Census of Indi.'\

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Census of Indi.'\ CENSUS OF INDI.'\_. 1951 VOLUME XV !\IADHYA BHARAT & BHOPAL PART 1-A REPORT ' . 'CENSUS OF~. JNDIA .. , . 1951- VOLUME XV . MADHYA BHARAT & BHPPAL PART 1-A REPORT BY RANG LAL, B. A., Census Commissioner, Madhya Bharat & Bhopal GWALIOR GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS.YADHYA BHARAT 1954 Price Ra. 2J41- CONTENTS Pages. Introduction i-iv CHAPTER I General Population SECTION I Preliminary Remarks 1 II Distribution and Density 3 III Growth of General Population 6 /IV Movement 14' v Natural Increase-Births and Deaths 17 VI Livelihood Pattern 17 VII Concluding Remarks ... 18 CHAPTER II Rural Population I Preliminary Remarks 21 II General Distribution and Distribution among villages classified by size of Rural Population 21 III Growth 23 IV Movement 26 ,/ v Natural Increase-Births and Deaths 26 VI Livelihood Pattern 26 VII Concluding Remarks 27 CHAPTER III Urban Population I Preliminary Remarks t 29 II General Distribution and Distribution among Towns classified by Size of Urban Population 29 III Growth of Urban Population 30 /IV Movemel'\t 33 v Natural Increase-Births and Deaths 33 VI Livelihood Pattern 33 VII Concluding Remarks 34 CHAPTER IV Agricultural Classes I Preliminary Remarks 35 II Agricultural population Ratios, Self-supporting Persons and Dependants, Secondary :Means of Livelihood of Agricultural Classes . • • • • • • • 36 III Relative Proportion of different Agricultural Classes correlated to Distribution of land in Agri- cultural Holdings of different sizes. • • • • • • • • • • 40 IV Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants 40 v Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants 40 VI Cultivating Labourers and their dependants 41 VII Non-cultivating owners of land, Agricultural rent receivers and their dependants - 41 VIII Active and Semi-active Workers in Cultivation - 42 IX P,rogress of Cultivation, correlated to the Growth of Population -.. 43 X Concluding Remarks « CHAPTERV Non-Agricultural Classes SECTION Pages. I Preliminary Remarks 47 II Non-agricultural Population Ratios, Self-supporting Persons and Dependants, Secondary means of Livelihood of Non-agricultural Classes 47 III Employers, Employees and Independant Workers; and Employment in Factories and Small Scale Industries 51 IV Primary Industries other than Cultivation . • . 52 V• Mining and Quarrying 52 VI Processing and Manufacture-Food-stuffs, Textiles, Leather and products thereof 53 VII Processing and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and products thereof 53 VIII Processing and Manufacture-Not specified elsewhere 54 IX Construction and Utilities 54 X Commerce .• 54 XI Transport, Storage and Communications 55 XII Health, Education and Public Administration 55 . XIII Services not Elsewhere specified and Miscellaneous means of Livelihood 56 .XIV Concluding Remarks .. 57 CHAPTER VI Families, Sexes and Principal Age Groups I ~~eliminary Remarks . 59 II Territorial Distribution of Houses and Households ... 59 III Size and Composition of Family Households 60 IV Sex Ratios 61 v Marital Status Ratio .. 63 VI Infants (Aged ..0") .• 64 VII Young Children (Aged 1-4) t 65 VIII Boys and Girls (Aged 5-14) 65 IX Youngmen and Women (Aged 15-34) 65 X Middle Aged Persons (Aged 35-54) 66 XI Elderly Persons (Aged 55 and over) 66 XII Concluding Remarks .. 66 CHAPTER VII Literacy 69 I Preliminary Remarks 69 II Extent of Literacy in the Natural Divisions and Districts III Literacy in Agricultural and Non-agricultural passes 70 IV Educational Services and Research 70 CHAPTER VIII Language 73 ... I Preliminary Remarks 73 .. II Mother-tongue 74 ··III Bi-lingualism NOTE The Statements made, views expressed and conclusions drawn in this Report are wholly the writer's responsibility in his personal ,capacity' and do ~ot represent the views of the Government concerned. INTRODUCTION This Report embodies the results of the Census of supervising staff, the printing and distribution of Madhya Bharat and Bhopal taken on the 1st. March, necessary forms, and the transformation of the raw 1951. It forms a part of the XV of the AU-India Series material of the returns into the final tables involved of Census Reports and consists of four separate parts of considerable preparations and planning in advance. On which this volume is the first. Part 1-B contains Sub­ this occasion preliminary' arrangements for the taking sidiary Tables and Part II-A and 11-B contain the of the Census were initiated by the Madhya Bharat Main Census Tables. In addition, two separate Reports Government in May, 1948. have been prepared for departmental use, the first The initial step was the preparation of a village or gives a detailed account of the method of enumeration town register in which was shown a complete list of towns, and the second deals with the sorting, compilation and villages and hamlets in each Tahsil, the number of tabulation of the information collected by the Census. houses and the number of workers available in each The present Census was taken under the provisions of locality. On the basis of this register the whole area of the Indian Census Act, 1948 (Act No. XXXVII of 1948). the State was parcelled out into sub-divisions. In doing This Act is a permanent measure and it applies to all this the procedure followed at pr_evious Censuses was the States. No important change was made in the adopted. The system was again built up on the organisation for the collection of the required informa­ "House" and the general method was to find a local tion but radical alterations were effected in the plan of man to enumerate his neighbours, and to train him to the Census and the scope of the inquiry was considerably do so. The houses were first grouped into "Blocks," a extended. The net result of these alterations and addi­ block containing from 150 to 250 houses each, in charge tions may be summarised as follows:- of an "Enumerator". This was the real Census unit and the enumerator was the individual on whom fell (1) The addition of an inquiry as to the head of the bulk and brunt of the enumeration work. He it the household and as to the relation of was who came into contact with the general public every individual in the household to the and who by personal enquiry at each house prepared head of the household" the Census record of each person residing within his (2) The substitution of Livelihood Classes for block. Above the block came the "Circle" comprising communities and castes for purposes of the from 6 to 12 blocks under a "Supervisor" who was res. presentation of statistics, ponsible for the work of all the enumerators in his (3) The additional requirement for every eco­ circle. Circles were then grouped, according to nomically active individual to state whether recognised administrative divisions, into "Charges" he was a self-supporting person (that is under "Charge Superintendents" who exercised general whether his earnings were sufficient for his supervision over the operations and tested and check· own maintenance), ed the work of their subordinates. The Charge Superin. (4) The additional statement respecting all per­ tendents whose charges completely cover the whole s.ons engaged in non-agricultural pursuits, district area were directly under the District Census dtstinguishing masters, those working for Officer. The district corresponded with the Revenue a master and those working on their own district and the charge was generally co-terminus with account without paid assistance, and the Tahsil. The District Census Officer was the Collec­ tor of the District and the Charge Superintendents were, (5) The use of the sample method for the ,Presen­ as a rule, Tahsildars. To this there were a few exceptions. tation of statistics relating to household, First, the cities of Gwalior and Indore were treated as age, civil condition and literacy by age. separate Census Districts; secondly, the towns of Ujjain, A br~cf de?cription may here be given of the Ratlam and 1\lliow Cantonment were treated as separate manner m wh1ch the Census was taken. The actual charges and thirdly, the Census of Tahsils where settle­ work of the Census fell under two main heads :- ment operations were in progress was- entrusted to the Assistant Settlement Officers. (a) The collection of the data for which a large The whole area of the State having thus been ac­ army of unpaid workers was improvised, and counted for in terms of circles and blocks, the next step (b) The compilation and tabulation of results for was the finding of personnel for these sub-divisions. ~hich. at temporary staff consisting of Sorters, This was done by the Charge Superintendents with the Compiler-Checkers, Supervisors etc., was aid of the General Village Register. In point of fact employed. the Supervisors were appointed first and the Enumerators were selected later with their assistance. In rural _TI~e c~urying out of these extensive operations, the tracts the Supervisors and the Enumerators were mostly dehrmtahon of the area to be covered by each village officials, school masters, etc. but in some places enumerator, the selection and appointment of local men had to be roped in to assist. In towns the Enumerators and Supervisors for enumeration work, the best possible use was made of the Government and Mu· arrangements for the trai.Iiiri~ or the enumeration and nicipal Establlshments, the educated public }?e~·~ ii upon to help only after these had been exhausted. additional supplies came in at the last moment and had After appointing the staff, but before finally allotting to be met by getting 2 lakhs slips printed locally. blocks to each Enumerator, every house in the State This was largely due to lack of system and to some ex­ ~as ~arked with a numb~r and entered up in a list. Spe­ tent to hysterical demands by Supervisors in some cial unportance was attached to the preparation of Charges.
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