GRAHAM EnUrtd at the Boat Offiea at Oraham, Ttxaa, aa Se«<md-CUua Afattar. VOL. X V II. GRA.HAM, TEXAS. WEDNEIpJAY, MARCH 15, 1893. fwm CAS 7ti«r&l Court. OcoB# £r$ok Baui. Bouth Btnd Ifstts. Sridffts AfBla. C$f« Crnk Ztrau. The Leader. The Spring term of the U. 8. cir­ Sickness seems be on the increase Hurrah, Mr. Editor, it is rainingl. If all reports be true the bridge Health good. PVBUSUKD WSJCKLY BT cuit and district oourti fur the ura- in this community; a dosen or more We need it, hence we are glail Oats question is already awakening quite M’e had a fine shower this even­ a fS tl. ham division of the northern dis­ cases now. Home on the mend are sown and this rain will caa*e a warm spirit of competition be­ ing, but it did not come Wore it [.iUaird J. W- G R A V E S . trict of Texas, opened Monday while others havs just been taken them to come up. Most folks are tween citixens of different sections was needed. kfy. rfff.f Of tvncKinioii. tnoroiiig. Judge Jno B. Rector sick. ready to plant corn, but none plan­ of the country and some very wild Wheat and oats look fine. Ob. copy, on. y«tr, gl.so .is inoath*. T6 presiding, Clerk Finks, of Waoo, George W'est died at Ben. E. ted yet as far as we know. talk has been indulged. There are several planting corsr MDIfe/ilSIMe H»TE$. , j district attorney Marshal, of Dallas, Burgess’ night before last and was ' Our school, after a short suspen­ Now these bridges cannot be built 8. D. Davit ia*laking in quits a On. Ueh, flnt inMrtion, * • - $1.00 and Col. P. B. Hunt U. 8. Marshal buried yesterday evening at Goose sion, resumed last Monday morn­ just to suit the convenience of say lot of new ground; he is also having Bach tMlMW|a«U inMition, - • 60 A PMMonsble rtduriion mad. to regular were present. Neck Cemetery. Miss Sus McJil- ing. The measles have about sub­ one particular section, but the court some rock fence bqilt for a hog pas­ advartiMT*. Tmto* ^tmislMd on np^lrMi<m.., A jury was iinpannelled and the ton is sitk with LaGrippe and her sided. J. P. Hji^en is the only one to give anything like general satia- ture. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. Looal nptlom lOceut. p-r Ik.. IrrtlnmrUon, ' ,ounAad 6 emit PM' Una Mob .ubi-iu«,t inMctl^'^“A . »»” <>“• dockeU sounded. Nearly school it dismissed until she gets sick with measles now and he is get­ faction must^ocate them where they One of W. J. Nixon’s fine Ara­ ibrnal raduotiun madi'to tegular adTMtlMTv everything was continued and the well. Mrs. Fore is improving. ting along nicely* A about 25 ur will do the most good to the most bian mares died a few days ago. Exchangfi at Reatonabla Rates.' Notes Diecoanted at a term promises to be a very short Miss Martha Fore came down from *30 have had measles. people. Y . E. Curtis caught a wolf and a M. W. ^ N. W. Low Rate of Intereet. - /. i and unimportant one. Wichita Falls last night. We saw Dr. LeGrand. Sr., pass This the court will do regardless deer iiu a~iteel trap the same day, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE. and it wasn’t much of a day for Y.t. I ^natharfnrd 11:00 a. n» The Federal court is now engng- Ed. Parsons, M.'Meaders and yesterday, and we are (old that he of the kicks and growls of psrlicu- .^'.''UrliTa sreiii.rnl W.ll. p m ' ed in the trial of the case of the several others of the Duff Prairie went to see Mra. Wila Copalao<L- Isr sy tions of the county. ---------^ either;— PATBONAGE RESPECTFUtCT SOLICITED.- ... S L e... W».»h.rforH 6:S0 p. at. J. U. Long has purchased a new VI SI UllWral W.lb •:»! p7 . United States ra. J. D. HBAdlflloTi country^were in the Bend yesterday who is threatened with purumunia. Now let us all be liberal in this i u.«a Minml W.ll. 7:80 a. m. ctiarged with rubbing the jmd they say they are for the bridge March 2nd the young folks met matter. Wer have elected a set of cart. He sayv the girls need not \rrl*. *t W.elh.rf<Hd R:68 a. ai. stand back on account of not having I I/<MV ' M.ii.ml ril. 8:00 p. at. Mail*l>etween Rising Star ar.d Oisco a^ the Goose Neck crossing first, at Mr. Copeland’s gnd tripped the men to attend to these questions R. F. Aaaaui, PnehtoiL B. B. JarvsaT, l*t Vt«a Pnstd«aL J R !f.>aa<«.im<i Ar^vw WMtle^in'd 4;2‘i p. ai. ill Eastland ouunty on Oct. 26, 1891. last and all the lime; so sayidl on “ light fa b r ic toe’’ till atiout day- and they are competent to do eo. a way to go tcy singing now. Viv*-rmdd*nii X B. XuaiiAa, C**hi*r; J . tl i.wuiwr Makina rIoM' I'onaMikmeUh »*' Tmiii A One Henry llillsun was also indict- this side from tVild Bend to South liglit."^\\ e are sorry to hear that Let us not wurVy and harras* them Will some one please tell us why traiiMat \t <«tlMelunl| ak ounna>-(in( John Uillfoil goes to Koniu to uften, alUi'eai.la im vd in the case but has since died. Bend. Ws want the bridge at the some church members were present. by falling out and scrambling over _________ A. n McKAY, Snpt. Judge Tlioiiias of Buird and R. F . Goosa Neek ereeaing. A petition Saturday night, March 4ili, also a these bridges, but let them settle And why Lee Davis likes to go to Ik tiddiiui la M luL Clturoli Dtrwotory. Arnidd of this place are defending h«s been cirenUted on this side' of dance at Mr. Jim Keller’s. This the matter as they sec fit. Huffstuitle to well. VathodUt rhurch—Praachiog r\m rj Hun- Head. the river the psst few dsys and ev­ was to help celebrate Cleveland''s We have preaching twice a month day auiming snd mraaingt ^ .v * r maMiog Mr. R. G. Bennett of Seymour, No. 4418, Graham, Texas. ery man in the precinct except two inauguration as President, we sup­ at Gage Creek and singing every Vjry Tbursuay arsnlng, T. a . buiitb, IW There sre a guodly crowd of Urs- was in Graham Uiis week attending tor. signed it. Right here, M r. Editor, pose. other Sunday everiing. Some of .. - - ^lOO.OCX^ Bapittt Cburoh—Praacblng 1» and Indirb iriuiles attending the V’emon dis­ Federal court. He naid Tux Lea^ 1 (aka the liberty to say that we South Bend has (wo new citixens; the Komo claas will be over Sunday Qimday. In Mrh laoatb, inotbing and nTwtingi trict court this week. John Taylor, DER a pleasant call on Monday, STJR/:PX.TJ6:3, - S.OOO mrar mwttag avwy Tuaaday eTjning. U. are justly entitled to one of the A boy at Mr. Will Burgess', and to sing with us. W. Black. Paalor. John H. Wood, Jas, M,' Wood, He says T he Leader is always a bridgoa. Goose Neck crosring is a girl at Tult Garrett’s. Dan Ilestelow of Caddo has been Pratbyt^aa Church—PiMcbifig lU, Ind Bent. Kramer, J. T. Horton, G. A. w 'll. me visitor at his house. D irectors .—R. F. Arnold, V. F. Oorrissen, J. C. Loving, J. B. and Srd Hunday. in each month.moniing and just four miles from Graham snd Thursday the 9lh we rather ex­ among u* f«r severKT^ys but has trvmiingt pniyM iMKlng mrary Wadowday Graham, F. \V. Oirand, D. C. ratorned home. ^ on a first class road running due pects wedding, but for fear of be Tlte time is diasring very near for Norris, E*. P, Davis, E. B. Norman, S. R. Jsffary. pt anias. R. M. BniUb, PaMur. Brooks, J, J. Putman and W, I. Coi'tix J ulia . Bar. E. V. BuUac wiU briaatUa pwarb south from Graham to the south ing fooled we will not say who. the coniiiiiMitoners court of the •n tha 4th rtabbalh In ntch .nonlh at Iba Gilmore were all attached as wit- March 9, 1893. line of Young county and to tlie N. But we heard of a youi.g man com­ county to receive bids on the pro- Prr>hytarlaB < hurrh la Drabam. neases in a score of Cuscs against a Acoouats (M bonk*. f«nk«n, aierrhaaU. stork m*a, ibrm*t«, awrhanle* asd oibor da« . Cbrutian Church—Praachlag arery Soa^ ing to the Bend .last Saturday night 'posed iron bridges across the Hrai- I). M. Hmvtml.of Mineral man named Harrington' charged E. corner of Hlephers and N. W. solirtad. W* gi*« panonsl and spacial att«aUoo to our eoU*di*a d*|>artaNat, sad rsoa « day morning and arenlagi nrayar anaaiing with the ' intentiuo of carrying off os, aii<l, so far as we ars inforoie<i on day of payMot. u*.<rr Kriday avanbig. «4. J. Wyatt, Pa»t«>r. with cow theft. Noue of the wit- corner of PaU-' Pinto, thus accom­ Wells, keeps the largoritand i i. E|>l.ruliaf Church Praachlag Srd Himday one of our hHudHonsest girls. Two there have been only two compa-. neasea know anything whatever modating the traveling public Irom liest selected stock of Dry ,* la' aach moalh.
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