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Metropolitan Region on the Danube Content Metropolitan Region on the Danube Content Content ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 About Slovakia ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Bratislava Region ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 International Context ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Population .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Transport and Accessibility ................................................................................................................................ 7 Economy ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Tourism and Culture ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Education, Science and Research ............................................................................................................... 16 Environment ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 Tasks and Responsibilities of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region ...................................... 21 Contacts ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Metropolitan region on the Danube (Bratislava region facts and figures) Text & statistics: The Bratislava Self-Governing Region/ ŠÚ SR k 31.12.2017 Layout & print: Creativ line s.r.o., Weltprint, s.r.o. Photo: Ing. Arch. Milan Beláček (p. 15 – Freedom Cycling Bridge), Monika Kováčová (p. 13 – military bunker in Petržalka), Comenius University in Bratislava (p. 16 – Historical Building), Regional Tourism Organization Bratislava, MDV SR, Creativ line s.r.o. © The Bratislava Self-Governing Region 2018 01 Foreword Increasingly, the regions of Europe are in competition not only to acquire the foreign investment that is crucial to further development but also to win a share of the tourism sector. The Bratislava Region is the most developed region in Slovakia and is one of the most economically productive regions in the European Union. It has a dense, well-developed transport system including motorways, rail corridors and of course the famous waterway, the Danube, all of which are routes of European importance. The presence of universities, research centres, technology centres and industrial parks gives the region strong potential in research and innovation. These facts illustrate the favourable conditions awaiting potential investors who are interested in our region. The Bratislava Region is not just a place for investors but offers a range of attractions, heritage and experiences for tourists from all over the world. The most important tourist centre is the capital city of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, which offers a very large number of tourist attractions, from historic monuments to a huge variety of cultural events. The Little Carpathian Wine Route offers events throughout the year for wine lovers. The Little Danube and the River Morava are great places to pass time on or by the water. These are just a few of the attractive locations that are worth a visit in our region. I believe that both the cultural and natural beauty of our region will impress you, as well as our favourable business environment. We look forward to meeting you. Mgr. Juraj Droba president of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region About Slovakia Slovakia – a country in central Europe with an area of km² and around 5.43 millions inhabitants. Interesting facts: Slovakia produces THE MOST CARS PER HEAD of any country in the world (189 cars per 1,000 inhabitants) THE LARGEST wooden altar in the world – St James' church in THE LARGEST castle complex in Europe – Spis Castle A UNIQUE cold-water geyser in Europe – Herlany Geyser THE SMALLEST Alpine mountain range – the High Tatras 6,200 known caves more than 1,200 mineral water springs 03 Bratislava Region The Bratislava Region covers the western part of the Slovak Republic and the longest part of its border is with Austria. It includes parts of the Danube Lowlands, the Záhorie Lowlands and the hills of the Little Carpathians. The area of the Bratislava Region is 2 052,6 km2. Its territory is made up 8 districts: 5 municipal dis- tricts within the city of Bratislava (BA I-V) plus the districts of Malacky, Senec and Pezinok. The region icludes 89 villages, of which 7 are towns (Bratislava, Malacky, Stupava, Pezinok, Sv. Jur, Modra, Senec) and 17 are Bratislava city districts. 79,5% of the population is urban. The Bratislava Region covers 4.19% of the area of the Slovak Republic, making it the smallest region in Slovakia. Malacky PL CZ Pezinok UA A BratislavaSenec H International Context CENTROPE – the Central European Region is a unique international economic area A population of 6.5 million in 8 federal provinces, regions and counties, speaking 4 languages Territory covering 44,500 km2 2 capital cities – Bratislava and Vienna, Twin City agglomeration (60 km) Prague CZ SK CENTROPE Bratislava Vienna A Budapest DO YOU HAVE A FEW DAYS OFF H AND FEEL LIKE GOING ON A TRIP? The Danube Strategy brings together 9 Member States of the European Union and 5 non-members. Its main pillars are: Connecting the Danube Region Environmental protection in the Danube Region Developing prosperity in the Danube Region Strengthening the Danube Region 05 Population Population density is 310.62 2; the overall population is 633,288 Pre-productive age: 16.21% Productive: 67.86% Post-productive: 15.94% Percentage of population in Bratislava: 66.78% Percentage of the overall population of Slovakia living in the region: 11.67% Composition by nationality: Slovak – 91,11%, Hungarian – 3,94%, Czech – 1,25%, German – 0,3%, other – 3,27% 422 932 Malacky 66.79% Pezinok Senec Bratislava 70 964 11.20% 61 504 77 888 9.71% 12.30% Transport and Accessibility Bratislava Region, especially the city of Bratislava, is a good location for access to Vienna, Budapest Brno. Bratislava is an important transport hub that can be reached by all forms of transport 3 TEN-T corridors cross the region: The Baltic-Adriatic Corridor: Vienna – Bratislava – ilina The Orient/East – Med Corridor: Berlín 644 km Varšava 631 km Prague – Bratislava – Budapest Brusel 1182 km The Rhine – Danube Corridor: Londýn 1602 km Praha 324 km PL CZ Vienna – Bratislava – Budapest Štrasburg 900m k Parí 1266km SLOVAKIA UA A Bratislava H 07 D 2 Brno, Praha Transport and Accessibility a Brno, Praha v Mora The density of the road network in the region is Malacky 0.391km/km², which is slightly above the Slovak BRATISLAVSKÝ SAMOSPRÁVNY average, km/km² ilina 0.368 REGIÓN D 1 Pezinok ilina The total length of roads in the region is 801.8 km Passau Senec Štúrovo E 58 BRATISLAVA The construction of the D4 motorway bypass and R7 express road in the territory of the region began in 2016. D 2 These new roads will relieve the Bratislava's overloaded existing bypass and provide faster access to Bratislava, especially from the direction of Dunajská TARIFNÉ ZZÓNYÓNY /IDS FARE BK ZONES / FARE / T ARIFZZONESONEN / TARIFZONENPLAN stav / state / stand:stav / plán state / / plan stand: / Konzept04/2018 LEGENDA / LEGEND / LEGENDE železničná linka / rail line / Bahnlinie Streda. A new connection between the D4 and the R1 319 PrievPrievalyaly čiastočne integrovaná železničná linka 319 LEGENDA / LEGENDpartly int /egra LEGENDEted rail line / teilweise integrierte Bahnlinie Bílkove Humence Bílkove Humence úsek mimo IDS BK KútyKúty seclinkation outside RegioBus IDS / BK RegioBus / Abschnitt line außerhalb/ Regionalbuslinie IDS BK S 20 297 PlaPlavveckýecký Pet Peerter S 20 297 299299 linka RegioBus / RegioBus line / Regionalbuslinie Borský Sv. Jur Lakšárska stanica / station / Bahnhof to Nitra is being planned. SSekuleekule Borský Sv. Jur Lakšárska linka MHD č. 61 / Bus line Nr. 61 / Buslinie Nr. 61 NoNovává V esVes stanicazastávka / sta tion/ bus / Bahnhofstop / Haltestelle Plavecký Mikuláš 286 289 Plavecký Mikuláš zastácentrumvka / bus / ci sttyop centr / Halte /est Zeellentrum 285 Moravský S286v. Ján 287 289 285 Moravský Sv. Ján 287 centrumhlavná / citstanicay centr / emain / Zentrum railway station / Hauptbahnhof Studienka Studienka Plavecké Podhradie hlavnáautobusová stanica / stanica main railw / busay station station / / Busbahnhof Hauptbahnhof Závod T Plavecké Podhradie 30' Závod277 279 autobusová stanica / bus station / Busbahnhof 30' letisko / airport / Flughafen 275 277Studienka,,háj. Vlčie jamy 279 Sološnica Studienka,,Holbičný výhon Rohožník,,KZSološnica letisko / airport / Flughafen 275 Studienka,,Tančibocký výhon Rohoník,,KZ 299 tarifná zóna / fare
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    Ročník IV. Číslo 3/2020 (október) Obecné noviny pre občanov obce Rohožník Rohožníčan V tomto čísle nájdete: útoku. Potom zbieral kruhy na kopiju a neskôr bojoval aj pro- ti ostatným živým súperom. Povolali ho aj na sprievody a Samospráva informuje 2 stráženie vzácnych bohatých ľudí, aby ich neprepadli zlodeji ZŠ a MŠ informuje 7 alebo aby ich niekto nezranil či nezabil. Avšak pri takejto čin- Zo života obce 8 nosti je vysoké riziko zranenia a dokonca aj úmrtia. Šport 11 LEGENDA O RYTIEROVI Z ROHOŽNÍKA Táto legenda po stáročia sprevádzala ľudí, ovplyvňovala životy i osudy, varovala pred nástrahami či nebezpečenstva- mi, ale ukazovala aj krásne chvíle a odhaľovala skryté tajom- stvá nepreskúmaných tmavých kútov. Stalo sa to pred niekoľkými storočiami, ešte keď svet nebol taký, ako ho poznáme dnes. Všade sa bojovalo, na- miesto áut sa jazdilo na koňoch a takmer všetci si žili vlastný, skromný život. Hneď za svitania vstávali a pracovali až do- kým slnko nezapadlo. Medzi takýchto ľudí patrí aj naša hlav- ná postava. Bolo to celkom obyčajné dieťa, možno trochu hyperaktívne, ale napriek tomu malo jeden problém. Neve- delo a ani sa nechcelo zmieriť so svojím osudom. Volalo sa Majo. Majo mal obrovský sen, stať sa rytierom. Jazdiť na Kristína Kozárová koni, byť odetý vo vyleštenej zbroji, brániť sa štítom a útočiť kopijou. Lenže to ani zďaleka nebolo možné. Avšak zázraky Raz, keď strážili významného človeka, stretli po ceste sa dejú a šance zmeniť sa prichádzajú! iný sprievod a rozpútal sa boj až do krvi. Pri tomto boji aj náš Gróf Pálffy išiel okolo chudobnej dedinky, kde Majo bý- Majo prelial svoju krv.
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