Philippine Construction Highlights Today
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PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. September 2011 Volume II, Issue 6 Global Link Solutions releases record-breaking figures of Philconstruct Visayas 2011 Cebu City—Philconstruct Visayas 2011, the pied mezzanine of the 2,850 square meter- show. 2nd International Construction Equipment, exhibit space was packed with exhibitors of Building Materials, Interior & Exterior Prod- first-rate interior design mock-ups from the The exhibition also eclipsed the 4,378 ucts Exhibition and Technology Forum, region’s top furniture companies, with more visitors of Philconstruct Visayas 2010 as it proved to all its leadership in the region as it special exhibit pavilions of top and cutting- was able to draw a total of 5,317 visitors overtook the already impressive figures of edge building and construction technologies this year. This figure is exclusive of the 2010 by considerable margins. assembled at the deck. In just a span of three record-breaking 335 attendance in the days, the exhibitors at the show were able to Authorized Managing Officers (AMO) Organized by the Philippine Constructors generate an impressive P60.1 million sales, Orientation Seminar held coinciding the Association, Inc. (PCA) together with the 12 percent higher than the P53.7 million show and the roughly 200 attendance in Cebu Contractors Association (CCA) and worth of onsite sales generated last year. The the three-day Technoforum 2011, which managed by Global Link MP Events Interna- event which already brought in vibrant sales drew a standing crowd of construction tional, Inc., the prime regional construction professionals in the Aegean Room of the show was held last September 1 to 3 at the Waterfront. Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino. Philconstruct Visayas 2010, the show that More participating companies, with more started it all, had three times more booths number of booths, more site visitors, and and five times more sales than any other more sales generated by exhibitors were exhibit show ever done in the Southern tallied in the preliminary reckoning, breaking Philippine Region. records and establishing Philconstruct Visayas 2011’s foothold as the best trade Now that Philconstruct Visayas 2011 has show in the south. The chock-a-block exhibit hall of Waterfront already taken the limelight from its pio- Cebu City Hotel and Casino during neering event, the movement of the con- From 108 back in 2010, 113 companies Philconstruct Visayas 2011 struction industry from small to big is booked their spaces in the exhibition show on its opening day was all the more heaped deemed a proof that the trade show is gain- this year, generating a good 211 booths on by the strong attendance of real buyers ing its health in the entire region and shall against 189 of last year. The once unoccu- and specifiers in the next two days of the continue to make it big in the future. PCA signs accord with Chinese counterpart Beijing, China—The Philippine Construc- of construction-related businesses.” tors Association, Inc. (PCA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Coop- Through the memorandum, PCA and eration with the China Contractors Associa- CHINCA agreed to establish a program tion (CHINCA) last August 31 during through which both associations can ex- President Benigno S. Aquino’s three-day change information on construction pro- state visit in China. jects, trends, equipment and technologies. PCA President Levy Espiritu and CHINCA It also allows for the exchange of views, President Diao Chunhe signed the memo- opinions and suggestions on new trends in randum in the presence of Aquino during the industry among PCA-CHINCA mem- the China-Philippines Economic and Trade bers and the promotion, encouragement Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, CHINCA Presi- Forum held in Beijing. dent Diao Chunhe, Pres. Benigno S. Aquino III, PCA and assistance of both parties in the forma- President Levy Espiritu, Transportation Secretaryf tion of business alliances and cooperation. The MOUC was proposed “to enable both Manuel Roxas II and Public Works Secretary associations to mutually establish an infor- Rogelio Singson during the PCA-CHINCA MOUC The signed memorandum took effect last mation exchange program and agree on August 31 and will continue for a period principles and guidelines that will serve to govern their members’ conduct in their pursuit of three years. PHILIPPINE CONSTRUCTION HIGHLIGHTS TODAY PCA-CCA Joint GMM: Cordon calls for a new spirit of cooperation “We acknowledge that we cannot do all the The framework, she said, aims to “transform changes at our time. But we hope that with the organization and its employees, simplify the leadership of Sec. Singson, we can.” DPWH systems and procedures to eradicate corruption and optimize resources.” Engr. Cordon shared the specific targets that the DPWH has set in line with its vi- “I hope that you support us in this transfor- sion. mation. We look forward to more inaugura- tion in the private sector,” said Lillie. First, she said that the DPWH targets that all national roads be paved by 2014 and all “If we can make significant change in the secondary roads by 2016. way we do things, we can make the invest- ment climate in our country more invest- “We hope that all roads will be paved, but ments-friendly,” she added. DPWH Region VII Asst. Regional Director Juby not just paved but be in good condition as B. Cordon speaks in the PCA-CCA 4th General well. “ She said that if contractors will cooperate Membership Meeting in Cebu with the government, there will be more She said that the agency eyes to make all investors to come, more projects to work on, In place of Department of Public Works national roads be permanent by year 2016. and more businesses to flourish. and Highways (DPWH) Region VII Re- gional Director Pedro S. Herrera, Jr., As- To achieve all these aspirations, she said She urged them to not just sit and wait for sistant Regional Director Juby B. Cordon that there shall be a need for 5,800 kilome- the government to face the challenge by it- spoke at the 4th Joint General Membership ters of national road primary and 4200 kilo- self. Meeting of the Philippine Constructors meters secondary. Association, Inc. (PCA) and Cebu Con- “This challenge poses greater opportunities tractors Association, Inc. (CCA) last Sep- “We have allotted P215 billion for the for you. We just have to believe in personal tember 2, 2011 at the Citi Park Hotel in bridges until 2016. The government will responsibility, hard work, self-reliance and Mandaue, Cebu. invest 43 billion each year nationwide,” integrity. It requires new ways of thinking said Cordon. and a new spirit of cooperation,” she said. The event was attended by members and officers of the PCA National, CCA, the She said that the DPWH will try its best to She echoed what the past three speakers have Philippine Society of Ventilating, Air Con- realize its aspirations in five year’s time. all said about the status of the Philippine ditioning and Refrigerating Engineers construction industry —that the country is (PSVARE) and the Associated Construc- The assistant regional director told the con- lagging behind its neighbour nations in Asia tion Equipment Lessors, Inc. (ACEL) who tractors that if there are challenges in this, and that the Philippines very badly needs all went to Cebu City for the Philconstruct then greater are the opportunities. infrastructure to sustain high economic Visayas 2011. growth and be globally competitive. “You are the first to benefit from the many The speaker opened her speech by a brief infrastructure projects in the pipeline. This Lillie also reiterated the DPWH’s mandate, presentation of Philippine road statistics, is an opportunity for the jobless to have which is “building the right infrastructures in which pointed towards the poor infrastruc- jobs as well,” she said. the right place and at the right quality.” ture development in the country. The speaker also ran through the present She said that of the 254,000 kilometres of endeavours of the DPWH especially in re- road network in the Philippines, only gion VII. 31,000 are national roads. “By 2011, we are working on the P3.53 Of the 31,000, she said, only 77% is paved billion worth of projects for Cebu, Bohol, and not all of them are considered in good Suquijor, Negros Oriental. We have 96 condition. projects to work on and with the competi- tive bidding that we have done, we were We only have 8,000 bridges in our road able to save P255 million for this year network and 600 of them are just tempo- alone.” rary. She said that the savings generated will be “We have a dream. We all hope that our allotted for new projects or the development public works will be at par with other of the existing ones. CCA President Peter Paul Dy awards the certifi- countries in Asia. We want our national cate of recognition to speaker Engr. Juby Lillie, roads to be comfortable, to be safe for the She also divulged that by 2012, the DPWH with PCA 1st VP Ronaldo Elepano at the left riding public,” Lillie said. budget will increase from P3.53 billion to P5.75 billion. That means 63 percent in- “Most of us pay our taxes. Let us make sure From this, the speaker expressed her confi- crease by 2012. that all that we get from the government are dence in what the present DPWH, helmed worth what we pay for,” she said. by Sec. Rogelio “Babes” Singson, can do The speaker discussed in brief the “DPWH to elevate the present condition of the Transformation Framework” which was “The choice is yours, but we will still con- infrastructure industry.