A Mcallister History by Mary Flo Edmiston

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A Mcallister History by Mary Flo Edmiston ISSN 1079-6053 MAC-ALASDAIR CLAN Quarterly Journal of the Clan McAlister of America Vol. VIII MARCH (SPRING) 1998 N0.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Cover: MATfHEW HALL McALLISTER (A04-2-5-3-2) PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: ROANOKE IN '98 CONTENTS 1 FAMILY HISTORY McALLISTERS OF SAVANNAH & SAN FRANCISCO- A04 2-9 JAMES McALLISTER J47 by Sandra Jones Parcher 10-13 LETIERS 14-15 QUERIES-CAN YOU HELP? 16 GENEALOGY Robert M. McAllister & Frank McAlister 17-19 CMA ANCESTRAL LINES by Frank McAlister 20 Table of Merged and Retired Lines 21 Table of Ancestral Lines and Line Coordinators 22-32 ROSIBR OF ACTIVE MEMBERS 33-44 BUSINESS OF THE CLAN 45 FINANCIAL REPORT 1997 by Treasurer S. M. McAllister THE BAZAAR by Vice President J. Pat McAlister OBITUARIES 46-47 ROSIBR OF OFFICERS 49 BACK COVER: "Come to Roanoke!" 50 President Editor Genealogist Betty McAlister Johns Donald MacAllaster Sanford Robert McAllister 512 Bader Avenue 825 San Luis Road 3800 No. Fairfax Drive #211 Waynesboro VA 22980 Berkeley CA 94707 Arlington VA 22203 (540) 943-9466 (510) 527-6017 ( 703) 243-2035 Printed by: PRINTCRAFT OF CALDWELL, INC. Caldwell, Idaho: Owned and operated by John & Vi Towery and their sons, Steve and Randy Towery THIS ISSUE CONTAINS GENEALOGICAL DATA FOR LINES: A04, J47 ;:: ! l ~ '\ . \ W ' '\ ,., I " ...... • ,. ' e • ·, ,-•. • . /" . ' ~ •. ~· "-"! Vt·n·~•- (- j .. ,. ,, , ·. ·. • • ; ' ~'\. • • ~ e ,.., • • • I I • ' .- • • \ \ . ·. ' . ' ) i•.. ~· __ ; : .. rJ\ t.P< _ 2. __________MAC-ALASDAIR CLAN______ _ MARCH 1998f frt"- • McALLISTERS OF SAVANNAH & SAN FRANCISCO - A04 New York City and Newport R.I. MATTHEW McALLISTER 1848: May, Chairman of the GA delegation to the National (4 MAY 1758 - 9 MAY 1823) A04-2-5 Democratic Convention at Baltimore 1758: 4 May born: York County PA 1848-50: Georgia member of the first Democratic National 1779: Graduated from Princeton College (letter to Washington.) Committee 1779: -Dec m. Hannah, daughter of Jos. Gibbons, Chattam Co. 1850: February, GA legislature elected delegate-at-large to 1784: Removed to Savannah GA. Southern Convention at Nashville; declined 1786: Member GA House of Representatives 1850: May, left for California to practice law in that state. He 1788-9: Attorney General of Georgia arrived 20 May 1850 on the ship Oregon 1788: Delegate to GA Constitutional Convention 1855-62: first US Circuit Judge in CA, 3 Mar 1855 - 1789: Appointed 6 Sept GA's first US District Attorney by Apr 1862, resigned. President George Washington 1860: LL.D. degree conferrred on him by Columbia University. 1790-1: Alderman, Savannah, 8 Mar 1790- 9 Mar 1791 1865: Died 18 Dec. at San Francisco CA. 1797: Resigned as US District Attorney ( 5 sons, 1 daughter ) 1798-9: Mayor of Savannah 9 July 1798- 8 July 1799 1800-3: President of the Union Society JULIAN McALLISTER 1801-2: Judge, Superior Court, Eastern Circuit of GA, 2 Feb (29 OCT 1823- 3 JAN 1887) A04-2-5-3-1 1801 - June 1802 1823: Born at Bowling Green, NYC 1812-14: Alderman, City of Savannah 3 June 1812 - 12 Sept 1847: Graduated 1 July, West Point, number 4 in a class of 38, 1814. appointed 2nd Lt., of 2nd Artillery 1814-15: Mayor of Savannah 12 Sept 1814 - 10 April 1815 1847-8: Served in the artillery in the War with Mexico. (resigned) 1848: 13 Apr, Transferred to Ordnance Dept. 1823: Died 9 May at Savannah GA 1848: m. 2 May 1848 Elizabeth Manigault Butler*, daughter of ( 1 son) Capt. John Butler and Gabriella Manigault Morris MATTHEW HALL McALLISTER 1853: 3 Mar, promoted to 1st Lt of Ordnance after surviving an (26 NOV 1800 - 18 DEC 1865) A04-2-5-3 explosion in his ordnance laboratory (two assistants died). He 1800: born at Savannah GA organized and sponsored the building of the present Centurion 1817-18: At Princeton College 5 June 1817 - 4 Oct 1818 Church at FL. Monroe, now the oldest US military chapel. 1819-20: Studied law with Jared Ingersoll, Philadelphia PA 1861: 1 July. promoted to Captain of Ordnance In Command. 1822: Married 30 Oct, Charlotte Louisa Cutler at Quincy MA Benicia Arsenal, CA, I Dec 1860 -29 Mar 1864; Chief 1827: Appointed US District Attorney for GA, by President John Ordnance Officer, Dept of the Pacific, 12 Oct 1861 to Ju ne Quincy Adams. There is a bust of him in Federal Court in 1864. On duty in New York City 1864-67 San Francisco. He was known as a "Champion of the 1862: - June, wife Elizabeth died of burns when her dress caught Colored People in the South." on fire. 1834: Resigned in Sept. as US District Attorney for GA 1865: Brevetted Major, Lt. Col. and Colonel 1834-7: Member, Georgia State Senate 1866: 6 Apr, promoted to Major of Ordnance 1837-9: Mayor of Savannah. 11 Sept 1837- 28 Mar 1839, 1867-86: Command of Benecia Arsenal, CA resigned. 1868: m, (2) 2 June Amelia H. Trenor (one child. died age :I) 1839: One of the organizers of the GA Historical Society, 1874: 23 June, promoted to Lt. Col of Ordnance Curator, 1839-41, senior vice president 12 Feb 1841 - 12 1881: 1 June, promoted to Colonel of Ordnance Feb 1851 1886-7: Command of New York Arsenal. 1839-41: Alderman, City of Savannah, 28 March 1839 - 12 Feb 1887: Died 3 Jan, at NY Arsenal, buried at West Point. 1841 (Ordnance Orders No.2, War Dept., 12 Jan 1887) 1840: Delivered on July 4th a notable address at the Democratic ( 3 daughters ) Convention at Milledgeville GA 1842: Declined Democrapc nomination and election to US Senate 1843: Appointed director of the Bank of the State of GA by Gov. McDonald * of the famous Morris, Manigault and Izard families. Her uncle 1845: Democratic candidate for Governor of GA Pierce Butler married Shakesperian actress Fanny Kemble. utedbys. M. rcAllister of Hartselle AL with additionsa nd(j~~f.Ja~twdt!~~wre:J\rfto~A each. Gff\!EALOGIC.Al SOCIETY _SPRING__________ MAC -ALASDAIR CLAN__ __________3 _ M(ATIHEW) HALL McALLISTER B (ENJAMIN) CUTLER McALLISTER (2 FEB 1828 - l Dec 1888) A04- 2-5-3 -2 (18 SEP 1832 - 8 JAN 1879) A04-2 -5- 3-5 1828: Born at Savannah GA 1832 Born 18 Sept in Newport RI 1849: Yale University 1857: 16 Jan m. Julia Bedlow Parkman, by her brother, the Rev. 1849: 9 Feb admitted to practice law at Savannah GA Francis Marion McAllister in Savannah. She was the 1849: 10 Feb leaves for California; arrived 4 June in San daughter of Samuel Breckman Parkman, and a niece of Francisco with brother, Samuel Ward McAllister and cousin, Francis Parkman, the Historian. Her mot11cr died when she Samual Ward * (brother of Julia Ward Howe). was 8, and before she was 9 her fat11er, a brother and 3 sisters 1849: 25 Sept appointed Attorney for District of San Francisco died on the ship Pulaski. Won fame by prosecuting the notorious "Hounds" gang. 1879: 8 Jan, d. in Jacksonville FL, where he had gone for his 1849-88: Practiced Jaw in San Francisco; for years a recognized health. leader of the bar. McAllister Street named for him; it is on the north side of the City Hall, as is a statue of him. HARRIET HANNAH McALLISTER 1860: Honorary MA degree conferred by Yale University (23 NOV 1833 - 28 OCT 1879) A04-2-5-3-6 1888: Died at Ross Valley, Marin County, CA 1833 23 Nov born in New York City 1905: BA degree conferred by Yale University as of the Class of 1859: 16 Jan m. her cousin 1849 Dr. Samuel Ward Francis, son of Dr. (married Louise Clemence Hermann of New Orleans LA) when? John Wakefield Francis, author ( 4 daughters, 1 son ) of Old New York 1879: 28 Oct d. in Newport RI S (AMUEL) WARD McALLISTER (28 DEC 1827 - 31JAN1895) A04-2-5 -3 -3 1827: Born at Savannah GA 1849: Arrived in San Francisco with brother Hall. 1850-2: Practiced Jaw in San Francisco CA 1852: Removed to New York City 1853: 15 Mar m.Sarah Taintor Gibbons. 1870-90: Society Leader in New York NY and Newport RI 1890: Author of Society as I Have Found It 1895 Died in New York Cit y. F (RANCIS) MARION McALLISTER (15 OCT 1829 - 18 NOV 1895) A04- 2-5-3-4: 1829: Born 15 Oct in New York City -GOLD RUSH First Rector, Church of the Advent, San Francisco CHRONOLOGY- Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church, Trenton NJ (San Francisco Historical Society fil e) 1870: 20 Apr Married Anna Lindsley June 4, 1849 1878: 3 Apr wife Anna died. •The ship Panama arrived in San Francisco Bay. There were Married Caroline Ogden Corne! Sheppard, daughter of already about 200 deserted ships in the harbor because crews have Col. John Henry Cornell abandoned them for the gold fields. 1895: 18 Nov, Died, Elizabeth NJ Trinity say 15th? •Hall McAllister* arrived board the Pana11u1. ( 1 son, 2 daughters ) •Dr. Stephen R Harris** arrived on the Panama. •Eighteen men from the USS Ohio deserted to go to the gold fields. * General Riley appointed him Attorney for the San Francisco District in September 1849. * He later married Emily Astor, daughter of John Jacob Astor. He ** Dr. Harris was later elected to the posts of mayor, controller and became famous as the ''King of the Lobby" in Washington DC. coroner. _4_____ _______MAC-ALASDAIR CLAN.__ ______ MARCH 1998_ MATIHEW HALL McALLISTER 1800- 1865 MATIHEW FRANCIS HARRIET Col. JULAIN SAMUEL WARD HALL MARION CUTLER HANNAH McAU.JSTER McALUSTER McALLISTER McALUSTER McALLISTER McALLISTER 1823-1887 1827-1 895 1828-1888 1829-1 895 1832- 1879 1833-1 879 _SPRING _________.MAC-ALASDAIR CLAN ___________.5_ MATTHEW HALL McALLISTER (A04) In Savannah He was One of the Leaders of the Party Opposing Calhounism When Savannah stood for the Union Against Extreme States Rights These McAllisters of Savannah were known McAllister for some years and had prisoner took McAllister on their the subject of a five part series written by followed the later years of the Georgian' s shoulders and bore him down to where Thomas Gamble for the SA VANNAH career with unbroken interest.
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    INDEX Academy of Music, 47, 48 appearance of, 29, 68, 215 afternoon tea, 342, 343 background and personal traits of, 4–5, Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 95, 26–29, 31 140, 275 Bohemian party of, 400 Allard, Jules, 132, 158, 173, 260–261, 304, children of, 30, 99–104 306, 307–308, 323, 327, 329, 331 daughters’ marriages and, 75–78, Alva (yacht), 234–235, 236, 312 121–122, 170, 280 Ambassadress (yacht), 27, 30, 234 denunciation of vulgar displays by, Anthony, Susan B., 442 402, 425 archery, 74, 273, 334 diamond jewelry of, 61, 103, 227–229, aristocracy, 7, 36, 112–113, 118–119, 122– 369, 374, 425 123, 222, 224, 225, 378, 380–382, 443 dinner parties and, 350, 351, 354 marriages to, 382–390 European travel of, 377, 380 arrivistes. See nouveau riches four hundred and, 38, 47, 183 art collections, 10, 12, 26, 35, 37, 132, 133, houses of, 103, 135, 138, 157, 165–177, 257–258, 379 189, 368, 426, 427, 441, 450 Belmont, 95, 139 husband’s death and, 76, 77, 78, 170 Huntington, 181 last years and death of, 425–427, 453 as masculine pursuit, 88–91 Lehr and, 107, 109, 111 philanthropic donations of, 454 marriage of, 29, 30, 31, 234, 269 prevailing taste in, 88–89 McAllister and, 33–38, 52, 61, 104, 105, Stewart, 137–138 166, 300 Vanderbilt, 149–150, 288, 295 morning routine of, 68, 69–70 Whitney, 188, 189 as national legend, 177 Astor, Alice, 101, 427, 441, 442 Newport and, 157, 169, 171, Astor, Ava WillingCOPYRIGHTED (Mrs.
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