISl \ernon. ance for your old mower toward a J. Holl. Tel. 4642 or 6186. noon, at tha Probata-OfPieo-In Colum* A F F E a F E i ^ and AAA and leaving In what 1* task Is eomethlng fo be don*, not - I d L CK^ge panel Messier Nash. 10 bla ha. and tha aame Is assigned for euphemistically called th* “ rsservs 'NOftTS f&WAg M92. ______•' ______Henderson Road. Tel. 72.86. new one. Snow Brothers, 248 No, VVANTEDTORENT f o r June FOR BALE—BUILDING loU on a hearing on the allowance of said to be contemplated. Th* only work tVoriy iund". government 1..Q U paper. The .Main afreet. Tel. 4.306-4,331. Open first, five room house or floor In Strong street. Inquire 38 Woodland administration account with aald Ka> (OonttniMd from Page One.) A good epigram: "Succes* to that counts Is the work you have MAJOR HOOPLE 1U37 fO .NTIAi't'O fPF,; 19.37 Wlllys evenings. We rail for and deliver. GARDEN-FARM- good con^Hton'. Accessible to town. street. Phone 6349J late and thla Court direct* the bill which to a law sstimataa that put behind you. BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE a n .n o T i n c k m I ^ i s ____~i Exectitrlx to cite ail peraona lnter> never attained by Staying awake at aeilan; 1!*36 Pnntlae eoneh. l»:i*i DAIRY I'HOUIJCTS 50 Small fam l^. Good heat essential. their home capitals March 18 to ' •night, hilt by staying awake In th* this "reserve fund” will amount to LAW N MtlWKRH sharpened and re­ eat^d therein to appear at- aaid time 47 billion dollar* of 1 O U paper, m a d a m f7 “ tU >K N r.inl roiii>e: 111.31 Ohevrolet ennl>e; $30 to $40. Write before Saturday and place; by publishing this order port after Germany's dismember­ S T R I K E ~ " 8 a LL“ paired. I’reclslon grinding. Delivery f jvtime ■■ ■/ not even bank notes and certainly Mikhail— I thought you aaid you r o LIKE TO RSMiND ^ Reader Advice on all .-ettaira ol 1B.33 I>oiiliae I'oaeh. Oole Motors. full particulars. F, Herald Office. SUBURBAN FOR SALE 73 once In aome newspaper having a cir­ ment of Clzechoslovakla. Germany 5;’eai« aanie (oration. Honrs 646,3. 91 f>nter street. _ ' FOR HALE-COW MANURE. 419 then called Count Von Weiczeck and facts. Their nights are often sleep­ not gold or silver. KNOW! MR. CONKIN WAS A IF THIS BC Kem N * Hart- ten and Kdgerton, Buckland, next FOR SALE^-IN WAPPING on days befora said time assigned. your wife, but I notice ah* orders IS NO W A W IN D SHIELD CMAN6B'fOUR 10 to 8:30. 372 Main street North Main street, Manchester. And due return make. Dr. Von Wirksen to Berlin. Sir less Other* boldly (ace their diffi­ PROFESS104AL PITCHER FOR H O U S E S F O fU S A L E 72 black surfaced road, 24 1-2 acres, Proud Father (showing triplets) you aroimd th* whole time. D D C ISiO N * CONTINUKS, THK . ford. Apt. 1 ' to R. R. Depot. — Certined from Itecord. Nevile returned to Berlin April 23 culties. analyze them. Isolate them, T E A R * AND HE SHOWED ME WIPER AT A QASSWnOM WHICH IS IT, OLD FOR SADF,- 1920 EH.SKX sedan. In FOR HALE—High quality certlHed 8-room house, electricity, bam. — What do you think of them? Harefoot— I do have the last m a n t l e o f CLAYTON E. HI NT and Obulondre rrrlved three days and seek to solve them. Their nights BUT 1 BETTER 0E 1 l a d v l a r d ? T'M U KB t h a t , g.Hsl eonditlon. Call .3106. LAWNMOM’ ERS sharia-nrct. factory coHhlers, rhlppewaa and Green FOR SALE—.3 ROOM slhgle house. other buildings. C. J. Tuttle owner. Judge. VtotUfig Stockman (pointing to word. Don't you always hear me HOW TO THRIW AU. t h e CURVES DARKNESS WILL later.) ' "W are usually restful. [ p a t i e n t - * I MI®MT A JU 6 T OUT -TMBBB M A 3 0 P / T H ' 'meth'Hl 11,00. Called for and de- Mountain seed potatoes. Frank V. All modem ImprovementsXga'rsge, 81 Flower street, Manchester. Tel. H-S-4-S9. * middle one)— I'd keep that ope say. "all right." .... IF VOU EVER EXPECT TO SION FALL UPON US BEFORE 1 # ' Manchester l't.3h OLD.S 6 DELUXE sedan; 19:1V lIverFd free. 8atlafactlnn guaran­ Williams. Telephone 7997. chIcRrn coops, also 8 adjolnmi^ lots. 8032. Been As Hard Blow finmetlmei) a problem to a* good 016 CONTRACTS 30U’VE 60T TO 1 e o FROM TH* FRVIN* PTCMIKJ', n o t BOdS DON'T I’lymoylh deluxe se• lieved Lltvlnoff's replacement by iBltlsla numbers and sbbrsVIsrloni Vyachesjaff Molotoff was closely parallel declaration.) front. and h ta f ths clock strike every hour !!1 A Ins.' Co. Money or F. H. A. plan. Mob eouBt • •ord oompouno 3 ROOMS SLIGHTLY linked with the negotiations with The fact' that Lltvlnoff for years Foreign Office officials were more In the night. word* *• iwo word* Minimum co*i i* WA.NTEO— AUTOS, Deals completed through local at- The price of sound sleep 1* mental USED FURNITURE ...... $100 Britain and France. had been one of the chief targets of cautious, however, saying that Anal Brico of tbrt« lin«i MOTORCYCLES 12 tnney. The Lomas A Ncttleton Co., ' slertnes.s. The man who hs* his a f­ Ltflo r*te» p«r day fo» tran»i*ni Only 8 months old. l>x>ks llks new. Borne Indication from Moscow on Nazi attacks-on what the German judgment on the development must Hartford. Tel. 7-3211. Thoroughly reconditioned by our fairs In hand, who accepU losses w a n t e d —LATE models o^ used these vital jyknts was anxiously propaganda minister, Paul Joseph be withheld until tt was clear M«reb IT. IWT Finishing Department. $1(1 down. 18 Goebbels, and his colleagues have whether LitvlnofTa departure (pom before thev sr* forced on him, who Oath Charge I ara. Bought for cash. No red tap<-. PREMIER URGES awaited by the British Foreign Of­ HELP WANTED— months to pay. Free storage until fice: described ss "Jewish Bolshevism"’ the post would be followed by end­ thinks faster then his competitors, • CoDMCunva Uaya .sj 7 ctai » oij For appointment telej.hone .M91. ran usually sleep ei’Cll In good or Brunner Ralra Co. bO f)akland Bt. F E M A L E 35 wanted. 1. Whether the sreplacemetst of wss no proof that relations with ing o f negotiations (or incliuilon of 3 ROOMS UNCLAIMED Utvlnoff marked a change of Soviet Germany must now become friend­ Russia In the front. bad times. All ordara for irrttolai inaariion# FU R N ITU R E ...... $1.36 COMMONS PASS Worry never hriped anyone, ex- WA.NTED R E LIAB LE woman for foreign policy which -thus far has lier. Nazis generally were enthusias­ Will ba charged at ih# Ofj* ttm# rata ''general hi.itsework, 9 to 4. Monday This fumttnre has been held for a rept a competitor. Qpactal—pa^aa f<»i ton* farm #v«r> HIJSINK.SS SERVICES favored some sort of an alliance Those looking for signs of such a tic. 1 to Saturday iKsm. Wednesday young couple who unfortunately with Britain and France. Agy adaerilaing gtvan upun rauueai OFFERED 13 development emphasized, however, They also pointed significantly to "L ife", says one psychologist, Ad* ordarad hafora iha ihird.oi lilih ’ sflerniKin off Vicinity Main and rould not go housekc|>lng They MIUTARY LAW Before word of Lltvlnoff's resl^a- the plans of Foreign Minister Jo­ that Lltvlnoff's disappearance from "can be the finest thing In the dgy will ba char*ad only fo» th* ac- .MAYTAG — EASY washers. Hales MIdille Turnpike. Write Baa cleaners and etc. Sno.v Brothers, free aloragr. respect of equipment and supplies, COoil KOUrE AVAILABLE of 800 of niimemus smaller Fluropcan ed capitalistic powers of western In the discussion of GermaTi STAMl* NEWS 248 .No. .Main street. Tel. 4506-4.331 3 I«X1,MS BRAND and the prime minister's repeated k **Tba Harald will not b* raaponalbi* Ilawlelgh consumers. No experi­ countries along the Baltic and Black Europe sought to Involve Germany troop preparedness for action, It- for Mora than on# incorract inaartton Open evenings. NEW FURNITURfc ...... $169 pledges not to Introduce conscrip­ ence needed. Hstes way up this seas. in an unnecessary war with the w-as said that there was no question of any advartlaamant ordared rot Hera Is a beautiful 3 room outht tion in peace time" It was reliably reported the cab­ mora ibao on# lima. year. Large nales mean big proflts. which every young couple ought to Soviet, and In the fact that Adolf of ".mobilization" In the accepted - Moving second reading and pas­ inet decided merely to urge Ru.ssla ITia Inadvartant omiaaion ot incor- FLORISTS— Permanent. Full lime. Write Raw- see. Everything Is IncLide.l for the Hitler In bis Reichstag speech of sense 'because that -was not neces­ L 4 i J L root publication of advartiain* will oa lelgh’s, De(>t. CUE-4R-104, Albany, sage of the military training bill, to "reinsure" British-French com­ April 28 (ailed to make his usual sary. rootlflad only by cancallalion of th* NURSERIES 15 home, such aa niga, radio, andjium. mitments to Poland and Rtiipanla. r . eharga made lor iha aarvira ranrtereu N. Y. emua other accesaorles. All you need Chomberlain said: strong attack on Russia. I Heavily Garrisoned EDGAR MARTIN ■"ITierc can be no doubt-that the 2. Whether tai.ks which Lltvlnoff No Te* P*rty All advariiaamania muat conform SPECJAI, tVEKK END sale on la $1.3 down for delivery. 18 montha Other observers stressed that In East Prussia, by the frank admis­ In *tyla. copy add fypf’graphy with determination of the British people was said to have agreed to -talk s Boonrs AND HER BUDDIES nursery stork. Evergreens, Rose to pay. recent years the Kremlin has been sion o f German government offi­ rogiilatloBB anforcad by tha puonah* SITUATIONS WANTED— to put themselves In a position fully with French Foreign Minister hushes, and flowering shrubs 25c FREE "COURTESY AUTO" taking over more and more the cials, Is more heavily garrisoned •ra and tbay raaarva iha right to F E M A L E 38 to carry out undertakings which Georges Bonnet and British Foreign THERfc «“ • odlt roviaa or raject any copy con- each or .3 for $1.00 AnmmI flower­ SERVICE AT YOUR DISPOSAL direction of foreign policy, a trend and more adequately supplied with NnABON.KAKW VteMOV they have been giving, as evidence Secretary Viscount Halifax at TvMa.VblWt TIHV •Idarad obJactlonahla ing and vegetable planfs, 3 dor.en Phone or write ua. We will call for Geneva May 1.3—would still take which would ' lea'd naturally to the Instruments of war, especially mili­ CUMING llOims—cJlaaainad Ada .MIDDLE AGED ivomiin, would like by this great departure from our elimination of such a strong person­ TVHE BOOTfe K Ab SOCK. for^2.3c. Open wi-ek days until 8 p. work cnrlfig for invHlIds or adults, you no matter where yon live, bring place, with Molotoff representing tary planes, than any other section W E R MKi T R iP P ^ ^ "* to ba publlahed aame day muai b# ra* old tradition, has created profound-! ality as Lltvlnoff. M M l COlvad by IT o'clock noon; Saturdaya m. Including Hundays. McConvIlle's .3 1-2 days. Hcfcn nces. Miss Kee­ you to the atore, and take you bark Moscow. of Germany. ,Ma«YiaASeayiet REK'UOT WWO , Niii'scrica. 21 WImIcmere street. hr me again. Thla does not place cot respect all over Europe." Three years ago, Lltvlnoff's birth­ Modison— s U:W. ney. Telephone 724.3. Buggented Geneva Meeting. A ll that 1s necessary Is for the F\«MTVto& b\AOl Manchester. Tel. .3947. you under any obligation whatao His mention o f undertakings was day was the occasion for laudatory Halifax 'Was said to have sug­ command to be given and German Constitution M aker "O f- co u rt* the cJicck it fo r fo u r pnr*on9— Ihfl oth er ih r** A$S6 v o k l n a > KV* a reference to Britain's pledges with articles In the Soviet press, but 1st TELEPHONE YQL’R ever. gested the Geneva meeting to break divisions will swarm into Danzig •re under the litblel" 6 tW VM** *>\7-'E. H tA O WANT ADS POULTRY AND A-IeB-E-R-T-S F'rance to help Poland, Rumania the deadlock between Britain and *er. In 1937, there were rumors that and Pomorze—from East Prussia h e current year brings back W1AD AT K C RASW E * HKATING - IMslIMWNr. — Hartford Store—43 Allyn St. and Greece defend their Independ­ his removsl was imminent. A6AAV5VT Ada ara aocaplad orar tha talaphont SUPPLIES 43 France, on one hand, and the Soviet into the Free City and from Ger­ T tha story ot James Madison HOOFING AM ) SIDING 17 ence. Union. These rumors died down when It with particular significance; 1939 THE. At tba CUAllUB naTE given abova SI*K(TAIj OFKFH — Combination many proper Into the Corridor. BY SYLVIM V 0 A \ .V ~ A d A coptaolanca to advartlaara. but FOR RALE ONE WEEK Special. -100,000 During 19.30- 3. Whether the new commissar became apparent he still enjoyed the It was contended that nobody marks the 150th annlverssfy of FLAPPER FANNY SOHETHING WK SPE fU AU ZK III appIyiiiK cwiIh box HprinF ami Inner nprin^; mat- tba CASH KATi£B will ba accepted aa Broilers, imllrts, live 2rtc. Dreaaed The prime mlnistei said that de­ would speed up negotiations. confidence of Stalin, but they were realized this more than Sir Nevile the setting up ol the United States rU tX PATMCNT if.paid at tba buai-. and aHb^flton nidini; Yearn of ex* 30c, Clark'S Broiler Farm, 304 tro** only $27.95 two for price ot revived when last September's Mun­ A*** oSlca OB or befora (ha aavanih^ one. Reg. $49,05.. Bennon'R, 713 ductions to be made from the num­ Some unconfirmed reports in Lon­ Henderson, British ambassador to government and It was Madison -W-CAVi ,V«VTK teO OOE. I'b perlenre. Workmanship gAiaran Autumn street. ber of 310,000 men who would be ich settlement was Interpreted by day foltowlBg tba flrat tnaariioB oi teed. Time payment* arranged. A Main atreet. don said the slowness of the nego­ Elerlln. ' who framed the ConstltuUOn aaoh ad otbarwiaa tha C.HAltCb affected by the bill In one year tiations had been one of the causes many as a failure of his efforts to A. Dion, Inc. *81 Welln Tel. 48«0. He was reported reliably to be which provided that government. K.V .TWtWE. \6bVT A H\YA •*« RATH will ba eoHactad No raaponai KUKK YOtTH ("HOICE of Kmer- would make available for compul­ for Lltvlnoff's resignation. erect a collective peace front em­ doltig everything possible to con- No colorful figure was this dry blllty for arrora in lalaphontd atia A K i U L K S F O R S A L K 45 bodying - close cooperation among M A85 0 »5 TMI6 VOWO )5* . will ba aabumed and their accuracy KOOKING A BPKriALTY Alw non. or Philco rtull<» with pur- sory training " (o r the present year Some observers saw the Russian vlncs his government tt must put m ile man. son of a Virginia planU •a««ab«b%«a8* OABBot b* guarantacd. Hiding, rnrpentr> and ninium work lUCII VEGETABLE giirilm feiHllx- chune of any l.A*on*itl oi Hotjiolnt of 1939 a number In the neighbor­ move as foreshadowing a breakup Moscow, London and Paris to pre the brakes on the Polish foreign er. He led no armies in the RavO< vent "Fascist aggression.” ^ U u L Reanonable. Time payment* ar­ er. $1.9.3 per BMI Jim. O rtllled areil refrigerator bought thin week. See hood of 200,000." In the talks with Rfissla. Diplo­ minister. lution, he waa no pubHc idoL Y t l BY ROY CRANE INDEX OF ranged. W. VanCuur. 5ft VVellB Bt potatoes $2.99 per 190 lbs. Grass our Super Deluxe Leonard. 6.34 Opposition members broke Into matic quarters thought tt slgnifl Such rumors were revived again Bee Mtxieratloa Indications. he cefried a tremendoua induariw . The ChMC la On CLASSIFICATIONS Phone 838ft. Hoed 3.3c (b. Cement (cash nt store I cub. ft. food area. Only $159.95. lailghter when CTiambcrlaln an­ cant Lltvlnoff's resignation followed after Generalissimo Franco's vic­ In Danzig Itself Indications that He hated war but ha aarvad Iha WASH TUBUS 69c bag Roll rixillnv 85c. W. Marry Bennon*. 713 Main .ntret^. ~ — nounced that conscripts would re­ the deadlock In negotiations.^ tory in Spain in Aprll.- Beck would^ be moderate In his cause well to Congrese and when W Y faiW ! England. Tcl. Manchester 34.31. Some sources close to the govern Althoiigh his departure waa an-1 speech tomoirow were seen In Xiiga^amaBU ...... FOR SALE ItSEf) OLE.NWOOU ceive a shilling a day (about.23 the struggle was all ovar ha ■IVgVM APTIt MOVIN c;— r K D C K IN G cents) during their six-months ment, however, consoled themselves nounced In a laconic ri.dlo broadcast address dellve)'^^ by Vice Marshal nUD fA9V/ Mgrrlagca . . . » ...... EoK S A LK -M O R S E collars, new Dupb'X 2 - 4 rombln.atlon gaa and served the countiy well again, X>Mtba ...... aSTOHAGK 20 training with the regular army. with the belief that Russia waa will- and confirmed by Tasa, the official Surzynskt of the Polish Sejm to the anil.used team narnesses Harness coll or oil range. Like new. Beauti­ warning It against ths flood of iMVUOMAWe Card of Thanka ...... Married conscripts, he said, will Ing In principle to cooperate and news agency, the Foreign Office had Polish minority In the Free City useless paper money that yfte eouwD , In Uamorla.m ...... tepalring. nuto tops and curtains ful all-white porcelain finish, with that the change In Soviet commis­ receive an allowance-of 17 shillings \pot yet spoken. yesterday. threatening. w utbIR to! Loat and Found ...... s.8>.. AUaSTTN A. CHAMBKKS repaired. I’hone 4740. 'M) Cambridge piedlum high hack mantel. Low sars would not affect the situation ADBounctroanU ...... a week (about $3,901 for their wives To Continue As Premier Referring to the Issues between Then came the day o f reckon* Lsocai A Long Dintance Mover* street. CIms Laklng. priced. See It tmlay at Kemp's Inc., seriously unle.ss accompanied by an . ParBOBBla ...... and Bdlltibnal allowances for their Molotoff, his successor, will con- Poland and Germany, he said "a Ing— the day to esUbllxh the new ABtoBBohIlea Tei-62i>0 6H Mollinlcr 81 763 Main. Important change in foreign policy. compromise Is not excluded." 53UTKB00M0 children. Unu^xas premier. government on a lasting basis. ▲utomoblUa for 8al« ...... L lti^ o ff, now 62 years old, en­ Sir Nevile was a prime factor In HbtoPW a I'A L V IN V. TA($(;a KT— Moving rr.S rHE t r u t h ’ Barstow will al­ -To Exempt Northern IrHand Madison was appointed to a com- Automobllaa for bichiinga . IM).\TS AND tered the Soviet diplomatic service persuading Prime Minister Cham­ ONLY Auto Accaaaorieae—Tire* ... and trucking. 3U W’oodland *treet low up to $40.00 (or your old Ice ' The prime minister announced mltlee to draft a naUonal eonsU* ACCKSSOKIES 46 abruptly lb 1918 as "ambassador ot berlain to accept the ahrinklng of - F Auto Rapairing—Fainting .. 1 Telephone G3ftft. box, towards a new Weatlngt. mse MOLOTOFF REPLACES lution. It waa a aUggartog a»- t-A that the conscription bill would not the Ruaslanxpeopte” In London. (Tzechoslovakla last September. Auto Bcboola ...... BAKS-mW SAYS See mil row- Pacemaker refrigerator. Bigger rignment bacauia at that hour th« Autoa—Ship by Truck ...... 'a apply to Northern Ireland (Ulster) When Bru^ Lockhart. British His position In the new problem iHiBls, $3.3.(k» ui>. Evliiruclc EHu 0»t- allowance on your old electric box. Autoa—For Hlra ...... a anil said It would be thus amended. diplomatic agehL waa arrested In was considered, by diplomats to condition ot the colonies waa Uttlq Oarggat—Service—8to rag* u bourils $3100 up. -rnulc In yniir old 3 years to pay. Barstow's. Phone LTTVINOFF; CRUCIAL This, In effect, was a diplomatic Moscow, Litvino^ was arrested In have been strengthened overnight short o f ansrchial. Only tha moat Motorcyclaa—Bicycle* ...... II roll s.\i.R oiitlHiarit. Wc Imvc mils for used 323F^ Est. 192'2. i ’i victory for Eamon DeValera, prime London and flnallyXdeported. by Lltvlnoff’s retirement. Intelligent statesmanship could Wanted Autoa—Moiorcyelea motors every day. -r.-rma. Barstow INS|IL\Ti:0 IKON STOVK wltV FOR SALE '-EIGHT dining room minister of Ireland, who had Insist­ DEVELOPMENTS NEAR He became assistant commissar Lltvlnoff, It was believed here, weld tha colonies together. and Prbfr«al4»n*l iervlrea Is your boat ami motor headquar­ Buaincaa barvica* (.irTaFtd oil tiiiriirr. Conn^’t* to luiy do* Chairs, and table. Nice (of a cot­ ed that, Britain should not conscript of foreign affairs, then.^cting com­ was the men upon whom Britain Jamaa Madtoop providad that a.».eee. » ters since 193.3. Phone 3234. Bouaahold Sarvlcaa Offarad ..ll-A lucHtlc S(i-gallon tgnk. ti hour* tage. Will sell cheap. Call 7337. Irishme'n Jiving In Northern Ire­ missar and finally commissar In depended for including Russia In statesmanship. With rara lagal Building—Contracting ...... M boiling wHtcr, ft>r 1 gallon range land. (Oonttnned from PMge One.) the Anglo-French front to what Ger­ skill he dratted tha outllna of the Floriata-^Nuraarlea ...... lb 1930. . V till. I'rrfrct rondltlon. f.ft.AO. 137 The Northern Irqjqpd govern­ His first years as a diplo^t were mans call the "encirclement” policy: . (institution which has lasted 190 BY V. T. HAMUN Fonaral Ulractor* ...... la API'UANCK.'^— RADIO 4» Molotoff. one of the Inner circle of H e lp ! Haaiing—PI Uhl bln g—Hoofing .. lirnry SfrrH MACHINERY AND ment. on the other hand, had asked devoted to breaking down thV "cor-, Sir Nevile on the other band, it years and still stands as one Of the ALLEY OOP Inauranca ...... ib Soviet leadership, has been chosen was felt in diplomatic quarters,' . great documents ot all time. With NEW EI.El-miC WASHFJi T all T O tH J i 52 that conacriptlon should apply to tt. don sanltatre" of non-recogmUon ftllllmary >-UreaBh>B|tinB ...... ly white, with pump, 9 lb sire- as low "It Is apparent that In applica­ to conclude the deal. Lltvlnoff was which capitalist powers erected throughout has favored an under­ equal brIUlanca, Madison fought tH AOIXS J think Moving—Trucking —tMorag* .. tv not In the Inner circle. standing with Germany. SDMETHINa F B L L O ^ Public HAaftangar baiyica .. . .kU-A as $49.95 • Maytag, Westinghouse, USEt) FARMALL»S. Eordeons, Mc­ tion of the act of Northern Ireland,"* around the Bolshevist state. One by for its adoption and wtok. So tha Newspa|wrs Not Helpful V It also was believed here that ^ OFFA THAT u rn * PAlBtlng— Pabanng ...... n Hotpolnt, Whirlpool. New 1939 6 Cormicks. new ana ua^ plows, Chamberlain said, "there would be one, however, diplomatic recogni­ Conatitutioa rematoa Maditon's Profaaalunal 8arv.icaa ...... ir Soviet newspapers were not help- mier Mussolini was pressing the euble foot National Advertised Re Oliver spreaders. Complete stork .special difficulties which did not tion was tendered, culminating in graatast monumant flapairing ...... s HERALD frlgerator .3 year guarantee arise In this part of . the United fill. They devoted a few lines to United States recognition In 1933 Pol^ to be "reasonable.” Madison, fourth President, to Tailoring —Uyaing—Oeatiing .,. . Fordson parts on hand nt all times announcement of 'Lltvlnoff's dis­ Tollat Good* and Sarvica ...... $129.9.3 — Westinghouse, General Dublin Tractor Company, ProM- Kingdom." when Lltvlnoff went to. Washington at the same time there were shown above on a U. S. stamp of placement but printed much more "W hy ask ME? You know I haven’t the falnteat eenea of Wanted —Buainraa Sarvtca ... FUeelrle, Hotpolnt, Crosley. Stew­ dence Rd., WUllmantlc. Chamberlain, emphasixing that for conversations with President ha was using his Influ­ the issue of 1894, $3 sspphire blue, A kldurailoNMl art Warner. Aa low as $l.tKI week­ Northern Ireland was a part of the about the recent May day celebra­ Roosevelt. ence equally to the direction of ilrg- „ aolnrasd. diraetiOB.” Coursaa and Ciaaaaa ...... If ly. Tuckel’s. 1083 Main—Martforu United Kingdom, announced that -In tions and other Internal tMues. In 1922 Lltvlnoff shook other Ing Hltle\not to do anything that (Oterrleht. m e. NBA gervtea Iaa$. Frivata tnatruciiona ...... u ODD JOBS Phone 7-31.36. The appointment of Molotoff waa European powers when he conclud­ might lead To a world conflIcL Oanetng ...... la-B'A recognition of Its patrlotlsni it had WANTED—TO BUY 58 front-paged by Moscow morning ed at Rapallo an' agreement of close There wert^no indications here, Mualcal —Dramatic' ...... been decldei^ "In addition to exist­ BY PONTAINB PQX Wanted —Inal ruction* ■MOVING? ["LE AN IN G ? Save your ing volunteer units there, to consti­ new'spapera, ,i without comment, cooperation with Germany, then a however, that the Rome-Berlln axis TOONERVILLE FOLKS FUEL AND. FEED 49-A social democratic republic. DIRECTORY saleable junk and sell lot cash to tute the Northepi Ireland force on while a four-line Item on back pflges was un dergoing^ strain. Bond*—block*— Mortgugtf ... 11 reported Lltvlnoff had asked to be A t first an outspoken critic of the FOR SALE -.ONE HALF cord 4 tl. Wm. Ostrinskv, 182 BIssell street'. a supplementary reserve basis." On the contraryMhe visit of Col.- Bualncas Opoortunui*^* 12 relieved of the post. League of Nations, he led the Soviet Gen. Walther v o ^ Brauchltach, Money to Loan ... II wood sawed stove length, and under Tel. 5879. He said Vlscoimt Cralgavon, T h e D w a r f a n d h i s M o p e u A i r p l a n e A grntls listing bf local prapio •cover. $4.50;' 1-4 cord $2.50. One Northern Ireland's prime minister, The radio announcement said hc< Into that body to 1934 after the rise chief of staff pf the Army, to Italy Help a»d Bltaptlnsa ■... of Adolf Hitler In Germany. Halp Wanted —Tamale . .m .. .. • ib for odd Jobs during the current half ton Koppers Coke $6.00— 1-4 "had left the foregoing decision to had been "released- from bis duties and Libya was b e llie d to be at his owm request"—the same Thereafter he used the League to f Ralp Wanted—klala ...... 3ti ('■•■Hmip enmpaign. I^'gcnds for $3.18. Phone 4406. L; T. Wood APARTMENTS, FLATS. the United Kingdom government strengthening the axlA, military 6 flalaaman Wanted ...... Iti-A words used last September In an­ advance his Ideals of collective bonds even to the extent of his be­ Co. ■ ...... r " " T E N E M E N T S 6.t which had decided that differences Help Warned —Mdi* or Frrri.ila »• ,\u. I, Intin uprU; ,\o. 2, garden nouncing the departure of Nikolai security against "Fascist aggres­ coming acquainted with the sort of . .»<•A which mu-sf arise If the bill were BY MERRILL BLOS8ER Agenla Wabteo ...... iviirk; No. .3. r«*lhir work; No. 4, Yezhoff from his post of commissar sions.” He was particularly active In fill uatlon* . Want fed —Femalt .. . . 9 * applied to Northern Ireland should territory German troops might have Troabled W ith Insonnia? FOft RENT — 6 ROOM duplex, the long diplomatic struggle to Im­ FREdiiiES AND HIS FRIENDS ftltuatlona Wanted —Male . . - house work and denning. not .distract or Impair the efficiency of Internal affairs. to fight on In case they were neces­ ( b employment Aeencie* 4 J steam heat, garage^ near center. pose economic penalties against of the country at this time." f.Tezhoff, whose post included su­ sary to help Husaollnl to Africa. Available Immediately. Tel. 5409. Italy to the Ethiopian war, during Mea *l»*ra— I'ela— r€*oliry—• Aekiclr* No Indication Oa Speech pervision of the political police, waa ' German officlala remained tight- T H A r A LL K Doga— Birda—Feia ...... w , .. . . . 4i National after 4:30. " removed Dec. 8, but retained as the civil war In 3paln,, an< In the *SFflBO cxnoN^A^ AOOS U F % Llva StockV ehicle* ...... 4/ The list. British officials professed to have lipped regATtiing the terms Of Hit­ TiUN«Fm •njoaKT A 9NWUL. FOR RBWT—4 ROOM tenement, commls.urpne» ...... ' 4* no Indication yet of the nature of without the representation of Rus­ moito w oicm aM HteM. Wanted— Pe-a— Pf>ui'iy—Stock 44 Elmer W Bunluk. second floor, garage, garden. F'orelgn Minister Ool. Joseph Beck's To foreign observers the elimina­ to Scandinavian and Baltic states. VMS AM ATiun Eoac- Hospitalization tion of Lltvlnoff waa more of a iwn- sia—a conditional ally o f Cxecho- __P «t Bair— Mlarrilnueou* 24 Klilrldge Street. Adults. Alfred Chagnot. 627 Center addre.ss to the Polish Parliament The major purpose, however, ap­ •46 c h a m f . w M v n J N * Artlciaa For bale ...... 4b ■ street. I satlon than the removal o f Tez- Slovakla—at Munich. peared to be that of assuring their FWteOM. pporaAU-, Boata and AecaaaurUt ...... Ab- Nos 1-3. 25c hour. tomorrow.- The official poaltlon waa \ hoff. - ' He married an EngUshmaa, Ivy complete neutrality to event of a scMt,, npRsn** A»a> Bafldmg Maiariaia...... 4t Plan FOR RENT—FIVE R'iOM F L A l. that Britain was refraining from HONOA STU0as4T. * ■ • Many believed a vital . turn in Low, dsuighter .of S ir Sydney Low, Diamond*—Waichea—Jewelry .. 4« Wllljsim Shea. In case ot arrldenl or slrkneea, "one word of unsolicited advice" to conflict between the great powers. a 62.3 ToIIami Turnpike, first floor, steam heat, garage. Ap­ Russia]^ policy had come. while he was a resident of 'London. • o n s 7 H ». Hn » A Blaetrieal Apptlancea— Had. pa.vs actual expenM-s not to ex­ Poland on how she should answer Such neutrality presumably wouI<4 SUR jAvauNlHROwaal Ftiai and Feed ...... ; .4k>A Nos 1-3. 30c hour. ceed: ply at 108 Ridge St. Many Ooajficturea. They have two children. extend even to assuring an undlmln- Oardan —Karin— Da'ry Producli" bu Germany's demand tor-Danaig and $ 8.00 per day lloMpiUilluitlon—- But What effect it would have waa Lltytooff made his last public ap­ iqhed flow of exports into Germany. Household Good* ...... p..-. M Mrs Finley, FXIR ’ R E N T —2, 3 and 4 ROOM a right-of-way across Pomorse (the not clear and there were nmny con- pearance os foreign affairs ^ebi^ Machinery and Toole 83 p.ldildge Street. In an.v licensed hospital apartments, furnished or untumlsh- Polish Corridor). With rix non-aggression treaties MuficaJ Inatrumeut* ...... jecturesl tain .Monday, when he stood with . No. 4. for a,limit of 40 da.vs (6r ed. Call Centennial 3737. Government sources, although ex­ offered by A^U HlUer to Scandi­ Offtca SQd Store tCguiproent .... e« an.v one dlsablllly.' (The 'change In supervision of other leaders on top o f Lenin's tomb -/V •poctala ai tba Storea ...... tv pecting a conciliatory address, said navian and ^ U c countries as a Franklyn While,* • 6.00 per da.v fur Uraduato- Soviet forel^ affairs came at a to review a giant Hay day demon­ wedge aimed at treaking "encircle­ Woarlng APParal— Fura ...... t. that despite British obUgstlons U> crucial time in Ehiropean diplomacy. stration. Wasted—to Buy ...... 73 (.3iurrh. Street, ; Registered Nurse w hile at BUSINESS LOCATIOnV ..^ ^hd ' Poland resist any threat of her ment” to that direction. Von Rlb­ 1 hom e for a limit of 40 Only yesterday authoritative Beem »—Board— Molele-ir ft ra»r«> No. 1. ,30c hour. independence, Bec)c was considered bentrop and Count Clano were ex­ Meataaraal* da.vs for any one dlsaM I- FOR RENT sources In London had said Litvln- RIDICULE POWERS. "quite capable" of handling the dis­ pected to examine the rest of the Booma tiVTUtout Board , bb Weslev Vanedur, lly. off would meet the foreign mlnlstere BerUn, May 4.— (A P ) —The Ger­ French-British "imaginary clrcis." BMrdara Wanted ~T7;... • Alt'. ,3.3 Wells Street. $18.00 for 0|>crallng Rim m , FOR R E N T—20-30 Birch street, pute with Germany. of Britain and France at Geneva man evening press today made the ^ u u try liuard—Haaorta Store, suitable for any type ot NenL-pirllament^ry "criticism et BY JOHN C. TERRY No. 1. 4JJc hour. .Anaesthetic, .X -R ay and May 15 to break the deadlock In westeth powrers the butt of their Flraworka CMUnf Up Botala— Keatauranta ...... buslneas. Inquire A. Baressa.. Prime Minister Chamberlain for de­ NO RLXB8 TO PLAQUE WgBtad— Ropraa— Board I-ah oraiory Fees. negotiations for a trtole alliance. jokes over the resignation ot Sovist (Also light tnicking) lay In Brttlsh-Ruaalan security ne­ THESE COLLEGE QIig,S Uciil Ablate Fur Heat COST (.All Occupatluna) (Previously the British cabinet Foreign CMmmlssar Maxim Lit- " I MAY S> A BIT LATl • gotiations to supplement the Brit­ waa reported to have rejected the vinoff. ___ dparUcanis. Flat*. J'eoementa .. ' , Richard Garrison, ' Nptnl- TaUahaasee, Fla, — ( A p j '— The Buaioaa Location* (or Kent ••• 129 Center Stre. t. Annuall.v A n noally ish pledge to Poland waa foreseen. latest Soviet proposale for Brltlah- " A t the very moment that the The Dwarf is oryinb out. House* For Hoot ...... Florida State College for Women is No. 1-3. Indliiduals ... .$10.00 $8.S0 ' some members of Parliament, Prench-Russlan guarantees against Dritbns were looking expectantly ^burftan For Rent W ife (Insured favoring a close Brltlafa-French aUt- for all nations In the toto ithe pot to which their alliance picking out Its 50 "best cRixens" to A SHIRT WAIST Bummer lioinc* Put Rant • » s «A.* the senior class and giving the girls M. E Capwell. with hiishand) . S.06 4.10 AUCTIONSAT.. M A T 6, 10(80 A. M. ance with Russia, expressed fears Baltio and Black Sea areas— a plan! to boiling there was a big Waotad to Haot ...... «,jus. complete personal freedom—there Haal fc^ataie Aor Bala 358 Adams Street, A vailable to aeeeptaM e rtaka, that Moscow might turn her back broad plan following Lltvlnoff’s "col­ crash,” aaid Propaganda MliUiter ApartmetiV Uulldinv (or Sale ... No, 4, 35c hour. age 4 to 68. AT MRS. E. KRES7ER’S completety on the western powers lective security" Ideas. Paul Joseph Goebbels’ newspaper, will be no campus rules (or Uiem. Busi(i*>AA Hrooeriy tor S a te ...... N o M edledI Exam laaH ea Canton, Conn. now that her broad collective (Instead, the British cabinet wras Der Angrtff. A committee of students and fac- Farm* and Laps tor *Sa^a ...... Mrs. H. Schwarra, R e q u i r e d . A t o «r weekly auetlon held every cuiity propoaals have been virtually reported to have proposed that "gat Comrade Foreign Commis­ UlDf le making the selections with HopavK (or Sale scholastic rating, health and campus 427 Center Street, Plaaa (or Oroopa and I'amlltes. t4at«rdajr. we will offer a flne eol- rejected. i Ruasia "reinsure" the Britishr sar UtvlnoS-Flnckelsteto exploded Lota tor bale ...... record as guides. The consent of a Reaorr Property for Sale ...... No. 2. 36e hour. lectloa of Early Pattern Glaa^ Expect Temporary Bethsek French commitments to Poland and In Moscow. The news struck the C A L I. 6637 girl's parents or guardian la to be Suburban (o{ bale ... r. . Edgar K. Mohr. Dtahea, $ Antique Bureaus, Ti^ The possibility, Instead, that she Rumania. (British) Foreign Offic* like Ragl Klatate tor Lxchanga •••.. Mea, Chalra, Hedslde Stands, Sil­ might seek friendlier relations with (Polish political circles were re­ bomb." ...... obtained before she ia awarded Uie amad'<-n4rAl Lataia ...... 650 Middle -Turaplka East, T h e noble sirs to London, Paris. privilege...... No. 1. 25c hour. ver, Pletares,'Books, Stamps. Ete. Germany also was .considered seri­ ported from Warsaw to believe Lit- Aaetlna— Lesal ffpllcas Benjamin Cheney ______rainr-Xlovet-ll Wet I ously. In Russian clroles in Umdon vinoff's raplaoemcBt came aa a re- W anaw and Waahtogtoivare haviiig Dean OUyia Dorman, originator of J-egAi KuUcct vs...... ; ...... Johnson McKee, INBUBA.NCE OF AIX KINDS H. U WEU?H. Auottoneer the sSect oC UMHOBartsmbifil da siftt"af~a~iBW«flnnoe of views to' worriaa upon worries," said Nacta- the plan, sajra its purpose to to "give 236 Spruce Street, •si M ala Street Maneheater AaettoBeer’a Note: W e dtopoee present security negotlaflons high BoiriAt'otrUM over Litvtootra touaabe. i*Their prorriea ara not these students an opportunity to No. 1-3. 26c hour. (H onae 4k H ale B n lldtag) oihaadreds of Items every week. .minimised.' Nevertheless: most per- ideas the League ot Na- our worriaa. They are osclushrely prove themselves capable of scespt- OStoe O pen Tharadajr E veolaga BHac aartkla# yon sriah te m D. I sons expected the change to bring at tba worries oCdamboMlM and ot llng the-rsaponsibUitles which . ao- Reni The Herald Ad Mttmdi te the Molotoff. BoUbmrkuo.- teoBUMHU* ineraaasd frssilnwi **/ ^ ^