Sustainable Regional Tourism Mobility Plan

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Sustainable Regional Tourism Mobility Plan Transdanube.Pearls - Network for Sustainable Mobility along the Danube Sustainable Regional Tourism Mobility Plan Final Draft WP/Action 4.2 Author: Inštitút priestorového plánovania Version / Date: 1.0 / 15.03.2018 Document Revision/Approval Version Date Version Date Version 1.0 15/03/2018 Final draft Final Contacts Coordinator: Bratislavský samosprávny kraj Martin Hakel, Katarína Vargová Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: Authors: Inštitút priestorového plánovania Ľubomír Macák, Pavol Petrík, Tatiana Lachová, Filip Polonský, Michal Štiffel Email: [email protected] Web: More information about TRANSDANUBE.PEARLS and the project activities & results are available on : pearls Page 2 of 121 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Description BSGR Bratislava Self-governing Region BID Bratislava Integrated Transport ESIF European structural and investment funds IROP Integrated Regional Operational Program KOCR Regional tourism organisation Bratislava Region Tourism IPTT Integrated Passenger Transport Terminals NDS, a.s. National motorway company NGO Non-governmental organization OP II Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure P+R Park and ride PLA Protected Landscape Are SMP Sustainable Mobility Plan ŽSR Railways of the Slovak Republic Page 3 of 121 Content 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Structural data of the region .................................................................................................................... 7 Population ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Population of important cities and tourism centers .......................................................................... 10 Settlement characteristics ........................................................................................................................... 12 Land use ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Natural attractions ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Main transportation nodes ......................................................................................................................... 17 Economy ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Further statistical information .................................................................................................................... 18 Thematic maps ................................................................................................................................................ 19 3. Tourism data ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Identification of tourism hotspots on rural areas ............................................................................... 19 Tourism statistical data................................................................................................................................. 22 Existing mobility services for tourists ...................................................................................................... 24 Key stakeholders ............................................................................................................................................. 26 Existing tourism information systems ..................................................................................................... 29 Modal Split ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 4. Regional sustainable mobility situation ............................................................................................. 31 Overall transport network and sustainable transport systems ...................................................... 31 Traffic network and sustainable transport system ............................................................................. 32 Organization and financial structures ..................................................................................................... 37 Usability and accessibility ............................................................................................................................ 39 5. Existing Plans and Projects ..................................................................................................................... 42 Results of Previous Projects in the Field of Transport and Mobility ............................................ 42 Existing Systems of Planning Aims/ Actions Plans/ Mobility Concepts...................................... 49 Page 4 of 121 6. SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 55 7. Common vision ........................................................................................................................................... 59 8. Main goal and objectives ........................................................................................................................ 60 9. Selection of set of measures .................................................................................................................. 61 List of development measures................................................................................................................... 61 Description of development measures .................................................................................................. 64 10. Monitoring and evaluation of measures ...................................................................................... 105 11. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 106 12. List of figures and tables .................................................................................................................... 108 13. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 109 14. Annexes .................................................................................................................................................... 111 Annex 1. Evaluation of RAP implementation (TRANSDANUBE project) ................................... 111 Annex 2. Map of measures ....................................................................................................................... 121 Page 5 of 121 1. Introduction The document was elaborated within the Transdanube.Pearls project, taking into account the Sustainable Regional Tourism and Mobility Plan Guideline (also referred to as the „Guideline“). The area of interest is defined by the territory of the Bratislava Region, which represents the pearl on the Danube. In the sense of the Guideline, the analysis of the area of interest was processed in the document, where baseline data, such as the current state of the population, settlement structure, land use, natural sites or the economy, were evaluated. Furthermore, the state of tourism and the situation of sustainable regional mobility were assessed in detail. At the end of the analytical part, existing plans and projects within the territory were mapped. Part of the analytical part consists of SWOT analysis - a summary assessment of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In the second stage, the strategic part of the document - Sustainable Regional Tourism and Mobility Plan was conducted. Here the goals were defined to a vision, which was defined within the project team. For individual objectives a set of development measures was subsequently identified, the realization of which would meet the specific objective. Each measure has identified, in addition to a brief description, the estimated impact, costs, implementation horizon, funding sources, partners and responsible partner, as well as the level of priority and the set of measurable indicators. The basis for the elaboration of the strategic part was the document Regional Strategy and the regional action plan elaborated within the TRANSDANUBE project in 2013, which included a set of measures - an evaluation of their implementation is annexed to this document. Several meetings were held with representatives of the county, individual departments at county office and other relevant organizations (e.g. Bratislava Region Tourism) during the work. Page 6 of 121 2. Structural data of the region Bratislava
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