THE VOICE 630J Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Ma. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida

VOL. V, NO. 33 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy NOV. 1, 1963

'*'-''' .. '.. ' . •' . • "-"•,•::y.:---- Council Fathers Propose: Share In Authority Of Pope; Restore Permanent Diaconate (Other Stories, Features, Pictures on Council on Pages 2, 3, constituting any lessening of the dignity of the Blessed Virgin. 4, 5, 6, 7.) (See separate story on this page and Msgr. Walsh's discussion on Page 7J. VATICAN CITY — Historic decisions and far-reaching rec- • The American called for statements by the ommendations were made during the fourth and the fifth weeks Council clarifying Church-State relations and denouncing racial of the second session of the . Among discrimination. (See separate stories on Page 3.) them were these: • All 10 amendments to Chapter V of the liturgy schema were passed, including calling for studies of a new calendar • The Council Fathers, by a large majority, voted in to provide for a fixed Sunday for Easter. approval of a declaration that the Bishops of the Church share, As the second session neared its halfway mark, rumors as a body, in the authority of the Pope, with such shared regarding its progress and continuation began to flow, often in authority to include the assertion that the Holy Father's usually reliable sources. One said that Pope Paul VI is ready to "primatial rights over all pastors and faithful remain intact." terminate the council as an assembly of physically present bishops and continue it as a kind of "council by correspondence" • Also approved by a substantial majority was a proposal with only the council commissions preparing all schemata for "to restore the diaconate as a distinct and permanent rank of a final session. the sacred ministry" in accordance with the desires "of the The vote Wednesday on the shared authority with the various regions." There was no stand taken on whether the Pope was to lay the groundwork for giving the Bishops a deacons could marry. larger role in governing the Church. The 1,808-336 vote was not binding but intended as a guide to further consideration • By a narrow margin, it was voted to include the Council by the Council through its Theological Commission in revis- declaration on Our Lady in the schema on the nature of the ing the scheme on "The Nature o£ the Church." Church rather than in a separate schema. This followed a statement that votes on neither side could be construed as The overhwelming majority agreed that the Bishops should form a body or college which would succeed the College of the Apostles and with the Pope have supreme power over the Church. Catholic And Jewish Centers The resolution stated that "the body or college of bishops in its evangelizing, sanctifying and caring for its flock is the successor of the College of Apostles, and that as a body, in Mocked In Posters At U-M union with its head, the Roman Pontiff, and never without him, enjoys full and supreme power over the Universal Church." CORAL GABLES — Newman certainly went to a lot of View Of Council Sessions From Basilica Dome Club members at the University trouble." A statement from the Council press office later said of Miami were subject to mock- An immediate investigation (Continued On Page 2) ery of their Catholic faith last into the source of the material Appeals From week when an avalanche of was ordered by Dr. Thurston posters appeared on the campus Adams, director of student Declaration On Virgin Mary For Aid To The United Fund announcing that a "steak din- activities. "I violently ob- ner" would be sponsored by the ject," he said, "and we should To Be In Schema On Church From Rome, where he is at- campaign has been demonstrat- Newmanites on Friday evening like to know who is belittling tending the second session of the ed to be an effective and, in- in the Jewish student center. or making fun of the different By Msgr. JAMES I. TUCEK seemed likely, however, that in Second Vatican Council, Bishop d e e d, admirable means view of the decision to com- faiths. We certainly cannot Coleman F. Carroll, of the Dio- whereby all of us can best ful- Father Matthew Hanley, VATICAN CITY (NO — Coun- bine the schema on Our Lady cese of Miami, has issued a fill what we acknowledge to be stand for this." cil Fathers have voted 1,114 to with the one on the Church, O.P., chaplain at the Aquinas statement expressing his "sin- an urgent civic as well as 1,074 to include their declaration further revisions might be mad* spiritual obligation. Student Center, described T. L. Schweider, a member of in the text. cere hope that the people of on Our Lady in the schema on Dade and Broward counties will those responsible for the post- the Newman Club, said he be- the nature of the Church rather At the American Bishops' respond readily and generously "It is a timely reminder of ers as obviously having "an lieves that "action should be the duty which is upon the taken against such delinquents. than in a separate schema. press panel after the meeting, to the appeal the United Fund immature sense of humor that is "iaking this year." community as a whole to pro- The University of Miami is no Father Bernard Haring, '~K *ited Fund Sunday will be mote the well being and bet- has no respect for the sound place for such biased immatu- Before the vote was taken, C.SS.R., said that there were observed Nov. 10 in Dade terment of all our fellow citi- values on which this univer- rity." the moderator, Gregorio Car- two predominant reasons mo- zens, particularly those in our dinal Agagianian, stated: "No tivating those who voted County, the day the 1963 cam- sity is built." The posters were not printed midst who are victims of mis- vote on either side can be against making the schema on paign officially begins its pub- by machines normally used for fortune." Mary Linda Cohen, public re- construed as constituting any Our Lady part of the schema lic phase. campus announcements, but lations chairman of the New- lessening of the dignity of the on the Church. Some of the In his statement, Bishop were reproduced in purple ditto Msgr. Bryan 0. Walsh, Secre- man Club, which represents Blessed Virgin or any diminu- Fathers, he said, did not want Carroll declared: ink and rather amateurishly tary of Charities for the Miami more than 1,800 Catholic stu- tion of her preeminent role in the matter of Our Lady to be "The annual United Fund done, Dr. Adams said., Diocese, is serving as co-chair- dents and almost 20 per cent of the Church." treated at all, mostly for rea- sons of ecumenism. Others, man of a four-man Religious enrollment at the University of The Aquinas Center, located . and the greater part, felt that Institutions Committee assisting Miami said the campus was at 1400 Miller Rd., was erect- Two other major steps taken Panama Bishop if a special place was not in the residential campaign. ed by Bishop Coleman F. Car- at the Oct. 29 general meeting "plagued with the posters. given to (he Blessed Virgin Dies At Council Somebody has a gross sense of roll in 1959, and provides were to give overall approval The 1963 United Fund goal is in a separate schema, her ri VATICAN CITY (NO — humor." chapel, library, snack bar and to Chapter V of the liturgy $3,008,838, which will go to sup- schema, which concerns, the glory would be diminished, he Francis Beck- entertainment facilities for port 40 community service agen- Dr. Donald Michelson, direc- liturgical year, and to begin vot- said. mann, CM., of Panama Catholic students. cies in Dade County. Of these, tor of Hillel House, where post- ing on amendments to Chapter City, died Oct. 30 after a two are Catholic agencies: the ers said, "Religious Emphasis Under the direction of Father VII, which deals with sacred Father Haring revealed that heart attack. The 80-year- Catholic Welfare Bureau which Week" Newman Club meeting Hanley and Father T. A. Cliff- music. three other schemata besides old Vincentian was on his finds foster homes for needy would be held, pointed out that ord, O.P., a complete program the present one have been way to a Council session children and conducts a child he took down any posters he of religious, cultural and social A lengthy booklet containing drawn up on Our Lady. All when stricken. adoption bureau, and the St. saw and added that "those re- opportunities is available to stu- amendments to the schema on Vincent Hall for unwed mothers. sponsible for the illegal notices dents. Our Lady was distributed. It (Continued On Page 2) COUNCIL FATHERS VOTE APPROVAL OF DECLARATION: Bishops Share In Pope's Authority (Continued From Page 1) While the issue of whether the deacons could be married that the concept of shared authority also includes the was avoided, it is likely to come to a vote later in a schema assertion that the Pope's "primatial rights over all pastors on the clergy. and faithful remain intact." Regional or national groups of Bishops eventually would Another vote approved insertion into the schema of a state- be allowed to decide whether they wanted deacons in then- ment that this episcopal-papal power "belongs to the College, particular areas. The deacons could perform certain serv- in union with its head, by Divine Right. ices but only priests could celebrate Mass and hear confes- sions. Some described the balloting as a "pilot vote" to guide the theological commission in redrafting the schema. Some Proposals to encourage the use of native music in services Council Fathers declared that the First Vatican Council 93 in mission lands of Africa and Asia also were before the years ago, which defined , did not have the ••Council. This would include use of tom-toms and bamboo flutes, time to define the manner in which the Bishops shared in the which some Africans already have special permission to use. Pope's authority since that council was interrupted by the Another amendment praised the pipe organ, however, as a nationalist revolt in Italy. traditional aid to worship in the Latin, or Western, Church, Pressing chiefly for restoration of the role of permanent while still another called for composers to make further efforts deacons were the bishops of South America, Africa and Asia, in the field of writing sacred music^ where they feel deacons would be of great help because of the Discussion on the chapter on holiness in the Church con- shortage of priests. Other prelates, however, had argued against tained these general principles: the permanent diaconate. In the Church everyone is called to holiness, which is the same for all, whatever their state or way of life. The council urges all priests to fulfill their ministry with holiness, eagerness and strength, on the model of Be Educators, Cardinal Tells the order of bishops, with whom all priests are united in the one Eucharistic Sacrifice. The council also calls on married persons and parents to Newsmen Covering Council help each other in a life of grace with faithful love, and to ROME (NO — Chile's re- his social life. give a Christian mind and the evangelical virtues to their TLL BLOOM AND BLOOM, AND BLOOM" form - minded cardinal urged "This man, called a revolu- children. newsmen covering the ecumeni- tionary, is not a bandit, nor cal council to carry out the mis- even an anarchist. He is a man sion of "educators of the human still in the flower of youth, who 10 Liturgy Amendments Approved By The Council family" in the most profound never tires of starting out all VATICAN CITY (NO — The ance as elements in the forma- Easter and for a permanent way possible. text and be made an appendix over again, who believes in life, 10 amendments to Chapter V of tion of the laity. entitled "Declaration of the calendar is of importance and Raul Cardinal Silva Henri- and feels that he has a destiny. the liturgy schema passed by 3. Provided that, if it be- Second Vatican Council on the hence, after paylng^due- heed quez, S.D.B., . of Santiago, He is a child of hope." the council Fathers are: comes necessary to make Reform of the Calendar." to the consequences ttet Tnay Chile, who has promoted land - He said that journalists have 1. Put greater emphasis on adaptations in the liturgical 10. Stated that the council follow from such a new calen- reform by distributing Church a "special place" in the ranks the pre-eminent role of the year because of special local considers the wish expressed dar, declares that such changes owned property to the land- of the "missionaries of truth Blessed Virgin in the Church's circumstances, this shall be by many for a fixed Sunday for shall be studied. less in his country, also prais- and love" whom modern man liturgical cycle. done with the authority of the ed Latin America's "revolu- needs to "light and warm his 2. Stressed the fact that, in episcopal conferences. tion." hopes and give a truly human close connection with the litur- 4. Stressed the importance of The 56 - year - old Cardinal, touch to his now irreversible gical year, the Church also the observance of Sunday in speaking at a Mass for news- challenge to the structures of makes use of instruction, pray- the liturgical year. men in St. Ives Church here, yesterday." er, works of mercy and pen- said there was a special signifi- 5. Pointed up the twofold as- cance in a Catholic Bishop pect of Lent as a period of speaking to journalists. preparation for Baptism and as 's Peace Role a season of penance, showing "The Bishop," he said, "is how both lead to a full share the announcer and the witness in the Paschal mystery, of treat News, the most spec- Encouraged By Pope Paul tacular of all: the resurrection 6. Noted that Lenten instruc- VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope of Man, the Gospel. You are "Your first concern," he said, tions should not fail to stress announcers of all news, good Paul VI has urged members of "should be not to deviate from the social character and conse- and bad: the history of man." the Pax Christi movement not the guideline that has been laid quences of sin and to make Speaking of the "revolution" to stray from their role of down for you. In the world in clear the nature of sin as an of- already underway in Latin spreading the peace of Christ which we are living — you know fense against God. America, the Cardinal said it better than others — there is 7. Stated that penitential and to be aware of the abuses an abuse of the word 'peace' that the typical "revolution- of the word "peace." practices, in accordance with ary" there is "the prototype . . . which, has been the cause the changed conditions of the of the man of today." The Pope received mem- of setting men against each oth- times and adapted to local "He is a man who has reached bers of the international Cath- er instead of uniting them. possibilities and conditions, a clear understanding of his olic movement devoted to en- "Let it be clear that the peace should be urged and com- dignity as a person. He is a couraging peace which was for which you are working is mended by the competent au- man who is awed by the im- founded after World War II and will always be that which thorities. mense explosions of the times, in an audience (Oct. 25) led has been so beautifully defined 8. Declared the saints are to especially the population explo- by Maurice Cardinal Feltin by Our predecessor, John XXIII, be honored and their images sion. He is a man in search of of Paris, president of the in his memorable and authentic relics are to be a re-adaptation of the whole of movement. Pacem in Terris, the peace held in veneration. whose name is borne by your 9. Provided that Articles 85 movement: the peace of Christ, and 86 of the schema be taken Pax Christi." 3 GENERATIONS OF SERVICE out of the main body of the Declaration On Virgin Mary "Custom Made To Be In Schema On Church Wood-Carvings (Continued From Page 1) alists," but a question of good three, he said, try to present doctrine. It is a matter of Our Lady in a more ecumenical expressing the fulness of the from the Tyrols" manner. doctrine as far as it enters • into the balanced perspective Father Gustave Weigel, S.J. of the Church and presents brought out that there are two the veneration of Mary in its tendencies in the Marian move- proper relation to the adora- ment today. The U.S. theologian tion of Christ. said there are the "maximal- CATHOLIC OWNED and MANAGED ists" who want to say all they Apart from the theological can about the Blessed Virgin significance of the decision to PRICES TO SATISFY EVERY FAMILY and consequently stress her incorporate the schema on Our 79th St; At 27th Ave. importance. There are also the Lady into that on the Church, Northside Shopping Center "minimalists" who want to stick it was agreed by many bishops All Shops Open Daily to Scripture and Tradition and that the schema on the Church, 9:30 A.M. — 5:30 P.M. 6001 BIRD ROAD - 667-8801 say no more. discussion of which had already Phone 696-6050 Father Haring said that it extended through two sessions 7200 N.W. 2nd AVENUE - 751-7523 must be pointed out that the of the council, would now al- question here is not a matter most certainly be prolonged into of "maximalists" or "minim- a third session.

Page 2 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida BY BISHOPS OF THE SPEAKING AS A UNIT Drop Church-State Text, Council Asked ROME (NC) — Archbishop from the schema "On the Na- at which U.S. Bishops or ex- Regarding his earlier recom- Lawrence J. Shehan of Balti- ture of the Church," now being perts will speak to the press mendation to revise the sche^ more told a press conference debated. on various phases of the coun- ma's section dealing with papal here that the phrase "separa- Archbishop Shehan was the cil or allied matters. infallibility, Archbishop Shehan tion of Church and State" has first American to said he was motivated to make such political and emotional ov- initiate a special Wednesday At his conference Archbishop it because infallibility is "one of ertones that he has asked the press conference sponsored Shehan stated that he has in- the main sources of difficulties ecumentical council to drop it by the American Hierarchy, troduced two other changes to which non-Catholics find in Cath- the schema, one of which would olic teaching." He said this dif- clarify the nature and extent ficulty is due in great part to of papal infallibility and a sec- the "misconceptions they have U.S. Bishops Ask Council ond which would make more of the nature and extent of papal precise a section dealing with infallibility." Scripture and Tradition. He said To Make Racial Statement all three of his steps have ecu- To clarify this point Archbish- By MSGR. JAMES I. TUCEK reassure those who have been menical overtones. op Shehan has proposed that humiliated or have been de- NOTES 'AMBIGUITY' "immediately after the citation VATTCAN CITY (NC) — A prived of natural rights because His speech in the council, of the definition of papal infal- ^e(^*!sion against racial dis- of racial prejudice. In addition which he gave in the name of libility, this amendment be in- crimination was requested by it would serve as a basis for all American Bishops, dealt cluded which contains the words an American bishop speaking in important future declarations of with a passage in the schema's of Gasser (A German Bishop at the name of all members of the the council." fourth chapter in which laymen the First Vatican Council who U.S. Hierarchy. are cautioned against the "re- was active in drawing up the The question was raised by At the U. S. Bishops' press gretable separation" of Church statement of infallibility): Bishop Robert E. Tracy of panel, Bishop Tracy said that and State. Unfortunately, Arch- Baton Rouge, La. He began he was actually speaking in the bishop Shehan noted, there is " 'Such a definition is never by noting that the text of the name of the entire American an ambiguity in the phrase. to be understood as against schema states that there can Hierarchy. He said he had been the consensus of the Church be no inequality among mem- authorized to do so. He ex- He said the problem is this: or without the consensus of bers of the Church because of plained that the "147 bishops Do the 10 lines dealing with the Church, for we cannot sep- national origins, social class of the U. S." mentioned in the this passage mean that it is arate the pope from the con- or sex. He asked that the council press office communi- regretable that any separation census of the Church. For Voice Photo text be amended to include que referred to the actual sig- of Church and State exists, or since we believe the pope to Bishop Coleman F. Carroll In St. Peter's Square race. natures of bishops affixed to a does it mean that it is re- be infallible through divine as- gretable that the things of the sistance, by that very fact we He declared: "The inclusion petition which was attached to City of God are in conflict believe that the assent of the of this point would emphasize his speech when he presented it with the things of the City of Church will never be lacking Hierarchy's Humble Service that equality which is enjoyed to the council secretariat. the World? to his definition, because it by all the members of the peo- Bishop Tracy explained to cannot happen that the body of ple of God in the Christian the journalists that his speech Archbishop Shehan said that the bishops will be separated Being Stressed By Council economy. No discrimination concerned the line in the text most bishops believe that the from its bead and because the second nation was the original ROME (NC) — The Second obstacle to the world's under- based on racial considerations of the schema which says: Universal Church cannot intention. But rather than run Vatican Council is making it standing of the Church. The can be reconciled with the truth "There is no inequality in fail.'" whereby we believe that God Christ and in the Church the risk of having the world clear to the world that the council is throwing light not creates all men equal in rights arising from nationality, misinterpret .this phrase, he said Archbishop Shehan said his Church's hierarchy "is not first only on other sides of the and dignity. Such an addition that some changes must be second amendment dealt with a social condition or sex." The of all a rank or a dignity, but Church but also on the very would also make clearer the burden of his speech, he said, made. He stated: passage in the schema "which a humble service." reason for its hierarchy. text in which St. Paul states was to add "or race." states that Revelation is trans- "The word 'separation' has mitted in its entirety in Scrip- that among Christians there can become a fighting word for The council is achieving this, "It is showing that the min- be no distinction between Jew He said that the insertion in- ture or Tradition." all of us. We want to get rid said Father Jerome Hamer, and Greek. volved two problems: first, the istering priesthood, the hier- idea of race is not easily ex- of the word 'regretable' and, " He said that the problem with O. P., through its emphasis on archical priesthood, is not an "The terms 'Jew' and if the section cannot be suit- this is the "trouble word 'or.' " pressed, and second, Latin has the Church as the People of end in itself, is not first of all 'Greek* in this context are to no real word for race, for the ably revised, to eliminate it He said that the Council of Trent be understood as referring Romans did not have a race entirely at this time." Rejected the word "or" because God. a rank or a dignity, but a more to distinctions based on problem. So, he said, he used The Archbishop said that he it seemed to imply two separate Father Hamer, a consultor humble service," Father Ha- religion, culture and race the Latin word "stirpe" which favors eliminating it entirely be- sources of Revelation instead of of the Secretariat for Promot- mer said. rather than on strict national is close but not precise. In or- cause the whole question of the one. He added: ing Christian Unity, said the origin. "The bishops and priests in der to be sure that the council relations of Church and State "I proposed that whenever chapter on the People of God "If this change is made it will Fathers understood his mean- are "too important to be in- there is a question of the use of in the council's draft constitu- the Church are for the People ing, he said, he had repeated be easier for bishops to provide troduced into the schema words denoting the relationship tion on the Church has power- of God, are for the Mystical the word "race" in his speech their faithful with the proper obliquely. If it is to be treat- between Scripture and Tradition ful ecumenical appeal. Body. It isn't the other way in French, Italian, English and instruction on the question of ed, it should be treated thor- this council adhere to the usage German. "It brings to the fore- around. All the powers that race prejudice. It would also oughly." of the Council of Trent." ground all those who belong to have been given them — pow- the Church, all who have re- ers of jurisdiction and sacra- ceived Baptism and all who mental powers — are aimed Define Role Of The Layman have arrived at the fullness of entirely at this service, at this the Christian initiation by the sanctification of the whole peo- sacrament of confirmation," he ple, at their evangelization. In Church, Council Urged declared. VATICAN CITY (NC) — Val- notion of canonical protection The former of a "I don't have to give you lots erian Cardinal Gracias of Bom- into the present schema "On the Dominican house near Paris, of explanations. What is behind bay has suggested that the coun- Nature of the Church" would now his Order's secretary gen- all this is the ideal of priestly cil draw up a formula eanonieal- not "involve any partial with- eral of studies, observed that service as it was realized by ly regulating relations between drawal of the laity from ecclesi- an emphasis on the hierarchical John XXni. He didn't live for laymen, priests and bishops to astical authority." side of the Church is an himself, for his prestige, but for meet the "practical difficulty all whom Christ has called to in assigning to the layman his make up His Church." proper role." Religious Liberty Statement Father Hamer, who is as- In an interview given the sistant general for his Order Divine Word news service, the in French-speaking countries, Indian Cardinal said that Seen Top Issue For Council said many council Fathers when he spoke in the council are anxious to give the chap- ROME (NC) — What the menism, that is on interfaith last week he had called for ter on the People of God "a world most awaits from the such a formula "whereby the relations. He noted that this highly Christological perspec- Second Vatican Council is a layman could be given canoni- question is a source of great tive." He said they hope in clear statement safeguarding cal protection against the friction among religious bod- fact to do the same for every- religious liberty, according to priest and bishops; and the thing in the council that con- Father John Courtney Murray, bishop and the priest canoni- cerns lay people. This attempt S. J., a council expert. * cal protection against the lay- But the council's Commission to center all teaching around man." x "This is the big issue of the on Faith and Morals has chal- Christ is "entirely in line with council in the world's eyes," lenged the competence of the Pope Paul's speech at the Cardinal Gracias said he had the American theologian declar- Secretariat for Promoting opening of this session," he suggested this because "both ed in an interview with the Christian Unity in the field of added. clerics and laymen do not yet NCWC News Service. "If the religious liberty, he said. The exactly know where the limits of council sidesteps religious lib- secretariat prepared a schema "Lay people must also as- the active functions of the lay- erty, we are done for," he said. on ecumenism. "There is no sume the prophetic function — man in the Church lie. And this Father Murray noted that a doubt that the Unity Secretariat understood as the function of is not known because theologi- chapter on religious freedom has the right to deal with re- manifesting Christ's truth. They Voice Photo ans themselves do not know it." has already been written into ligious liberty," Father Mur- must be the witnesses of the Bishop Patrick Shanley Strolls Through Rome He said that introducing the the council schema on ecu- ray said. Faith in today's world." November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 3 PRESENT WORLD CALENDAR WAS DRAWN UP BY A POPE Calendar Has Held Long-Time Interest Of Church NCWC NEWS SERVICE Calendar now in use in most "Similarly, the council is not weeks remains intact — unless to the fifth chapter of the responses from Orthodox and The Fathers of the Second of the world. opposed to the various initia- most serious' reasons would, in council's schema on the lit- Anglican leaders. Vatican Council have opened a tives for establishing a perpetu- the judgment of the , urgy. Though they rre far subject of interest to men ev- By votes of over 2,000 to less al civil calendar, provided the persuade otherwise." from urging any concrete ac- Easter now is celebrated each than 10 the present-day council week of seven days with its erywhere, the reckoning of the tion they are still considered year on the first Sunday after passage of time. Fathers made these recommen- Sunday is safeguarded and pro- These positions were taken a significant beginning. They dations: vided the regular succession of in the form of amendments drew prompt and favorable tbe full moon which occurs on In so doing, they have re- or next after March 21, the minded the world of the part "The council considers the spring equinox. It can thus fall wish expressed by many for a the Church has played in de- on any date between March 22 termining the orderly proces- fixed Sunday Easter, and for a sion of days, months and years. permanent calendar, to be of and April 25. no small moment, and hence, Their action is related to a after paying due heed to the A major problem of the Ni- desire for a fixed annual date consequences that may follow cene Council, in trying to for Easter and for a simplified from such a new calendar, de- achieve its goal of a simultan- clares: eous celebration of Easter permanent calendar. It imme- 1 f diately calls up the fact that throughout the world, was ix an earlier group of council Fa- "The council is not opposed the date of the spring eq ^x.' thers — meeting at Nicaea in to fixing Easter on a determin- In Syria, the fourth century the year 325 — set the present ed Sunday in the Gregorian cal- Christians were following the method of determining the date endar, provided this is agree- imperfect Jewish calendar. In for the observance of Easter. able to all others who are Antioch, Easter was celebrated concerned with the problem, es- on the first Sunday that actual- It also directs attention to pecially the Christian brethren ly followed the Jewish Pass- Pope Gregory XIII, who gave separated from communion over. In Rome, the feast was his name to the Gregorian with the Holy See. dependent on the date of the spring equinox, and this was fixed at March 25 in Julius Cae- sar's Julian Calendar. But in New Section For Patriarchs Alexandria the astronomers, heeding the sun rather than the edict of Caesar, determined that Credited To Antioch Prelate March 21 was the dat&Mjf $he equinox. VATICAN CITY (NO —Mel- cil moderators. He told them kite-Rite Patriarch Maximos IV that equal dignity had been RUSSIAN ORTHODOX ARCHPRIEST Igor reception given in Rome. Behind the cardinal, The Nicene Council Fathers Saigh, of Antioch is responsible conceded to patriarchs and Troyanoff (left) director of the Russian Orthodox from left, are Pastor Max Thurian and Pastor chose the Alexandrian reckon- for a special distinction now cardinals by Pope Leo XIII, ing, the true astronomical date. who was Pope from 1878 to churches of Lausanne and Vevay, Switzerland, Robert Schultz of the Priory of Taize, France; granted to himself and six fel- shakes hands with Augustin Cardinal Bea at a 1903, on the strength of a rec- and Canon Peter John Mann. The intervention of the Church low Eastern Rite Patriarchs: ommendation in 1439 by the in the yearly calendar came in they are seated prominently Council of Florence. - HAS A COSMOPOLITAN ATMOSPHERE 1582, during the reign of Greg- across from the cardinals in a ory XIII. Over the centuries sci- tribune of their own just below The two Cardinals conveyed entists had expressed alarm to the statue of St. Peter in the this information to Pope Paul VI churchmen over the manner in who immediately issued in- ecumenical council hall. which the Julian calendar was structions that the patriarchs Observers' Hotel Another UN' moving ahead of the sun. The 84-year-old Patriarch should no longer be seated next was the one to bring the mat- to the cardinals on the Gospel By FR. PLACD3 JORDAN, O.S.B. Then there are the repre- S.J., of Woodstock College, The Councils of Constance side of the basilica, but were to sentatives of the Coptic Church ter to Augu'stin Cardinal Bea, ROME (NO — If you drop Maryland, engaged in animat- and Basel heard reports on be assigned the new privileged of Egypt, the Orthodox Church S.J., president of the Secre- in at the Hotel Castello, just ed conversation with Bishop the matter. The Council of tariat for Promoting Chris- seats. This was an official ac- of Ethiopia, the Syrian Ortho- Trent referred the issue to a few blocks from the Vatican, Fred Pierce Corson of Phila- tian Unity, and Leo Cardinal knowledgment of the claim the dox Church of India, the Apos- delphia, president of the the papacy, tying it with re- you may be welcomed with a tolic Armenian Church. With Suenens of Malines-Brussels, patriarchs had advanced all World Methodist Council, and forms of the missal and brev- , one of the four coun- along. "Bon jour," or "Gruessgott," them is a delegate of-the Old iary. . Dr. William George Baker, or "Buenos Dias," or some oth- Edinburgh, Scotland, of the er similar greeting in most ev- At another table you may World Convention of Church" Pope Gregory's calendar ad- ery language of the world. Next see Father Gustave Weigel, es of Christ (Disciples). visers realigned the Julian cal- Catholics Of West Asked to the ecumenical council, this endar with reality by suppress- happens to be one of the most ing three leap days in every international spots in the Eter- four centuries, removing those in the centenary years not di- To Borrow Ideas Of East nal City. North Viet Reds Ban Travel visible by four. Thus 1600 and By PATRICK RILEY comes in the fullest sense sac- Here the Secretariat for 2000 are leap years, but not 1700, ratnentally present among His To Council For All Bishops 1800 or 1900. VATICAN CITY (NO — An Christian Unity headed by Au- people, and they are in full gustin Cardinal Bea has ac- English Benedictine abbot and SAIGON (NO — The com- time, the training of students The immediate problem was to sacramental communion with commodated 27.of its 65 non- an American Eastern Rite bish- munist government in North for the priesthood has been bring the spring equinox of the op have urged Catholics of the Him. Catholic observers and guests. They represent 16 of a total of Vietnam has not allowed any hindered. Only one major sem- Julian calendar back to the true West to borrow practices and bishops to attend either the first inary, that of Vinh, remains astronomical date of March 21, ideas from their brothers of the "The local community, then 22 Christian communities which accepted invitations to the great or the current session of the open. It functions under heavy as the Nicene Council had de- East, both Catholic and Ortho- takes on a particular importance creed. Pope Gregory solved this assembly in St. Peter's basili- Second Vatican Council. In this restrictions. The average age dox. because it is only in one place by suppressing 10 calendar days ca. the North Vietnam communists and at one point in time that of the priests is now higher and at one stroke — Oct. 4, 1582, Abbot , the Mass is celebrated. At noon and at night the are following the line of the their health is much poorer was followed immediately by O.S.B., of Downside Abbey hotel dining room buzzes with Chinese communist regime. than in 1954. Oct. 15, 1582. "This is especially true when and Bishop Nicholas Elko, By- polyglot conversations. Near it is the bishop who is celebrat- The Catholic hierarchy in zantine Rite Exarch of Pitts- the window is the table re- Scores of Catholics who dar- Proposed new calendars ing the Mass, because the bishop Archbishop Joseph Trin-nhu- burgh, issued their appeals in- served for the three Russian ed to assist the too-few priests seek to align the annual orbit is the chief priest in his own Khue of Hanoi and nine bish- are in prison, according to dependently in separate inter- delegates, Archpriests Vitaly by the earth around the i diocese." ops. In addition there are travelers reaching Cambodia views with the NCWC News Borovoy and lakov Illich of into a fixed chart that » _,.: Service. two bishops-elect whom the and Paris. Bishop Elko said Catholics of the Orthodox Patriarchate of reds 'have not allowed to re- be standard and permanent. Both want more emphasis on the Eastern Rite, like the Ortho- Moscow, and Nikolai Anphi- ceive episcopal consecration. No Catholic school remains One solution, the World Calen- the bishop's Mass as the center dox, have a vivid sense of be- nogenov, layman who is sec- in the north. The education dar, would provide a year of of the life of the local Christian longing to a community. retary of the Russian Ortho- Priests in North Vietnam forced on all children in the 12 months, with each three- community. Both want more em- dox delegation to the World are believed to number some- state schools is systematical- month quarter having regular phasis on the local Christian "We will keep the old cus- Council of Churches in Ge- thing more than 300. They are ly antireligious. Catholics who patterns of 31, 30 and 30 days. community itself. Both see great tom of the agape — the feast neva. constantly hampered in their continue to attend church and of charity. Every pontifical work and movements. Too few especially those who receive The 365th day would be ecumenical possibilities in these Across from them are An- closely linked ideas. Mass is followed by a dinner for the Catholic population left the sacraments are ridiculed known as Worldsday, and be for the faithful. The Bishop glicans, the Presbyterians and in the north in 1954 when the and exposed to economic pen- placed at the end of December. Abbot Butler, president of the meets everybody at this din- the Congregationalists sharing communists took over, the pri- alties. In leap year, another special English Benedictine Congrega- ner, meets them personally a table, among them Bishop ests are proportionately fewer day would be placed between tion, put it this way: and shakes hands with them John Moorman of Ripon, Eng- now. Sunday work is demanded ^Saturday, June 30, and Sunday, all," he said. land, and Dr. Douglas Horton, from Catholics, especially in the i;Ju!y 1. These special days would "We could bring out more of Randolph, N.H., former mod- The Catholic population has cooperative farms. The result is exist outside of the regular clearly that the Church be- Bishop Elko smilingly held up erator of the International Con- grown by natural increase .and that even when there is a priest weekly pattern. Under the comes fully alive in the cele- a strong right hand. "It's pretty gregational Council, and for- •even by some conversions since in the neighborhood, Catholics World Calendar each date of the bration of the Mass. That is tiring but the old hand hasn't mer dean of the Harvard Di- 19?4 It is now estimated* at are often prevented from going year could thus fall on the same the moment when Christ be- worn out yet." vinity School. more than 800,000. At the same to Sunday Mass. date of the week annually.

Page 4 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida MASS /S CELEBRATED BY POPE PAUL Pope John Anniversary Noted

By PATRICK RILEY merable chandeliers installed the courage of his friendships. VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope for Blessed Dominic Barberi's "He surprised St. Joseph by in- Paul VI offered Mass in St. beatification illumined the cer- troducing him into the Canon of the Mass, and some saints from Peter's basilica for the ecumen- emony honoring Pope John. the region of Venice and Lom- ical council Fathers and a vast BROTHERS PRESENT bardy by raising them to the The late Pope's two brothers throng of laymen, priests and altars." Religious to mark the fifth an- were present. Pope Paul shook niversary of the election of hands with both of them as he left the basilica. Of Pope John's confidence Pope John XXIII on Oct. 28. in the power of charity, Car- The celebration of the elec- Cardinal Suenens noted that dinal Suenens observed "John tion of a late pope is unprec- "on the morrow of his election XXIII was not so naive as to edented in living memory John XXIII might have seemed believe that goodness would and perhaps — some author- to be a 'pope of transition.' " solve all problems, but he ities say certainly — in all knew that it would open hearts history. "And indeed he was that, to dialogue, to understanding, but in an unexpected manner and to mutual respect." Leo Cardinal Suenens of that the expression does not Malines-Brussels, in an hour- suggest in its usual meaning. There was no earthly vanity long eulogy delivered after History will surely judge that in Pope John, Cardinal Suenens Pope Paul's Mass, said Pope he opened a new era for the said. "John XXIII leaves us the John "left men closer to God church and that he laid the memory of someone who in his MORE THAN 30,000 witnessed the consecration Among the new bishops, mostly missionaries, and the world a better place foundations for the transition own eyes did not exist." ceremonies in Rome by Pope Paul VI of 14 were one American, Bishop Arnold R. Cotey, for men to live." from the 20th to the 31st cen- bishops representing the world's six continents. S.D.S., of Milwaukee. tury." "If we shift our gaze from 'IN OUR MIDST' the man to the work he ac- The Belgian Cardinal said Radio, television and the complished, his life appears as that although Pope John has press made Pope John's death a threefold grace: a grace for AT SESSIONS IN THE FUTURE left us, "we dare to believe that "like a death in the family," the faithful of the Catholic he is more than ever present in Cardinal Suenens recalled. Church, a grace for all Chris- our midst." The Cardinal de- tians, a grace for all men of clared: Cardinal Suenens said Pope good will." Council May Admit Women John is still "present in our "It is right and fitting that midst" in two ways. Pope John's life was~3-,, „ we should ask him to inter- By Father Placid Jordan, O.S.B. Pope Paul VI is reliably rid, president of the World PROPHETIC INTUITIONS for Catholics, Cardinal Suen- cede for us now with God, so ens said, "above all, because known to have referred to the Union of Catholic Women, was "First of all he is present in VATICAN CITY (NO — The that our council labors, which his well beloved successor, of the council he convoked. recommendation of Leo Cardin- matter when the first list of expected in Rome to discuss he inspired, should evolve and Pope Paul VI, the august con- This was the culmination of come to perfection." al Suenens of Malines-Brussels lay auditors was submitted for the matter with council au- tinuer of his work . . . It is his pastoral activity." that women be admitted to the his approval. thorities, some of whom be- This public plea for prayers clear that Providence has given In Pope John's thinking, Car- ecumenical council as auditors to a man not officially proposed Pope Paul VI to the Church dinal Suenens said, the council Cardinal Suenens then sound- lieve that admission of wom- is likely to be put into effect by the Church for the venera- to give form and substance to was not first of all a meeting ed out the feelings of the council en Religious is a problem. soon. tion of the faithful astounded the prophetic intuitions of his of bishops with the pope. "It Fathers in a speech on Oct. 22. But competent quarters point- many in the council hall. Pope predecessor." was first of all a collective The Belgian Cardinal's rec- Paul, in opening the council's gathering of the whole episcopal ommendation is understood Since council reaction was fa- ed out that as in the case of Applause rose from the coun- vorable — even including ap- second session had spoken to college with the Holy Spirit." here to be the result of a joint heads of international lay or- cil Fathers at these words. plause for the Cardinal's speech, Pope John as to a living person. SAME LOVE, LOYALTY initiative taken by laymen now ganizations, heads of groups of The second way in which which is unusual and against But this could have been inter- There was a second round of auditing council sessions. The major superiors of sisterhoods Pope John continues to be council regulations — it is now preted as a rhetorical figure of applause when Cardinal Suenens auditors officially approached present, Cardinal Suenens expected that women prominent could be chosen without diffi- speech. said: "May John XXIII receive, the Cardinal moderators of the said, "is by reason of the in international Catholic organ- culty. National conferences of from the heights of Heaven, the council and suggested that the At his very first appearance sacrifice of his life, which he izations will soon be named major superiors of women's in- expression of the council Fa- time had come to give serious at the window of the papal offered for the happy outcome auditors. thers' deepest gratitude for the consideration to the admission stitutes have been established in apartment to bless crowds in of the council's labors." three dozen countries in the past St. Peter's Square, Pope Paul singular grace of the council, of women. Miss Pilar Bellosino of Mad- for his confidence in the epis- decade, and there is now an brought Cardinal Suenens Cardinal Suenens then turned to a description of the per- copate, which is more than ever international union of women su- with him and presented him to the people. He appointed sonality of Pope John, saying unshakeably united to the suc- periors general, with headquar- him one of the four cardinal "If one had to express it all in cessor of Peter, to Peter who Petition Seeking Diaconate ters in Rome. moderators he made responsi- a word, it seems to me that yesterday was called John and ble for the smooth function- one could say that John XXIII who today is named Paul, and ing of the council. was a man astonishingly natural to whom we pledge the same For Women Sent Council and supernatural at the same love and the same indefectible loyalty." ROME (NO — Resolutions dain women to the priesthood At the end of the eulogy, he time. Nature and grace were embraced him. seeking the duties of deacon for was sent to council authorities but one in a living unity full On the second point — Pope women and eventually perhaps during the first session last • For the commemorative cer- of charm and of surprises." John's life as a grace for all "the dignity of the priesthood" year by Dr. Gertrude Heinz- emony, St. Peter's basilica was MUTUAL RESPECT Christians — Cardinal Suenens have been presented to several elmann, a Catholic lawyer in still rich with damask wall The Cardinal noted that Pope said: Fathers of the ecumenical coun- Zurich, Switzerland.) hangings of the previous day's John "loved to share his pref- cil in behalf of an international beatification ceremony. Innu- erences with others" and had "For to him we owe a new Catholic organization promoting The alliance passed five-reso- atmosphere, a new climate, equal social and economic rights lutions: which enables us together, as for women. brothers, to meet the obsta- — That women be invited to cles which remain to be over- The resolutions of the St. attend the council sessions .as Reforms In Marriage Courts come on the path-to a full Joan's International Social and expert advisers. and visible unity. This climate Political Alliance were pre- we owe to his charity and to sented to some of the bishops — That special consideration Of Church Urged In Council his sincerity." in the hope that they will re- be given to the canons referring VATICAN CITY (NO — An He was succeeded in the to women in the coming revision Pope John's charity "opened ceive serious consideration in English archbishop said that he Bombay See by Valerian Cardi- of the Code of . the hearts of men to dialogue," council sessions dealing with has urged the ecumenical coun- nal Gracias. the lay apostolate and relat- Cardinal Suenens asserted. ed topics. — That the prayers in the cil to put a speed up to the Marriage courts should be Nuptial Mass said over the bride workings of the Church's mar- speeded up both on the dio- Pope John's "very evident" The St. Joan's International and groom after the Lord's riage courts high on its list of cesan level and in Rome, he sincerity was also responsible Alliance is a 32-year-old organi- Prayer be so worded as to apply reforms. said. He proposed that mar- for the improved climate of zation with headquarters in to both sopuses instead of vir- riage courts of some smaller rapprochement since, Cardinal . The resolutions were tually entirely to the bride. Archbishop Thomas Roberts, dioceses "abolish themselves" Suenens said, "no one con- adopted at its annual meeting S.J., who retired as Archbish- and send their cases to region- templating his life could accuse him of authoritarianism or am- in Freiburg, Germany, which — That diaconal duties be en- op of Bombay in 1950 to al courts "where really tiptop bition." was attended by delegates from trusted to women as well as make way for an India- experts can judge them." Argentina, Australia, Belgium, born bishop, told newsmen men if in the future the diacon- Pope John will be for history France, Germany, Great Brit- that unnecessary slowness in He also recommended that ate is restored as a perman- the Pope of Welcome and of ain, Sweden and Switzerland. handling marriage cases is many cases now reserved to ent ministry. Hope, the Cardinal said. This is They were introduced by Dr. probably a major cause of Rome could be handled efficient- Shattock, a woman physician, — That "should the Church in HERE ARE two of four new /.the reason his gentle and holy Catholics falling away from ly on a more local basis. memory will remain a benedic- and seconded by Mrs. Marthe her wisdom and in her good postage stamps issued by the the Church. time decide to extend to women "If they are handled in Rome tion in the centuries to come. Gouffe of France, honorary Vatican City Post Office to treasurer of the alliance. the dignity of the priesthood, The 70-year-old prelate spoke in the name of the pope, why At his departure, "he left men women would be willing and commemorate the coronation to reporters after submitting his not elsehwere in his name?" closer to God, and the world a (An earlier petition to or- eager to respond." of Pope Paul VI on June 30. ideas to the councilin writing. he asked. better place for men to live,"

November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 5 Ever 01$ Ever New

Freedom Of Council Shown Will A Senate Of Bishops In Vatican Press Bulletins Take Place Of The Curia? By MSGR. JAMES J. WALSH By FR. JOHN B. SHEERIN standards by which our apos- Special Voice Correspondent At this time last year the tolic office, endowed though it VATICAN CITY — At the end of last year's session of the frequent query around Rome is by Christ with the fullness Council, both members of the hierarchy and non-Catholic ob- was: "Who is Xavier Ttynne?" and sufficiency of power, may servers made a great point of the freedom of discussion which This year the question is: receive more help and support, characterized the daily meetings. Probably more than any other "What is col- in ways to be determined, from factor the conviction of complete freedom within the Church did legiality?" It a more effective and responsible more to stimulate public interest and win respectful attention to is the colleg- collaboration with Our beloved the proceedings. iality of bish- and venerable Brothers in the Episcopate." But last year,, in a sense, this had to be taken by the public ops that is be- on faith — that is on the word of those who were present daily ing discussed How could the Bishops, act- during the talks. This year, no faith is needed! The official daily as it was dis- ing collectively, give more Vatican Press bulletin is remarkable not only for its detailed cussed on the help and support to the Pope? paraphrase of what each Bishop said but for its blunt, candid Council floor. A number of bishops at **•• rendition of the speaker's points. The term re- Council have suggested fers of course FR. SHEERIN We are going to quote from the bulletin of two or three days the whole body of bishops to the joint responsibility of last week to indicate just how freely the Fathers speak their should be permanently repre- the bishops of the world to mind. In doing so, let's not forget that when the Bishops are sented at Rome. teach, rule and sanctify expressing their views in the Council they do not represent a the world. On Oct. 1, Archbishop Her- struggle between two opposing sides, as some newspapermen maniuk of Winnipeg urged-the have tried to oversimplify the matter. It most certainly is not the St. Peter was appointed the establishment of an "apostolic overworked and tired phrase of the ultra-liberals against the leader of the Apostles but it college" at Rome. This would : ultra-conservatives. The daily bulletins indicate very clearly that is also true that Christ appoint- be like a Senate to advise and the same Bishop may give what reporters call a liberal viewpoint ed the Apostles as a united collaborate with tbe Pope and on one topic but in the very same speech when linking his group to evangelize, to bear its members would be pat- thought within a wide subject his attitude definitely would take witness, to forgive sins. As heirs riarchs, Cardinals at the head what some consider a conservative turn. negative, clerical and juridical. The doctrine of the chapter of the Apostles, the bishops col- of dioceses and certain other In speaking on the chapter concerning "The People of should be presented with a more positive approach." lectively have authority over and Bishops. Oth- God" in the schema, Cardinal Meyer stated flatly, according Very pointed remarks came from the Melcite Archbishop the Church. But no one as yet er bishops at the Council made to the paraphrase of the official bulletin, that "the teaching of Nazareth who called the present schema unsatisfactory be- has given a definition of this similar suggestions. ^ * as presented is neither adequate nor realistic. It loses sight cause "it appeared to pay practically no attention to the vast collective power of the bish- 'ONE WORLD' of the important fact that first of all we are all sinners . . ." numbers of non-Christians who constitute two thirds of the ops that is adequate and satis- An Archbishop from Guinea had a word to say about inter- world's population and who in some way belong to the people of factory to the Council. The Roman Curia at present national Catholic organizations. He said they ought "to be on God." He went on to say that "even in this Council hall cer- POPE HAS PRIMACY acts as a secretarial body to their guard against a tendency to dominate those units of the tain observations on the possibility of married deacons in the When we speak of the "col- help the Pope in the guidance Church for which they provide essential financial and other Latin Church apparently were unaware that what was being lege of bishops" we include the and government of the Church assistance ... As the price of their assistance they should not said could easily be interpreted as reflections on the Oriental Bishop of Rome in the college. but many bishops feel that it try to control the apostolate in the countries they aid." Churches," where there are married clergymen. He also added a Any decision by the bishops needs an overhauling and re- word that should please the women. He said "the text is so must be ratified by the Pope form. They do not advocate the A Polish Bishop from Northern Rhodesia on the topic of the abolition of the Curia but they laity declared "the definition of the layman is defective and silent as to the place of women in the Church as to give the before it can become an official impression they do not exist." decision of the Council. Even insist that a Senate of bishops negative . . . Bishops should be admonished in still stronger would more effectively serve to Just immediately before Bishop Tracy gave his memor- so there are some conservative terms not to extinguish the spirit by ignoring or belittling the minister to the needs of the able talk on tbe importance of including the word "race" in theologians who seem to think suggestions of the faithful." universal Church. There was a the text in order to emphasize racial equality, an Australian that the whole concept of "the Cardinal Sucnens gave an eloquent talk on the "fact that time when a highly centralized Bishop stated that from his viewpoint "it is becoming in- collegiality of bishops" is an at- charisms still exist in the Church." He went on to say that administration was needed at creasingly evident that the contexts of this chapter are not tempt to undermine the power "this is the age of the Holy Spirit Who is given not only to pas- Rome because of lack of com- worthy of an Ecumenical Council. As it stands the chapter is of the Pope. tors but to all members of the Church." And in order to indicate munications but that day is a shapeless mass of ideas. Its original arm is that it has no the importance of the role of the laity in his view he stated "it Pope Paul himself has no gone. is a fact of history that some members of the laity have at basic theological principle which could serve to organize and worries on this score. In his times awakened a sleeping Church lest the teachings of the unify all its component parts." . opening talk at the Council More importantly, the Cur- Gospel be lost sight of." From these views, so varied and convincingly presented, he said that the discussion ia owes its origin to Church Bishop McGrath of Panama said the description of the will come the eventual, clearer teaching of the Church in our on "collegiality" starts from law but the college of bishops layman is "too negative because it describes him only in re- generation. Every single suggestion or criticism is heeded and the assumption that the Pope was instituted by divine law. lation with the hierarchy and religious as though, like little discussed later in the commission meetings. The ideas are has primacy over the Church. It was not to the Curia but acolytes, the laity were at the base of a clerical pyramid classified, joined with other similar thoughts and the whole is The Pope expressed the opin- to the 13 Apostles that Christ subject to everyone. The treatment is unrealistic and too reworked into another presentation that will be given to the ion that the discussion would entrusted His Church. There schematical." Bishops for their approval in the form of amendments. ultimately prove helpful to him: is therefore no reason today The first comment we noticed about the reaction of the But here again the proposed amendment may be voted down "For us personally it will pro- why Christ's wishes should lay auditors inside the Council came from Bishop Menager of or treated with enough "approval with reservations" to demand vide doctrinal and practical not be given full expression. France. He was interpreted as saying "the lay auditors have further revision. It definitely will not be accepted by the Fa- found the text disappointing because it struck them as being thers until the majority vote their pleasure by marking their AN ALTAR BOY NAMED "SPECK" ballot "placet". It is the Church's way of freedom among the successors of *f RELIEF M/7P the Apostles, and it is a most important, impressive matter.

The Diocese of Miami Weekly Publication Embracing Florida's 16 South- ern Counties: Broward, Char- lotte, Collier. Dade, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry. High- lands. Indian River, Lee, Martin* Monroe, Okeechobee. Palm VOICE Beach, St. Lufie. Editorial PLaza 8-0543 Advertising and Classified. PL 4-2561; Circulation. PL 1-6821 NOT 7MT ONLY SAINT 70 -HAVE THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO., INC. rift. RECEIVED The Most Rev. Coleman F. Carroll, Bishop of Miami, President M THE STIGMATA, STFMNOS James F. Nelan Managerial Consultant CFASSISI Monsignor James J. Walsh Editorial Consultant IS UdlGUE IN HAVING A FEAST John J. Ward Editor •HONORING George H. Monahan Managing Editor Marjorie L. Fillyaw Feature and Women's Editor Gustavo Pena Monte Spanish News Editor , THE BOD/ OF ST MATTHEW Anthony Cborak Angelo Sava THE CvVMOELIST Business Manager Advertising Manager WAS BROUGHT 10 TOE IUU.IAN PORT OF TALLEST OF ALL GOTHIC SALERNO Second-class postage paid at Miami, Florida M 964 AMD Subscription rates: U.S. and Possessions $5 a year; CATHEDRAL? IS AT B&HMAIS single copy 15 cents; foreign: $7.50 a year. LATER BURIED Published every Friday at £301 Biscayne Boulevard, M TRAUCS IN TOE Miami 38. Florida Address all mall to 4301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Fla. Vk* ARC K TKlOMPHe CRYPT OF THE Member Catholic Press Association MAGNIFICENT National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service MQtfilt WOULD JUST. . NORMAN CATHEDRAL News Items intended for publication must be received by Monday noon. TlTlKTO 7HF NAME / "Thou shall not bend!" Poge 6 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Our Lady: An Obstacle To Unity? By MSGR. JAMES J. WALSH Mary, a basis which provides Voice Special Correspondent a common meeting ground VATICAN CITY- with Protestant and Orthodox 1 scholars. This, in short, seems IS Our Lady to be kept quiet- sonal lives will be more clear- was the same, their approach to be the heart of the whole ly in the back room during ly shown as God's idea, not differed. Two alternatives were matter. man's. And it will be, there- Council discussions, lest our discussed: fore,, so much, the more at- If there is to be a "return separated brethren, recently in- tractive and more easily un- A) Should there be an en- to the Bible" for a reexamina- vited into the living room for the derstood. If anything, during . tire schema devoted to her tion of truths, concerning Our first time, be offended at her these days of the Council, we person, her role and priv- Lady, there will be, it is gen- should be growing in devo- ileges, which her sublime dig- presence? Is there really an at- erally thought, a much better tion to Mary, confident that nity would seem to demand? chance of agreement with non- tempt on to downgrade devo- our prayers to her will win B) Or, would it be just as Catholic Christians than if a tion to Mary, because her from God the graces we need fitting a tribute to Mary and study were made primarily unique position and titles, in the to cooperate fully with the actually more beneficial in about what the Popes in history directions of the Council. minds of many non-Catholics, the salvation of souls and in have stated about our Blessed the cause of reunion, if her Mother. Undoubtedly a Protest- loom as a mountainous barrier Well, then, what about the role were confined to a chap- ant scholar would feel more se- the path of unity? hush-hush attitude concerning ter in the currently discussed cure examining again Scriptur- Mary which one hears so much schema, de Ecclesia? al evidence with Catholic schol- Is there a possibility that one about, as if -the mere mention ars than studying the decrees of or both of the recent dogmatic of her name might scare off our This has been a warmly de- the Popes. definitions about Our Lady may non-Catholic friends who do not bated matter, a proof of the be renounced in order to smooth share our convictions about her. importance attached to the sub- Some of the bishops have the way to reunion? ject. In the weeks preceding MORE MEANINGFUL pointed out that this approach last Tuesday's vote on the mat- follows the example of the These questions suddenly ter, a number of bishops ex- Church in the first centuries have been found on the lips Let's face it; there is some truth to this. But it has to be pressed dissatisfacton with the and that the earliest treatises of many Catholics and more manner in which the schema on Our Lady drew their argu- than a few of them are ready properly understood. And inci- dentally we have to admit that had presented the subject of Our ments from the Old and New fo take to the boats and be- Lady. Some of the Fathers stat- Testament. THE MOSAIC reproduction of a world famous painting, Titian's gin a counter attack. But no there are some scholars who are "away out" in space on this ed the treatment would hurt "Assumption of the Virgin," has been presented to the National one should pick up a weapon the cause of unity, since it em- UNIQUE ROLE Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D. C. The and charge before really question, as on others, and whose broad, brief statements phasized the papal pronounce- gift was prepared by the Vatican Mosaic works. "~^^ ',- learning what is behind the ments of the past century and Others have urged that in the definitely give a wrong impres- current discussions in Rome indicated the church may do dialogue with the separated about Mary. At first, it is in- sion, especially when the con- brethren, Mary should always even more to define Mary's po- be separated from Christ in If the dialogue among deed true, it may appear as text of the vast subject is be joined with Christ to empha- sition. the Incarnation. Christians with regard to Our if there is afoot a plan to missing. size her unique role in the Lady will provide a hearing make a drastic change in our Incarnation and Redemption of The Orthodox churches, of However, apart from the TWO APPROACHES on how the Catholic Church attitude towards Mary. But it mankind, as well as to stress course, should applaud this ap- extremists, whose views the has come to define certain is this very "quick glance" By contrast with the ap- that, as a creature, she was and proach. Their devotion to Mary Church never adopts as she truths about her, then that approach which is at fault. proach of the schema, two is completely dependent upon is great and fundamentally dif- pursues her middle way, alone can be rated as prog' We need to be filled in with groups of Bishops got together God. This latter point, as every ferent from that of Protestant there is almost universal rec- ress. It is a beginning, and it some background information. and drew up documents of priest knows, has been often Churches. But like the lat- ognition that our Blessed their own and offered them as ter, they would be repelled involves no compromise, no Mother is in fact in the minds misunderstood by the average The vote of the Bishops more realistic approaches to many here say, if an examina- sacrifice of any conviction we of Protestants and some Or- Protestant in^whose mind the Wednesday was this: they de- the thorny problem. One was tion of the role of Mary de- cherish regarding Mary. thodox a hindrance to re- idea has grown that we regard cided to insert the schema on presented by the English hier- pends on recent papal pro- union. Father Walter Burg- Mary as a goddess, equal to Hence, Our Lady is not being the Blessed Virgin Mary into archy, apparently under the di- nouncements rather than on hardt, S. J., stated that, "Save Christ in power and independent relegated to the status of a poor the schema of the Church as a rection of Abbot Christopher Scriptural evidence. for the Catholic concept of the in her own right. relative and kept in obscurity so special chapter. Butler, OSB; the other was the Church, the single theological work of a group of Chilean All of this indicates the we can make a good impression Prior to the voting, the issue which most effectively bishops. In the English document cir- burning desire of Church lead- on others. On the contrary the Cardinal-Moderator stated to strangles the ecumenical dia- culated among the bishops, ers to fulfill Pope John's and aim is to win new honor for her the Council Fathers that no logue is the Catholic vision Apparently the aim of both the desire is expressed to in- Pope Paul's exhortation "to from those whose religious back- vote on either side could be of Mary. She is the 'wall' — presentations was to em- clude the treatise on Mary consider how to expound ground makes it difficult for construed as constituting any if only because she is, for the phasize the Scriptural basis in the schema on the Church, Church teaching in a manner them to see her role in Christi- lessening of the dignity of the Protestant, the visible symbol for our beliefs concerning simply because Mary cannot demanded by the times . . ." anity as we do. Blessed Virgin or any down- of Catholic 'idolatry': the Ro- grading of her pre-eminent man abandonment of Scrip- AT SECOND SESSION OF VATICAN COUNCIL role in the Church." ture, of history and of Christ ..." First of all, there is no pos- sible chance of the Church ever In the face of this, the prob- renouncing the solemnly defined lem arises: How to present non- What Has Impressed Observers Most? Catholic religious groups with truths that Mary was conceived among the observers, more of able despite our sincere efforts our total convictions about By MSGR. JAMES J. WALSH forget the grief endured dur- without original sin, as the doc- them are actually present at at mutual understanding . . ." trine of the Immaculate Con- Mary so that the subject of Voice Special Correspondent ing the long series of dissen- the Council's Second Session. In He added more hopefully, "All ception proclaimed in 1854, or Mariology will become more What has impressed the non- tions and separations." fact, according to the Secreta- that her body was taken into meaningful and acceptable? together we are at the begin- Catholic observers most this ses- The official went on to ex- riate official, the men here ning of the road whose goal heaven as the definition of the sion? Probably Pope Paul's plain that in the minds of many this year are better known and Assumption stated in 1950. These Merely to hold up the long only God knows and on this opening talk on September 29th, Protestants the big obstacle to respected for scholarship in are de fide truths, defined and list of her titles and preroga- journey we will need patience according to what an official in unity has not always been doc- Protestant and Orthodox circles. certain and irrevocable. And tives which we cherish and and humility." the Unity Secretariate told us trine. What has held many of The reason for this was that in this should be kept in mind state: "accept these or else 1962 apparently they only had the other day. He said that not them at arms length is Catho- A few days' after this visit whenever anyone, very likely ..." would leave Christianity several months' notice and some lic pride, that is, while on the the Anglican observer, Bishop out of loyalty to Our Lady, as divided as ever. only were the observers delight- of the most distinguished non- one hand insisting as we have John Moorman of Ripon, makes slightly wild charges ed and astonished to be singled Catholic leaders were so heavily APPROACH DIFFERED to that the Church is the one made a considerably more that "they are doing away with out in the Pope's first talk, but booked with engagements they true church, on the other hand hopeful statement when he too much over there!" Abbot Christopher Butler in a the whole world seems to liave could not accept the invitation. refusing to admit any imperfec- said that the primacy of the conference last week said that been surprised when our Holy For this session they arranged 'RENEWAL OF LIFE' tions in the past or present. Pope is "not an insuperable "Many Protestants feel that in Father apologized, for what- their plans far in advance. How about our personal de- these matters the Catholic It is understandable then obstacle to Christian unity." ever Catholic guilt there may votion to Our Lady? Is this be- Church has gone far from the that the observers last week It is interesting to realize that To the surprise of m a n y. ing soft-pedaled, as if someone purity of the original Gospel. have been at the tragic separa- went to their audience with while there is an unprecedent- Bishop Moorman explained just found out for sure it has Even sympathetic Anglicans tion of Protestants from the Pope Paul in his private ed exchange of sentiments of that "if there is to be a final gone too far? May we expect often argue that the modern Church. library with the kind of en- cordiality and respect, still no unity among Christians there advice soon to go easy on such Catholic definitions about Our thusiasm they had reserved one is making unrealistic state- will have to be a central practices as going "to Jesus Lady are unjustified." Paul's words are not soon for Pope John. Once again ments in expectation of unity head of the Church and that through Mary," or the "radi- to be forgotten, "If we are they heard a Pope of the in the near future. head will clearly have to be cal" consecration in de Mont- In the past week in the in any way to blame for that Catholic Church address them the Bishop of Rome." fort's True Devotion, or the Council Chamber, the Bishops separation, we humbly beg affectionately as "Dear Broth- At the audience last week recitation of the rosary or the debated at great length how God's forgiveness, and ask ers in Jesus Christ." Realiz- Pope Paul pointed out that the So it goes in the unfolding of observance of Our Lady's best to treat of the Blessed pardon too of our brethren ing obviously the impact his move towards unity would be one of the major events of the feasts? Mother. The Vatican news re- who feel themselves to have opening talk had on the ob- long and hard and that "no o,ne twentieth century, the quest of leases made it obvious that all been injured by us." And to servers, Pope Paul repeated can tell how long it will tafcte-." unity. For the first time in 4(XX Not in the least. As a mat- the bishops were united in the add an even more sincere again his conviction that On the same day the spokes- years widely divergent groups ter of fact, in the "renewal same objective, namely, how to note to this striking thought, "First of all, we must rely on man for the observers, Profes- speak of forgiveness, their need of life" expected in the make Our Lady a forceful the Holy Father added, "For mutual Christian forgiveness." sor Kristen Skydsgaard from of mutual love and prayers. Church as a result of the means to unity rather than, as our part, we willingly forgive the University of Copenhagen, Even the cynics would have to Council, we can be sure that in the past, a reason for dis- the injuries which the Cath- As expected after last year's said with simple candor that our admit this indeed represents the role of Mary in our per* unity. But while their objective olic Church has suffered and surprisingly agreeable reaction differences "appear insurmount- concrete evidence.

November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 7 PIONEERED YOUTH LABOR LAWS, 8-HOUR DAY Italian Priest Will Be Beatified Nov. 3

God Love You By JAMES C. O'NEUX Among the first was his meet- shoemakers. Other courses in ing with a young chimneysweep ROME (NO — Some of his farming were given and the named Felice who was shiver- earnings of the apprentice work- Most R^yerend fellow aristocrats in Turin ing in rags at his front door. ers were deposited in individual thought Father Leonardo Muri- The youngster had come from savings accounts so that they Fulton J. Sheen aldo was a socialist for advo- the north in search of work to would have a small fund of sav- cating an eight-hour day in 1885. help support his mother. The ings with which to begin adult But Pope St. Pius X later rec- young priest took him into his life. ognized him for what he was — home, gave him some warm a very holy man. food and a bed. As the years went by, Fa- ROME . . . The Church is holy. We say this daily in the ther Murialdo became con- On Nov. 3, the Church is Gradually the priest's home vinced that the work of the Creed, but here in Rome we see it in action. As an American paying public tribute to his was transformed into a hos- center could only be carried holiness when Father Leonar- bishop I often desire, as did the woman in the Gospel, to touch pice for street boys who on by a religious congregation. do is declared blessed in St. worked for pennies during the On March 19, 1873, the Pious the robes of some of our missionary and persecuted brothers Peter's basilica. The new day and who at night were Turin Society of St. Joseph Blessed was strongly con- in the episcopacy. Almost all of the more than 2,200 succes- taught how to read and write was founded. It was •composed scious of the needs of his sors of the Apostles are in St. Peter's at least half an hour by Father Murialdo. of four priests and two sem- time and his work for young inarians. The society grew before Mass begins. Many are at the altar of St. Pius X and working men and boys was In 1857, Don Giovanni Bosco, quickly and today numbers the tomb of John XXIII, but most of them are at the altar much like that begun by his later St. John Bosco, talked over 800 members with foun- fellow townsman, friend and of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Every morning three Father Murialdo into assuming dations in Ecuador, Brazil, priest, St. John Bosco. directorship of the Oratory of Argentina, Chile, Italy and the priests hear their confessions, while many who cannot be ac- St. Louis, a sort of boys recrea- United States. But unlike St. John Bosco, who commodated on kneeling benches kneel on the marble floor. tional club. was born to a poor farming Among many of Father Leo- family, Blessed Leonardo was The new director restored the nardo's accomplishments in his son of a financier who was the center's chapel and built facili- later years was the founding of Each morning as they file in, and each noon as they THE BEATIFICATION of descendant of a noble family. ties for day and night school. the first Catftolic workers' union Father Leonard Murialdo, Ital- exit, one is reminded of the scarlet cord of Rahab. When ORDAINED PRIEST He also organized athletic of Turin in 1871. ian founder of the Pious So- teams, a theater and a band. Born in 1828, he was the eighth ciety of St. Joseph of Turin, the spies of the Jews were sent across the Jordan they STUDIES IN PARIS -' He startled the Mayor of child of Leonardo and Teresa will be held Nov. 3, in St. lodged with this woman, who asked to be spared when the Turin in 1885 by proposing a Rho Murialdo. His father died Father Murialdo remained di- Peter's Basilica. reform of laws governing Israelites came to possess the land promised by God. They before the boy reached his fifth rector of the oratory for eight years. Then he accompanied his working conditions. Among , gave her a sign: "Let down a scarlet cord." The Fathers birthday and his upbringing was his proposals: that children His efforts earned him the supervised by his mother, who brother Ernesto to Paris and contempt of some of his former of the Church said this symbolized salvation through the entered the theological classes" be required to attend school took her children to Mass daily. until the age of 12 or 14; abo- friends, who accused him of be- Blood of Christ. In any case, the bishops filing through at St. Sulpice seminary. coming a socialist. After finishing his elemen- lition of night work; estab- the main door of St. Peter's look like a scarlet cord seek- tary education, Leonardo and He was asked to take over lishment of an eight-hour day Another of has achievements the "Artigianelli" center. This and laws banning child labor was the founding in 1876, with ing salvation for the sinners of the world. his brother Ernesto were sent to study with the Scolpi Fa- had been founded some years . until the age of 16. He also ad- two others, of the first Catholic thers at Savona, where they before to offer a home to vocated that salary minimums weekly for workers. The paper be set by the city to protect remained for seven years. In young boys and men appren- still exists today under the title helpless workers. Let me tell you the story of just one, whose name we 1845, the young man began ticed to various trades who the Voice of the People. had no family in Turin. cannot give for fear of reprisals. We inquired how he read wearing the cassock in the theological school at Turin's Mass during his years of torture in a concentration camp. He When he took over the direc- Regia University. In 1850 he torship of the center, Father Blessed Dominic Barberi answered that once a week he was given raisin bread. He would was awarded a degree in the- Murialdo also assumed the take out the raisins, pour a little water on them and, when ology and in 1851, he was or- debts of the institution and his dained a priest. life was made miserable for Is Beatified By Pope Paul they fermented, use a drop of wine a day for the consecration. years trying to provide for the It took almost six years to boys in his care. His own in- By JAMES C. O'NEILL fieation ceremonies in St. Pe- lead Father Murialdo directly heritance spent, he was reduced VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope ter's on the Feast of Christ the These hundreds and hundreds of holy bishops in our into the career which was to be to begging in front of churches. Paul VI cited John Henry New- King. his life's work. But indications midst all have one thing in common: they are all either SOCIETY FOUNDED man's description of Blessed of his special calling showed Courses were begun to train Dominic Barberi — "He loved In the afternoon part of the very poor, or at least poor in spirit. Though I dislike being themselves early in his priestly the boys as mechanics, tailors, England very much" — during rites, the Pope venerated the a beggar for these poor apostles and their missions, I suf- life. carpenters, typesetters and the Italian Passionist's beati- relics of the new Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God fer it for their sakes and pass on the pain to you. Two and entwined his name with priests in the United States recently sent great sacrifices that of the distinguished Eng- lish Cardinal as symbols of for Christ-like missionaries. Other holy priests, we ROOF COATING the tuiure ot the Church in know, willdtrlhe same. And the laity, instead of giving England. to those who already have so much, will begin to give to The Pope took part in the late m those who have nothing. If you cannot send anything, say afternoon service attended by by MURRA Y! the cardinals in Rome, most a prayer that some of that holiness may rub off on this of the archbishops and bishops beggar for the holy missionaries of the Lord. of England, representatives of the Passionist congregation, and thousands of other persons. Solemn Benediction of the Bless- GOB LOVE YOU to B.L.P. for $25 "At the suggestion of ed Sacrament was given by one of my princely surgeons, instead of a fee for his services, Archbishop Igino Cardinale, newly appointed Apostolic Dele- I send you this for your Missions." ... to Mrs. Y.G. for $20 gate to Great Britain. "This was put aside to fall back on; we will fall back on the Good Lord and send this to you." ... to Mrs. J.T.B. for $5 '*•**••:•*-:-•>*••••*•:••>•••* "In Thanksgiving for a 'no malignancy' report." Gems from

WORLDMISSION, a quarterly magazine of missionary BARREL TILE ROOF on the home of Mr and Mrs. R. K. Weldon, 861 N.E. activities edited by Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, is the ideal 81st Street, is a typical example of the SUPERIOR ROOF COATING PROCESS. gift for priests, nuns, seminarians, laymen. Send $5 ($5.50 This exclusive process consists of cleaning, sealing, pressure coating with ROOF WHITE SUPREME and SILICONIZING for the longer life and more i for foreign mail) for a one-year subscription to WORLD- beautiful white roof. ^ MISSION, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York—10001. This Exclusive Process also available for Gravel Roofs MURRAY also specializes in all phases of the Roofing Business • • 3 Year Guarantee • Easy Terms * 5 Year Warranty SHEEN COLUMN: Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director * of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth MURRAY ROOFING, INC. FREE ESTIMATES ANYTIME Man learns from experience, Avenue, New York Ix, N.Y., or your Diocesan Director, Rev. *> that's how he recognizes a Central and North Dade County South Dade and Perrine Area .;. mistake when he makes it Neil J. Flemming, 6301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Florida. PL 9-6604 CE 5-1351 *;* again. •••liiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii Page 8 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida How Sisters Left Homeland On Miami Mission Of Mercy By MARY KENNEDY Precious Blood pinned onto her white wimpole with green Their lives pledged to the satin ribbon. care of the mentally retarded from birth to death, 11 dedicat- Sister Lucia, first to appear ed nuns left their native land with the Mother General, said for a strange country last week that she could speak some Eng- to bring to the Diocese of Mi- lish — but not at that moment. ami their mission of mercy. It was the only indication of excitement or apprehension They are members of the that she showed. The self- community of the. Sisters of discipline and calm demeanor St. Joseph of Cottelengo, Italy, of all was most noticeable. who conduct many institutions WAVED FAREWELL for the care of the mentally As the plane for New York retarded in that country and was called, the 11 huddled to- -other places in Europe. gether, waved a last farewell to their fellow-Sisters and proceed- The 11 who flew to South ed to the ramp. Halfway there, Florida are the first of their Monsignor Walsh and Father community to come to the del Busto asked them to pause and kneel for a blessing. United States. Bishop Coleman Voice Photos F. Carroll made the arrange- Not one of the nuns betray- ITALIAN SISTERS of St Joseph Benedict Cottelengo have ac- Miami. Bishop Carroll is shown with members of the com- munity and Father Elio Gambari, M.M., second row right, dur- ments for them to come here ed any misgivings on her cepted the invitation of Bishop Coleman F, Carroll, center, serene young face. Their ex- to administer the Marian Center for Exceptional Children in ing a visit to the Motherhouse at Turin during 1962. in order to staff the new Marian pressions were as smiling and Center for Exceptional Children cheerful as when they cared to be built in the Diocese of for the unfortunates in their weaving machine and an accor- hospitals. Miami next year. dion! Sister Lucia certaMy will With serene calm they accept- Once airborne, they reported have no trouble organizing a ed their crusade and from Milan that everything was "tutto va- hospital. She had gathered her began the journey which was to bene." little black and brown-garbed change their whole lives as well After landing through cumu- group together, collected all the as the lives of those to whom lus clouds over London, the baggage and recruited two Ital- they will minister. These quiet, brave young nuns smiled quiet- ian inspectors. Our pilgrimage brave, unsung young heroines ly and chatted among them- were willingly and eagerly mak- selves as they traipsed after one was led to the Miami plane just ing the sacrifice in order to another into the terminal where 10 minutes before takeoff. bring to the Diocese one of the we were to wait 45 minutes be- greatest of charities. fore boarding again. Arriving over South Flor- ida, the multi-colored lights of My sympathy for their work The Sisters introduced and selflessness prompted me themslves. Sister Lucia had Miami caused murmurs of ex- to volunteer to accompany recovered a little English and citement and exclamations of them to Miami, since only the the use of an Italian phrase wonder about the size of the Mother Superior spoke or un- book conveniently made pos- city and the. well-illuminated derstood any English. The oth- sible enough conversation to "autostrada" — expressway. ers probably never before had learn that they were all very been on an airplane or possi- happy about coming to Landing at the Miami Interna- bly never had been out of America. tional Airport, after 17 long, their native Italy. The flight across the Atlantic sometimes trying hours, the ex- Msgr. James J. Walsh, now to New York was thrilling and emplary 11 Sisters of Cottelengo in Rome covering the Second the nuns were comfortable. Our were cheerful as ever. No stair- FIRST VISIT to the Diocese of Miami was shown during a visit to the Catholic Home for Children in Perrine where they were welcomed Vatican Council for readers of plane landed at 9:40 p.m. The ways? Perhaps they could brave made by Mother Bianca Crivelli, right center, by Sister Mary Edith, S.S.J., superior; and Sis- The Voice, and Father Eugenio plane for Miami was leaving at that strange thing called esca- Mother General of the Cottelengo Sisters; and del Busto, of the Diocese of Mi- lator. Sisters Lucia, left center, now superior of the ters of the Holy Family of Nazareth who were 10. But how to clear 11 nuns among those attending open house ceremonies. ami, accompanied the group as Miami foundation, last summer. They are through customs in 20 minutes? Sister Lucia regarded it firm- far as Milan for the, flight which I left them in care of an ly. Then taking a resolute breath ance. They had mastered the There is a language that English, "God bless you." Some was to be non-stop from Milan Italian stewardess with a reas- and looking back at her col- machine as they reached the never needs be spoken. On the to New York. suring "Uno momento" and leagues with an expression murmured "gratias, b u o n a bottom and there were no cas- raced out to get through cus- which said "follow me," she face of each Sister of St. Jo- At the Milan field, many ualties. notte." members of their community, toms myself. planted a foot on the moving seph of Cottelengo, a pair of including the Mother General, LAND IN MIAMI steps. Obediently, each Sister It did not seem difficult any deep, dark eyes spoke a lan- So, too, will all South Florida had gathered in such numbers There was an 11 o'clock plane followed. Most were afraid to more to collect the baggage. guage which anyone could un- say to these Sisters devoted to place their hands on the moving as almost to engulf the de- for Miami but there were 20 They were here, at their des- derstand. the care of the mentally retard- parting 11. Each wore her pieces of luggage to be inspect- rail. Several teetered precari- tination — their "Mission to ed — "God bless you." particular silver medal of the ed, not to mention a therapeutic ously, but all kept their bal- Miami" had begun. Sister Lucia said in perfect

Voice Photos Msgr. James J. Walsh Talks With Italian Sisters At Milan Airport Airline Stewardess Discusses Flight To U.S. With Italian Sisters November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 9 Pope Paul Urges An End To 'Scientific Feudalism' VATICAN CITY — Pope Paul various disciplines and to return cultural progress its highest and God. This is why We al- VI has urged an end to "scien- to a confrontation of the various and most luminous signifi- ways think that scientific tific feudalism" in which sciences. Lastly, it needs a syiv cance." progress, far from making re- branches of science tend to thesis, a kind of higher unity, The Church has an optimistic ligion vain, helps to find al- specialize and cut themselves which the simple encyclopedic attitude toward scientific prog- ways higher and deeper ex- off from each other and from approach does not offer. It needs ress precisely because of a "re- pressions." religion. a 'summa,' logically organic and ligious concept of the world," he "Today this tendency of sci- He made his plea during an morally vital." added. ence toward a formal and tran- audience granted to 700 mem- The Pope said it is in this "Where there is research, dis- scending recognition of religion bers of the Italian Congress of higher plane that "thought covery, conquest — increasing begins to dawn in the more Stomatology, a branch of med- reaches its loftiest and most knowledge and action — there thoughtful souls," the Pope said, icine that deals with diseases daring peak — the philosophic is on the one hand the develop- "and We hope that it will be a of the mouth. — which in its turn comes ment of human faculties, and prelude to a new canticle of on the other there is the pene- the creatures, completely differ- "Respect for specific compe- into contact or conflict with the inevitable religions ques- tration of the work of God and ent from the one full of beauty tence," the Pope said, "does not the use of the resources hidden and candor of Brother Francis draw unbridgeable frontiers be- tion." Aerofux Howerfifes, beautifully embossed replicas of favorite flow- in it," the Pope stated. — this canticle to be mathe- tween the religious and medical ers, animals and religious symbols. Flowers light up in their true "And if religion is real — as matical and rational instead, but garden colors — some in lavender blue and some in sea shell rose fields . . . Science and the activi-' "So there is a getting to- we believe ours to be — that is nonetheless mystic and lyric." with leaves of green. Like the light of the firefly — cool, delicate, ties derived from it specialize gether of the two terms, man so very soft. Aerolux is the perfect light for the horrie, decorative, to say, if it presents a higher relaxing, restful — a charming night light gently glowing to banish and, so as not to become sub- frame work of reality, it is at qny fears of the dark, equally comforting to young and old, a truly merged in each other, tend to the vertex of the pyramid of delightful and thoughtful gift for alJ. form their own principles and knowledge as well as of action," 2 Protestant Leaders Urge to become autonomous, each in he said. PRICE its own sphere, and finally to 1. Infant of Prague with Crucifix Bulb $12.00 separate from and to ignore "And this is why it is not Increase In Unity Efforts 2. Planter with Flower Bulb 12.95 each other." unfitting," he added, "at a 3. Votive Lamp with Flicker Candle Flame ... 10.00 A HIGHER UNITY certain stage in the most sig- RALEIGH, N. C. (NO — This was the theme of an Includes Postage "This exclusive specializa- nificant manifestations of cul- Two Protestant leaders here address to a Catholic au- tion," the Pope continued, "this ture to seek a reference to have made separate appeals dience by Coadjutor Bishop GULFSTREAM TRADERS kind of scientific feudalism that vertex and to draw a for increased ecumenical efforts A. Fraser of the Episcopal which, according to general bond from it which gives by Christians. Diocese otNorth Carolina P.O. Box 6512, Dept. MG opinion, is typical of the culture and a letter to Baptist edi- West Palm Beach, Florida of our times, needs to find a tors by the Rev. W. W. Fin- Allow 2 weeks delivery, please. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s. point of convergence for the Iator, pastor of Pullen Me- NO MONTHLY CHARGE morial Baptist Church, Ra- leigh. *"~~^, T on Bishop Fraser, speaking to representatives of the three Special Checking Accounts Catholic parishes in Raleigh, only 15c per check said it is "our Lord's clear-cut command that we all be gath- * Vacation Loans e" Home Improvement Loans GEORGE HENRY FILSTRUP TOOK HIS FIRST FLORIDA ered together in one faith, one * Personal Loans *-" Mortgage Loans VACATION IN DECEMBER, 1956. HE NEVER LEFT. baptism, under one God and V Auto Loans V Saving Loans Father of us all." Now he vacations in Duluth, because he still has relatives there. But his roots are here... roots FULL BANK SERVICE While the unity of Chris- that include sunshine and surf and an easy, relaxed way of life. Roots that go even deeper... like tian churches remains un- a modest start in a business venture that gave George an opportunity to grow places with Florida in the midst of one of America's fastest-growing economies! C. Edward Kettle, President certain, Bishop Fraser said, at the same time the unity How about you? Have you considered Florida's healthful climate, its rich variety of expanding of individual Christians i» consumer markets for your future? Why not take a long Florida vacation... say, a lifetime? facing common moral and FIRST NATIONAL BAM social problems is already a reality in North Carolina and OE HIALEAH elsewhere. Mutual recognition is the yottr ifttnti o Service next step, he said. "This would 740 West 49th Street • Hialeah Palm Springs Mile (Near Zayres) 885-4601 not involve any institutional Member Federal~Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. union but rather an interchurch relationship

Mission Landing Strip Constructed By Muslims SIBUTU, The Phillipines (NO FR 4-8481 — The wholly Muslim commu- nity of this 39-square-mile is- land hgs built a landing strip for a single-motor plane which will land weekly near Sibutu's Catholic-run high school. The only high school on the island was founded five years FUNERAL HOMES ago by Bishop Francis J. Mc- Sorley, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Jolo. The plane is a recent addition to the mission which has been practically isolated.

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Page 10 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Play Is 'Grievous Injustice' To Pius XII, Israeli Says ZURICH (NO — A former . . . Your Holiness has cour- wrote. The largest number was nearly $5 million to aid the Israeli consul has said that ageously raised your voice to received in the convent of the Jews, and the Vatican Infor- Kolf Hochhuth's controversial defend the rights of man . . . Sisters of Notre Dame. Others mation Office located some When we were threatened found refuge in American, Itali- 37,000 missing Jews in try- play, "The Deputy," does with deportation to Poland in an, English, French, Spanish ing to reunite families. "grievous injustice" to Pope 1942 you saved us from near- .and even German convents and Pius XII. ly certain death." monasteries. As many as 8,000 Lapide quoted passages from Jews were hidden in the papal the book, "Harvest of Hate," Pinchas E. Lapide, who Thousands of persecuted Itali- summer residence of Castelgan- by the Jewish historian Leon served from 1943 to 1945 as an Jews were received by or- dolfo, he wrote. Poliakov, which indicate that a an officer in the Jewish Bri- der of the Pope in the religious public protest by Pius XII gade which fought with the houses of Rome who hid them At the same time, Lapide would only have made things Allies in Italy and was Is- all through the war, Lapide continued, the Pope spent worse for the Jews. raeli consul in Milan from 1956 to 1958, published a re- port in the Zurich daily, Die Tat. Lapide now lives in Jerusalem. PALM BEACH The play blames the late Call Andy Powers at 'FLORIDA'S MOST PICTURESQUE DINING SPOT' Pope for failing to speak out Boca Raton 395-2116 against nazi persecution of Jews during World War II. NC Photo> For Advertising RIVER HOUSE Information in BUDDHIST BONZESSES (nuns) are welcomed by Father John Lapide wrote that 102 con- OVERLOOKING THE CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER Thanh Lang as they arrive to view an exhibit illustrating Vatican vents and 45 monasteries in Palm Beach Council II in Saigon City. The exhibit was moved from place to Rome were made available by 2024 W. FIRST ST. place within the city and the provinces of South Vietnam. Pius XII as a refuge for Jews for every occasion LUBRICATED YOUR WINDOWS LATELY? threatened with deportation by Vie "L.C.Wax" Aluminum Lubricant, tha proven the nazis. easy way to have Clean, Long-Lasting Velvety the loveliest Smooth operating WINDOWS, DOORS and 101 ofhw Reds Exploit Buddhist Moves Articles. Prevents Oxidizing . Rust. He quotes a letter written Avaiteble in Squirt cans - Aerosols - Quarts • Gallons in October, 1944, by the Jew- of fashions at most Builder Supply, Paint and Hardware Stores. Mfrd. by Eugene Dornish & Son, Since 1952 In Vietnam, Lawmaker Says ish inmates of a concentra- 975 S.W. 12th St., Pompano Beach, Florida tion camp in Ferramonti-Tar- By JOHN J. DALY JR. confirm many of the details. sia, Italy to Pius XII after WASHINGTON (NC) — The Visiting newsmen sent on spe- the Allied troops had liberat- m^ii • a. second ranking member of the cial assignment get more ac- ed the prisoners. The letter House Foreign Affairs Commit- curate accounts on the alleged expressed "heartfelt grati- 306 CLEMATIS STREET tee said here Vietnam's Bud- religious issue. tude for the solace and help dhist uprisings are being exploit- Father O'Connor, although extended by Your Holiness in Palm Coast Shopping Plaza Corner Worth Avenue and South Country Rd. ed by communists. critical of several aspects of the course of our internment Phone TE 2-33GS Rep. Clement Zablocki, in an the Vietnam government's con- interview after his return to the duct has reported that the The capital from a two-week study charge of a "Catholic-dominat- Cleaning and Restoring Old Paintings mission to the Far East, had ed" government which system- high praise for the reporting atically persecutes Buddhists VvlonteJonte C^risto ^rTotel

Home Office and Plant 1800-1 ft! 6 — 10th Ave. North FURNITURE INTERIORS LAKE WORTH, FLA. Manufacturers of of boca FOOD SERVICE GUARANTEED QUALITY PAINT PRIVATE AND INDUSTRIAL Interior and Exterior House Paints Dedicated to the Art of Gracious Living CATERERS Varnishes and Enamels 4533 HIBISCUS Telephone JUstice 2-6146 TEL OV 3-4449 WHOLESALE — RETAIL 2980 N. Federal Boca Raton

November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 11 Nation Warned About* Danger Metro Officer \ From Reckless Experiments By J. J. GILBERT conceivably could lead to great Heads Police, \. WASHINGTON (NO — Two benefits for humanity, but there sober warnings have been is- might be unforeseen adverse Firemen Guild \. sued here that mankind could effects if such knowledge were get too smart for its own good. applied directly to man, and to Robert Laichak of Metro Po- his agriculture. Experiments in The welter of speculation lice is the new president of the these fields should be closely over national politics, coexist- watched "to assure they don't Diocese of Miami Police and ence with Soviet Russia, rela- get out of hand," he said. tions with our NATO allies, Firemen's Guild. President Kennedy told the the adverse balance of pay- scientists that he knew many of Other officers recently elected ments, and the like, pales them were concerned over "our are Robert W. Lucey, Hialeah somewhat before the advice responsibility to control the ef- Fire Department, first vice pres- of two presidents that reck- fects of our own scientific ex- ident; Robert M. Murphy, Mi- less scientific experiments ?« periments." "For," he said, "as ami police, second vice presi- may cause the human being science investigates the natural and the world irreparable dent; Louis M. Sarsich, Miami environment, it also modifies it harm. Fire Department, treasurer; — and that modification can Mrs. Sophie Bevilacqua, Miami President Kennedy, addressing have incalculable consequences, Police, recording secretary; and the National Academy of Sci- for evil as well as for good." «f& Frank A. Majewski, Miami ences, noted that "science today He added that "the problem I»C Photo* Beach Fire Department, ser- has the power for the first time is difficult, because it is hard shaped plot of land, (50.000 square feet) it will geant-at-arms. in history to undertake experi- to know in advance whether ENTRANCE TO the Vatican Pavilion at the cost about $3,000,000 and will rise 100 feet high. ments with premeditation which the cumulative effects of a 1964 New York World's Fair is depicted in this Installation of officers will be Michelangelo's "Pieta" also will be exhibited. can irreversibly alter our bio- particular experiment will architect's drawing. Constructed on an oval- held during a day of recollec- logical and physical environ- help or harm mankind." He tion which guild members will ment on a global scale." mentioned the risk of radioac- observe Thursday, Nov. 24, at Lecture Series Set tive contamination resulting Notre Dame Academy. Dr. Frederick Seitz, president Long Use Of Birth Pill May of the National Academy of Sci- from nuclear testing, and "the By Opa-locka Parish Father John J. Nevins, assist- ences, said advances toward hazards of protracted drought OPA-LOCKA — A series of ant pastor, St. Hugh parish, completely cracking the "genet- or storm" that might be in- lectures on the Catholic faith Spur Cancer, Doctor Warns Coconut Grove, is chaplain of ic code" and progress towards volved in weather modifica- and the Catholic Church will be the guild. the artificial control of muscles tion. inaugurated today (Friday) at NEW YORK (NO —. A lead- cause of their possible relation- Our Lady of Perpetual Help ing cancer specialist cautioned ship to the cancer process. . parish rectory, 13250 NW 28th here against long term use of He specifically mentTohedr Ave. hormone drugs in anti-ovulation estrogen, a female hormone Courses will be conducted pills as a possible cancer stimu- used in treating several kinds from 7:30 to 9 p.m. each Friday lant in humans. of disorders, including serious until Dec. 20 for those Catholics Dr. Roy Hertz, chief of the post - menopause disturbanc- interested in knowing more endocrinology branch of the Na- es in women. Estrogen is about their faith and for non- tional Cancer Institute at Beth- also an ingredient in the anti- Catholics, by the Redemptorist esda, Md., said that he believed ovulation or so-called "birth Fathers who administer the any unnecessary treatment with control" pills. parish. hormones was uncalled for be- Under experimental conditions, female hormones have been im- Hows plicated in the production of breast cancer in animals. How- ever, treatment with such hor- mones has never been implicat- ed as a cause of breast cancer your in humans. Dr. Hertz said not enough Complete time had elapsed to rule out the possibility that female hormones contribute to the development Landscaping Service of cancers after prolonged pe- riods. Clinical testing of the first of the oral anti-ovulation B.C* drugs began in 1954, but exten- sive use of such agents has come only during the last few years. Dr. George Rosemond, pro- - ":??* fessor of surgery at Temple University Hospital and Medi- cal School, Philadelphia ad- Now, before you answer, let us mitted that obstetricians and pass along some information gynecologists were often re- about our bank that we think you should have. KVKIT }JDD^ luctant to use hormone drugs on women who had a history First off, we are a full-service that requires substantial financing of breast cancer. commercial national bank. from time to time, and feel that you Both men spoke at a sympo- And, to top that, we're a member need a 'Banking Connection that sium on unusual forms and as- of the Florida National group, with can _ give you a broader financial service . . . it'll pay you to look us pects of cancer in man spon- 31 banks strategically located all over ... real good. sored by the New York Academy over the State of Florida. of Sciences, the American Can- And, as a member of this state- We believe that you, like cer Society and the' National wide banking group, we know Florida thousands of other business men, Cancer Institute. and the financial requirements of will find those plus-services you've Florida businesses. What's more, our always wanted...and perhaps needed. services are geared to meet these Forum On Cancer requirements to the fullest, and with We're open for business At Boynton Beach dispatch, too! Mondays thru Frida\ *., Retreats Far Men and we'll be glad to BOYNTON BEACH — The So, if you have a 'going concern' see you any time. More than 1600 Men in One Year (Many of them Holy Name Society of St. Mark's Protestants and Jews) Have found or renewed their parish will sponsor a program And remember, you have free parking in the duPont strength in the quiet atmosphere of the monastery entitled "Cigarets and Lung Garage in our own building; just have your parking and retreat house. Register with your Parish Group Cancer" prepared by the West ticket stamped before you leave the Bank.. or make individual arrangements. Palm Beach office of the American Cancer Society at After Your First Transaction At This 8:15 p.m. Monday, Nov. 4, in jljrtker level Rev. Retreat Director, C.P., the Boynton Beach Civic Audi- Bank You, Too, Will Like Our Lady of Florida Retreat House, "^ Justsi One EscalatorEscc Step Up torium. 1300 Rt. No. 1 — No. Palm Beach, Fla. Tel.: 844-7750 From Flagler and 2nd Avenue Harry H. Ryan, Holy Name NAME DATES Society program chairman, ,said a large audience is ex- LORI DA NATIONAL BAN ADDRESS TEL. .. 'pected. The program will be . AND; TRUST COMPANY AT MIAMI . of particular interest to CYO Alfred: IrdtiMtBuildiiig : V ...•••." PARISH members. Father J. M. McLaughlin, Member: federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Florida National Group" .: Individual registrations accepted. Non-Catholics most pastor, urged parents of teen- r Capital and Surplus in Ratio to Deposits and Loans Makes This One of the Strongest Banks in the Nation welcome. $5.00 registration fee with application. agers to attend the meeting with them.

Page'12 -November!, 1963 THE VOICE Miami> Florida ON FEDERAL AID TO PRIVATE COLLEGES Schools, Civil Liberties Union Lock Horns

NEW YORK (NO — School Headed "ACLU Pushes against local school boards who General has advised school of- officials and affiliates of the Fight on School Prayer Rul- refuse to comply with the high ficials to continue the Bible American Civil Liberties Union ings," the report spoke of court decision." reading practice until the law is are locking horns in many parts widespread "resistance" to the . specifically set aside. of the nation on the issue of U. S. Supreme Court's rulings The ACLU said that of 12 f -MM • of June, 1962, and June, 1963, "Connecticut, * e n n e s- public school prayer, the ACLU states that had laws requiring s&ys. against prayer and Bible read- see, Georgia, South Carolina, The Civil Liberties Union ing in public schools. Bible reading or prayers as of Florida and Arkansas have painted this picture in a report It said this resistance "has last June, only three — Maine, adopted a hands-off policy on on school prayer controversies caused affiliates of the Ameri- Massachusetts and New Jersey religious practices by local can Civil Liberties Union across school, districts, and it seems in its weekly Feature Press — have "willingly" discontinued the country to press legal action likely that such practices will Service. the practices. continue," the ACLU said. "The remaining states have ''Alabama's Gov. George Wal- announced that they will ig- lace has vowed that if necessary nore the court's ruling, and lo- College Bill Faces Trouble he will go to school himself to cal school boards in Pennsyl- read the Bible." vania and New Jersey are in- In House; Senate Split Up volved in litigation in spite of The civil liberties organization state acceptance of the deci- said its Kentucky affiliate has Voice Photo WASHINGTON (NO — Final that inclusion of church- sions," it said. Congressional action on Federal related colleges would be "a warned that it will bring suit THESE SEVENTH Grade boys at Little Flower School, Holly- construction aid for colleges sinful and tyrannical course" against the state education wood, discovered that history can be fun as well as informative The ACLU said its New Jer- board unless the board reverses may be delayed until mid- that would "abolish religious sey affiliate had demanded that when they made this papier-mache map depicting the December as House and Senate freedom by compelling people a decision to continue Bible- Florida with signs indicating each section and the industry for the state withdraw aid from reading in schools. work to resolve their differences to pay taxes for the propaga- schools under the jurisdiction of which it is best known. over inclusion of church-related tion of doctrines which they the Hawthorne board of educa- colleges. disbelieve." tion until that board halted re- ligious practices in its schools. This is the opinion of some Sponsors and supporters of the leading backers of the propos- measure, led by Sen. Wayne In Delaware, it said, the pres- al in the wake of the Senate's Morse of Oregon, chairman of ident of the state civil liberties handling of the controversial the education subcommittee, chapter has filed two suits in issue of Church-State rela- said Congress has long assisted Federal District Court seeking "Home of the Week'? tions. Previously, it had been church-related colleges with the to invalidate the state Bible- hoped the bill would clear same type of specific legislation. reading law. The state Attorney Congress by mid-November. The Senate voted 60 to 19 its approval of a measure to spend $1.9 billion in five years in loans and grants to help all accredited colleges and universities finance INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.' construction of academic facili- 2409 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. ties. DOMINATES DEBATE COMPLETE The constitutional questions seen in extending Federal aid to JERRY INSURANCE (Member of church-related colleges dominat- Little Flower Parish) FACILITIES ed the Senate debate. • Automotive Sponsors had worked to avoid • Home Owners GEORGE A. this development. The bill pro- • Fire & Wind LUNNEY, Mgr. (Nativity Parish) vides that outright Federal We're at Your Service grants can be used only for 923 2396 definitely non-religious facilities, such as science classrooms. In addition, the bill specifically barred any use of funds — ei- ther grants or loans — for re- ligious purposes. NOW! Highest Dividends But this approach was not suf- ficient for two southerners, Paid in Dade County! Sens. Sam J. Ervin of North White-Tite Proven Best on Job, Carolina and John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky. First they proposed that No Interest Charge On Financing church-related colleges be de- OVER FOUR YEARS after the flat tile other firm can show you so many pic- nied any participation in the roof on the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. tures of proof of lasting quality? bill. This was rejected 55 to Crawford, 6410 SW 2nd Street, was 36. Senator Holland of Florida, cleaned, sealed and coated by White- The exclusive formula we use is the was listed as voting in the af- Tife, they called to have the roof cleaned, longest lasting on the market today, and firmative, Senator Smathers ANTICIPATED brush-sealed (free to repeat customers) we can prove this by giving you custom- ANNUAL ers' names and addresses. No roof coat- as not voting. DIVIDEND PAID and two coats of White-Tite applied. To- & COMPOUNDED ing will last forever; White-Tite coatings day it is beautifully white with no mold Then they presented a second QUARTERLY so far can prove longer life'than any amendment which would permit or mildew or fungus as it will be for a other brand. a taxpayer to block by court ac- long time to come.White-Tite gives you tion any Federal assistance to a full value, plus a little more, at a com- White-Tite does not have or need any top church-related college. petitive price. coating materials over it, since it has all of the essential ingredients to make it the Adopted by a 45 to 33 vote, N ADDITION, White-Tite customers re- superior coating mixed in the original the judicial review amendment ceive extra benefits at no extra charge. has clouded the bill's future be- One of these is FREE CLEANING of formula. patio, pool, walks, awnings, screens, cause the House leadership OF COURSE WHITE-TITE is licensed in 46 cities in strongly opposes such a clause. walls, etc., for two full years after com- letion of the job. All they have to do South Florida and is insured and bonded When the House Rules Com- i coll us. for your protection. We are members of mittee cleared that chamber's Free transfer of funds from anywhere in the United States the Miami-Dade County Chamber of bill for floor debate, it did so ANOTHER EXTRA is convenient financ- Commerce. only after obtaining a commit- ing with no interest charge on the ment from the bill's sponsors balance with terms to suit you. This FREE ESTIMATES without obligation that a review provision would niversity •helps you save money and lets you may be secured by calling White-Tite at be opposed. choose your method of payment. NE 3-8511 or NE 5-3603 in Miami. If 1AVINGS AND IOAN ASSOCIATE you live in Fort Lauderdale or Broward How the two chambers will WHITE-TITE is the process which has County, call us at LU 1-6550 or LU resolve their deep disagreement been developed during the past 16 years 1-6551. TKose who live in Homestead on this issue is the major uncer- ederal by Jesse J. Scalzo, White-Tite founder OF CORAL CASKS area may receive quick service by call- tainty facing compromise ef- and president. This is the coating and ing 247-1811. forts. Other differences between Miraole Mil* at Pone* d* Leon process which can show you with proof their versions probably can be in use . . . not promises . . . that our OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 PM DEAL WITH THE BEST — White-Tite/ reconciled easily. coating lasts and looks good for a longer the "World's Largest Roof Cleaning- Ervin and Cooper argued time than our guarantee period. What Seal ing-Coating Company."

November 1, 1963.» . • THE VOIC& ; Miami, Florida Page 13 W. V. Nolan, Broward County r Dominicans Of 3 Provinces Vincent de Paul Head, Dies To Meet At Aquinas Center FORT LAUDERDALE — Sol- izer and first president of Our CORAL GABLES — The Sec- Highlight of the three-day emn Requiem Mass was sung Lady Queen of Martyrs St. Vin- ond Annual Inter-Provincial sessions will be a meeting Thursday in Our Lady Queen of cent de Paul Conference and Conference on Newman Work Sunday afternoon during Fa- Martyrs Church for William V. the Particular Council of the St. for Dominican Fathers from ther Joseph H. O'Shea, dio- Nolan, president of the St. Vin- Vincent de Paul Society, in three provinces in the U.S. will cesan superintendent of high cent de Paul Particular Council Broward County. be held Nov. 8-11 at the St. schools, and diocesan direc- in Broward County, who died Thomas Aquinas Student Center tor of the Newman Apostolate Monday at the age of 51. During the past five years he directed the « charitable on the University of Miami will join Father Butler and Father Lamar J. Genovar, work of Vincentians in two campus. other visiting chaplains for a pastor, was the celebrant; Fa- Broward County parishes and The Diocese of Miami will discussion on the problems ther Raymond Scully, admin- supervised the establishment be host to the meeting for and promotion of the Newman istrator, St. Jerome parish, of St. Vincent de Paul stores which Father Richard Butler, Apostolate in junior colleges. deacon; Father Wendel Sem- in Fort Lauderdale and Holly- O.P., of Chicago, chaplain of Also participating will be dio- jen, subdeacon; and Father wood. He was recently re- the National Newman Apos- cesan Newman Club chaplains, Gary Steibel, master of cere- quested to assist in various tolate serves as chairman. Father Edward G. Pick, Dade monies. procedures by the St. Vincent Local arrangements are un- County Junior College; Father Mr. Nolan, who came here de Paul Superior Council of der the direction of Father Mat- Raymond Scully, Broward C- about 10 years ago from thew Hanley, O.P., and Father the U.S. NEW OFFICERS of the St. Juliana Holy Name Society of West ty Junior College; and Fa. . Brooklyn, N.Y., was the organ- Thomas A. Clifford, O.P., chap- In addition, Mr. Nolan was a , Palm Beach are shown with their spiritual moderator, Father Stephen Dambrauskas, Palm lains at the Aquinas Center. member of the board of direc- Peter Zeman, (third from left) and Father Brian McGrenehan, Beach Junior College. St. Louis Holy Name tors of the Fort Lauderdale church pastor, (third from right). From left, are: William Shields, Father Butler, formerly chap- Men and women students of Holds Officer Election Catholic Service Bureau and assistant marshal; Harold Benoit, treasurer; Father Zeman; lain at the University of New colleges in South Florida as was a charter member of the Cheatham Hodges, secretary; Dennis Cleary, president; Father Mexico and author of "The well as members of the alumni KENDALL — At an organ- Miami Diocesan Council of Cath- McGrenehan; Michael Fischer Jr., vice president; and G. William Mind of Santayana," "Religious are invited to attend tKe" Sun- izational meeting of the Holy olic Men where he served as McLaren, marshal. Vocation," and "God on the day evening lecture. Name Society of the new St. first diocesan chairman of or- Secular Campus," will be the Entertainment will be provid- Louis parish, the following men ganization and development. principal speaker during ses- ed by members of the Newman were elected as the charter offi- sions on Sunday Nov. 10, at Club at Dade County Junior cers: John S. Shea, President; In addition to his wife, Greater Miami CYAC Club 7:15 p.m. College. C. J. Parnin, Vice President; Mary I., he is survived by a Edward Cummings, Secretary; son, William, Jr., a member E. J. Glynn, Treasure and Rob- of the freshman class at ert Fleming, marshall. Chaminade High School, Hol- Is Now Being Organized Plans for the future include lywood; and two brothers, A new club is being organized A committee representing 1,083 Pupils Are Enrolled monthly communion on Holy George and James of New in the Greater Miami area for several Miami parishes and York City. Name Sunday, the second Sun- unmarried Catholic young headed by Frank Gliozzo, presi- In Two-Parish CCD Group day of each month, and a series Burial was in Queen of Heav- adults who reside in parishes dent of the Diocesan Council of of lectures on Christ's Passion en Cemetery under direction of that do not now have CYAC Catholic Young Adult Clubs, WEST HOLLYWOOD — A there were no facilities for the and Death Baird Case Funeral Home. groups. has been formulating plans for total of 1,083 students are reg- instruction of St. Bartholo- istered in a Confraternity of mew students they were al- the new organization. Tentative Christian Doctrine unit conduct- lowed to attend CCD classes plans call for membership to be ed jointly by St. Stephen parish at St. Stephen's school. Rita open to young adults between of West Hollywood and St. Bar- Pinzino, secretary of the joint the ages of 18 and 28. tholomew of Miramar. CCD group, reports that in 1962 the enrollment was 750 The club program would in- The joint unit is presided over and today there are 25 teach- elude spiritual, cultural, by President Don Boyd and As- ers and 10 assistant teachers NOW! VALUABLE social and athletic activities sociate President Nick Goia. for the 1,083 students from and the sponsoring of events both parishes. in various parts of the Miami St. Bartholomew CCD was area. established in 1962 and since Ann DeGenerro and Pat Byrd GIFTS FOR NEW act as principal and associate principal of the CCD's elemen- tary, junior high and senior high schools. Weekly bus transporta- CHECKING TODAY'S GREATEST TIRE ECONOMY tion is supervised by Chairman Richard Linkenheimer. Looking forward the possible ACCOUNTS DUAL RADIUS establishment of separate CCD units, next year, executive boards have been set up for FULL CAPS both parishes. r [on Ray table 1 The helper unit is supervised ' piste 600x13, 750x14 [ •'jutitul dtcorator by Mary Richie and Grace Nor- p.i,ce, tunctioiidl 520x13, 590x13 ton and the fisher group is di- 560x13, 135x380 , rected by Dorothy Pape and 500x14, 560x14 Cathy Gonot. Vice President Fred Gale re- 640x15 ports that discussion clubs have 4 Full Ply-fsl Line 650x13 been set up with both parishes 670x15 participating. Treasurer of the And Premium Only 800x14 joint CCD unit is Jim Smith. 710x15 WITH NEW TIRE 600x16 GUARANTEE They are wider, Mass At Hospital heavier, more punc- ture resistant and 850x14 Set All Souls Day safer than brand 760x15 Yes, valuable gifts are yours for opening either a checking account or FORT LAUDERDALE savings account of $500 or more. This is another first for University new "2 ply 900x14 cheapies" Requiem High Mass will be National Bank in addition to full banking services now available, 950x14 Including commercial and installment loans, regular and special GUARANTEED offered at 8 a.m. Saturday checking accounts, savings accounts, travel department, etc. Choose IN WRITING Nov. 2, All Souls Day, in your gift today from a collection of beautiful, valuable giftware. 15 MONTHS — the Holy Cross Hospital 15,000 MILES chapel for the repose of the Against tread wear, all road hazards (commercial use, souls of deceased enrolled in station wagons anil nis- 800x15 the Hospital Memorials. UNIVERSITY afrgnmait excepted). All tire BANKING HOURS DRIVE-IN TELLER adjustments are prorated for 820x15 Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday months or miles based on Father James Grady, hos- 9:30 AM to 2 PM 8 AM to 2 PM sales price prevailing. pital chaplain, will officiate FRIDAY 9.30 AM to 8 PM NATIONAL 3 FRIDAY 8 JIM to 8 PM •Full banking service at the Mass at which all CAP YOUR TIRES OR EXCHANGE WHITEWALLS $1 ADDITIONAL] benefactors, donors, and Plus Fed. Tax 43c to 60c per tire am) recappable exchange. If no exchange add BANK $1.50 for 14" tire, $2 for X3" tires and $3 for 15" tires. No mounting charge. friends of the hospital are of Coral Gables invited to assist as well as relatives of deceased. 1190 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY • DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI PAN-AMERICAN TIRE COf MAIN STORE: 1450 N. MIAMI AVENUE A light breakfast will be Check your phone book for the store served following the Mass nearest you and stop in today. by members of the hospital auxiliary. HUNDREDS ASSIST AT CATHEDRAL CEREMONY Mass Opens Catholic Youth Week A plea to engage in Apostolic pastor of Holy Rosary Church, you have the graces you re- were in hiding while Christ was action was heard by some 250 Perrine, who urged youth to ceive through the Sacra- in the custody of the Roman Catholic youth at a special "make a resolution to use all ments, the Holy Eucharist, soldiers, Father Konkol declar- Mass last Saturday evening at of your talents to the best of Confirmation and Baptism." ed: "You have God by your side the Cathedral launching Cathd- your ability." when you leave the Communion lic Youth Week in the Diocese. Recalling the dramatic rail and when you have God "You have more advan- change that came over the on your side you have nothing $he plea came from Father tages than the non-Catholic," Apostles when the Holy Spirit to fear in life — you are never Christopher Konkol, assistant said Father Konkol, "... descended on them when they alone." Challenging his listeners not to be "willing to trade your God to gain human respect," he called on them to live their faith to the best of their abil- ity. Father Konkol said if they did this they would "be very happy in this life because you will know God is with you and you will have the testimony of a good conscience." Fatter Konkol said thatjsv- ery vocation in life is a "call- ing from God" and that each person should live that voca- tion, whether it be as a busi- nessman or a doctor as some- thing that God has called him or her to do. "God loved us^so much he gave his life for tts-^nd • we should so love God in return that we give up ourselves body and soul," said Father Konkol. "Don't be afraid to show your MEMBERS OF CYO'S and youth groups kneel day. More than 250 attended the Mass at which faith by practicing your reli- in prayer at the Cathedral during a special the sermon was delivered by Father Christo- FATHER WALTER J. Dockerill, director of youth activities gion and God will reward you dialogue Mass which opened Catholic Youth pher Konkol. for the Diocese, distributes Communion at Cathedral altar a hundred fold, full to the brim Week observances in the Diocese last Satur- rail during special Youth Week Mass. and overflowing," Father Kon- kol declared. Celebrant for the dialogue Mass was Father Walter J. CYO Workshop Set Sunday Dockerill, director of youth activities for the Diocese. At St. John The Apostle Later that evening, at the St. Rose of Lima School Auditori- HIALEAH — Officials of the who are planning to attend will um, several hundred Catholic City of Hialeah's Recreation Di- begin at 7 p.m. Youth attended a dance as part vision will take part in a special of Catholic Youth Week observ- Father Walter J. Dockerill, ances in the Diocese. workshop for Dade County director of youth activities for CYO's at 7:30 p.m. this Sunday, the Diocese, released the follow- • • • ing program for the workshop: Nov. 3, in the parish hall and All Scouts in St. Rose of Lima school of St. John The Apostle 7 to 7:30 p.m. — Delegates parish will receive corporate Church. registration in the patio; Communion at the 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, Nov. 3, as part of the Registration for parish CYO 7:30 p.m. — General session parish's observance of Catholic Council advisers and officers in the patio: invocation by Fa- Youth Week. ther Brenden Grogan, moder- ator of St. John the Apostle Taking part will be Boy CYO; welcome by Fattier Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Final Plans Set , Dockerill; and introduction to Cubs, Girl Guides and Explorer the workshop by Edgar J. Scouts together with their lead- On Scout Retreat ,; Hall, director of teenage ac- ers and committeemen. tivities, Hialeah Recreation Filial plans have been com- Division; Prior to the Mass, the group pleted for the second annual Se\eraJ Hundred Youngsters Attended Dane? At St. Rose Auditorium will march into the church in a Boy Scout Retreat to be held on 7:45 p.m. — Workshop. procession carrying the Scout the weekend of Nov. 8-10 on the flags. grounds of- Monsignor Pace High Room A — The Social Pro- St. Luke CYO Group School. gram with Mrs. Louise Vincent, North Dade GYAC Deanery OPA-LOCKA — The youth of supervisor, Hialeah Recreation To Operate Nursery Our Lady of Perpetual Help Many Scout units already Division; Planning — weekly, LAKE WORTH — St. Luke Parish opened Catholic Youth have made reservations, accord- monthly and special events; parish CYO members will oper- Holds Installation Of Officers Week with a Youth Communion ing to Harold Guittard, member Publicity — media, printed, ate a nursery during the. last Breakfast, which was attended of the Diocesan Catholic Scout word. three Masses on Sundays to en- The North Dade, Deanery Cathedral, athletic; and Betty by 100 teenagers. committee. Thomas Gato is gen- able parents of small children Council of the Miami Diocesan Robberson, Catholic Singles, Room B — Arts And Crafts eral chairman for the retreat. to assist at Mass together. Council of Catholic Young Adult publicity and historian. The main speaker was Roger for CYO with Mrs. Lee Brehm, LaRoche, a member of the Fed- The CYO voted to operate the Clubs installed its new officers All Scout units in the Diocese supervisor, Hialeah Recrea- The North Dade Deanery eral Trade Commission who has are invited to attend. tion Division; Posters — invi- nursery at a meeting last Sun- at a recent quarterly meeting. traveled widely in Africa. day. at present consists of four Father Walter J. Dockerill, di- tations; decorations — bulletin Mary Affronte, of the Hia- clubs; Catholic Singles Club Prior to the meeting, CYO At the breakfast, the out- rector of youth activities for the boards; leah-Miami Springs CYAC, was members attended the final ex- of Miami, Hialeah - Miami standing CYO members of the Diocese, urged that the Scouts installed as chairman and Joet- Room C — The Advisors Role ercises of a two-week mission Springs GYAC, Our Lady of parish were honored with med- go to Confession in their own ta Kirchgessner of Our Lady In CYO — with Sgt. A. M. conducted in the parish by Fa- Perpetual Help CYAC and The als of Our Lady of Perpetual parish churches prior to attend- of Perpetual Help CYAC as Daimler of the Hialeah Juvenile ther Kilian McGowan, C.P., and Cathedral CYAC. Help. ing the retreat so that they will secretary-treasurer. Aid Bureau and Mr. Hall; dis- Father Leo Gorman, C.P., from be able to receive Holy Com- cipline and control. the Our Lady of Florida Mon- Purpose of the Deanery Gold medals were given to munion at the field Masses to Other officers who assumed astery and Restreat House in Council is to assist existing clubs Mary Fortino and Ralph Sarlay. be held on Saturday and Sunday Patio —- Dancing (For 2 or their chairmenships in the pres- North Palm Beach. whenever necessary and aid Silver medals went to Teresa morning. 200) — Ice breakers and group ence of the Diocesan Director in the formation of new clubs; Buswell and Anthony Amos. dancing. The exercises included a re- of Youth, Father Walter J. within the Deanery. Scout groups planning to at- newal of baptismal vows in a Dockerill, were John Mulkey, LAKE WORTH — St. Luke tend may obtain further infor- The workshop will conclude in candlelight ceremony. Hialeah - Miami Springs, spirit- Activities such as spiritual, parish CYO members held a mation by calling Mr. Gato at the parish hall with St. John the Father Gorman addressed the ual; Ann Boldluf, Our Lady of cultural, social and athletic are corporate Communion at the MU 1-5386; Richard Snowber- Apostle CYO presenting a dem- CYO on "The Young Catholic Perpectual Help, cultural; Mi- held on a Deanery level period- 8:30 a.m. Mass last Sunday in ger at NA 1.-7931 or Paul Brick onstration on "Putting The In The Lay Apostolate" at their chael Fabal, Catholic Singles, ically. The next activity will be observance of Catholic Youth at HI 6-9677. Workshop To Work." meeting following the mission. social; Patricia Hughes, The a Christmas dance. Week.

15 Notre Dame 4-H Club Member Wins Chicago Trip

By CYNTHIA WALEND years, Loretta received as her Theresa Downey, another gleaming blue stone that keeps Associated, with "Ring Day" boys for "King": Tom Talbot, award a trip to the National Brian Jensen, George Graves "You have been selected to NDA senior, won first-alternate catching their eyes. These in the mind of the senior class 4-H Club Congress in Chicago, receive the State Award in for the State under Achieve- eagerly-awaited class rings sym- is also "Skip Day" and the and John Sullivan. Curley nom- Dec. 1-5. This trip is a real Home Improvement," wrote ment, and Geraldine Lovett and bolic of fidelity to their school, "Ring Dance" — dates to be i n a t e d four would-be "first" for Loretta. "My first State Home Demonstration Kitty Costello were also entered were blessed at an impressive "Queens": Marie Calabrese, time out of the state; my first announced later. agent, Anna Mae Sikes, in a in the competition under Health ceremony held in the cafetorium Christine Columbo, Sharon jet plane ride; and a chance to letter of congratulation to Lo- Preparations for Homecoming O'Neill and Peggy Wessels. see snow," she said excitedly. and Leadership respectively. on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 10:15 retta Bussiere, Notre Dame weekend at Curley included Loretta's record of achieve- a.m. Father Richard J. Swift Votes were cast on Monday, senior, "Your achievements in Why do the seniors keep ment makes her eligible for na- of Christ the King parish, Per- nominations for a King and Oct. 28, and the sovereigns will 4-H Club work are outstanding." dancing down at their right tional competition, of which a hands this week? It must be rine, officiated and presented Queen. Notre Dame's senior be announced at their corona- A 4-H Club member for eight scholarship is first prize. the shiny gold ring with the each senior with her ring. class nominated four Curley tion, Oct. 31. Two Lecturers Visit Curley It's Homecoming At Aquinas By FRANK SHILLING demic, and physical back- By CINDY BLUMENFELD time winning floats will circle Within the last week, Curley ground of the seminary. the stadium, and Mike Lavin, Homecoming reigns supreme senior class president, w i' * High has been visited by two Father Robert Sullivan, at St. Thomas Aquinas as sen- important lecturers. crown the senior homecomi. , O.S.A., dean of Biscayne Col- iors, juniors, sophomores, and queen — whose identity is held Father Arthur Debevoise from lege, delivered an address to "freshies" prepare for the big secret until the game. date, tomorrow (Saturday). St. Rose of Lima Parish visited the whole Senior class in the Pat Speir, Joyce Slattery, the school to talk in connection cafetorium. Father Sullivan To begin the evening, Aqui- and Joan Billingsly are the with the diocesan vocation pro- spoke on the importance of nas will tackle Chaminade at candidates for queen. Under- gram. Accompanying the priest private education compared McArthur High Stadium with classmen Mary Lavin, Bar- were two seminarians from St. with state-supported education. kickoff at 8:15 p.m. During half- bara Barrett, and Linda Fa- John Vianney Minor Seminary. He stressed the fact that riello will compose the queen's The talks were given in dif- court. ferent religion classes through- the private institution has a out the day, and dealt with the tradition in America dating Council Elected l\ While seniors are busy ready- back to the colonial period. vocation to the priesthood. Fa- ing the after-game dance held He then pointed out the role ther Debevoise pointed out that in the Aquinas auditorium, the Biscayne College plays in this i By Pace Pupils | bonfire schedule^ for Friday, the most important thing is to system of private education. know your vocation and then ac- Pace High has elected Student Nov. 1, at NW 78th~>4ye._and Council Officers. Fifth Street, Plantation,' is cept it. The seminarians later That same night Curley's Pa- spoke on the religious, Boa- Named to the presidency was ready and waiting due to ef- rent Club sponsored its monthly forts of the sophomores. s' _j - - ^j. ; : meeting. Over 500 parents show- Mike Morgan, vice president is ed up to take part in the meet- John Miller; secretary, Bailey Each homeroom is trying ing and talk with the Curley Quinn, and treasurer, Randal artistic effects on floats, but 1 Seniors Tested f? teachers. The Parents Club is Matke. only the best five ride in the now organizing its annual Las parade at McArthur. Mike Morgan, a transfer stu- At Immaculata Vegas Night to be held on - "Hang down your head Tom 1964 CLASS RINGS for seniors at Notre Dame Academy were dent from Archbishop Curley Dooley" . . . Folk songs ring On Oct. 22 and 23, aptitude Nov. 9. blessed toy Father Richard Swift, S.S.J. Mary Elizabeth Schwartz, two years ago, is a member of throughout the school every tests were administered by the left, is class president; and Mary Fortina, vice president. Holy Family parish, and resides Wednesday as American His- Air Force to all senior students with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tory classes, under the direction Thomas J. Morgan at 1301 NE of Immaculata Academy. The IS*. Patrick HigM of Sister Kathleen Edward, un- 157th St. Mike is vice president results of these tests help de- dertake lessons with a different of the Holy Family CYO and approach — "Know people termine what the students are has 5 At Meet § Newman Picks Cheerleaders also vice president of the North through music." best suited for in life. By PAM BARNET WEST PALM BEACH — Nine Before the Forest Hill game Dade Deanery. Senior girls of Cardinal New- on Oct. 18, they conducted a On Oct. 26, members of the . The St. Patrick's Chapter of The office of vice president on the National Honor Society was man High School have been pep rally at which Coach Sam the Council proved to be a real Mary Immaculate Immaculata National Honor represented by its five officers chosen as cheerleaders this year Budnyk introduced the '63-"64 battle as John Miller defeated Society attended a district last Saturday at the 1963 fan for the Crusaders. Crusaders individually to the Ed Fetscher by one vote. Has Procession meeting of the NHS held at District Meeting which was host- They are Christine Andrews, student body, and added a few A dance will be held Nov. 9, words of encouragement to the Coral Gables High School. This ed by Coral Gables High School. Judy Banks, Barbara Cariseo, at the Hialeah Municipal Audi- By DENISE BERGIN team. Booklets containing all The representatives participated Dolores Costello, Stephanie Deb- torium in honor of the new offi- year Immaculata holds the po- the school cheers, both old and KEY WEST - Students of in various discussion groups con- rowski, Sharon McGann, Mary cers and music will be provided sition of secretary school in. cerning the different phases of new, have been compiled by the Mary Immaculate High School Theresa Rossodivita, Judy Ryan by the "Gentrys." collaborated with the Knights of the district. the National Honor Society. and Barbara Widmann. cheerleaders and have been sold to the students. Columbus and the Columbian The probationary members of All students, faculty, and 1 Squires of St. Mary Star of the administrators of Immaculata- St. Patrick's Sodality have se- Vincent de Paul CYO The entire Junior and Senior Madonna Holds Sea Church in a Living Rosary La-Salle will be glad to know lected their officers for the year. classes have taken the Prelim- Procession to honor Christ the that the low ground on campus They elected Eva Lan as vice Plays Host At Outing inary Scholastic Aptitude tests King, Oct. 27. has been filled in, thereby prefect, Ana Maria de Leon as St. Vincent de Paul Parish and a group of the Seniors have [First Pep Rally [ treasurer, and Julia Pezon as taken the State Nursing and The procession was led by abolishing the presence of CYO played host at an after- By LORETTA LOPEZ Jeffrey Reyes, Chanucey Shine, lakes after a heavy rain. secretary. The acting prefect of noon outing to the youngsters Teaching Scholarship tests. the group, Instructor of Candi- Madonna Academy's first pep and Charles Gomez, cross bear- from the Children's Home in Dorothy Johnson, of the Class er and acolytes, with Knights Oct. 28 marked the beginning dates Pam Barnet, was elected rally was held Friday, Oct. 25, Perrine., of 1963, who was alternate for following. The squires and stu- of the drive for the Society by the inducted members at the on the school grounds. Jeanie Amusement rides were pro- the Secretarial Scholarship of- dent body completed the assem- for the Propagation of the Faith. end of the preceding school Hunter, captain, and cheer- vided for the children on church fered by the Palm Beach Coun- blage. Immediately upon entry All students are asked to par- year. leaders, Marie Vivona, Kathy property at 2100 NW 103rd St. ty branch of the National Sec- into the church, the student ticipate. Contributions will bene- Mayhew, Gay Schlagheck, and The Patrician Choraliers per- Refreshments and games also retaries of America, has been body sang Queen of the Holy fit the missions including some Cheryl Proctor introduced new formed at a luncheon sponsored were available for the young- notified that she will be accept- Rosary. Recitation of the rosary mission areas in our own dio- cheers to the school and led by the Patrician Women's Guild, sters. ed at Palm Beach Junior Col- with intention for world peace cese. The drive will continue them in familiar ones. an annual benefit activity for lege as recipient of the scholar- was lead by Franklin Madiedo, until 100 per cent enrollment is Father John Fitzgerald is parr the Barry Scholarship Fund. ship. The rally was in preparation senior president. Father Rodney reached. ish moderator of the CYO. for the Chaminade High School Kissinger, S.J., delivered the football game Oct. 26, and the sermon. Madonna volleyball game on Newman club Plans Achievement Tests Given At Central Oct. 30. Benediction of the Me Blessed Sacrament closed with By CRYSTAL GREZANTI Tests were given to juniors Faye Krause. This summer the Recently members of the Father John H. Millet, S.J., Splash Party Nov. 2 P.O.D. class wrote letters to FORT PIERCE — The Stu- and seniors. Juniors took the girls gained their first experi- as celebrant. Tyrone Barnes HIALEAH — The Cardinal Preliminary College Board and various news magazines com- dent body of Central Catholic ence in hospital training as and James Weekley served as Newman Club of Miami-Dade high school has begun the new seniors, Florida State Board. menting on current event ar- censor and boat bearer. Junior College will hold its an- year of 1963 with activities spon- The freshmen also took tests to volunteer-workers in local hospi- ticles. The results were that nual Splash Party at the West- sored by the Student Council. measure achievement. tals. Suzanne Taft's letter was pub- * * • lished in Time and Dolores brook Country Club, 8500 SW Heading the student body are: The first newspaper of the Juniors of Mary Immaculate Each classroom, in both the Burns' in Business Week. Eighth Street, (Tamiami Trail) president, Robert Tuerk; vice "Shield" was sold on the day High School sponsored a car high school and grade school, from 8 to 12 p.m. Saturday, president, David Black; secre- report cards were given out. On Tuesday, Oct. 22, repre- wash project, Saturday, Oct. 26, will soon be equipped with Nov. 2. tary, Linda Lustig; treasurer, It tried to boost the spirits of sentatives of the Florida Em- at four Key West service sta- new 50-star flags, which are Faye Krause; senior judge, some which the staff has tried ployment Agency spoke to the tions to raise funds for class Two rock 'n' roll bands will being donated by seven local Jack Windle; and junior judge, to promote: editor, Barbara senior class on job opportune activities. be featured. The program will organizations. Katy Hood. Hamilton; managing editor, ties for high school graduates. include swimming, dancing The project was a tremendous Judy Cornille; make-up editor, and refreshments. Dress will Thus far, the student council The future nurses have in A representative of the Ami- success. Operated on a two-shift has presented one assembly in their second year, as leaders: Crystal Grizanti and Jack Win- be casual. go program in this area, will basis, the sunburned juniors which Dr. Alfred J. Cornille president, Wendy Emerick; sec- dle; business manager, Carol speak to Madonna-ites concern- were nonetheless fatigued but All CYA members and high gave a report concerning the retary, Laura Schaub; treasur- Curran; and photographer, ing hospitality to students from jubilant over their remunera- school graduates are invited. bad effects of smoking. er, Lois Finn and reporter, Yvonne Forget. Argentina on Oct. 31. tions.

Page 16 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Columbus, Coral Gables Clash In 'Big One' Tonight

By JACK HOUGHTELING High tonight at Miami's Cen- scores on passes of 10 and 11 petition at the school, will be ami Military Academy last nullified by penalties, including tral Stadium. yards from quarterback Ralph honored. It's a big weekend for the week meets Fort Lauderdale an 84-yard run by its ace full- Spurlock while Gomez tallied diocese high school football Columbus, 3-2 for the year Key West has knocked off Northeast Saturday night at back, George Bracy, in its on runs of five and two yards. Pompano Beach Stadium while squads. an<| a 12-0 loser to Fort Lau- Coral Gables, Miami Jackson, deadlock with Miami Military. Fort Pierce Central Catholic is derale, meets the Gables (5-1) Paul Lynsky, Norm Sharron Norland and Southwest High in Christopher Columbus High host to Lake Placid to complete A 37-yard run by Bracy, who for the first time in history. and Tim Bennett also scored, its last four starts. meets the No. 1 the week's football program. totalled 63 yards in six car- team in S o u t h There's been little attempt in the latter's coming on the long- The Knights lost a 14-6 deci- ries, set up Gibbons' only score Florida for the The Voice the Columbus camp to hide est play of the game, a 55- sion to South Dade last week al- Central Catholic, still looking in the first quarter. Halfback second time in the fact that this is one game yard run with an intercepted though Joe Fitzpatrick turned for its first victory, was routed Gene Donley got the score on three weeks, Of Sports that the Explorers have been pass. in a standout performance. The by Moore Haven last week, an eight-yard run. Archbishop Cur- pointing for ever since the The victory pulled the Ex- senior halfback carried for 101 64-0. FOOTBALL STANDINGS schedule was set up. ley High has its plorers even with Archbishop yards in 17 attempts. Tackle West Palm Beach Cardinal W I. T homecoming against a power- The only Coral Gables loss Curley, a 21-0 winner over St. Ron Young led the Curley de- WPB Newman 0 O 2 0 Newman, which was idle last Miami Columbus 0 0 2 0 ful Key. West squad and Cha- has been a 7-6 decision to Key Thomas, in the race for the fense. Miami Curley 0 0 * 1 week, resumes play tonight It. L_ Gibbons 1 0 1 1 minade makes its debut against West, which just one week ear- unofficial diocese team title. against Lake Worth High, a Miami LaSalle 0 2 0 lier had lost a 6-0 game to Co- Chaminade High, with two Hwd. Chaminade 0 1 0 3 0 one of the diocese's "Big The Curley Knights have a Class AA power in the Sun- Ft. L. St. Thomas 0 10 SO Three" as the highlights of the lumbus. straight victories under its belt Ft P. Cen. Cath. 0 2 0 4 0 tough one of their own coming against smaller opposition, will coast Conference. The Cru- seven-game schedule. saders have relied heavily on WEEK'S RESULTS Columbus tuned up for the up tonight at Curtis Park as be host to St. Thomas Saturday Christopher Columbus 46, St. Thom- the passing of quarterback as Aquinas 0. Columbus, which two weeks game by overwhelming Fort they play host to Key West night at the McArthur High LaSalle U, Pine Crest 7. ago played Fort Lauderdale Lauderdale St. Thomas, 46-0, High in their annual home- Dave Mclntosh in registering South Dade 1-4, Curley 6. Stadium. In its second year of a 3-2 season's mark. Moore Haven 64, Ft. Pierce Cen- High, then ranked as the top with end Jim Cox and halfback coming game. Members of the competition, the Lions will be tral Catholic 0. team in South Florida, takes on Chaminade 6, Carol City fl. Tito Gomez scoring twice each all-time Curley football squad, facing one of the long-time LaSalle upped its season's Cardinal Gibbons 6, Miami its successor, Coral Gables Military 6. in the first half. Cox got his spanning the 10 years of com- powers for the first time. record to 3-2 with its triumph THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE over Pine Crest, rallying for FRIDAY Chaminade nipped Carol Christopher Columbus vs. Coral both touchdowns in the second Gables (Central Stadium) IN DADE TOUCH FOOTBALL LEAGUE City, a first-year school, 6-0 Curley vs. Key West (Curtis Park) last week with Vince Antista half. Bob Espin got the first La- Cardinal Newman at Lake Worth. Salle score on a one-yard buck LaSalle at Florida Air Academy. getting the winning score on SATURDAY a 15-yard run with 6:25 left in the third period and then Cardinal Gibbons vs. Fort Lauder- Jack Mairo got the winning dale Northeast (Pompano Beach High in the game. Hugh Dent, Stadium). 3 CYO Teams In Tie For LeadCharninade's big fullback, led score on a seven-yard pass play. St. Thomas Aquinas vs. Chaminade CMcArthur High Stadium). Lake Placid at Fort Pierce Central the attack with 104 yards, Gibbons had three touchdowns Catholic. St. Hugh, Our Lady of Per- to an 18-6 triumph over Im- Immaculate Conception at rushing. petual Help and St. Dominic maculate Conception. The lat- Our Lady of Perpetual Help CYO's scored their second vic- ter's lone score came on a Miami LaSalle returned to St. Patrick at Holy Family the victory column last week tories in as many starts last pass play. SOUTH DADE DIVISION Sunday to go into a triple tie with a 14-7 decision over a stub- In another CYO contest, SS. St. Hugh at Holy Rosary born Pine Crest team and for first place in the Dade Peter and Paul downed Holy SS. Peter and Paul at St. journeys to Florida Air Acad- County CYO Touch Football Rosary 6-0. emy today for a game with the League. Dominic A pass play covering 50 yards Corpus Christi at St. Timothy Kaydets. St. Hugh rolled over St. Timo- from Julio Travieso to Freddie Camp Matecumbe at St. Cardinal Gibbons, which was thy 32-6 as Bob Stone passed Orig accounted for the game's Agnes held to a 6-6 tie by winless Mi- for four touchdowns. David only score. Campbell was on the receiving Results were not available on end of one of the passes for a the other games played in the SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY 30-yard touchdown play. Bill league. Lockhart caught two of the TD JENSEN BEACH passes thrown by Stone. The league schedule for Sun- day, Nov. 3, is as follows: Resident and day school for girls — grades one through six. St. Hugh also scored on a 20- NORTH DADE DIVISION Extensive grounds in a hilly, picturesque region. Large swim- ming pool. Tennis courts. Other sports facilities. Music, art, yard pass interception by Bill St. Lawrence at St. John the dancing and dramatics. Conducted by the Sisters of Saint Anderson. Apostle St. Lawrence failed to score Joseph. For further information apply to: Sister Directress, St. Vincent de Paul at The Saint Joseph Academy, Jensen Beach. in its game with Our Lady of Cathedral Perpetual Help as the latter tallied 30 points. Two of Our Lady of Perpetual Help scores Loyola came on passes by Al Migne- co to Harold Hasonbank and Karl Fledderman. Two other University TD's were tallied on pass Florida's plays set up by Jim Streb THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY and Bill Wilson. St. Dominic's second victory IN NEW ORLEANS in a row ca5le>at^the expense of Catholic College Camp Matecumbe who went DEGREE PROGRAMS INCLUDE: down 30-0. of The highest score of the after- Accounting, Administrative Practices, Biological noon was tallied by The Cathe- Sciences, Business Administration, Economics, Chemistry, dral in a 48-0 romp over St. Dentistry. Education (Elementary), Education Patrick CYO. Paul Mickels con- Distinction (Secondary). English. Languages (Modern), Languages sistently hit Jim Powers and (Classical), History, International Economics, Devlin Fradel with passes to Journalism. Journalism-Public Relations, Law. accouriTfor the Cathedral's pow- For Young men and women Management. Marketing, Mathematics, Medical erful scoring punch. Technology, Music. Music Education, Music Therapy. Mike Cheney hit for two Pharmacy. Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, touchdown passes to Jerry Political Science. Psychology. Sacred Music, O'Donnel and Ronnie Bargese Sociology, Speech. Television Programming-Production, and scored himself on a run- WRITE Television Engineering, Television Sales Management. ing play to lead Holy Family smart Pre-professional programs ate also conducted as well students save DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS as a certificate program for women in dental hygiene. Combined degree and on car insurance with State Farm's Good combined major programs are also offered. Student Discount! You may save 20% on your insurance (or your Dad's) if you're a SAINT LEO COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL full-time student between 16 and 25, at • Co-educational • ROTC Program least a Junior or in the 11th ELECTRONICS grade, and have a B average • Graduate Division • Evening Division EVENING CLASSES •r equivalent. Ask about this SAINT LEO, FLA. famous State Farm discount! REGISTER NOW! For Catalog and Brochure, Write or Call: STATE FARM Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois PHONE FR 1-1439 Presently offering first two years Director of Admissions B. R. LIMEGROVER Affiliated with the Catholic University of America Order of Saint Benedict of Florida Loyola University [fit? 887-9491 New Orleans 18, La. UN 6-5471 601 Hialeah Dr., Hialeah

November 1, 1963 THE VOICC Miami, Florida Page 17 Mr. And Mrs. J. E. Kelly TO APPEAR IN COLLEGER CULTURE SERIES Note Golden Anniversary Spanish Dancer Coming A South Florida couple who ber of the St. Vincent de Paul have resided in Miami for 39 Society for more than 30 years To Barry Has Chaperone years recently observed the gol- and served for several terms as The old-world custom of strict president of SS. Peter and Paul den anniversary of their mar- chaperoning is gradually being riage. Conference. He is now an honor- ary member of the Knights of relaxed in Spain, according to Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Columbus having joined the or- the leading female star of Jose Kelly of SS. Peter and Paul ganization 63 years ago. Molina's Bailes Espanoles which parish were wed 50 years ago in the Sacred Heart Cathe- A former representative of will appear Sunday. Nov. 3 at dral, Duluth, Minn., having been the New York Life Insurance Barry College. born and reared in St. Mary Co. for more than 20 years, parish, Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Kelly is a member of SS. Maria del Rocio, Flamenco Peter and Paul Altar Society. dancer, is accompanied on her Formerly engaged in the second U.S. tour by her moth- real estate business, the Kel- er who serves as her assistant lys were pioneer members of Vero Beach Group and dresser. Although the the Gesu parish then known company's first ballerina has as Holy Name parish; as well Will Hold Initiation long since forsworn chaper- as SS. Peter and Paul parish. VERO BEACH — Initiation of ones in her travels around the new members will mark the world, she decided to observe Mr. Kelly has been a mem- close of a three-month member- the ancient custom this year ship drive for St. Helen's Wom- Voice Photos because of her mother's life- Benefit Card Party long dream to visit America. an's Club, at 8 p.m., Tuesday, NUPTIAL VOWS are renewed by Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pion Planned Thursday Nov. 5, in the parish hall. are renewed in the presence of Father Matthew Morgan in St. "I always dreamed of visiting Father Francis McKeown, Luke Church, Lake- Worth, following Mass of Thanksgiving. America, Senora Isabel Vega NORTH MIAMI — The Villa pastor, will officiate at the in- said. "What better excuse to Maria Home for Aged will ben- duction ceremonies for which come could I have than as a efit from a brunch and card Mrs. Conrad Tuerk and Mrs. chaperone for my daughter." party which members of the James Cinque are co-chairmen Mr. And Mrs. Pion Mark STILL OBSERVED auxiliary will sponsor Thurs- of arrangements. "Young women are gradually day, Nov. 7, at the Elks Lodge, Members of the club and the acquiring greater freedom and 12495 NE Second Ave. Their 60th Anniversary League of the Sacred Heart will latitude in their social activities Fashions in hats and jewelry observe a Corporate Commu- LAKE WORTH — Mr. and included Arthur Collette, brother in Spain," Maria pointed out. will be modeled and the public nion during the 9 a.m. Mass Mrs. Wilfred Pion observed the of Mrs, Pion, and Mrs. Collette, "Though the practice of chaper- is invited to attend. oning is still widely observed, Sunday, Nov. 3, in St. Helen 60th anniversary of their mar- members of St. Christopher par- Reservations may be made Church. especially among the upper clas- by calling Mrs. Frank Baglione riage during Mass offered in St. ish, Hobe Sound; Mr. and Mrs. ses, young people suffer little at WI 7-6787 or Mrs. Charles Luke Church Saturday. Ernest Boymer, a niece. Port interference from them and French at PL 4-6470. Singles Club Plans Orange; Mr. and Mrs. Edward seem to encounter no difficulty Father Matthew Morgan, pas- at all in meeting and mingling MARIA DEL ROCIO Proceeds will be used for the Semi-Formal Dance tor, celebrated the Mass of Fleury, and Mr. and Mrs. Blan- with one another. First Ballerina annual Christmas party which A semi-formal dance in ob- Thanksgiving and witnessed the chette. the auxiliary sponsors for resi- "In America there hardly dents of the home for the aged servance of National Catholic renewal of marriage vows in the St. Clement Group Youth Week will be sponsored seems to be any discipline at administered by the Sisters of presence of the family and all over the activities of young by the Miami Catholic Singles Communion Set Bon Secours. people, especially teenage Will Meet Tuesday Club at 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, friends of the couple. girls," she added. "Instead of FORT LAUDERDALE — at the Everglades Hotel. By Parish Guild St. Bartholomew Club Pioneer members of St. being overly protective and "Parents' Role in the Educa- Music for dancing will be pro- Luke parish, Mr. and Mrs. POMPANO BEACH — Mem- concerned with the affairs of tion of Their Children" will be To Receive Communion vided by Al Schoen's orchestra Pion came to Florida five bers of St. Elizabeth Guild will their children, as parents discussed by Sister Mary Es- and young Catholic adults 21 WEST HOLLYWOOD — A years ago from Maltaville, observe their fourth annual sometimes tend to be in Spain, telle, principal, St. Clement years of age or older are invited American parents often seem Corporate Communion will be N.Y. where they operated the Corporate Communion during School, during the monthly observed by members of St. to attend. totally unconcerned with what meeting of the Altar and Ros- Stone House Inn and Farm the 8 a.m. Mass, Sunday, Nov. Bartholomew's Women's Club Further information may be 3, in St. Elizabeth Church. their sons and daughters are ary Society at 8 p.m., Tuesday, during the 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, obtained by calling Frank Zell- until Mr. Pion's retirement 25 doing, and with whom." Nov. 5, in the school. Nov. 3, at Firemen's Hall. er at 635-6058. years ago. Communion breakfast will be served at the Coach House Har- In Spain, Senora Vega and her Hostesses for the social fol- Married in 1903 at St. Anne bor where members will hear ballerina-daughter said, there is lowing the meeting will be Mrs. r Church, Fiskdale, Mass., the Father John J. McAtavey, pas- a great deal of social life among Al Romandetti and Mrs. Roy couple are the parents of one tor; and Mrs. W. S. Gallagher, young people throughout Spain. DeDominicus. The Perfect Combination For 63 daughter, Mrs. Aurele Blan- of Assumption parish, who will Instead of the corner drug store, The society will observe a ProTecf U Awnings With chette, with whom they reside discuss her recent pilgrimage to the chief gathering place for Corporate Communion during 8 at 1516 Lake Court. the Holy House in Loreta, Italy. teenagers in most Spanish cities CLIP-LOCK a.m. Mass., Sunday, Nov. 3, in is the cantina which Senora St. Clement Church. STORM SHUTTERS The couple was feted at a din- Mrs. Harold Richards, spirit- Vega described as similar to a CALL . . . ner on Saturday at Tropical ual development chairman, is community center. "It is a place Acres Restaurant where guests in charge of arrangements and where youngsters meet, dance Club At Little Flower TU 5-1415 reservations. sing and enjoy wholesome en- Ft. Lauderdole — 581-9250 tertainment. To Hold Card Party r f RESTYLED A Day of Recollection will be PRO-TEGf-U HOLLYWOOD — A dessert U • REPAIRED observed by Guild members, Senora Vega is justly proud AWNING CO. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Cen- card party under the auspices R • RELINED of her talented and beautiful 701 W. 25th St., Hialeah acle Retreat House in Lantana. daughter and attends all re- of the Catholic Woman's Club of 5 • CLEAN - GLAZE 6 MORE STYLES Serving South Florida for 36 Years! hearsals of the company. She Little Flower parish, will begin TO CHOOSE FROM (Member of St. James Parish) Women of the parish interest- sees to it that Maria's cos- at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. RAE'S FURRIERS ed in participating may make tumes are unpacked, arrang- 6, in the auditorium. reservations by contacting Mrs. 8175 N.E. 2nd AVE., LITTLE RIVER ed, laundered and properly Mrs. Charles Bukaveckas, us Gerald A. Fitzgerald, retreat be the second PLara 9-8131 ironed. chairman, is assisted by Mrs. chairman. J. A. Mirau, Mrs. James Car- best man at your wedding! Although she has spent most ney, Christina Quinn, Helen Ker- SPECIAL of her life in show business, nahan, Mrs. Mabel Hanlo^ JB For three decades Tooley-Myron owns her own dance company OFFERING Florence O'Rourke, Mrsr^ C ^ Studios have specialized in Wed- and is widely acquainted with Scheib, Mrs. Paul Cullen, Ma ding Portraiture and candid Religious. performers and their problems N.- Opelc, Mrs. Joseph Rongj, Wall she does not wish to be regard- Mrs. D. Barney, and Mrs. J. t . Our expert camera man DRIVERS ed as a "stage mother." will skillfully record each thrilling Kippenbrock. highlight of your memorable day 1O" TALI SAVE! "My daughter lives her own The public is invited to atteifi WALNUT WOOD life," she said, "She doesn't need ... at the home, at the church, TARNISH RESIST- and guests are requested to ANT CRUCIFIX a chaperone." bring their own cards. at the reception. Leather i May te ensured witb your I personal message for onlj p c jgl containing 12 8x10 candids, plus Scpe r tettertett Months ** 3 5x7 glossy prints for news- LASTING GIFT paper for only $49.95. SPECIAL QUANTITY Insurance ONLY .•: , -.-.. •;•:• Phone FR 3-8617 or OX 1-7272 No Membership Fee to see samples or have our bridal consultant call on you. Chase Insurance Agency, Inc. TOOLEY-MYRON STUDIOS THE fine JEWELRY STORES Dept- V2 1910 WEST 4th AVENUE, HIALEAH, FLORIDA 12585 N.E. 7th AVENUE 37 N.E. 1st Avenue Northside Center »»qu»«f our frmo Whol»iql» Trophy Cofofog PL 4-8241

Nivemfeer.jf, VOtfi* i Voice Photos EXPECTANT PARENTS listen as Mrs. Milton J. Kringel, Jr., INFANT BATHING techniques is another highlight of free in- STERILIZATION of bottles and other utensils necessary for R.N. at St. Mary Hospital, West Palm Beach, explains the care struction courses offered at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John making baby's formula is demonstrated by Mrs. Kringel for of newborn infants during special course of instructions. Brent watch as nurse uses lifesize doll and small tub. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Melley, two of parents enrolled in course. | Marian Auxiliary To Hear Dr. Cryns Masquerade Ball Nov. 8 DCCW Official j. Dr. Gerald Cryns, chief 3405 NW 27th Ave. j.-, psychologist of the Psycholo- Anyone interested in at- To Attend Meet i- gical Testing Service of the tending the meeting or be- Will Aid St. Luke Parish KEY BISCAYNE — Mrs. 5 Diocese of Miami depart- coming a member of the LAKE WORTH — The an- by Mrs. Francis Perry, tickets; Raymond Nihill of St. Agnes I ment of special, education auxiliary which assists the Mrs. Thomas Plante, reserva- parish, first vice president of '•;. will be the principal speaker school for mentally retarded nual Masquerade Ball to bene- tions; Mrs. Frank McCarty, the Miami DCCW and president fs during the monthly meeting children conducted at Bless- fit St. Luke parish will be held decorations; Mrs. F. James Jur- of the South Dade Deanery will f-~ of the Marian School Auxili- ed Trinity parish, Miami Friday, Nov. 8 at the American ney, judges; Mrs. Landis Bar- represent the Council at a meet- 6 ary at 8 p.m., Wednesday, Springs, is welcome to at- Legion Hall. rish and Mrs. Jack Clerici, ing of NCCW diocesan presi- I NOT. 6, at the K. of C. Hall, tend. awards; Mrs. Carl Swanson, dents and moderators Thursday, Music for dancing will be pro- refreshments; and Mrs. Edward Nov. 7, in Atlanta. vided by Ernie Kyle and his Goodman, publicity. Bridge-A-Rama Set Council To Hear orchestra and awards will be Mrs. Norman I. Boatwright, made for the most original, Tickets for the dance may be provincial director of the At- By Pompano Guild Dr. Blenke Speak funniest and most attractive obtained by calling Mrs. Perry lanta Province of the National FORT LAUDERDALE — at JU 2-6825. POMPANO BEACH — A costumes. Council of Catholic Women will "Medical Ramblings" will be Mrs. Raymond Nihill preside at the sessions schedul- Bridge-A-Rama has been in- the topic of Dr. Anne Blenke Municipal Court Judge Bea- augurated by members of Our ed to be held at the Holiday when she addresses members of trice M. Fitterer, Frank Hialeah Unit Plans Inn. Lady of the Assumption Guild. St. Sebastian Catholic Women's Leahy, drama and speech in- Dance Saturday Coral Gables Meeting Mrs. Robert D. Campion is Council during the breakfast structor at Palm Beach Jun- Topics on the agenda include HIALEAH — A dance spon- Scheduled By Society chairman of arrangements as- meeting today (Friday) in the ior College; and Richard practical desegregation of Coun- sored by the Columbiettes Aux- sisted by Mrs. Virginia Mitchell parish hall. Stearns, executive vice presi- CORAL GABLES — Fall and cils, rotation or some • other iliary of K. of C. Council 4772 and Mrs. W. H. Gallagher. Sessions will be held follow- dent, Commerce National Christmas floral arrangements method of selecting a candi- ing the Corporate Communion Bank, will serve as a panel will be held Saturday, Nov. 2 will be demonstrated for mem- date for national director, na- Further information may be which members will observe of judges for the costume at the Volunteer Police and Fire- bers of the Society of the Little tional convention theme, new obtained by calling WH 1-8285 or during the 8 a.m. Mass in St. parade. men's Association Hall, 35 East Flower during their meeting at committee system and dues and- WH 1-8968. Sebastian Church. Sixth St. 8 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4, in the or the sustaining fund. A book review and coffee is Gus Grader and Mrs. Ed- Music for dancing will be pro- school cafeteria. planned by the group at 11 mund Kraftchak are co-chair- vided from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. by See Our Ad in the Yellow Pages a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the men of arrangements assisted a local band and dress will be Mrs. Cyris Thompson will pre- casual. pare and explain the methods of TUTORING ^CYAC Councils Atlantic Towers, 1920 S. Ocean All School and Business Subjects Dr. Tickets may be obtained making the arrangements and Catholic Daughters all the women in the parish are Mrs. James V. Bucklin will by calling Mrs. Clem Knable at ADELPHI PREP I Calendar invited to attend. review the novel, "Mrs. Chris- Plan Rummage Sale 821-5017. Testing & Guidance PL 7-7623 Miami Gatjiolic Singles — Social topher" by Elizabeth Myers A rummage sale sponsored •"10-Year Warranty — RHEEM •• and dance class, 8 p.m., Wed- and coffee will be served. by Court Patricia, Catholic WASHBURN'S nesday, Nov. 6, Polish - Amer- Mrs. A. A. Schubert, Mrs. Daughters of America, will be WATER HEATERS PHARMACY ican Club. Bowling, 8 p.m. to- Ray Kintzele, and Mrs. Edward 'held today (Friday) and Sat- SERVING day (Friday), Miami Cary are in charge of arrange- urday at 200 NE 79th St. ELECTRIC FORT MYERS Bowland, 222 NE Second Ave. ments. 20'GAL. £='41.50 FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS Proceeds from the sales will ? ED 5-3421 COR. MAIN & HENORY Our Lady of Perpetual Help be placed in the Gregorian 30 GAL. SS5 45.50 CYAC — Halloween dance, 8 Fashion Luncheon Mass fund which the court EXPERIENCED iUiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii: p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, parish Set In West Palm maintains for deceased mem- PLUMBING hall. ^Elections, 8 p.m., Mon- WEST PALM BEACH — A bers. AMERICAN TV day, Nov. 4, rectory. benefit fashion show and lunch- REPAIR SERVICE eon under the auspices of St. 7810 N.W. 7th AVE. Hialeah - Miami Springs CYAC RAY BALL PLUMBING, INC. Mary Hospital Women's Auxil- — Business meeting, nomi- 4251 S.W. 8th St. Tel. HI 5-2461 PHONE 751-1381 DAVID'S SELECTION I iary will be held. Thursday, nations, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, ^(EXPERT PLUMBING REPAIR Nov. 7 at 12:30 p.m. in the IS SO LARGE, YOU'LL = Nov. 3, Immaculate Concep- Racquet Club. FIND-JUST THE FASH- I tion hall. Social follows. Entertainment will be provid- ION FOR YOUR WED- I St. Theresa CYAC — Business ed by Marshall Grant's Trio Say You 'Saw It In The Voice' meeting, 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov. and entire proceeds will be do- DING — LARGE OR = 3, at Little Flower parish. So- nated to the pediatrics depart- SMALL ... | cial for members, 9:30 p.m., ment of the hospital administ- Bridal Gowns E Tuesday, Nov. 5, K. of C. ered by the Sisters of St. Fran- from 59.95 S Hall. ; cis of Allegany, N. Y. Informal Bridals E Lauderdale Catholic Club — Reservations may be made Nov. 1-3, retreats at Our Lady by calling Mrs. Ardell Kruger for the sake of your home from 24.95 S at TE 2-5861. HOLLYWOOD S OUTFITTING BRIDES FOR = of Florida Monastery, North S OVER FIFTEEN YEARS 5 Palm Beach; and the Cenacle Retreat House for Women, Lantana. (gleaner* SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION. Nationally Advertised Dry Cleaning Service. y Convenient Offices to Serve You !davidsi«f Indorsed and Recommended by Leading Clothiers. 1511 EAST LAS OLAS BLVD. E 9715 N.E. 2nd AVE. FT. LAUDERDALE = Marqua's North "GUARDSMAN Hollywood, West Hollywood and Dania 523-1146 E Specialize in wedding receptions SERVICE" — and buffet parties Beach Cleaners An Exclusive | Hors D'Oeuvres $5 per 100 Personalize* Decorated Party Sandwich $1 Doz. 7134 Abbott Ave., M.B., UN 6-3131 Service for Year Customer Parking Rear «f Plait Finer. Carmeitt IMMEDIATE SERVICE EST. 1938 7-6031 PL 1-4835: tVtAMVWtVVWIAtVWWIfWWMIMAtVWWtAtVVWWVWMtVWWWW siiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin; November 1, i9«3 ' ' tffc VOftF' MttirriJ) 'ffoVida " Page 19 Poles Stone Militamen Closing Catholic School BERLIN (NO — Militiamen were stoned by the people there carrying out an order by Po- and had to send for reinforce- land's Red regime to close a ments, according to a report Catholic school in Przemysl reaching here. Smokehouse Chicken Is Real Delicacy The school, which teaches li- By FLORENCE DEVANEY cavity is well seasoned with turgical music, is operated by salt and pepper, then filled The theory that the masculine with a mixture of parsley, the Salesian Fathers. cooks reign supreme at an out- celery tops, lemon slices, on- door grill was clearly proven in ion .and butter. 8301 BISC. BLVD. the finals of the Barbecue Divi- These delicate flavors blend T550 NE. r64rh ST. sion of this year's National clear through the moist chicken Chicken Cooking Contest. Mr. meat as it turns slowly on the SCb& BAR-BQ James E. Hearl of Woodstock, spit. ^ • Says: Va., master at roasting chicken This chicken is self-basting, on a spit won top honors in the but additional apple wood chips contest. need to be added to the fire His recipe, Smokehouse Chick- from time to time. The secret en, which calls for smoking a of the wonderful smoked flavor whole chicken on a rotisserie lies in keeping as much smoke with seasoned apple wood chips, from the seasoned apple wood If It's A Meatless was termed outstanding by the around the chicken as possible. Day That Suits jury of national food experts. If your grill has a hood, keep Your Mood Then Wine, vinegar and Sauterne are it closed. If not, cover the grill Try Our Sensational. combined and heated and then with a tent of aluminum foil to Savory Seafood The best the apple wood chips soak in keep the smoke in. in Italian the mixture for at least an hour. MENU Cuisine When a charcoal briquet fire Smokehouse Chicken THIS CHICKEN With Smoked Flavor Is Real Treat RIBS • BEEF •PORK is ready for cooking, the sea- Potato Salad Crisp Relishes CHICKEN • SEAFOOD soned apple wood is added, a Hot French Bread Reasonable Prices — Lounge little at a time. Before placing Chocolate Cake SMOKEHOUSE CHICKEN T4KE-01/T OR the chicken on the spit, the Collins Avenue and 174th St. Milk Iced Tea 1 whole chicken, 3% to J4 teaspoon thyme Wl 7-1841 Miami Beach VA lbs. 2 tablespoons melted MIAMI 1 teaspoon salt butter VH teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons cooking oil % cup cut celery tops 1 cup red wifte^jjinegar HOLLYWOOD WI7-4127 Vi cup cut parsley 1 cup Sauterne ' . •'•• TAVIRNHW IH-3M6 Yi cup coarsely chopped 15 pieces of apple wood • 1001 EAST 24TH STREET, HIAIEAH, FIOMM •OMMNO 933-175O onion chips HURRICANE SEASON Z slices lemon, quartered IS HERE.' (lun»I5-Ocr.|5) To build fire: Combine vinegar and wine and bring to boiling FOLD-WING AWNING point; add apple wood chips and soak for at least an hour. Build protection undor all condition a charcoal fire along the back of the grill; fashion a drip pan out BUY DIRECT of heavy-duty aluminum foil; place in front of the briquets — FROM not on them. When charcoal is covered with grey ash, add 5 Hi pieces of apple wood to the coals. 'u Restaurants & Pantry ^FACTORY AND ^ BEL-AIREAWNINC a AJjustabl. K. all positions 67th and M\u\i kit., Miami Beach 12dih "» iiscayne Blvd., North Miami $AVE$$ Meanwhile, wash chicken; drain and pat dry. Rub body cav- ROLL-FORMED ity with salt and pepper. Toss celery, parsley, onion, lemon and • thyme with melted butter; place in body cavity. Fasten neck skin to back with skewer. Tie drumsticks securely to tail. Tie Also JET-LOCK AWNING cord around breast to hold wings securely. Kentucky Fried Chicken FOLD-DOWN fATINT NO. 1-173-M7 PATIO COVERS, folds to hurricano Insert spit rod through denter of the bird from tail end toward DINNER position at Ml* Caiily put vp and rtorad STEEL FENCES touch of a Isvsr front. Insert skewers firmly in place and fasten screws tightly. 3 PIECES CHICKEN, FRENCH FRIES, "\ Lucky" LACHANCE 'Pat" LACHANCE Test the balance. Bird must balance on spit so it will rotate COLE SLAW, GRAVY & HOT ROLL Sec-Treasurer 1st Vice President smoothly throughout the cooking period. Place spit in rotisserie. $ Holy Family Parish Visitation Cnurch Brush chicken with cooking oil. Engage the spit and start the ONLY 1.00 rONE OF FLORIDA'S LARGEST AWNING & SHUTTER MANUFACTURERS motor, as manufacturer directs. If grill has a hood, close it; otherwise, drape with aluminum foil to hold in as much smoke as possible. Chicken is self-basting COLONEL SANDER'S but apple wood should be replenished from time to time for RECIPE continuous smoking. Total cooking time is approximately 1% Fish $100 hours to 1% hours. Chicken is done when thickest portions are Dinner I fork-tender. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Shrimp — $125 INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. MAKE BREAKFAST A GOOD- STARTER Sea Food Dinners I Now that the children are back in school and everypne is "IT'S FINGER LICKIN' GOOD" getting back into a normal routine after the summer, this, is a good time to take a look at the kind of meals your family, re- Complete Insurance Facilities ceives . . . especially that often-neglected meal, breakfast. Breakfast is the pace-setter for the day. Studies have proven that workers and students who eat a good breakfast don't experi- PHONE FR 1-3691 ence the late morning slump and lower production output that P PICK -2121 BISCAYNE BLVD. PHONE MU 5-1891 , T UP / MIAMI, FLA. non-breakfast eaters do. Fruit juice is a good breakfast starter -but it needn't al- ways be the same kind. Take advantage of the fresh fruits that 701 N.W. 119th ST. are in season as well. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 10:30 A.M. 'til 9:30 P.M, Cereals, hot or cold seem limitless in variety. Meat and eggs SOLVE YOUR HEATING provide high-quality protein that satisfy appetites until lunch BELKS time and help you feel peppy and alert in the morning. GOLD and SILVER Meat Serving Suggestions To add interest to the meal, meat may be served in many different ways. You could serve pancakes rolled around link sau- PLATING sages with sirup, honey butter or raspberry sauce. Or, you RELIGIOUS ARTICLES REFINISHED BY EXPERTS could make pancake stacks by altering slices of hot bologna or SPECIFICATION PLATING — ALL FINISHES sausage patties with small pancakes. Sausage links are tasty FOR UNUSUAL AND IMPORTED GIFTS AND when baked in cornbread. DECORATIVE ARTICLES VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Frankfurter slices are different when placed in pancake bat- AT ter, or crumbled bacon could be included in waffles. Diced or 2904 BISCAYNE BLVD., MIAMI deviled ham is delicious in scrambled eggs, or corned beef hash rounds could be topped with a fried egg. A FINISH FOR ALL METALS MANTELS By using your imagination you can pack plenty of good nutri- SERVING HOME, jiKfividuallT styled, highly pol- CHURCH — INDUSTRY stone mantels add a warm, tion into a hearty breakfast and appeal to the tastes of your friendlyy,, yey t distinctive touch to your home needs. Amazingly low priceidd from family, too. RED AND DEI Iff SOMETHING SPECIAL OX 1- BARNES Cast Sfone Shop OX 1-5561 262 NW 54th St. • Ph. PL 9-0314 DELH J BIRD ROADS When time permits a hot bread is always welcome. The fol- lowing Kunchen is full of blueberry goodness; the kind you can 24th St., Hialeah, Flo. • MO 1-4248 • 10 8 0 E . serve for a week day or a Sunday brunch. Paqe 20 November J, 1963 THf VO/CE Miami, Florida FAMILY CLINIC NOW SHOWING fTMink Stoles Latest Styles How Should An 'Expectant Father Act? *-> Restyling I suppose it is pretty unusual for a man to be Rllelining writing to you about this subject, but my wife just S Cleaned & Glazed gave me the wonderful neyps that we will be having our first baby shortly after Easter. Frankly I know HI 6-2536 very little about being an expectant father. Are there GROVE any special things J should be doing? How about names for the child? Is it true that the Church says we FURRIERS must prefer the life of the child to the life of the 3180 Commodore Plaza, Coconut Gr. mother? By FATHER WALTER W. EVIBIORSKI Family Life Director, Archdiocese of Chicago Perhaps the most practical thing you can do in the months TV ahead is to care for your wife and deepen the love that exists between you. In pregnancy, some young women get to wor- rying about the future, about their figures, about the usually ./ "scurate stories they've heard from Aunt Gussie about child- APPLIANCES wth. Your consideration and cheerfulness and reassurance are especially important right now. 6 Famous Makes Take a real interest in what is happening. Read at •Jf Lowest Prices least one good book on pregnancy and childbirth. There •fa Easy Bank Terms are wonderful changes that will be occuring from week if Guaranteed Services to week onow until the baby comes. Be concerned and learn to share this tremendous experience. You, in effect, must become a little pregnant too. It would be an excellent idea if you accompany your wife to the doctor at least once to get his evaluation of the situation, and his suggestions. As you trained to play basket- ball and football, so there are routines that your wife should follow. Make sure that she eats properly, sleeps enough, takes medication, and gets exercise. I am not suggesting that you hover or wait on her every minute. Certainly don't treat her as though she was sick or an invalid. But she is going CONFRATERNITY through a new adventure and wants you near by OF, Reassurance Is Best Therapy CHRISTIAN Sometimes while carrying the baby your wife may get DOCTRINE irritable, depressed, or angry, and even cry a little without apparent reason. These sessions are usually very brief and Better Reading infrequent and discussion, calmness, and reassurance is the 'best therapy. SHAW-WALKER for In a first pregnancy a fear of the unknown is a factor that has to be considered. Find out precisely what • OFFICE SUPPLIES Better Living will happen at the various stages of labor and delivery and exactly what the signs are that will take you to the OFFICE FURNITURE — THIS WEEK — hospital. Knowing that everything is ready can be very comforting. SCHOOL FURNITURE WHAT TO DO TILL THE PSYCHIATRIST COMES After the birth of die baby sometimes stress, confusion, and SUPPLIES by Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. Cloth $3.00 fatigue and the end of a great adventure can cause a tem- The popular Jesuit author offers advice on the multitude of problems porary low feeling. It can be complicated by unsureness as 270 S.E. FIRST ST. arising in the successful guidance of the adolescent which parents ought to how to care for the baby, and the fact that he seems 835 W. FLAGLER ST. to be able to handle without the did of a psychiatrist — although the to demand attention all the time at the beginning. need of such professional help is not ruled out. Based upon Father - MIAMI, FLA. - McGloinls many years of experience as a high school teacher, a coun- While your wife is at the hospital the nurses help with selor, and youth organizer, and presented in a breezy punctuated the care, feeding and bathing, but when she comes home All Phones with appropriate humorous irony, the book covers the field from the she is confronted with the entire responsibility. Planning moral to the practical offering invaluable suggestions for helping boys to get her some help or discussing how to help her through FR 9-7673 and girls to mature properly. Published by BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY this stage yourself could be very constructive. 20 N. Wacker Drive As to the old routine as to why the Church prefers the Chicago, Illinois life of the baby to the life of the mother, Ralph, let me say SPONSORS that this is sheer nonsense. All the Church says is that you ST. ANTHONY GUILD PRESS carirtot»v{jirectly and deliberately kill the mother to save the 508 Marshall St., Paterson 3, NJ. child, or Trill the child to save the mother. But a better THE FRANCISCANS CAME FIRST — $2.50 answer is this: There are no circumstances in modern ob- ROOF COATING Fascinating, biography-history stetrical practice where this choice of mother or baby ever FIDES PUBLISHERS, INC. Notre Dome, Indiana comes up. It is a myth and ought to be forgotten. THE FAITH EXPLAINED — Cloth $5.95 .— Paper $2.50 1000 S&H Green Stamps Plus Leo-J. Trese GEO. A. PFLAUM Picking A Name For Baby \ WITH EVERY ORDER OF OBENOUR'S j 38 West Fifth St., Dayton 2, Ohio i EXCLUSIVE NEW FORMULA f Publishers of TREASURE CHEST What shall you name your baby? Well, first don't fall for DESCLEE CO., INC. fads. Some years you get a whole rash of Marlenes, Candies, 280 Broadway, New York 7, N,Y. THE ENCOUNTER OF RELIGIONS — Cloth $3.50 DebBies, Barrys or Dwights, depending on who is running by Jacques-Albert Cuttat A Dialogue between the West and the Orient with an Essay for office or has the highest TV rating. on the Prayer of Jesus Pick a Christian name. Choose a saint or biblical THE NEWMAN PRESS personage, or a name with some Christian significance. Westminster, Maryland ^*"ith, Kyle, Dexter, Montgomery, Preston, or Monroe make THE LOVE OF GOD — $5.95 r son sound vaguely Ivy League. They might also sound by St. Francis de Sales downright ridiculous for children with names like O'Leary, THE LIGUORI PUBLISHING HOUSE Redemptorist Fathers Antonucci, or Hagmeier. Christopher, Mark, Paul, David Liguori, Missouri Publishers of the LIGUORIAN and - a hundred others are distinctive and yet rooted in Subscription — $2.00 one year tradition. Any large church pamphlet rack has one or NATIONAL CATHOLIC DECENCY IN READING PROGRAM two booklets on names that can be quite helpful. 2959 N. Hamline Ave., St. Paul 13, Minnesota Final footnote: . . . Ralph, there are a small percentage BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY of fathers who become jealous of their firstborn, jealous, WATER-PROOF, HEAT-REFLECTING 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois KING OF SINNERS— $5.00 that is, of the time, preoccupation and attention lavished upon SEALS, PROTECTS TILE, GRAVEL, ASBESTOS SHINGLES Author Eddie Doherty tells the story of Jesus with the child. Sometimes this is caused by the young wife's fail- EXCLUSIVE OBENOUR FORMULA, FINEST MATERIAL reverence and contagious enthusiasm ing. She becomes too child-centered and considers her hus- BEAUTIFUL, LIGHT-FAST, NEVER FLAKES OR CHALKS THE AMERICA PRESS — The National Catholic Weekly Review 920 Broadway, N.Y. 1 0, N.Y. band as a mere adjunct to her motherhood. Sometimes it GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS WITH 5 YEAR WARRANTY Issues of our time from the Christian Viewpoint is a weakness of the husband who cannot exist without con- Annual Subscription $8.00; Introductory 22 wks. $2.89 stant attention. In any case, the child is the enfleshment, FREE ESTIMATES • TERMS • WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC BOOK AND FILM CENTER the very incarnation of your mutual love, and remember .2700 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida for the good of that child himself, the husband-wife relation- GEO. OBENOUR JR. & SONS, Inc. THE MANY WHYS OF LIFE — Cloth $3.00 — Paper $2.00 (ESTABLISHED 1926) Quality Service For 37 Years Meditative applications for the laity who are besieged with unanswered ship is the most important in the family. questions posed by modern living 7352 N. Miami Avenue * * * . BENZIGER BROS., INC. PL 7-2612 and PL 7-7861 7 East 51st Street (Father Imbiorski will be unable to answer per- New York, New York sonal letters.)

November T, 1963 • ' THE VOICE " Miami; Florida -Page 21 LEBANON: WHERE CHRIST ONCE WALKED The Question Box Christ upbraided the cities which saw his miracles and didn't do penance. He said: "For if in Tyre and Sidon had been Can A Catholic Accept wrought the miracles that have been wrought in you they had lone ago done penance in sackcloth and Theories Of Evolution? ashes". . . Tyre and Sidon are cities in what today is Lebanon, a coun- try where Christ once walked. At By MSGR. J. D. CONWAY Jeb-Jannine, a large village with Q. In a recent Question Box a reader inquired about 500 Melkite Catholics, the poor peo- evolution if it was contradictory to the Bible. Your long an- ple, rich in faith but poor in ma* swer reminded me of the story of a long winded sermon, and terial resources, are trying to re- Calvin Coolidge's/answer when someone asked him, "What was build a church damaged by the sermon about?" He answered: "He didn't say." earthquake. With their own hands, The Holy Father's Mission Aid they are trying to reconstruct the I am sorry you did ' not make it clear, as it is a sub- through Jesus Christ, the Son for the Oriental Church walls, pave the Boor, reinforce the of God, sent,by His Father to ject often argued about. roof with cement, plaster the walls and build new pews and redeem and sanctify all men. A. Clearly then: You may ac- confessionals, They have been able in many years to collect But Jesus died on the Cross to only a small sum of the money needed. They ask us to help cept all the theories of evolution expiate all sin and rose from them to the extent of $4,000. Will you please help them a little to which your scientific studies bit or a lot? Please send the help now. the dead to give life to ~H may urge you, and you. need men. So no one can mark have no fear of contradicting its for His graces. Surely He MISSION MINDED the Bible. Only one exception can save those who have nev- must I make: In the present er heard His name. The Junior Sodality of Our Lady In one town through their status of our scientific and secretary, Janet D. writes us: "Enclosed please find a money or- There is ho salvation except theological knowledge we should through the Church -of Christ, der for two dollars which our Junior Sodality wishes to give "This was the turning point in my not subscribe to polygenism: the for the Mission needs . . . We hope to be able to send this small which is His own Body embrac- donation once a month". . . Thank you, girls, and may Our theory that the human race is ing all who. will consent to be- Blessed Mother thank you too with graces. SHARING OUR TREASURE descended from a diverse and long to it. But only the man who multiple ancestry. would dam up God's mercy and OUR PRIESTS APPRECIATE RECEIVING YOUR MASS Pope Pius XII cautioned us graces can define the limits of STIPENDS. OFTEN THEIR SOLE DAILY SUPPORT. Prayer To Mary Marked against polygenism in his En- the Church's effectiveness. cyclical Humani Generis: "Now No one can be saved except STRINGLESS GIFTS HELP US TO HELP WHERE NEED IS it is in no way apparent how through baptism: "Unless a THE GREATEST. A MEMBERSHIP IN OUR ASSOCIATION Turning Point In His Life such an opinion can be recon- man be born"-again of water and COSTS ONLY $1 A YEAR FOR A SINGLE PERSON. ciled with that which the sources Spirit he cannot effter the king- After his health broke, he with- $5 FOR A FAMILY. By FATHER JOHN A. O'BRIEN of revealed truth and the docu- dom of heaven." (John 3, 5). Not a few persons trace their drew and later visited Walsing- ments of teaching authority of However, Jesus has made it ham, once a famous Catholic the Church propose with regard clear that there is possibility of CONCERNING CHAPELS conversion to their prayers to the Blessed Virgin, asking her shrine. Throwing himself on his to original sin, which proceeds baptism by desire and good in- From medieval times, the Gothic church tower has risen ta from sin actually commked by tention. A doctor of the law to obtain from her divine Son knees, he begged God to give Heaven, symbolizing the prayers rising to a transcendent God. an individual Adam and which once asked him what he should the grace that When he was Archbishop of Milan, the present Pope, Paul VI, him the grace to know His will through generation is passed on do togai n eternal life, and then save a new direction to church building. He encouraged eon- would lead and to follow it at whatever cost. to all and is in everyone as his answered his own question in tractors to construct chapels in new housing projects, sym- them into the bolizing as it were Christ at the heart of home life, radiating; "I then vowed," he relates, own." the words of the law: "Thou true Church. It shalt love the Lord thy God with grace. Through the 18 Near and Middle East countries entrust- "that if Our Lady would ob- * * * ed to our care by the Holy Father, many chapels have been was at the inter- thy whole soul and with thy built by your generosity. Perhaps someone would like to build cession of Our tain from her Son this grace for Q. May a Catholic attend a whole mind; and thy neighbor a MEMORIAL CHAPEL to a loved one. Cost: $2,000 to $6,009. Lady that Christ me I would devote my life to parish dinner put on by a non- as thyself." And Jesus told him: Or perhaps furnish a chapel with a needed item such as: performed the her service at Walsingham." Catholic parish? "Thou hast answered rightly; do MASS KIT $100 VESTMENTS $50 first miracle of A. Yes. this and you shall live." (Luke "This was the turning point in CHALICE 40 CIBORIUM 40 His public life, • * * 10, 27-28). my life. Three months later I The sanctifying effects of love STATUE 3« MONSTRANCE 40 changing water FR O'BRIEN A. A good friend of mine, of . was received into the Catholic are noted by various words of BELL S LINENS 15 into wine at the Church. Emotion played no part Jewish extraction, and I, have marriage feast in Cana of Gali- been having a go-round on Jesus, but most clearly by the in my conversion. I was not at words reported in John 14, 23: lee. Through the centuries Our whether or not Catholics, and ADOPTING A SEMINARIAN OR SISTER. We have the all moved by the- splendor of the "If anyone love me he will keep Roman Catholic liturgy or any- and Christians for that mat- names of many such as JOSE POLACKAL or SISTER JOYCE. Lord has seen fit to grant many my word, and my Father will graces and favors at the request thing of that sort. Nor was 1 ter, believe that it is impossi- It costs $3 a week for two years to train a Sister and $2 a week ble for an unbaptized person love him, and We will come to of His Blessed Mother. at all influenced by friends. him and make Our abode with for six years to educate a seminarian. You can send the help Still less was I ..'got at by priests, to go to heaven. She claims hi installments. The fruitfillness of invoking for I had not one Roman Catho- that most individual Christians him." When God loves us and her intercession is illustrated lic friend before I became a she knows have a "tolerant" lives with us He sanctifies us-by in the conversion of Bruno Catholic, nor had I ever spoken attitude in this respect, and do His presence. All sanctity is in Dear Monsignor Ryan: Scott James of Dartmoor, to a Catholic priest before ask- believe that unbaptized per- Him, and love permits it to sons can be saved, but that permeate our souls. ^ Enclosed please find for England, now the director of ing for instructions in the Faith. the Collegio J. H. Newman in the official position of the Name Naples. He was a member of "It was a decision taken on Catholic Church, and of other a well-to-do Protestant fam- purely historical grounds hi Christian churches, is that sal- Street ily which teemed with preju- complete loneliness and with- vation is impossible without MISSAL out the help of anyone. I could baptism. City Zone .... State dices against the Catholic Church. Because of ill health not find the slightest justifica- I am ashamed that I don't at prep school he withdrew tion for the Church of England have exact knowledge on this GUIDE score, but my position, and I and studied under clerical tu- in the writings of the Fathers. Nov. 3 — Twenty-second Sunday tors, some of whom were believe that of the Catholic "The Church of Rome, for all Church, is that an unbaptized after Pentecost. Mass of the Anglo-Catholics. Sunday. Gloria, Creed, Pre- FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President the human weaknesses that af- person with the right attitude face of the Trinity. Mtqr. Joseph T. Ryot, WoTI Sec'y At the age of 17 he shocked flict her members, still bears the in regard to God is baptized, Nov. 4 — "St. Charles Borro- Scad oU eoamuMleattoa* to; his family and friends by enter- note of holiness, besides that of and hence savable, by "pre- meo, Bishop and Confessor. CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION . ing an Anglican monastery unity and apostolicity. Hardly sumption" or "implication." Mass of the Feast. Gloria, 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17, N. Y. where he made his first vows. a day passes when I do not have A. The usual word is desire, cause to thank God for thebut implication is not bad. Prayer of Martyrs, Common grace of conversion obtained There are some problems our Preface. through the Blessed Virgin's in- Nov. 5 — Ferial Day. Ma-" of theologians haven't worked out, r tercession." and one of them is the possibil- last Sunday. No Glori j? Forty Hours ity and manner of the salvation Creed. Common Preface. Some years after his conver- of non-Christians, especially of Nov. 6 — Ferial Day. Mass of Devotion sion Bruno studied at the Beda those who are completely re- last Sunday. No Gloria, No College in Rome, where he was moved from the Christian tradi- Creed, Common Preface. ordained. He was made parish According to a schedule an- tion, have never heard of Christ Nov. 7 — Ferial Day. Mass of priest at Walsingham and suc- ALL-PURPOSE nounced by the Chancery, Forty or of baptism, and may have last Sunday. No Gloria, No ceeded in reviving it as a center only vague, deformed notions of Creed, Common Preface. • HOME FINANCING Hours Devotion will be observed of pilgrimage. In a fascinating God. Nov. 8 — Ferial Day. Mass of book, "Asking for Trouble" in the following parishes: One thing we know: there can last Sunday. No Gloria, Sec- buying, building, selling (Harper and Row, $4), he tells November be no salvation without faith. ond Prayer of Martyrs, No the story of his unusual life. or refinancing There must be some direct com- Creed, Common Preface. 4 San Pedro, Tavernier * * • munication between God and Nov. 9 — Dedication of the 8 Holy Cross Hospital, Fort man, some sort of dialogue. We Archbasilica of St. Savious. Lauderdale Father O'Brien will be believe that God wishes every Gloria, Second Prayer of St. glad to have converts send man to be saved and somehow Theodore. Creed, Common 11 St. Joseph the Worker Mis- their names and addresses offers him the opportunity and Preface. sion, Moore Haven to him at Notre Dame Uni- invites him effectively. If man Nov. 10 — Twenty-third Sunday versity, Notre Dame, Indi- responds by acceptance he is on 18 St. Mark, Boynton Beach after Pentecost. Mass of the ana, so he may write their the way to heaven. Sunday. Gloria, Creed, 25 St. Luke, Lake Worth conversion stories. There is no salvation except Preface of the Trinity.

Page 22 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida TRAVEL/TABLE TALK WMWWUU HOUSE OF HOG CHINESE FEAST Airline Sets Bus-Shuttles 7911.m Causeway; M.B- ALL YOUiCAN EA1 00G RACING UN{5-7277 $1<)C MPN-W- ; From Airports To Fair .'^if;:;i-;Deii%rerv:—; ,:••••.; 4 V^ «J«Zj 4:30-9:00 -: EVERY NiGHT FREE SELF PARKING FOR 500 CARS By MAXIMILIAN

• Eastern Airlines will operate a fleet of special Bus-Shut- SUNDAY tles for its passengers from Idlewild and LaGuardia Airports directly to their terminal at the New York World's Fair. This service will be linked to and from 39 cities and will serve as the originating or terminal point for 134 direct daily flights. Eastern is really in earnest about having Fair visitors get on with it. TRAVELODDITIES • Caribbean travel expert Hal Winter reports beef is now MIAMI BEACH 54, FLORIDA selling for $10 per pound in the Cuban Black Market and* eggs are 25c each. The official monthly government ration allows Social tea or testimonial / ty dinner, reception, conven- COMB ANYTIME FRIDAY...LEAVE ANYTIME SUNDAY 4 lbs. of rice, 2 eggs, 1-canary sized chicken, 6 cans of con- tion or an intimate party for Used milk and V/z oz. of coffee per person, when available 2,000 . . . whatever the per person, dbl. occ. for entire . . Air France has a Welcome Service in Paris with hostesses, affair/things happen for the to December 16 stay. (45 of 304 rooms) best at the New Everglades Church 8. Mass Information naturally, to assist tourists . . . Miami-Metro News Bureau lists Nightly Thru Jan. 1 Hotel. No wonder: Miami's over a dozen top tourists' attractions which are free to visit- most delectable food, most ors . . .'One of the most keenly sought after awards among CORAL TERRACE impeccably served in sur- RESTAURANT roundings most delightful. British manufacturers and craftsmen is the "Duke of Edin- Expense? Most sensible. burgh's Prize for Elegant Design." This year's sharp compe-' (You couldn't do it for tition was won by an electric shaver . . . But the type of less.) Call Catering Office, stainless steel razor blades now being manufactured in the FR 9-5461 for details. Soon. U. S. were first popularized by a British firm who gained fame as a sword maker, considered excellent experience' for attacking those really heavy beards . . . The world famous modern silver- smithing industry of Taxco, Mexico, was founded by an Ameri- IUMBO '% Visit can named Bill Spratling less than 30 years ago says B. Burke HOT \i of the Aztec Motel. The grateful Taxquenos named a street for him, Calle Guillermo Spratling . . . French is the official lan- guage in five Caribbean and South American locations, accord- the Shrines Biscayne Blvd. at 3rd St. ing to Pan Am Airways. Guadalupe, Martinque, Haiti, French Downtown Miami's only Resort Hotel Guiana, and half of the island of St. Maarten. Parking on Premises DOTS AND DASHES of Europe • The Eden Roc hotel's swank Mona Lisa Room includes prime roast beef au jus on the Modified American Plan menu . . . "Christmas in Bethlehem" is the special holiday tour on being offered by the Catholic Travel Office and Alitalia Airlines SAY YOU SAW under the sponsorship of the Franciscan Fathers of the Holy Land Commissariat. Christmas in Jerusalem and New Year's in THEIR AD IN $52.00 Per Case Irish Rome, where the group anticipates being received in audience THE VOICE by Pope Paul during their four-day stay in the Holy City . . . • =ssssr The shoreline of Colombia, South America is known as South Of Cutler Ridge. the Emerald Coast. NETTLOW'S International Direct distance dialing was first introduced in Florida in 1957, the same year operators starting saying, "Sorry, long num- ber," according to George Valentine of Chase Federal . . . The comedy "The Moon is Blue" opens Nov. 4 at the Gallery cte Theatre Restaurant, Miami's only theatre restaurant. Food Served Dancing Till 5 AM ECHOES Finest1 Domestic and Imported Liquors Served At Popular Prices. • The luxury 18,000-ton Anna C which will start cruising 21105 So. Dixie Hwy. Phone « 5-9834 out of Port Everglades in January, boasts three swimming pools Take the pilgrimage of your dreams on Irish Inter- and a wide-screen cinema screen . . . Engaged couples registering national. Irish offers convenient service to Europe's at Burdine's bridal department are presented with a gift of Where. Arthur Godfrey always enjoys himself" major shrines and holy places. For that very reason a pair of German imported champagne glasses . . . The Tip we are called "The Line to the Shrines." Toppers are celebrating their sixth year at Miami Springs Villas . . . The Place for Bar-B-Q on Biscayne Blvd. offers a com- Right now you can visit Europe on an Irish 21- Joination of bar-b-qued pork, beef, chicken, ribs, onion rings, On The Ocean, 102nd Street, Bal Harbour, Miami Beach Day Economy Excursion. That means you can "beanl^-and corn in one meal for two or more . . . spend two or three weeks in Europe and still save North Bay Village Lion's Club holding its annual Country up to $149, compared to the regular economy Fair and auction Nov. 10 on Treasure Island, 79th street fares. What's more, you'll get the same superb Causeway. service you've come to expect from Irish! American tourists to Nassau can usually save two cents on Y'ALL COME ON OVER the dollar by converting their money into sterling . . . Avianca With our Shamrock Thriftair Plan you can fly Airlines announced a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Martin de . . . it's different. .. for just 10% down. Pay the rest at low interest Porres in Lima, Peru . . . American cigarettes are 25c per Renowned service as eyer . . . Gracious dining at its over a two-year period. Is it any wonder, with all pack in Equador . . . All salesgirls in .Montevideo's leading superb best . . . where club atmosphere prevails. En- these services, Irish is also called "The Friendly •department store still dress in white middy blouses and black tertainment nightly in the Emerald Cocktail Lounge, skirts and stockings says John Alexander of Varig Airlines . . . dining and dancing nightly in the elegant Crystal Jet Airline." See your Travel Agent for bookings The Nassau supper club most popular with the local art and thea- Room ... and information. tre colony is named "The End." A. M. (Tony) Padden, General Manager Phone 866-2711 IHTERMTWNAI there is a MLMS AEBUHGVS "Smart Buyers Get The WilRM Irish International Airlines M-10 difference 1 Best Buys at McBride's" 572 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 36, N.Y. you II find it in the warmth of genuine hospitality Please send me full details on Irish International's at the Pan American ... you'll find it in the The Largest Stock of 21-Day Economy Excursion Fares • and on the superlative facilities — 400 feet of private beach, Imported and Domestic Olympic Pool, Putting Green, Coffee Shop, low-cost Shamrock Thriftair Plan • Oceanside Dining Room, Cocktail Lounge, Wines and Liquors TV in every room, Private Sun Terraces In the Greater Miami Area NAME_ ... for your active leisure, Skin • •HJAMME5£ Diving, Water Skiing and Fishing can be arranged. PL 7-1160 ADDRESS- Catholic Church opposite motel. For Reservations, FREE DELIVERY IN THE write direct. CITY _ZONE TATE_ AUBREY MAURA JR. NORTH DADE AREA Manager or phone MIAMI Wl 7-3421 COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED E. McBRlDE-LlQUORS THE liquor Store MOTEL 734 N.E. 125th St. pun Rmemcflii North Miami's Smartest 17875 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33160

1, 1963 TlflE VOICE:;:; Miamit Florida Jtoge 23 LEGION OF DECENCY FILM RATINGS A I — FILMS MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR GENERAL PATRONAGE Across the Bridge Hey Boy, Hey Girl Phantom Planet FRIDAY, Nov. 1 11:15 p!m. (4) — The Last Hur- All) REASON — Reflects the House (Morally Objectionable Air Patrol In Wake of Stranger Phantom of the Opera Alias Jesse James It's Only Money PT 109 rah (Adults, Adol.) acceptability of divorce; light In Part For All) REASON — All Hands On Deck In Search Of Raven. The 9 a.m. (7) — Crazy Hunter (No Almost Anaets The Castaways Reluctant Saint 11:20 p.m. (7) — Destination treatment of marriage; sug- Insufficient Moral compensa- Angel In A Taxi Invasion Quartet Runaway Class.) Assignmnt Island. The Savage Sam Moon tion. Outer Space Jason And The Sereeant Was A Lady 1 p.m. (10 — Wallflower (Moral- gestive sequences. i Babes In Toyland Argonauts Seven Seas 11:30 p.m. (5) — Viva Zapata Bashful Elephant John Paul Jones To Calais ly Objectionable In Part For 11:30 pjn. (10) — Shadow Of THURSDAY, NOV. 7 Bear. The Joseph and Siege of The Saxons (Adults, Adol.) Best Of Enemies His Brethren Silent Call All) REASON — Suggestive Fear (Adults, Adol.) 9 a.m. (7) — Madame Curie Beauty and the Beast Jumbo Slaves o£ Carthage 11:30 p.m. (10) — It, The Terror BiE NiKht King Kong ys. Godzilla Son Of Flubber sequences. TUESDAY, NOV. 5 (Part One) (Family) OBSER- Blood and Steel Lassie's Great Stop. Look and Laugh From Beyond Space (Family) Boy and the Pirates Adventure Stowaway In The Sky VATION — The concluding Captain Sinbad Last Days of Pompeii Summer Magic 4:15 p.m. (5) — The Sea Chase 9 a.m. (7) — Our Vines Have Clown And The Kid Last Voyage Swinging - Along SUNDAY, NOV. 3 Conspiracy of Hearts Incredible Mr. Limpet, Sword In The Stone (Morally Objectionable In Tender Grapes (Part II) words in the film imply an Constantine And The The Tammy And The 11 a.m. (5) — Huk (Family) omnipotence for science in Oross Life of Maria Goretti Doctor Part For All) REASON — Sui- (Family) Crimson Blade Adrian Messenger Tarzans Three 12:30 p.m. (4) — Poor Little cleansing in time "this world Damn the Defiant Lilies Of The Field Challanges cide sympathetically por- David and Goliath Little Shepherds Of Teenage Millionaire Rich Girl (Family) 1 p.m. (10) — The Great O'Mal- of its evils, its ignorance, its Dentist In Chair Kingdom Come Ten Who Dared trayed. Hercules And The Longest Day There Was A Crooked 12 p.m. (7) — Master Minds (No ley (Family) poverty, disease, wars and Captive Women Majority Of One Man Escape From Man From The Diners Titans, The 4:30 p.m. (4) — The Bullfighter Class.) 4:15 p.m. (5) —Sincerely Yours East Berlin 30 Years Of Fun heartaches." Science can* do 55 Days at Peking McLintocClub ••-k • :S00 Spartans And The Lady (Adults, Adol.) 1 p.m. (7)— Command Decision (Part One) (Family) much to alleviate physical evil Face of Fire Michael Strocoff Three Stooges In Orbit Flipper Midsummer Night s Troian Horse 4:30 p.m. (7) — Crazy Hunter (Family) 4:30 p.m. (4) — Birth Of The and will, God willing, do more. First Space Ship Dream Ugly American To Venus Miracle Of The tJnder Ten Flags (No Class.) 5 p.m. (4) — Jim Thorpe — All Blues (Family) Gathering Of Eagles White Stallions Viran. The AH the evils in the v ,.>• Gldet Goes To Rome Unbelieveable 6 p.m. (10) — The Great Man American (Adults, Adol.) / 4:30 p.m. (7) — Fort Dobbs however, are not maft._.

Page 24 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida J. M. Sfephenson SINCORE FR 3-0656 FUNERAL HOME • Servicing All Highlands County •> AMBULANCE * SEBRING AVON PARK * cSfhern EV 5-0125 6L 3-3101 % SERVICE .•% 244 Hour Ambulance Service V ,08000000000000000000 ft $ Ambulance PLUMMER LEO W. ENGELHARDT FUNERAL FUNERAL HOME 10 Service HOME THIRTEEN FORTY-NINii 2017 McGregor Blvd. for the residents living be- FORT MYERS — EDison 5-1166 tween North Kendall Drive FLA6LER STREET, WEST Servicing south to Islamorada, to any Catholic place in Dade County. "Member C.D.A.—K of C—Holy Name" Edward R. Pongcr FUNERAL HOME Cemeteries PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA NEptune 2-7171 FUNERAL HOME Serving all of 1180 N. KROME AVE — Charlotte County HOMESTEAD Cl 7-7711 4

of the Diocese JOHNSON / FOSTER of Miami FUNERAL HOME, INC. PHILBRICK 1650 HARRISON ST.HOLLYWOOD, FLA.PHONE: WA 2-7511 Burial in a Catholic AMBULANCE SERVICE Cemetery is a Privilege NOW AVAILABLE \. 1 and,' an honor for those $ i 1 who persevere in the faith. 10.00 FLAT RATE' : THROUGHOUT DADE COUNTY VIII reasons why TO OR FROM ALL HOSPITALS NO EXTRA CHARGE ; Coral Gables -South Miami • Miami Shores • Miami Your family's burial place should 446-1616. 667-2518 751-3613 373-6363 Van OrsdeVs is Miami s : . ALL TELEPHONE LISTINGS • : reflect your faith. More and more SEE INSIDE BACK COVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORY families today are choosing burial places in cemetery shrine areas that most recommended recall their own family devotions. funeral service FT. LAUDEHDALE Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery and FUNERAL

Queen of Heaven Cemetery offer HOMES Convenient Locations — four chapels strate- gically located for family and friends. Masses regularly for souls of those 299 N. FEDERAL HWY. — 3501 W. BHOWARD BLVD. buried there. Also, Field Mass on IA 2-2811 LU 1-6100 DAN H. FAIRCHILD PHIL H. FAIRCHILD More experienced — Van Orsdel's conducts Memorial Day and All Souls Day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS II more adult funerals than anyone in Dade County . . . and passes savings developed on to the families we serve.

Homelike Surroundings Finest facilities — Van Orsdel's beautiful III chapels provide everything possible for com- fort and reverent dignity. All chapels equipped Dignified Friendly Service with pews and kneeling rails.

. Prices To Meet Any Finest service — no compromise with qual- IV ity. Our best service always — to anyone — Family Budget regardless of the amount spent — and we Serving the Parishes of all Dade County, guarantee our service. Fteridjj. Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery is Personal attention — our staff trained to 4^4 miles west of Miami International Air- personally handle; every problem, no matter port, at 11411 North West 25th Street, how difficult, every detail, no matter how TU 7-8293. P.O. Box 127, Miami Springs 66, R. E. Wixsom, F.D. Funeral Home smotl. Florida. Serving faithfully for over 60 years Freedom of choice — every family may 206 S.W. 8th Street FR 3-2111 VI select a service price within their means — no one has to plead charity to purchase any of our funerals — no questions are asked — and we use no selling pressure!

CARL F. SLADE, F.D. Complete funerals, quality for quality, cost VII less at Van Orsdel's — and have for over 20 CARL F. SLADE FUNERAL HOME years. We offer all families a choice of over 60 800 PALM AVE. HIALEAH TU 8-3433 VIII different caskets, with the finest of funeral service and facilities ... complete in every Serving the Parishes of Broward County, detail, rrom $145 - $215 - $279. Florida. Queen of Heaven Cemetery is 4% miles north of Sunrise Blvd. at 1500 South IN WEST HOLLYWOOD State Road #7, Pompano Beach, Florida. WEbster 3-5544.

For Further Information MORTUARIES CATHOLIC CEMETERIES LARGE CATHOLIC STAFF OF THE DIOCESE OF MIAMI, INC. P. O. BOX 127, MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA C. D. Van Orsdel, Licensee ^ TU 7-8293 6100 Hollywood Blvd. For Further Information Call FR 3-5757 Phone YUkort 3-0857

November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 29 CALL MISS PERRY AT PLAZA 4-2561 FOR CLASSIFIED

VOICE Almost new 2 bedroom home. Utility room, DRAPERIES ADDITIONS, REPAIRS —ALL TYPES HENRY FLATTERY HOUSEHOLD SALE A. j. CONTRACTING CO. oil heat, well & pump. Low taxes. $11,900 CLASSIFIED Licensed & Insured. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Complete Septic Tank Service Total. Will sell new French Provincial furni- Custom Draperies and Bedspreads Let Us Prove Our Low Cost To You. Plumbing Repairs and City Sewer Connections LARGE COLDSPOT ture. Write box 143A Rt. # 1,. Sebring, Fla. Free Estimate 621-9801 CALL TONY Wl 7-3989 OR 7632 NW 2 Ave. PL 7-1866 RATES and JACK NA 1-3326 21 CUBIC FOOT LOTS FOR SALE INFORMATION ELECTRICIANS DEEP FREEZE BUILDING REPAIRS 3 Line Minimum Charge PHIL PALM PLUMBING PHONE OFTER 6:30 P.M. Beautiful VA acre E. of Highway. North REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS Facing tall pines. Near schools. MO 5-2439 DeathCoun Noticet 5s Word— spe Per rinc Linh e$3.00 MINNET ELECTRIC SERVICES HOLLYWOOD, 987-3195 Specializing in Repair, Remodeling AL - The Handyman Per Line 60c LO 6-7521 OR LU 3-2198 Ft Laud. Enclose carports, painting, CALL PLAZA 8-9896 1 Time jalousies, carpentry, masonry & CO-OP. APTS. FOR SALE 3 Times . Per Line 50c household repairs. No lob too small. IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM Wl 7-6423 or Wl 5-7878 13 Consecutive SIGNS McCORMICK-BOYCTT LITTLE BROWN ROACHES NO CAR NECESSARY Times . . . Per Line 40c Plumbing Co. 24 HR. SERVICE $1.98 ANYTIME. TU 8-5774 We specialize in plumbing repairs Walk to hospitals, stores, buses, restaurants. 26 Consecutive TONY THE HANDYMAN Times ...... Per Line 35c 7424 N.E. 2nd Ave., Miami, Fla. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, pool-patio. Adults only. LIGHT YOUR WAY Day PL 7-0606 Nice neighbor's. 12665 NE 16 Ave. Apt. 20. Electric, plumbing, carpentry, WASHERS 52 Consecutive to better business Night PL 9-0355 - PL 8-9622 REFRIGERATORS PL 1-3442 or UN 6-1411 Ext. 277." Times . Per Line 30c masonry, jalousies, painting. FREEZERS SAME RATE as 2 ELECTRO NEON SIGN CO., Inc. Install air conditioners. Wl 74256 TELEVISIONS 10 PT lines ordinary type SEWING MACHINES HOMES FOR SALE FT. LAUDftALE Larry Monahan, OX 1-0805 SAME RATE AS 3 $2.00 WEEK 2955 N.W. 75th St CARPENTERS Sewing Machines Repaired In U lines ordinary type Miami. Fla. 4 Blocks to St. Thomas Aquinas Hik rW*r Your Honte. 52.00. No Charge If RENTAL PURCHASE DEPT. and Church. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath; Screened 1 Q DT SAME RATE as * Not Repaired. Call, MU 5-1564. THE BIG M. DEPT. STORE' patio, carport, sprinkler system, $109.50 lines St. Brendan Parish — HOUSEHOLD. IO lli ordinary type SMALL REPAIRS, ROOF LEAKS etc. 1313 NW 167 St. NA 4-3695 principal, interest, taxes and insurance-. 671 SW 30th Ave., NO QUALIFYING, NO EDVITO SIGNS Call John Crirremins for estimate, VENETIAN BUND SERVICE CA 1-4359 or CA 1-5676 CLOSING COSTS. Reduced to $17,400.00 SAME RATE as 5 TRUCKS WALLS GOLD LEAF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LO 6-1251 — L0 4-0663. 24 PT. lines ordinary type 90 N.W. 54th St. PL 8-7025 VENETIAN BLINDS-CORNICES CARPENTRY — PAINTING, ETC. REFINISHED REPAIRS YOUR HOME Largest selection of new and used pianos NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CAPS GENERAL HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS CALL STEADCRAFT PL 9-6844 and organs in Florida. 5 Blocks from Our Lady Queerr of "Martyrs. CALL PLaza 4-2561 INSURANCE Fred, NE 5-3463 — Member Corpus Christi 9510 N.W. 7tb AVE. VICTORS, 300 N.W. 54 ST. PL 8-8795 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom built. 30M51 liv- (MEMBER OF ST. JAMES PARISH) ing room. Fenced yard, sprinklers. $98. Prin- Published Every Friday cipal & interest. No qualifying or closing Deadline Tuesday, 2 p.m. GIL HAAS INSURANCE, INC. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE costs. Reduced to $17,900. 2931 S.W. 5 Ct. TAPES, CORDS BLINDS REFINISHED LU 3-6390 For Friday Edition. See or call us for OR REPAIRED IN YOUR HOME "The Voice" will not be responsible for PATIOS, DRIVES, walks. KEYSTONE, -color, more than one incorrect insertion. In AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE any size job. Quality work. Free estimate. CALL BILL FR 1-4436 OR 661-2992 ATTENTION GOLFERS MU 8-2151 the event of any error in an advertise- 1338 N.W. 36th St. NE 5-0921 Near Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Tri-level 4 ment on the part of the publisher, it will WATER HEATERS ~ JOCK HUTCMNSON bedroom, 2 bath. Price, $19,500. 849 W. furnish the advertiser a letter so worded Dayton Circle. LU 3-3272. FLOOR CLEANING as to explain the sais error and the MOVING & STORAGE SPECIALS publisher shall be otherwise relieved LOUIS E. MILLER PLUMBING CO. from responsibility, thereof. HOMES FOR SALE, HOLLYWOOD Water Heater Repairs & Sales Assorted clubs, 4 irons plus driver. Also —No Legal or Political Ads— MOVING AND STORAGE.' FLOORS CLEANED & WAXED HOMES & OFFICES CA 1-4750 4119 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Est. 1930 HI 8-9912 5 irons and 4 woods. Spalding bag, leather Pickup truck $5 a load. bound, zipper hood. Top condition. MO 7-1190 Padded van, flat price. MU 1-9930. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, Florida room>-c#port, HOME REPAIR RUG CLEANING well, awnings, fenced in. Around corner to ANNOUNCEMENTS Annunciation Church and school. 'Walking PLANTS FOR SALE JOE WELSH MOVING^and STORAGE distance to Madonna Academy, shopping WHEN YOU'RE PUNNING A All types of home repair, also screening- re- RUBS Cleaned — In your Home, or our Plant center. $11,500. Call after 3 P.M. YU 3-6971. Local moving, modern Vans. Local, long dis- MIKE'S RUG CLEANING WEDDING -RECEPTION, DANCE, pair. No job too small. Ray, Member Epiphany 3 Kinds of hedges, 3 ft. high, 20 plants $1- 3781 SW 40 St. tance moving. In Fla., Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Parish, CE 5-6434. Dade PL 8-7894 -Broward YU 9-7811 LUNCHEON, PARTY, ETC. CALL Beach, Orlando,. Tampa. Key West. NE 5-2461 Red Crotons & others, 15 for $1. Flame vine THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL, in bloom 25c. MU 1-0929. days. Eves. MU 1-1102. Give your Rugs & Carpets a 270 CATALONIA AVE., CORAL GABLES LAWN MOWER SERVICE HOMES FOR SALE-W. HOLLYWOOD $35 UP AIR CONDITIONING OPTIONAL 'NEW LOOK' — For ESTIMATE SEE OR CALL BERNIE Di CRISTAFARO WATER SOFTENERS CALL Hank — PL 4-0898 SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE HI 8-9242 OR 271-6337 MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. BUYS OF THE MONTH Authorized Service and Parts RUG, INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS Brar^ New Universal sewing machine. Com- SERVISOFT SYSTEM OF MIAMI INC. Fertilizers — Sharpening — Welding 1. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, hardw'd floors $10,500 CHILD CARE plete with carrying case $15. Call 685-1564. HI 3-5515. Service - Repairs - Sales. HI 3-5515 : TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU Carpets stretched, installation, cleaned, in- 2. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, gar. and pool $14,000 109 San Lorenzo Ave., Coral Gables, Fla.' 27 S.W. 27th Ave. Call HI 4-2305 surance claims, cigarette burns repaired. 3. 2 Bedroom house with pool $13,000 FOSTER HOMES WANTED 20256 Od Cutler Rd. Call CE 5-4323 Mike PL 8-7894 - YU 9-7811. SINGER ZIG-ZAG 4. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, screened pool $14,200 For Cuban children 6 to 18 years of age Repossessed. Makes buttonholes and designs Lots and Acreage Priced To Sell Board and expenses paid by Catholic Welfare EMPLOYMENT LAWN MAINTENANCE Sold for $250 new. Take over 9 payments of Bureau. To apply, family must be Catholic. ROOFING YU 9-2096 Eves., YU 3-4428 Husband must be permanently employed and $11.50. Will take trade. Call 685-1554. 6081 WASHINGTON ST., W: HOLLYWOOD must be English speaking. For information, HEW WANTED FEMALE HARPERS LANDSCAPING SERVICE contact Milton Sellars. 633-9061. LEAKS — TILES REPAIRED $4 UP MOW AND EDGE — $5 AND UP ALL TYPES ROOFING & REPAIRS CALL JIMMIE CA 1-8230 REAL ESTATE Miami Shores business couple needs woman LICENSED & INSURED J. A. O'BRIEN, REALTY Will baby sit in my home, by day or week. with car. (White). Age 25 to 35. Experienced ALL METROPOLITAN iTOOFING CO. Near St. James MU 8-6237. in general housework. 10:30 A.M. to 1:30 LAWN MAINTENANCE FREE ESTIMATES CA 1-6671 P.M. Monday thru Saturday. Pays $22.50 week •18 YEARS ROOFING EXPERIENCE for 15 hours. Write age, experience and (MEMBER OF ST. BRENDAN PARISH) MARY M. MULLEN, Realtor Good care of infant or small child in my phone to THE VOICE, Box #21. 6301 Bis-RELIABLE LAWN MAINTENANCE. S.W. SEC Lots — Homes — Acreage — Rentals home. 634-9685. cayne Blvd. TION. TEL.: CA 1-1593 Williams Roofing all types also FHA & VA RE-SALES Gutters, Solars. Repairs our specialty. 7349 S.W. 8th STREET - CA 6-1311 LOANS Mothers helper. Elderly lady, live in, lovely VELVET LAWN SEVICE, WHITE Free Est. CA 1-0904 • HI 8-6102. BUILDER* DEVELOPER home. Care for children of working mother. BISCAYNE PARK, MIAMI SHORES OR 8340 NORTHEAST SECOND AVE. DIAMONDS — JEWELRY — SILVER No housework. $20 wk. 238-1568. NORTH MIAMI AREAS. CALL JOHN'S ROOFING . RENTALS — MANAGEMENT LOANS TO $600! LOW LEGAL RATES. PL 8-8675 or 945-9307 Leaky Roofs Repaired. LISTINGS WANTED ; MIAMI 38, FLORIDA OVER 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS $5 Up. Expert Work CA 6-2790 — HI 8-6102 DICK BROOKS — REALTOR — 688-6638 HALPERTS JEWELERS 377-2353 Good cook. Middle aged. Light Housework. 449 Pan Am Bank Bldg. 150 S.E. 3 Ave. LAWN SPRINKLERS Live in, 2 Room Apartment. ROOFS - PRESSURE CLEANED FLORIDA PROPERTIES Holy Family Rectory Wl 7-5043 $14.95 - ANY SIZE ROOF INSTRUCTION ALLIED LAWN Licensed and Insured. HI 4-1627 HORSE TRADER Phone FRanklin 1-3592 POSITIONS WANTED MALE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ROOF CLEANING & COATING Has 10 $99 lots near Orange City,, Fla. Investment and Residential ST. JAMES' PARISH Lawn Sprinklers, Pumps and Wells Sell or trade any portion. A. Casey NA 1-2193 YEAR 'ROUND TUTORING. PRIVATE "Employment agencies specializing in place- Installed, Serviced & Maintained Roofs pressure cleaned $12. Spray painted 3970 N.W. 177 St. OR GROUP. ELEMENTARY SUBJECTS. ment of engineering, scientific and technical SERVING S. FLORIDA SINCE 1940 $24. Wl 7-6465, FR 3-8125. AIR CONDITIONED STUDIO personnel please note." Mature male high FREE ESTIMATES IN DADE CALL MU 5-2269 NOW. CALL MU 8-4661 school teacher desires additional work Satur- UPHOLSTERING WATERFRONT MOTEL, 41 unit "Quality Court" days only. Write The Voice, Box #77. 6301 close-in frontage 2 streets. Space for ex- Biscayne Blvd. PAINTING Factory to you. Huge Discounts on all up- pansion. Over $100,000 gross. Douglass holstery, slipcovers and draperies. 1,000 Chambers, Inc., Realtors, Fort Myers 15, Fabrics. Credit terms. Unique Decorators. Florida. Social Security HOME IMPROVEMENT PAINTING - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Free estimates. Wl 5-1993. Licensed, Insured, Clean, Reliable. LOW RATE. Call FRANK 696-3824 HOMES FOR SALE S.W. HOMES FOR SALE S.W. Can Pay APPLIANCE REPAIRING WINDOW REPAIRS Free estimates, gas, electric appliances. Painting, inside - outside, any size Job. JALOUSIES, WINDOWS AND SCREENS Funeral Bills Expert Work. Reasonable. Matt's" 691-8363. Carpentry work. Free estimates. Member REPAIRED CALL ANDY, OX 1-2018 St. Mary. Dee. PL 7-3875. Sts. Peter £r Paul Parish Free Booklet Gives Painting. Interior & exterior. Reasonable. You may have a FREE booklet about Call John Farrell, 621-3598. Full Information APPROX. PRICE Social Security and Veterans FENCE PLUMBING •6.79 Benefits are explained in the INCOME PROPERTY JACK & SONS. 2035 NW 95 ST. new GUIDEBOOK recently pub- 30 Yrs. plumbing experience. 24 Hour serv- lished by Lithgow Funeral Cen- ice. Special repairs. Free estimate on new ters. Many families are un- jobs and sewers. OX 1-4826. Home and income. 826 S.W. 12 Ct. aware of the extent to which 2 Story 3 bedroom 1 Vi bath home they may benefit under Social 2 Car garage in rear with apt. upstairs. Security — as much as $255 lorida for funeral expenses! Re-Roofing & Repairs Well kept. New modern kitchen and bath. REDWOOD ft CYPRESS. Large walk-in closets. Jalousied front porch. " Veterans are now entitled to AH Types Roofs — Since 1920 special burial allowances which CHASTAIN FENCE CO.; INC. GROWTH Convenient to stores and transportation. 901 N.W. 143rd Street bring help to families in time DADE BROWARD PALMER Roofing Co. of need. MU 8-0541 WA 2-1341 TOTAL PRICE Get your FREE COPY of this FR 3-6244 FUND, m. wonderful GUIDEBOOK. There is no obligation (no one will The prospectus describes (Ms Fund call). Mailed in a plain wrapper. which Fnvesfs in companies dolnfl $15,900 Write to Lithgow Funeral Cen- business in. but not neeesnr'ity ters, 487 N.E. 54th St., Miami ^Plumbing Repair Service domiciled in, Florida end the FURNISHED 37, Fla., or telephone PLaza entire South, believed to have 7-5544. growth possibilities. $2,500 Cash required Balance easy payments In Miami it's Plaza 7-0603

ELECTRIC SEWER CABLE • ADDRESS- HAROLD A. MIIXER PLaza 9-0355 Nights and Sundays PL 8-9622 £ FIVE Funeral Centers CITY REALTOR 485 N.E. 54th Street Florida Growth Co. McCormick-BoyeH Plumbing Co. S 1011 LANGFORD BUILDING, MIAMI 241 S. COUNTY RD. PLaza 7-5544 7424 N.E. 2nd AVE. MIAMI. FLA.© PALM BEACH, FLA. FR 1-7703 Evenings FR 3-8591


TERRIFIC VALUE - DUPLEX CBS duplex. 4 Years old. Top condition. Attractive 8 year old CBS, off Trail near Furnished Cottage 2 Rooms and Bath $55 FREE YOUR APTS. Granada. 3 Bedrooms 2 baths, sitting room, Large bedroom, private bath, air conditioned, Desirable, modern, furnished, air conditioned. $17,500. After 4, MU 1-2274. 863 N.E. 149th St. Wl £-4129 OF LITTLE BROWN ROACHES dining room, garage, screened '.patio, modern $1.98 ANYTIME. TU 8-5774 TV, and telephone. Kitchen privileges. Ex- Two bedrooms, 2 baths each side. Good in- kitchen. Excellent FHA committment. Price come. Taxes only $1?5. 1251 N.E. 109 St. cellent location near bay. PL 8-0845. 3174 N.W. 34 St. Open Fri. & Sat. 2-5 $19,000. Owner, 661-0342. APARTMENTS FOR RENT S.W. CARMINE BRAVO, Broker 754-4731 2 Bedroom, 1 bath. Large kitchen. Well, Newly decorated 1 bedroom apt. Air Cond, pump & sprinklers. $9,500, Terms. Low taxes. Newly decorated 1 bedroom apt. Air con-$85 Mo. For Couple. MO 1-5556 ROOMS FOR RENT — M.B. Call M. Halliday. PL 4-8637. Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch style ditioned. 1021 S.W. 3 Ave. MO 1-5556. • 13521 So. Biscayne River Drive SYLVAN MAXWELL, REALTOR home, on the deep waterway. Reduced for WATERFRONT - CUSTOM BUILT quick sale. Call MO 7-1190 for app't. 2 bedroom duplex, Air Cond., heat, Electric kitchen, porch & carport. St. Brendan's Par- 1 or 2 rooms, cooking opt. Near buses, 2 Bedroom apt. unfurnished. $85 Month. ocean, St. Joseph Church. UN 6-7381. 3 Bedrooms 2 baths, big Florida room, HOME FOR SALE S.W. HOMES FOR SALE SOUTH MIAMI Adults only. 1051 S.W. 10 St. ish. $85. month. CA 6-4775. garage, extras. Immaculate condition, on Vz acre. Custom 3 Bedroom 2 bath with 2 k/tchens. Bedroom ONLY 10% DOWN built 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family room, kitchenette & bath quarters are suitable for HAVE A SERVICE screened patio. Near schools and church. maid, nurse or guests. Private entrance. Large 7130 Miller Drive. MO 5-2439. lot. Directly opposite Epiphany Church. Sale TO OFFER? One 30 year 5V2% mortgage. $24,500. 5720 S.W. 84 St MO 1-0365. No closing costs — county taxes. TELL YOUR FRIENDS I The Best CAR VALUES I Widow sacrifices completely furnished CBS Phone Owner 681-5512 home. New TV, built-in kitchen. Air con-HOMES FOR RENT — M.S. IN THE VOICE! ditioning & heating. Mortgage, $84 month 3070 S.W: 19 Terrace, HI 4-4137 | Are Found In The VOICE | Modern house, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Near ST. ROSE OF LIMA ocean, bus, St. Joseph Church. UN 6-7381. Near School, Shopping, 3 Bedroom 2 Bath. Florida Room, Air Cond. St. Brendan Parish. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. $350 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT ?18,500. Owner 5O0 N.E. Ill St. PL 4-9391 down, $70 mo. FHA. No closing costs. Open APIS. FOR RENT — LAKE WORTH Sunday. 7316 S.W. 37 St. 665-4880 VESPA Owner Needs Larger Home. Sell 3 bedroom Efficiency. New Apt. for rent. Close in. All 2 bath, screened porch. Annunciation Parish. FHA and VA Resales from $150. down. $53electric. 601 North K. St. Apply in rear. Unfurnished. $11,500. 1230 N.E. 206 St. Monthly. Call Russ Thompson with George JAWA - YAMAHA HYATT AMD MARTIN 645-3129 Johnson Realtor. Phone CE 8-5143. APTS. FOR RENT — MIAMI BEACH WILL FINANCE JACK MARTIN, MEMBER VISITATION PARISH HOMES r SALE — MIAMI SHORES BANK REPOSSESSIONS 3500 S.W. 87th PLACE WATERFRONT REBUILT We have been selected by a major Dade County bank to be their Modern 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Hardwood DELUXE ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. Qutlet for repossessed automobiles. . > Lovely 4 bam, Pool. Air Cond., Heat. 9118 floors, built-in oven, front porch, carport. FURNISHED — IDEAL LOCATION N. Miami Ave. PL 8-0991. 1 Block to St. Brendan Church & Christopher Presently on hand is a large selection of compacts and standard size Columbus High School. Only $12,800. No ADULTS ONLY. YEARLY OR Guaranteed Scooters automobiles in sedans, hardtops and convertibles — Many with air con- qualifying or closing costs. $800 Down. SEASON . . . ALL MAKES REPAIR-ED ditioning and other deluxe features. NEAR ST. JOSEPH HOMES FOR SALE N.W. FRANK WELTER REALTY Stop by or coll for detail information. 3301 S.W. 75 Ct. MO 6-3823 WINDSOR TERRACE APTS. SI, MICHAEL BISCAYNE SCOOTERS 11350 N.W. 7th AVf., MDAMI, HA. '$450 DOWN 930 Bay Drive, Normandy Isle PH. 681-5823 PI 1-7574 EXCEPTIONALLY NICE CBS 14354 N.W. 7th AVE. Garage, Sprinkling System, Call OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. MABLE ROBERTS BROKER NE 4-1481 ST. BRENDAN PARISH NEXT TO THE CATHEDRAL You need no auto to live at 3820 SW 87 Ct. 139 N.W. 75 St. Corner CBS furn. & income Walking distance to church, schools and BUD SHANNON SAYS efficiency. Air cond. Family room, screened stores. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, carport, utility "Cord Gables Cars Are Cleaner" patio, carport. $19,500. Owner. PL 4-8077. room. On large landscaped lot. 4 years old. NORTHSIDE MOTORS Price, $14,500. Reduced for quick sale at, MERCEDES-BENZ 2 BLOCKS TO ST. MARY'S PLYMOUTH VALIANT STUDEBAKER* B.M.C. Half block to bus stop in retirement neigh- BELOW $12,000 borhood. Furnished 2 bedroom frame home $78 Per month pays interest, principle, taxes VIC WILDGREN, mgr. USED CAR NEW & USED with screened porch and furn. apt. in rear $10,500. Financing available. 7720 NW 2nd Ct. and insurance. ST. ROSE OF LIMA, PARISH DEPT. BILL USSERY MOTORS A. F. "Bud" Shannon GENERAL MGR. 297 ALMtMA AVE.. COHALGABltS 9698 N.W. 7th Are. Ph. 754-0061 Epiphany, South Miami Closed Sunday HI 6-0825 For The BEST TRADES, PRICES and PARISH PHARMACIES GUIDE


AMERICAS LARGEST «QN THE TRAIL" ' LITTLE FLOWER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PONTlAC DEALER 665 S.W. 8- ST. MIAMI DETROIT- FLINT •MIAMI MAJORCA REXALL DRUGS PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Three Stores To Serve You — Complete Prescription Service FINE CARS — FINE SERVICE FREE DELIVERY 515 E. 25th St. 801 W. 49th St. 398 E. 41st St. HI 8-2441 HI 6-9419 691-0641 TU 8-3436 TU 8-4683 1735 Ponce De Leon Coral Gables NIGHT EMERGENCY Ph. 821-0473 BUYYOUR ST. PATRICK ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE ESSEX VILLAGE PHARMACY CLARR-SNYDER PHARMACY Prescription pricing policy that is the lowest '64 CHEVY PROFESSIONAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE WE QUOTE PRICES TU 8-4660 ALTON ROAD AT 41st STREET JE 4-2978 FREE Cup of Coffee teith Every Prescription TODAY;... ; PROMPT DRUG DELIVERY 441 HIAI.EAH DRIVE, NEXT TO ESSEX THEATRE CORPUS CHRISTI VISITATION ALLAPATTAH PHARMACY 2000 N.W. 17th Avenue THE IIGGETT-REXAU STORE "In Business For Your Health" PHONE FREE TOP VALUE Jack E. Massey, Owner NA 1-9961 STAMPS Phone NE 5-7321 MIAMI, FLORIDA DELIVERY WORLD'S FINEST CHEVROLET DEALER 183IS N.W. 7th AVE., NORWOOD, MIAMI •ST. JAMES- HOLY FAMILY' See one of these GOLDEN PHARMACY OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT EVERY DAY THE PRESCRIPTION SHOP, MARSHAL T. STERN, P- PH. C SA1HWS ©RUGS FREE Delivery within the Parish. Phone MU M667 p LINKV 1060 N.E 163rd ST. — Wl 7-2467 R. F. Fogarty COSMETICS 13265 N.W. 7th Avenue North Miami PROMPT FREE DELIVERY SERVICE for the BUY of a President CONSUMER GREEN STAMPS lifetime and Ghurcti of the ST. ROSE OF LIMA BRAND NEW 1964 Epiphany • ' ST. LAWRENCE —— Phone WI 5-1131 PRESCRIPTIONS CHEVROLEUHEVELLE, CENTER PHARMACY, INC. CORVAIR, CHEVY I, FAMILY DRUGS 9727 N.E. SECOND AVE. CORYAjR and CORVETTE, "FAMOUS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS" "Dedicated To The Health Of Our Fine Community" Tay Jacobs Ph. G. Phones PL 1-6847 — PL 1-2924 -• '•- •.•-•:-:- ••••".:O..vV-y'::'-. Roberf t Hoffman 18100 N.E. 19th Ave. North Miami Beach FREE DELIVERY OF ALL YOUR DRUG STORE NEEDS LOWER PRICES • St. Timothy HIGHER TRADES .OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. PHILIP • TAILOR-MADE TERMS DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE OPA-LOCKA DRUGS showrooms: No. Miami Ave. at 21st St. FR 7-2601 (Greater Opa-Locka's Exclusive Helena Hubenstein; Cosmetic Outlet) SUNDRIES * PHOTO SUPPLIES * FILM DEVELOPING • MONEY ORDERS • BLUE STAMPS Used Cars. 3011 N.W. 36th ST. NE 5-2582 Phone MU 1-3122 ^ 400 Opa-Locka Blvd.

November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 31 YOU'RE A SMART EXECUTIVE ... To let Food Fair save your valuable time by handling your employee and -==» business holiday gift giving.

pleased to present is

rfOO0 be Certificate beM otii : l ^r^..-Klnri ^"rii «tt«> BS ir^- STORES, INC. oger. This year give fine FOOD food from Food Fair. The welcome gift that's always in good taste. IK

Wise business people know it's easy and inexpensive to have Food Fair handle every detail . . . and, your employees and business contacts get the one holiday gift always warmly welcomed — Good Food. You profit in good-will when Food Fair's finest quality Farmer Gray Turkeys express your appreciation. For additional informa- Or, you .may prefer to give Lady tion or to place your Fair's DeLuxe Fruit Cake beautifully order dial Miss Pam packaged in a reusable container. Holly, your personal holi- (Many firms give both). Food Fair day gift consultant at gift certificates for any amount, are 696-0620, Ext. 385. (Out also gratefully remembered. of town firms please cal Collect). Or, write Miss No work or worry for you. We Pam Holly, Personal Cus- handle it all, including attractive holi- tomer Service, Food Fair day cards; a dozen or a thousand. Stores, Inc., 7000 N. W. Food pr cash certificates delivered to 32nd Avenue, Miami 47, you where and when you want them. Florida.

Page 32 November 1, 1963 THE VOICE Miami, Florida