1 Seed Storage, Germination, Quality, and Enhancements
1 Seed Storage, Germination, Quality, and Enhancements Alan G. Taylor School of Integrative Plant Science, Horticulture Unit, Cornell AgriTech, Cornell University, Geneva, New York 14456, USA Before vegetables are harvested, before their The focus of this chapter is on postharvest growth and development, even before the seed- aspects of seeds; the period of seed development ling becomes photosynthetically competent, the and production stages are not addressed. We start source of the vegetable—the seed—holds major with storage of seeds with low moisture content keys to final product yield. To fully comprehend as most vegetable crop seeds have unique char- the complexities of vegetable crop growth and acteristics that permit them to withstand desic- development, we must understand seed physi- cation (Leopold and Vertucci, 1986). Desiccation ology related to storage, germination, quality, tolerance is essential for long-term survival and and enhancements. The challenge is to present allows for a time interval between seed produc- an in-depth knowledge of vegetable seeds that tion and crop production. Most vegetable seeds covers considerable diversity with respect to bo- imbibe water readily and, provided with a suit- tanical classification, seed size, and composition. able environment, will germinate and resume This chapter and book encompasses 33 common active growth. The seed uses its reserve materials vegetable crop seeds from ten plant families following germination and then becomes an (Table 1.1). This diverse group of plants makes a active photosynthetic seedling, fixing its own comprehensive overview of vegetable seeds diffi- carbon and producing energy. cult to achieve, especially since there is little sci- Seed quality is a broad term and encom- entific literature on seed physiology of many passes several attributes of seeds including the small-seeded crops of minor economic import- germination and seedling performance.
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