'iSUSEsrrrEEN WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1989 fltottfftfBter gwYtifaig H m to WEATHER S. Weslher Bareao Mrs. Chriatln* Olsnney Is chair­ and the committee will take part In Fred MorrMl, R. W. RuaseU, Dr. G. AVEBAOE DAILT craCTLATlON Ur and Mra F. Little, of Fern thki phaaa of tha campaign, begin­ A.F. Lundberg, Thoma A. Burbank, street, kte spending a few daya at man of Ui* rummage sale which Uir month of April, IBW UBERTSw a a a a a w TOa v liaLEAVE a n v as Mr. iand Mra. Ubert wU’ leave for UP1VRNISSEEN ning tonighL Residents are urged Jennie B. Wind. Dr. R. R. Keeney. Ir and aaotewbat W arner to- ABOUT TOWN the Beokihan Tower hotel, In New members of the American l.«ginn auxiliary will conduct tomorrow a U>* coast about May is in companv to give tha boys all the help possi­ Jr., Leo J. Burke, Henry Madden. [gbt; Friday mostly cloody and York City. ble for their varied Scouting en­ weekly Blnffo needon luidfr from B:30 a. m. on In the etore In Also P, J. O. ComeU. Cbarlea B. 6,238 . 'w arm er. the Johnson block. TOO Main etrecL TOWN FOR COAST S 2. IN SCOUT DRIVE deavors. Chapman, Fred W. Wopdhuuae, Member pf the AadH itb * auiptrr* of the Tall Cedars held The V. F. W. > ^ k ly Bingo will automobile. Folibwtng Is the report of yceter- ki the Maaonir Temple will take be held as usual tonight at g o'clock Melxln O. Cox, Mtaa Dorothy Tpohy, Boreas of CliehlatteM MANCHESTER — A HTY OF VIU..\OF: CHARM A dance' will take place at the Mr. Ubert baa the boooi of bavmg day: Fred WohUebe, John L. Jenney, Ed­ place thU week Friday hixht. The at the V. F. W. home, Manchester, been a cltlxen of four oountrlea dur­ Tall Cedars relinquished their Green. local Country Club this Saturday Robert H. Smith, Hayden L. Oris, win A. Lydall, Charles M. Murphey, (ThVELYE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS evening , for members and their ing hla lifetime, ttaeae being Switzer­ wold. C. 8. Burr, A .' Lawrence Leon O. Holmes, Louis H. Marie, MANCHESTEK. CONN., THURSDAY. MAY 4, 1939 date week so that the ^ St VQlage Street Residentt, land, the land of hla birth; France. Campaign Had Been Lagging (Clasalfied Advertising on Page 10) Mary's Mother-Daughter-Father- Mrs. S. Slamond of Birch, street friends and all planning lo attend Rlker, Jr., Ella M. Stanley, Timothy R. Donnelly, Earl F. Miner, Edward VOL. LVllL, NO. 1S3 • held the ticket which drew the $5 are asked to make table reserva.- England and latterly, the United P. HolIorSn, Rev. Watson Wood.-uff, J. Murphy, H. F. Bldwell, Peter’s Boo banquet could he held in the States. The Uherts loti a aon. Jack Temple that night. ■^I'rlre recently ruffled off by the Bast tloije with Mrs. John Kramer at the Former World Trayelert, For Last Few Days— The Julius A. Rau,- W. Henry Weir, N. Chocolate Shop. Weldon Ding Co., I Side Athletic club. Bedrtc.k ch)b on or before Friday by calling Ubert by death in the World Waf Curtla, The SoutherglU Family, Horiarty. Brothers, Lbve}oy Candy Istrhughan of F'lre House No. 3 draw 3B1Z. Music for dancing will be and he is burled In a national bat- Mra. Cecil Treadwell, Harry Hilton, Shop, Center Lunch. Royalty I a io K s Over4J. SI Navy Members of the klanrhester Are Uaflahl cemetery In'France. department aupendaed the burning the ticket. furnished by the D'Baldo brothers To Lhre h Cafifomii. Contributors. EVERETT TANK ! of grass on Strong and Woodland orchestra and a large attendance la SEES WAR COMING MOLOTOFF REFUGES streets last night. There were elx There was a gathering of 3H0 at hoped for. firemen when the, burning wa.' start­ the meeting qf the Holy Nsme So­ Mr. and Mra. -Jacob Ubart of t SWEDISH LODGES FLAM The army of Boy Scouts and SAILORS RENEW ed but this was lnrt.-(u>ed to I.*! be- ciety of St'. Jaipes's church held In Junior glrle of the American Le­ Village atreet are planning to moVe committeemen were greatly heart­ Special Sales 1938 Models fbw the work was finished. the school hall last night. gion Auxiliary will hold a re- ened last night .when the day’s re­ hear*al of the play for poppy day to Lna Angeles, California. In the BIG OUTING IN JUNE port IndlcaCM that the current General Electric Refrigerators WHEN NATIONS A l l tonight at the State Armory be­ near future to take up their rral- drive, which had been lagging for PICKETING JOB LITVINOFF; CRUCIAL ] __ tween 8:30 and-7:30. dence with their aba and daughter, days,, began to pick up speed. 3— B5'38 Deluxe, Formerly $186.9.5. Now .$159.93 THURSDAY AT PINEHUR8T . Mr. and: Mra. Frank Ubert of Los Event To Take Place At Lie- The drive will be speeded' up for 5—JB7-38, Formerly $209.93. N o w ___ ^.........$179.95 Offleera and a number of the ^nehar^t tl%h »hl|»mrnt, frr^h from Boiitoa T\*h Ptor* wffi Angeles. ^ dertafel Park On Saturday, the remaining three days of the 1—JB6-.38, Formerly $187.95. Now .......... $174.95 membere of Manrheeter Aasembiy drive, today, through Friday when COMPLETE ARMING Led By A Member Of bopoiit titiw a . • BonrlcM. Aklnl^wi. Flllrtii of June 24. 1—G. E. Vacuum Cleaner, Formerly $59.50. Now $57.30 No. 15, Order of Rainbow, plan to The Army and Navy club, of which a houae fo house canvass- will be ______ ------ =------------ attend the grand aaaemhiy at the 1—G. E. Vacuum CleanYf, Formerly $19.95. Now $27.50 LOPMENTS NEAR Mr. Ubart la anhonory member, will made for dopstlona. The Scouts GEKUINE GRAY SOLE lb. 35c Masonic Tenvpia, Whitney avenue. The local Swedtah lodges will hold 1—G. E. Vacuum Cleaner, Formerly $27.50. Now $22..50 „ ‘ n J n L ' TtIMID OFFESDEBS fXIME Family In Gas Ma$kJ^ Of­ tender the cou'ph a party In connsc- Sponsor Of Record-Break-11 back after fire drhli. .New Haven, Saturday. Worthy tlnn with the club's "LAdlea Night" a Hldsummer’a Day Celebration 4— E. Ranges, Calrod Units, For. $119.95,’ Notf'|^^30 ' m AKKN F.ARI.Y START steak Cod. Po'tlork. Whole Haddock. Extra Fancy Fillets Advisor Mrs. Wallace Robb plana banquet next Saturday night. U will Saturday, June 24th, at the Lleder- fice Of Agent, A ON rHRINTM.VH Bl'IiTNai| StaliD’s Right Hand Mai l i to attend and one or two of the tafel Park, Bast Hartford. All the Belmont, Maee., May 4— (API of Haddock. Salmon and Nice White Halibut. be In honor of their 44th wedding Service and Qualltv —PupUa being punished for other members of the advisory Brother and IBIater Lodges through­ bg NoTil Appropriation j PRBO URGES I Clams. Scallops. Mackerel. Ih. 17c iKjard: anniversary and also the birthdays UMBRELLAS REPAIRED breaches of discipline labored Strike Breaker, Qo Shrewsbury. N J., May 4.— of two of their sons. > out the state of Connecticut are to Alae New Coven. after hours , In the Jtinior high (A P I —Borough, council bellevea Charge Of Soviet Forcifi ha Invited. Plans are now Under­ The, Board of Administration will A WorM Traveler Makes Statement As De- i school' building yesterday. In doing Its Chrlstniaa shopping way adtb Rudolph Carlson aa chair­ T h d ^H A U CORK CW PASS^ early. , Meat Deparftnent Suggestions meet this evening at the Emanuel , Mr. and Mrs. Ubert came to Man­ L. P A L U Z Z l Suddenly school authorities Alfaira; Sorpriied Emhu^ chester In 1B32 from Glastonbury. man of the general committee. 48 BlaaHI Rt,, Tqxra .MAHCHISTia CONH- Everett. Mass.. May 4.—^^APl — Coimcllmrn )resterday approv- ' Calve*’ Liver rnmes In three grailits . we sell and realnre only Lutheran church, and the Dorraa decided to test the Are alarm ■\! Mr. Ubert was for many years a This celebration liT’^-baaed on the bate Opens .In House. aystem. Obediently the offenders Strikers were permitted ,tb resume ed the purchase of a 28-fopt flr ' awlety will meet at 8 o’clock for Swedish custom of making an Im­ K the finest grade of fresh OENI'INR CAI.VBM'.JJVr.R . priced Imslneaa and to prepare programs courier and steward on many large Bled out. “ peaceful" picketing at^ the Colo- ITARY LAWi . which will be placed at the bor- j $ie$ And Lega^ons Wilt ocean liners and during hla many portant occasion of Midsummer, In ' oiigh'a busiest Intersection and at I j pound for Site—It represent* a good valoet for the Mother and Daughter ban­ A few of the more timid ones I nial Beacon tanker docks today aa quet, May 12. years In thst.service vIMted nearly the home country. The general Weahington, May 4 — <AP) j serve an a commiinlty Christmas . We have a tender Beet l.lvrr a t ........................................ Ih. Jfie committee will hold a meeting Sun­ came back. 1 Mayor Frank E. Ijcwla announced tree daya hence. every pert In the world. Aa a young . House debate on the record-break­ 1 235 I Apart On hter^r^tioii Good Cut* of Plnehurnl Quality Corned Reef. The spring meeting of the Tol­ man Mr. Ubert was In TNinls for day afternoon at 3 o’clock at Or- cloalng of an employment agency |E$timates Conscription Will .«■ , - ----------- a Tender Rib Veal Chop*, lb. She. I.oln Chop*, tile lb.
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