Philippine Construction Highlights Today
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PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. May 2011 Volume II, Issue 2 PCAB blazes a trail as it pilots the AMO Orientation Course .Pasig City– The approved mandatory ity of the Philippines (CIAP), Philippine requirement for the 16-hour Authorized Constructors Association, Inc. (PCA), Phil- Managing Officers’ (AMO) Orientation ippine Contractors Accreditation Board Course spearheaded by the Philippine (PCAB), and AMOs from a wide array of Contractors Accreditation Board construction firms. (PCAB) was piloted last April 29-30, The AMO Orientation Course was organ- 2011 at the Escobar Training Center, ized to apprise all participants of the exist- Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. ing construction laws, codes and standards, (PCA) secretariat. including guidelines governing occupa- In attendance were more than 32 repre- tional safety and health in the industry. sentatives from different construction The AMOs show off their certificates of Also plowed in the orientation were vari- AMO course completion bodies in the Philippines, including Na- ous construction management applications. tional Constructors Association of the Taking into account the escalating de- There to speak were PCAB Chairman Philippines (NACAP), Construction mands of the contracting business and Engr. Ramon Allado, PCAB Executive Manpower Development Foundation the recent untoward mishaps in many Director Rene Fajardo, Atty. Apollo San- (CMDF), Construction Industry Author- construction sites, the need to congre- galang, former Build-Operate-Transfer gate all AMOs and kit them out with (BOT) Center Executive Director Atty. such knowledge was deemed impera- Pascual De Guzman, Engr. Arnel Boston tive. and Engr. Ric Fernandez. The orientation came up a scratch as The first day of the orientation covered participants were able to allude to the topics relating to construction laws, codes issues that they intended to raise during and regulations, PCAB regulations, and the open forum that followed the pres- other applicable laws such as PPP, BOT, entations. The certificate of course BOI and labor. completion awarded to each participat- Training path in the industry and construc- ing AMO is now a requirement in the PCAB Chairman Ramon Allado cooks tion project management were the subjects release of PCAB license registration, up the orientation as he discusses con- whether renewal or original issuance. struction laws, codes and standards raised and hashed over on the second day. PCA asserts position on Wage Increase at the Tripartite Industrial Peace Council Manila— Philippine Constructors Asso- issue any wage order to increase the The TIPC functions as the main consul- ciation, Inc. (PCA) Executive Director wage, provided that the existing contracts tative and advisory mechanism attached Manolito Madrasto attended the Tripartite of the construction projects under which to the Department of Labor and Em- Industrial Peace Council (TIPC) meeting all affected personnel are working are ployment (DOLE) with the Bureau of held last April 14, 2011 at the Bayview correspondingly fine-tuned with auto- Labor Relations (BLR) acting as its Hotel, Manila. matic adjustments in the wage to cover Secretariat. distortion that will occur to all other per- Among its functions are to monitor the Given a whirl in the said meeting was the sonnel remunerated higher than the mini- full implementation of all tripartite in- increase in minimum wage called for by mum wage. different sectors in the construction indus- struments, to review all existing labor try. Another meeting is set to happen on May policies, and to serve as a communica- 2, 2011, in which developments in the tion channel among government, work- The PCA will not raise any objection on subject discussed in the said meeting will ers and employers. the proposal should the regional bodies be discoursed about. PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY April GMM: Sec. Singson touches on opportunities and reforms Pasig City -The General Membership -member countries in terms of infrastruc- Meeting held at the Oakwood Premier ture-building, Sec. Singson emphasized Joy-Nostalg Center last April 29 was that “doing the right projects at the right another success story for the Philippine cost at the right quality” will be DPWH’s Constructors Association, Inc. (PCA) as guiding tenet starting 2011. Public Works and Highways Secretary He guaranteed that for the duration of his Rogelio Singson graced the event with term as the DPWH chief, openness, trans- his expounding words. parency, major reforms and traceable re- ―Reform is ongoing in DPWH to as- sults in all dealings and transactions in the sure you that this will be a much new department will unyieldingly be set in DPWH Secretary Rogelio Singson builds up different ballgame.‖ stone. the hype on the underway reforms to be im- plemented by the DPWH under his helm These were the very words of Sec. With the P1.1 billion saved by the DPWH Singson as he got things rolling in the in government funds from July 2010 to 2011 was aimed at making the national forum themed “Idea of a DPWH-PCA March 2011, Sec. Singson substantiated budget duly utilized to address the press- Partnership for Better Infrastructure the open, competitive and transparent ing concerns of the Filipino people, and Delivery.” biddings that they uphold in the agency to improve the budget process through under his helm. the involvement of Filipino citizens in the preparation of the FY 2012 National Also hashed over in its entirety was the Budget. Medium-term Infrastructure Investment Program, which involved the FY 2012 He assured that no stone will be left un- budget approaches that shall be employed turned as the DPWH earmarks the 2012 by the agency as it capitalizes on the P90- budget to the upgrading, paving and re- 100-billion budget allocated for DPWH habilitation of national roads, the estab- projects this year. lishment of tourist destinations and im- provement of national airports, RoRo Among the priority projects cited by Sec. ports, food production areas in economic Singson were the first five public-private zones, and the construction of 5-m wide partnership (PPP) projects slated this PCA members and representatives from and 20-m long loading and unloading year, the improvement of arterial and sec- different construction bodies pin their ears bays. to Sec. Singson’s presentation on DPWH ondary roads, the upgrading of design Priorities and Strategies standards roads and bridges together with In its aim to streamline the bidding proc- the strict enforcement of the anti-truck ess in DPWH towards procurement re- He said that the DPWH’s vision is to overloading campaign it seeks to espouse, form, Sec. Singson also reeled off that become an utterly-effective and effi- flood control projects in some major ur- the former 20 documentary requirements cient government agency by 2030, im- ban areas, and climate change adaptation. are now down to 5 downloadable docu- proving the life of every Filipino ments. This, according to him, was de- He also underscored the partnership that through quality infrastructure. signed to preempt questions of disquali- the DPWH recently entered into with fication due to failure to submit com- This year, the DPWH sets its sights on Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in its plete and timely documents. sustaining economic growth and reduc- aim to go against manipulations in project ing poverty by creating infrastructures procurements, in so doing announcing Singson beat the drum for great opportu- that will facilitate the mobility of goods that President Benigno Aquino’s 10 nities for all constructors to participate in throughout the land and providing con- months of reform has finally resulted in a the public biddings for the upcoming big struction services like irrigation sys- more competitive, upstanding and high- infrastructure projects slated this year, tems and flood control programs that principled DPWH. singling out PCA as its equal in improv- will take full advantage of our water ing the Philippine construction industry. resources. Also accentuated in his talk was the Budget Partnership Agreement between ―I have always considered PCA our part- Consistent with Sec. Singson personal the DPWH and Bantay Lansangan, a part- ner in developing good infrastructure advocacy, safeguarding the environ- nership of road sector stakeholders, which projects for the Philippines,‖ he said. ment through building safe infrastruc- includes the PCA as Adviser, formed to In attendance were a total of 103 PCA tures is also one of the DPWH’s major make all business processes within the members and representatives from dif- advocacies this year. DPWH transparent. ferent construction bodies in the country, Letting drop that the Philippines is al- In a nutshell, Sec. Singson shared that the including NACAP Board members and ready outmaneuvered by other ASEAN inking of the agreement last March 11, the entire PCAB Board. May 2011 Volume II, Issue 2 CHINCA invites ACF, PCA to Beijing DPWH to save up to Beijing, China—Following the first Construction Committee Member Billy P7 billion International Infrastructure Investment Belisario, PCA Corporate Secretary & The reformulation of the infrastructure and Construction Forum (IIICF) held Legal Counsel Atty. Ma. Elena Go Fran- project cost assumptions of the De- last May 11-12, 2010, the ASEAN cisco and PCA Executive Director Mano- partment of Public Works and High- Constructors Federation (ACF) and the lito Madrasto. Also with them is newly ways (DPWH) is expected to yield a Philippine Constructors Association, appointed PCAB Chairman Ramon Al- considerable P7 billion worth of sav- Inc. (PCA) was invited again to attend lado. ings this year. the 2nd IIICF this May 26-27 in Bei- The theme ―Investment Cooperation En- jing, China. ergizes the Sustainable Development of The reassessment process is expected to considerably cut back the cost of To make up the ACF delegation are Infrastructure,‖ for this year’s forum will infrastructure projects to be imple- ACF Chairman Jorge Consunji, ACF be on resources development and infra- Vice Chairman Anthony L.