Deadwood Dick on :Peck
Copyr ight lSi S-1885, by Beadle & Adams. Entered at Post omce. New Y" rk N. Y .. as second class ma11er. Mar. 15, 189!1 THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. N o.15 Cleveland, Ohio Vol. II DEADWOOD Dr, CALAMITY JANE, The, eroine of Wh~JJp·Up. DICK 117 THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. 1 No.15 Cleveland, Ohio Vol. II DEADWOOD Or. CALAMITY JANE, The DICK Heroine of Whoop-Up. Deadwood Dick on :Peck. "Yas, a woman," replied Colonel Joe Tubba. !.."Docking the ashes out of bis pipe, and refilling It -/~-Deadwood Dick .on Deck · with chipped plug. "At least they say she's o' the OR, feminine sex. fer w'lch I can't sw'ar, purtic'lar. An' ef she's a weemon, thar ain't many bettf>r Inkers 'twixt hayr, D Padwood. an' therrisin' sun." CALAMITY JANE, "What r •ason have you to doubt that she Is not a won1an, colooe!?,, THE HEROIN"~ OF WHOOP-UP. "Wal, Sandy. l ken't say as I Nally doubt et, !er r s'pect et's a solid f ac' thet she ar' one o' ther lineal descendants o' thet leetle fruitful scrape in a certain .£. STOK Y OF DA.KOT.&. garden. yeers ago, afore ther Antediluve. llut ye see how it is: in the gelorious State o' Ohio, frum BY EDW. L. WHEELER, which I war Imported ter this side o' ther hemi· Af1Tl!OR OJ' u DEADWOOD DlCK" NOVELS, ETC., ETC. sphere, ther femnle sex ginnerally war begarbed in CHAPTER I. petticoats, an' left ther male representatives to wear DARKIN' m> THE WRONG TREE.
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