QRN Oct 1926 .Pdf
-- vol. II. Friday, 1st OCTOBER, 1926 No. 9 Registered at the General Post O ffice, Brisbane, or tr ans mission by post as a Nt w spai:-e r 7••••••••••••n••••••· •••••••m•••••••••••••I •••••••••••••••••••• ···················••1••••••••••••••••••••• THE RADIOLUX AMPLION C(9'HE beauty and simplicity of design that distinguishes the ~gdiolu.)( c?t.mplion as apart from any other type of loud speaker, is only equalled by the pure, brilliant tone, and matchless harmony of its reproduction. ' And there is no otber loud speaker that gives such consistently good results without frequent adjustment as the 'RpdioluJ(. TS oie_.,-· 'Dist1ibut~rs · for -.::5\ ~stralasia ....... ill ~ : " KING &- KING Bt:JILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE ' <·- ,_ . ';_"- ______ ...... ___ ·-: Sole.; Agents Jor .9.ustralasia_,.,AMPLION [AUSTRALASIA] LTD., 56 MARGARET STREET, SYDNEY . -~'.:'."--- ··---. --------- "'&i[;i;.-;;ging D ir~~ ,,;~::,.WfLLI AKi' 'EiL6dcr ·-:::. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·· · ····················~··················•• 1 ••············· WHAT SPLITDORF has made possible lor you ! Musical tones-clear, pure, mellow! We a re t he Sole Q ueensland Speech-sharp, dis tinct, understand Distributors for this set and able ! st rongly recommend dealers to get in touch with us now ::i. bout Volume-when volume is desired. !.,_ Distance if that is your pleasure. L . Assuredly the best low-priced S And, beyond all the qualities of the Valve Set ever offered to the reception, is the absolute assurance public. of unfaltering, dependable, perform- ance-always. - '~hi s Five V alve, inherent ly neutra _,.Z7/J.O/· lised, _tuned radio frequency receiver Accessories Extra combmes ease of operation and handsome appearance ''with' the g reat est economy in first cost and maintenance. E ncased in an attra: tive cabinet, with large t unin g- dials and_ richly 'finished metal panel it is an m strument to be proud of.
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