External Flavonoids of 12 Species of North American Eupatorieae
External Flavonoids of 12 Species of North Material and Methods American Eupatorieae (Asteraceae) Aerial parts including inflorescences were col Eckhard Wollenweber, Marion Dörr, lected in the field and air-dried. Vouchers have Matthias Beyer 3 and Edward Schilling 5 been deposited at the University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN). The amounts of dry leaf a Institut für Botanik der Technischen Hochschule, Schnittspahnstrasse 3, D-64287 Darmstadt, material used in this study varied between some Bundesrepublik Deutschland 40 and 280 g. The average amount of exudate reco b University of Tennessee, Department of Botany, vered was 2.7% of the dry weight (minimum E. 437 Hesler Biology Building, Knoxville, purpureum - 0.9%, maximum E. altissimum: TN 37996-1100, U. S. A. 7.1%). The collection data are as follows. Z. Naturforsch. 51c, 893-896 (1996); Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinn. (= Kuhnia received August 26, 1996 eupatorioides L.) Tennessee, Loudon County, Eupatorium ssp., Brickellia eupatorioides, Asteraceae - along Friendsville road, near Centerville Store. Eupatorieae, Lipophilic Exudate , Flavonoid Aglycones E. E. Schilling 95-12. The flavonoid aglycones excreted by and deposited on Conoclinium coelestinum (L.) DC. [= Eupato aerial parts of 12 species of tribe Eupatorieae, including rium coelestinum L.] - Tennessee, Knox Co., 10 species of Eupatorium (narrowly defined), Conoclin- roadside along Hardin Valley Rd., near intersec ium coelestinum, and Brickellia eupatorioides, have been tion with Byington-Solway road. E. E. Schilling analyzed. The flavonoid pattern of Eupatorium is domi 95-17. nated by 6-O-methylated flavones, and there are rela tively few differences between species including those of E. album L. Tennessee, Knox County, field section Verticillata.
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