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Pdf Clickbook Booklet 236 Poaceae Aristida purpurea purple three-awn 1 1 Flora of Queen Mountain Area, Joshua Tree National Park 237 Poaceae Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi Nealley three-awn 2 238 Poaceae Aristida purpurea var. wrightii Wright three-awn 1 JM # Scientific Name (*)Common Name #Pls #Vch 239 Poaceae Bothriochloa barbinodis cane bluestem 1 Family Bouteloua aristidoides var. 1 Dryopter Dryopteris arguta California wood fern 1 240 Poaceae needle grama 1 aristidoides 2 Dryopter Woodsia plummerae Plummer's woodsia 1 241 Poaceae Bouteloua barbata var. barbata six-weeks grama 2 3 Pteridac Cheilanthes covillei beady lipfern 7 242 Poaceae Bouteloua curtipendula side-oats grama 3 4 Pteridac Cheilanthes parryi woolly lipfern 1 1 243 Poaceae Bromus trinii Chilean chess 2 5 Pteridac Pellaea mucronata var. californica California cliff-brake 1 244 Poaceae Echinochloa crus-galli *barnyard grass 1 Pentagramma triangularis ssp. 6 Pteridac goldback fern 1 245 Poaceae Erioneuron pulchellum fluff grass 5 triangularis 246 Poaceae Melica imperfecta coast-range melic 1 7 Cupressa Juniperus californica California juniper 20 5 247 Poaceae Muhlenbergia minutissima annual muhly 2 8 Ephedrac Ephedra nevadensis Nevada ephedra 30 1 248 Poaceae Muhlenbergia porteri Porter's muhly 2 9 Pinaceae Pinus monophylla pinyon pine 15 2 249 Poaceae Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed 2 10 Amaranth Amaranthus fimbriatus fringed amaranth 10 1 http://tchester.org/plants/floras/desert/queen_mtn_area.html 11 Amaranth Amaranthus torreyi sandhill amaranth 1 Last update: 20 November 2011 12 Anacardi Rhus trilobata basketbush 5 13 Apiaceae Lomatium mohavense Mojave lomatium 5 14 Apocynac Amsonia tomentosa woolly amsonia 12 15 Asclepia Matelea parvifolia spearleaf 3 1 Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus 16 Asterace goldenhead 2 var. sphaerocephalus 17 Asterace Adenophyllum cooperi Cooper's dogweed 1 18 Asterace Adenophyllum porophylloides San Felipe dogweed 20 1 19 Asterace Ambrosia acanthicarpa bur-ragweed 1 20 Asterace Ambrosia dumosa burroweed 5 21 Asterace Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. albula white mugwort 2 2 22 Asterace Baccharis brachyphylla short-leaved baccharis 5 23 Asterace Baccharis salicifolia mule fat 1 24 Asterace Baileya pleniradiata woolly marigold 4 California spear-leaved 25 Asterace Brickellia arguta 3 brickellia California spear-leaved 26 Asterace Brickellia arguta var. arguta 1 brickellia 27 Asterace Brickellia californica California brickellbush 5 1 28 Asterace Brickellia desertorum desert brickellia 1 29 Asterace Brickellia incana woolly brickellia 7 30 Asterace Chaenactis fremontii Fremont pincushion 2 Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. Mohave common 201 Salicace Salix exigua narrowleaf willow 2 31 Asterace 2 mohavensis rabbitbrush 202 Salicace Salix gooddingii black willow 1 32 Asterace Chrysothamnus teretifolius needle-leaved rabbitbrush 7 203 Salicace Salix laevigata red willow 4 33 Asterace Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus sticky-leaved rabbitbrush 2 204 Salicace Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow 1 34 Asterace Encelia actoni Acton encelia 20 1 205 Scrophul Castilleja angustifolia northwestern paintbrush 6 35 Asterace Ericameria cooperi var. cooperi Cooper's goldenbush 30 2 206 Scrophul Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. setigerus bristly bird's beak 2 wide-leaved rock Keckiella antirrhinoides var. little-leaved chaparral 36 Asterace Ericameria cuneata var. spathulata 10 4 207 Scrophul 2 goldenbush microphylla beard-tongue 37 Asterace Ericameria linearifolia narrowleaf goldenbush 5 208 Scrophul Mimulus aurantiacus bush monkeyflower 7 38 Asterace Erigeron breweri var. covillei Coville's fleabane 1 209 Scrophul Mimulus bigelovii var. bigelovii Bigelow's monkeyflower 1 39 Asterace Erigeron divergens spreading fleabane 2 210 Scrophul Mimulus guttatus common monkeyflower 3 40 Asterace Eriophyllum wallacei Wallace's woolly daisy 3 211 Scrophul Mimulus parishii Parish's monkeyflower 1 Gnaphalium canescens ssp. 41 Asterace white everlasting 4 212 Scrophul Mimulus pilosus false monkeyflower 1 canescens 213 Scrophul Mimulus rubellus little redstem monkeyflower 2 42 Asterace Gutierrezia microcephala sticky snakeweed 20 2 214 Scrophul Penstemon clevelandii var. connatus San Jacinto beardtongue 1 43 Asterace Heterotheca villosa var. scabra rough hairy-goldenaster 4 Penstemon clevelandii var. 215 Scrophul Mojave beardtongue 3 8 44 Asterace Hulsea vestita ssp. parryi Parry's sunflower 1 mohavensis 45 Asterace Hymenoclea salsola cheesebush 50 216 Scrophul Penstemon incertus Mojave beardtongue 1 46 Asterace Hymenoxys cooperi Arizona hymenoxys 1 5 217 Scrophul Penstemon thurberi Thurber's beardtongue 6 47 Asterace Layia glandulosa white tidy-tips 1 218 Simmonds Simmondsia chinensis jojoba 1 48 Asterace Malacothrix glabrata desert dandelion 2 219 Solanace Lycium cooperi Cooper's box-thorn 1 49 Asterace Malacothrix stebbinsii Stebbins' malacothrix 5 220 Solanace Nicotiana obtusifolia desert tobacco 2 1 50 Asterace Nicolletia occidentalis western nicolletia 5 221 Solanace Physalis crassifolia thick-leaved ground cherry 2 2 51 Asterace Pectis papposa var. papposa chinch-weed 2 222 Ve rbenac Aloysia wrightii oreganillo 2 52 Asterace Rafinesquia californica California chicory 2 223 Vi scacea Phoradendron californicum desert mistletoe 1 1 53 Asterace Rafinesquia neomexicana desert chicory 2 224 Vi scacea Phoradendron densum dense mistletoe 2 54 Asterace Stephanomeria exigua ssp. exigua slender wreathplant 1 225 Zygophyl Fagonia laevis California fagonia 1 55 Asterace Stylocline micropoides desert nest straw 2 226 Zygophyl Larrea tridentata creosote bush 99 56 Asterace Te tradymia axillaris var. longispina catclaw horsebrush 10 3 227 Zygophyl Tribulus terrestris *puncture-vine 1 57 Asterace Te tradymia stenolepis Mojave horsebrush 1 228 Cyperace Eleocharis macrostachya common spikerush 1 58 Asterace Uropappus lindleyi silver puffs 3 229 Cyperace Eleocharis parishii Parish's spikerush 1 59 Asterace Viguiera parishii Parish's viguiera 10 1 230 Liliacea Allium denticulatum toothed wild onion 1 60 Asterace Xylorhiza tortifolia var. tortifolia Mojave-aster 20 2 231 Liliacea Allium parishii Parish's onion 4 61 Boragina Amsinckia tessellata bristly fiddleneck 1 232 Liliacea Nolina parryi Parry's nolina 40 12 62 Boragina Cryptantha barbigera bearded cryptantha 2 233 Liliacea Yucca brevifolia joshua tree 99 3 Cryptantha barbigera var. Santa Rosa Mountain 63 Boragina 1 234 Liliacea Yucca schidigera Mohave yucca 99 1 fergusoniae bearded cryptantha 235 Poaceae Achnatherum speciosum desert needlegrass 1 64 Boragina Cryptantha dumetorum bush-loving cryptantha 1 167 Polemoni Eriastrum sapphirinum sapphire woolly-star 1 65 Boragina Cryptantha gracilis slender cryptantha 1 168 Polemoni Gilia stellata star gilia 4 66 Boragina Cryptantha pterocarya wing-nut cryptantha 6 169 Polemoni Linanthus bigelovii Bigelow's linanthus 1 67 Boragina Cryptantha utahensis scented cryptantha 3 170 Polemoni Saltugilia latimeri 1 68 Boragina Pectocarya setosa moth combseed 1 171 Polygona Centrostegia thurberi Thurber's spineflower 1 69 Boragina Plagiobothrys arizonicus Arizona popcorn flower 1 172 Polygona Eriogonum davidsonii Davidson's buckwheat 1 70 Brassica Arabis dispar pinyon rock cress 2 173 Polygona Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat 1 71 Brassica Arabis glaucovalvula blue-podded rock-cress 8 Eriogonum fasciculatum var. 72 Brassica Arabis perennans perennial rock-cress 3 174 Polygona California buckwheat 1 4 flavoviride 73 Brassica Arabis pulchra beautiful rock-cress 2 175 Polygona Eriogonum heermannii var. argense Heermann's buckwheat 5 6 slender & beautiful 74 Brassica Arabis pulchra var. gracilis 1 176 Polygona Eriogonum inflatum desert trumpet 99 rock-cress 177 Polygona Eriogonum plumatella yucca buckwheat 2 75 Brassica Caulanthus cooperi Cooper's jewel-flower 1 178 Polygona Eriogonum pusillum yellow-turbans 1 76 Brassica Caulanthus hallii Hall's caulanthus 1 179 Polygona Eriogonum saxatile rock buckwheat 2 77 Brassica Descurainia pinnata western tansy-mustard 1 180 Polygona Eriogonum wrightii var. wrightii Wright's buckwheat 40 1 78 Brassica Erysimum capitatum ssp. capitatum western wallflower 1 181 Polygona Rumex crispus *curly dock 1 79 Brassica Guillenia lasiophylla California mustard 2 182 Polygona Rumex hymenosepalus wild rhubarb 1 80 Brassica Lepidium fremontii desert pepper-grass 1 183 Portulac Calyptridium monandrum sand cress 1 Lepidium lasiocarpum var. 81 Brassica hairy-podded pepper-grass 2 narrow-leaved miner's lasiocarpum 184 Portulac Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora 1 lettuce 82 Brassica Lepidium nitidum shining peppergrass 2 185 Portulac Claytonia parviflora ssp. viridis green miner's lettuce 3 83 Brassica Streptanthus campestris southern jewel-flower 1 186 Portulac Portulaca halimoides desert portulaca 6 84 Brassica Thysanocarpus curvipes fringe-pod 5 187 Ranuncul Clematis pauciflora virgin's bower 6 85 Brassica Thysanocarpus laciniatus lace-pod 2 188 Ranuncul Myosurus cupulatus desert mouse-tail 1 Engelmann's hedgehog 86 Cactacea Echinocereus engelmannii 50 189 Rhamnace Ceanothus greggii desert ceanothus 2 cactus 190 Rhamnace Ceanothus greggii var. perplexans cupped-leaf ceanothus 1 87 Cactacea Echinocereus triglochidiatus three-spine hedgehog cactus 10 4 191 Rhamnace Rhamnus ilicifolia hollyleaf redberry 2 88 Cactacea Ferocactus cylindraceus California barrel cactus 20 5 birch-leaf mountain- 89 Cactacea Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris beavertail cactus 5 192 Rosaceae Cercocarpus betuloides 3 mahogany 90 Cactacea Opuntia chlorotica pancake prickly-pear 99 193 Rosaceae Coleogyne ramosissima black brush
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