Abercromby, Sir Ralph
INDEX Abercromby, Sir Ralph, Lt.-General, Ardnamurchan, 144 108, 117, 127 Ardrose, Laird ef, 245 Aberdeen, 8, 9, 10, 136, 202, 223, Argyll, 172, 193, 201 248, 253, 277 Argyll, Earls ef, 139, 140, 165, 172, Montrose in, 278, 284 174, 176, 177, 179, 181-4 passim the 'Bon Accord,' 254 6th Earl, 172 Aboyne, 154, 167 7th Earl (Archibald, Gilleasbaig Aboyne, Lady, 168 Gruamach), 10, 147, 151, 152, Acheson, John, keeper, Bumtisland arsenal, 159, 172, 175, 176 244 8th Earl & I st Marquis (Archibald Acheson, Michael, stockmaker, 249 Campbell), 41, 241, 262, 263, 285 Act of Grace & Pardon (1654), 73 9th Earl (Archibald Campbell), 275, Acts of Caution, 156 276 Adolf, Prince ef Sweden, 71 2nd Duke (John Campbell), 278 Advocate-Fiscal of the States General, 14 3rd Duke (Archibald Campbell), 186 Ailean Dubh a Lochaidh, poet, 157 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (9lst Airds Moss (1680), battle ef, 270 & 93rd), regiment, 185 Almond, Lord, (James Livingston), 39, Argyll Rising, 276, 280 45, 48 Aroyo des Molinas, battle ef, 122 American Revolutionary War, 218 'Articles and Ordinances of War,' by Amsterdam, 83, 88, 98, 25 7, 258, 259 Leslie, 42 printing at, s. Dutch press 'As late by a sodger I chanced to 'An Address to the People of pass,' poem by Robert Bums, 119 Scotland,' by Patrick Bannerman, 118 Ashton, Edmond, 65-6 Anderson, George, printer, 281, 283 Astley, Sir Jacob, Maj. -General, 40, 41, Anderson (Glasgow) Social Club, 123 44, 47, 53, 55 song by Mr Crichton, 123, 124 Atholl, Earls ef, 41 song by Mr Glen, 123 4th Earl (John, Lord Balveny), 170 'Ane Dialog,' by John Davidson, 275, 285 William Murray, 171 'Ane Information of the Publict 1st Marquis (John Murray), 276 Proceedings,' pamphlet, 284 Atholl Highlanders (77th), regiment, 199 Anglo-Dutch Brigade, s.
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