St. Andrew’s Community Association (SCO 037040)

Jubilee Quiz Answers

1. On what date did the Queen accede to the throne? 6th February 1952. 2 THE ZEST BEHIND THE ELOQUENCE. (4) Queen Elizabeth the Second. 3. Who was the only other British monarch to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee? in 1897. 4. When is the Queen’s actual birthday? 21st April. 5. AT ANCHOR...TRY A BAY IN LEITH. (4) The Royal Yacht Britannia. 6. How is the Queen’s official birthday marked? Trooping the Colour (also known as the Birthday Parade). 7. TAWDRIER BRAZEN LADY LIES HOAX MAN. (4) Elizabeth, Alexandra, Mary Windsor. 8. Who was the first British Prime Minister to be born in the Queen’s reign? Tony Blair. 9. WHAT GLORY INDEED. (3) The Royal Wedding. 10. How many years have the Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh been married? 64. 11. How many other British monarchs have celebrated a Diamond Wedding Anniversary? None. 12. YES UR SHOWER ISN’T ON AL. (4) New Year’s Honours List. 13. Does the Queen hold a passport? No. A British passport is issued in the name of Her Majesty therefore it is unnecessary for her to possess one. 14. EG. COOL, IT’S HARRY! (2) The Royal Corgis. 15. In which year did the Queen unveil the west window of St. Magnus Cathedral? 1987. To celebrate the 850th Anniversary of St. Magnus Cathedral. 16. Name the Queen’s official residence in Scotland. The Palace of Holyrood House. 17. NONSENSICAL PARTY HERE. (4) Anne, The Princess Royal. 18. Who was president of the Orkney County Show the year the Queen attended? Kenny Eunson. 19. Who were the first royals to honeymoon on board Britannia? Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones. 20. I’M EAGER, I’LL CREEP IN BUSH UNDERGROWTH, SIT, CHAT TO PLANT, HOPE FOR ANSWER. (4(6)) The Prince of Wales (Charles, Philip, Arthur, George Mountbatten-Windsor).