Technical Advisory Committee Meeting #4 Packet
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MEMORANDUM To: Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) - Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update From: Brad Choi, Transportation Planner Ally Holmqvist, Senior Planner Date: June 18, 2019 Subject: Transportation System Plan Project List, Intersection Improvement Plan, and Local Street Connectivity Plan Review The primary objective of the fourth TSP TAC meeting is to review the draft TSP project list, intersections improvement plan, and local streets connectivity plan. Project Recap and Outreach Update The Planning Department is currently in the midst of a multi-year project to update the City of Hillsboro's Transportation System Plan (TSP). The TAC last met in February to review the draft Road Master Plan and modal system plans for the TSP. Since that time, staff has been working to distill the system plans into a capital improvement project list, intersection improvement plan, and local connectivity plan representing the transportation investments for the next 20 years. These materials will be our main focus for Meeting #4. TAC members are encouraged to review the attached plan packets material and let us know of needed corrections or other feedback. The draft project list and accompanying maps are included as Exhibit A. Exhibit A1 illustrates the project locations, excluding only those projects occurring at a citywide scale such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects, safe routes to school programs, and transit stop and station improvements. Projects that are already adopted in the existing TSP are identified in Exhibit A2 by the prefixes with their adoption or amendment year: 99-, 04-, 12-, 13-, 14-, or 16-. Trail projects incorporated from the approved Trails Master Plan (2015) are identified with the prefix TR-. New projects proposed as part of the update are identified with the prefix 19-. Each project includes a name, start and end location, description, and tags indicating whether improvements for people driving (i.e., turn lanes and through lanes), bicycling, or walking are included (TriMet directs transit investments). The draft Intersection Improvement Plan and accompanying map is included as Exhibit B. Intersections are typically the primary locations and sources of conflicts and congestion on our roadways. The Intersection Improvement Plan in Exhibit B1 is the result of rigorous traffic forecasting and analysis to anticipate the future improvements needed to allow traffic to continue to operate at the City’s adopted mobility service standards. Exhibit B2 includes a description for each intersection that explains the lane additions needed and whether new 1 signals or roundabouts are planned. It should be noted that the majority of intersection improvements will be constructed as part of a larger roadway capital project in Exhibit A. The draft Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crossings Refinement Map is included as Exhibit C. This map illustrates corridors where further analysis and refinement will be undertaken in the future to determine the feasibility of enhanced pedestrian and bicyclist crossing treatments. These refinement corridors were identified by first assembling existing and planned crossing locations such as signalized intersections, marked crossings, and enhanced pedestrian crossings, and then analyzing the resulting spacing between crossings, adjacent land use and access, and other environmental constraints to determine the most suitable and needed areas for future crossings. Staff also developed the crossings map in coordination with the pedestrian and bicycle system plans to reflect needed future connections. Enhanced crossings provide important links within the transportation network for people walking and biking, increasing safety for all users. The draft Local Connectivity Plan map and accompanying table are included as Exhibit D. The plan in Exhibit D1 identifies where potential connections of the local streets (shown in purple) or pathways for people cycling and walking (shown in blue) that may be leveraged as part of future capital improvement or land redevelopment projects. These potential connections were identified using local knowledge of opportunities within the existing network and new opportunities from the future networks outlined in the road, bicycle, and pedestrian master plans. The arrows indicate conceptual connections — the specific alignments and design would be determined in future refinement plans. Exhibit D2 includes a description of each potential connection. Next Steps: Following TAC review and comment, the draft project list and detailed plans will be presented for review to a project citizen advisory committee, the Hillsboro Planning Commission, and Transportation Committee. Staff will return to the TAC in Meeting #5 with the draft Transportation System Plan document, including the Project Financing Plan. Attachments: A. Draft Project List Packet o Map A1 Draft TSP 2040 Capital Projects List o Table A2 Draft TSP Project List B. Draft Intersection Improvement Plan Packet o Map B1 Draft TSP 2040 Project List Intersections o Table B2 Draft TSP Intersection Improvements C. Map C Draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing Refinement Plan D. Draft Connectivity Plan Packet o Map D1 Draft TSP Proposed Local Connectivity o Map D1a-D1j Draft TSP Proposed Local Connectivity by Area o Table D2 Draft TSP Local Connectivity Projects 2 19-027 TR-007b 12-113 12-114 16-102 TH-007 19-025 19-008 16-103 12-112 19-026 12-109 12-105 99-018 12-110 19-001 TR-001a 12-101 ¤£26 12-102 TR-001a 04-002 19-049 TR-102 99-014 TH-002 16-101 12-104 12-103 12-108 TR-001b 19-002 TR-007a 04-005 TH-001 19-003 19-004 12-107 TR-008 99-201 04-201 19-047 19-005 99-004 99-010 19-009 19-021 99-108 99-008 19-022 TR-101 04-101 99-007 99-101 TR-117 19-046 19-023 16-006 99-102 12-001 19-048 TR-001c 19-038 19-006 99-002 19-018 12-010 TR-008 99-103 19-017 TR-115 TH-010 04-112 19-034 99-110 19-033 19-044 12-002 12-005 19-045 '- TR-11819-030 12-006 99-004 19-032 04-118 19-007 16-005 TR-110 12-007 99-016 19-010 19-037 04-111 04-102 99-013 iE BRO GOEN \ TR-003g TR-003i 04-004 99-112 12-003 12-004 04-115 04-117 TR-005 19-052 04-114 re 14-002 19-016 99-000 1 TR-111 04-001 19-039 99-012 99-011 12-008 12-009 19-051 iE 19-024, ' l , 19-040w TR-003f TR-004a TH-006 19-029 19-052 99-001 99-006 04-209 TR-123 19-048 19-042 04-103,, CEDAR TH-003 19-020 TR-006 TR-003e 04-207 19-031 99-019 99-104 19-019 TR-10319- 04 3 04-119 04-116 TR-003d 19-044 04-202 p TR-105 04-205 ~OCK TH-004 19-041 TR-003c TR-001d TR-004b 04-106 19-035 J 99-109 04-105 19-050 99-003 04-208 04-003 TR-003b TR-006 99-105 99-107 TR-004c 13-011 99-019 VU219 TR-107 UV8 TR-106 99-017 19-028 99-106 04-203 TH-005 13-010 04-109 TR-109 13-009 19-036 13-006 tlLANTON 19-015 13-003 13-001 TR-108 TR-001e 13-008 13-007 19-014 19-012 TR-116 19-011 13-015 19-013 13-013 16-002 TR-0009 ! 16-003 ii! TR-119 ROSA DRAFT 13-004 16-004 For Internal Use Only l 13-005 TR-001f 13-002 DISCLAIMER: TR-120 13-014 This data may contain inconsistent information. 19-053 13-012 This data was derived from various digital database sources. TR-004c While care has been taken to insure the accuracy of the information in this data, the City of Hillsboro assumes no 16-001 responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in this information. TH-008 TH-009 (6/10/19 review draft) Exhibit A1 - Draft TSP 2040 Projects List Draft TSP Project Existing Trail Draft TSP Access Management/Safety Project City Limits Adopted Washington County TSP Project Trail Project Additional Study Area ('JHillsboro (From Hillsboro and Partner Agencies' Trails Plans) Planning 0 ½ 1 Data Source: City of Hillsboro, Washington County, Metro RLIS Hillsboro Planning Department ± M iles Last Edited: June 10, 2019 150 East Main St, Hillsboro, Oregon 3 4 Exhibit A2 DRAFT TSP Project List - 6/6/19 Improvement Associated New Add Add Turn Intersection Road/ Through Lanes/ Add/Imp Add/Imp New TSP ID Project Name Start End Description Improvements Extension Lanes Median Bike Fac. Sidewalk Other 99-000 10th Ave Walnut Main Widen from five to seven lanes N/A x Construct three-lane extension of roadway from Borwick to Main including bike facilities, sidewalks, and bridge across Rock Creek; widen to three lanes with bike Century Blvd Extension and Bike/Ped facilities and sidewalks from Lois to Borwick; realign roadway between Lois and 99-001 Improvement - Lois to Main Lois Main Ariel 303 x x x x x Extend Aloclek Dr to complete missing segment between Cornelius Pass and Walker as three-lane collector with sidewalks and bike facilities; complete missing sidewalks and bike facilities in existing segment 99-002 Aloclek Dr Gap Cornelius Pass Walker N/A x x x x x Widen roadway from three to five lanes; include continuous bike facilities, sidewalks, dedicated westbound right-turn lane at TV Hwy, street lights, and storm drainage upgrades; coordination with Willamette Water Supply Program 99-003 Cornelius Pass Rd - TV Hwy to Frances TV Hwy Frances pipeline installation 314 x x 1st Ave/Glencoe Rd Turn Lane and Bike/Ped 99-004 Improvements Jackson Evergreen Construct missing center turn lane, sidewalks, and bike facilities N/A x x x 99-006 205th Ave Widening - Baseline to Quatama Baseline Quatama Widen to five lanes with sidewalks and bike facilities 305 x x x Walker Rd Turn Lanes and Bike/Ped Construct center turn lane, sidewalks, and bike facilities 99-007 Improvements Cornelius Pass John Olsen 213 x x x Airport Rd Turn Lane and Bike/Ped 99-008 Improvement Brookwood Qorvo driveway Construct center turn lane and complete missing sidewalks and bike lanes