LÍNGUA INGLESA INSTRUÇÃO: As questões de 01 a 10 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Four-legged friends

01 Britain is known as a nation of animal lovers, but we doubt many of the Queen’s citizens have invited their 02 favourite pet to join them on honeymoon! But that is just what Her Majesty did in 1947, when she and Philip traveled 03 to an historic stately home in Hampshire and then to Birkhill after their wedding – her first ever Corgi, , came 04 along for the ride. For those who know the Queen, this should come as no surprise, because her well-known love 05 affair with dogs and horses began when she was just a toddler. Though her childhood was a privileged one, in many 06 ways it was also rather isolated. As a royal, she was different from other children, but in her animals’ eyes, young 07 Elizabeth’s royal status meant nothing – they could not judge, or treat her differently, but loved her as any loyal pet 08 would their owner. 09 The Queen has developed a strong passion for horse racing, and to this day remains as an avid fan and 10 owner. Her great love of horses began when she learned to ride at just three years old! And while Her Majesty never 11 has a bet, but that is not to say she has not had her share of racing successes – the Queen’s various thoroughbreds 12 have won countless trophies over the years. 13 Racehorses owned by the Queen have won four out of the racing’s five “classics” – the 1,000 Guineas, the 14 2,000 Guineas, the Oaks and the St Leger – with only the Derby left to conquer. To date, she has had 20 wins at 15 Royal Ascot. The most recent was in 2008 – the Queen was heard crying “I’ve done it!”, when her horse Free Agent 16 crossed the line! 17 These days, horses remain a hobby the Queen enjoys with her family. She is often seen attending race 18 meetings and polo events, and last summer, aged 85, was photographed on horseback enjoying a ride with her young 19 grandchildren – 82 years since she first got into the saddle! 20 After she learnt to ride horses at a very early age, Elizabeth’s passion for the animals grew – they would clearly 21 play a big part in her life. It was after she accompanied her parents to Naseby Hall in Northamptonshire for the 22 hunting season that her horse fascination became apparent, as the young royal kept running off to the stables. Just a 23 year later, she was already learning to ride – and when she was four she was given her first pony, Peggy. 24 Like hundreds of other schoolgirls across the land, Elizabeth was horse-obsessed, and had two riding lessons a 25 week at , along with her sister, Princess Margaret. 26 Princess Elizabeth was soon winning trophies. In 1943 and 1944, she got first prize at the Royal Windsor Horse 27 Show for driving a utility vehicle harnessed to her black pony. 28 Dogs also played an important part in Her Majesty’s life. Walks with them have had a great effect on her, with 29 the exercise certainly helping to keep her fit. “She is just amazing at her age and walks a long way,” her son prince 30 Andrew once said. “The dogs certainly keep her active.” 31 But the royal corgis have sometimes created controversy as well. Traditionally, they were bred to herd sheep by 32 biting their legs – and there have been a few tales of ankles being nipped within the royal household! 33 Susan was well known for biting servants’ legs and one of her descendants, Whisky, once apparently tore the 34 seat right out of a guard’s trousers! The Queen herself was bitten on the hand in 1991 while trying to break up a dog 35 fight and needed three stitches. She had already called in a dog psychiatrist for advice on this particular pet, but the 36 incident has not decreased her affection. 37 As a schoolgirl, young Elizabeth once told her riding instructor, Horace Smith, that if she had not been born into 38 the Royal Family, she would like to have been “a lady living in the country with lots of horses and dogs”. Thankfully for 39 us, she could not escape her royal ties, but four-legged friends have certainly played a central part in her life. The 40 three corgis: Monty, Willow and Holly are all firm fixtures in her royal entourage, tagging along on many of her official 41 visits and engagements. Palace insiders have even joked that the Queen’s dogs live better than their human 42 counterparts, and there is no doubt they are pampered. (A Royal Celebration-Diamond Jubilee Collectors’ edition. Hearst Magazines, UK - National Magazine Company, 2012 - Pgs 101,102,103 – Texto adaptado.) 01 Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que a) os britânicos são apreciadores de animais, dando preferência aos de grande porte. b) os britânicos, quando viajam, costumam levar consigo seus animais de estimação. c) a mascote da Rainha estava presente na cerimônia de seu casamento. d) Sua Majestade e o Príncipe Philip passaram parte da lua-de-mel em uma propriedade de valor histórico. e) o casal real ganhou a cadelinha Susan da raça Corgi como presente de casamento. 02 Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que a) a Rainha ganhou um troféu expondo sua criação de pôneis. b) a Rainha não aposta em corridas de cavalos. c) Sua Majestade tirou uma foto de seus netos montados no cavalo Free Agent. d) os cavalos de Sua Majestade venceram cinco corridas consideradas clássicas. e) a Rainha prendeu seus cães em um canil após o incidente da briga. 03 Considerando o texto, assinale a alternativa em que o termo presente na Coluna B melhor traduz o da Coluna A.

Coluna A Coluna B a) owner (linha 08) devedor b) saddle (linha 19) estábulo c) ankles (linha 32) tios d) ties (linha 39) vínculos e) entourage (linha 40) compromisso 04 Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que a Rainha a) apreciava cães e gatos desde muito pequena. b) mantém, no palácio, cinco cães da raça Corgi. c) teve uma infância igual à de qualquer outra criança. d) aprendeu a cavalgar em um pônei chamado Peggy. e) costuma caminhar com seus cães. 05 É possível afirmar que o segmento Like hundreds of other schoolgirls across the land (linha 24) encerra uma ideia de a) contradição. b) causa. c) comparação. d) consequência. e) tempo. 06 Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que a) a expressão came along for the ride (linhas 03 e 04) pode ser entendida como viajou junto. b) a expressão rather isolated (linha 06) significa pouco isolada. c) a palavra while (linha 10) encerra a ideia de tempo. d) a expressão To date (linha 14) pode ser traduzida por A partir de hoje. e) a expressão I´ve done it! (linha 15) pode ser traduzida como Eu sabia! 07 Relacione os personagens, listados na Coluna A, aos fatos relacionados a eles, elencados na Coluna B.


1 Susan ( ) ganhou uma corrida de cavalos de raça. 2 Free Agent ( ) gostava de morder as pernas dos empregados. 3 Whisky ( ) foi um presente no quarto aniversário da Rainha. 4 Peggy ( ) rasgou as calças de um empregado.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os parênteses, de cima para baixo. a) 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 b) 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 c) 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 d) 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 e) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 08 Com base no texto, analise a veracidade (V) ou a falsidade (F) das seguintes afirmações relativas à raça de cães criados pela Rainha. Essa raça

I é criada com a finalidade de acompanhar caçadores. II é originalmente treinada para o pastoreio. III apresenta, às vezes, um comportamento pouco social.

Das alternativas acima, pode-se dizer que a) apenas I está correta. b) apenas II está correta. c) apenas III está correta. d) apenas I e II estão corretas. e) apenas II e III estão corretas. 09 Analise a veracidade (V) ou a falsidade (F) das proposições abaixo, com base no texto.

( ) Os visitantes do palácio gostam de mimar os cachorros. ( ) Sua Majestade levou pontos na mão após ter sido mordida por um de seus cães. ( ) Os cães de estimação da Rainha acompanham-na em muitas visitas oficiais.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os parênteses, de cima para baixo. a) V – F – V b) F – V – V c) F – V – F d) V – F – F e) V – V – F 10 O pronome their (linha 41) refere-se a a) visits (linha 41). b) engagements (linha 41). c) insiders (linha 41). d) Queen’s (linha 41). e) dogs (linha 41).