INSECTICIDES from PLANTS a Review of the Literature, 1954-1971

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INSECTICIDES from PLANTS a Review of the Literature, 1954-1971 /■■, INSECTICIDES FROM PLANTS A Review of the Literature, 1954-1971 Agriculture Handbook No. 461 >. M. r-ii cr- -•-.X €*0 ., ••> «H fTI 5:> ^':UA "X> ..; pn 1 2 Ci) :, ^'2 cr : .> oO > 5 Ç? o :í::;:'. or Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE USDA, National Agricultural Library NALBldg 10301 Baltimore Blvd BeltsviHô, MD 20705-2351 Washington, D.C. Issued January 197Î For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office ' Washington, D.C. 20402—Price $2 Stock Number 0100-03197 CONTENTS Page Page Cryptogams 2 Cyrillaceae 26 Agaricaceae 2 Datiscaceae 26 Dematiaceae 2 Diapensiaceae 26 Entomophthoraceae 2 Dichapetalaceae 26 Equsetaceae 2 Dioscoreaceae 26 Moniliaceae 2 Dipsacaceae___ 27 Osmundaceae 3 Dipterocarpaceae 27 Polypodiaceae 3 Ebenaceae 28 Rhodomelaceae 3 Elaeagnaceae 28 Phanerogams and spermatophytes 3 Elaeocarpaceae 28 Acanthaceae 3 Ericaceae :-. 28 Aceraceae 4 Eriocaulaceae 29 Aizoaceae 4 Erythroxylaceae 29 Alismataceae 4 Euphorbiaceae 29 Amaranthaceae 4 Fagaceae 31 Amaryllidaceae 4 Flacourtiaceae 32 Anacardiaceae 4 Gentianaceae 32 Annonaceae 6 Geraniaceae 32 Apocynaceae 7 Gesneriaceae 32 Aquifoliaceae 8 Ginkgoaceae 32 Araceae 8 Gramineae 32 Araliaceae 9 Guttiferae __. 35 Aristolochiaceae 10 Halorrhagidaceae 37 Asclepiadaceae 10 Hamamelidaceae 37 Balsaminaceae 10 Hemandiaceae 37 Begoniaceae 11 Hippocastanaceae 37 Berberidaceae 11 Humiriaceae 37 Betulaceae 11 Hypericaceae 37 Bignoniaceae 12 Icacinaceae 37 Bombacaceae 13 Juglandaceae 37 Boraginaceae 13 Labiatae 38 Burseraceae 14 Laminaceae 39 Buxaceae 15 Lauraceae 39 Cactaceae 15 Lecythidaceae 41 Campanulaceae 15 Leguminosae 41 Cannaceae 15 Liliaceae 52 Capparidaceae 15 Linaceae ^ 54 C aprifoliaceae 15 Loasaceae 54 Caryocaraceae 16 Loganiaceae 54 Caryophyllaceae 16 Loranthaceae 54 Casuarinaceae 16 Magnoliaceae 55 Celastraceae 16 Malpighiaceae 55 Chenopodiaceae 17 Malvaceae 55 Cistaceae 17 Marantaceae 56 Clethraceae 18 Melastomataceae 57 Combretaceae 18 Meliaceae 57 C ommelinaceae 18 Melianthaceae.^ : 60 Compositae 18 Menispermaceae 60 Convolvulaceae 23 Menyanthaceae 61 Comaceae 24 Molluginaceae 61 Crassulaceae 24 Moraceae 61 Crudferae 1 24 Myristicaceae 63 Cucurbitaceae 25 Myrtaceae 63 Cunoniaceae : 25 Nolanaceae 69 (-ycadaceae 26 Nyctaginaceae 69 ('yperaceae 26 Nyssaceae 69 I Ochnaceae 69 Santalaceae 90 Olacaceae 69 Sapindaceae 90 Oleaceae 69 Sapotaceae 90 Onagraceae 70 Saururaceae 91 Orchidaceae 70 Saxifragaceae 91 Oxalidaceae 70 Scrophulariaceae 91 Palmae 70 Simaroubaceae 91 Pandanaceae 70 Solanaceae 92 Papaveraceae 70 Staphyleaceae 97 Pedaliaceae 71 Sterculiaceae 97 Pinaceae 72 Tamaricaceae 98 Piperaceae 82 Taxaceae 98 Pittosporaceae 83 Terminaliaceae 98 Plantaginaceae 83 Theaceae 98 Platanaceae 83 Thymeleaceae 98 Podocarpaceae 83 Tiliaceae 98 Polemoniaceae 83 Ulmaceae 99 Polygonaceae 83 Umbelliferae 99 Primulaceae 84 Urticaceae 100 Proteaceae 84 Valerianaceae 100 Punicaceae 84 Verbenaceae 100 Ranunculaceae 84 Vitaceae 102 Rhamnaceae 86 Vochysiaceae 102 Rhizophoraceae 86 Zingiberaceae 102 Rosaceae 86 Zygophyllaceae 103 Rubiaceae 87 Unidentified plants 103 Rutaceae 88 References 104 Sabiaceae 89 Index 121 Salicaceae 89 This publication reports research involving pesticides. It does not contain recommendations for their use, nor does it imply that the uses discussed here have been registered. All uses of pesticides must be registered by appropriate State and/or Federal agencies before they can be recom- mended. CAUTION: Pesticides can be injurious to humans, domestic animals, bene- ficial insects, desirable plants, and fish or other wildlife—^if they are not handled or appHed properly. Use all pesticides selectively and carefully. Follow recommended practices for the disposal of surplus pesticides and pesticide containers. Trade names are used in this publication solely to provide specific informa- tion. Mention of a trade name does not constitute a warranty or an en- dorsement of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the exclusion of other products not mentioned. INSECTICIDES FROM PLANTS A Review of the Literature, 1954-1971 By MARTIN JACOBSON, Biologically Active Natural Products Laboratory, Northeastern Region, Agricultural Research Service In 1958, Agriculture Handbook 154, entitled "Insecticides from Plants, a Re- view of the Literature, 1941-1953," by Martin Jacobson, was published by the Agricultural Research Service. It brought up to date N. E. Mclndoo's publication E-661, "Plants of Possible Insecticidal Value, a Review of the Literature up to 1941," which was issued by the former U.S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Numerous requests have been made to update Agriculture Hand- book 154. This review has therefore been extended to include the literature from 1954 through 1971, as well as several references that were omitted from the previous publication. Every effort has been made to include all the 1971 litera- ture; however, several reports bearing this date will no doubt appear in the foreign literature within the next year or so. These will necessarily have to be included in a future review. As in the two preceding literature reviews, the plants are grouped by families; 1,485 species are represented. No attempt has been made to include material on the well-known plant insecticides pyrethrum, rotenone, nicotine, and ryania. We are indebted to B. H. Braun, Insect Chemosterilants Laboratory, Agricul- tural Research Service, and M. R. Ditman, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., for assistance in collecting some of the information through literature searches. Miss Ditman also checked the order, family, genus, and species names of the plants. Authority names could not be located for those few plants lacking such names in this review. AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK 461, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CRYPTOGAMS AGARICACEAE ENTOMOPHTHORACEAE AM ANITA MUSCARIA L. Fly agaric. ENTOMOPHTHORAAPICULATA (Thaxt.) M. Gustofison. Several house fly attractants from this fungus ENTOMOPHTHORA CORONATA (Cost.) Kevorkian. were fractionated and one purified fraction was Reconstituted freeze-dried filtrates of week-old found to be especially attractive to mature cultures of these species were toxic when injected females.—Muto and Sugawara (^^i).^ into larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria 5-Aminomethyl-3-hydroxyisoxazole, an active mellonella) and adults of the face fly (Musca principle of this fungus, has been synthe- çLutumnalis),—Yendol et al. (^25), sized.—Bowden et al. (63), AMANITA PANTHERINA DC. EQUISETACEAE This fungus has long been known to be toxic to flies. In a systematic search for the active ingre- EQUISETUM HYEMALE L. var. AFFINE (Engelm.) A. A. Eaton. Common scouring-rush. dient, a peptide melting at 174°-176° C. was iso- Cotton plants imbibing alcoholic extracts of this lated and designated "pantherine." Acid hydrolysis of the compound destroyed its biological activ- species failed to exhibit repellency or toxicity ity.—Onda et al. (292), against larvae or adults of the boll weevil.— Matteson et al. (262), AM ANITA spp. EQUISETUM KANSANUM Schaffn. Ibotenic acid, a fly-killing diboric amino acid de- Thirty-eight percent of Melanoplus femur- rived from several species of Amanitay was rubrum grasshoppers reached adulthood when synthesized.—Gagneux et al. (153); Kishida et al. reared on a diet containing extracts of this (213). plant.—Mulkem and Toczek (280), The literature on the "flycidal" constituents of A. strabiliformia has been reviewed.—Takemoto (383), MONILIACEAE TRICHOLOMA MUSCARIUM Kawamura. A hot-water extract and a dilute hydrochloric AsPERGiLLUS FLAVUS Link. acid extract of acetone-extracted material w^re Aflatoxin, a toxic substance produced by A. both insecticidal. The former retained its activity flavus, was fed to (a) yellowfever mosquitoes after boiling in water for 30 minutes.—Oya (294). (Aedes aegypti) at 0.006-percent concentration, (b) The mushroom attracts flies, which then die from house flies (Musca domestica) at 0.03-percent con- poisoning. The active principle was isolated, but centration, and (c) the fruit flies Drosophila not identified.—Takemoto (382), melanogaster. In all cases, both the number of eggs A crystalline component, named "tricholomic produced and the number that hatched were acid," with insecticidal properties was isolated from reduced. Aflatoxin is carcinogenic to higher this plant.—Takemoto and Nakajima (38i). animals.—Matsumura and Knight (261). AsPERGiLLUS OCHRACEUS Wiehelm. DEMATIACEAE Destruxin A, C29H47O7N5, melting point 188°- 190° C, and destruxin B, C25H42O6N4, melting MACROSPORIUM sp. point 234°, were isolated from culture filtrates of The fungal mat was powdered and extracted with this species. The M.L.D. of A and B were 0.28 and petroleum ether to yield an insecticidal substance. 0.34 /Ag. per gram, respectively, when injected into The extract was much less effective than DDT both fifth-instar silkworm larvae.—Kodaira (219), as a space spray and when applied topically against BEAUVERIA BASSiANA (Bals.) Vuill. Culex fatigans mosquitoes and Musca nebulo flies. This fungus, a well-known insect pathogen, pro- It did not exhibit any synergism with DDT.— duces a toxin during germination of the spores and Damodar et al. (110), growth of the hyphae. It is capable of paralyzing and kilUng susceptible insects in much less time than is required for penetration of the hypha into Italic numbers in parentheses refer to References, p. 104. the body cavity. Adult house flies suffered INSECTICIDES FROM PLANTS—A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, 1954-1971
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