317 bus time schedule & line map

317 Leighton Hospital - - - View In Website Mode

The 317 bus line (Leighton Hospital - Sandbach - Rode Heath - Alsager) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Alsager: 7:40 AM - 5:15 PM (2) Leighton: 7:40 AM - 4:05 PM (3) Sandbach: 5:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 317 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 317 bus arriving.

Direction: Alsager 317 bus Time Schedule 62 stops Alsager Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:40 AM - 5:15 PM Leighton Hospital, Leighton Tuesday 7:40 AM - 5:15 PM Becconsall Drive, Coppenhall Barrows Close, Wednesday 7:40 AM - 5:15 PM

Parkeld, Coppenhall Thursday 7:40 AM - 5:15 PM Verdin Court, Crewe Friday 7:40 AM - 5:15 PM

Mills Way, Coppenhall Saturday Not Operational

Eight Farmers, Coppenhall Holbury Close, Crewe

White Lion Ph, Coppenhall Moss 317 bus Info Direction: Alsager Chapel Lane, Coppenhall Moss Stops: 62 Trip Duration: 61 min Groby Road, Coppenhall Moss Line Summary: Leighton Hospital, Leighton, Becconsall Drive, Coppenhall, Parkeld, Coppenhall, Neweld Fabrications, Elton Mills Way, Coppenhall, Eight Farmers, Coppenhall, White Lion Ph, Coppenhall Moss, Chapel Lane, Rookery Tavern, Coppenhall Moss, Groby Road, Coppenhall Moss, Neweld Fabrications, Elton, Rookery Tavern, Ettiley Salt Line Way, Ettiley Heath Heath, Salt Line Way, Ettiley Heath, Abbey Road, Ettiley Heath, Railway Station, , Railway Riley Close, Sandbach Station, Elworth, Primary School, Elworth, Roman Way, Elworth, Tame Close, Elworth, Way, Abbey Road, Ettiley Heath Elworth, Park Lane, Sandbach, High School, Sandbach, Dental Surgery, Sandbach, Common, Railway Station, Elworth Sandbach, Waitrose, Sandbach, Cemetery, Sandbach, Top Of the Hill Chip Shop, Sandbach, Railway Station, Elworth Manor Park, Sandbach Heath, Peartree Close, Sandbach Heath, Heath Road, Sandbach Heath, Primary School, Elworth Coldmoss Drive, Sandbach, Road, Malkin's Road, Sandbach Bank, Crown Drive, Malkin's Bank, New Inn Lane, Green, New Inn, , Royal Oak Roman Way, Elworth Inn, Thurlwood, Farams Road, Rode Heath, St. Peters Rise, Sandbach Broughton Arms, Rode Heath, Village Hall, Rode Tame Close, Elworth Heath, Greengate Road, Lawton-Gate, Lawton Arms, , Linley Lane, Alsager, Stores, Alsager, Rostherne Way, Elworth Clowes Avenue, Alsager, Birch Avenue, Alsager, Alsager Health Centre, Alsager, Fields Road, Alsager, Park Lane, Sandbach Bank Corner, Alsager, St Mary's Church, Alsager, The Middlewich Road, Sandbach Lodge, Alsager, Hassall Road, Alsager, Cranberry Lane, Alsager, Coronation Avenue, Alsager, High School, Sandbach Cranberry Lane, Alsager, Cranberry Close, Alsager, Wood Drive, Alsager, Derwent Close, Alsager, Dental Surgery, Sandbach Dunnocksfold Road, Alsager, Alsager Campus, Alsager, Bedford Grove, Alsager, Bedford Grove, Old Middlewich Road, Sandbach Alsager, Brookeld Drive, Alsager, Pikemere Road, Common, Sandbach Alsager, Bank Corner, Alsager Sanbec Way, Sandbach Civil Parish

Waitrose, Sandbach

Cemetery, Sandbach A533, Sandbach Civil Parish

Top Of the Hill Chip Shop, Sandbach 74 The Hill, Sandbach Civil Parish

Manor Park, Sandbach Heath

Peartree Close, Sandbach Heath Church Lane, Sandbach Civil Parish

Heath Road, Sandbach Heath Heath Close, Sandbach Civil Parish

Coldmoss Drive, Sandbach

Betchton Road, Malkin's Bank

Crown Drive, Malkin's Bank Crown Drive, Betchton Civil Parish

New Inn Lane, Hassall Green

New Inn, Hassall Green

Royal Oak Inn, Thurlwood Sandbach Road, Civil Parish

Farams Road, Rode Heath Sandbach Road, Odd Rode Civil Parish

Broughton Arms, Rode Heath

Village Hall, Rode Heath

Greengate Road, Lawton-Gate Road, Alsager

Lawton Arms, Church Lawton Crewe Road, Alsager

Linley Lane, Alsager Linley Lane, Church Lawton Civil Parish Stores, Alsager

Clowes Avenue, Alsager

Birch Avenue, Alsager

Alsager Health Centre, Alsager Fields Road, Alsager

Fields Road, Alsager Fields Road, Alsager

Bank Corner, Alsager 16 Lawton Road, Alsager

St Mary's Church, Alsager

The Lodge, Alsager

Hassall Road, Alsager

Cranberry Lane, Alsager Crewe Road, Alsager Civil Parish

Coronation Avenue, Alsager Coronation Avenue, Alsager Civil Parish

Cranberry Lane, Alsager

Cranberry Close, Alsager Wheelock Close, Alsager Civil Parish

Wood Drive, Alsager Wood Drive, Alsager Civil Parish

Derwent Close, Alsager Lindsay Way, Alsager Civil Parish

Dunnocksfold Road, Alsager

Alsager Campus, Alsager

Bedford Grove, Alsager

Bedford Grove, Alsager Bedford Grove, Alsager

Brookeld Drive, Alsager Brookeld Drive, Alsager

Pikemere Road, Alsager

Bank Corner, Alsager 12 Lawton Road, Alsager Direction: Leighton 317 bus Time Schedule 62 stops Leighton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:40 AM - 4:05 PM Bank Corner, Alsager 16 Lawton Road, Alsager Tuesday 7:40 AM - 4:05 PM

St Mary's Church, Alsager Wednesday 7:40 AM - 4:05 PM

The Lodge, Alsager Thursday 7:40 AM - 4:05 PM Friday 7:40 AM - 4:05 PM Hassall Road, Alsager Saturday Not Operational Cranberry Lane, Alsager Crewe Road, Alsager Civil Parish

Coronation Avenue, Alsager Coronation Avenue, Alsager Civil Parish 317 bus Info Direction: Leighton Cranberry Lane, Alsager Stops: 62 Trip Duration: 68 min Cranberry Close, Alsager Line Summary: Bank Corner, Alsager, St Mary's Wheelock Close, Alsager Civil Parish Church, Alsager, The Lodge, Alsager, Hassall Road, Alsager, Cranberry Lane, Alsager, Coronation Wood Drive, Alsager Avenue, Alsager, Cranberry Lane, Alsager, Cranberry Wood Drive, Alsager Civil Parish Close, Alsager, Wood Drive, Alsager, Derwent Close, Alsager, Dunnocksfold Road, Alsager, Alsager Derwent Close, Alsager Campus, Alsager, Bedford Grove, Alsager, Bedford Lindsay Way, Alsager Civil Parish Grove, Alsager, Brookeld Drive, Alsager, Pikemere Road, Alsager, Bank Corner, Alsager, Fields Road, Dunnocksfold Road, Alsager Alsager, Alsager Health Centre, Alsager, Birch Avenue, Alsager, Clowes Avenue, Alsager, Stores, Alsager Campus, Alsager Alsager, Linley Lane, Alsager, Lawton Arms, Church Lawton, Greengate Road, Lawton-Gate, Village Hall, Bedford Grove, Alsager Rode Heath, Broughton Arms, Rode Heath, Farams Road, Rode Heath, Royal Oak Inn, Thurlwood, New Bedford Grove, Alsager Inn, Hassall Green, New Inn Lane, Hassall Green, Crown Drive, Malkin's Bank, Betchton Road, Malkin's Bedford Grove, Alsager Bank, Houndings Lane, Sandbach, Manor Park, Brookeld Drive, Alsager Sandbach Heath, Peartree Close, Sandbach Heath, Heath Road, Sandbach Heath, Top Of the Hill Chip Brookeld Drive, Alsager Shop, Sandbach, Cemetery, Sandbach, Top 'O' Hill, Pikemere Road, Alsager Sandbach, Common, Sandbach, Dental Surgery, Sandbach, High School, Sandbach, Park Lane, Sandbach, Rostherne Way, Elworth, Dane Close, Bank Corner, Alsager Elworth, Roman Way, Elworth, Primary School, 12 Lawton Road, Alsager Elworth, Hill Street, Elworth, Railway Station, Elworth, Abbey Road, Ettiley Heath, Salt Line Way, Ettiley Fields Road, Alsager Heath, Rookery Tavern, Ettiley Heath, United Fields Road, Alsager Phosphorous Ltd, Elton, Groby Road, Coppenhall Moss, Chapel Lane, Coppenhall Moss, Boughton Alsager Health Centre, Alsager Road, Coppenhall Moss, Eight Farmers, Coppenhall, Lambourn Drive, Coppenhall, Becconsall Drive, Birch Avenue, Alsager Coppenhall, Parkers Road, Coppenhall, Leighton Hospital, Leighton Clowes Avenue, Alsager

Stores, Alsager Linley Lane, Alsager Linley Lane, Church Lawton Civil Parish

Lawton Arms, Church Lawton Linley Lane, Alsager

Greengate Road, Lawton-Gate Knutsford Road, Alsager

Village Hall, Rode Heath

Broughton Arms, Rode Heath

Farams Road, Rode Heath Sandbach Road, Odd Rode Civil Parish

Royal Oak Inn, Thurlwood Sandbach Road, Odd Rode Civil Parish

New Inn, Hassall Green

New Inn Lane, Hassall Green

Crown Drive, Malkin's Bank Crown Drive, Betchton Civil Parish

Betchton Road, Malkin's Bank Betchton Road, Betchton Civil Parish

Houndings Lane, Sandbach

Manor Park, Sandbach Heath

Peartree Close, Sandbach Heath Church Lane, Sandbach Civil Parish

Heath Road, Sandbach Heath Heath Close, Sandbach Civil Parish

Top Of the Hill Chip Shop, Sandbach 74 The Hill, Sandbach Civil Parish

Cemetery, Sandbach A533, Sandbach Civil Parish

Top 'O' Hill, Sandbach Front Street, Sandbach Civil Parish

Common, Sandbach Sanbec Way, Sandbach Civil Parish

Dental Surgery, Sandbach 31 Middlewich Road, Sandbach Civil Parish

High School, Sandbach

Park Lane, Sandbach Middlewich Road, Sandbach

Rostherne Way, Elworth Tabley Close, Sandbach

Dane Close, Elworth Dane Close, Sandbach

Roman Way, Elworth St. Peters Rise, Sandbach

Primary School, Elworth

Hill Street, Elworth St. Stephens Court, Sandbach

Railway Station, Elworth New Street, Sandbach

Abbey Road, Ettiley Heath

Salt Line Way, Ettiley Heath Riley Close, Sandbach

Rookery Tavern, Ettiley Heath

United Phosphorous Ltd, Elton

Groby Road, Coppenhall Moss

Chapel Lane, Coppenhall Moss

Boughton Road, Coppenhall Moss

Eight Farmers, Coppenhall 111 Parkers Road, Crewe

Lambourn Drive, Coppenhall

Becconsall Drive, Coppenhall

Parkers Road, Coppenhall Bradeld Road, Crewe

Leighton Hospital, Leighton Direction: Sandbach 317 bus Time Schedule 20 stops Sandbach Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:20 PM Bank Corner, Alsager 12 Lawton Road, Alsager Tuesday 5:20 PM

Shady Grove, Alsager Wednesday 5:20 PM

Thursday 5:20 PM Vale Gardens, Alsager Friday 5:20 PM Moorhouse Avenue, Alsager Saturday Not Operational Linley Lane, Church Lawton

Lawton Arms, Church Lawton Linley Lane, Alsager 317 bus Info Greengate Road, Lawton-Gate Direction: Sandbach Knutsford Road, Alsager Stops: 20 Trip Duration: 26 min Village Hall, Rode Heath Line Summary: Bank Corner, Alsager, Shady Grove, Alsager, Vale Gardens, Alsager, Moorhouse Avenue, Broughton Arms, Rode Heath Alsager, Linley Lane, Church Lawton, Lawton Arms, Church Lawton, Greengate Road, Lawton-Gate, Farams Road, Rode Heath Village Hall, Rode Heath, Broughton Arms, Rode Heath, Farams Road, Rode Heath, Royal Oak Inn, Sandbach Road, Odd Rode Civil Parish Thurlwood, New Inn, Hassall Green, New Inn Lane, Royal Oak Inn, Thurlwood Hassall Green, Crown Drive, Malkin's Bank, Betchton Road, Malkin's Bank, Houndings Lane, Sandbach, Sandbach Road, Odd Rode Civil Parish Top Of the Hill Chip Shop, Sandbach, Cemetery, New Inn, Hassall Green Sandbach, Top 'O' Hill, Sandbach, Common, Sandbach New Inn Lane, Hassall Green

Crown Drive, Malkin's Bank Crown Drive, Betchton Civil Parish

Betchton Road, Malkin's Bank Betchton Road, Betchton Civil Parish

Houndings Lane, Sandbach

Top Of the Hill Chip Shop, Sandbach 74 The Hill, Sandbach Civil Parish

Cemetery, Sandbach A533, Sandbach Civil Parish

Top 'O' Hill, Sandbach Front Street, Sandbach Civil Parish

Common, Sandbach Sanbec Way, Sandbach Civil Parish 317 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved