Project cofinanced with ERDF

Plock 2006-2007


I. Introduction

Ladies and Gentleman, We tried to develop an approach to the subject of urban management as complex as possible. Almost twelve months have passed since the Within the course of the project works Project was accepted, and the partner cities organisational solutions (city halls organisational have used his time to work intensively to structures; cooperation with the broadest develop a uniform model of integrated urban possible group of local partners; regional, space management. Mutual training and learning national and European connections) were from others’ experience have resulted in examined together with substantive solutions developing of a model which can be (form and minimum extent of documents for implemented in every Polish city contributing to urban management and city development unification of rules of municipality management indicators system, which should be applied in all and to advance in city development Polish cities in order to create a platform of management. We will support and continue with comparison and assessment of the Polish cites in this model and implement it on our own, so the relation to the Polish and European average). It other Polish and European cities know its pros is nothing new when compared with other and cons and could learn form our experience to systems of urban management, already implement the rules for integrated urban elaborated and tested. It is a document that management by themselves. would provide compact collection of information concerning urban management and present At this moment we should come back to the past hints and methodology which proved effective in and remind what were the reasons for the other cities. In particular this document builds a decision to start the URBAMAS Project. Together common ground for the cities providing unified with ’s accession to the EU the need for vocabulary and extent of documentation integrated management of Polish cities pursuant necessary to apt urban space management. to EU directives and requirements arose. Many cities in Poland have various experience The observations made during the project concerning urban management but hardly any implementation prove that most of the cities implemented fully integrated city management already introduced better or worse integrated system. Our task was to take advantage from urban space management systems, which were the best available techniques proved in the implemented through strategic and urban Project’s partner cities and merging them into a planning documents. But a city’s success is also city management model as solutions to be results from its competitiveness and strategy adopted by other Polish and European cities. which directs the city activities into particular framework. The strategy that makes the city individual among other cities. The project


presents inter alia examples of successful and which management instruments to adopt, strategy of city. Other cities according to their need. succeeded in different issues of urban management and their experiences were However even now we can appreciate benefits assembled in a catalogue of good practices and the project participants achieved thanks to the instruments for implementation. It is possible common work of several Polish cities the good practices of the URBAMAS partner representatives. First of all it is knowledge about cities do not consist of integrated urban space urban management, solutions which proved management system, but they are worth effective in Poland and in Europe and which are adopting in other cities. worth implementing, also identification of unexplored opportunities, which will become Have we achieved our goal and developed the accessible to cities whence integrated urban ideal model of integrated urban management management has been introduced. system? It seems that the model should be considered as We hope the results of the URBAMAS Project a developing process, constantly improved due implementation and participants’ experience will to development of good practices catalogue, not help Polish and foreign cities with benefit to their only by the effort of the URBAMAS project inhabitants. That is what we want to wish them partner cities which we will going to continue, all. but also by other Polish and European cities, interested in sharing secrets of their success with others. I think that the accurate value of URBAMAS Project the model can be estimated after a longer period Partner Cities Project Teams of time. The advantage of the model is that cities may freely select which good practices


1.1. “2007-2013 Cohesion Policy and Urban Sustainable Development”

“…the Member States will shortly adopt the 2007- priority as well in National Strategic Reference 2013 Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Policy, a Framework as in operational programmes. document, which ends the legislative period and opens negotiations on programming documents for In order to make the most of these possibilities it is the years 2007-2013. As far as urban policy is necessary for the cities to elaborate mid and long concerned the Guidelines concentrate on three main term sustainable development plans. It is the only objectives in the operational programmes. First of way to provide cohesion between investment them is the most obvious and concerns enhancement programme and environmental protection and to of the role of cities as regional growth accelerators. assure involvement and participation of private Second objective includes activities aiming at increase sector in implementation process. Achievement of of internal cohesion of urban space by preventing this goal will be supported by another novelty in social exclusion and segregation. Finally, third legal regulations, namely delegation of urban objective promotes polycentric development of urban development management to the city level within network and allows for achievement of balance regional operational programmes. between the development of economically most active cities and other elements of the settlement network – We also have to remember, that the basis of including smaller urban centres, which can play the integrated development strategies is better role of local development centres. Therefore it is knowledge concerning cities and regions, including crucial to remember about the role of small towns in various growth factors – such as territorial cohesion our development. or environmental protection. Therefore regional policy offers cities a very useful instrument – urban European Commission published lately a Communicate audit. It collects information on 285 European cities including detailed recommendations for urban policy. and makes accessible a set of about 300 statistical EC stresses, that creation of competitive urban areas data. is more effective within a broad development concept. For instance, cities creating good investment It is worth to remind some of the most essential opportunities also provide good living conditions and data gathered during the last audit. wide range of entertainment activities. Cities have to First of all data confirm role of cities as economic be perceived as centres of innovation ready to attract growth accelerators. For instance, the GDP per novel undertakings. capita in capital cities of Eastern Europe is twice as high as the GDP for the whole country. Additionally In other words, our approach towards city the development of these cities exceeds by far development is based on integrated activities. It is development of the country. justified by the experience gained from the URBAN initiative. Therefore European Commission encourages Secondly, data show also the dark side of cities. In all Member States and regions to project integrated many cases urban area development creates new activities within a separate priority concerning forms of social exclusion. It applies to these social sustainable development of urban areas. New groups, which are unable to find employment in regulations of cohesion policy enable placing such newly created economic sectors based on


knowledge. It often leads to long term unemployment with a 375 million euro budget. This initiative, within and an increase of social disproportions. cooperation of regions, is to test many new Urban audit shows also progress of creation of approaches towards development of innovative environmentally friendly transport systems in character supported by regional policy. Certain European cities. For instance, in Dutch cities an cooperation subjects – for instance integrated average of 20% of population commutes to work by approach towards public transport – will be directly bicycle. This kind of data inspire activities aiming at connected with urban areas and we expect, that creating of local or regional plans of bicycle trails URBACT will have a significant role in their development. implementation. We will also support propositions submitted on the initiative of cities or regions. I would like to dedicate the last part of my speech to Our goal is not only to identify best practice but first the role of city cooperation and dialogue in the of all to include them in the mainstream of regional process of good practice dissemination. The main operational programmes implemented in the years instrument of regional policy, which supports such 2007-2013. cooperation, is the URBACT network. Therefore I am glad, that today’s conference is attended by many Concluding, I would like to express hope, that cities actively engaged in its activities. Commission’s Guidelines and communicate concerning role of cities in cohesion policy, will help Good experiences concerning URBACT’s activities you elaborate the best development programmes. I made us strengthen the process of sharing also encourage you to broad participation in experiences between cities in the future. We also information exchange networks and best practices. work on extension of subjects included in the network All these activities should contribute to the content and more intense engagement of local and regional of operational programmes and to the quality of authorities. implemented projects. New cohesion policy gives Poland a unique chance of including full-scale urban Therefore, for the years 2007-2013 we have prepared policy in the development strategy and in my a new initiative called “Regions for Economic Change” opinion it is worth to take it.”

Danuta Hübner Płock, 5-6 October 2006



The URBAMAS Project, within effective measures as well as confirm necessity of the framework of the 2002- professional management IT systems enforcement, 2006 URBACT European required for implementation of activities related to Initiative, participated by integrated urban management system. seven Polish cities, is aimed at The outcomes we have achieved are: mutual exchange of - creating of a model of integrated urban knowledge and experience management system in order to arrange concerning integrated urban management, with our knowledge resulting from long term particular attention to spatial aspects. First of all experience regarding spatial and strategic URBAMAS provides the entire network regarding planning, town-planning, architecture, Polish rich experience in respect of spatial planning geodesy and economics, and consequent outcomes for implementation of - creation of social dialogue instruments adopted development strategies, which perfectly fits selection in municipality through with main project assumption “Integrated Approach”. information flow coordination concerning We have been trying our luck with development of widely understood urban management and partnership instruments and methods of urban accessibility with computer applications, management as a common trend of strategic and - determining of one’s say in discussion spatial planning processes and in order to improve concerning way of urban policy quality standard of urban space management, in line development basing on integrated with the Lisbon Strategy or New Athens Charter approach, requirements, being documents of strategic - creation of an option of works extent importance in EU. aiming at fulfilling the law gap – a new As far the first aspect of the URBAMAS Project Law on Development Policy on 6 December challenge is concerned, in a very short time of the 2006 (O.J. No. 227, pos. 1659, on 11 first year, we completed sui generis “strategic December 2006) regarding strategic documentation stocktaking” in our cities, so we could planning process at local/municipal level. assess the present condition of application of In the nearest future we would like to continue with integrated approach to urban management. After four working on detailed description of the system and working seminars, basing on our aggregated methodology in order to create a lot of Local knowledge, supporting ourselves with experience we Forums to encourage local society to participate in have created a model system, abbreviated USMS. urban management process. Because of the very short time of network functioning During the last year, working hard on the URBAMAS we could not develop cooperation methodology and Project, we developed many interesting and urban management instruments to the full extent. valuable documents. But in my individual opinion According to the above and basing on the good the greatest advantage was a opportunity to meet practices of particular cities engaged in the project many open, sensible and wise people. The particular mainstream, we are able to determine proved and attention should be paid to common effort of the


Project team, doing its best to achieve the most in integrated urban planning. Therefore I do sincerely thank the local coordinators, the persons of technical support to the project, the city halls employees for their valuable and productive cooperation and commitment, that allowed us to complete the project at its very best.



“The URBAMAS Project is a great chance to exchange best practices regarding urban management. Supported by the URBACT Programme, the Project makes the European cities experience easily accessible. I am convinced that cooperation with other Polish cities within the framework of the URBAMAS Project will help developing effective methods of urban space management, which could be implemented by the Project partners and introduced by other Polish and European cities. I believe that taking part in the URBAMAS Project will improve the quality of urban management.”

Tomasz Kolczynski Deputy President of the City of Plock



“The URBAMAS Project enables direct exchange of experience between the representatives of the participating cities as far practice related to urban space management is concerned. A comparison of different approaches to integrated urban space management will facilitate successful improvement of the management methodology. The task of the Elblag and Tczew sub-group is to develop a monitoring model of strategic documents implementation. The monitoring system, having been in force in the EU countries for a long time, has been only gradually introduced to Poland. So it seems that Elblag, which developed an updated strategic document in 2006, indicating directions for spatial arrangement, will produce an innovative implementation monitoring system of this document. The Elblag monitoring model will be also a part of the URBAMAS Project’s model management manual for sustainable urban development.”

Henryk Slonina President of the City of Elblag



OUR EXPECTATIONS TOWARDS THE URBAMAS PROJECT “We would like to get familiar with other cities experience regarding the scope of the URBAMAS Project, with a special attention to monitoring stage of urban space management system. We also need to find solutions to problems of the city and space management caused by the lack of: - activities coordination, - information flow system, - documentation cohesion, - monitoring.”

Miroslaw Poblocki Deputy President of the City of Tczew



“Making the best of experience and practice of the EU cities we want to develop our experience concerning urban development management and to improve professional skills of the City Hall employees through implementation of the URBAMAS Project.”

Maciej Kobylinski President of the City of Slupsk



“Bialystok, just like the other cities achieves successes, but also face different problems concerning management. Therefore it is important we could participate in a forum of information exchange, created due to the URBACT Programme. The URBAMAS Project is a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and good practices, which also makes possible deriving form experience of the European cities thanks to the experts engaged in the Project implementation. I hope that cooperation with other Polish cities within the framework of the URBAMAS Project would help working out an effective methodology and instruments for urban space management, which shall be applied for the sake of development of all network cities in the future.”

Ryszard Tur President of the City of Bialystok



“Conditions resulting from the accession to EU, demographic processes, new funding forms, ownership and economic transformations at their final stage cause the process of urban development, programming and planning take different shapes, which call for new or updated documents and programmes. All basic Bydgoszcz documents concerning development, strategic management and urban space are up-to-date, adopted between 2004 and 2006, in particular: Bydgoszcz Development Strategy Until 2015 (passed in 2005), Bydgoszcz Conditions and Directions of Spatial Arrangement Survey (2005), Local Revitalisation Programme for Bydgoszcz City (2005), Local Development Programme (2006) and 100 of local spatial arrangement plans. Bydgoszcz has also numerous industry and spatial programmes related to city development and arranging its space, infrastructure and environment, like “Reclaiming the Brda river to the City” or “Programme for Reclamation and Development of Bydgoszcz Water Centre”. Bydgoszcz participating in the URBAMAS Project has been interested in developing an innovative model of urban management resulting form experiences of the Polish and EU cities and in sharing own experiences regarding strategic planning and urban space management.”

Konstanty Dombrowicz President of the City of Bydgoszcz



“Ladies and Gentlemen, In 2006 the city of Wloclawek together with six other cities joined a new thematic network URBAMAS “System of urban space management within the framework of the URBACT EU Project”. Between 2005 and 2006 Wloclawek started developing two documents crucial for city development – Strategy – Local Development Programme and an update to Conditions and Directions of Urban Spatial Arrangement Survey. Information resulting form consultations and exchange of experiences – good practices provided by external experts and the Programme partner cities representatives will undoubtedly contribute to best possible quality of developed documents. On the other hand the experiences gained during developing of the aforementioned documents, which were presented at the general meetings and seminaries by the consultants cooperating with the city will provide an example of good practices, worthy of duplication, I hope. The city of Wloclawek is a leader of one thematic block in the URBAMAS Programme entitled “Diagnosing and Forecasting”. We joined the Programme hoping that our previous good practices experience gained at the time of creating “Prospective Diagnosis for the City of Wloclawek within the Framework of Strategy – 2007-2013 Wloclawek City Local Development Programme” will be an additional valuable contribution to be copied by the other URBAMAS Programme beneficiaries. I believe that participating in the URBAMAS Programme will enrich our knowledge in respect to strategic management, urban space management and administrative management.” Andrzej Palucki President of the City of Wloclawek



Development strategy – a scenario of attaining Priority – a specific goal of utmost importance certain objectives in the future pursued by the with precedence of implementation. self-governing community. It assumes a Project – a set of tasks specifying the terms of transition from the present to the predicted reference, the person responsible for state. implementation and supervision, Mission/Concept – an idea of the future state implementation schedule, implementation cost, of the city with its certain features. sources of funding and indicators of General objective (strategic, directions of achievement. development, main objective) – the first- Multiannual Industry Programme – a set of priority objective in the city’s strategy strategic measures (projects and tasks) determining the assumed result which is to be specific for the particular industry including achieved by carrying out specific goals. existing conditions, rules and opportunities (by Specific goal – subordinate to the general means of benefit-cost ratio), agreements objective. It constitutes a part of the strategy (public consultations, agreements with public that ought to be associated with specific and institutions, Multiannual Investment Plan industry oriented implementation programmes. cohesion research etc.), duration period (implementation schedule) and feasibility. It is Good practice – a successful practical action an instrument designed for achieving specific that provides positive results for a specific goals defined in the strategy. objective, applicable to other municipalities. Domain – one of the three activity areas of the Measure – an operational objective, a specified self-governing community (economic domain, venture, occasionally the title of the project or social domain, ecological – spatial domain). task carried out in order to achieve the specific Activities in the above mentioned areas ought goal. to be mutually harmonised in order to provide Strategic plan – a programme of implementing sustainable development. the city development strategy including tasks Indicator – an instrument favourable to specified in the strategy as well as in evaluating the goal achievement, multiannual industry programmes (projects, implementation of programmes, projects, tasks tasks) along with the expected results and the level of sustainable development. determined by indicators (product, effect, influence). Task – a basic implementing unit designed for attaining the goals set, which specifies the Strategic planning – a continuous and subject-matter of the task, the person measurable planning and decision making responsible for implementation and process essential to achieving strategic goals.


supervision, implementation schedule, activities: directly connected with providing implementation cost and sources of funding. services for the benefit of the inhabitants or other organisational units of the city and Multiannual Investment Plan – a set of indirectly related to workplace and selected, evaluated municipal investment tasks infrastructure maintenance. that have been accepted for implementation by local authorities within established time Budget application of the Department horizon. It sets the priority directions and (organisational unit) – a complete urban means of spending part of the budget funds planning documentation drawn up in form of i.e. investment expenditure. spreadsheets including Department’s data and statement of expenses. Sustainable development – development of the city inhabitants, the urban tissue with its entire Limit of expenses for the Multiannual infrastructure that harmonises economic Investment Programme – a financial document development and needs within the social specified by the regulations of the Law on domain along with the preservation and public finance that includes strategic protection of the ecological - spatial domain. implementation tasks in the form of investment tasks and determines the Forum for Plock – an informal public-private implementation date, sources of funding, partnership assembling representatives of expense planned in particular years as well as public administration, local economic the total expense of task implementation. The environment and non-governmental above mentioned document includes organisations that cooperate in terms of information concerning the specific strategic programming, implementing, carrying out and goal which is achieved by carrying out monitoring when implementing the city’s particular tasks. sustainable development strategy. Financial forecast of the city budget – a Activity-based budget – a city expenditure financial document drawn up as a material plan. Prior to the expenditure inclusion in the used for the Multiannual Investment Plan. The budget all the organisational units prepare document is coherent with the above detailed material and financial plans of mentioned plan in terms of the time period activities to be carried out in the forthcoming and the city revenue forecast including own budget year. revenue, subsidies, current expenditure, Budgetary activity – a basic unit of account in property expenditure and debt repayments. the budget structure characterising a The document also includes the basic homogeneous activity. A budget activity has a indicators such as investment ratio, debt- title, goal, a specified qualitative and equity ratio and debt-service ratio. quantitative outcome, implementation cost, Strategic units of spatial reference (SUSR) – a indicator of achievement. There are two kinds homogeneous area of the city with regard to of activities distinguished within the city hall 16

the urban spatial order or its concept. The Priority (main operational objective) – basis for area is specified and described in an explicit preparation of Local Development Plan, and measurable way concerning the land focused on the most important projects, register (land and property register) and regarding city development, due to technical, statistics (statistical regions and districts). Thus financial and even political conditions. It making strategic decisions within results form the City Development Strategy implementation of the sustainable and present social, economic and political development strategy and spatial policies situation; the findings of questionnaire becomes transparent, explicit and optimal. examination and other conditions of local operational strategy are also taken into USMS – Urban Space Management System consideration. LAU – local authority unit Spatial Arrangement Conditions and Directions Local Development Plan (economic) – a key Survey (Survey) – a document identifying document integrating urban management municipality spatial policy, including local system, connecting long term strategic regulations on spatial arrangement objectives with operational measures.

Multiannual Plan concerning the most important development activities is consistent with annual action plans and city activity-based budget, which makes it (together with annual update procedure) an instrument of urban development management system. Moreover the document should comply with the

Integrated Regional Development Operational Programme (ZPORR) requirements, so it could be a subject of an application for EU structural funds in particular. Spatial planning – comprehensive space arrangement, consisting in an organised order all conditions concerning society, economics, environment, culture and aesthetic composition.


1.4. The essence of undertaking the activities to create Polish thematic network within the framework of the 2002-2006 URBACT EUROPEAN INITIATIVE Programme

The idea of the “URBAMAS” Project is to take - focus on implementation on the most advantage of the intellectual capacity of city important objectives, being crucial for halls officers, experts and scientist to develop development, more effective instruments of urban - resources availability analysis, management to be applied in various Project - identification of strengths and partner cities and other European cites, as well weaknesses of local administration unit as to present them in the form of the Model of (LAU), Urban Space Management. - considering the most important facts and changes for LAU environment, Working in a partnership was a way to select - comprehensiveness of activities in methods of integrated sustainable urban different, independent domains, development management as far as EU - subordination of elementary objectives standards are concerned. Within the strategic and fragmentary polices to general documents – the Lisbon Strategy and the New goals, Charter of Athens – the Integrated Urban - works continuity – constant control of Management System might be an instrument of evolving environmental circumstances, creating information society. It would be though determining opportunities and threats to a hard process, that requires years of the municipality (city), in order to experience. regulate the local authorities development-related actions properly. Mindful, creative and active urban management calls for activities directed to implementation of Strategic planning is the first stage of urban long-term, far-reaching goals. Defining these space management and as such it consists in goals and determining the means to achieve defining development strategy and operational them is wrought in a process of long-term social programmes. As a stage in a decision making and economic development planning. In rapidly process it is a measure for managing the change evolving circumstances of social and economic in present situation with perspective of evolving change strategic planning is the mostly preferred into the best possible future situation. and most effective solution. The specific features that allow to distinguish strategy from other As far as long term development perspective and forms of planning are: its objectives is concerned, a municipality (city) - long time horizon, must have in mind that the development is shaped by the authorities (council, president)


and by other bodies and conditions, which can concerning the following activities: be hardly influenced by the municipality (city). ‚ municipal real estate management, The extent of conditions which can be shaped by ‚ labour force resource management, municipal authorities is in fact restricted to so- ‚ entrepreneurship, called own tasks. The foresaid extent is rather ‚ technical infrastructure control and narrow in comparison to extent of municipality development, including natural environment development determinants. Development protection, strategy restricted exclusively to municipality ‚ social matters and social infrastructure (city) own tasks would be incomplete and would development, not fulfil comprehensiveness requirements. To ‚ municipality (city) promotion and marketing. fulfil this requirement other bodies engaged in the process, both local and external, should be All of the above is related to spatial economy, taken into account in the process of municipality which is a ground for a thesis that municipality (city) strategic development planning, despite of (city) development strategy is one of substantial the municipality (city) authorities impact on foundations of determining directions and extent those bodies. Activities of municipality (city) of urban spatial arrangement change. At the situation determining bodies can be divided into same time, present methods of area utilisation, three domains: social, economic, spatial and arrangement and construction play an important information-institutional. role for definition of development objectives (especially operational goals) and possibilities of Municipality (city) is responsible not only for implementation. Conditions, needs, change in development, but also ought to fulfil current utilisation possibilities, arrangement and basic obligations, i.e. own tasks and tasks construction manner are important factors of commissioned by the governmental authority development. They are both development according to the law. Municipality (city) should opportunities and threats. It is therefore also interpret its obligations resulting form its required that the conditions and directions powers, which is in fact expected by the local survey, as an element of the strategy related to community. In case of constant lack of municipality (city) spatial policy, is preceded or resources, municipality (city) is forced to adopt even developed simultaneously with the comprehensive self-governmental policy municipality (city) social and economic balancing development expenditures and current development strategy, or at least its update. activities, under supervision of inhabitants (prospective voters). Municipality (city) Development strategy, aimed at implementation development strategy implemented through a of the objective defined by the local community, set of particular policies, interfering and is oriented toward effective utilisation of existing interconnected with each other, based on the resources, while spatial development strategy SWOT strategic analysis, is particularly towards creation of new values (and also toward 19

protection of significant existing values). The comprehensive development strategy with point of reference in economic development separated economic, spatial, social and strategy is economic dimension of activities, information aspects (policies) or one of the while in spatial development strategy – an compound policies, when comprehensive intended effect. Spatial or economic strategy emerges in effect of spatial studies on development are therefore different aspects of development directions, it always results in the the same process of transforming current into same final and uniform development concept, as desired situation, which is going to happen as an an interrelated system with distinguishable effect of intended and planned actions. particular policies and strategy implementation Concluding, it is not important whether the point stages. of reference is either construction of


2.1 The genesis of the project.

An integrated urban cities having various management process experience in the has become the main field of city challenge after Poland’s management that EU accession. It results would share the from the requirements experience and of all the EU funds mutually draw which are the financial conclusions in the source of city form of an investments, but most integrated urban of all from the necessity space management of proper functioning model. After the and sustainable meeting in development of the city. Wloclawek on 5 So far planning of that September 2005 process has often been nine cities joined in concentrated only on particular areas of life the first stage of work. The application was without the comprehensive overview of the submitted to the URBACT Programme in problem. December 2005. In connection with the opportunity given by the The target groups are the city authorities and URBACT Programme within Priority 1. Exchange workers, whose responsibilities involve: and dissemination of knowledge, measure 1.2 management in the areas of urban planning, Qualification to create a national network of the investments concerning infrastructure and cities, Plock decided to hold talks with several architecture, development programme and its


implementation. The objective of the programme adjusting regulations of Polish urban participation and implementation was to prepare management to the EU requirements. for a more efficient urban management and

2.2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION On 10 March 2006 the Monitoring Committee of development in appropriate compliance with the the URBACT Programme accepted the spatial aspects of the process. URBAMAS Project for the The authored project, implemented within financial and expert the European URBACT initiative, is assistance. The below prepared by the national network of mentioned network of the following cities- Plock, the cities with Plock as the Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Elblag, initiator and lead partner Slupsk, Tczew, Wloclawek. submitted to the URBACT an These cities represent different geographical application for financial aid within and economic regions. Each of them prepared a the URBAMAS Project. set of good practices and instruments which were consulted by the partner cities and will be The project was partly modified and the disseminated in the European network. changes accepted by the URBACT Monitoring During 5 seminars about 30 people responsible for Committee accordingly on 16 June 2006 and 17 city government (management) were trained and November 2006. prepared a model of an integrated city The “URBAMAS” Project concerns an integrated development management system in compliance management system of the city’s sustainable with the spatial management. 2.3. DEFINED PROBLEMS During the opening conference the cities defined the following problems in the field of city management, especially in scope of urban space management.

1. Lack of coordination and integrated management, 2. Lack of functioning regulations concerning public-private partnership, 3. Lack of knowledge and experience within the integrated city management, especially regarding the acquisition of external 4. Lack of coherence in the drawn up sources of funding, documentation, 5. Lack of an information distribution system,


6. Legal order – the quality of the spatial economy 9. Commercialisation of activities concerning the regulations, spatial plans elaboration. 7. Decline of the prestige of urban planning 10. Lack of effective fiscal solutions concerning specialists and decrease of demand for their properties – postponement of introducing an professional services. ad valorem property tax. Ineffective results of 8. Giving priority to short-lasting and immediate the “urban rent” introduction. results over the long-term and permanent ones (term of office) 2.4. PROJECT OBJECTIVES

The main objective of the project is to draw up a - testing (consultations) model solutions in the document presenting an integrated urban space selected partner cities. management model based on experience as well as successful solutions applied in each of the Each of the cities participating in the project partner cities participating in the project and other engaged in preparation of the set of solutions and European cities. good practices within the particular component of Furthermore the objectives of the project are as the system consisiting of 1) analysis and follows: prognostication, 2) implementation, 3) monitoring - Raising qualifications and skills among people and assessment of the city development. The responsible for the urban space development, solutions prepared in cooperation with local - Increasing the awareness and understanding experts supporting the activities of the three among cities inhabitants, representatives of theme block leaders (Wloclawek - diagnosis and entrepreneurs, non-governmental organisa- forecasting, Plock - implementation, Elblag and tions and public institutions as regards the Tczew - monitoring and assessment of the city issue of urban space management, development) were analysed and assessed by - Exchanging experience and especially the national and international experts participating in good practices among the network’s partner the project in cooperation with project partners. cities,

2.5. PARTNERS’ OBJECTIVES 1. An attempt to specify several indicators concerning the state, quality and effectiveness of urban space management. 2. Determination of opportunities and effectiveness of urban space management by non-institutional instruments such as: - STRATEGIES - THEME PROGRAMMES (FUNCTIONAL AND REGIONAL) - POLICIES - CONCEPTS - SURVEYS - OPERATIONAL PLANS 22


The idea of designing a model was to 3. Outlining a qualitative approach of city demonstrate the way of integrating various areas management in terms of organisational of the city life (horizontal integration) as well as capabilities, community and city development management 4. Determining the large number of participants with applying instruments and good practices of implementing the city development strategy, urban space management. The created model of 5. Presenting the cities’ potential with its ability to urban space management system concentrates increase in order to motivate local authorities to on the following objectives: initiate further activities in cooperation with other partners, 1. Presenting a compendium of knowledge 6. Explaining the process complexity of making relevant to the sustainable development optimal and effective administrative, economic, strategy and its crucial influence on the social and political decisions, functioning of the local authority unit 7. Coordination of information flow and activities (municipalities-cities) in broad economic and required for implementation of the approved spatial aspect. operational programmes. 2. Getting the idea of the city sustainable 8. Emphasising the significance of effective development including all areas of the city life. management in the strategic planning process of the city development.

2.7. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2.7.1. Project coordination The general coordination of the project was partner cities. Operational activities were provided by the Leading Partner – the city of coordinated by the Project Coordinator appointed Plock. The Leading Partner was managing and by the Leading Partner. Furthermore the project coordinating all the project activities and is still activities were supported by two external responsible for activities connected with experts, who ensured the cohesion of the entire communication and project publicity. project methodology and the progress of the The city of Plock was one of the three partners project in all activities A foreign expert shared his responsible for consulting and creating the city knowledge of the best experience of the management instruments within one of the 4 European cities within urban space management. stages of the city development management process (forecasting, programming, implemen- tation, monitoring and assessment). Other partners interested in the activities within particular theme block grouped around the three mentioned theme block leaders. The strategic coordination of the project was provided by the Steering Committee consisting of the top management representatives of the 7


Diagram of URBAMAS Project management and coordination.

Local expert Ploc k Lead Partner Leader of the 2nd and 3rd theme block

National expert International expert

Elblag Tczew Slupsk Bialystok Bydgoszcz Wloclawek Leader of the Leader of the Project Project Project Leader of the 4th theme b. 4th theme b. partner partner partner 1st theme b.

Local expert Local expert Local expert

Moreover, the reference groups were individually and catalogue of instruments) according to supported by local experts as to the methodology and previously prepared project formula, organising the merits when drawing up documents within particular experts’ assistance appropriate to the thematic theme block. Local internal expert’s reports will be scope. published in 4 reference documents and enclosed to the All the partners actively participated in training and final report. working seminars, delivered all required data and

The Leading Partner was responsible for the project information during the whole project duration management and coordination of all activities, theme period. They also arranged meetings demonstrating blocks, project results and conducting of two thematic the model and the URBAMAS Project to city blocks. councillors and workers of their own city halls. The representatives of each city participated in 5 Partners conducting thematic blocks were responsible meetings of the Steering Committee. for data collection with contribution of other partners (identification of good practices, creating procedures

2.7.2 Internal communication

All documents connected with thematic outward correspondence (including methodological implementation of the URBAMAS Project went through ones) was handled. consultation process with the Leading Partner that Thematic blocks leaders elaborated their own constituted the coordination centre where inward and thematic blocks in cooperation with assigned partners:


- Wloclawek – analysis and forecasting network. Information gathered during the meetings (Bydgoszcz –assistance) was published in form of reports and distributed to all - Plock – implementation (Bialystok – project partners. Each report included the list of assistance) activities with the set dates, status, individual - Elblag, Tczew – monitoring and assessment responsibilities, any action plan aberrations and (Slupsk – assistance), corrective management actions to be taken. The and then sent the elaborated materials to the process of achieving the expected project results was Leading Partner, who circulated them to all monitored in the Steering Committee meetings during project participants and presented them at the seminars. end of the project duration on the URBACT Diagram illustrates the principles of the project website. internal communication. Internal communication within the project was carried out by periodic meetings and workshops of 7 cities

Internal Communication


Elblag Bydgoszcz Anally siis and forecastiing Programmiing WLOCLAWEK PLOCK Plock Lead Plock Partner Moniitoriing and Impllementatiion assessment PLOCK ELBLAG/TCZEW PLOCK


Slupsk Wloclawek

Key project decisions were made by the representatives from all URBAMAS partner Steering Committee consisting of the cities.


Diagram illustrates decision-making relations in the project. Decision Making Process in the Project Steering Committee

Plock Elblag Tczew Slupsk Bialystok Bydgoszcz Wloclawek

2.7.3. Project Participants

Project Coordination Team:

Iwona Wierzbicka – Director of Architecture and Tel: +48 24 367 14 56, fax: 024 367 17 15; Urban Planning Department – Project Coordinator e-mail: [email protected] +48 24 367 14 51, fax: 024 367 17 15; mobile phone no. 694 556 917, Aneta Pomianowska – Architecture and Urban e-mail: [email protected]; Planning Department – project formal matters (contracts etc., orders) Anna Lewandowska – Urban Planning and 024 367 14 51, fax: 024 367 17 15; Architecture Department – communication mobile phone no. 694 556 917 +48 24 367 14 55, fax: 024 367 17 15; e-mail – [email protected] e-mail - [email protected] mobile phone no. 501 536 722 Dorota Kolczynska – Treasury and Budget Department - finances Barbara Udalow – Director of Strategic and Spatial 024 367 15 54, fax: 024 367 15 21; Planning Department – content-related and e-mail – [email protected] organisational preparation of the project 26

Coordinators of Project Partners

Elblag Municipal Urban Planning Office Bialystok MSc in Architecture Jacek Bochenski City Hall [email protected] Tomasz Buczek [email protected] Tczew City Hall Bydgoszcz MSc in Architecture Danuta Morzuch-Bielawska Municipal Urban Planning Office [email protected] Stanislaw Wronski [email protected] Slupsk City Hall Wloclawek MSc in Architecture Andrzej Pozniak City Hall [email protected] Slawomir Bienkowski [email protected]

Project Participants Plock Wloclawek 1. Iwona Wierzbicka 14. Slawomir Bienkowski 2. Barbara Udalow 15. Jolanta Stanczak 3. Anna Lewandowska 16. Karolina Janczak 4. Aneta Pomianowska Bialystok 5. Dorota Kolczynska 17. Jerzy Tokajuk Elblag 18. Andrzej Chwalibog 6. Anna Steinke 19. Justyna Solowiej 7. Katarzyna Wisniewska 20. Anna Lewkowicz 8. Jacek Bochenski 21. Stanislaw Lapinski-Piechota Slupsk Tczew 9. Andrzej Pozniak 22. Miroslaw Poblocki 10. Maciej Araszkiewicz 23. Danuta Morzuch-Bielawska Bydgoszcz 24. Joanna Cwiklik 11. Grzegorz Rosa 12. Stanislaw Wronski 13. Grazyna Lipska

External Experts 25. Aleksandra Czyzewska – URBAMAS Foreign 26. Janusz Szewczuk – The Association for the Expert, Economic Development of Municipalities (),


27. PhD Waldemar Chmielewski (Umbrella 34. Ewa Birek – the City of Wloclawek Local Programme), Expert, 28. PhD Miroslaw Grochowski (University of 35. PhD Jacek Chmielewski – the City of Warsaw – observer), Wloclawek Local Expert, 29. PhD Marek Pieniazek (University of Warsaw 36. Zdzislaw Bociek – the City of Wloclawek – observer), Local Expert, 30. Piotr Brzeski (Mazowieckie Office for 37. Prof. Andrzej Sadurski – the City of Regional Planning and Development), Wloclawek Local Expert, 31. Jaroslaw Kuczynski (the City of Plock Local 38. PhD Elzbieta Grzelak-Kostulska – the City Expert), of Wloclawek Local Expert. 32. Barbara Bankowska – the Cities of Elblag and Tczew Local Expert 33. PhD Zbigniew Brenda – the City of Wloclawek Local Expert,


Implementation Programme was divided into 3 project and ending with its final report. These stages and each of them into activities. stages involve activities connected with the General The 2nd and the 3rd stages concern individual Project Coordination, Expert Assistance, Project events set in specified time, whereas the first stage dissemination. is continuous - starting at the beginning of the


The proposed project implementation period of 9 The project began on 1 March 2006 and ended on months was extended to April 2007 and lasted 14 30 April 2007. The following schedule presents the months due to self-governmental election in Poland. implementation period of particular activities.


Project Implementation (particular months) Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.1. General coordination, organisation 1.2 General coordination and actions taken by workers of Leading Partner and other Project Participants 1.3 Communication 1.4 Meetings of the

Steering Committee 1.5 Expert assistance 2.1. Seminar 1 (opening conference) –introductory training 2.2. Local research 2.3. Working seminar 2 2.4. Working seminar 3 2.5 Working seminar 4 2.6 Working seminar 5/

Project closing conference 3.1. Good practices presentations 3.2.Urban space management manual 3.3. Seminars reports 3.4. Electronic publication

2.8.2. WORK SCHEDULE Opening conference and the First URBAMAS - Establishing cooperation principles among the Project Working Seminar URBAMAS Project partners and between the URBAMAS and URBACT projects - Presentation of URBACT requirements,

Miroslaw Milewski – President of the City of Plock - Cities presentations on their experience within urban space management and expectations from Jean-Loup Drubigny – Director of the URBACT the URBAMAS Project, Secretariat


- Workshops – discussing instruments of urban space management applied by project partners, preparation (instructions and requirements) of project partners for drawing up financial reports on project implementation in the period between 1 March and 30 June 2006.

Presentation of the project management system and method of financial settlement including the PRESAGE system, - Expert presentation of instruments and management methods applied in Polish cities, - Workshops – preliminary information collection about the condition of management in particular cities – project partners and discussing the scope - Slawomir Bienkowski – Wloclawek of a detailed inquiry concerning the condition of July – September urban state management. Project partners’ preparation of the set of instruments and good practices in scope of urban space April - June management. Brief presentations of the best practices - Conducting detailed inquiries in partner cities of each project partner at particular stages of urban about the condition of urban space space management. management,

- Comparative analysis of the documentation state The Third URBAMAS Project Working Seminar – and organisational solutions in cities in scope of 28-29 September 2006, the City of Wloclawek city development management - May - Signing a partnership agreement


Signing a subsidiary agreement with URBACT The Second URBAMAS Project Working Seminar – 19-21 June 2006, the City of Plock Aleksandra Czyzewska – Foreign Expert - Presentation of an international expert on international practices within urban space management, - Presentation of results of inquiries conducted by Anna Cetner – Architect of the City of Wloclawek all project partners, - Expert presentation on good practices and - Presentation of the preliminary version of management instruments at the activities URBAMAS manual and the model of implementation stage in the city of Plock management system, 30

- Discussing good practices and instruments - Presentation of a complemented model of of urban space management presented by integrated urban management system, project partners. - The City of Elblag presentations on good - Selection of practices and instruments practices, especially in scope of monitoring applicable to a model urban space and city development assessment, management system, - Project partners expert presentation of - The City of Wloclawek expert comparative analysis of applied indicators presentations of good practices in terms of evaluating urban space development analysis of the city’s existing condition and - Presentations of good practices and development forecast, management instruments as regards - Workshops – testing an integrated urban - monitoring and urban space development management model on the basis of an evaluation, exemplary investment – building a city - Workshops – specifying the model range for transport junction. the final report and promotion, evaluation of the URBAMAS Project and the model of integrated urban space management system – inquiry. The Fifth Working Seminar and the Closing Conference – 28 February – 1 March 2007, the City of Plock. - Presentation of the model of integrated urban space management, Presentation of good practices and instruments of integrated urban management by particular project partners, The Fourth URBAMAS Project Working Seminar – - Summary of the project activities and its 23-24 November 2006, the City of Elblag. results – expert conclusions.


First meeting 1st working seminar in the City of Plock- 6 April 2006

Second meeting During 2nd seminar in Cierszewo near the City of Plock – 21 June 2006 Third meeting During 3rd seminar in the City of Wloclawek- 29 September 2006

Fifth meeting During 5th seminar and closing conference in the City of Plock – 28 February Fourth meeting During 4th seminar in the 2007 city of Elblag – 26 November 2006

PRESENTATION OF THE MODEL IN PARTICULAR CITIES 18, 19, 26 January and 1, 2 February 2007 inquiries concerning an integrated urban Presentations of the model of integrated urban development management system. In 6 management system and trainings for workers partner cities 109 participants were polled (not and city councillors of partner cities. During all of them delivered completed inquiries). the conferences the participants filled in the

Slupsk – 18 January 2007 26 participants Presentation in Elblag – 19 January 2007 Tczew 36 participants Tczew – 19 January 2007 35 participants Bialystok – 26 January 2007 28 participants Bydgoszcz – 1 February 2007 39 participants Wloclawek – 2 February 2007 26 participants Plock – 28 February 2007 At the closing conference 58 participants



Promotion of the project and URBACT Programme as well as the URBAMAS Project results dissemination takes place at the national and international level. They are both presentations during conferences: 1. Plock, 5-6 October 2006 – 2 presentations of URBAMAS Project and conducting workshops with the representatives of the URBACT Programme and Hous- Es project concerning participation of Polish cities in the URBACT Programme during nationwide conference on the European Cohesion Policy. 2. Plock, 18 October 2006 – Presentation of the URBAMAS Project and the URBAMAS Programme to the official delegation of the Georgian IMERETI region. The delegation paid a working visit to Poland in October in order to get acquainted with the experience of Polish cities in urban development management. 3. Warsaw, 24 January 2007 – Presentation of the URBAMAS Project at the Ministry of Regional Development conference on participation of Polish cities in ESPON and URBACT programmes. 4. Skierniewice, 21 February 2007 – a nationwide conference on city management; and press articles - the first one appeared in April 2006, the next will be published after preparation of the publication on the model of the integrated urban spatial management system. In the URBAMAS partner cities (Wloclawek and Tczew) in January and February 2007 articles relating to the project and the integrated urban spatial management appeared in the press and Internet. ( In March the Parliament Regional Review (the official magazine of the European Commission) released an article on the URBAMAS Project. Moreover the URBAMAS Project website has been launched in order to disseminate the project results and commence a debate with other Polish and European cities interested in cooperation in the field of establishing practical instruments for urban spatial management. On the website we would like to create a catalogue of instruments 33

and good practices within the city management and if possible correlate it with the database of the Association of Polish Cities Additionally, the project results will be distributed through the training network CIFAL which has an associated centre in the City of Plock.


Number Outputs and deliverables Expected Achieved Number of Projects 1 1 Number of Cities Participating 7 7 Number of Working Seminars (including the Opening and Closing 5 5 Conference) Number of thematic documents developed concerning good practices and 4 4 management instruments Number of Internet websites produced 1 1 Number of Steering Committee meetings 5 5 Number of Steering Committee meetings reports 5 5 Number of manuals developed 1 1 Number of digital Publications 1 1 Number of press releases 5 Number of internet releases (,, 3 Number of conferences where URBAMAS was presented 4 Number of project participants 263 Approx. 280 Number of Presentations for Partner Cities Employees and Councillors 7 7

Number of Presentation Participants 257 Slupsk, 18 January 2007 26 Tczew, 19 January 2007 35 Elblag, 19 January 2007 36 Bialystok, 26 January 2007 28 Bydgoszcz, 1 February 2007 39 Wloclawek, 2 February 2007 26 Plock, 28 February 2007 67



3.1. Introduction The constant process of system transformation opportunities, styles and methods of that has been in progress since the year 1989 management. initiates and consolidates radical changes of Successes in local authority units’ organisation system, state structure and development, satisfying the needs of local and functioning, society and economy. These regional communities are closely connected changes consist in building a democratic state with the efficiency of management meant as and market economy as well as stimulating the knowledge and ability to control resources, rank-and-file initiatives aiming at the increase of processes, information for their optimal use in self-dependence, responsibility and ability to order to achieve expected results in existing self-organise. They cause a rise of authorities’ political, social and economic reality. Being the activity and various types of organisations both member and partner of European nations we in current actions and prospect undertakings. can’t apply an obsolete management system, Local authority, reactivated in May 1990 and because an efficiently functioning system of extended in 1998 by additional local government and local authority institutions, administration levels, according to statutory which indeed serve the society, is a time- provisions has a specified discretion to take related requirement. decisions about its own development and Constitutional reforms carried out on a large common municipal property. Municipality, scale still being at the level of continuation and , Voivodship, local authority as self- adjustment to the EU standards give an government communities have become a basic exceptional opportunity to create a modern form of organisation of regional and local public system of city management. life. The processes of system transformation An integrated system of strategic management have drastically changed the conditionings and in local authority units, which basic component mechanisms of development of municipalities, is urban space management, serves two and voivodship local authorities. fundamental objectives - namely: economic Therefore the authorities of all these local growth and improvement of methods of city authority units everyday face new challenges management. Reasonable city administrating and crucial issues requiring effective solutions. ought to lead to economic and social Sorting out these problems and taking up the development of the city which is only possible gauntlet involve applying new, adequate to by implementing appropriately prepared city changing conditionings and development development plans, which effectiveness depends on abilities of communication and


fruitful cooperation among city services, units of different entities - beneficiaries, administrators government administration, private enterprises, and urban systems managers but above all non-governmental and social organisations as with regard to the necessity to join common well as many other institutions and natural efforts and activities in order to achieve persons. This cooperation is essential not only expected strategic objectives. because of the need to discuss decisions among


3.2.1. Legal basis of space management as determinant of effectiveness of development strategy implementation

In 1998 the European Council of Spatial Planners - integrate the man-made and the natural (ECTP - European Council of Town Planners) elements of the environment. issued The New Charter of Athens: the Charter of The New Charter of Athens according to ECTP European Cities in the 21st century. On that assumptions is primarily addressed to all those occasion the Council committed itself to conduct entities that participate in economic and spatial regular reviews and extend the document. A five- panning process throughout Europe. It is to year experience of European urban planners give directions to their coherent actions in associated in the ECTP contributed to the issue of favour of building a network of connections “The New Charter of Athens 2003: Vision for Cities among the cities of Europe at all levels of in the 21st century” on 20 November 2003 in cities’ hierarchy and in all fields. Lisbon. A general idea was expressed in the Furthermore spatial planning as a determinant Charter that at the dawn of the third millennium of achieving sustainable development is Europe will advance decisively towards the goal of favourable to prudent management of space, integration. Within this framework the ECTP which is a basic but limited in supply natural presents the vision on the future of European resource with constantly growing demand. cities linked together within a network of cities, Spatial planning requires trans-disciplinary which: teamwork engaged in long-lasting planning - retain their cultural richness and diversity, processes on different scales. The Charter resulting from their long history, linking the within its Vision for cities in the 21st century past through the present to the future pointed out the following issues requiring - become connected in a multitude of coherent activities: meaningful and functional networks, 1. The Connected City – a snapshot of how - remain creatively competitive whilst striving we would like our cities to be, now and in for complementarity and co-operation, the future. The vision of a goal that can be - contribute decisively to the well-being and achieved by combined efforts of all who expected comfort of life of their inhabitants, have an effective influence on sustainable 36

development and urban management. Also the - Emphasis on taking the needs of all preservation of city’s coherence in time is inhabitants’ groups into consideration , stressed (historic continuity of development). - restoring the ties of cohesion among 2. Social Connectivity including: different generations within cities’ a) Social balance populations, - Tackling disparities in the level of living e) Social identity conditions among cities’ inhabitants, - Enabling contacts between different - Establishing a new approach to cultural groups, gradual integration governance, which is based on actual and assimilation of these groups, cooperation of all entities having an f) Movement and mobility impact on the city life and which goal is to - Creative appliance of communication solve such problems as unemployment, technologies, poverty, social exclusion, criminality and - development of technology and traffic violence, management in order to decrease - Striving for city’s ability to provide a high reliance on private vehicles, degree of security and sense of ease, - improvement of transportation - Providing a wide range of economic and infrastructure, employment opportunities for inhabitants, g) Facilities and Services - Ensuring a better access to education, - More housing provided with different health and other social facilities. standards, b) Involvement - Extending access to educational, - The need of establishing new systems of commercial, cultural and recreational representation and participation facilities and services, concerning cities’ development issues, 3. Economic connectivity including: making full use of easier access to a) Globalisation and regionalisation information, - Knowledge-based new economic - More considerable involvement of active activities, with both production and citizens’ networks, thus giving them a services applying innovative voice on the future of their urban technologies, environment, - Increasing demand for rare and refined c) Multi-cultural richness products and services, - Establishment of harmonised connections - Finding balance between internal between newcomers and cities’ (endogenous) and external inhabitants, (exogenous) factors of development, - Emphasis on preservation of cultural - Promoting the establishment of new identity and heritage of the cities, economic, social and cultural d) Connections between generations 37

connections with the opening up of Europe 4. Environmental connectivity with markets to the east, emphasis on: - Cities called upon to make strategic a) Input-output decisions about their economic orientation, - The wise use of resource, - Increase of connections of local and - Protection of cities from pollution and regional economy of other cities, both degradation of environmental nationally and internationally. amenities, b) Competitive advantages - Economical an careful management of - Efficient capitalising on the attributes of the input and output of resources, natural and cultural environment, - Requirement of achieving an efficient - Preservation of the heritage and use of primary energy and increase of emphasising the uniqueness of the city as use of renewable energy resources, well as its diversified power to act, - City as a self-sufficient connected - Requirement of continuously monitored system treating and re-using the input trends of diversion and regular resources, examination of multiple development - Increasing forests and green areas to scenarios in order to anticipate both improve air quality and stabilise positive and negative forces, and to take temperatures. appropriate action in the right time. b) Healthy City c) City networking - Extensive improvement of health and - increase of competitiveness by joining social services, individual cities in various networks that - Efficient environmental management function as more or less integral systems and the practical application of the connected physically and virtually principles of sustainability in terms of - necessity of defining the new networks protection of health and health and positioning individual cities within prevention. them with involvement of experts for c) Nature, Landscape and Open spaces translating dynamics of establishing - Opportunity to live in proximity to well- networks into spatial strategies. maintained elements of cultural an d) Economic development diversity natural heritage, - Strengthening the specialisation and - Strengthening spatial planning as an diversity of the cities by economic instrument for the creation of new connections with other ones, open spaces which connect the urban - Need to determine the local (own) balance fabric, between economic prosperity and quality - Care for the quality of public of life. environment.


d) Energy According to ECTP reflection the new model of - Improvement of energy deliveries system European ancient and modern cities is an and facilities, example of cities truly connected, innovative, - Dramatic reduction of energy consumption productive and creative in science, culture and through applying innovative technologies. ideas whilst maintaining decent living and 5. Spatial synthesis working conditions for their people. They are a) Spatial linkages cities, which connect the past with the future, - Enhancing spatial networks functional in through a vital and vibrant present. and around cities, Problems and challenges that lie ahead for - Maintenance and improvement of the city contemporary cities are discussed in four main centre function and other key nodes of groupings of existing development trends: activity. 1. Social and political changes, that for the b) Connecting through character, city’s cities of 21st century mean carrying out a historical continuity and quality of life number of key concepts and objectives - Revival of urban design protecting and such as sustainable development, enhancing streets, bicycle paths, squares, maintaining urban identity, developing boulevards, footpaths as key linkages in community life, ensuring safety, health the urban framework, care and medical assistance, - Rehabilitation of degraded or inhumanly 2. Economic and technological changes planned pieces of the urban fabric, constitute a challenge for future cities of a Measures to facilitate inhabitants’ personal - necessity of developing a knowledge- contacts and opportunities for leisure and based economy, optimisation of its recreation, efficiency and the increase of the citizens’ - Measures to ensure the individual and leisure. This may be coupled to a greater collective feeling of security, as it is a key choice of leisure services and activities element to guarantee urban well-being, both in the urban and virtual environment. - Creating a unique, memorable urban 3. Environmental changes they make a environment enhancing the city’s diversity condition of an ecosystems’ approach that and character, must be embedded in cities management; - care for maintenance an cultivation of a finding the financial means to protect high level of aesthetic excellence in all biodiversity. Efficient and appropriate parts of the city, management of space is necessary to find - Conservation through planning of all balance between economically based significant elements of natural and cultural urban development and ensuring healthy heritage, and the protection and conditions of living. The continued expansion of open space networks. existence of agriculture in the urban fringe


is essential to ecological balance. Proximity of issued. These guidelines present a common agriculture areas to built-up areas should be institutional approach of the EU – the Council, encouraged and promoted. Financial Parliament and also the Commission – to the encouragement should be given to the best methods of investing sources available protection and development of agricultural within the European cohesion for the next 7 enterprises, particularly those which supply years (2007-2013). local markets or use organic methods of The political cohesion guidelines for the years production. 2007-2013, that are almost an economic 4. Urban changes, will impose the future cities the reflection of The New Charter of Athens 2003: necessity of optimal use of new technological Vision for Cities in the 21st century, aim at solutions in communications, computer science concentrating resources on the following 3 and transportation for the benefit of citizens priority activities: and city life as a whole. Balance between 1. increase of attractiveness of member historical and cultural assets and changes states, regions and cities by improvement introduced by innovative technologies may of access, ensuring appropriate quality and result in creation of new urban identity, which level of services as well as environment can offer more attractive urban life protection, environment. Technological development 2. supporting innovations, entrepreneurship should be fully utilised to support sustainability and knowledge-based economy in future cities. development by using opportunities of Summarizing, the New Charter of 1998 and its scientific research and innovations review from 2003 focus on the residents and the including new information and users of the city and their needs in a rapidly communication technologies, changing world. It promotes a vision of The 3. creating a larger amount of better Connected City which can be achieved by spatial workplaces by arousing interest among planning and common effort of spatial planners greater number of people in finding and specialists of other professions. The Charter employment and economic activity, rising concerns new systems of governance, adjustment abilities of workers and management and methods of involving citizens in enterprises as well as increasing decision-making processes using the benefits of investments in human capital. new forms of communication and information The cohesion policy in its territorial dimension technology. At the same time it is a realistic vision gives a significant meaning to cities’ with reference to evaluation where planning exerts contribution to economic growth and a substantial influence on cities’ development and employment. First of all possible are activities where it is of limited importance. promoting cities as a driving force of regional In response to ECTP initiative on 13 July 2006 The development by promoting and financial Community Strategic guidelines on cohesion were assistance of entrepreneurship, innovations 40

and development of services including producer contribution to carry out the EU objectives services. concerning cohesion, increase of employment The second category constitutes means of and the level of sustainable development. promoting internal cohesion in urban areas Poland’s response to European developmental leading to situation improvement of districts initiatives was the National Strategic Reference covered by crisis. Framework 2007-2013 supporting economic Thirdly there are possible activities promoting growth and employment issued by the Ministry more sustainable, polycentric development of Regional Development in November 2006. consisting in urban network development at the It was included in the National Cohesion national and community level. Strategy accepted by the Cabinet on 29 For supporting activities in favour of cities November 2006. sustainable development the JESSICA initiative has The response of Polish parliament was virtually occurred (Joint European Support for Sustainable immediate. On 6 December 2006 the Polish Investment in City Areas). The JESSICA initiative Law on the Principles of Development Policy has been launched by the Commission in was adopted. It has become a legal content- cooperation with the European Investment Bank related basis of conducting modern economic (EIB) and Council of Europe Development Bank in and spatial planning conforming to European order to offer assistance and creating new canons. opportunities for bodies responsible for the new generation of cohesion policy programmes. Cohesion policy and its guidelines establish a uniform framework that member states and regions may use when elaborating national, regional and local programmes. They turn out to be useful especially for evaluation of their



The model of integrated urban space management system is a starting point to create effective instruments of urban strategic planning.





STRATEGIC PLANNING IS A SPATIAL PLANNING IS COMPREHENSIVE CONTINUOUS AND MEASURABLE SPACE ARRANGEMENT, ASSIGNING PROCESS OF PLANNING AND APPROPRIATE WEIGHTS TO ALL NECESSARY SELECTING ACTIVITIES AIMED AT CONDITIONS: OPERATIONAL, SOCIAL, ACHIEVING STRATEGIC ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, CULTURAL, COMPOSITIONAL AND AESTHETIC. OBJECTIVESANIE WANIE MIEJSKIE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IS A SURVEY IS A DOCUMENT DESCRIBING SCENARIO OF ACHIEVING CERTAIN MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL POLICY INCLUDING GOALS, REQUIRED BY LOCAL LOCAL RULES FOR SPATIAL MANAGEMENT. COMMUNITY, WHICH FACILITATE TRANSFORMING CURRENT SITUATION INTO DESIRED MIEJSKIE The main objectives that ought to be carried out economic life of the local community, by the created model of urban space - an outline of a qualitative approach to city management system concentrate on: management within organisational conditions of the local authority unit. - delivering knowledge of the need and concept Defining the subject (author, executor) is one of of development strategy in functioning of a the most important aspects of the structure of local authority unit mainly in economic and development strategy. The strategy entirely spatial aspects, elaborated by local authorities may turn out to - indicating a wide range of entities that the be inapplicable due to several reasons. One of development strategy concern, them is that the local authorities can - presenting management duality of a local overestimate the existing development potentials authority unit with reference to public and


and at the same time minimise or ignore risks. are able to assess and suggest solutions to Subsequently not always the identification of problems from an objective, independent municipality’s (city’s) key problems and perspective. On the other hand an invitation to specifying the hierarchy (priorities) of action works of the team ought to be treated as goals pursued by local authorities is consistent recognition for the activity of local leaders with opinion and expectations of local including activities in favour of implementation community. The strategy of development of municipality’s (city’s) established objectives. entirely elaborated by municipal authorities may The team under a working name e.g. be regarded as an instrument in election “Municipality development convention”, “City campaign. development forum”, Strategy Commission, With a view to the above arguments it should be “Local Leaders Council”, should consist of stated that the more the local community (by particularly independent (preferably from outside means of the leaders) participates in creating municipality) experts that will organise the work and implementing the strategy the better as to of a team, propose particular solutions applied in content and attainability the strategy of other municipalities, international experience but municipality (city) is. It is advisable that local in no case take the place of local leaders authorities by initiating or updating works on the The strategy of municipality (city) development strategy of municipality (city) development is a plan of multiannual development drawn up formed a special team responsible for its within over a ten year perspective. The plan elaboration. structure is composed of the following elements: It should consist of: - declaration of the concept of municipality - representatives of local authority and (city) development, government administration, - description of key issues determining - leaders of local economic sphere, the largest development of municipality (city), employers, - strategic economic programmes. - representatives of local system of education, The most important part of the municipality culture, associations, non-governmental (city) development strategy is the set of social- organisations, economic programmes that at the - representatives of other local institutions and implementation stage ought to take the form of social environments, specific project elaboration and implementation - other leaders of local community, tasks. The development strategy implementation - assistant organisations of city councils stage in public administration (also in local (particularly housing estate councils). authority) is carried out with regard for the An important issue is that the team also ought to necessity of rationalising budget expenditure and compose of local authorities, individuals that are reduction of costs of provided public services. ingenious, creative, socially active, that observe Strategic planning is a creative process that local reality from different views. Therefore they specifies main problem areas of local self- 43

governing community and motivates local works on specifying spatial policy finds its authorities to take advantage of all local justification in the need to ensure optimal potentials. Elaborating a strategy that is a conditions to bring established plans into effect. multiannual development plan by the It is possible to start works on the survey with municipality (city) is determined by the following some delay in relation to works on the strategy principle conditionings: of municipality (city) development as well as - need to identify the most important elaborating strategy at the moment when the municipality (city) problems and defining survey has been already passed by the municipal common concept of its development within council. However difficulty in free designing of over a ten year perspective, strategic plans of municipality (city) - need to reach an agreement with reference development when it has been partly determined to the necessity of solving municipality (city) by the survey content inclines to consider other key problems, solution. Because the survey in a certain sense is - need to improve municipality (city) also the strategy of local development, beyond management in order to increase economic the domestic law, an optimal solution is to quality and effectiveness of providing public conduct works on the development strategy and services, the survey simultaneously. In this way a - need to build a real common ground and comprehensive plan of multiannual development bonds of cooperation of different of the municipality is created that comprises environments which often act individually issues of social, economic and spatial and sometimes antagonise one another. development. Municipality (city) management is impossible Making politically related decisions, setting and without scrupulous spatial planning. The adopting main objectives and directions of municipality (city) spatial arrangement development is commonly called governing or determines opportunities of a rational ruling, however organising political activities management of its area creating basics to leading to their achievement is known as conducting organised investment processes. management. Other thing is performing public Works on the strategy of local development functions by choice and other is a daily or ought to be closely related to the content of the periodic organising and comprehensive municipality (city) Spatial Arrangement increasing efficiency of functioning of offices and Conditions and Directions Survey and local other local authority units. The management spatial management plans. The assumptions of area concerns municipality (city) as municipality (city) spatial management policy a) a self-government public entity that performs should comply with the concept of its its statutory obligations and specified in development and enable achieving main and statutory provisions as its own ordered specific strategic objectives. Ensuring relations b) an entity - legal person meeting non- between strategic development planning and administrative needs of the local community by 44

pursuing policies: social, economic, spatial and improving methods of information collection, information within the whole municipal (city) analysis, processing, transmission and development strategy. Therefore there is a presentation and the process of reasonable city necessity among executive and legislative management is based on constant information municipal (city) bodies (municipal council, analysis and on its basis creating extrapolations president) to become aware of co-existing and forecasts. Of course fundamental duality of functioning of local authority units importance regarding the opportunities to (LAU): the first in the area of public increase efficiency of local authority functioning administration, the second within economic and is raising awareness among executive and planning categories. Efficient and appropriate legislative municipal (city) bodies, because they cooperation of these areas of local authority exist and control all the processes of crucial activity within reorganised municipal (city) office changes in public life and mostly in is one of the most important conditions of organisational structure of the office. achieving strategic objectives of the complete Constant concern for appropriate level of municipality (city) development policy. education and professionalism of all local Elaboration and then implementation of the authority workers, increasing their practical skills municipality (city) development strategy within in order to rise to the challenges of modern spatial management of the city enables to create administration is another task for local appropriate organisational conditions for carrying authorities. And these challenges are abilities to out strategic tasks of local authority units in the accept modifications, learn what to modify, how following three basic areas: to plan, prepare and gradually introduce a - planning organisational structures, modification. - specifying optimal management techniques, Summarising, the management of the - applying technologies in the management municipality (city) development strategy is process. similar to a managerial approach to governing a In addition a correctly constructed organisational municipality (city). Such approach is essential as structure is based on the following components: regards the need of reasonable and optimal use person (workers), structure (organisational of all the municipality’s resources: units), organisational procedures (methods of - natural resources conduct), staff policies and organisational culture - public financial means, included mainly in the office statute. The - organisational structures, management techniques are meant as methods - professional experience of local authority of allocating human and financial resources workers, which aim is to achieve optimal results in the - abilities and intellectual potential of process of implementing strategic objectives and inhabitants in order to stimulate its work coordination. Technologies in the sustainable development. management process are instruments used for 45

3.4. MODEL STRUCTURE The Model of Integrated Urban Space Management System is a concept of an ultimate system with fully specified elements and relations that occur among them.


SYSTEM = elements +relations

Urban Space Management System = dokuments libraries + information flow (procedures and executors)




3.4.1. MODEL ELEMENTS The system elements constitute strategic, In this connection it has been considered that in procedural, purely content-related (analyses, the process of strategic planning in the studies, concepts) documents and flow of municipality occurs the need to apply 4 vital information essential to the city management. stages proper to each planning: Among principle documents of the system there W diagnosis and forecasting, is a strategy document divided into two parts W programming, (programme and operational) and the W implementation, Municipality Spatial Arrangement Conditions and W monitoring. Directions Survey. The process of drawing up documents, their approval and then implementation has to be completed with a stage of summaries, evaluations and results.

Each stage has an assigned documents’ catalogue connected with city management.



Sets of documents constituting model on the basis of sources of funding and actual elements include information flow which gives legal grounds. opportunity to conduct the process of strategic planning in a periodic and continuous way in coordination with spatial Flow of information that takes place by means of management and implementation procedures with participation of:

W managers, W executors, W users,










City Strategic Planning – model description.





Representatives of 3 sectors ORGANISATION (non-governmental OFFICE organisations, local business, public administration)


Subjective and objective model structure.

A necessary condition of efficient functioning process organizing requires apart from dividing of municipality within City Strategic Planning is content-related competences among particular to create an appropriate organisational entities also the responsibilities for activities structure of this process. With regard for quite proper to the whole process and concerning its complicated character of the above-mentioned particular stages. The responsibility for the planning - its implementation should concern content-related supervision is assigned to the management entities: Planning Team Planning Team. The executive supervision consisting of representatives of 3 sectors a) rests with the City President. The executive non-governmental organisations, b) local forces are operational entities coordinated by business, c) public administration (local the chief of the City Development Office authority) and the City President; as well as (advisably at post of the President’s operational entities (City Development Office, Representative or Vice-President) Working Committee with Problem Teams). The

City Strategic Planning (CSP)

It is based on periodicity of repeating is possible to establish and currently update activities. It mostly results from statutory guidelines in the form of Strategy documents obligation and the President’s dispositions, records in order to draw up other documents circulars, internal letters. For this reason a (e.g. Multiannual Investment Plan, industry basic period of 1 year was adopted (similarly programmes) to the municipality budget period). Such period gives opportunities to draw up strategic documents. Within appropriate 1 year period it


Within one year period 4 basic stages of the CSP management cycle were distinguished: 1. Diagnosis and forecasting of city development, 3. Implementation of arrangements, 2. Strategy programming, 4. Monitoring and assessment of Strategy implementation.

1 2

4 3

Each of the above-mentioned stages of CSP has assigned proper documents and procedures implemented by management and operational entities (managers and executors).





1 2 1.Diagnosis and forecasting of city development 2.Programming 3.Strategy implementation 4.Monitoring and strategy implementation assessment

4 3



Final documents drawn up at particular stages are the result of activities of various managers and executors on the basis of internal letters (of management characteristics).




1. City status report 1. Urban space management situation report 1.1. Historic-related information 1.1. Preliminary analysis of spatial conditionings of 1.2. Diagnosis of functional areas development 1.3. Evaluation of needs and forecasts – 1.2. Specifying and updating the spatial management general characteristics of city conditionings of the cities development trends 1.3. Analysis of arrangements compliance of Spatial 2. Information about social-economic situation Arrangement Conditions and Directions Survey and 3. Prospective diagnosis millenary plans with the city programme and strategic 4. Assumptions of city social-economic documentation included in acts of domestic law and development administrative decisions 5. Evaluation and diagnosis report on sustainable 1.4. Analysis of external (opportunities and threats) and development audit internal (strengths and weaknesses) spatial conditionings of city development 2. Analysis of developmental conditionings in spatial arrangement of the city (spatial reference system) 2. PROGRAMMING


- City development strategy W Study of conditionings and directions of management • Concept/mission declaration W Establishment of preliminary assumptions of spatial • General strategic objectives (directions of policy development) W Principles of city spatial management • Specific goals and activities W Forecast of financial repercussions of bringing study - Multiannual Investment Plan into effect - Multiannual Budget Forecast W Forecast of study arrangements impact on the - Limit of expenditure on the Multiannual environment Investment Programme

3. IMPLEMENTATION SOCIAL-ECONOMIC PART PLANNING PART 1. Local Development Plan (medium-term) 1. Local plan of spatial management (LPSM) – operational part - programmes / priorities W decisions on the exclusion of area from agricultural - operational projects production - operational tasks W decisions on partition of properties 2. Document appointing project managers and W decisions on consolidation of properties executive teams implementing operational tasks W decisions on connecting properties 2. Decisions on strategic investment allocation 4. MONITORING SOCIAL-ECONOMIC PART PLANNING PART 1. Development strategy – monitoring part 1. LPSM – monitoring part assisted by numerical-spatial system 2. Local Development Plan – monitoring part (construction market activity , compliance with study records) (outcome, result) 3. Multiannual Investment Plan-monitoring part


Modules of Scope of responsibility Work organisation Final document strategic plan /who?/ Basis of activity /how?/ /what?/ cycle

1. Chairman of the FORUM - organising meetings and sessions of the Project of the updated part of FORUM strategy in scope of: - running working meetings - Concept/mission 2. Working team - Directions of development - analysis of documents (city situation report, - Specific goals strategy implementation report for the (constitutional part of the previous year, analysis of development Forum for the City strategy) and document titled * Agreement conditioning – SWOT, development forecast) - appointment of representatives and chairman by the “Guidelines for * MC resolution – making selections of programmes and Municipal Council (MC) resolution or agreement implementation of the

Forecast projects within spatial economy and planning Diagnosis operational part of the submitted to the City Development Office – strategy with the reason for updating records of the constitutional part of selection of programmes and the strategy projects submitted within (-mission/concept, - directions of spatial economy and development-specific goals) planning ” - giving opinions on the project of strategy

- strategy implementation - analysis of the FORUM documents

President - selection of development scenarios - directions of city * The Law on Regional Draft Resolution of the MC on (updating) development Government city Development Strategy Vice-Presidents, - formulating priorities

- analysis of development conditionings - coordination of Draft Resolution of the MC on Secretary (SWOT) with regard to financial capabilities works, conducting an the city Local Development (multiannual financial forecast)

Programming exchange of Plan (LDP) City Development Office - selection of programmes and projects for Programmes and implementation Projects


- supervision, control and Elaborated report on Strategy Chief of the City Development coordination of strategic implementation for the given Office plans implementation - formulating programmes documents past year

- generating operational projects in particular -programmes programmes implementation, Half-year report on strategic Departments Directors coordination of programmes implementation operational projects * Resolution of the MC on the in the current year implementation Organisational Structure of Projects Managers Office - local authority officials - persons working on Half-year report on Implementation Implementation - implementation or budgetary tasks with operational projects commission (contract - - operational projects implementation schedule and the time period implementation in the current project) implementation year or after the end of - persons and companies project duration employed by beneficiaries (managers) FORUM for the City MC Resolution on - analysis of the presented draft report on City President Organisational Structure of the Strategy and Forum for the City carried Office out by appropriate MC commissions MC Resolution on Strategy MC Resolution on the

and and implementation report City Development Office Strategy - presentation of the draft report with Monitoring Monitoring

assessment MC Resolution on the city commission’s and Forum’s opinions LDP


In order to ensure implementation of strategic provisions and their programming (or updating), and then evaluate the level of implementation a two-part form of the Strategy document was adopted. The first - programme part called „constitutional”, The second - operational part.



↓ ↓ ↓

Cn C1 C2 General Development ...... Objectives*

PROGRAMME DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTS PROGRAMME (City Strategy) Development Long term, min. 7 years

Operational objectives /priorities/

↓ ↓ ↓ Operational objective Operational objective Operational CO1 CO2 ...... objective

COn ↓ ↓ ↓ Programmes Programmes Programmes

P1 P2 ... Pn P1 P2 ... Pn P1 P2 ... Pn

PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS Budgetary activity Budgetary activity Budgetary activity 1 1 ... 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 ... 1 2 2 ... 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 ... 2 3 3 ... 3 3 3 ... 3 3 3 ... 3 4 4 ... 4 4 4 ... 4 4 4 ... 4 ......

OPERATIONAL DOCUMENTS Plans) Development (Local Midterm, up to 4 years n n ... n n n ... n n n ... n

*General development objectives can also be defined as – intermediate, key strategic issues, main overriding objective etc.



I PROGNOZOWANIEDI AG NO ZA PROGRAMOWANIE I PROGNOZOWANIEDI AG NO ZA PRO G RAM O W ANI E M O NII TOOCENARO W ANI E W DRA ?ANI E Executors: M O NII TOOCENARO W ANI E W DRA ? ANI E Office Director - City Council, - - Mayor, President, Executors: - Deputy President, - Forum - - CDO Director, - - External experts - Directors of Departments, - City Development Office 2 1 - FORUM (CDO) Executors: CDO

Manager: Manager: City Development - City bodies, Office Director 4 3 - Municipal companies’ bodies, - local business bodies, - non governmental organisations’ bodies, - local self-government Executors: organisations’ bodies - City Hall – Departments - City Development Office Executors: - City Hall 1.City Development diagnosis and - Municipal companies, forecasting, - Local business, 2.Programming - Non governmental organisations, 3.Strategy implementation, - Local self-government organisations 4.Monitoring and strategy implementation evaluation

Programme part includes records concerning City planning process requires engagement of many City Development concept and mission as well executors adjusting performed functions to the as general development objectives. The above mentioned part is subject to updating and implementation stage. In such situation it is necessary modifications with at least two terms of office to provide clear attribution of responsibilities for validity period. implementation of particular strategy elements to Operational part includes documents concerning appropriate positions in the office hierarchy. industry programmes as well as operational projects and budgetary tasks.

Binding element of the documents concerning the process is the flow of information necessary for strategy implementation.





Examples of information, which can be used in this process: on transactors in Public Information Bulletin, statistical data.











I OC ENA - Samorzadowa spolecznosc -Samorzadowa spolecznosc lokalna lokalna - Inne podmioty spoleczne i gospodarcze - Inne podmioty spoleczne i gospodarcze

Organizacja polityki 1 2 informacyjne j i marketingu -Prezydent Miasta - Organy Samorzadowe - Biuro Prasowe UM (B iuletyn - Radni Informacji Publicznej) - Dyrektorzy Wydzialów - Pelnomocnik Prezydenta ds. Rozwoju Miasta (Dyrektor, - Spólki komunalne 3 - Organizacje 4 Manager Miasta) samorzadowe - NGO - Biznes lokalny - Organy Samorzadowe - Radni - Dyrektorzy Wydzialów 1.City Development diagnosis and forecasting, - Spólki komunalne 2.Programming - Organizacje samorzadowe - Org. 3.Strategy implementation, Pozarzadowe (NGO) 4.Monitoring and strategy implementation evaluation - Biznes lokalny

Each stage of urban planning may include external users of the management system (observers) such as: city dwellers, councillors, civil servants, students, teachers, journalists, scientists etc. Equipped with proper software and IT tools USMS will become a communication platform of social dialogue.

Presented model of Urban Space Management the process of adjustment of implemented System (USMS) emphasizes the role of tasks to current needs of local community. periodical updating of strategic documents in

City Hall employees provide data supplying the crucial to provide data selection and USMS system. In order to contribute to coordination. Therefore it is necessary to creation of Sustainable City Development, it is 55

establish standard form of document with the ‚ particularisation of the basic content - form following minimum scope: and scope of this part of document is 1) Initial information – containing information optional, depending on author and orderer. on the preceding document in the USMS 3) Conclusive information and guidelines system, which allows for verification of concerning content - interdependent information genesis. Basic assumptions documents created and updated in line with concerning content of the document the USMS order, including: together with indicators, measures and ‚ results related to assumptions made in the content-related data. first part together with measures, statistical 2) Content of the document including: data and a list of information to be created ‚ basic content – minimum scope necessary as new documents or processed from other for USMS information flow and allowing for documents and information sources, creation of further documents in line with ‚ guidelines for successive documents created the USMS order, in line with the USMS order.



1.INITIAL INFORMATION (basic assumptions, measures and indicators)

2. CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT (basic scope - minimum scope necessary for information flow within urban space management system) 3. CONCLUSIVE INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES CONCERNING CONTENT- INTERDEPENDENT DOCUMENTS APPEARING IN LINE WITH THE USMS ORDER (indicators, results)

City Strategic Planning is strictly connected operational projects defined in the programme with financial planning of the municipality and part of the strategy. municipal organisational units. The Therefore it should be stated, that Sustainable Development Strategy, accepted by the City City Development Strategy is implemented Council, is implemented by the local based on various sources of funding. It is the municipality and other transactors operating in fundamental reason for socialisation of City the city throughout activities (implementing Strategic Planning by assuring influence of tasks) resulting from industry programmes and local community on the content of the strategy.





- City President - Bodies of institution co- financing the strategy - City President 4 3 implementation - Other entities - Self-governing executive bodies (Marshal, Starost) - City Budget - Other external sources of funding

- City Budget - Budget of external entities implementing the strategy 1. Analysis and city development forecasting - National Budget 2. Programming - Other external sources of funding 3. Strategy implementation 4. Monitoring and the strategy implementation assessment

Actions taken in the process of City and spatial management act. None of them is Strategic Planning are regulated by wholly related to this process, although first, numerous acts concerning various fields of city generally formulated statutory obligations, can functioning. The most important among them be found in the Law on the principles are financial acts as well as substantive law – governing the conduct of regional policy – O.J particularly Construction Law, spatial planning No 227 pos. 1658 of 6 December 2006.











4 3

12 management Act


4 3

4 3 12 - Law on the regional government 4 3 - Law on the principles governing - spatial planning and spatial the conduct of regional policy management Act - Law on the regional government - Law on the principles governing 1 2 LEGISLATIVE BODY the conduct of regional policy

All regulations and acts concerning statutory activities of a municipality, All regulations and acts concerning statutory activities of a municipality, according to the scope of competence according to the scope of competence 4 3 and responsibilities described in Law On Regional Government and in and responsibilities described in Law compliance with: On Regional Government and in compliance with: - Law on Public Statistics - Construction Law - Law on Public Statistics - Geodetic and Cartographic Law - Construction Law - Land And Mortgage Register Law - Geodetic and Cartographic Law - Personal Data Protection Act - Land And Mortgage Register Law - Other - Personal Data Protection Act

- Act On Protection Of Classified 1. Analysis and city development forecasting Information 2. Programming, - Other 3. Strategy implementation,

4. Monitoring and the strategy implementation assessment

City Strategic Planning ought to be a Strategy. Inconsistence between internal city continuous process. Then it is possible to development processes and its surrounding forecast development on the basis of a long- (on a regional, voivodship or national level) term monitoring of the city development can often appear without conscious and trends. Detailed, coordinated city observation continuous strategic planning. Coordination of gives the opportunity to react on current needs internal directions of city development with of local community and to implement superior external development plans creates the strategic documents such as Voivodship opportunity of a complex city development. Development Strategy, National Development



Opening and Opening and Closing Report Closing Report




4 years 4 years 7 years 7 years

As it was already emphasized City Strategic 5. Statement on the closing report of the Planning (CSP) is a continuous process and as previous terms of office. such undergoes constant changes. As a result it is very vulnerable to interactions with various Closing report is drawn up by the leaving City external and internal factors. Proper President and accepted by the City Council formulation of concept, mission and strategic ending its terms of office. It includes a objectives allows to avoid rapid, accidental and summary of expiring terms of office in form of unjustified city management changes. a strategy implementation report including in Continuation of the CSP process is provided by particular: the following reports: 1. Establishment of changes to the significant - new terms of office opening report, city development conditionings made during - ending terms of office closing report, the expiring terms of office. Opening report is drawn up by the City 2. Development Strategy implementation level President and accepted by the City Council. It in the period of expiring terms of office, includes the following: 3. Conclusions on audits of previously adopted 1. City status report – assessment of social and impact indicators, economic condition of the city at the 4. Recommendation of a strategy update for beginning of terms of office, the period of the next terms of office, 2. Brief assessment of social, economic and 5. City Council regulation on updating of spatial development conditionings, Municipality Spatial Arrangement Conditions 3. Social, economic and spatial policy and Directions Survey (Spatial planning and assumptions together with a development spatial management Act). forecast including multiannual financial forecast and multiannual investment plan project 4. Development priorities with a list of industry programmes implementing particular strategic objectives.


PLANNING PROCESS (UPDATING THE CITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN ANNUAL AND TERM OF OFFICE CYCLES) Division of Activities Strategic Documents city strategic ANNUAL ACTIVITIES CYCLES (instruments) planning 1) City development vision/mission 2) City development specific goals and policies LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (ECONOMIC) 3) Strategic Programmes (1) 4) Activities and implementations ECONOMIC (2) 5) Sector strategies (industry PLANNI NG oriented programmes and their implementation tasks) (3) 6) Multiannual Investment Plan (4) 7) Multiannual Budgetary Forecast 8) Multiannual Investment Programme (Budgetary) (5) 9) Budget execution report 1) Conditions and policies of urban space development SPATIAL (study) 2) Local spatial development PLANNI NG plans (6) 3) Spatial analyses resulting from budgetary regulations 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 YEARS Beginning of the term of Beginning (II) another term of office of local authorities office of local authorities



(1) – different time of elaboration is connected Investment Programme (Budgetary) with the conditionings of executive, (5) – defined in the Budgetary Act. It is strictly budgetary and political priorities materially connected with Multiannual (2) – different start date and lasting periods Investment Plan result from implementation schedule and (6) – their elaboration should result from specific budgetary conditionings goals adopted in the strategy and should (3) – different time of elaboration and constitute the basis for preparation of implementation is connected with the documentation concerning activities of the conditionings of executive, budgetary and strategy. For this column the following shall political priorities be considered as an equivalent: (4) – different time of elaboration and - decisions on conditions of expansion and implementation of investment projects is development, connected with the conditionings of - decision on location of a public utility executive, budgetary and political priorities. investment, It is strictly connected with Multiannual - decision concerning establishment of a road investment location.


3.4.3. Basic testing of Urban Space Management System (USMS) model using the example of investment implementation procedure for the project: Integrated urban traffic junction (IUTJ)

This kind of investment idea derives from records of New Athens Charter, which includes Information Centre – Customer Service Offices regulations concerning creation of spatial order of Plock City Hall; of European cities: The above mentioned is described in records companies’ agencies, design offices, etc. concerning spatial synthesis: (academic centres; other tourist, cultural, a) spatial linkages healthcare agencies) ‚ enhancement of spatial networks in and around cities, employment office information centre, advisory ‚ maintenance and improvement of the centres – e.g. Careers Centre essential functions of city centres and other key nodes, free of charge access to the Internet, library, b) coherent character and historical continuity media library, supplementary education of cities courses ‚ Measures to facilitate personal contacts and opportunities for leisure and multipurpose study class-rooms, to be rented recreation for information activities by Plock City Hall or

other institutions Functional programme of investment titled: Integrated urban traffic junction. 24/7 access to scarce services – shoemaker, sewing services, flower shop Integrated urban traffic junction:

Medial – based on various services, mini kindergarten – children day care for shopping mothers, Transport – various means of transport – bus lines, tram, taxi, passenger car transport, air elderly people day centre (University of the and rail transport Third Age), mothers and children centre (entertainment, common interests, Functional programme of investment: professional skills improvement) apart form commerce, gastronomy, public transport, airline, railway ticket centre, entertainment Public transport stops


Basic scope of Integrated Urban Traffic Junction (IUTJ).












City diagnosis and forecasting stage

Activity I – information on IUTJ investment the basis of Municipality Transport Policy is taken from New Athens Charter (1) or and City Communication Structure results from evaluation of the current city Analysis, the relevance of IUTJ status and is included in the City Status implementation is being evaluated. Report. Initiative of construction of IUTJ may also Activity II – information from the City be introduced by a lobby group as a Status Report on IUTJ is assessed during generated operational project (3) the Planning Team session (2) where, on

Strategy programming stage Activity III – after acceptance of the IUTJ regards industry programme concerning operational project, suitable information is development of the city communication placed in the next strategy update draft, structure) (4) which includes guidelines for implementation of operational part (as 62

Activity IV - the above mentioned discussed by the City Council as a guidelines together with the updated proposal of investment implementation Programme Strategy draft are evaluated included in the draft regulation on in the City Development Office, which acceptance or updating of the programme sends its assessment results to the City and operational part of the strategy. (5). President. The evaluated document is

Strategy Implementation stage Activity V - Updated or accepted Strategy tender announcement, investment including records on IUTJ becomes the implementation process is started. basis for: a – placing suitable record in the Assuming, that construction of the city budget (6), b – taking suitable IUTJ will last a year, information on investment actions concerning IUTJ (7). investment implementation will be placed Activity VI - After being granted a in periodical reports on the project construction permit and publication of implementation.

Strategy implementation monitoring

Activity VII – periodical reports concerning Planning And Spatial Management Act, project implementation are converted into Construction Act, Geodetic and the form of reports on implementation of Cartographic Law, Land and Mortgage industry programmes or operational Register Law, Personal Data Protection projects (8). Act, Law on regional government, Activity VIII – all information concerning Municipal Finance Law, Public - Private IUTJ implementation is included in Partnership Law, local regulations: Strategy implementation report (9). resolutions e.g. on passing of local plans, acclamation of particular industry All activities of management cycle are programmes (for the IUTJ project – City conducted in line with external procedures transport policy with rules concerning consistent with legal acts and internal functioning and development of urban regulations of City President and City communication structure), internal Council. regulations – correspondence, financial documents flow etc. For implementation of the IUTJ the following regulations shall apply: Spatial

IUTJ implementation can be financed by the municipality with the use of EU financial resources or as public-private partnership.



1. When creating a strategy document one should division into two parts: always remember: - programme • to formulate a far-reaching city concept - operational reflecting its style, distinctiveness and 2. When generating industry programmes unique character (sectoral) one should remember about • to formulate strategy mission as the proper definition of documents (without essence of concept unnecessary tables, analyses, extensive • to create document strategy with a reports). Content-related monitoring of an


industry programme requires authorisation of a 3. When generating operational projects one city servant of suitable rank in the office should remember about using IT tools hierarchy. such as professional software for project management.

3.5.2. CREATION OF THE CITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM One should always remember about: operational programmes, sectoral W Creation of a clearly defined hierarchy o strategies, industry programmes, spatial responsibilities, arrangement conditions and directions W Adjustment of organisational structure to survey, local spatial development plans, implementation of city management multiannual investment plans, projects), activities, W Cooperation of 3 sectors (local authority, W Defining o a far-reaching strategy, local community and business), W Coherence of strategic documents W Vertical integration of all territorial levels (strategy, local development programmes, (European, national, provincial and local).




Elbląg Tczew

Bydgoszcz Białystok


PŁOCK Warszawa




Situated on a picturesque high Vistula slope processes, development of modern Płock is the oldest town of Mazowsze. It has technologies, and, research activities. almost 128 thousand of citizens and covers the Nereby Płock, there are the major Polish road area of 8 805,75 ha / 88,06 km2. tracks, which are: from Gdańsk to Ostrawa, Płock is a thriving industrial center of varied and, from Moscow via Warsaw to Berlin; and branch structure, focused on innovation and what is more Płock is situated not more than cutting-edge technologies. ca 100 km from the major cities of Poland i.e. Owing to refinery and petrochemical industry Warsaw, Łódź and Toruń. (with the domineering position of the Group of The most important investments executed Polski Koncern Naftowy S.A [Polish Oil nowadays in Płock are: construction of the II Company], machine, shipbuilding this town Wisła bridge together with its access roads, holds strong position on the map. Moreover, it urban renewal of Tumska street, and, complex is certainly Płocki Park Technologiczny Sp. z site planning of Vistula Slope including a series o.o [Płock Technological Park Ltd], a lately of environmental, tourist, sports and cultural enterprise, that aims at supporting economic projects.


EXISTING STRATEGIC DOCUMENTATION - Strategy for Balanced Development of Płock City - Project of Local Development of Płock City within 2005-2013 - Long-term Investment Project for the years: 2007-2013

Branch projects: - Płock City Local Urban Renewal and - Development and Modernization of Water Revitalization Project and Sewage Facilities up to 2010 Project - Project of managing the residential Plan resources of the city - Heat Provision of heating energy to Płock - Project of Environmental Protection for the Project City of Płock - Waste Management Project for the city of Płock - In-Płock Tourist Development Project




Elbląg is a city on the legal status of a district. One of the most important and most complex It has 127,275 citizens, and covers the area of projects carried out in the city nowadays is the 7952 ha. Number of registered business Elbląg Technological Park and related to this idea Incubator of Modern Information entities amounts to 12,097. General number of Technologies. unemployed people is 9,280, unemployment rate in Elbląg is 19,8 %, unemployment rate in EXISTING STRATEGIC DOCUMENTATION Elbląg Voivodship: 24,7 %. Local authorities have been creating the policy of city development on the basis of the The city is located in the north-west part of Strategy of Elbląg Development for the years warmińsko-mazurskie Voivodship upon Elbląg of 2001-2015 accepted with a Resolution No river that flokws into Zalew Wiślany. XXI/664/2001 of Elbląg City Council as of 15.03.2001 Other documents are as follows: - Elbląg Development Project; Long-term Investment Project for 2004-2008 ¾ Long-term Investment Project for the years: 2007-2013


- Integrated Investment Plan of Elbląg City - Waste Management Project for the City of Public Transportation Development 2004- Elbląg up to 2006 , including the 2013 prospective of 2007-2010 - Environmental Protection Project for the In 2006 the City Council agreed upon an up- City of Elbląg up to 2006 , including the dated document of ‘Study on the Conditions of prospective of 2007-2010 the District Development’, specifying direction of development and spatial policy of the city for the forthcoming 15 years.



Tczew is one of the oldest and fourth in term town of Tczew its historical role of a shipyard of its size town of Pomorskie Voivodship. It spot, and, a stop for minor sailing units. spreads over 2226 hectares, and, there are There are 4 thousand family companies more than 60 thousand people living within its running their businesses within Tczew area. nowadays. Tczew is an industrial town. It is also a railway In 1997 r. there was set up a Special Economic and road junction of the northern Poland. Sphere that encouraged foreign investors’ Inside the town there are traffic routes from inflow. Germany to Russia and Lithuania, and, from Scandinavia to southern Europe. For many years Tczew has been aiming to regain the bordering-Vistula-river character to its Old Town, and, to restore gradually to the 70

EXISTING STRATEGIC AND PLANNING PROCESS DOCUMENTATION - Long-term investment project - ‘Project of strategic development of the town for 2003-15’ - Study on the Conditions of the District Development Directions of Tczew town - Local Project of Study on Spatial District Development of Tczew town of 2005




Słupsk – town situated at the height of 40-50 In 1997 at the territory of Słupsk and rural m. above sea level, at both brinks of Słupia commune, was established the Słupsk Special river, 18 km from Baltic Sea. Town has a Economic Sphere, bringing in many facilities landspan of 43,15 km², and, 96325 citizens for investors, eg. tax allowance. Nowadays are registered. total plants existing in this area employs ca. A trademark of Słupsk in the economic map of 900 employees. Poland are among others plants processing Słupsk comes as a centre of economic and plastics, a number of show producing plants, social-cultural life placed in attractive region in window plants, and, motor and metal industry terms of tourism. There are two roads of significance for the Major attractions of this region are: beautiful country transport: road no 6 - Szczecin – seashore landscape and numerous lakes Gdańsk, no 21 – Ustka – Piła. surrounded by woods and the Słowiński National Park. EXISTING STRATEGIC DOCUMENTATION: • Strategy of Słupsk town development • Long-term Investment Project • Residential Strategy for Słupsk town for 2000 – 2014 • Local Development Project for 2004-2006 • Transport Strategy for Słupsk Town • Integrated Project of Public Transport Development for 2004-2006 • Integrated Investment Plan of Elbląg City Public Transportation Development 2004-2013 • Strategy of Education for the Town of Słupsk from 2002-2012 • Local Project of Revitalization of Słupsk Town.



PRESENTATION OF THE CITY Białystok – capital of Podlaskie voivodship its major business branches are: trade, and the largest city of the north west part of construction and development, real estate and Poland which plays a role of administrative, company service, transport, machinery economic, scientific and cultural centre of the business, and, industrial processing. region. It covers the area of 102 km2 and its In Białystok there are many cultural and population amounts to 292.000 of residents. academic institutions, including: theatres, Białystok is situated at Podlaska Lowland in the philharmonics, museums, university, musical western part of the macro region called academy, technical university, higher economic Wysoczyzną Białostocka. Białystok is in the schools. The city is one of recognized centres territory of area called Green Lungs of Poland. of puppetry art in Poland. The Białystok A specific and healthy micro climate and, a rich Theatre of Puppets created a school educating variety of tourist attractions make Bałystok an actors and directors of puppetry that was enjoyable spot both for its citizens, and transformed into a Department of Puppetry Art tourists. A beneficial location of the city in a of the Warsaw Theatre Academy. nearby-border location of the widespread Nowadays in Białystok, there are being European Union, plus its being close to the conducted the following strategic projects: eastern border of the country constitute improvement of quality of the public significant factor of the city’s role as an transportation system of Białystok City – Ist important road junction, and, encourage Stage, Improvement of the quality of water in economic development. Nowadays Białystok is Białystok City, and, Construction of Podlaska an economic centre of north-east Poland, and Opera. 73

EXISTING STRATEGIC AND PLANNING PROCESS DOCUMENTATION - Strategy of Development for the City of - Study of Preconditions and Directions of Białystok Spatial Development, and - Assumptions of Economic-Social Policy - Local spatial development projects - Long-term Project of Investment for the prepared for a part of the city area. City of Białystok for 2007 – 2013



PRESENTATION OF THE CITY Bydgoszcz – 8 in terms of population in Voivode [governor]. The city is of key role in Poland, a foundation privilege received in the Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area. A city 1346. An important road junction (country of academics (University of Kazimierz Wielki, roads no 5,10,25, 80), junction of rail and Technical-Agricultural Academy, Higher School water routes. Owing to the Bydgoszcz Water of Economics and other 10 higher universities), Junction, it appears to be the most important culture (Philharmonics of Pomorze, Opera point on the international route E-70 Berlin – Nova, Polish Theatre, museums, clubs) sports Kaliningrad. The seat of Kujawsko – Pomorski (events of European and world rank.

Essential information on the city - Area - 17448.00 ha - Population - 365.5 thousand including 194.0 thousand of women - Registered unemployment rate - 9,5% - Business entities registered under Regon no - 44970,0


EXISTING STRATEGIC AND PLANNING PROCESS DOCUMENTATION Bydgoszcz holds of up-to-date, agreed upon in 100 of city projects of spatial development of 2004-2006 all essential documents on 3249.0 ha area that amounts to 18,6% of total development, strategic management, and, city area including the following: city area and 37,3% of city area that is to be - „Strategy of Bydgoszcz Development up to under the framework of local spatial 2015” – enacted in 2004 development strategies. - „Study of Preconditions and Spatial District - „Local Urban Renewal and Revitalization Development of Bydgoszcz City” – enacted Project for Bydgoszcz city” - enacted in in 2005 2005 - „Local Development Project”– enacted in - „Urban Renewal and Revitalization, and, 2006 Development of the Bydgoszcz Water - „ Long-term Investment Project” Junction” – under work - “Assumptions of Spatial Development of - „Project of Brda River to be restored to the Bydgoszcz City Centre” – enacted in 2004 city” – enacted in 2000

Studies in assistance of the spatial management • Brda River to be Restored to the City – recognition in the national Polish contwst Investments – 98 • Brda River to be Restored to the City – awarded in the contest of the Association of Polish Towns - 2000 • Proposals of Spatial Development of the City Centre Assumptions – award of the Minister of Construction • Spatial preconditions for Completing the Development of Śródmieście [City Centre] and Szwederowa Quarters • Vizualization of Bydgoszczy Śródmieście [City Centre] – Ist award at the Jesienne Spotkania z GIS [Autumn Meetings with Main Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS)]





Capital of Kujawy District – Włocławek is a city ANWIL S.A., NOBILES, Fabryka Lin and Drutu upon Vistula river and its left side tributary - DRUMET. Zgłowiączka. Włocławek is an interesting city in architectural Population of the city amounts to 120 terms, as it may be proud of many unique thousand. relicts of the past. There is “Kulin” sanctuary. Tourist attractions of these area are: Being centrally located made major road and Włocławsko-Gostyniński Sanctuary, Vistula rail routs of national and international Reservoir with its passanger harbour, and, the significace be crossing Włocławek. They join last but not least – panorama of Szpetal Hills. the north with the south of Poland (Gdańsk- The city holds of numerous lands and Włocławek-Cieszyn) and the east with the west properties, e.g. the ones left after industrial (Terespol-Warszawa-Włocławek-Kołbaskowo). factories were bankrupt, that are aimed for Włocławek comes as a significant industiral being developed. centre, and, agricltural service infrastructure for the region. Nowadays, it is well-developed in term sof chemical, metal, industrial machinery, ceramic and food and related products. Major companies of Włocławek are:



Zintegrowany System Zarząądzania PrzestrzeniPrzestrzenią Miejską dobre praktyki

Diagnoza i prognozowanie rozwoju miasta WŁOCŁAWEK/ Programowanie BYDGOSZCZ/ Programowanie ELBLĄG/ PŁOCK/BYDGOSZCZ/ BIAŁYSTOK/ SŁUPSK SŁUPSK

Monitoring i ocena Wdrażanie i realizacja realizacji strategii strategii TCZEW/ELBLĄG/ PŁOCK/BYDGOSZCZ BYDGOSZCZ/ /BIAŁYSTOK/ PŁOCK/SŁUPSK TCZEW




1. FORUM FOR PŁOCK dating of the existing Strategy for Płock An impulse for introducing practical changes City Development and the method of its in the strategic changes for Płock became monitoring and execution. Two methods of FORUM FOR PŁOCK, executing a concept of team work were established: intersection partnership. - FORUM meetings during which definite Initiators of the projests are: city authorities of solutions on Płock Development were Płock, Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN worked out , S.A.[Polish Oil Company ORLEN], United - Workshops that concentrated on teaching Nations Development Programme that in their participants’ how to work in a team October 2002 signed an agreement on taking consisting of different branches. mutual action for the benefit of development - Consulting that consisted of 120 people of the city, setting up targets, schedule, and, and amid at opinioning effects achieved by principles of executing mutual Strategy. the working team work effects.

Idea of the Project was creating a group of FORUM work was launched January 27th, local leaders representing different activity 2003; targets to be achieved were specified sectors that are to act on the basis of as: partnership and shall: accept, monitor, up-date W Diagnosing a balanced state of D Płock the Strategy for Płock City Development, and, (elaborated on the basis of an audio of support, take measures towards execution of balanced development that was the Strategy for Płock City Development, conducted). initiating activities towards partnership i.e. W Up-dating of targets of Płock development. FORUM FOR PŁOCK. W Working out a set of indicators to monitor First stage of work conducted was focused on advances related to achieving respective deciding upon personnel of two teams that are objectives of development. as follows: W Specifying 6 tasks to be completed by - Working Team (specified as FORUM) – FORUM members. consisting of 50 people, which is to aim at W Establishing a Grant System for Płock City. working out rules of cooperation, up-


W Working out principles of further activities of FORUM. According to specified purposes for FORUM - Preparing synthetic information on FOR PŁOCK, and, priorities, targets of the processes, and, city development trends. Strategy for the Balanced Development of Having introduced themselves to the city Płock City were elaborated. It was Balanced Development audit results conducted accomplished together with experts, when by UNDP consultants, Participants of FORUM preparing and conducting the Audit for the selected strategic tasks and adopted objectives Balanced Development of Płock. It aimed at: of Płock development, also deciding to pass - creating a supportive system of Płock them over for social consultation in form of 3 balanced development management, major and 30 detailed objectives. - assessing the balanced development of Whereas, FORUM has chosen prioritized Płock city using an indice metod, strategic tasks requiring cooperation of two - creating a system of the best practices exchange, and, applying audio results plus entities, and, defined factors influencing making them available. efficient accomplishment of these tasks. In audit result, the city became a disposer of a In Płock they were chosen for workshop modern managerial instrument, and, an owner analysis purpose in the following consultancy: of the worked out system of indicators of the Major target – High quality of natural Balanced Development (BD) meeting standards of the European Unison. They were environment in compliance with indispensable against the context of Balanced Development principles assumptions made, i.e.: Priority – Improving a system of selective - Self-appraisal conducted in terms of collection of communal waste activities taken for the benefits of balanced Major target – Protection of cultural and development, - Spreading and raising the level of historical heritage, and, raising knowledge, self-consciousness of public attractiveness of the city in tourist terms administration (active participation in Priority – Involving part of citizens into the audio, meetings and workshops), activity of revitalization – model of private- - Indicating the most important activities to public partnership be undertaken at the city’s territory, - City promotion and partner cooperation, - Major target – High education level of - Using indice data in applications for citizens European Union funds, Priority – Appointing a team of people to - Using audit results for the purpose of working out and up-dating the work out a strategy for educating highly development strategy, targets and projects talentem youths. Also, principles of intersection of development and development cooperation were specified, and, institutional programming,


support was specified for the benefit of - Coordinative team, including 3 FORUM project. representatives of different sectors - Rules of cooperation (business, social and public one) with the - open communication (trust), need for personal authorization (official - respect towards others and their different recognition) opinions (respect, tolerance), - FORUM as a place for consulting solutions - revealing intentions and interests of and activities important information (understanding), - City Council that provides FORUM with - personal motivation (enthusiasm), diagnosis, current information, SWOT - courage and creativity (innovation), analyses, and, support in terms of - determination when it comes to overcoming administration and logistics.

controversial issues (efficiency), On 2 September 2003 a Resolution on vision - transparency in decision making process (mission), development directions and targets (acceptance). of the Balanced Strategy for Płock City Development enacted by the City Council of Institutional suport Płock. - Working teams (workshops), during work, in which strategic problem solutions, with personal authorization, are designed


City Statistical Record containing basic data on Płock city is prepared every year. This record notebook has been published for 13 years and prepared by 2 employees of a Many-Person and communal units of organizations, and, Position of Strategy and Statistics in the information from annual reports on city Department of Town Planning, Architecture, budgets, press, and other sources. The record Geodesy and Katastr. There is permanent notebook is being worked on throughout the data for a specific period of time and whole year and published at the end of the references to it in further editions of the record following year that comes after the one to notebook. The notebook record contains both which these data included in the record statistical data, and more detailed data gained notebook refers to. on the basis of information from respective administrative units of the City Council of Płock



Instrument: Grant Fund for the city of Plock


June 2000 – Davos; UN Secretary General Kofi Direct effects of actions taken by Forum for Annan appeals to the world of business for Plock were particularly: joining partnership for development by 1) Diagnose of the state of sustainable supporting Global Compact (voluntary, global development of the city of Plock initiative persuading world of business to 2) Update of development goals of the city of implement rules including human rights, labour Plock standards, natural environment) and to 3) Elaboration of a set of indicators for catalyze actions improving sustainable monitoring of progress in achieving of development. particular development goals 4) Appointing of 6 tasks to be implemented by September 2000 – during the UN Millennium members of FORUM FOR PLOCK Summit in New York world leaders signed the 5) Establishment of the Grant Fund for Plock Millennium Declaration, which includes time 6) Elaboration of principles of further activity of bound development goals (Millennium FORUM FOR PLOCK. Development Goals). International community decided to achieve these goals until 2015 with the reservation, that it is possible to rise up to INTERNATIONAL REFLECTION such development challenges only by combined efforts of governments, non- “It is the first agreement on such scale in governmental organisations and private sector. Poland and one of few in the world. We treat it as a response to the appeal of the UN August 2002 – World Summit in Johannesburg Secretary General Kofi Annan for propagation emphasizes the role of cooperation within of civil attitudes towards engagement of private and public sector as well as non- entrepreneurs in creation of favourable governmental organisations and its significance conditions for sustainable development – for sustainable development and achievement representative of UNDP in Poland Colin of Millennium Development Goals. Glennie.

October 2002 – signature of an agreement on ORGANISATION – BENEFICIARIES establishment of “Forum for Plock”, consisting of 3 entities: Plock Municipality, Polish Oil Grant Fund for the city of Plock was Company PKN ORLEN and United Nations established by partners of the first phase of Development Programme (UNDP). the project – i.e. Polish Oil Company PKN ORLEN and the city of Plock - in order to PROJECT IDEA support local non-governmental organisations FORUM FOR PLOCK is a group of local leaders in performing of activities set by Forum for representing different sectors of activities Plock. Since November 2003 it was also (business, local authorities, non-governmental considered attractive by the Levi Strauss organisations). On a partnership basis they Company, which since that moment became make decisions concerning: the official partner of the Fund. - acepting - monitoring - updating Development Strategy of the city FOUNDERS’ EXPECTATIONS of Plock - “I think, that the most pioneer part of Grant as well as Fund is combination of public and private ‚ supporting and taking actions aimed at financial resources used for the benefit of local implementation of the Strategy for the community. I am most delighted by the fact, Development of city of Plock. that this support shall be used by the non-


governmental organisations, for which lack of - Forum for Plock financial resources constituted common Recommending the method of Project obstacle to implementation of their tasks. I am implementation, monitoring the Fund’s convinced, that their activity will influence the activities, providing with knowledge city development dynamics” – President of the concerning local development obstacles City of Plock, - Miroslaw Milewski. and distributing information about the Fund’s activities. - “In the world of significant globalisation changes, companies motivated by the will of STRUCTURE – OBJECTIVES increasing profits managed to outstrip the The main objective of the Grant Fund for Plock development of countries and are in was to use the initial value of 1.1M PLN by possession of sufficient resources for distributing financial resources according to development. It is required to develop national principles and accepted schedule. The and self-government structures. Therefore distribution of grants was as follows: search for place of a company in its business environment remains a priority. Involvement of o Plock City Hall – 600 000.00 PLN such a big enterprise in a public-private o PKN ORLEN S.A. – 500 000.00 PLN partnership proves, that issues of civil o Levi Strauss from November 2003 – responsibility are of great value to PKN 195 650.00 PLN ORLEN” – Chairman of PKN ORLEN, Zbigniew Wrobel. - “We dreamt of a new partner. Levis doesn’t Content-related short-term objectives of the give money for nothing. We got through the Fund were: first evaluation stage” – social contacts adviser o Granting financial assistance for specific of Levi Strauss. goals (from among 30) selected by FORUM - “The Forum and Fund idea reflects the values for PLOCK included in the updated pursued by Levis. I hope that the term of Sustainable Development Strategy. social responsibility will be more popular o Analysis of non-governmental organisations’ among the companies of Plock” – Chairman of capability of managing fund resources Forum for Plock, Joanna Kaczmarska. received from Grant Fund for Plock o Specifying the legal unit that will take The first beneficiaries of the Grant Fund for administrative responsibility after UDNP’s Plock became: withdrawal from the project. o Creating opportunities for more effective - The city of Plock use of EU funds. Promoting a strong civil society and a o Analysis of the Fund’s social impact. stable environment for non-governmental o The Fund as an effective and transparent organisations development as well as instrument of public and private sector stimulating the local business as regards partnership cooperation created to support social priorities within implementation of common objectives. the Plock Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). Long-term objectives of the Fund were: PKN ORLEN S.A. o Building abilities among non-governmental - Levi Strauss organisations for sustainable development Rendering assistance for the local (SD) principles implementation in Plock. community to make the city of Plock o Promoting the social responsibility principles thriving, full of vigour and development of the business among enterprises in Plock. opportunities for workers and stakeholders. o Creating prospects for a social dialogue and - UNDP intersectoral cooperation. Professional and effective making use of o Solving social problems of Plock through private and public resources accumulated partnership cooperation. within its administration for a social- oriented and open to anyone interested in the local development activity. Objectives of the particular Project partners. - The City of Plock


o Supporting the non-governmental - UNDP organisations sector as a strong self- o Building and obtaining a model for government’s partner in SD tasks further replication, intersectoral implementation with the use of EU cooperation within achieving common funds. objectives. (On the basis of this model o Improved cooperation with business in conclusions will be drawn to specify achieving common goals. the components of partnership o Building self-government administration activities in scope of SD that ought to ability of partnership cooperation with be regulated at government level. This the community of Plock. information will be conveyed to government authorities). - PKN ORLEN S.A. o Creating a network of Good Economic o Increase of company competitiveness by Practices on the grounds of created investing in social development of the model. (The model obtained within the city of Plock. Project will be applied to carry out o More effective financial assistance for partner projects implementing the SD non-governmental organisations. principles in other areas of Poland and o Improvement of workers’ living European regions.) conditions. ACTIVITY - Levi Strauss Main activities of the Grant Fund for Plock. o Elaboration of a good functioning o Specifying the management principles of partnership model among companies, the Fund. community and self-government. o Appointing the Project Coordinator. o Fund as an effective and transparent o Establishment of the Steering instrument of public and private sector Committee. partnership cooperation created to o Selection of strategic areas of the support non-governmental organisations updated SDS for Plock that ought to be involved in economic, social and natural financed by the Fund in the first year of environment development. activity. o Building abilities of fund resources o Defining principles and rules for non- management among non-governmental governmental organisations in the organisations receiving financial procedure of applying for the Fund’s assistance from the Fund. financial assistance. o Transfer of resources through the Fund o Carrying out training sessions for the to non-governmental organisations for local non-governmental organisations planning and implementing economic upon the Fund and the action development, fighting HIV/AIDS and mechanisms. arranging educational programmes in o Invitation to application submission by Plock. NGO’s o Strengthening bonds between LS&CO o Selection of concepts from among and local community in Plock. complete documents. o Creating a solid, lasting intersectoral o Distribution of grants to non- partnership relying on community governmental organisations. participation, which ensures the SD of o Monitoring and assessment of project. Plock. o Establishment of a legal unit that will be o Building and sharing a model of managing the Fund after UNDP’s partnership consisting of many withdrawal. stakeholders in favour of SD in Poland o Independent project assessment and and in the rest of the world. knowledge codification. o Ensuring the economic and social o Elaboration and analysis of the level of development in Plock within EU influence of partnership cooperation and membership. activities within SD cooperation on enterprises development.


Project Team. Structure, role, duties and responsibilities of particular project entities.

Organisation structure scheme Fund administration Strategic management Monitoring/ Opinion 1 2 3 UNDP – Fund sources administration Commission* – executive body of initial Forum for Plock – social according to UNDP regulations, stage of project implementation supervision principles and directives along with consisting of one representative of each applying standard project Project Partner. management procedures Steering Committee –Project executive body established by the Commission Project Coordinator-appointed by consisting of decisive members (4 open competition persons of public confidence)

Conditions and rules of applying for grants established by the Partnership Commission and the Steering Committee. o Entities entitled to apply for grants (open o Grant value (from 10 000 PLN to 40 000 formula: non-governmental organisations PLN, possibility of receiving so called large and other entities of public benefit) grant amounting to 80 000 PLN) o Two stages of project appraisal process o Compulsory private co-financing of the (letter of intent submission and in case of organisation (applicant’s own private funds project concept acceptance – submission of constitute 50% of the project value) the complement application) o Eligible costs (statutory activity consistent o Projects implementation period (maximum 6 with Plock SDS excluding material month implementation period) investments and operating costs connected with offices maintenance)

Project implementation

Number of Editions of Number of Number of Number of Total amount Year registered entitled projects initial complement grants (thousand organisations selection applications applications PLN)

2003/4 I 74 51 34 1020

2004/5 II 52 50 30 569

MONITORING-REPORT In August 2004 on commission of UNDP a report was drawn up in order to support elaboration of assistance programme for non-governmental organisations located in Plock to improve their activity effectiveness.

Analysis of situation within NGO’s assessment towards SD after Project implementation.

O. N. Issues Social, expert and self-government assessment


− lack of adjustment to function in new conditions (assistance expectations General without control); 1. organisation − lack of young employees; characteristics − 64% do not employ permanent employees; − 45% employ over 10 volunteers; − sources of revenues come from: self-government, membership contributions, local business, and the Grant Fund, minimal EU fund sources; − lack of facilities; − advantages: engagement, enthusiasm, work motivation among leaders, good recognition and satisfying needs of local community; − disadvantages: legal and financial-accounting aspects of organisation management. − the city of Plock in the year 2004 allocated 3.6M PLN to organisations Cooperation of activities and 600 000 PLN to the Grant Fund that constituted 0.8% of the 2. self-government City Budget (in comparison with the country average value of 1%); and among − self-governments helps dealing with organizational matters; organisations − self-government emphasises the necessity and need of NGO functioning; − different standard of NGO’s services; − lack of pragmatism in proposed initiatives; − poor project cost estimate; − lack of cooperation among organisations; − copying the same application by different organizations; − self-government has insufficient knowledge concerning organizations; − most organisations do not know one another; − perceiving one another as competitor, distrustful treatment, conflicts. − elementary knowledge of the self-government and organisations; 3. “Act of Law of − self-government having difficulty in distribution of resources to 23 April 2003 on organisations; Public Benefit − organisations associate their status mainly with opportunity of a 1% tax and Volunteer allowance; Work” − necessity of professional bookkeeping and accounting. − precious initiative integrating organisation’s activity; 4. General − appreciation for authorities and enterprises; assessment of − lack of the Grant Fund would lead to dissolution of some organisations; the Grant Fund − lasting of the Fund is crucial. It ought to remain even if ORLEN board and local authorities change. − financing conditions ought to be precisely described 5. Priorities of for the present there are many general matters; project selection − division into thematic areas is unclear, it is not known who and how process decides about project applications; − project selection priorities moderately overlap with the substantial needs of social domain. − lack of reason for establishing 2 stages of project appraisal in local 6. selection; Conditions and − too short projects implementation period (6 months); rules of applying for a grant − demand for grants below the value of 10 000 PLN; − organisation’s private contribution to the project ought to amount to 20- 25% including the precise account for expenditure of received grant; − possibility of allocating grants to material investments and offices maintenance should be taken into consideration; − members of the Steering Committee are at the same time the 7. Method of representatives of organisations;


application − necessity of assessing projects by independent experts being as well the assessment and members of the Steering Committee; selection − decreasing grants value makes the project implementation impossible; − lack of possibilities for applicants to explain unclear issues. Consequently the Steering Committee makes decisions without comprehensive information; − lack of possibility of inquiring about the reasons for application rejection; − ambiguous criteria of making the grant receivers list that constitutes a set of random entities.

UNDP report proposed increasing effectiveness of non-governmental organizations in Plock through implementation of two basic tasks: - improvement of the rules of grant selections - elaboration of Fund functioning formula in the future Report recommendations suggest the necessity of legal-organisational restructuring of the Fund.


Priorities of 1. project − subject-matter limitation along with concentrating on selected domains selection substantial for the local community and city of Plock policy. process

Grants − organising grants of lower value and simplified procedure - up to 3000 PLN; 2. diversification − basic selection conducted on previous grounds with reference to procedures and grant amount; − selection process for partners encouraging them to cooperate due to increased grants value. Conditions − considering possibility of one selection; 3. and rules of − minimal, standard implementation period of 1 year; applying for a − declining organisation private contribution to 25% of the project; grant − considering possibility of extending the eligible cost range to material investments and organisation facilities maintenance; − procedural forms simplification; − improvement of expert assessment forms. Method of − solving the evident conflict of interests concerning some of the Steering 4. application Committee members; assessment − improving the method of using opinions of external experts in applications and selection assessment process; − transparent method of informing applicants about the selection results. Evaluation − conducting systematic monitoring and assessment of implemented projects 5. with assistance of organisations, the Fund and the FORUM; − Creating a standard, regular mechanism of assessment that is carried out from the level of common objectives of the selection process (how the activity financing contributed to implementation of selected priorities of Plock Sustainable Development Strategy and strengthening organisation. The future of − Establishing a separate Foundation which legal form is adjusted to perform 6. the Fund granting functions; − Considering possibility of providing the future Foundation with capital endowment; − Establishing relation between the future Foundation and a financial institution that would prepare a non-standard investing offer in order to achieve the most favourable conditions.


− Organising databases in organisations; 7. − elaboration of the following documents within the city and NGO’s cooperation programme: • rules of cooperation Other forms of • annual cooperation programme assistance − establishing a self-government organisational unit titled: Plenipotentiary of non-governmental organisations; − establishing an assisting centre for organisations i.e. Non-governmental Organisations Assistance Centre. − Organising a cycle of trainings consisting of 4-5 series of two day weekend meetings concerning: 8. ▪ Writing applications for grants; The basics of budgeting; ▪ Selected concepts of finances management. Accounting in non- governmental organisations; Programme of ▪ How to build a partnership: cooperation with self-government, training business and other organisations; ▪ Planning and projects evaluation; ▪ Summary, the evaluation of presented subjects in the organisation’s assistance programme. Discussion with regard to prospect and particular cooperation opportunities among organisations.

Projects implementation after applying some of the UNDP Report solutions

Number of Editions of Type of grant Number of Number of Total amount Year registered entitled projects applications grants (thousand organisations selection PLN) Informal groups Small 2005/6 + schools and III up to 3 PLN 31 87 cultural and thousand educational centres 30 thousand 2005/6 III PLN 6 180

20÷27.5 2005/6 III thousand PLN 7 160.65

11.7÷19,6 2005/6 III thousand PLN 5 80.3

10 thousand 2005/6 III PLN 4 40

5÷9.5 2005/6 III thousand PLN 6 45.9

Total 102 59 593.85

RESTRUCTURING On 15 December 2005 a notarial act establishing the Grant Fund for Plock Foundation was signed. Founders Initial capital Plock Municipality 600 000 PLN PKN ORLEN S.A. 300 000 PLN Basell Orlen Polyolefins (BOP) 100 000 PLN


It was another step towards implementation of o “We are glad that we may contribute to the the project piloted by UNDP. In April 2006 the local communities stimulation” – Member of whole administration of the Grant Fund was the PKN ORLEN S.A. Management Board of taken by the Foundation. Organisation, Dariusz Witkowski. o “Basell Orlen Polyolefins being one of the FOUNDERS’ REFLECTION founders that confirmed its strong devotion o “Foundation of the Fund for Plock is an and attachment to the city has become the innovative initiative on a national scale. Over citizen of the city of Plock. BOP sets store by the past 2 years non-governmental promotion and implementation of economic organisations and schools that took projects. As a company located in Plock and advantage of the fund resources have employing inhabitants of Plock and the local implemented the Sustainable Development area we feel responsible for the city’s Strategy of the City. For the first time in this community within employment, education, year BOP will take part in the enterprise. We social assistance, promotion of physical hope that it will motivate other culture and sport” – BOP CEO, Hartmut entrepreneurs who will become our Lueker partners” – President of the City of Plock, Miroslaw Milewski

ORGANISATION The Foundation by establishing legal entity is Foundation’s activity is supervised by the in line with the regulations of Foundations Act appropriate minister responsible for social and the articles of Foundation Statute. With security. regard for the implemented objectives the

Foundation’s activity objectives: 1) increasing the level of education of Plock 8) promoting recreation, physical culture and inhabitants; sport; 2) preventing social and economic exclusion of 9) supporting economic environment and persons in high risk groups; enterprises directed towards economic 3) raising the level of public safety; development of Plock; 4) preservation of historical heritage and 10) strengthening European integration development of culture and art; and international cooperation; 5) increasing the quality of social assistance; 11) carrying out activities in favour of 6) improvement of natural environment health protection and promotion; condition and increasing ecological Furthermore the Foundation can’t engage in awareness of Plock inhabitants; any economic activity. 7) raising tourist, social and economic attractiveness of Plock;


Body Composition Tasks within Foundations scope of the authority - Foundation Council and Foundation Board 3 persons decisions approval Founders Council (one representative of each Founder)

up to 9 persons (in Foundation Council - Giving opinion on applications accepted by the proportion to number of Foundation Board Founders) Foundation Board 3 persons appointed by - technical verification of applications


the Foundation Council - formal application acceptance for further selection - awarding grant in form of a resolution after the opinion given by the Foundation Council and the Foundation Programme Council Foundation 5 persons appointed by - Giving opinions on grant applications Programme Council the Foundation Council - opportunity to create programme teams


Selection criteria of Foundation’s grant awarding

1) Amount of grant up to - 40 000 PLN ‚ implementing objectives of more than one 2) Subjective criteria: thematic area, ‚ non-governmental organisations or other ‚ innovative idea. organisations of public benefit with premises 6) Financial activities: or agencies located in Plock, ‚ Organising workshops, trainings, lectures, ‚ lack of arrears (Social Insurance Institution, seminars, Revenue Office), ‚ Organising exhibitions, reviews, fairs, ‚ legal entity (extract from the National Court concerts, meetings, contests, Register, ‚ establishing and functioning of common ‚ activity in favour of civil society rooms, clubs, places of local group development meetings, ‚ transparency within fund resources ‚ cost of information material publications acquisition and spending (accounting including audiovisuals, knowledge archiving, reporting) databases creation, 3) Documentation: ‚ other innovative activities with regard to ‚ current extract from the National Court integration and local community Register, development. ‚ current statute of the organisation, 7) Which activities can’t be co-financed? ‚ financial statement for the last year, ‚ enterprises which do not implement ‚ certificate confirming lack of arrears (Social statutory objectives of the Foundation, Insurance Institution, Revenue Office), ‚ refund of already borne expenses, ‚ references, cooperation statements etc. ‚ projects without applicant’s private 4) Co-financed Projects (formal criteria): contribution, ‚ projects within 11 thematic areas specified ‚ research programmes, in the Foundation’s statutory objectives, ‚ formal programmes of academic teaching, ‚ Maximum project implementation period -1 ‚ basic and constant support of the year organisations (purchase of fixed assets, ‚ Foundation co-financing constitutes at most renovations, rental payments, surfaces 80% of the project value exploitation), ‚ organisation confirms in writing any grants ‚ study programmes received from other sources for project financing that constitute at least 20% of the On 21 June 2006 the Foundation announced project value, the first edition of grant programme in the new ‚ an opportunity to submit a partner project organisational and legal formula. implemented in cooperation with other The results of the first edition are as follows: entity (non-governmental organisation, local self-government unit, company etc. 5) What makes the application distinctive? ‚ partnership with the most important institutions and groups in order to support the SD process, ‚ positive impact of the project on vocational development and providing equal chances,


Edition Number of applications Number of grants Total amount (PLN) submitted I 52 26 596 653.00

PROSPECTS In December 2006 an elaboration of report is planned, which on the basis of initial tasks:

‚ ex ante and ex post evaluation of the enterprises that implement projects, ‚ preparation of comparative procedures will evaluate the indicator of progress of the whole project initiative since the year 2003 entitled “Analysis of the degree of influence of partnership cooperation results and activities within SD implementation on society development”.

Regardless of the analytic-prospect works the Foundation as well as the Founders currently carries out activities in scope of solving problems that require making strategic decisions: ‚ whether and how to activate the Forum for Plock activity in order to extend the list of the Foundation’s beneficiaries, ‚ whether to engage as well in preparation of an organisation applying for the EU resources, ‚ whether to carry out a systematised, objectified inhabitants’ needs analysis (e.g. opinion poll) that would constitute the basis of determining the Fund’s priorities. ‚ whether to concentrate efforts in favour of creating the Plock organisations coalition that on the one hand would serve the exchange of information and experience and on the other hand formulating common positions or conducting activities in favour of common interests, ‚ whether to take up activity that enables carrying out common enterprises of the organisation, self-government and business within campaign of promoting the mechanism of 1% tax allowance, ‚ whether - with reference to the regulations of the Law on public finance forbidding the self-governments any financial participation in foundations - the city of Plock will annually intend a certain amount of sources on partnerships that may apply for grants with a significant private contribution.



1,23 metra na styku planu i granicy działki

17 metrów na styku pomiędzy planami

Przykład opisu planu


1. ESIP1 – ELBLĄG SYSTEM OF SPATIAL INFORMATION Realization of tasks, projects, and, strategies of the City development requires tools supporting managment of resources, information, territory. One of such information technology tools on the way to a modern management is the Elbląg System of Spatial Information [ESIP]. Basic actions related to construction of the Elbląg System of Spatial Information were subordinated to a general strategy of introducing IT to the office . This strategy assumes launching a complex system of managing the city that shall integrate any geographical and descriptive resources registered and up-dated in the Office. The strategy assumes implementing open systems allowing for integration and corelation of data. The Elbląg System of Spatial Information [ESIP] has been being constructed step by step since 2001. Before it was created, in 1993-2000, IT systems were introduced to the state resources of geodesy and cartography [PZGK] administrated by the Miejski Ośrodek Dokumentacji Geodezyjnej i Kartograficznej [MODGIK; eng. City Centre of Geodesy and Cartography Information]. Introducing the IT systems to resources of geodesy and cartography became in Elbląg the preliminary stage when numeric maps started to be used for branch systems and for city management. Spatial localization was perceived to be an excellent

1 [from translator, Polish original name: Elbląski System Informacji Przestrzennej] 93




1. Perspective diagnoses drafted for Tczew

Project execution time: S2 – explanation of its origin with allowance 31.01.2003-31.03.2003 for reasons, Issues S3 – explanation of the meaning of the state Perspective diagnoses determines of affairs for a situation, in which it is development trends deriving from system present. transformation, and, visions and principles of balancing spatial structure limiting too highly S4 - determination of development stage, liberated spatial economy that is visible as S5 – forcasting further development in a model distracting structural elements and spatial form. disorder. Subject of the diagnosis was: The basis of any work over the Plan2 and Study3 plus their resulting formula were any ‚ Analysis and assessment of external effects of prospective diagnosis. It was drafted conditions including: quality, and, in time of 2 monts; results of the prospective importance of European, domestic, regional diagnosis and its forecast have been fully liaisons that determine the significance of topical up to the end of the planning work Tczew as a town of junctions; conducted. ‚ Analysis and appraisal of external The perspective diagnoses – extracting preconditions resulting from: development trends – was a trial of assessing - Assessment of nutural and cultural future coded in the current state of affairs. The environment condition, resulting from major emphasis was placed on features development of the town in a brink determining development. This perspective sphere of Vistula Delta, was of depeloped diagnosis, and, consisted of a few interrelated with each other sequences. - Qantitive and spatial assessment of land location within the town S1 – recognition of type or qurozpoznanie typu administrative borders, with distinction lub gatunku zastanego stanu rzeczy, of oben areas (not undergoing any town-planning strategies) and 2 Local plan of spacial development of Tczew undergoing town-planning strategies 3changes of pre-conditions and directions of spatial development of Tczew 95

that are aimed at residential, service or ‚ not developed spatial structure of the town. production needs,

- Quantitive and qualitive assessment of Inappropriate structure of land usage within national business entities registered the town territory may say a lot the following under the REGON system, and, their groups of land: spatial distribution according to the SIP • net residential areas 309,0 ha address • closed areas including: 335,0 ha - Assessment of system of – railway 140,0 ha communication, transportation and – army 195,0 ha technical infrastructure. • industial and service areas, including: 227,0 ha The resulting spatial analysis were overlapped 1) public services 52,0 ha with a net of morphogenetic units of uniform 2) allotments 152,0 ha traits. Assessment of their being uniform was Assessment of spatial capacity of present based on two resultive factors of the development, and, local plans elaborated origination and morphology definition. The earlier and binding nowadays, confronted with morphogenetic units constitute at the same general demographic forecasts up to 2020, time a multiplicity of regions and circuits and, balanced land needs for developing registered. That allowed to include into the residential, service and productive function diagnosis the NSP4-2002-before-rergistration indicated an open and unbalanced internal information. structure of the town. In result of the existing land development Directions of balancing this structure are appraisal the following was concluded: presented in a model form of development, ‚ significant part of land used ineffectively that and, principles of transformation policy of the influences extensive factors of developing existing development. the total of the city; mainly these are: - allotments The major addressee of the prospective - industrial land diagnosis were further planning work drafted - previously collectivised land in a form of: - closed areas - study of condisionnings and directions of ‚ inappropriate quantitive structure of public spatial development; areas, - local plan of spatial development of the ‚ high dispersal of service area, nearly 60 thousad town within its ‚ lack of any centre for the whole town, administrative borders ‚ public greenery scattered without any system, Results of this diagnosis joined with prediction ‚ lack of safe system for the pedestrian or a of financial results of deciding upon the local cyclist plan influenced a lot the approval of the model of a compact town development, and

4 [pl]NSP = National Polish Census 96

indirectly – influenced also the current policy ‚ rise of land rent significance, of social and economic development of Tczew. ‚ growing tendency towards area polarization of wealthy and poor spheres, A basic result of prospective diagnosis id ‚ too extensive liberalizaiton of area/land defining phenomena and system development. transformation processes. The a/m ones are

as follows: Identifying area varieties of these phenomena ‚ demographic processes such as: is essential for predicting, designing, and - weakening migration movement, managing the town land, especially in case of - demographic stagnation of town citizens, towns of complex town structure to which - demographic structures that are getting certainly belongs Tczew. Also, an important older and a high rise in postproductive effect was the possibility of estimating spatial age groups, area of the investment. In result 15 land areas - „flactuation” of demographic structures of of total 112.0 ha that, together with the basic both productive and postproductive binding local plans (of total area amounting to age groups struktur; 231.11 ha, constitute enough reserve to close ‚ making the work market free which induces the present stage of spatial development of significant changes of sector structure, and, Tczew. new layout of work places in the area, ‚ layout of work places in the area, A key resource was information incluced in the ‚ multifunction of town area previously System of Spatial Information (SIP) enriched designed as monofunctional, with information gained before the National ‚ the previously practiced model of service Polish Census in 2002, and the ones being broken down, originating from REGON System. The basic ‚ not regulated bestowing property of issue for the quality of diagnosis was spatial postindustrial areas, postrail and post-state disagregation (acc to SIP address layer) of farm environments, received data fulfilled in its own quantitive and ‚ new communication behaviour, spatial balances.

2. Study of condisionings and directions of spatial development The study determines visions of balancing • central town area requiring the quality of spatial structures in a form of their changes, development to be raised, completion, and, spatial policy determining direction of revaluation and revtalization; changes. • for transformation and development of town Directions of balancing spatial structures centres (Old Town and Nearby-to-the include two layers of arrangements: Railway Set of Buildings) subcentre of a set Layer 1 contains a vision of transformation of of residential areas (Suchostrzygi) and local the existing town structure. Distinguished centres; points of spatial structure are: • theoretical scope of an optimal pedestrian access against specified existing and potential central spots; 97

• sets of commercial services pointed along Wareas in need of transformation; routes that join central spots; Wdevelopment areas; • spheres of residential areas of high and low Wareas indicated as in need of completion intensity of development; Wareas protected against construction • upon-Vistula-rivel sphere of tourist services development; including boardwalk and public areas W problematic areas; important for development of tourist Wareas excluded from Study’s arrangement; business; Wareas that certain arrangements were • key places for concentration of tourist, ascribed to; transit, and, waterside traffic; Except for directions of balancing spatial Layer 2 includes converting the development structure, directions of transport and vision of directions of balanced development of technical infrastructure directions were the town into the direction of balancing determined development of the town into spatial policy. The following types were distinguished:

3. Drafting a local plan of Tczew spatial development. Time of the project accomplishment size for which an application of map of 18 September 2003 - 27 January 2005 1:2.000 scale is allowed. Subjects A basis for any work on the Plan were work Creating a Plan of the whole town of medium results of prospective diagnosis6 and a System size (60.0 – 65.0 thousand citizens) in new of Spatial Information (SIP) in the framework legal environment resulting from an Act on of which data conversion of a cadastral map Planning and Spatial Development of 27th of Poviat Starosty of Tczew [district authority March 2003 is treated as a methodical of Tczew] takes place. The cadastral map experiment. collected in the national resources of geodesy A Local Spatial Development Plan for Tczew and cartography, converted by means of the was drafted for the whole area of the town Spatial Information System, includes: within its territory of 2226.0 ha decreased by 1) Outlines of land agricultural land and their the following: designation, • area included in local current plans of the 2) Outlines of pedology class and their total 231.11 ha. signatures, • Closed area of the total territory of 328.66 3) Outlines of buildings, ha. 4) Numbers of recorded allotments, Spatial scope, according to the Resolution 5) Id and record numbers Zakres5 was accepted as “area” of significant Draft of the Plan was done on the basis of the a/m geodetic materials in digital form, enabling them being printed out in whichever form. Size

5 §6 Resolution of the Minister of Infrastructure as of 6 August 2003 on law of procurement 6 Prospective diagnosis was individually described 98

of the Plan draft in edited in the scale of greenery, sports and recreation land, and 1: 2.000 are 3.5 m x 2.5 m. In relation to the others. a/m the original printout was presented in a - areas of public greenery and water, section-like outlay (36 sections of A2 form). including: arranged greenery and For exhibition purposes white and black cementaries, versions of the Plan’s arrangements were - area of technical infrastructure of energy, presented in the scale 1: 5.000. In order to water pipes, draingage and sewage read out the consistency of provisions of the management. Plan from the study of conditionings and - Level 4 refers to 15 lands indicated for directions of spatial development of Tczew invwstment activities for which detailed town a multicolour version of the Plan in regulation in form of separate plans were 1:10,000 scale was used. drafted, and, for which detailed use was Text of the Plan communicates with a five- determined. They were chosen because of level system of spatial references accepted at the following reasons: the Plan’s draft. • Results of assessment of management and Level 1 includes arrangements relating to the use, whole town; the majority of regulations was • Proposals suggested to the Plan, including referred to this level. here proposals on municipal lands and not Level 2 relates to devision of the town into effectively used land (the “fallow” land, post- sphere-like structure in which the following industrial, previously collectivised, and, the areas were distinguished: post-excavation ones), | the ones aimed for town development, • Strategic location in spatial structure of the marked with U symbol and devided into a town, central city zone (US), town zone (UMW), • Level of land equipment in technical and outer-suburban zone (UMN), and, productive social infrastructure, zone (UP), • Compliance with spatial policy targets | open areas marked with O, protected from determined in the study of conditionings and town development. directions for spatial development of Tczew. Level 3 includes 33 town development units. Separated units of similar traits, similar Level 5 refers to 7366 plots located in the transformation principles, and, problems to be zone indicated for town development, that solved are treated as areas of the same were categorized into sixteen model types of domineering use. Taking advantage of buildings. For each single chosen gypes of previously determined catalogue of principles, buildings the following was arranged: they were ascribed individualised 1) Minimal area of building plots, arrangements. In each single unit the following 2) Maximal width of the front of plots, was described: 3) Permissible size for space development, - public services area, including: centre- 4) Minimal share of biologically active surface, creating services, area of trade buildings of 5) Obligatory number of parking lots, sales space over m², area of services with


6) Permissible indicators of development to raise quality of public area on the basis of density structural funds, and regulations on development (development • Formulating investment offers prepared for lines, permissible height of buildings, ordinate territory being at town’s disposal, for the ground floor, character of architecture, • Improving citizens’ quality of life through etc.). The a/m regulations have the form of a indicating appropriate land reserves for catalogue of municipal regulations reffered to development of residential area, services, respectively in town-planning units or lands and, new work places, indicated for investment measures. Text of the • Creating the central town public area in Plan was presented in form of five chapters order to raise its quality and create and 55 sections. conditions for social integration of citizens, • Allowing for freedom as for managing the Chapter I and V are of procedure guidance land in case of everybody who holds of a Chapter II includes a catalogue of ruls legal title for such land, on condition that established in compliance with art. 15 it. 2 and he/she abides by municipal regulations 3 of the Act, and a catalogue of municipal specified in form of indicators and technical provisions established for the a/m 15 model parameters, types of development (§ 10 of the Plan’s text). The basic result was creating a planning Chapter III refers to town devision into 33 document providing recommendation for: town planning units and 16 areas indicated for • Development of a concise, economic and investment activities. I order to decrease the balanced, size of the text of the Plan, part of provisions • Transformation and completion of the was presented in form of references to present development, respective sections, items, and subsections out • Revitalization of the most precious parts of of II Chapter. the town being evidence of its identity Chapter IV includes detailed provisions on • Forming new, in terms of their quality, public linking systems in the range of technical areas infrastructure and transportation. • Development of the town via projects and The Plan creates legal and material basis to: operations, • Issue a decision allowing for construction, • Adjusting the state of management to which means that permission for European standards. dostosowanie construction and building activities shall be A significant result was creating the basis of received according to a simplified procedure consistent town policy executed in strategic • Working out town land modernization and and operational documents. revitalization projects, and, projects aiming

4. Popular version of a local spatial development plan for Tczew town Time of the project accomplishment Modified version of a a local spatial March 2005 development plan for Tczew town published in Subject 1000 copies.


The published version of 1000 copies aimed to - Purple chapter includes provisions popularize the local law. In order to raise determined for seven town planning units readability of the Plan’s provisions: of the production zone. 1) Respective groups of Plan provisions were - Green chapter describes seven units of singled out with different colours; they the open zone that is protected against referred to: town planning activities. ‚ The whole town, - Yellow chapter refers to detailed ‚ Distinguished zones, provisions as for fifteen areas indicated for ‚ Areas indicated for investing, investments, and, treated as an investment ‚ Linking systems referring to technical and offer. transport infrastructure, - Red chapter includes detailed provisions 2) Drawings were linked with appropriate fortransportation systems. textual provisions; This publication aimed at popularizing the 3) Drawings were enriched with pictures ; issue of municipal policy addressed to: 4) Any kind of references to the catalogue of • Real estate owners, general rules were liquidated thorough • Major enterpraneours, relating to certain provisions. • Potential investors, That is why the content of the Plan • Creditors and insurers, documentation became almost three times • Administrators of road network, thicker. • Administrators of technical infrastructure. In resultant wording: The basic resource were provisions of the - Blue chapter contains description of local spatial management plan of Tczew, outer and internal conditionings, and, a enacted with a Resolution of the Town draft of developmental assumptions plus Council of Tczew no on XXVIII/263/2005 provisions as for the whole town. January 27 2005 uchwałą Rady Miejskiej w - Amaranth chapter contains provisions Tczewie nr XXVIII/263/2005 and determined for four town planning uints of announced in the Official Journal of town centre zone. Pomorskie Voivodship no 28 on 25th March - Brown chapter refers to five units of town 2005. zone in which residential buildings of high Of key significance for the project was a intensity prevails. formula of the Plan approved in the - Light brown chapter refers to nine town preliminary stage of the town planning work in planning units of suburban area with result of multiple negotiations and consultancy domineering housing of low intensity. with participants of the game for space.

4. Models and standards of residential, residential-service, service and production-service housing for Tczew town.

Time of the project accomplishment 10 November 2004 - 20 December 2004


Subjects ‚ IX-storey, This elaboration aimed to develop ‚ XI-storey; arrangements of the local plan of spatial 3) Residential building development for one- dedelopment for Tczew town in the range of family: parameters of shaping the development and ‚ Free-standing, managegement of 16 building allotments ‚ Twin, distinguished in a plan of different kinds of ‚ terrace; development. 4) Service building development for: 7616 land allotments and of 8911 buildings ‚ public services with great share of greenery, were the subject of analyses conducted before ‚ commercial objects of more than 2000 m² establishments included in the local plan of space spatial development for Tczew town. ‚ other objects for public services encouraging Their categorization referring to the public centres; distinguished in the Plan types of housing was 5) production and public services development: developed on the basis of any available ‚ of the existing development sets, sources in the a/m elaboration. ‚ new development sets, Scope of analysis included the following: Adresees of this elaboration are people • Categorization of existing types of managing town space and authorities taking development and categorizing existing types individual decisions. of development Local models and standards may be used for • Analysis of existing standards, various elaborations and pre-execution stage, • Models of all distinguished type of i.e. for diagnosing, programming, predicting development with their parameters. and designing. Their model flexibility is Spatial models illustrating exemplary contained in the system of spatial references. parameters and indicators of shaping the They may be referred to: development and management of are were ‚ existing single land immovable when made according to § 10 of the local plan of capacity and intensity of the present spatial management for Tczew town in case of development is being estimated; sixteen distinguished types of development. ‚ many land immovables or building These are the following sets: immovables in possession of one user (gg. 1) Mixed-use development [housing-services] Housing community) that are subject to of: secondary devision; ‚ The Old Town, ‚ single building allotment or a set of building ‚ Historical suburban area and the New Town; allotments being a common investment 2) Residential housing for free-standing venture; multifamily dwelling in form of the following: ‚ the whole town planning unit established in ‚ II-storey, the Plan. ‚ III-storey, The key material was a cadastral map ‚ IV-storey collected in the national geodesy and ‚ V -storey, cartography stock, converted via the Spatial


Information System, including: outlines of building and their functions, numbers of recorded allotments, identification and record numbers of allotments. The a/m materials were completed with additional information on the heighth of public service buildings (excluding farm buildings) on the basis of: 1) 72 sections of record maps of 1:1.000 scale established up to the end of the 80s and periodically up-dated by people dealing with land record in line with the binding law on the basis of information received form geodetic units, 2) completing land visions, 3) own photographic documentation





Strategy of Development of Słupsk City

The Słupsk city vision worked out by the self- ‚ social infrastructure; government body at the participation of ‚ commune management. townspeople and Consultants Association presenting The document is describing the evocation of Słupsk the Strategy of Development of Słupsk City to in 2010: City Słupsk dynamically unwinding it

“Umbrella Projekt” for Słupsk City in 2010 and oneself, meaning economically, culturally and making the base for working sector strategies out. socially, attractive tourist centre of seaside region

The Strategy of Słupsk City Development stayed about big natural-scenic advantages and clean passed in 1999. In harmony with the idea contained environment. City of the balanced development and in the introduction to the strategic city document - new, exploited chances in which they are living and concerning treating the Strategy worked out as safely and which readily is going back to. formulae opened and making beginning of the The Strategy of Słupsk City Development is process of the strategic planning of equal partners determining priorities of city development in making the revision became essential of applying accordance with the National Plan of Development:

Strategy. Therefore President of City appointed in ‚ Creating conditions to the increase in the

2003 r. team appointed out of workers of the Town competitiveness of the city and the craved

Council and Councillors of City Council Strategy in development of the management.

Słupsk in order to work the project out brought up ‚ Based on the knowledge and the enterprise, to date of City Development. This team carried out directed for facing development of human capital the verification of problems and actions determined for challenges a future is carrying which. in the Strategy among others. Strategy brought up ‚ Increase in the quality of the life with element of to date of City Słupsk Development of City Council the balanced development. in Słupsk passed a resolution No. XVII/152/03 No. ‚ Activation of groups of endangered inhabitants dated of 29th of October, 2003. The Strategy is with social expelling. exchanging problems requiring solving in the The realization of the Strategy brought up to date of following scopes: the Słupsk City Development is being made by

‚ the economy and the technical infrastructure; gradual making elaborating the Strategy programs

‚ environment; and trade strategies.


Transport Strategy

In harmony with guidelines contained in the directions of action in this sector, city aiming at the

Strategy of Słupsk City Development a Transport optimization of the communications arrangement.

Strategy was worked out establishing priority and

Education Strategy of the Słupsk City

It exists Educational Strategy of Słupsk City making development and liftings qualities of education, base to of taking of tasks about organisational – around with taking into consideration of changes structural character concerning Słupsk’ education in resulting around of implementing reforms scope of directions of educating and upbringings educational.

Housing Strategy

The Housing Strategy is describing conditions and stock, a demand for flats is defining in next years housing needs of Słupsk in the perspective of 15 and against this background the aptness of years and the politics of managing the housing development of the housing industry in Słupsk.

The Local Program of the Revitalization and the Program of Local Development

As part of the participation in the Integrated being a set of strategic purposes and detailed and

Operating Program of Regional Development was of tasks connected with realization assigned to worked out Local Program of the Revitalization come into effect to the purpose improvements in concerning spatial transformations, social and the social-economic situation of inhabitants of economic and Program of the Local Development Słupsk.

Drilling into the development strategy

Long-standing Investment Plan

The long-standing Investment Plan is realizing aims WPI is a next meaning document organising the described in the Strategy brought up to date of the system of our strategic city planning which is

Słupsk City Development, as well as aims resulting confirming our investment aims towards outside from sector operating programs: subjects, in it of potential investors and

‚ of housing strategy, implementing relief programmes institutions of the

‚ of transport strategy, European Union. He also contains our aims

‚ of education strategy. connected with middles gotten from funds before-

and after accession. The selection of presented


objectives in WPI is taking into consideration above ground, correcting cultured and sports and different all: objects quality of the life of townspeople.

- for the more distant improvement in the natural environment being a guarantor of the more distant All higher up replaced undertakings will be development of the tourism in our region, supporting for increase in the competitiveness of

- for the necessity of gradual limiting the motor Słupsk economy and for increasing of investment movement in the centre city, attraction.

- for the modernization of the arrangement of the At the same time confirming our determination in road being city in the bad technical state caused the consistent aspiration is making this document to with old neglect, the rapid development of the City in accordance

- for assuring the development of different forms of with the vision of Słupsk determined in the City the housing industry permitting the gradual Development Strategy. liquidation of the deficit of flats,

- for the improvement in the state of medical There is a need to balance in order WPI above all of services and the state of the safety of inhabitants, investment needs with financial possibilities of the

- for the more distant development of an City and the realization of objectives conditioning educational institutions educating next generations the improvement in the quality living by inhabitants about abilities appropriate to needs of the labour of Słupsk through the increase in the City domestic market, economic significance and abroad.

- for the conservation, the improvement in surrounding aesthetics, the care of a recreation

City Urban Planning Studio

The City Urban Planning Studio was appointed in hall laws in accordance with expectations of

April of 2004, in order to prepare the following inhabitants, entrepreneurs and different subjects documents: wanting to realize are creating regulations one's

‚ of local development plans investment plans in our city.

‚ school of conditioning and directions of spatial Thanks to the being of the studio, the city

developing successively is working local development plans out

‚ of assessments and analyses of changes in aspiring for designing the entire surface, according

spatial developing the administrative district to with had School of Conditioning and Directions of as well as of different planning documents. Spatial Developing of Słupsk City. Action above

Architects employed in it, putting regulations plans has more and more dynamic and precise worked out in direct contacts in projects with character, it means passed there are more and customers and realizing the spatial policy of the city more plans in the more and more short time.


At present passed local development plans are however plans in preparation are determining c absorbing the 26.2% of surface area of the city, 18.7% of surface area of the city.

Service of enquirers

Information point

The Office of the Enquirers Service at the Town The Office of the Enquirers Service is also carrying

Council in Słupsk works in the framework of the of the cooperation with the Tax Office in Słupsk.

Office of the City Mayor. It is active in opening Workers of the Office were obliged to give hours of the Office and it is doing: information not only from the scope of action of the

1. with giving information about the work executed Office and organizational units of the city, but also by individual Departments of the Town Council and into the measuring cup of possibilities from the pointing enquirers to right office workers competent scope of action of different individuals put on the to take care of the matter land of the city. A principle is being revealed - the

2. with spending conclusions and giving the help enquirer well is always informed. with filling them, necessary to start the errand at the Town Council.

eBOI eBOI - electronic office services of enquirer is course of taking care of its matter unnecessarily enabling for enquirer of office having access to the personal sojourns in office.

Internet automatic booking of times and stalking of

Multimedial stands

In Słupsk a chain of multimedial stands - dots of the Creating and the development of the network of access was created to the Internet and self- boards of the local information are assuring the government pages (among others to news bulletins effective, universal access to the information. of the Słupsk City).

Questionnaire form of studying the satisfaction of the customer

The questionnaire form of studying the satisfaction Council, as well as pointing out own proposals of of the customer is enabling enquirers assessment of having solutions for streamlining the purpose of the work of office workers employed at the Town work of the office.

Participation in competitions and projects


"Fair Play administrative district"

In 2006r. the Słupsk city received title of the Fair and good ideas for the own development,

Play 2006 administrative district. With purpose of benefitting all interested parties. Administrative the competition "Fair Play administrative district" - districts promoting the balanced development,

Certificated Location of Investment - singling out profitable both for the local community and for the local governments which are involved in creating business are receiving a certificate. possibly was of the best conditions for carrying the Moreover they are characterizing the "Fair Play business activity on and investing and aren't sparing administrative district": active organizational, efforts for attracting new investors. The promotional and financial action taken in order to participation in the contest was supposed to attract investors, the aspiration to solving appearing increase making interested potential investors and problems in the road of the mutual agreement, mediums in the administrative district. fulfilling taken obligations and permanent improving

"Fair Play administrative districts" are creating good, the district infrastructure. "Fair Play administrative exemplary standards of the interaction of self- district" is promoting pro-ecological investments government bodies with entrepreneurs by all and friendly actions for disabled persons. Organizers administrative units in Poland. They are these are of the competition granting the certificate "Fair Play trustworthy, opened to new initiatives local administrative district" are also taking into governments economically - investment, providing consideration the law and order and the ethical high investors with the pleasant climate and professional of workers, leading counsel with inhabitants and investment service. The competition is appointing the care of fulfilling of their needs, as well as the determined, thriving local governments, with new good interaction with the local business.

"Transparent Poland"

The Town Council in Słupsk entered an all-Poland Participation in the program relies on carrying out campaign by voluntary bodies under the password minimum of six tasks required a of additional tasks.

"Transparent Poland", which the improvement in Objectives are answering to six principles of good the quality is a purpose for of public life and ruling: of the transparency, fighting corruption, the stimulating the civil activity. public share, the predictability, the professionalism

and settling accounts.


Słupsk is a winner of the Ecological Competition "of carried out having the influence on the betterment

Friendship for Environment", having the task of of the state of the natural environment. awarding to the best self-government bodies which Promoting friendly self-government bodies is a in the last time important ecological investments purpose of the competition for environment, taking


action for its bodyguard, as well as portraying the additional object of the Competition from the scope diversity of taken action for the sake of the of the environmental education. environmental preservation. Carried action is an

- for studio visits with the participation of journalists

"European Trail of the Brick Gothic style" - for the presentation of the trail on tourist markets

In 2005 Słupsk entered the program named of Action being aimed at a preservation of the cultural

"European Trail of the Brick Gothic style (EuRoB) - legacy the Cultured legacy as the local and regional factor of the economy". Resolution in the matter of giving principles of

This project is aimed at creating a thematic tourist subsidy to conservation, restoration works or the trail describing the legacy of the brick gothic work by the monument entered in a register of architecture and the promotion of membership cities monuments being situated on it from Poland, Estonia, Lithuania,

Latvia, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Unique From budget of the Słupsk City Administrative examples of the gothic architecture are in named District special subsidies to funding conservation,

States so as churches, towers, doorways, curtain restoration jobs partially can be given by Słupsk or walls, which reunited with one trail are reflecting building jobs in monuments entered in a register of the wealth and the cultural diversity of north monuments, being found on the land of the city.

Europe. The section of the trail is running Poland The resolution concerning principles of giving these through Szczecin, Chojna, Kołobrzeg, Koszalin, subsidies permits formal regulating the legal and

Słupsk, Gdańsk, Chełmno, Płock, Grudziądz and financial state and beginning arrange the meeting

Olsztyn. for procedures in the scope of the help - of

As part of the project they predicted: financial subsidies.

- for publishing the catalogue where every of cities Scheduled and systematic renovating is an effect of participating in the program will be presented this action of historic buildings, facilitating the

- for marking the trail and monuments being found investment lawsuit and enabling the land use on it around of monuments and using of objects from

- for the expansion of a website middles of the European Union allotted to saving

- for spending the booklet and the poster promoting historic and the cultural legacy. the trail





1. Council Company of the Public Building Company Ltd in Białystok

TBS Ltd in Białystok was appointed on the base The company is making and he is renting rent flats -

Resolution of the City Council in Białystok around 1742 flats in 33 buildings about the connecting

28th of October, 1996. Founding Act of the Company surface over 79 thousands square meters (state for signed on 30th of October, 1996 was approved by July 2006). Garages and service-commercial the the Minister of the Spatial Development and apartments are also in sources of the Company

Building with decision RHB 1604 No.. The Białystok (among others medical and dental clinics, the

KTBS Ltd as one thing from first in the country (in chemist, the psot office, public and independent

July 1997 r.) began the realization of the rent nursery schools, shops, an eating places, building from middles of the National Housing Fund hairdressing salons, solaria and offices). The and as first in the country carried the thousand of company on preferential principles is also making flats out in 2001. apartments available: for the Company of Children

According to Founding Act widening the possibility is Friends, a Student Sport Club of the "Bacieczki setting the Company of fulfilling housing needs of Estate", the Association "Road", for the AA families which cannot afford the building site or the Association and the Connection of the Polish purchase of the own flat, through the building site Scouting. At present in the KTBS Ltd he is for them of flats for rent, about moderate rents. competing for rent flats over 600 candidates, seeing

TBS Ltd in Białystok is redeeming the housing a unique chance of getting the own flat in the politics of the Białystok City building rent flats which public rent building. In the KTBS Ltd in Białystok he are being financed mainly from outside centres. is advantages of the lease of apartments:

They are at low rate of interest the long-term ‚ meaner employing financial means for the lessee credits from the National Housing Fund. The local living in the attitude to the purchase on the

Białystok government is financing about 15% of primitive or secondary market, costs of investment. Value of the land carried in the ‚ lower rent with respect to the market offer, form of the retrieve int the KTBS Ltd and financial ‚ higher standard of living with respect to the offer retrieves are making it up. on the part of natural persons and council flats,


‚ of warming by lower costs and heating warm Influence on Białystok economy:

water in comparing to flats built before 1995, ‚ employing in building companies in the

‚ profitable conditions of the tenancy agreement - connection with the completion of investment will

the tenancy agreement is contained to the be held on the present level or perhaps to

indefinite time, stopping by into laws of the chief surrender for increasing (they are assessing that

lessee by replaced persons in the contract, investment of the 1 000 000 zloties increasing

‚ low costs of cancelling the tenancy agreement. employing for one person for the year of time),

In 2007 the KTBS Ltd is planning carrying the ‚ employing cleaning companies serving and the following investments out: conservation will rise by about 10 persons in

‚ finishing construction is settling Bacieczki IV - the 2006-2010 years,

II stage - 162 flats, ‚ in the connection with building service

‚ the continuation of construction is settling establishments created conditions will remain for

Bacieczki IV - the III stage - 191 flats, creating places of employment for entrepreneurs

‚ beginning construction is settling Green Hills – rendering services for inhabitants settled,

the I stage and - 65 flats, ‚ using of the potential of companies serving the

‚ beginning investment of developing the park- transport of impurities, providing with the

recreational land by the Bacieczki estate IV near thermal energy, the electric energy, gas will

streets L. Gen.Okulicki and the F. Kleeberga Gen. increase,

Street. ‚ for rent increasing the mobility will cause

increasing the amount of flats societies,

In 2007-2010 years according to investment plan ‚ attractiveness of investing into the economy of

KTBS Ltd in Białystok is establishing building about Białystok, on account of the possibility assuring

425 of flats and about 110 of garages. All flats will flats for recruits will improve be donated for rent.

2. Modernization of the existing communications arrangement

A sequence of modernizations concerning studies of - road conception expansions of the street of the existing communications arrangement exists Ciołkowski to the target 2x2 section traffic lanes being aimed at an improvement in the traffic together with analysis of borders of the essential capacity of intersections, assurances availabilities land for the completion of investment and with and safeties of the bicycle and pedestrian move, as analysis of intersections appearing on the route the well as of getting the fluidity and the safety of Rd of Ciołkowski as wel as concerning analysis of move. One should rate among main conceptions principles of the communications service of the fulfilling above premises: adjacent land (segment from round about 110 of


Regiment of Lithuanian Uhlans for crossing with paths at the episode from the Heroes of Monte designed prolonging the Anders Rd); Cassino Rd for crossing with the Hetmańska Rd –

- road conception of lengthening the Sitarska Rd to Wierzbowa Rd inclusive and lengthening the the Świętokrzyska Rd with two-level intersection Kolejowa Rd to Marczukowska Rd in Białystok: and railway track lines in direction of Kuźnica - project of the Copernican Route in Białystok at the

(segment from crossing with the Radzymińska episode from the Mickiewicza Street to Branicki

Street for crossing with Świętokrzyska Street); Street together with the section of the Drewniana

- conception of urban route running with streets: Street as the overall road - under the realization

Gen.F. Kleeberg’ (at the episode from the - modernization of streets: Hetman's and of John

Produkcyjna Rd to the city limit - direction Warsaw) Paul II and the intersection: Ave. of John Paul II together with the segment Narodowych Sił with streets: Hetman's, Victory’s and Wierzbowa in

Zbrojnych Rd (Rd of Gen.F. Kleeberg - Ave. of John Białystok - partly carried out

Paul II) and Ave. of John Paul II (NSZ Rd - city At present, in 2005-2007 years in ZPORR frames the limit - direction Warsaw) in Białystok; City is carrying the project out "The improvement

- conception of urban route running with streets: in the quality of functioning of the system of the

Gen. St. Maczek (at the episode by the knot from public transport of Białystok city – I Stage". The the Produkcyjna Rd to Avenue of the Millennium of project is including the modernization of corridors of the Polish State) and Avenue of the Millennium of the bus of the high quality on stretches of streets of the Polish State (at the episode from the Maczek Rd Copernicus - Zwierzyniecka -11th of November - Rd to city limits) in Białystok; of M.Curie-Skłodowska - of Kalinowski – of Liniarski

- road conception of Copernican Route around and the purchase of 43 pieces of new bus means of flyover with passing the Polish State Railways above transporting by urban communications companies.

3. Consecutive stages of the above project are being made plans

Project "Improvement in the quality of functioning the road belt and on intersections, drivers of light of the system of the public transport of the signals, which cooperating with equipping new

Białystok city" - the II Stage assumes the alteration buses are assuring the realization priority for the of sections of streets: of Sienkiewicz - Wasilkowska, public transport in the urban move.

Produkcyjna, Antoniuk Factory, Antoniukowska, “Improvement in the quality of functioning of the

Knyszyńska and exchange of 42 buses for new bus, system of the public transport of the Białystok city"- clean means of transporting ecologically, fulfilling the III Stage the norm EURO 4 or higher. The project is a The project is including: continuation of the I Stage. An introduced system - modernization of streets: Legionowa at the will stay priority for the public transport, compound episode from the Częstochowska Rd to the H. from the main computer system, devices installed in


Sienkiewicz Rd, the H. Rd of Sienkiewicz from the - system of the electronic ticket,

Legionowa Rd to the Ogrodowa Rd, - construction of steering the centre with movement

- construction of the transfer centre, in the scope of managing the collective

- purchase 95 pieces of modern, environment- communication. friendly buses for the service of the public city communication,





Plan of the Local Development of the Bydgoszcz city carrying questionnaire surveys amongst Bydgoszcz for years 2006 - 2009 is a basic document, with enterprises and for secondary school children. development serving for optimal managing of In-depth analysis permitted the social-economic

Bydgoszcz. At the same time is mid-periodically plan situation of the city for defining the most important connected with realization passed in 2004 the problems of the city, and then for choice priority of

"Strategy of the city development till 2015". Having its development. Priority the ones are already being him by the local government is also a condition of realized through 125 performing, concentrated in applying for funds from structural funds of the 12. of frames of programs projects. They are just

European Union. Works above the document were making the substantive contents passed of "Plan of begun from spending ordering the Mayor of the Local Development of Bydgoszcz City for years

Bydgoszcz No. 77/05 in the matter of working the 2006-2009". Described the following principles

Program of the Local Development, appointing stayed in every project: the executor of the draft, participants process of creating the plan and the way of financing it, the time of the realization defining their duties. One of substitutes for the as well as the product and the result of making it

Mayor of the City became a work coordinator of (implementations).

Bydgoszcz. With organising – executive side a Taken into consideration in document projects not contemporary Departmen of the Economic are limiting oneself to of undertakings realized

Development and Investment dealt (at present through City, but are embracing also aims different

Department of the Development and the Strategy) of subjects among others of colleges, of which while creating the Plan used from affiliating associations, of council companies. For all projects the substantive help of the Economic Development and programs signs being a base of the of Administrative Districts. Constructing of "Plan of monitoring were accepted of realization of the Polish the Development of the Local Bydgoszcz City for People's Republic. years 2006-2009" was a nationalised process, The Plan of the Local Development has striding among others by appointing Advice of the character, so next edition (at present prepared) he

Development of the City (outstanding forms of the will cover the next year and 2007 will concern the social – economic and cultural life of city), as well as period of years - 2010. The first year from every


next edition of the Polish People's Republic will be The Plan of the Local City Bydgoszcz Development making the base for drawing budget of the city up is becoming the basic mechanism: for the closest calendar year. - about the realization of the Strategy of the

The first edition of the Plan of the Development of Development of the City, the Local City of Bydgoszcz for years 2006 - was - for integrated system of city stewarding,

2009 left passed by Advice of the Bydgoszcz City in - about of cooperating with local and regional the day of 8th of February, 2006 (resolution partners.

LXIV/1200/06 No.). The second edition of the Plan This document is complying with the requirements should be passed on the City Council session up to of the Integrated Program of the Operating the end of the February of the this year. Regional Development (ZPORR) and is fundamental

The Plan of the Local Development is a crucial to competing among others for centres from element integrating the system of managing with European structural funds. Participation in the city, linking long-term strategic cells with process of working out the Plan of the Local operational activity. Several years' Plan of most Development of diverse partners and precise important developmental action based on cells dividing large rolls between specialists, social resulting from the strategy of the development of partners and decision-makers is causing it isn't the city and of the current situation in Bydgoszcz is exclusively a clerical procedure, but is becoming the cohesive with annual plans of action and budget of plain of the interaction of all social milieus the city. Annual mechanism of the revision of the responsible and interested in the development of

Plan, from it a system tool is making managing the Bydgoszcz. development of Bydgoszcz.


The local Program of the Revitalization is an - it is a systematically monitored, updated and operating, passed by Advice of the City document supplemented in the relation document from its

(Resolution LIV/1077/2005RMB No. dated of 28th of realization, the need of the improvement in content

September, 2005), stimulating processes of and the quality contained in it of the information, comprehensive action being aimed at a revitalization the change in the law and individual participants of all areas, spheres of living and potential beneficiaries. and of functioning of the city. Moreover: - it is a document embracing the realization of

- it is an interdisciplinary, old, base document for subaction: 3.3.1. - degraded areas of the city, 3.3.2. financed or co-financed from centres of inhabitants - degraded after-industrial and after-military areas; projects, local governments, the institution, the as part of 3.3 action. - degraded urban areas, after- organization beyond government and of Structural industrial

Funds of the European Union;


and after-military, of priority 3 - local development, different organizational units in the scope of the of Integrated Operating Program of Regional spatial development, the technical infrastructure,

Development (ZPORR). the social help, the safety, etc.

Local Program of Revitalization is serving of - it is serving for turning away the negative image identification of critical areas on which are of degraded areas and zones activities of appearing undesirable destructive processes or for it institutions through continuous, scheduled and effects in spheres: spatial, ecological, technical, interdisciplinary action with the participation economic, social around with taking into interested, local environments and inhabitants; consideration: unemployments, poverties and - it is serving for stimulating the activity of local difficult of conditions housing, crime, educations of environments; inhabitants, enterprises of inhabitants, of decline - it is serving for stimulating the interaction for the technical infrastructures social-economic development; and buildings, arranging sources of the natural - it is serving for counteracting the phenomenon of environment. expelling social;

Moreover: - it is serving for counteracting pathology social,

- it is serving for the coordination of action and the - as the annexe to the conclusion of the appliqué cooperation among departments and beneficiary it is serving for exploiting structural organizational units of the Town Council and funds.



Program of the Revitalization and the Development ‚ for restoring Bydgoszcz of the key role on the of the Bydgoszcz Aqueous Knot (resolution watercourse Berlin-Caliningrad,

LXXIV/1420/06 RMB No. dated of 25th of October, ‚ for creating the new identity of the urban space,

2006) is uniform, cohesive and interdisciplinary ‚ for the preservation of natural and cultural value study made out in borders of Bydgoszcz with taking cities, the special BWW role into consideration on the ‚ for the activation of service-tourist, recreational entire trail of the international E-70 watercourse, and transport activity from Berlin to Caliningrad. Taking into consideration ‚ in the area of BWW, resulting in new it places of spatial, landscape, cultural, natural, technical, employment, owner's and formal-legal conditioning the program ‚ for integration of inhabitants and the has the task: improvement in the quality of settling by

‚ for creating Bydgoszcz as the "Aqueous capital restoring and making available for purposes of

city of Poland" but ultimately of "European the recreation of the new public spheres,

Aqueous Centre", through:


- for determining principles and directions of the action investment, because the ones should to be

BWW development; agreeable around had and recruited with centres,

- for describing principles of developing inshore accepted in Old Plan Investment, appropriately to areas; established of purposes.

- for proposals of planning action; Program of the revitalization and the BWW

- for pointing out existing and newly designed lands development was made out as part of the project and devices for needs of the tourism and the water "Using inland watercourses for the regional transport; development", financed from centres of the

- for describing principles of the BWW promotion; Common Initiative Interreg III - Region of the Baltic

- for describing investment objectives. Sea (acronym In Water).

Program of revitalization and development BWW not is deciding after all about orders and scope of



With purpose of study "Proposal of assumptions of ‚ for rational and economical managing soil making the development of the spacious city centre of the the property of the administrative district,

Bydgoszcz city" describing main assumptions of the ‚ about completion of new picking the rank of the development of the structure was functional-spatial city up, sailing for creating his attractive likeness of city centre lands and identification of potential investments, investment lands and areas of requiring ‚ about improvement in the communications transformations, in it allotted to the revitalization, accessibility to the city centre zone and with of what developing city centre lands will be an creating the parking system securing existing effect into the way meeting contemporary social needs, needs and economic, in the reference to cultural ‚ for limiting or eliminating the arduousness and conditioning and natural-landscape. ensuing conflicts in area like this developing big

Study is supposed to serve for bright and precise intensity, determining directions of the development and ‚ about improvement in the quality of living of transformations of the functional-spatial structure of inhabitants in the reference to current needs and city centre lands in the reference to existing applying standards. conditioning. The consistent realization of adopted It is first for 25 years working out about study assumptions can contribute for initiating the character, analytical spreading through the entire sequence of developmental lawsuits, of which will area of the city centre zone in Bydgoszcz, which be an effect: directions of the development of the functional-

spatial structure of entire, extensive city centre area


were determined in. Study has multiscale character conceptions (mainly urban planned-architecturally

- is showing the row of developing programme and communications) which directions of the analyses concerning different aspects, having development of centre city areas and the way of conceived the city centre zone from working the developing many lands described, particularly functional-spatial model out with principal functional important in the functional-spatial structure of the zones, through analyses of shaping of the city centre. Gathered analytical, treating developing communications system, shaping principles by the city centre space in the more detailed than he buildings development and creating of the public would require way material of it problem scope of spheres and a lot of different, for concrete spatial the Study, helped formulate strategic arrangements answers and design conceptions - road, urban at the Study. planning, architectural, worked out for many Study was introduced to City Council of Bydgoszcz particularly important in the spatial structure of the but establishing it were entertained with resolution city centre of places, making lands of potential XXXIX/866/04 No. dated of 29th of December, investments. 2004 in the matter concerning receiving the

The presentation of adopted assumptions can be information of the President of the City of works fundamental to discussions for initiating deepened above landscapings of the development of the environmental and social, concerning shaping the spacious centre city of Bydgoszcz. Received findings city centre space and developing of individual lands, are determining by required planning studies i.e. of which choice about the uniform position and the Study of conditioning of both directions completion of the best undertakings will be a of developing the spacious city of Bydgoszcz and consequence for the city and its inhabitants. local development plans (“m.p.z.p” is only embraced

by the 12% of lands.) guidelines for developing

Works above "Proposals of assumptions of centre city lands. development" rolled parallel with Study of Councillors of the City Council of Bydgoszcz adopted conditioning and developing directions of spacious a resolution in the matter of passing Study of

Bydgoszcz city and turned out particularly helpful at conditioning and directions of developing the formulating of arrangements taking back oneself to spacious city of Bydgoszcz with the greater area of city centre zone, which to some extent awareness, availing oneself of earlier with received limited character and scope of the Study, made out study, which in the more detailed and concrete way in accordance of applying regulations laws about introduced findings concerning the area of the the planning and spatial developing. Under jobs entire centre city and developing treating it about above the Study a need of working the many aspects. supplementing document out arose - extending Study is providing the land with its landscapings the scope of problem analyses, taking into about the surface (ca 542 ha) considerably bigger consideration concrete assumptions and design than the land of working the average local


development plan out (ca 20-50 ha), is depicting developing, of which an improvement in the assumptions of the development of centre city areas quality will be an effect of centre city space. in the comprehensive way, clearly formulating directions of transformations and changes in


The Bydgoszcz Industrial Park Ltd is a one of and concessions in conducting activities. They are it youngest, and at the same time biggest industrial among others: parks in Poland. He rose in December of 2004 from ‚ Armed investment lands embraced in the whole the initiative of the Zachem Group, the with development plan

Administrative District Bydgoszcz and Technical- ‚ Guarantees of concessions or dismissals in the

Agricultural Academy (at present Technological- property tax

Natural University). The park is offering close 300 ‚ Convenient get in touch with the country and hectares of lands up to investments in the foreign countries (an own railway station, the production, services and the trade. The area of the closeness of the motorway, domestic roads and

Park is maintaining contact with urbanised lands of airports)

Bydgoszcz, and in the vicinity domestic roads are ‚ Modern telecommunications infrastructure running it No. 5, 10, 25 and a regional airport is ‚ Personal roots of supplying warmth and water localised. The Bydgoszcz Industrial Park has also a ‚ Own wastewater pretreatment facility rail link with entire Poland thanks to the own station ‚ Availability of the qualified workforce

Bydgoszcz-Emilianowo located on the trunk line ‚ Well-developed surrounding the business

Silesia-Porty. Thanks to the very good ‚ Preferential prices of the delivery of mediums infrastructure, the location in the vicinity of main Additionally in the destination of even bigger communications routes, the availability of the enhancing lands of the Bydgoszcz Industrial Park for qualified workforce and the diversified investment potential investors, efforts entertained the city hall offer, the Park is creating attractive possibilities of for including the area of the Park in the Pomeranian carrying the business activity on. On the land of the Special Economic Zone. At present we are waiting

Park situated there are over 30 all sorts business for the definitive decision on the part by Minister of companies at present. Economy.

Investors which will decide on investment on the land of the Park can count on considerable benefits


With main purpose appointed from the initiative of Industrial Cluster boosting the development is and

Authorities of Bydgoszcz City, of Bydgoszcz the consolidation of companies of the chemical


business of the sector of plastics and the business of the realization of the development program of tool, in large numbers located on the land cities and Bydgoszcz City. in its closest proximity. This undertaking is aimed With summer of the last year, while next meeting at creating favourable conditions to the made interested in setting about for the development of the enterprise, raising the organization letters of intent were handed over and classification of workers of companies of above the spacious questionnaire form, which getting was businesses, the training of new personnels, the a purpose for of more detailed information, of development of the research on new technologies companies enabling creating the database of and the improvement in the competitiveness of organizations composing of cluster. enterprises basing on undertakings increasing their Ceremonial signing of the Intent Agreement in the innovation, as well as shared promoting the brand matter of appointing the Bydgoszcz Industrial of the cluster and of products offered by his Cluster took place on 28th of September, 2006. It subjects. Everything has it to contribute for expressed the will of the accession to the enhancing the position of our region, as leading in organization by 28 subjects: of companies, colleges, this respect in the country and Europe. surrounding representatives of the sector of the

The conference initiating creating the cluster took business and the civil service. At present the place in April, 2006 presenting the conception was appointed coordinator of the Bydgoszcz Industrial its purpose of the cluster and benefits companies Cluster is leading the sequence of more distant can get which participating in this undertaking. Next working meetings with subjects about the vision, meetings appointed trade and outside consultants establishing purposes and principles of functioning as well as they led for creating the leading group. of the cluster. Talks with representatives of schools

Of schedule on the base established, they were and local educational authorities also took place holding talks among others with representatives of about creating in Bydgoszcz technical schools, with substantive institutions about the development of the school curriculum adapted for classes to needs the local profiled more_than_gymnasial education to of companies functioning in the cluster. needs of the cluster. In the meantime questionnaire The Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster has the legal entity forms were also sent out to companies which and is functioning by Kuyavian-Pomeranian Union of expressed the interest with setting about to the Employers and Entrepreneurs in Bydgoszcz.

Bydgoszcz cluster, concerning futures and more distant of their development. In between time the

Economic Development of Administrative Districts

Association from Szczecin was commissioned working indispensable materials out to the organization of economic clusters as the instrument




Study is one of objectives executed in frames of and general-cognitive tourist routes, a few an hour project "Using inland watercourses for the regional long and several few days'. Apart from the development" In Water” of Interreg being located in presentation of Bydgoszcz and Toruń the offer will a program of the Common Initiative the III region contain the regional offer: of cities and tourist trails: of the Baltic sea. bicycle, horse, pedestrians etc., routes of trails and

The offer is being carried out through 6 personal watercourses: loops Wielkopolska, Toruń and the team of independent specialists in the scope of the Kujawy region, the Brdy trail and Wdy etc., the tourism, compound from representatives of both calendar of cultural and sports events, the cities. information concerning communications connections

The work was divided in two stages. The first stage and accommodation and the gastronomy.

- Preliminary conception of tourist offer of In the aim it is supposed to be material being good

Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area (finished in of both promotions of cities, for useful offices,

2006r, Town Council is a paye of this stage of tourist offices and individual tourists.

Bydgoszcz), the other stage - offer in full issues - he The ready offer will be presented on organised in is under the realization and he will be finished in the fishing of 2007 with International Seminar of

May (for this part Town Council of Toruń is a the project In Water. payer). The appropriate sales literature as well as very offer

The offer will be pointing out tourist and cultural will be left published and made available interested. advantages of both cities, the possibility both Also creating a special website is expected. proposals to spend time and the leads of specialist




For a few years efforts are doing both cities for from middles of the European Union, enhancing the creating Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area development BTOM.

(BTOM). In July, 2002 the first regional conference It is an effect of this action: devoted to the urbanized area for Bydgoszcz-Toruń - Setting about to the shift of the development plan took place. Since then two next conferences took of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian province concerning place, an agreement of equal partners was signed Bydgoszcz-Toruń Metropolitan Area. (Resolution in the matter of BTOM area and the declaration of XXIX/354/04 No. of the Regional Council of the the cooperation of equal partners of both cities in Kuyavian-Pomeranian province dated of 29th of the matter of the realization of projects co-financed December, 2004)


- a leading design unit is Kuyavian-Pomeranian the stage of analysis of conditioning is finished,

Regional Office of the Spatial and Regional Planning works above directions of the development are in with the head office in Włocławek and its units field the route. in Toruń and Bydgoszcz. Bydgoszcz through the - Setting about into feasibility study for the

Urban Planning Studio is taking an active part in plan Beat City - of high-speed railway linking both preparation of this document. An appointed team cities. Project the Beat City is covering increasing stayed, of which making out is a task. of with the financial centre frequencies of connections conditioning of the spatial development of the city and shortening the journey time between cities, of conditioning of the development of metropolitan integration of transport systems, the shared ticket functions of Bydgoszcz and directions and train and of public transport of both cities. assumptions of the development. At the moment


Process of suburbanisation, that is of migration of industry but first of all the single-family housing inhabitants of big cities into commuter belts is a what is an also typical phenomenon of the phenomenon which is touching big majorities of development of the building around different big cities, in it also of Bydgoszcz. cities of Poland.

In order to examine this process as part of jobs In this area a height of the number of issued above the Study of conditioning and to develop planning permissions of detached houses is a directions spatial they made Bydgoszcz of detailed feature of the building at country local governments analysis of the housing industry on areas of of the Bydgoszcz second level of local government adjacent administrative districts. administration in Poland, at the decrease of the

Of administrative districts on the base issued by building of this type in Bydgoszcz. With important offices of building permits, is visible feature of the developing building in commuter belt for mid-nineties on the area of the Bydgoszcz a structure of investors which is decorating is an second level of local government administration in overbalancing participation in the housing industry

Poland rapid development of the building. Above all of investors from the city, but only in administrative a number increasing from the year for the year of districts and towns put closest Bydgoszcz. The most spent decisions proves it for construction of houses. for construction of a dwelling house for investors

Under the account structures, the building from Bydgoszcz they issued a permits at Białe Błota movement around Bydgoszcz are distinguishing 1586 (66.6%), Osielsko 769 (70.1%), and New themselves with considerable part of the housing Large Village 439 (54.7%) administrative districts.


Limitations or regulations weren't a cause of this for investors the time of construction took 8 years state of affairs, as for the investor, cure financial out from the Białe Błota administrative district. possibilities of persons applying for a permit above Smaller income of inhabitants of Bydgoszcz for the all. Owners of building plots coming from Bydgoszcz building in administrative districts and towns possessed mainly bigger stores than the local farther laid, is bound with the distance. Put higher population which has most often carried up lands 25 - are characterized by 30 km with construction out from own savings without taking meaner interesting investors from Bydgoszcz, bank loans out. Determining lasting for the time probably they are attractive for rest and the confirmed this fact construction of the house, the recreation.

average time of construction for investors took 4 years out from Bydgoszcz. However

Amongst of causes, which decided about for closeness of the family and weak infrastructure depositing of the housing industry on with it area on developing. A conclusion is confirming it, to the area the foreground moved oneself three factors: price of of the suburban zone is moving oneself the urban plots, ,, tiredness "with city and good conditions population which has centres to the purchase of the environments. On next positions they were found plot and beginning construction, and for which closeness into a place of employment, lower taxes. conditions of living in the city are happening too

Littlest meaning had depositing capital, the troublesome.



‚ Areas surrounding Bydgoszcz are a land of the ‚ The population settling in the area of

intense housing industry at present, at the administrative districts of the Bydgoszcz second

decrease of this alone building in Bydgoszcz. level of local government administration in

‚ In the housing industry around a city inhabitants Poland is characterized above all by a secondary

of Bydgoszcz however which are focusing in and higher education and professionally she is

towns are chief investors put closest the city. still connected with the city through places of

‚ The development of the housing industry in the employment in Bydgoszcz.

area of the Bydgoszcz second level of local ‚ Investors which are building a house (or built

government administration in Poland is causing themselves) in area surrounding Bydgoszcz, in

meaning changes in the structure of using soil. A their choice of the location of the house plots and

surface of housing and communications lands is a state are paying attention to the price

increasing, a surface area of agrarian soil is environments. Also a factor is playing the big

decreasing. large roll tirednesses with city.

‚ Along main traffic routes a development of towns The reach of the influence of investors of Bydgoszcz

which are transformed is coming in residential is shutting itself away in the housing industry within

estates of detached houses, resident in the the ca 30 km radius what is translating into the

majority by persons coming from Bydgoszcz, average time of the journey

area about typical suburban character. to the centre city of 40 around minutes. However

‚ In area surrounding Bydgoszcz a process of the biggest influence of townspeople on the

settling is visible of population which is migrating development of the housing industry is visible within

from central areas of the city, among others city 15-20 km radius from the centre city. Making

centres. analysis of this type turned out useful for defining

the real scale of the problem (in the quantitative


and spatial meaning), it let for realizing forecasts of quantitative and spatial meaning), it let for realizing the demand for the housing industry, it pointed out forecasts of the demand for the housing industry, it the latest fashion trends and problems of the spatial pointed out the latest fashion trends and problems development of the city. of the spatial development of the city.

Making analysis of this type turned out useful for defining the real scale of the problem (in the



Good Practice – Public Consultations “Not only for the Inhabitants, but also by the Inhabitants” Regional Characteristics of Wloclawek – mutual impact of the city and surrounding functional environment

1. Introduction

Each of the settlement units has its specific development depends on the role the city role, resulting form its social and economic plays. It means that the city zone of influence capability. For great cities, with more than 100 directly impacts on its functional structure, thousand population, those roles are found in development dynamics and directions. particular relations with the surroundings. The In relation to the above all strategic analysis type and scale of those functions determine and elaborations determining objectives and the city zone of influence. directions of the city development should take Feedbacks occur between city functional account of social and economic necessities of structure and its development. Playing a the inhabitants of the zone of influence. particular role and its influence extent result from a particular level of the city social and economic development, whereas its further

2. Wloclawek in the settlement network of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship








HIERARCHIA SIECI OSADNICZEJ DZIAŁ ANIA NA RZECZ W ZMO CNIENIA POTENCJ AŁ U sied ziby w ojew ództw a - m ia sta O Ś ROD KÓW W ZAKRESIE: o pot encjaln ym zna cze niu e urop ejskim r egio nalne oś rodki równo wa żenia rozwoju s zkolnicwa t wyższego sub regio nalne oś rodki ró wno wa żenia rozwoju stanu rozwoju instytucji obsługi mieszkań có w p ona dlokalne oś rodki równo waż enia rozwoju p ozostał e m iasta s zkolnicwa t ś redniego wiejskie oś rodki gmin obsł ugi turystyki obsł ugi biznesu (o znaczeniu regionalnym i ponadregionalnym) Diagram - Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Settlement Network (according to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Spatial Arrangement Plan)


Wloclawek is defined a sub-regional high, because the city due to its capabilities development centre in the Kujawsko- would provide service to the population of the Pomorskie Voivodship Development Strategy south-eastern part of the region and support and in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship the voivodship capitals of Bydgoszcz and Torun Spatial Arrangement Plan. In the voivodship with its functions (Diagram). ranking of the settlement network it is placed

3. Wloclawek functional environment Delimitation of the Wloclawek functional planning institutions in the Fabianki environment, determining the present zone of municipality for instance, 40-60 new dwelling influence on the surroundings, was done houses have been constructed and inhabited basing on the analysis of main forms of city by the people from Wloclawek. Moreover it is impact on the environment. The research, worth noting that persons originated from respecting the above, consisted of the other regions associate their personal and following forms of influence, in relation to: professional future with the city. The effect of the abovementioned process is visible - working places, development of suburban area with all the - culture, education and sports, corresponding characteristics. - commerce, The analysis of this problem allowed to - business-related services, determine the present Wloclawek zone of - specialist healthcare, influence. The current relations make possible - administration, to select three zones (levels) of relations. The - entertainment and suburban first one covers close and frequent connections areas. such as economic relations (city as a market

for food production, working place and Wloclawek economic development and education centre). In this field those are city’s increase of inhabitants wealth effect in neighbour municipalities of Fabianki, decentralisation processes and consequential Wloclawek, Lubanie, Brzesc Kujawski, continuous migration to surrounding areas. Bobrowniki, Dobrzyn nad Wisla, Kowal, This phenomenon is visible in neighbour Badkowo, Osieciny, Chocen, Lubraniec. It municipalities of the city, such as the corresponds largely with the suburban zone. Wloclawek municipality, Brzesc Kujawski,

Fabianki and Lubanie. According to the spatial


Division of the Wloclawek functional environment is depicted on diagram. The Wloclawek functional environment also Ry p i n Br zuze Skrwilno

Rogowo impacts on the surroundings of the city. The C hr ostkowo Ki kół neighbour municipalities areas offer working Skępe Al ek sandr ów Kuj. Lipno Waganiec places to the city. They also constitute food Koneck Bobrowniki

Lubanie W i el gi e Tłuchowo Zakrzewo Fabianki Bądkowo and resource background for the city food Dobre Dobrzyń n/W Os ięciny M. WŁOCŁAWEK

Radziejów Brześć Kuj . W łocławe k processing industry. These are also areas of

By toń Kowal Piotrków Kuj. Lubraniec significant spa and entertainment value. The Choceń Topólka Baruchowo zone III

zone II Boniewo zone I neighbour municipalities are development Lubień Kuj . Izbica Kuj. Chodecz zones for the suburban areas.

Diagram - Division of functional environment (according to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Spatial Arrangement Plan)

4. Directions for over-local functions development A questionnaire examination has been The city, despite diversified and varied offer, conducted in order to determine the way the made also for the inhabitants of the functional city inhabitants view the functional zone, is not very popular. 17 municipalities, environment. The questionnaire consisted of including 8 of the first zone, evaluated the city 21 questions and was sent to 41 municipalities. as less attractive than nearby cities, mostly However the questionnaires were answered by Plock or Torun. the city halls employees the findings should be Therefore the following questions should be considered reliable, because respondents know asked: the local environment very well. 28 units - Which and how the existing functions answered the questionnaire, including: should be developed? - all 12 first zone municipalities, - Which new functions could be - 10 out of 11 second zone municipalities, developed? - 6 out of 18 third zone municipalities. - How the local authorities can influence The lack of interest in the questionnaire of the the above? local authorities of the third zone justifies the Finding answers to the above questions and assumption that for the inhabitants of this then undertaking appropriate measures would zone the city and its activities are of a lesser help increasing the city attractiveness, both for importance. the inhabitants of Wloclawek and of the functional environment or even accidental visitors.


Functions of the city in relation to the education. Other functions like: administration, functional environment and the outcomes of public transport, special healthcare, culture, the questionnaire evaluation, pointing to the sports, tourism and entertainment do not meet functions where the city meets the the expectations in a different scale. expectations of the inhabitants of the neighbour municipalities. They are: secondary education, higher education, adult extramural

Certain hints can be found in the examination Pohjois-Savo (Finland), the Kaunas Regional results that could answer the first question. Adminstration (Lithuania) and the Kujawsko- Poor condition of the communication Pomorskie Voivodship Self-government. accessibility emphasised by the respondents The previous experiences effecting from the could be for instance related to insufficient results of analysis on mutual relations of the number of public bus connections, which leads city and the surroundings highlighted the to the conclusion that something should be necessity to take into consideration the done to adjust the quantity and frequency of expectations of the functional environment bus services to the requirement of the population while determining directions for population of the functional environment. Is Wloclawek development. the local government capable of doing this? Close cooperation of Wloclawek local Analysis of area and methods of the local authorities and functional zone local authorities government impact on particular over-local is indispensable having considered the above. functions ought to determine directions for Within the course of works to develop the future measures. It is of utmost importance as Strategy – 2007-2013 Wloclawek City Local far as non-public market services are Development Programme, it was decided that concerned, because the local government public consultations are needed. To this aim influence at this field is limited. the following measures were undertaken: Other countries experience will be Questionnaire – on two days the inhabitants of valuable while working to define the Wloclawek could have their say in a development directions for over-local services questionnaire organised in the main lounge of in Wloclawek. Thus, strengthening the the city hall. The questionnaires concerned functions of Wloclawek as a sub-regional problems and investment proposals, which centre is one of the objectives implemented by should be listed in the City Strategy. the Defris Project within the framework of the Announcements concerning the questionnaire Interreg IIIB Programme. The partners of the organisation were published on the city Project are: the Regional Development Council website, in the local press and TV. of Östergötland (Sweden), the Central Finland Approximately 100 filled-in questionnaires Regional Council, the Regional Council of were collected in the effect.


Public Consultation Council – The Programme the project was presented at the representatives of the biggest employers, meeting with various social groups. The entrepreneurs, NGOs, academic chancellors, Strategy was presented during sessions held cultural and entertainment centres etc. were in: invited by the City President to cooperate in - Association for the City of Wloclawek; development of the Strategy – 2007-2013 - Wloclawek Scientific Association; Wloclawek City Local Development - University of Humanities and Economics; Programme. About 300 invitation letters were - Higher School of Vocational Education. sent to announce the first meeting of the Within the opportunity to exchange good Public Consultation Council concerning creation practices the city took advantage of the of the Strategy for Wloclawek. Additionally the experts knowledge and developed a series of appropriate information was published in local thematic studies, which also constituted media. Roughly 150 persons attended the first materials for development of the City Strategy: meeting. The authors of the elaboration 1) Regional Characteristics of Wloclawek – presented the course of works to develop mutual impact of the city and surrounding “Prospective Diagnosis”. A discussion arose functional environment, by PhD Zbigniew about further works regarding the Strategy. Brenda The authors asked to send them proposals and 2) Future education directions for secondary remarks in writing. This is how 48 letters from and higher education as an instrument of various organisations, institutions and natural preparing the future professional personnel, persons were collected. Two more similar by the City Hall Education Unit meetings of the Public Consultation Council 3) Groundwater in the Wloclawek Region – were held at different stages within the current conditions and utilisation, by Prof. framework of development of the Strategy. Andrzej Sadurski. Meetings with the inhabitants – at the final 4) Search for best communication solutions, stage of development of the Strategy – 2007- the example of Wloclawek, by PhD Jacek 2013 Wloclawek City Local Development Chmielewski.




In the second half of the XX century cities they were above all fill the "global event" up one's functions provided with changes which are being described towards local communities. Of experiencing the last with name of the globalization process. tenth anniversaries, they are causing that they

Development of techniques of communicating and universally expect the professional preparation and handing over to the information, decrease resulting the response to changes occurring in economies in from the technological development of transport measurements global and local. costs and heading following it unusually easy In the last years in the age of dynamically changing transferring people and goods brought about trends in the economy for the majority of units of revolutionary changes in all firmaments of the the local government the problem moved from human life, almost in every nook of the Earth. The general discussion on the development to more percentage of the world production being subject to unique dilemmas. Which to adopt cells, programs an exchange rose around 5 % in 1950 to 23 % for and strategies of the conduct in order to achieve the end of the XX age, and how the World Trade success in raising investment attraction of area,

Organization is predicting, into the measuring cup of creating new places for the work and guaranteeing the more distant liberalization of the world trade, a the living conditions for inhabitants expected. A

50% will achieve in 2020 year. Free flow being a need to include the program of the economic motor of discussed transformations of capital, development into the general strategy of the local however is carrying behind himself so many of the development and comprehensive treating all is chance and conveniences as risks. causing it of the problems connected with the

Most often is replacing oneself here risks for natural economic development. Experience of both environments, however not belongs to forget, that American and European cities is pointing that self- contemporary the economic development very often government bodies are concentrating around the is basing oneself on for doctrine of increasing economic development of more and more action effectivenesses what in practice means necessity of and centres, they are starting new undertakings, increasing productivities and of limiting they are using new tools for realisations, they are employments. For 25 last years, even in the most forming organizations of the local development, developed states concentrated in the Organization they are linking programs connected with realization of the Economic Cooperation and Development with local budgets, are cooperating with local and

(OECD), the unemployment doubled. Stopping in regional partners. Planning and preparing programs these conditions of the city towards must however of the development of the city must cooperate with


many so private as well as public partners. They General changes in last time, which in essential way aren't these are dependent partners formally from sailed on attraction investment, of cities in states the urban administration what it is causing need to united it: work new methods of the work out, and in the ‚ Within a few last decades the American economy particular it concerns the strategic planning and from the production power changed into the managing with projects. Additionally new methods leader in the field of services itself. must take into consideration the necessity of ‚ Mobility of citizens - the majority of citizens is integration of action led in different sectors and the arriving to the work to the other end of the state coordination of them in the spatial and financial or he is crossing different administrative borders measurement. Lawsuits which are being talked or he/she is working at home. about are happening in American cities for sixties ‚ Widening educational functions of the school - and in Western Europe they began decade later. American schools are not having .. only to teach

Cities of Central and Eastern Europe are struggling the reading, writing or of arithmetic, also treat to with these challenges from the end of the eighties. manage with the juvenile delinquency and to

It is worthwhile looking how this process ran what prevent social expelling for young people. phases had and as cities and governments managed For closer getting to know happening occurrences with new challenges. What strategies and and as cities on aren't reacting National League techniques were being applied for improving the organization of Cities took the project up "Cities in competitiveness of cities. the process of the transformation". Examinations

The modern look at functions of the local self- were carried out with over seventy representatives government is pointing that with its most important of 27 different towns on the land of entire United task, creating of conditions of meeting the need her States. These representatives, asked about what inhabitants is. The economic development is factors in the biggest rank are influencing the life of indicating the rally for given area the rise in profits their cities, gave to the reply a whole range. To of companies and populations at an simultaneous single out from the reply it is possible six topics increase in employment. repeating itself - of main factors which are

New factors of the development of American cities. originating important problems of policies public and

Describing examples of managing changes to take are influencing functioning and roles of American not a way back oneself to situations of American cities in the end of the 20th century. Main factors cities which they are appointing and are raising influencing American cities were isolated. An image standards in strategic managing and raising of cities portraying their common features at the investment attraction. Let us look at first at the same time and a diversity are looming carried example of American cities and let us analyse main conversations into view. Lower down factors in factors which in the last years are making their harmony replaced by representatives of municipal developmental potential conditional. authorities were discussed influence meaning the


ones which they have on the local life. However arose and they acquired significance differ ways, into which the ones both remained factors considerably depending on the city.

"New" economy

The service sector overtook the sector of the cities often regard economic factors behind the production, being until now leading with element of cause of many important occurrences and trends the American economy. The globalization means turning up at their communities. Irrespective of that cities in America more easily are feeling to lead whether it concerns the height here or the economic trade relations with Hong with Congo than with slope whether for fundamental changes in next-door neighbours. Many local economies are functioning economies, these changes also have the spending the period of the prosperity while they huge influence on cities and their self-government remain different in the stagnation. Authorities of bodies.

Cut profits

Many representatives of municipal authorities are state financial assistance for cities. Without profits emphasizing that their financial situation on the right level cities aren't able to fulfil of deteriorated. They are pointing at a lot of causes of expectations of inhabitants. Moreover, curbing the changed structure of profits, so as: federal, influences disadvantageously is having an effect on state and district imperatives and the pre-emption it, what way cities are getting profits as well as right; changes in the structure of the economy; the taxpayers to the amount of tax charges put on all development of out-of-town lands and the sorts groups in. urbanization; changes in the level of the federal and

Migrations of citizens and enterprises

As a result of moving of citizens and companies to accommodating itself to new conditions (at schools, and from cities changes are coming in the level of in the new proximity, in the local economic services the city should assure which. Also environment). What's more, just enough how the influences are changing up to budget, which these population is taking turns in the city also his services are being financed from. Municipal fundamental economic and demographic structure is authorities are emphasizing that the migration of transformed what causes changes in the field of citizens and enterprises has the additional influence urban programs, action, profits, the local housing on the situation of cities since new-arrived aren't market, the economic and demographic diversity, acclimatizing at once and they require the help in etc.


Development of out-of-town lands and suburbanization

Talking about the development of lands suburban town clerks are claiming that the pace of the representatives of cities have for developing the development of out-of-town lands and the thought of suburb both to housing destinations as urbanization is increasing in the result of a well as economic. Through the urbanization calculation of powers social, legislative and whereas they understand the unchecked economic, and it is taking place to the cost of development stimulated by the suburban sprawl. budgets of cities. On top of all that, an opinion is

From their perspective both it won't be possible to ruling, that both these lawsuits remain to a large avoid these occurrences and it is possible to treat extent outside the control of self-government them as normals, since are coming as a result of structures which could to be in charge of them and economic loads which are forcing people for to limit. searching for ways to lower costs. However many


According to municipal authorities the local system will be circumvented by potential investors for areas of the education is fulfilling the key role in the life of where they more are caring about the education the city. Inhabitants are treating schools as and the education. A role of outskirts, on which important factors proving given attraction of social problems are being solved is a next large roll surroundings. He often happens that families or schools are fulfilling which. They must advise companies are moving out of one place and they themselves with so really rooted socially differing in are moving into different being guided at choice problems like the violence, the concentration of almost by exclusively a level of schools. Moreover groups under the racial or property consideration or authorities perceive schools as principal area of the assimilation of persons from different cultures investment in the future of the city. Many cities are (both coming from the United States as well as from afraid that without the well qualified workforce they different countries).

The changing role and techniques of cities stewarding

To advise oneself authorities of cities must not only authorities are observing the growth of social with character taking turns of matters of which they employing citizens, whereas somewhere else it is are taking care. They must also accommodate weakening. A confidence level is changing for the themselves to changing expectations of citizens as worse to authorities coming by choice, in general. for the mode, in which these matters are being In many cities a more business approach towards taken care. Relations between inhabitants and the the local government is watching each other - self-government are undergoing continuous municipal authorities are made interested in services transformations. Some representatives of municipal which are being financed from payments while


citizens expect the city for rendered services to be basic more effectively.

Managing changes in Europe on the example of the Malmo city - Sweden.

The Malmo city is situated under being transformed education. On it 15 thousands of students are from the industrial centre into a centre of learning studying. education, actively he is creating attractive Superbly the developed infrastructure is causing, conditions for the business and is stimulating the that to get to Malmo it is possible easily with the being of the dynamic economic environment. water and air road, train and car. Malmo has the

Companies acting on the Malmo land and international port and two airports, Kastrup and companies, which only are planning opening here Sturup are distant at the only half hour of the road should get in touch with the Agency of the Trade from the city centre. The motorway is reaching very and the Industry of the Malmo City which is a liaison city centre. The city has excellent rail links with the among the city hall and with entrepreneurs. The rest part of Sweden and with Europe. In the last trade isn't being represented already by a few large years big investments in the infrastructure, the companies, treat rather through numerous small connection embracing constants with Copenhagen businesses. The private service sector is were made. Very well the developed infrastructure characterized by the fastest pace of the height. The is assuring the fast communication. To the airport in strongest sectors of the Malmo economy are a Copenhagen it is possible to get from Malmo in logistics, a retail and wholesale trade, a building and about twenty minutes. fixed properties. Here also a row of known Many young people are living in Malmo. For a lot of companies dealing with biotechnology as well as most recent years they will be making the reliable medical, ecological, computer technologies is acting base of the employment, in spite of the fact that and concerning digital mediums. Cooperation many inhabitants will approach the century pension. among colleges, centres of learning education and Also abilities of educating are excellent. companies is giving strong bases for the enterprise They are also influencing the quality of living in and the creative development of the city. Malmo:

Malmo also is finding oneself in route of - for the attractive housing stock after accessible transforming oneself around of centre industrial in prices, centre of learning education. Older businesses were - against 50 golf courses moved away from oneself replaced with investments into new technologies at half an hour of the road, and advanced programs training. University into - about sand in the centre city,

Malmo, established in 1998, it the newest Swedish - for all merits of the large city connected with the achievement in the field of the field of the higher comfort of living in the small town.


Development of new companies

In Malmo realized there are many projects which in brought to local enterprises.. The fact that they are the different way are stimulating the development creating conditions to the development and the of enterprises. Stimulating the development of new growth in the economy is a shared feature of these abilities in the economy of the services based on the all projects. Lower down they introduced the ones knowledge. Developing such abilities is essential of them, in which the Malmo city is an investor, a from a point of view of investment attraction of the financing side and an owner of project. city. In the particular with reference to the help


The Agency of the Trade and Industry of the Malmo new possibilities. Novel ideas and dynamics are

City is aspiring to it local enterprises to use stamps of the institution about the varied structure. possibilities a multiculturalism is giving which cities. Ideas for doing the business aren't turning up in the

Therefore the Bureau is cooperating with the environment where all think the same. Among

Agency of Employing Refugees above the project others companies are frequenting the causing titled "Multiculturalism in Malmo" which is directed project, meetings with them are organising as well mainly to private employers. Over one third out of as in frames networks are coordinating their

260 thousands of inhabitants Malmo is foreigners. cooperation. Through the dialogue with companies

They are living here and representatives of 164 they are trying to come to their aid and with advice countries are working. One to two pupils of to facilitate for them managing with problems secondary schools is of strange origin. Malmo is multiculturalisms. Besides the prospects for the most probably the most multicultural city in growth of the number of persons retiring, there is

Sweden. It is putting new objectives before this problem which many companies are regarding companies which want to recruit their workers, to strategic. stop them and to train in Malmo. It is opening also

Science for the intensification of the development

With purpose of organization Kunskapsbron (Bridge So far the Bridge of the Knowledge massed in of of knowledge) is facilitation of flow of information over 3 000 developmental projects in cooperation between with colleges noon of Sweden and small with colleges and enterprises. In their result many and with medium-sized enterprises. To lead has it to new products came into existence, a lot of the increase in the pace of the development, the processes were streamlined, a lot of ability was profitability and the number of places of handed over, new places of employment came into employment in region. existence and the local economy better is



Managing the project in the framework of the Agency of the Trade and the Industry of the Malmo

Bridge of the Knowledge they will search for City. individual companies and they are hearing their Medeon is high a special science park acting for problems out. Next they are discussing and they are companies dealing with theories biological and with analysing their demand for the information, they are medical technology. He has great chances of the getting in touch with scientists, be teachers with development in cooperation with local companies. students and are working programs of the Medeon possesses all stores needed for so that your cooperation out. This project rarely includes long- company and novel ideas which in it came into term action. They are these are in general short, existence can develop. He is familiar to Medeon also temporary programs partly financed by the Bridge as Medicon Valley (Silicon Valley counterpart - of of the Knowledge. The bridge of the Knowledge is Silicon Valley), since of Scandinavian 60% industries of one's kind with gate for local small and average medical is found exactly here. Through the enterprises giving them access to achievements of immediate cooperation with universities, schools the college and schools of region. He rose thanks to and academic hospitals companies belonging to the initiative of the Foundation for the Transfer of Medeon have the access to the medical incubator of

Technology in Lund, of University in Malmo and the the enterprise, increasing with it one's chances to


Economic Centre of the environmental preservation

An economic Centre of the environmental is cooperating with universities and schools in preservation is a centre which rose recently in Scania and Denmark including with the International

Skania and he is tied together with companies Institute of the Industrial Economy with Natural which are associating their development with the Environment (IIIEE) at university in Lund in the field preservation of the, social and economic natural of ecological solutions concerning the production environment. The centre of the environmental foods. preservation is supporting companies dealing with The centre of the environmental preservation is the problems connected with the food and with the bound with three organizations: climate and is creating conditions for their ‚ about Agenda 21 - Forum in Scania cooperation in the framework of the net. This ‚ about the Centre of the Market of Goods of network is concentrating its activity on the export of Organic Wearing of Scania (The Scanian Organic products, the know-how and systems reducing Centre Supermarket) emission of gasses polluting the environment. They ‚ about ordering the Swedish Association with already analysed markets in , for Environmental Preservation

Netherlands, Poland and on the Philippines. The Agenda 21 - Forum in Scania is a net making up

Economic Centre of the Environmental Preservation from public and private organizations being active


for the environmental preservation in Scania. The industry in Scania. Ordering the Swedish Association centre of the Market of Goods of Organic Wearing with Environmental Preservation is an organization of Scania consists of representatives of the trade, consisting of about 300 members on the land of the public sector and the food and agricultural Sweden entire.

Western port

Vision of the tomorrow in Vastra Hamnen - closing The Vastra Hamnen location is excellent and the Kockums shipyard opened possibilities of the construction of the tunnel will still increase its transformation and creatures of new district of the attraction as the biggest and most important centre city - Vastra Hamnen, Tomorrow's City. The thanks of development in Malmo. She is found for the of the structural renovation, the city renewed their throw with stone from the older part of the city relationships with the sea. An Uniwersitetsholmen where seats of companies and bars and restaurants university is an important part of this district, which are found. in relatively very much took turns in the short time. Plans and projects under the realization

In record time new university buildings, a thanks It is possible to divide the Vastra Hamnen were put what the district changed its character for. development in the following main areas: exhibition

On the land of the former shipyard it is possible lands, market lands, the former factory Saab'a today to meet students, entrepreneurs and former together with the ramp, posts of lifts, former air

Kockums workers which here are living and they are factories, Celcius lands and the area of the working. The district is embracing 140 hectares, on Uniwersitetsholmen higher education. Plans of which realized is or many new undertakings made developing these areas are establishing creating the plans. diversified urban organism making up of housing,

office, commercial and academic part.

Vastra Hamnen - Tomorrow's City and the City of the knowledge

At present detailed plans of the development of this enterprise of the new type. The heavy industry is academic, economic and housing centre are being being replaced by different forms of business worked out being found at the door of the old activity. The city of the Knowledge is blooming and

Gamla Staden district. Beginnings of the alteration within a few years will find thousands of recruits of lands all over the former shipyard came running here employing the fascinating neighbour in the with European Housing Bo01 Fairs in 2001, however fields connected with the presence - of a rich cultured legacy left by Kockums shipyard Universitetsholmen and the new university. workers is the underlying reason for shifts. A Characteristic buildings and monuments will be kept general plan of entire Vastra Hamnen was already and they will be making the link between the past made out. Vastra Hamnen will be a seat of the and the future.


Role of the University in in Malmo

Universitetsholmen it is bigger from two offering simple answers letting the expansion. At undertakings connected with the uprising of the the request of municipal authorities a little bit he new university in Malmo. This second initiative is was modified. Five- or the six-floor building is closely connected with the academic hospital of supposed to hold lecture halls, the training centre

Masses. The first stage of their development began for teachers and the library on two upper decks. His in the academic year 1997/1998 and embraced total surface will amount the about 35 000 m. He construction and reconstruction of urban Gaddan will be built of steel, glass of concrete. The cost of quarters of a year and Trollhattan where lecture investment is being assessed to 500 million of halls were created and a provisional library was Swedish crowns. Construction was begun in 2002 of built. Year earlier, in 1996, an architectural year. The first inauguration of the academic year is competition for Hjalmarkajen developing and supposed to come in 2004.

Beijerskajen parts were carried. He won the project

New functions of the old district of docks

Vision transformations of docks in new district cities Gamla Staden district is in the closest proximity.

Malmo, creatures cities in knead, found one's word These lands are adjoining to the most attractive in for study transparent structures about raw shape. parks and recreational Malmo areas, including with

Fact that streets are directing from the east for the the Malmohus Lock, with the access to the sea. sunset means buildings were left old and new Nearby the main train station is where construction included into the tissue of the district, the thanks of the urban tunnel and the harbour of ferries are what the access to them is easier for. The district being planned to Denmark was designed in the elastic way what is very Research on the future Malmo development important in the connection with its gradual Malmo profile as third in terms of the industrial expansion and diverse functions he is supposed to development cities of Sweden are being changed fulfil which at present and in the future violently. Scandinavian Academy of Managing

Housing stock (SAMS) as part of a research project worked out the

Flats at the sea will acquire significance. Vastra report describing the area of the future Malmo

Hamnen wonderfully is put at very sea and in the development, i.e. computer/digital mediums. The proximity of the attractive Ribersborg beach. It is report is showing the map and a detailed analysis of vast land. There are a plenty of the space for the group of doing companies with this field in the schools, repair shops, couples and playgrounds here Malmo centre. He is discussing also the following in cloakrooms. Vastra Hamnenznajduje oneself in factors: the number of companies, their location, the little distance from the compact city centre. A the size the pace of the development, characteristic


features, the cooperation and expectations. As part According to plans employments for the year 2000 of this undertaking the first map using up of Digital revealed by companies doing with computer/digital

Malmo also arose. mediums in the centre Malmo total number of their

Advanced users and producers of computer and workers crossed 3 700 of persons. In 2000 these digital mediums are an object of a research project companies expected the exceeding rotation of 2 300 in the Malmo centre which are making products and billions of Swedish crowns. One should however services available on outside markets. Examinations notice that these companies in general aren't are embracing also these enterprises which providing full data and, in consequence, their total computer/digital mediums are treating as the rotation can be much higher. meaning or acquiring significance element of their business activity as well as the company, which only A height of new computer companies is observable will attach services of this type to their offer. in the centre Malmo and they are developing very

fast. Over the half out of 108 enterprises provided

As part of the project in the Malmo centre 163 with the SAMS examination was established in the companies dealing with the field of computer and sequence of five last years but the law is reconciling digital mediums were found. Two questionnaire fourth started activity during two last years. surveys tied together with oneself are creating the According to given from 108 companies, not taking factual and analytical base. The first examination, the date of establishing them into consideration the carried out in the summer of 2000, is providing the number of workers rose by the 18.4% in 1999-2000 particular about 108 companies. Second, carried out years. Companies covered after the year with 1996 in the October of 2000 examination, he is providing grew much faster - by the 55%. Many of examined more further details and for the second time he is companies employed few workers but also local studying given as part of the first examination companies existed giants. About two to three replies. The sector of computer/digital mediums companies proposed fewer than 25 workers. The acting in the Malmo centre is developing fast. It is majority of workers of this sector is working at the characterized by a large number new establishing largest companies making the 10% of the whole companies, the rifle and excitements. Therefore it is (are employing over 100 people). Over the half of hard to determine how many companies are acting companies belongs to larger corporations. The on the market at that particular moment. However, majority has its seat in Malmo, about half remaining during lasting for the first questionnaire survey, in - in Stockholm. More than two companies on three the Malmo centre they existed at least 163 of the has trade relations with companies of equal partners companies (all were examined by SAMS), what on in Malmo. Almost the half from them has similar account of the pace of the development of this contacts with enterprises after the Oresund flip side. sector it is possible that the number is reaching Most popular different kinds of production nets are them at present by 200. a form of the cooperation. Different forms are


developmental and training joint undertakings. institutions in Copenhagen. The most popular forms

Close the half of examined companies is taking or a of the cooperation it: (and) working the dissertation participation in projects carried out with the out, the student training or similar training

University in Malmo is planning or with different initiatives, (b) education, and (c) the participation in local research and educational institutions. He has research projects and the skill-sharing. the about five per cent similar connections with

Integration of the politician regional

Humber Region - England

Plan of regional actions

Plan of Actions for the Economic Development of graduates on the place were also visible on the land

Humber is a separate, strategic plan for the Humber of the entire subregion but moreover: area. He is making supplementing three similar ‚ The economic base and the structure of the plans for North, Noon and Western Yorkshire. The subregion are to a large extent traditional and he plan established the embrace with one's action all has the limited potential of the height investments in the area and so that all meaning ‚ Kinds of workstations and the profile of the financing organizations take it into consideration at classification to a large extent are determined by determining one's priority investment. On the the economic base

Humber land a group of companies being ‚ He exists certain team of industry manufacturing characterized by a high value added exists, however big value added, treat endangered is it around they are sides exposed to the global event, pages of competition global, particularly through particularly companies of the production sector. businesses production

Unfortunately the sector of the market services ‚ Sector of education favours market about the based on the knowledge and the having big great potential as regards creating of places of potential as regards creating new jobs poorly was employment poorly is being represented in the represented in Humber region. However the subregion economic activity connected with the port wine and ‚ The high unemployment rate is staying and the the trade is making the chance of contacts with tendency of the non-participation in the labour foreign countries. market is still raising the pointer relations

The economy of region is characterized by a ‚ Problems with getting an education and stopping poorness of pay, a weak education and a low capital graduates are very distinct in spite of the expenditure, a high unemployment and with the presence of 2 universities in the subregion. lack of the participation in the labour market. ‚ Data confirming emigrations from the subregion

Problems with getting an education and stopping of, well justified youngs exists in some Humber


parts opinions are confirming people but poor social, particularly on urban lands. In order to

demographic trends this emigration still will be stimulate the Humber economy to the development

coming the healthy workforce is needed.

‚ A tendency of searching for foreign markets In the reaction to exchanged problems higher up

amongst the companies connected with the port the following purposes were set:

wine exists but this tendency is limiting itself into - Facilitating the betterment of the strategic

too small their numbers infrastructure

‚ About the 90% of workers is living and he/she is - Investing in crucial groups enterprises

working at the subregion what means that (mainly dealing with the chemical, food and digital

stimulating to the Noon and West life of areas industry)

Yorkshire increasing the labour market for - Building umbilical ties (networks) public-

Humber inhabitants is not absolutely spelling. private

‚ Advantages of the subregion, both natural which - Creating economic chances

and created by the man, are giving much to the - As best using resources of the subregion

possibility of the development and diversifying - Help in getting in touch with the companies

the tourist business most innovative of different regions

‚ A considerable housing problem exists in certain These cells found their reflection in the Regional

parts of the subregion (particularly in Hull) and in Economic Strategy (RES). They treated to priority of

different areas flats are too expensive. More and investment research works determined thanks to

more clearly one can see the large association carrying out in the subregion and counsel with our

between the economic development, prompting partners. Transforming the local economy is taking

the area to live and housing problems. time, were decided to divide action in 7 importances

- Weak health gauges, the high of crime and given below investment categories according to the the high of the social help are a word of becoming criterion.

Zone of the Humber Trade

Private-public partnership which is supposed to most important purpose which at present is being create and to lead the strategic and integrated zone realized and preparing already of strategic lands of the trade was established. Strengthening groups chosen for developing. At the same time an of acting companies is a purpose in ports, dealing interaction with partners is being led above the with logistics, chemicals and with the food business program of the development of groups of through the development of the transport and the enterprises with special taking into consideration of infrastructure, the workforce, supports economic the business chemicals, food and ports and the through groups of companies and oriented logistics. Works are being conducted above ecological undertakings. A purchase of soil is the supporting the computer business.


The Renaissance of the villages

Stimulating the diversity and of development of the So that are aimed at initiatives right effects caused management country as well as support for the the resurgence of the village Advice of the North initiative market in small small towns of entire and North-east County Lincoln, organization subregion. To help with the development of Yorkshire Forward, Humber of the Forum and East conducting new forms of the business activity and Riding of Yorkshire Council decided will be last of extending qualifications what will let better use new replaced institutions with leading partner in this technological acquisitions on country lands and will project. encourage to the enterprise and creating of small and secondary companies of the new type.

The Renaissance of Cities

They focussed above all on the development Head of the service sector, the business and world of the upon Hull which is the main city of a region. The politics and creating long-term ecological, social and

Renaissance of centres of Bridlington, Scunthorpe economic strategies of the restoration embracing and Grimsby cities already began. Local also a housing stock. Stimulating aspiration and communities are cooperating around with new developing is aimed at it abilities of the civil established "urban groups" representing businesses initiatives necessary for the uprising.

Restructuring of seaside administrative districts

There are a revitalization of seaside holiday resorts business. As part of this undertaking individual and a regeneration of their economy in order to directed programs were being elaborated for take it. The special stress was put to the stimulating local economies which were afflicted by development and diversifying the tourist offer. the decline in the fishery. These programs are

Some of these works closely are connected with the dealing with the restructuring of this business. program of the development of the cultured

Overcoming the economic isolation

This problem is a true challenge to solving on the fear for crime and the social chaos and working regional rung for staying areas in the social and models of local budgets out (particularly to the economic isolation. They were working out and a micro scale). Directions of action it priority defined realization of local projects was begun so, as the by Local Strategic Partnerships, showing people structure of stable bonds where housing problems economic chances ensuing as a result of our will be solved, with creating social economies, the initiatives by raising the level of these qualifications improvement in the safety through making smaller which will let them to enter the market of work. The


health care sector is acting the key role caring about subregion, and linking new investments in this the better state of the health of the society in the sector in the way favourable to the society.

Development of the workforce

Encouraging local companies so that still they train "Innovations and the growth in the economy". The their workers what will permit them the bigger connection between qualifications and the growth in elasticity when new requirements turn up to the the economy widely is known. Working the Strategy labour market. Leading is a purpose to the situation out was a special purpose of this priority of when on the labour market the number being Development of the Workforce Humberside Advice enough of appropriately trained workers will be for Educating and Raising of Professional found. The majority of this task will be realized as Qualifications, as well as the realization of the part of landscapings of the Zone of the Trade General Program of the Action for the Regional

Humber (Humber Trade Zone) and some its Employment and Raising of Professional elements will be included in packages of the help for Qualifications (FRESA Lifting) in the Humber companies worked out in frames of the priority subregion.

Innovations and the growth in the economy

Apart from of help in for updating of products, of partners in area of Humber subregion and outside encouraging to innovative of methods of production it. already manufactured of products, as well as new of Assuring bases is a main purpose of this document ways of them of applying, is acquainting oneself of working plan of action, in frames of which: companies around innovative with methods the - an every year updated economic and leads of enterprises thanks for what is increasing strategic program will be arising as part of which oneself of them effectiveness. It in a row permits action will be able to be realized, the innovation for extending the potential and - an interaction of partners will be opened of new possibilities for economic initiatives. established from all sectors of the economy in order

The plan of regional action is "living" with working to work out shared, agreed between oneself document which permamently detecting, is keeping purposes and tasks and is sending the information delivered by partners - a way, into which a Regional Economic out. Its time-frame is a 2003- April March 2006. He Strategy will be realized and monitored in the is overlapping each other to the existing plan of Humber subregion will be presented action for Humber planned for the period since April - he is supposed to accomplish the role of

2002 till March 2005. This plan is a result of the financing the instrument being supposed to pull and extensive and very intense lawsuit of counsel with to make additional sources available for the

assurance of its effective functioning.


Six the following detailed aims of the Plan of Action 3) Building umbilical ties (networks) public-private were worked out for the Humber Economic 4) Creating economic chances

Development: 5) As best using resources of the subregion

1) Facilitating the betterment of the strategic 6) Help in getting in touch with the companies most

infrastructure innovative of different regions

2) Investing in crucial groups enterprises (mainly

dealing with the chemical, food and digital


Additional remarks concerning above purposes:

- A more distant development and widening the - For sacrificing the bigger attention for new scope of investments at present carried out will companies, action motivating enterprising come priority into the infrastructure of the Humber individuals and precipitating the high potential of subregion, so as strategic lands in the Zone of the the height both in new as well as in already existing

Humber Trade, lands shown by Hull City Build in companies in order to contribute in the serious main plans, streamlining the both urban and grade to the development of the Humber economy. country transport, works excitement being aimed Using accessible sources of financing management and the restructuring of seaside lands. of the Humber subregion for the development

- As priority they treated crucial groups of through the Plan of Actions of the Humber enterprises chosen through Yorkshire Forward and Economic Development (Plan). ports and logistics in the Zone of Humber Trade, Regional Agency of the Development under the building in frames of program the Renaissance and name Yorkshire Forward is playing the role of the of overcoming the program of economic isolation important catalyst of investment in frames of Plan of tied with programs housing and health, as well as actions of the economic development. Thanks of the tied problems with the care health in frames priority preliminary decision about investing in the Plan concerning overcoming of economic isolation and of taken through Yorkshire crucial partners searched innovation and of growth in the economy. Forward one's financial packages allocated for the

- Completion of strengthening and increasing the realization of suggested projects. Some projects lucidity of lines action and tasks of connections were edged, different they found the alternative

(public-private). source of financing, in a row they will still be left

- The greater pressure on creating economic different removed. chances will be held in frames of all priority. Humber of the Forum is pointing out the source of

- Concentration on the maximization given the role financial means which partners want to invest in the and value from present assets. Humber subregion in years 2003/2004. However,

when he is showing experience, this huge task and


getting are will require the entire forecast sum of the Trust, the University into Hull and Schools of devoting to the heaviness the additional time. Professional Improving in the Humber subregion.

Partners very much readily are taking the Remaining essential sources of financing it participation in it for "training investment in investments of voluntary services sector and assessing the total cost" both for the Humber partnerships so, as partnerships Singles subregion as well as different lands. This task is Regeneration Budget whether Voluntary Advice treating the majority of partners with the more and acting on land of subregion Humber, as well as more big attention. Local Employment PACTs in frames of Objective 2.

Great progress was made as regards taking care of A sector of private investments is also an important the problem assignation of isolated large sums in element of financial package enabling to achieve its the framework of the Plan, peculiarly with the purposes and of tasks. This source of financing has

European social fund (ESF) via the Educational big meaning in the accomplishment of main plans of

Council in the Humberside, Job Centre Plus and capital investments in the framework of such

Connexions which at present it own funds are co- priority initiatives as Zones of the Humber Trade, financing together with ESF through the Objective 3 the Renaissance of Cities and the Revitalization of program. Seaside Lands.

Outside sources of Objective 3 co-financing Plan of Action for the economic development remembered higher up, an Objective 2 program still Humber in the natural way is making contribution to exists, via which European Structural Funds are the uprising of the vision of Regional Strategy of the powering with considerable sums of a lot of big Development which has for creating the purpose projects realized by among others the Zone of the superbly of prospering region about the stable

Humber Trade, Integrated Plans of the Hull situation; created conditions to the uprising of

Development, Cleethorpes and Bridlington. partnerships and the community; they are leaning

European sources of financing are embracing also against the enterprise and creativities; is payments from the side of social initiatives Leader + independent; is giving chances of the development in East Riding, INTERREG of IIIB and some EQUAL to all and positively is being picked up. Possessing stores. exceptional juxtaposing non-cash assets the

Different crucial sources of financing the public Humber subregion has ambitions of creating the sector, behind the help of which investments are model standing out of the development economic being supported in the framework of priority which will cause that it will be playing crucial role in initiatives of the Plan are embracing among others the regional, national and international economy. own stores of uses of four cities, the Environmental Role of the city in the regional development

Protection Agency, Primary Care Trusts, the Princes England - Humber Region - Kingston Upon Hull


Strategy of the Economic Development

The first Strategy of the Economic Development of long-term strategy, as a result of which the suitable the Hull city (1995/96) was accepted by the City aptness to provide with the welfare economics is

Council after the intense lawsuit of counsel. She supposed to come into existence for everyone who wasn't well-thought-out as the separate program, lives and is working in the Kingston Upon Hull area. cure the rather first stage of the elaborated Two crucial motifs are the underlying reason for a program of economic developmental initiatives. The strategy, both for the year 1998/9 as well as of the strategy stayed updated in consecutive years after ones more late. They are it: involving in the more accurate observing oneself for its effects and increasing competitiveness and the support for the entering amendments into the existing program in development constant educating. Strategies fly's to the light of more previous experience and in view of help local companies so that they become more changing conditioning. rival, to support possibilities of the lifting of

The document is showing proposals of action which classification by inhabitants - both of the ones can be taken by the City Council of Kingston Upon working as well as unemployed - and to create

Hull, in cooperation with many different conditions which they will encourage to more organizations in order to contribute to the future distant investing and the expansion of at present economic development of this area. It is dealing acting companies. Moreover, they must attract new above all with suggested action by the City Council economic initiatives to the city. It is necessary for for the next fiscal year. However, what way it is also making smaller the level of the poverty and the describing this action into are creating the economic and social alienation in the local indissoluble integrity of the more extensive and community.

City Council policy

Actions of the City Council, in the framework of the In the year 1997 City Council determined four areas

Strategy of the Economic Development of the priority: employment and trainings, education,

Kingston Upon Hull City, not former taken in public safety and preservation of endangered isolation from different local, regional or domestic groups. Together with the Strategy of Revitalization frame programs. These programs are including the of the City, with Strategy of the Fight just about, compound combination of separate and statutory with Urban Transport Strategy, with Strategy of tactical actions (policies) treating economic, social Centre City Stewarding and with different crucial and ecological problems. Strategy of the Economic areas activities of City Council the Strategy of the

Development of Kingston Upon Hull is a crucial Economic City Development is an integral part of element of the comprehensive, strategic approach leading mechanisms for the achievement of these which is necessary for solving these problems. priority purposes. Connections are particularly

important with purposes of Strategy of the City


Revitalization under the name "the Economy and enabling regions to raise its competitiveness. A the Employment" and "Constant Educating". coordination will be setting the Agency with the

The Strategy of the Economic Development was in economic development in regions, the help in accordance with recommendations of widely making attracting foreign exchange investors, supporting plans for the understood policy issued by the central and stimulating the support for small and secondary government, with the Structural Plan and the Urban enterprises. The agency will have to take into

Plan. And with recommendations of the central consideration a wide range of businesses embracing government put into different of kind Pointers the local authority, the private sector, the higher concerning making plans for the Policy (PPG). education, chambers of commerce and trade

Works above the Shared Structural Plan conducted unions. Manufacturing the "value added" to the of East Riding City Council of Yorkshire lasted since existing strategy is an aim of functioning of the the time of the reorganization of the British local Agency of the Economic Development of the self-government in 1996. Kingston Upon Hull City.

Appointing allotted lands as the development is Activity of the Agency concentrated around creating grasping the plan in Hull and in East Riding as well appropriate mechanisms and the infrastructure as he is determining, what lands it will be necessary being aimed at supporting existing local companies to develop in the sequence 20 next years. Strategy and new establishing enterprises. This action of the Economic Development of Kingston Upon Hull embraced the development of services stimulated to is inseparably connected with this process, as a the being of the "care" above investors which at one result of which they will be determined framework time arrived from the outside if only to invest in the of the apportionment of the earth to needs of the city. The support for local companies was led to a development of the industry and the trade in the lot of ways, among others by the immediate future. Proposal moreover, recently published by financial help in the form of grants, assuring seats, the British government for developers to locate the the farm as well as having special action more and more big per cent of their housing and consultancy for picking the target up commercial investments rather on "brown lands" competitivenesses of local enterprises in the given than on the "green belt" requires will be of more sector. The Agency of the Economic Development is accurate observing oneself which "brown lands" taking the active participation in try for keeping the within the city will be fit to these destinations in the Objective 2 status for the area Kingston. Realization future. of the Strategy for Local Areas (Objective 2 of the

Covering the Agency of the Regional Development European Union - Priority 5) for areas the most in the 1999 year is being regarded the too touched with the poverty of the city will create important first walk of the development in direction additional chances on adopting the approach of well coordinated of individual regions in order to equal partners at solving a problem and fulfilling of support wider initiatives of revitalisation and of needs of individual communities.


Undertaken tasks in frames of realization of the full employment. The new Agreement consists of strategy. four options, each of them concerns different kinds

Four most important strategic objectives were of chances: option the Employment, science and adopted: training in the full measurement, the Environmental

‚ Help for companies with the head office in Hull in Sentence Group and the Voluntary Section. The

achieving the bigger competitiveness, in their government is going to widen the scope of the

development and attracting new and outside program to different groups, the aka m on single

investments. persons of parents deprived by the longer time of

‚ Help in creating new workstations about the high the work, disabled people and the community

quality as well as in holding of existing places of touched with the poverty. Initiatives of the Agency

employment for local inhabitants. of the Regional Development are associated also

‚ Help in raising the classification of local with government plans of dealing with the problem

inhabitants, both of these unemployed as well as of social and economic isolation. Labour Offices

working. were outlined for keeping the New Contract. The

‚ Help in creating right conditions, both now and in City Council appointed the leader of the option

the future, for coming into existence of new, responsible for the Environmental Sentence Group

steadily developing economic undertakings. on its land. Representatives of Advice belong to

Achieving these purposes is unusually important for groups controlling the realization of remained the stimulation of the more distant expansion and options. Each of elements of the New Agreement investment on the part of companies acting already directly is connected with local action for the into the Kingston Upon Hull and for pulling new economic development led by the Council as part of economic undertakings to the city. This also huge programs of the "Footpath" and the "Indirect labour meaning is aspiring for increasing to local market". inhabitants and of their respect to oneself, as well They joined in the consultative process concerning as for making smaller areas of the poverty and the rendered services through domestic net Links economic and social isolation on this land. Business, which the organization of local giving

They took the initiative under the name "New information, glad points and the help is a purpose

Agreement" directed to young people of the age of for small and secondary enterprises. Being active in

18-24 years which is a part of the strategy of the Humber region there earlier Links Business government being aimed at a realization policies connected in is reconciling the organization which

"Kindness of the work". The new agreement is opened on the 01st of April,1998. The city council is directed to young people which stay without the going to cooperate with different partners Links work through over six months and receive benefit Business - TEC Humberside, with a chamber of for being job-hunting being supposed to facilitate commerce and different agencies - so that promote for them finding it and increasing its chances of the and develop new organizations Business Link for the


good of the local economic environment. The technological incubators which let to the flow of the agency of the economic development in Hull and innovation for the research-developmental phase by the Centre of the Consultancy of the Economic Hull producing the prototype for the production to the circle (HABAC) together got the contract for the market is with very important element giving to lead of services in frames "Hull Gateway" in the new these companies chance of the access to the local individual Business Link. market. Also a role of universities being an integral

With crucial task for Kingston Upon Hull equipping part is very important of aid packages for future graduates of schools was Hull into such investors on this very rival market. Therefore qualifications and practical skills which will let them Universities in Hull, Lincs and the Humberside in the find employment; putting the right pressure on the development of city economy have a large stake development of the education policy of local thanks to their innovations, actions in the field of business activity supporting crucial sectors; new and high-advanced technologies and researche tempering the lack of specialists sought on the and development. labour market; and encouraging both of With excellent example of the role of Universities unemployed as well as employed for unreeling and Hull in building place College for economic persons of one's abilities - a realization of the new actions based on the science development is a strategy concerning the education was begun and Triangle Raleigh-Durham-Chapel in North Caroline. of trainings for sixteen- eighteen - year-old- Effective cooperation between State and the local

Investing in Young People (IIYP). Increasing the self-government, three large colleges and a local participation in the education and trainings is an aim Chamber of Commerce led for creating 35000 new of this strategy intended for persons higher up 16 of places of employment in the sector of new and year of living and praising the importance of the high-advanced technologies and, what important quality and meaning educational offers for this planes, for coming into existence of many group of persons. The Agency of the Economic pretended economic undertakings. Universities and

Development will have to undertake the cooperation Hull College are crucial partners, of which equipping with local educational authorities, instructors and representatives of the local community into required employers in order to continue the realization of the qualifications both through those present is a task program New Agreement with Youth. as well as of future employers.

With sign very knowing of trend is success, which At the high competitiveness and meaner interesting took back the ones the local communities, where outside investors the role of existing local base scientific tied around with universities be with enterprises as factors generating the growth in the institutions research let on will come into existence economy and new places of employment is gaining of conditions profitable for establishing and the even bigger significance. Is judging that in the development small of companies specializing oneself immediate future the 75% of all new places of in new or high-advanced technologies. Establishing employment in the Hull area will be built by existing


already companies, from which a lot of these are the infrastructure supporting these companies is a small or secondary enterprises. Therefore to invest key to the future prosperity of this region. In order in creating conditions, in which acting already to create right conditions valid until achieving the companies can and to be a success, as well as economic success was unusually developing caring about newly created companies, is unusually qualifications of the local workforce. important for the local economy. The Strategy of the Economic Development put the

Big meaning of the "internal dynamism" enterprises great pressure for supporting initiatives being aimed was underlined in the first edition of the Strategy of at a lifting of scientifical qualifications, technical and the Economical Development, but experiencing the practical abilities of graduates of schools as well as last years is showing that is it at present even supporting initiatives training programmes. Training bigger for the smooth running of the local economy. programmes financed from public funds were

Many local factories are competing in the field of directed for filling educational gaps in the labour new investments and the employment with localised market and they answered for needs of individual somewhere else branches of big international citizens and their employers. This actions are organizations. An outdated or inappropriate head necessary if they want to create favourable office is disturbing different factories which have the conditions for creating places of employment and developmental potential.. Holding and stimulating the prosperity.


VII. Results 7.1. Results of questionnaire on conditions and level of integration of city management conducted during a mini-conference held in cities– partners of URBAMAS project – part I Item / Number of questionnaire participants / Number of received answers ques Słupsk Elbląg Tczew Białystok Bydgoszcz Włocławek tion 18.01.07 19.01.07 19.01.07 26.01.07 01.02.07 02.02.07 no Question 23/9 35/23 22/10 very high – 4 very high – 0 very high – 0 What is your knowledge as for high – 7 high – 5 high – 0 1. planning and strategic average – 9 average – 5 average – 9 management? low – 4 low – 0 low – 0

very high – 0 very high – 0 What is your knowledge as for very high – 6 high – 2 high – 3 planning and strategic high – 8 2. average – 6 average – 7 management in the office of average – 8 low – 0 low – 0 Municipal Office? low – 2

yes – 24 yes – 10 yes – 9 not necessarily – 0 not necessarily – 0 Should the city have its not necessarily – 0 3. no – 0 no – 0 management strategy? no – 0 I do not have any opinion – 0 I do not have any opinion – 0 I do not have any opinion – 0

W Strategy of City Development and sector programmes (Program of Local Development, Integrated Program for Public Transport Development, Local Program of Public Safety and Crime Prevention., Community W Strategy of City Development Regeneration Programme. W Strategy for Voivodship W Of Politics: Educational, Cultural, Transport, - Strategy of City Development W Local Development Programme Residential, Management of Municipal Assets - Multi-annual Investment Plan W Local Development Programme Name the basic planning and W Multi-annual Investment and Financial Plan - Projects conducted within the W Local Regeneration Programme strategic management devices W City Budget 4. framework of periodic multi-annual W Multi-annual Investment Plan (documents) you are familiar Cities did not participate in this part of activities: social policy W Study of conditioning and of spatial management with. questionnaire W City Budget W Study of space conditioning of the city W Study of conditioning and of spatial W Space management plan W Spatial Management Plan management of gmina [Polish equivalent W ecophysiographic studies of borough] W (Environmental, financial) forecast for planning W Local Spatial Management Plans W Land Development Conditions Decision W Decisions of Construction Permits W Act of Planning and Spatial Management and so-called „Spec-Act”


Yes – 7 yes – 21 Should the development yes – 8 not necessarily – 2 not necessarily – 3 strategy be „socialized” i.e. not necessarily – 1 no – 0 5. no – 0 created by a wide-range of no – 0 I do not have any opinion – 1 I do not have any opinion – 0 local community? I do not have any opinion – 0

Yes – 10 yes – 8 yes – 24 not necessarily – 0 Should execution of the not necessarily – 1 not necessarily – 0 no – 0 development strategy be 6. no – 0 no – 0 I do not have any opinion – 0 monitored (i.e. audited and I do not have any opinion – 0 I do not have any opinion – 0 assessed)?

yes , very well– 8 yes , very well– 2 yes , very well– 0 yes, quite well - 10 yes, quite well - 8 Are you familiar with any yes, quite well - 6 yes, poorly - 6 yes, poorly - 0 7. records of the development yes, poorly - 3 no – 0 no – 0 strategy? no – 0

- Integrated social and economic development - Creating grounds for modern economics - Transport; Development of roads development – Industrial Park network; adjustment of transportation - Entrepreneurship development – gaining system to city development needs investors from out of the city, liquidation of Services of the centre - Harmonious city development - unemployment, raise in job places Housing and social housing - Raising quality and level of standard of - - Improvement of transport availability (public - Regeneration of city centre citizens’ life transport development, highway, airport) and - Usage of environmental values of the - Increase in metropolitan city functions infrastructure city - Investment development - Creating conditions and making citizens identify - Appropriate model of mpzp study (Urban - Programme of waste collection and with the city – returning Brda river to the city) vision) Please, name major city asbestos management. - Urban Regeneration (Bydgoszc water - Improvement of spatial and architectural 8. development targets you are - Programme of ring road construction distribution centre) image familiar with? (roads) Usage and stimulation of development of the Usage of human resources - Energy programme - - city values in the form of a Bydgoszcz - Building and construction field - Improvement of economic, social situation of Metropolian - as one of the national centres of - Entrepreneurship development the city and its citizens services and regional centre of culture - Preparation of investment areas - Becoming open towards investors - Improvement of citizens’ life quality – city - Receiving EU funds and other external - Effective usage of means coming out of friendly towards its citizens and environment means the EU friendly, modern and functional urban space - Increase of competition and city designing attractiveness of the city as a regional - Development of residential areas, tourism and development centre sports - Having property issues regulated - Integration of society (information society)


- Department of Urban Strategy and Development, Investment Department - City Urban Studio - Department of Architecture - Department of Development and - Building and Construction Administration - Department of Planning and Urban European Projects Department Development - Department of Town-planning and - Poviat Building and Construction Inspectorate - Department of Urban Development Architecture - Budget and Finance Department Which departments of the - Department of Construction and - Department of Geodesy and - Corporate Governance and Internal Municipal Office did play such Cities did not participate in this part of Investment Cartography 9. Transformations Department a key role in development questionnaire - Property Department - Department of Investment - Office of City Council strategy execution? - Department of Driver and Vehicle City Promotion - City Treasurer - Licensing Agency - Management of City Roads and Public - Department of Public Procurement Communication - City Information Technologies Centre - Department of Health Promotion and - Department of Property and Geodesy Social Policy - Department of Communal Department and Environmental Protection - Department of Education, - Department of Culture and City Promotion | Department of Development and | Vicepresident of Development European Projects - Department of Strategy and City Development | Department of Town-Planning and | Department of City Development - leading role as a coordinator to other Architecture Which Municipal Office | Department of Planning and Spatial departments accomplishing tasks in the range | Department of Geodesy and departments should play a key Development Plan of town-planning, architecture, geodesy, Cartography 10. investment, health, social assistance, role when carrying out the | Department of Entrepreneurship and | Department of Construction and European cooperation, IT, environment, public development strategy? Economic Promotion Investment transport: Budget and Finance, Investment, | Department of Property Geodesy, Construction and Building | Department of Investment Administration, Crisis Management, Municipal | Department of Public Procurement Roads Administration and Public Transport | Department of Health Promotion dn Social Policy Can you see any need of yes – 8 yes – 24 yes – 9 taking multi-sector not necessarily – 0 not necessarily – 0 not necessarily – 0 (municipalities, local business, no – 0 no – 0 no – 0 11. extra-governmental I do not have any opinion – 0 I do not have any opinion – 0 I do not have any opinion – 1 organizations, etc.) action to accomplish the strategy?

7.2. Results of questionnaire on conditions and level of integration of city management conducted during a mini-conference held in cities– partners of URBAMAS project – part II


No of Number of questionnaire participants / Number of received answers questio Słupsk Elbląg Tczew Białystok Bydgoszcz Włocławek n Question 18.01.07r. 19.01.07r. 19.01.07r. 26.01.07r. 01.02.07r. 02.02.07r. 21/7 31/10 30/16 23/6 35/19 22/9

Have visions and targets of the local community been identified? 1) – 5 1) – 2 1) – 1 1) – 0 1) – 9 1) – 5 2) – 1 2) – 0 2) – 4 2) – 6 2) – 7 2) – 3 1. 1) Principle is being fully put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 1 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming Is the development planning process driven by needs and preferences of social partners and services

recipients? 1) – 5 1) – 3 1) – 2 1) – 1 1) – 0 1) – 8 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 0 2) – 5 2. 2) – 0 2) – 4 2) – 6 2) – 9 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 2 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 4) – 1 4) – 1 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming Is the management system based on making the strategy vision and targets priorities and results of

carried out projects? 1) – 2 1) – 2 1) – 1 1) – 8 1) – 4 1) – 6 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 0 2) – 2 2) – 7 2) – 3 3. 2) – 0 2) – 5 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 3 4) – 2 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming Have the powers been precisely divided among politicians, professionals and social partners (in strategic planning)? 1) – 2 1) – 1 1) – 1 1) - 0 1) – 5 1) – 0 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 4 2) – 1 2) – 1 2) – 4 2) – 10 2) – 6 4. 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 2 4) – 3 4) – 3 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming Is the institutional development based on a rolling process and on annually updated implementation plans? 1) – 5 1) – 2 1) – 2 1) – 2 1) – 9 1) – 0 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 1 2) – 0 2) – 1 2) – 6 2) – 8 5. 2) – 3 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 1 4) – 3 4) – 1 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years Are indicators of targets accomplishment based on strategic aims and social expectations? 1) – 0 1) – 4 1) – 2 1) – 1 1) – 8 1) – 1 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 0 2) – 0 2) – 0 2) – 2 2) – 8 2) – 3 6. 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 2) – 6 4) – 2 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 2 4) – 5 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years Is the system of monitoring and updating based on a repetitive process? 1) – 5 1) – 2 1) – 2 1) – 0 1) – 7 1) – 0 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 1 2) – 0 2) – 1 2) – 5 2) – 7 2) – 5 7. 2) Some Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 2 3) – 1 3) Constituents are being put into practice 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 1 4) – 2 4) – 3 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years Is the process of annual budget preparation and strategy execution plan integrated? 1) – 4 1) – 2 1) – 2 1) – 2 1) – 10 1) – 2 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 2 2) – 0 2) – 1 2) – 7 2) – 6 8. 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 2) – 3 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 3) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 1 4) – 1 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years 4) – 1


Has the system of project management and interdepartmental teams been implemented? 1) – 1 1) – 2 1) – 0 1) – 0 1) – 2 1) – 1 4) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 3 2) – 0 2) – 4 2) – 4 2) – 10 2) – 3 9. 5) Some constituents are being put into practice 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) – 3 3) – 0 6) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 4) – 2 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 2 4) – 4 4) – 5 7) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years Is the personal responsibility of employees present? 1) – 5 1) – 2 1) – 3 1) – 1 1) – 6 1) – 0 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 1 2) – 0 2) – 1 2) – 5 2) – 3 10. 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 2) – 4 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 3 3) – 1 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 3) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 1 4) – 4 4) – 5 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years 4) – 1 Is there any training scheme for employees? 1) – 5 1) – 1 1) – 4 1) – 1 1) – 9 1) – 1 1) This Principle is being fully put into practice 2) – 1 2) – 1 2) – 1 2) – 6 2) – 5 11. 2) Some constituents are being put into practice 2) – 5 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 0 3) – 1 3) – 0 3) Principle is not being put into practice and there is no need of its being implemented 3) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 0 4) – 1 4) – 3 4) Implementation of this principle is one of priorities for the forthcoming years 4) – 0

Number of questionnaire participants / Number of received answers / No of people invited

Item Słupsk Elbląg Tczew Bydgoszcz Włocławek Question 18.01.2007r. 19.01.2007r. 19.01.2007r. Białystok 01.02.2007r. 02.02.2007r. 21/7/ 31/10 30/16 26.01.2007r. 35/19 22/9 23/6 | Update the strategy - Implement IT system and | Apply the experience of periodically /PM/ clear division of powers /SM/ Estimate monitoring - Continue training process and presented programme at | Establish Office of City work /PS/ indicators /PM/ monitoring /SM/ Ensure inter-departmental Development or a position | Promote appropriate | Strengthen the monitoring - cooperation by creating task (Engineer of the city, Manager) people to analyse and system /PM/ teams /PS/ as a coordinator and a unit implement the system | Monitor execution of the monitoring effects of this - Improve information exchange What /PS/ strategy /PM/ | Implement Spatial by application of numerical strategy execution measur Continually update data to | Continue implementation | Electronic information flow Information devices /PS/ es are monitor execution of tasks, of quality management /R/ System /PS/ - Improve procedures applied you town-planning targets, system /PS/ | In the structure of the up to date /PS/ going to | Tighten changes in planning | Fully implement the Municipal Office a - Raise the importance of being take to cooperation documentation and strategic 12. Integrated System of Development Department personally responsible for PRL integrat amount Spatial Information should be established project implementation /PS/ management /PS/ e the departments /PS/ Specify the system of mpzp e- Słupsk /PS/ No answers (professionals to be - Monitor project and planning city | Implement | Settle the issue of legal employed and chosen in a part /PS/ changes and of the study /PS/ manage electronic system Take part actively in work of procedures and contest) /PS/ - Develop system of the city ment of workflow /PS/ the City Board and its executive procedures as | Implement tasks of SZPM safety management system system? Committee /R/ for Preservation of to units responsible for support /PS/ Be knowledgeable about the Historic Landmarks – them with their power /PS/ - Create an integrated system city and its needs /R/ indicate major targets for of monitoring of | Conduct training, provide the forthcoming years implementation of the city assistance in establishing including WPI [multi- space management system the system /PS/ year investment plan] | Cooperation in creating the /R/ /PS/ safety management facilitating system /KPP/


Strong points: - Integrated processes systematized Strong points: /AM/ Strong points: - Complexity of system, - This model brings closer integration of all development - Model contains all Strong points: rules of spatial management planning components /PS/ necessary components for What – presented solutions are - Interdependency (integration) of - Good employees, good management /R/ are compatible with the ones basic city management managerial institutions, active - Model indicates the strong accepted in Słupsk /PS/ documents, coherent planning strategic and town-planning meaning of effective Local planning – Strong points: were noticed /PM/ management, recognizes (M) and - documentation, development development, Town-Planning city needs in their wide weak - One noticed: need for integrating programmes, execution projects (S) Study, strategic action – plan – WPI - etc., creating /PS/ range, ensures coordination of information flow and points of documentation, professional - Model tries to create strategic development plans, - Striving for perfection in case of the employees, integrated SZPM /PS/ implementing monitoring /PS/ management system, planning actions taken to execute the accepted tasks /PS/ model internal communication /PS/ - Szeroki zakres zagadnień /KPP/ No answers city development /R/ 13. of the project Weak points Weak points Weak points Weak points Weak points model of City - System needs to be worked - Basing in majority on town- - Implementation, indicators and Space on further /PS/ planning people /PS/ methods of monitoring /PS/ - Level of complexity Manage - Political changes /PS/ - Presented cities differ too much in - Depreciating the real value of - Not all components are - Often shifts of employees of monitoring /PS/ their structures of the Municipal objects executing all aspects ment being put into practice at System /PS/ Office /PS/ of the strategy /R/ sufficient level /R/ (SZPM) - Lack of a document of - Police has not been taken into - Insufficient flow of information - Municipality – fragmentary, financial support program consideration in the question of /PS/ ? not taking into account the decree /PS/ the system supporting safety - Insufficient coordination of whole, attitude of part of management /KPP/ investment /PS/ municipal officers to - Non-existing philosophy of problems of the city /PS/ action /PS/ - Too wide area of analyses and

lack of transferring it into specific directions /PS/


- Workshops ref. to organizational What solutions and technical solutions devices of crisis management in the city or and devices for building safe practice - Everything understood /PS/ space of “Safe spheres” (e.g. s - Everything clear /PS/ flood protection, security of the discuss - Communication – integrated disabled in emergency actions, ed system /PS/ - Connecting issues city monitoring, protection of Yes, but it requires during - Local execution and methods with Spatial organizational solutions, - - Model of integrated extending of study of present of implementation – example Information System technical solutions in crises 14. management of city space /R/ development vision and ation of objects and sets of objects /PS/ management in the city and No answers targets of the city /R/ would of historical value /PS/ - SZPM /Politechnika protection against tjp in road

you like - Managing and defining Białystok/ transportation – rues for to historical landmarks for dedicated transport) /PS/ receive regeneration /PS/ - Workshops on financing some investment, acquiring EU means wider /PS/ informat - Is the model supported with ion? practice or does it exist in virtual sphere? /PS/ Have essentia l problem - The model s and - Yes, problems and needs have constitutes an needs - been included /PS/ orderly system – managi - Monitoring is a secondary issue - Lack of data on modelling safe decision flow is ng tools /PS/ city space or on creating „Safe Yes – particular emphasis shall readable, quality of - been - Basic problems have been Spheres” /PS/ be put on making the City Board - Yes, but they need to be management has its included included /PS/ - There is worry that the columnar aware of the meaning and essence extended and made more standards /PS/ 15. in the - As for the supporting safety or network system is not able to of balanced city development that precise /PS/ - The model needs No answers model? management system besides include all spheres making up includes all spheres of city’s being promoted –If not Straż Miejska [Municipal Police] such a complicated body i.e. the functioning /PS/ among citizens and please the Police shall be considered city, so maybe it should be based their participating provide /KPP/ on dendritic multi cart when creating a us with philosophy [pl. filozofia system of city remarks multifurkowa dendryczna] /PS/ management /PS/ and recomm endatio n. Explanation of abbreviated forms: PM – President of the City, SM – Treasurer of the City, PS –Local Government Employee, R – Alderman, AM – Real Estate Administrator, KPP – County Police Headquarters



W General Information: The questionnaire was filled in by local authorities employees, councillors, city presidents, city treasurers and others: 1.Part I – 80 persons – 42 answers were collected, 4) Part II – 162 persons –67 answers were collected. - All respondents (100%) agree that the city should have a development strategy. - City planning and strategic management awareness in the City Hall is satisfactory – 41% of the respondents presented good knowledge, 50% – average knowledge. Only less than 7% of the respondents confessed that their knowledge is limited. - The respondents presented good knowledge about the general objectives of the city development, basic planning instruments (documents) and strategic management, including those related to local planning. The content of the strategy is well-known for 24% and quite well-known for 60%. - In the opinion of 86% of the respondents the development strategy should be developed by a wide range of local society, while only less than 14% considers it not necessary. - Almost 100% of the respondents is of the opinion that the implementation of the development strategy should be monitored (audited and evaluated) and note the necessity of multilevel activities regarding strategy implementation. Cooperation should engage three sectors – local authorities, local entrepreneurs and NGOs. - About two-thirds of the respondents consider that the vision and objectives of local society were identified. The same number shares the opinion that development planning process is subjective to needs and preferences of social partners and services receivers, whereas managements system should be based on transfer of strategy vision and objectives into priorities and effects of implementation projects while institutional development relies upon progressive process and yearly updated implementation plans. - Only half (approx. 52%) of the respondents shares the opinion that the competences in the strategic planning process are precisely balanced between politicians, experts and social partners. - About two-thirds of the respondents consider that annual budget designing process and strategy implementation plan are integrated. - Some 43% of respondents estimates that implementation indicators are based on the strategic objectives and society expectations, and 25% – that such a rule should be introduced as a priority within the next years. - In the opinion of more than half (52%) of the respondents the monitoring and strategy update system is based on repeating process to the full extent or at least concerning some elements. - Project and interdepartmental cooperation management system has been introduced in 36% in some elements only, and the number is expected to rise by 20%. - Almost half of the respondents (49%) confesses that personal responsibility of the employees is in force in their cities and 63% that employees training system exists.


- Presently it is observed in the partner cities that the same organisational structures operate differently, while implementation is a task of almost all the organisational units in the city halls. - In the respondents’ opinion a key role in city development strategy implementation should be played by the Strategy and Development Departments, hiring experts in a contest. The department would coordinate the process and cooperate with the other departments in charge of urban planning, architecture investment and investment financing, European cooperation, healthcare and social assistance, natural environment, information technologies. The department work ought to be controlled by the Development President (President’s Development Plenipotentiary). - In order to integrate the city management process the respondents would undertake the following activities: • to establish City Development Department (Bureau) within the City Hall structure or an Engineer (Manager) position to coordinate and monitor the effects of the strategy implementation – hiring experts in a contest (PS); • take advantage of the experiences for the presented model – introduce USMS tasks to the responsible units (PS); • to provide interdepartmental cooperation through creation of task teams (PS); • to improve information exchange through digital tools – improvement of previous procedures (PS); • enhance personal responsibility for Local Development Programme projects implementation (PS); • introduce IT system and visible competences division (SM); • proceed with training process and monitoring (SM); • provide training and assistance in system creation, support appropriate persons analysing and implementing the system (PS); • periodically update the strategy, determine the monitoring indicators, monitor implementation of the strategy (PM); • implement or proceed with implementation of quality management system – adjust legal basis and implementation procedures (PS); • introduce electronic documentation and information flow (PS+R); • introduce Integrated Spatial Information System e-City, update the data continuously; • to monitor implementation of the tasks, planning goals, alterations in planning documents and strategic management (PS); • to monitor the planning part – determine the system of changing local spatial arrangement plans and urban spatial arrangement conditions and directions surveys (PS); • to participate actively in the City Council works and commissions, to have good knowledge about the city and is requirements (R)


• to establish integrated monitoring system for urban space management implementation(R). - The respondents consider that the model of Urban Space Management System still has its strengths and weaknesses:

Model Strengths

| Aims to achieve the best in the field of urban development management and planning (R);

| Consists all the necessary management elements (R); | Attempts to create USMS (R); | Considers the necessity to integrate the activities: strategy – plan – WPI – etc. Creation of strategic, development, implementation and monitoring plans (PS);

| Explains spatial management rules: local planning – development (PS); | Emphasise the value of effective management, recognise the city needs in a broad view, secures the information flow coordination and the activities related to implementation of adopted measures (PS); | Interdependence (integration) of basic documents, coherent planning (PM);

| Other strengths are: Urban Planning Laboratory, strategic documentation, skilled professional staff, integrated internal communication (PS); | System cohesion, integration of all city planning development elements, good staff, managing institutions, active strategic and planning documents, development programmes and implementation projects (PS);

| Wide variety of issues (the Police); | Integrated and organised processes (AN)

Model Weaknesses:

| The necessity of further system development (PS);

| Not all the elements are implemented to the sufficient extent (R); | Political change, frequent staff fluctuation; | Lack of documents – resolutions on financial support for the programmes (PS); | Complicated monitoring (PS); | Relying on urban planners (PS);

| Partner Cities do not differ in structure; | Fragmentary approach presented but some of the councillors to city problems lacking a holistic perspective (PS); | Too extensive area of analysis and lack of connection with the directions (PS);

| Insufficient information flow and inadequate investment coordination (PS); | Implementation, indicators and monitoring methodology (PS);


| Inadequate consideration of the real value of the bodies implementing all strategy aspects (R); | According to the respondents the model refers to all substantial problems and needs as far as urban management instruments are concerned. The respondents assume that the model presents a structured system of integrated and regularised processes, with clear decisive process and standardised quality management. Therefore it is necessary to take care of its promotion among the councillors and city inhabitants and to secure it a certain share while creating city management system. The particular attention should be paid to dissemination the nature and essence of integrated urban management containing all functional domains. Nonetheless it is hard to define the model ultimately, because a city is a complex organism of dynamic processes, individual integrated development conditions and also a subject to external conditions.

VIII. Project Publicity Policy


Project publicity is essential to its continuation in order to create an elaboration describing the Urban Space Management System in its ultimate form. Therefore it is necessary to conduct consultations with other interested municipalities especially in the field of exchanging good practices connected with municipality management. It is advisable to launch in the future a media campaign at the local level. It will be inevitable to use the radio and local television. The press also has to receive information articles (newspapers’ titles) concerning the URBAMAS Project. The cities constituting a thematic network ought to repeat the campaign in their local media.

Furthermore a training-conference campaign ought to be arranged at many different levels of:

- local authority, councillors, estate councils Local Forum, - non-governmental organisations, - universities, secondary schools, - neighbouring municipalities, - invited municipalities.

Informative Campaign at a national level involves most of all articles in specialist and self-government magazines (e.g. Urbanista, Computerworld, Wspolnota). Informative campaign in professional environment ought to cover the below-mentioned Professional Chambers employees such as: W architectures, W town-planners, W economists, W lawyers, W ecologists, W civil engineers. W IT companies.