S e r ie s A




P rinted fop. THE ROYAL SOCIETY and S old bv



ST. m a r t in ’s LANE. CONTENTS.

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Minutes of Meetings, December 1, 4, 1924 ; January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26, and March 5, 12, 19, 26, 1925.

No. A 741.—January 1, 1925. PAGE Address of the President, Sir Charles S. Sherrington, at the Anniversary Meeting, December 1, 1924 ...... 1

On the Total Reflexion of Light. By Sir , For. Sec. R.S...... 15

The Structure of the Spectrum of Ionised Nitrogen. By A. Fowler, F.R.S., Yarrow Research Professor of the Royal Society, Imperial College, South Kensington. (Plate 1) ...... 31

Spheroidal Wave-Functions. By J. W. Nicholson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford...... 43 thermionic Effects caused by Vapours of Alkali Metals. By Irving Langmuir and K. H. Kingdon, of the Research Laboratory, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S...... 61

1:2: 3—Triaminopropane and its Complex Metallic Compounds. By Frederick George Mann, Ph.D., and Sir William Jackson Pope, F.R.S...... 80

The Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Presence of Silver and Gold. By D. L. Chapman, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford ; J. E. Ramsbottoin, D.Sc., Ph.D., Superintendent Chemical Department, Royal Aircraft Establish­ ment, larnborough ; and C. G. Trotman, B.A., Jesus College, Oxford...... 92 The General Law of Electrical Conduction in Dielectrics. By Spencer W. Richardson, M.A., D.Sc., F.Inst.P. Communicated by Sir William Bra^g, K.B.E., F.R.S...... 101

Recent Developments in Tensile Testing. By J. V. Howard, D.Sc., and S. L. Smith, D.Sc., A.C.G.I. Communicated by W. E. Dalby, F.R.S...... 113

The Effect of Superposed Alternating Current on the Polarisable Primary Cell Zinc-Sulphuric Acid-Carbon. Part I.—Low-Frequency Current. By A. J. Allmand, D.Sc., and V. S. Puri, M.Sc., Ph.D. Communicated by Prof. S. Smiles, F.R.S...... 126

The Spark-Spectra of Indium and Gallium in the Extreme Ultra-Violet Region. By Mollie Weinberg, M.A., M.Sc., Physical Laboratory, University of Toronto. Communicated by Prof. J. C. McLennan, F.R.S. (Plate 2)...... 138 IV

PAG-E On the Atomic Fields of Helium and Neon. By J. E. Jones, D.Sc., 1851 Exhibition Senior Research Student, Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. S. Chapman, F.R.S...... 157

No. A 742.—February 2, 1925. Experiments on the Distortion of Single-Crystal Test-Pieces of Aluminium. By H. C. H. Carpenter, F.R.S., Professor of Metallurgy, Imperial College of Science and Technology, and Miss C. F. Elam, M.A., Armourers’ and Brasiers’ Company Research Fellow. (Plate 3 ) ...... 171 On the Thirteen Semi-regular Solids of Archimedes, and on their Development by the Transformation of certain Plane Configurations. By D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, F.R.S...... 181 On the Formation of Water Waves by Wind. By , M.A., D.Sc., Fellow and Lecturer of St. John’s College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. G. I. Taylor, F.R.S. (Plates 4 and 5) ...... 189

The Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of some Pure Metals. By F. H. Schofield, B.A., B.Sc. Communicated by Sir Joseph Petavel, F.R.S...... 206 The Colours Due to Thin Films on Metals. By Ulick R. Evans. Communicated by C. T. Heycock, F.R.S...... 228 On the Quantum Dynamics of Degenerate Systems. By A. M. Mosharrafa, D.Sc., Ph.D. Communicated by Prof. O. W. Richardson, F.R.S...... 237 On the Effect of Temperature on the Anomalous Reflection of Silver. By M. de Selincourt, Scholar of Brasenose College, Oxford. Communicated by Prof. F. A. Lindemann, F.R.S...... 247 The Catalytic Activity of Copper. Part V.—The Comparison of the Rates of Dehydrogenation of Various Alcohols. By W. G. Palmer, Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, and F. H. Constable, Strathcona Research Student, St. John’s College, Cambridge. Communicated by Sir William Pope, F.R.S. ... 255

The Catalytic Action of Copper. Part VI.—An Explanation of the Repro­ ducibility of the Catalyst, and of the Periodic Change in its Activity, together with some Experiments on the Activation of the Catalyst by Alternate an^ Reduction. By H. Constable, Strathcona Research Student of St. John's College, Cambridge.. Communicated by Sir William Pope, F.R.S. 270 Catalytic Action of Copper. Part VII.—A Study of the Effect of Pressure t> i ^ °^ ^ e^}r^10oenation of Alcohols. By F. H. Constable, Strathcona WUHam Pope F E S St JollI,’s ColleSe> Cambridge. Communicated by Sir 279

A ^ r i a f T p d ,° l“ aking SmaU Pots °f Electrically Fused Refractory ' y r e i S' Tnttoa- Communicated by Dr. W. Rosenhain, F.R.S. 287

° “ tDym!ndCBAM sTUTer nt °f„ the Critic!‘1 PotentiaIs °f G *** E- «• E. Ruthertod'; US C^-Wge. Communicated by Prof. Sir 291 V

PAGE On the Determination of Resistance in Terms of Mutual Inductance. By Albert Campbell, B.A. Communicated by F. E. Smith, F.R.S...... 310

The Absorption of X-Rays. By E. C. Stoner, B.A., Lecturer in Physics at Leeds University, and L. H. Martin, M.Sc., 1851 Exhibition Scholar (Melb.), Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S...... 312 Ionisation by Alpha-Particles in Monatomic and Diatomic Gases. By R. W. Gurney, B.A., Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S...... 332

The Stopping-Power of Gases for Alpha-Particles of Different Velocities. By R. W. Gurney, B.A., Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S...... 340

The Ejection of Protons from Nitrogen Nuclei, Photographed by the Wilson Method. By P. M. S. Blackett, Moseley Research Student of the Royal Society and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S. (Plates 6 and 7) ...... 349

The Apparent Tripling of Certain Lines in Arc Spectra. By T. Royds, D.Sc., Director, Kodaikanal Observatory. Communicated by J. Evershed, F.R.S. (Plate 8 ) ...... 360

No. A 743.—March 2, 1925. On the Life Statistics of Fellows of the Royal Society. By Sir Arthur Schuster, F R -S...... 368 The Thermionic Work-Functions and Photo-electric Thresholds of the Alkali Metals. By O. W. Richardson, F.R.S., Yarrow Research Professor of the Royal Society, and A. F. A. Young, Ph.D., King’s College, London...... 377

On Experiments relating to the Spectrum of Nitrogen. By T. R. Merton, M.A., D. Sc., I.R.S., Professor of -Spectroscopy in the University of Oxford, and J. G. Pilley, B.A...... ’ ...... 4U

The Heat Developed during Plastic Extension of Metals. By W. S. Farren, M.A., and G. I. laylor, I.R.S., Yarrow Research Professor of the Royal Society...... 422 An Experimental Study of the Vibrations in the Blades and Shaft of an Airscrew. By A. I age, A.R.C.Sc., of the Aerodynamics Department, National Physical Laboratory. Communicated by II. Lamb, F.R.S...... 451

Theimal Diffusion Measurements. By T. L. Ibbs, M.C., M.Sc. Communicated by Prof. S. W. J. Smith, F.R.S...... 470

Overvoltage and Transfer Resistance. By Edgar Newbery, D.Sc., F.I.C., Univer­ sity of Cape Town. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S. (Pl&tcs 9-11) ...... 486

The Magnetic Properties of Iron Crystals. By W. L. Webster, B.A., 1851 Research Student of the University of Toronto. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S...... 496 VI

PAGE On the Measurement of the Eatio of the Specific Heats using Small Gas.—The Katies of the Specific Heats of Air and of Hydrogen> . -A tm o­ spheric Pressure and at Temperatures between 20 C. and -1183° 8 3 C.O. By J. H. Brinkworth, A.K.C.S., M.Sc., D.I.C. r'“Communicated — ~ by Prof. H. L. 510 Callendar, F.R.S...... The Interpretation of the Results of Bucherer’s Experiments on By Thos. Lewis, B.Sc., Garrod Thomas Fellow of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Communicated by Prof. G. A. Schott, F.R.S...... 544

The Variation with Temperature of the Intensity of Reflection of X-Rays from Quartz and its Bearings on the Crystal Structure. By Reginald Edmund Gibbs. Communicated by Sir William Bragg, F.R.S...... 561

The Fulcher Hydrogen Bands. By W. E. Curtis, D.Sc., A.R.C.S., Readei in Physics in the University of London, King’s College. Communicated by Prof. O. W. Richardson, F.R.S...... 570

On the Determination of the Directions of the Forces in Wireless Waves at the Earth’s Surface. By R. L. Smith-Rose, Ph.D., M.Sc., and R. H. Barfield, M.Sc. Communicated, by permission of the Radio Research Board, by Sir Henry Jackson, F.R.S...... 587

No. A 744.—April 1, 1925.

Regularities in the Secondary Spectrum of Hydrogen. By O. W. Richardson, Yarrow Research Professor of the Royal Society, and T. Tanaka, Professor in the College of Niigata, Japan ...... 602

The Lattice Points of a Circle. By G. H. Hardy, F.R.S...... 623

On the Calculation of certain Crystal Potential Constants and on the Cubic Crystal of Least Potential Energy. By J. E. Jones, Ph.D., Trinity College, Cambridge, and A. E. Ingham, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. S. Chapman, F.R.S...... 636

The Kinetics of Haemoglobin. III.—The Velocity with which Oxygen combines with Reduced Haemoglobin. By H. Hartridge, M.D., Sc.D., Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, and F. J. W. Roughton, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. J. N. Langley, F.R.S...... 654

The Structure of Molecules in Relation to their Optical Anisotropy.—Part I. By K. R. Ramanathan, M.A., D.Sc., Assistant Lecturer in Physics, University College, Rangoon. Communicated by Prof. C. V. Raman, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. 684 On the Alternating Current Resistance of Solenoidal Coils. By S. Butterwortli, M.Sc. Communicated by F. E. Smith, F.R.S...... 693 On the Field of Force near the Neutral Point produced by Two Equal Coaxial Coils, with Special Reference to the Campbell Standard of Mutual Inductance. By Raymond M. Wilmotte, B.A., National Physical Laboratory. Com­ municated by Sir Joseph Petavel, F.R.S...... 716 Vll

PAGE The Adiabatic Invariance of the Quantum Integrals. By P. A. M. Dirac, St. John’s College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S...... 725

On the Theory of Elastic Stability. By W. R. Dean, B.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by Prof. G. I. Taylor, F.R.S...... 734 On the Fluorescence and Channelled Absorption of Bismuth at High Tem­ peratures. By K. Rangadhama Rao, M.A., Madras University Research Scholar. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. (Plate 12)...... 760 A Note on the Absorption of the Green Line of Thallium Vapour. By K. Rangadhama Rao, M.A., Madras University Research Scholar. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. (Plate 13) ...... 762


S. S. Hough (with portrait) ...... i Sir James Johnstone Dobbie (with portrait) ...... vi John Edward Campbell (with portrait) ...... ix

Index ...... xiii December 1, 1924.

Anniversary Meeting. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The report of the Auditors of the Treasurer’s accounts was read, and the thanks of the Society were given to the Treasurer and to the Auditors. The List of Fellows deceased and the List of Fellows elected into the Society since the last Anniversary were read. The Report to the Society from the Council, upon the work during the past year, was, upon the motion of the President, received. The President delivered his Anniversary Address. On the motion of Prof. Poulton, seconded by Sir S. Harmer, the thanks of the Society were voted to the President for his Address, and he was requested to allow it to be printed. The Awards of the Medals for the year were announced as follows, and the Medals were presented from the Chair :— The Copley Medal ...... To Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer. The ...... ,, Mr. Charles Vernon Boys. A ...... ,, Sir Dugald Clerk. A Royal Medal ...... „ Dr. . The ...... „ Prof. Arthur George Perkin. The ...... „ Prof. . The President having, with the consent of the Society, nominated Prof. Boycott and Col. Lyons as Scrutators to examine the balloting lists for the election of Council and Officers, the votes of the Fellows present were taken. The Scrutators reported that the Council and Officers nominated at the preceding meeting had been duly elected. The thanks of the Society were given to the Scrutators.

December 4, 1924. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. Sir Otto Beit was admitted into the Society. The following Papers were read :— I. “ The Structure of the Spectrum of Ionised Nitrogen.” By A. Fowler, F.R.S. II. On the Formation of Water Waves by Wind.” By H. Jeffreys. Communicated by Prof. G. I. Taylor, F.R.S. Y. “ On the Thirteen Semi-regular Solids of Archimedes, and on their Development by the Transformation of Certain Plane Configurations.” By D ’A rcy Thompson, F.R.S. VI. “ 1 : 2 : 3-Triaminopropane and its Complex Metallic Com­ pounds.” By F. 0. Mann and Sir William Pope, F.R.S. VII. “ The Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Presence of Silver and Gold.” By D. L. Chapman, F.R.S., J. E. R amsbottom, and C. G. Trotman. VIII. “ The Colours due to Thin Films on Metals.” By U. R. Evans. Communicated by C. T. H eycock, F.R.S. IX. “ On the Determination of Resistance in Terms of Mutual Inductance.” By A. Campbell. Communicated by F. E. Smith, F.R.S. X. “ On the Alternating-Current Resistance of Solenoidal Coils.” By S. Butterworth. Communicated by F. E. Smith, F.R.S. XI. “ The Effect of Superposed Alternating Current on the Polaris- able Primary Cell Zinc-Sulphuric Acid-Carbon : Part I. Low-Frequency Current.” By A. J. Allmand and V. S. Puri. Communicated by Prof. S. Smiles, F.R.S. XII. “ The Interaction of Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen in the Corona due to Alternating Currents of High Frequency.” By R. W. Lunt. Communicated by Prof. F. G. D onnan, F.R.S. XIII. “ The Apparent Tripling of Certain Lines in Arc Spectra.” By T. Royds. Communicated by J. Evershed, F.R.S.

Over-voltage and Transfer Resistance.” By E. N ewbery. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S.

January 29, 1925.

Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read :— I. The Ejection of Protons from Nitrogen Nuclei, photographed y the Wilson Method. By P. M. S. Blackett. Communi­ cated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. II. The Variation with Temperature of the Intensity of Reflec- lon of X-rays from Quartz and its Bearing on the Crystal Structure. By R. E. Gibbs. Communicated by Sir William Bragg, F.R.S. III. “ Ionization by Alpha-Particles in Monatomic and Diatomic Gases.” By R. W. Gurney. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. IV. “ The Stopping-Power of Gases for Alpha-Particles of Different Velocities.” By R. W. Gurney. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S.

V. “ The Fulcher Hydrogen Bands.” By W. E. Curtis. Com­ municated by Prof. 0. W. R ichardson, F.R.S. VI. “ The Magnetic Properties of Iron Crystals.” By W. L. Webster. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. VII. “ On the Calculation of Certain Crystal Potential Constants and on the Cubic Crystal of Least Potential Energy.” By A. E. Ingham and J. E. J ones. Communicated by Prof. S. Chapman, F.R.S.

VIII. “ The Absorption of X-Rays.” By E. C. Stoner and L. H. Martin. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. IX. “ The Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of some Pure Metals.” By F. H. Schofield. Communicated by Sir J oseph Petavel, F.R.S. X. “ On the Effect of Temperature on the Anomalous Reflection of Silver.” By M. de Selincourt. Communicated by Prof. F. A. Lindemann, F.R.S.

XI. “ Thermal Diffusion Measurements.” By T. L. Ibbs. Com­ municated by Prof. S. W. J. Smith, F.R .S. MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY.

January 15, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. In pursuance of the Statutes the names of the Candidates proposed for election into the Society were read, as follows :— Abell, Sir Westcott Stile. Gray, Janies Gordon. Allen, Herbert Stanley. Griffiths, Ezer. Arkwright, Joseph Arthur. Gunn, James Andrew. Atkins, William Ringrose Gelston. Gye, William Ewart. Austen, Ernest Edward. Harrison, John William Heslop. Baker, George Stephen. Hartridge, Hamilton. JBallance, Sir Charles A. Henderson, Sir James Blacklock. Bateman, Harry. | Herring, Percy Theodore. Bedson, Peter Phillips. Hill, Thomas George. Borley, John Oliver. Hilton, Harold. Borradaile, Lancelot Alexander. Hinton, Martin Alister Campbell. Brown, . Hippisley, Richard Lionel. Browning, Carl Hamilton. Howe, George William Osborn. Burne, Richard Higgins. Hunter, Janies de Graaff. Butler, Edwin John. Hurst, Harold Edwin. Carslaw, Horatio Scott. | Imms, Augustus Daniel. Christophers, Samuel Rickard. Jeffcott, Henry Homan. Christopherson, John Brian. Jeffery, George Barker. Cook, Stanley Smith. Jeffreys, Harold. Cummins, Stevenson Lyle. Jehu, Thomas John. Greyer, John L. E. Jenkin, Charles Frewen. Drysdale, Charles Vickery. Johnstone, James. Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Jones, Frederic Wood. Henry. Jones, Owen Thomas. Duerden, James Edwin. Kaye, George William Clarkson. Edgeworth, Francis Henry. Kemp, Stanley Wells. Edwards, Charles Alfred. Kendall, Janies. Eltringham, Harry. Kenner, James. Evans, C. A. Lovatt. Kidd, Franklin. Farr, Clinton Coleridge. Kitchin, Finlay Lorimer. Findlay, Alexander. Lang, William Dickson. Fleming, Alexander. Lewis, William Cudmore McCul- Fowler, Ralph Howard. lagh. Freeth, Francis Arthur. Lowe, Percy Roycroft. Gates, Reginald Buggies. McAulay, Alexander. Gibson, Walcot. McCarrison, Robert. Goodwin, Sir George Goodwin. Maclean, Hugh. Gray, James. Meakins, Jonathan Campbell. [ ii 1

Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. Sommerville, Duncan McLaren Mellanby, Edward. Young. Moir, James Reid. Southwell, Richard Vynne. Murray, James Alexander. Spencer, Leonard James. Newton, Richard Bullen. Stephenson, John Owens, John Switzer. Stiles, Walter. Oxley, Arthur Ernest. Stopford, John Sebastian Bach. Priestley, John Gillies. Sudborough, John Joseph. Priestley, Joseph Hubert. Swann, William F. G. Proudman, Joseph. Tillyard, Robin John. Rastall, Robert Heron. Titchener, Edward Bradford. Richardson, Lewis Fry. Tizard, Henry Thomas. Rideal, Eric Keightley. Troup, Robert Scott. Robinson, Arthur. Walker, Ernest William Ainley. Saha, Meghnad. Wenyon, Charles Morley. Schryver, Samuel Barnett. Werner, Emil Alphonse. Shaw, Philip Egerton. Wheeler, Richard Vernon. Simonsen, John Lionel. Whiddington, Richard. Smith, George Frederick Whytlaw-Gray, Robert. Herbert. Wolf, Charles G. L.

The following papers were read :— I. “ Further Observations on Myotatic Reflexes.” By Sir Charles Sherrington, P.R.S., and E. G. T. Liddell. LI. " Muscular Exercise, Lactic Acid, and the Supply and Utilisa­ tion of Oxygen. Parts I-V III.” By Prof. *A. V. H ill, F.R.S., C. N. H. Long, and H. Lupton.

III. “ The Physics of Incubation.” By Prof. A. P. Chattock, F.R.S. IV. IJie Influence of Tension upon the Electrical Responses of Muscle to Repetitive Stimuli.” By J. F. F ulton. Com­ municated by Sir Charles Sherrington, P.R.S. V. The Relation between the Durations of the Isometric Twitch and of the After-Action of Tetanus.” By J. F. F ulton. Communicated by Sir Charles Sherrington, P.R.S. VI. c’ Some Observations upon the Electrical Responses and Shape of the Isometric Twitch of Skeletal Muscle.” By J. F. I ulton. Communicated by Sir Charles Sherrington, [ i i i ]

January 22, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read :— I. “ Experiments on the Distortion of Single-Crystal Test-Pieces of Aluminium.” By H. C. H. Carpenter, F.R.S., and Miss C. F. Elam. II. The Heat developed during Plastic Extension of Metals.” By W. S. F arren and G. I. Taylor, F.R.S. III. Recent Developments in Tensile Testing.” By J. V. H oward and S. L. Smith. Communicated by Prof. W. E. D alby, F.R.S. IV. “ On the Determination of the Directions of the Forces in Wireless Waves at the Earth’s Surface.” By R. L. Smith- R ose and R. IT. Barfield. Communicated by Sir H enry Jackson, F.R.S. V. On the Thirteen Semi-regular Solids of Archimedes, and on their Development by the Transformation of Certain Plane Configurations.” By D ’Arcy Thompson, F.R.S. VI. “ 1:2: 3- T riamino pro pane and its Complex Metallic Com­ pounds. ’ By F. G. Mann and Sir William P ope, F.R.S. VII. “ The Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Presence of Silver and Gold. By D. L. Chapman, F.R.S., J. E. Ramsbottom, and C. G. Trotman. * VIII. “ The Colours due to Thin Films on Metals.” By U. R. Evans. Communicated by C. T. H eycock, F.R.S. IX. On 'the Determination of Resistance in Terms of Mutual Inductance.” By A. Campbell. Communicated by F. E. Smith, F.R.S. X. On the Alternating-Current Resistance of Solenoidal Coils.” By S. Butterworth. Communicated by F. E Smith F.R.S. XI. “ The Effect of Superposed Alternating Current on the Polaris- able Primary Cell Zinc-Sulphuric Acid-Carbon : Part I. Low-Frequency Current.” By A. J. Allmand and V. S. P uri. Communicated by Prof. S. Smiles, F.R.S. XII. “ The Interaction of Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen in t he Corona due to Alternating Currents of High Frequency." By R. W. Lunt. Communicated by Prof. F. G. D onnan, F ,R,S. XIII. “ The Apparent Tripling of Certain Lines in Arc Spectra.” By T. R oyds. Communicated by J. Evershed, F.R.S. XIV. “ Over-voltage and Transfer Resistance.” By E. N ewbery. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. [ iv ]

January 29, 1925.

Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair.

The following papers were read I “ The Ejection of Protons from Nitrogen Nuclei, photographed by the Wilson Method.” By P. M. S. Blackett. Communi­ cated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. TT. “ The Variation with Temperature of the Intensity of Reflec­ tion of X-rays from Quartz and its Bearing on the Crystal Structure.” By R. E. Gibbs. Communicated by Sir William Bragg, E.R.S. TIT. “ Ionization by Alpha-Particles in Monatomic and Diatomic Gases.” By R. W. Gurney. Communicated by Sir E rnest R utherford, F.R.S. IV. The Stopping-Power of Gases for Alpha-Particles of Different Velocities.” By R. W. Gurney. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S.

V. “ The Fulcher Hydrogen Bands.” By W. E. Curtis. Com­ municated by Prof. 0. W. Richardson, F.R.S. VI. “ The Magnetic Properties of Iron Crystals.” By W. L. Webster. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. VII. “ On the Calculation of Certain Crystal Potential Constants and on the Cubic Crystal of Least Potential Energy.” By A. E. Ingham and J. E. J ones. Communicated by Prof. S. Chapman, F.R.S.

VIIT. “ The Absorption of X-Rays.” By E. C. Stoner and L. H. Martin. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S. IX. £ The Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of some Pure Metals.” By F. H. Schofield. Communicated by Sir J oseph Petavel, F.R.S. X. On the Effect of Temperature on the Anomalous Reflection ol Silver. By M. de Selincourt. Communicated by Prof. F. A. Lindemann, F.R.S.

XL “ Thermal Diffusion Measurements.” By T. L. I bbs Com­ municated by Prof. S. W. J. Smith, F.R.S. [ V ]

February 5, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read :— I. “ Growth, Phagocytosis and other Phenomena in Tissue Cultures of Foetal and Adult Lung.” By H. M. Carleton. Communicated by Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., P.R.S. II. “ The Origin and Destiny of Cholesterol in the Animal Organism. Part XIV.—The Cholesterol Metabolism in Normal Breast-Fed Infants.” By F. W. Fox and J. A. Gardner. Communicated by Sir Walter F letcher, F.R.S. 111. “ The Caytoniales, a New Group of Angiospermous Plants from the Jurassic Rocks of Yorkshire.” By H. H. Thomas. Communicated by Prof. A. C. Seward, F.R.S. TV. “ The Relation between the Development, Structure and Functioning of the Nodules on Vida Faba as influenced by the Presence or Absence of Boron in the Nutrient Medium.” By Winifred Brenchley and H. G. T hornton. Com­ municated by Sir John R ussell, F.R.S. V. “ Observations on the Golgi Bodies in the Living Cell.” By A. S. Rau, F. W. R. Brambell and J. B. Gatenby. Com­ municated by Prof. J. P. H ill, F.R.S.

VI. “ Cell Inclusions in the Oogenesis of Scorpions.” By V. N ath. Communicated by Prof. J. Stanley Gardiner, F.R.S. VII. “ The Combination of Proteins, Amino-Acids, etc., with Acids and Alkalis and their Combining Weights, as determined by Physico-Chemical Measurements.” By L. J. H arris. Communicated by Sir Frederick H opkins, F.R.S.

February 12, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the'Chair. The following papers were read :— I. “ A Contribution to the Anatomy and Physiology of the Air- Bladder and Weberian Ossicles in Cyprinidge.” By H. Muir Evans. Communicated by Sir Arthur Keith, F.R.S.

II. “ Studies on Amphibian Metamorphosis.” By J. S. H uxley. Communicated by Prof. E. S. Goodrich, F.R.S. III. “ Effects of Vitamin-B Deficiency on Reproduction.” By A. S. Parkes and J. C. Drummond. Communicated by Prof. A. V. Hill, F.R.S. [ vi ]

TV. “ On an Orthogenetic Series of Growth Forms in certain Tetraxonid Sponge-Spicules/’ By Prof. A. D endy, F.R.S. V. “ The Meiotic Phase in Triton vulgaris).” By C. E. Walker. Communicated by Prof. J. B. Farmer, F.R.S. VI. “ Clausiliabident-ala (Strom) and (Taylor) : A Statistical Enquiry into the Relationship of Two Similar Species.” By W. E. Alkins. Communicated by Prof. A. E. Boycott, F.R.S.

February 19, 1925.

Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. In pursuance of the Statutes the names of the Candidates recom­ mended for election into the Society were read from the Chair, as follows :— Atkins, W. R. G. Median by, E. Evans, C. A. L. Murray, J. A. Fowler, R. II. Proudman, J. Freeth, F. A. Southwell, R. V. Gibson, W. Spencer, L. J. Jeffreys, H. Tillyard, R. J. Jones, F. W. Whiddington. R. Kenner, J.

The following papers were read :—

I. “ The Thermionic Work-Functions and Photoelectric Thres­ holds of the Alkali Metals.” By 0. W. Richardson, F.R.S., and A. F. A. Young. II. On the Measurement of the Ratio of the Specific Heats using Small Volumes of Gas.” B y J. H. B rinkworth. Com­ municated by Prof. H. L. Callendar, F.R.S. HI. The Catalytic Action of Copper. Part VI.” Bv F. H. Constable. Communicated by Sir William Pope, F.R.S. IV “ The Catalytic Action of Copper. Part VII.” By F. H. ..unstable. Communicated by Sir William Pope, F.R.S. V. “ Viscosity Measurements with Glass.” By V H Stott “ d D' T™ - C°— « by Dr. W.’

VI. “ The Catalytic Action of Copper Part V.” By W. G. Palmer and F. H. Constable Communicated by Sir William Pope, F.R.S, [ vii ]

VII. “ The Adiabatic Invariance o ithe Quantum Integrals.” By P. A. M. D irac. Communicated by Sir Ernest R uther­ ford, F.R.S. VIII. “ The Thermal Decomposition of Derivatives of Oxalacetic Ester—A Unimolecular Reaction.” By D. L. Watson. Communicated by Sir James Walker, F.R.S. IX. '“On the Fluorescence and Channelled Absorption of Bismuth at High Temperatures.” By K. R. Rao. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. X. “ A Note on the Absorption of the Green Line of Thallium Vapour.” By K. R. Rao. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. XI. “ The Passage of Cathode Rays through Matter.” By B. F. J. Schonland. Communicated by Sir Ernest R utherford, F.R.S.

February 26, 1925.

Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair.

The following papers were read :—

I. “ The Secretion of Urine, as studied on the Isolated Kidney.” By Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S., and E. B. Verney. II. “ The Action of Inorganic Salts on the Secretion of the Isolated Kidney.” By F. Eicholtz and Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S.

III. A New Method of Crossed Circulation.” By G. V. A nrep. Communicated by Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S. IV. I he Output of Adrenaline in Cerebral Anaemia, as studied by Means of Crossed Circulation.” By G. V. A nrep and I. de B. D aly. Communicated by Prof. E. H Starling F. R.S. V. “ Central and Reflex Regulation of the Circulation.” By G. V. Anrep and Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S. VI. " Muscular Exercise, . Lactic Acid, and the Supply and Utilization of Oxygen. Part IX.—Muscular Activity and Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Normal Individual.” By K. F urusawa. Communicated by Prof. A. V. Hill, F.R.S. VII. Quantitative Studies concerning the Distribution of Arginase in Fishes and other Animals.” By A. H unter and J. A. D auphinee. Communicated by Dr. H. H. Dale, F.R.S. [ viii ]

YU] <• An Approximative Colorimetric Method for the Determina­ tion of Urea, with an Application to the Detection and Quantitative Estimation of Arginase.” By A. H unter and J. A. D auphinee. Communicated by Dr. H. H. D ale, F.R.S. IX. “ The Effect on the Blood-Sugar of Fish of various Conditions, including Removal of the Principal Islets (Isletectomy).” By J. J. R. Macleod, F.R.S., and N. A. McCormick. [ vii ]

VII. “ The Adiabatic Invariance of the Quantum Integrals.” By P. A. M. D irac. Communicated by Sir Ernest R uther­ ford, F.R.S. VIII. “ The Thermal Decomposition of Derivatives of Oxalacetic Ester—A Unimolecular Reaction.” By D. L. Watson. Communicated by Sir James Walker, F.R.S. IX. “ On the Fluorescence and Channelled Absorption of Bismuth at High Temperatures.” By K. R. R ao. Communicated by Lord R ayleigh, F.R.S. X. “ A Note on the Absorption of the Green Line of Thallium Lapour.” By K. R. R ao. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. XI. “ The Passage of Cathode Rays through Matter.” By B. F. J. Schonland. Communicated by Sir E rnest R utherford, F.R.S.

February 26, 1925.

Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair.

The following papers were read :—

I. “ The Secretion of Urine, as studied on the Isolated Kidney.” By Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S., and E. B. Verney. II. “ The Action of Inorganic Salts on the Secretion of the Isolated Kidney.” By F. Eicholtz and Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S.

IIL A New Method of Crossed Circulation.” By G. V. Anrep. Communicated by Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S. IV. “ The Output of Adrenaline in Cerebral Anaemia, as studied by Means of Crossed Circulation.” By G. V. Anrep and I. de B. D aly. Communicated by Prof. E. H. Starling F. R.S. V. “ Central and Reflex Regulation of the Circulation.” By G. V. Anrep and Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S. VI. “ Muscular Exercise, Lactic Acid, and the Supply and Utilization of Oxygen. Part IX.—Muscular Activity and Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Normal Individual.” By K. F urusawa. Communicated by Prof. A. V. H ill, F.R.S. VII. “ Quantitative Studies concerning the Distribution of Arginase in Fishes and other Animals.” By A. H unter and°J. A. D aupiiinee. Communicated by Dr. H. H. D ale, F.R.S. [ viii ]

VIII. “ An Approximative Colorimetric Method for the Determina­ tion of Urea, with an Application to the Detection and Quantitative Estimation of Arginase.” By A. H unter and J. A. Daupiiinee. Communicated by Dr. H. H. Dale, F.R.S. IX. “ The Effect on the Blood-Sugar of Fish of various Conditions, including Removal of the Principal Islets (Isletectomy).” By J. J. R. Macleod, F.R.S., and N. A. McCormick.

March 5, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read :— I. ‘‘ On the Life Statistics of Fellows of the Royal Society.” By Sir Arthur Schuster, F.R.S. ii' The Plastic Extension and Fracture of Aluminium Crystals.” By G. I. Taylor, F.R.S., and Miss C. F. E lam. III. An Experimental Study of the Vibrations in the Blades and Shait of an Airscrew.” By A. F age. Communicated by Prof. H. Lamb, F.R.S. IV. “ Experiments on the Effects of Resistance in the Oscillating Circuit of a Tnode.” By J. H. Vincent and A. L. B eak. Communicated by Prof. W. H. E ccles, F.R.S.

V- “ Tlle Lattice Points of a Circle.” By G. H. H ardy, F.R.S. VL “ The Transmission of Electric Waves around the Earth’s Surface. ’ By H. M. Macdonald, F.R.S. • On the Field of Force near the Neutral Point produced by Two Equal Coaxial Coils with special reference to the Camp- 01 standard of Mutual Inductance.” By R. M. Wilmotte. Communicated by Sir J oseph P etavel, F.R.S.

VIII. “ On the Theory of Elastic Stability.” By W R D ean Communicated by Prof. G. I. Taylor,^ F.R.S.

Circular flin d ers in a Viscous Fluid.” . • .1 razer. Communicated by Prof. H. Lamb, F.R.S. [ ix ]

March 12, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read :— I. “ Remarks on some Aspects of Reflex Inhibition.” By Sir Charles Sherrington, P.R.S. II. “ Recruitment and some other Features of Reflex Inhibition.’* By E. G. T. Liddell and Sir Charles Sherrington, P.R.S. III. “ Studies on the Biological Action of Light.” By D. T. H arris. Communicated by Prof. A. V. H ill, F.R.S. IV. “ The Kinetics of Haemoglobin. III.—Velocity with which Oxygen combines with Reduced Haemoglobin.” By H. H artridge and F. J. W. R oughton. Communicated by Prof. J. N. Langley, F.R.S. V. “ The Isolation of a Product of Hydrolysis of the Proteins hitherto undescribed.” By S. B. Schryver, H. W. Buston and D. H. Mukherjee. Communicated by Prof. V. H. B lackman, F.R.S.

March 19, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair,

The Bakerian Lecture—“ Boundary Lubrication—Plane Surfaces and the Limitations of Amontons’ Law ” was delivered by Sir William H ardy, Sec. R.S., and Ida Bircumshaw.

March 26, 1925. Sir CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., President, in the Chair. The following papers were read I. Regularities in the Secondary Spectrum of Hydrogen.” By 0. W. Richardson, F.R.S., and T. Tanaka. II. The Lunar Diurnal Magnetic Variation at Greenwich and other Observatories.” By S. Chapman, F.R.S. [ X ]

XII. “ A General Vector Analysis with Applications to Electro­ dynamical Theory.” By H. T. F lint. Communicated by Prof. 0. W. Richardson, F.R.S. IV. “ The Spectra of Doubly and Trebly Ionised Phosphorus (PHI and PIV).” By Miss M. 0. Saltmarsh. Communicated by Prof. A. F owler, F.R.S. V. “ Laplace’s Equation and the Inversion of Surfaces of Revolu­ tion.” B y D . M. Wrincii and J. W. N icholson, F.R.S. VI. “ On Experiments relating to the Spectrum of Nitrogen.” By T. R. Merton, F.R.S., and J. G. Pilley. VII. “ Studies in Wave Resistance : the Effect of Parallel Middle Body.” By T. H. H avelock, F.R.S. VIII. “ Wave-lengths of Additional Lines in the Many-lined Spectrum of Hydrogen.” By T. Tanaka. Communicated by Prof. 0. W. R ichardson, F.R.S.

IX. ‘'A Theory of the Catalytic Surface.” B y H . S. Taylor. Communicated by Dr. E. F. Armstrong, F.R.S. X. "A Study of Catalytic Actions at Solid Surfaces. Part X II.— Some Observations relative to those Particles of a Catalyst which participate in Chemical Change.” By E. F. A rm­ strong, F.R.S., and T. P. Hilditch. XI. “ A Study of Catalysis at Solid Surfaces. Part X III.—Some Factors controlling Selective Hydrogenation with particular reference to certain Terpene Derivatives.” B y E. F. A rm­ strong, F.R.S., and T. P. H ilditch.