THE VOICE «301 Biseayne Blvd., Miami 38, Flo. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida

VOL. IV NO. 25 Price $5 a year * . * 15 cents a copy SEPTEMBER 7, 1962

12,500 See Cardinal Spellman Ordain Refugee A Prince of the Church who is the dean of the American fatherland last year and finished his theological studies at the Sisters, Catholic and non-Catholic laymen. Americans, Cubans hierarchy came to Miami last Sunday to ordain to the Holy Montezuma Seminary in New Mexico. and natives of the Latin American nations united to assist at Priesthood the first Cuban refugee priest who recently completed Eight other members of the hierarchy participated in the the Low Mass celebrated before a large and beautiful altar ceremonies witnessed by more than 12,500, including priests and especially constructed in the Miami Beach Convention Hall. his studies in exile in the United States for the diocesan priest- In the words of Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, Metropolitan of hood in Cuba. the Province of Atlanta, who spoke during a banquet honoring His Eminence, Francis Cardinal Spellman, who was making A special ordination supplement and tribute Cardinal Spellman, the ordination of Father Sanchez was a his first official visit to the Diocese of Miami, conferred the to Cardinal Spellman appears on Pages 13 to 20, symbol of the cooperation which exists between the Americans as Sacrament of Holy Orders on 27-year-old Father Daniel Sanchez, inclusive, in this issue of The Voice. "a priestly young man from Cuba was ordained by the Cardinal a native of the Diocese of Pinar del Rio in Cuba, who left his Archbishop of New York." (Voice Photos By Bill Sander* CAUTIONS AGAINST LOOKING FOR 'SENSATIONAL FORMULAS' Expect No New Doctrines From Council, Pope Says VATICAN CITY (NO — chitects, the first audience design a church "to meditate urgy before drafting your hand with the spirit of inti- the Church strives to do with Pope John XXIII said here granted here since Pope John on the Holy Scriptures and plans. Finally, fortify the mate prayer." its own means and within its that the coming ecumenical returned from his summer resi- penetrate the spirit of the lit- work of your mind and your He pointed out that architects own orbit." council will not produce any dence at Castelgandolfo. work to provide pleasant Nothing that architects can new doctrines or sensational for- The Pontiff told the architects places for man to live in whidh mulas. learn from "the heritage left to that "the council seeks to erect are adapted to the needs and re- us by past centuries," the Pon- The council, Pope John said, a new building on the founda- quirements of the present day. tiff said that the Church through will seek "to extend charity tions which have been laid He went on: the council "intends to renew it- throughout the centuries." to the different needs of na- "Well, this is precisely what self by basing itself on its past." tions and. will present to them While speaking mostly the message of Christ in a about the council, the Pope clearer way." also gave the architects some The Pope spoke at an audi- advice about church building. Trappists' Prayer, Penance ence granted to a group of ar- He urged those called on to Greatest Ideals1 Pope T ys Scholars Of Prehistory Pay ROME (NC) — Pope John Rome because of the proximity XXIII has urged the Trappists of the coming ecumenical coun- to preserve their order's two cil and to mark the 70th an- Creator Homage, Pope Says great principles — prayer and niversary of their last general chapter here during the pontif- CASTELGANDOLFO (NO — those metropolises which have penance — and to continue icate of Pope Loe XIII. Pope John XXIII told special- their ancient love for Our Lady. disappeared as a result of cru- GREATLY CONCERNED ists in prehistoric science here NC Photo el catastrophes."' Pope John spoke at the Pope John told the Trappists that by investigating the most OBSERVERS at the annual meeting of the Central Committee of_ monastery of the Order of that the Church, "while so minute and fragmentary data Pope John told the scien- the World Council in Paris included Father Jerome Hammer of Cistercians of the Strict Ob- greatly concerned with the ex- from the most distant past they tists that he was pleased to France (holding paper) and Father John B. Sheerin, editor of the • servance here where the ternal apostolate ... attributes "pay homage to the Creator" think of their research reach- Catholic World, New York. Trappists are holding a gen- the greatest importance to con- who made man in His image ing back thousands and eral chapter. He stopped off templation." and likeness. thousands of years to the at the monastery on his way "The real apostolate," he , The Pope spoke at his final back to the Vatican from his "mystery «f the impenetra- German Bishops Make Call said, "consists very precise- audience of the year at his summer residence at Castel- bility of time and to the dis- ly, in fact, in participating summer residence here. gandolfo. coveries of prehistory and For End Of Nation's Division in the work of the salvation He urged the specialists to protohistory." " The Pope noted in a talk to of Christ. Now'this'participa- honor God by tracing the FULDA, Germany (NC) — Lord's Prayers, for instance- the monks that contrary to tion is impossible without an earliest steps of prehistoric He said he particularly liked Germany's Bishops have deplor- that can be used by both Catho- their usual custom they were intense spirit of prayer and man and by "giving him that to share their interest because ed their nation's division by iics and Protestants. holding a general chapter in sacrifice." creative intelligence of which it leads the man of faith "to Red-erected walls and barbed- you seek the manifestations the beginning of time and wire fences. to that time before time, to and development in all They have also appealed to spheres of human activity." that point of shining arrival •»- Christ. This God made Man responsible statesmen through- Noting that past civilizations who says and repeats to all out the world to do all they can to keep the "Berlin Wall from have shown splendid triumphs centuries which precede Him continuing to be a place of of the spirit over material ob- and were to follow Him: 'I am fratricide." stacles, the Pope said that their the Light of the World. He who existence has proved "precari- follows me does not walk in The Bishops spoke in a ous when one thinks of those darkness, but will have the statement issued here follow- submerged civilizations and of light of life" (John 8, 12). ing their annual meeting by their chairman, Joseph Cardi- nal Frings, Archbishop of Co- 'The Best in National Anthem Excerpt logne. Liturgical The statement expressed the Art" Bishops' "deep grief" that the Stopped As School Prayer Bishops from communist-ruled ALBANY, N. Y. (NO — An er prescribed by the New York East Germany were not allow- ed to attend the Fulda confer- excerpt from "The Star Span- Board of Regents. ence. gled Banner" may not be recit- ed as an officially prescribed The Board of Education of The Bishops said that the prayer in New York public the Union Free School District recent death of Peter Fechter schools, State Education Com- 17 of Oyster Bay, L. I., author- — East German youth shot missioner James7 E. Allen, Jr., ized recitation of the following while trying to escape to the West across the Berlin Wall and has ruled. passage of the National Anthem permitted to bleed to death by Allen held that, "irrespective in public schools: East Berlin communist police of the source" of its language, "Blest with victory and peace, — has shown the whole world adoption of a prayer by a school the inhumanity of their coun- may the heav'n rescued land board makes it an "official pray- try's unnatural division. er" which is not allowed. Praise the power that hath made, and preserved us a na- The prelates expressed the hope that German reunification He suggested that periods of tion; "meditation" be set aside in will be achieved in peace and public schools in place of Then conquer we must, when freedom, and announced they spoken prayers. our cause is just, will spend $1.6 million to aid And this be our motto, 'In God East German dioceses. Allen based his ruling on the is our trust.' " Supreme Court's decision bar- They also sent a message of thanks to President John F. ring recitation in New York The, practice was • challenged Kennedy for the aid extended public schools of a 22-word pray- by Mrs. Alfred Rubinstein of by the U.S. to Germany after Hicksville, L. I., and the case World War II. was brought before Allen for a is proud to have had the privilege of ruling. The Bishops' meeting decided Pope John Prays to set up a research center to supplying the gold embroidered vestment worn by His Eminence, The education commissioner study the history of the Church At Pius X Tomb held that it is permissible for in Germany during the Nazi pe- Francis Cardinal Spellman upon the occasion of the ordination of the National Anthem to be riod, and named a commission VATICAN CITY (NO — sung, read or recited in to prepare a common prayer- Father Daniel Sanchez, and of supplying the golden chalice given His Holiness Pope John schools. He urged schools to book and hymnal for all Ger- XXIII went to St. Peter's to devote more attention to "his- man dioceses. pray at the tomb of Pope St. torical documents and official- to Father Sanchez by the priests of the Diocese of Miami. Pius X on his feast day and • ly espoused anthems." Cardinal Frings acknowledged then had a look at the prog- that Catholic scholars preparing ress being made in trans- ,„ He also commented that by a new German translation of NEXT TO ST. MARY'S CHAPEL i forming the huge church into V teaching about religion and the Bible are consulting with (through the Arcade) t: the assembly hall of the Sec- '- America's religious heritage . Protestant Scripture scholars. NORTHSlDE S ond Vatican Council. V, schools "can best complement He said that the "desired goal" SHOPPING CENTER and fortify the efforts of parents is to work out translations of and religious authorities.'' •• the most important texts — the

Page 2 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida WEEK OF PRAYER FORCUtlA ENDS Outdoor Mass Scheduled Saturday ST. JOSEPHf§ Thousands of persons from M I S S A L S "Miami's Cuban colony are ex- WORD FOR WORD AS/> FROM THE (A i pected to assist at - an outdoor PULPIT Mass Saturday at 8 p.m. in Miami Stadium, which will sig- nal the completion of a week of prayer for the liberation and Christian reconstruction of Cu- ba which began Sunday, follow- ; W NEWLY SAINT JOSEPH \ \ REVISED PATRON OF THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH ing the ordination of Father Includes up-to-date SAINT JOSEPH DAILY MISSAL Daniel Sanchez in the Miami changes ordered by Truly the finest, most-up-to-date tJJaily Missal. Beach Convention Hall. His Holiness Pope Extra large type, simplified arrangement. Offi- John XXIII cial.: Confraternity Version. Full color illus. -• Aop Eduardo Boza Mas- Cloth, $3.75 Leather, gen. gold edges $8.50 vidal, exiled auxiliary Bishop ST. JOSEPH "CONTINUOUS" SUNDAY MISSAL of Havana, opened the week New Missal with NOCROSS REFERENCES-NO while delivering the sermon turning back and forth. 50 full color illus., at the ordination by Francis large type. Confraternity Version. - > Cardinal Spellman. Bishop Cloth, $3.75 Leather, gen. gold edges $8.50 Edition with latin Responses Boza asked the prayers of Cloth, $3.95 Leather, gen, gold edges $9.00 those present for the libera- tion of Cuba. SAINT JOSEPH SUNDAY MISSAL *- Most beautiful "regular" Sunday Missal with The Mass will be offered on extra large type, calenders. Rosary in full color. Latin-English' Ordinary. Confraternity Version. the feast of Our Lady of Charity Cloth, $2.75 Leather, gen. gold edges $4.50 of El Cobre, patroness of Cuba. A statue of Our Lady of El Statue Is Carried From Convention -Hall SAINT JOSEPH POCKET MISSAL —*- Cobre, smuggled out of Cuba New complete Missal for Sundays and Holydays last year, has been taken to $71,000 with over 100 beautiful, full color illustrations. five parishes during the week. brand new air cond. Large, easy-to-read type. Confraternity Version. In each church, devotions were 1-bedroom apts. in 3 lovely Cloth, $2.50 Leather, gen. gold edges $4.50 held and Masses offered. The buildings. NEAR NEW BIS- MULLEN RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES final such devotion will be to- CAY NE COLLEGE. EXCELLENT 16S N.E. 62nd St., Miami, Fla. 1812 Grand Central A»e., Tampa, Fla. TERMS. Soles to Clergy, Religious and Institutional night (Friday) in Gesu Church. Bldgs. may be bought separately SEYMOUR M. ROTH, Realtor ALL OF THE ABOVE BOOKS CAN ALSO BE OBTAINED IN Thousands of persons from 14570 N.W. 27th Avenue SPANISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGES. Miami's Latin American colony :MU 1-3515 have assisted at Mass in each church. The statue willlie on the altar during the Mass at Mi- ami Stadium. It was also on display during the ordination Sunday. Father Francisco Villaverde, O.P., of Cuba, will deliver the sermon during the Mass. Father Villaverde is in charge of the formation of young Cuban lead- ers in the Miami Diocese. A narration of the Mass and activities will be given by Fa- ther Amando Llorente, S.J., in- structor at Jesuit Preparatory Voice Photo School. Woman Prays For Cuba REFRIGERATORS BIG! 2-D00R 16I KS! 1962 LIFETIME COMPRESSOR FROST FREE "Our savings at FIRST FEDERAL have always CONTRACT paid dividends — and no market changes!" I 1. With 190 Ib. Bot- tom Zero - Zone Freezer In Fac-Refrigerator This family's found the secret to security ... a FIRST FEDERAL tory Crates. Sor- ry — Manufac- turer -will not al- savings account that earns dividends, yet which has none of the low as to mention make at this disadvantages of speculative:type investments. Their savings are give-away price. $ protected by sound, conservative management, backed by more than M 1962 , COMPARE *629 325 million dollars in resources and the largest safety reserve of any MODEL! TERMS! 279 Federal in the South. World's Top Manufacturers EVEN LESS WITH TRADE Invest wisely for your family's future with a FIRST FEDERAL sav- ings account which is safe, secure, and earns 4M% per annum, paid Over 400 Brand New 1962 BIG 15 CUBIC FEET Over 200 RCA — Zenith, and compounded quarterly.. . you'll always know what it's worth! REFRIGERATORS ALL REFRIGERATOR Curtis - Mathes and Du Mont TV sets and com- All Sizes — At COMPARE binations at terrific dis- First Federal Savings counts. Terrific Discounts AT $450 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI W. H. WALKER, Chairman None Sold to Dealers No Phone Orders America's Oldest Federal... Largest in the South ... Where People Come First CORAL WAV LITTLE RIVER NORTH MIAMI KENDAU No Phone Information DOWNTOWN TREASURE ISLAND TV 100 N. E. 1st Avenue 2750 S.W. 22nd Street 8380 N. E. 2nd Avenue 900 N.E. 125th Street 8727 South Dixie Highway. HOURS—9 TO 6 DAILY 1714 N.E. 79th St. Causeway NEXT DOOR TO BONFIRE RESTAURANT

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 3 Dying In Slums Of Calcutta

MOWER SERVICE i* Are Aided At Nuns' Refuge • SALES • RENTAL By FATHER PATRICK Born in Yugoslavia of Al- • REPAIRS O'CONNOR banian parents 52 years ago, • SHARPENING Mother Teresa is today one of CALCUTTA, India (NO — India's most revered citizens. FEATURING: Newly Found Wood Four, maybe five, dying per- • ELLIPSE sons will be picked up before She has just received a Mag- • PORTER-CABLE May Be Part Of Ark midnight in this crowded city, saysay award for 1962, which • BIG WHEEL YAZOO LONDON (NO — Several ' to receive shelter and care in means that she is recognized pieces of wood, which might Mother Teresa's refuge. To- Riding Mowers Our Speciolity as a leader in Asia. 3709 W. FLAGLER ST. have been part of Noah's morrow another four or five will be brought in. — MIAMI — ark, have been found 14,000 A gentle, swift - moving, HI 8-1869 feet up on Mt. Ararat by bright - eyed^ little woman, American archeologists. She opened the refuge 10 HI 8-8291 years ago on the feast of the she has made herself Indian Immaculate Heart of Mary. to the tips of her sandal-shod She named it the Nirmal toes. She,and all her Sisters Hriday (Pure Heart) Home. wear a white Indian sari, with By the 10th anniversary last a blue border for the pro- month, it had received 13,810 fessed members. : dying men, women and chil- dren. Mother Teresa, as a young NC Photos girl, went to Ireland from Yugo- A SPIRITUAL BOUQUET was given to Prime Minister Nehru Such good care is given to the slavia. In Rathfarnham Abbey, outside Dublin, she applied to of India by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, foundress of the Mis- dying that about one half of sionaries of Charity, after Nehru opened a children's home them recover. join the Loreto nuns. They were, and are, working in India; she staffed by the Sisters in Delhi. Mother Teresa was chosen This is only one of Mother wanted to work there, too. for the 1962 Magsaysay Award for "International Understanding." Teresa's works for "the unwant- ed poor" in India. The Mission- She sailed for India and en- aries of Charity community was tered the Loreto novitiate in founded by Mother Teresa, in Darjeeling and was professed Living Conditions In Ireland 1948. there in 1931. Much Better, Cardinal Says DUBLIN (NC) — Michael dustrial development, the popu- Nationally Advertised Dry Cleaning Service. Cardinal Browne, O.P., declared lation rate will go up. There Endorsed and Recommended by Leading Clothiers. at the end of a five-week visit has been industrial development Marqua's North to his native Ireland' that the here but a good deal more needs Beach Cleaners conditions of the people have to be done." 7134 Abbott Ay.., M.B., UN B-3131 TALKS ON COUNCIL Customer Parking Rear »f Plant improved "beyond all recogni- EST. 1938 ' • ' tion." Cardinal Browne gave his views on Ireland's economic "I never considered the de- progress at a press conference MIAMI'S. DEALER crease in the population of before he left here for Rome; WITH COMPLETE FREE Ireland as a thing which SAFETY LANE CHECKUP STATION Philip D. Lewis, Realtor — NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED would go on forever," he The Cardinal — Master Gen- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS said. "We had no industrial eral of the Dominican Order DOG RACING PALM BEACH COUNTY development. Our people went before Pope John XXIII made 31 West 20th Street to where they could get work, him a Prince of the Church Riviera Beach • VI 4-0201 principally England and last March — also spoke EVERY NiGHT America ... about the coining general council at the Vatican. It will When You Shop "But the moment Ireland got be of immense importance to Largest Buick Deafer East of Rockies the chance to recover, and she the Church and to the world SUNDAY Mention The Voice has begun to do that, with in- at large, he said, inasmuch Save Time and Money With as it will deal among other things with problems which cause the great unrest of to- Buick QUICK Service day. Put that Buick of yours where it belongs . . . He said however that perhaps in the hands of trained BUICK SPECIALISTS NO MINORS Florida's the greatest thing that will oc- COURTESY CAR SERVICE • CENTRALLY LOCATED cupy itsvtime is the reunion of "LET OUR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE BE YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL the churches. On this score Car- dinal Browne said that it is not Catholic College yet possible to form any opin- ion as to what will emerge MIAMI from the council or what the of council's final conclusions will June 1-Sept. 15 be. HI 4-1661 Minutes Away From 26 Parishes MILITARY FAREWELL Distinction The nation bade Cardinal 2301 S.W. 8 ST. (HWY. 41 OR THE TRAIL) Browne farewell with full mili- tary honors at Dublin Airport. For Young men and women Among those on hand to say goodbye were Premier Sean Le- mass and the new Papal Nuncio A Big Reason Why More & More to Ireland, Archbishop Giuseppe Sensi. The Dominican Cardinal New Car Buyers Are Changing Over... WRITE in his farewell message "' ~ess- Human Mileage is the greatest value that can ed his thanks to everyC. om be built into a tire . . . extra quality that President Eamon de Valera and makes the tire last longer, extra safety that makes DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS the Cardinal Primate of All Ire- you last longer, too! Think how often you bet land to all the men and women your life and the lives of those you love of Ireland for "their extreme on the power of your tires to stop in time. courtesy and generosity to SAINT LEO COLLEGE him." GENERAL Then he singled out for SAINT LEO, FLA. thanks the bishops of the n/x\ n (Anglican) Church of Ireland: why don't you? "I wish to thank very-spe- cially the Bishops of the Church Presently offering first two years of Ireland/ for their gracious GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI 5600 Biscayne Blvd. PL 1-8564 courtesy to me. They came to 1801 Alton Rd., Miami Beacb, Fla. Affiliated with the Catholic University of America the reception in Arus an Uach- GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI BEACH. INC. JE 8-5396 Wl5424 9 700 E 167ths t Order of Saint Benedict of Florida taran (the President's House), to the reception by the govern- GENERAL TIRE OF NORTH MIAMI

Page 4 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Re-Roofing & Repairs BEST COFFEE In Town! FALCO All Types Roofs — Since 1920 PRINTING, INC. PALMER Roofing Co. . . . accent on Service New Orleans Are Integrated PL 8-3751 FR 3-6244 6045 N.E. 2nd Ave. Miami. Fla. (N.C.W.C. News Service) Catholic schools in two south- ern archdioceses were integrat- South Coral ed racially without any disturb- MO 5-3511 —MO 5-3*12 ing incidents. • ' West 2571 S.W. 67th Aye. Gables More than half a century of segregation at schools in the New Orleans and Atlanta, Ga., cated, to keep their schools HAMPTON-ZIROLLI archdioceses came to an end open in the face of protests as white and Negro pupils against racial integration. FLOORING, Inc. marched into schools together, in most instances after attend- Archbishop Cody promised Expert Installation ing Masses in parish-churches. the archdiocese would supply bus transportation, textbooks if Oak Flooring Asphalt Tile ,New Orleans and its sub- ' and lunches to schools where ° u J, 63 Negro students at- these services are withdrawn if Linoleum Rubber Tile tended Classes with white stu- by" public officials seeking to dents. In Atlanta, 17 Negro block integration. if Parquet Vinyl Tile NC Photos students — the total number Sanding and Refinishing of who had registered — attend- ~©ur Lady of Good Harbor THE PATRIARCH of Antioch and all the East, His Beatitude ed classes with white students. School had opened with an en- Paul Meouchi, was received by President Kennedy in the White Wood — Terrazzo Floors rollment of five Negro and House during a visit to the Nation's Capital, where His Beatitude Harry A. Zirolli, Pres. St. Thomas Parish As anticipated by .school au- about 40 white children. Last dedicated a new Maronite Rite Church. Ernest F. De Sonie, Treas. St. Theresa Parish thorities in both cities, there year the same school had 340 were incidents of picketing by white pupils and no Negroes. segregationist groups. In New Reception Fof Cubans As the students entered the Orleans the activities of the school they passed pickets pickets were curtailed shortly Planned In N.J. See carrying placards with such slo- 21 Years Of Personal Service • 1962 after classes convened as rain gans as "Keep our school PATERSON, N.J. (NC) — began falling. • white" and "We want our school Bishop James A. McNulty will back." There was a crowd of personally greet Cuban refugees At Our Lady of Good Harbor and . their children who have school in Buras, 60 miles south nearly 100 white persons out- side the school. found homes in this diocese at of New Orleans, 13 white stu- a reception here Sept. 9. dents were in attendance. The Public school officials cut SAME SAME school had opened Aug. 29 with The reception will follow a' LOCAL LOCAL off the supply of free, text- OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT 40 white and five Negro chil- books to the school. The books Holy Hour and procession at dren in attendance. The school had been provided under a St. John's cathedral in honor of was closed two days later when K state law. Our Lady of Charity, patroness 12th AVENUE K°r5F FLAGLER school authorities learned par- of Cuba. A triduum in honor of ents of the students had been The town of Buras, located the patroness on behalf of the Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation threatened with "economic re- 60 miles down the Mississippi Spanish-speaking will be con- prisal and bodily harm." FBI from New Orleans, is part of cluded at Our Lady of Provi- SAFETY • EXPERIENCE • SERVICE agents entered the case and the political stronghold of Lean- dence Spanish mission here pri- F. deC. OAK TULLY F. DUNLAP classes reopened Sept. 4. Last ^er H. Perez, one of three Cath- or to the Holy Hour, at which, Chairman of the Board PresWent year there were 340 white stu- olics excommunicated last April the Bishop will preside. dents and no Negroes enrolled for seeking to bar Catholic at the school. school desegregation.

School authorities reported Perez, president of the Pla- HOUSE PAINTING the following numbers of Ne- quemines parish council, the INSIDE OR and He said; "Go ytibcr'cfpte an

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 5 Apostolic JProtkier

Refugee's Ordination Gave World Council Is Aware Cubans Hope For Future Of Coming Vatican Meeting By FATHER JOHN B. SHEERIN in tte World Council. "In a Last Sunday just as the news concerning the strengthening At its Central "Committee good many parts of the of communist influence in Cuba made frightening headlines, an meeting in Paris (August 7-16) world," he said, "this new event -occurred in the Miami Beach Convention Hall that lifted the World Council of Churches dialogue (between Catholics the hearts of thousands of Cuban refugees and gave them more showed itself to be keenly con- and Protestants) is only of a solid reason for confidence in the future. As everyone in the scious of the year or two's duration — it's •diocese surely knows by now, Francis Cardinal Spellman ordained work of Roman a tender plant which could be Father Daniel Sanchez to the holy priesthood in circumstances Catholic ecu- killed by too much water, as Jeng to be remembered by the more than 12,500 who followed menists and well as by neglect. Yet at intently every step of the ancient ritual. also very much the same time, I think it aware of the ap : would be ungrateful not proach of the The headlines announced that arms and technical special- give public recognition on to.- ists had arrived in Cuba obviously to make the country Vatican Coun- amount of initiative already more red than ever and to enable castroism to seep into cil. Time after Latin American countries and spread its deadly infection time speakers taken from the Roman Cath- olic side." among the unsuspecting. By contrast the great story out of paid tribute to FR SHEERB< Miami Beach the same day headlined the fact that a single Catholic ecu- menical theologians or asked;, Then he cited the establish- exiled seminarian had triumphed in his quest of the priest- ment of the Secretariat for Pro- hood and was prepared now to help spread the message for prayers for the success si'-;.. the Vatican Council. moting Christian Unity by Pope oj Christ to his countrymen and throughout Latin America. John and the work done by Bishop Boza Masvidal touched the hearts of all present in In his opening talk, the Catholic scholars who have his sermon at the ordination by pointing out the unity between General Secretary, Dr. W. A. shown a sympathetic appraisal the Church in Cuba and in the United States. Surely they are Visser t Hopft, urged the of the' World Council's work. «f one mind, united perfectly in their understanding of an op- members to become fully in- "When we consider how much position to communism, in their appreciation of the vital role formed about the work of time and money, how much in- »f the Catholic priesthood in the resurrection of Cuba, in the the Vatican Council for "we tellectual and linguistic resource conviction of the urgent need now to build up the priestly ranks must feel in a very real way, . the Roman Church has shown for fee future. . • Labor, Management, Prayer "nostra res agitur." (Which herself willing to devote to this I freely translate, "This is . part of her ecumenical task, I •Has bond of unity and sympathy could hardly be more Arthur J. Goldberg, the former Secretary of Labor, regret- our business.") believe that our member church- strikingly symbolized than by the action of the ranking Cardinal es should sometimes pause and of the United States journeying to Miami to ordain an unknown ted deeply the fact that be was unable to come to Miami last He also asked them to do consider how they stand in this Cuban jexite in the midst of thousands of other refugees. So week as principal speaker at^ the second annual Labor Day nothing that might make the 'Christian competition'." keenly sensed was the significance, the underlying currents of Observance sponsored by the Diocese. He expressed such feel- task of the Fathers of the Vati- ACID TEST significance, in this event involving the great Cardinal and the ings despite the fact that the reason he could not be present can Council more difficult, and Formerly Protestant theologi- homeless candidate for the priesthood that the public interest to "do everything that can en- ans were accustomed to protest •was because he had just been appointed a Justice of the United was stirred to an unusual degree. courage them in the accomplish- against the exclusiveness and States Supreme Court. ment of the task of the renewal • isolation of the Roman Catholic Non-Catholic religious leaders came to witness the cere- of their Church." Church, said Rodger, but now mony. The governor of the state-and other officials came In a telegram sent to Bishop Coleman F. Carroll at TENDER PLANT the danger is that Protestants later to pay honor to the ordaining prelate. All the communica- the Everglades Hotel banquet hall', Mr. Goldberg said: He went on to speak of the will "wake up to find that it is tions media rated the event important enough to cover it as remarkable progress of ecu-,we who maintain the isolation major news. It is not really important whether or not this "May I express my regrets at being unable to be with menism among Roman Catho- through our ignorance or our in- was the largest crowd ever to witness an ordination in the you tonight. Even after f went to Chicago tp work on the lics but he pointed out that it capacity to enter into conversa- United States. What is vitally important is that this ceremony Northwestern Railway labor dispute I had hopes of being able was almost exclusively a matter tion except at a somewhat gave thousands of Cubans a new appreciation of the priesthood of dialogue between individual superficial level." and deeper conviction concerning their personal responsibili- to fly direct from there to Miami. Catholic theologians and theolo- ty to help foster vocations in the future among their sons gians of the other Christian He asked the question, "The announcement by the President of my appointment to and brothers. churches. He expressed the hope "What place does the study of the Supreme Court, however, precluded this. I trust that Your that the coming Vatican Coun- Roman Catholic theology, in- So with all the fearful talk of Russian arms being stacked Excellency will understand why I am not able to be present cil would lead to direct official cluding that of Roman Catho- in Cuba and technical experts peering across the 90 miles to and accept my apologies for any inconvenience which I may dialogue between the Roman lic ecumenism, play within American shores, there was other news to balance it. The super- have caused you. Please express for me my best wishes and Catholic Churches and other our own churches and theolog- natural power of God vested in the' priesthood was renewed churches. He fears that the ical faculties?" The answer to among the exiles. As history reports, this is bad news for regrets to those attending your conference. I Wish them well "new climate" will have no per- this question, said Dr. Rodger, tyrants. in their deliberations." manent effect if it does not is "the acid test of our profes- lead to dialogue on the level sions of good will before the * • • of the churches themselves. opening of the second Vatican Council." God's Plan And Space Ships However, Mr. Goldberg did have the opportunity to express One of the most interesting on Monday of this week, the Labor Day holiday itself, his views As the Mariner II is hurtling through space in its amazing tributes to Catholic ecu- In this study the Faith and attempt to pass close to Venus, that is, within 10,000 miles, there on the general subject of Labor-Management Relations and The menists was paid by Rev. Order group in the World Coun- are some people still questioning the wisdom and even the right- Church. The occasion was the traditional ceremony of laying P. C. Rodger, executive sec- cil has made a modest begin- retary for Faith and Order ning. ness of such feats. a wreath at the statue of James Cardinal Gibbons, champion of organized labor, following the 10th annual Labor Day Mass They point out that these explorations of the vuiiiverse not The Diocese of Miami only involve enormous expense that might be used for other in the Shrine of the Sacred Heart in Washington. "Weekly Publication more practical, necessary things, but also seem to trespass Welcoming the prayers of all persons to aid in dis- Embracing Florida's 16 South- »n territory which God intended to be beyond the reach of ern Counties: £roward, Char- lotte, Collier. Dade, DeSoto, man. - charging his duties on the court, Mr. Goldberg declared: Glades. Hardee, Hendry. High- lands. Indian River, Lee, Martin, Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm These are petty arguments which have been exposed as "Today in America, labor-management relations are more Beach, St. Lucie. shallow and false on a number of occasions since our first timid important than ever because all of us have new responsibilities Editorial PLOM 8-0543 . venture into space. Just recently, as a matter of interesting we must discharge — new plateaus to reach, in this period of Advertising. PL 4-2561; Circulation. PL 1-6821; Classified. PL 8-6772 fact, Pope John himself revealed that he had prayed for the THE VOICE PUBLISHING CO., INC. Russian cosmonaut while be was orbiting the earth. stress and strain for our country The "Most Rev. Coleman.F. Carroll, Bishop of Miami, Presidec«> "One aspect of our Labor Day celebration is different and • • ••» • • — •— Lest this admission surprise and even scandalize some, our • - •. . • • Holy Father went on to say that the young space pilot was experi- it could happen only in the United States. This is the religious Monsignor James F. Nelan .-\..~, ... Managerial Consultant menting with "the intellectual, moral and physical capacity of services being held here and in other churches and synagogues. Father James' J. Walsh ..../.. '. Editorial Consultant man. who continues to explore creation." He went on to state that-such human enterprises were encouraged in the first pages They are most appropriate because we want to preserve the William P. Dale Joseph S. Zilley «f Genesis when God commanded man "to fill the earth and sub- goal of labor and religion, which is identical — to preserve the Advertising Manager Circulation Manager due it." dignity of the individual as a child of God." John J. Ward Editor In other words, a space program designed to explore the , Mr. Goldberg voiced his opinions sincerely and firmly George H. Monahan Managing Editor universe can be a part of God's-plan, provided that the mo- after a humorous reference to the Supreme Court's June 25 Marjorie L. Fillyaw Feature and Women's Editor tive behind it is peaceful and constructive and devoted to Brian F. Daly • News Editor the welfare of all men. ruling outlawing an official prayer in New York schools. His public call for prayers was preceded by this remark: Gustavo Pena Monte % Spanish News Editor This view once again reminds us that the Church has the ''You know a justice-designate of the Supreme Court is in- Second-class postage paid »t Miami, Florida highest regard for science and balances each of its marvelous Subscription rates: U.S. and Possessions $5 a year; single copy 15 cents; foreign: $7.50 a year. ,f accomplishments against the wisdom of God, the Creator of the hibited in some respects . .". prayers are sort of a taboo sub- Published every Friday at 6301 Biscayne Boulevard, sIC Miami 38. Florida IVT universe. Each step into space is further proof of the omnipotence ject these days for the Supreme Court." Address all mail to 6301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Fla. \V^__ Member Catholic Press Association *»tsi iffi and immensity of God. We have nothing to fear from informa- National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service tion gained by our spacecraft nudging close to Venus and have Well done, Mr. Goldberg., Our heartiest congratulations and News items intended (or publication must be received by Monday noon. every reason to cheer it on.J . best wishes.

Page 6 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida AN .ALTAR 8OY NAMED "SPECK" A CubartPHest Is Ordained In Exile \ >

By FR. JAMES J. WALSH The priestly lives of such men have been creating an atmos- There were a dozen stone steps leading up to the batter- phere of respect for the Church ed door of St. Teresa's rectory and for the priesthood which is the splendor of the cathedral- al of faith among many in lower east New York, and certain in time to enable many people. not a word of like setting in Miami Beach vocations to flourish. English was last Sunday as Cardinal Spell- It was interesting to hear heard inside_ man raised him to the priest- As a matter of fact, this is that over the past dozen years evident in Miami among the the house. In hood. vocations slowly, were on the in- the first parlor refugees. A few days ago a crease, mainly due to the direc- a young woman Usually a deacon on the total of eight young men were w^s patiently threshold of ordination thinks tion of the bishops in furthering enrolled in St. John Vianney Seminary. Most of them had teaching cate- of a crowd no larger than Catholic Action groups among cherished the idea of studying chism to three his own family and intimate youth. And in the past thre'e for the priesthood for several little Puerto Ri- friends. A month ago, Father years, although it sounds like a years and welcome with great Sanchez never dreamed that paradox, it seems that many can "-Is, whose Father Walsh joy the opportunity extended when he took the final step ey jpt dart- more boys than ever have in- to them by Bishop Carroll to to the altar, more than 10,000 ing through the open, window to dicated their desire to study for begin their studies for the the street alive with vendors of his fellow countrymen the priesthood. priesthood. and playing children. would have the privilege of seeing an ordination ceremo- Father Sanchez made it plain Despite the dark picture of In the darkened hallway, ny for the first time — and that he felt his vocation could Cuba presented to us now, we we met a short, greying of seeing it in the Diocese be traced back to the example cannot help but find some com- priest whose genial greeting only 90 miles from their be- of his pastor whose zeal and forting light and hope in the and pleasant manner belied loved homeland. concern for his people made a fact that many Cuban youths, the heavy burden of worry deep impression upon them all. like Father Daniel Sanchez, are borne by him. It was Mon- It never entered his head In fact so dedicated was- this anxious and willing to dedicate signor Arcadio Marinas, the then — and no one suggested shepherd of souls that it is no their lives to bring the truths Vicar General of Havana, the possibility to him — that surprise to learn that he is also and blessings of Christ to their Cuba, whose responsibility it interest in the event would in exile now. country. is to keep track of Cuban draw bishops from a half doz- "AU out for the sack race!** seminarians who have left en dioceses, that newspapers, their country and to assign television and radio would go them to a seminary some- all out to report this final chap- where in the world to con- ter in the story of a vocation The Many False Faces Of Pride tinue their studies without that came to fruit in a foreign By FR. KILIAN McGOWAN, C, P. they set themselves up as more delay. land. Pride is an exaggerated love models and teachers in the of our own excellence. A proud Behind him, tall, slim and Had he been told of this, he spiritual life and look down man is a pretender who pre- brown - haired, stood Daniel would have been the first to you off your feet with gracious sinner who claims that his sins sents a false front to society. upon those who fail to follow Sanchez, the first Cuban sem- realize that all of this was not attention. His kindness and are too great for God to for- Pride is like a their way of seeking God. inarian to complete his studies primarily for himself, but for courtesy are practically over- give. He bypasses the stories bandage that in the United States. He had the Cuban people, for the priest- whelming. Yet, should you ques- This smug, satisfaction is a blinds us to our of Magdalen, Peter and count- only recently been informed hood in Cuba, for the future. tion his opinions or cross his secret pride that can under- true selves — to less others in the history of that September 2nd was set as This vocation story needed to the majesty of will, he would put you in the God's mercy and places him- mine spiritual progress. the date of his ordination. He be told, for it is the eternal God — to the deep freeze. This indicates a self in a class all his own. This had been told too, much to his story of the continuity of the Some even call their neglect good qualities of lack of true humility. His pre- is cutting God down to the size astonishment, that His Emin- priesthood in exile. of small things broadminded- our fellow-man. vious concern may have been of a mind that knows little of ence, Francis Cardinal Spell- ness. This type forgets that Pride is the be- a way of catering to his own God and His Nature". man, planned to make a trip During our visit several oth- greatness in more important ginning of all pride. to Miami just to ordain him. er Cuban seminarians living There are those who fail to things usually begins with sin, as Scripture at St. Teresa's for the sum- Perhaps more prevalent are hush the malicious lips of a faithfulness in the smaller. No says (Ecc. Father Kilian It was early August. We sat mer joined in the conversa- those who make a constant pa- gossiper — or to befriend one one is too big to be concerned 10:15) because it down in a tiny office with an tion about vocations in Cuba. rade of their possessions and - who is socially unacceptable — with the humble needs of the makes us more attached to our enormously high ceiling to talk Like Father Sanchez they too achievements. Analyze their or to speak out for religion and neighbor, or with prudent at- own greatness than to God's. with him about his seminary spoke of a stronger faith in conversation and note how it morality when the situation de- tention to lesser things. It's life and vocations in Cuba. In Cuba today, of churches centers on what they have or mands it. They disguise their even worse to try to pass this the light of what has happened crowded even on weekdays Pride has many faces with have done. They want their off as a virtue. which it disguises itself. Some weakness as virtue and call it since, it would be difficult to for Mass. While not anxious to worldly possessions to be seen prudence. Actually, it is the are more obvious than others. Finally, we have the person draw a sharper contrast than speak of the adversities af- and their accomplishments to pride of the mediocre who fear AH are ways of being preoc- who thinks he knows all the that existing between that fecting family life, they were be recognized. Rarely is God what others may think or say. small room with its jagged very willing to share their en- cupied withone's own real or - given credit as having a hand answers — even of the most walls in a century old house on thusiasm over the evidence of imagined, excellence. Each is in either. Then we have those who difficult and perplexing prob- the east side of New York and an increasingly deeper renew- a different way to trying to are over-satisfied with their lems. Whether at home, in be superior. There's another way that spiritual works, their spiritual the office, or anywhere else There's the man who sweeps pride disguises itself. It's the — he has a closed mind. Strange But True exercises, and themselves. Rank And File Rebellions Hurting Unions By MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS ties of individual members Many Americans seem to be against intolerant majorities of the opinion that labor leaders . . . The rank and file ad- as a group are out of touch with I mire and rather prefer 'strong' rank and file and are not re- Federal officials charged with dents of labor-management re- leaders who win victories for sponsive to the the workers without being maintaining the nation's indus- lations. latter's needs squeamish about the contitu- and interests trial peace. The latter have known for a tional authority to exercise the and-or to those long time that in collective bar- According to Mr. Walker, they powers they deem necessary." WAS NAMED of the general gaining as well as in the area *m*J£AN NICOT, public. feel it is bound to increase labor- of trade union democracy Mr. Leiserson did not mean A: W SCHOLAR, AHO A management distrust and lead union members are often less to imply — nor do I — that The top labor to more and longer strikes. In- CH. JC, WHO BROUGHT THE specialist for enlightened and less responsible labor leaders as a group are FlKST TbBfiCCO PIANT 70 creasingly, union and manage- the Associated than their elected representa- always right and that the rank His COUNTRY IN IS6O . ment negotiators will reach an Press, Nor- tives. and file are always wrong. He STMARK s agreement after hard bargain- was merely pointing out that man Walker, HIGGINS The late William Leiserson, SUBJECT OF THIS fiNE ing only to have the affected union officials are frequently recently re- for many years the acknowledg- ILLUMINAtlOKl FROM ported that Federal media- workers repudiate the pact and more sensitive than the rank THE BOOK. OF send the union negotiators back ed dean of labor economists in and file to individual rights UhJOISWRME", A tors are deeply concerned RETURNED TO SPAIN to employers with orders to get the United States, made this and more responsible in their ••5,-U AFTER HIS DISCOVERY OF GOSPEL. MANUSCRIPT about the irresponsibility of point in a posthumous book en* THE NEW WORLD, HE SPENT many rank and file union more. economic demands at the bar- THREE T>AVS IN PRAYER AND WRITTEN ey 71s titled "American Trade Union CENTURY ENGLISH members in current collec- gaining table. 7HANKSAMM3 AT PIE SHRINE MONKS. Democracy." '*-• OF GUADALUPB. ACCORDING -TO tive bargaining negotiations. Mr. Walker's "painful pub- ISGENO, HE ALSO BAPTISED HIS KED /NDIAH _ lic examples" of rank and file "The behavior and attitudes The moral of all this, I sup- CAPTIVES M THE TOWN R>UN7»LN, -STILL STANDLNO TO-DAY/K. In an article, "Rebels in Un- rebellion may have come as a of the rank and file of organ- pose, is that while labor lead- ion Ranks Seen Peril to Econ-. great surprise to those who.. ized labor," Leiserson wrote. ers must not be permitted to omy," Walker revealed that a. are wont to romanticize about "What is usually overlooked abuse their power, they must rising tendency of labor union the rank and file at the ex- in centering attention on auto- have enough authority to disci- i»B ftryte OF WRITING KNOWN AS MIMISCMLE WAS DEVELOPED IM twr members to reject labor con- pense of their elected repre- cratic practices of union lead- pline irresponsible factions of 8TJ« CE^4U^fty BY THE GREAT SCHOLAR ALeUllJ. SOON POPULAR^ THROUGHOUT EUROPE". IT HAD A STRONG INFLUENCE ON TOE FORMATION tract terms worked out by their sentatives. But it came as no ers is the evidence that they rank and file union members at OF MODERN PRINTER'S TYPE". own negotiators is alarming surprise at all to serious stu- often protect rights and liber- the local level.

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 7 This is the ninth in a se- ence, at any rate for a short reunion of Christendom, a un- election, to the eastern Chris- ries which presents strik- time, brought practically the ion of the Orthodox Churches tians especially, and the an- whole Christendom back to the ing passages from an im- nouncement soon after of an pwtant book of the above unity of the visible Church. The Eastern Church with the Roman Catholic, and title, written^ by a renown- even the return of Protestant ecumenical Council, made a ed scholar and just publish- Since the Reformation the communities to Catholic unity.. deep impression in the Ortho- ed in English translation religious divisions in the West And Religious Unity dox Churches; and Athenagoras, have gone on increasing. Of In September 1868, Pius IX hy P. J. Kenedy & Sons, the Patriarch of Constantinople, Hew York. the 820 million Christians addressed an Apostolic Brief "to . throughout the world, about conception of unity, it will be solve to call an Ecumenical all bishops of the eastern rite in his response,'expressed their 440 million are Catholic, 170 possible for them to admit Council. Bishops will come to- who are not in union with the longing for the unity desired by In this installment, the gether there from every corner •author deals with the million Orthodox, 166 millk* that, as the Catholic Church Apostolic See," and asked them the Lord of the Church. Protestant, and 50 million is convinced that the primacy ©f the world to discuss impor- to end the split between East spiritual climate of today tant matters of religion. But the What do the Easterns think ««d E-astern Christians. Anglican. •f Peter's successor, the apos- and West, and to come to the tolic succession, and the hier- most pressing topics will be Ecumenical Council, as their of Church unity and its mode By MOST REV. LORENZ Never have these divisions archial structure of the those which concern the spread predecessors did to those of of achievement? We recall what JAEGER been so keenly felt on all sides Church derive from the will of thc-Catholic Faith, the reviv- Lyons and Florence. Archbishop Atbenagoras of Thy- as they are today, the longing al of Christian standards of atira said at the plena' as- •f Christ ia founding the for unity finds visible expres- morality, and the bringing of Unfortunately, this Brief ap- sembly of the ^World Coui. . ot The medieval Church never sion in the ecumenical move- Church, herunderstanding of ecclesiastical discipline into peared in the press before it Churches in Lund: "The Ortho- resigned itself to the separation ment, and has already brought unity, both visible and invis- closer accord with the needs was delivered to the eastern dox Church confesses it is a ef the Eastern Church from the together, in great part, the var- ible, Is determined accord- and conditions of our times. Patriarch of Constantinople, the matter, not of human learning, west, but constantly, in all ious Christian communities, This in itself will provide an latter replied that he would cer- but of divine revelation. This sorts-of ways, worked for reun- apart from the Roman Catholic outstanding example of truth, tainly have accepted and stud- is to be found only in the one They will, likewise, see that i©», until the Council of Flor- Church, in the World Council of jinity and love. May those who ied it carefully, had he not al- Catholic and Apostclic Church, the Pope's aim in calling the Churches. are separated from this Apostol- ready seen its contents in the to which divided Christianity Council, is not to bring about ic See, beholding this manifes- Papers. The patriarch returned must find its way, if it really union, for which the time is not FOR YOUR STUDIES Christendom now presents a tation of unity, derive from it the the Brief unopened. aspires to the unity of the yet ripe, but, as he insists, to quite different aspect from the inspiration to seek out that uni- EASTERN CHRISTIANS Church." the finest prepare the way for union in Christendom of the pre-Tciden- ty which Jesus Christ prayed for The significance of the friend- the future by renewing the life Selection of Books, tine Councils. Even in the later so ardently from His heavenly ly attitude of the Patriarch of (In the next installment, of the Church. This is the mean- and Gifts for Middle Ages Christendom was Father." Constantinople and the Orthodox Archbishop Jaeger contin- ing of the following passage in understood as consisting of the generally to the proclamation of ues the discussion of the ALL Occasions his first encyclical: Catholics of the entire universe, It is weH known that both the Council is seen when we spiritual condition of Chris- Visit and the separation of the East- . Orthodox and Protestants were compare it with the sharp refus- tendom on the eve of the ern Church was believed to "That there may be one fold and one shepherd (John 10:16). invited to the first Vatican al of the Orthodox Patriarchs in Council, and the problem have been permanently over- Council. At the time, many the case of its predecessor. of separated Christian ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC come in the Councils of Lyons This irresistible assurance was the compelling motive which led bishops hoped that the Council Pope John's appeal for unity bodies, •writing specifical- BOOK AND FILM CENTER and Florence. If today we un- might possibly bring about a made the Christmas after his ly of the Anglican Church.) derstand by Christendom all Us to announce publicly Our re- who confess the divinity of Christ and His redemption, it LARGEST AMERICAN DELEGATION EVER Operated by presents a number of divisions, humanly speaking incurable. ALL SEEK UNITY Daughters of Yet there is one point on 250 U.S. Prelates Will Attend Council St. Paul which all are agreed; all seek after the unity willed by Christ. (The following, article is By MSGR. JAMES I. TUCEK had explored the Pacific Hierarchy at the First Vati- The importance of this is far one of 11 special articles by coast of North America. can Council represented what from negligible; it is the source VATICAN CITY (NO — The the Holy See still considered 2700 Biscayne Blvd. the head of the Rome bu- of the impulse behind the ecu- reau of the NCWC News' U. S. Bishops who attend the Before the closing of the as mission territory, technical- FR 1-0835 menical movement. Service giving a preview Second' Vatican Council will Council of Trent in 1563, the ly at least, for the U.S. was OPEN S:30 A.M. - 6 PM. and French were colonizing the still under the jurisdiction of Although the reformed of the ecumenical council represent for the first time in shores of the St. Lawrence 7 to 8 P.M. MCN. thru SAT. which opens Oct. 11.) the Sacred Congregation for Churches have a different such an assembly a Church River. Franciscan missionaries the Propagation of the Faith. which has fully come of age. were fanning out into the re- gions of the Southwest, the The American Archbishops Four ecumenical councils Dominicans were in Tampa were invited, by a letter of ALL NEW! back, the New World had not Bay and the Jesuits were pre- Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo yet been discovered — not paring to establish their first of May xi, 1868, to select one QUA. JIDAJUIDL ibdMaL by Columbus, at least. And mission on Chesapeake Bay. man to go to Rome and join it was only a short time after - in preparing an agenda for NORTH PALM BEACH — RT. No. 1 Columbus' discovery that the Three hundred years passed the First Vatican Council. He Fifth Lateran Council, the between the closing of the was Father James A. Cor- WEEK-END RETREATS 18th of the councils, was Council of Trent and the open- coran, Vicar General of the held in Rome from 1512 to ing of the First Vatican Coun- Charleston diocese. 1517. cil in 1869. In that time the FOR MEN missions were founded and During that council, Vasco A marble plaque on the wall flourished. Possessions became of the old American College on • SEPT. 14-16 Nunez de Balboa was on his colonies and colonies became a way to the Pacific and the Humility Street — now renamed (SPANISH) nation. In that span of years Casa Santa Maria dell'Umilta — Spanish conquistadores and the United States was born. missionaries .were just begin- names the members of the • SEPT. 21-23 American Hierarchy who took ning to penetrate the Amer- When the First Vatican residence there during the coun- icas. Council was called, the young • SEPT. 28-30 cil. nation was just beginning the By the time of the opening work of recovery after the of the Council of Trent ia The solemn public session of QUIET BEAUTY OF WATERFRONT tragedy of the Civil War. 1545, Francisco Vasquez de July IS, 1870, in which the vote Gen. Ulysses S. Grant had AND CLOISTERED GARDENS Coronado had led bis expedi- was taken on the constitution de- just entered office as the 18th tion into what is now the fining papal infallibility, was 60 SINGLE ROOMS — 5 DOUBLES president of the U. S. southwestern United States, also the last session of the EXPERIENCED PASSIONIST RETREAT MASTER and Rodriguez de Cabrillo The members of the U. S. First Vatican Council. If You Are Too Busy to Make A Retreat You Are Too Busy! By the end of the wi A July 20, 1870, all the Ameri- Individual registrations now being taken. $5.00 registration fee can Bishops had left Rome. Non-Catholics most welcome. with application IN WEST HOLLYWOOD Two months later, on Sept. 20, the gates of Rome were stormed by the Italian troops and the council was never re- Rev. Retfeat Director, C.P, sumed. Onr Lady of Florida Retreat House, On Oct. 11, 1962, an anticipat- 1360 Rt. No. 1 —'"No. Palm Beach, Fla. Tel.:844-7750 ed 250 members of the Ameri- can Hierarchy — cardinals, NAME DATES .. archbishops, bishops and abbots Member: — will take their places togeth- ADDRESS TEL 6100 Hollywood Blvd er with the Fathers of the Sec- ST. STEPHEN 'S ond Vatican Council. They will PARISH PARISH Phone YUkoh 3-0857 represent 43 million Catholics of a matured and vigorous Church in the United States.

Page 8 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida REPRESENTATIVES Of UNIONS, INDUSTRY, GOVERNMENT MEET HERE Over 1250 Attend Diocese Labor Day Observance U. S. Labor and management Gannon, consultant on Social bave a joint obligation to pre- Development of the U. S. De- serve freedom through respon- partment of State Agency for sible collective bargaining, na- International Development. tional leaders from both fields i 'SUBTLE PROBLEM' declared during closing ses- Efforts to bring North Amer- sions of the Second Annual La- ican-style labor unionism into bor Day Observance sponsored , Latin America "may be stym- by the Diocese of Miami. ied if U. S. trade unionists at- tempt to press the industrial More than . 1,250 persons relations practices of the United crowded the ballroom of the States fully onto Latin Amer- Hotel Everglades for the day- ica," Mr. Gannon said. "Part long sessions which were con- of the experience is applicable Vd at a banquet where but a great deal of it is not. ».a-nop Coleman F. Carroll Likewise, other U. S. sectors was host and Assistant Secre- may attempt to judge the social- tary of Labor James J. Rey- istic aspects of Latin American nolds was one of the principal trade unionism on the basis of speakers. their own understanding of Eu- Emphasizing that the present ropean trade unionism. These administration is "committed to groups may find themselves free collective bargaining" des- wide of the mark," Gannon d'e-^ pite the fact that the U. S. Sec- clared. retary of Labor and his col- "Socialism in Latin Ameri- leagues have been involved dur- ca is not always the Euro- ing the past 19 months in labor pean variety," she said. "In disputes, Mr. Reynolds point- fact in some cases varieties ed out that "the interestof the of Latin American socialism government is in the total result are spurious. Some Latin of bargaining and its effects on American social reform groups the public's and the nation's are pushing for unbounded economy. social change. They fail to ROLE OF CHURCH call for restraining this change The assistant Secretary of within the general boundaries of Labor came to Miami in and spirit of the atlantic com- place" of Arthur J. Goldberg who munity culture. Reform must. canceled his scheduled address be achieved but the subtle Voice Photos at the dinner because of his problem of distinguishing vi- appointment to the U. S. Su- tal reform from certain cate- Labor Day Observance Banquet Attracted More Th an 1,250 Persons To The Everglades Hotel Ballroom preme Court. He urged business- gories of reform programs men and labor representatives will remain." Roche, president of the Florida become "doer's not hearers of State FeUeration Labor Council, the word," and reminded those Emphasizing that importance AFL-CIO, for his efforts on be- present that "when it comes of the North American Trade half of labor. Both are mem- to service to America, there are Union being accepted by the bers of Corpus Christi parish, no labor people nor manage- Latin American society as a Miami. ment people, only Americans." whole, Gannon said that U.S. industry in Latin America pro- During the seminar, Msgr. Explaining the role of the vides an easy target for ex- George G. Higgins, director Church in labor and manage- tremists. "Ultra-nationalists and of the Social Action Depart- ment seminars, Bishop Car- some political groups continue ment of the NCWC was chair- roll told guests that "because" to drum up antagonism towards man. The text of his remarks moral issues are involved, it U.S. business as a handy poli- at the conference and the is within the province af the tical tool to advance their own Mass in Gesu Church were Church to be helpful and it is programs. When U.S. business published in the Aug. 31 edi- Within the province of a bish- firms do not practice abroad tion of The Voice with the op to assist in such matters. the principles they uphold at complete text of the speech By getting together labor and Jiome, then they can be subject delivered by Father Benjamin management and by providing to hostility," Gannon declared. Masse, S. J., associate editor the facilities which will make FIRST AWARDS of "America" magazine. it possible for them .to sit and discuss in a friendly way their During the evening the first A warning that labor and »r nual awards of recognition to problems, we cannot but be management may lose the free- MIAMI'S BISHOP Coleman F. Carroll talks with Welfare Conference, right, and Assistant Sec- helpful to both groups and the representatives in the fields o£ dom of collective bargaining to management and labor from the Msgr. George G. Higgins, director of the So- retary of Labor James J. Reynolds, center, dur- results must of necessity be government by default unless it cial Action Department of the National Catholic ing closing banquet of one-day seminar. beneficial. A day such as this Diocese of Miami were present- is used as an instrument of co- can enlighten the minds of ed to two Miamians. Father operation, came from Edward minds of both labor and man- Neil J. Flemming, coordinator L. Cushman, vice president of only if they exercise it respon- and the other loses, rather than ed labor and industry Jeaders of the Labor Day Observance American Motors Corp., De- sibly," Cushman declared. as the joint solution of prob- under the auspices of the three The role of American labor cited Frank J. Rooney, president troit. "They cannot exercise it re- lems for the benefit of all." To major religious faiths, to apply and management in the Alliance of Frank J. Rooney, Inc. for his sponsibily as long as they re- stimulate labor-mangement co- ethical and moral principles to for Progress Program was out- work in the field of manage- "Management and labor can gard collective bargaining as a operation, he recommended a the specifics of union-manage- lined for guests by Francis X. ment and recognized Frank retain this essential freedom contest in which each side wins national conference of concern- ment relations.

MANAGEMENT point o£ view LABOR point of view was out- was expressed by Edward lined, by Joseph Keenan, sec-, MAYOR Robert King -High of TOASTMASTER during banquet Cushman, vice president of DINNER GUESTS included Father Benjamin Masse, S.J., as- retary-treasurer of Internation- Miami extended welcome on be- was iohn B. Turner, vice pres- American Motors Corp., who sociate editor of "America," and Frank Gannon of the .U.S. De- al Brotherhood of Electrical half of the city to guests: ident, Cities Service Oil Co. came to Miami from Detroit. partment of State Agency for International Development. Workers during sessions..

September 7. 1962 THE VOICE' Miami, Florida Page 9 Voice Photos Mass Was Offered in Gesu Church For Intentions of Labor-Management Relations. Serrans and Labor and Management Representatives Assisted at Mass

AMONG CLERGY attending the one-day observance were Father VARIOUS ORDERS of religious stationed in s. ,in

Prominent Speakers Held Interest of Guests at Closing Banquet A Large Delegation of Women Participated in Morning and Afternoon Sessions 10 > Septemtec 7, 1962 , JUE VOW*; Miami, Florida **'- * ',h »?.

Voice Photos AS WeM Qualified Speakers Explained Problems Of Management And Labor Assistant Secretary Of Labor James Reynolds Speaks

Father Benjamin Masse, S.J. Discusses Collective Bargaining James McCaughan, George Fox, James WilsonT Michael Zorovich, and Paul Walker Participated In Morning Sessions At Annual Seminar

W. J. Owens, M. Drapkin, R. Mathis, Ernie Mitchell and Robert Gladnick W. P. Simmons, Paul Hinds, Vernon Holloway, Geor««> Ricgg'cr and James Vadakin Were Heard During Afternoon Discussions

MIAMI CONTRACTOR, Frank J. Rooney receives an award FIRST ANNUAL award in recognition of outstanding service from the Diocese of Miami in recognition of bis work in man- PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENT of the new apprenticeship to labor is presented by Father Flemming to Frank Roche, stamp is presented to Assistant Secretary of Labor James J. agement from Father Neil J. Flemming, coordinator of the president of the Florida State Federation Labor Council, AFL- Reynolds, left, by Miami Postmaster Eugene Dundap, on behalf «f observance. Mr. Rooney is a member «f Corpus Christi parish. CIO. Center is E. T. Stephenson, co-chairman of the observance. the 3,200 postal employees who serve ia the Greater Miami area.

September 7, fWf VOICE Mrami, Florida > Pago PUERTO RICO PRELATES CONTRACT HARDWARE LIGHTING FIXTURES MODERNFOLD DOORS Serra Convention Set Sept. 14-16 PL 4-5451 FORT LAUDERDALE — Two fred F. Mendez, C.S.C., of banquet at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Serra Club will serve as master members of the hierarchy from Arecibo will speak during the Sept. 15. of ceremonies at a 12:45 lunch- Puerto Rico will be principal three-day sessions which will eon during which Bishop Men- FARREY'S speakers during the convention be attended by Serrans from Registration which begins at dez will be the principal 7225 N.W. 7th Avenue of District 30 of Serra Interna- four clubs in the Diocese of noon on Friday will be followed speaker. tional scheduled to be held Sept. Miami and by members of the MIAMI by conferences with Harry J. During the afternoon sessions, •14-16 at the Beach Club Hotel. San Juan Serra .Club. O'Haire, executive secretary of to which Sisters stationed in Serra International. Officers and Broward County have been in- Archbishop James P. Davis Bishop Coleman F. Carroll trustees of each Serra Club will vited, memberr will outline of San Juan and Bishop Al- will be heard during the closing participate. projects of the Scr- Club de- signed to nurture and promote Mass will be celebrated at vocations to the Sisterhood and 8 a.m. Saturday in St. Pics priesthood. X Church by Bishop Mendez. B.R. The sermon will be preached Archbishop Davis will be STATE FARM by Father Joseph E. Beau- principal speaker during Uc LIMEGROVER mont, chaplain of the Brow- 7:30 p.m. banquet where Rich- ard County Serra Club. ard B. Roberts of the Miami Serra Club will serve as toast- Philip D. Lewis of St. Edward master. "Serra and Latin TU 7-9491 Parish, Palm Beach, district America" will be the prelate's governor, will preside at the topic. INSURANCE 601 HIALEAH DR breakfast which will follow, and On Sunday morning Archbish- at opening conferences which op Davis will celebrate Mass in HIALEAH begin at 10:30 a.m. "Emphasis Bishop Alfred Mendez, C.S.C. Archbishop James P. Davis St. Pius X Church at 8 a.m. of Spiritual Duties and Bene- The sermon will be preached fits" will be discussed by Fa- by Father John F. McKeown, ther James J. Walsh, diocesan pastor, St. Helen parish, Vero director of vocations. Beach and chaplain of the In- USED SCHOOL BUSES Dr. Edward J. Lauth' of St. dian River Serra Club. Rose of Lima parish, Miami Dr. Jose Luis Porrata, deputy Shores, past district governor, governor, will moderate a panel will moderate a panel discussion discussion at 10:30 a.m., after at 11:30 .a.m. Otto J. Trott, v;hich the convention will ad- You can help president of Broward County journ. provide future priests SS. Peter And Paul School Has Added Second Session in the Diocese of Miami A second session of classes for morning classes. The school has been added to the schedule maintains a kindergarten and through your of SS. Peter and Paul School eight grades. Monsignor Mc- in Miami in order to accom- Keever said the added session modate the. large number of would create no schedule participation in a Cuban refugee children in the changes cr less time in class. MOVING parish, according to Msgr. Wil- Monsignor McKeever said liam J. McKeever, diocesan su- this is the only school with two LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE perintendent of schools. TO ALL MAJOR CITIES / sessions in the Diocese. At the AND ftOINTS BETV/EEN ' present time, he said, the sys- BURSE Sister Louis Angela, S.S.J., tem is used in other areas of principal, said bilingual lay -Sample LOW RATES from Miami to the nation where there is a 2000 lbs. 4000 lbs. 2000 lbs. 4000 IbS. teachers have been engaged large pupil population probelm. Norfolk 197.00 334.00 Atlanta 155.40 255.20 397.20 to instruct afternoon classes Baltimore , 207.00 354.00 Newark. N. J. 227.60 •New York. N. Y. 227.60 397.20 A Burse is a sum of money — made up of from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Boston, Mass. 254.00 448.00 397.20 All classes in the school are Buffalo. N. Y. 238.00 418.00 Paterson, N. J. 227.60 •Philadelphia 217.00 375.20 large and small donations — used for the train- Sisters of St. Joseph, who conducted in English but the bi- •Chicago 233.00 408.00 386.00 •Clevefand 227.40 397.20 •Piftsburg 222.00 Syracuse 243.00 428.00 ing of seminarians. staff the school, instruct due- lingual teachers are able to as- Dallas 216.00 376.00 620.00 Greensboro. N, S. 175.40 291.60 San Diego '332.00 ing the morning sessions from 354.00 San Francisco 364.00 684.00 sist in any language barriers Houston 204.00 sun n *•••«••»«*** - — — "T — 354.00i 8 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Sister Lo> Angeles 338.00 632.00 Washington. D. C. 207.00 "Whoever helps even one candidate which may arise. The Sisters PART LOADS ACCEPTED $50 MINIMUM *Plus Small Surcharge Louis Angela is supervisor of will assist with Religion class- FREE lo the priesthood shares in all the both sessions. es in the Afternoon classes. ESTIMATES PL 1-7893 • PL 1-7795 LLSTATES VAN LINES future Masses and good works that More than 400 pupils are reg- Father Francis J. Dunleavy MIAMI — 311 N.W. 72nd Terr. will be his." istered for the afternoon ses- is pastor of SS. Peter and Paul MAIN OFFICE—120-78 Oueens Blvd.. Oueens. N. 1. sions while 650 are registered ^parish. ^Member of Knights of Columbus Morion Council^ - Pope Pius XII

BLOCKS & BUILDING MATERIAL Send yovir donation today to help the future Mother Magdalena To Head priests of the Diocese of Miami. A complete burse is Twenty thousand dollars. Third Order Of St. Francis For further information write to: Mother Mary Magdalena, O.S.F., administrator of . St Francis Hospital, Miami Beach, $ , BURSE OFFICE was recently elected to the gen- ft 6301 BISCAYNE BLVD. eral council of the Sisters of .MIAMI 38, FLORIDA the Third Order of St. Francis of Allegany, N.Y. Dear Father: Modern Redi-Mix Plants ,— \ The Reverend Mother Joan in: Enclose please find as my initial Marie was re-elected superior general of the order during a DADE, contribution in the Burse Fund. : meeting of the general chapter Q Please send more information' about how I can help BROWARD at the Motherhouse. The order, the Burse Fund, (check if yon desire more informa- AND which staffs several institutions I PALM tion.) and schools in the Diocese of MOTHER MAGDALENA, O.S.F. !; BEACH Name Miami, has more than. 1,000 I COUNTIES « Sisters stationed in the Eastern pital, West Palm Beach; and United States, Jamaica, West staff Corpus Christi School, Mi- 5700 N.W. 37 AVE. — HIALEAH, FLA. Indies and Brazil. ami; Sacred Heart School, Home Office Homestead; Holy Name School In addition to. St. Francis West Palm Beach; St. Francis ANGELO NAPOLITANO, Vice President Hospital, the Franciscan Sisters Xavier School and the new Cen- Members of Holy Fomily Parish also administer St. Mary .Hos- tral High School, Fort Myers.

Page 12 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida LARGEST GROUP EVER TO WITNESS AN ORDINATtON IN FLORIDA 2 500 See Cardinal Spellman Ordain Refugee By MARJORIE L. FILL YAW The first Cuban refugee priest to be ordained in the United States for the secular priesthood of his native country received the Sacrament of Holy Orders here from Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York amid one of the most distinguished and significant assemblages in the history of South Florida: Eight members of the hierarchy and a crowd of more than 12,500 Catholic and non-Catholic Americans and Cuban refugees, believed to be the largest group ever to witness the sacred rites of ordination in Florida, were present in the Miami Beach Convention VOICE Hall to assist at the low Mass during which the Archbishop of New York ordained Father Daniel Sanchez, who came to the United ?' ->s last year to complete his theological studies. ' Reeling at prie-dieux in the sanctuary of the altar especially designed for the solemn occasion by Miami architect, Thomas J. Madden, were Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, Metropolitan of the Province of Atlanta; Archbishop John F. Cody, New Orleans; Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, Mi- ami; Bishop Robert E. Tracy, Baton Rouge; Bishop Thomas J. McDonough, Savannah; Bishop Francis J. Reh, Charleston; Bishop Eduardo Dalmau, C.P., titular Bishop of Theuzi and Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Boza- Masvidal of Havana. HEAR CARDINAL Among guBsts seated in the South's largest auditorium which was transformed for the occa- sion into a setting of ecclesias- tical splendor were the Rt. Rev. James L. Duncan, Episcopal Bishop of South Florida; Rabbi Irving Lehrman, Temple Emanu-El, Miami Beach; Luth- er Pierce, executive director of the Greater Miami Council of Churches; Mayor Robert King High of Miami and Melvin Reese, City Manager of Miami. Also present were hundreds of Sisters and priests stationed throughout the 16 counties of x the Diocese of Miami; semi- narians, altar boys and mem- bers of the Serra Clubs; NEWLY ORDAINED priest, Father Daniel center, the ordaining prelate at Sunday's cere- Miami DCCW, Miami DCCM, Sanchez receives congratulations from Francis monies and Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, fol- St. Vincent de Paul Society, Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of. New York, lowing colorful rites at Miami Beach. Holy Name Society, Knights of Columbus; members of the Armed Forces and represen- tatives of every parish in South Florida. Speaking in Spanish at the conclusion of the rites, Cardinal Spellman told the congregation, Voice Photos "all our venerable brothers in Father Sanchez Becomes "A Priest Forever" the hierarchy have considered it an obligation of charity and Havana, assisted the 27-year- bear hatred and like Christ, Christian solidarity to render old ordinand whose studies for they should spread justice and them (Cuban refugees) our pro- the priesthood at El Buen Pas- tell the truth. His word should tection and to help them as we tor Seminary in Havana were not be used to flatter any ears have helped other refugees be- interrupted last year. He com- or to lie. The poor must be re- fore them. We have always been pleted his priestly studies at moved from hatred and resent- deeply concerned over the dif- Moritezuma Seminary in New ment and must be reminded that ficult situation of all those who Mexico. Since that time Father they are doing wrong when they find themselves away from their Sanchez has been residing in homes, subject to the privations support ideals against Christ. the rectory of Msgr. James J. The rich must be removed from and sacrifices of living in ex- Wilson, director of Spanish ile, struggling to adapt them- selfishness and should be in- Catholic Action in the Arch- structed that they must be selves to a new environment diocese of New York. and to overcome in many cases against any oppression or in- the difficulties of language. To 'ANOTHER CHRIST' justice. at have opened the doors Masters of ceremonies during WEEK OF PRAYER of our country and of our the ordination were Msgr. Ed- The Auxiliary Bishop of Ha- hearts. win Broderick of the Archdio- vana, who was forcibly exiled cese of Miami and Father Neil from Cuba almost one year ago "The Americans through and wh»-now resides in Vene- their public and private insti- 3. Flemrriing of the Diocese of Miami. zuela, asked the congregation to tutions have tried in every join in prayers "for the land way possible to alleviate the VISITING PRELATES who were the guests of Robert Tracy, Bishop Thomas J. McDonough, Declaring that the newly that is so close to the Holy sorrows of those in. exile," Bishop Carroll included from the left, Bishop Bishop Eduardo Dalmau, C.P., Archbishop John ordained was "another Cross," and urged Miami's Cu- the Cardinal said calling at- Christ," Bishop Boza Masvi- Francis Reh, Bishop Boza Masvidal, Bishop Cody, and Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan. tention to the assistance ban refugees to join in the dal described the ordination week-long observance of prayer granted through the NCWC, of Father Sanchez as "an act bless, to forgive sins and to sic. "Ecce Sacerdos Magnus," As Cardinal Spellman entered Catholic Charities, Catholic which is preceding the observ- of extraordinary importance ance honoring Our Lady of offer the Holy Sacrifice of the especially written for the occa- the center aisle at the conclu- Relief Services and other in- to the Church in Cuba and in Charity of Cobre scheduled to Mass. sion by Mr. Brenneman as a sion of the ceremonies preceded stitutions. "In referring to this the United States. tribute to Cardinal Spellman by a color guard representing crusade of love and charity, be held Saturday evening in the "A priest must display a spir- Miami Stadium. Music during the Mass and was sung for the first time. all the armed forces of the we must give public recogni- itual sense of life," the number ordination rites was provided Commentary during the rites United States, the silence was tion to the very meritorious one religious exile from Cuba An awesome silence pre- by the combined men's choirs was provided by Father James broken by a loud ovation from endeavors of His Excellency, said. "He is a man of love as vailed in the convention hall of St. John Vianney Minor Sem- J. Walsh, diocesan director of the thousands of Cuban refu- Bishop Carroll of Miami." Christ taught us, his hands must during the two-hour ceremon- inary and the Cathedral under vocations, and Father Joaquin gees who left their seats to Msgr. Arcadio Marinas, Vicar only be raised to forgive and ies during which Father San- the direction of Clayton Brenne- Guerrero who narrated details crowd around the Prince of the General of the Archdiocese of to bless. These hands cannot chez received the powers to man, diocesan director of mu- of the ordination in Spanish. Church.

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 13 • * **

Following is the sermon delivered in Spanish by love and charity, we must give public recognition to the very Cardinal Spellman at the ordination oj Father Dan- meritorious endeavors of His Excellency, Bishop Carroll of iel Sanchez in Miami Beach Convention Hall. Miami. It has been truly gratifying for me to be able to come to We are confident that God will fittingly bless our labors Miami to ordain to the priesthood this humble Cuban youth, which are inspired only by the charity of Christ Himself and our the first to complete his ecclesiastical studies in the United love for our fellow man. Certainly it is a great consolation for States. me to participate in this priestly ordination, the final result of so many and varied sacrifices. It is our hope that the present He arrived here a year ago, at a difficult time for the difficulties foreshadow more prosperous days for the pearl' of Church in his country, accompanied or followed by other the Antilles and will result in many excellent vocations to the seminarians, priests and religions. All of our venerable broth- priesthood, so necessary for Cuba and for other countries of ers in the hierarchy, as well as we ourselves, have con- Latin America. sidered it an obligation of charity and Christian solidarity to render them our protection and to help them, as we have From the bottom of our heart we would bring to all who* helped other refugees before them. We have alwajs b«en suffer a message of love, courage and liope. We offer daily deeply concerned over the difficult situation of all those who prayers for Cuba, of which we have such happy memories. find themselves away from their homes, subject to the pri- We fervently beseech the Giver of all good things to bestow vations and sacrifices of living in exile, struggling to adapt His blessings upon the oppressed and beloved Cuban people. themselves to a new environment and to overcome in many cases the difficulties of language. To all we have opened May Our Lord grant relief and comfort to those in need, the doors of our country and of our hearts. strength to those who suffer, consolation to those who weep, faith and confidence to those who faint and waver, peace and The Americans through their public and private institutions tranquility to His Church. May truth triumph over error, love have tried in every way possible to alleviate the sorrows of over hatred and pardon over revenge. May the Cuban people those in exile. As far as we could, the American Bishops have once more live in peace and harmony, without hatred or bitter- rendered every possible assistance through the National Cath- ness, united in the charity of Christ and the love of their father- olic Welfare Conference, the Catholic Relief Services, Catholic land under the sweet gaze of their heavenly Patroness, La Charities and other institutions. In referring to this crusade of Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.

BY ARCHBISHOP HALLINAN U.S., Latins Told: Live Like Brothers Since Communism thrives Christians themselves neglect imperative that we try to live ed the priests, religious, and lay where Christian justice is forgot- and abuse it. In our nation like brothers. If we avoid fuzzy apostles of Latin America who, ten, and North and South Amer- we are only starting to rid schemes and idle dreams, can he said, are meeting the fears icans have the same reasons for ourselves of the bitterness we not walk forward to a fuller that disturb those nations, with confidence or fear, they must engendered by the fact of title — 'a Citizen of the Ameri- blunt questions and honest an- make a Christian effort to live racial color and indeed, by cas?' Only the little mind and swers. He cited the new Alliance as brothers in the western the fact of religious creed. the faint heart will see this as for Progress as "a giant step in hemisphere, Archbishop Paul J. We have much to learn, and a denial of national unity and the right direction," which he Hallinan of Atlanta said at a much to repent," the Arch- national rights," the prelate said "faces challenges of almost banquet following the ordination s bishop warned. said. superhuman difficulty, and which must harmonize Latin dig- Voice Photo of Cuban refugee, Father Daniel DANGER POINTS Sanchez. Noting that Americans still nity with North American or- CUBAN REFUGEE program inaugurated in South Florida by live "like strangers" nearly five Emphasizing that those who ganization and sysf<>m." live in the Americas have the Bishop Coleman F. Carroll is praised by Francis Cardinal Spell- Declaring the ordination of centuries after Columbus, Arch- . man, who spoke in Spanish at Sunday's ordination rites. the Cuban priest by Francis bishop Hallinan reminded his same reasons for fear and for UNDERSTANDING NEEDED Cardinal Spellman a symbol listeners that "We need not confidence, Archbishop Hallinan The framework for co- of the "cooperation of the lose one whit of proper pride, said "noisy nationalism" and operation in the Americas, both Americas," Archbishop Halli- loyalty and obedience to our "private apathy" are just as religious and secular, needs Bishop Boza Says Ordination nan said "the power of the particular nation. Nor need we dangerous as communism, and more understanding and- love, gospel to speak to all men abandon a common concern for he added that when "the social the Archbishop said. "We can has been diminished by man's all humanity, of every color, in order of lands that are heavily learn from the Latin Americans Is Of Extreme Importance refusal to live by the gospel every land. In one sense it is a Catholic is sickly with injust- sense of dignity. We can learn The ordination Sunday of hands must raise only to par- he has heard. The great driv- simple matter of geography," ice, there is good reason to fear from their example of deep Father Daniel F. Sanchez was ing force of Christian grace he explained. "Since we all live the cancer of communism. faith and we can give to Latin don and bless. These hands can- has been hobbled by the way on a long slice of land, it is called an act of extraordinary not bear hatred and, like Christ, "When the chest swells America-our own good gifts as importance to the Church of with proper national pride, that Catholics in the United States: Cuba and the United States by they should spread justice and is one thing," he said. "But our love of the Sacraments; our Bishop Eduardo Mazvidal, Aux- tell truth. His words should not when the head swells with na- sacrifices for Christian educa- iliary Bishop of Havana in exile. tion and for Christian works of flatter ears or tell lies, they tional ego, that is something must not only tell of our rights, else, and something far worse. compassion; and perhaps most Bishop Boza said the significantly, the working exam- Church in the two nations is but remind us of our duties as Communism is monolithic and well. quite easy to spot. But national- ple of how we live without loss united in one soul "because ism wears many coats and and without compromise in a so- the Church is universal, Cath- Bishop Boza said the poor speaks many tongues. It may ciety of many religions. olic and the Sacrament of the must be taken away from be raucous like fascism, vicious Holy Orders means to main- hatred and resentment and like Nazism, or polite and smug "Diverse cultures should tain forever the spirit of they must be reminded that and condescending. Nationalism feed, not starve, each other. Christ. they are wrong if they sup- is a business man absorbing an- In ope particular place in our port any ideals that are other country's oil, or a ruler country, history has violently We have heard, the Bishop said, that a priest is "Alter against Christ. The rich must absorbing another nation's ter- thrown together the elements be taken away from selfish" ritory. Nationalism is a Yankee of this dream. Here in Miami, Christus" (another Christ) and perhaps we have thought this is ness, they should be against preacher in South America Latin and North American any oppression or injustice. sneering at the people's devo- Catholics live and worship a metaphor, but it is a reality. Christ lives in the person to tion to the Blessed Mother, or a side by side, under the pro- He reminded the new Jst whom He has given His powers. foreign visitor to the United phetic vision of \n outstand- that he is a "Priest as Christ, ing churchman, Bishop Cole- States sneering at the pragma- "He could look at his hands, but also a victim as Christ." man F. Carroll. tism, the practicality of our Ca- the same hands he played with, Bishop Boza told him to pray tholicism. It is the refusal to used to study with and also used for those who are still in Cuba, share, to learn, to sympathize." "Certainly we pray, as the to fulfill his daily duties. But not only for his parents who ere Cubans pray, that the day will these hands will now have ex- . still there, but also for those A third cause for fear, in not be distant when they will be traordinary powers. They will who are dying and suffering in addition to communism and free to go back to the land of forgive sins and bring souls to jail and also for those who are nationalism, is apathy and their birth, the land they love. life again. He will feel, as be- being persecuted. He asked the complacency which have sap- We hope that many Cubans will fore, with all his faults, but his people present to gather in this ped the Christian vitality, the remain. It could be a society body is not his anymore, it is prayer "for the land that is so prelate said. that can blend the best of both Christ's body and his hands are close in the Holy Cross." worlds, the mutually comple- not his any more, they are Outlining the program of the mentary cultures of two con- Christ's hands," the prelate Concluding, Bishop Boza ex- Latin American Bishops' Council tinents. If, in God's good time, said. pressed the hope that all could for constant improvement in the this happens, it will be a blessed be together when the "time of PRINCIPAL SPEAKER during banquet honoring Francis fields of education, Christian day for the Church, and a A priest must display a spir- triumph in heaven comes, be- Cardinal Spellman was Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, Metro- Doctrine, social justice and blessed day for the United itual sense of life. Bishop Boza cause they had been faithful politan of the Province of Atlanta, of which the Diocese of charity, and communication, States;" Archbishop Hallinan continued, for he is a man of during the trial and had de- Miami is one of five southeastern suffragan Sees. Archbishop Hallinan commend- said. love as Christ taught us. His served the triumph."

Page 14 September 7. 1962 THE VOICE . •< . Miami, Florida Honor Cardinal Spellman His Eminence, Francis Car- bishop Hallinan as a symbol of thousands each year. He goes dinal Spellman, Archbishop of the "cooperation of the Ameri- there as a true Bishop, true " New York, was guest of honor cas. The power of the gospel to priest and a prince of the Sunday evening at a banquet speak to all men has been di- Church." served in the grand ballroom of minished by man's refusal to the Hotel Fontainebleau. live by the gospel he has heard. Monsignor John J. Fitzpat- The great driving force of Chris- rick, diocesan director of the More than 1,000 laymen and tian grace has been hobbled by Spanish^speaking Apostolate and priests were present to wel- the way Christians themselves "assistant Chancellor, called the come the distinguished prel- neglect and abuse it," the Met- visit of Cardinal Spellman an ate who came to Miami to of- ropolitan of the Province of At- "epochal event" in the history ficiate at the ordination of lanta said. ' of South Florida. As toastmas- ,f' \ Daniel Sanchez in the ter during the dinner he pre- Ifo. A Beach Convention "In our nation we are only sented to Father Sanchez, the Hall. ^ starting to rid ourselves' of the newly ordained Cuban priest, bitterness engendered by the a' chalice on behalf of the clergy Included in the group were fact of racial color and indeed in the Diocese of Miami. representatives of the consu- by the fact of religious creed," lar corps of Latin American na- Archbishop Hallinan said, urg- Cardinal Spellman was also tions and members of the Arm- ing that all the people of the " honored by the cities of Miami ed Forces for which Cardinal Americas make- a Christian ef- and Miami Beach. On behalf of Spellman is Military Vicar. fort to live as brothers in the the mayor of the City of Miami Western hemisphere. Beach, Msgr. William Barry, "Florida is blessed by your P.A., pastor, St. Patrick parish, 1 presence here," Governor Far- • Voice Photos "Cardinal Spellman is tru- presented the prelate with the ris Bryant told Cardinal Spell- ly a citizen of the world," keys to the city. A replica of More Than 1,000 Persons Honored Cardinal Spellman At Banquet man in his, address of welcome. Archbishop Hallinan said. "Her the Torch of 'Friendship in Mi- "We are grateful for all you do has been almost everywhere. and represent; for *he help that ami's •Bayfront Park was pre- As a military man he- has con- sented to the Cardinal by Miami you lend; for the inspiration tinued to visit thousands upon you bring. We hope you will re- City Manager Melvin Reese. turn to your labors somewhat inspired by what I know you have seen of the labor of those here; in your Church and out of it, who serve with you in a common cause. WORK OF CHURCH "Without the continued, intel- ligent giving and concern and care of the Catholic Church, Catholic Charities and the Cath- olic laity, what has been accom- plished here in assimilating our friends who have been driven here by circumstances beyond their control, could not possibly Cardinal Converses With Archbishop Cody And Governor Bryant have been done," Governor Bry- ant said in p r a i s e of the pro- gram of aid inaugurated by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll for the Cuban refugees. Archbishop Hallinan Chats With General Catton During the dinner at which Bishop Carroll was host, Car- . dinal Spellman, whose deep concern for the Cuban refu- gees is widely known, pre- sented the Diocese of Miami with a check for $10,000 which His Eminence said was "to help in educational projects" here. Bishop Carroll, the Car- dinal said, "has had a terrif- ic handicap to meet because Cuban children who go to pub- lic schools are helped by the U.S. government but those^ in parochial schools do not re- ceive help. They say it's un- constitutional," His Eminence declared. EVENING PROGRAM is discussed by Bishop Coleman F. REAR ADMIRAL Stephens of Key West dis- riir?-.-; ordination of Father Daniel Sanchez The ordination of Father San- Carroll with Msgr. John J. Fitzpatrick, diocesan director of with Bishop Thomas J. McDonough of Savannah, left, and Bishop Francis J. Reh of Charleston. chez was described by Arch- the Spanish-speaking Apostolate and toastmaster at the dinner. S.C.

MARINE CORPS Major Leonard Bethards of Miami, center, is NAVAL CHAPLAIN. Lt. Cmdr. Edward Hamilton is welcomed CITY MANAGER of Miami, Melvin Reese, right, is shown with shown during the banquet with Auxiliary Bishop Boza of Ha- by Msgr. William Barry, P.A., and Joseph Fitzgerald and James McCaughair and Navy chaplain, Capt. Joseph J. Buzek. vana, lefty, and Bishop Robert E. Tracy, two of nine prelates. Frank Mackle, members of the committee on arrangements. Many members of the Armed Forces attended ceremonies.

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 15 Voice Photofl Ecclesiastical Procession Preceded Ordination Ceremonies

More Than 12,500 Catholic And Non-Catholic Americans And Cuban Refi

Ordinand, Carrying Vestments, Is Shown With Cardinal Spellman

Kneeling Before Francis Cardinal Spellman, Father Daniel Sanchez Preseni A Prince Of The Church Gives His Blessing To Crowds Of Faithful

Page 16 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Secular And Religious Priests From America, Spain And Cuba Were Present

i Refugees Were In Miami Beach Convention Hall Sunday for Ordinatien

targe Delegation Of Seminarians Studying For Priesthood Assisted

'resents Himself As A Candidate To Receive The Sacrament Of Holy Orders Religious Orders Of American, Spanish And Cuban Nuns Knelt At Mass ber 7, THS VOICM Miami, Florida Pa«« IT 1,000 Priests and Laymen Listen as Francis Cardinal Spellman Speaks at Banquet Welcome for Cardinal From Monsignor Barry, P.A.

$10,000 To Educate Cuban Children Is Presented To Bishop Carroll Father Sanchez Receives Chalice From Monsignor John Fitzpatrick


Governor Farris Bryant Welcomes Cardinal Spellman Miami Beach Convention Hall Marquee Non-Catholic Religious Leaders Were Present

Page 18 September 7> 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida* * * f > Tenemos Presente a Cuba en Nuestras Oraciones Cardenal Spellman 11 El Sacerdote Tiene que Predicar la Justicia Mons. Boza Masvic/aJ

La Ordenacion Sacerdotal de Miami Beach, Luther Pier- del seminarista cubano Da- ce, director del Concilio di niel Sanchez el pasado do- Iglesias Evangelicas de Mia mingo en el Convention Hall mi; el Alcalde de Miami, Ro de Miami Beach, oficiada por bert King High y el manager S. E. el Cardenal Francis „ de la ciudad; Melvin Reese Spellman, — que hizo para esa ocasion su primera visita Un brillante desfile enca oficial a Miami—, ha sido ca- bezado por representantes de lificada como el mas brillan- las Fuerzas Armadas de los te acto en la historia de esta Estados Unidos abrio el paso Diocesis. a Su Eminencia el Cardenal Spellman y los demas digna- La presencia de ocho dig- tarios eclesiasticos. Participa- natarios eclesiasticos y mas ron tambien en el desfile, de 12 mil asistentes, la mayor cientos de sacerdotes y semi- parte de ellos refugiados cu- naristas y miembros de la Or- banos, refleja la magnitud del den de Caballeros de Colon acto en el que el Obispo y de los Clubes Serra. cubano desterrado Eduar- do Boza Masvidal, que tambien vino especiahnente Terminada la ceremonia el para participar en el mismo, Cardenal Francis Spellman se diriio en espanol a los pronuncio el sermon. presentes, refiriendose al "de- ber de caridad y solidaridad Junto al altar disefiado por cristianas" de brindar protec- Monsenor EDUARDO BOZA MASVIDAL Cardenal FRANCIS SPELLMAN el arquitecto Thomas J. Mad- cion y ayuda a los refuiga- Se ha dicho muchas veces cerdcte y victima. El que ofre- den, se encontraban el Arzo- dos cubanos que huyen del y todos lo babran oido decir, cio aquel primer sacrificio en. bispo metropolitano de Atlan- comunismo. Al ismo tiempo que el sacerdote es un Alter la Cruz, es a la vez el sacer- Palabras del Cardenal Spellman ta, Paul Jr Hallinan; el Arzo- expreso su esperanza en que Cristo, Otro Cristo, pero qui- dote y la victima; y el sacer- bispo de Nueva Orleans, John Excelencias, "las tribulaciones presentes dote, que se parece a Cristo, F. Cody, el Obispo de Miami, zas hayamos creido que esto fructifiquen en dias prospe- que es otro Cristo, tiene que Coleman F. Carroll asi como es una metafora, una mane- Venerables Hermanos, ros para la Perla de las Anti- continuarlo tambien como los tambien obispos Robert ra bella de expresar una idea, llas. victima. Amados hijos, E. Tracy, de Baton Rouge; pero no, es una enorme rea- Thomas J. McDonouhg, de lidad; sacerdote es efectiva- Tiene por eso que vlvir co- Ha sido para mi en verdad una gran satisfacci6n poder mente Cristo que continua vi- mo Cristo una vida de entrega venir a Miami para ordenar de sacerdote a este humilde jo- Savannah; Francis J. Reh, de Por su parte, ei Obispo Bo- # Charleston; Eduardo Martinez za Masvidal resalto la gran viendo a traves de los siglos a sus hermanos, una vida de ven cubano, el primero que termina sus estudios eclesiasticos en la persona de aquellos a sacrificios y esfuerzos, tal vez en Estados Unidos. Dalmau, Obispo Titular de responsabilidad del sacerdo- Theuzi y el Obispo Auxiliar cio, recordandole al recien quienes el ha trasmitido sus una vida de inmolacion y de Llego aqui hace como un afio, en momentos dificlles pa- de La Habana, Eduardo Boza ordenado que era "sacerdote poderes y de continuar la mi- persecucion. El tiene que po- ra la* Iglesia en su Patria, acompaiiado o seguido de otros Masvidal. como Cristo, pero victima co- sion de su venida al mundo. der decir como San Pablo: seminaristas, sacerdotes y religiosos. Tanto Nos, como nues- mo Cristo tambien." Pidi6 Este nuevo que acaba de re- "Yo Uevo tambien en mi cuer- tros venerables Hermanos en el Episcopado, hemos conside- Entre las personalidades oraciones por los que sufren cibir poderes del presbiteriado po las llagas de Cristo". rado un deber de caridad y solidaridad cristianas brindarles presentes se encontraban el prision y persecucion en Cu- es otro Cristo porque cuando Por eso, nuevo sacerdote nuestra proteccion y ayudar asi mismo a otros refugiados. Obispo Episcopal del Sur de ba, oraciones "por esa Patria el sube al altar y dice sobre que hoy has recibido poderes Desde el primer momento, nos ha preocupado hondamente -la Florida, Rt. Rev. James L. que esta participando tan cer- el pan y el vino "este es mi tan grandes, nunca te olvi- la penosa situacion de todos los que se hallan lejos de sus ho- Duncan, el Rabbi Irvin Lehr- ca en estos momentos en la cuerpo y esta es mi sangre," des de esto: seras sacerdote Cruz del Sefior." gares, sujetos a las privaciones y sacrificios del exilio, lu- man, del Templo Emanu-El, no sera su cuerpo sino el pero tambien tienes que ser chando por adaptarse a un nuevo ambiente y por veneer en cuerpo de Cristo el que esta victima con Cristo y ya lo es- inucuos casos las dificultades del idioma. Para todos se han Sermon de Mons. Boza Masvidal alii en el altar. El vera que tas experimentando asi, por- abierto las puertas de este pais y de nuestros corazones. los fieles vienen a besar esas que hoy te ordenas fuera de Esta tarde nos congrega un sia es catolica y es univer- tu patria, lejos de aquellos se- acto de extraordinaria im- sal, — para la ordenacion de manos suyas porque ya no son res que amas, precisamente En la medida de sus posibilidades el pueblo norteame- portancia para la Iglesia. La un nuevo sacerdote y la or- suyas sino las de Cristo. porque ya estas siendo victi- ricano y sus -instituciones publicas y privadas han tratado Iglesia de Norteamerica y la denacion significa hacer posi- SACERDOTE \ VICTIMA ma, porque ya estas siendo de aliviar las penas de los exilados. Por lo que toca a noso- Iglesia de Cuba, se unen en ble la supervivencia de Cristo El Sacerdote, otro Cristo objeto de la persecucion como tros, la Jerarquia Norteamericana ha hecho en favor de un solo coraz6n y una sola a traves de los si^los. Por eso con aquellos poderes maravi- El. ellos cuanto ha podido a traves de "National Catholic Wel- alma, — porque la Iglesia no es acto de trascendencia ex- llosos. Pero Cristo vino al fare Conference," "Catholic Relief Service," "Catholic Chari- es de un solo pueblo, la Igle- traordinaria. mundo para ser a la vez sa- Nuestros jovenes cubanos ties" y otras instituciones. Al referirnos a esta cruzada de cuando no pudieron continuar amor y caridad, justo es reconocer aqui publicamente la en el seminario, tuvieron que meritisima labor realizada por Su Excelencia el Obispo Ca- ir a otras tierras y la Iglesia, rroll, de Miami. que es una sola, en multitud de seminarios de distintos paises educa y forma a los sa- Confiamos en que Dios se digne bendecir nuestros tra- cerdotes para la Iglesia de Cu- bajos, que se inspiran unicamente en la caridad de Cristo, ba, y especialmente esta Igle- en el amor a nuestros semejantes. Ciertamente es ya un sia Norteamericana se ha vol- gran consuelo participar en esta ordenacion sacerdotal; pre- cado en su caridad para aco- cioso fruto que por si solo recompensa cualesquiera sacrifi- ger a todos y especialmente cios. Esperamos que las tribulaciones presentes fructifiquen a estos hijos predilectos del en dias prosperos para la Perla de las Antillas y en numero- Sefior. us y excelentes vocaciones al sacerdocio, de que tanto nece- sitan Cuba y otros paises de Latinoamerica. Hoy seguramente tu cora- zon esta alia en la patria, Quisieramos llevar, desde lo mas intimo de nuestro co- donde hay tambien corazones razon, un mensaje de amor, aliento y esperanza a todos los que estan pensando en noso- que sufren. Diariamente en nuestras oraciones tenemos pre- tros; donde estan tus padres, sente a Cuba, de la que conservo tan gratos recuerdos. Supli- que hubieran gozado induda- camos fervientemente al Dador de todo bien derrame sus blemente en el dia de hoy, al bendiciones sobre el atribulado y amado pueblo cubano. ver que haz llegado a tu me- ta, pero tu y ellos estan uni- dos en Cristo y para el no El Sefior conceda remedio y alivio a los neeesitados, for- hay distancias, ellos estan taleza a los que sufren, consuelo a los que lloran, fe y con- aqui y tii alia, porque Cristo fianza a los que desmayan-o vacilan, paz y tranquilidad a su esta en todas partes. Iglesia, Haga triunfar la verdad sobre el error, el amor sobre El sacerdote, victima con el odio, el perdon sobre la venganza. Que un dia pueda de Cristo, es el hombfe de la fe, nuevo el pueblo cubano vivir en paz y armonia, sin odios ni es el hombre que va a sentar rencores, unido en la caridad de Cristo y en el amor a la el sentido espiritualista de la Patria, bajo la mirada dulcisima de su excelsa Patrona, la vida, que su sola presencia ha- Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre. Un Aspecto de la Concurrencia, Obesrvandose el Altar al Fondo. —(Pasa a la Pagina 20)—

September /„ 1962 v,THE VOICE —jyiiami, Florida ^: .}9-. •f * * <•?

Page 20 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida . REALTY THARIH INSURANCE SERVICE SERVING THE PALM BEACHES SINCE 1925 15)7 So. Dixie — West Palm Beach Phone TE 2-5176 250 Royal Palm Way — Palm Beach Phone TE 2-6244

As a part of their regu- to men. In practice, therefore, lar course oj instruction on it is the socialist state, control- AIR CONDITIONING the ev&s of Communism, Miami Diocesan school pu- led by the Party, which is the pils study "Questions and source of any limited rights Answers on Communism" granted to its citizens. by Richard Cardinal Cush- 'ScoitSmUk, ing. The Voice therefore Q. That means, then, that publishes another install- the Soviet dictatorship, con- ment of excerpts from trolled by the Party and its this authoritative source leaders, can take any action SPECIALISTS through the courtesy of the tial ond Commercial to restrict the rights or liber- 1069 E, 14th St. TU 8-7811 B' hters of St. Paul, at "the battle against McCarthy- to., J bookstore, 2700 Bis- ties of the' people? It has been brought out very in- ism," the Communists have now terestingly by Arthur Koestler, cayne Blvd., the complete A. That is correct. The State, made the United States impotent a former Communist fellow volume is available. controlled by the dictatorship Please notify THE VOICE so far as internal security is traveler, in his novel, Darkness Q. Are so-called "Cultural of the Party, acting in the promptly of any name of "the dictatorship of the concerned. at Noon. change of address. Exchanges" between the' So- proletariat," may and does re- Q. Is it this peculiar view of viets and the United States strict, deny, or destroy the of any practical value? right to own property, to hold the Communist Party as the AUTO AIR free elections, and to religious custodian of "Communist mo- PARKOMAT CONDITIONER A. They are to the Soviet lead- worship, according to those de- rality" which makes veteran ers and to the cauSe of Marx- cisions which are considered Communists confess to crimes appeasers in America, to the $30 ism as the men of the Kremlin number of those who will for- helpful to the Communist cause. they did not commit, when Installation intend. They do not benefit the ward the Communist line, and to In contrast, "the bourgeois the Kemlin so orders? Charge American people or government the creation of that "atmos- State," such as the United States Reg. $325 Volue A. That is the reason exactly. with Automatic Clutch except in trivial ways. There phere" of unguardedness which of America, is to be hampered the Communist conspiracy is al- Up to 24 Months to Pay — No Interest — 30-60-90 Days are those who contend that at every step. It is to be per- ways forwarding in non-Soviet suaded to take such an extreme MOV/NG HAULING (All Credit Cards Honored) some of the members of the nations in order to weaken them. FREE Transportation while unit is being installed and unrealistic attitude toward Nolan Transfer See It Before You Buy Any Car Air Conditioner Russian cultural groups are So- civil liberty as will allow the Q. Does the Marxist theory viet intelligence agents. Communists to function freely in & Storage of morality admit the exist- Phone PL 9-0797 • 572 NW 72nd St. Q. In addition to the Soviet ence of natural rights, such their subversive activities. It is PARKOMAT OF FLORIDA regrettable that under the cry of Night NA 4-2223 - Miami, Fla. 1950-1990 N. Miami Ave. FR 7-4482 espionage — political, indus- as the right to life, liberty 2087 N. Miami Ave. FR 9-8433 trial, and military — further- and the pursuit of happiness? In Ft. Louderdole JA 2-5471 In Hollywood WA 3-0602 ed by "cultural exchanges," is there any other damage A. According to the Marxist done by these exchanges? ideology, (i.e., their system and How Big A Boom In Philosophy) there are actually DONALD F. JOHN M. A. Most decidedly. These cul- no natural rights. Since the McEMBER MONTGOMERY tural exchanges were initiated Communist Party is inevitably The ORLANDO Area? as the policy (and part of the destined to establish world-wide After a 5 month study, FIRST RESEARCH CORP. pirn-points East Communist line) by Nikita Central Florida to receive the greatest growth impact (Fla. Soviet dictatorship (socialism) Trend Magazine, May '62). GARDEN LAKE ESTATES 125' above Me EMBER Khrushchev at the 20th Congress and thence bring about entering sea level is located 30 miles SW of Orlando on State Rd. 33 MONTGOMERY INSURANCE, Inc. of the Communist Party of the into the Communist society, it in Florida's No. 1 growth area. - , Soviet Union precisely in order is the Party which is the sole to injure America. These "ex- custodian and judge of the l!/4 Acres *395$-| f\ DOWN changes" add to the number of "rights" that can be granted 2Vo Acres 745 lU MONTH GENERAL INSURANCE 1120 Ponce dc Leon Blvd. Coral Gables 34, Fla. No Interest. No Closing Cost. Free Warranty Deed. Title Insurance. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. PHONE HI 4-2587 BUILDER* DEVELOPER BUY HOW WHILE PRICES ARE STILL LOW! 8340 NORTHEAST SECOND AVE. MIAMI 38, FLORIDA MR. LAND INC. PL 8-4749 V 9-7-62 SAMPLE OF RATES: Phone PLoio 8-0327 From 2,000 4,000 11603 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Fia. MIAMI TO: LBS. LBS. Atlanta, Ga. $155.40 $255.20 Enclosed is my REFUNDABLE RESERVATION DEPOSIT OF $10 which Baltimore, Md. 207.00 354.00 reserves Brooklyn, N.Y. 237.60 417.20 "Smart Buyers Get The Chicago, III. 243.00 428.00 • WA Acres at $395 — $10 Down $10 Month, No Interest Cleveland, Ohio 237.60 417.20 Best Buys at NcBride's" • 2Vz Acres at $745 — $J0 Down $10 Month, No Interest Pittsburgh. Pa. 228.00 400.00 Philadelphia, Pa. 227.00 395.20 • 5 Acres ot $1,395 — $20 Down $20 Month, No Interest Washington, D.C. 207.00 354.00 OPEN YOUR SAVINGS NAME 2136 N.W. 24th Ave. NE 5-6496 The Largest Stock of ACCOUNT FOR $250, OR MORE Ace RB Van Lines, Inc. ADDRESS Imported and Domestic SAVE BY THE 20th FRED B HARTNETT President and Director Wines and Liquors CITY . . . STATE EARN /ROM THE 1st Real Estate and Insurance In the Greater Miami Area ELECTRONICS • Etrabllshcd Home Owned TRAINING PL 7-1160 1938 Home Operated ENGINEERING FREE DELIVERY IN THE INDUSTRIAL NORTH DADE AREA ELECTRONICS • PAID TV SERVICING TERMITES? QUARTERLY ELECTRONIC DRAFTING E.McBRIDE-LIQUORS full and port-time courses *

WHOLESALE — RETAIL FINE CARS — FINE SERVICE Greater Miami'» Largest Exterminator Telephone JUstice 2-6146

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 21 -dlamo Auxiliary Will Meet 8715 N.E. 2nd AVE. Specialize in wedding receptions At Children's Home find buffet parties DCCW Names j Hor D'Oeuvres $5 per 100 PERRINE — Monthly covered Mrs. Ruhlman j Decorated Party Sandwich dish luncheon meetings will be SI per Dozen i resumed by members of St. IMMEDIATE SERVICE Mrs. Norbert E. Ruhlman 1 PL 7-6031 PL 1-4835 Joseph Villa Auxiliary beginning of St. Francis of Assisi par- | Friday, Sept. 3. ish, Riviera Beach, has been Dresses Luncheon will be served at appointed treasurer of the noon in the Catholic Children's Miami Di6cesan Council of for ALL Home, 18601 Franjo Rd. Those Catholic Women. The former diocesan chair- Occasions wishing to play cards are re- quested to bring cards. man of the Family Life and f Parent Education committee i will fulfill the unexpired term I of Mrs. C. F. Menk of St. | Rummage Sale Set Juliana parish, West Palm I Beach, who recently resigned j In West Hollywood because of ill health " 1 WEST HOLLYWOOD — A rumm ge sale under 1 the aus- pices of St. Bernadette Women's Guild will be held Saturday, Sept.- 8 at 805 Hollywood Pkwy. Nursery To Benefit Mrs. William Matsumara and From Luau Proceeds 34-10 CORAL WAY, Mrs. Al Toth are general chair- OPEN MONDAY CORAL GABLES — A Luau men in charge of arrangements NITE 'TILL 9:09 to benefit the Junior Woman's 'Customers bringing this add wilt receive for the sale which will be con- M% credit at the time of nnreliase." ducted from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Club of Little Flower parish will be held &t 8 p.m. Saturday, IWIMWMWMWVWMAMMMWVWVWWW INTERNATIONAL Ladies Gar- Voice Photos Sept. 15 at Crandon Park. ment Union was represented DCCW PRESIDENT, Mrs. J. Winston Anderson, center, was WE WILL HIGH PRESSURE at Labor and Management accompanied to the annual Labor Day Observance sessions by Mrs. P. W. Wunderlich is in seminar by Mrs. Helen Salt Mrs. Robert Payne, St. Gregory parish, Plantation, re-cording charge of reservations which of Miami Springs. secretary, left, and Mrs. Vincent Vohs, St. James parish. may be made by calling MO CLEAN;; ROOF 7-2083. All proceeds will be donated Clothing For Infants Needed By Refugees to the Sunday Nursery main- REGARDLESS OF SIZE An appeal to members in af- Council of Catholic Women was ston Anderson, Council presi- tained by the club during Mass- filiations of the Miami Diocesan made this week by Mrs. J. Win- dent, on behalf of needy Cuban es in Little Flower Church. IN DADE refugee children. COUNTY _ _ , Music and dancing will follow NO1) CHILDREN'S "An average of two Cuban dinner. "Residential Only •• JBW HIGHER SHOP refugee babies are born each Franchise*! Dealer Far International CSemical Corp. — day in Miami," Mrs. Anderson "Graveloclc" For Grovel Roofs — "Magicool" Far Til* Roofs said in the monthly Newsnotes Vero Beach Women A Heat Reflective Coating For Any Surface 2646 E. OAKLAND PARK BLVD. of the Council. "Useable infant PROTECTIVE ROOF COATINGS, WC. FORT LAUDERDALE — LO 6-4025 clothing such as receiving blan- To Begin Meetings Unique Selection of CHILDREN'S APPAREL kets, diapers, sacks, booties, VERO BEACH — Fall meet- Infants Thru Sub-Teen Sizes powder, pins, and nursing bot- ings of St. Helen's Women's CALL 361-2571 Parochial School Uniforms far ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC SCHOOL tles are urgently needed." It is Club will resume with a cov- not necessary to purchase new ered - dish supper at 6:30 p.m. IWWMWAAAMWI MEMBER: ST. AGNES PARISH < items, she said. Tuesday, Sept. 11. Mrs. Leo Schlitt is general Donations should be brought chairman of arrangements. SPECIAL or sent to Seccion Cubana, wom- The Rosary-making group of for en's auxiliary, located on the the club will resume luncheon third floor of Centro Hispano meetings later this month. Ac- VOICJfr Catolico, 130 NE Second St., any cording to reports from the weekday between the hours of group, rosaries for the home and Readers 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. foreign missions were made MON., TUES., WED. throughout the summer months. Permanent! Guild To Greet New Members Writer Will Speak New members will be wel- •10" comed by St. Rose of Lima To Lauderdale Guild I SPECIALIZING IN CHILDREN'S HAIR SHAPING Altar Guild during their first FORT LAUDERDALE—"The • • v« meeting of the season sched- Need for Religion in Writing" uled to be held Monday, Sept. will be outlined for members hairstylist 10 in the parish auditorium, of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 6441 BISCAYNE BLVD. 10690 NE Fifth Ave. Guild during the monthly meet- MIAMI ing of the organization at 8 PL 9-9710 A card party will follow the p.m., Monday, Sept. 10 in the Salon Hours: 9:00 - 5:30 business meeting and refresh- school cafetorium. ments will be served. Miss Natalie White of St. Clement parish, author of plays, will be the speaker. Re- YOUR FAMILY WILL BE HAPPIER.IN freshments will be served. First Meeting Set HOLLYWOOD By Parent Club WEST HOLLYWC — "Back - To - School" will be Many Catholic families have already found they are happier THE fine JEWELRY STORES Coral Gabl" * theme of the first fall meeting . living in Hollywood Hills. Here they enjoy advantages found in of St. Stephen Parent - Teacher few other fine communities. Newly constructed Church of the Club scheduled to be held at Nativity and the parochial school are in operation. One of South 8 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 11. Florida's best educational facilities — Chaminade High School for Boys — is located right in Hollywood Hills. Bus Transporation to St. Vincent Guild girls' high schools is provided. This means that all activities of your EVERYTHING for the BRIDE Meeting Set Monday parochial schools, church and parish are only moments away. MARGATE — The first reg- As for your home itself, scores of beautiful, individually styled \ular meeting of the year for the Ladies' Guild of St. Vincent par- models are available in a wide range of prices. ish will be held Monday, Sept. BRIDAL SHOP 10 at S p.m. in the parish hall. v Styles of Distinction, Inc. Following -the meeting, a sff- JNC,DEVELOPMENT cial hour will be held to greet 194 3 HOLLYWOOD BLVD.- WA 2-34 5 1 81-83 HOOK SQUARE the new pastor. Father Jeremi- ah A. Crowley. Meetings will be . . . covering three square miles. Individual areas zoned to provide complete Miami Springs, Phone TU 7-4051 \f^cz l»r#t<:ction for hornet ia different price ranges. r held every second Monday of the month.

Page 22 September. 7, 1962» ••** T«£ VOICE Mi«mv.Florida FAMILY CLINIC YOU CAN BE SURE A SYKES TRUSS HOLDS Fits So Exactly That No Strap Is Required AN OLD FASHION TRUSS My iJiece Is 15-She's Dating 17-Year-Old' jCAN CAUSE STRANGULATION H. B. SYKES, Inc. Will you restate your views on steady dating and 3 112 E. Flagler FR 1-4022 settle an argument for us? My sister's 15-year-old daughter is allowed to go steady -(three or jour times a week) with a 17-year-old high school junior. When I Advertisement suggested this ivasn't right, my sister quoted you as saying that some types of steady dating were all Social Security right, as long as the couple were properly supervised and know how to behave. I jeel there's more to the Can Pay problem than that, especially when the couple are so young. Funeral Bills By FATHER JOHN L. THOMAS, /S.J. Free Booklet Gives Here we go.on steady dating again, Audrey! Steady dating 7 \ the subject of one of the first articles I wrote for this col- Full Information tuiin back in 1957, and I have discussed different aspects of the Social Sepurity and Veterans problem at various times after that, but apparently I have not Benefits- are explained in ths succeeded in making my position entirely clear, so let's tackle new GUIDEBOOK recently pub- it again. Some of the difficulties related to clear thinking about lished by Lithgow Funeral Cen- ters. Many families are unaware steady dating stem from its definition — the term is not univocal of the extent to which they may but Ls frequently loosely used to designate several different benefit under Social Security — patterns of dating conduct. as much as $255 for funeral- expenses! When discussing steady dating I have tried to identify these various patterns as they currently exist and to lay Veterans are now entitled to down the relevant moral principles that apply to them. special burial allowances v/hicb bring help to families in lime At the same time, in dealing with the different solutions to of need. the "problem" that are presently proposed, I have constantly Get your FREE COPY of this insisted that inasmuch as a solution can proye effective only wonderful GUIDEBOOK. There to the extent that it comes to grips with the real sources of a is no obligation (no one will problem is the widespread parental promotion or toleration of call). Mailed in a plain wrapper. Write to Lithgow Funeral Cen- early and frequent dating, together with the maintenance of a ters, 487 N.E. 54th St., Miami social system that provides youth with few opportunities for 87, Fla., br telephone PLaza sharing in the social life of their age-groups except pn the basis 7-5544. of couples. I maintain that as long as these conditions continue •••• 10-Year Warranty—RHEEM""" unmodified, steady dating will be prevalent, and it is probably this manner of defining and stating the problem that has caused WATER HEATERS your sister some confusion. $ Let us begin by defining some terms. At one time "going 20 GAL. S£ 37.95 steady" or "steady dating" was confined to the courtship peri- $ od. This exclusive, intimate association of a couple mature 30 GAL. S£ 43.95 enough" to think seriously about marriage still constitutes one EXPERIENCED form of steady dating. As dating for "fun" began to become acceptable after PLUMBING World War I, the term "steady dating" was used to desig- RAY BALL PLUMBING, INC nate a somewhat temporary though convenient agreement between a given couple that they could rely on each other REPAIR SERVICE for dates when the situation called for this type of partici- 4251 S.W. 8th St. Tel. HI 5-2461 pation. In other words, it was taken for granted by them- ••(EXPERT PLUMBING REPAIR SERVICE)™ WHITE-TITE selves and others that they would go out together if they TILE ROOF PROCESS were to attend couple-centered affairs. Fund Raising MEANS COOLEST — WHITEST ROOF According to a current fad among teenagers, "steady dat- ing" has come to mean more than "going steady." For them made easy . . . it seems to designate the exclusive, affectionate, intimate as- sociation of a couple on all social occasions, thus differing neither in practices nor privileges from steady dating among engaged couples. The recent question of a puzzled 16-year-old illustrates this new form clearly. She stated that for the past three months she has been going out with a young man three or four times a week, and since he now wanted her to go steady, she was wondering whether I thought she should! Although most, young people are often not clear in their With a new own minds concerning what they mean by steady dating, it w is the pattern similar to the last type I have described that 100% PROFIT PLAN White-Tite "Home of Week" BRILLIANTLY WHITE is this barrel tile roof The exclusive White-Tite process was develop- has justly aroused the concern and criticism of all respon- ... and we mean a full 100% on the attractive Leeper home, located at ed 16 years ago by Jesse J. Scalzo. White-Tite sible people. profit. 310 SW 30th Ct., since it was cleaned, seal- also has an exclusive three-coat process for Your club sells each full ed and given two coats of lasting White-Tite gravel roofs which locks gravel ii place and Such couples are not ready for marriage in our society, in October, 1959. Many homes and apartments protects against high winds and rain. The ex- pound box for* $1.00 in South Florida have roofs which still look clusive sealing White-Tite uses on the roofs yet they insist on establishing an association that ignores Your club pays, per box .50 clean and new . . . even though their White- improves drainage and protects against hurri- Tite coating was applied as much as five or cane wind damage. Don't accept a substitute, both the fact that they are sexually mature, since they have Your club's profit per box .50 six years ago, with no mold, mildew or fungus. insist on genuine White-Tite. already experienced puberty; and their need to apply their Forbes Candies are serving schools, MAKES HOMES 15-20 DEGREES COOLER INSIDE major interest, time, and energy to the serious study and churches and parent organizations UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED 2 YEARS * across the nation. 5 YEAR WARRANTY training required to prepare them-for- adequate participation Your choice of Peanut Brittle, Peco in contemporary adult society. Flake or Salt Water Taffy — an "<$, White-Tite "The World's Largest assortment of all three is a poten- As a matter of fact, some of these girls — and their tial $3.00 sale at 100% profit! -s^ Roof Cleaning — Sealing — Painting Co." Write or wire us today collect-for ^.+. ' Licensed in 46 Cities ^ mothers — are apparently so short-sighted and implicitly bi- a Free Sample. The taste test will r n SE ologically motivated that they make every effort to capture a convince every member of your •Ory in South Florida * C^V school. No obligation of course. mate long before there can be any reasonable expectation of starting a family. There is need to speak frankly here. NO CASH OUTLAY REQUIRED! HOMESTEAD .Modern Christian mothers — and their daughters — have se- s need to analyze their real motives in this regard. Many rbes CANDIES — and these are hard words but substantiated by factual evi- VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA dence — are willing to ignore the moral laws relating to LOCAL NO INTEREST CHARGES chastity in order to secure a mate.. f°.(? YOUR FREE ESTIMATE I recognize the indignant, horrified disclaimers this REPRESENTATIVE: ON FINANCING MIAMI FT, UAUD. statement will arouse. Mothers will claim that they only C. E. TURNER MEMBERS: Miami-Dade County Chamber of want their children to be popular and to enjoy themselves. NE 5-36O3 LU 1-6S5O 755 West 69th Place Commerce and the Greater Ft. Lauderdale Does this explain the current eager promotion or thought- Hialeah, Florida NE 3-8511 LU 1-6551 Chamber of Commerce less toleration of early, frequent, unsupervised cross-sex as- • Ph. 821-1096 • HOMESTEAD - 347-1811 sociations? The widespread rise of feminine social and sex- ual aggressiveness 'from grade school on? The marked rise of pregnant brides and illegitimacy? The startled look on the faces of high school girls" when informed that a boy is FOR ALL YOUR Extra 5:00 to not only not obliged to marry them but should be dis- BANKING NEEDS Evening 7:00 P.M. suaded from doing so should pregnancy result from their CITIZENS BANK of BROWARD COUNTY Checking Accounts Hours Fridays irrational association? WEST HOLLYWOOD I hope I have made my position clear this time, Audrey. Saving Accounts 150 CAR I quite agree that the situation your sister is permitting is Where You can Enjoy the Convenience of doing all Your banking "Under one Roof" Loans PARKING LOT wrong and reprehensible. However, since she allowed her daugh- — Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — Sale Deposit Facilities 4 DRIVE-IN TELLERS ter to date three or four times a week, I don't think that Charles W. Lantz, President anything you or I can say will prove of much avail. I

September 7, 1962 THf VOIC* Miami) Florida Pag* 23 SENATOR MORSE SAYS AID WON'T COME THIS SESSION Little Chance Seen For Higher Education Bill

WASHINGTON (NO — Fed- and universities and this is He said he could see no point The Senate in February the Clearing House on School cept the proposal for grants eral aid to higher education leg- not likely te happen, Morse in calling further meetings with- passed a $1.7 measure author- Legislation, an organization of to private schools because it said. college and university groups, would stir up the religious is- islation is virtually dead for out some new hope of agree- izing loans only, except in the case of community junior col- that House members have in- sue, he said. this session of Congress, Sen. Morse is chairman of the ment. sisted in conference that they leges, which would get grants. Wayne Morse of Oregon told an Senate-House conference com- will accept only the House- "You will see a filibuster educators' group here. mittee which has met several The House in January enact- The Senate bill also includ- approved ^measure. like you have never seen be- times since January in a fruit- ed a $1.5 billion bill providing ed a scholarship program, fore," Morse said. The only possibility «i res- less effort to work out a com- for both loans and grants to absent in the House meas- He said that compromise He also said enactment of a urrecting it is if the House promise between the Senate colleges and universities, includ- ure. would be possible only if the will drop its insistence on and House higher education aid ing church-related ones, for House members would drop measure providing grants for grants for private colleges bills. building purposes. Morse told representatives of their demand for grants to pri- church - related schools would vate schools. produce a "public blowup" over the religious issue that would 0insi Out £adv (x)s&L PETERSON'S The Senate would not ac- embarrass the administr" ^ STEAK PLACE Government Studies Impact tit OnsL 0{L JhMSL JinsL 7140 S.W. 8th ST. • CA 1-4563 Of TV Programs On Youth PL 9-«825 A TOUCH OF CAPE COD ON BISCAYNE BAY By J. J. GILBERT Education and Welfare to in- vestigate the impact on chil- WASHINGTON (NO — The dren of television shows." government has undertaken to GOURMET ROOM study the impact of television At about the same time, Le- shows on children. Roy Collins, president of the Na- tional Association of Broadcast- The announcement of this de- .ers, urged those seeking an SEAFOOD RESTAURANT On the cision has stirred some com- easy solution for juvenile delin- 79th St. ment, but it is expected that queny to quit making television • MAINE LOBSTERS Causeway much more will be said and the scapegoat. He admitted that Serving luncheon and dinner — 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. • NEW ENGLAND SEAFOOD written when the findings are made public. There are those TV programming leaves room NEW EVERGLADES HOTEL • Biscayne Blvd. at 3rd St. • CLAMS, OYSTERS & STONE CRABS who think they will argue for for improvement, but he insist- MIAMI'S OLDEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT OUR 16th YEAR the restoration of parental au- ed that "every bit of serious re- thority in the home. search available simply fails to establish a casual connection The Evening Star here said between so-called crime-and- 'BETTER FOOD FOR LESS' editorially that "many a par- violence television program- ent will welcome, with hope in ming and delinquent be- FULL their hearts, the decision of havior." the Department of Health, COURSE If the HEW study is to reveal COMPLETE the full picture of TV's "im- LUNCHEONS pact," it will have to deal with MON. - FRI. What is.... more than crime shows and pro- gramming. As has been indicat- BIRCHERMUESLI? ed in some quarters, this is cer- Handsomest Seafood Restaurant tainly not the only concern. anywhere in the world!!! "It is not just the quality, or LUNCHEON from 85C 11:30 A.M. -2.05 P.M. lack of quality, of shows which SERVED FROM 11:45 A.M. S DINNER the children seem to prefer that DINNER from 2.25 worries parents," The Star as- SERVED FROM 5:45 P.M. 4:30 P.M. - 8:05 P.M. Same ownership'as COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ampla serted. "They are concerned the famous Tony Sweet's PHONE: parking spies on Open 'A Hr. Earlier On Sunday over the hypnotic effect which Restaurant • 865-8688 • premises Your Second Cup of Coffee or Tea Is Always FREE TV has on those addicted to it. 1900 N. Bay Causeway (79St Causeway) Miami Beach A child engrossed in his favor- ite program, be it the Stooges or Popeye, is out of this world, to all appearances. If permitted unlimited access to the TV set, Take The Whole Family CAFETERIAS he fails to recognize his name when called, ignores telephone To St. Clairs • MIAMI-2155 CORAL WAY •Just the most glamorous breakfast treat • HIALEAH - 250 EAST 4th AVE. ever to grace a bowl A favorite cereal and door bells, forgets home- is smothered in fruit, covered with peach work and would forego meals You Can Pay More, • S. MIAMI-6272 S. DIXIE HWY. _ halves, topped with thick whipped cream and finally crowned with a luscious straw- but, for physical persuasion." • HOMESTEAD - 399 N. KROME AVE. berry. Enjoy Birchermuesli ... at the But You Can't CAFE JARDIN SUISSE The HEW probably will de- Eat Better From a snack to a complete meal. ~ velop much helpful informa- tion, but it is not at all clear Kentucky Fried Chicken what the government can do to cure, whatever situation is DINNER uncovered. 3 PIECES CHICKEN, FRENCH FRIES, COLE SLAW, GRAVY & HOT ROLL But where parents can do something, they can do it only $ by restoring their authority in ONLY 1.00 the home. If they do this suc- cessfully, they can solve ~.\re than 'their children's T\ jb- MIAMI lems. BOULEVARD CAFETERIA 50th Street and COLONa SAMDER'S Biscayne Boulevard MOOKES ALLAPATTAH , RECIPE 15U Avenue and N.\lf. 36th Street By the Box ST. CLAIRS ON TAMIAMI TRAIL PUMPKIN'S 59th Avenue and • Bucket S.W. 8th Street ST. CLAIRS OF NORTH MIAMI • Barrel STEAK DINNER 127tk Street and Biscayne Boulevard , "IT'S FINGER LICKIN' GOOD" V.S. CHOICE CHARCOAL BROIL ALL FOR ONLY FT. LAUDERDALE' Home made soup or juice, hash brown potatoes, N. Federal Highway Across Fran Sears hot garlic bread, assorted table relishes. Choice State Road 7 and of beverage — Plus OUR FAMOUS KEYLIME Broward Boulevard PIE. POMPANO BEACH ST. CLAIRS CAFETERIA FRESH Special Child's Dinner HOT AND LOUNGE FISH DINNERS, and Carry Out Servic* U.S. #1 and Sample Road PICK CORNED BEEF, in Shoppers Haven PLAZA CAFETERIA AND PHONE MU 5-1891 IT UP JUMBO Other Complete PASTRAMI LOUNGE Dinners Atlantic Blvd. at SHRIMP 99c Sandwiches Intercostal Waterway CORNER 701 N.W, 119th ST. 7th AVE. 13001 N.W. 7th AVENUE MU 8-8812 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK-10:30 A.M. 'til 9:30 P.M. "JUST NORTH Of fOOO FAIIt"

Page 24 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Folrida More Them 100 Receive Tile LIGHTHOUSE Miami Reading Certificates "ON THE OCEAN" Gauzens, Kathleen Heririck, Patricia BAKER'S HAULOVER • MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA More than 100 school pupils Jean, Barbara Knowles, Wanda Kourge, Suzanne La Roche, Michael Dedicated to the Service «f Food of the Highest Quality from the Diocese were among Miranda, Teresa Monser, Joattne the 596 first to ninth grade Nickels, Linda Niccleila, Catherine Oliver, Rosalie Palermo, Lois Reseh- Established 1937 pupils who received completion ke, Ma.r• High in Miami and at St. McMahon, Prank Prescott, r»a»e Pupils from the Diocese who Reardon, Mary stokes. L as Aquinas in FortVLau- dertiale. received the certificates are: ARCHBISHOP CWlM'EY - George "We're a lot further along Smith. than we were last year," Coach «ORPVS CHRIST! - M»rel» Chris- Pete Aiello of the Columbus Ex- ty, r»ssy D« Ore, Joyee FIet«h«r. Charles «om«x, Willl»™ Gomez, Ed- plorers stated. ward Gonzalez, MWBawt Uwneii, KoM*u>n Na«h, CMtrtene Peltond, Winning is a big g*al at Charles Felhtnd, Mlcbael Pet land. A* hn L.C.WH ALUMINUM Columbus since last year's EPIPHANY — Bebra Arch. Karen INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Arch, James Bowers, Judith Bowers, LUMUCANT squad, hard bit by injuries, Melfion Hurst. CLEAN. LONC-LASTING SMOOTH OPERATION * PROTECTION FOR finished with a 1-8-1 record. GRSB — Carolina Alea. Mlftdalla Frank Boticek Ayala, Miriam AyMa. Mary Bravo, Awnlnf . Jtkwife - Sluing However, the injury toll last Columbus Guard Maria Brenes. Enrique Capote, Adele WINDOWS, DOORS ft lei ARTICLES Cblcco, Carldad Colon, Irfwrdes Fran, Proven ilncecc M5W52 feyky utbfta Ml d mm Complete Insurance Facilities season may be a blessing in Hilda GaHenros, Vivian Garcia, Alex- w#rywtwrft ander LOUUM. Juan Mnrias, Gloria disguise for the Explorers who Jim O'Donnell of Ft. Pierce Pazurlk, Maria Toranio, Theodor Vl»- At must Builder Supply, Paint » Hardware tbnllla. Stares. Made k« Engeae Semis* t Sen. can now boast of a long list of Central Catholic and Sam Bud- 17S S.W. 13U Street, Pmaam Beack, Flerida PHONE FR 1-3691 experienced players, underclass- nyk of West Palm Beach Car- HOI-T FAMILY — Patile HIM. men who might never have got- HOLY ROSARY — John Gorman, 2121 BISCAYNE BLVD. dinal Newman were having Gorman, Raymond Gorman. MIAMI, FLA. ten a chance to play except for their troubles with manpower. the injuries. IMMAOULATA ACADEMY - An O'Donnell, in his first year Maria Godoy. When You Shop as head coach, has had only 15 Aiello has solved his quarter- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION - back problem by putting Jimmy boys out for the squad at the Darby. Mention Tne Voice Cox, an end last year, into the tiny school. O'Donnell was OBW 1.ADY Or PERPETUAL Say You 'Saw It In The Voice' HKL.P — Rosemary Fenton. signal-calling post hopeful of another eight or 10 ST. BRENDAN — David Brand, this week after school's sessions Larry RieKler, MarK Wymnlck. Pa- Ralph Spurlock, a junior, and began, but the manpower situa- tricia Wmnlefc, Steven Wosrnlck. Rick Dunn, a senior, will back tion will still be critical. ST. HUGH — Billy Ijidlngton, Jane PARISH AUTOMOTIVE EXPERT him up. McDowell, Doren Reardon, Mary Near your parish church there's a dependable service station or Quarterback Mike Hefley SprowL garage, who will keep your car running in tiptop condition ... Tackle shapes up as one of and end Karl Guettler are the ST. JAMES — Lillian Valiente. the Explorers strongest posi- top returnees from last year's and sove you money- Consult this directory before your next tankful THE CATHEDRAL - Raymond Al- tions with a quartet of stand- 8-2 squad. monte. Mary Ann Branas, Mary Ann of gas or needed repairs. outs, Marvin Smith, Charles Childress, Marcel Cousineau, Paul At Newman, Budnyk has lost Cousineau, Leonard Cusano, Michael ST. TIMOTHY O'Brien, Mike Granada and McKenney, Mary McMoneagle, Rich- MO 6-9277 the services of fullback Bill ard Mangas, Silvia Perez. Margaret George Golay. Gallo for an indefinite period. Rolando, RoseMarie Rolando, Charles Gallo dislocated his kneecap in Shugert. DILLOW'S CITIES SERVICE Golay, at 6-1, 175, is thejight- a blocking drill and the leg will ST. MICHAEL — Ronald Adkins, ALL MECHANICAL WORK and ACCESSORIES est as the others weigh in be- William Adkins. Arlene Barreto, Ce- be in a cast for at least two leste Bell, Julia Bell, Kenneth Benoit, Across Street Frem mi An C U# 1£.*U C» tween 230 and 245 pounds. Christine Cronin, Michelle De Hain- Church and School IU1W S.W. 56th 5t- ant, Mary Foye, John Gauzens, Paul weeks. "// You Can't Stop, Wave" Miami Aiello also figures he has strong candidates for Gold Coast ST. MARY'S ANNUNCIATION HOLY ROSARY Conference All-Star honors in CATHEDRAL guard Frank Bucek, a 185- JIM WILSON pounder, and halfback David Don't miss it! ;^. . 13 years in same location TONY'S Hiss, 210. LAKE FOREST TEXACO COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS BELLE MEADE ' • -TIRES • BATTERIES Despite his size, Hiss has lots ! A NEW WORLD • ACCESSORIES • TUNE-UP of speed and was on the school's BRAKE WORK A SPECIALTY track team during the spring. FRANK) INDIGO xOF WORTH.../ MOTOR At St. Thomas, Coach Jim REPAIRS Kurth was hopeful of match- Pick-up ^-^ Delivery TOP VALUE STAMPS ing or bettering last year's '62 CHEVROLET 1 TOP VALUE STAMPS 5-2-2 mark for second place Shell Oil Change CE 5-1221 in the Gold Coast Conference 7601 Biscayne Blvd. YU 3-9552 3901 S.W. 40th Ave. Across From Bonk of Perrine Northern Division, the highest PL 1-9368 Hollywood, Flo. that the Raiders have ever ST. JOSEPH finished in the league. ST. AGNES ST- STEPHEN'S "I'm not disappointed," the STANDARD HOOKER'S Diocese's 1961 Coach of the year LARRY'S ~^ OIL •/~" said in describing the team's WORLD'S LARGEST CHEVROLET DEALER progress. TEXACO NORTH SHORE "If we can round-up a quar- GARAGE terback we'll be in good shape," See one of these Proprietor-—Larry Gaboury 7110-7118 Abbott Ave. he added. courteous Miami Beach SERVICE v 1 CRANDCN BLVD. TIRES * BATTERIES * ACCESSORIES "»-th has a host of candidates representatives UN 6-9171 ALL AUTO REPAIR * RflAt SERVICE b , to fill the void left by R. F. Fogarty President KEY BISCAYNE YU 3-9656 the graduation of Bill Zloch, an for the BUY of a Johnny Johnson 66©0 PEMBROKE RD. All-State selection. Church of the EM 1-5521 EXPERT MECHANICAL WORK WEST HOLLYWOOD, FLA. lifetime on a Epiphany The Raiders, who have field- BRAND NEW 1962 ed some pretty big teams in ST. JAMES SS. PETER and PAUL ST. ROSE of LIMA the past few years, will put CHEVROLET or the emphasis on speed — only CORVASR. iRobert Hoffman FRAZIER'S SOUTHSIDE tackle Norb Heines tops the St. Timothy PORST 200-pound mark. SERVICE STATION Mike Trombetta, a little 140- LOWER PRICES Pick-up & Delivery Service pounder who won Voice All- HIGHER TRADES AMERICAN Star honors last season, and TAILOR-MADE TERMS SERVICE STATION Bill Shuster look like the top SERVICE SINCKTR guards while Frank Walker and CAR WON'T GO? CALL PRODUCTS Mike Buckley will hold down Showrooms: No. Miami Ave. at 21st St. FR 7-2601 MU 1-0265 JOHN FUSCO ATLAS TIRES • BATTERIES N.E. 2nd Ave. at 99th St. the end posts. * ACCESSORIES Used Cars: 3011 N.W. 36th ST. • NE 5-2582 FR 1-9268 Miami Shares 13705 N.W. 7th Avenue 1180 S.W. Sth Street While both Aiello and Kurth North Miami, Fla. Miami, Florida PL 8-2998 were voicing optimism, Coach

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 25 - xfc_. The Question Box God Love You 'Divorced, Remarried —Can He Join Church?1 Most Reverend Q. I realize that Catholic married couples take vows "until death do us part." How then would a Catholic answer this question Fulton J. Sheen which appeared in Billy Graham's column a few weeks ago? A. The answer to which you refer is this: "Should divorced will perform a Caesarian sec- persons who remarry while the tion unless it is necessary. It party of the first marriage is would not be ethical. However, The greatest miracles. »f grace are seen in mission still living be admitted to the we must be reasonable about lands. Take the case of a Bishop in South Vietnam: church?" your term: non - necessity. That is a problem for the doc- Eighty per cent of the 19,117 people confirmed by this The Rev. Mr. Graham says it tor to evaluate. If he tells you Bishop in two of his dioceses were converts. Not counting depends on circumstances, and that the medical indications he cites our Lord's forgiveness short speeches on special occasions, he preached 62 times! such as to make this opera, .. of the adulterous woman, and desirable, you do no wrong in In one small mission post, there were 50 people taking His kindness toward the frus- following his advice. You might trated fishermen, towards Zac- instructions in 1957;"this year there were 7,000 converts. do wrong in going counter to it. cheus, a "social failure," to the Six years ago in one parish there were 500 Catholics; "He was a railroad man, and his work brought him in Samaritan woman who had been • * * "married five times, and to Mary today there are 3,500. contact with the Dominican Sisters." Q. Can a person be anoint- Magdalene, "a scarlet woman." ed before going to the elec- In a coal-mining town there were 100 Catholics four tric chair? If not, would you SHARING OUR TREASURE "The important thing is this: please explain why? years ago; today there are 4,000. are you now, regardless of the past, prepared to follow Christ?" A. The Sacrament of Ex- treme Unction is for those who Railroad Conductor's 'Chat' In all of this I agree with are in danger of death from If this God Love You column gave tips on the stock Mr. Graham very thoroughly: sickness or accident: "Is any- market, and we gave assurance that a given stock would in- "If we are willing to break with one of you sick? He should call crease 1,000 per cent in three years — the same percentage With Nuns Led Him To Faith the sordid past, and 'sin no in the presbyters of the Church, jaore,' we may be identified as the converts in many places — who would refuse to make and have them pray over him, By Father JOHN A. O'BRIEN gion which could inspire such with Christ." while they anoint him with oil the investment? And yet, when you hear what a few of your Christ commanded all His fol- devotion. "For anyone to refuse fellow- in the name of the Lord. .That dollars would do in the way of spiritual investment for the lowers to be witnesses for Him. "He began to read the ship with a person who has fail- prayer, said with faith, will This means that they are to conversion of souls, why are you not willing to make the Catholic Daily Tribune, pub- ed in any area of life, if they save the sick person, and the investment?- testify to the divine character lished in Dubuque, and Our are now willing to follow Christ Lord will restore him to health. of their religion Sunday Visitor, and would sincerely, is the height of hy- If he has committed sins, they The Society for the Propagation of the Faith is the and to the great pass them on to me. I too pocrisy and is not worthy of the will be forgiven him." (James only Society in the world that pays thousands of percent help it renders ..became interested. We had name Christian." 5, 14-15). in living an up- dividends on the spiritual investment, and that is because heard many of the old charg- The usual custom is for the right and virtu-^ As Catholics, our problem es against Catholics, such as, prison chaplain to stand by, the Lord is the Bestower of Blessings. When you think ous life. Every with most remarriages of this their divided allegiance to and anoint the executed per- of the Missions, always think first of the Holy Father Catholic is thus kind is that we cannot consider America, their blind obedi*. son just as soon as the officials . . . then of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, called to be a ence to Rome, their paying to the remarried person as repent- ant, or as prepared to follow say it is safe to do so. The which is his means for soliciting alms for all of the mis- m i s s i o n ary, have sins forgiven and their, electrocuted man will not be seeking to share evil lives. Now we were be- Christ. His past is still with sionaries of the world. And don't only think; act! We him. He has a wife to whom breathing any more, and his his holy Faith . ginning to wonder if they heart will have stopped. But will be waiting for your investments. Thank you. Father o Briea were merely a pack of lies, he remains validly married as with his church- long as she lives. For reasons we don't know how quickly to- less friends and neighbors. By spread by malicious or ignor- tal death comes. ant people. which may not be his fault he doing this, he participates in cannot live with her. That may A gruesome business, isn't GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs. F. L. for $5 "Through prayers the apostolate of bishops and "We thought it was time to be all right; but he has also it? I personally think we to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, my husband found work priests. investigate. Fortunately there chosen to live with another wo- should be rid of it — capital man, who is not his wife — after months of unemployment. This small offering is in was a friendly and big-hearted punishment, I mean. If he fails, he is faithless except in name. He cannot have Catholic priest, Father John { thanksgiving for this blessing." ... to F. V. for $78.05 "This to Christ and an obstacle to two wives. So he cannot be a the spread of the Faith. Be- Molloy, pastor of St. Patrick's donation is penance for not keeping on my diet this past in Ryan, Iowa, where we were full-fledged, practicing member cause so few Catholics make of the Church as long as this Missal Guide year. Each time I violated my doctor's orders, I donated 50 any effort to share their then living. He was esteemed and loved by Protestants and situation continues. He can- cents to the Missions." ... to L. V. for $5 "Our small son Faith, we are averaging only Sept. 9 — Thirteenth Sunday Catholics alike. He later be- not be mercifully dismissed about one convert for every was lost on a recent shopping trip. We were all so grateful came a monsignor and pastor with a gentle "Go and sin no after Pentecost. Mass of the 300 Catholics per year. John to God when we found him that we promised the enclosed of the Immaculate Conception more," because he fully intends Sunday, Gloria, Gloria, Credo, Moody stated that the most preface of the Trinity. gift in gratitude. Perhaps it will prevent another child's soul Church in Cedar Rapids. We to go back home and continue disturbing discovery he made called on him and he gave us sinning. Sept. 10 — St. Nicholas of To- from being lost to God for eternity." ... to Mr. and Mrs. since embracing the Faith is a thorough course of instruc- lentino, Confessor. Mass of A. N. L. for $5 "A sincere thank-you to Our Blessed Mother the almost complete absence tion. We may sympathize with the the feast, Gloria, second pray- for several very difficult petitions that have been granted." of any missionary spirit among poor fellow's problems. Maybe er against Storms, common the laity. You can be a mis- his first wife was no good, may- preface. ... to Mrs. M. B. for $50 "I am 81 years old and have just "After a few instructions sionary by using casual con- we saw how unfounded were be his efforts to live alone have Sept. 11 — Ferial Day. Mass of recovered from a serious operation. May the Missions share tacts to spread the Faith. all these charges. Jesus pre- presented problems too big for the preceding Sunday without in my happiness!" him, and maybe his new life is This is illustrated in the con- dicted that His Followers Gloria and Credo, second would be hated and persecut- very happy, successful, and prayer of St. Protus and Hya- version of Mrs. Gertrude Wil- morally correct in every other liams of Waterloo, Iowa.—"I ed when He told the disciples: cinth, Martyrs, common pre- respect. But he is still living was reared," related Mrs. Wil- 'You will be hated by all for face. with a woman who is not his You carry the Blessed Mother's image in your heart, liams, "in the United Brethren * my names' sake' (Matthew Sept. 12 — Most Holy Name of but why not show it by wearing her GOD LOVE YOU Church, attended Sunday school 10:22). We saw that only the wife. Mary. Mass of the feast, Catholic Church goes back to medal? The ten letters of GOD LOVE YOU form a decade and played the organ at the This is a hard saying indeed Gloria, second prayer against church services. I had been the days of Christ, its found- "storms, preface of the BIP I of the rosary as they encircle this medal originated to er, and that all the Apostles to our modern world which ac- married about 20 years when cepts divorce as a normal event Virgin Mary. honor the Madonna of the World. With your request and a my husband became interested and disciples were Catholics. Sept. 13 — Ferial Day. Mass of Christ authorized it to teach of life. But our rigor is doctrin- corresponding offering you may order a GOD LOVE YOU in the Catholic religion." ally inescapable. In recom- the preceding Sunday without all nations in His name and Gloria and Credo, common medal in any one of the following styles: promised to be with it all pense, however, we should be "How did he become inter- preface. $ 2 small sterling silver days. doubly kind and considerate to ested?" I asked. those who do find some way to Sept. 14 — Exaltation of the $ 3 small 10k gold filled "He was a railroad man, and "With humble and grateful remedy their situation — to Holy Cross. Mass of the feast, $ 5 large sterling silver his work brought him in con- hearts we were received into those who are now prepared to Gloria, Credo, preface of the $10 large 10k gold filled tact with the Dominican Sis- Christ's true Church and re- sin no more, and to follow Cross. ters. He checked their baggage ceived our Lord in Holy Com- Christ fully — regardless of the Sept. 15 — Seven Sorrows of and helped them in various munion. My husband's widowed past. the Blessed Mary. Mass of ways. They were grateful and mother and our three children the feast, Gloria, second pray- SHEEN COLUMN: Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice told him a little about their re- followed in our footsteps. The • • • er of St. Nicomede, Martyr, to it and mail it to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National ligion. When he learned that testimony of a few Sisters about Q. In case of non-necessity preface of the Blessed Virgin Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 they gave their lives without their religion started a chain does a Catholic commit a Mary. pay to the teaching of children, reaction that led to six conver- Sept. 16 — Fourteenth Sunday Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N.Y., or your Diocesan Director, mortal sin by having a Cae- gave up their own family names sions. Would that I could share sarian delivery? after Pentecost. Mass of the Rev. Neil J. Flemming, 6301 Biscayrie Blvd., Miami 38, Fla. and took the names of. saints, my holy Faith with many Sunday, Gloria, Credo, pre- he. became interested in a reli- others!" A. I don't believe your doctor face of the Trinity.

Page 26 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami. Florida IN FOCUS FILM RATINGS — FILMS MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR Goldwyn Proposes New Code Of Ethics GENERAL PATRONAGE Across the Bridge J '11 Give My Life Reluctant Saint Air Patrol In Between- Age Hide Out Tor Revenge By WILLIAM H. MOORING between "artistic" and "com- double bill "Almost Angels" and impersonates the warm-hearted Anas Jesse James In Wake of Strancer Ring a Ding Rhythm AM Hands On DecK Invasion of the, • Road To Hong Kong mercial" cinema. He never "Lady and the Tiamg," the - choir-master and other charac- Babes In Toy land Star Creatures Runaway Sam Goldwyn, maestro of D.'ifthfui Elephant It's Only-Money Safe At Home made a condemned movie. Nat- first new, the second a replay. ter roles ar£ played toy actors, Best Of Enemie* Invasion Quartet Siuntly Sinners movies §ud malaprops, feted by ueauiy imu me Beast lnvisdtjke Boy Sergeant Was A Lady urally he made some mistakes. but most 'of the boys are real Beyond Time Burnler Invisible Lnv;iders Silent Call Hollywood on his 80th birthday, "Almost Angels" is an en- Big Gamble Jack The Giant Killer Slaves of Carthage Once he almost fell for the members of the choir. We see Bi« Jeeter ,Jonn f*aui Jones Snow Fire his 50th year as an American trancing movie about the 464- Ble Night La Belle Americalne Spy in the Sky tricks of pro-red propagandists. them training, studying and Big Wave l^iwiies Man : Stop, Look and Laugh film producer, celebrates by an- year-old Vienna Boys Choir, first Bon Voyag* Land We>Love Story of the Count But he never deliberately insult- playing at their headquarters, .'... sie**» Last Angry Man of Monte Crist© nouncing he soon will start an- established by Austria's Ferdi- , Boy and the Pirates Last Dawn Stowaway In the Sky ed the intelligence or the morals the beautiful 18th century Au- Cst A lAitf if *W Last Days of Pompeii Summer To Remember other picture. nand I, to sing the Mass in the Clown And The Kid Last Voyage Swinging Along of the paying public. Goldwyn garten Palace, recreated in Vi- Coming CVut Party Left, Right ami Center Sword And The Draiwm Imperial Chapel. Comancheros I he Ltbel Tarzan Goes To India Then he proposes that all always knew on which side his enna's Rosenhugel studios. They Conspiracy of Hearts Life of Maria Goretti Teenage Millionaire Crash -I,amlinir Little Shepherds Of Ten Who Dared branches of the American film bread was buttered. He got cake Through a humorous, neatly sing Mass t in the Piaristen- Da It oh That Got Kingdom Come - There Was A Crooked Away Lost World Man industry set up a new code of as well! convincing story about two kirche, where Haydn, Liszt and Damn the Defiant Majority Of One 300 Spartans Damon and Pythias Master of World Three Stooges In Orbit ethics. His idea: "To secure new choir boys (Vincent Win- Bruckner once performed at the David And Goii;»Ui Man On A String Tomboy Ami Champ DISNEY'S "ANGELS" i organ. They also present part of Dentist In CYaoir Michael Stro*oJTI Trojan Horse fairness, honesty and inegrity in ters and freckle-faced Denis Itescrt Attack Midsummer Night's Twelve To The Moon Theater owners who claim a Strauss' Operetta in Vienna's Desert Patrol Dream Two Little Bears every phase of film making; to Gilmore who get into a has- Itelod Heaven Miracle of the Hill* Under Ten Flags shortage of films forces them to famed Musikveriensaal. tog's Ducky Mr. Bobbs Takes Underwater City provide fine entertainment and sle with a jealous "veteran" the Nib A Vocation Unearthly restore standards of conduct — show a questionable picture on Pi',1 . -eks In A Balloon Misty UP In Smoke of 14 (Sean Scully), "Almost I ace oi£ Fire Moon Pilot Valley of Dragons the same bill as a good, family In excellent color this should •''laming Frontier Mothra Warrior arid Slave Girl personal and professional —: so Angels" (meaning they sing P'"ie An1 Arrow Murder, She Said WMch Your Stern attraction, have been put on the appeal to many people who've Follow That Dream Mysterious Island When Clock Strikes that the money which comes almost like angels!) brings us Forever My Love Niiw i-ives spot.' See what your local thea- "left off going to the movies." Tor the Love of Mike Wild Westerners, The from the public is not squand- fascinating insights into the Gambler Wore A Gun No Man Is An Island Winps of Chance ters d about it. Walt Disney, f'.Ut of Love On The Double Wonderful World of ered and audiences that used colorful history and back- Its beauty^-artistry, warmth and Gife'ot Persuader;. the Brothers Grimm with whom thousands of parents (ireat Day Peacemaker, The World Was His Jury to go to the movies are en- grounds of the world-famous humor'strike a welcome change Gnnfieht • Phantem of the Opera World Without End have taken up this irritating Hey Boy. Hey Girl Pirates of Tortuga Wronc Man couraged to come back." choir. from the .sad, sick surfeit most Hey, Let's Twist Power Among Men You Have To problem of piebald program- Honeymoon Machine -Purple Hills Run Fa*t theaters recently have inflicted xacnine - / z.otZotz Goldwyn "does not be- ming, is offering a family-style, A II — MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR Austrian star Peter Week, upon us. ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS As The Sea Rages Guns Of Darknen Requiem For a live in censorship," but says Hand of Death Heavyweight "every producer must be his' Balloon Hands of a Stranger Samar Barabbas , Hell Bent For Leather Because They're Young Horizontal Lieutenant Sardonicus own censor;" a tacit admis- Belle Sommers The Hellions Say One For Me Beware Of Children Harold Lloyd's Scent of Mystery sion that restraints are es- Beyond All Limits World of Comedy Secret of Deep Harbor sential. Big Money Hell Is For Heroes Secret Partners. Bird man Of Alcatrai Hit And nun Shadow Of Fear Black Sunday Holiday For Lovers Shadow Of The Cat Of 70 Goldwyn movies nam- Black Tights Home Is Tbc- Hero Shame of the Blueprint For Robbery Incident In An Alley Sabine Womea Born To Be Loved Kid Galahad Sinner ed in a testimonial program, 39 Brainwashed Lineup Six Black Horses were mdde after the Legion of Bride to the SUB Lisa Sniper's Ridge Broken Lane So Lovely — So Deadly Lion, The Son£ Without End Decency, in February 1936, be- But Not For Me Lonely Are the Brave Spiral Road Bridge To Sun Lost Battalion Stranger At My Door gan publishing its moral evalua- Burning Nights Madison Avenue Stranger In My Arms "ifyaur Cage of Evil Magnificent Seven tions. Of the 39, eleven were City After MJdnfeht Man In Cocked Hat State Fair Colossus Of Rhodes Man In The Moon Surrender Hell approved for general patronage Counterplot Man In The Net Sword of tbe Cow And 1 Manster, The s .Conqueror and 21 for adults. Of the re- Crazy For Love Marie Octobre Teenage Bad Girl financial transactions Date With Disaster Matter Of Who Teenage Caveman maining 7 Goldwyn pictures that Day of Fury Mein Kantvf Tender Is The Night Dead To The World Mighty Ursus Ten Seconds To Hell drew Legion objections, I doubt Deadly Duo Miracle Worker 13 West Street Deadly Companions Most Wanted Man 'lliunder In The Sun there is one that would fail to Dont Knock The Twist Mountain Road ' Tormented are important to you., My Geisha Trunk, The • Eleventh Commandment Naked Edge Twenty Plus Two make the "adult" list today. Escape From Zahraln Neapolitan Carousel Two Rode Together Experiment In Terror Night Creatures Two Tickets To Parl« Face ol a Fugitive No Place To Hide Virginis of Rome This record is unsurpassed Fanny No Where To Go Wake Me When {hen they're important Fear No More Once Upon' A Horse by any other independent, Flower Drum Son* Operation Bottleneck It's Over Follow That Man Outsider, The Walk Like A Dragon Hollywood producer, living or HOKE T. MAROON Four Horsemen of Party Crashers Walking Target the Apocalypse Pocketful of Miracles White Warrior dead. Goldwyn's efforts, vary- President Four Ways Oat' Premature Burial Wild and The Innocent to us!" Frantic Price Of Fear Woman Hunt ing from social dramas to General Delia Rover** Woman Obsessed A III — MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR ADULTS musical comedies; cowboys to Ada Home From The Hill Portrait In Black Adventures of a Purple Gang gangsters, romantic adven- Young Man Horror Chamber of Rachel Cade All In Night's- Work . Dr. Faustus Rebel Set ture to historical biography, Another lime. Another Horror Hotel Rider on a Dead Horse Place House or Intrigue Rocco and His Brother were invariably meritorious, Angel Wore Red Hustler, The Ring Of Fire Ask Any Gdrl I "Like Money Rome Adventure frequently distinguished. Bachelor In Paradise I Thank a Fool Root* of Heaven Back To The Wall I'm AH llight Jack Sail A Crooked Ship Best Of Every thin i? Information Received Satan Never Sleeps He struck a cagey balance Big Deal On Inherit The Wind Season of Passion You don't have to be big business to be welcome Madonna St. Innocents, The Seven Thieves Black Orpheus Interns, The Singer, Not The Song Boys Night Out Key Witness Something Wild business at Merchants Bank or Commercial Breakfast At Tiffany's La Notte Brava Sound and the Fury By Love Possessed Last Year at Summer and Smoke Captain's Table Marienbad Sweet Bird of Youth Children's Hour League of Gentlemen Taste of Honey Programs Sunday F Bank. Our officers —trained to deal successfully Claudelle Inglish Let No Man Write The Notorlus Landlady Come September My Epitaph This Earth Is Mine Couch, The Light In the Piazza Three On A Spree | On Radio, TV [ with every individual or business financial prob- Counterfeit Traitor Look Back In Anger Through A Glass Counterfeiters of Paris Magician Darkly Day of the Outlaw M;ihe Mine Mink Thunder of Drums SPANISH CENTER lem — are always at your disposal, always teady End of Innocence Married Too Young Tower Of London Explosive Generation Mirror Has Two faces Town Without Pity WMET, 1220 Kc, 10:30 a.m. Facts Of Life Ninth Circle Two Weeks in to provide the service you need...and a little Five Golden Hours Odds Against Tom'row Another Town Spanish Religious Program of Four Fast Guns On Any Street Two Women French Mistress One, Two. Three View From Bridge Centro Hispano Catolico with extra. You'll find neighborhood convenience com- Girl With A Sudtcase One Foot In Hell West Side Story Crass Is Greener One Plus One Why Must I Die Father Primitivo Santamaria, Happy Thieves Only Two Can Play Wonderful Country bined with big-bank facilities awaiting you at Heroes Die Young Panic In Year Zero Wonders of Alladin O.P., moderator; and Father Hell Is A City Please Turn Over Yesterday's_ Enem__ y Hitler Plunderers. The YounYore HHav e N o TTimi e Jose Maria PoDos, O.P. B _ MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE IN PART FOR ALL COMMERCIAL BANK (northwest) or MERCHANTS Angel Baby HO>IM» nt wnmM Night— - s Of Rasputin Back from the Dead J?»»« gn ?h™'" Passion of Slow Fire "THAT I MAY SEE" BANK (southwest). At either location, you'll find Back StreeS t Waterfrontt Payroll, The Big Show Indestructible Man Pretty Boy Friend WCKT, Ch. 7, 11 a.m. On Black Whip It Happened In Athens Private Lives of Blood And ROSP« It Started With a KAM Adam. Eve Diocesan program "That I a warm welcome, and the personal assistance Bloody Brood, The It Takes A Thief Purple Noon Born Reckless Joker, The Hat Race May See" Father David J. Brain That Journey To The Rebel Breed you heedl Wouldn't Die Seventh Planet Revolt of Slaves " Heffernan shows a Catholic Bramble Bush Juvenile Jungle Rookie Cabinet of Caligari Kiss Them For Me Sanctuary TV film about a solid citizen Can-Can Law, The . Shakedown Chapman Report Let's Make Love Shoot the investigated by a TV com- I hope to see you soon! i'ireus of Horrors Live Fast, Die Young Piano Player Concrete Jungle Look I>~ Any Window Solomon and Sheba mittee. Crack in the Mirror Love IK Goldfish Bowl Some Came Running HOKE T. MAROON Cry For Happy Sons And Lovers Lover Come Back Splendor In Grass MASS FOR SHUT-INS President Curse of the Werewolf Lovers On A Tightrope Subway Sn the Sky D.iddy-O M;tgdalena Summerskin WLBW-TV, Ch. 10, 11:30 a.m. Desire In Dust Man In the Shadow Take A Giant Step Devil's Eye Mania Telltale Heart The Sunday Mass For Shut-Ins Doctor In Love Man of the West Terror in the N.1ght Doctor No Man on the Prowl Wiat Touch of Mink will be celebrated by Father I'-d^d-Of Fury Mark, The This Angry Age El/***** Day of Marriage Go Round Three On A Spree John J. Nevins, assistant direc- 'I '**elr Mary Had A Little Tomorrow Is My Turn Fir« 1, The Matter of Morals, A Too Bad She's Bad tor of Gatholic Charities and as- Five ,es to Hell Maxime Too Late Blues Force of Impulse Middle of the Night Too Young for Love sistant pastor of the Cathedral. Frightened City Minotaur Two Faces of /o interest per annum paid on 12 month From The Terrace Misfits Narration by Father Bernard J. ttirl Tn Room 13 Morgan The Pirate1 Dr. Jekyll Girl Named Tamiko rwo Loves savings certificates of deposit Most Dangerous Very Private Affair Reilly, C. M., professor at St. flirl's Town Man Alive Warrior Empress n eres er Goddess Of Love Naked Dawn Wayward Girl John Vianney Minor Seminary. 1/ % ' * * P annum compounded Goodbye A rain Never So Few What Price Murder Guns Of Black Witch Night Of Evil Wife For A Night 3 »2 quarterly on all savings accounts Gypsy Nit'ht of the Quarter Wild Harvest CATHOLIC NEWS Happy Anniversary Of Love and Lust Wild In The Country Head, The WGBS, 710 Kc; 96.3 FM, 6:05 REGULAR, COMMERCIAL Bel)' Antonio CONDEMNED AND PERSONAL CHECK- Breathless Dangereuses Prime Time p.m. News of the Diocese of Mi- Come Donee With Me Love Is My Profession Question of Adultery ING ACCOUNTS • BUSI- During One Night Lovers Night Heaven Fell ami from The Voice and world- NESS LOANS • MONET Five D.-iy Lover Mating Urge Saturday Night And ORDERS • DEALER SALES Green Mare, The Naked Night Sunday. Morning wide Catholic news compiled FINANCING • AUTOMO- Joan of the Angels Never On Sunday Sins Of Mona Kent Jules And Jim Odd Obsession Temptation from the full report of the BILE AND INSTALLMENT I arty Chatterly's Oscar Wilde Third Sex LOANS OF ALL TYPES T .over Port Of Desire Truth, The NCWO News Service. Commen- SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES L'Avventura Pot Bowlie Young and Damned tator: Father David J. Heffer- COMMERCIAL BANK DAY AND NIGHT DEPOS- MERCHANTS BANK Les Liaisons SEPARATE CLASSIFICATION** OF MIAMI ITORIES • AUTO TELLER OF MIAMI Advise and Co—Consen. t King of Kings • Mud Below nan. AND WALKUP WINDOWS Circle of Deception Walk on the Wild Side Strangers In A City • • * 9301 N.W. 7th AVENUE BANK BY MAIL • U.S. 950 RED ROAD (S.W. 57th Ave., near the Trail) Important Man, The Pressure Point Too Young To Love SAVINGS BONDS • FREE Intruder Sky Above And Programs presented by the PL 9-8511 PARKING • TRAVELER'S M0 7-5661 <**A separate classification is given to certain films which, while Radio and Television Com- CHECKS not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretation and false mission of the Diocese of Mi- Membeis Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (onflnsions.) ami. Father David J. Heffer- (Please clip and save this list. It will be published periodically.) nan, Chairman.

September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Page 27 THE MARKET P.I, ACE FOR * • , . ?£ (Announcements - S ales •-' -5erv*c«s - Rentals - Real Sstate PERSONALS CARPENTIK RUG CLEANING MONOGRAMMING & Embroidering, St. Brendan's Parish • HOUSEHOLD, Give your Rugs & Carpets a ANNOUNCEMENTS Linens & Uniforms - Custom work. FOR SALE SMALL REPAIRS, ROOF LEAKS etc. "YOUR OJSW'' CALL FR 4-7343 eves & weekends. •NW LOOK' • For ESTIMATE When You're Planning a BICYCLES Call John Crimmlns for estimate,. CALL Hank • 'PL 4-0898 C A 1-4359 .OR C A 1-5674 ( HOME) WEDDING RECEPTION, DANCE, SANTAS PARTIES • The /Hostess NEW AND USED BICYCLES SEPTIC TANKS LUNCHEON, PARTY etc; call gets the 'Mostess' with a Santas from $9.95 ALSO Repairs, CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SfPTIC TANK CLEANING The Knighli of Columbia Hill Party. Earn free' toys & gifts .Rentals & Pointing. SCHWINN PATIOS, drives,, walks, floors Miami • Hitleah • All N. DacTe 270 Catalonia Ave., Coral Ciblcl NA 4-1741 Wl 7-6032 NA '4-31991 Bicycles - English Bikes, $29.95. Keystone, color, any size job. RADIO DISPATCHED SERVICE J35 up. Air tondi'iioning optional CALL PL 7-1000 anytime. Top Price For Your Coins ' 4332 N. W. 7th Ave. PL 9-5241 Quality work INSURED MU 8-2131 SEE or CALL Btrnie Di Crittafaro ELECTRICIANS HI 1/9242 OR MO 1-2865 UNITED STATES - CANADIAN/ FREE. LOCK WITH THIS ADI VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE MINNET ELECTRIC SERVICES ' tEAUTY SHOPS Send or . Write W, F. Moss VENETIAN BLINOS CORNICES DO8SO BEAUTY SALON 4228 Seagrape Dr. Ft. Lauderdale BUILDING MATERIALS Specializing in Repair, Remodeling Refiniihed Repairs Your Home "Exclusive Hair Styling"' LO 6-7521 OR LU 3-2198 Ft. Laud. Call STEADCRAFT PL V 684<\ 26B1 N. W. 7th St. NE 5-021T CUT YOUR COSTS ON: LANDSCAPING 9510 N.W. 7th Ave. .(Member of St. Jamev' Pa'S>M- MANY FINE HOMES INSTRUCTION AUTOMOTIVE HURRICANE PLYWOOD SOD, 3c FT. • LAWNS DUG UP, lc FT MEAR CHURCHES & SCHOOLS Year 'round TUTORING. Private CLEAN USED LUMBER TOP SOIL • SAND $6:50 & UP WATER HEATERS AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ' or group. Elementary subjects. DOORS, ALL TYPES - New & Used Call Jos. Cangialosi EVES NA 11913 ' • LOUIS E. MILLER Plumbing Co" LISTED IN THIS ISSUE! A ir conditioned studio. WINDOWS . PAINT • ROOFING GOING IN SERVICE . '62 Galaxy, IAWN SERVICE Water Heater Repairs & Sales' CALL MU 5-2269, NOW. stick shift, smalt down' payment, TAR KETTLE RENTALS 4102 laguna Est. 1930 HI 8-9912 Mow edge, - trim and clean up PLEASE USE THE take over balance payments. MANY OTHER % $ SAVING ITEMS Keep your child at GRADE Bedding, planting. Spread sand & 4525 N. W. 4th TER. HI 4-5255 LEVEL with personal tutoring by CASH & CARRY BUILDERS SUPPLY soil. Rock gardens. Call CA 1-1593. - Certified Teacher. Call Wl 7-2447 1400 N. W. 29th St. NE 5-9745 RENTALS Voice Classified Ads ADELPHI TUTORING SERVICE CARS PARKINS VELVET LAWN SERVICE . White As Your Check Lht. of* Adelphi Business College • Ptrk Your Ctr at 'MURPHY'S* DRIVEWAY SEAL * Special! Biscayne Park, Miami Shores RQOMS • N.iE. All school subjects. All.levels. Parking lot in downtown Miami FIVE GALLONS . $6.45 OR Narth Miami areas. CA L I J NEAR BARRY COLLEGE & St. Rosa NE 4-8672 MU 1-3568 PL 7-76*3 322 N.W. 2nd St., 3 blockl from ALUMINUM TRAILER TOP COATING PL 4-02 15 or P L 9-3.2 4 4 of lima Church. Working woman iht Courlhouit. Rtaionablt ratal. WAREHOUSE - JAckson 2-6741 LAWN MOWER.SERVICE ' wants same to share her two Mike Murphy - Prop. Member Geiu 739 N. W. 6th Ave. Ft. lauderdale MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. "" bedroom apartment. PL 4-1339 1 . 5 week days OR 754-3112 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Authorized Service antf Parts Fertilize:! • Sharpening • Welding BUSINESS SERVICES PAIR wrought iron bunk beds Block to Boulevard - Comfortablo TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU room in private home for business with mattresses - VERY GOOD 27 S. W. 27th Ave. Oil HI 4-2305 lady • breakfast privilege condition .. $30. CALL 30 DAY INSURANCE 2025A Old Culler 8d. Call CE 5-432] optional CALL PL 4-2236 MO 7-9C96 after 6 and week-ends. IAWN SPRINKLERS GIL HAAS INSURANCE, INC. ROOMS - N. W. Se« or call Ul lot IV Frigidaire Refrigerator - ALL ALLIED LAWN SPRINKLER lawn Sprinklers, Pumps and Wells MASTER bedroom with private bath, Porcelain. A perfect buy at $45. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE installed • serviced & maintained. telephone and air conditioning. SPECIAL! 133* N. W. 3»th St. Ht 30921 1898.1 N. W. 7th Ave. NA 4-8074 SERVING S. FLORIDA SINCE 1949 $12 week. .C A 1 L NA 1-2382_ MOVING I STOHAGi MISCELLANEOUS FREE ESTIMATES IN DADE, RENTALS tCont'd) SAVE TIME . WORRY • MONEY Hi-Fi Automatic Record Player, BROWARD I COLLIER COUNTIES. Coll Jet Welch Moving t Storage $100; 30 x 30 Lamp Table with CALL MU a-4661 OR K 8-70>3' Want a 'Result-Getting' «*? for el| your moving problem!. drawers and lamp, $50; two arm FAINTING lust phone fir. 1941. C A I I NE 3-2441 chairs and matching drapes, $100; ' Mist Thompson, PL 8-6772 Poy» OR MU 1-1102 Ev.nlnoi. PAINTING . Interior • Exterior large desk, PLUS bedroom, living Insured, Cleon, Reliable. LOW lecst 4 long Diilanct Moving room furniture, etc, CALL RATE. Coll FRANK PL 1-4886 MU 8-3616 week-ends or evenings. ® North ef (JJ it T IBB PAINTING By Contract • ANY AREA ©SILVER SPrUNGS® MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOGA.RTY BROS. Interior • REASONABLE • Exterior CALL NE 5-2425 TRUMPET "KING". - like NEW,- LICENSED & INSURED 2 2 -LOTS- 2 § OPTICIANS .' cost $120 - SACRIFICE, $60. Vernon L. Cassell CALL 881-2906 17340 N. W. 53rd Ct. NA 1-2908 ANDREW OPTICIANS PAINTING & PLASTcRING - Any PRICE IU filled . lent, Frames Duplicated WURLITZER SPINET Piano and s.ize job. References. For free 7301 N. l\3nd AVE. PL 7-5241 bench, practically new. ESTIMATE CALL MO 1-6366 SACRIFICE PRICE • PL 1-6812 'SIGNS ~~~* HOUSE PAINTING • RooFs prenure HANTS AND TREES EDVITO SIGNS deemed, cooled. Kitchen cobineti, © furniture. Awnings spray~pa'inted. ON Trucks W.ll. Cold Leaf SHADE TREES . $2.50 For free Estimate coll _HI 3-5503 . © 90 N. W. '54th St. PL (-7025 /m $10 DOWN SAGO PALMS - $2.50 HOUSEHOLD GOODS LIGHT YOUR WAY THREE MEN . fast and neat, fret )£ $10 month )m (Regularly sell for $5.00). estimate, interior • txterior. \^7 SaO AND to bttttr bvtineit MELANDO.R NURSERY Kitchen cabinets iproy painted, ©Without interest taxes 05 15721 N. W. 7th Ave. Wl 7-6971 roofs cleaned, painted. HI 3-5503 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRO NEON Sl£N CO., Inc 8:30 • 5:30 Daily - Closed Wednesday "7ROMPT SERVICE ~ 3~mer7,"lnterior~ (2^ Florida State Finance Co (g Virry Monahan, OX 10JOS WANT TO IUY or Exterior • FREE Estimates, /m 807 Olympia Bldg m 2955 N.W. 75th St. Kitchen Cabinets, Appliances etc. WANTED . Chest of drawers, beds, Miami Fla FOR SALE ADS!! Miami, Fit. spray painted. References MO 1-6366. TAX! - CASJ china cabinets-, used appliances, ® - ® etc. CALL P L 8". 9 40 8 PLUMBING 24 HOUR CAB SERVICE McCORMICK BOYETT Serving S. W. Did* Plumbing Co. 24 HR. SERVICE CEDAR CA» • CE 3-5552- HOME IMPROVEMENT We specialize in plumbing repairs Classified Rates WRAPPING SERVICE 9443 Park Dr., Miami Shores, Fla. September Ijf, 1961) Headquarters for Railway BUILDERS Day PL 70606 Night PL 9-0355. PL o-vo22 Express OR Parcel Post Shipments. Additions, Repairs • ALL TYPES 3 lint • 2 Time Minimum Charge SAVE WE AXE PROFESSIONAL PACKERS A. J. CONTRACTING CO. Phi! Palm Plumbing Couftt 5 average words per line THE BAREFOOT MAILMAN Licensed & Insured. NO JOB REPAIRS (. ALTERATIONS Regular 8 Pt. Body Type 334 Valencia, C. Goblel HI 41773 TOO SMALL. Let us prove our NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR CAPS low cost to you. CALL Tony | Call PLaza 8-9896 Per Per Times Line Issue 'Total Wl 7-3989 OR Jack NA 1-3326 ROOFING Lines 50% 3 2 .50 1.50 -3.00 EMPLOYMENT 'let our LOW OVERHEAD save ' JOHN'S ROOFING you money' • All types of leaky Roofs Repaired 3 3 .50 1.50 4.50 HELP WANTED • FEMALE Additions, Florida rooms. Bed- IS and up. Call CA 4-2790 3 4 .45 1.35 5.40 rooms, Baths & Swimming Pool] 3 13 .40 1.20 15.60 EMMONS" JEWELERS ROOF REPAIRS 14 up Licensed & Insured. FREE ESTIMATE 3 26 .35 1.05 27.30 by contractor • no salesmen, CALL All TYPES ROOFING I REPAIRS EXPANSION PROGRAM 52 .90 .(SEE DETAILS BELOW) JIM JOHNSON . OX 1-2737 LICENSED & INSURED 3 .30 46.80 (Member '- St. John's Perish) Call Joseph R. Faearazio for SAME RATE as IVi Has openings for several 10 PT lines ordinary type ambitious' women, part or full FREE ESTIMATE • CA. 1.6471 Regular Rate . NOW! 16 YEARS ROOFING EXPERIENCE SAME RATE 'as 2 time. Ideal for housewives BUI1OINO REPAIRS 3 lines - 2 weeks $3. $1.50 (Member of St. Brendan'! Parish) 12PT lines ordinary type with children. Free) training, 4 lines • 2 weeks $4. . $2.00 SAMK RATE as 3 highest commissions paid weekly. AL • The Handyman ROOFS . PRESSURE CLEANED 14 PT lines ordinary trjpv 5 lines - 2 weeks $5. $2.50 No delivery, collections OR Encloie carportei, painting, ROOFS • PRESSURE CLEANED SAME KATJf (Same discount applies on additional lineage for investment. Opportunity for taloutiet, carpentry, masonry I $14.95 -ANY SIZE ROOF lines ordinary HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND MISCELLANEOUS ADS) advancement. Phone NA 4-6792 household repairs. No job too 18 PT Licensed and Insured. HI 4-1627 634-1651 and PL 1-256? small. Wl 7-6423 or Wl 5-7871 DTSAME RATE as 5 PlMit mail by SATURDAY tir the next FRIDAY" issue POSITIONS WANTED - FEMALE TONY THE HANDYMAN | I lines ordinary type Electric, plumbing, csrpanlry, PLEASE PATRONIZE CHILD CARE . -Adjacent to and metonry, iolauiin nnd pointing. (Y)OVR Advertisers Classified Display Rates member of Immaculate Conception Initoll air conditions. Wl 7.423a1 MAU. COUPON TODAY! Parish. CALL TU 8-8469 in The 'Voice* MART & Ad Deadline CONTRACT RATES POSITIONS WANTED MALEv Tuesday . 6 PM. ON REQUEST Th« Voice Mart P.O. Box 37-575 Miami 37. Flori&a. RELIABLE man wants maintenance work, janitor etc. Regular or Call PL 8-8772 Enclosed find $ _ . .Please publish "For Sale" ad days. Moderate salaryi References. • Plumbing Repair Service Jfor 2 weeks beginning- SEPTEMBER (14th), (21st) OR. (28th). Call EDDIE • FR 3-1679 (collect). Weekdays 9 to 6 |J [Check starting date.) (Pltoit Write your" ad en separate ihtttl Positions Wtd. . MALE OR FEMALE Saturdays 9 to 3 WHEN YOU NEED OFFICE-WORKERS — . or twit* Industrial OR. Construction help' PLaza 7-0606 The 'Voice' Mart please call CA 1-5704 • Tuesday, ELECTRIC SEWER CABLE , •' Thursday or Saturday mornings. . Box 37-575, Miami 37, Fla. St. Vincent de Paul Society PLaza 9-0355 Nights and Sundays PL 8-9622# (St. Brendan's Conference) McCormick - Boyett Plumbing Co. • P.ublislig4.Every- FRIDAY IFanna make our Advertisers 9443 Park Drive Miami Shores X COPY DEADLINE happy? ... .Remember to tell them you saw their ad TUESDAYS-6 P.M. in the 'Voice' MARY SMALL ADS-BIG RESULTS1 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7; .1962 PAGE .28 APARTMENTS - N. W. HOMES FOR SALE • No. MIAMI BEACH HOMES -FOR SALE 2 bedroom furnished apartment, THREE BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS, NEAR ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH $68 month plus utilities. REAL ESTATE screened porch. 1110 N. E. 211th. $,9,990! - 3 bedroom, 1 bath' 25 N. W. 51st St. PL 1-0726 Terrace, North Miami Beach. CALL stove and refrigerator, gas heat, APARTMENTS FOR SALE . N. E. Wl 5-8694 between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. APARTMENTS - COCONUT GROVE $650 DOWN'- NO CLOSING COST. NEW DELUXE CORNER DUPLEX. HOMES FOR SALE • N.W. Brand New 'ARISTOCRAT' Oak floors, solar heat and garage CALL OWNER YU 9-8338 3411 Main .Hwy. & McF«rl»«e Rd. 41 N. E. 64th St. PL 8-8628 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, living FHA RESALE AGENTS SEE O'BRIEN room, dinette, kitchen, furniihed APTS. FOR SALE - FT. LAUDERDALE $67 PER month. Very little cash, 1) - NICE 2 bedroom furnished, or unfurnished, air-conditioned NEW DUPLEX . FOUR bedrooms, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, nice home and screened porch-, excellent • & heat. Covered parking. Yearly 4 baths at 1057 S. W. 30th Street. school section. KEYS at NA 1-3623 landscaping - $9500! or seasonal. CALL HI 4-6793 Near Catholic Church and. School. 2)-NICE TWO bedroom home, APARTMENTS - MIAMI BEACH $17,750. Sacrifice for quick sale ! J. A. STONE, REALTOR good location - $5900! 3) - MIRAMAR - 3 bedroom, two For appointment, call JA 3-4034 JERRICO Garden Apartments • 830< bath home, extra large pool 8310 Byron Ave, Some waterfront MORTGAGES ST. MICHAEL'S PARISH - Three and patio - $2000 down. bedroom apartments. FURNISHEC MORTGAGE LOANS bedrooms, 1 bath - by owner. 4) - BEAUTIFUL building' lots, $100 month fc up yearly. Summer FREE INSPECTION 3748 N. W. 13th St. NE 4-8630 60 X 100, paved streets & rates $70 month & up. 3 blocks 1st and 2nd MORTGAGES HOMES FOR SALE • S. W. city water - $800 EACH! '-> St. Joseph's School, public RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL >ls & bus. NEAR shopping WALK to St. Brendan's Church and 5) - THREE BEDROOM, TWO BATH, Florida Mortgage Placement Co. eV .an. UN 5-5556 or NA 4-679• School . THREE bedroom, 2 bath, $10,900 - $100 DOWN. 1535 E 4th Ave Hialeah TU 5-1155 Florida room, air conditioning, 6) - 30 Acre TRAILER PARK, 25% HOMES - N. E. INVESTMENT PROPERTY oversized fenced yard and many, down. Price & Terms right. many extras. ONLY $700 DOWN. KEYSTONE TOURIST COURT 2< CAN INCREASE TO SOt1 sq.ft. O'BRIEN REALTY «307 N. E. 2nd Ave. Efficiency .8421 S. W. 35th TER. CA 1-3316 YU 9-2096 - EVES YU 3-4428 NC Photos FREE Brochure 1888 S. W. 1st St. Cottigt 1 Trailer Spaces 6081 Washington St. W. Hollywood PHONE PL 4-6295 f. 1. MURRAY, Realtor FR 1-3779 ONE block to St. Timothy's Church SECOND-PLACE ribbon from the Dubnque (Iowa) County Fair YEARLY RATES • G. W, loich. and School. Completely furnished HOMES FOR SALE - N. E. Near St. Stephen's Church went to this Holstein bull which belongs to the Trappist Abbey HOMES • N.W. three bedroom, two bath by owner. TRANSFERRED. CALL MO 7-5956 THREE BEDROOMS, THREE BATHS, of Our Lady of New Melleray.^A Trappist priest, left, and a BLOCK TO ST. JAMES' - 3 bed- 36 5 N. E. 111th ST. Florida Room, All rooms and .' brother hold their prize bull. room CBS, unfurnished, $115 month. THREE BEDROOMS • $16,500 Near St. Brendan's closets EXTRA LARGE I Perfect 640 M. W. 133rd St. MU 1-6140 To inspect call - PL 4-0831 condition. NO equal for the ARTHUR E. PARRISH, Realtor SMALL DOWN PAYMENT HOMES • NORTH MIAMI BEACH Beautiful three bedroom home, price. $15,500. GOOD TERMS I Institute To Hold In a country atmosphere, close to CHOICE LOCATION kitchen range, nicely landscaped, BOLAND REALTY Holy Name Rally everything. Spacious 2 bedrooms; priced to sell. TERMS. Call English Conferences 6445 Pembroke Rd. W. Hywd. 2 baths, living room, dining ONLY $80 0 D OWN I FRANK WELTER REALTY Weekly. English-speaking room, Florida room, tiled kitchen, .3301 S. W. 75th Court. MO 6-3823 YU 9-8550 OR eves YU 3-4424 Planned Sept. 30 Close to Curley and Notre Dame conferences, sponsored by 2 car garage, $110 per month, ' HOMES FOR SALE - SOUTH MIAMI ' 2635 N. E. 205th St. (off Dixie THREE bedroom, two bath CBS (2 REDUCED $200 FOR QUICK SALE the Social Action Institute, bedrooms air conditioned), -large ST. THOMAS' PARISH - Sacrifice. Highway) OPEN September 8th and New home in Miramar - 2 bedrooms, In Lehigh Acres will begin Thursday, Sept. 13, modern kitchen, stove, dishwasher, leaving town, $2000 down takes 9th to 6 P. M. At other times 2 baths, refrigerator, closed with a talk by Dr. Jose I. tall JA 4-4944 (Ft. Lauderdale) refrigerator, garbage disposal, 3 bedroom FURNISHED, by owner. LEHIGH ACRES — A rally patio, garage, awnings, pump & Lasaga, Cuban Psychologist, ' OFFICES - SOUTH MIAMI fenced back yard. BY OWNER Assume FHA mortgage. MO 5-3992 well. TERMS. OWNER, YU 7-0834 of West Coast Deanery Holy whose topic will be "Brain- TWO LARGE ROOMS with CALL PL 7-1093 THREE BEDROOM, Florida room, Cotton Real Estate • suitable. extra large lot, beautifully HOMES FOR SALE • FT. lAUOERDAlE Name Societies will be held here washing in a Communist attorney, mortgage company, etc. 693 N. E. 75th STREET landscaped. Walking distance 1 block to St. Anthony's Church Sunday, Sept. 30 in the Admin- Country." CALL MO 1-6362 to shopping,' schools and 3 bedroom, 2 bath, furnished Dr. Lasaga was formerly Prettiest corner E. of BLVD. EPIPHANY CHURCH. $1500 down, istration Building, temporary lo- 100 x 125 - studded with Royal JA 3-8708 1009 N. E. 2nd St. president of the world-wide 5827 S. W. 77th TER. MO 1-3180 cation for Masses of St. Raphael Palm trees • Close to Shopping Plantation Golf Estates • 3 bed- Marian Congregations and is BLOCK to NEW St. Thomas' Church P!aza • TWO bedrooms, 1 bath, room, 2% bath furnished, home. parish. a'nd School - One and half acre now a professor for the In- FURNISHED - Built across two $45,000. LU 1-4436 Ft. Lauderdale stitute. lots for privacy. EASY terms. fenced, 2 bedrooms, 2Vi baths, The rally will begin with a Call MARY HALLIDY - FR 1-6520 guest house with shower, 2 car LOTS FOR SALE - N. W. procession at 9:45 a.m., follow- The conferences will be after 6 P. M. • Sylvan Maxwell, garage, $35,000. MO 7-2014 held each Thursday in Cen- Specialists LOT • 76 x 193 - near Pace High ed by 10 a.m. Mass. Organizing Realtor, PL 4-8637 (Days) BY OWNER - MO 5-5934 In Buying and & BISCAYNE College - $3500. tro Hispano Catolico, 130 NE Epiphany Parish - Half acre, 3 the rally are Father Joseph ST. ROSE OF LIMA PARISH Cash or terms. CORNER N. W. Second. St., Miami at 8 p.m. Sailing Homas bedrooms, - 2 baths, patio, pool, DeVaney V.F., pastor of St. THREE BEDROOM - TWO BATH, 156th St. & 29th Ave. NE 3-2772 carpeted, drapes, partly fenced, Francis Xavier parish, Fort Conferences will also be Florida room, air conditioning, fully landscaped, immediate Myers and Arthur H. Lynch of conducted in Spanish each 2 car garage, on LARGE lot, occupancy. 10301 S. W. 60th Ave. Thursday at 9 p.m. in the close to Schools- • $4500 down. Fort Myers. COTTON REAL ESTATE center. HOMES . ACREAGE & INCOME FOUR BEDROOM - TWO BATH, EPIPHANY PARISH 1 Mr. Lynch said community 5944 Sunset Drive - So. Miami large Florida room, built in Three bedrooms, two baths, Florida CALL MO 1-6362 kitchen, pool, central heat,- room, large corner lof. TERMS. in western Lee County was chos- air conditioning, dining room, COTTON REAL ESTATE.. MO 1-6362 en as the rally site due to its Vero Beach Club EDISON REALTY garage • in select section of WALK TO EPIPHANY - SPACIOUS central location. He said activi- HOMES • INCOME PROPERTY Miami Shores. Owner may trade 3 bedroom, 2. bath, Florida room,- ties have been planned with suit- Plans First Meeting* EDWARD J. CHARBONEAU, Realtor FOR GOOD ACREAGE. fenced back yard. $22,500. able recreation to encourage VERO BEACH — First fall 17S N. W. 62nd St. PL 1-2441 Call MARGE DELAND . PL 8-9766 5841 S. W. 86th St. CE 5-1454 families to attend the rally. meeting of St. Helen Woman's ' Jack Justice, Realtor - UN 6-6211 COUNTRY HOMES • SOUTH MIAMI1 WE NEED HOME LISTINGS! Club will be held during a cov- HOMES FOR SALE - MIAMI SHORES He also said other persons out- Call MARY HALLIDY ered-dish supper at 6:30 p.m., EPIPHANY PARISH side the deanery, including di- Associated • Sylvan Maxwell, Realtoi 89 N. E. 109th STREET Tuesday, Sept. 11 in the parish PL 4-8637 OR FR 1-6520 after 6. ocesan Holy Name president Jo- Charming three bedroom, 2 bath, PRIME ACRE! POOL!! hall. seph B. Egan, are expected to air conditioned, heat • has CHARMING 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Mrs. Leo Schlitt, chairman, MARY MULLEN, Realtor everything. Walk to St. Rose of 2 car garage, modern home 1 attend. lots - Homes • Acreage • Rentals Lima School. Priced in low 20's. Spacious enclosed 60' patio will be assisted by Mrs. Simon also FHA & VA RE-SAtES 20' x 4C fenced, filtered pool with 24' x 38' filtered pool, B-B-Q. Information can be obtained Michael, Mrs. James Mullis, 734° S. W. 8lh STREET .-. CA 6-1311 on adjoining 75' x 125' lot . at Built-in kitchen with deluxe by contacting Arthur H. Lynch, Mrs. Milton McCann, Mrs. John WILLIAM C MURPHY $12,500 • suitable for building. equipment; Sprinkler system on 2878 Valencia Way, Fort Myers. Buckley, Mrs. Paul Burrell, Realtor BUY ALL OR PARTI E. Milan!, full beautiful high pine acre t Burrell, Mrs. Florence Mett, Men-ber - Corpus Christ! Parish Broker, PL 1-4911 /and PL 7-9551. Epiphany, Pinecrest & Palmetto Schools. Owner gone. and Miss Irene Morrison. 3191 N.W. 7th Av«. Ph. NE 5-2VM EXCELLENT FINANCING WALK TO ST. ROSE OF LIMA Women's Club Plans WINCHELL NEAR BARRY COLLEGE Dorothy B.' Flynn, Realtor NEED Judge Sheppard REAL ESTATE (• INSURANCE $16,850 • LOW DOWN PAYMENT 7210 Red Rd. MO 7-2568 (24 hrsj •06 Ponct de Leon Blvd. HI 3-7456 Parental Discussion CBS - Bedrooms, Florida room, HOMES FOR SALE - HOMESTEAD Will Lead Drive - (Member of St. Theresa's Parish) living and separate dining rooms, DUPLEX home - Must sell because "Are We Killing Our Children CORAL GABLES — Judge Wanna make our Advertisers spacious living,) EXCELLENT TERMS I of health & old age. 11 rooms With Kindness?" will be the Ben Sheppard of Little Flower all furnished, carporte, garage, happy? .. Jtemember to tell them Atkins, Realtor • PL 7-3481 SALES & SERVICES- theme of a panel discussion parish has been named chair- IDEAL for Doctor's Clinic. 1495* 226 N.E. 79th STREET you law their ad Old Dixie Hwy. Homestead, Florida which will highlight the first man for Cystic Fibrosis week which will be observed here in the'Voice'MART HOMES FOR SALE • No. MIAMI BEACH PLEASE USE THE fall meeting of Holy Family Women's Club at 12100 W. Dixie from Sept. 16 through Sept. 22, EEDOMETERS Near St. Lawrence School Voice Classified Ads H'Way, North Miami. $450 TOTAL DOWN THIS ADVERTISINC SPACE FOD RENT Judge Sheppard, who is a CHOMETERS THREE bedroom home, tile roof, Suititlt My BtiliMH Kjibini tt lxfl»< As Your Chedk List. A pot-luck supper will be serv- member of the Catholic Phy- SALES & SERVICE carporte, appliances INCLUDED. ed at 7 p.m. with Mrs. Vito sicians Guild, serves as Juve- Factory Authorized $90 monthly pays all • $13,900 nile Court Judge in Dade American & Foreign WE HAVE MANY OTHER HOMES SMALL ADS - BIG RESULTS Perrone and Mrs. Anthony REMOVAL i. INSTALLATIONS CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS I Sorce in charge of arrange- County. South Miami Aulo Supply, Inc. ments. 6020 I Dixie Hwy. MO . 1-427* Lucille R. Brunner> Realtor When * You Have Something To Leave On Consignment 16348 W. Dixie Hwy. Wl 7-2567 Adult Workshop Set COME TO Participating as members of I the panel will be Mrs. Vincent By Youth Department Peg H e a le y ' s. Vohs, St. James parish, organi- The Diocesan Youth Depart- • zation and development chair- t FOG ARTY BROS.J ment will sponsor a workshop man of the North Dade Deanery f TRANSFER, INC. UNIQUE DRESS SHOPPE for adult advisors Sept. 22 at and Mrs. Stuart Godwin of Vis- 11 a.m. in Immaculata Acad- itation parish, Miami DCCW ^ Local & Long Distance Moving Fabulous Clothes • Originals .and Imports emy, 3601 S. Miami Ave., Mi- chairman of Home and School ami. { 48 STATES - LOW RATES (Slightly Used) Association. Mrs. Richard Web- Any interested persons may Ladies' Sizes: 5 • 24'A — Children's Sizes; 3 • 12 be of Holy Family parish will • 'Safe Moving Since .1912' attend. Information will be serve as moderator. • 5790 N.W. 36lh Ave. CALL NE 5 2425 Maternity Dresses • Blouses • Shorts available from the youth dc •* Men's Clothing, Etc. All women of the parish are partment by calling 757-5714, W MIAMI, FLORIDA invited to attend. ext. 70. 722 N. Andrews Ave. Ft. tauderdab JA 5-3519 PAGE 29 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Y, 1962. Pompano Beach K-C Blood Donors, Plans Splash Party Sunday Mass Timetable Hospital Staff TV POMPANO BEACH — Knights Columbus will sponsor their ARCADIA: St. Paul, 10. SS. Peter And Paul, 6:15, 8, 9. 10. AVON PARK: Our Lady Of Grace, 11, 12 and (Spanish) 12:55. Save Baby's Life St. Timothy, 8, 9:30, 11. third annual splash party Sat- 8:30, 10. St. Vincent De Paul (Central High School cafeteria). 8, 10. PORT CHARLOTTE — The urday, Sept. 8, beginning at 6 BELLE GLADE: St Philip Benizi, 10. facilities and medical staff of APPLIANCES BOCA GRANDE- our Lady of Mercy, MIAMI BEACH: St. Francis de Sales. ,. ,_ St. Joseph, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and St. Joseph Hospital, coupled with p.m. in the Venetian Isles Yacht 10:15- "• 5:30 p.m. 6 Famous Makes Club. BOCA RATON: St. Joan of Arc, 7, 9, st. Mary Magdalen: 8, 9, 10. II, 12, this community, were credited 1030 12 and -ykr Lowest Prices Patrick 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12:30 with saving the life of a new- A picnic-style buffet will open BOYNTON BEACH: St. Mark, 7, 8:30, born baby who was stricken with •fr Easy Bank Terms 10, 11:30. MIAMI SHORES: St. Rose of Lima, 7, •fr Guaranteed Services the affair and entertainment CLEWISTON: St. Margaret, 8. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. a rare blood disease known as Euy throblastosis Foetalis. will be by Johnny Izzo's Aqua GR0VE: st" Hu9h' 7:30' 9' •v3O n m Proteges, one to 14-year-old CORAL GABLES: Little Flower (Audi- MIRAMAR: (Firemen's Recreation Hall) NC Photos The disease, which causes se- torium), 9, 11:30 and 12:30 (Spanish); 8 11am. vere anemia, is usually fatal if swimmers and divers. There (Church), 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11:30, 12:30. MOORE HAVEN: St. Joseph the Work- HONORED, for helping- Ca- St. Thomas Aquinas Student Center, er> ]o. not treated immediately. Hospi- will also be swimming and danc- 8:30, 10:30.. NAPLES: St. Ann 6, 8. 10. 11. tholic-Jewish relations, Gerard tal officials credited the immedi- DANIA: Resurrection (Olsen Junior High NORTH DADE COUNTY: St. Monica E. Sherry, managing editor of JA 3-4337 ing. . ate exchange of blood as the School) 7. 9, 10:30, 12:15 NORTH'M.AM.: Hory Family, 6, 7, 8. the Central Catholic Register field Beach _ ,, , . saving factor. FT. LAUDERDALE Tickets may be purchased o |n 2 6 3o pm will receive the Edith Stein St. Vincent, 6:45, "This procedure was .* 643 N. Andrews from a K of C member or at Award. 8:30, 11. Visitation, 7, 8:30. 10, 11:30. possible," the official said, "be- .•******>***•>**.>•***•:«>.£ the door. FORT LAUDERDALE: Annunciation. NORTH MIAMI BEACH: St. Lawrence, 9:30 7 9, 11, 12:15. cause of the wonderful response Blessed Sacrament (Case Funeral NORTH PALM BEACH: St. Clare, 7, 8:15. 9-.G0, 10:45, 12. of public spirited citizens who Home), 8, 9:30, 11. OKEECHOBEE: Sacred Heart, 9. Boys' Father Brown Named Queen of Martyrs, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30, donated blood in our previous De Gonna Ice 12:30, 6 p.m. OPA LOCKA: Our Lady of Perpetual As Biblical Official blood bank drive," during which St. Anthony, 6, 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 Help, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30. more than 170 pints of blood FLORIDA'S KEY TO GOOD EAtlNG 11:45. St. Philip (Bunche Park), 9. PAHOKEE: St. Mary. 11:3tf Father Raymond E. Brown, were donated by volunteers. St. Bernadette, 8, 9, 10, 11. PALM BEACH: St. Edward, 7, 9, 12 (WHOLESALE SHIPPERS! St. ClemenT, 8. 9. 10. 11:15. 12:30. and 5:30 p.m. S. S. was elected vice president The spokesman also said, St. Jerome. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30. PERRINE: Holy Rcsary, 7, 8, 9:30, of the Catholic Biblical Associa- Hotels • Schools •Hospitals •Institutions FORT LAUDERDALE BEACH: St. Pius X, 10:30 12. "the people in this county 8, 10. 11, 12. PLANTATION: St. Gregory, 8, 9:30, tion of America during the 25th Cafeterias • Restaurants •-Etc. •• •" 15. should be very pleased that such St. Sebastian (Harbor Beach), 8, 9:30, general meeting held at Mary- a procedure can be carried out CALL US FOR COMPLETE LINE OF ICE CREAM SPECIALTIES % i 11 and 5:30 p.m. POMPANO BEACH: Assumption, 7, 8. knoll, N.Y. FORT MYERS: St. Francis Xavier, s>:30. 11, 12:15. here in their community, where AND ICE CREAM NOVELTIES -- ALSO HOME DELIVERY ; f, , 6, 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30. " St. Elizabeth, 8, 9 11, 12. FORT MYERS BEACH: Ascension, 8. 10. POMPANO SHORES: St. Coleman. 7, before a baby with such a fatal FORT PIERCE: St. Anastasia, 7, 12. 8. 9:30 11 12:15. A son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Auditorium: 9, 10:30. P°RT CHARLOTTE: St. Charles Bor- Brown of St. Rose of Lima par- condition had to be transferred romeo, 7, 8, 9:30, 11. De Conna Ice ';Crean|| HALLANDALEEJI A • • Aklff^AIP.: PStA. Matthewft* , 6:30, 8 'to a larger hospital where such PORT ST. LUCIEf Marina, 9. ish, Miami Shores, he is a mem- 3292 N.W, 38th St. ; Phone::NE 548Gif 9, 10, 11, 12 and 6:30 p.m. PUNTA GORDA: Sacred Heart, 7:30, treatment was performed." HIALEAH: Inmmaculate Conception, 6, 10, 6:30 p.m. ber of the faculty of St. Mary 9, 10:30, 11:30 (Spanish). RICHMOND HEIGHTS: Christ The Seminary, Baltimore. (City Auditorium). 8, 9:30, 11, 12:30, King, (Martin Elementary School), 9. and 6:30 p.m. RIVIERA BEACH: St. Francis. 7, ». St. Bernare d Mission: 9, 10 (Spanish)) . 10:30, 11:30. St. John the Apostlel , 6,, 77.. 88,, 9.. 1010. SEBASTIANSBSTAN : SSt. William Mission, 8 a.m. Dr. Wilson Joins 1111 , 1122 , 12512:55 (Spanish)(Sih), 5 p.m. annd icDMnw St. CCatherineh , 7 , 9 , IIII . 6 p.m. . SOUTTH MIAMI: Epiphany, 6:30, 8, 9, Dance Set Tonight St. Joseph Staff MERCY HOSPITAL, INC. HOBE SOUND: St. Christopher, 7, 10:30. 10. 11, 12. St. Thomas (South Miami Jr. High PORT CHARLOTTE — Dr. HOLLYWOOD: Annunciation. (Madon- School. 6750 SW 60th St.), 8, 10, 11. For CYO Members na Academy) 8, 9, 10, 11:30. Charles M. Wilson, formerly of 3663 So. Miami Ave., Miami, Florida Little Flower, 5:45, 7. 8:15. 9:30, STUART: St. Joseph, 7, 9, 11. 10:45, 12, and 5:30 p.m. VERO BEACH: St. Helen, 7:30, 9. 11. A back-to-school dance, spon- Tampa, has gone into the prac- v Nativity, 7:15, 8:15, 9:30, 10:30, WAUCHULA: St. Michael. 8. ... OVERLOOKING BISCAYNE BAY 1-1:30. WEST PALM BEACH: Blessed Martin, sored by the CYO of St. Rose tice of obstetrics, pediatrics and St. Bernadette, 8, 9, 10, 11. 9:30. of Lima parish, will be held in general medicine and will be a St. Stephen, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12:15 and Holy Name, 7, 9, 10:30, 12. • N 7 p.m. St. Ann, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. the parish hall tonight (Friday) member of the staff at St. Jo- HOMESTEAD: Sacred Heart, 6:30, 8, from 7:30 to 11 p. m. seph Hospital. 9:30, 11. BIG PINE KEY: St. Mary of Pines, IMMOKALEE: Lady of Guadalupe, 11. 830 1030. INDIANTOWN: Holy Cross, 7:457:45.. KEY' WEST:' St. Mary, 8, 7. 8:30, 10. JUPITER: St. Jude (Salhaven), 7:30, 9. MARATHON: San Pablo, 6:30, 8:30, KEY BISCAYNE: St. Agnes, 7, 8:30, PLANTATION KET: San Pedro, 6:30 u. 9, 11. LAEELLE: Mission, 9. LAKE WORTH: Sacred Heart, 6, 7, 8, Homelike Surroundings 9:15, 10:30, 11:30. St. Luke, 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30. Miami Beach Knights LEHIGh ACRES: St. Raphael (Admin- Dignified Friendly Service istration Building) 8, 10. Sponsor Open House MARGATE: St. Vincent, 8, 10, 11:30. MIAMI: The Cathedral, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Msgr. William A. Barry, P.A., 12, and 6 p.m. Prices To Meet Any Corpus Christi, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, pastor of St. Patrick Church, 12:55 (Spanish). Family Budget Gesu, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30, 12:30. and Michael Stanco, district dep- Holy Redeemer, 7, 8:30, 10. 5:30 p.m. uty for the Knights of Columbus, (Spdnish). International Airport (International were principal speakers at an Hotel), 7:) 5 and 8 (Sundays and Holy- open house in the St. Patrick FULLY APPROVED BY THE days). St. Mary of the Missions and St. Youth Center which began the Francis Xavier, 7, 8:30. Miami Beach K of C member- KING Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals St. Brendan. 7. 8. 9:T5, 10:30, 11:30. 12:30, and 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. (Span- ship drive. and ish). R. E. Wixsom, F.D. Funeral Home St. Dominic, 7, 8-30 10, 11 (Spanish). Grand Knight Art O'Neill was The Catholic Hospital Association St. Mary Chapel', 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, chairman and toastmaster for 206 S.W. 8th Street FR 3-2111 11:30, 12:30 (Spanish). St. Michael, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Polish), 10 the affair which featured the Serving faithfully for over 60 years (Spanish), 11, 12:30, 6 p.m. (Span, SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH (ish) 7:30 p.m. Dade County Aud- presentation of a charter to the itorium 9, 10:30, 12. circle of Columbian Squires sponsored by the Council. Jack E. Sounders, F.D. r* Also participating was Father. Allen E. Brake, F.D. Donajd F.X. Connolly, state Fa- < ther Prior for the Columbian . \hinz Squires and chaplain of the Mi- SEND THIS NOTICE TO: ami Beach K of C council 6301 BISCAYNE 1480 N.W. 27th AVE. NE 4-8545 BLVD. MIAMI 38, DELIVERY FLORIDA Former Holy Name OF President Honored KRAEER FUNERAL Members of the St. James R. JAY KRAEER, Funeral Director Paste here old address label from copy of parish Holy Name Society pre- Ambulance Service publication. Omit Items I, 2 and 3 when sented outgoing president Phil address label is furnished. Conigilio a statue of Father Junipero Serra and a special 200 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY pin for, what a representative POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 1. NO. AND STREET APT. NO., P.O. BOX NO. OR R.F.D. NO. 2. CITY, ZONE NO., AND STATE tewmed, "strengthening the par- Phone WH 1-4113 ish society and helping it in- crease considerably in member 3. Show all additional dales and numbers included in address label (necessary for identification) ship." Presenting the statue and pin CARL F. SLADE, F.D. 4. NO. AND STREET, APT. NO., P.O. BOX NO. OR R.F.D. NO. 5. CITY, ZONE NO., AND STATE was Al Ondrizek new president. Bill McKluskey, president of the North Dade Deanery, Holy CARL F, SLADE FUNERAL HOME 7. DATE OF ADDRESS CHANGE 6. NAME OF SUBSCRIBER (Print or type) Name Society, spoke to the group after the presentation on 800 PALM AVE. HIALEAH TU 8-3433 V the duty of parents and their duties toward their children.

Page 30 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida Bishop Wright Offers Requiem For Father Deaths In Diocese MATTAPAN, Mass. (NO — 30 years before his retirement Solemn Pontifical Requiem in 1951. He resided here with his AFONSO, GABRIEL C, 45, of 3420 ORTIZ, MRS. THERESA. 50, of Mass for John Wright, 81, was TJW 12th Ave., Miami. Corpus Christ! 2391 NW Fourth Ter., Miami. St. wife, Mrs. Harriett Cokely Church. Michael Church. Van Orsdel Coral offered by his son, Bishop John * * * Gables Mortuary. Wright. ALVARE, MRS. LUCRECIA, 53, of * * * J. Wright of Pittsburgh, in St. 213 Antilla Ave., ,, Coral Gables. RIDOLF, ANNA, 49, o* 127 NW Angela's church here. Richard FUNERAL HOME Church of the Little Flower. 13th Ave., Miami. St. Michael * * * Church. Josberger Funeral Home. Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Pope Receives Envoy BELBEY, RAYMOND, 10, of 2442 NW 170th St., Miami. Our Lady of * * * Boston, presided.- VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope Perpetual Help Church. Lithgow's SCHRIEBER, KATHER1NE M., 93, 3 Generations of Carol City-Opa-locka Center. of 1100 South 29th Ave., Hollywood. John XXIII has received the * * * St. Matthew Church. Wintter Funeral A native of Medfield, Mass., credentials of the new Argen- BEYER, MISS CATHERINE, 73, of Chapel. Experience 285 NE 91st St., Miami Shores. St. * * * Wright was supervisor for a tine ambassador to the Holy Rose of Lima Church. Requiem Mass SWIFT, RICHARD F., 57, of 8511 and burial in Chicago. SW 14th Ter., Miami. SS. Peter and Boston paper making form for See, Luis Roque Gondras. * * * Paul Church. Our Lady of Mercy Largest Funeral GIRARD, WILLIAM ELMER, 70, Cemetery, Ahern-Plummer Funeral of 2021 Bay Drive, Miami Beach. Home. Home in Dade County The Cathedral. * * * * :]c * THOMPSON, MRS. AUDREY F., HARRIS, EDWARD M., of 3671 SW 49, of 534 SW Ninth Ave., Miami. SS. 19th St., Miami. St. Hugh Church. Peter and Paul Church. Ben Lanier Catholic Owned Josberger Funeral Home. and on Northeast Funeral Home. and Managed HARTNAGEL, MRS. MARY. 65, TRATNYAK. JOSEPH A., 74, of W -7 sw Third Ave., Miami. SS. 3233 SW 87th Court, Miami. St. and Paul Church. King 1 u- Brendan Church. G.D. Peden Bird p. .dome. Road Funeral Home. Prices to Satisfy * * * * * * JORGE, RODOLFO VILLANEUVA, WYATT, WILLIAM I., 77, of 2421 Every Family 44, of 49 NW 77

IN WEST HOLLYWOOD funeral service 5801 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. —YU 3-6565 ctfhern

WADLINGTON Convenient Locations — four chapels strate- PLUMMER I gically located for family and friends. I Funeral Homes IN HOLLYWOOD THIRTEEN FORTY-NINE More 'experienced — Van Orsdel's conducts 140 S. DIXIE HWY.—WA 3-6565 FLAOLER STREET, WEST more adult funerals than anyone in Dode II County . . . ond posses savings developed "Member C.D.A.—K of C—Holy Name" on to the families we serve.

FUNERAL Finest facilities — Van Orsdel's beautiful* III chapels provide everything possible for com- HOMES FUNERAL , SiMlL~.*..'* fort and reverent dignity. FT. LAUDERDALE N. FEDERAL HWY. — 3501 W. BROWARD BLVD. FLOWERS % CAnihovujA Finest service — no compromise with qual- JA 2-2811 LTJ 1-6100 I FREE DELIVERY IN ALL 36 SUBURBS AND HOLLYWOOD | ity. Our best service always — to anyone — DAN H. FAIRCHILD PHIL H. FAIRCHILD Catering to Professional & Business Accounts IV regardless of the amount spent — and w« FUNERAL DIRECTORS Flowers for: guarantee our service. GET WELL * HOSPITALS * BIRTHS A\MVERSARIES * BIRTHDAYS , Personal attention — our staff trained to personally handle every problem, no matter OBIE JOHNSON how difficult, every detail, no matter how FUJRtST & GIFTS small. FUNERAL HOME 11603 NX 2nd AVE. Freedom of choice — every family moy 1650 HARRISON ST. Vx BLK. N. OF BARRY COUKSf select a service price within their means — HOLLYWOOD 511 WA OUT OF TOWN AND LOCAL VOICE READERS VI no one has to plead charity to purchase Obie Johnson Funero! Director any of our funerals — no questions are asked — and we use no selling pressure! SERVING CATHOLIC FAMILIES OVER 18 YEARS CALL PL 1-6050 WE WILL HONOR YOUR CHARGE BY PHONE Complete funerals, quality for quality, cost less at Van Orsdel's — and have for over 20 CUT OUT~SAVE VII years. *dPPORT THE We offer all families P choice of over 60 VIM different caskets, with the finest of funeral CATHOLIC PRESS service and facilities . . . complete in every P The Cost is a matter of Your Own Desire' detail, from $145. MIAMI all (5) Locations ^••:;:;: 660 W. FLAGIER CORAL GABLES MONTHLY 837 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. | PAYMENT PLAN SOUTH MIAMI At KENDALL, U.S. 1 AT S. W. 106TH ST. | OR MIAMI SHORES COMPLETE 11415 N. E. 2ND AVE. 5% Funeral Cost Index | HIALEAH - MIAMI SPRINGS I rCASH DISCOUNT Metal Caskets from $450 MORTUARIES OLIVE DR. AT OKEECHOBEE RD. All SERVICES J=R 3-6363, Hardwood Caskets from $460 LARGE CATHOLIC STAFF

Our Educational Department will furnish Detailed The PHILBRICK C. D. Van Orsdel, Licensee Information, including Social Security and Veteran FUNERAL HOMES For Further Information Call FR 3-5757 Benefits upon request, without obligation. Guaranteed Prices .__ COT OUT -



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Page 32 September 7, 1962 THE VOICE Miami, Florida