At NCoC, we believe everyone has the power to make a difference in how their community and country WKULYH :H DUH D G\QDPLF QRQSDUWLVDQ QRQSURÀW ZRUNLQJ DW WKH IRUHIURQW RI RXU QDWLRQ·V FLYLF OLIH :H FRQWLQXRXVO\ H[SORUH ZKDW VKDSHV WRGD\·V FLWL]HQU\ GHÀQH WKH HYROYLQJ UROH RI WKH LQGLYLGXDO LQ RXU democracy, and uncover ways to motivate greater participation. Through our events, research, and reports, NCoC expands our nation’s contemporary understanding of what it means to be a citizen. We seek new ideas and approaches for creating greater civic health and vitality throughout the . NCoC was founded in 1946 and chartered by Congress in 1953.

The National Conference on Citizenship is an annual event that focuses on the state of civic engagement in America, and brings together civic leaders, educators, CEOs, and representatives from each branch of government to address issues related to our nation’s civic health. In recognition of the 60th anniversary of NCoC’s congressional charter, the theme for this year’s Conference is “America’s Charter: Past, Present, and Future.” The Conference will showcase and present new research and programs that explore the role civic engagement plays in strengthening communities.

The 2013 National Conference on Citizenship is made possible with generous support from the following individuals and organizations:

Michael & Julie Weiser The A. G. Newmyer III Foundation Tom Susman & Susan Braden

Tom Gottschalk Garrett Graff Gail Leftwich-Kitch Bary B. Byrd Phil Duncan


NCoC is honored to be joined by a diverse team of civic sector leaders who offer strategic input on event development, including theme and program structure, LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ RI SDUWQHUV DQG VSHDNHUV DQG UHFUXLWPHQW RI SDUWLFLSDQWV

Jake Brewer Abby Kiesa Michael Weiser Director of External Affairs, Change.org Program Coordinator, CIRCLE Chairman, NCoC

Stefan Byrd-Krueger Gail Leftwich-Kitch Alison Young New Media Director, Pew Charitable Trusts &KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IÀFHU9RWHU Executive Director, Institute for Strategic Participation Center Leadership, Drexel University

Kristen Cambell &KLHI3URJUDP2IÀFHU1&R& Ilir Zherka Founder, Guiding Lights Network Executive Director, NCoC

Margaret Coady Director, CECP Brandee Menoher Senior Director of Evaluation and Research, Institute Jeff Coates Former Strategic Initiatives Associate, Special Thanks To: Knight Foundation Ted McConnell Executive Director, Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools Lattie Coor Chairman, Center for the Future of Val Ramos Director of Strategic Alliances, Everyday Jennifer Domagal-Goldman Democracy National Manager, American Democracy Project Decker Ngongang Senior Associate, Echoing Green Maya Enista Smith Advisor, Born This Way Foundation Kari Saratovsky Principal, KDS Strategies Eric Federing Board of Directors, NCoC Jacob Soboroff Co-Founder, Why Tuesday? Christopher Gates Executive Director, Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement Thomas Susman 'LUHFWRU*RYHUQPHQWDO$IIDLUV2IÀFH American Bar Association Garrett Graff Editor, Washingtonian Magazine Complimentary copies of CITIZENSHIP: Alysa Ullman What Every American Needs to Know Executive Director, Citizenship Counts have been provided for all attendees Megan Hoot through the generosity of StarGroup Chief of Staff, Civic Enterprises International.



The 2013 National Conference on Citizenship will take place at No parking is available at the Institute of Peace. Two hour street the U.S. Institute of Peace located at 2301 Constitution Ave. parking is available around the Institute. Paid parking garages NW, Washington, DC 20037. are located on G St NW between 17th and 18 St NW.


1. Head south on 20th St NW toward E St NW (36 ft) 1. Head west on I St NW toward 23rd ST NW (26 ft)

2. Turn right onto E St NW (499 ft) 2. Turn left onto 23rd St NW (.6 mi)

3. Turn left onto 21st ST NW (.3 mi) 3. Turn Right and you will see the Institute of Peace (Turn right) 4. Turn Right and you will see the Institute of Peace


NCoC is excited to expand beyond our Conference walls to allow TWITTER individuals who cannot join the event in person to participate The Conference hashtag is #NCoC. Every time we open for online. Through the utilization of live conference streaming, virtual Q&A, we’ll turn to the “Twitter Correspondent’s Desk” to take a attendees from across the country are joining us by watching question from online. online at NCoC.net/live.

The Conference will be streamed live beginning 4 p.m. Eastern BLOG! on September 19th and 8 a.m. on the 20th. During this time, Please submit your blogs, photos, and thoughts to us at #NCoC, questions will be taken via Twitter and U-Stream chat from online Facebook.com/NCoC1 or [email protected] and we’ll include participants. them in our interactive post-conference report.


Throughout our nation’s history, foreign-born men and women have come to the United States, taken the Oath of Allegiance OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to become naturalized citizens, and contributed greatly to their new communities and country. The Oath of Allegiance has led to “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely American citizenship for more than 220 years. and entirely renounce and abjure all DOOHJLDQFHDQGÀGHOLW\WRDQ\IRUHLJQSULQFH In collaboration with Citizenship Counts, NCoC will host a full SRWHQWDWHVWDWHRUVRYHUHLJQW\RIZKRPRU ceremony where tens of permanent residents will ZKLFK,KDYHKHUHWRIRUHEHHQDVXEMHFWRU become the newest American citizens. FLWL]HQWKDW,ZLOOVXSSRUWDQGGHIHQGWKH If you would like more information on hosting a naturalization &RQVWLWXWLRQDQGODZVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV ceremony, please visit www.citizenshipcounts.org. RI$PHULFDDJDLQVWDOOHQHPLHVIRUHLJQ DQGGRPHVWLFWKDW,ZLOOEHDUWUXHIDLWKDQG allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms RQEHKDOIRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVZKHQUHTXLUHG E\WKHODZWKDW,ZLOOSHUIRUPQRQFRPEDWDQW VHUYLFHLQWKHDUPHGIRUFHVRIWKH8QLWHG 6WDWHVZKHQUHTXLUHGE\WKHODZWKDW,ZLOO SHUIRUPZRUNRIQDWLRQDOLPSRUWDQFHXQGHU FLYLOLDQGLUHFWLRQZKHQUHTXLUHGE\WKHODZ DQGWKDW,WDNHWKLVREOLJDWLRQIUHHO\ZLWKRXW DQ\PHQWDOUHVHUYDWLRQRUSXUSRVHRIHYDVLRQ VRKHOSPH*RGµ


September 19: Panel and Presentation of Awards

Welcome Performance: Jillian Anderson, College of William & Mary 4:00 PM Ilir Zherka, NCoC Franklin Award Presenter: Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Polarization and Congress: “Of the People?” Recipient: General Ann Dunwoody 30 *UHDW+DOO  Moderator: Senator Bob Graham (FL) Role Model of the Year Award Panelists: Presenter: Tom Gottschalk, NCoC Board ‡&RQJUHVVPDQ7RP'DYLV 9$ Recipient: Alfred Morris, Running Back, Washington Redskins ‡Bill Bishop, author of the The Big Sort ‡0DULD7HUHVD.XPDU9RWR/DWLQR Joseph H. Kanter Citizen of the Year Award ‡Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post Presenter: Tom Susman, NCoC Board Recipient: David Rubenstein, Co-Founder and CEO, Carlyle Group Reception 30 /HODQG$WULXP Major George A. Smith HOOAH Award Presenter: David B. Smith, The Presidio Trust Awards Presentation Recipient: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI) 30 *UHDW+DOO Opening: Michael Weiser, NCoC Board Closing: Ilir Zherka, NCoC

September 20: Plenary Sessions and Learning Summits

Breakfast & Welcome Research: Civic Health Initiatives (Great Hall) $0 *UHDW+DOO Moderator: Michael Weiser, NCoC Board ‡Michael Weiser, NCoC Board Panelists: ‡Ilir Zherka, NCoC ‡ Lattie Coor, Center for the Future of Arizona ‡ Doug Dobson, Florida Joint Center for Citizenship State of the Union: A 60-Year Review of Civic Engagement ‡ Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, American Democracy Project $0 *UHDW+DOO  ‡ Regina Lawrence, Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life Moderator: *DLO/HIWZLFK.LWFK9RWHU3DUWLFLSDWLRQ&HQWHU 1&R&%RDUG Panelists: Corporate Citizenship: The Civic 50 (B214/215) ‡Senator Bob Graham (FL) Moderator: Ilir Zherka, NCoC ‡Cheryl Contee, Fission Strategy Panelists: ‡Chris Gates, Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement ‡ Chris Montross, Aetna Respondent: John Bridgeland, Civic Enterprises & The ‡ Jackie Norris, Points of Light ‡ Andrea Taylor, Microsoft Break ‡ Megan Wood, Southwest Airlines 10:00-10:30 AM Lunch Program Learning Summit Breakout Sessions 30 *UHDW+DOO  $030 9DULRXVURRPV  Announcement: Civic Data Challenge Finalists Civic Education: Civic Mission of Schools (B241/Simon) ‡ Kristen Cambell, NCoC 3UHVHQWHGLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWKWKH&DPSDLJQIRUWKH &LYLF0LVVLRQRI6FKRROV The Economic Case for Service Moderator: Phil Duncan, NCoC Board ‡ John Bridgeland, Civic Enterprises & The Franklin Project Panelists: ‡ Wendy Spencer, Corporation for National & Community Service ‡ Mary Ellen Daneels, Community High School ‡ Michael Weiser, NCoC Board ‡ Joe Kahne, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics City Year PT Break ‡ Peter Levine, CIRCLE 30 *UHDW+DOO ‡ Frank LoMonte, Student Press Law Center City Year Washington, DC

Open Data & Technology: Civic Data Challenge (Kathwari) Naturalization Ceremony Presented by MindMixer 30 *UHDW+DOO  Moderator: Kristi Tate & Jeff Coates, NCoC 3UHVHQWHGLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWK&LWL]HQVKLS&RXQWV Speakers: Introduction: Eric Federing, KPMG, LLP & NCoC Board ‡ Nick Bowden, MindMixer 2IÀFLDQWHon. Richard Roberts, U.S. District Court, District of Columbia ‡ Muki Hansteen-Izora, Intel Labs Anthem: Jillian Anderson, College of William & Mary ‡ Michelle Lee, Textizen Remarks: Ilir Zherka, NCoC ‡ Abhi Nemani, Code for America ‡ Marnie Webb, Caravan Studios Adjournment 6 2013 NAT IONAL CONFERENCE ON C ITIZENSHIP AGENDA FRANKLIN AWARD

General Ann Dunwoody

General Dunwoody recently retired as a 4-star Army General after 37+ years of service to our country. For the last 4 years, she led and ran the largest global logistics command in the Army comprising 69,000 military and civilians, located in all 50 states and over 140 countries. She managed a budget of $60B dollars and was responsible for oversight of approximately $70B in service contracts. She managed and operationalized the Army’s supply chain in support of Iraq and Afghanistan, contingency operations in Haiti, Pakistan, and Japan.

,Q*HQHUDO'XQZRRG\HDUQHGWKHKLVWRULFGLVWLQFWLRQRIEHLQJWKHÀUVWZRPDQLQ860LOLWDU\KLVWRU\WR achieve the rank of four-star general. She is the fourth generation of her family to serve in the US Army and the WKLUGWRDFKLHYHÁDJRIÀFHUUDQN

Today General Dunwoody is President of First 2 Four, LLC, a leadership mentoring and strategic advisory services company. She also serves on the Board of Directors for L-3 Communications and Logistics Management Institute.


NCoC shares Franklin’s belief and gives out an award in his name to outstanding individuals in federal service who are working to strengthen citizenship in America. The award bears an inscription with the famous Franklin quotation “A Republic… if you can keep it.”

Past Franklin Award recipients are Hon. Norman Mineta, Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Antonin Scalia, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Stephen Breyer, and Senators Robert Byrd and Lamar Alexander.


David Rubenstein


Mr. Rubenstein is Chairman of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, a Regent of the Smithsonian ,QVWLWXWLRQ9LFH&KDLUPDQRIWKH%RDUGVRI'XNH8QLYHUVLW\WKH&RXQFLORQ)RUHLJQ5HODWLRQVDQGWKH%URRNLQJV Institution, and the President of the Economic Club of Washington.

Mr. Rubenstein is on the Board of Directors or Trustees of Johns Hopkins University, University of Chicago, the for the Performing Arts, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Institute for Advanced Study, the National Museum of American History of the Smithsonian Institution and the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.

0U5XEHQVWHLQLVDPHPEHURI7KH%XVLQHVV&RXQFLO9LVLWLQJ&RPPLWWHHRIWKH.HQQHG\6FKRRORI*RYHUQPHQWDW+DUYDUGWKH+DUYDUG Business School Board of Dean’s Advisors, the Woodrow Wilson School Advisory Council at Princeton, the Board of Trustees of the Young Global Leaders Foundation, Advisory Board of School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, the Madison Council of the Library of Congress, and the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum.

ABOUT THE AWARD: The Joseph H. Kanter Citizen of the Year Award recognizes a private citizen who has made exemplary contributions in championing civic participation.

Former recipients are Jack Miller of the Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History, Jean and Steve Case of the Case Foundation, Rick Stengel of TIME Magazine, former Senator , 9/11 Commission co-chair and former Congressman Lee Hamilton, educational pioneer Irasema Salcido, and philanthropists Ray Chambers and Eugene Lang. 7 2013 NAT IONAL CONFERENCE ON C ITIZENSHIP AWARDS MAJOR GEORGE A. SMITH MEMORIAL HOOAH AWARD

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2)

7XOVL*DEEDUGZDVERUQLQ/HORDORD$PHULFDQ6DPRDLQWKHIRXUWKRIÀYHFKLOGUHQ$WWKHDJHRIWZR7XOVL DQGKHUIDPLO\VHWWOHGLQ+DZDL·LZKHUHDVDWHHQDJHUVKHFRIRXQGHGWKH+HDOWK\+DZDL·L&RDOLWLRQDQRQSURÀW teaching children to take care of themselves and the environment. An advocate for environmental policy, Tulsi ran for the Hawai’i State Legislature in 2002 and became the youngest person ever elected. A year later, Tulsi joined the Hawai’i National Guard to serve Hawaii’s citizens and our country.

In 2004, Tulsi voluntarily deployed to Iraq eventually serving two tours of combat duty in the Middle East. Tulsi ZDVDZDUGHGWKH0HULWRULRXV6HUYLFH0HGDOGXULQJ2SHUDWLRQ,UDTL)UHHGRPZDVWKHÀUVWIHPDOH'LVWLQJXLVKHG +RQRU*UDGXDWHDW)RUW0F&OHOODQ·V2IÀFHU&DQGLGDWH6FKRRODQGZDVWKHÀUVWZRPDQWRHYHUUHFHLYHDQDZDUG of appreciation from the Kuwaiti military on her second overseas tour. Tulsi continues to serve as a Captain in the Hawai’i National Guard’s 29th Brigade Combat Team. In between her two tours, Tulsi worked in the U.S. Senate as a legislative aide to Senator Daniel Akaka, where she advised the senator on energy independence, homeland security, the environment, and veterans’ affairs.


ABOUT THE AWARD: In 2009, the Major George A. Smith Memorial Fund established the HOOAH Award to support and promote the importance of service in DOOLWVIRUPV7KH+22$+$ZDUGUHFRJQL]HVDYHWHUDQZKRGHÀQHVFLWL]HQVKLSWKURXJKVHUYLFHWRRXUFRXQWU\ERWKLQXQLIRUPDQGEH\RQG

Previous recipients are CPT Chris Marvin of Service Nation and Got Your 6, Lt Eric Greitens the Founder of The Mission Continues, Tech Sgt 'HUHN%OXPNHWKH&R)RXQGHURI6WXGHQW9HWHUDQVRI$PHULFDDQG6JW(ULF+LOOHPDQRIWKH6HQDWH9HWHUDQV$IIDLUV&RPPLWWHH


Alfred Morris

Alfred Morris, Running Back of the Washington Redskins, will receive the “Role Model of the Year” Award at NCoC’s Annual Conference on September 19. The award is designed to recognize individuals who use their public presence to inspire others and give back to their community.

Morris was a sixth round draft pick for the Redskins in 2012. In his rookie year, he rushed for over 1,600 yards of offense and 13 touchdowns, leading the NFC east and breaking the franchise’s single-season rushing record. In the game against the Dallas Cowboys, Morris rushed for over 200 yards and three touchdowns—one of the most impressive single-game performances by any NFL running back during the regular season. His performance earned him a spot on the “Top 100 Players of 2013” list, which is voted on by players. Morris is an alumni of Florida Atlantic University, where he graduated as the school’s all-time leading rusher with 3,529 rushing yards.



ABOUT THE AWARD: The “Role Model of the Year” Award is designed to recognize individuals who use their public presence to inspire others and give back to their community. The inaugural recipient was Nnamdi Asomugha of the Philadelphia Eagles. 8 2013 NAT IONAL CONFERENCE ON C ITIZENSHIP AWARDS CIVIC DATA CHALLENGE FINALISTS

The Civic Data Challenge turns the raw data of ‘civic health’ - the well being of a community - into useful applications and visualizations that have direct impact on public decision-making. Through the Challenge, SDUWLFLSDQWVKDYHEURXJKWQHZPLQGVDQGVNLOOVHWVWRWKHÀHOGRIFLYLFKHDOWKZLWKWKHSXUSRVHRIPDNLQJ data-driven community insights more valuable and accessible. In order to achieve an exceptional level of real-world usefulness, designers, data scientists, researchers, and application developers are collaborating with local leaders and responding to community needs.

Participants began the Challenge in the spring with an Ideation Phase, where they analyzed the data and LGHQWLÀHGFRPPXQLW\QHHGV'XULQJWKH&UHDWLRQ3KDVHSDUWLFLSDQWVEXLOWDSSVPDSVDQGLQIRJUDSKLFVWR help address these needs. Finalists will now move on to the Implementation Phase, where they will work with community partners to pilot their entries.


FINALISTS: Heyu Xiong, Sehj Kashyapp, and Nitya Narasimhan Nikita Bier, Jeremy Blalock, Erik Hazzard, and Ray Kluender (QWU\1DPH6(9$. Entry Name: State Budget Simulator

Courtney Klein, Michal Tyra, Mauro Whiteman, and Kristin Romaine Genevieve Borich, Huston Hedinger, Toby Craig, Grace Andrews, Entry Name: The Manifesto Project Jean Borich, and Lucie Anselin Entry Name: Any Town, USA Lydia Hooper, Cara Lynch, Andy Bardwell, and Erin Flynn Entry Name: Civic Data Erin Brackney, Liz Darling, Debbie Moffett, Ari Turrentine, David Raybuck, Christopher Story, Alexandra McCullough, and Greg Bloom, Ling Cheng, Sameer Siruguri, Justin Grimes, Sonia Monga Susie Cambria, Natalie Kaplan, Tom Pollak, and Leah Bannon Entry Name: Texas Connector Entry Name: The DC Community Resource Directory )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ&KDOOHQJHÀQDOLVWVDQGWRIROORZWKHPDVWKH\SLORWWKHLUHQWULHVYLVLW&LYLF'DWD&KDOOHQJHRUJ

THANK YOU Special thanks goes to our supporter and advisor, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. We would also like to thank our sponsors IURP'DWD:HHN([\J\,URQLR9LVXDOO\6$3DQG6HQG*ULGDQGRXUSDUWQHUVDW,QQRYDWLRQ(QWHUSULVHWKH$PHULFDQ'HPRFUDF\3URMHFW DataKind, CEOs for Cities, TechSoup Global, Intel, and Caravan Studios for their support.

Special thanks to our judges: ‡ /HVOLH%UDGVKDZ&KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IÀFHURI*XLGH ‡ Trina Chiasson, Co-founder and CEO of InfoActive ‡ 6KLEOHH+DVDQ8, 9LVXDOL]DWLRQ'HVLJQDW$PD]RQ ‡ Beth Kanter, Speaker, Author, Trainer, and Blogger ‡ 9LYHN.XQGUD([HFXWLYH9LFH3UHVLGHQWRI(PHUJLQJ0DUNHWVVDOHVIRUFHFRP ‡ Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist and Craigconnects ‡ Jake Porway, Founder and Executive Director of DataKind ‡ Ryan Resella, Senior Engineer at Upworthy ‡ -DPHV6LHJDO([HFXWLYH9LFH3UHVLGHQWDQG&KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IÀFHURI.D%220 ‡ 'UHZ6NDX9LVXDOL]DWLRQ$UFKLWHFWDW9LVXDOO\

Special thanks to our advisors: ‡ Jake Brewer, Director of External Affairs at Change.org ‡ Jeff Coates, Former Strategic Initiatives Associate at Knight Foundation ‡ Surbhi Godsay, Researcher at CIRCLE ‡ Ben Jones, Tableau Public Product Manager ‡ Sarah Koch, Director of Social Innovation at the Case Foundation ‡ $QG\.ULHEHO9LVXDOL]DWLRQ*XUXDW)DFHERRN ‡ Jake Levitas, Designer and Organizer ‡ Jeff Stanger, Founding Director of the Center for Digital Information ‡ Felicia Sullivan, Senior Researcher at CIRCLE ‡ Sisi Wei, Investigative Journalist and Developer at ProPublica 9 2013 NAT IONAL CONFERENCE ON C ITIZENSHIP CDC SPEAKER BIOS

Bill Bishop land began his professional career by prac- ogy from the University of Oklahoma and :ULWHU 5HSRUWHU ticing law in the New York and , France a master of public health from Tulane Uni- RIÀFHV RI 'DYLV 3RON  :DUGZHOO +H DOVR versity in New Orleans. He is a member of Bill Bishop lives in Austin, served as Chief of Staff and Counsel to for- the American Public Health Association and Texas. He wrote The Big Sort mer U.S. Congressman . American Evaluation Association. with retired University of Tex- as sociologist Robert G. Kristen Cambell Jonathan Capehart Cushing. Bishop has worked &KLHI3URJUDP2IÀFHU1&R& Journalist, The Washington Post as a reporter at The Moun- tain Eagle, in Whitesburg (Ky.); a columnist Kristen is Chief Program Of- A Pulitzer Prize-winning jour- at the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, and on ÀFHU DW 1&R& ZKHUH VKH LV nalist and member of The the special projects staff of the Austin (Tx.) responsible for researching, Washington Post editorial American-Statesman. Bishop and his wife, developing, and implement- board. He writes about poli- Julie Ardery, owned and operated The Bas- ing all programs and special tics and social issues for the WURS&RXQW\7LPHV, a weekly newspaper in initiatives. Kristen came to PostPartisan blog. He is a Smithville, Texas. They now co-edit The Dai- NCoC in January 2009 from the Case Foun- MSNBC Contributor and has served as a ly Yonder, a web-based publication - dation, and prior to that, served as an substitute anchor on “The Cycle” and “Mar- dailyyonder.com - covering rural America. $PHUL&RUSV 9,67$ DW WKH 3RLQWV RI /LJKW tin Bashir” and “Way Too Early.” He also has Foundation. She is the former chair of Inde- been a member of the Reporters Roundta- Nick Bowden pendent Sector’s NGen initiative, and ble on ABC News’ “This Week with George CEO, MindMixer serves on the Alumni Council of The Fund Stephanopoulos,” and substitute host on for America Studies, and the Advisory Board “The Brian Lehrer Show” and “The Leonard Nick Bowden is CEO of Mind- of the Annenberg Presidential Learning Lopate Show.” Mixer. In Bowden’s efforts to Center. overcome the challenges as- Cheryl Contee sociated with social and civic Jeff Coates Partner, Fission Strategy engagement, he developed Former Strategic Initiative Associate, Cheryl Contee, Partner at MindMixer. MindMixer is a Knight Foundation simple platform that leverages the power of Fission Strategy, specializes the Internet and social media, to help orga- Jeffrey Coates was the for- LQ KHOSLQJ QRQSURÀW RUJDQL- nizations connect with community mem- mer Strategic Initiative Asso- zations and foundations use bers who might not otherwise get involved. ciate at the Knight Founda- social media to create social tion from 2010 to 2013. good. She is also the co- Nick has taken MindMixer through its Se- Coates is a consultant on founder of Jack and Jill Politics writing as ries B funding, and the company now helps community well-being and “Jill Tubman” on one of the top black blogs more than 400 clients across the country resilience. online. Cheryl was recently named as an Af- engage better with their communities us- ÀOLDWHRI+DUYDUG8QLYHUVLW\·V%HUNPDQ&HQ- LQJDPRGHUQDQGHIÀFLHQWRQOLQHSODWIRUP He previously worked with the Greater New ter for Internet & Society. Cheryl is included Orleans Disaster Recovery Partnership, in The Root 100 list of established and John Bridgeland where he collaborated with more than 50 emerging African-American leaders. +XII- 3UHVLGHQW &(2&LYLF(QWHUSULVHV QRQSURÀWV WR GHYHORS VWUDWHJLF SODQV IRU ington Post listed her as one of the Top 27 long-term recovery. Before that, he was a John Bridgeland is President Female Founders in Tech to Follow on Twit- supervisor with the American Red Cross’ & CEO of Civic Enterprises, a ter in 2011. Fast Company named her one Hurricane Recovery Program in New Or- public policy development RI WKHLU  0RVW ,QÁXHQWLDO :RPHQ LQ leans. He also co-founded the Recovery ÀUP%ULGJHODQGLV&KDLUPDQ Tech. She has over 15 years of award-win- Action Learning Laboratory (RALLY) Foun- of NCoC’s National Advisory ning interactive expertise and previously GDWLRQD1HZ2UOHDQVEDVHGQRQSURÀWWKDW %RDUG9LFH&KDLUPDQRI0D- VHUYHG DV 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW DQG OHDG GLJLWDO monitored and evaluated post-disaster pro- laria No More, serves on the National Parks strategist for Fleishman-Hillard’s West grams. System Advisory Board, and was a leader in Coast region in San Francisco. ServiceNation. Previously, Bridgeland In addition, Coates has served as a Peace served as Assistant to the President of the Corps community health volunteer in Guy- 8QLWHG6WDWHVDQGWKHÀUVW'LUHFWRURIWKH ana, an ethnographer in Oklahoma and an USA Freedom Corps. Prior to that, Bridge- intern with the government of Sri Lanka. He land served as Director of the Domestic earned a bachelor of science in anthropol- Policy Council at the White House. Bridge- 10 2013 NAT IONAL CONFERENCE ON C ITIZENSHIP BIOS Dr. Lattie Coor where he continues his commitment to ef- dergraduate teaching practices related to &KDLUPDQ &(2&HQWHUIRUWKH)XWXUHRI fective, common-sense solutions to govern- civic learning and engagement. The Interna- Arizona ment. tional Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IAR- Dr. Lattie Coor founded the Tom served seven terms in Congress rep- SLCE) honored Jennifer’s work with an hon- Center for the Future of Ari- UHVHQWLQJ 9LUJLQLD·V WK FRQJUHVVLRQDO orable mention award in 2011. Jennifer is a zona. Under his direction, district. During his tenure in the House, he member of the editorial board of the eJour- the center has focused upon served as Chairman of the House Govern- nal of Public Affairs. collaborative initiatives such ment Reform and Oversight Committee, as DVFUHDWLQJDXQLÀHGVWDWHYL- well as the Chair of the subcommittee on Phil Duncan sion and action plan, and implementing the Technology and Procurement Policy. President, Civicatalyst Communications %HDWWKH2GGVUHVHDUFKÀQGLQJVLQ$UL]RQD K-12 schools. He also is the Ernest W. Mc- Doug Dobson 3KLO 'XQFDQ RI 9LUJLQLD LV Farland Arizona Heritage Chair in Leader- ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU8QLYHUVLW\RI&HQWUDO President of Civicatalyst ship and Public Policy and a professor of )ORULGD·V/RX)UH\,QVWLWXWHRI3ROLWLFVDQG Communications, a consult- public affairs at Arizona State University. *RYHUQPHQW LQJÀUPWKDWIRFXVHVRQFLYLF participation and education. Dr. Coor is a highly regarded Arizona states- Dr. Doug Dobson is Execu- He previously served as Ex- man and esteemed president emeritus of tive Director of the University ecutive Director of NCoC. Phil is a graduate Arizona State University (1990-2002) and of Central Florida’s Lou Frey of Davidson College. A native of Tennessee, WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 9HUPRQW   Institute of Politics and Gov- he spent twenty years as a reporter and As president of ASU, Dr. Coor elevated the ernment. He also directs the editor at Congressional Quarterly. He is a university’s status as a major research in- work of the Florida Joint Cen- former board member of the Greater Falls stitution with high-quality academics and a ter for Citizenship, a partnership between Church Chamber of Commerce, which diverse student body. the Frey Institute at UCF and the Bob Gra- named him “Pillar of the Community” in ham Center for Public Service at UF. Dr. 2001, and volunteers for numerous other Mary Ellen Daneels Dobson received his Ph.D. from Florida RUJDQL]DWLRQVLQ9LUJLQLD Teacher, Community High School State University and was a Social Science Research Council post-doctoral fellow at Christopher T. Gates Mary Ellen Daneels is a Na- the University of Chicago. He served as a ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU3KLODQWKURS\IRU$FWLYH WLRQDO%RDUG&HUWLÀHGWHDFK- Professor of Political Science at Northern Civic Engagement er in the Humanities Division Illinois University and as Director of NIU’s at Community High School in Chris Gates is the Executive Center for Governmental Studies. Dr. Dob- West Chicago, Illinois. Director of PACE, Philanthro- son also served as the Executive Director of py for Active Civic Engage- the University of South Carolina’s Institute In 2006, Ms. Daneels was ment. He previously served of Public Affairs and as a Professor of Gov- awarded the Barbara O’Donnell Law-re- for eleven years as President ernment and International Studies. lated Educator of the Year award from the of the National Civic League, Constitutional Rights Foundation of Chica- Jennifer Domagal-Goldman America’s oldest good government organi- go. In 2007, Ms. Daneels was recognized by National Manager, American Democracy zation. Gates is an elected Fellow of the Na- the Center for Civic Education, the Center Project tional Academy of Public Administration. He on Congress at Indiana University and the has previously served on the boards of the National Education Association with the Jennifer Domagal-Goldman Council for the Advancement of Citizenship American Civic Education Teacher Award. is the National Manager of and Independent Sector, and has also ,QWKHWK'LVWULFWRIWKH9HWHUDQV the American Democracy served as co-chair of the board of the Civic of Foreign Wars named her the Teacher of Project (ADP). ADP is a na- Practices Network and co-chair of the Sa- the Year. tional civic learning and en- guaro Seminar. gagement project of the Hon. Thomas Davis American Association of State Colleges and Hon. Bob Graham 'LUHFWRURI)HGHUDO *RYHUQPHQW$IIDLUV Universities (AASCU) involving more than Former Florida Governor & U.S. Senator Deloitte & Touche 250 public four-year institutions of higher The Honorable Thomas M. education. ADP and NCoC launched a Cam- One of the most accom- 'DYLV²IRUPHU9LUJLQLD&RQ- pus and Community Civic Health Initiative plished politicians in Flori- gressman and Chairman of involving 25 ADP campuses under Jenni- da’s history, Bob Graham the House Government Re- fer’s leadership. Jennifer earned her doctor- never lost an election for of- form Committee – serves as ate in higher education from the Pennsylva- ÀFH LQ PRUH WKDQ IRXU GH- the Director of Federal Gov- nia State University. Her dissertation cades of public service at ernment Affairs for Deloitte & Touche LLP, research focused on how faculty participa- WKHORFDOVWDWHDQGQDWLRQDOOHYHO$VÀUVWD tion in a community of practice affected un- VWDWHOHJLVODWRUWKHQJRYHUQRUDQGÀQDOO\D BIOS three-term U.S. Senator, Graham has had a divide, to catalyzing global developing mar- Committee of the Boards of the Women’s role in nearly every major public policy issue kets through the design of new products, Foreign Policy Group and National History in modern Florida’s history. He created the technologies and experiences at compa- Day. Bob Graham Center in Public Service to nies such as HP, Philips and Intel. His cur- continue his legacy of leadership and train rent work as a Senior Strategist and Re- Maria Teresa Kumar the next generation of Sunshine State lead- search Scientist in Intel’s Business President and CEO, Voto Latino ers. Innovation Lab deepens this exploration Maria Teresa Kumar is the through synthesis and testing of theories of founding President and CEO Eric Federing innovation at the juncture of emerging tech- RI9RWR/DWLQRDQGDQ(PP\ %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV1&R& nology applications and human aspiration. nominated contributor with Eric K. Federing, of Mary- MSNBC. In 2013, Elle named Joseph Kahne land, serves as a Director of her one of the 10 most pow- Chair, MacArthur Foundation Research the National Japanese Amer- erful women in Washington, DC. 1HWZRUNRQ