GRAHAM EnUrtd at the Boat Offiea at Oraham, Ttxaa, aa Se«

VOL. X V II. GRA.HAM, TEXAS. WEDNEIpJAY, MARCH 15, 1893. fwm CAS 7ti«r&l Court. OcoB# £r$ok Baui. Bouth Btnd Ifstts. Sridffts AfBla. C$f« Crnk Ztrau. The Leader. The Spring term of the U. 8. cir­ Sickness seems be on the increase Hurrah, Mr. Editor, it is rainingl. If all reports be true the bridge Health good. PVBUSUKD WSJCKLY BT cuit and district oourti fur the ura- in this community; a dosen or more We need it, hence we are glail Oats question is already awakening quite M’e had a fine shower this even­ a fS tl. ham division of the northern dis­ cases now. Home on the mend are sown and this rain will caa*e a warm spirit of competition be­ ing, but it did not come Wore it [.iUaird J. W- G R A V E S . trict of Texas, opened Monday while others havs just been taken them to come up. Most folks are tween citixens of different sections was needed. kfy. rfff.f Of tvncKinioii. tnoroiiig. Judge Jno B. Rector sick. ready to plant corn, but none plan­ of the country and some very wild Wheat and oats look fine. Ob. copy, on. y«tr, .is inoath*. T6 presiding, Clerk Finks, of Waoo, George W'est died at Ben. E. ted yet as far as we know. talk has been indulged. There are several planting corsr MDIfe/ilSIMe H»TE$. , j district attorney Marshal, of Dallas, Burgess’ night before last and was ' Our school, after a short suspen­ Now these bridges cannot be built 8. D. Davit ia*laking in quits a On. Ueh, flnt inMrtion, * • - $1.00 and Col. P. B. Hunt U. 8. Marshal buried yesterday evening at Goose sion, resumed last Monday morn­ just to suit the convenience of say lot of new ground; he is also having Bach tMlMW|a«U inMition, - • 60 A PMMonsble rtduriion mad. to regular were present. Neck Cemetery. Miss Sus McJil- ing. The measles have about sub­ one particular section, but the court some rock fence bqilt for a hog pas­ advartiMT*. Tmto* ^tmislMd on np^lrMi“• dockeU sounded. Nearly school it dismissed until she gets sick with measles now and he is get­ faction must^ocate them where they One of W. J. Nixon’s fine Ara­ ibrnal raduotiun madi'to tegular adTMtlMTv everything was continued and the well. Mrs. Fore is improving. ting along nicely* A about 25 ur will do the most good to the most bian mares died a few days ago. Exchangfi at Reatonabla Rates.' Notes Diecoanted at a term promises to be a very short Miss Martha Fore came down from *30 have had measles. people. Y . E. Curtis caught a wolf and a M. W. ^ N. W. Low Rate of Intereet. - /. i and unimportant one. Wichita Falls last night. We saw Dr. LeGrand. Sr., pass This the court will do regardless deer iiu a~iteel trap the same day, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE. and it wasn’t much of a day for Y.t. I ^natharfnrd 11:00 a. n» The Federal court is now engng- Ed. Parsons, M.'Meaders and yesterday, and we are (old that he of the kicks and growls of psrlicu- .^'.''UrliTa sreiii.rnl W.ll. p m ' ed in the trial of the case of the several others of the Duff Prairie went to see Mra. Wila Copalaoetween Rising Star ar.d Oisco a^ the Goose Neck crossing first, at Mr. Copeland’s gnd tripped the men to attend to these questions R. F. Aaaaui, PnehtoiL B. B. JarvsaT, l*t Vt«a Pnstd«aL J R !f.>aa<«.im-(in( John Uillfoil goes to Koniu to uften, alUi' im vd in the case but has since died. Bend. Ws want the bridge at the some church members were present. by falling out and scrambling over ______A. n McKAY, Snpt. Judge Tlioiiias of Buird and R. F . Goosa Neek ereeaing. A petition Saturday night, March 4ili, also a these bridges, but let them settle And why Lee Davis likes to go to Ik tiddiiui la M luL Clturoli Dtrwotory. Arnidd of this place are defending h«s been cirenUted on this side' of dance at Mr. Jim Keller’s. This the matter as they sec fit. Huffstuitle to well. VathodUt rhurch—Praachiog r\m rj Hun- Head. the river the psst few dsys and ev­ was to help celebrate Cleveland''s We have preaching twice a month day auiming snd mraaingt ^ .v * r maMiog Mr. R. G. Bennett of Seymour, No. 4418, Graham, Texas. ery man in the precinct except two inauguration as President, we sup­ at Gage Creek and singing every Vjry Tbursuay arsnlng, T. a . buiitb, IW There sre a guodly crowd of Urs- was in Graham Uiis week attending tor. signed it. Right here, M r. Editor, pose. other Sunday everiing. Some of .. - - ^lOO.OCX^ Bapittt Cburoh—Praacblng 1» and Indirb iriuiles attending the V’emon dis­ Federal court. He naid Tux Lea^ 1 (aka the liberty to say that we South Bend has (wo new citixens; the Komo claas will be over Sunday Qimday. In Mrh laoatb, inotbing and nTwtingi trict court this week. John Taylor, DER a pleasant call on Monday, STJR/:PX.TJ6:3, - S.OOO mrar mwttag avwy Tuaaday eTjning. U. are justly entitled to one of the A boy at Mr. Will Burgess', and to sing with us. W. Black. Paalor. John H. Wood, Jas, M,' Wood, He says T he Leader is always a bridgoa. Goose Neck crosring is a girl at Tult Garrett’s. Dan Ilestelow of Caddo has been Pratbyt^aa Church—PiMcbifig lU, Ind Bent. Kramer, J. T. Horton, G. A. w 'll. me visitor at his house. D irectors .—R. F. Arnold, V. F. Oorrissen, J. C. Loving, J. B. and Srd Hunday. in each month.moniing and just four miles from Graham snd Thursday the 9lh we rather ex­ among u* f«r severKT^ys but has trvmiingt pniyM iMKlng mrary Wadowday Graham, F. \V. Oirand, D. C. ratorned home. ^ on a first class road running due pects wedding, but for fear of be Tlte time is diasring very near for Norris, E*. P, Davis, E. B. Norman, S. R. Jsffary. pt anias. R. M. BniUb, PaMur. Brooks, J, J. Putman and W, I. Coi'tix J ulia . Bar. E. V. BuUac wiU briaatUa pwarb south from Graham to the south ing fooled we will not say who. the coniiiiiMitoners court of the •n tha 4th rtabbalh In ntch .nonlh at Iba Gilmore were all attached as wit- March 9, 1893. line of Young county and to tlie N. But we heard of a youi.g man com­ county to receive bids on the pro- Prr>hytarlaB < hurrh la Drabam. neases in a score of Cuscs against a Acoouats (M bonk*. f«nk«n, aierrhaaU. stork m*a, ibrm*t«, awrhanle* asd oibor da« . Cbrutian Church—Praachlag arery Soa^ ing to the Bend .last Saturday night 'posed iron bridges across the Hrai- I). M. Hmvtml.of Mineral man named Harrington' charged E. corner of Hlephers and N. W. solirtad. W* gi*« panonsl and spacial att«aUoo to our eoU*di*a d*|>artaNat, sad rsoa « day morning and arenlagi nrayar anaaiing with the ' intentiuo of carrying off os, aiir. with cow theft. Noue of the wit- corner of PaU-' Pinto, thus accom­ Wells, keeps the largoritand i i. E|>l.ruliaf Church Praachlag Srd Himday one of our hHudHonsest girls. Two there have been only two compa-. neasea know anything whatever modating the traveling public Irom liest selected stock of Dry ,* la' aach moalh. Ha*. Fraacit Uouro Ractur. want her and to the successful one nirs in the field so far. about it and some of them say they both of these counties alike. This Goods and Groceries in that we offer our ooogratulatiuns. A Yet there.w'ill probably be others XCIUM6E B0U6HJ AMD SOLO OS A ll SSlMCISH POIMTS.. iocums. will swear that, so far as they know, crossing is very near the direct certain old baobvior looks kinder on hand befnp» the bi'l* - Waj- to\^. He solicits Isjlli ihc .v s o t t i o . there never was a man named liar- route from Ming Bend and the coun _____ A YOUNO Yol OUXTY UiUOB try below (.tnnHe'Nsete^'Bfid a direct tbnwdrai?, and Ve hear Uiai another would like to see sharp coui|:eti- wholcMile and retail tnitlc D. R. AKIN, rmid«al. B. 8. DOTY, Tto* rr**Mt*nl. Both of us S k ^ * TVs amruTa mar^r riHJTBR tn ezTiTehce. F. W. Gt- young man comes horns with tears tioQ on these jobs to insure to the Give him a call when you / V \ u f ur bafurt tba Rdl bmmni ot aacb rand and W. 1. Gilmore sent Ufs ex­ route fur all the Duff Prairie coun­ mnntb. J. W. Asia, W. M. try, throwing at least three-fourths in bis eyca. c runty the vary lowest terms cnr> hnpi)cn to be at the Wells. W. M. biarrwawa, cuses'; tbe'rcst all left Saturday fur of the people on this side of the Mr. and Mra. Irvin snd little son sistent with good wurkniiin*hip. Vernon. Judge William liiidsay^ the new H olltitnp Ivcrdtf* No. OOO river on this route without any in­ EJdie are expected bone to-day, ill the meantime it would by wail It is a shamelodragcilisens from senator from Kentucky, is a man Sucowstworw to D. R. Alctn A F. A A. M., nmaU on fbc irat Raturday convenience. Gtoae Neck is the from Minetsi Walls, where Mrs. fur (he coininisiioncrs to inform nizht k> aacb ojunth. their hurnen m this manner when full of .resources. On one occaniun W. B. POPK, W. M. half way place between the twu_cx* Irvin has been spending s few weeks themselves ab-iut the high water i Jt. >’• n.SDT, (Wly. they can be of no earliily benefit to he had a bad caao and was abusing raid up Capital, lacnnmaATxa.* Aotbortaad C .. tren>es,.Ming Bend and South Bend nursidg her sick son, the Rev. M mark* etc , so as to be able to see ;AU-*«aaV cither side of the egse. the oppoaito |>arty Li tbe suit round­ Ruaino* btrtcUy.) (wtvsa.) I or Boss settlemi nt and Eliasville. K. Irvin and family. that we get bridge* (hat wont wash ly. Fjnally he said something es­ r. Foa Hale : A good six-room res­ March lOth. A, J. Mrs. Ike Keller has gone to visit away. We carry a small selected and complete Mock of ft?, -a* • AOP.U'III UlIMiB. Na: set, maaU la pecially offensive, whvn tha party B n his ear said "1 will give you just No light fliuiMV affairs, but a Miss B. V. Goods is in Upper nothing for sale at cost, but ex{ make a living profit situated, reasonable lerma. Call on the Federal court. five minute* to retract ihat remark. I C . O F H 7 or atldnss. P. A. .Mabti .s . large site, heavy, massively csrveil Tonk, nursing her sister. Mr. Twi» MofiTTais EotMs'Sa. MOI. B>..t;ht. suite^ as followi: Bedstead 4 1-2 If you don't do it 1 will kill you.’’ at Il'innr, react, on tbr lit and trd Tua^lay OrAliam. Tex. Wic. Goods Jr. and Rev. M’lii. Ths OrBlum Scivool. on our goods. feet wide and 6 feet high, with fin­ “ Well,’’ said Jup H 1-2 feet (he last two week*. ing, “ what do I want five minutos R. J kcuoa, Itcporrer. stock of hardware and agricultural wide mid 20 inches deep, with bevel J. M. NqBrayer went to Gocae fur? 1 will take it back right now.’’ fdategla-a 2 feet wide. Wash stand, •Neck, .Halorday, 4th. to (Burterly Since the time expired for the .. - - « .K.- O F F . implements in the old red store. Iransfera to (he echo »l there is plen­ l.•■*l t. C'u‘ i:th'..n b:>d * night. Vuilli** Kntd'U in- brakes. have patent equaliser* which makes sire to attend, es. '*ili J t. Mlci- I them run eseily snd rmootlily; 16tli service on Hunday, that the Presid­ -iba New York bar Hta stroog oacd istered I*luinuaciht. is reaily at all time^ to wait on ciik- B. L. Moaaiaon. C. C. T i z k BuUli&ff. ing Elder ruuld'ent finish his ser­ p/Every teacher in the county and Is la 'tattinx tba Irvth oat of *14- century or antiqn>: polish finish, Dooaa*. The fnllnwing is a aampla of F_ A. Hc'ww. K K n I am prepared to build tanks on complete w ith ca-tcr*. . mon. M'hy will y;oung folks acts the school trustees should alirnd shoit uuttclici' and liberal terbi.. bta tj*ten of eroaa *xaiBiaaUoB: tomers, and we guarantee nccurary in filling jtro« ri|)fiy < 3- A . . liy a cwr-lua l s|>ot cash purenase so disrespectful? (he teachers institute at Tonk Val- Ars jrt>^T XO. SO. •«. A U., Nearly all' of Mr. McClu*key’s Ley next Saturday. Come out and Call and see its. Westlade Public Stpiare ■m -1. trM Raliirda* in aacb mnnlh. snd to the first pcrstin' buying one J«o. T cmsisnwau. Cum. Bridge ta» i,gelling gelling quite quite warm wa family are lick with “ U Gripim ’’ 1 V ’f ' j I will make a presi-nt of an English III puidic eddcation. (!•>. WaiuilT. Adlutant. There are klill a few men irtlit Ihethe giitiiiu- wash imiwI and pi'cli- (Ine of your currespondeiits waiile alok, and what w«ra tba etrcar.ataa- coUn'y who are O)(]>os«tl to any-1 rr and soap dish. Call and see fhr Nearly 300 pupljs have been en­ aa* that laduead jroa to bacosM oa«f 'I' ...... 1 . . A crowd of men and U qs w in to know why men that have failed —Tsxa* Mfllnf* CtR.\M \^^ ihiiig in (be way of public Improve-{ youraell. W. S. .Mc J imsey . rolled to date. ' When wt gel a new 'l>U»y three or four day* of la=l week at Other oilling* go into the minis­ bouse will enroll rtfarly 400 and A uient. Mossbackisiu will exist a*! , .. . * 7 ^ - 0 j try, For the same reason that MUIastaS remwOe—a ^viitg an old frame building from ,, , I I.,ellera from J. h. Barnum and employ eight teachers in jUie libra­ Ra—You are aUli aaslable S. X Jtratav, X b. «is a. ... . U Sam Cast si la to the corner south long as the world stands. | Jackie Higgins in Oregon, report men who drink, horse race, dance •uttful. Fr*«4aut; Vawl*m ian ; and play, teach school, for the mon­ ry department and three in the Ml** BIAerly—D^'t try to taffy he LtAOCa office where it now Go to V. k UoiriBoi’ii s for Base them well pleased with their new other departments. a I aevar wa* lovaly or amiable. ids and urnAments uur O'vuer Balls and Base Ball Bats. home and doing well. ey, and not for the elevation of the ! 1 wa* alwaya batealy aoff iptlrfat. Lo square. _ _ minds of (heir pupils ot pari«hion Zb U as JisU -tl. * He—Will ym allow me to *ay 1 1 { M m S’, L. J. Bower has so far racorered The court hou«e men say they you are rama.'habty wall araaervodf T G. ilR lf t r eia. Crecepts are alrighi, but ex lU'V. Burk llawEinagave ua a ssfiing*. For garden hoes, tubs, buckets. that be was able to come into town are going* to put the park fence in INCOKPORATED ISPI. ' ample is sure Iq be fidlowed. ,;«wi -<>riu>*u Sunday at 11 o'clock,;^ Hash boards, wash pans, slew pans. last week. a good state of repair but they want Bulk strainers, dish pans, cups, col- Now, Mr Editor, wish you would aiiU Urv. J. Burk* pn-achrd loth* the city cquncil to provide for its CA.X’ITA L STOCK SIO.OOO I k pot* and all sorts ul kitchen A very large line of .Millinery Veil our county “Sulons’’ that Houth Children in the rveiiing. fha chil- prutei:liyn hereafter. • Rirware, go w Foud Bbo-*. These GimhIs to arrive auon. All are iii- Bend wants one of those bridg- i, drrn gave him giM>i« attenlioii aiul > ata side lines run to accommodate ViU'd to examine them. Cape A. B. Gant wa* in att D'I- on the Graham and Breckenridgr- Were ii.ucU ptcaaed with In* *,tiiioii, Drugs, niemictiK Putent Motlieine-* Paints, Oils, Vaar- ^heir cvslumcrs. .Morrisoii , 8mES.T rhd tbr |>a*i Statvmerj'lTnd School Suii]*lies. .le’vclry. Artists’ Material, last week, Graham get Uicre to Mayor Slarrett, is attending the BoRlbk Rparia liiuoMwi n«Mi*«* all Bird. March 8. 1893 work. ^ ooFveieeiTS, bog ranch. Federal oonrt tliis week. Sidt or CslliMi**il Lump* and B1 *«iui Im* IVua* Miss Maggie Slarrett, ocir tracli*: ^jffisss oj- Etc. . Presrription work a specialty. * * IxMM, Bl'iod r-pa*im, Ourtw.Rplint*, Mir**- Guaranteed Cure. ey, visited the Mis*es Fisher lari y ■' ■ * 'H - ■ ' .""J- ! ! !HI! I)on't forget to call and make our V. F. Gorriesen has a line lot of ttrf, Hinir-Rom, MiAia, Xpraiiw, all l*wol)*a tv* autboriae our adrertisad dniR|thti tn s« (.endquarters while in Gra- Cniqilel Self. ThruoU, ('oaRlw, *tc, C**** $A0 by mm cl ■ell Dr. King** New Diacoerry 6>r Oonsump^ Saturday. m "le'ber you want to buy any- •me bo4tlr. Vt airaHtrd lb* mtol wuitdrrlVil tiun. Cough*. aiH) Cettd*, upon thi* niadiUnn. Mr. Clint Rulhsrfur^ was up in JfcustifM Smrtitan A new blacksmith shop, new jew­ or not. You 6TV always we!- Btamirh Cuiv evrr kno«m. Sold by Tb* R. If you .maflliriad artlb a Cough, Cold or any uur neighborhood last weak talhiig To ihe Front. elry store, new hardware store and e. Houm fur all. O. Ursbam lUna Oo. Lurg, Throat or Cbral troubt*. and will wa trianda and relative* good-bye, say-, S ^ 1 !W .V « . .Mo k r is o s , Ht b r e t a C o thi* mnady at diravVd. giriag H a Aur trial, Hraueiffie^SSl i an old building dragged across the ing he was to leave Sunday fur .MaW Now let Ihc alrert* lie worked aad NpanaiMW no brntdt. you awr ratum street, all in one week. How we Muxico. We regrat to see him e*s. R E. .Mabry, Erans S lf' and workctl well. We have plenty Iba hAllo and bar* yinur mtmoj rrTuadsd. FORD BROS., do growl laava, but don’t think ho will *lay and Freeland Short went off of road hand* to do it. o a could not BMkatbiluUi-r did** not know keck in the dsrcction of the A conipfete new stork ot Dry that I>r. King*! Xrw 'WoTrry ruuld b* ra- lung. 'A Mlssenukm . Keep constantly on hand a good supply of ihandle. It it understood that Good* to arrive this week. The Mc»s‘ French and Ol iu have re- lird oa. It narardhappoint* Trial buUlw | large.t ever ahown i . Ur.hain ' fn,n. New Jer*ev. Jrae at the R. <1, Ontbani Drug Cu'* drug The city council faili d to ui< e t ' *^tvy arc seeking a suitable location Uonds all selected with the greaient I ^ •lor*. Large •!■# AOr. and $1.00 yrslerday. Mr. Jairery* is ahsi-nt* n the two ydung men in the mer- Staple* Fancy Groeeries care, both in regard to style and J f \ Leader, bnainaas snr*, tiaiuton. Fee- Col. A. H. Croiiar ia still quite ly nine others and only six of these alga Minister*, M*rh*ni^ Preachers, There wa« quite en exodus of aolaad with aach boUla or tb* amuMiy rafun- West Side Square; QRAHAH, TEZAL I'be M. E. Sunday School is pre­ dad. Frio* only 60c. par b-dtl*. 8oid by sick but belter tliau be was a few are of general application. The Gralj^ii hogs'during Ih* pnst week. ■ss Cailssnt le all PrefSrtiewS sad paring fur an iutereating and exten- Tb* R. O. Ora bam Drug Co. days ago. average coat of I base m'easure* to Trades. The cbriiotaiioii hog law will ais>n WWW*— ^ siv« program of service on Euter toe people is $4,000 per bill so tar. PHY$ICIAN$ RtCOBMCND TNtB. dS|H>pulsle the C*i’ham'hSg range. Judge Jack Glaaguw of Seymour, A. C. Nickell and Joahna Steph­ Sunday. They are now working at the $2 W EAR & KEEr," ■•Brybody mu«t (Either sell out or' is attending the Federal court. ens of Bethel, called on the Leader Thar raanot b*bo^btat rour rwlJ*aa*. as per day rate and we do not expert th*T srs not Mirpliad to pril'dlaiiataay pma*. pp and feed their hogs. Rev^ T. R. Smith, pastor of ths vesterday. DEALER'^ IX- .Methodist church at Graham, ac- We hope the city connctl will much more (Vuro them. If Gov. Nnae bat tbe Ueaiiine. ■rklea's Arnica Naive. rn!pp**i(ii.‘d by his wife, hiive haen make nimpganients to drain the It is claimed ixr the Washington Hogg has any more special mes­ Tbaa* partbrt Ola**** ar* aecwrataly aaDuaUd I««T SaLVB in tb* uorki lor I uU) VI ilnig tills iveek st Mr. and Mrs. slough on this side of ’‘Crawford’s Post that President Cleveland is sages to give them we would r»- lo-all *T<* at I'lrar*, Sail, Hlianiu, F*>« V. F. UOBkiri8XM*8. I; N. Hicknisnlt. They returned Island" this spring. It is the not going to appoint any editors to oommend that be gently but firmly f f i u . ; : i lU iU V /LlillijJ kllNbia BrupUoT^and po*e *4"fy home this morning.—Jackslioro sotiijw of miasma as wall as mos­ public office. It thia ia true we will tell them to go home and report to be cut out of that Indian Agenry or their wivea in lime to do spring Bridgfi Bids Wantid. • «r na pay faguiiad. ll b guar-j Gssetts I quitoes. ForeignMissioo which we confident­ gardening. y CHtDRR «d tba OsaamWoiMri CooH I p»rfrr* aatlVki'tion, nr aiunay y . F. Oerriseon has just received IjU' Mis* Betti* Taylor is very ahly B of Yoong m«a«T,T*aa(,mhl Court will > S8 rant* par box. a full lint of fishing Tackle and fish • ly expected and which we feel that Fob S ale .—A thoroughbred lour nertra raalail bid* fcr tb* building af two /Tb* B.'0. Grabam Drug Co. TI filling the position of assistant P. ing poles. we deeerve. We have “ fit" fordsm* year uH Jersey Riill. Apply to bridgaa aero*a tb* Btaan* rivar in uiid eoun- M durii>g the absence of Mr. J. M. ocratio principle# for lol three many C. S RtrHABDa,■ , ty Raid bids to eestain _ is doing fearful wip-k The Federal court this term yuaw aiid bsw !■ tha husu uf i M niy Gnoso Neck Bend. RiII iNtiSK-ulan m rtgard to prkwa, BUIS SDPPUE!. in Yoong snd sdjoiiiiiig|^®®*^ draws a smaller crowd to Oraham it looka hard to us to saa freah oun* Moea. Porter afid Rrtd, attomeyi ta^asa aa^l *bu^u*t** ef ^rr*4tiaanabl$. The new mail schedule between than aver before in the ^ ioto^ of la b* npanad at 10 a’oinck a. vtrto like Gresham appointed to of tbe Dallas bar, are in attendance T*rm (» mid Osuft au M*nd*y, Mar^ IT, FtU’mer, Texas. botsn snd sll anlnsl*, Oraham and Mineral WeUs is giv­ of the court the alick joba while wa are left out upon toe Federal court, as are also ISS$. Tba Court rsatrva* tb* right tart^A ly Woohotd’i Hankary ing great sslisfartiun to the people any and aU bM*. WiU itU u tow u till LOWZrr. Oin V 1 SeM bpTbtX of this place. W« now get our mail V. F. Gornaeen has a fine lot of I «»•'*. oo*** Msea. Huff and Stephens, two prom­ N . J. TIMMONS, On Jndg* before sup|sr. Trot linM and Hooks. didn’t expect It of you, Orovar. inent members of tbe Vernon bar. Yutwg C e . Tatai ehailsnge Preoldeat rieveland’t stapeaSnus aelilsvsDisBts ae a people and onr I shoald be aptatlsdlfJI gsit a v lot i 1U9. Mr. Lamont be^me iaterante^ PORTLY BUTTONR. rouatrs's mta n in iio l powernp wage, paid to tsv*Mg|a I a•trvtodrot' tI f k M c nloouotiro f is r m to mm^ ruvsiamrirm wjtonilastbasdalra of men and wboaa gv'oa liale'a eduosUoa woa simply what a Some idea of lb i Interest twing lakes na« and tB’roy bsva always folkiwad iba I XTIiliSKt in rK rai t> niar ilit !■§• I W arn tha eeaaia clock iadioated 11 idQ. liro prat'BUtloii la*lnr a u n wwttb wwr prooabk QOuatry sohool afforded in whiob after­ in tbe campaign may be bad from tho }he VICO preeldeot-elact was ta- rmborrmoalBfif MlUftUotlalluoUoti asVrliBtod io tnU tub' AMarlanti peoblasbd 1 know ba will aottum PreaeMI rwainsasttrs Art la Nerve »«•■?•( f>rarvratni« Ik* AantiH* )on, Willie wtMwt*» If If OPB ^ loiBpot T# our oood froM us new If we buMbly and ravaranlly saak ward he waa tha teaebar. Ua ia 58 ■tatement of a manufacturer of candi­ BOiiBCrd and Mr, hfavaosoa. asoorted b U powerful aid. ^ «■! TOelr Terms ef Oflica ■ •ira l mm « haair* llaaaa. daiioo Md faltb la our uottoutU oirouftii uud dates' buttone, who says that he has al­ h r Senator M cPherson, toiok sa o h sir roBourora with Iba truak «iM»oroatoo ttiul ovau A t th a ooBclusion of hit remarks years old. He waa a lawyer of (Tor- IVKhoiit .nalcsiallaw. iboaawtu put |trrmlt uo td BDtat (h o nlvitienu aent Hsrrieoo and Ihe membera of his iBtOsaruics *>r ims Iob . and our fuUumant (lo.tofflce drpartuasDt in'order to as- torprlsa OB tha islaad. should ba unmor d by al iirlaji pbraiaa uad IdsDiial eiaotor, lieutenant govarnor. meana'a cost to the cnndidatosof some­ SB u(nan for iuca or m sfnritme. caOioct ealercd the chamber. Mr. UBrrxad by salAsh Intbraat*. T am ooufldrnt repretasiative la coogrew. apaaker of oeitam wnen nppaiatmenU would be thing morn than fSO.OtXi, nn the buttone is a ((uesiioo ahicb earn suoihsayrr sikcb BD apprt*urb to tbs aubj«r.t will iwsult Us mode sod were Informed tbat no ap­ T u b New York piBaomakrrs sceni orodaBi sBd rffa.tlrB rrmrdial laflslaUoii- tha house. United Statea senator aad by the wholesale cannot be bought for in'iFl sattlc if bks usra miod. fur ihs Iti tba iBBBBtlnia. far as tba asacutlra pointments would be made until Ibe less than five cents apiece. The profit to be rather high strung. lYieir dw harorsi wn.tiner of me dsy organ sb brunch of tba KOTaruwrnt cuii lutarvana. bob # BOW secretary ef the treaiury. commisftun of the pr-sent postmas­ to the raanafneturers fs about n cent a ipands for space at the world's fall h our D^'furu lb s ooaclufiua of I’rssi- of tbB mwers with which tt la laraatoa will ba wltbh^d wbab thalr **iart.’lna ts tiaamad Bcoaa esersiarr et lUe IkaTy. ters uxpirad. ths evpiration to date button. All of the buttons are madn wars not fully oompliad with, and dsai Harriton s icrcn of ofhia sod Bury to mslDUlB tha uutlooul credit or to uract four years from liin dale of appoint­ In St. frfiuis by ivsml engravem am* they are kicking like forte. rsgat (or sn hour after I'residsal flauBcJat dl^ualar. Hilary U. Hsrbcrt ia the mao who ('localy ralatail to an axsffgaratad oontklaBco ment, and not (ro)ii the date of con- cnam clera CtoTsiaod had beea' foduclod into of- loourouatiy’s in^autnaai. which taods to u Is to Im t the naval affairs of the dlRTBCsrd of tba ralaa of tba BUtlooui safety, Uailed htates in tha Clovetaod admio- ■irinatiun'. tnut persons nppotatud will Neither of the political conventlonk ^ A Mono the estates left by personr Uro. T n u t tn a H arrison- am ln is|ra- a»o(*er dsneareoofruoUAts But laws BarlouB. bo ret.;uired to give llielr whole time next month will be held In the Kxposi- who died in Vienna intestate, and iton neotObt^n s'lorss and snow sad ] reftr to the uravalanaa of tbs populsr dltoo- latration. He i* 59 yeara old. a law- yor by profossloa has aorrad alxtaoa lu the utnee. nod if they are in other tton Building. The parly managerk whoso heirs hsre not been found, it inc (.'levei-tbo tirm was usnsrsd in iltlon to axpcct from tba ooerailnii of iba gov araraant aaperlsl and diract liHtlyldual sdvsB- years in ooogrssa has oeea most of business when nppololad such busi- have made efforts to get it, but can­ one oonsisUng of an operd glass. wiib icy a inii uod lilael. I'ods'thess iswas. Ih s verdict of our voters wbtefi o4ns upnn Ula peopit's milieo oa naval affairs and for some tbey enter into other butinoss after ated in the larffcr of the two halls in scarf pin. York, ihri. a nominated fo^ prssid<*at sarvsiits Iba dair yf eip-wing sn ^siu-cattfully indurtea into that Harhort was bora at I.aureusvilla Ibis U tha liana of repnbllpai* institutions R 5 kf : M fiT a two lequiraments will hardly apply men in control of the building have realised ^00,(KK) from the Mile of hU ! high urtire for a secobo term with all snd ibe constant peril of uur govanunaatbv S, C . March 111, IbSI. his fumily re­ the paopte It dagrutea to tha purpi»«aa of ersft Ilea who was atllred in the robes of moving to In IHid. He to tbe small country olB.cda de ided that hereafter they will devoU works during the past twenty yearn, th e epiu-opriata ceremouirs and Ihs tha |slun ol rule our fathers rstaMtahad and be- his offlea to take tha oath preterlbed lives at Monigemtry, Ala the balls niul nsves cntlirly to their That ought to sonsole him a little hit Catherines of a- mighty multitude quaaibe«t to n« as an nh)aet of mir love snd vanermtlon. llparveris tha iMtriotic aanilraenl by the oontiitutioc. Chief Justice^ bwisirourt el legitimate us?. It'would be entirely (or his (ailara to break into the tla 1 toe aim-itpheric cuotiiiions of our eountr> loaB and taiBfds ibeM to tba ptii- l*aatMaaler Seitisrat Fuller aad ihs other pe^oat near tha i AV istii'itiToff. March 7— The fol- too lou.'h tnvnble, Sne. T i"r Tlm ..e»hlhi-— Academy of Science. sa y liiin g UilB Isv o ra b .a .tnstesd ’ of tlAI.TVK Q. tiHKiiHAM. Wilson bhannoo UitselL who eeaaM.DVr.mo7«d their hau uad with more important bills tors getting ready for the fall to rm be ng as Pad as they could possibly Harrison was Steortsd te ona of Mia undermliiea tha sail rellatua of our paopla ------...... bowed bead listened to too taking of Mr. CtcVsIAnd’iV law partoev at enscTed lulu l»ws by -sbo fifty:.second move Ihe rUtiorsU* displays anff de­ -Th e well-meaning but diasppotnted h a there wotiid pro’whiy nave been chairs to (roht of the clerk's dask, and is in be postm.ister geueral. ia a the oath, which pr«jmoDo.d b. oongiet**: 'i'be' car coiipinr bilL the vices which they sfo nlrcndy prepay Isabella society. Tsnnot repair thelt Oil m e a end a a u m o e r of ladiav Immedisialy hftei'Wsrd the presideat- great society mun sod a pereaniot e( tnsiriM Awrriesa and tieiURet tvvrv vn I Chief Ju s tic e Y ullor in a clear voioa, Ciiinesc excru.ion bi I. tbe national ing, and which .they would fear to Inability to get a bronse statue of the ‘”*''^'hiag in me uarsoa 1 he gov- e sci was anoDuacssd and Mr. Clqre- nobllns irsii ol Amrrlcsii ciiisrathlii. TTis ' fountain of humor. He was oorn ia irsannsol rsttrnslistn eusht In lie Ivsrard sod , "f- Ulevelaod osteotlng to It by bow- ((uiiruniioe biti. the Immigratton bill trust to the curiosity of the crowd In queen by consenting to take a gela-' "''’O''* tne gesal states, laoA rscoried by iteaalor Uaasom. Now I oadun fln eid a county. N. Y . il«» *>y the president r,.d. In m .n steunisrs to psaviun tbe « >rvi- Nome of fbe devicv a d ep-nding oW bring ridicule on failure. sod Msssscuusetts In the n orth i^n I His entrance into the ensmber was a spacialtv of ourporatloa law and Is ssuptsOt ol lbs pmplr Tks srrsptsiHW o( Ikli ’ as folio' -I do tolemaly swear vlvor* u( the lUnck lUwk and be... uulc rleclrl.-ity (or their effects, bave cost essii I'eonvyivama anu .Marylsmi greeted witn aoplsuse. 'Ihea Vice pilnoipls Iroils u is rsfos*] of Itis lio-juiirs smt I .w ... i considered one of the best railroad 1 subsidl.s witick beidvo lUs IsUw thrift of e i (olthfullgr . execute------the-- of- . . , iiidian wars tne intermediate pension the men who have prepared them to A EOW digtaaee telephone ______me muutltt a U o o r g t x l'pcn:ueai Mariug. ntii&lnLntrgd tha ♦ seriiMsWogf riiuoasin-sid lha ui.iuisiiv«t ns ■ tten ef p-aaidcHi of tho I nited S tsie i _lawers in tno oouatry. lianas oeeo isneoishloc snterprts s in w M rb iksv hsis no ’* - - - — -• ...... bui. tbe eight* hour tiuL bill for Hu a ttia c t ptwipla—lo-vb*tv ihcir cAhibit-'H Chicago and Boston is an absurjityj Nwl** ' ‘'“tn Ceeu laa ;m u I a iu s I- oath of oltlca to hia successor and ksd lo the best ol my ability preserva presidaot of threeiaflro'rd' comjiahtoi I roorsm . II Issds slei te Ihs cbsllsiiss of wild adjustment of oiniiat of men wbo thonaandk of dollars and a csralcm on lu face, so far a* tho poesibilities *“* *“ " Ikcunsia in yielded lo him the chair of tha pre- , sod reckless ponslon csposdituiss w nlrh o vsr- peolecl aod defend the coastitutioa of a a d IS BOW diroctor ol several corpor- bare wonted over time lo enable tbe touch might be extremely costly. of oonrersnUon are concenuMl. The **>• '•f'’ I'hrt'c pated la the na presiding oniuer. tlist tnaakiag tha ! loops Ihs hounds of o crsieful rscHiniaoa of Iba I'fiited .'staiesT” fh a B ibls used Btiona lional ci-remouies and thsraoy em- senators for eo rtesies shown him . potrkHleoecsIes ood pr.eUlulssla slcwsus usss president t*> eBl 0rce~Teolurocsl oinsl i'vatmaatcr Harlow ia now making Temacular of neither could be under­ I Ihs prompt sod isnvroMs Im pol-o to sld thoss in tha oeremooy was given to rresl- aerrrsarw s| Sgrirwllwre. nrrnnreaieoia ritb^'anndn. uenroti to phssireu tbs completo rrstoratios of during nis term of oYiua The ape dlsahisd is tlirif oouBtry's dsfvass' the plans to m n n cct th r m ain i-ssttofllt n stood at the apposite end of the line. deet t'levslsad by bis mother (orty- J. SWrliag Morloa of Arbor I,odge as'tnnal' Unity. Ina rcens htoag rial sessions of the Kifty-ihird array nurses, to increase tne pay of w ith tbe new C nlon depot, whlv^h Is to aine years agix By his special re<|uesl Otoe counT, Nebraska has th e 111.a o> msrcii was suen coagiess was then formally oooaed tne crews of fife saving sinlions tbe be opened to Irafllc this year, by paew A t C baklbs Hebbt P eabsot . an hm It was aightyaars ago put totbesama ai no city out Wsibingioa and no wuh prayer Oy t'nsmaia Butler. niunibtis. ligbtbousn ni.d fog signal inatl*. tubva Ho will rstald'sh a brands glishmaa. has written a book in i servi-m for whh'h it was used to-day. street Out Us well paved I'snosyivsnis Mr. .>tevensoa men rote and said: bllL ux amend tbe iBlnrstnta comme-ee atatiun at thr depot, and by Ihe pnen- which he claims to have proved that '1 ha jaremoay performed, tha Hoe ol av.nui ooiiid pi ounce. I'he puolie sens .ws l>wp:| iMpST-erd wlik s ssass e( Inw *o OS to meet tbe (iresBam ana matle service make It potsible fur a bo- the great races of the world are los­ the procession i|uioEly formed aod way SB J, i.nvaie vtanus erected along the !(• fk •|•UU»|M1|1U'• Its illanlt) , 1 BOW fBWf < oouaeiman uecisiona nod correct Isteil bnaincssman todmphUmall inlw ing ground, and that the Chlnewe. «im»i tUr ol ib« tb« hifb was msde lor iinmediato meinberr ol line of msri'b frura the eapitol to a «••<*« io • hM'li I rwllBdl. other defects m it: to amend Ibe law ti.ebox at th*-central station five min* Hindooc and South American half- tne pres.deotisi-party to return to too po rt oeyuhU me waito house hsti sa 1 omh< t BiimMxtful i»< ih« <«r» llwt ftaont In m'smnon to oilts of lading so as to ntes before tbe train for which it is It • breeds are the coming loaders of cllr- nrrwpotitt of thikiti4ttrtrwHn» HH cao.lal building, then the spectators rsil.Dsiml sastmg capacity of li0,0t)0 «tl owr MiOhUioUiMisl Bi«ls>rt. hvF b so RtBiro- tocrensa and make more viesr tun re- tended storU. w Uh Uu* certainty that . U isstio a. on .ha stand crowded pell mall after |>ersun« anuaierjone of ibsm was. Mm mim nt slu* i«*r IHtir talmi bM tkitir sponaibi.ltles of irunsporlcrs: tbe it will go virithoul misearrisgi* In all' urvUstcUrnikxi ic publlf dtti). the pirty In haste to get but of the epproprtntion of f I'lO. 000 for tne R e m e u b e k now th e days when the srowdru. Kvory foot ol standing ItpiOMiaitsf 4«>b<»uB luHior^l It* IncumbAMf cold. .After the delivery of the Itisu- large cities the time iatsinsumnt in tbe thv aarlv d ap of tha rwpaBllr. wblt* preiutrutiOB of the site bed postal Ivesincss by thr delays attending th o u g h tfu l and dignlA cd \V. t i i a t j ^riliwr llrtwIrK'lta Biwt MiwtaB hBvaalBlaiat gural address I’resulent ('leveland aad (ledevial fur tbe gihnrniea statue: useil to >ary his diet on tin latwls ' |toiitw| (»( Otir biaUiry »hr4 lualeru |mb Iba oB ob sx-Kxo-eiidenl H trrlson returned to the traasraisaion of mail. Allowancra ■s| pfi^ Ifiii Ol tH« Bi«wl au^ahi d Uberativtat to esieel'sh e military board must be made for aceidrnts tiipoAal with the iNSst on hoo|Mkirt and the j MMOU kBtia B In maa the cbaiaber. rapairing at oaoe le to review ooiirt mertiel ttnd- sp o rtiv e cow use wtiwUdiiM*. ings, for tbe exnm'natlua of ofltcers n liw. T h r pnram allc lah r* do a w sy step into a discarded nnein.aha<'k Is..t railHTf iImI tr««a miatBaof MjaMlIly •a elaoorate ouffet tnaeh was Of the merioe corps end to rogutate alley ami then run amuiA down busy lAaBlialar BfiU BMat lU ra«|MlP«WiaBM. I Maf -eody and was sneedily ea oyed. with all that, sad thr calculations may partittnrd toa having it *ba|| bo B«)r aorn at premotloea thersio (or tbe comple­ br mode entirely oa thr liror nsed in Ihoroughfarea. pndrator M dt* barvo iba iaip(W>aitt dattaa I'SW iri a I.tMONT After lunch and a few m'aules spent tion of inn nllutment of lands to ihn H»< h lii> It bw Bir wlib tMP im handling thr mail, as thr Imndlrs ef snisjiiy : ff -ri Ibmishtfnl tm>nrsn b u s i rssli/s ths I i • hattiag with those orrseat Presi- t'heyenne* and Ampahnes: lo mnan m atter o ia khuL a m lfr thnH tgb th a M BILE the d e ath s in MarsdllBa !** f ^ehtCleVlUnd arid AYPWimfBI Hl!«------trti,WT*f A the sec re wry of agrtcullurfir eMgtbfe KarM-»U» tMVfkCiag Jorncar Jortvear tvatlr'ac^ taatlrac^ la la »UB-U aakiu ar #r prtvstt prtvstt sim siaiitNi iani uvrrgsrd! uvrrgsrd . __s , s .. tabes in a minute Tbe moory aavr^ number scores daily from something . .. e« aa«11 Bsn-r ol sat N Mrvahrf. I aov atii r fraaahtraadroAAaaMvas vmuvt vBIcii va Msy rt«OB amVTf^d from tho room. A t selected for Commi-aloner of agricul­ to toe prasUeatinl sueceeslon, to eu- by disprasing with the wagnqs sad the very like eholera, surviiors are wel- :‘> T r'* ' " • « “«'■« '■•*« •« ; ••'v'y eutfr ...... m ey bdtoaad up ihe r voats aad sU rt- ture. He wae editor of the first paper ihoiff-e the a*ianlisbment of e brent h ^ 7 • T ‘»l fsitaa ol this Maa rrsaluia s aaata o f . ^ . ^ ^ rlrrks and thr diivrrs abont ihrni will oom# to OEtrart what comfort they I As ha closed bis remarks be direi-ted lbs pebiicin-nst h> lis s-rsssts and SBcmir. «d lowarA the basement sUirs Ur. pubiisbcd In the territory, tba Na- neliuenl bsea on the Worid s fair br spent Id eqnlpplag three new salw ■wy from medical asvuranc- that the the secretary of loa seasia to rwad the ' rS***!""” *' ^ v*tve's«ssr- la Iks ^ e e Morrisoa said lo Mr. Cist eland, laugh- bra*Ea New*, in lA.'»*i. Ha w*. grounds: to create n ('nltfornia m.nlng malady is BiM cholera but only an Im -t I>n>«'laaiatipa of tbo proo'doat foovoB* ■ gmvraiofftt wskiaof p irlir Moasy ts a r t mo wiU go to iho wbkio appointae scerwury of the lerrilory b y debris coiamtilee to repeat tne life- itslicHis for ihe rapt lly growing sab*' itBtiOB. However, there is something i IB;: sao soDBto 1b oxirooroiBorr i hou*o now aod turn tbiBifs oror to Prosidoal H ensaaa aad in tpa ab- SBViBg pro.acUte law in so (er as c«B- irb a distrcssiagly realistic in Ih e Im ita aloo- Mr. MtloOA roao loo pro^tO* . (airs dai»lorsh4v tbs wraagib and sturdi- \ ou " acd me two ceatral tigun-s of senca of Ibe gurarnur aried as tu ^. I'erBs vassal* eeviget.og lake* nays leic riBbU OP INVENTION. 'irdt oa ihea tna senators pawlv •'M'*'''" fil«ibspisla Isr-day's American i|uadreoaiai sxht- He was born Anrll iJ. IMH:!, I n or sound* axoii.stvely: to snnn.a tb* t o ^ — ”*- ^ . . . J ' dicisa koeestf sa*l spod s>>vsrsBvet |.s l The B istoa Trapv*rlpt want* *n-oe elected or rae •• ted were lav iU d by j puMir ssiwodiiuiv sf e'l^hs liouisd ■ v pub le Adams Jefferson county New A'ork. cealeantnl board ol flonnoo to %wn deep down in the sfioriing me vue pre..deiil to come forward “rcvm'ij. so .1 ibis musi jB_a.sssertd by iks and waa pariiaily reared and adu- onetolbreata rrhlcle "which •hall . 1. aw u • As .*• e fairs m •lilc’ a*M*«M»*y. sad It l« oqus'lr clasf up its affair*, to ia ronse tba pay of a«t arises a 'Mltle' cimid of «us- ond U ko tho ooio o( omro. Tnoy dm . lOst Irugodfiy sMaaa tba hsoDa !• (ba bast catad lo Michigan tut wa* graduated have wheels anl als> a set of rannera l.lliiVKi; Cl.KVKI.AMi privates la tba boapttnl corp- to per­ dcloa no larger than a maii's hand. aa oarB o s«'ortf^‘"b f hia eobooguOL ' duaranty o< a ooai«aio-l sad straag sBoa«>n a( (rftm I'lior. lollrgs Ua is a Hama- mit aellsied mee to Be exsmieod lor and be (uraished w ith a lever an pfa*e room alotnr tha route of the proirrs- . . . . tb...... I 1 . eur fr.u insumi'ves ta nebulous outlines conc.-nirato i nd and the oalB was sotemaly admmts- > lew mnes or mtwppv ielaipm ml puhils oral after Mr. A'leveland's own beart Itromotiee to se-oad lieuteaeBt to Otrand geared I hat w'.ien thv vehMa s oc, f:i iv tw o mi e t in leo g io was formr the question How much did lered by tha v u e pres! le a l th e sesa- fwa.i. !• svot-lsd when ai',.. n iu sai. to give oommending officers in tne army U as w ing trver gotsi so i*l bb' iw It will oer.ipied 1 1.« m tiB sioad from 1..S. : »as:s«d«MaAa» rswsnl* f. r i>.rtl>Stt ar'dvity - — Berrelarv el lUe l■strvt•r. **Pompadour" Jimmie t fwbelt hate l4 rs s.iereard subecribiim |o the sam e, sis swsrdsd luik.-e stinesdt.-i-Bcv pr» ; uower to remit or inltlgela itaalagt r rvtsia or wrwti r«w the rw«ien.ati*e summery oeurt mertials. to sxtaed for bare spot Is reached th* lever mvy hw Ibe o srsd e wo. e.V -led— TWlmcoUsiely be aec.otary of the iatanor is out ff'7 mlssiooer*--. refusal to let Pugilist to Whom the oath ef oBi* a -as adm.a- • irilV 'u.**:-' two years tbe time a tibia whlca ap- op* Bled anti the runners d raw n up 'ialm al -if ihe wh.te house. It was years eld no I has me aapoaraaoe of Charlie Mitchell land . on American Islered Ware ssaaturs who nau bstea fr<*« p.lUcst s-iM Iks .tsui esiioog lasd . piicnliont may tm madt to removo and then Ihe vebl-le urfll go ow ea alhcleu wbo bat eeg.acted to trala so ilP I!» ,. U y.-et long .nd uite as doqp aod re-ere -e o> av Od. od M*a M v a toon L.atw kc.ts osuis ts i . ma , ssss fnr »p .in rj.,,.. m i w rv ootky i s rsf**n» «»d hssts.s fcoiod Thai | lorbnioal ebnrgos of daserttoa ngninst w k re la ” hau a coinfortablu sealing vaua-'ity of till loo much ffe.b has accumulated. teasle for the trst tiraa These are ksavftts strsody (tuaed I'krcugs lki< M MoAienn war talemas, to mnse Probably the enstUrst pie *e ef textile IlIU: pcr..-na ’I'be acarrst staa I to strwB-atsiltjr sad Iks fsrtkev assfu.i T h e under writers are a>kiag a pr«>- .Messrs, l-odge of M as.achillnia Mur­ a Mr. Sm ith w c tb o ia .Sepu 5. IS5.'<. at raductloas in tbn ^ naval en- (sbric oa solsia New A'ork I* exhibited ihst las Pies ucat was a.sigaed to |irvd«otM>w. •oftiM It tn ih# hrmrtv roiiptrt oimI titblUv* rate for insuring the tinder- phy of .New Vork. Koocn of N orth l>a- •ocffMirdOpmptit •«( o'l oho do>lro w> opo nor Newton N'. ('. He was i|uite n pm. gioeer corjis to astablisb a ts a Broad ear store window It W a bot hotels which are crowding op the pres*. It aad a seal ag c.ipecity kou .>mlih el .New Je-.ey sad While pUWU' •orriro OrU lwrf«»s. ibe danger of the eiposlilon liuild- ro m m .lice Bt,...oerv-(| .>s*stte .>v'er xo 0. John Martin *s senator from Kansas ••OOP of iMOFooPffi ootrPMUooB of hloOroO ell lb IA7.A. oeibf at toe links aot'iulle iff American nnivarsitv nl AAnsningum. bmg It will carer a amx I renter tpn*r«*p«ool o« oT OamIiho o totrr‘'w L.. . . 1.. - ings and the city lUelf. ^Th- aiitbftr- j .At Mr t'.r e.asd end Ibp (ommit- were presealed hy >eaater I'felTrr sad Mt* fonnoit for ih* porpo^rtnuotimp prosl .tor- i A • te a rs old. . la i u e n 'l '‘'f 7. be orgpa- to ^stnb.isb n ni Jilary post near Lit- tib le I u price la 81.ton. If* m aking tee oa arrsagements were-startlag lUre should have asked* prohibitivc read .Mr Hoar tha creoeat sls turn oo'l Ot'CM; rrider -;y« 7b«ooi oTth^o (Btr ' , V'fi’f"'*- ' • *)/od aad became president of tnd At-' u n Koca .Vra . to p*mv.ds fer m e eo4- wns the re*nlt of orlenisl pitienm It from ti.s Arl.ngioa fcole. to .taae a r»*4 Ohlrh ooohl to h» 0|^bWl tq.BVOTf rales for. the permits in the fici yx,ft raoAseetr^ ta aue (..rn aae lo «>tiVI*7 IsP IfoatP IB billcb I'loprti oe ii*;bily oa innln Kvening ^ournnl company . and iectioti and ncmagemanl of the mili­ L| woven with tbe finest ray fab-ie> of plnce. aod a great peril might have 'ra-ris/e lor tbo wh te h<> ise me pies sni.t.*- .Air MaiUa prim, fsiia to be *tN8«IOPM »h«'1)0’ oot ho POpP ffp^pil Of Ofl two boys uo«b ths marble under b s ibanvgrmeol It bas prut- tary tff tbe mvolutioa nod tha the mskl delicately *k**l'- a elect hva .-owed to a party of ftipppp roob‘--b*(oo to thp OpmooOP j| Cbviohio- been avoided. aumuted to a seat in the seasia If that horp ttiP p>OPf toUPMTuV. Bor •talrway and g.iaad laeir tNtrnage , pared. He is alrbOiBg Iswter with a enrol I*.'7 to nii.hori/e me secra roinrs In lo tbe m*si'. intricnle Rgereo. ofbe .1 and urrsuna. friea^* gstbered tbera was to bo a<]ue.tioe as to his u 0 ♦hPpPOj* s. t-* ho -pfTpO WoPlt At y'. l< e roan by Mr and Mrs *n off. aad w h eaev er he p a . )w. a- mnt oa was agreed te aad Mr Martin ti> oor ArQ«r!> oa »PObP of fo roPM ^ SlfcrNcf niitheri/a the anir.i ef lands ehteflv e'ork Vrhich I* qnlto a rnrioaltr Tho 'arm -at >ul h-ir hu-'>and and s.s>ad lip pttpot ihat ihPf <8Mi IM r* o«OPd ao4 ro McKee Tooy were fuilowod d.most to Im v o tae umbrella in a pu'-iio toon sne suoMirin^ to the oath. All rolAiauie for building stooo uneoie tbo Is a very small one. and ia him sarsrai limes Mddiag god- roiooJ hf tho fpttprol po^pf tfip epopts I Kirhnrd Oiney wbo has bees ta- r plaoe he takes the handle off and p lU thasv prei.miBsria. hat ing baea dis­ c pmoHOt •hdiokl rpllpvp voir cittopoo (noo Immad'sialy by Mrs t'ie.a.naa wbu piscer miking laws, for tha peffmn- art in h rlsster of Oibwndo mlnrrsls soeed ' ee Bis ■ av lo uss| the ostO at iPtr lofprfpUM* < oiMtPSofOWiO' i was graeied la a backroom by the re- lecied for tttornry g*-ner.d Is owe of it la his porkri Of rmir-c nobody posed ef the vice presidaet dire«'ted IcOfo.t; l<»^.p pr Ortv4p« I M wbirb t.«f i' ' tne best known corporniiOn lawyers peol oratervnUoa nan custoug ef me Anemg thr m'Brrala It is sabl. which. qffire I .a .- wnie ssw ic is a s te tsk- Onr^OpfOdibPVit rp«*t p » |f tvplf 4rM0(o1«^MB(as1« v^ioltrv-stnltr ro o t bKstrom of tna white bouse would earq y t appropriate an umb: 'I- .... ^ ' 'a New i.ngiand Hs is n man of records ef the veluaienr armies to utWr sp tba frmaie worh of th « do-k, lag eade.vvoted te luos at| Ibeugb ua- | W*t»vv IBP i«t» » b 'b It iMoront' IPT# J which tba then t-iraed ever ta ber la without a Qandia Off* to tip )oMi 7 ooO to |r-»i4 fottb t =r.rpt)*>| to , li'rge wemt i. tne his income from bis aumoriM the oonstrtirtioe of a bridge ' are gnl^ oilver, irs .1 ^-oppiw aad pea- COBS to. s of bast Was go|sg ea but Oil |iorl« ol *.Bo ma A T oo po><>fm*ot wno wac for (our. years te preside - . pr.sctice it heilavej tobw (uiiy ffui) 0 >i A*-re*s tna Mtastsslpet river eeer Ssw ! onrk nrra, ir*m pyrik-o, flnor spar, mom tae sst.ol M '• t ietelasd bss done so ' th ■ rioht fo4U»PO thp hosto# of -''Mopowhlp orer ltd destiay. Iff- a few^miautes A Bl'acLAn keeled nvor from-bear: ohPTPVpr r nio4. OBt «ol«ii'0 or , a.year Mr. Olaay wa* born In Ox- Orleeal. to wslead ijte aesi pro agate. joBprr and ofsl vrnoL rh s l -ed* s.mpiy mad with s rh wouanly g aoa : rresiacot t levsiand mm4 Mr. liaeaae ap o a belhg h a rsh ly aiv-^-sts.-. rc4nr tt oppPOi* fro rp«k«tlH)rM |o Xtopficoo ' ' ford. Mass, la IffU. graduated nt toi-tieg SUM* lo tno north I'ncific •ay, agate, pririfird ' enttoawnnd. it -eexc-t to be luo most natural eel ' foiroppoooO monopffo I ton r.dipg ia tba latter's earnsge oeeae. directiag tbe sarmtory kg the koaseholder whOM premis--. Iccrr-’-ca la tha wer.d aad eadea'red ' <>i*/^s.iitivo I irova up at tha porllcd after (ossiag of War to latettigAla raft towing oa om'vky qnartx. qearts crystal, Ireland tne wife of tae piesideat elect to ail i oo rooo>«t ropoio Il'iMtoUf onO ro'^ ftporr . the receiring ttaad. Tbey wera met recalle the aecpsslty of doa'.iog rwqoir* p« to iroot thrm ott ■ oo4 toe great leses te amend ihe gee- ; and piak satin xpir and am unn stona. .those P'e.ea'. After a qnarter ef aa ; JB the upbnr sump by t'oL Herrev geatly with the erring It H well Ifi dbtirl*o'io#« Ot'h (hOOi to h*'*lc«ilT or»i 4-nO oral land greet forfriMre of 'the iesi . AJ tbe mineraU are nl-aly p dished. hours is'.sy to neat some mo-iera- : oiOoratPlv PP 0«M thptr rioh's ooO 0 'pr-'«t« aad arm la arm walced inrougb tba also te remember that the nverags Kbpff pffsyrt •h *•(# ta |p ^ ib*M congress to that oertoes eeUtied to . ti.oi ««( tiv weeincr. tha presid-ni- doer. Tne doubie glass doors Iq too L9ROR OP CREATION, t ■nirglar is not no weak of heart os f:«. •hObooh iUp hoAhp dbCipit ♦iloailoo oo4 • In— purchase forfaited leads under mat eis-'t eeterieg ii> rarriage wss ti » ifi • «p;f ffsippivnif 0 o-f'l (' (pfprb'twT't nil pariilioa seporaliag tae public oa- ail may here e fen years from me tn hpady with his gua ^ driven te the -aite PP«t«rUp It (ho MOOntiM# Off IhO fl A w ell-know a d*iri>ir s ia te s th a to n ly thpf ffhddO 4 Iv pr>oofilv «lp|pts4po*t th* Poi>( .eo st •hd«:Oo4 frvffvo pvrrv or toMpcoiloo I ia good condillna A vc»f»«j Austmliaa traveW claimr ; deal (.'leveiaad wa« to faee wiib -man making aa important nmend- the door sad Mr .Mevea.oe escorted that rviarOv UiPir •kvai'P lo h av e diorovered th a t th e w a lti *' is Thr ol (ho Lsolh «1 ^tot«a hava 4ppMr4 I bis wife It was a most dramatic lo- laent in tbe pt'****'. I** permlttiag I A jadgs at Cbeyrnar, Wyoming, Ifi the rraation ef neither a (sermaa a«»r I by r-ennior McTnersua and socont- ! JOHN' (k rARI.IsLR. that no iht« 4a. thppnotrOol (hair 0'*v«rno»«vt to Ita IPfft«Wui*p ao4 aiprativp i.rarrupo »hatl ciilaat aad wa* greatly eayoyad by suiu to on broiight in district eourta . 1 1 snld. has a rreorit of eighty divuron s .**wioa. but of the oetricETT of | paaiad by bia soa Lamar eatersd Ui« A^rai«»«ta-ai-A m « iu pn»c**«i (• lb«hp civpo to titp politiso- h«rtv p.pffkpNl lo Iho thoaw furtunsic enough t 9 witnoes It and tna court of claims ngaiasi tba i decrees la forty mtnate*. Africa. He amierts that every morn­ ,and tbs party we-erirva wway rsi.ea- • \Bo lUOf^ of ibo ofil«r of ik# m o b Io woo i«iPlt|tp to*i a lo Iba a«i omfoahnwoT f»(I Kx I’raeldnat H s m a o a ta d W aabiag- TnitsA .kutes for land pstonu wiihik Aamn Batalllard. who recently pnfi ' Ing -i:e oBita booce osly a maoMBt ; lanft ^ lA>tM lA-fV hovs' ih*ra 4ptPrMi»od ing at sunrise thewe amiable bird- roiBUto to tho iBBururatioo of tho I 10 fo*"f ol o io«t ati4 psioltot4p av« Use for IndiaasM lit oe a special train a ydar froia tbs data el which the ''n p a t a Ixvtel in New A' orh d ty . is said * * l«M ol )p U*ral tff«tU(* 9i Tho imooia ,tsseaible in graupt and begta a reg< i be kind tne pre>:' A bee pro*id«Bi of too r«iioo StaWh Iho orer tb • Ha*t:mora aad Ohio at 4 .'*<« right ef neiioa accrual; fer me trial j to mrasnra 7 fret in laches In hcighL I’re-^pat-oiect < .evelaad aod Vice ; th rr harp rt»w o to .-orr; eo«tioo to tbo oBBt poru<^ of tbo : Of*hr««o4 (df th Ir pr**Mi«pa oot hy iW rs>m , this aflaroeoe Tb* ax preaidaaTs in .ne court of c.nims of charges ef I .A dental seientisi declares that decay is none other than the walta I’re-.uoat '>laveiis.*a s. - . pi.aieo by cBp.tOt «■« ihoB hoffuB Mr Johoooo ! mo M '•( (Nor Maff Pta. lo 4pvnt * IffMPP^** iinined .in party rempr.*ed (ir. aod fraud eiisacd aga.att ABB .W eils.aed log the teeth K doe ti a raxtagkma ^ ina scaata c«tniaittee ou arrangc- I oorvMiitidOH It* thit orniffo WhUp itio^o -tb o ch ef rlorR of tbo ooBBto. oo> ah«Mihl (p oo •iirrffvlPT of |sfiorip|p«. «iut (oak I Mrs YIrKea and their rbiid*«a Itea- Im .Abrn Mnxicak awards and asieh- garni, nhich is often eoromsaicated hy m rn-s e a ’-trired tb s cx ec u tira ira a rio a BOMOCaBf tbo oiMor tb «ok*h U wot i noat lo BO.Ii nak*tt ot \lod p AA'ilfl.E this country has bPen siiffcr- I livptipoa. MufMlPi'cB (a nni pno «»( poniah I ;nmla'aod Mary McKee iJaiit. Porker iishTeg n steadard gauge (or kbaet aad kissing If.s'. were, re eived by I'rcsiceat Mar to tn^vo from tbo b« o «(o chom hor ng freiB the severity of the weather mpnt hot of a of «rt»t.o )i lo lift- I nod Atsiftaat Prlvata Nacretary T.'obot piAte iron and stoat A home ia like a maa way to Jhis vHater. it Is reported that there rtsna la ihe^ e.tie iffjgm I .ve m ia- , Abo«it 1 U ociock too orrivo) of 1 ino (Ha hO*«tPti« (^*«o Iho do tv il(p of oor porw ftp tr • ro4no* lonpitmalr ao4 tit«a ito)- a4ra«t- I W hen dsrxnees (all iipea tba ecana kh-nAkh oi.vgT. ‘ hia heart la throegh bia stomach Pnfi I I utes later iae presi leat aad bis sue- Mnn. riotolBBA Mr*. }*or:ioo ooh OiOwr Sepwinowenls. a a pbeaomeaal absence ~of i ocpa'fnf fti;vit r4. ih|d lb huio hp<'”a*orf io<^ ] Prcsiiiea*. t'leeelaad left tha review R*mwe HDlversity.. c.nss '48 god at a bit in hA m .taih s a I ha w ill do at* tbe bwise Alps. TVansporta- I ce«sor relppesred *4 ouapnorapttooa which M re I lick nsoa Mr and Mrs Immont "Roffelo'* Jone*. formerly!of flerdcn New Yorx e* rtl(et*ier to Frea^. Pat hhnvn tA tWA PAva of <*OniPO ------Hiln4p4 to - coo* m ark an Aaaul g eneral n tL iv n rp o o l; M. ef actilicir. lefoBtry and car- of iMiotPnt Old KHeiel, play (ally-.And 4# yok poaar.TT. already a pugilist, I idential eacl^are At 115 • «l«*ck | ;n- aed .Aittset Hessie and Julia l^amoat started a herd f*>r breeding ! pnrp aea AV. JnnK ia* of AAtMcinsia for tb e vn- ftim thoi married a Boston girl! ('an yon ailwsya bank clerk is also t-ying to miry of lie I'aited State* army the doors leadiag late the rotunda te tke ne.«-eit* (*.rr.Tsnee vo .apyjwt v I’pa iaaugural ball waa a brilliaat af­ hea rnnde a very good thinjr (mt of this mney oa the boarb cranked by |mUlBg I it fxmtilMwi ih« ti«lBM« #oi*rpris4 nf judge to the prisone-. "I gueas ap- Jsh syndicate or aa American trasL^ t*oa Of dh KtltiE •h>p«'t 4opPt)dPOro opm tbe . bend ttrucE uo liotoa Sweet Austin i^orMn's A'ermont park. uoe* not go th Mexico it is onrmtn mni I s.gbl preceded by Hraad Marshal Me- lag the prooesstoa Kx- Vice Frasioeat ir^TproiBootBl ----- WO otrlvo *0 utimoiotp Hume' end tbe es«erable(fe quietly .A gigantic gorilla, measuring new- be <*nn gsh naotbar appointment prarance* ate against me, Msbon aod staff. I’resldanV-cleet Morion aad i'aicf Justice Kuller aad •opripoo rhonh-ior whtrh boniir," wa* the frank response, T h e b e ts getting to be something aopfMKttbp hopopvf Amoiiron ophtpvpmpnt olspereed. aed that ended ihe begin- enty Ini'hcs svross Itr «hi-*t snd with which will ^ better than a pinoo in CievtIsae and President Harrieon both th e jUs'Aoea of tba suprem e co u rt a ward pnlltieiaa.'' wmog with the Frewch duel Another AnilPtf fnr o rpdthMpUoo af tha hindoa oh(ph Biegol tbe bsw edmlaistrvuen- showldera os wide as those of three eongrtn*. raised their hals in reeaoase te tbe lolldwod ; thea came hergeaat-at- oor fortf om Oo or>4 aotirltoOp lor a eooipiatP Professor T srrhanoff, of ftfi Prtera- (X-i:-..-: wan has been hart ta oae ef them joatifiPOtkHi of th# tropt iMpoapfl lo 11a. pvhi men nnlted. was shot by l.irutcnnnt Arms Valeatiaos and >enbtors Toller. W rrrlBvy «t Btat«. Stllgere l.*fft. To Im ^re. hU injnry was much less airalo mo to fpMind t^dMp wliii whom I oaa %n AVelter (j. (irevbanx , selected by Morgan's party recently at a plaee bnrg, drclarav thst mnslels a powerful Mel’bersoa and Ransom of tbs oom- pffbOfipratt that w« ran aopppod ln«t«*(fio Iho AVAvHlNiiTok. M arch lO i— Isaac P. m eiiclnr of tTi* anitl, an I (hat m'd'iral -evere thaa would have been raused'by weri ohifh hoa hopp p«pPolal)v a>-t Utfor’" im Claielsad lor the first piece in tha twenty-Are ilnys’ man h from the co-i*t miiice et arraagemeeia preoedtag (iray of Indinnn will be niinitlor to t silver under the thumb, bnl It tend, I csb net Is of old Knglish stock. of I'amerorvh. The iren'nn. wss so science of the fnlare will not filtyisr Trealdeat Harrison aad I’residenl- Mexico ('. H Kilgore says that be to aawhoteeoaM deSaam of preoedeat. -< AA S iler Quinton (iresbam was born iff heavy aiid nnwieldy that it reqnired rmvvgniie sn-l exploit Its great \ alcct Clereiaad. wbo walked aide ky was dafenled by fSanater Kofar Q. I H'-rrisOn ooukty IndUtna March 17. the effirrts of sixteen men to drag It to pentt*' vslna. ^ sida Mr. Cievelaed was warmly Mills of Tevnt for the Mexican min- .1 iN.i*. Hn gained' but n n , im perfect the station. I.ienlennnt Morgan re- K bake t aoBiu. ef West Chester. greeted hy tbo ketioet itareag gain- sion and that he did It under the flimsy I t :aducntion in early lifa studiad law, portn these fneU to Ihe Anthrupolog- A blRH OP DATES. A Pa. has brought a suit for pi.O yy srad about tbe stand, and after s few oratnxt ttanl no Texan man ought W I was aleeted to the lagis ature fa IMffO. tcnl society of Berlin. Hitherto, It Is Ismagse agaiast tha heventh aveawe mlaules ef delay ba steaped ta tbe oe selected (or the pinoa whan bo 84. Virst persecution of O ristiana j sad In IfOil, was oommlsaioned liaii- Bald. DO gorilla ha* liecn seen hy Knn>- hsWel. PlttebuiY . He was a co n d acto r froat and hagaa tae deifTiry of hie la- (Mr. Millsi eight years ago; whan H 0 Uprr first mentioned by Ta -lint, la the Pullman eervire aad lost his I laaanl eolooel ol the thirty-eighth In­ peans beyond the flr*t degree, north eugaral address end eetwithstaadteg Teast end Mexico were not in the flOL ■'viigar flrstmsotiened, atam rd* position because the hntsi clerk failed diana He won tha nnE of brevet latitu d e. the weetber. Mr. Cievelead mroovad Tom Harrison, n well known guide herraonloiis minUons tbey now enjoy, Id nr to call him la time to take hU car. his bsi aad with bared heed eddreeeed mayor general by good servioe and rw turned t« the Inw HiS enroer os and flsheminn nt Oreenwood lake,went retommended d raxnn. Mr. ItMn- 774,_Jtllk firsFbrought from India to tha multitude He speke as fellews jbdge postmaster gsnsrnl and (or n on Ihe ice with hia' tram and bmlm v.daa for the place. Etirripr A a Arkaaaas t«ak preoldeat has M y trllow Fiusees In ntisklsees Ae tba been arrested (or assklag false re- maadata ol mf cvsMitrvnwa I sai aivmt to few days so'-rotnry ef tbo lAssury In vhrongh. The horses got ashore, and vims memos. . (140. The Alexandrian liVxry burnad SsOlrato rnrsetf to roar srrrles esdor tbs one of them turned to look st hermse- by Omar, tu ra s at his baoik's s>ondltloa to the Arthur's eebinet then aa judge ngnia AVA«iiiNOT«*k. M nreh 11.— Snnetor ssiH-t oeef a tii'.cniB oaiB Ussplr awvsk by trr. Tom sew her and cnlled to her. 'omptroiler of the treesury. It's (bs sxsr*w.KMis of roneeracs sad psrsosat snd ffnnlly ns eondldnle for tbo Ka- Mills says "Mr. KiTgore'k tUlement ' l«.l. Th* pXato taken to Knr.vpa h r iitscbmsat wktcb roltsO ass to thin ssrrlcs . I The intelligent hca«t approncht-d him ■rotwMjr lucky far Mm he (elT Into pub.lcnn nomination lor tiie presi. ea pubiitbed wherein he noeiises me Bpaniard* am ssrs my grattHods <-aa *ebw no better ami he continued talking to her In n ^ hsads of the officials rctura tboa tb* |U*dge I bow glvo befors < kid dencf nrefainlUnr to nil Americana of having repmsnniod to Mr. Clavo- 1*87 Albirwnlas, Arabian mtda k •ad tb*oo w a a * w s «t eareserrse aOd com conning VoK-e. AVRitn she w as w ithin htstead of tbsnm of his depneitors. Innd that It was impolitie to appoint ‘ geography pwto devtiiuia to tbs lavoecwta aad snt rats ar •'creiavy st War. ten feet of him hr thonght of' ber iboso wbo bee* ksbiwsii mo HTLART A HERBERT, nay Texnk to tha Mexionn miesion la '•*1 The AraMe nnmrrula br mght K A. ATKVKNSU.V. I deem It kltlngl oa ibis uoresbm. obits m only bv Ik* m.ei siuerr* h vmeeSeus and nis ...^ Haaiel A Lamont to whom has training In plavring • AVboe. Neil." eb^utely ead unquallfledly falsa’’ Into Knnqie T h e preeident ef the M aterick bask geeutar salute but tb* ealy effect was dteetmw lb* ofitbines I bold roacerblbe imMtB Intefseted sgerv - Ersd iriiMiiosni*ii«o^iari*s been assigned the war portiolia is a he shouted. * Oee. now, gal. Rack (a Knstott has bn found .guilty on *iasi vi.iis of-t—ssi Bi tmeortean*. to aion brleflv aB*l offMstiina krsvsei 10 redeable the entbutiavm of the refer to tb* ex'stewro of rertale coadUtows bad n f . . etn*k r i ...... w ssbsltenrsiyNssanissd. I Yiswer oy birth end first saw op AA'hnn," and In an ln«lant he had _ fir»at» IM Hrftaiaa. 11*n Idnjnn lion Mall the pisnata, • f ta m ccMints of being a raecal T h is meitiliMa Mowiy tbe flrst bngade Isedm tec oer ysbelb wMeb seom aad IT s fatlaiw ran bs Aralwd to nar fsnn o* tna llgtab of osy a little over tu years selted her b ng. flow ing tail and R eplrm ber in te t is now aeafreatiag the other fart to msad.e Ike laie^iy sad aecfwl aseisi.| wa may ta ears ins psepia will bald na ' AVAtniHviTuk M arch 8. — At noon ot tae escort, ta frnntef the fsreeideat'a sees of IMS s.**eriiinmif White every a swift " saaaia>*tnea*wnaniaMiit|ta k'.'o It U said that whan tbe preal- shnuled; "flit rp ” Nell started (or- to-day tho soaolo oonvaned la timcinl I isrtn Itrrlh.wrnsflrH.vmphonrpris ' iSM. hr ta aqaUBcad.gealiea]iae whoea AaKrtvaa rNiiea. **iMemplew wita 1 Os nsta Ik iw laks in arsssn s pemset sad nent rwjuostad him to go wlin him ' in piiMli'. aarty ssarted ta messnrsa truad tttma „ lOrd snd Tuffi was dragged out on the sewioo. to act upon tbo noiniantioas nourished Mead Is aad the pi*de sad sbtbwMaets t w growth esgoa' dslaiad Ike eokatinition nr vkd lim ist tyiami ae secreury to the welie Nouee in' b'siaric i’eaasy'ivaniB avaaue taward tSoa of (wreeuwirr. ibosektrianry of ewe m k t aeiy nnsraamv. ly daflaas tba erant ra of toe pmsideat (er ooniaet and oiltera ! Iflfft. linn farphl faiitory op. s -d at tme ie aaturaily rot btflf Mltutpiaa te stoad agsiam fbs sadsot aOsea og apeemhiuty I assn ms. btu sugessti nbsdtsoea 188K Mr. IdimoBt claimed it wed im- the oag'.iot the Alee gredtdaat-etec* of the more important offleoa Deanvoia France / elofiare. tbe wooderfslT|brin aad sbtor|W1ae sa to#nassHaOn .ol eeaasaads ki tba mle by DosslBle for him to do so. owing to aad the beBata coamlitae ef arraage- of oer yeepss aad ■ bo dea>e*wtrsled sapor>er ty arhtek m j amaul coodact mast Os gatdsd 1 Aaomb*rnf nuecessful rxpertni*nU 18*a Linco'tis election. fleoesslolO^ irtM W U ia a U tan ag. icrar the taeate feiiewtag te sarriayea I* iha __ J, sr free dcrsgtotaL tt heboeyw ws **e ^sbail tetbsbsa(*i« kiysMiuv and witMnmy in* cost ol living *n AVnshingten. were reoeally made hy e Russian army Trrsiy kriihtlrasm . of Routhern sU 'ea |aadaal dloappearaaM of Meuatala ttsasly So waick for .i l n limMutn W l i f U l " kpkfew Of Onty ptenems t»a nm iHratkin bv rear u( the president Aaotber' wild •es teadtaiy that tkfeeieus oer aate cml ngev iwyauy ymtscIMc every ginal *d ntkosi pawsv Nr. Clerelsnd. ho*e*er U id •onRr officer Tb Ahe irnloTag of fkt.VHfl*' tn Wj^EWnrerroK, M orel) tO. -P rw ttd a k i Hilr- I aka Mi.higat weitan treaty, whub has boee poed gteedy iaad vectaimeva bwt Chicago iish-e*ie*t. a i.*.e«ee fbai d*e*ms biw. So ssOdew rally Imbises-twilb ihstrss'ivef Iba datin x|t*s i«,a'ia* ih a aafMiael esnilnl In rallresd. . a P . # ; , , leagvB Wit II sec-a eeihusiasm as aimeei eol.awas. It • sao bt be Is s kSsd Ikat our ikei eeeifwni ms sad miedfet af mv asalnna fd*»'ffff eeiyket espisai iis poMoJn tiwe of war. ‘ •8 In toe snaeta • B 'l ia M h w a r r M ahwwf id *

i *. / i S v ^ L j £' i*- 'i’dXrTi' . .■■Vi.■ •■- 4. Ibref. & A. Jokaa, charged with tha WOQRST ON RROORO. ANOTHgR ORIOIN FOR “a K.” A BRAVE LITTLE BOY. abduction of little 6-yean-eld Myrtle fHE 23d LE0I8LATURE. UoUoy. daughter of W. C Holley, a aks kaaSa af a Veealala Taraad lata a OaW M Ms a Ceiaata) OatvapAlaa af a resuturaat kaapsr in tha west part ^f Roask Rewk tea Domlaaa I'lty. COSTS MORE to make RoyaSB*k- “GermanH« Oafendi Hit O ttd Motlwr’i Goofi N*nw McKlnasy. ProL Jonas ds a slngiag f^iit l« M a( D m * by Our LaubMakert at *^alk abonit the vagaries of mad O. C. la a popwlar Ansarleaa dbbravia- ■foor* King Irndwig akd othors of kls tariba.** tioa m aaalng "fill right,” naad not only ing Powder than any other, because its ip rio f n . 7 99 and Cult • Mail. teacher, llsiag a few miles northwest fire Siata Capital. of McKInaay. Just after dark ha ■aid a Aravelar. *'Tva got the bisto^ ia esrrant talk bat in aarious bastkaao, T »lty la of a fallow thaS fkpfhgn^alT tha others M In tha markltig of doesmdate, six. ingredients arc more highly refined and (iL-isns went to Wardoa’a llsary stabla and S 3 r r u p Ikjh# ritada Hia apsiBMEhobby waa Id ahrly colonial days the boat rbm 1M)B<'C> SRENHAM'S ANTI-HOOP SKIRt LEAGUE. got bU horse and cart, drove north­ A SYNOPSIS Of IMPORTANT MEASURES. expensive. . But the Royal is correspon- liqnor akd ks dispenaad itw U * guasta aad toboeno were impivrted from i^nz takaa west ef the square, , hitched and p-o- Justice of the Peace, George Wil- with a Uboratlty that taakea tM -^rda Cayea, ia San Domingo. Usoea tha beat ma tha iwaded to Mr. UolUy's restauraak dingly purer and higher in leavening strength, kinaon,,of Lowville, Murray Co., ■ •a^ra aaaK aaS Mmrm m a m s a t> Bixly mstys Ik Sasslok kad Wkly Uviah and axtravagaat.appaar of anything came to ba known locally oaiMii* While Jonas was playing with tha llv- Minn., makes a deposition concern­ kana* OwnaS ar k W Maw idtSr Tsrektr>twa Ekswa, lUgkt af '[ Mde with eleaa-fistad, moan, atlegy, M Aoz Cayas or O. K. Tha term did and of greater money ‘value to the consumeT. hM i l ' tla girl. Holley slapped ouk On his ing a severe cold. Listen to it. "In Ik Hkk. Cskkir. re tu rn ha w'as inform ed by Mre. Hoi* ssklek krs (iaisasklY I fsaariona skd ths root of tbona. Us however, pass Into ganaral oaa irm QB the Spring of i8S8, through ex* was aa English lord.and thrived dnr- The difference in cost of Royal over the best “of lanrar ley^ th a t Jo n es had c arried M yrtle ' AuaTiM, M arch 11— T ha aixty days' anUT-sJ^ preaidantlal ca-npaign of posure I contractcil a very severe Dau.aa, Tax., March 11. —Yaatar* up the walk laadlag west iag the reign of King WUllam III. On IStfi, wRaa tba vary much auppoaed the others docs not equal the difference in leav­ Bs ara cold that settled on iny lungs. This session expired yeatorctay. and from one oeeaalon ha gar* a fsts at hia day about dood tUl IdcG loaa. a 17> from the reetauroak Holley quickly this on till finaladjouramant raembars illiteracy ofis^ndrew Jaokaoa, tho nttoaa eoantry pleas. In making psspara- was accompanied by excessive night yaar-old youth, atabbod a man namad pursued aad .lonae was fouad la tbs draw par day. Tha sixty days’ Damocratio cM di^to, was tha ato-k ening strength, nor make gOod the inferior work Boma* tions for his gueata ha found that thare sweaU, One bottle of • Doschec's Ed Ualanoy la the loft alda. at tha cart with the littls girl. The father work has raaultad la twanty-iwo laws, • in trade of hiaSgh'.g npponsate. attona wasn't a puaeb-bowl in all England of the cheaper powders, nor remove the impuri­ ^German Syrup broke up the cold, cotloa mills. Tha blada was drlrea grasped bis daughter and raturnad to which have bean filed with the sacra- * Hebd Smith, tba ' otmaviot, writ­ rht for that wonld fill tha bill. Us thought night sweats, and all and left me daap and It araa thought that It naao- his plaeo of businesa Jonss roturaod lary of slaia. 'These twenty-two laws ing under tha name tld "Major profit about iba matter for ayvbUa and then ties which such powders leave in the food. in a good, healthy condition. I can irataa tha luaga Young MoOlonn to tbs rsBlaiirant and was met oy tha have cost tha state-as average of Jack Downing," atertad tha imMw that rent a put himself on record at hsving the give German Syrup my most earnest was placed uodor arrest and takaa to onragad father, who kaocked him about filUOU each, or a total of |MM.- Jnckaoa Indorsed hia papers O. Where the best food is required, the Royal rnada largeat punch-lihwl la tha world. It commendation.** _____ q the polioo ttatloa. He said: *T was down nnd «aa repeating tha blows OOU. ‘They consist of two legislature under tha Imprptsioa that they ra aa<* when Tolioeman Warden rescued was the basin of a big fountain In his told>hat llolaasy said I was a — of a approprlationa one appropriation for tha initials of "OH KorrecL” It is not Baking Powder only can be U !>cd. Jonas nnd hurried him off to the oata. garden, at tha InUrsectloa of four atloaa AT —. and I want to him and nsktd If bs prosidentlal electors and oaa for Judges impassib'e that the general did ase boosa. Only a short time bad elapsed w alk s — ■.xpo«l- said Ik Ha said, >Yea. by U—, 1 of civil court of appeals; providing tor this Indorseinant and thpt it was nsed whan squads of msa Were on all “AU the walks were arched with Dafera d id .' 1 told him ho would have to changes of veaua in civil cases; for by other people also. Hut Mr. Partua sides whispariBg threats of mob vio. wide-tpretwliag trees Tablet liued disoovered In the iweords of the Noah- f A Orlgto. ( Men wk* bem for higher reings the* le t caa* taka il hack. Ho. tald bs would nok advertising for asylum supplies; for lance ngalnst Junes The prisoner eveyy walk, and wtre loaded with nil The following UK^ggested aa the ^ bo t&e slave of hU body.' * lomlo- aad hg struck at m& 1 was not able suite of rataors by next friend; estab­ villa court, of which Jackson was judge was then hastily transferred to thb tha dallcaciaa that money could buy. before he became president, numemus origin of t/je phrase t o > ^ f f a perano. ilU in I T AK t to fight him with my fists, so I cut lishing labor day holiday; to provlda - iria* BaSr I. rwtllee Tee,m county Jail and officers notified of the But Tm talking shout the fountain. documetits imlora^ O. R., meaning Apollo, lib are told, rechia^ from a to Mtr* *«Ml aw lliw ••• ratotojr. Irr tha him. Wo had aerer had any dllUcul- for taking dapoaluons; to* dimin­ ty." McGlono Is only n boy. no> expected attack. The excitement First, he had eonstructed a huge order recorded. He urges, thstWore, i paiDAtaklng critic a volnma fiTteJ^with Wt*ai-8« * lUotpito *V»rr far rBIMrwx TmktMl fratla- ish tbs jurisdiction Walik-coun­ abated, howerer. The prisoner is in canopy to keep off the, rain, shonld that It was a record of that court with the emira of the great poet* lly g h ara Inrgar than soma nawsooys. . Ha said ty court; granting Judge (iood- -jrour rblldro# t# to*p#ct U#U jail awaiting an exarolalng iri..l. there be a shower. Then into tha of reward .for auch booticaa labor, U i^ lider# Bod tbe'mrelrr#. ilerota that ha Is aa orphan: that bo was rlch lenvo of-koaenoe; chartering the some belated business which Major bora la Alabama; that his motbss- basin 'In had placed four hogsheads of Downing saw on the desk of tka preai- god qf poetry gave him a bushel of 0 thair A SLIGHT COLLI8 IO.N Waoo dam: to aulbdrlxa admlnia- ^iod when ha was 1! yoars old and hU brandy, eight barrels of watsr, SS.OOO wheat to aort, bidding him to aelect rw w fli ft Bar leWMsa A w a Btln-ly PLEASANT Irators to sue for claims on account dential candidate. However this may fathar diod whan ha was ysars old. lemons, twenty gallons of Ume Juice, be, the Democrate in lieu of denying the com from the chaff When this be*^S 4^##liD^al #n amrU i« S .a a a s l e Inly SSerTls aae RIaws of Indian depredations;^ to diminish wee done, Apollo peeaenlad Ibe critie ‘ ctaaa o( m #< Marairo** IV^nonal * y He came to Dallas about aina months t.StW pounds Df sugar, 100 toasted the eharffFradopted the letters O. 4K. liaJta wtirq >#itVQ4T# ft Prcolto 1 to HatwerM Twa Slew. Jurisdiction of Dlmxtltt eounty court, with the chnff.bnt retained tha wheat; ngo and has bean working at ike coi- In.Ax fees of courts of nppcaia clerks; biscuits and a pipe of rare old Malaga as a sort of party cry, and fastened tX7ft*t uke d^aprrmto^oliABCM vb#a th# infi lOB m illa D ai . Tax.. March 8- YeAlsrdnv wine. Added to this waa firs pounds Ahem on their Isaiincra thne chaffing him. and makiag game ol flrat dow of ittift w ij to extend railroad charters: u> coquire raltovo you. A ImAU# wiU r S a Miy #rul- irrpaf^ aftarnooo shout whila Capk J. of grated nutmeg.. On tha surface of him ______oar t« ■saiasioao siMlIts. sales under axecutloa to be advertised The Kira DrpjrtBisiii inevcr>clt]r could . Dftry i.’ougb or cold, houi c ro rr CaldwalL tha city auditor, was go­ this see of punch was a dainty littls set dqbettar thsa to xaep a doren of Kai uw4 In Mf 4nHnrMf« in newspapers; to restore Jurisdiction Rewssrkebie aolelde. •M ktda^^A, ftitoi !• • plflMMil Til.* S am A htunki . Tax.. March lU.— ing home from nis office ha* acci- boaL in which was a boy isntasUtvny variim Oil at each station it Isstaatiy I Thciu lo ftometft Df ift overr wnd #rt«k I* m*:*** horn WHm. ^ U isn-paml for um of Tyler couuly court; to restore Juris­ An eztraurdinary caoe of anicitic is larinir- Tbs sxtrkditioa sxamlnaiion of (lea. drntally ran against n negro at the dreasvd The little fellow rowed rallevct sU hurai. scalds and bruises, aad I ftia, ft'id la womftii’ft vlrtak#. tt n* om ~ Eraaoisoo Honavlusa the roTOlutionUi lioutheasl oosaar ef Commerce aed diction of M arion county co u rt; to fix ta a few Jays makes an vffsetusi cure ef reported In (he llcriin nanera. A in- I r#io beyood tb« coatrul of b«r fnaad*. terms of court in tha I'hirty-fourth around oa the punch and filled the ra coa% leader, was ooacludad yastenlay ba- Krvay streets. In regard to the af­ ins wound. U cts. year-old bor. feeling himaelf hiimili- LAHE’SMEDICIHE cups of the company." IflAiia'ft M c ftio a # Wlfii### ftliwP m w b an to ail BniarIM I Mil It M Wr. *nS II a aaekwa. tf (ors I'altod Slatas (lommlssloner Trice. fair Capk Caldwell made the foilow- Judicial dtstrioL to fix terms of court ated by g M verc reprlm aad that had I 7r«HIs«« eewKs* 0 MlVI n,H. MM Mf.a rprf Md*rw f..r m trm U the Korty-eiath Judtcial dtstrick mgble H tfatnf s -xKvmvr heeu admlniatered by his psrente. , # u l-'ftch l>ay In order t# bft torH no. said to would decree tue urisoaer explained jtu. him that 1 did anything but bad lock. Tvs worked brother instantly. ___ I ftut U a a J fir o f ftRj BicU.dii# Laiftly. guvaraor has under advtaamant alx braarb guilts of tha charges of luurdor. ar­ not see well out of one eye nnd d d hard all any life end only m ads a bare Uua may do witbout mankind, but aae son. kidnapping and robbery filed not see him He tola me 1 was a d -ed bills which, with one axuopUoa. a.~a living. My health broke down years baa D«od of a friend. pBCU- local la their aslure. jr a ba- A Powerful ngalnsl hipi by Mexican Consul .— Whereas ton poopla of top tUta lo pul oa aa orarcoet. aanraa the taste and effects par­ J img.dowB the street in his.buggy and easy Job for ynuT” Inqaired lha man tvaorge Watklaa his son. Joseph and withodl regard to party aftillialioa > po Aal , I nsllad to him and told him to stop with tha shaggy nlstor. Cencwlni I.eadt le Oewtwifipilea. tial digestion has done B 8. hklnnar were la k boat fishing have long domandod the ragulatioo bUirk- lbs aagro. but the latlei uraw a ra- "Tvs trIed'thaL Every time I get a Krm p'a lla lta a w ill atop Urn cougb at la Had river at the rrosaiag of the of rallroikds by commiaaioa and o»er. to your dru g fitt to dar and get r> a w a j much more. I volsar and threw a uown on him nod poaitiok a political landalida oomos Texnrkana and Fort Smith railroad, Wbarsaa, tha abort term of rogula- a aampie bottle free. Lsoree botUea. M Joe atoppeo. Tire negro then ran ana along and t get thrown osL" aad ll.OO aa inajr twelve mliet sonb of bore, yoaiaroay tioa by commiaaioa was attgadad by laad ia 1 a crowd followed him. ' Ina oegm. "Can't yoa open aa Intalligeaoo afteraoea. the boat capai/ed aad the ' saoso aam a is L, S. Jo n e s was ar- valuable rsfornit aad vast h aaaflu to W ardy to \ted*ana adrertl*# makra • llaa of Scott’s Emulsion tha people mad ______oSIrs ov start a real astale agency?" two former w'era drowsed. It »eeniv"« » u a w m Wiv, ai t iWldllU 9 U efi._ ------^------vvnareaii, n clausa IsT ths ooromi* asked" the man la the tlonrii hat TBW Iha'BBjfi Jo4-pik first rail over- ^ *'Hafi»aMi*a toagto Cere of fat-foods. It is easy of bosu-d. tn d hia fath e r in attem p tin g to \ k i i i r d Mia R s ik e r . slon act hss boon adjudged uaeonstl- "That sort of thing doesn't raqnirs any Werfwwa W F«r«, «cmafttj r*#«aO*M Afi* y f» rvsrua him ovsrUirnad tha bosk Ilol'SToa, lax.. March li.—TsvUr- tiilkonnl nod by reason of said declt ckpitaL ” hrlea S eeeto. I D o m j wzn( to kerp your huxtruyi home fit nfj;ht, SBsnnilation l>ccausc part­ "Tea tried that toa Got bnrnt ont Wal ins than aelxad hit toe and the ‘•■ 7 » •hockiag homiedeoccurred. 1 . ion tba tariffs aad rules of tha i om- tIa that w ill follow good in v ite le a * ''^ * * ^ * ^ * ^ and kT her soa Uaeola t h p : eiwiarN^ to«V drive him away to his club—oiitot )uit such thinpeome mbery, Seotfs EmuUioa thetks Cam- oi timt ara-deprived of tba great hra- "Ever try canvaasingT'' inquired tha (Otild not swia saved hlniaolf by Jones Iroia hia s da It it learoed Cotnwradt Itaelf te ibr w«»|| formed, to do tiiihappinevx and divorce. The trouble is that he uses poor sumption ttnd ail other cllBgieg to tha aide of tha o<«k The , wal firtnkiog as wav his sister, ellu of commission ragulattoa and area with hia foot oa tbo window sill fM^utaiiUy and eftex tualsy wbai traa for tobacco, t xiax him lo jet ^ ack will’s Bull JX; rham Smoeino wasting diseases. , bodies of tno other two have not boon | ho elaima nnd in n fight with her threw Wherena it It heliavod that tlio "Taa; often. Had a good, anit of ■ erly dooe fa th# m *dett«iani»er aad dla rsoovared. The river is baieg dragged * large slio. at her. which struck his work of ths roromlssMiB may bo r * . elothae rained la that businem onca agreeabtf aa H f iL , T o cloe«^* tbo t ' atem Toiiacx »; its delicate aroma will not be otTensi re to you, and for them. All tbo pkrEies lived at Og. mother lo tna fore part of the head aad ■umod without jeopardising tbo loier- Dog. Thrown down stairs ones or and break up roldt, beadarbr* aad fereft it will not fill all the curtains, hanginp and clothinj with that dtk twealy miles north of hors. erusbo-i her skull II literally ksocued asts ef tha stale levolved in Iba rum- twice Man. No aae. Tm not In it wlthoui UDpieataat, after rffrr t«, ute tlio stile diMjreeaNe o.lor that now troubles you.' Keep your husband her bralaa ouk It is stated that the ralstlon case therefore be il Lost week my pat'eoun died, yestenlsy deltgblful iMtuld laaaUTO re «r«ly , H>rup home, and avoid all tixkx by havinj him smoke BULL D urham morning I lost my knife, and to-dny 4 t a i l s mother sesiag her soa aiming too Katolvad. that judiciary eommittee of F'tgoi Tobacoo . Sold everywhere. T aeia Tax.. March M —liatiirdar deadly blow tlappad la front of the No 1 bo roquesled to atcortaia if a Tea got na saracbe That's ths way A maa oftei^ tiuba*li»t toe oa tee thretb B ig h t aaar NuMa. in the woatern dsugnter leinkiag to stop tho soa tutpoatioa by the legislature of sec It always goes If it isn't one Iron bis O.d <*f aurrfARR. ftLACKW rU-’S DL KH.A.M TOBACCO tO .. Durham. N. C. portion of the . ooualy. Toatoa anu from throwing, but she was nilhor too Uoa Slid corrs'stive protisioat of it's anothar. Thera's only otie thing (Juiney ('rood happened to n serious alow to hating started tno artio n or the ooipin Ssioa art until snn Basl that keeps me from rommitling tai- r//jr WAT OVT a<«idoal whiio raiuraing home from a badetarm.eod not to Im stooped and decisions ofHlie supreme euurt •>( ibe eide and sading tha whole biulneoa ” of Avoaiatra (roubles Id tpelliBg bae. tjuincy Nnbla who Is tarew with tarribia (area and deadly Toited SiatoA would not voab e iba "W aU r wllh Doclor I’iercrt Favorite rreerrlpUvn. about If yekrt old waa rioing aFack Tha news sp?aar>.<;t rail* of tha earth Is aront MO toas. The n<- tons oRe tost ia ths form ef a was feared that (Juiary ^iild not hrougbt thd prisoaer to tewa first i'o ed to.prwm a sad report a resniutua and taa woiire station sao tritn^Ors-'O-ied to auspenfi aecllon aad corralaljiTs ftk* powder, and si^ carried lorek to * k m :;sdw kn OtMl kny. Mitsst. oovar. 1 odi wtwjkTtv».t.t^iWiisSsalmi seiokres him to the Jait, lullowod aif ib'e time proritioaslof said commission act the eart^in the shape of bolabis iroa ments, h'Smkkt Jcsh imastw. isTi -iwMivtS- • eae« ail. h r a mao ei>uwd crying. ' I.yaeh him . or ulcerstloa, besiiogi-dowB 2fw* esew. Cm At kM Tn eil m kt mUCmt Ra Waa a Atroanlsr. aensaUons aa- ______F rasideacs of Mrs SallloCaoney. o,gbt **ll*B loo bad!” wailed tbs atruggilag ever (alia to heneflt er rare, you hava siwe Stay si R skbsvs. A is t is . T ex M areh 10. — la literary man. "I wrote a two-ealama yoox BBodey hock^____ miles west of (•reoavilla bursod ho.ISO OB mill see tee house bill m K ohr W orth Tax.. Mar.-h l a ^ W dietch laat night, after the hardest kind Ihursday algbk Tbs mast houMi vidlag re-trlot OSS up<>k me l-s'»v hi Ou'esTtaia to rare ever* csss oT ibterHi Is Unlike ms liutcii tiocess ^ T Tloidor. lormoriy of Hrowawood vf w ora, and than loAt Mnat b ril­ Boar ISO rsaidsaoo was Arad first, aad couaty boeus end xdlidatiog pendf n a * a f.'s (OlaiTh Reawdv that Its rmpfie- claims to have broa druggsol aad liant thing I ever duL Woeld ha a-rt make voe this offer i " If yev rent be >1 Xo Alkalies ' whan dlACoear^ iba family want la heretofore Issued was lakve up The ' * ■ tm cobbod of a giAd watch fir'iO in ignsav sriade me faDsnua* r.-.-ed -wnnonerillT.Well imXJtSjk fittZ> sash.* ta save tba ooatnst* and found ibai disciwslon hinged upon the followinc ir. oi'iwt and valtiabis paoera. Kialoar a ^lury "i'aa't you find It naywhera?" LSi OsJior ClioniicalH ail the meal # ba goaa They then Am H. .All bonds hsrdtoforo issue, hal-e IS that ha came hero yaatarday to pur- "Not a trace <>f It Clesa gona, MEND YOUR OWN MAHNESI tmt>4 IlM tried to aavo tba roaidasca hut failed, by couaiies of tbit stare for tha erve- T}Wnnd« vf chnaa n busiaeaa outfit nod rsgistared "H ow did yowXIoaa It?" horn* of tbo child rsa aalaap in the licrn of om jribm isos and ja ii* and for nwo at. at tea Avaoue hotel, la tDw avoalag "W xhvdaa:* H . BAKER Ac'(t).’JN houao baraly aacapod with tliair Uvaa. tho purpose of cwaslrtietieg and buy- ^ THOMSON'S Ireland The butidiag was flroo by Ibo oariiaosriiao " paid P**" bM bill aad went to walk. Ho -to o k lag eridgca for publish urei whoa ths What fattHf Tos aeo la otayrs strive ta who sialo tba eoutenm ef the k r e a ii q)ps found uacoaacious Ifi' a boads ba f | 8 LOTTKO thtamoraiag Ha knows aoth- tlisa r«akfastG(ico9 house T ts WoadkouiMa of this place *>®» «•* of such eourthuuses. .^Is aad ariegas | whMk iB mk»m§ntwt0 wars seat out to trail tbo rnbsarsi b u t •'>«»’ahout tks aTatr oy bow it hap- Tha Fwaatala Nsed aS atraarVh. CLINCH HIVET8. I ------famrw so far have not boon board froi_ . Tbo polioo srs invattigaliag. Woes wa rvccllevt that lha shHnach I* the K* to«l* wqMirTsI Otof • 9mmtmr w*4H nurcBasers *s4 labarstarv la wkirk faod Is irknaf -rwcd to tImw# tkam ««*llv taH qtiirKlf, I At only Mrs rhooay a mas Is aoout Mwu. I 4% Ml* used for K) Ihs s»vr.Uons vlilck furrlta s r sar talk* NWTlMf tto ritoc# fiw»iU> i\A ^ «tf < »• Iwk to to lMu lu 87. Montciiar s nuiwiack nitiara dnn« nn.1 .0--- to »««•»(« tor • toi vf ttoi ■•M ky 6 ~9mr% ^# rf•W f*. ter. a farmer living ten miloa north of ii-nily. snaaoaaWy. rrzutaiifie and rvtalfU, te fiO. tat trtsf. > • m T y C When the massiangar. who rtroa bare and tan hbtisa IblU oa tha sania sub- oulty ocourrsd yesterday evaoing in- he IS k thiBg. 1 Mmmmf lU I l i b . LI for a aurgooo. loft ho was still all vs jecl After aa\all day wnsagla di* Dtftor BpocIMtfog M follomroi wnM,nr w WmnI m « -volving Dr. J W Duho; a deatiai but It is bollcvod that death onsiiod culktBg various vtmeddmsBlA soma of Maw's Tklsl and (reonra Hay a. lour shots wars •• ¥y MjwmI I**! almost insiaatly. wnlch were adufted xaa prcTious N s idhr One lisndrad IMIsis ivwstff fits *4.00 A *5.00 *2.00 * *1.75 fnl *y wWrtlF ef wtrr fi -ed asd Hays was arrested charged qiieatlmr was ordarod jr Mftr ftad Tvatbft. I rnn»taRt iNNirr^ of »*o th a hill snr esao nt Cainrrh >hsl caanol ke rtirrj by Flee oewsdl abeea. Inwa to ioymFDt of lifr T w knuW of | tearful Sulk alii, the shooting lleo eail patwid passstd ton third road lag Bail's Caiarrk Cnia •* w ars ' ' I n ric'tt «wit. »* tViiii. Tox.. Marsh A —Mrs. J. M. through Ihika's hat: the omeds flew t t . t H»'.Nkr A 00. TtHedn. O | R f a Fane* jk laaa- wtt*r W illy«|y 1 f«ir ksItwHl Wa, the underslcord, have Vnown 7 J *3.00 *|i t«« Oavi 's. Woods want Out la her buggy yastor- wide of their mark. The sheoling Xkauia la adjaaris. Cheney hiv Ibe last IS years, and Helierr blsi tl.aJVFarmere.eee. day with Dave W'Uliama. a oolured grow out of a prior difficulty. ill ST IA Tax.. Marx'h 9. — In the pevfeeUy boworsbie la nil busineos irsnsac- TrnilM M WfYwl and boy as drlvar. Ths horse want over tasata yaatarday Xir. Ilaldwla offarad Uaes,sad tnsaclally able ta aarry nut tev o* •2.50*^2.00 AO yok »rmrir I'li* i ' a prsciptio at ths bridge approach on nitll Travaliua- arodr by treb fins. ^ *2.50, *2.25, a raaolutioa tv adjourn on lha 7.’.th of tL Tnrai. Wkolrsale O nb^U , Wm l«d alw ars North HIxth alrsiok which la a por- ClA«.0 Tek.,' March fi. -- Tno bicyeia If toarixta Tbumaa ()> Alisa. Jr., and Marv-h. In a aeries of whorea-rs oc­ Toledo, O.; Wsi.niiiw Kixask * mI rviw . Mr. peadlcular daacent of twenty feok curs this laaguage: IWbolsasir Dmzclsis, 'foietht, tl. * TUe M W m I. Sschtlebofi wbo.araan routh 2.00 U lk s to M rs Wobdi< hnd aaveral bdoat 'oroken Whoreas, it is the desire of eauh Hall's Carerrh rare Is tskrn Intrmall.t, set- tor*. M iiifti «r w rm •1.75 to New York aity. passed hors Satur- hif dtrrcily npou ths bb«d sad Bor-dis sur- f #f Wftrblftf Mtoie Waterproef nnd rsoaivsA' Internal injuries. Wil­ ami every member of the senate, as ffRkF #w f*4>to Iter tour day muraiag gulag to Dallas. I'p o e tscea n( Uir s.iwero. Teallaionlsls seal free. AhfilMtol bftFfttMft I* •KWAM or mAUD IT II* A DI T T reeew * -aid tha liams had both laga broken, nnd a well aa the bouse to roans a siite Frist Tte. per laiUie fluid by all Unigriste •clf le an the b—i vela less ap- Cttt I *■ York they will have IM tito ftufiffiRatoto. tofw# ♦HP* to NMlftftrtoto toll. «»• In th e Iromplated a eyellag trip around tha reputation nnd to effiim slf Tue pnnlskroaiTtsf fsiscbood is to sua «'i*toto< BkHi Ceiiaty Treasurer L W liliarat was Artriff. Tax., March A - In thn #l<*»«to ft—*»«| Hftoi »##•#. Kwerfol I'ouaty 'rraaturvr v'oe aad ax-Saoriff Alai TVecAss." 8e!d a Jy la bosea. 1 «»4 *<•»* •—« arrsfio d to-day by She Iff H ritton on Moate tha bill aroendiag tba act to nt'diral loiwu ware buggy-ridiag asar the *MtoM UfiRMfiM* to • f«8n tof the (harga of smivextliBg Hartley aaeoiirago Irrigauoo so oa to givo Our sorrsw ta tba Invented unaze af oar mm VtoT fibfi mm .ll<>«mekSKA flumoA. rosorvoirs and wells prafei- Why o u n iin ee the aae of ramadlev that lem«nwwitli*Hi.^e. fkwsrrVloluUiHW. fsmi Coe was Ihixiwn from Uia buggy and now in Jell In default of bail charged b» ic-ut If iw fn s knu 4ija»ul*lt. rkslr* with alike offeatc. aaoe Ilea for the use of wate- from rely rellevfi, when Ely's Ovem Bahru piaas imi'atahoMsiW,. A.Tt iIWV.B. b-wi«a. Mass, 'found ia an uaooascious stare. 7?lu^ li/M. such ditches uadar a Isere o' raarel ■at of aapik-sllna sad a sure ivsiv luv Csta-rk Ha soon ronovarad. however, from red CM4 te head, eaa bs hsd. Nesirau ttiiiea. coairacl wastakea uo aadjpMsed. , COUGHING v itiana the shook end It rsportod doing well Hoi ATON. Tax., M arch 9 .— T, Lu­ I I hsA s srrera sltsck of rafsirh sad'hc Ta iln a Ant,>Hawp>aivts. cius. loaamaa of the construction l.kkB stiSirs •wvvstreanen, ams so deaf 1 eoeld *>< bear eawuaua roover gang working on tha Katy axteasioa lallaa. I sufiered terribly Iroa n—rlag la my AS nied* R bzxnam . Tax.,, March II.—Tha Al sn u . T ex.. March 10. — The read. I rmurod a b<4tle of Ely's Lream ij J i / r rremmo ni*c# dww« w mmmtrn MARSDEN'S aohlo ladles of Hrsahsm bars formed In th is clt.v, shot and killed a U axl- jAlat eomraittoe to Invoslirate Land iairo, aad Is three weeks eoeld brar as well as caa laborer namad Antonio Alvnrex, •vrr, aad Sow I raa My In sll who are aRlrleiarcb A PILES VZ r.vpa by riMtof vUi gtM fMM wWaetlWb— •—tn I Apply Balm Into ea<-h nnatrfl ' II 1s (Joleklr cvn rz ANY C-OVGH . rsoert at tha aaxt maoting of the While baodltog a piAtnl Henry lild- far Salieu Wamen. tbaurtml. Given H eller e l ouoa. fb-lce league. rick accidentally shot himself In tha Ai STIM. Tdz.. .March 10. — Haloes SI rvwls at DruQlste or by mall. ttd a a jlTMAfi CURED TENS OF THOUSANDS • anue Ik Raa, loll arm. It IS a soriwus wound. Dld- the boiiao adjouraad yaatarday .tlr. (LT BROTII2M.M Ransa Sl . New Tsvh. » WHOLE FAMlir. (•Ai.vicaTuii. T ez.. M arch I L — Y'ee- riek Is a Gormaa farmer living asar Kleidt gays autlca the* ae would moia fN-THE FAST 25 YEARS,. Don't try le carry til your rallzion In in fill A PIOTUiE ON KVKRY RAOI. terday at noon, Cbarlae Andarioo. a bare. So taka up tba van ala bill to ostabliah Cures Constipation Hendrasis af ValwaSla Frltss. Rsastl. ' I nor head. rwl Prraslwnis. Awswilng rsnlrat*. .. Bwodk aged abaut oO ysanx was fouad fsangarwwsif ( wi. a-boms for fsliaa woraoa to-duy. rrCURES COUGHS and c o l d s , pltnwta. dead la bad. Tha body was badly do- Dk< ATI N. Tax.. M arch k. News Wa eat too Oil and Uke leo little out CROUP RCMIDYt 7* Cants ■ Yaar. - Ta lorreave niork, TK* Ml/ i tolrtoG ftawa fftto via wr* Mftw- VBsnd I o Oantgww-e S maalbi'irlals oompoaad. has reached bard that during a diffi­ lonr osen Ise This is tbo fnktt of oar w. - - i_ prikMfc pwrtto* tv«ftir 'and QPIOUP IN CHILDREN. ---- ' aiedern rlvlIlsAtiea It Is claimed tbal piMffiftliMffift |v tow*to*r» aiftf «r culty betweoa a man named Keaaedy ! At sTiH. T az., M arch 10 la the •>nr ps|» HSKU mUUM Ct MI I tfR ltim Java RraUvu. .larfield Ten, a aimple barb remedy, hslpe had h DOgra hoy at Aurwra the letter saantd Uh L«wU hiU authoriAiag our- -SOUO EVERYWHERE Dtfftsnw, Taz., March 10.—H. But­ Rkltfia M dVlTeMte thiss nbuaae V9gft nmmay 9m twmnh m tm WM daegerously euk E ceoedy Ia ua- poratloos to locroosa ibair rapiMl ■t'd a t Ban, to rw. «ii4 nCftE"VM ter. a workmaa la tho ear ropalrlag dev a rm ed asook ta douhte ton amooav owaboe- The fat aron'v hrorh tnksk tha lohgi al OiAvTAi R R M shopd WM ttriiek Wadadsday night Uod capital w m eagrofsad. Tiy raas'3 • a■** ....v V «•*. IIK by a Jock baadia break tag bis jaw C'anue kaad.*'^ Il enimwu or mm m taaa. f Tw N -z n ta r T r a a v -R a r a .. ' Fite.-*" to Df. |IMM*a Offtit bfaiA Tea Merck IO--Jamss «ervaI Reeireer.Reel- Wr ilr«i 4«y • «*• 4to a sriaa e i ^atc Taavkav. Ttosw ftft4 to to IrlMl (ffWIfi ftW to h« Deaaoly. e citifea of this piers was J Arsyi'i. T«x Msr;li iw. Tba laa ••wttohT fHftffi m 4 M LRtN skt 1 < iz March 7. --'Thers fpuad dead la bog yestordqy aiaraiap. ate by a vore of 19 t-r fi pasaou xn.- was somothiag of a flurry buaday lie WM antHk-eally la good hss'Uh woea Pr«.vlBteoBtp:c«eiM-y * e eoafcaaiea ^ I , oUl authori 'lak the rertttrnt-oo o: aigbi avar the raoartad arrost af ha roAlrsd. brdods, trodd-Rarki «ia if tafhi'lenty A i i Price The Graham Leader. Hubbard City Xewa; Thera were Baldfaoe whisky is bad enough. in 1890 forty-aeven Judicial Dia- It U said to make men steal, but Yoiu^ County Delinquent Tax List for 1892. W ALLACE & McCAN,. W. OHAVSS, l*ropri*U>r triota inTexaa. Forty-eetran court according to. the following, from the. By virtue of ths Tax Rolls of Young County, Texas, for the year 1892, and by virtue of holders, whose aggregate salariea Houston Age, morphine beats the authority vetted in me as Tax Collsctor of Young County, I have thle day eeistdseistd and and lev levied DEaVLERS IN . T mb Vkrnop Tex*n u io fxvcr of amounted to |235,000 per year. whiskey. upon and will proceed to tell for cash, at publio outcry, to the higheet bidder, at the Court iatotwo aUtct and, The Judge’s salary is the smallest The raving effects of the mor­ Houee door of said county, between the legal hours of ^ e , on the FIRST TUESDAY IN 'lultimiaily,; of making Vernon part of the expense attached to phine habit were clearly illualrated APRIL, 1893, thejiame being the 4th day of eaid month, the following described tri^U of land ti* <’Ap!t-4 of <■!><> of tlirm. and town lots situated in Young County, or so much qf each tract or town lot as will pay lbs couK holding, hence what an enor­ this morning in the case of a young tazss and costs thereon. Said sale to continue from day to day until the list is coroplvled: IMPORTEDIDOMESTIC mous sum Texas pays to get the white man who appeared before T ub Trinity NavigaiinnCu. have small measure of justice she gels. Justice Mahoney, charged with Resident Roll. purchaaed another «nagbo«t to op­ Yet, the cry is fur more courts. theft, and when searched, various BT WHOM BKMDEKlD.|AlMi.IOw.|Bur.| ORANTU- Wo. tSUU .Co. ISUU Btata'Pbt.lCo. iCofllTaUU erate from the mouth of the Triiii ______IWe. 'Wo. |Mo. \______AfTsa Tai iTajt'.Srh’fPoll. ,8i-b*l Poll ’ .1 Dallas County compoaes two dis articles that had l«en stolen were WINES, LIPOSS AND CIGARS ty toward Dallaa. 7 * ^ ' IM7 '-J, M^kUtImms. too I tricte. McLennan County wuoLs to found on his person, as also were t7M IM 1.M A 1.29 I 2.5o'lO 98 G R A H A M , . . - TEXAS The itU’l of Mie. A?hef, (former- cut the same figure, and Ufsysoo two cases of morphine, in each of W. c. W. O. Chsik. ^ ■ 58 t6| <55 12 1.50: 98 sol 2.50: 5.17 H. O. Doaisr, 91 899 .Marxist Bdaweds,' 780; 2.84'8.68 1.95 t.60| 25' 2.50 17 12 ly Mrs. .-tlf. Miirl.,w,) against Hen. « •«»-« too. Pretty soon somebodywhich was a springe, such as is used T. A, r«iM. 17S7 J. J. lant, 80. 78 2J1 04 1.60 25| 2.60 8.54 Ksept coiutaotlr oo haaj the (ullowing popula brands of Liquors: w ill^ wanting to set up Hill county by physicians to inject medicines C. MaiKUrUU, 18B7 ' 8. A. Brooks 180| 1 \V L Cab<-ll which was mentioned 1674 .las. Burs. B, J. Semmt$(t Co.’t VanneMeeliye, 0. F. C. Taylor and Belle of Nel~ in last weeks LkaORK, resulted in a as a Court District ail alone. The into patients. When brought from less Wm Rally, i son, (case goode); alm> Belle of Neleon, If. H. MeBrayer, Bond A Lillard 1.6084.75 verdict for the defendcnt, Geii Judges and lawyers continue casus the cell this morning his frame 1779 A. Irrin, 160 8.78 1868 8 II 1 50| 25] J. W. Kiebs, W L. Uobbt. 18 6:il98; 44 I 2.50 6 89 OuekenkeimfT Rye in bulk; alto the/nett of Peeuh and Apple Brandy. Cabell. --from term to term, instead of try­ shook as if on the verge of delirium J. M. BUrrsU, 79U 18; W. U. Kuyluodall, 160 49 1.79 41 1.60 251 280, 789 Ikaveall of my goods tkippid direct frave dietillery. ^ ing and clearing the dockets, and tremens, facs blanched and eyes Major Irvin Q. Randall’s case is new cu es are docketed all the bulging as if about to spring from Non-Resident Roll. act down for trial before Judge while. The dockets become over­ their sockers. Thefrst request on J. W. Burks. - 1S7 I iKsii inn. 1-4' 04 281 08 2.50 2.92 ¥x Woitb Ornoary Co. 187 Ban Hill, 1-a' 04 14 08! 2.60! 2.71 Burke iiT Dallas on March 24th. crowded, and made a 6ne showing leaving the cell was fir morphine, L. M HMfocii. 462 216 T. K. A L. Co. S20j New Lumber Yard .Preliminary motions have been dis­ fur more courts. Added expenses and it being denied, he looked as IM ! iJas. Jubntoa, 84018.8« lt.08! 1.90 2 60' 28.52 Kvam Morris. I 461 T. K. A L. Co. 820 1.44 6.281 1.20 2 50 10.42 posed of and the trial will' proceed are nut thought of or cared for. If hopeless as the criminal wluise Ann M. Ixmx, lf97 12927 82011.44 6 28 1.20 2.60.10 42 then without delay. we had trial courts instead of con­ noek was being fixed for the hang­ Wsllt Tbonipson, 274 I ISylphia ‘Iya«, 2697ll868 49.78,11.81 tinuing courts, we would nut need man’s noose. He readily adinit^_l UNRENDBRED R O L L . Cleveland has given it out tlial U fo many of them. The Court busi- that he was guilty of theft, but that -■ - > -. - Hr ATS T axm . ibe^ will not re-appoint the old o f-; jg going to bankrupt the Slate "tits stealings had been contiAcd to NAUR or OW NRR.'Ab. ;8iir. OslOISAL OoxSTSB.--! Total. 6ciala who aerv^ under him dur- j ihajr kssp on T W tegialxlure taking-such things aa he couM bar­ -Jko. INo. M in eral W ells. Texas. l.nkibowu. Jna. BrldfM, Img his first sdniioistration, nut be­ can create w-new court when she ter nnd obtain morphine. He says as S8-” 1 A. Bt'hn, — cause _pf any diasalisfaction with pleases, and when asked to do so that he has only been addicted to IS 49: J«M Bragg, DEALER IN IS 611 ^.J. Hrngg, tliein but because they hsve hsd she generally pleases. the mnrpliine habit for three years. 88 e7i Jno ('owner. tEeir share ofpnblio pie. 4s !Prt*r I>oud, but that if he is deprived of it now 88 Tlie Texas Slate Democrat sadjy deatfi sa inevitable i r IM. UwUy. Lumber, Lath Shingles, Sash, 88 640 2 88 and Doors Farmer Shaw don’t like tfic. us' ,U. A B. N. Co. remarks: SS 1 4S S6 175 78 .A A Georgia edilor,^ who is evidept- 117 ,Cleveland, adminiatration deal x bit ft eeeafS strange that wHhin all At - l99t B9BrlU4 ly tired of the way tome things are IS ito 'j. P. Humo. (8 1) 820 1.44 end he don't-eeee who knows it. the bright galaxy of true and tried SS 109 48 going, printa this: 16h; :Klord Jordon, • Me says in effect that the cabinet' democracy Mr. Cleveland could not SS 201 E. Mills, 281 1.28 are a set of gold bugs and monnpo-1 “ We arc worn out will^ these 8 8 219 'J. PuitTsnt, 02 27 All kind.s of Ruiltlin^ iMaterial. tinJ a man worthy of the place sec- SI 820 1.44 people. A msn.gsve us a hen for 696 294 T. R. A L. <’o. •lists. ! end only’ in iuiportauce to the place S8 658 8M SS - SS 820 1.41 88 • 820 I 44 j occupied by himaelf. While to one year’s subscription. The hen ^ 86 «16 409 •• “ — _ (iov. Hogg is doing all he can to 6ti0 458 820 1.44 some his action may appear as ^ ' proved to be a good layer, and now * •! 878 1447 81 88 205 1.19 carry (»nt the principlca enunciated | 88 S8 81 206 1 19 I bright stroke of politj^cal genius, —hanged it lie ain't suin’ us for 890 1464 inbir nv-enf nie»*age Imt his legia- •A_ 896 1469 ” ” 266 1.19 yet to the iu»n who have fought in the eggs, on the ground that they •s 917 1491 966 1.19 lui 'ra ure kiiring time as fast aa were nut in the bill of salel’’ 88 941 1666: •/ •• 820 1.64 Uk trenches fur mure llian thirty II 820 I 44 ^onv set of men can kill it. 966 1679. I years in the face of cxinlinucd de- There are twplve professors in 88 971 1809 '• ” 820 1.44 8« 976 1902 166 1.19 Tlv nsion men arc just a little | * the uiedical department ol the Tex­ • 8 1014 1940 " " 266 J 19 appearance of party treachery. A as University, and twenty-three il02S 1949, * / 266'1.19 It fearfut'bC.the Cleveland adinin 11204 2984: 820 1.44 democrat should be a democ-rat for __ i*t..tion. many of ibem students. Three professors receive IT. A N. O R. R. Co. 427 1.27 other reasons than retenue only, 9<'iO<) per month, and four others I r. W. Ciaell, 100 72 Were “cut off from clabber’’ |K. V. Bulltr. during Cleveland's and but one of the tenets of the Jack* I'V k), and the pay of the other five ii. A. Conir*, soiiiaii brand is that to the victors J . W. llavidMiB. fbev are likely to g*ow huT grades close along to the >iU0 figure. H. Korns-. ag ain a< soon a< ils, and we do not To an average tax-payer, the J U Noble, the Idw fiiTWlgn t« thtf tHitlF thought suggests llselT, would It not Ip. B. BeaBbia. -HATE THE fime'tdTo«>L aR«.r lti--m Jse. K. IU tims, l.)g4 < IT. J. Jordt^. Gaovxa CLKVELAxii has served Cleveland >k^ly evinces that the , ciinducted by private enterprise, or B. r. Hssdiui. notice on the grand 7army of ofii<'e uiugwumpian teih k ;^ es so cliarac* ; if by. the Stale, would it n>>t lie well I jACob NivbuU, Largest and Best Selected r - eOekers tha* he I« rot going to "turn islic of bis foriui-r atJH*iuistraiiun for the M.tte lu ailcpt the business J. A. T imm. 1^ A. Ii Muora, llie raxals i-ui’’, until tliVir terms abide wiili linn still. It I7i*abeeu luelbods of a prudent individual.—— J. B. Mullias, STOCK OF rvpirt except fercede tne Jeffrf- Dalgjteneuiyufreligioo printa! W, B. Musssri a, the praters of Bro. Briggs of lbs j J la lUlM. soniati labet; and it' tliia is bis real | ,B. U. Wend. _» Jlr. Jones' motion a new trial.a»uUvi| t is an rxiieriiiiriit that will Senate. Tlikjc are attractive and W. II. Bmwa. bear evidence ofYtse thorough pre­ J. K. Hs>nss. .was overruleil at Dallas last week, -!,« watched with iiilereet throughout ■J II. UlMCnW, DRY GOODS and he took an ap{iesl to the court the land. paration that genllcntlMi^giTea all 'J. lUonrs, his extemporaneous' K. E. Msador, . t . V I ) ^uf criminal appeals. ------• ■ — _ iMsMinger A Ilarr*;, ■ TJie Belton Journal repi-ats tl.e The question is, however. |t'ha(. Ablsn, “ Col.” Fitx«immnns and“ C o l.” scene at iKe close of the revival of | Briggs with safely trust the Dalgal- J. J. lisars, GROCERIES JIall, the middleweight contestants ^ain Jones at Memphif: andsoforth to bear bis fietitioiis to K.A. U la. ••srrieer, iiuvh, . i n the world's pugilistic champion- The evangelist at the cl.;so rtiter- s throne of grace. Is there not' J HiirbW, ship, met in the arena of the New ^ 1 into a sketch of his ownisreer, danger of scorching them on thej Ever Eroug}it to ibis Ifloriket, Orleans ktbletic club last Wednes- telling how he started out with road?—Texas Farmer q. ll.artaSI, r. B. Hunt. »»A»e»»eA A. J. Krtussr, in the fourth round and knocked milted to the bar. He went into C. !l laO>8 Going to Buy .^K. r. MtVariT, out entirely. Fitxsimioons, takes U'* •»!“« region of Xi-ntucky ! Ki-.rrcll, CaVLL.AXl) SRE THEM a purse of #-10,OCiO from the eurkera ah'! married Uie girl of His clioii-e. | A Dictionary? J. d^--&>binrul)• OIT TNI BBST, .8. ». RNB. r.k North .^idc s^qnarc. AM.I who w itnessed the affair snU put up Three' years after his marriage )ie J, id . Tsimii their money on the relative brutal-jrrss a drunken sot. He could Webster'slntenutloiul. H. A. tin Ity of the rluggers. ' |inciiil*er when his wife, hesrt bmk- A Cliok* Gift V J . A. Tretis, 'rii, knelt beride his druiikrn f >rni W'iailwrgn. A Grand Family Edveator r V Gov. Hog«, oil March 8th, sent and prayed for him. Tlien bame A Library bi Itself ’0 ' W'.L W-illis, to the legislatuccLa^jaecial inesaage . the death of Lis father, and with Tha Standard Authority A. Rebus, on the subject of railway iccciver- touching pstho-s file sps-.iker told A. Kohus. fur T si 18||1, ahip.—Msemessage grew out of and his reformation. “ Now” he saidtI 749 T. E. A L. «.«. was Aoootnpanied by a copy of the ” 1 have not touched liquor fur eigli 64 depoetiooi of Joseph >blle of Aus- leen-years. But hsve not free:!; T o w n I - o t s J . P O U T E R & 8 o n , tin, in the commission case. 'ynyseif from the curse. I have still' 1 i . R JmwHI, port of Wiloow Blork. an 2 .JO 60 It reflects heavily ui>on the fed- the craving.—As I am mortal man,|j 1 I'bkrnHili, L h 8. BInrh 9 15 II 56 MaDufarturwr. and Dealcrein 1 as eral judges si.d their officers and 1 donut know that I will not fall a l.n t 8. Blork 18 12 10 44 1 as Lot In f II. Blork 15 so 60 2 .» ■ I espcctoliy upon receiver Dilling- victim au;ain ” At this point the 1 S8 I/h SA 20. Blork 29 09 18 as do Lot 1, Block 95 OS 80 28 Saddles, Bridles and Harness. iiato.of the Houston and Tessa ' speaker broke down. Tears Stream- 4 as Lot 88, B irrk 88 OS 05 i i Central railway, Daniel Reply, ex- ed down bis face. In all that au- tralDc manager, and A Faulkner,' dience of men there was scarcely a H. C. I L I s o u BT ALL BOMKBJ J.fct. w bviiit il ov liu Mill t( llfiir » Uirt 'Igtki. - *-|>ai»enger agent of said roqd. ' dry eye. Th»re was a pause of a * VW iBSwmsiaaal Ii a MW best fesa Gniliain. Texas, Feb. 23. 1803. l ax Ct»lIccto'r Young Co., Texas. Gov. IIo|K charges that the road full minute, while the preachers All kinilBOf repairing neatly done: PriccB rciuuinnlih ssS It tbs s n riiiiir et Ms a a f S S Give 08 a trial. Shop West Side Fuhlic .'Npmre, • \< en plundered by the federal wcfit. Bi-ginning again tremulous- J011X6 UN & AKIN, . , f .ivi-t liglil y are until at ly, he espreoied fervently the hope pfiBUC - Tax Sale of City Property. k at IS a Oita! Oai.kiupt. Hes*ks il-nt he and his children might D* M l ^ ffVfrtMiitf 9 By virtue'of the TaxRolls of the Town of (iraham. Young do., Tex. Attorneys at Law, TEX..A.S .he !^gi«lJture to par- • rcmedi. I g- never know the taste of liquor again. for the year 1H92, and by niilhority vested in me as Tax Colleotot- ol said GRAHAM,TEXAS rsflbsMsscssswahJlssf Town of Graham, I have this day seised and levied upon and dill pro- islatiOii t» prulet t taiiisay • ropAatv 'C .ac.m u aA M ca. rsbusaert, Will prs>tiro la tbo Oourts of Touag from l|heIi g.-:i»p of p.1 gi i.- !•-lirsl Tin- .Ma'rn-in« nre receiving a a rw ire in L a . auoa.. a. a. a (wed to sell for cash, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, at tl^ court •nd odlolniag nnMitios v6s»e»eee»B|ia»M fa8aaAhouse door In said town, between the legal houre of sale, on the FIRST Oflew.ip-oUirJr* la tbo Merrtooa-Strssl power and to pass rooiut. ;. m c->!il le c ption frvna theIbe Mexicans.IrM ;TUK.8l)AYlIN Al’UIL, 1$1W, the same being the 4lh day ofaaid^oothj, (S orialidng oongreas to dt-cspiUlt I liie following desciiWI tr* U of UiiJ oml town luis. bltuuli-il in fie cofi 1<4 <»f ft-deral jo-lge- htv I e*peeix Iporatiun of Graham, or eo much of each^ tract or town lot at will pay A . B. G a n t , lbus« ^lio, as 'lie g-'veriinr I'laii Uhe taxee and coeU due thereon; said sale'to continue from dayitu day ATTORNEY AT LAW, THE J. B. NO'BRIS >re en|M ed in rulrbing the peuj ( A8EY & KEEN, I until the list is completed; _. . . ■ O w sin S sm "-I Abs-Urlginel OraiAe. T ow s. Lot. Block Kurv.j.r aud XoUry Public, of Taaa systematically.-* (No. I Orshoas. tWwool SoUrM* lowd BuiiiMos Iw all Ho fiirwi. I lls I bold, fearless documei 7 AZIMZK, TeXAS, i.~k. Altea, ~j9raliam, Part Wilson, ■ 9^>«co la tbo BoohhM .. 25 lo 2 SS Hardware C o m p a n y replete with found democricy add A. B (4aa«. 1 | I S GRAHAM. : ; : : TEXAS R. Osrson 189 Ae'A. backed by undeniable proofs. It Have the Largest and Best Selected Stoclc of S^ 8*oi[hSl"' i ” iOrsMiw. 10 8 n 60 421.88 has the ring of true statesmanahip J. R. jo««n part WiUow. 1.00 2.60 4 60 Have openctl in their new brick nn immonho Htock of J. C. Hindtnsn, . > 4 22i 2.25 2.60 4 76 0 . Tl. T inlay , about il and we recommend it to ,17 A 18 IS, 4.291 4.291|2.M 11.09 A. P. MeCoraU<-k ATTOSXnCT-AT-ZJkW AJITI Y the attention of oil true Texane. K N. rrics. 17,18,19 88 1.95 1.95 '2.60i 8.40 , J. W. Burk. 187 an Hill. 1 121 121 2.60 2.75 I ’ nknowa, Oraba«i.'5, 7 A 8 U l l , 1.00 2.60 IA8 LAND AGENT, The Joeepu Nalle testimony die.; T . E. Trawl, •• I i of III 18 ; I 00 1.00 l-.'IO 4 60 Uah SA ofW 22 I 15 16 2 60 1 80 Graham, Young Co.. Tezoh piooes agyslem ofxobbing by Fed-i I R T D S M i l ** I* 2 i' 121 t 1.75 600 •• I 19| U | I* * 50 2.66 rral 'oourt offi^ols which is unpre-! cedented in the history of the coun-1 Phlete A. Martin, try. Having Mr. Nalle entirely in | W. 8. MeJIMSKY, Assessor A Collector of the Town of Graham, os incorporated for their poww, the federal receiver i School purposea. By H. C. WILLIAMS, Deputy. Attorijcy-at-Law, j ->' ■ Olid general UalGc manager blqd | Frb 2.1. IS93.______ORAilAU. I J , TRXAK 5 ^ ' hioa unmercifully, making him pay- Ever brought to thi s ColUcUont promptly sttowdod tu. Will prsrtioo In t ^ Usto snd Kodsrwl Courts. them as high DR. M. H. CHISM, bale on all cotton dwlivered at hia maTket, which they are| Liverpool Ghief. D». R. N. PRICE,__ compreoacs by the H. A T, C. rail- IgriciilU IniplenM way. This money went into their selling at very lotv prices. Dentist;- riTiiciai,Sirpi lOliitelriciai, private purses. Ol course it origi­ Graham, : : Texas. URAHAM.TKXAH. nally come from the producer. At Come and see us. All mils sttondod to la teen or cvuirtry HARDWARE, iaat when Mr. Nalle kick and they O^e np-tkirt tn (k< Randnlpk Lrtict wt Orsbsia 4k Co’s. Drug Btoro. could blem) him no more they ruin­ Butldinq.utldii ed his bosiDets by descriminotivc » . P . T inw are p roles and forced him |g oell out. ------DEALER IN------_ H. SCHUSTER. . ., JO ^ POHLHANN, The railway commission was put­ TBB ImporlMi ClivsIswiI Bsy SUlHno, MA.’tUFAlPrURER OF Ma’nufaeturar and Oeatar in ting a stop to this sort of ro(>bery bsAongtng to R F. Arwold, will WMks tbi< Staple aad Fanoy Groceries. • 'o Wk gWUlrt 9 Mwsow el tbs BrMi LBrsry BUM# uf J . T. BOOTS A SHOES, ISTIIl'ES, ETd West Side Oak Street, Mineral Wells, Texas. Hietow la Orshwin. BOOTS and SHOES. iJ.em OBxaeas—#16.00 «• llw tasofiaca. GRAHAM. TEXAS. Pemethinf must be done and nnr '7 bo ownor ol all wwsa lo bo roeponolble GRAHAM, TEX AH. In fact, everything in their lino at “LIVE iND IET for witOwiM lo Ihoir oww itock Fowy ibowld I bsvoB Iwr^owodwwa aoOploto MoHisMca« t j govmmor has got the grit Everything Cheap for Cash. All warb hi ths Beat m ni Bboo Ihw essew III I'irdsrs oa soert LIVE" price. _ ' ^ AH kinds of rwpoiriag wootly done. Fifes. d o it if the tegialatura will nnlyi tod weaSly -m gmwqNly- tUv* mo sTitwl All Kinds of Constantly on Hand. ‘ iTnw wflilad my w«ife in i Atm i*4 at lbs rowo'iwblo. airs aw a U4wl. ----- blm the proper backing. I leweMpries) larOhop weal rids Feblle eaeafs. ITortb Side Squaire. Crstham.

- -V X A