THE VOICE «301 Biseayne Blvd., Miami 38, Flo. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. IV NO. 25 Price $5 a year * . * 15 cents a copy SEPTEMBER 7, 1962 12,500 See Cardinal Spellman Ordain Refugee A Prince of the Church who is the dean of the American fatherland last year and finished his theological studies at the Sisters, Catholic and non-Catholic laymen. Americans, Cubans hierarchy came to Miami last Sunday to ordain to the Holy Montezuma Seminary in New Mexico. and natives of the Latin American nations united to assist at Priesthood the first Cuban refugee priest who recently completed Eight other members of the hierarchy participated in the the Low Mass celebrated before a large and beautiful altar ceremonies witnessed by more than 12,500, including priests and especially constructed in the Miami Beach Convention Hall. his studies in exile in the United States for the diocesan priest- In the words of Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, Metropolitan of hood in Cuba. the Province of Atlanta, who spoke during a banquet honoring His Eminence, Francis Cardinal Spellman, who was making A special ordination supplement and tribute Cardinal Spellman, the ordination of Father Sanchez was a his first official visit to the Diocese of Miami, conferred the to Cardinal Spellman appears on Pages 13 to 20, symbol of the cooperation which exists between the Americans as Sacrament of Holy Orders on 27-year-old Father Daniel Sanchez, inclusive, in this issue of The Voice. "a priestly young man from Cuba was ordained by the Cardinal a native of the Diocese of Pinar del Rio in Cuba, who left his Archbishop of New York." (Voice Photos By Bill Sander* CAUTIONS AGAINST LOOKING FOR 'SENSATIONAL FORMULAS' Expect No New Doctrines From Council, Pope Says VATICAN CITY (NO — chitects, the first audience design a church "to meditate urgy before drafting your hand with the spirit of inti- the Church strives to do with Pope John XXIII said here granted here since Pope John on the Holy Scriptures and plans. Finally, fortify the mate prayer." its own means and within its that the coming ecumenical returned from his summer resi- penetrate the spirit of the lit- work of your mind and your He pointed out that architects own orbit." council will not produce any dence at Castelgandolfo. work to provide pleasant Nothing that architects can new doctrines or sensational for- The Pontiff told the architects places for man to live in whidh mulas. learn from "the heritage left to that "the council seeks to erect are adapted to the needs and re- us by past centuries," the Pon- The council, Pope John said, a new building on the founda- quirements of the present day. tiff said that the Church through will seek "to extend charity tions which have been laid He went on: the council "intends to renew it- throughout the centuries." to the different needs of na- "Well, this is precisely what self by basing itself on its past." tions and. will present to them While speaking mostly the message of Christ in a about the council, the Pope clearer way." also gave the architects some The Pope spoke at an audi- advice about church building. Trappists' Prayer, Penance ence granted to a group of ar- He urged those called on to Greatest Ideals1 Pope T ys Scholars Of Prehistory Pay ROME (NC) — Pope John Rome because of the proximity XXIII has urged the Trappists of the coming ecumenical coun- to preserve their order's two cil and to mark the 70th an- Creator Homage, Pope Says great principles — prayer and niversary of their last general chapter here during the pontif- CASTELGANDOLFO (NO — those metropolises which have penance — and to continue icate of Pope Loe XIII. Pope John XXIII told special- their ancient love for Our Lady. disappeared as a result of cru- GREATLY CONCERNED ists in prehistoric science here NC Photo el catastrophes."' Pope John spoke at the Pope John told the Trappists that by investigating the most OBSERVERS at the annual meeting of the Central Committee of_ monastery of the Order of that the Church, "while so minute and fragmentary data Pope John told the scien- the World Council in Paris included Father Jerome Hammer of Cistercians of the Strict Ob- greatly concerned with the ex- from the most distant past they tists that he was pleased to France (holding paper) and Father John B. Sheerin, editor of the • servance here where the ternal apostolate ... attributes "pay homage to the Creator" think of their research reach- Catholic World, New York. Trappists are holding a gen- the greatest importance to con- who made man in His image ing back thousands and eral chapter. He stopped off templation." and likeness. thousands of years to the at the monastery on his way "The real apostolate," he , The Pope spoke at his final back to the Vatican from his "mystery «f the impenetra- German Bishops Make Call said, "consists very precise- audience of the year at his summer residence at Castel- bility of time and to the dis- ly, in fact, in participating summer residence here. gandolfo. coveries of prehistory and For End Of Nation's Division in the work of the salvation He urged the specialists to protohistory." " The Pope noted in a talk to of Christ. Now'this'participa- honor God by tracing the FULDA, Germany (NC) — Lord's Prayers, for instance- the monks that contrary to tion is impossible without an earliest steps of prehistoric He said he particularly liked Germany's Bishops have deplor- that can be used by both Catho- their usual custom they were intense spirit of prayer and man and by "giving him that to share their interest because ed their nation's division by iics and Protestants. holding a general chapter in sacrifice." creative intelligence of which it leads the man of faith "to Red-erected walls and barbed- you seek the manifestations the beginning of time and wire fences. to that time before time, to and development in all They have also appealed to spheres of human activity." that point of shining arrival •»- Christ. This God made Man responsible statesmen through- Noting that past civilizations who says and repeats to all out the world to do all they can to keep the "Berlin Wall from have shown splendid triumphs centuries which precede Him continuing to be a place of of the spirit over material ob- and were to follow Him: 'I am fratricide." stacles, the Pope said that their the Light of the World. He who existence has proved "precari- follows me does not walk in The Bishops spoke in a ous when one thinks of those darkness, but will have the statement issued here follow- submerged civilizations and of light of life" (John 8, 12). ing their annual meeting by their chairman, Joseph Cardi- nal Frings, Archbishop of Co- 'The Best in National Anthem Excerpt logne. Liturgical The statement expressed the Art" Bishops' "deep grief" that the Stopped As School Prayer Bishops from communist-ruled ALBANY, N. Y. (NO — An er prescribed by the New York East Germany were not allow- ed to attend the Fulda confer- excerpt from "The Star Span- Board of Regents. ence. gled Banner" may not be recit- ed as an officially prescribed The Board of Education of The Bishops said that the prayer in New York public the Union Free School District recent death of Peter Fechter schools, State Education Com- 17 of Oyster Bay, L. I., author- — East German youth shot missioner James7 E. Allen, Jr., ized recitation of the following while trying to escape to the West across the Berlin Wall and has ruled. passage of the National Anthem permitted to bleed to death by Allen held that, "irrespective in public schools: East Berlin communist police of the source" of its language, "Blest with victory and peace, — has shown the whole world adoption of a prayer by a school the inhumanity of their coun- may the heav'n rescued land board makes it an "official pray- try's unnatural division. er" which is not allowed. Praise the power that hath made, and preserved us a na- The prelates expressed the hope that German reunification He suggested that periods of tion; "meditation" be set aside in will be achieved in peace and public schools in place of Then conquer we must, when freedom, and announced they spoken prayers. our cause is just, will spend $1.6 million to aid And this be our motto, 'In God East German dioceses. Allen based his ruling on the is our trust.' " Supreme Court's decision bar- They also sent a message of thanks to President John F. ring recitation in New York The, practice was • challenged Kennedy for the aid extended public schools of a 22-word pray- by Mrs. Alfred Rubinstein of by the U.S. to Germany after Hicksville, L. I., and the case World War II. was brought before Allen for a is proud to have had the privilege of ruling. The Bishops' meeting decided Pope John Prays to set up a research center to supplying the gold embroidered vestment worn by His Eminence, The education commissioner study the history of the Church At Pius X Tomb held that it is permissible for in Germany during the Nazi pe- Francis Cardinal Spellman upon the occasion of the ordination of the National Anthem to be riod, and named a commission VATICAN CITY (NO — sung, read or recited in to prepare a common prayer- Father Daniel Sanchez, and of supplying the golden chalice given His Holiness Pope John schools.
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