Remote Sensing and GIS Centre of Excellence for NRDMS in Uttarakhand Kumaun University SSJ Campus, Almora
Remote Sensing and GIS Centre of Excellence for NRDMS in Uttarakhand Kumaun University SSJ Campus, Almora About the Course The Remote Sensing and GIS is a newly emerging discipline, developing gradually worldwide. In view of its significance and importance in the activities of the academic community, governance, industry and civil society, the Kumaun University has started M.Sc. Remote Sensing and GIS Course since 2009, in its Department of Geography at the SSJ Campus Almora with the high-tech Remote Sensing/GIS/GPS laboratory support from the DST, New Delhi. M.Sc. Remote Sensing and GIS is a four semester course spread over two years (syllabus is attached), aims at imparting state-ofthe-art knowledge in Remote Sensing and GIS to meet the emerging demands of geospatial knowledge in different sectors of development. Presently 60 students from 10 different State of our country are perusing their M.Sc. Degree in this programme. The alumni of the programme are working in different National/State Research and Development Institutions (i.e., DRDO, Chandigarh; IARI, New Delhi; Uttarakhand Space Application Centre, USAC, Dehradun; Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, Punjab; HARSAC Hisar); in different Government Departments (i.e.,Urban Development and Housing Department, Government of Sikkim, Sikkim; Forest Department, Government of Sikkim, Sikkim; Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Government of Sikkim, Sikkim; Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, Shimla, H.P.); and in various prestigious Corporate Sectors and Companies (i.e., Map My India, Delhi; RMSI, Noida; Institute of Photogrammetry and Geo Informatics, Delhi; PAN India Consultant, Gurgoun; Navteq India Pvt. Gurgaoun; TCS Delhi; Spatial Decision, Noida; Genesis, Dehradunetc.) Faculty Members of the Course S/N Name of Designation Specialization Email id/ phone Photograph Faculty member 1 Prof.
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