International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 2008-2018 Adaptive Model For Meeting Urban Forest Space Needs In Central Sulawesi Akhbar1), Hasriani Muis1), Mahfudz 2), Golar*1), Adam Malik1), Muhammad Fardhal Pratama2), Rahmat Kurniadi Akhbar1) 1) Faculty of Forestry, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia 2) Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia Email:
[email protected] Abstract This study aims to develop a model for analysing urban forest space requirements based on demographic factors that visible in urban areas. The study adopts a spatial analysis approach, in addition to a general analysis of urban forest space requirements using the Malthus exponential method. From this analysis the value 8.90 m2/people set was obtained and subsequently, used as a reference for determining the area of urban forest space. From the value of this constant, a projection model for exponential growth in urban forest spaces in the urban area of Kolonodale (a small city with ퟎ.ퟎퟐퟑퟐ풕 a population of ≤ 20,000 inhabitants) in the next 20 years: Yuf to-t = 9.7799풆 Keywords: Urban forest, Demography, Site description, Malthus exponential, Small town. 1. Introduction The population in urban areas is more than in rural areas. As well the physical development in these areas is faster. As a result, the balance of ecosystems will be affected in urban areas with a consequent increase of air temperature, air pollution, decrease of the groundwater and surface soil, flooding, seawater instruction, increase of the content of heavy metals in groundwater and others. With the aim to maintain the balance of the ecosystem, influenced by an increase in population and physical development in urban areas, is necessary to provide green open space (GOS).