YOUTH ARTS AUDIT: WEST CHESHIRE AND CHESTER: INCLUDING DISTRICTS OF CHESTER, ELLESMERE PORT AND NESTON AND VALE ROYAL 2008 This project is part of a wider pan Cheshire audit of youth arts supported by Arts Council England-North West and Cheshire County Council Angela Chappell; Strategic Development Officer (Arts & Young People) Chester Performs; 55-57 Watergate Row South, Chester, CH1 2LE Email:
[email protected] Tel: 01244 409113 Fax: 01244 401697 Website: 1 YOUTH ARTS AUDIT: WEST CHESHIRE AND CHESTER JANUARY-SUMMER 2008 CONTENTS PAGES 1 - 2. FOREWORD PAGES 3 – 4. WEST CHESHIRE AND CHESTER PAGES 3 - 18. CHESTER PAGES 19 – 33. ELLESMERE PORT & NESTON PAGES 34 – 55. VALE ROYAL INTRODUCTION 2 This document details Youth arts activity and organisations in West Cheshire and Chester is presented in this document on a district-by-district basis. This project is part of a wider pan Cheshire audit of youth arts including; a separate document also for East Cheshire, a sub-regional and county wide audit in Cheshire as well as a report analysis recommendations for youth arts for the future. This also precedes the new structure of Cheshire’s two county unitary authorities following LGR into East and West Cheshire and Chester, which will come into being in April 2009 An audit of this kind will never be fully accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date. Some data will be out-of-date or incorrect as soon as it’s printed or written, and we apologise for any errors or omissions. The youth arts audit aims to produce a snapshot of the activity that takes place in West Cheshire provided by the many arts, culture and youth organisations based in the county in the spring and summer of 2008– we hope it is a fair and balanced picture, giving a reasonable impression of the scale and scope of youth arts activities, organisations and opportunities – but it is not entirely exhaustive and does not claim to be.