The Ithacan, 1974-05-02
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1973-74 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 5-2-1974 The thI acan, 1974-05-02 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1974-05-02" (1974). The Ithacan, 1973-74. 26. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1973-74 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ----------- INSIDE: SPECIAL SUPPL~ENT: THE YEAR IN REVIEW Published FQr The l.C: _Community By_ l.C. Students .. ..;.::::_~. ..,;...l:_1.-o,:~= .....:::._~.:::-'... J¥,, - -___ ·_:,~ .. -·,.:_:~ ...__:_;_· L. _. _":_,.._-'_._,., ~ - ··,· '' ----. '..~. -.-,:·.· -__. ..... ~ ..... -- . ithaca college, ithaca, n.y. May 2, "1974 vo]ume 47/ no. 25 ·.:-~~ _."!_: _"' ,_' ,• - • .. '"':,_"°:'"",' • _,•- ::•-:: • ,. - • .'. I'.-:.,-.. ...:.·.:•;,:~·:,• - ~ :..:.: "' ::.. .. -:· - :·· .. -~; ::[; ,.. -::~~· _: - ·, __ -~: .-~ .- . PUBLICATION OF PROFESSORS' PAY ,: PROBED By Mark Eng~trom indication of rank. Besid.:s when· they ~tand with regard salaries. it was suggested that to pay qatus. ·1 o tills idea The question of puhlishmg time of employment among people argued. however. that facultv ~alanc~ was the central other thing, would be this would perhaps create topic· as th.: faculty met m .:,sent1al 111 any \alary even more vagueness 111 the discussion Wednesday night. pu hlicatwn. I he point was minds of faculty. It was The meeting was· called by raised thne \hould be no ti.ought that this rrnght lead to second gues,111g, and wrong the Faculty Council so a puhl1cat1011 of ~alanes by Sharon Haas consen,us could be tak.:n name 1f thne wa~ any chance at tern pb to I ink various Kenny May concerning faculty op1111ons on at ,ii I that ,alaries alone people up to certain figures. the matter. would be viewed as a scale of Currently there 1~ a report CONGRESS.· !)on Woodman called the ment that has been compiled by Count.:r op1111on, to the~e the Provost '_s office wl11ch list, meeting to order by w.:re also Vll!Cl'll. The value thl' salary characteristic~ of FINISHING BUSINESS announcing the findmgs of a l of publication 111 term, of the Colkge a, a whole. poll which questioned 140 By Peter Korn barga1111ng contracts wa~ School by ,clwol the ~ala nes faculty members. Asked noted. One of th.: people are broken down by rank and whether teacher•; salaries W l'dm·,day l'Vt:nl!lg', I 111al w I th (; .i r r I t I o o h e } also present lelt that pnvacy was sex. and the high. low. should be published and made Student ( ·ongres, m.:d1ng ot ,peai--1ng 111 support ol no pnv1lege 111 terms of being medium. and meal! for c·.1rh av,nlablc to the entire faculty, the year ,1gnaled hnth an end c;re<:nhau111 Outgorng ,tulknt area arl' provided. 1'111s report favored the idea. "left 111 the dark" with regard and a heg1nn1ng ,1, outgomg body pre,1dl'nt !( <:nny May (, I 52 1, of no help to the faculty responded negatively, four to the knowledge of ~alary member, ~aid th.:1r goodbyes Jlld Ru~, !yon,. 111conl!ng when it come, to contract_ discrcpencies. Some felt that and Shawn Bennett turnl'd chairman ol S.,\.13, ,pokl' for favored publication by rank negot1at1on, though. and rs in order to .:stablish a good the chairperson\ gavel , ,ver to M~ lla.1, ,\cl·ord1ng to only. and 22 abstained. With mainly u~t:d to compare j bargaining ba,L' it was Sharon Haas for ne!-.t ),,·ar l· "CongrL'\s would no these remits stated. an open Ithaca ('ollege to other ncces,ary to know exactly Ms. llaas, who ha~ been longn hl' thL· drag 1t now forum for d 1scussion wa~ schoob, and fnr the purpos.:s where one ~tood 111 relation president ot ll1llel. a ~:udent occa,1011ally 1,." ii (;rel'nbaum J mitiated. of the American Assoc1at1on There were a number of to colleague, of equal stature. of lJniver,1ty Profes,ors. manager 111 the Un1on were d1a1rper,on sentiments expressed that It was also suggested that cafeteria, and Stud.:nt In the b,tllot1ng, llaas publishing salaries would 1f salaries wne made public, Respect of Privacy Congress parliamentarian thrs defeated Cirecnhaum _1() to 4 year, ran agianst David deprive faculty members of a rumors of . favoritism 111 Throughout the meeting with 2 ah,tent1011s (ireenhaum, the Student,' necessary degree of privacy, contract negotiations would be strong sentiments were v01ced International Med1tat1on Other Items and -could even serve to laid to rest. In these terms, in both directions. Some Society representative to embarass some people. It was publication would be mamtained tahat privacy had i Student Congress (;reenbaum, also suggested that since the eliminating friction instead ot to be respected, and it wasn't l'wo othn 4m·,t1on, were a transter, has been at Ithaca College is a private school, caus111g 1t. worth risking embarassment to put he fore Congre". one College only this yem. desiJ1tt' ga111111g pas,age easily and the l there was no ohhgation to some faculty ahy allowing Which Way? being a 1un101 llaa,, a public tax payer~ to make publication tn take place. Still other hemg defeated. I he !irst ,ophomore, ha, spent two regarded ,1 <;;~()() gilt to he this information known. others held that an umlerpa1d In trymg to pmpoint which yl'ars here given lo the ~emor dnve, the 1 person should be given the Sp,·ak1ng before the money gomg to the ( 'areer Unnecessary Friction road would be the best to opportumty to expo,e the 1 Plans Otf1n: .\ kw members -~ follow, some felt that it was salary gap betw.:en h1rn,elf Congre" pnrn to the vote, a choice between two evils. ra 1snl thl· po111t the A ma111 concern of the and a person who 1s perhap~ Ms. I-1:!a\ l'Xpr,·,sed concern 1 and that the least of the two tunds were. 111 al'tual1ty. gomg consequences ot publishrng overpaid. ovt:r Student Congre~< pre~ent tu an admm1,trat1ve oft1ce, salaries was that it would was what had to he Less than 20s;. of the ,tatu, She felt that the not ,tudent~, hut thl' motion cause an unnece~sary degree determined. A number of faculty was present at the Congress mu,t "regam our eventually pas,L·d with only of fr1ct1on within the comprom1se~ were offered to meeling, wluch caused ~ome re,pect as a true funct1onrng two d1s,entmg vote, departments It was felt by deal with the problem. people to become discouraged. body on th 1, cJm pus." l~ Some thought that 1t ,\ motJon to put .ill lunds some that salary publications Others felt that the meetmg lier opponl'nt wa~, alone were 111suff1cient in would be best to list the ;erved no purpost.: S111ce they unfortunately Ill tht: ho\p1tal, il'ttover Imm th,· '>tudent salaries w1th1n each Congres, budget into the presentmg a Justified basis of wer • not _there to vote on unable to att.:nd the meetmg comparison in faculty wages and ,peak on h1~ own behalf hnanc1al AHb Otf1ce did not department bv rank. anti ti1 emotion i111t1ated by the It was feared that people without names, · as a suitable e Representative Mike Freiman f.1re ,o well. It, ddeat would regard salaries as an way for people to know continued on page three did the honors 111 !us stead, continued on page three RADUATION By Miriam Clark Then till, augu,t a,\t.:111 bly I w I 11 break up into Senior, the h1g dJy 1~ l11 I 11 I - C Cl l1l ll1 e ll c· l' Ill C 11 t ~, dawnrng the day you·ve designated by ~chool, th.: worked ('') for. paid for. and schedule for thc,e will he - awaited anxiously Grad ua t 1011. You're parenh will he here Jlllong.,t hoard~ of sm1!1ng lr1t:nd, and TIIE ~CIIEIHJ LE relative,. Wl1at do y"u nl'ed ,\!lied I k.11 th to know. and whl'Ie do you I nrac·l' 1>1111111,: I l.111 go from hen:·> Bu,111,·'>' ·\d1111n1\lr.1t1on At· '7 2:'i ,en1ur, will g..1thL·1 I owcr, D1111ng Hall at the l:ppl.'1 ()u.1d. to l um111u111c.1t1on, I c:,1<,r I 0~ arrJnge thc·m,t.:lve, 1n an l'hy,1L,il l·ducat1u11 ordnly l.i,h1on to go Ill thl.' lid! Phy,1cal I duc.1!1<>11 ( l'Ilter (; y m ft, r t h l' I O 00 .1111 llum.illllll''> & '>c'll'Ill'l'S central cl'rmuny ,\rcnJ I heatre Thi~ will hq:111 wnh a C'IIS Sc1L'nL·e Bu1ldrng benidicllon hy the Chaplm, \1us1c Ford Ila!! Ol(LEIINS followed hy a me~sage from President Phillips Then an ~TORY addres, I rom Rohm Kalik Alt lh1, will he preceded pre~1dent of the se111or clas:,. hy the Vdf!ou~ J11d ~pcctaculJr who will precede the primary events or sen10r week. wh1d1 Graduation Ceremony 1973 speaker, Ogden Reid will be announced tu ,emor~ ( D-Westchcstcr). at a later date. ''":·. I • . .. • .. ,, .... -. ./ Dic's:N~w lodr,e:·:Unveifed ·... -~- , By Jim Young new lodge· -'was under way. around the world The Black Year _,_, / Plans callea for its . completion Delta Keppa' fraternity won:_ by· Spting Weekend, 1974.