ON STATION the Newsletter of the American Pilots’ Association
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ON STATION The Newsletter of the American Pilots’ Association December 15, 2013 Page 1 A HOLIDAY MESSAGE vance issues that enhance navigation safety, but also FROM THE PRESIDENT to correct misinformation about pilots and counter Fellow Pilots: This is a efforts to lessen or even eliminate pilotage standards, special season; a time to reflect, or negatively impact pilot safety. A few examples appreciate the good things in of our efforts are highlighted below. our lives, and convey best At IMO, with the support of responsible flag states, we defeated a proposed “interpretation” of the wishes to our fellow man. As pilots, we have much SOLAS pilot ladder regulation (V/23) —a regulation for which to be grateful. APA worked hard to have strengthened a few years Through hard work, dedication, ago. The proposal would have undermined both the letter and spirit of the SOLAS ladder requirements. Captain Mike Watson and perseverance, we have earned the privilege of doing We also continue to be involved, at various forums, something very few people in the world can do. We with the development of eNavigation and its associ- are maritime pilots, a profession with a long, proud ated policies and strategies. Our focus in these dis- history of service. The goods that Americans rely cussions is to make sure policymakers understand upon for virtually every aspect of their lives come that while eNavigation has the potential to enhance into this country aboard large, foreign-flag, ocean- the quality and delivery of navigation information, it going ships. Similarly, most of the products that the is critical that the expert mariner on the bridge of a U.S. exports get to their final market place through ship continues to be at the center of the decision- international shipping. These ships are able to move making process and that all decisions regarding navi- safely and efficiently in some of the world’s most gation systems/equipment be aimed at facilitating the challenging waterways due to your expertise! While tasks of the bridge team and the pilot. Finally, as the pilots may not always get appropriate recognition, I federal government wrestles with changing know that the work you do is vital, and pilots make a “waterways management” priorities based on budget real difference every day. realities, APA is working to educate officials on the As I said, now is a time to wish others well, and need to maintain necessary port and navigation I offer my hopes for a safe, happy, and healthy New safety infrastructures, including vital floating, fixed, Year. As APA President, however, I have a greater and electronic navigation systems. responsibility than simply wishing you well. It is my Looking for- duty to ensure that APA takes actions and pursues ward to the new policies that promote effective pilotage and improves year, I renew my The APA wishes pledge to work the safety and welfare of pilots. all Members and their I am proud of APA’s ongoing efforts to advance diligently on your the interests of pilots and piloting and to protect the behalf as APA ad- families profession from those who would undermine or vances the inter- Happy Holidays and a weaken it – intentionally or otherwise. We ensure an ests of navigation APA representative attends major meetings, domes- safety, pilotage Safe and Healthy tic and international, where issues affecting pilots are and the personal New Year! discussed. We attend these meetings not only to ad- safety of pilots. Page 2 ON STATION December 15, 2013 IMO’S ASSEMBLY ANNUAL BRAVERY AT SEA AWARDS CONVENES IN LONDON PRESENTED AT IMO The 28th Assembly of the In- ternational Maritime Organization (IMO) met in London at IMO Headquarters from 25 November to 4 December 2013. Captain Mike Watson attended the meeting on behalf of both IMPA and APA. The Assembly, IMO’s highest governing body, normally meets once every two years. It is responsi- ble for approving the work program and the Organi- zation’s budget, along with finalizing regulations and recommendations that have been approved by the various committees and subcommittees throughout the pre- vious two years. It At its biennial Assembly meeting, the IMO presented its also elects IMO’s 40 2013 Awards for Exceptional Bravery at Sea. Two U.S. -Member Council, Coast Guardsmen were among the award recipients. Pic- IMO’s senior execu- tured above, observing the awards ceremony, are (from tive body. left to right): Captain Mike Watson (IMPA/APA Presi- dent), Mr. William O’Neil (former IMO Secretary Gen- Among the sub- eral), Mr. Efthimios Mitropoulos (former IMO Secretary jects on which As- General), and Mr. Mike Vlasto (Chairman of the Trustees sembly took action of the International Maritime Rescue Federation). were the IMO man- The headquarters of the IMO is datory audit scheme located in London on the banks of BRAZIL HOSTS MEETING OF the Thames River. (which comes into LATIN AMERICAN PILOTS effect in 2016 and will require countries submit to audits of their vari- In October, pilots from throughout Central and ous marine safety, security and environmental pro- South America gathered in Buzios, Brazil for the 7th tection regulations), prevention and suppression of Latin American Pilot Forum. The meeting was at- piracy, and recommendations for complying with tended by pilot representatives from Argentina, Bra- IMO marine casualty investigation guidelines. zil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In addition, IMPA AMERICAN PILOTS’ ASSOCIATION and APA President, Captain Mike Watson; IMPA 499 South Capitol Street, S.W., Suite 409 Vice President and President of the Canadian Marine Washington, D.C. 20003 Pilots Association, Captain Simon Pelletier (202) 484-0700 • Fax: (202) 484-9320 (Canada); IMPA Vice President Captain Otavio Fra- Captain Michael R. Watson ············· President gosa; and APA Executive Director - General Coun- Captain Whit Smith ························· Secretary-Treasurer Captain Eric A. Nielsen ··················· Vice President-North Atlantic States sel Paul Kirchner also attended this important gather- Captain Jorge J. Viso ······················· Vice President-South Atlantic States ing the region’s professional maritime pilots. Captain Michael C. Torjusen ··········· Vice President-Gulf States Captain Michael E. Rooney ············· Vice President-Gulf States (Louisiana) Captain Peter McIsaac ····················· Vice President-Pacific Coast States Captain Michael Captain Danny H. Gallagher ··········· Vice President-Great Lakes R. Watson, Paul G. Kirchner······························ Executive Director-General Counsel (right) stands Clayton L. Diamond ························ Deputy Director-Assoc. General Counsel Lisa E. Powell ································· Operations Director with Captain Fabio Mello Fon- ON STATION is published by the American Pilots’ Association, a non-profit profes- tes. Captain Fon- sional association composed of groups of state-licensed pilots operating in each of the coastal states, as well as groups of U.S. registered pilots in the Great Lakes region. Each tes is the “senior pilot in APA-member groups receives ON STATION, the costs of which are paid from pilot” in the the member’s dues. Any comments, suggestions or questions concerning ON STATION country of Bra- should be directed to the attention of the APA office at the above address. zil. Page 3 ON STATION December 15, 2013 HOUSE APPROVES BILL WITH CAPTAIN BAILEY TALKS E-NAV WITH HARBOR MAINTENANCE MARINE BOARD TRUST FUND “FIX” Captain Wayne Bailey, Bay and River Delaware The House voted on October 23, Pilot and Vice Chairman of APA’s Navigation and 417-3, to approve the Water Re- Technology Committee (NAVTECH), spoke at the sources Reform and Development November 19 meeting of the Marine Board (a sub- Act (H.R. 3080). Among other provisions, this legis- body of the Transportation Research Board of the lation contains language aimed at streamlining the National Academies of Science) held in Washington, approval process for maritime infrastructure mainte- D.C. Specifically, Captain Bailey was asked to par- nance and improvement projects and increasing the ticipate in a session titled, “The Future of Navigation amount of money released for maintenance dredging in the United States.” Much of the session focused from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF). on the Coast Guard’s “Navigation 2025” (NAV The Senate’s version, the Water Resources and 2025), a plan that contemplates the elimination of Development Act (S. 601), passed the Senate in May some physical aids to navigation, greater use of so- by a similar bipartisan vote of 83-14. While both called “virtual” aids to navigation, and increased reli- bills aim to increase funding for dredging, they take ance on electronic means to support waterway safety. different approaches. The House couches the in- Captain Bailey provided his perspective, using creases in terms of percentages of the total revenues the backdrop not only of NAV 2025, but also of the from the HMTF, while the Senate defines the in- federal government’s proposed disestablishment of creases in dollar amounts for each fiscal year. the National Differential GPS System and the rejec- The differences in the legislative approaches tion of the eLORAN program as a backup to GPS. must be resolved through a conference. While both Captain Bailey urged the Coast Guard to exercise chambers have appointed “conferees” to negotiate a caution before moving too quickly on eliminating compromise, as of the time ON STATION went to physical