Fall 2010 www.pdtumich.com 1

Ann Arbor, Michigan VOLUME LXXXI No. 2 FALL 2010 Homecoming 2010 Alumni Association President’s Phi Heroes Posthumously Honored 2010-2011 Year Report In keeping with Michigan Alpha tradition, the 2010 Homecoming Keeping Alumni Connected and Open House at 1437 Washtenaw brought together recent and Maintaining Our House old alums to enjoy camaraderie and share good memories over a By J.T. (Tom) Buck ’77 continental breakfast. With a pure blue sky and bright sun, the crisp morning air felt re- I continue to be impressed by our active freshing. The chapter’s strong growth since refounding in leaves on the December of 2004. They select good chap- mighty oak ter leaders who are committed, creative trees in the and responsible. Both the fall and winter yard showed rush recruitment efforts turned out very well fall colors. for the chapter. I am particularly pleased to The chapter note that we continue to be a destination for house was sons and grandsons of our alumni. The son J.T. (Tom) Buck ’77 clean while of Joe “JR” Kraus ’82 is the most recent the pres- legacy to join Michigan Alpha. ent and past Three years ago, the active chapter established an out- glories of the standing philanthropic event, a Box Car Derby, which has chapter were improved each year. It is jointly held with an ALS-focused on display in the Trophy Room. The active brothers were on hand charitable organization in Ann Arbor. The event has gener- to welcome alums. ated great press and testimonials about the active chapter’s Many alums have had this enjoyable experience countless solid character and positive civic involvement. times; however, attendees of Homecoming 2010 were treated to Chapter leaders participate in leadership development program that was truly special. The highlight of the Alumni Associa- programs from Phi Delt General Headquarters and take a tion and the active chapter’s program was to honor our fallen heroes very active role with the U of M Interfraternity Council. They U.S. Navy Cmdr. Phil Craig ’63 and U.S. Navy Lt. Scott “Harv” also care for the chapter home at 1437 Washtenaw. Not that Waldinger ’86. it is always as clean as Joe Fattore ’80 and I would like; Formal remarks were made about both men’s involvement with the nevertheless, it is in much better condition than any other chapter when they were active members as well as their fine military fraternity house on Michigan’s campus. service to our nation that unfortunately ended when they made the I encourage you to visit the chapter house and meet these supreme sacrifice in the line of duty. fine young men. Alums are always welcome to drop by the Alumni Association President JT (Tom) Buck ’77 said, “During chapter house (although the doors are now always locked, so their years as actives members in the fraternity, Brother Craig and you will have to wait for an active to let you in). Alumni partici- Brother Waldinger were popular with the brothers of their eras and pation is especially sought for the Homecoming Open House held leadership positions in the house. After graduating, they went (October 29, 2011), Founders’ Day Dinner and Box Car Derby. on to distinguished, although sadly too brief, careers defending our The Alumni Association’s efforts to keep the historic chap- nation. “ ter house in great shape have been made possible by alums’ “They exemplify the best values of Phi Delta Theta,” said Buck. generous donations to the Annual Fund. I am pleased to in- “We will never forget them, and honor their memories in the chapter form you that the back driveway, North Porch and bathroom house to inspire future generations of Phis.” improvement projects are continuing to hold up well after Framed pictures of both men were then presented for permanent regular use. Our new door locks have significantly improved display on the prestigious walls of the chapter house’s Trophy Room. security and eliminated various problems. A number of alums who were active members with either Brother While the Alumni Association is staying ahead of major Craig or Brother Waldinger attended the program including Terry problems, we are getting closer to having to fund a number Miller ’60, Dr. Harry Huffaker ’61, Dr. Ted Ludwig ’61, Dave Hood of big projects once again. We will soon need to replace ’63, Rich Worsham ’67, Tony Hagelgans ’87, Greg Karmazin ’87, large portions of the carpeting in the common areas at a cost Dan Dretler ’88, Pete Karmanos ’88 and Chris Shepard ’88. of $10,000+. We are due to repaint the main floor areas at a The Alumni Association is planning to host the 2011 Homecom- estimated cost of $6,000. The front driveway is in dire need ing Open House before the Purdue game on October 29. (Continued on page 2) 2 The Sword & Shield Fall 2010 The Sword & Shield Believed to have been founded in 1930, Alumni Profile the Sword & Shield newsletter is published biannually by the Michigan Alpha Chapter of Spotlight on Earl Keim ’52 Phi Delta Theta at the for its alumni members, active members and Employer and Occupation: of Realtors as well as the State Realtor friends. Printing and mailing of the Sword & Earl is currently retired after selling the Association. Keim Group, which he founded as Earl Shield is paid for by the Alumni Association Interesting Career Fact or Experience: with money from the Annual Fund. This is Keim Realty and personally ran for Earl played professionally the your newsletter, so you are encouraged to nearly four decades. summer after he graduated from Michi- contribute articles and information that can be shared with your fellow brothers. Current Residence: gan, with the Nashville Fowls. His career 217-C Woodmere Dr. as an athlete was cut short when he was Williamsburg, VA 23185-3981 hit with a ball and broke his right wrist. The Sword & Shield Editor He finished the season in Saint Cloud in Greg Karmazin ’87 - Harrison Township, MI Family and Activities: the Northern League. [email protected] Earl stays in touch with his Phi Delt broth- ers and visits whenever he can. When Favorite Memory of Michigan Alpha: Active Chapter Alumni Secretary Earl lived in Michigan, he visited Robert “Tons of them,” Earl said. “Far too many Matt Papadopoulos ’11 - Phoenix, AZ McVoy ’52 who was his roommate. Now to pick one.” Alumni Association Officers and that he lives in Williamsburg, it’s harder He recalled one brother who used to Board Members to get to Michigan but he visited Dick go to the dairy store about a block away President Kempthorn ’50, an All-American at Uni- from the Phi Delt house so often to get JT (Tom) Buck ’77 - Farmington, MI versity of Michigan who now owns seven milk and ice cream that the brothers [email protected] auto dealerships, as well as Stu Wilkins began to call him “Moo.” Vice President ’49 Norm Jackson ’50 Robert Lewandowski ’79 - Arlington, VA and . “He used to keep a quart of milk on [email protected] Earl had five daughters. The oldest his window ledge to keep it cool and Treasurer developed multiple sclerosis at 20 years old drink it throughout the night,” Earl re- Joe Kraus ’82 - Shelby Township, MI lived to be 49. She went to Michigan State called. That brother went on to become [email protected] as did his other daughters Melissa, Susan, a senator for the state of Michigan. Secretary Alison and Rosanne. Three of his daugh- Greg Karmazin ’87 - Harrison Township, MI Message for the Brothers: ters joined him for the holidays last year. [email protected] “I think Phi Delt has grown well. I think Board Members Career Overview: Phi Delt’s success is particularly impress- John Buck ’54 - Farmington, MI Earl’s eponymous business, Earl Keim ing given the struggles of other major fra- [email protected] Kellyn Parker ’07 - Los Angeles, CA Realty, which began with his own efforts ternities such as Sigma Chi. The Alumni [email protected] as a realtor, grew to be the No. 1 agency Association has done a great job with Cameron Young ’08 - Ada, MI in Michigan with 85 franchise offices. In not a lot of money renovating the chapter [email protected] 1984, Earl sold the Keim group which house. It’s much, much nicer than when was a holding company that owned we lived there – some wives must have Chapter Advisory Board seven subsidiary companies to which input!” Chairman Jason Barley ’06 - Peoria, IL Keim was the franchisor. The Keim Earl is proud to see that the fraternity [email protected] Group included an ad agency, a home has continued to grow with the times, ex- Members mortgage company and an education panding and improving the chapter, and Mike Lisull ’76 - Ann Arbor, MI enterprise. Earl has been president of fostering a sense of brotherhood that is [email protected] the local board of Michigan Association the chapter’s hallmark. Evan Isaacs ’06 - Washington, D.C. [email protected] Paul Wezner ’06 - Royal Oak, MI Alumni Association President’s Report [email protected] (Continued from page 1) Jacob Bach ’08 - Traverse City, MI [email protected] of repaving — an expense that could cess of the active chapter in filling the Ronnie Brandt ’08 - Ann Arbor, MI run as high as $25,000. house to near capacity. [email protected] More daunting is the prospect that our Because of the active chapter’s Jon Buck ’08 - Vienna, VA insurance, and possible legal require- aggressive recruiting this year, we are [email protected] ments, will force us to install an active expecting 30 actives to live in the house Alex Johnson ’08 - Ann Abor, MI fire suppression system in the house in during the 2011-2012 school year -- the [email protected] Nick Lynn ’08 - Port Huron, MI the form of water sprinklers. This will be highest level of rent paying residents [email protected] an approximately $50,000 project. since the 1990s. Brian Velke ’08 - Ann Arbor, MI Despite the high price tag of these Once again, thank you very much for [email protected] maintenance projects, I am confident support and loyalty to the fraternity. If Cameron Young ’08 - Ada, MI, that the Alumni Association’s finances you have any questions or suggestions, [email protected] will remain positive in coming years please contact me by e-mail at jtbuck@ thanks to the support of alums, and suc- infinitelearning.com. Fall 2010 www.pdtumich.com 3 Alumni Reunions

For the seventh time in the last eight years, Phis from the late 1980s and early 1990s gathered for a tailgate reunion at Michigan Stadium. The 2010 reunion was held before the Homecoming game against Iowa. From left to right: Tom Ksoll ’87, Derek Adgrana ’88, Pete Karmanos ’88, Dan Dretler ’88, Drayke Dondero ’91, Chris Shepard ’88, Mike Rossi ’87, Greg Karmazin ’87, Tony Hagelgans ’87, Matt Stump ’88, Randy Scheid ’88 and Dr. Tim Lamb ’87.

Share YOUR reunion pictures in the next issue of our newsletter. You can mail them to Secretary of the Alumni Association, Greg Karmazin ’87, at 26110 Harbour Pointe Drive S., Harrison Township, MI 48045, or e-mail them to [email protected].

In the Words of Our Brothers What is Your Fondest Phi Delt Memory?

Hap’s roommate was Bob Ufer. They The fellowship, the togetherness, and Friendships made and the learning had been high school friends and re- some common goals and interests. experience of becoming a leader. mained good friends until Bob passed - Maynard Stetten ’59 - John Cacace ’96 away. We visited him a week before his death. Hap could probably tell you Trips to the Rose Bowl. Friendships I created. tales about Bob and himself, but he is - Robert Gray ’73 - Gregory Lavigne ’07 unable to write. One story was about a trip they took to a park north of Pitts- The occasional close bond that came Spring break trips. burgh in Bob’s 1929 Ford coupe with from some intra-fraternity athletic - Daniel Rice ’07 a rumble seat, painted blue and gold, events. Mt. Lebanon High School’s colors. - Alan Marble ’75 The bond that was built with my broth- Upon starting to return, they could not ers over the years at Sunday dinners. get the forward gear to work, so they The ability to compete in sports as a - Paul Wezner ’07 turned the car around and went back- real true team. wards the entire trip back home, which - Wayne Singer ’75 The opportunity to meet new people was probably at least 12 miles. Can each year and being able to develop you picture trying that in today’s traffic! A great team - lots of fun, good people lifelong relationships. - Ruthie Langstaff, for Hap Langstaff ’43 and experiences. - Jeff Le ’10 - John Stuart ’78 BS sessions late at night. The Chapter Grand - Russell Baker ’49 I made many great friends. The bond- ing and friendships are what I remem- Since publication of our last issue, we The fellowship. ber most. have learned of the deaths of: - Henry Heil ’53 - Thomas Ksoll ’87 Woodward A. Warrick, Jr. ’47 (October 2010) The camaraderie/fellowship. We had a The guys and good times. George Randolph ’45 terrific group of members. - Bradford Burrows ’88 Richard Strauss ’50 - John Jenks ’53 Phi Delta Theta mourns their passing Parties at the house (sorry, but if you and extends condolences to their fami- The whole four years; the friends I want the truth, there it is!). lies and friends. For full obituaries, view - James Izen ’89 have to this day 50 years later. our web site at www.pdtumich.com. - Charles Green ’58 In coelo quies est. 4 The Sword & Shield Fall 2010 Active Chapter Officers Fall 2010 Active Chapter President’s Report Fall 2010 President Tom Hardenbergh ’12, Ada, MI Team Effort Keeps Positive Momentum Going External Vice President / Webmaster By Tom Hardenberg ’12 Ben Murray ’12, Bloomfield Hills, MI Internal Vice President / Webmaster Michigan Alpha has long embraced and all-men cam- Jason Varbedian ’12, Rochester Hills, MI the philosophy that brotherhood is pus average. Our Treasurer David Nanry ’11, Beverly Hills, MI best demonstrated by teamwork in new member (fall Secretary pursuit of a common goal. Our main pledges) average of Boris Yu ’12, Portage, MI goal is simply to provide the best over- 3.32 is third highest Alumni Secretary all fraternity experience on U of M’s among the 30 fra- Matt Papadopolous ’11, Paradise Valley, AZ campus. I am pleased to report that ternities at U of M. Social Chair the many achievements of the 2010 Tom Hardenberg ’12 Donovan Zerki ’12, Waterford, MI fall semester were achieved because Major Social House Manager the brotherhood among our active Events: Marc Neidlinger ’12, Portage, MI chapter members is strong. Held highly enjoyable social gather- Chaplain / Philanthropy As I end my tenure as president, ings with Delta Gamma, Pi Phi, Alpha Karl Cran ’11, Bloomfield Hills, MI I’m proud to say that the collective ef- Delta Pi, Delta Phi Epsilon, and Zeta Rush Chair Carl Stanhope ’12, Plymouth, MI fort of the entire Michigan Alpha team Tau Alpha as well as a formal off has built on our past success to make campus. a fraternity that is second to none. On Michigan Alpha Alums, behalf of the active chapter member- “I encourage alums to Do You Know? ship, I wish to thank the many alums * The current highest Bond Number in who have made generous financial continue to strongly back the active chapter is 1,950. donations and provided other support your team on campus, * Michigan Alpha has more than 1,000 that made it possible for us to carry which we promise will not living alums who are spread out on Michigan Alpha’s long tradition of let you down.” across 46 states and 6 foreign na- excellence. tions. I am confident that Michigan * Michigan Alpha was founded 147 Alpha’s outlook for future glory is Rush: years ago. We will celebrate our 150th anniversary in 2014. outstanding as I turn over leadership Interest in Michigan Alpha during fall * The Alumni Association charge of the chapter to my very capable rush was very high enabling us to recruit actives $675 a month to live in the younger brother Will Hardenberg ’13. a pledge class of 18 high quality men. chapter house. Will and his fellow Executive Council * More than 50% of current active members are dedicated to keeping the Total Membership and House chapter members are from the momentum going, and never resting Occupancy: state of Michigan, but all regions of on our laurels. The total chapter membership is 68, the nation and a couple of foreign I encourage alums to continue to and we expect to grow in size dur- countries are represented in the strongly back your team on campus, ing the winter semester. We have 20 membership. which we promise will not let you brothers living in the house this year, down. In particular, please keep the but expect that number to increase 108 years old, and still dominating the fraternity in mind for rush recommen- to 30 during the 2011-2012 year. The corner of Washtenaw and South Uni- dations. We were thrilled to have the number living in the house next year versity. Help keep our historic chapter son of Joe “JR” Kraus ’82 join our will be the highest since the 1990s. house in great shape with donations to ranks this fall. We hope to see more the Annual Fund. legacies in coming years. Philanthropy Projects: For more information, view the We assisted Ann Arbor Active Against Alumni Association’s website at The following is an overview of fall ALS with two events, participated www.pdtumich.com. semester highlights: in the all-Greek Community Service Day and hosted our annual haunted Intramural Sports: house for local school children. We At the end of the fall semester, PDT are planning the 3rd annual Box Car was in second place among all fra- Derby to be held in the spring. A total ternities in IM sports – same as last of six actives have achieved “Iron year’s ranking. Phi” status from the Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters in recognition Grade Point Average: of their efforts to raise money through The all-member chapter average athletic endeavors to fight Lou stands at 3.25 which places us above Gehrig’s Disease. the all-IFC Greek fraternity average Fall 2010 www.pdtumich.com 5 Michigan Alpha Heritage Project Got an Old Sword & Shield or Classic Picture?

Michigan Alpha has one of the most help to tell the story of Michigan Robert Young ’36 (posthumously) distinguished and longest histories of Alpha’s history, we ask that you send Robert Cooper ’38 any fraternity on campus. Learning this information to the Secretary of the Martin Newcomer ’38 about the history of our notable house Alumni Association, Greg Karmazin Ted Spangler ’40 and the famous members is a key part ’87, at 26110 Harbour Pointe Drive S., Dr. Arthur J. Prange, Jr. ’47 of the active chapter’s commitment to Harrison Township, MI 48045. Bob Chappuis ’48 maintaining a sense of continuity in the He can also be reached by e-mail Bill Mogk ’53 fraternity and respect for tradition. at [email protected]. Brother Karmazin Bill Michaels ’54 Your fellow alums also enjoy seeing will copy and return all materials that Ken Copp ’55 things that bring back great memories. he is provided (if you want items Doug Roby ’56 Not all of us still have our relics of the returned). Dr. Anthony L. Petrilli ’63 past, so sharing is encouraged. The Alumni Association is very Jim “Hulk” Bogenrief ’70 If you have stories, photos, Sword grateful to the following alums for do- & Shields or memorabilia that would nating items to the Heritage Project: Heritage Project Alumni Questions Help Us Document the Fraternity’s History The Alumni Association started the What were the largest social events of What was the name of the house dog? Heritage Project several years ago to the year? build up our historical archives. To date, What was in the house safe? numerous alums have contributed Which sororities were the favorites of classic photos, memorabilia and Phi Delt? What was ‘The Bin’ used for? memories to this effort. You can help us by answering the What was the physical condition of the If you know the answers to any following questions about your era as house? of these questions, or have other an active chapter member: interesting memories that you would What was the name of the house cook like to share, please contact the What were the scores of the Mud Bowl and what was the best meal? Alumni Association Secretary Greg games? Karmazin ’87 by e-mail at What did the chapter do during the [email protected] or regular mail What were the major victories in pledge program? at 26110 Harbour Pointe Drive S., IM sports and other Interfraternity Harrison Township, MI 48045. competitions?

From the Archives Heritage Project 45-Year Flashback: PDT Men with Their Dates 1966

Picture of the 1966 Pledge Formal donated to the Michigan Alpha Heritage Project by Jim “Hulk” Bogenrief ’70. DESIGN NOTE: Each AU below has a corresponding photo

6 The Sword & Shield Fall 2010 Alumni Updates Law and Employment Law Counsel Union. Kaufman expects to graduate to Lockheed Martin. Darwin lives in in the spring of 2011 with a master de- Washington, DC and says he keeps gree in Social Work. In early March, he Bradford “Ferdie” Burrows ’88 in touch with a number of Phis from testified before the General moved to the west side of the state, different classes. If you would like to Assembly to Holland, MI, after graduation. He reach him please send an e-mail to in sup- spent 18 years at Prince/JCI. Today, [email protected]. port of he manages operations for a truck proposed parts company. He writes “I married a Alex Popovich ’92, Derek Smith state local Dutch girl (Denege) and we have ’91 and J.C. Miller participated in the legisla- three great kids. Outside of work, we Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, tion (HB spend our time up north at our cottage Spain last July in celebration of Alex’s 783) that riding dirt bikes and mountain bikes 40th birthday. Darwin Bolden ’92 would and maybe enjoying a cocktail to relax met the group in Spain for further require with. I get to Ann Arbor several times a festivities. health year and would love to reconnect with insurance companies, HMOs and old friends.” Jeffrey Bartels ’09 was commis- non-profit health service plans to cover sioned into the U.S. Navy upon gradu- the diagnosis and treatment of autism. Chris Vlachos ’88 lives in Gulf ation in spring of 2009. Since then, Kaufman told legislators about the Breeze, Florida with his wife Marcy he was challenges of providing proper treat- (Michigan ’89), three children and two stationed ment for people with autism based on stepchildren. In November 2010, Chris at Naval the experiences of helping his brother started a law firm, Burtt, Vlachos & Air Sta- and substantial knowledge about pub- Scanlon, PA, in Pensacola focusing tion Pen- lic health issues. on all aspects of personal injury law. sacola for Any Phi can reach him by e-mail at 8 months Patrick Moore ’09 is stationed at a [email protected]. to complete U.S. Air Force base in Tucson, Arizona Aviation for very demanding medical training. Preflight He’s training from 12 to 17 hours a Indoctri- day in the hospitals and on fire rescue nation. After graduation from API, shifts (six days he went to Naval Air Station Corpus on, one day Christi to fly the T-34 for Primary flight off). Moore will school. The grades Bartels earned in graduate from Primary were high enough to qualify that program in him to select the tailhook pipeline mid-March, and which is training to land on an aircraft then will go to a carrier. The training for phase one of base in Geor- tailhook takes about six months. gia for Airborne Bartels said, “I am very excited for training during the opportunity to fly jets, and land April followed on an aircraft carrier. There is a lot of by HALO Freefall Jump School in May. rigorous training, and for good reason. Moore said, “Despite the long Darwin K. Bolden ’92 recently an- The jet that I’ll start flying is worth hours, this is my favorite phase of nounced the opening of Bolden Law, about $27 million. Eventually, I hope to training so far. It’s helped me refocus PC. The firm will specialize in coun- fly F-18s worth more than $50 million on why I joined to be a Pararescue- seling clients on the extra-territorial a piece. No margin for error flying at man, and gives me a larger purpose application of U.S. laws, including the Mach 2!” for all my training.” Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, as well “My education at U of M, and the “The brotherhood and teamwork as provid- support of my Brothers in Phi Delta that I learned during my active years ing advice Theta have been great assets in the in Phi Delt helped me to prepare for a on personal long and demanding process of career in the Air force. I’m pleased to bankruptcy becoming a Naval Aviator. I feel very hear about the continued success of and employ- proud to be a Phi, and to serve this the active chapter, and hope to see it ment law. great nation.” achieve even higher goals in coming Previously, years.” Darwin Ben Kaufman ’09 is living in Balti- served as more where he is a graduate student both Inter- at the University of Maryland and an national intern for the American Civil Liberties Fall 2010 www.pdtumich.com 7 On the Web Send Us Your E-mail Address! By updating your e-mail address with Michigan Alpha, you’ll • You’ll help the Alumni Association save money on paper, get much more than just our e-mail communications. printing and postage (and be utilized for other things!) • You’ll be the first to know of the latest news, updates Other benefits include: and event details from the alumni and active chapters • You’ll be reminded when we’re about to publish a news- letter, so you can submit your news, photos and stories As a reminder, our database is used solely for • Your e-mail address will be available to other alumni in Phi Delt communications. Update your e-mail address our (password protected) online directory online at www.pdtumich.com, or send it to [email protected].

2010-11 Honor Roll of Donors The 2010-11 Annual Fund Donation year runs from September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011. Honor Roll as of April 18, 2011.

Robert Morrison Level Donald R. MacLaren 1954 President’s Club ($1,000+) Eric A. Wild 1954 ($50 - $99.99) Richard B. Worsham 1967 Richard D. Harrison 1956 Martin Newcomer III 1938 William H. MacFarland 1956 M. Bliss Bowman 1946 Robert Ufer Level Robert G. Dunn 1957 Clifford C. Wise 1947 ($500 - $999.99) David E. Hershey 1957 Robert R. Chappuis 1948 Dean E. Finkbeiner 1958 Charles E. Green 1958 Theodore R. Wellerson 1949 Anthony L. Petrilli 1963 Nicholas A. Mans 1958 Bruce I Dutcher 1950 Greg Karmazin 1987 William T. Woodell 1958 Herald H. Hughes Jr. 1950 Edward C. Zeerip 1958 Earl G. Keim 1952 Bliss Bowman Level Thomas H. Sheehan Jr. 1959 Wayne T. Cooke 1955 ($250 - $499.99) C. Gregory Spangler 1962 William B. Chapel 1956 James D. McNicholas 1940 James M. Harris 1963 T Michael Jackson 1958 John H. Kunkle Jr. 1949 James R. Waterston 1963 Duane C. Bollert 1978 Richard W. Young 1951 Robert M. Estes 1967 Craig W. Hamilton 1978 Robert R. Sommer 1957 Joseph M. Valerio Sr. 1969 Douglas W. Benner 1979 Bernard B. Rinella 1958 Richard S. Rasmussen 1970 Thomas A. Niemann 1979 Scott Hamilton 1965 William D. Waterston 1972 Paul F. Lamoureux 1985 Frank Remington Sprague MD 1972 Frank Mills 1974 Anthony R. Hagelgans 1987 Mark S. Hopkins 1976 Michael B. Lisull 1976 Bradford J. Burrows 1988 Douglas R. Young 1976 Randall D. Scheid 1988 Century Club David L. Brower 1978 ($100 - $249.99) Bruce C. Young 1978 Contributors Arthur J. Prange Jr. MD 1947 Thomas R. Walsh 1979 ($35 - $49.99) John F. Ingraham 1948 N. Michael Dudynskay 1980 Joseph E. Kraus 1982 Loyal W. Jodar 1949 Curtis J. Gano 1982 William H Bartlett MD 1950 Jeffrey L. Post 1982 Association Supporters Richard J. Kempthorn 1950 David T. Liederbach 1984 ($25) Peter C. Kinyon 1952 Robert C. Boylen 1985 Charles B. Hammond 1949 James Witker Root 1952 Michael O’Connor 1985 Kenneth W. Copp Jr. 1955 Henry C. Heil Jr. 1953 Mike Staiger 1986 Michael S. Adams 1974 John M. Jenks 1953 Drayke P. Dondero 1991 Fred L. Leydorf 1953 Eric B. Shuffler 1992 Give today and your name will be William C. Mogk 1953 Marc D. Latman 1994 on the next honor roll update! Terry N. Nulf 1953 Adam J. Zotkow 1997 Mitchell G. Drake 1954 Patrick W. Moore 2009 8 The Sword & Shield Fall 2010 Join the Alumni Association’s Facebook Page Alums Post Thoughtful Comments The Alumni Association encourages Rollie Zagnoli ’85: “Our thoughts Tom Munroe ’86: “Scott is missed by you to join our Facebook page where and prayers are with Harv, and we all who had the privilege of knowing we posts news and announcements. share stories about his athleticism him. Phi Delta Theta was an important Last fall, in response to our posted and ‘wheels’ on the IM football field. part of his life.” article about the chapter posthu- A great personality and fiercely loyal mously honoring U.S. Naval aviators Brother in the Bond of PDT. I remem- If you have memories of Brother Phil Craig ’63 and Scott “Harv” ber how proud he was to share that he Waldinger or Brother Craig, please Waldinger ’86 at the Homecom- was pursuing his life dream of flying. feel free to post comments on the ing Open House, two brothers from Miss you Harv, and we will forever be Alumni Association’s Facebook page Brother Waldinger’s era posted the proud of you.” and the web site at following thoughtful comments: www.pdtumich.com

Michigan Alpha 1961: Where Are They, 50 Years Later?

Contact the Alumni Association and let us know

what you and your fellow brothers are doing.

- President’s Reports President’s -

- Alumni Share Their Fondest Phi Delt Memories Delt Phi Fondest Their Share Alumni -

- Phi Heroes Posthumously Honored at Homecoming at Honored Posthumously Heroes Phi - 464-062 SN MH SN 464-062

In this Issue of Sword & Shield & Sword of Issue this In

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