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ANCIENT LERO J. L. BENSON GREEK,ROMAN, AND BYZANTINEMONOGRAPHS are published as supple. ments to GREEK,ROMAN, AND BYZANTINESTUDIES. All communications to the Editor should be sent to WILLIAMH. WILLIS, Department of Clas- sical Studies, Duke University, Dugham, N.C., U.S.A. Orders and sub- scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Manager, MISS DOROTHY ROUNDS,Box 144, Cambridge 38, Massrichusette, U.S.A. The repre- sentative in Europe for the journal and monographs is Colonel ROT WILLIAMBARTLETT USA-Ret., Demokritou 26, Athens 136, Greece. GREEK, ROMAN, AND BYZANTINE MONOGRAPHS NUMBER3 DUKE UNIVERSITY, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 1963 Price $2.60; to subscribers $2.00 GREEK ROMAN AND BYZANTINE f MONOGRAPHS NUMBER 3 Editor DECOURSEYFALES, JR Emerson College Advisory Board PETERCHARANIS, Rutgw University STERLINGDOW, Hwuard University GLANVILLEDOWNBY, Lhmbarton Oaks, Haruard University JAMES H. OLIVER,The lohns Hopkins University BROOKSOns, Stanford University GEQRGEH. WILLIAMS,Harvard Divinity School Manujactured in the United States of America bv Ths Eaton Press, Inc, W&e&oum, Massachusetts PLATES Plates 15-16 are by Alison Frantz; all others by Linda Benson Following page fifty-eight I Artist's view of Ayia Marina and the kastron (after V. Coronelli and Parisotti, lsola di Rodi Geografica-Storica, Venice 1688, 337) 2 Physical and political map of Leros (after Biirchner, IL) 3 Sketch map of Leros (without subsidiary islands) showing most important sites and villages 4 Schematic map of Ayia Marina with aqueduct and fortress (after Olivier, pl. 20) 5a View of Ayia Marina from terraces above waterfront 5b View of Ayia Marina toward Brouzi 6a Cistern on the kastron 6b "Room" directly below Chapel of Ayia Barbara 7a Fragment of wall and mosaic near shore at Ayia Marina 7b Wall of unidentified structure, Ayia Marina 8a Semicircular structure at Ayia Barbara 8b Upper level of semicircular structure 8c Detail of stones in semicircular structure 9a Detail of carved ornamentation, "Odeion," Ayia Barbara 9b "Odeion" showing blocks in sitzl 1Oa Paliaskloupi lob Tholarion at Ayios Polykarpos lla General view of Xerokampos from the north llb Xerokampos : Cyclopean wall (below) and fourth century B.C. wall (above) vii 12a Panayies, Alinda 12b Ayios Panteleimonos (Paliaskloupi) 12c Ayios Ioannos, Lakki CONTENTS 12d Ayios Panteleimonos (Paliaskloupi) 12e Ayia Barbara vii 12f Ayios Georghios, Smalu List of Plates Abbreviations and Bibliographical Note ix 13a Statuette of Hygieia Preface xi 13b Statuette of Hygieia 13c Inscription from Leros, Patmos Monastery. PARTONE An Archaeological Survey of the Island 1 14a Aristomachos inscription, Archaeological Hall I The Centre of the Island 1 14b Inscription outside entrance, Pmayia tou kastrou The Kastvon 14c Inscription at Ayia Barbara Ayia Marina 6 Paliaskloupi 12 15 Fig. 1 Sherds from Ayia Marina 11 Partheni 16 15 Fig. 2 Sherds from Ayia Marina 111 Smalu - Kamara - Gurna - Alinda 20 16 Fig. 1 Sherds from the kastron IV Bay of Gurna - Drymona 24 16 Fig. 2 Sherds from Xerokampos (a-g); from Partheni (h-m) V Temenia - Lakki 26 VI Xerokampos 27 ILLUSTRATION1 Archaic sherds from Ayia Marina page 54 PARTTWO The Inscriptions of Leros 31 PARTFOUR The Ancient History of Leros 45 APPENDICES: 1 Archaeological Hall of Leros 2 The Pottery of Leros 3 Note on the Milesian Fabric PLATES following page 58 Abbreviations (tupplementing those in American Iournal of Archaeology 62, 1958, 3ff.) Riinhncr, laL Ludwig Biirchner, 'Tnschriften ad Leros", AM 21 (1896) 33-38. Bcrcbm, IL Idem, Die lnsel Lcros (Wiss. Beilage zu dem Jahresbcricht des Kgl. Theresien Gymnasiums in Munchen fur das Schuljahr 1897/98), Miinchen 1898. Bihher, Le Idem, Article "Leros" in RE, 2094-2098 (1925). Chibim N. Chabiiras in series IZTOPIKAI KAI APXAIOAOIlKAI ME- AETAI lIEPI THZ NHZOT AEPOT. A' TO AEPIAKON 'PH*IZ- MA TOT EKATAIOT. Athens 1922. Didot Ambroise Firmin Didot, Notes d'un voyage fait duns le Levant en 1816 et 1817, Paris 1826. Gedwn M. Gedeon, EI'rPA+Ol A1901 KAI KEPAMIA, Constantinople 1893. G. Gerola, "I Monumenti medioevali delle Tredici Sporadi" (Parte Seconds), ASAtene 2 (1915) 61-67 (Lero). GL A. Phiiippson, Die Griechischen Landschaften IV: Das Aegaeische Mccr und seine Inseln, Frankfurt-am-Main 1959. Cschniber F. Gschnitzer, Abhingige Orte im griechischen Alterturn, Munich 1958 (Zetemata, 17). Haussodlicr R. Haussoullier, "Les Iles Mil&iemes Leros-Lepsia-Patmos-Les Korsiae'; RevPhil 26 (1902) 125-143. ICautzxh R. Kautzsch, Ka~tellstudim,Berlin 1936. lCnunbacher K. Krumbacher, Griechische Rcise, Berlin 1886. MS R. M. Dawkins and A. J. B. Wacc, "Notes from the Sporades: Asty- palaea, Telos, Nisyros, Leros", BSA 12 (190516) 151-174. Oikonomopoulos D. Oikonomopoulos, AEPIAKA $roc xwpoypa@Ca rijs njuou, Kahira and Athens 1888. Olivier G. A. Olivier, Voyage duns I'Empire Othoman, I'Egypte et la Perse, 111, Paris 1801. Paton, CL W. R. Paton, "Calymna and Leros", CR 8 (1894) 375-377. Randolph Bernard Randolph, The Present State of the Islands in the Archipelago, Oxford 1687 (incorrectly cited in NS) Behm A. Rehm in Milet II, 2: Die Milesischc Landschaft (by T. Wiegand) Berlin, 1929, 24-26. Ross, IGI Ludwig Ross, Inscriptiones Graecae Ineditae, Fasciculus 11, Athens 1842, 68 ff. Ross, Reisen Idem, Reisen auf den griechischen lnseln des Aegiiicchen Meeres II, Stuttgart and Tiibingen 1843. There has been no comprehensive account of the state of the antiquities of Leros for more than sixty years. While Biirchner's Samarkos, AK M. Samarkos, "Oi 'Apxaioc aaroiaor 71js A+ou" in AQAEKANHZOZ I, No. 5, May 1957, 26-27. study, Die Znsel Leros (1898), is still fundamental, it never pretend- ed to give detailed or original information about the archaeological Samarkos, AP Idem, "H 'Apxaia II6hrs r1js ACpou" in Mvv~aia'EncBe~p~ors AJpov I, No. 2, December 1956; reprinted in AQAEKANHZOZ I, No. 2, aspect of the island's history and, of course, it is greatly out of January 1957, 54 ff. date. To be sure, only a proper excavation of key sites of the is- Samarkos, Pai Idem, IIar8orpij3~s; in EKAOZEIZ TOT INZTITOTTOT TON land will be able to yield the kind of precision to which scholars ANATOAIKnN ZIIOTAON THZ IIATPIAPXIKHZ BIBAIO- now aspire in this respect. Nevertheless, it has seemed to the writ- BHKHZ AAESANAPEIAZ No. 10, 1961, 173-174. er that an up-to-date account, based on an actual surface survey of ATL B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery, M. F. McGregor, The Athenian the island plus a reconsideration of the epigraphic and literary Tribute Lists, I-IV, Princeton 1939-1953. evidence in the light of modern research, would do something to fill the gap until such excavation takes place. Furthermore, it Bibliographical note: The above abbreviations constitute a working bibliography which is should be remarked that the history of the Dodecanese, apart offered in lieu of a formal, exhaustive bibliography 'both for convenience and because it has not been possible for me to find several of the earlier items listed by Biirchner (IL, 2 from Rhodes and Cos, is insufficiently known, in spite of the fact ff.) The comments of the latter seem in any case sufficient to indicate that only historio- that they are natural centres of commercial activity and have a stra- graphical interest attaches to these. I have, nevertheless, made use of works going back as far as the seventeenth century as sources of factual observations. If one takes the list tegic situation of no little importance. The latter point is especially given by Biirchner to which several additions were made by Dawkins and Wace (NS, 152) applicable in the case of Leros, which guarded the approach to Mil- plus the later references given in the above Abbreviations, in the notes and in the docu- mentation of the Lerian inscriptions, one will have all the scientific references to this etos in antiquity, which was the pivot of Italian naval strategy in island which it has been possible for me to locate (with the exception of two unlocated the Aegean before and during World War 11, and which even now ones: AEPOZ by Zaraphtis, published in Smyrna, 1904 and a lecture published - or given -by Francesco Bertonelli, Florence, 1930). b the seat of a NATO installation (see p. 16). In place of a formal annotation of bibliographical material the reader will find that the It can be hoped, therefore, that there is a value in a detailed fullest possible account has been taken of observations and opinions of earlier writers in the treatment of all phases of Lerian antiquities. This, plus the conclusions which I have survey, such as the one presented here: with or without the inten- tried to draw, necessarily tentatively, constitute a critique on earlier research and a sum- tion of excavation, viz., to broaden the basis for a general historical mary of the present state of knowledge about Lerian antiquities. understanding. It may also be useful to specialists interested in learn- ing what Leros can offer to the understanding of some particular period or problem. Needless to say, the survey could not have taken place without the cooperation of the Greek Archaeological Service to which thanks is here extended, particularly to Dr I. Kondis and to Mr Michael Samarkos, Special Epimelete of Leros. The latter's indefatigable sup lThe author thinks that archaeological research would profit by more interest in this sort of project. See for example, D. W. S. Hunt, "An Archaeological Survey of the Classical Antiquities of the Island of Chios" in BSA 41 (1940-45) 29-52. port of the project as well as his unstinting hospitality deserve the heartiest praise. Finally, the writer wishes to express his deep grati- "de for a grant from the Penrose Fund by the American Philos+ phical Society, Philadelphia, which made possible the field work in Pdrt One Leros and Miletos during the summer of 1961.