EN Places to go with children

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 1 8/21/2019 10:48:51 PM SPENDING TIME WITH CHILDREN IN NATURE

Železná Železná studienka, Partizánska lúka, and Mlyn Klepáč form the largest complex of children’s playgrounds and sports fi elds in a beautiful natural environment, only 30 minutes away from the centre of . Th e location is the starting point of walking and cycling trips to the Little Car- pathians. If you walk up the hill from Železná studienka, you will arrive in the Kačín recreational area. Th e Železná studienka forest park is con- nected to the recreational area in Koliba (on Kamzík hill) by a chair lift. Železná studnička (public transport stop Patrónka / Červený most) www.ba-lesy.sk

Koliba – Kamzík Th e Kamzík TV Tower is an inseparable part of the Bratislava panorama. When on a trip with children, you will appreciate not only the beautiful views of the city surrounded by the greenery but also a summer bobsleigh track, children’s playgrounds and a rope centre in the treetops. Hungry children will be delighted with the array of takeaway food options, while gastronomes will be pleased with the gourmet restaurant at the top of the TV tower. Koliba / Kamzík (public transport stop) Televízna veža Kamzík, Cesta na Kamzík 14, 831 01 Bratislava www.altitude.sk, www.lanoland.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 2 8/21/2019 10:48:58 PM Janko Kráľ Park Take a stroll through the oldest public park in Central Europe, which was founded by the Empress Maria Th eresa. Th e large park off ers a lot of ac- tivities for spending your free time, such as playing frisbee and ball games, and children may also enjoy in-line skating and scooter rides. Parents of the youngest will be delighted with the children’s garden Leberfi nger with a playground and a café. Magio Beach – a large sandy beach with a bar and a view of the city and the castle hill – is spread along the from June to September. Every day there is a playful summer programme ready for children and adults alike. Sad Janka Kráľa, 851 01 Bratislava Magio pláž, 851 01 Bratislava, www.magioplaz.zoznam.sk Detská záhrada Leberfi nger, Viedenská cesta 257, 851 02 Bratislava www.leberfi nger.sk

Bratislava Zoo and DinoPark Children love animals, which is why they will enjoy visiting Bratislava Zoo and DinoPark. Th ere are more than 170 species of animals in the Zoo, most of which are impossible for the children to see in the wild. Th e Din- oPark with life-size models of dinosaurs is part of the Zoo. When playing on a paleontological playground or visiting a 3D cinema, children will have a good time and learn something new. Mlynská dolina 1A, 842 27 Bratislava www.zoobratislava.sk www.dinopark.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 3 8/21/2019 10:49:01 PM Oasis of the Siberian Tiger Th e Oasis of the Siberian Tiger was created with the intention of protect- ing the endangered Siberian tiger. Come see it in person and learn togeth- er with your children about this – otherwise living-in-the wild – tiger. If you’re lucky, you may even take a photo of one of them. Kostolná pri Dunaji 168, 903 01 Kostolná pri Dunaji www.tigre19.webnode.sk

Recreation resort Zochova Chata, – Piesok If you want to relax in the heart of nature, take a family trip to the Zocho- va chata hotel. It is an ideal starting point for hiking in the Little Carpathi- ans. Th ere is a quality pump track for all ages, a children’s playground and an excellent restaurant off ering traditional dishes. A ski resort is open during the winter season, which is suitable above all for families with chil- dren and beginner skiers. 900 01 Modra – Piesok www.hotelzochovachata.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 4 8/21/2019 10:49:03 PM Hotel pod Lipou sports and recreational resort, Modra – Harmónia Th ere are many sports activities available at the Hotel pod Lipou resort, which ensure you will spend a day full of fun with your children. Th ere is a swimming pool, tennis courts, a fi eld for pétanque, a volleyball court, a rope centre, and a designer children’s playground. An animation pro- gramme is prepared for children during the season. An experienced cera- mist will introduce children to the mysteries of traditional Modra majol- ica processing techniques. Harmónia 3018, 900 01 Modra www.hotelpodlipou.sk

Divoká voda resort Come with your children and try the various sports on water and land at the Divoká voda resort in Bratislava – Čunovo resort. Try surfi ng, water- crafting, aquarollers or rafting on the Danube. Onshore, you can try ar- chery, paintball, quad riding or play volleyball and football. At the Divoká Voda resort there is also a mini farm, a children’s playground, an accom- modation facility, and a restaurant. Vodné dielo – Čunovo, 850 09 Bratislava www.divokavoda.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 5 8/21/2019 10:49:04 PM Baťa Canal Why not take the whole family on a boat trip? Make an unconventional trip to the magical town of Skalica and let yourselves be carried away by boat on a canal which used to carry coals to the famous Baťa plants. Rent a cabin boat, a motor boat or a canoe and become a captain for a while. Prístav na Baťovom kanáli, 909 01 Skalica www.prvaplavebna.sk

Rafting Rafting – an unusual family trip. You can enjoy a non-challenging ride on a canoe with your family on the or the River. Rent- al staff will rent you a canoe including the canoeing equipment, provide canoe and people transport and give you the initial instructions. You will then be able to observe life on the water and in the alluvial forests and experience an unforgettable day. www.eurorafting.sk www.lodenicazalesie.sk www.autokemprudava.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 6 8/21/2019 10:49:06 PM Sunny Lakes – Senec Hot summer days demand to be spent near water. Visit the largest sum- mer resort in the region – Sunny Lakes in Senec. In addition to swimming, you can rent a pedal boat, jump on infl atable water castles and have some refreshments at one of the many stands. Slnečné jazerá – Senec, 903 01 Senec www.slnecnejazera.eu

Červený Kameň Castle Th e most beautiful and the most preserved castle in the Little Carpathi- ans will impress explorers of all ages. Th ematic children’s exhibitions and theatrical performances will captivate them with tales about life in the castle in ancient times. Th e Astur Falcon courtyard located in the cas- tle complex will mesmerise children visitors with performances by well- trained predatory birds. Hrad Červený Kameň, 900 89 Častá www.hradcervenykamen.sk www.astur.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 7 8/21/2019 10:49:08 PM Pajštún Castle Do you ever feel like your children have too much energy? Take them on a trip to Pajštún. After an hour-long hike up the hill from Stupava or you will arrive at the castle ruin, which was built in the 14th cen- tury in order to defend the border of the Kingdom of . You will be rewarded with an exquisite view of the entire surrounding area. Th e castle cliff is a favourite spot of rock climbers. Hrad Pajštún, 900 31 Stupava www.mkic.sk

Biofarma Príroda organic farm An organic farm in Stupava is a good idea for a trip. You can get there by following an educational hiking trail from the Stupava park or by car, bicy- cle or public transport. Th e atmosphere of the farm in the forest environ- ment will transport you to a traditional Slovak chalet you would expect to fi nd in the mountainous regions of . Children will enjoy seeing farm animals, playing on playgrounds and participating in workshops. You can also have a taste of home-made Slovak cuisine in a traditional wooden chalet. Dúbrava – Botanická záhrada Stupava, 900 31 Stupava www.biofarma.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 8 8/21/2019 10:49:10 PM Pod Gaštankou Farm Visit a place that will captivate you with its atmosphere. A family farm in the picturesque Modra vineyards is a place where children can ride po- nies, visit a contact zoo, and participate in creative workshops; the place is also suitable for hosting various events, family get-togethers, and picnics. Children will get acquainted with farm animals, such as horses, sheep, goats, geese, and rabbits that they can feed and pet. You can have some- thing to eat in the bistro full of tasty dishes of local cuisine. Kalinčiakova ul., 900 01 Modra www.podgastankou.sk

Abeland – Farmers’ Village In Abeland, a village of handicrafts located in the Záhorie region, you will experience the unison of man and nature fi rst-hand. A self-suffi cient fam- ily farm invites you to enter the world our ancestors lived in a few centu- ries ago. Discover the charm of old crafts, such as blacksmithing, tanning, pottery, bakery, animal husbandry and garden maintenance. Come and try the tasty home-made dishes and herbal teas. Abeland is open every Saturday except summer holidays and the winter season. 1044, 900 55 Lozorno www.abeland.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 9 8/21/2019 10:49:12 PM ...WHEN IT’S RAINING OUTSIDE

Transport Museum Children of all ages will certainly enjoy seeing historical vehicles displayed in the Bratislava Transport Museum. Th ere are fi rst means of transport, passenger cars and lorries from the inter-war period up until the 1970s, and military vehicles on display. Outdoors, you can admire locomotives and special rail vehicles of the Railways of the Slovak Republic. Šancová 1/A, 811 05 Bratislava www.muzeumdopravy.com

Aurelium Science Centre Experience the laws of nature fi rst-hand and test your knowledge through interactive exhibitions. Walk through six sections, in which technology, light and optics, chemistry, electromagnetism, mathematics, and the co- existence of man and nature are studied. You will learn scientifi c facts by using games and experiments. Bojnická 3, 831 04 Bratislava www.aurelium.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 10 8/21/2019 10:49:15 PM Multium Gallery Present your children with an infi nite space full of mirrors. Th e Multium Gallery is a place combining art with the laws of optics. Check out the six areas and enjoy the unique experience of the illusion of infi nity. Zámocká 7327/26, 811 01 Bratislava www.multium.sk

Bibiana – International House of Art for Children Th e house of art is designed for children and the young generation to become familiar with art through interactive, experimental methods. Th e exhibitions are accompanied by theatrical performances, creative work- shops, and musical shows. Panská 41, 811 02 Bratislava www.bibiana.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 11 8/21/2019 10:49:18 PM Children’s Th eatres in Bratislava Visitors of all ages can look forward to traditional puppet shows, Slovak fairytales or interactive children’s performances. At the Bratislava Th ea- tre Gašparko, shows are performed every weekend. Moreover, the the- atre off ers audiences activities they can participate in – creative work- shops, children’s courses and the reading of fairy tales. From Tuesday to Sunday, Th e Bratislava Puppet Th eatre presents children’s performances of well-known Slovak and foreign authors’ works. Let your children enjoy high-quality artistic experiences that will bring not only amusement but also knowledge and experience. Bratislavské bábkové divadlo, Dunajská 36, 811 08 Bratislava www.babkovedivadlo.sk Bratislavský Gašparko, Rudnayovo námestie 4, 811 01 Bratislava www.bratislavskygasparko.sk

Natural History Museum Do you sometimes struggle when answering your children’s questions such as “how?” and “why”? Th e permanent expositions and exhibitions of the Natural History Museum in Bratislava will help you clarify the his- tory of life on Earth. Fascinating models of prehistoric animals, fossils and exhibits of Slovak and world fauna and fl ora will guarantee you and your children an enjoyable learning process. Vajanského nábrežie 2, 810 06 Bratislava www.snm.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 12 8/21/2019 10:49:21 PM Creative workshops Creative workshops are great fun that let your children practise fi ne and gross motor skills, such as painting, cutting and gluing paper, imprinting, and moulding. Let them use their creativity and bring you joy with their creations. Ateliér Purpur, Hálova 16, 851 01 Bratislava, www.purpuratelier.sk Tvorivé dielne Schaubmarov mlyn, Cajlanská 255, 902 01 www.sng.sk Šidielko, Nám. 1. Mája 37, 903 01 Senec, www.ozsidielko.sk Detské centrum Farbičky, Brnenská 2849, 901 01 www.centrumfarbicky.sk Hotel pod Lipou, Harmónia 3018, 900 01 Modra www.hotelpodlipou.sk

Escape rooms Give your children a chance to solve a mystery. Escape rooms for families with children are designed in a way that children can solve the puzzles and brain-teasers. Let them sweat for a little bit and then enjoy their delight of a mission accomplished. Poklady divnej Bratislavy, Sliačská 10, 831 02 Bratislava www.zazito.ooo Poklad Julesa Verna, Muchovo námestie 12, 851 01 Bratislava www.leavingroom.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 13 8/21/2019 10:49:25 PM Children entertainment centres Let the children go crazy. Th ere are several popular centres in Bratislava and the surrounding area equipped with everything a child’s heart desi- res. Trampolines, slides, water slides, colourful ball pools, climbing frames and much more are off ered. Children will have fun while you relax in a café. Bratislava – Jump Aréna Kids House, Ivanská cesta 30/D, 821 04 Bratislava www.kidshouse.sk Bratislava – BUPPI Detský svet (Zlaté piesky, Borry Mall), Cesta na Senec 2A, 821 04 Bratislava, www.buppi.sk Pezinok – Hopi mesto, Šenkvická cesta 4798/12D, 902 01 Pezinok www.hopimesto.sk Malacky – Detské centrum Farbičky, Brnenská 2849, 901 01 Malacky www.centrumfarbicky.sk

Climbing walls Wall climbing is an adventurous activity for both children and adults. If this is your fi rst time climbing, the staff will guide you through the fi rst introductory climbing course. Bring your children along, overcome your fear and try out this adventurous activity. Lezecká stena K2, Stará Ivanská cesta 1/B, 821 04 Bratislava www.lezeckastena.sk Lezecká stena Vertigo, Trenčianska 47, 821 08 Bratislava www.lezeckecentrum.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 14 8/21/2019 10:49:27 PM Go-Karting Tracks Th e whole family will go nuts on the go-kart tracks. Let your children feel like adults for a bit and go kart racing with them. It will certainly be an unforgettable experience for them, one they will keep talking about for a long time. MAX 60, Vajnorská 127/A, 831 04 Bratislava www.motokary.sk Kart One Arena, Kopčianska 82/a, 851 01 Bratislava www.kartonearena.sk

Aquapark Senec How about going swimming and having fun on water slides? At Aquapark Senec, there are plenty of indoor and outdoor pools available, for you and your children to swim, relax, and play in a wading pool or a play area. Slnečné jazerá – sever, 903 01 Senec www.aquaparksenec.sk

BRT_DL_kam s detmi.indd 15 8/21/2019 10:49:29 PM Tourism / Turizmus regiónu Bratislava Sabinovská 16, 820 05 Bratislava, Slovakia tel.: +421 (0)2 /4319 1685 e-mail: [email protected] www.bratislavaregion.travel

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Th e project is realised with the fi nancial support of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional development of the Slovak Republic

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