THE VOICE 630J Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Ma. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. V, NO. 33 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy NOV. 1, 1963 '*'-''' .. '.. ' . •' . • "-"•,•::y.:---- Council Fathers Propose: Share In Authority Of Pope; Restore Permanent Diaconate (Other Stories, Features, Pictures on Council on Pages 2, 3, constituting any lessening of the dignity of the Blessed Virgin. 4, 5, 6, 7.) (See separate story on this page and Msgr. Walsh's discussion on Page 7J. VATICAN CITY — Historic decisions and far-reaching rec- • The American Bishops called for statements by the ommendations were made during the fourth and the fifth weeks Council clarifying Church-State relations and denouncing racial of the second session of the Second Vatican Council. Among discrimination. (See separate stories on Page 3.) them were these: • All 10 amendments to Chapter V of the liturgy schema were passed, including one calling for studies of a new calendar • The Council Fathers, by a large majority, voted in to provide for a fixed Sunday for Easter. approval of a declaration that the Bishops of the Church share, As the second session neared its halfway mark, rumors as a body, in the authority of the Pope, with such shared regarding its progress and continuation began to flow, often in authority to include the assertion that the Holy Father's usually reliable sources. One said that Pope Paul VI is ready to "primatial rights over all pastors and faithful remain intact." terminate the council as an assembly of physically present bishops and continue it as a kind of "council by correspondence" • Also approved by a substantial majority was a proposal with only the council commissions preparing all schemata for "to restore the diaconate as a distinct and permanent rank of a final session. the sacred ministry" in accordance with the desires "of the The vote Wednesday on the shared authority with the various regions." There was no stand taken on whether the Pope was to lay the groundwork for giving the Bishops a deacons could marry. larger role in governing the Church. The 1,808-336 vote was not binding but intended as a guide to further consideration • By a narrow margin, it was voted to include the Council by the Council through its Theological Commission in revis- declaration on Our Lady in the schema on the nature of the ing the scheme on "The Nature o£ the Church." Church rather than in a separate schema. This followed a statement that votes on neither side could be construed as The overhwelming majority agreed that the Bishops should form a body or college which would succeed the College of the Apostles and with the Pope have supreme power over the Church. Catholic And Jewish Centers The resolution stated that "the body or college of bishops in its evangelizing, sanctifying and caring for its flock is the successor of the College of Apostles, and that as a body, in Mocked In Posters At U-M union with its head, the Roman Pontiff, and never without him, enjoys full and supreme power over the Universal Church." CORAL GABLES — Newman certainly went to a lot of View Of Council Sessions From Basilica Dome Club members at the University trouble." A statement from the Council press office later said of Miami were subject to mock- An immediate investigation (Continued On Page 2) ery of their Catholic faith last into the source of the material Bishop Appeals From Rome week when an avalanche of was ordered by Dr. Thurston posters appeared on the campus Adams, director of student Declaration On Virgin Mary For Aid To The United Fund announcing that a "steak din- activities. "I violently ob- ner" would be sponsored by the ject," he said, "and we should To Be In Schema On Church From Rome, where he is at- campaign has been demonstrat- Newmanites on Friday evening like to know who is belittling tending the second session of the ed to be an effective and, in- in the Jewish student center. or making fun of the different By Msgr. JAMES I. TUCEK seemed likely, however, that in Second Vatican Council, Bishop d e e d, admirable means view of the decision to com- faiths. We certainly cannot Coleman F. Carroll, of the Dio- whereby all of us can best ful- Father Matthew Hanley, VATICAN CITY (NO — Coun- bine the schema on Our Lady cese of Miami, has issued a fill what we acknowledge to be stand for this." cil Fathers have voted 1,114 to with the one on the Church, O.P., chaplain at the Aquinas statement expressing his "sin- an urgent civic as well as 1,074 to include their declaration further revisions might be mad* spiritual obligation. Student Center, described T. L. Schweider, a member of in the text. cere hope that the people of on Our Lady in the schema on Dade and Broward counties will those responsible for the post- the Newman Club, said he be- the nature of the Church rather At the American Bishops' respond readily and generously "It is a timely reminder of ers as obviously having "an lieves that "action should be the duty which is upon the taken against such delinquents. than in a separate schema. press panel after the meeting, to the appeal the United Fund immature sense of humor that is "iaking this year." community as a whole to pro- The University of Miami is no Father Bernard Haring, '~K *ited Fund Sunday will be mote the well being and bet- has no respect for the sound place for such biased immatu- Before the vote was taken, C.SS.R., said that there were observed Nov. 10 in Dade terment of all our fellow citi- values on which this univer- rity." the moderator, Gregorio Car- two predominant reasons mo- zens, particularly those in our dinal Agagianian, stated: "No tivating those who voted County, the day the 1963 cam- sity is built." The posters were not printed midst who are victims of mis- vote on either side can be against making the schema on paign officially begins its pub- by machines normally used for fortune." Mary Linda Cohen, public re- construed as constituting any Our Lady part of the schema lic phase. campus announcements, but lations chairman of the New- lessening of the dignity of the on the Church. Some of the In his statement, Bishop were reproduced in purple ditto Msgr. Bryan 0. Walsh, Secre- man Club, which represents Blessed Virgin or any diminu- Fathers, he said, did not want Carroll declared: ink and rather amateurishly tary of Charities for the Miami more than 1,800 Catholic stu- tion of her preeminent role in the matter of Our Lady to be "The annual United Fund done, Dr. Adams said., Diocese, is serving as co-chair- dents and almost 20 per cent of the Church." treated at all, mostly for rea- sons of ecumenism. Others, man of a four-man Religious enrollment at the University of The Aquinas Center, located . and the greater part, felt that Institutions Committee assisting Miami said the campus was at 1400 Miller Rd., was erect- Two other major steps taken Panama Bishop if a special place was not in the residential campaign. ed by Bishop Coleman F. Car- at the Oct. 29 general meeting "plagued with the posters. given to (he Blessed Virgin Dies At Council Somebody has a gross sense of roll in 1959, and provides were to give overall approval The 1963 United Fund goal is in a separate schema, her ri VATICAN CITY (NO — humor." chapel, library, snack bar and to Chapter V of the liturgy $3,008,838, which will go to sup- schema, which concerns, the glory would be diminished, he Archbishop Francis Beck- entertainment facilities for port 40 community service agen- Dr. Donald Michelson, direc- liturgical year, and to begin vot- said. mann, CM., of Panama Catholic students. cies in Dade County. Of these, tor of Hillel House, where post- ing on amendments to Chapter City, died Oct. 30 after a two are Catholic agencies: the ers said, "Religious Emphasis Under the direction of Father VII, which deals with sacred Father Haring revealed that heart attack. The 80-year- Catholic Welfare Bureau which Week" Newman Club meeting Hanley and Father T. A. Cliff- music. three other schemata besides old Vincentian was on his finds foster homes for needy would be held, pointed out that ord, O.P., a complete program the present one have been way to a Council session children and conducts a child he took down any posters he of religious, cultural and social A lengthy booklet containing drawn up on Our Lady. All when stricken. adoption bureau, and the St. saw and added that "those re- opportunities is available to stu- amendments to the schema on Vincent Hall for unwed mothers. sponsible for the illegal notices dents. Our Lady was distributed. It (Continued On Page 2) COUNCIL FATHERS VOTE APPROVAL OF DECLARATION: Bishops Share In Pope's Authority (Continued From Page 1) While the issue of whether the deacons could be married that the concept of shared authority also includes the was avoided, it is likely to come to a vote later in a schema assertion that the Pope's "primatial rights over all pastors on the clergy. and faithful remain intact." Regional or national groups of Bishops eventually would Another vote approved insertion into the schema of a state- be allowed to decide whether they wanted deacons in then- ment that this episcopal-papal power "belongs to the College, particular areas.
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