Armour & Weapons in the Middle Ages
& I, Ube 1bome Hnttquarg Series ARMOUR AND WEAPONS IN THE MIDDLE AGES t Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 PREFACE There are outward and visible signs that interest in armour and arms, so far from abating, is steadily growing. When- ever any examples of ancient military equipment appear n in sale-rooms a keen and eager throng of buyers invariably | assembles ; while one has only to note the earnest and ' critical visitors to museums at the present time, and to compare them with the apathetic onlookers of a few years J ago, to realize that the new generation has awakened to j j the lure of a fascinating study. Assuredly where once a single person evinced a taste for studying armour many | now are deeply interested. t The books dealing with the subject are unfortunately ' either obsolete, like the works of Meyrick, Planche, Fos- broke, Stothard, and others who flourished during the last L century, or, if recent, are beyond the means of many would-be students. My own book British and Foreign Arms and Armour is now out of print, while the monographs of I Charles ffoulkes, the Rev. Charles Boutell, and | Mr Mr Starkie Gardner are the only reasonably priced volumes j now obtainable. It seemed, therefore, desirable to issue a small handbook which, while not professing in the least to be comprehensive, would contain sufficient matter to give the young student, y the ' man in the street,' and the large and increasing number of persons who take an intelligent interest in the past just j that broad outline which would enable them to understand more exhaustive tomes upon armour and weapons, and 5 ARMOUR AND WEAPONS possibly also to satisfy those who merely wish to glean sufficient information to enable them to discern inac- curacies in brasses, effigies, etc., where the mind of the medieval workman—at all times a subject of the greatest interest—has led him to introduce features which were not in his originals, or details which he could not possibly have seen.
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