J.. •••• ,,. ,,- ·(- . '· ' .. • , ~ •I'll -~ , ' I I rRA'IC 15 r CL ARK i ~ . · , lil U(IJ :) Ath I I 0 URY U~IV or NOTR [ OA~[ Lutlie~ans NOTRC '. DA)I~ •IN 46 55<, :seek added ' - ... dfalogrie WASHINGTON- Four Lutheran bodlu have jointly submitted lo the National Con•. ·study~lot ference of Bishops pro­ ::4nder' .~~_si po11J1 that recent theolorlcal .. dlacu11lon1 be extended II part of the '50th Retorm1tlon Anni• By JAMIS C. O'NIILL versary observance 1h11 year. •; VATICAN CITY - Plana · • Four; dl1cu11lon1 belween f.u. to .restore the permanent lheran and Roman Calhollto dlaconate In the Western lheolosl1n1 hive been held. The Church are well under way, , moat recent occurred here 1111 It was revealed In an unex•. October when lhe lheoloalans peeled p a p a I · audience dl!fUlled lhe Eucharist. "Yhen Pope Paul VI re• A COMMITTII of Lulheran c,!lved 20 members or the cburchu hu Informed the blah• Commission (or the Dlaco­ • ops that an eJtlenslon and en• (Feb. 24) . laraement of the dl1cu11lon1 i'te · this )'tar would enhance tht ! The ~udlence i_u ,;a IUfllrlae prosram of 'acllvlllu under• b~caui e no announce'fnenl of the taken to commemorale • tbt eah.lenre of such a comml11lon Reformallon. The commlllet had' been made prior to a news represents four main Lutheran , relraae of the audience. It wu · bodies: the Lutheran Church of 1e·arned reliably that the nom• America, the ~;·nod at. E\•an• lnatlon or the members and gellcal Luther.an Churches. the l~elr 'Jummoplng lo oc­ American Lutheran <;:liu rch. and etrred onl)' In 'recent week,. the Lutheran Church,Mluourl Syno~. · BATISVILLI LANDMAIIIC HOll'ITAL - latm}& •a Marttret-Mary He1Pllal, which .h,11 lHowever, the Pope In bis atrvtd the 1tuth,11ltrn lndl1n1 arta alnc• ltJ2, will !.1t•the 11rvlcu 1f the Francl1t1n 111• :t~~:rth~ot ~~J~~e~l~:l~~uti':; _V_O_L_ __V_l_l, ~-N0-._22 ______1_N D_-IA_N_A_P_O_L_I_S_, -IN- D-IA_N_A_,_M_ A_R_C_H_ Jl-lff_ 7_ • T~e. Lutheran committee su • ten' If tht PHr II of July 1. The prnlncl1I official, of , ... nun, In H•rtw,11, o., announced i;eJted°'-tj) the blihops that db· on the subject ol the restoration ~uulons lie undertaken In 13·cir they W9rt wllhdr1wln1 from tht 62-bed h11pll1l 11v1nl monlha •••· They clltd ln1ufllcl1nt of a permanent dlaconate had u cllltl ll'here there are edu, ltchnlcal peratMtl ind dtcllnlnt p•l~tn•t• 11 n11on1 for their dtcl~lon, dia. not known ,, alread)' been carried out at his AT THURSDAY JJIEET/NG , this lime whither lt11 t•ntral hoaplttl will bt continued under other ,,on'.. htp . The pru• callonal Institutions and schol• 0 o!.•n Instructions. Moreo1•er, ar.s. · Clet·g)' and college stu­ int staff Includes ID nun1, lht malorlty ,i which art ntl1l1nd nuriu. (Stiff photo) various national bl, hops' ron- dents .vould parllclpate. and the E h · 1· B d. ferenres lollowlng the ,end or the s talks ll'ould cO\'er matter, or Second · Vatlran Council hl\'e x· _pect ,C 00 oar faith, the Scriptures. the nature NOTES 'GROWING CONFUSION' set up commllloes to stud)' the df lhe Church. and the dcllnu• maller. For Instance, such 1 tlori or arru or agreement and D J body had been set up by the • · • disagreement between Luther­ if/ l , fi •h , anJ and Roman -Catholics. rontl ·uec. a_res vear ,o alt , ~~s~~~l~sil~n\~em~-!i,e'~sm~ne~I:~: h . b j ' In Home was one member ol FATHIR._John· F. Hotchkin. 1 the U.S. group. Bishop Err\est to· aut· or·1ze pro e· asslstanl execull\"e director or ~ ~ Untcrkoerter ol Charleston, S.C. --~ ~ J'..J:J>mmlttee for, .L ,..L • l · ..~J _ • Ecuiiienfcir~llalou1 . to eUrff-~_Oi . tea ·sne_emu-t"-h~l'J i--::-.iln!'~ '7n"Rnl"IT'rr"'"R':o~g-=m~. ~ c --""'.::-By-::P-:A-:-:U-:-L""'.G:".""'.F:'.O::X:---., ,-. )-.:- ,e... a-:cl :-,.-r -\\-:.,::-,11- , - s-:-,a-:t-e~l::-l.=-o,::f-.-ice_ _1..,ol::-lr-:-lt::-l-n,:-::,h:-e-:-,r"-v'."le_w_s_o_n~---- Aflalu, uld hcte thal lhe !Jl1h­ r Constitution on the Church had ' cense to SS,000; beglnnln_g sat- sel'cral of the proposed topics. op1 have expressed lntereal In pro,·icted !or the restoration or The Archdiocesan School ary or a lay teacher with a col- A summary of tlie opinions 11 lhe Lutheran propoula and will By ROB I RT A. GRAHAM, U . The Pope hopes th1l 'the call tempts, free from the support a permanent dlaconate at 1om• ,Boa rd Is expected to toke le~e deRrec to $4,500: and be- expected II the meetlni of lhe give furlher conaldcratlon to ROME-There Is no enlrma for~ common p~bllc 1ct-ol l1lth or the church's teaching author- fu ture time. The. off.Ice or dea- fina l nctlon next Thursdn Rlnnlng sa.lary .ol a la y ,clc school board. • them at their m(etlna lo be held 11 to-the purpose of the "Year will also find response from It)', were destined to prevail?" cohp . Is an order \\hlch stops _ I I Ill Y _with two )ears colleee to $3, • The Archdloc•san Sc b In Chlca10 In April. ., ' d ,s ort ol the pr1 est hood. A· dea- on n proposa Io n a Ic a This wlll represent a subst • O O1 ~ ~•~~ tproclalmed b>' P~Ce ~•~ Prot~~ai":,an E~tcr~ Or • Old Romans recall that Pope con rnn confer baptism solemn- comprehensive study of lnHease 'o,·er·the present salary 0111cc will formulate and con• Several Protesl1nt com mu- au O commemora 1e e 0, oxy r s ans. w 0 1 em-, St. Pius x, raced with a similar I>•. Ah'e Jlol)' Communion. uslst scale. duel the comprehensive 1lµdy nlons have agreed to cooperate 19th centennial of ,the m•rtyr, sehes put 1re1t store In apos- at and bless marriages In th Catholla., education 111 the • through committees of priest•, In the obser\'lnce.·' These In• dom In Rome of SS. Peler and ollclly and reco1nlu the same_C hurch crisis 60 years ago, re• name or lhe Chu11eh. bri ng th: Archdiocese, with the hope• ARCHDIOCESAN pastors this tuchlng nuns and Jay persona, elude the Methodl,11, the A!"erl- Paul. . traditional prolc11lon or !~~fn~I ~o~:~nl!~.m.; ul~ls 0 Vlatlcum the dying, olflclate ful goal or formulating ru- week rercived a questlo.nnalre II the·school board ·1ppro1•u the ::,~~~nt 0 ci!~- 10 can B1pU1t Convention, the In his apostolic uhortatlon of - the clergy on assumln11 lmpor- al lunerals and preach and lure educationa l plans and from the Arrhdloccsan School rerommendall_on_.__ ___ Unltetl Prelb)'lerlan Church In February 23 lhe pontiff w•s In- The act ol faith Is recom- lant new posts must recite this carr)' out olher funftlons usual_ly policies. the United Slates, and the aplrel! by a contem 01·er the mended lor recitation e\'tr)'• solemn pledge reserved lo priests. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Southern Baptist Convention. arowlna conluslon amona mau- where but In thcologlcal facul- · Among the purposes of lhe • ea of the f1llhful resultln• from ties. Al le•st In the enumera- This time Pope Paul Is follow- Although It was an actl,•e proposed study would be to • D .Ioers h , certain po1t-conclll1r develop• - tlon, the lheoloay professors and 1n ~ a dillere nt lack . Th e act of permanenlLatin or W eosternrder ChurcIn thh.e inearly the ldenlir>' presrnt and fulure re, AhP J0 h F ments. He wants to counteract Scripture scholars arc not spe- faith 'Is encouraged among the rourrcs or, llnance1. lacllllles unsatlonall1ed theolo1lc1l spec- clflcally Invited to loll\ In such lallhlul rather than require~ or pau ai:e 01 time the dlaconate and tearhln" personnel. Plans • h • r , d hi Y became more ol n lorm or step Cofl/11:sion ma.rks B • G• • R e h ring ulallon by public 1ct1 of faith ceremonlu. I C pro esso,s. An I s acl I I II I th d d would also. be made to solicit P J all over lbe world. will. as the Pope puts It. be Oll'ar< ,c pr es 00 • an the views of parents and stu­ . h ·• Se · At the end of his men._., the •·Individual and collective, free fin ally was no longer allowed u dents on the direction or Catho­ resign l eir es The. Pope desires that on June Pope calls upon them, however, and deliberate, Internal and cx• • f,rr.manent order. lic education. 29, t~• Feut of the two Saints; to 11111I the Chur{h te•chlna 1ern1I, ,humble and frank." The rouncll le!t the door open waning ~ession WASlllNGTON-The re&Jsn•• .l!l,.J:rted. ~ ,recited In every' aulhorlty In drlendlns i~e true tifr the I ti I th The board will also be uked !Jona of Archhlahop John A. ca~•t•la U.. pmfflee,o( lhe ,faith from error. Whither the Al the same time h~ lnslats nm,rnl ~f:c~~~t~nd: endfn P~~ to Invite the other four dloieses By JOHN O."ACKl!LMIR• Is among the confured. At this Floeub, of Loulavllle, ana.Bllh• bishop, his priests, the semln• omission was pure rolncl,dence 1111n that he wishes to encour~ lhe decision ol the Pcomp:tent In the 1111e to p1rtlclp1te In a Auocl111 Editor writing, he h11 no more Idea op Georae J . Rehrlna. of Toledo, arl1n1, the rel11lou1, ind lay an,d without slgnlflc1nce, the age study or the teachings of the territorial bpd>· o( bishops wilh stile-wide rducatlonal stud)• to what the proper news lead will were announced thl• week by people en111ed In apostolic ac- p1p1l exhortation warns agalnsl r_ccenl Erumcnlcal Council and the a ronl or the l'o e. be condurled under the auspices Al this slagr or an Indian, 0 11 be b)' the time this Is read lhan the office of lhe Apostolic ele- tlvltles, and II many or the d1n1erous trend, evidenced In lo sustain the energies or was pro,·ided that. P or the Indiana Cath_ollc Confer- General Asicmbly session,,. the 1 fs':, he has or the makeup of Satur• aatlon here. faithful II possible. some··conternporary writings. C11hollc thouaht In Its search · ence. a1·eragc citizen with no pJtticu- • for fresh ,nd orli:fnal cxpres• "With th, con1tnt of the far ax to grind I• wea ried and da)'• night's " basketball Swcel Archbishop Floenh, 80, will He also wants the ume cere, THI POPI HAS on several slons. while remaining •hlthlul, Roman Pontiff thla dl•conat, · OTHER ACTION b)' the srhool confused hy the legislative pro• Sixteen . be succeeded by Bishop Thomas mony cenltflna on the theme or recent/ oruslons regretted the, to the doctrinal deposit ol the will be able 10 bt conftrrtd board Is expected on sal•rleJ crss. He ma)' THE TWO measures ol moat J . McDonough, 55, of Savanaab, Jail~ conducted In every perish declln or religious sense to "a Church." upon men of more m• ture or la)' teachers and a poulble ei•rn he Inclined lnlcre11 and . concern to Catho­ Ga. Succeedlna Bishop Rehrln&, church, rellaloua house, school so-~alled post-conciliar mental- • •• nan u on tho11,.Jlvln In i·ol untar)' moratorium on new to nod absent- lics. lhc "lair bus" and abortion 78 ,: 8 wlll be Auxiliary Bishop or institute, and Indeed In every lty • whlrh these \\'rillngs, he But Pope Paul Is counting ,:, mi 1 11 11 lftt clurroom ronstruction. While minded aJstnl bills. are major cases In point. Jdhn A. Donovan 55 of Detroit. Christian .household where, as Sl)'I. tr)' to Introduce 1mong the right now more o.n his appeal lo I10 b/r f •d · m~:, the romprehcnsivc ·study Is uri- lo the old horse- Anything could happen lo either, • , ' he wrole, '"Thi voice 0( faith people or God. the religio us sentiments of the • con err• upon au derway pastors will be asked lo chcstnlll rerom- ln anolher appolntmt nt. Aux• can be raised to proclaim and • , lallhlul In his cflort to steer the able young mtn. For th•m, suspend building plans, lnclud- mendatlon 1h11 and like!)• wlll have, -in this th 1 llnal full week· of the 9Slh As• IUary Bishop Joseph GYeen, $0, 1trenslhen a sincere adherence lie said 'they question or dis- Church and the People ol God hown•r, • law 9., ctllbacy Ing those already approved but I he Assembl)' of Lansing, Mich., was named 10 our common Chrlatlan call• tort the objective sense ol trulb through the critical )'ear1 just mull rem• ln lnl~ct. not' yet beAun. meet two da)'s sembl}'. th nd ordinary of the Reno, Nev., dlo• lnrr." l•ug~I by e Church • un,der 1he1d. Al least In ,lhe. coming The • need ror the dlaconate A propoH I will be made 10 every 61 years As the week began. the main cese. lie ,¥ctecds Bishop Rob· lhe prflnt of adapllng re 11I ous centennial beginning June 29 he has lieen most left In mlu lon- rather 1~an 61 bus bill ( S.B. 218) had been ert J . Dwyf r, recently ln1talled BOTH SAINTS, who died In 1h0u&hl to the contemporary Intend, to stress faith rather nr)' countries and areas where Increase 1he beginning satar>' 01 days cl'ery two almost unanimously recom• u archbishop of Portland, Ore. lhc pcrscc~tlon of Nero, repre- mind, thf>' presclnd 1!0m the than theolo1Y. there ls an acute priest short- years. Acktlmlrt • mended lor passage by the • • __.,. sent In a pe_cvllar way, as the guld1nce of the Church I teach- age OOO I House Education Commlttee- Archllihop Floersh was ap- pon\lff pointed out, the Chris- Ind• ind due to rob Holy Scrip- M . ( h t · · · S25 .• Jequc~t Indeed. some ma>• he per, and laced its ordeal by fire on r-- po1nted coadjulor bishop _ of tlan'1,llfe of faith. II wu Peler turc's testimony of 111. sacred ar1an O OS The ne\v commission. whlrh i uaded George Bernard Shaw the House floor. ~ Loul1vlllc! In 1923 and 1ucceeded who wu made Prince of the and hlstorlci l character." • was presented to the Pope 11 f l was right In his cynical com- v to the see the followln& ,l'ear. Apostles because of bis act or The Pope concludes his crltl- Catholic College the audience h)' Ill president. goes or COD\ICD mcnt lhat "demorrary suhsll- Proponents of equal treatment Blshop Rehrlna was . named faith In Christ. And to Paul the clsm by 11ldn1, "What would Archbishop Perle le Felic!, re- tutcs election b)' the lncompc• or public and non-public pupils auxiliary bishop of Cincinnati Church . owes lhe concept 01 remain of the content of our rtected an lnlernatlonal mcm• NORTH VEIINON. Ind. - A tent many ror appoi ntment h)' In transport1tlon have regarded In 1937 and became ordinary of faith u the l\ealnnlns of jusllfl• faith, or the theolo1lc1l virtue Choral Festival hershlp. Among Its !"embers be9ucst ol s~.000 lrom t!ir t~ corrup~ rew." The majority the bill passed by the Senate 11 the"Toledo diocese In 1950. cation. • th1I prolhsu 11, 11 these al• we re bishops from the Philip." estate or tho late Mrs, Anpa or citizens. however. will con, a substantial lm!lrovcment upon .• Four lndlana Catholic .. Col­ pines. G ha n a. Madagucar. Klingner was made to SI. M•ry's tlnuc lo share Sir · Winston pre,cnt legislation despite cllm• ,. leges will take part In IHe 12th h•ory CQasJ. Garmany, Aus- here, according ,lo l'a• Churchill's 1·lew that. with •II !nation or the original portal-to• ISSUES DECREE . 1nnu1l Indiana Calhollc College 1ralla, , Urull, Spain, Can• llter Halph Sc~welzer-, pastor. its gauay medlocrlt)'. represen- nortal provision for non-public ada, Chile, U.S., France, Mex• · • 1at11•e £0vernment remains the riders . • Chor•I t·uuval, to be held at leo, England and Argcnlina. The. money '!'45 u_5ed to pur- best mankind hu deviled. • ' 3 p.m. Sunday, March 12. at chase Mrs. Klingner I home, lo• They were wary, how_£ver, of ~larlan Collcae. ALTHOUGH the actual agen- rated arross from parish pro1>· This non-reportorial " lead" on · anempts from the H6uie floor Catholic-Orthodox marriage Partlclpatlna In the program ,la of the commission's mecUng er ty, for use u a con,•cnt fer what Is supposed to be' a legls- this lfctlt-lo water down the are: St. Bened~t College. Fer­ ,n Rome wu~not released, the the l'ranclsran nuns who tcacll latlvc new~ roundup res11lts Senate .bll~e\•en to the point of dinand; SI. fo•eph'1 College, (Cqntlnued on pace 9) In the parish school. from the tact that this reporler trying to nulllly the exlstlna Rensselaer; SI. Mary-of-the• - --'------~-~-- permissive code under which zn Orthodox chur~h ~aiid'- Woods, Terre Haute; and/fhe more than 21,000 non-public • host college. pupils are transported on public buses In 60 counties. That al• Ir RIV. J. P. DONNILLY lo remove lhe le11l prohibition held, one In a i:athollc church The pruent•tlon will feature most happened In 1965. VATICAN CITY ·_ Tbe Holy from such marriasea between and another In an Orthodox. various numbers sung by. lndl· Or S.B. 218 could simply die See has publltbed I decree Cathollc1 and Orthodox In Or• The lesllltUon wu contained vldual choirs and ~ ~~rformance In lhe House " for lack of time" recosnlzln& the v1Udlly of mar• thodoJt churches. U Utty do In a decree or the Consrr11t1on or Johann S. Bach I Christ Lal! . t t d l Ortbo ' · Ch h In Todeabanden" by the com• In a welter of protracted arau• rtaaea con rac • n an • the marrl•SH ar1 not only rec- for lhe Orlenl1l urc IP• blned choirs which will number" mcnt about 111 cost. Thia de• clo11 ceremony between Latin• oplud u ·valid, but are alJO proved by Pope Paul VI and more than 200 voices Alex• spite the tact lhat John Waaa•· rite Calbollc1 and membtn of licit. 'l'bat 11, ode would not publl1hed (Feb. 25) In L'Ouer- ander McDonald of &farian Col• man, research director of the Lealllatlve Advmlry Contmlir• Iba Orthodoii Church. bruit Cb11rcb_l1w by. ealtrlas ntoni Romaf!O, Vatican City 1,1,, will direct Ute Baclr Eute 'Atlbou&h aucb m•rrlasea wW th,m. dally. It beau tha date of cantata. alon, two weeks 110 provided February 22. • teilslaton with a memorandum 1t1q be considered Ullclt-con• Tbt "canonical form" refers The Choral Futlval was estimating the lotal annual addl· trary to Cl\llrch law-lbey wW to conditions required tor a Father John Lons, S.J., tn be un In 1951 at St Jose h's tlonal cost for non-public P.UPlla be conaldtred true 11crame11lal Calbollc'1 mamas• to bt valid: expert on the Oriental Church eote e b Falher • Lawr:nce would be S2 million. znarrlasea. Catbollc prie,ta are II mwl be contracted under nor- who la an olnclal ol lbe Vatican llelm~n l pp s Ila purpose la ordered to make an official nc• mat clreum1taact1 btfort an Stentarl1I for Ch!jstlan Unity to allo~ ~ ~uinber of small It, on the other hand, ll turns ord ~f lhtm. 1utborl1ed C1tbollc prl11t and In Rom•, balled ttie document Catholic collesu 10 combine out that the House p1ue1 S.B • . Tbe , nine reco1DIUon was two wllneuea. Wllb Utt an as a "bis step forward In the their resources In performance 218 , In Ila present form, GOY• slve11 marriisu between Orltll• decree, a bl1bop ce allow • ecum~.nleal dlalosue wllh Ortho• oltmajar worlt• which normally ernor Roaer D. Branlsln almost tat-rite C11tboUc1 and lbe Ortbo- Catbollc under bis •utllorlty to doiy. 'would be oulllde the scope of certainly will let It become law and most supporters of "fair doll contracted Ill the prtHnce merry ~trt~ "It ... Mt llivt the wf\tlt their Individual 1roup1. 0 r O~~ bua" le1lsl1Uon .wW consider of an Ortbodo11 print by the ::::. .ab\ re drcumstancu ,,..i.,..," ht 11141, "but "'"' their efforts rewarded. Sffond Vatican Council'• Dean make II very dUflcull for lbl "' i,tW ,... .i111111 fer ctl• Butler to present on Eastern Catholic Chun:bea, m•rrl•s• to bt btld In a Catbo- l1Nt'atltn anil fer lht atlutlon ALIO HCOMMINDID for promul1ated November ll, 118'. Uc church tf ether c-1M ,rt11i.1111, pau••• by the Hout EducaUq11 111• atated purpose of lh• pra- ' ,m1tut rtfulal 19 receenln Providence Choir COmmltlH WII. ao-ellltd CODI• enl decree II to utend lhla· It will 11JO presumably do lhe vali4ltr tf such 1111rrf1111 p111lon blll (8.B. UC). Tbll ncosnl_tlon ID lhal the Cbt1rch'1 away with the prtvloul anus• lits NIii - tf the lftaltr fNDIANAPOLIS-1be Sliter• measure provldea thal UM atata phlctlee for CalhollCI of the mtllt wbtreby la aucb CINI 11vniW1nt llleck1 N lllaletut," • pay local 1cbool corporaUonl Latin Rltu will be Iha 11me u dual eeremonlu were oftan of Providence Choir of St. Mary• 125 • pupU bllJtd, public ucl that for Oriental Cathollca wbtn ------Ht noted thal lht U.S. la one of.lbe,Wood1 wW be beard In --pubpc •Ult•. Al preaut, lben II a quuUon of marrJlnl of ibt placu wbtrt Ille problem conr#rt at Clowes Hall at S school corpontlou 1•t •lite • member of Iha O,-thodo11 faith Off••1•a1 of mlltd marrils• belwHn p.m., Sunday, March 5, 'l'be PLAN ANNUAL CHORAL CONCllT POI IIITHI-Tlle _., clleral -.It 1w ll•ten (Continued ~ PII• 111) ID lb• latter'a cb11n:b. 1._, Lallll•rlle CatboUea ud Ortbo- choir 11 appe1rtn1 under the 'l.wlll .__ ..._,_. ,In ..... , •• ....__. •.,.lerluffl et I •.111. lafunlav, March 11, All' l l11tn art In- • do1 ollta comu up, alllct the awplces of Buller Unlvenlty as - .,.,. ..,. r--•~- .. • THI NIW llaillaUoa ION T1ae -I a11ect1es1 fir tM vast majority of C1tbollc1 In tbt part tk Ill currant cultural vlfed te e!Hnd. Chffal ,,_,,,. repnMnlNI. WIii lie If,- Knlthh tf Celut111M Cel-Wa~ 11\1 c.• rp,aaaa.. ·.,. bqond the eouDCII. b~lffl', ID U.S...... , lltlltf PUM wiU U.I, art of Ille LallD lllta. 11rlt1. - · Mwat lhrlna Ch'"'9n, the St. C.cella Clielr ef It, JHn af Arc ,erlah ,1111 the It. Liu'• chelr, WICHITA, Ku. - llllllmua lhal It aiY11 local blabopa power lie taliM 1111 i. all ....,.. tf ~ lheWII ..... tllacu111nt arr•"'""'"" •"• ltft te rlthlz lltwanl ,. Kriete,, .Celu111Wa111' ase for~allon ID &lie to diaptnH Catbollea lroin UM the AN1111ace1e • ._..,, Tba documtal tt•tea that Ille Slzter Francia AllStla, S.P., dlrectw1 Wlllla111 l 1trer ..-,al chalr111e111 Waltff L 11htw tllrectff tf lhe Mural Chant• I,. -1c•I form" .__,,__, for ....._ I Pope's declaloa wu prompted wW direct lht tbo1i-. Tlcketa ' ' ....__, II le p' - ~ II C _, I p IR.... - , Wlcblt• dlocflf lau bNII Mt at' .:•rr1a ;, 111 otbv•~~-,u, Me.-- ' by • desire of "pmentlas la· may be obtained b7 caWns IJIIY . •r•1 ...., ...,,.....llllt the helt •-• tier 11111W. Cecl •·•· ,, a... stt' a.... , • • - 10 ·yean by Blallop Lio C. ulf/1 &:• blaboPI to dacldl 1wllta TIie Cllaiice,r {CollUnutd. on pqt I) Hall. ,llflW451, eateulon :m. •rt Linh ,....., ••;,,J , ' Ii ) 0\'~~:- .. ; ... , ..~ ... I Di


IN OKLAHOMACITY Ten~hing Brotl~r I JAMES H. DREW CJ given NCEA post Corporation Common gOal binds WASlll:-;GTOX ~ f y>lhrr E. Anthon)· \\'allacr. has r.s.c.,• 1i...------­ bern namrd auoclatt. srcretary ;:::::::::::::::::::::-, or thr secondary school depart• ment ol the !';1tlon1I Catholic experime1,1tal parish Edu5allonal Auoclatlon. • I TERMITE 1 Lifetime GuarenlH Pl1n Drothtr Anthony. a ,·ctrran, l:U(UN( fS1 ( ,iho!,t l 11 IIOil" Q1 educator and admlni,trator, sue• u ,ov,;..,o\jt ,,.0,,11.t By JACK M~ BICKHAM 11. and tlu.•~ think mo,t Chri,­ rrall1at1on that Wl' :an• 1he reeds father C. Al bert Koob. ('n11l1I It 1! ( Second of two 1rtlclt1) t1!Jn.. rxpnu.•ncr Churrh..:. lh3I lhe Churrh Is not FREE 1 O.Prcam.. who .urlirr was ckct• n:rn!h • t r ur1urc•1I rhurch l1fL a h111ldin~-1hat lhe Church Is ed :-.CEA cxecutl\'e seoreUry. h11,tcllt11 hr 1,,,, lr,\Put 111:uh; 11 pnn1hh• \\ hrn', r r "'t: happrn l o 3sscm, A•I Termite Contra, Ser. C-!,·:u h. nu•mtwr• nl Okl:-t · hi<• " Father Koob had been acting Kl ..\ llr',)t.l l'ITY - II executh·c srcretary or the as, JC( '-'<(A-tH'f', ru t. l1om.,· .. · t•,prrmh·nt al pan~h ) ,iu n• • uni,n:.: 111 f tkla• S1111 3n<>llll'r ad\'3nl3gc, IC• aocjallon since last Septrmbrr. ..-----uu . homJ C1°) •Umen 1H'. think tht•,· ha\l• , nmrthing \\On• rording 10 Ch•irm3n Paul auilcceding the late ~lsgr. Fred• t11 , 1.. 1t 4:c>rftd t:o.inc 923-3383 , 0 :thd \\ Ot1l cl I.kt• Spn•hr. " found In lhc ,·arlety erlck G. llochwalt, while ,IJroth-' 1hr expcr11111·1ual pan ,h kn ,111·n 'THEY HAVE comr far •mce orrrred by \'3rio us locations. er Anlhony had been acting as, u . 1hr l"11 111111 11 n1t) nr Johry I I I · I \'I "\\'e aren't tied down to any N. Mtrldlan XXIII. ) Oli'rr \ll'lt•ome • a,I ,l u:11,1 . \\' 1rn I I! rnp, , r tor soclatc 1ccrctar)' tor the 1cc• ms rl~1d rormat hecnu!c we can oridar)' schol departmenl_ 11 111 i o11·,1 ne11er tht•rk nlll'atl J . llcctl c:l\c thrm prnri,,.lon mo\ c :around ! we can tai1or our !:======th 1 to find nut " hrrr 1hr Jtilri .. h I, 1n hf'~in ( ll\Jwnmrnt .. 1,ro~'hm 10 nerds r3ther 1han to l?ol n;:, to he lhl t Sunda~ That prrmi .. .. wn ramc nh{'r arrhitl"c-tu~r." ' ASKREN You l'{I~ thl• par• •h m, n- no rn •1ntlJ .. nf qutJ~ . murh nf ll hy propcrl)' II hh no htJllndanc,. a ,mall ~roup of Oklahoma l_ay, THE FIRST )IHs cel~rated MONUMENT CO. INC, · I~ the communily w3 s oh Aug, Jt opt1rJ1t•, on thl· princip!(• that uwn. ,,th<'r f,1 r r1, of It h) . a Mtrkers - Monumanh 1hr pr 11plt• :trt till• pJn"' h: nntl ~ oun~. t -11 J ,l11!<'<•,yn 11rn·, t. I· :I· ,r,t 25. 1900. It was in the home 111\Ct 19)5 l the ,. par11 rular proi,lr a"•· a!L lhrr II 1lha111 I . :-,; enn or Oklahoma Cit)·an WIii ia m o,·cr the plac1• .1ri1•r 1!1,!1011 ll rc•,I, can- , ap, .ll edler. Father :-.crin cclc• 4707 E, W11h. St. FL 7.7n, Somr :ire \\ Cll•IO llo. , onll' arc pro\ al for lhl' \\fll'r11ntru. ht• hr3trd II on a dining table 'poori , n ml' a rc- 13~ mrn ; ' Otn(' :l· .. ,~m·d r a! IH'r ~~••rin ac lhC" pl3ced in front ol 5 lircplacc, an• nu·mlwr.i of n •lit: wu, or• r ommunh) · .. flr-.t .... piri1u:1t :nl• 1d1h tj persons ; tandlng 3round den: -omt• nr'-' m;uurC'. -om'-· m 1111 .. ir:11or " • lun-alrr,,.•d :rn h!m In :, sl"mlc-lrrlr. .. :1rc• H•r} ) nUO J.:, mo, t nn..· C:u ho, 1 m1, l1 1}t't' nf HH' rnrn11111ni1y. On a rC' rrnt Sunday, more lir,. hut ·111<·1-110:.:, :.n• :tt:t.•nclcd r a 1lh•r ~, 1 m ,. ddin1H..'I.\° a than ; j jll'r,un, attended. The FORD DEALERS hy l'n •.. h) 1i·n:in,, UJ1111 .. t, and "Pirilu.11 :1nd rn11'1h-r_!t1:al ll' ntlt•r . \l:-t.,._ ,,;1. , aitl on n rafcwri =i L"nil3non, amnn.: 01 h1•r, • 11 111 1lu• pa, i·h ,. all th,· pcopl<·. ,.hi.,..at Ilic l11~h srhool. ,l~ain .. rulin~ lri lhc nHi rmali\'e, lie Of Indianapolis Tl1 r, :in· hdd tm:cthrr not h). anti 1tw prit•, t h:1° :1 -111~lc \ Ol11 1hr p,•11;1!~ " '.ere n,•n,r the !able, , aid the rsl3hllshrd parishes C. T. Foxworthy Co., Inc. art1Hri t1I n •-1 11r t 1u11 .. anti not hy 111 clt•ri .. 1nn .. JU •I lik1• t.'' l'r)·l'rnL' parJ1 all) ,,11,oumllng II. ml~ ht proper!)' chnrgc commu­ Ed Martin prurwrl). \\Ith a rru,hin~ lkhl ,,J .,c• .l ll hou.:h lnrmht·rs tnn ge t nil)' mrmhcrs a higher tuition. 1rurtur,•. Tht') :u1• c-om m1tt rd J1"y Aldtrm1n Ford I · th l'lo-,•r 111 1h1•~irant at )lass 11 111 he .au! 1hc pari•hcs could Horry A. Shorp Co. 10 a common f'hr1,1,a11 coal­ Paid ul1ry, Fa ., Norin 1han ,. pn,alhlc 1n the ordinarr not turn down • child Iron, 'the Hallleld Motors, Inc. nntJ lht•\' lo\'-' nne anlltht·r live, in • comfort1blt sub• I :iri .. 11 . Ila• l1t11ri.:y 1, the !-o1c rxi,crunrnt:il s;?roup . 1!11tw1y Ford 2441 w. Wuh. JIii 7-ms T tw1r . lu\t' for unt.• :'lnnl lH'r j . urban apar tment complex-. H• a ,, a flf ~ttth it\· in which the . · Paul Harvey Ford Salo a CITY WIDE DELIVERY a a•mJ1 kalilf.l Ihm~. B111 tlw~ drivu a comp1,mmun,i, 111 • J ohn XXI II is So the kids. many or thCfT\. Smut & Perry, Inc. · >O} 11 •houldn·1 lw n •ma1kahl1· out of hi, i 1i1ry. Tl\e com• 1,.,111~ , ,,ri ra,t'ful not 10 cxperi• ~till attend rrgubr parochial They la)' the ,•arl)' l'hurl'l1. had munity pays • mi luge 1llow• IIH'fl' 111 , ·Ire< I). )I rm hers know , rhools. 11111 on Su~days _they an~•· !t ronts • two.room .;hn .:u,· ,ut,)<-rl to l'O!Slblc ol 1t::-:..:- ---r--.,.,..1nnr-1ru1111tn11, Ind rKl'te ._; -;: r ai,, ,!•r •, and th~,· arc de• l,oldi~g the pre,)lass business F 1ther Norin koops ho~rs. lt'lllllnt'li I I ti I nrithin~ \\ hfch merlin~ .. The S11ndar mrctmc. three 1111:ht 1'1·" 111r.ha hrcn J'1 ,1hahl) r,,n. !dcrahl) heller. kid• J11•t ha,·e • good lime A( h,•111 ir. 11m ale hornr, and other nntl lhc a1rn n,;,hc:e ol lo\'t, tie en I ' ·c a•k them II It \\;II a , . We Silver Replated •cml,i111hhc hulltl in~.. · mak,•, 1he )la" 11 selr seem J~,.1111 \;0 ,:r. ' They 5 3 i·cs. • n rnrw )our --11, t•r with ) 1,•mhcr, Ilk,• It tlu, w:1)'. One m11r h lirh1·r. ,nr. ' God Is Joi·lul." ;, 1la11 n~, - K~pt• II n •palr• :11h·an1a ~c ha, brt•n that mont')" Th,• 1<·malntler ol the Co mm11• llell~loui e,1ucatlon should lnq amt rrafhmnml11 p rulil lnlo the trca111 ri· hn• '"'''" nil ) ·, 1hrrc-hour Si1nday meet• romc In the home ··sc,·cn days • )lotl erait• l'r1cc, u,c,I onl) for nrccs,ary opt•rat• in: ,,. how.c,·cr. ron;idcrnhl)' 3 \lct•k." ' Sprehe nddcd. " On • Frrt' Jo>ttm3tt.•._ fn~ ,•xpcn!l',-nml !or .charll r 11,rlcn•nt from ordlnar)' t•xpcrl• ~!'nclny. ihr kid; come to our PUR-TEE Then• ls no tl,•1,t. no te.nilr nc)' 11, ,•nee. Froiftl earl)'. lumhllng mrctlna 11 ph·c Joyful rxpres• 1·xi•t for the , akt, or <:mpt) attempt, 1n prh·nte homes, the •Ion III tla·h· Inn for God: \\'c PLATING CO. ln11lthns . community h>s nnw begun to thinl: thl, I, a, lt"should be-. " bolo Mi,, .l noth<•r a,h·anla~c ""' pin• formulate 1hc kind or worshl11 Tht' rhihlrrn •Join the nilults •• • 2306"E . 441h Strut pointed h) a lcntlln~ m1•mhcr. 11 , members fmd most mcnnlnu, for 1hr )la--.· although n nur- ·ornnnlzntlon an.,·motc _ not I l ltc._ Wnt •f • • •''"" lh•rh (:!Ir,: ··necau,e we don't r I I ~ 3 ol J ohn XXlll, nearly a dozr n S4S-0142 own ),11ildin~;. and ran meet In " . •H)'•i<•n·I r·!:, ••, r1•mn n~ scp- ladder. with people on the )lot• groups or lay people in ,·arlous lllr I I c Thero ls varloty. Members ~r~I<. )Inn)' 01 the lnmlhcs arc tom. God on the top and priest , l'rent J1 • ~••• we, ,a,·c• a Ir H' sit at tablos In • Iorgo wtll, i111 1tc lnr~r-wlmr,, the Sprehe In hchl'ccn. We're one - priest, parts of the United States-from coast to coast, arc interested lighted room. Smoking 11 ,1. 1irooU ol ek111-and care ol the 1wupl,•. God." In similar · experiments with lowtd, fret give-ind-take en• httlc onrs 1~ likely to rcmnln a· 'Sprehe says simply, ·· rm not parish life in their own areas. Cirinsteiner Fu,i"eral Home couragtd. The 1tmo1phere Is continuing project.. sure I could go back to the old E1tabll1hed ·1154 mo,t Informal. Som6tlmts the _ Th• Sunday meeting, from kind ol pnrish now." · union st1r11 with commlllH beginning to end, hu ,n 1t, . Others feel the same. GEORGE N. GRINSTEINER HAROLb D. ',JNGER report,, sometimt> with • mosphere of ralued gl1dne11 The rommunl6· Is Arowing MElroH 2-5j;4 llOI E11t New York St. guest spuktr, 1ometlmt1 with not u,y to 1ppreclito union slowl)' but steadily. Those who, dlscuulon. you 1ttend ind experlenco It Joi n arc asked to ~lgn a two• llccrht discus_slons hn\'e In, for yournlf. )'Ca r commitment. Some sup, . ' port the experiment. but do not e)uded the liturgy nnd the !nil- Outside. ··In the world," the com"mlt thcmsrh·es for one rea­ '"' ur'c or· many Ca1holirs to get community cmphuizes (ndh·(d, son or another. Dccause lh'lng ~ ...... ln\'Ol\'Cd In religious Ille: Spe, uni commitmcnl. llut se,·crnl nn acth-e Christian Ille demands ,.... .,. :.-=--- c1> I com mittees ha,·c studied projects ha,·e been taken on b)' lime, ,nnd lots ol It. the com- 1he liturg)'. both from the stand• the whole croup. - munlty Is not being bombarded r:=.. =:' poi nt ol human, emotional needs · For< example, when Okla, 'b)' Interested applicants. . :11111 lrnm the dnta ol llc,·clntion. homa·s court•system was rocked nut alrcad\' Father 11:crln and NORTH-EAST SIDE Films and other ,·isual old hr scandals. ch-le lntcr~st, the la}· leader, arc concerned l'UIIION- dc,·lcc1 will be tried in the lu• hcgan drai>·lng up a p~o.P?S31 ab·out what they will do when Ol'TICAL CO. lure. for swcepln11 rclorms. Pellt1on1 membership 11row1 p•st the {253-42091 UNO • ltlYITONI " I don't attend the Sundal' were clrrulnted last Fall. r>II• " anonymity point." . No one [ZJJI IAIT UNOI scr\'lcc, out or pny fcclinR ol ln11 for a relerrndum ,·otc on· knows t•xiictly where tha_t poi nt Use Your AF.NB Cherge Cord.- 11hll11ntlon." said one mrmbcr. one program !or court impro,•e, is. hut It may he about 100 ··1 com,• brcausr rm d)'inµ 10, menl. )h-mhcu ol the commu, adult members. · s,•c whnr, µolnµ to happen:· nl ~,· or John XXlll all h~lpcd In • Wtwlhrr the communlt)' will KRi..u3-Ro- s=. _ Es_·~•_bl_ishe~_1s~ ~ -,- Sprehe: sali. •·1 look rnrwnrd 1111, drl\'~, which was suc~css• then· 1plit into two i:roups. or a I Cachoflc S11ppl11 llou,e ,11c. to Sunday all week lunµ: · · 111 1: . new parish I• to b1• formed. is Sl1111larlj·. , Ix women In the anyone·s i;uc•s. " We'll sec." (V, llock South of Aym) 1 I 01h 1' ~aid. " \'nu rnn irny what rommunity work rl'~Ularlr. as t\erin said. llel1•f111 llints you llunk. You can really •••· rr1•1• ,·ohmtcrn. In a po\'crty · 119 S. Mtrldl111 • 638-3416 for , "our rarpet'11 b.-auty a mint• your ln ith. This is tre- arra nur.•rr\' school. Anti Fa- LOOKING AT the Church In 63J-3417 mrndous." thrr 11:rrm. on ln1trucllons. ha general, le"' ol the me mbcn lndl1n1poll1 Carol11u~ a11a: I VARIOUS community projects lwcomc a ,•olunterr director !or sec lhrlr 1•xprrlm1·n1 a the arc set up in committees. This a po,·crty pr.ogram pre-school model lo. r a ll fu ture parish Ille. I FIRST AID TREATMENT_: Is a more rormal organization day,care center. All they uy ls tllnt it Is rl11ht for them. They think the tradi, For Spots and Stains than some first envisioned. Uut THE COMMUNITY also lnsti• Ilona! parish will continue a C ,IHIIC u, In gluing Cite be,r po11lble ecr'ucaflo11 the 11r~u p ridlckly 1carncd 11131 hiled "The Ffsh'" program In long. lon11 time. ··They meet A O1 1131 1 •to your prle,r, of tomorrou,, L1'UIU1 Y• c" um t f•lnt-d ""' f or l,qt-t 11, 1m , a rcrta,n amount organ on Oklahoma this winter. The the needs' ol many Catholics,'" tF:~:,.::,~o,~:::,ro;d~,,,1:1::~.:; ;r:.~"' ,~·:\;::; Is nlandatory, II c,•eryone Is to John XXIII treasurer. John Father Nrrln , ays. " Uut we 1cc T lf• 1n,, rvb 1.,d l,ghfl, 1n10 \l.t,n, HIOI' otl t •• he kept informed. Lc1•cnha11en, was named chair• no reason why communities H 100 Memorial Donors to help bulld a~d • ;_.:;;;.._a .•• ~:~\,!:~:.,9'':~~ • hh non 11.tfflffi.t~lt~Of.l\thOld " Without committee cllalr- man or a f"lsh drive. Soon, com, such as ou; can't co-exist with NEEDED furnish student and faculty f1cll1tli'i'Tor Cfftlr• J, NtUu tfl, Mt•• men. and so on. we couldn't get munlty .members had enough tfie rccular parishes." O rcsponslblliiles divided proper• Interest stirred up, ' both inside Still cxperlmentlnµ. the com, L thi' New ,C1thollc Seminary Foundation of lndl«ni~lls. ( A ll'ttkl~ Scrulct 10 Critrrlorl lltodcr,J I)'." GIies explained. You need and outside the Catholic faith, munlty secs its Initial trial CARPET FASHIONS, INC. • some structure so people will to assure success of Fish here. period as far from o,·er. Uut I 2742 Medlaon Avenue • JOJO Lafayetto Rood kno"' "'hat they arc suppos"ed Many community "1 c m b c r s al~cady, clcarl)•, its existence · lndl1n1polh, lndltna ' to do.'" ha,•c lndl\>ldually plcdeed the has made Christian Ille a reality C ' Members arc• preoccupied day of ,·oluntcer help required -and an exciting one-for many I' . with the dangers of anonymity under the t"lsh commitment. who otherwise might never hnc · S and the need ol "keeping ever>"· ··The whole experiment ls found such u tlsraction. r. ENJOY A CATHOLIC VACATION TO EUROPC one Infor med." A weekly news- working," Father Nerln said Judslng from . Inquiries made E • with , letter Is produced by Sprehe: it recently. " We arc not a vert.ical to members of the Community M­ reports In considerable retail on _ - CHRISTIAN HERITAGE t11e last meeting and""lhe ·on , • _,_ - .;;;.. - I TOURS upcomln11. A hb • h !I All bu,111111 11 conducted II re IS op s N Vt11T1 IAIUHD C8 un,1tty C11tle and Medlei;i1I Banquet, Llmerlck, the Sunday mtetlnt, ''We \ A - -~ Dublin), raANC[ (LOUfdH, P1,l1): ITALY (Rome, Audience wllh The Hol1 r11t1e,, Autsl, r10,1nc.e, P,u . eVenlcel: IWITI• can't have I lot of ••,,. ....of Len· 'en S-he·dute· R laLANO ILuttrne, E:ln1ied1 ln)1 QIUIANY lF'flnkl utl, Wliel• 1lon1 to dllute eur nn1e 11, ._, bl den, Rhlnt River c,~, .., , INGLAND {London, Wlnd,o,) ,._elt,orneu," F1thor Norin •- Y n (d. , "We 1!,..ply have no ...z:;- _._ Ntw '° Student Dormltt,y, Plnt, pheM tf preltct, Ctnllructltn lwrep1 '• full et men, m.,merit1. In .,.,,. eont, lw,epe I• Utt tlHi• b19lnnln1 In late April." ta1e If ewr rell1l1n, cwltw,e 1nd t1ls••'1• 11 1• e wtnde,l•nd 1t lflrln11, pl••• for auch ·extra mtetlnt• S1tur'1w, March • '"onlirma- ti G nli Id 7 30 to bl htld." t'on, B:Af'ord, 7 ·. 30 --.p.m. ma on, ree e • : p.m. rlcfl end ••••••r tredltl1n II well 11 , jllt1nl m1d11n cit111. lurtpe 11 ,, ' "' Sundey, Merch H-Bleui1141 or H compact, all ttlt c• wnt,111 r1L>v1 ewtr wenttd ti wl1lt 111 wlltlln 30 Double Student Bedrooms (each) ...... S 4,000.00 ..., •Heh et Hctl tltle,, The l1l1wr11, end c1mt1,u1111 Cflrl&ll1n While adult, have their. ~ . . Sunday, March S - Mus and the P1lm1, Cathedral, 11 1.m.; Student Lounae (equipped) ...... , .. 14,000.00 ••r slon each Sunday, children are Conllrmatlon. Bloomlneton, 8:30 Marian Award, 4 p.m. l ~:i~~•,:,,'~~~• ~i:,f·'!~=~~•~~~cf;t:::·,7• e~.":;:,•~: :_e~:!":11:l not neglected, One of the areal 1.m.; Conllrm ..tion , St. Bar- ,Thuraday, March 2l - Conse• Dlnln1 Room-(equlpped)...... 9,280.00 '"Tri, et I Lltttlme." problem, lacln1 members In the tholomew, Columbus, 2 p.m.; cration of the Olis, <;athedral. Kitchen (equipped) .. , ...... : ... , : ...... 21,271.00 4 early , 1a11c1 of the community Co'nflrmallon, St. Columba, 4 Sunday, March 2~E a a t e r Cl!apel Furnishl~11 ...... , ...... 10,000.00 Conllnuou, lfOUp d1pe,1u,1 d . ... Merch lhrouah Library (equipped) ...... 27,100.00 October 1967. All Tours 1ctomp1nl ed bt I Prl11t~ wu re1ular education: If they p.m.; Green1bur1, 7:30 p.m. Mau and Sermon, Cithedral, 11 . . withdrew from re1ular parlshea, Tueaday, March 7-Conllrma- a.m. Renov1llon of F1cully ilulldln1 ...... :. 1,000.00 _ SN your travel 111nt or Hnd fo, hH colorl\,I could their chlldren atlll attend lion, ,Brownsbur11, 7:30 p.m. (For amaUer ltema call: 826-24tll) bfOChUfl, ,., ,,le, hei:- ·•• ,.,. '"' parochial 1chool1? . , l1tvrd1y, March 11 - Conllr• 1 ··nlshop Reed answered that by maUon, Connersville, 7:30 p.m. An 1ttracllve plaque, suitably Inscribed, will be attached to each lund1y, March 12-Mus and room or Item donated and will always be • testimony ol lhe 11en• Copllrmatlon, Ho I y Fa1T1llY, \ CHIIITIAN' HUITAH TOUII INC. I •ttos lty of the donor. . C•I B• ldl• • •-•r•• Ri'cbmqnd, 9 a.m.; Conllrma­ 111 . WOl>llh Ave,, Chlcaao, Ill, 6060] NEWARK, N.J.-A total of Uon, St. Mary, Richmond, 3 "No matter how we ah11l alway, find ourselvea unable to • l'le1M Nnd me you,,,.. colorful c,,ochu,1 c1Hc,lbln1·tne 1967 tours. 357 new church bulldlnea cost• p.m.; Conllrmatlon, St. Andrew\ aeek we I Ing $175 mllllon' have bee'n built Richmond, 7:30 p.m. contribute to 1nytbln1 srtater thall the maklna or &ood pries II." 14,,.,.______-,. ______-:-:-:-=- In the Newark 1rchdloceae In Mencl1y, Mirch 1)-Rlchmond Sunday, March S - Confirm•• , -Pope Plu1 XI lhe lut 10 yelln. Aaurvey taken Deanery

\ , - . . . • 1/f - .tf:I . ~- - . .


1l.1m111u1a1u1111mmn~,www• • lnstruc:tl~n• set - liutructlon claii.1 In the Ctlhollc Feith will be 1IHft at !ht Ctthtllc lnformatltft Ctt1• , ter. f apltol Ave. •I Gtw• I• By ILYA WOLSTON Imprisoned ludtr of tht lorts, the stLture he imputed low the instruction and ex• St,, ti S p.m. on Monday nt­ Ukrainian Cathollc Church, to the papacy encouraeed future ample" of his predecessor. nlng1 bt9lnln1 Mtrch 6. The Sin·iet-V1tic1n cooperation, up Cardinal Josyl Sllpyl. clt1111, which trt epen i. and down for decades, began Soviet overtures. · , ALL OF THIS broueht a new Ctthollc1 and non-Cathtllu the 196-0s on a downbeat. Lil­ Pope John's receipt or the Foliowlne 'the death ol Pope and •~tensh•e co1•crage of papal without chtrtt, wlll bt ctft• lie had changed since lhe ten­ Ualzan P~aco Prize with the IP· John. Krushchev who had al•· activities to the pages of Soviet ducted by ~•tr. Chtrlt1 P. sions of the llungarian rHoil; prol'al of/So1·iet members of the ' newspapers. Not onl)' did com• Koster, ready expressed by leleeram his munist papers report papal ac• the So,·iet go1·ernment still Jury; the Pope's audience with 111111111111111 11111111m1111111111111n1111mn11nmn1111n feared a Vatican Council II con• Khrushchev's daughter and son• distress at his Illness and then !MIies allcctine International demnation of communism; and In-law; 11,·estia's co\'erage of his death addressed • con- allalrs but it ea\'e coverage to the So\'lcl press was carr)'lng the Balun award- all these gratulatory muuee to the new such ! l'ents as the first papal on a 1·Jgorous anti-Vatican cam­ things increased lhe warmth ol Pope Paul VI. lie 'l'ccel\·ed • helicopter flleht a n d Pope paign, So\'lct-Vallcan relations. reply from Rome which 1· wu Paul's trip to the Holy Land. more than pure formalil)'. Both Then the ice began breaking. Bui it was · the encyclical, the original telegram and the So despite some crilici~m of A Public So1•ie1 Premier Jl.lkita Khrush• Pacem in Terris (April, 19631 that really insured •• new ell• reply were printed on the front •papa\ actMlies, an entirely new UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMlllllnllnllfill paae of the Soviet press. Image ol the Cttholl.c Church mate for relations ·betll'een Mos­ and of its leader hu been erad TruJt This is tht second of two cow and the lloly Sec. Nothing J ust 11 1icnlflcant were the uall)' created in the minds ol artfclis dealing 1ci1h the his­ can better characterize the re- speculations of the Soviet press So1·iet · citizens. ·--iorv and evoiution of rtfa. ccptlon this document rcc~il'ed concerning the attitudes ol the GREAT President once lions berween the Vatican a,id in'the U.S.S.R,JhanJ h~decislon new Pope toward political and Ntwi pu&li1htd In the l11t said: " A public office b)' the re1·icw z.-11ubuhom, to social problems and lhe rellel yur or two by th• Soviet tht Soviet Union. A is I public trust." And publish mos t ol the text. expressed when Pope Paul con• prtu and cltall119 with Catho­ we ha1·e alwa)'s rrearded our \ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Although Pope John did not lirmed in I speech al Calle• lie opposition to !ht Vlttntm as a chev commented lavorabl)' on ll\'e to see the fruits ol his ef. gandollo his ln1-tnlion to "Joi• war; racism, and !ht dictator• sen•ice " public trust." Pope John XXlll's September, ships of Franco and Sal111r We hi,·'t been licensed to 1961, appeal for peace and then R R I hu rtlnforctd the Church's serve the public in an ethical followed up with an lll'Prcce• ntw image, rtplaclng !ht old manner. not In an arbitrary dented greet I n g celelirating or1e· • au ~arne'OC' two communist vhlon of the way. How we carry ,out our Pope John's BOth .blrthda)'. Church II the "pllltr of mlll~ duties ulfects the public In • And while Pope J ohn's en• t1rlsm, colonl11i1m end Jm: ,·cry . personal way. There• 7 rore. public conlidcncc In our ~~~~'i~~~d ~~~~rcret c~l~,~ t ~~ ~~! n' f p~l1~/~s~ ~• So\'let leaders ha1·e lntcgrit)' Is tho most impor• Kremlin, Khrushchc\' told Sal• to e· w· Y a11•can4 posts urday Re\'icw editor :\'6rman • · not gr;sped the essence ol the 01,.DENBURG ACADEMY PltOGltESS-Tht photo abtvt show", conatructlon protrtu on tht tanl asset we possess, and • Chur~h or the rear meaning ol )ur entire organiz~on Is C I h h I new SI mllliolt- ct,uroom bultdlng, auditorium tnd gymnasium now underway at Oldtnburg'1 ous ns l at l e papa peace at• VAT ICAJI. CITY ~ A bishop ARCHBISHOP Fclicl, who the Church'/ acth'ity In the t,mrriac ulatt Conception Acad~my. F. A. WIiheim, of lndlanapolls, h'as tho general con,trllc• detl ic•tcd to doing the things tempt .duJinc the Cuban missile who spent two years in I nus• gained worldwide attention dur- world. Delegates to 1000·s 23rd whl.ch earn that conlldence. crisis "had considerably weigh- slan prison •camp has been Ing the Second Vatican Coun~il congress of the Communist lton contract. Tht ntw units, expected to bt compltttd by Stpltmber, wlll replace outmoded ed upon his thoughts" as "th_e named sccrclar)' general ol the u its secretar)' eeneial, re- Part)' of the Soviet Union were l_lcilltles atltchtd to lht mothtrhouu of tht Sisters of St, Francis. Tht older facllltlta wlll be fmt ray ol_ l!~ht in the thicken- nelfl>· established permanent places in hl1 new post Car~lnal surp1iscd to hcar1..uigl Longo ol remod,iod for tfttMchool and boarding studont usage. (Sltff photo ) 0 5 LAUCK inc sh~d " ; • ollice ~hich will prepare luture Pietro Ciriaci, who died Decem• the Italian Communist.Party In• IN THE MEANTIME, Soviet ,bishops' synods. • he r 30, 1966. silt that llal)"s communists rp . f'r •t In pamphle t form policy regarding the council was He is 49->••ar-old Bishop Cardinal Clriaci, 'who was wanted to work with Catholicl Funeral Home changing. On the e,·e or the Ladislaus Rubin, delegate of 11!0 of the Conaregation to build a better society. So,·• .1 0 merPe .~ouncl S \\'ASlll:'\GTO:'\.:.The ,\postolic Cons11tutlon on Indulgences Is• _ opening ol Vatican 11. ~loscow C~rdlnal Stefan Wyszynski of ,of the Cou ncil, was president ol lel olllclals arc not quite read)• l:, 1451 S. Meridian St. had recel\'ed assurances that 11 arsaw for t~e pastoral ure ol the canon Jaw commission, to enter into so deep- a dialogue. sued by Pope Paul \ 'I on Janu- lndltn o 11 44225 ___.th8--COll~i-·ould-alutain- fro~cmlgm11utnu11&bo1t.1,.lb~ charged b)'-llopa- l!aul VI-with · 0 'them, cmrollrism remains rJl"en anJ ffi. '-='Tom=-=e=11,__.,.,,.,.,.r,·-+.--n1.n ri-low lra"1tihtb1Mrt-En any action directed against the world. ,\lthough Polish b)' birth, the complete re\'lslon of the a doctrine which cnsla,·cs man ,'.14 U rY lish In pamphlet lorm lrom lhc 634-4655 So1·iet Union or against com• he has been IMng In Rome Church's lawbook In the light and the Church remains an cs, of{A ' Publications' Ofllce'. Un It c d munism II such. In turn, So\'let since 19-19 and speaks eight Ian- of the updating stimulated by sentially rcactlonar)' force com• " \'our 100% ~•tliolic Owned authorities permitted two rep• guagcs. , the Second Vatlcan Council. pcllcd to adopt "procrcssh•e" ST.· LO UIS-The two largest her of programs and scn ·ices- Slates Catholic Conference, 131? rcsentatl\'CS of the Russian The da)' his assignment wu Archbishop Fclici1s assign- positions only under l!res,µre Cathollc men's and. . women's parish human rights panels, ~lassachusells A,·cnuc, JI..W.. 011,I Oprratetl Frrntral 1/ome Orthodox Church as well as rep• publlshe~ (Feb. 23), the Vatican mcnt as "pro-pr~sldcnt" rather rrom external factors. organizations · h ci r e will be Conrraternit)' of Christian Doc- Washington, D.C. The pamph• 1 Since 1896" resentatl\'es of the Catholic City daily, L'Oucn·atore Ro- than president, apparcntl)' is a 1nerged into a single service trinc programs for handicapped lets are priced at 35 cents per Church In Lithuania to attend mano, also announced that· protocol technicalit)', The office organiution, delcgatos to the children, pre-Cana programs the council. Archbishop Pcricle Felic! hu of pmident would normallr,, be Institute slated !lr, r Joint com·cntion or the !or engaged couples, theoloc>· cop)'. • , 1-..;..___ ...... ,+ '-----' been named pro-president of the 'rtstrvcd to I cardinal because Archdiocesan Council of Catho• courses for adults, Operation , Further r11uurtd by Pope 'Ponlilical Commission for the he· pruldes ·over other cardinal at Sni'nt Mei'itrnd Jfe )lcn and wo·mcn were told. Renewal and a number ol other John's tddrtu opening !ht Revision of the Code ol Canon members of the comm)ssion. .'The announcement hy the educational programs. councll, !ht Sovlth frffd !ht Law.. A s)·nod of the world, bishops moderator or' both groups, Fa- "Combining the two central] lo meel periodically lo "discuss on Jewish Studies· thcr llohcrt F. Kalctta, said the orllccs ol ,,the organizations," EUROPEAN PILGRIMAGE ind ~ropose soMIPns lo Cllurch _ - _ lir..1.-. joint con,·onlion had been Fatl,or Kalella said. "will .5]m- ' problem1 wu first announced · , urged by Cardinal Joseph Ril• ply o b ,. i a t e the lrcqucfilly Wlth- MSGR:-<;OOSSENS & FR. PASCHAL,~.S;B. by Pope Paul at the opening ST. MEINRAD, IL~d,- A fl,·e• ter " In order that we might double effort." • • meeting of the last session of day Institute on·Jewish sw.~ies. work to~l'ther and be more lie u ld the" mcri:er v II c the council (Sept. 14 , 1965). • Its ,designed for high school. • nd r rrecthc In 1hc npostolatc ol Mt prlnclpalli· on the diocesan general norms were 'published college teachers 01 religion anti the Churrh in St. L-0uls." lenl. Whelher or not I di\'ldual' ') Visit' England-France-No11¥ay lhe lollowing day In a special social Sludles, wlll be held at · ,\ nd I wouhl like to announce r,arish men's and womc 's clubs papal document (motu proprio), St. Meinrad • Scmln_ar.>· here A.u•- thal. 1dth the Cnrdinal's ap- merge ls up to them, I said. I Including a provision that a aust 21·25, accord)°C lo an •n• promI ." r ather Kalctta con•~ Denmark• Sweden- Italy permanent secreta'ry general be n_ounce ment by t ather Adrian tinucd, .. ,1.0 will start Imme• ; C~ RD INAL Ritter, in a dress­ named. Fuerst, O.S.D., .director ol .the diatc\y 10 plan the creation or Ing the 2.500 delei:ate laid 0 Institute. . .cne ~,n ~lc rri-lcc organization." hca\'y emphasis on the lnro ma• MORI SPECIFIC norms were Co-sponsored If)' the St. ~lein- The Councils ol Catholic men tlonal and cd~ational runct ns Spain And Portugal &Inn in another papal docu• rat! School of Theology and the •0 1111 \\'omen hnl'e been· 1cparate olarilJ~.hc adult. councils of . ment dated December 8, 1966, Anti-Defamatloll League of U'nal un111· 11 cre ror 20 years. "Tl·iere was a time-both here f S•t , LONDON - P,ARIS - s:rocKH~CM - OSLO an d pu bu ' h ed Dccem ber 23.· It D'rlth, the Institute will be llm• ,. proylded that "a permanent lted to 40 participants fo r max• F~THER . K~LETTA s_a1a the and clswhcre In my 3~ years of ROME - LOURDES - BARCELONA - FATIMA aecrelary or secrelaty general imum cffeclivcness. nc11 organization Is • Jct un- episcopacy- that organizntions will be appointed by the Su• named and 1h01 1hc work of or men and women were con- preme PonliJf. He will carry Lecturers for the conference mappin:;, iu st ructure will be ccrned with doing just the tasks i2 DAY ALL-EXPENSE ·TOUR $998 out his olfice in accord with the will Include: llabbl Arthur up 10 •new otricen or both ch'en to them," he uld. " Now, wishes of the PontUf •.. and llertzberg, of Tei;nple Emanuel croups. lie said the mercer althpugh 1he evolution of the report lo him ever)'thlng ol Im• In Englewood, N.J., R ab b I should dc,·elop within a year. Church Is not complete and Pay IOo/.' Down - Pay Ba lane• In, 24 Months portance with regard to the Arthur Gilbert, di rector or Ile• , The ,\CC)I has some 2,000 OC\'l'r will be, it is clear/ tha,t J synod of bishops ... Ole) Is lli:ious Curriculum llesearch for member, . The women's group these councils arc for the pur- hlmself a member of the s)'nod. the Antl,Delamatlon League; has about 2,300. pose of adult education. ' AUGUST-1 TO. 22-FLY BOTH WAYS DISCUSS VOCATIONS PANIL-Tht M111•i Club tf Sf. • Its moderator, and signer of 111 and Father Polycarp Sherwood. Father Kaletta said the mo\'c " l'\nne or us dare to delay the Simon's parish, lndltntpolis, wlll sponsor • panel prtst nta• its olflclal acts." O.S.D., of St. Meinrad School or was being made be~a use In the ed1Jcation or ounel\'e$' for the lion on rellglou; vocations at 2 p,m, Sunday, Mirch 12, for II is also his tuk, the docu- Theology. Other lecturers will put the two councils ha,·c responslb1l ities ~h•en to us b)· CATHOLIC TRAVEL OFFICE parent,, high school iludtnh tnd lunlor high pupll1. Shown ment said, to notify bishops of be announced later. Join Iii•· sponsored a large num• the Second \:atlcan Council. WASH INGTON, D.C, 2003' tbtvt dlscuulng !ht ntnl art, from ltlf: Fran CuMlngham, the convening ol the s)'rit>cl and ------Aller 1hc council, the blsho'ps • Father Jame~ WIimoth and Chuck Htckmtn, CuMlngham send them documents, lnstruc- realized lhat what happened to lndlanapoll, Phone, US-llfl & u1.3m' lions and announcements per• them - the education they re• end Ht~kman art co-ch•lr m•n of !ht ntnt, whllt Ftther Wil• 'G [ ' 't ' •1 \... moth, who 11 vocations director for tht Latin School, wlll bt talnlng to ii, announce appoint- riea_ U, nz ~'\: coun.Cl ceh•e()'· - mus t bappen lo the oen of tho pantlish. Other p1ntli1h wlll Include: Sister Mary ments to s)'nod of/Ices and J ' \\•hole Church," membership Usls lor papal rati- Albert, O.P., of Fatima Rttrut Houat; Slater David Mtrit, · S,P,,'of St. Simon's School; Ftthtr Lawrtnct Wtrd, of St. fication, report to various b R R • Church olllclals on lhl proceed- ~ Mtlnrad Archtbbty; and Father Dtvld Kthlt, of tht Lttin Ines of uch session, and collect seen , r.• . aerzng Scho!I, Thom11 eA

THAT SPRING HAS REALLY, FINALLY WARMED ITS ·WAY Hits 'twisted thi:nkirig~ Artist's dra N,ng ot- lioosrer Energy Generating Plant I,;, ah5>ut bus p~O'posals Two thousand five hundred ton)i- ronT WAYNE, fnd.-Blshop measure was assianed to the of steel going into Hoosier .E ne_rgy ! LeQ A. Pursley of Fort Wayne• llou1e Ways and Means Com• Soulh Bend baa attac~ed the miltee. Obscrl'era held llltle · I · "tw!Jted lhlnkln& on b.. lc ls• hope that tht bill would return • Iii · 1 ,,r li,IM KI tuns 11! nuih•riuls an• hr•inR ship1ll'd ,ues" which, he uid, has been to the House floor in time to A beautiful new landmark ,;, •m w n ,w 11 THROUGH-AND THAT IS ,JUST .. found In Indiana General As· beat the legl1lative loi: Jam at l'ik,· <-. ,unty rwnr l't'l..rshurR, 18,lklO tuns 111 tu th•· plnnt ~it,· hy mil, indurlin,: two Kinnt EASTER AHEADI sembly debates over ,chool bus the end of the current aesslon. ,·111u·rt'l1• hnw 11ln•1uly ,,....11 lkllJrJ•' 1ufferance." •:JHII TYPI of twilled tblllk· TARGET DATE-to . . . I t . . t ·, n 1968 1nd In our new CfrNnwoocl stor­ ,, ~ ,, h lne on baalc lnues," he added, St.art generatln_g e eC rlCI Y Al IYlllYDNI lulows, e "weakens our lailh 111 the le&II• ' ' • , • wh1t a wonderful world of wNrabl11 11ld, "we have been paylne lor latlve competence of aome of for "WN Men"-the "Mt Too" S.t­ our own achooll for • lone tlm• ou'r npreaentatlvea." ~ '" up through ~ Hlth School CN1Wd1 and thu, nvln1 other taxpayen Indiana bu• had "permlaslve" vaat amounta of mon,i,, but we ..chool bu, Je1laliitlon since an not payln1 for any prlvll· JW. The "mandatory" pro­ eees." , ' JIOl&I now In the Ho111e com• ·HOOSIER ENERGY DIVISION L STRAUSS & COMPANY-Downtown-Glendale-Greenwood The lndlua Senate hu mlttee la the third such effort l~lana ~tat,wlde Rural EIKtrlc 'Cooperative, lr,c, paued I bW provldlntl for •P•· In the lut three. biennial 1es­ rochlal achoo! bu,ln1, but the alon, of tbt Gen~ral Assembly .••

I , , l ) ..·

\ THI CiRITIRIQN, r.,ARCH l,' 1f'7 , 1

For the second time In less than a year the U.S. Bishops' Commission. on the Liturgical Apostolate has stated loudly and· clearly that contemporary music, Indeed, has a place In the liturgy. .

We ' hope this will end once and for all the whoops and walls of the misinformed and the•unln(ormed about so-called " jazz J\lasses" and '"lfootenlmny Maues," , . ' \Ve hold no similar ' hope, holiever, .(or, 'dlehards 'Vtntllatlon' not 1d1pt1bl1 to tbt obll,all0nt who ere IIIIIIOUI to bi about our amona the ao-:called Catholic TradlUonallst movl!ment. ihe council h11 pl1ctd before F1thu1,1 t,uainru!. They will go right on belpg against everything conciliar To ihe Editor: I them? It It really "authority" Do yoli' honully believe· all and post-conclllar-all the whlle protesting their loyalty they are reJectln1, or are they these rebtll (both lay ,nil ex• t.o the PoP.e and twisting his pronouncements out of I have read ihe letter eqUUett context to iult their undying resistance to change·. "Nauseated" prlntrd In The ,Imply throwln1 off the ftllen rellaloui) ue ,Imply pamper, Criterion (Jan: rn and Iha aub­ of Sul>fl'lon, rulei, or orden Jnc their taos and ref111ln1 to­ lfquent letten ( Feb. 10) and under which they-c1nnot punue bend their' will• to rl1htful.au• I~ J ts most recent statement the Bishops' Cbmm11: (Ftb, lT) n11rdln1 um,. slon-a subcommittee of the Notional Conference of . the lnooloemml with God'• peo- lhorlty? Pn,dente, 11kt good Catholic Bishops-emphasized, as ll had last April, that While 1n1ly&Jn1 the letten In plr, which l1 10 neff111ry ln ioine, coll br over,(1tdNlotd, tollh quuUon, an arUcle came to order to teach them ( Ood'1 peo- rr di .ndli "lf free from lmproper assoclalJons, the music of anr, mind, ·written by 111,r. Oeot1• pie) an)'lhlni. . rquo V 1a,1 ro111 rt • age cart be accommodated to the service of the llturg)'., ' , - ., Hlqln1, In which, the opinion • Perhapt Instead' of eumlnlna - - of the dlltln,ul1hed Brltl1b Jour. Pjrh1pt my undent1ndlns of the conKltnce• 'of ex-rellalow U1mn1U1t Aand, Purdy, author wlih, Father reference WII• thhe "con11tftntlou1 obJetlon" ind re.,.,~-111 uo, ·t aymen, you to ihe freedom of the CathoUc, 1• helahtened by, 1 •lmllu rel•• mlaht like I Iopa look 11 your preu b cited. llonehlp In our pul1h belween rather ·,mua manner of 11ttafac• Becau1e 'they are ,o 1propo1, I p11tor and l1yman. Our putor tlon with your vow, end w1y of !rel prompted to quote ucerptu 1• 1 aood ' nd plou, men 'l'h0 life end ate ti It hu mea,ured from Father Purdy', new tiook pre11nted the llturatc•I cbanau up to Pope John'• Ideas of 111• :•The Church on tbe Hove," with no mention of the' 1plrlt · alorn,mento. Or are you belna which appeared In Illar, HII• of renewal and community wor- imprudently prudent? 1Ln'1 article. ahlp; only the chlrlt1ble, meek "Th h lthl U acceptance of "orden from Fellow, Chrl1tl1n-Ont of e ea H 1 revo 1u on he1dqu1rten" and the remarks · th p I 0f God must have \1• ncrucen1ea, but thil "thll la how they 11y we e top e , · '-.I------W :...co1111dt.L.de~lll11n_Jg_ 4e1Lmu!I do 11, end DIYtr l1I 11-ba.J>..i.:-Uow man)' people...wJ>,,.11,.ld.,____ _, with, th~ PIHi palilollviry•11td that we llere 11 St. Ana• Christ hiv~ reached had he with• h1nd1omely rven from themar• 1t11la'1 don't do a, we are told" row point of view of creatln1 4 · drawn Into the desert of the rte• better lm11e of the Church." Thu 1ttltude h11 cirrled tory (convent)? " 'throuah to the preaent time · On the freedom of t!Je C1ihollc when we have no music 11 the • , , preu, Father Purdy write, ID tint' Sunday Mau the ande , Presumptuou, ., . P•rt. 11 follow,: "Thia serene achoo! choir 11 ~ond lleu · · · And Father Annibale Bugnlnl, secretary ol the com­ venlllatlon (on the Inner work• (alna alona If you know the To the Editor: mlul~n. went on to explain that he dld not gropose to Ina• of Rome) h11 bten an sons or are lucky rnou&h to find · "close the door .. . on the music which Is now In vogue, acblevemrnt of the Second vau. 11 btf th fl llhl Afler re1dln11 the letter en, provided a certain sacrallzaUon of thol · music tokes can-Council; the aurvlval or1he • ore er n · titled "N1u1eated" printed in place 'first, llfllng It from the merely seclllar sphere to habit wlll be I tut of the en, The third lfua 11 a 1ooc1 old• The Criterion (Jen. 2'7) end the durlnl effect of the councU II f11hloned "Hl1h )Ina" with the subsequent letten entitled "011• th~ which "la· 1plrltuol." will 1110 be much more likely Men•, choir In lull volcr They m1y,rd," "8011,11uet," "Dlaturb­ to ·foreatall I crltla of 1ulhorlly 1ln1 th, Propeniln barbenhop l!!&''.,1nd • "0111 ~lnted" 1l1tereet ,the,,~orld . bu lately leaves th~ uilctu,~lfilid' • N9_qll,Q .knowa another lftln'1 The shalOe of ,it. suddenly taken in, Ler 1!11ln: ,doua~, the llshll, 10 the conare• mmtl111Cf;' no rnan,ahould\pre• ly MSGR, J. D, f ONWAY C1thollc 1upentltl~u1 CCIPper• deemed by Christ, and enjoy when Joum1U1l1 suddenly bt11D cation doan't to alni be- aume to Judse another, but the The fate of several Indiana General Assembly 1111 Q, Whet u1ctly la the border• -:urln1, rellc-weari'na kooks.") the same cllvlne callln1 and dH· to re11rd , ecclul11tlc1 II Ibey cause II la never • familiar sons pmumptuoua end utlq111ted measure, affecting atate mental insUtutlons and mental -·• •·•· • . tiny, the belle ,quality of all h1bltu1lly re11nl film 11111 or and ~7 the time you lrefthrouab thlnlln1 comn Into clear and health still Is unresolved at this wrlUng. · 11... btlw"n ffl.rt.l II"...., profe11lon1l footb1Uer1 1 this l1 1 hymn book (wllal f fl th 1harp fOCIII when 111,ma and ~ommuntullon? Whet la munt 0, If I Pmb,ttrl1n can ,•• must rec· e I v e lncre11lnsty too much for the rqulllbrlum of choir II flnllhedl • arce e failure are 11tubed lo H•rt- But however those bills and the biennial budget by uyl"' that an lnnlldly ma;, cetn Holy ,C,mmvnlon wlthovt 1reater r1co1nlllon. • certain, thouah happily, not 11110111, H•prleall and ex-eeml• rled .,.,. no ''"'" uc,m• tolne to conlenl1t1, why de •w• "True, men are not alike l1r1e number-of ecclealullca." All humble, napecUul,' well• n1rl1na "who write In the Cath- turn out before the lawmakers havp their big final wing­ 111 11 111 ding and go home, they will be grossly Inadequate-this munluted but m1y not r1c1lv1 C1thtl~1 h\n to .. to conlta• from the point of view of vary• "The c1plt1I tenon thel nerda m,nnered civilized efforll lo If>' ollc11 pres, or are, written •bout the 11cram1nll? 1ton? . · Ing phy1lc1l power and the to be 'teamed In Rome la that If proach the putor hive been, In ·" simply becau!e even the most generous proposals con­ ,I diversity of Intellectual and crltlcllm h11 properly HIib• firmly squelched. Some of the Can the Rector-Principal of· a cerning the enormous mental health problem were A. A.mort1I sin 11 1011\ethinS A. A c.oiouc 11 required by ,noral resourcu. Neverlhelua,. tllhed or11n1 It eventually atop, layme11 In our parish w~uld like prlHl•preparatory athool honest• grossly lriad!quote t~ begin with. we, do-or fill lo do-which II l1w ol the Church lo 10 to con, with respect to the fund1ment1l beln1 aenutlonal and bealna •Imply 10 ltl pa1e numbtn of ly expert I aemlnarl1n lo decide aravcly wronc. An excommunl• feulon lltforr recelvln1 Holy rl1ht1 of the person, every type beln1 effective." Enslllh hymna •0 u 10 atand lrrevoc1bly, for or 111lnat the , This ls true of every Assembly that hos ever met. cation h • punl1hment which Communion If he bu been of dJacrlmlnatlon, whether 10• •houlder-tc,.ahoulder with their prlnthood? Hardly. Mental Illness, which strikes• one oul of seven Hoosiers the Church lmpom on 111, for 1~1tyof mort1l aln since his clat or cultural, wheiher bared In concludln1 hh 1rilele, Christian nrl1bbon to wonhlp al one Ume or' another always gets the short end of certain deal1n1ted crlmu. l1 nleulon. on 111 race color, aocl•l con• lh1r., HIHln• 11ld, "Thia 1,uon God by rallln1 their volcn In Those who deelde •&•Inst . It the Uck ~ • dlU n 'lanau~lf or rellsJon I• It aeem, to me m111t 1tro be praise. All reuonable 11tempb deserve our admiration for h•v• s · · When we ban committed Thia l1i"'!ku no exception 10 be• overcome• and eradlc~ted leamrd In lbe • United 11tatea. to 1ccompllsb 1h11 hive met \he Ina tried In the lace of acorn mortal sin we are DOl,.tble, to for non-C1tho • who ml&ht re, ia contrary 10 God'• Intent. For Indeed II would aeem to ·be unreuonable,, unquntlonable, and condemn1tlon. . The lawmakers can afford fal pay ralles and lavish receive Holy Com(llunloh worth• celve Commun n, bec1uae It II In h 11 1 1111 be obvious that the United stat I tot1llllrl1n AUTHORITY of ihe high-backed leather choJrs for themselves. Given onlf lly untll we h•~e repented of II, taken for 1ranted thlt DOD• iret': that ~~:da~entll i:r~ fo~ many reason,, ouiht to' t,te 11me type that II nialdni ao The ;h•rlty of Muara .•~tepb• nd o alight twist of the arm, they can see flt to authorlz 1one to confeulon ind regMed Cethollca wlll not be recelvins son,I rlaht, are not yet belna the lead In lmplementinl the ,nany rell1l0111 and laymen rear ~na, lk Battered 1Llyman • nd and appropriate millions for sp~clal-lnterest 'group , •baolutlo'n. 11 we lnteod 16 keep In the CalhoUc Church. And Yet unlverully honorrd" council'• 1111pb1tlc support of their ualy headl. han w~ pn aeworthy • on repe1t1n1 the ume 1in, we 111,ey are not upUdtly ucluded' . · freedom of ihou•"t and freedom 11rtw1rmln1. In contraat. the fll to d t ti th f h t 8 u t they never can see , o ne- wen e o W a do not truly repent of II. If I fr6m Communion by law. Ex• The CJiurch bH no law for• of ellJ)rea1lon ...w I th ln the ll1ke no mltllke-1 am not Rector•Prlnclpal'1 lick or char• needs, to· be done for this state s disgracefully neglected man , 11d woman ,re llvlns to- cobtmunlcated persona are 11• blddlnl or dllcounllnl Inter• Church ., merely 111Ln1 thh u I chance tty wu !11,nnlly coniplcuow. mentaJ. ln1tltuUons and the q_nfort~ate persons )Nho 1ether without bein1, validly cliultd; and ,In the put 11 wu racial m•rrl•se. . · to air the tact that our p11tor II .. 1 Cor is MS Breth . If Inhabit them. ' , married to uch other we pre• cu1iomary to conalder ,u mem• • "The real of tbe world bu 1 11napproachable. It ~I)' I ,hould · ,pr',k with the ::iue . aume that they Intend to keep on btn of non-Catholic churchu rl1ht to expect lhh of • naUon wed u • concrete eumple. ll of men and of an ell -but do 00 We propose thal the next Governor of Indiana ln his commltUn1 11n to&elher. So 11 'ucommunlc1ted, But tod1y O. In • ,.clftt column lhtre which l11ltlm1tely prldu ltaeU we, wbo have accepted the ob- hive cbarlty I h~ve' become .! ofieninll message to the !16th General Assemb:t;ln they cannot recelye absolution we know that thll II DOI true. w11 • 111111tlen ••keel 1beut a on Ila tradltlon1l devoUon lo the ll11tlona and challen1e1 of the aoundlna br~ or I tlnkllna .. ~. th lok bl 1969d In confu1lon, beca1111 tbey are A peraon II ,xcomm11nlcated ,uter telllnt hie ,..,1. that cause of freedom II one of 'COuncll, m111t be p1tl1nt with mbtl " nv1 te - 1n e unm1 s a e Ianguoge of eman - not truly •repentant. And ,Ince only for I crime; and moat unl•u that •!tended mlulan man•, moat bide needs and one thote who are leu 1depllble to C)' • • • , each and every leglllator to accompany hlm on o long they cannot rq•ke I Sood confu• member, of Protestant church, ""'"' 11111 totk part In pariah of hi, moat 11cred'rlshll," chan1e, should not alab tbe re- concerned Ll)'mln day'a tour of the Central State HosP.ltal id' lndlanapolla ,Ion they, m,1 .not receive Holy u are 1ullty of no crime of 1r11nl11tlen1 ther w,,. net wel- LI luctant one1• be tolerant of, 111 lndJ1a1poU. • before setWng down to the business of ladling out the Communion. But olherwlae they bemy, I feel 1ure that lb, 1,w etm• at lht Cemmunlen rail. . dJ ltJ Concerned ym1n -----;------:..:.:.:______,:_ 1 taxpayers' money. · are· fully member, of the lnt111ded to exclude Protutanll It hi• clllfvMd "'' 11111 mr n anapo • ·, Church. from Communion In the Catbo- femllr wo nc,lve every Sun- 'l d h ts to lie Church, but In fact II doi• d ' Instant credit If thal d oe1n open numerous eyes an ear There are very few 11Ju for not 40 ao expUcltly 'I, •r and man, ""'" en WMlc the desperate need for vasUy. greater sum~ for mental which , peraoa IJ' ucommunl• : illr1, yet - do net participate th health, then the people of Indiana are sending the wrong cated-cut oU from 11111 active I do not ·pow whether lb• In, any church ertanlaatlena ff To e Editor: sort to, the S~tehouae to represent them. · membenblp ID Iba Church. But Presbyterian you refer lo weiit 1"9 111l•sleft earvlcN, With the ,reat outbunt of In former d111 U • C1tbolic to confmlon or not. I doubt It! v- ane- confvMd u, Bank Credit Cerda floodln1 tbe attempted m1rrla11 before • B~t the um• 1uthjlrlt1 which ' Hew , ctftl• Mthlnt w1• .,1.j llldwe1t, coupled with 111111'1 • Protestant rnlnlaler be wu ~- prrmltted her to .receive Com-• alleut the ,a,tw', ,t,teftlant? weuneu for 111cb tblnp, why communicated. '11111 II no munlon could dllpenae lier from'lw11 he wrtnt ff rltht? , don't 0111' bele1,uend puton Sueeess story tonc•r tnae. (I 11J1 Iba word the l1w requtrln1 conleulllh: "cllb In" on lbla pbenom-f :- ~" "attempted" l:bfc111M Cburt11 ·0n Iba other b1nd-tbl1 pmnt.. .~·B• w11 ao ollvioullJ-aad--Tba .puiah tnaat,a CClllld.Jnai. A year or 10 ago we wrote approvingly about a lrllll law bolds tbe ,n1rrt111 of • ,ton could bt ,ranted only lr!omptetely wron1 that l resort• 111D • aervlce deali: In Iba Yelll• • .' program designed to encourage private investments in Catholic Invalid imleaa II II eon• lbere w11 Sood 1uur•11N tliat ad lo Scrlphan quolltloaa rather buta of our cburcbe• ucb eun, apartment 'buJldlngs in all-white nel&hborhoods with the tr1cted before• prlut'and two 1be w11 thoroupty repentant tbu UM b1nh wordl about day 111d 1ecept the wttk'a tlllle specific purpoie of intearaUng them wllneuea: and tbb I•• II •llll •nd properly dlapoaed. .u4 blrn. H• doe• well to encoll1'11• In the lonn of c:ndlt, wblch the ,. · In ellect,) 1pp1reatly car• wu taken lo p1rtlclp1tlon In cburc:b 1ctlvl- brudwlnaer would honor elCb -..._ • obtain that auurance. Uu: but ao putor can nmw month lloq with bll other Repre1entaUve Donald M. Fraaer of Minnesota , • Cbardl la•• •or ucludt people dabta. headed up the lnJllal effort with a plea to citizen• to o. W'-' I NNI Ilia """" from lb• 11cr1men11 accordla, • invest In order to end "the terrible silence of the de- """'""' that are Mllf le reu o. """"'r "'r aunt 11111 1 to JIii whim. Hopeful la)'IIIIJI •"t" in bousln I ftMlr H C11MUt ldlelll hid I ...... 1ft how wNtt • JndlanapoltJ C.... . It. teach chlWrtn to 111111k at 1IL ,.,_ an.t Ne•re , ,.,_ . ~ T1le 'llllatllna .,., Mar I tfrt ahluW hll •lieut' 11ch lfhlr. I o. •• It I •fll fer - te ..... ' Not even an implied promlle of a personal profit "'' hllr7 Mar 1 11r ..._. 1 1lw1y1 felt that the Cllurch .,_ wleli w ,rar .fer •arty.._, Open letttr wu made. The Idea wu to promote open occupancy after each '""" la ..,.11- ..,_ et 111rrl•lff NlwNn ...... _ that te ,attain It - TO th Editor: . bqu,inl on an ldealiltlo free enterprlu bull 1n the hope ""' a a1n, thne '" m11. If 1h11 •• true, - RIIM Ila" 1e -•It Ille • • • 11 that l1icb lnvutmenta could be lhown• to be profllable: · y 111 ' .:....,.., .._ ' · ,_ '"' • P" llllelrate.t an.t • tf -'""' In llll• "• rAA ope11 letter to Patlllr ...... ,.rlne ca ,,_:••r.•r; J!:' 111,ry ....-...... the ... luetlfr Ille....,, l>oran, 111..-. lroli:hap, I Ram · wen, the~••• now II thet more than '2 m1llloa net • :::.:C. ,II -- ~ O::'~ _:..•.::=.= -A. w,· may ltaltlmlltlr ~ ~ ull lllter Alma~. bu been IUblcrlbed by 2.IOO ladlvlduall and lnaUtuUoaa, fnm 111 .W ,.,._ ,,..._ tf ...,,aclll 111,rr11..., 11JUt IUIIII lllll 1111 Pffl!III wbo-would An ,ou no& Oftl'tlmplltJlq tbrN ~t bouHI have been ~eel and lnte- """'• ea,,•r ..._.. liNtl Jt,at lllletr II•••• Prfflllr I :"..J: • martJr would lie tlla litut,>oll? An au ti.. a­ l!'~. In the New ,York City area and a fourth In heat •• 1111 ,- ,_ ,,...... ,_., ea.w- reu "''" llllt be ••• 11,111 ..u,soua nalb' ,ebl11IIIJ qa1mt_ ~ aacl the lnvatment lrult or1aalzat1on bu de- ""'"" 1het..,. - -. atttt t11t ·Chwdl'a ,•.tt1111 • ~11111 .. Soda. u,w,. • ..U-4elemd "rip oa 1111 cl,,li9.d a 1keD& per• lbare dlvldtllct. On the bula .J.. You abould .. the..-..,...... ,, :r..i. tllua be•• ~ , ~ci:;,C..-:u.mui;111ol af• ciarnilit ~ 1 It Intend, ~ ,declare quarterly ~~ IIIYlr pt la the. A. ProbuJ, • till Jate,t lll4 "'••~J tllat ..Jo of Nlf-tariJee 11111 ~ uJ I dlnladl, . · co mOlt r•c111 lllllmllll ol the - JOU - a N1111 tea wt11 Nllldlllld ad . • . , . . Aaollllr nader c.14 .. the Qlnla la 1111a n,ant la IDll4 _,. n •4 to....,, • pear -0. lbteit )"ope 1 '!'bl bmltmat truat now 11 ~ to bUf ~ ~ buda ~ .., L,t Ja~odall•w..'t \ • · .Jtlla .,... \l!s ....., •1111 !laUdlDP, f.a CblcuO, wablnltGii. .~.c., ~ ~1 udlllllltti,ed,a,ilirl,, m11euc:.•e11D)t"llaclall Q.1111 Ill Cdlllle-, c:-- allondtltam,tllallllt•u.t , • sa; Louil. 'lVi•~_.:.1'dllilla' 11 a. 111. • • ·. · • I& a ntloaal f!112!' ...... ~-• ·lwllll~ Nldld '° be ...., · • ' £1 and Life =.u,,.t,-a;.:,:,!8:~tldlD vate Ft-"r:'J:,.._WuJ_~ ":a!::4~-:i;.~=•=~ ~~'=iVilt':::=t .. :.w~~;; .~~·Clitlrcl)~,._ ' • \. ·. ,!II• !-i JIM.,-.... ~· al4 llatt ... rp, ~ 1& . '.' . , _ '- .... I~ , ON._,,. for, SM ,..,,.,._·of,.,_•,, 1 . .. ., ·r I ·..t;

• WHAT. OF THE DAY 'new.' frOntier ·

ly RIV.• JOHN DORAN . sit back In their own Ullle wood• m•a replete with alewardHaet ' land; bulldln11 keep apart In In turn•of•lhe-c:entury bar-room I never lhou1ht lhal, I wpuld selective dlanlty. You cannot costumes and Roliett Service . . be wrltl~& • column on lhe New 110 down any 11reet too lone or poetry. Frontier. (We conaen·allves rou c0me_!11ln lo, the .open· Alulii .hii" the huma o were . 1omewh1I 1llenl on that wlldemeu,and you know lhal of• holdln1 on to the old and bf. 1ubJecl) but here I am. Gover• there 11 plenty of 1p1c~ for all. In& happy to have al hand the nor Romney and Thia II true In Anchorace. which present. The homH are dell&hl• iamt 01y Sttvk t ltfwttft 1n,rlf'leen1, I came to An• Is the buslell town of all Alu• ful; at leul here In Anchor11e, A"4ffltft. Mundt, Ktrtfetd City, • 11.111... "· tM AoMti chorace t h I I ka. What must It be on the but the 1tmo1phere la dellber• w..,., ~eek (on dlf• tundra to the North? ately remlnlacepl. The lalHI Renner's Express, - ferent · planes) • . hotel In town la the Crow'1 Nt1\, Inc, and both of 111 , I like the feel of Alaska. I'm where the modem elevator •--11, ,... ,_..'"" ,....,.. are lookln& over here al the ennual Fur Ren-dez• brlnp you upataln (for lho1e W •t:112 USO I. W11t It. Wr{i~ to I h I 1 "new" vou1 of the .special Centennial wbo wllh to 10) to a bar done fronller, but for· Yeat. The Alukan1 are playlnc up In 11llln1 1hlp captain•• al•• different re•· at the remembrance of the mo1phere. The 1treell from .. c. """"· aona. ' yeara put. mix In& doc iled which the anow and Ice 11 re&• · Fleber & 'Reilly' THE There 11 a racea with • the mo\or-mu1hen ularly scraped are 1qow crusted •. - ! 1p1clou1neu to Aluka that of the lli!ll"moblltf): mixing CU• again for the dor aled racea- or l'UN CHAlHANO- CARD l'AlTY-The aucll•wl1ual .,,_•rtment of C;t,artr.!!!!I Hl h lchNI Insurance Agency,' Inc. would clve a Planned Parent• b1,11c art with \illra•reaJ11llc the Rendezvoua. , • will beMflt ,,.m the llue Card. Party, to be 1lvon Sunday, March S, at 1:,0anci-7!',0 hood second lhoughta. No mat• p1lntln11 of rurel)' 1ourdou1h1 There·• an ecolam In Albka , Ill•• BENEDICTINE_ ter where you look. no matter anowbound on the Yukon. Each which one finds with dellaht In p.m. In the school'• aucllterh/J'l'I• A 1mor111berd wlll IHI 11rnd betwffn 1111lon1 hr thMa where you 10 .there la room.for phue of the centennial was well new territories. The continental attencllnt beth 1111lon1. Shown abeve with Father Robert L. Kitchin, Chartrand prlnclp,1, a,. more. llomea. like the one prepared for by the Alaska Air• United State& are.not Just that, fOl.lr members of the commltlte. From left 1r1: Mn. Warren lurchttt, publlclty1 Mrs. Fran• MONKS where I am llvln& wllh friend,, lines which flew u, here In they are th.e lower forty-elaht. cit G. Sheehan, tlckell1 Mn. Garald 8alant,nt, decoratlons1 and Mrs. Robert Brown, door Thia reminded me of a Texan ,,11... I once know who referred to ------for Information ''Texu and them other forty• IN FUNERAL SERMON Optometrist aeven." The)' remind you that• • ~ about becoml!"g ~ (i Aluka. 1 euper-lrnpoeed • apon• a • , Dr. Leonard Kernel ' 1 a Pi-1 ••, ~ - t map of the United Stales, would D.. ny. . l' I d r. • , • , Dr. Blanche Kernel 1 1 Keallnl :::r t~rot'::e ~e•~•~::~hl~~ r r. .r J au •ca ,e pioneer priest Dr. Paul B. Kernel or Brother 11row1 bluer, better, finer In · Dr. Jules Tinder Aluka than In ''them ~lower • · forty-eleht," and ,nybody. from Father Ralph S. Pfau, Arch• time, but his fortitude and con• have fouaht the cood fight; I Vocation DlrectDr "outside" ouaht to recocnlze 11. dloceun prle!I who devot.ed the vlctlon carried him on. have llnhhed the course; I have • 1111 20 years of bis llfe,1o vlc• "Ills faith never wavered. 11 kepi the faith. For the rut THI HDLY PATHlll1S MIIIIDN AID TD THI DAIINTAL CHURCH Actually • this 1, fuclnailnc tlm1 of alcobollam, wu eulo• wu ,tronl? from the day of hit there Is laid up for me • crown country the newut and I IUP• glzed al hit funeral tut week baptism when Almighty God had of Justice which the Lord. the Contact Lenau Fitted St~ Meinrad II Lant ;o far 11 !' failure, II you haven•t done • Ill te fro tie of II a "pioneer pl-lest" who wu bcstow•d ll, on him and by that Just Judae, will 1lve to me In GOOD poee thc u ma n r " h d f hi u " 11 di d • that day· yet not to me only ' HOU~S: I •. A.M.•S P.M. , WH~ enouah. you 11111 have lime.to make II 100d. Help the· Unlled Stalea. There 11 CF ~a lV) & m~ : · el very bleulng called him to the but also 'to those who· love lilt IT the hungry oversea,. When helplnl'otller• hurts 1omelhln1 wonderfully human e · f1 n wens ro, y .. a puraull of perfection. · coming. And more than this Clo11d Wed. After.,..n1 Archabbey HURTS you, you know you've made • sacrifice. about a land which stretches the aae o 82. .., from here 10 there and which The funeral I er m On wu "He realized that the grealttt none or us can expect, or hope St. Melnrad, lncllana-47m ~~ c heel 1 St J 0 hn•1 Ch h power that he had wu the for.'" C) • hu acai;cel)' adm Ilh:u the P•H• preac n · urc prlutly privilege of offering the •--•--•••••ii Ml S.i5'1 eace 'Of man. before several hundred prJeats, 1 I 1 d . • "HOW CAN I KEEP LENTI'' • ; A moote looklne 11 a railroad ~elallve~ •~t ffl~d• d~y ~•the! i: ~1:;c~!t;i:~e~h!n~~~:sa::s. ...,..,....._..,,_s,11_, ·-' PHILADELPHIA, • Slater theresa Mar~. of the Medical Mlulon track would think: scarcely more amea · . or I Y, rec or O tolate. Ol)cc he had decided to u- · • ' INDIA, Sl1ter1 (Philadelphia), writes from <;helhlpuzfla, of II than he would of I doc• Our Lady of Faljma Retreat launch his total efforts In be• 00Ster BLUE & WHITE SERVICE, INt A CONVENT south India, that only $3,000 will auaranlff • tied trail. A Jel'a vapor trail 1• House. Amon& tho•~ who •I· half of the alcoholic he never MONiJMINT co., INC. new conven.t (with ch11MI) for the 28 Slater• still more evaneacenl In the tended were Bishop. Leo Pursley_ accepted another Mau offerlna...... N.· ..erl~lan w• • .,.. I LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU who stall a 150•bed hospital for the vtllaae sky. Yet man Is here In Al11k1 of Fort Wayne-South Bend, ...... "' • ,. •-.- poor. Every 1111 ($100, $50, $25, $10, $5. $2) and here lo ala)', and his foot., eplacopal moderator of the Na• "IACH ,YEAR he would talk ALWAYS OPINI wUI be welcome, but name the convent for your print shall , step more firmly tlonil Cleru Conference on Al• and preach and teach ~bout a 924-S311 favorite saint In your IOYed ones' mamory If you than • footprint In the snow. coholl1m which Father Pfau pullcular dlfllculty plaguing 1lve the full amount. Sl1ter·Thtresa wtll write And thla 11 1ood. . founded, and several priests the ordinary alcoholic. And then ,Wooldridge Private tb thank ydU. The world wu made for man, auoclated with the movement. after • year he would publish $AVE :._ 24-Hour Service - $AVE In India this week ptlesll and Slaters are from the warm stretches of the FATHIR Moriarty cited two the condensation of hla medlta• FEED 0 Nursing Home w THE sub1l1tln1 on ounces of rice each day so they African veld to the snowy val•• oul1tandln1 vlrtuea which Fa• tlon In one of the Colden Booka. 624 I. 12th St. 6»-ffll ,------. can share what they have with lepers and or• lee• of the Alukan tundra. ther Pfau pouused-fortltude And each year he seemed to - HUNGRY. (State Licensed) phana. $10 win feed • family for aeveral weeks Sult, like Jackals, bark al the and fallh. Portions of the fu• grow In the fact that he had ~ .FUEL OIL. _,.~ at least. $50 will feed five famlllet. $lOO, ten entrance of man to hit domain, neral text follow· rolved this particular d[fflculty m but both 10 on to admll that · · for himself before he tried to .11 •ALSO 50 GALLONS famllles . .•. Only $975 1lv1s • priest • two-acre man waa destined 10 be lord of " Call It couraae If you will, solve , fl for othen. · $ave $1.00 on Every 100 Gallons '111od•I farm' to rain hi• own food and INch , but a number or years •10 when 1 Wm Weber & Sons ~ Tt,e Chelce ef Thrifty P..,'9 W his parishioners how III ralH more food. Arch• the unlvene, and both to w11h , , I rd ' The ways of God and hit , bishop Mar Greaorlos will write to thank you. that he would use hit lordship alcbohollcp WII dirty dwo ' method of purifying 1ometlmea well Fat er rau dared to I entity seems very harsh to us but He ( """''~on· o/ Fin, Jlratr• ~ ~ nd th th Oil-Way ,Inc. . 926-4444 TRAIN • Enable a 1lrl to become • Sister. For 41 ¢ a Aiid I lookln1 now ovct' the himself. A rou1h • years does this to the ones whom He INch ~1~rn\ncllana m .______..... _,. A day ($12.50 a month, $150 • year, $300 alto• new fro~tler, and knowln& that he remained proud lhal be was lo~ea. For the 1111 year· and th nd 10 Breaded Fhh Porlloa1 For SISTER aether) you can pay In full for her two-year I come from the land of the e first prletl lo admit • one•half. Father Pfau'• Ille w11 . Flab Frlta . $AVE - City and County.-$AVE tralnln&, have • Sister 'of your bwn.' tut frontier, say to the seala join wllh Alcoliollca. ~nonymou•.,,, real pur111tory. This w11 not and walnues: "I Join you tusked And 1h1t WII the sprlncbo•r~ a sudden death. He had not TRAIN • Ever wish you could be • prle1t1 ror only tyrant, In H)'lne. 'Ma)' man for an apoalolate. the like of hcen phyalcally well tor some A 21i • day, you can help e poor boy become • make hla best Job here.'" which bad not ,yet been known. tlrpe. But he did not atop !"Ork• " PRIUT priest. His 1lx-y11r tralnlna costa only $600 all ... "He broulhl bla m1u11e of Ina. lie worried that· he inllhl Mon111:11• d O G told ($8.50 • month, $100 • year). dependeace on God lo all men. lel 1ome of hi• friends down. ~ 9D r oossens s-aws: BUILD • ror only'"10,000 lhf• Lent you can build In -41• ,._. "letl.. There were 119 abetlll1 In hi••• llnut God 11 1ood. Then Fa• r A India a complete 'pariah plant' (church, rectory. LlMA. Peru-Church a1enfles ·apoatolate. To those of all faiths ther Ralph Pfau could H)': 'I .... v PARISH •41(,ol, convent), OM.f leaal title l•' ~rc-- •dlatrlbuted more than '80,000- •~ tbo10 o~ f•,~ ~n - "WUQ PAYS YOU 7% ON YOUR MONEY)" NIA• IEAIT WWAlll AIIOCIATICNI when you make In ~ood and clolblnl lo the \lie:- ID women • e - pre a d Ul-rlullep -..,- ,:---1,.~_f.~ '. L • • :· • • wtll. tlma of the noodl and landlllde1 and taus)lt In season and out of .,... · ~ - t . that hit tbla country ae11011-III iml audlenm~and WASHRINQ:r0N - A work• AND HE ANSWERS• T!LL O The" are at INlt 40 mllllon Catholla In the • 111 the Individual. He truly wu 1h'op on "The Church In Metrop- ' ' YOUR U.S.A. alone. If each P"' 1(¥ on the 40 daya one who practiced ecumenism oils-the Plannlaa Dlmenalon" fllll!NDI of Lant (only $4 per Catholic) the Holy rather TIie Critenon· before Vatican 11 bad defined 11&1 been scheduled al the Cath• '"-'-WE DO '· !)!) could 1lve $16 mUllon to the poor, tum the II. Ha auffered much crlllcl1m •ollc Unlvenlty of America here ! world ul)llde down with ,oc,clnesal because be • 11 ahead of bla from June 12 10 23 THE _.ioclETY FOR THE ,PROPAGATION OF TH& FAITH PAYS AS HIGH ____ !,______OffldGJNNlflllPffofllN . AS 7:1% INTEREST ON GIFT .ANNUITIES BASED ON THE AGtOF THE • "'Ca" Arcluflom, of l1Ullc111opoli, GIVER. OUR INTEREST RATES START AT 4% AT AGE 51 ANp INCREASE Deer INClOllO PLIAII PIND $----'----- L '•23 MonslporNolan: 1a.,:U=.!J-.·o· t;.174 . 1~ w. wash. .. st. ME. 2-9352 EACH YEAR THEREAFTER u~ TO 7.1%. ' PfelH IIAllrL-______.;...;.;;;... ___ _ Use The Form. Below And Mall It T~•Y ' \f! return COUIX!fl Dear Ooo111n1, -~ STMff•------"-- Please Hncl me more Information about the GIFT ANNUITY Contract • w:m= .4\.~ ==~=­ CllY,-----ITAR--Zll'~ ...._., .... which a1111r111111 • good Income for life. IA• T WILPA• I . A• aDDIATlD• Editor, BL Be•. BaJIIIOlld T. USHIR. Name ... , ••.••.•• : ••••••••...••• ,\ ••..•••...•.•••.' ••.. . •••., ••••• •.•••••••••••• , Boaleri Aaaoclala 11:dlto r, .Jolm u. Aekelmlre• IIIIUII• Addra11 ...... : ······ ...... 1111 Editor, Fred W. l'rlei; NEAAEABT News Edlllllr,. Paul o. ra; City . .. : ...... : ...... : ...... State...... Zip ...... Ach-ertlalDI •aupr, ,1,.., Funeral Home, Inc. MIBSICINB T. Brady. ' , HOM• AND RIANCtl~ ~ Pnetdent Prlcetule ...r, Ai.a C. Uaher Wm. A. Ulhar JIIIQ!t.. .lOHN .. ~ NatlDnll llecnta,y CA'FBOI.I~ ...... WfM: CATIICILICI NIAii EMT WWAM ~ ,Lad...... WNlr Ill DNHllllr. IIO w.ctllOII Avenut'NN'YOftl, N.Y. 10017 ~·-­ ;ran1c ...... T....,_.a1J/YIIIIM,Ml4Q · .. ~ ...... II THE CR!TIRION, MARCH 3, 1ff7 __ ..______----~-·------...;___ __ . -Clar kSville- team, c_~_pt~res. crown . ') . . . HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL IIIIUlfflntlllllfflHIIHIUIHIUIIIIDllllllllllllllllllllltl Brookville loses Mirian Award Archbishop Schull.• wlli pre• uni the Marian Award to by 54 to 46 count., .Archdiocesan teams young l1dl11 .of the Archdle­ c111 at 4 p.m. Sunday, March lf, In Sacred H11rt Church, An excelltnl baskelball 1,am rrh\n SI. Anthony•s parish. 15J0 Union St., lndl1n1poll1. Clarksl'llle. won Its first Archdloceun Cadrt Basketball Tourna• Application, must bo aubml!• m,nt 1111 Sunday at SrMlna b)' de/rating another excellent ron• bombed in sectional ltd to .,.the CYO Ofllce b-, trnder. SI. lllrhael's. of Brook\'llle. Final srore wu 52·46. ' By ~AJOR ICHNIIDIRI reboupdln1 and helaht wu Ju.st Thursday, March 1', Duplte an early 15•~ liut quarter lead by the Clarkl\'llle too· m1,1ch.- The eventual winner lllllllllllllllHIUIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIINlmnt!lllllllilllnl ,qua d. a nine-point spread Jll .tht ball. Brook,·llle made • lrt• Archdloceun hl1h achoola did and hos\ Southport muucred mindous come-bark to nearly rose the .gap (37•30 at the three• not late well In lut week'r cathedra'I. 9(1•0. R~nner•UP De• quarier mark. The soulheuttrn Indiana boys lied the 1ar11e i n IIISAA aectlonal competition utur Central deleated Kenned)'. with only two tea~• wlnnln1 66-41. Only Randy Stahley, or the ·11rst · minute of lhe final stanu.' aeMawlng until the ltlt their openln11 111mu - Sceclna Chartrand, w1i named for per• , two mlnulu of play when Clarkl\'llle pulled away for, the win• llemorlal or Jndhn1poll1 and aonal recoanltlon. nln& mara jn. . Sehulle or Terre Haute. Both In· lhe opinion of neutral obser..eu, the malch represented were eilmln1tea~1n 'the ,econd AT tilNKLI, lint year RIiier top-noirh bukelball uvvy b)' gride school ):ouths. round or play. lound out about Allucka and Rlrk lhrtln and Dennis Kruer comblnrd for 36 of Clarks• Catholic 1~am,· 1n other parts tournament ·play and 1011 114•37. ,·111e·1 10111 points. wllh Rick accounting for the game•hl&h honors or the ,tale rared I'll> belier: nol II mlaht be noted 11 this time. of 20 poln11. Handy Lanning topped Brook,·me·s line efforts with a &Jnale catholic school wu that RIiier won more games In IS polnu. close!)• followed b>• George Glllman's 17 polnti. • •• able to come through wllh I their first year than any other r aecUonal title. .Thia contrast• new Marlon County school !or Trophles•were awarded by Father John Elford. Archdiocesan th 17 CYQ Dlrwor. , with 11166, when two Catholic e pu t years. tum, - Ennavllle ·Memorial In the Coliseum acctlonal War• and Decalur Catholic - · won ren Central wu too much for a ARCHDIOCESAN JUNIOR CHAMPIONS-This Is Our Ledy of L111rd11 Junlor•S.nlor b11k1h their respective rectlonala. yo1:n11 Chatard· tum and over• J h J di II A hdl powered them 55•41. Sceclna ball tum, whlch swept to· the championship of !ht "" CYO Junior Archdloceun Tournament n 1 ·• n anapo I re O· walked by Deal School. 66-63, In Three teams. share 11 Scoclna Hlgt,. School on February It. The l11t:ld1rs uput defending champion St. 'Rita In cese. many Calhollc teams lost • barn burner only lo co'me back the 11111 Jtmt. I0 ..70, tfltr heldlni • 37.U h1lltlm1 lud. The big win climaxed I perfect CYO by top.heavy scores. and get cul down by runner•UP 111un for Lourd11, Including • Division F111r !)tit In nguler tHson play end tho champion• At Soulhporl, Wood crushed Lawrence Central. 86-63. ship of the lndltnipoll1 O11norl11' Junlor•S1n!or "A"i' Tournament, plu, two vlctorl11 at Chartrand'• title hopes by de• At Zionsville, the host team 011~ low-cost table tennis honors Cl1rk1vlll1 on th.- opening day of the Archdlte111n con: 1tltlon. The ~llghtiy wilted gentleman featln1 the Rama 11•59. Wood's 1urprlred Brebeul and shallertd The Lltln School took Oj'f MII second place with 147, while St, In tht whltt shlrt· (lecehd row, mlddlt) Is Coach l!d RNnler, who gulCMd the squad through . . lhelr aectlonal hopes by the Tenants honors 10 win the Junior CYO ~llchael's ended In third with Its ptrftct cimpelgn. Standing at tho right Is Our Lady of i.ourclts' CYO Prlttt Med.,ator, score ol 65·60. Erl~ 11111. ol Dre• Table Tennis Tournament last 136 polnls. Fat r-Ke'Mtth ltcherf. \ beul. was named lo ihe all• Insurance Sunday at Ullle Flower parish, Double winners Included: Tom­ ·cyo Cadet sectional. du plte the fact that other par• Scanlon. Lalin School, ya• Polley protects lsh.CYO units eaptured the tum Singles and Bo>:•• Dou !es; IN TERRI! HAUTE, Schulle tltlu . There were more than Larry Wagner, Lalin Sc I, defeated Ro1ed1le, 65·58, only 900 entriu In the popular cnnt. Boys· Single• and Boys' D • Science Fair to be delcated by eventual win• aKalnst property hies; Susie Klpley, St. Mic net Terre Haute Garfield, 74•67. St. lllchael's retained the Al Madlrqn. Shawe Memorial Junlor•Scnlor ltam litlc wllh a aeJ·s, Girls' Singles and Girls and llablllty, Double1; tnd Cathy J.leunl , bowed to layored Madison High tolil ol "f13 poTnts lo the Lalin School, 86-65. - - School's 81 points. Freshman• Llllle Flower. Girls' Sinai 1, ~his S~day hazards. Call ' Mixed Doubles. In Jefferaon,•llle, Clarksville Sophomore dMslon honors "'cnt ForlY•two Archdloceun par• Providence was del'eated by lo St. Calherlne's. with 87 Following a r e for rates . scores: lsh schools will participate In Jelleuonvllfo. 51-43, In a slow• points. while the Lalin School the Archdloceun CYO Cadet down aame. . , accumulated 87 points. ''"~.... .; ... ~. 11,1,i.. f Science Fair, scheduled Sunday, All In all, It was • do1r;n year and Information. By placing second In both . r.·.r:.~'~!~ 'oU:';',,k\t~::"·k~t ~~J;, )larch 5, ,at Little Flower p~rlsh for Archdloceun teams, but • 21 22 "' tum t1·en11 the Latin School ~1!i.• i~!i~~•ll(t1h1 Mtvnltr, Lllile 1Ymn11lum. A total ol 50· Judge1 year .lhat showed an abundance GRAIN OWERS. amassed lop honors wllh 178 flo•tr, dthtltd h M J ~.,, SI, Mtt• will review the exhlblla to dF ol lndh-ldual i •lent · and many lhtw, 21-12, 21-11, points. St: · Cllherlne:s look Im'. Ot•\ltti lom Sunlon,Sttvt 011,w, termlne champions. • young team1 that promhe a h lln khNI, dtfuttd l orn 01Ht"lln9.01.. t,\UTUAL AGENCY, INC. C.11, \ftjn k-hotl, 21 ,15, 21-14, JI.JJ, • Nearly 500 ~ntrlu are •~peel• belier future. 21•17• ed In the fair'• two main dlvl• , umoNAL auum ..,...... Mff, Lind• 11,,,,,,.,.,., ... 1 Wint , Sf. l 0 Sc""""ffhtr, SI, ( 1 tht1lftt , dtlutt411 Mlb parlsh•level science fain wlh m c,N• el,, 0 111 1,,..., 11 Pnone9U•24H flH l• ood•Mt\lUtl\ '4.ltlay In the•tournamenl. In the alter• nventh-elchth araile titles. IIE2-8488 ST 7•7211 noon temlllnala Christ the Kina The younger glrla · lost two t~urnamenl topped St. Alonlc1'1 51-28 while games to • 'atubbom team from ...... 11· .. 0, .. in SI. Plus X •overturned• Little St. John's, Starlight, before tak• 1111 . ii ·- After poallnf lhelr moil sue• Flower ZG·ll. Ina the best lhree•oul•ol•fh-e -a . .., ,erlea. "ce11ful seuon record to ,date, lhe Marian Colle1e Knl aht1 will The Sportsmanship Plaque The seventh and elahth grad•' mtel Indiana Tech tonight In wu awarded '? Bill Lynch, or era also had their hand, full their lint po1t•se110n 11n1e In Cbrial tbe Kina• squad. with Holy Trinity, New Albany, history. Tl\e teams will meet al bdore 1e1tlinc down In the final the Concordia Colie1e 1Ym roi three sames to grab the 11tle. • poll In the NAIA District Pi Olllcen of the CYO Glrl1' p)ayol(s. Activities Board presented the The wlMt r\ or the Marian• trophlu for both leaaue and _.,UllfWOUlflAU ,_,, ,,• . 11 tournament play. Indiana Teeb 11me will meet u with many splrltull remembrances In the preyen and Masses Hanover Colle1e Monday eve• ..." ..... s,. ''L~ .., . ,,. INfl ., of our s.y.o. Catholic MJulonarlts throughout~ world. nlna 11 t~ lndlana Cenlnl gym t.:!...!~i!~; :;, :,~i: '1lt ~ •t,1:f,t; In the District p)ayolla. Olhera .,dtt. . St , Mk l\,t l tt.,ftf,1, Oriti t~ 1.1111, compelln1 are Trl•St1te and the tltlalN 11 Hol, lolrll oltl. SI. 11- GOOD SHEPHERD . Inv.., :your money tlarovglt our host team. lndl101 Central. IM, l f.11 Lllllt ,.._., CHt, L11Jrffl I S-ID, The Marian Knl1h1t, under IM1 Mtlr S.lrh ,a,, St, U•rfftC t 15-7, IJIFE INCOME MISSION CONTRAC1i Coach Cleon Reynolds, posted a ,.. ~~I.A!:; :~" .~•,.~:it:'':7. ·::::..~ SISTERS . l• U , LO.IS. IM1 11. M4A. ,,.. (A GIPT ANNUITY) 111-8 record durln1 the 1866-6'7 ...., tlw-,, ,,., n . aea10n. One of Marian•, lllrt• lltillN 11 St, ThofN.t fff, Cfttlit -the In 5Hrch of the ONE en, Larry Brodnlk, wu named • Substantlal :rax Benefits. ·~ ''"''"l' SI. " "'" " .,. Hol11 , Ttl•lli Throuabout lb, whole world, tbe 1po1tol1ta for &eeond team honors on· the /,!;(.,lt'l..:..!.'i!:', ..Ht~ 'f!:... · Ml- • High returns. depend upon your age - cHedcs are All•Dlatrlct squad...... • • ,,. l'Nil, lc,':f" 1s-s. 7.11, o{ tbe Slater of tbe Good Sbepberd la di• ,, IS-101 It. Merk ,-f, It. ltrMN.I IS.7, reeled toward te~J111e 11r11 whilN problem, malled M1Y !!!e!!!n for life. lt'ib.•:s:t ,";::!.~."~•~·"'"'.. 1:1-11, are too bl& for them to' handle alone. Tell Chy slates ., ..... tt ff'Wtr. •••• H ' • Ywr good deed wll! 1111st needy ~ fo the Priesthood. " I" Ill- 11 11. JM• ti Ale lltf. Clvlll Lovt and a P.9'! btpnnln{'ln a wholeaome . . ::,r~/Z.!''ll'. ::i4~... , . ,,. Ml- environment help eacb 1lrl achieve a fffl• KC spelling h~ - •I• JI. lll• "1. Lllllf ,,.._ Iii& of peraonal worth which· enablu her to ...... ,-111 ...... , -- ltT&, 1tf.1 i:o~,.:,~~i,.1 1::1: lac, tbe cb1Uea1e of community Uvln1. ------TELL CITY, lnd.-Tbe annual IH. =: · ·1pellln1 bet sponsored by tbe ...- . , St '"'" oltf. II. ..,_ YOUTH­ Name------·_:, Knlaht• or Columbus, Blabop :."~• .~~ 1 lU: si. ..,_~,,:oi ·.J:i '=: ------~Per mo,e lnflrffl1tlon write tot "• • l tbe world'a moat nluablt naourc• AdcfrM,.i...------C111ruand Council No. 1172, .. ~ ''"'· MS, IW1 litlr c,.., and It beat hope for tbe future." • adltdui.d Monday Dlaht, Mareb .,.. VOCATION DIHCTHII J. p. Kllllltd)' Clly-.------I, 11 the K of C home...... _.. 1, 1,'.''i!..••., ,.1, •11• S7S Herth '°" llHtl All ar1d1 acbool clUldrell •.,,.. ,.,, ,,. ,_ ,.,,~, J:'.:.l Cincinnati, Ohl9 4Dl6 A llator mar tll•Cl•u.. 1111 11 wlloH Plfflllt 11'1 m,mbtrt ciC ::11, ~~•,i,:•f1 0~ • • lecl=-k,., tbt Knlahll of •eotumb111' or 11t1o1oo 1 , .... "~• 11, 11t, ,.,, Nam• ...... Ase .... . o,... ,.•• ,.,.. Dauahtera of JubeU1 art cor- Ntlr ""'~ ••• l!:'" -• .,, 11. Addrt11 ...... : .. T•a....,, ~I Educ1tloo In tbe 1ni dlaU, lnYllld. A 1pecl1l pr!M io-.i:::i:. 1,'s~,.,11/~,•~ ~~ of tbe •1110tloa1U, dlaturW wlolu­ for tbt wlnnlr In each 1racW ~• 11. •,, ,,1ct w, s,. eot.': ~i State ...... /. ~p...... te!!l. ' will be awarded. N: t:-O.A °'r.,~ " °' • • t r , •' V ;. • ' y' ,Mt,UV. • FAMILY ChiNlfr . " . ·Week, In Lii~rMY· .Son ·. p,ref ers reading . ' . . to spoiits:.activitieS

Bloomington · Campus Beauty Salon

Charlestown BOTTORF F'S PHARMACY Bedford Ytur Pre1crlptlM1 Sitra Pay 'n Paklt Phtnt: AL 6'.2111 IGA Mu~et Brazil Quality Mut1-lttr A #Int Free Dell1·ery-Optn• Sun . Clarksville 0 mo 5th St, Ill S-l121 Sa11 ll Wl1h FLOWERS & from The Stanger Bill Lou's Br11II GrHnhouses ~ackage Liquors. Co...... , ... , ·--11• ... 1..1o, ...... UN, Walnut Mtn and Yaun, l,\,n'• BRAZIL, IND, CLOTHING and SHOIS 114 W. N1l'I An, l'h. 2607' K-MARJ PLAZA mOpen 24 l,lours, 7 D1y1 Clarknlllt 0 llll, 17th St, l'rtt DtUwtry WHS-IOM

For Complete Building Smith's Discount Material NHd1 SH ... New Albany Dept. Store Powell-Stephenson Low Dllc~un1 Prlcu on Lumber . • t'irst •·••cll'rill Sm imis Clol~ln11 for- E,lirt Famll11I lnJ 'sa. '7th St, ~ ~ \,"- I• ~ I :, I• I I \ 0 Ct I •, 0 • ... IOl W1buh Av,I ffl,1424 ______.; ;'.,z~; ·11; ·'· .. Maka lniuranca "Strvin11 Ttrrt 1/aule Over , ...... 40 Ytan" B~ylng Funl . • Wllattnt you, nt ..-lductlltn. Mor1111•, 1,11,..,t111, IN Y"" MIA Greenwood ' ·. Attflt • lz h 0 aa a an MAX RUS'SELL Commisky's a Lumbt; l'UNIRAL HOMI 2ff ~ KELLY •i.... ti H" kl, ffl-UII ' , Corner Drug Store • Mlllwtrk CHEVROLET II Inc. Grttnwoed, Ind. TU 1"371 "Free Cit11 Widt Dtllutrv," !5th I Shelby St, WH.4-44S7 ~ "'¼ TESJ CAP~S u • \ BERK<:>Wl~Z 2~ S, M1dl10n 111-3Sll "j . • Fine LHther Gciod1 .1 PATRONIZE THE I UHCH- 2n. c11,,1n11u u .. • FloOr Cover1~9s Luaa•ie - Handba11 AOVERTISERS l!OYDI lllDII IUHCH -•~:!;'".!ii=-;...., Fine Gill• 2t Southland $hoppln9 Canter m W1b11h Avt, 2l2-4U7 m.u21 Brownsburg LIit With HomHtHd CULLIGAN .. BROWNSBURG KRAFT We han Iha But FISH For Complete Service Water t:ondltlonlng HARDWARE AND .• FUNERAL HOME ,.... •;:.:-c.:~• ...... I All You Dt It I ll" 1114 Dttd- MonHI Deckard APPLIANCE CO. ' • •llr DIAlltt IIMt-Com,lltt (a.,rr Ovt Wt Do lht lnl, 711 I , SPRING Slntt 1156 NIW ALBANY, IND, BRAMBLE BUSH HOMESTEAD MANOR Franklin HSTAURANT REALTY CO. 1,-..i, c.are,e1 .' 2006' Wabuh us:1224 II UI\, te Mldfll,tit, Mon. thru kt. franklin Bank m Lecull · Tarr• Haut, AND TRUST COMPANY Patronize T\'•Radlo Scrvlre Jeffersonville Helen Williams r.o. ao1 ., DiU,E'S TV Actvertlllng Hrvlce and Shoes Franklln, Incl. 46U1 11 I . Mel• . lnw• 11Mr1 Oar ltp, J, All M, ~.. ' Mocl,h rv ~AVE TIME SAFELY t WI . coveraga In th• 711 IIVIIWI IT, ltdlo1, PhcnN, Ctlor TV /"Al•• )New Alb! nY • Jeffer10n- Quality Brand Shoes at • Advertisers WHht t~!,!IV' UKhl, llnftl • I BU I 3 6688 viii• arH 11 handled by Savings of JO to 60o/, SALI S t nO SllVIC( Dla t er • Bobby Jon11, of J1ffar• '""·i!:-~:LA.f!" 1·,1;.M. Martinsville QALL 152,2176 TODAY 1onvllle. Call BU 2-3169. 1100 TAXI, Inc. 1 Your Haw Mortin County IU W, Cturt Avt.' The Clark Count1 Quellty US~D CARS Phelps D,rug Store CHRYSLIR , PLYMOUTH At Low Prlcea D11}tr Madison Jtfftrsonvllit, Ind. State Bank DON TROUT . No. Side of Square ARTESIAN Ovtr 311 Yun Coqllauo?. .,...... tn.4 ...... "Your Prt1crlp1lon Slort" MOTORS, .INC. Service ' ~wmc Auto Sale\· Complelt S11lt1 and Service HARPER'S Lichlyter '41 '""" " · Eldred Van & 1'30-1"6 W1b11h An, - DI 2-3321 ' JlO I, 0 Mor91n i42-&174 Tai, DM111 REXALL Building Supply Storage Co., Inc. Compltlt Bulldln9 S1,ppl111 Jeffersonwille 547 N. Uth St. . 2l2.ffl6 DRUG STORE Con1raclln11 Compc1n11 PFEIFER I, Main St, W •SS31 102t W. Jaconcl Ph, US-WI ••• tOCAl • lONG•OlSTAHCI Shelbyville OVHSfAS • STOU.GI ·Distributing Co., Inc. Clarkswille FASHION ==-== Dillrib1dor1 of Harold Ash Dodge CLEANERS CHAMPION Budweiser, Mlchelob, ~~~-.-Unit.cl V•n Lin•• Sales For Better Dryclranilla -Fuel Olis---' Bl~tz, Falla City Beer• A• c•oay'a ... Complelt Sale, 11nd Service Usa Our Coln Laundry TRI-POINT OIL CO. sc. Old Crown Ale • Third Ordtr, St. Francia mHII March 12, m I, Bre1dw1j JH-2141 Ph, 27:J·212S Hwy. 7 l'h. W-2021 M1dl1an, 11111, 1024 C,a_..,d , Sc, Aaiut1• e'1 • • • l'ntrllt Game, Sunday lvanlnt, Tippecanoe saen:. Bean •. . . ' Hahn Shoes Breedlove's Tell City C1n9ratulalion1 It St. Anlhtny'1 l11ktlb1II Tum, :,rlnntrs tf CYO Ch1mpionlhlp, INC, MIN Stationers BOYS WIAR " Folb Tnill l/,­ w,11, ·'"'\,~';,l:.'J~U c.,r ,1 TELL CIT¥ Prevlde• ee • • • ' 2t I. Wat"lntten The Eger Studio "Ollnr and Th, B1y1" wlll be prtllnltd .. PEPSI U• U Me,._, Clllter -.. 1111,, Olflca lenii., • • NATIONAL BANK Mtrch Jl,Aprll 2, • Dewnt.wn Shelbyvlll1. m I , H1rrl11n ffl-3451 MPortral11 - Wtddin111" P!}f]RS "DrJve,ln Banld"9 S.nlc1" ,..... --·L•"~ "I'= •llhtol ...... Ta --- 717 Main St. l'RH PARKING t:r.,.r:.."f'.J."...7.r- IU - at Ital 1w1 - Phene Kl 7447' ITON Huesm1n's G1r1ge NEWI NEWI NEWI FISCHER'S 1 OINilJAL AUTO , Fealurlna Kerpel - Repela dirt, 1talill, raill, wrlnlilu. Western Auto l'umltvre incl Appll1nce1 W• P.ay e •• 4/2% •a e Patronu~ Hl'AIRINO , MFrl{lldalre and Ha11tG11 , , , On All CtrtlRu'" tf ~ , , , Associate Store Dlltribulor'" , , , A C-,ltfe 11...... Sanl..... Our IXl-4211 Koretizing qeaners . Bel1lre lhepplnl Canter "Evff!IIAlng for 1111 Aulo" '10 Main St, Kl 7°M . ''A Cltllln 11 NNr Yw' Adr,erllae~ uawa1oaa11 Tell City end c-11en Hoosier Plumbing ·' I LOCATIONS1 Pabst Blue Ribbon - Patronize . •vn, va1111 c,.,,,,. Patronize • Dlwateu: a,,-. It.• ,. ' HHtlng c~. Ceallr • •Y...... 'Carling Blick Libel W~,r S,IUIIII Our Our · • D1uby'1 •Dept. Store • Clartinllle • ,Pl11111billg lsutGUailou DI...... , Adr,erliaen ._ I a1ec111 Off M•~ Advertisers ...... ,P.DIC T• D BROWN - PRl~IJJM IALII, INC. 1• I, Jacu. IX 24'1' In Tel,I CltT ,, · . . • ',• ~....- W..at !'For the 'engaoecl Rlehm~nd gr~up : INDWW>ola-'!Jllu,loliil ~ ;:.. 1..1_ , , TILL ~1TY,.'1M.-A11, - . ~~nounces theme ..~. 1,.u__ v~w~:!)~ ,,...... ~ ~r-ua~ce ... •at ~ -- llli1i ...... 0 ' thltYMr•nur...it.retlttw f aJCIDIONP, IJlcl.-Jnie .... :..~ ...... ,. .. Pn-(i"' c- or essay contest, r~ -~~i..u ~ ,._.. ,t,...t, Ill 11111M at • • ' ucl Dab,irtln of IL Petra Tbe ·~~~'lrill~ wD1 their aalde 1! It, Paul lcMel, The cenftr.' TEJUlE HAUTE, lnd,-''Wlllt llol4 Ulh ,11111111I dbl- ~ .._.,...,_t, to IMNlance 1111 81furda,:, Mardi be ea1i1ttt4 'htlMr I~ -" ,,. tehMuletl ..ch hn- Do You Think CID Be Dou to 11, at tlie YIIL '. ' bid, tlly Mltlt &..nt, Dtt1ll1,1111y Better Fotlfl' RellllOIII Voca­ CU.."\tf. lle eltt11M11 ff'NI: the .l'MMl'Y• Uona" II the theme. of tbe u, ,l'tltlYIU11 wlh btsln wttb ' I '• nual Vocation Euay CoDtllt ;dluer to~ by • llpfflal 1ponaored by th• Serra ctuli Ill pro,ram and. duclDS. 11dlata \ IN •1'allabl1' from all offleen Elected to head Terre Haute. ,ud commltttt m1111ben. · • The competlUOI! ii OplD to all Offlcera are John M'c)lahlll, ~. · pupill ID the tllhth ,rade Ill prt1ldtJ1t1 P1trlclt J1mt1 Billa, Jack D,unhe IU Newman unit public and parochial acbooll la ' YIC1•prt1ldtnt; .John, F o le 1, Chevrolet-Okflmoblle,• Terre Haute, Clinton end Brull. tre11~er1 Mra. Jamea I. Ka71, BLOOMINGTON, lnd.-John Sepu1te dJyilloDI bave beo Mertlary. ' Inc, . ettlblllbed for bllh acbool sw­ ,__, - 1Mt 'c..,, ...... Murray, cradu1te student frcm dtnta and ,tudenta of lndlua • Committee member• Include tt.,,- 11 tl>I ;u Clltfflltll , Penfield, N.Y., hu betn elected State Unlvtnlty, Rote Polytedt­ r, and Kn., Jam11· Brillle1, TlptM end Carter ltrlffl , Jam11 L Maya, Mra, John Mc• ltymevr • m,Ult pmldent of the Indiana UDlver• Dlo IDltltutt and St. M1r,,,of,lhl- Mahan, Mra. John' Foley and 11ty Newman Foundation here. Wqodt Coll111. . JlrJ. P. •Jam·•• ZIila. Other new · olflctt. Include: Accordlns to Richard Blll"DI, contat chairman. · wlnnen la Seymour.,Phannarv · ~eymou,·Audion Donald Parrct, of fort Wayne, each dlvlllon wUI be awarded' · · , •r New •nd Used Furniture vice president; Linda Stewart, Individual prizes whllt the win­ · Thompson's Pn1crtption., Slelt Room ' Bought •nd Sold of Ev1navllle, aecretary; Chrlv nlns achooll and , lnatllutlOIII Ou•llty Checked Supplle1, Convalescent Aldi, . , o.o,roollr MO. 1111 a topher NotUnaham, of Muncie, wlll receive plaque,. ICE CRUM . P,1aletlc1, SWldrltl • 1111 Ivery ,,ia •., Nltht' treuurer; Mar,, ·Jane 1')'11111, of· Elahth ,rade 1tudenta wUI be flll JAUINO - ftll DUIYHT __ J P,M, nt.nN ~-.1, Ml • . ._ 11¥ '- aw,n Ill I. -~ Mllfoi;d, Conn., director of aer• limited to DOO word,, while bJc1a rr.a• eu vice,; Mar,, Jo Howser,. of Val• school 1tudent1 have • 1,000. ------par1llo, director of aoclal ac• word limitation. Colle111 1tu• Check Wlth U1 l'w tlvltlet; Charin Kelley, of ctenta may develop the tbenw llloor Cov,rlng .Spec:l1ll1ti Porter Paints Alucn, 0., director of rell1lo111 Into 1,500-word len,th. Milroy c.n Ui ,., ran ru.,,.,n, activities; and Gree Bruno, of · · Jones Paint : . .Fort Wayne, publlclt! dlr~tor. Cathedrai Band M91nllff ArclMllece11n Juni:-r H'9II lchNI llell1t.n T11chtra A11ecl1tl-.i '"'' ,.cently te .••, . · P. & T. Furniture CONTIUtUTOll their,,..,.'",.,. tht ,..,,,1n1ne 1ct..l yHr. 11,,., DHld Marll', S.P.. 111ted rl"'9,••H •lfct• Murphy & Bumi & Wallpaper Store · h I l d ed ch11rm4n M tht lreuit, ....._ mtmllenhlp 11 1P1f1 tt lunlerhlth ictio.f-nlltlen te•"'-" and Can,et W 11'.'"'" Funer,1 Home ...... , ,...,... 1111Nl•ca:i=-= • :: ;: = 0n0rS S 8 C , and C4!nfr1temlty ef Chrl1tl1i, 0.Ctlne (CCD) lntlructtn ef ""I,,.. 1i-ou,':--Olher 1111,nlien 1'1t ...... - .... - _.. - ,_ 1111 •f the cemmlttH lncllMle: Mra, l'leyd Ch1mNrlln, Mltecl left, ef It, a,ch'a lchMIJ llater Mary "- o.,...... = .:·,_~tt=-,- - INDIANAPOLIS-The annual •' ~•'let, C.l,J,. 1f It', bch'11 MIii lnerrr l',.111, ef It, Mlnlu'1 lchMIJ llnd 111hr M Kith• Aw1rd1 Nl&ht of the Cathedral I O I I'' .t It L lcL-1 II ~ D Id M I ~,J..,. s· 11 • ...... ,' (I ff ..... Complete Lint of MIii II/IA u•tNGII Sott,n..,. HI h ' School Band will be h Id 1tn, • • ·• • 1wrenc1 .,.. • •••' av tr • ...... , at t, '""' • _,_, 11 Uf.m4 -· -.MIINY, Ind. NOLTINGS I.G.A. Ml!NS' WEAR MU. CAIHIIIN( wll...... m. I . e ,,,... , 0,,. I 11. 1-6 Dort • wn, MU. IOll~I CIOU(M, -- at l.p.m. Mondi)', March 1, ID _,:__...:.:____ -::---=-::-·---=----....:.. · ''-- ---:,:;;;;;.;;;;;;______~~5555$5$5:=: v.. , "- tht school auditorium. EllhlY· ~ , ='~ °"'"'" ;;;;;.--=-----;;;:; two bandsmen wW recdve let• W d h dul L• t ' Open 24 Houn I Day Rich'irts Men's' ter award,, preaeated by Broth• 00 8 SC e es .,. . } urgy T Daya ·a Week er Eusene Wel11nbtr1er, C.S.C., , Rushville Shop 200 E. Tipton 522-ffl7 IAtlodl.,., ' band director llie PIil 17 )'tars 'miracle plav,' (c;onttnued frcm p1ie ,71 . It Cathtdr•I. , ; , 'others from the dud, 11 well u . U.S. Choice Beef ~ Ten undldalea will allo be · eel P,orlc 1 Inducted by Brother Doust11 TERRE HAUTE, lnd.-JNearly bF HII own re1urrecllon, prov Roach, c.s.c., principal, Into 80 public and, parochl•I 1choor Bl• power over death. He ~ Cuts of Your Selection Nelfs the Modem Mualc M11terl, Na• puplll from area sradc .schooll Instructed u1 how to conquer Cut Fmh Da!}Y Uoul Mlulc Honor Society. •To , wlll portray the many speclet of death, "I' im the. Uaht of the Your Famll11 Shqt Slor, Inducted are: sealors-Jamea animals . liken •board the, ark world. He that follow, Me 1hall 0 th Conroy's Superette - "' ...... 1111.- ... lltenbach and Patrick McGraw; !, ~ medlev•!, miracle play not w111t 1n:,d1rkne11, but will , 'WIii FVPPIII" l·. ~ Juniors-Steve B1uahman, Gary Noyu Fludde, 10 be stvea have tbe ,llaht or lire" (Gospel). SOS W, lrd It, 2U N, Main It, Ph.·ffl4Sa1 ACRA CLEANERS· 'f C1tellier, Joaepb Daly, John at SL Mar,,,or.the•Wooda Col· Duth 11 not the end, but . the • The asfiion S.hop MILAN, INDIAHA Dreyer, Steve Gardner, Dennb Iese on March ID, 11 •nd l2. bestnnln1 of eternal life tor • 4-Hour Service • Wom!9n'1 & Chlldren•~ p,-. Lewil, Kevin M c D ow e 11, Written by BenJ1mln Britten, those ',l\ho follow Cbrllt'a teach• I Small lulh Ceunty ,arms. 123 ACRES with 2 barna, 8- . ' Apparel IW• l'IMII, Office mt - hnlce Jffl Tbom11 KcKaan, Tim Stites "Noye•• Fluddt" offen •children IDSi, ' .58 and eo 1cre1. Both priced rm. bolUle with bot water- °"'"' °"' °"" 111d lllcbanl SUmmtn. 1 the opportunity to participate leu' than '500 pe' r acre beat, bath. Willier Twp., 121 W. Herth Ph, "'"5171 - II. SW.of,_, ...... with. adulta ln • medlenl mlr- T II C'ly CYO • Rush Co. .. acle play Ht to contemporary J e 1 TOM MATTOX Don Carpenter · mualc. • UNION BANK llALTOl IIALTOl BIii's Furniture Batesville · ~ts chili supper ffl,2444 1U I. ht ffl,U11 Hl,W1y I & TRUST CO. Dance scheduled Store TELL CITY, lnd.~t. Paul'• ' •• 0'""'1iurt parl,h CYO will IPODIOr a chllJ Cl1rtr1lourt Wtttpe,t The Store When· a Dollar Nobbe Motor Sales b Y Cha tard , gEOUp supper ID St. Paul'• achoo! cat1 Buy, a Dollar•• ,Worth terla oa Sunday, March 12, ,,,... • • City Meat Market ,.. ~ . •!J~.P't:~ Chevrolet .... OlcbmobUe 'Poskes 1 Ph. 1'2·911;4 1• l11t Mein INDIANAPOLIS-Tbt Cbatlrd • • ' TIit Sior, Tlt41 CllltOl!lff& T~ Fruncu Al>oul Complete !11lt1 • Service INC, Rish Sc:bool Parent-Faculty ..Al• Cblle, 11ndwtchea and pie will IOclatlon will aponaor a r.Sb,aty be aerved from 5 to I p.m. Ad· Ill\', W. ,rd It. (l11r) · . . m.-. ...,,. 46 •••, •ft.44112 . - Town Sblndls" on Friday mlulon ii 75c for adulta and SOC' , 1 WE DELIVER DAILY - ASK US Oliger-Peprson :::"-=-...... 1 2 , Open Friday and S1tqrday 'UI t P .Jil. Shirk~• TrH City ", IM 1/f, earl ft444l2 March JT, In the ,ldlool cat/. f~ c'!!.,ldren. ,. • I • l'U~HAL HOM• ,\ Supply, Inc. ,., ~Tcilli~"!,lf,~:.,}le !1'~'1!led ·,~~l~~•~';:r!v:!1;\~ Ji~ , - -.w, ,. 'lAUO" • ..; Bires ' ~."' - .. l~i 1 lllnnupoll1 Moline Traclon Mr. inrMn'. Jerry Crahny PublWdns Co. ID Tell City. m N. l'ranlclln . Ph. IUoUn and, lmplementa • I lotehlallonal Herveater In areE. schalr!ftlll,. R1wll, decor1Uon1;111llted by HrsMn.. .::------=;:;:;.! Truclt1 aad,lmrementa Oarry Patron&e Pat Garret, cnttrtalDm,nt; and Connersvill e DeLaval, Fo~ ewanee, J. H, Porter & Son's t:lay Equ pment , • • Outs Mrs. . Rlchlnl 8app11, Uclleta! Our Gray HATHAWAY Dalton & P.ayne ' Catlaollc Funmil lnfonn4Uon "2 N, Llnceln IU.SJ6S I ' Set bonnet ,ale Fumllur• &IMe Currin Bottling Co. A.dr,ertiaen ~ales Company I'••--· ..... Inc. 2,,Hour AmbJ111nce Service I AMloulence lerwlce Th, Sior, ltrr Jin Dec•tur I IIATUYIUI, - and ~a~ parlY...... Plymouth - V1ll~t ,...,.. ffl-441' ,.... "· '"'"' ,.... """ · S1l11 and Service 1122 P11rl It. Dewntewn ff... lt ...... ""' in1urance Agency C91Ul'{lloul, lndlena l11tl11wlc Center ffl-tMI ·- INDL\NAPO~ - An E11ter ... WNtem Ave, IU-4111 ~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 bo1111tt 11le and card party wW "Wt Speclallz~ In All Kind," be held Sunda,, Merell 12, frcm Gannon's Jewelry =LDOIIIII~c...... - New Castle 1:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. In UtUe, Gate• .....1 ... WILSON ~I Flower 1u~torlum,1 and · Stores Bo11rt. • Barton E. Ba ... er Le• - • Nt P•rtl~ Ol,d1mobll..C:edlllaar Inc. Diamond, - W1tcbea ...... Tine The IYJII la DIOred Rtal E1tate S.111 C~t• 1f fflll Yien llttt Jewelry - Sllnrware I 11 C llwll.. T-1 Dlroct ftd.,., 0..lor DIDDerw•~ - Gla11w1re orslDl&ed In ma \ · Dr. Joseph B. by the tittle Flowe wdUar,,, and Appr•l.. 11 · Xnllhll of St. John. ~nl '11m11 lllllffll!ICI Columbus Lanes l' 211 Jee~ Celumllvs a. aw. of ...2.lttw•n MMGI THE CITIZENS wW be pllJ9Ci bepui!DI at ll .,. ·~ Kernel p.m. Ro11lla JDnduler II chair• ltU Orlftd Awe. Ph. l2l.ft71 ,.,. lt1te ffl,7157 .... ' ' ~ ·; ~ .. . ::l~i,.. l' ~~ . . c. , :, _ St:ATE BANK. :.0PTOM•TRIST man. The public 11 lD'fllN. Sutter-Aton. Dodge W•llpaper P•lnt & Suppll11 NIW CAITLI, IND, 114 I. 11th It. Ftrr•Ei.11e111c, Ill Triumph Open M Hour1, 7 D•y•I Lfgllllng l'inur,1 c. H. OLIGER Aurora 1l(hAIII ATOii, ""' u.a. 421-N,W. ldte 2, - .,.. ,.. ltn,tco & SONS . A CME W l7MIII ef OrNNlavrt l (-} . If...... ,._ I 111 I, laat It. Ph. 162"'41 )· I/ d ILICTIIC IUPPLY, INC, -c B & B Shoes Go To l/UricA'a lt1r l,r,fce ,m antral Ave IU,7441 . '1 I~· l'leytl Mclllurley, C.P.l'.A• Ullrich Drug Store JOE. CHRISMAN . BILL D~NFEE . SHEL SMITH Byard's Variety Ir ZENITB HHrllil Aldi ' -Clothler­ HALTOI '6WIS5 H rdw St JA f.- ,U11 lrNd a,.-. •twltrNt Ph.fl .2 BIO LOCATIONS . Chmol~t. Inc. REAL EITATE a are ore ...... ---- AuaoRA. INDIIJCA Ac,.. ef Pa~ Columbu, Center & llMI Natlenel ltl. of -Y• RY TYPE · wLi'~,l'lt:i ~~AID All TNlt J:..=w Patronue State & Mapleton Pll. '7wn7 Tax Conaultant ..., aw. tf '4- ...,_ ~n1ge Appliances 1•1. ...-, -·- 0 Richmond y- Olllff&I Our , ...... , Te lern Ytu ~r Our New Lec1tlen\ lrlcctrlc o.Jn .Ad~rliaen · •• 1.a•1ea 8 .... THURSTON Implement & S.,ly, - n;;,.,·.:.a.:- Tint Thompson's Comer ~--- n••••· ,._,.. Shop Inc. The Shoe Salon ,Am,., from ·s1. AftdrlW'•J ~~ • 'L U.tf_ ...... ,... Greensburv Tire Co. Catholic Rtll&lo111 Artlclta · , - n7 Wash. It, HJ.Way G1 N.W,.. '6U'lfl Hl,Wayl-twttt D"al& Vitter's --- ·-­ 1M 1. Ith It, IAflw•,--~ Lawrc11ceburg , ...... Ph."6,!111 tmc.tral ,-,. MIN'I 11111 IOYI' . CLOTHING JloMI. H,.. ,...... la . ,-,. ~ PONTIAC, S.,,. U.., IUICIC, O.M.C. TIUCK ~ ...... ---- Dlbolt Concrete DR. R. J, TIMM• RMAN .. & Dr. Dorl, Timmerman Blue Sti• ...... ,1tmce. Ou,: , Co., Inc. AU For., 1- Of'TOMITllllT ol A.da,erliaen Ce...,.,... Clty-Wlnchetter 7 N. 11th It, PII. MMnl ~leholle·S.les Jefftess Inc...... , ...... · Mma llcluNlld. I.._ ,,,_,_ ~."P.. .JI-,.....,., ,...... •torian-• · "' ·- ...... ,..u.-e..,.,.Trntlen . ------MR. ·PIZZA Cutter Agencies. .,~,.., YOII Pi-. u.- ___Inc. IMl ...... 1 ...... 7 •• Melle ,.."6-1141 • N...... ,.._ _.. Marian to ·present- Fro~~i,c.an nun ; ' , . I.Jll'e.1-llardy fare dres at age ~

l. I I,

RADIO & TV APOSTOLATE OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF INDIANAPOLIS Pre,-c, tHAPEL DOOR with Sliter Gertrude Mule, O.S.B. St. larthela1111_,. Sc!Mel, Celumbva, Incl. WISH-TV (8) 7:23 a.m. I • • Sulilect1 '!CHRIST AMONG US""­ Monday, Much t thrv Friday, March 10

For Easter Give A New Daily Missal (Th1H An Up-To-Date) Centrally Christian, In Action! MARYKNOLL Located We Salute •• • For All MISSAL JOHN' M. ,oRISTAL Parl1hH Complete officlaf teats.. of all Nfrfft11r Gund lnltht 1f Miter Otl Mau prayers, 1rran1ed wltb c-11 No. ~7, lAltlllt of c.-, pause mark.~, for consres•· w+te u,,11-,n lht fW kNltlhl, tt Ilona! use. wide atlectlon of _., I . IIAlflN Call wt,k h .... -. ....,- ..: Hymns; 111 the 1~ P11bq1 tor • ------ft 't'U:'A ffl.ffll ' '"!''I""- - . ~ ilrlVatl 1111!clltat1oa and prayer. llndl1111 ,,..,. •.. .'... . S4.~ Feeney-lirhy Mortuary, St Joseph Daily Missal and Hymnal · Complete tuu of all Muse, for.every cta1 DI' lb• year. Lar1e clear lype. Conlaln11 Hla\1117 of Salvalloniil Holy Land photo1r1ph1 • moderu t11ur1lcal wtrallOl!I, note, on Bmle1 and U1ur11, and many other feature,. 1'40 pa1u. • I 81ncllftla frem ...... : .... : ...... S4,ll

SUNDAY AND HOLYDAY IDITIONI o, IOTH DAILY Ml.SALi AVAILAILl ...... fre"' $1.ff , CARD PARTY - Sunday, March 5 Ade /lluatrahd lrechur. Ch~rtrand Hltli lchMI - ml ,,..,. RN4 ,er ... ,.M. te ••• ,.M. and , •• , ...... 111• ,.M. Smorgaabord BetwNn Game, Mall Orden Promptly FWed-Add 2'11o Illd. Slate Salff Tu ' CaNI ,arty1 tlM l-.alMNl1 ti.SI ''Wt s,,«111111 In S.r,,lce" OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Annual Benefit Ml11lon CARD PARTY Sunday, March 5-2 P.M. KRIEG. BROS. E1t1b11,~:1a92 It. Rech lchMI Hall - - leuth MtrWl111 It. Catholic Supply-Jloust1Jnc• --- HAT . PARTY - 11• A.M. to 5111 P.M: CARD PARTY.-2 P.M. I" lledc leulh If Ayrnl lunclay,,March 12 Llttla ~-141h'IM, ....rt llf.S, Merldl~n Uttle·;=" AuxWary _,.,... If It,,.... llldlanaJICIIII Iii 61W417 VOCATION IUNDAV ,_. DIKVMIM ,..._ llr o;... DIICIIIIIM Sunday, March 11-2 P.M. It• .,_ 1M ...... Chura ...... ca. ·..,..; ...... ; ... ,._ Great Ficletaty life 111111,ance Co. --.---- - ...... ,11 ...... ,_ · Takes· Pleasure ln Announcing NMIN · The Appointment Of- DCIVid A. .Maloney As Gener~ ~t "For The Marlon County Ar.ea 11 tt· -:=u~•:.=!"J:~!,~&£== =.=.t~~..:U:!m&i.~a.F = :-~ •-1111111.....• . ....NIU -.u.•PAJ, ...... ,.a Art,...... 1177 . --...... ' A.MA it.M. Mttitaf""' ,;w.,' ,. -:<- , ~ ·- PAO• TIN' THI CRITl~ION, MARCH- 3, 1H7 ' . ,!lem'ember the;,,'in your.prayers As~sumption ~~ts General ~N~~mhly , Sctclna''conc,rt . 1 ;iiilWOAHlll, Cht•ln ' "" ••, Meon, 1, .... Grun ••d supper, so_c_ ial (Continued from P•n 1) NIUltlna from rape or ' lnctlt and wlien... an· act- Niched bll urt It. In unrelated Salatt- INDIANA;OLll.:Thl fl~ t ,~. all\'- c~i 1=;\~ ~~•~ 1111" 1111dl- \ compenutlon of 120, but. only and retain exllllnl law permit• duk. • paned, m11111Na, a prottll llentffl ctMtrt If thi rear "1 11 Mt"'"'' 1,t.., ,1 ,_" M., '"'\' t iui, nn•I -;;,-;-,,m. ff, 1,. , .,... ~NDIANAPOLIS .:.. A "Beah Cor public achool children. Thlt tlna It In order lo uve the life The H~uae tut Saturday elec:• known In ' Iba Lelblature II Iha lctc!nl, Me111wfal Cn,. 1~ .: ,~~ 1 .~,'.'"' Supper Social" will be htld 11 measure believed to hale of an npect1nt mother. While ' trocultd a Senate bill to Npeal "111111111." • aatltr la~ wlll 111 ,,_... t·,...f,";,~,.:, ~.. ,c·,.:'i,1 1 11 <,•i"~~.~! a•· c,,.,,.,,. h ~ --- 1 Asumpllon parl,h Wednuday, helped win frltnd1 for the main opposlna even 1h11 llberal111tlon · the duth penalty (S.B. S50). By · al 71., ,.111.,, IUMar, Mirth t cuu •ire•. "· s,. M11r'1 c"""" t 1osu•• 1111Uc111io1D, $6, o., l>dr March e, Crom 5 to 7 p.m. bu1 blll. • or abortion, roe, !tit they had 1 44,.2 vote the mtuure wu IINATI Concumnt Ruolu- I, In Iha 1chNI 1Ullli.rlu111. 1 01 1 24 H,~:; !!'.-,':°':, <;:::, ct,:;"J:. ::.'J ,:( 1""d" 1<••" •· '""'" 1. c,,..,l Home-cooked bun,, hot com The abortion bill (H.B. 1821), 1alned • par11al and at .~ ut ftnl to the 1ravey1rd Judiciary ~on ":t'mJ:rla~ln~11~:•re:• 11e11er,· A. C1ah111an, Jr., wlll "'"'· ,.,.,.,. M"''"'· , ~:':." f.'.· 1o1~,': ,~: J;.•,~• "t -;~•",.:, br•ad, ,law, pl• and co!C••, will one or the major 1urprlie1 of temporary victory. Committee. Motlcin to ricom• •m'~. et DI u ~ ° ' dlrec , A YlrlH '"'""' 11 Sf'l ,chlford, ' , 1,,., ., (j111ld , . t nd Hw1t1 ... 'I, . . '""' h 1= A bl I !'"L perm 11 YOUD1 ll'J' prayer 1Q --·~ Tl L. L.. 11111 1 co11••• 91 s, Mkh ,. 1 o.. ., c.. ,,., ,., , ,.. , ,..,,1,tt h1 be aerved Cor only fl adulll; soc I e '"" uem Y, wtnt nto the At a commlllte •hurln1 l11t mlt ,wu made by Rtprt1,llll• th bll h t d pla..--. '"'"11 mar - ,U,• t 1 00I do 1111111 111 1 o.. ,, . · children .. Hot do11 wlll allo be aeulon'i Clnal week facln1 fur• week two aenatou, WIUrld J . live Paul J. l{rlc (0., Ham• ,: P!eei ~ ,~;!~e~• chutd fre111 any NINI • Mt~~~;•~,•;::;, '!i.d "J~r• .'<:;~j !~•::,/ "'· M.,; '"' CK 1 1 11 ~~- 11 11 t AllllANNO111MA111 , 11. 11t111 ,,•• ., 1v1l11blt. 1her Senate Cloor action •Cler a Ullrich JD., Aurora), a Cathollc, mond). , ' ildtr It i ntedtd 1tt In the lltr er Iha ..,. ,rtcNdl ...,\:~•~•·,/":;.':...'· 1/·,,!•"•r i<""•;t•· Door prlzu will be awarded majority report oC the Senate and Emil H. Schmutrler, Jr. The duth penalty luue will amendment proceu 1i:f by U 8 will Ill uttd fer Iha 1u,,ert ,.• .,, 7,. • 1b1" a."tl ...11 : ;..• Ade~/:, .,:: and social 11mu will be played Committee on Public. Hulth, (0., Juper),'·a- P.rotutant, pre• not be . rovlvtd In thl1 Hulon Senator Everett Dlrkun• In ~: If Iha llarNI '"'""'' " "' bto1•11 of htnk ,,1,..,... Collowln1 the supper. The pub• ~ellard 1ndd5::c••~ S~urlty r•d Hnled I minority report to ere• duplte the valiant tfCort1 'o( the action to Supreme Court de• IIIWWidiililliWWI...... __ wuu ,. mm•. • ,_ l oth'• t 111111 11,m.~10.·11. '"" 1nc1 " •' Ile 1, lnvitfd. ..-Mn. Charlu ten I opte Y I e nate ut ate a commlulon to 1tudy the Indiana Citizen, to Abolllh Cap• clllon• ..- 1 71 1 c..,,,. lob 21 ,, '"'•" c, , ,,,<,t•1•,1d,•,••,.1o11,,"1",.' ,',·•••"•'·'' Cn11 C1mtt11,. M El( h I1 h 1 I Saturday. problem over the next two yeau ital Punl1hment, whoae mtm• • 241 11111 w11, of l,o ,:, ,.;,• ., ·,, ""' l. ~ " M c r,., · IUf per c_ rmin. Al reported out . w Ith out btCore any ch1n1e1 we,.i:e .made bers hip lncludu leadinl Catho• S.B. allowtn1500 ,f•Y· ~ty!e show, dance ~:=• .~~- •• '""'" A. 0" "'"11d ,.4 t 1on11 w. 11,ii•~-$6, o., 1,d1 i, Oa' l••ta- ••rl••· recommendation by the commit• in the prennt law. . m, Prott1lant and Jewish cler• mtnl .or up t~, '2, over fair iou,dtt c""""· ""'" 2. c11,.,, c... , . ~~ • ~ - ~ tte, however, the tilll bad been 1ymen. . marktt value to urban homt• 1 1 0 '. ' '"~' · amended to eliminate two or 11, OPPONENTS or the abortion The milk . price control blll owneu ,dllplactd· by bl1hw1y1 schedu1:ed Sunday ~::J-,!~:,.",.'1,~~t,."'"" 1 1111 c,n INDIANAPOLIS - W >' n e most controversial featuru. blll Cured that, 11 It eot throu1h (H.B. 1307) w11 turned Into paned 43.0 and wu nnt to the t CUii! 10 ..., ROINM, 71, ....1u, htld Slanton, Marlon County Welfare Ont WII th• 10-call•d "O""n second and third readlna In the clabbtr 1111 SaturcfaJ- 'ft. the Houae. INDIANAPOIJS - , A . 1prln1 • , 1• 21 w11 1 1 M 1 • ,.., Director, will be the next 1pt1k• • • r• d h J I uo l , 1 c. 1,' wti•"'· ,l ,.~i.. :' .. ri:, ~ " tr on the Social and Ch'lc Prob- door" provl1lon to lt11llze an Senate an I en went to a o nt !louse aCttr ,1ome anUe bthav or H,.B. 1421, which would have. Cublon 1bow and dance· 11 •· w,,• ..,, ,, 1n,k11,, M11. H11,n 11111 .., lem, lecture n rlu sponsored by aborllon,IC two phyilclan, certl· Senate-House conre,rthce com, that caused people like Gt0r1e allowed public 1c~ool board, to plaMtd by the Jr. Dausbtera 11 ::":.!::,,1 ~j~.. ~•i~:!i, 't •i,:r,~~ ~1 the parish Council , of Little Cled that I woman'• phy1lc1l or mlttee, it might be amtndtcWo Bernard Shaw to ,peak con• provide free text bookl U they Court No 109 91 ·eatherln• of 1ou1,.111, , Mot • .,., w,,,,., ,, Ml1. 1,. Mt••·• c1"'"'"'· " "'b1"" 1trlu ls held In the ,chool care- medical belltf" that the child without more exten1lve 1tudy earlier had paned the Hou1e dlanapol11), lt1 1pon1or, pbllo10- , I. •• l • bfothtt1 1 ch0 p.m, 635-2577 S T MARK RENT or BUY All wo,k tutrt"lttd Wanted To,Buy ...... ho,,w 1ft Ntthttll Udlon . Wt !L Ne IPPol"tfflt!'f NCnllfJ lftt dl1t1M.1 tt P11l1h khool and l1t• JUST LISTED! ~!m~Wi"~~f~.ISth. Mn. JohA .... FUllNITUlll and TOOLS BEAUTIFUL BRICK S•on• rtndl on M11i1t, tlff'ltf lot, 2, I new modlll of bedrlM,, P,Mltd ffft 2 ..tN, plflt ANTIQUII- GUNS ' I.....,_, ftHr lttMpotlatllfl 1M Ph. 946-3051 lhl g,utllt 2GO l(Nllt. Int tf klutllf'I, chtvlat flMt ,,. "°"",:'/,U~~- c,h "' Mt,11, ,., JIWILllY ,&tfl, fWWI rNffl, 111 httl, dtt tllt, . • TOT TEI\IDERS on or off th1 roadl Sherry R11lton Am1rlcen E1tat11 Co, WE NEED "Anythln1 of Value" Ill HIil aatN. C.l,lttt UI.._, ...... Typl1t1, Stenos, Bookkeep. 717-12'4 , v... ,i!"'!.".U..::'"-. ST, REGIS 1 HOLY NAME . --u,-w,la 11,\RLEY•DAVIDSON ea:~, Cler}l,!a and any Gene:al APARTMENTS SALIS & HllVICI Owce SIUllJ-for Temp. A•· . Call Art UN 2-fflS 701 S. Meridian W.7012 1lsnment1. No Fee, - CJU ....,. "· Cor appt. 9 • a. T... 1-~AllotWlltt LII DY O f GREENWOOD DOUBLE 359-5235- 1oc-.111-...... 11... CHFI S T THE KING For lnt1rvl1w H E LP WANTED 0 ~::>• .: ·~~:·..!..'it:;.; :t,··.. ~ In Your Ar11: IN 'OREENWOOD Uth It 1111 LIDI A4 WUI MIi =•Id t1 W.% - ntlrtllllll& (11 wwdl) to nm 1 time for oalr 11.00. m(llut .. raet1,ld ',T L hW IILN C I' = callut ldaram. :.'{~ C.H Al,--= /:::J_ ApplJ la pa,- to tu1111•r bJ '1'lalldal - pnctdlq rrtu1 Pllbk•tloll tt,I Howenl Chrl1tena Co., oCtbellorllllaruttoyoa 1'50 G•IN'°'!...Court ------•II e I I• I I If I. I I • I I•. I I I I I I I • t I I •• • 0 • • ~I 1• I I I I I I I I. I I t I 1 • t • • I 1 • lff fflS I, 4tth It. $14,IOI RNlton pr tol - CJordoa 'WIIODff, 4 ....._ 111, - • ..HI-lo'"'?:: ~omct. ' : · :.:-=. '1/.n";..,,.,. =Uo. ra-• lld1" • .,WN. ___ fin.. •- _ ......

----· • • • "ranldln Realty, Rltr. I· I •t ft •• Ill l.l l lt• 1 1, tl. t i • 1111 11 ••t I II IO" I I ··••t I ··••ttftl• 4'11&-IL NJ~II 7-, I, Uni St. $10,500 \ti : .:.~•1.::. .,,.-.. ' J J , • ,~ ' :. H < MAD .... ;_•··••••••••••~•••••••• •• .'...... : ...... •, .... 4MUC•rwi Dr, $11,,_ 45 E. HANNA AVENUE Dependable Drup ADDa ...... ; . ., ...... ,.,,. :;;.,~·...... , ..,_. '"' ....,._ ,_ otll, ... ·--- .. PBl• U7-IIII ...... cm ...... "ranldln Rulty, Rltr. (.Jut WIit ol l"nullll M. PIICllllll •••••••• :,, ~····•••·•••··•·••••C~ ...... NJ-4111 11•--- ...., -~------l. dlfflt1 It with bil Ullial tute ,-tnd ,11td11&lon {"Blrdman of. Altatraz." "The Train"). ' Until thl1 ftlni ~ bad no ttaion to. nped ibat tbt 1"1e: ward •,Clnm1111 llffff1I l'Olll4 1vcttllfull1 41aplay penoaal 11 well u 1peetacle, but rue. Bvt It II IIOl .-\it rov fffl. t._l nhalllt tbt lmqlutb,a. "'" and 'apeebt.., .~ · '1 explalntd by the f~ tbal• !r"''F nkanhelmer u1t1 every Inch but • ·hat rou lff a"d hear that Tilt ICl'ttn hu bttn 1pl1J, crowd Ktntl and •~ly 1111• they are not Incle but, road, 11. m11nly throu1li vlrtuOld make, ;•Qrancl(J'rl)!." 'uclllna. qJarteded. 1llced Into el1htb1 tel onn, and throu1h voice nar• races, ea~h In a different pie• un of focu1 to moye our at• thrtt or' lour moil vl1u1lly • Appropriately! II 11 "technol• or t\'tn slrty,fourths, now, to nUyn, from· realistic ndlo_ or turesque settlnC"(,lfonaro, Spar, tentlon around the ICJ'ffn. Re II be1utllul ente"alnment fllm1 011>·-the Inspired . use of 1ho•· us related u ·enll h1pptn•'· loud1puker sourtt1, or .1ome• Zand1·oort, etc.); Each race 11 •. abo not afnld .to cut either ever made. Certainly nothln1 machines-that m'akfl · 11 all ln1 at dlllerent place, and times 1·la the thou1ht1 of the alfo handled \:\·Uh dlfrerent em• linaae or 1ound frequently on recent"d,serves to be dl1cu11ed- po11lble: chiefly reinote control, ,times, no 11·10 create an ab- drll'ers. (E.1., while the cars phases: one conccntratel on the this mile-wide acrun, and the with It, except len1u capable, of, tuckln11ran llract ballet of mulllple ti• 1crunl 1lon1 those awful bank• drivers (the beautiful race In eflect ta often like pla1ln111l111 perhaps D • 1· Id from a 1ldt•l'lew 1(con1·Jiicln1 posure1. Nel'er , hu the spilt• ed stretches at Alonra, 11·e hear the rain at Spar), another, on pone with Xln1 Kone• • Le I n's "L • "": , the viewer he- II hwrtllna 1lon1 1cretn been used 10 expreuh'e• IIPfl of ,earlier lntervlen, In the road la)'out, another on the · hi rentt,',' or "Zhl• pari llel lo the r~s); and U• ly on 1uch' a 1·111 scale: II hu 1'·hlch thl!I drlvtn, calm and re• 1pect1tors. the p1ycholo1lcal or _The ,film tells us 1omet DI 1·110. both of peclally the helicopter; \11th 111 got to be IJIIJor brtakthrouah lui,d. 1raphlc1lly ducrlble the p1y1lcal drama, or the 1·lsual ~l>o!'J 1~ ~~~: c1,~h'1r1~,:I which are near• twlstlna aerial ,·Jew, which In film technique. , experience they are" sutrerlnc 1pcct1cle. · re P lnl"lhe lo ly stlll photos turns the cara almost Into ab: "There 11 Journall1m u well u ·through belore our eyes). • · 'neatly • lUJllapos S I ry O nd e m P a·r ed to • 1tract obJccu rocket1n1 acrou poetty0 We are constantly made. Alost of this ln1enulty hu · an~ hotror, lntelll1en~• atu• the • w es O m and up the liuae screen, throu1h aware 0(· the reality 11 well II betn poured Into the six rare Ot cour11, "Grand Prix" also plally, Idealism and IHMII, 1 c•t I O n In and put the 1trlklrl1 back• the beaut)' of the rl'enll. 1tquencu scattered throu1h the, hu a story, conl'fntlonal dan• Dpt like all llood rama. 11 11 ''Grand" Prla." .,._.._..._ grounds of city, country and throuah candid closeup, ol dri• the great 1·llu1I Interest •11 part.' aerous, occpuatlon drama ten• more of •n alle1ory about our-d It Is at leut humanity • ------...,....----- terlng on four drivers, their selves, about the , &IOJ')' an 10 times 'a better mo,·le than · • attitudes toward their women, lracedy of 111 human etforti • "Vlr1lnl1 Woolf." with Ill 13 r::· . , . F • d' · l f 70 racing public and preu. There .- • ~ • ·.. · Acadtmy Award nominations. The roads are 1trlp1 ol ,cray, ranCl~C8ll nun JCS .a age O · are the fad ing old hamplon These !1''b are,all In the ~•ct. But then It Is lmposlble In ·lhe wlndlnc lhrou1h fleld1, of tnar- OLDENBURG, lnd.-Funeral parish Brooki·llle In me. She (V,·cs Montand ) and the bruh for •ood,or•footlah reuon1, and Oscar competition. to beat 1 , 1·efous color, lllckerlna In ll; ht sen·lces for Sister Agnes Calh• obsm'td her SOth Jubilee Jut newcomer (Antonio Sabatq); whether they win la oflt'J mtt• writer-actor dominated mm' and 'shadow; althfu;h the can erlne Huml1, O.S.F., were held summer. the tough, temporarll)'•banlshed ter ol ,lurk, Bu\ no ~ n, e ~ C• with merel)'. m•a g n If I c'e nt do move, the amuln1 thing Is at 'the mcitherhouse of the Sis· Olher teaching aula~meni,, pro trying for a· comeback tory or r;en 1tr na ~ ' 1t1 ~r ea 1 OJ,T TO LIHARY-Palhtr Ktnny' I~ ._.... ef Ille lmaeery. that· the car-centered cameras ter1 of St. Francia here Tues• Included· St ~hry's School (lames Garner), and the nearl)' 11 erouc : o~~ m~I~ ~on n:e Catholic lnforma1r... ·1or1111, .._ldi''a Hl11mt ef ,.._ 1S.Hl111111 Under the aulse of making a make the back1round1 mol'e day, Feb. 28. She dlea (Feb. 20 l.anm·nie· a·nd · schools of th~ crippled ri.Jce gu)' (Brian ll<;d· prov ng onese u~ . 1 e en , movie about auto.racing. direr• much faster, and the world has ol a heart attack In Decatur El'anll'llle' diocese Mlllourl Corti ) trying to catch lhe Image I LICe jtstl~ •~d lo\C. ,J>e_co ntw Catholic lncyclopedla which w11 rectntly preHnltd le 1 1r tho CIB library by tho Ms1r, Downey •C!IUftclt, Knlthh of If ne1·er before bten hurled Into County Memb'fTal 8 0 1 p 11 a I, and Ohio · of his dead brother. The girls nte.r u cs el\leen nee~. , ~, 1 ~~~st!~~~ed.F~n ,f;~~!~J-~ouhnaJ such broathtaklng motion. Greensburg at the 111e of TO She ls•l ur,·h·ed by two broth (El'a Marie Saint, Jessica Wal• me~n• brome the end. tnd "h:r Columbus, Shown with Father SwHnty 11 Grand Knl1ht P1111' 1 N. Schrotdtr. ' poem. a testament to ,the beauty Vet the final ari 11 not so Sh'e was ~n active duty at I~- m-Ferdlnand llumlg and Wit: ~~~ F~~rc~:~~~la:;~/c~r~r'~~II~ :'i:a od:; i::~=~ \_~';·w~~ -n 1~: of speed. motion and the much In what the cameras h11·e maculatc Conception School. ,liam llulJllg. both of BrookvlUe; t ti th 1 - prize there are always the pyre 0 11 1 machine. True, he hu exploited captured as In how 'Franken, MIiihousen, where she taught and three 1l11ers-Slsttr Ger• \111 crs an em. ' ol ,.,;oke (from I cruh) In the Cinerama to "put you In the he/mer and his editors ha1·e the primary 1rades since 1964. !rude. O.S.F .. teaching In Cln• Nrilher plot nor characten background. and the woman Assumes Fr. Pfau alcoholism post cockpit" and pro,·ided. ucln; sp Iced It together. ri}lxl_na · A natll'e of Oak Forest, Ind., clnnatl: llrs. Herry Reifel and are new. but Robert Alan who has left or walled,.to put It bulls with the 1·l.catlou1- thrlll Images with sounds and llaur1cc Sister Aanu Catherine entered llrs. E. A. LaFourest, both ol Arthur's script rs unusuall)• In perspective. FORT WA VNE. lnd.-Father nor Carr Institute, an outp1, of drh'lna a hlgh,speed road ,Jarre·, splendid mmk,ln ways the con,·ent from St. lllchael's lndlanapolls. malurc. anti Frankenhelmcr IRallntl A4 - unebltctltn: Alan A. Zlellnskl of ' llulfalo, tlent pfschlatrlc dlnlc In Buf• 1 ' 11QlllllllllllUNtlllllllllm1ttat111M1ttt111UlllttllllltllllllllllllllllltnlllUIIUtllllllllUIUll~IUlllllllllllllltllltlNIUNIIIIIIIIIIIIUII UllllllllllllllltllllUUIDUIIIIIUHtltllklttUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllNl,11i11111111111111111111:1111111111111111 1u1111111111111n11111111111111'.i ablt ,., adlllll, N. Y., has assumed the duties of lalo, 1uccccd1 Father Ralph executive secrelar)' or the Na• Pfau of lndlanapoll1, " 'ho died tlonal Clergy Conrcrenre on .-ebruary 10. Diocese to note Alcoholism. It was announced lllshop Pursley explained that here h>• Bishop Leo A. Pursley .-ather Zletln1kl " '" elected Jn_di3.naJ>olis P~rish Shopping Lipt- tr.jple ju~ilee • or Fort Wayne-South Bend, NCCA ex«uth•e ,ccrctary-des• episcopal advisor to the confer• l;nate by the conference's board FORT WAYNE. Ind. - The ence. last April and succeeded to the - -llNtti••••111111111111111t•1111t1,,,11111•111111111•111111111111t11111H1111t11lfflllf!'tllll'lll•t11t111Nlffl"llltltllllllttlill•11'"11" .....,•• , ••• '".11111111N111111•1111111u•,•111111,A,NIMIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM••11i111u 1,,•• '"""lllllllljllllll 'IIIIIIII Fort Wa)•ne-South Bend diocese Father Zlelln1kl, who Is ex• post automatically upon Father · f"'lim'tr"rtl'tptir,nnlfl!na1')'"1!mtMnllrre1oroMhrMirnal1rr-Pfau'r.dntt,,-.------­ at celebratlon1 here May 31 . ASSUMPTION LADY 0 ~ LOU;!OES ST DERNAOETTE ST . LAWRENCE ST . PHI LI P NCRI Commemorated wlll be th,r 1IO lh anniversary of the estab• I . I :::-, /i •. ll1hmenl of the original Fort /_} 10 lllll _ J,,(,,111.IIOII Brown'• Service Station , LA GROTTE'S ' VERA'S REGAL MARKET Wa)'ne, diocese ·on September I,atf Vlll1g• Super Merktt 2106 E . 10th St. 1111 I , lllolll1't IT. " II You Can f ind frnhtt Ptotvn II h 22, 1857; the 40th annll'enary (It N••IHt•I 1n1&11.uous' a1u • IIILtmua AIIA Still Cro•ll'II " NO' PACIAH MUI - AU 7111N (I,; ol the• ordination on June II, to01 ...... , .. , ... llf•k•, AccnMfltt, ca, * S~op br Pho"• - f1tt Ol li'ftr• * 1927, of Bl1ho'p Leo A. Pursley: h•l•t ltltwltN J •fJ ...... ~.... . Ml 241'1 12o1s p.m.-~.!~'1,~':~ncli . .'.. wm and the 10th anniversary of :.:::l~~'1r:"1~'".'.:: ::: :: : :~ :: :i:I 1~:~ fill (lff AIIA 7 Im.. It 10 11.M, 7 -'•rt ROSS PHARMACY Bl1hop. Pursley'a lnstallatlon on lrOO p m.-Dl1tcllon, 66 ...... 1 .. ·l"I I wtt, • .SrOO p m.--l llhoc, $1\tt.fl • , , • , , , •• , ... 13 hllr IN\t KERLIN'S MARKET 3109 Engll1!!,Ave. S T MARK February 2!1, 1957, u sixth blsh• 12,lO p..m..- l ot"' en f1TJh ... , ...... ( 6 6 00 PJft,-Tht l ou ry •••••• ••••••WTCJ , 1111111, , ..... (FIIIN MIAT M to Olllll 357~200 HASSE'S BAKERY op of Fort. Wayne-South Bend. Mu,,r I~"' hl,1f TY 5225 E, W11h. St, Ult I , 10111 St. Ml t4161 712l 1.m -Ch, ptl Door • , • ••• , • •• , • •I I ) 1,00 • "'.- twtd...,., "•"' ·•·It ...... wnz FL' DR. R. L. BENDINGER e atllNUT CUii e h•••• lt41t 7d S f ,m - 11, , Ch1h loo,tlt11 ...... Wilt 7-0625 e IIIDDINO UIIS e 6115 1 m.- S1u1d Hu ,1 , ...... w 1s 11 1,u I m.-t he (hth109ht-rt .•• •••• W1HI ••PODIUlllf - IDOi AILMINfl-1t 7130 , m.-Hour of o,. Cr1.1c!Utd , .win CAlHE DRA L ST CATHERINE 1 NOT DO•fi1Uf1 l 1JO P.M. 6130 , '" -"°"' of c,"cu,, d •••••••w :•c l o rW!9 H0\111 Ofllr-~ c11. Tijn , t huu . " o~,. Yo". 1hnr s,r: 1c1011d S.,n.) CLERGY 9115 p.m.-C1Htollc HOvr , •• , ••• ,.,Wilt PARKWAY PIZZA S~°1.~1~ 1:o,t~l-', 'Ir-, A9po,;17~;,I 1010 p.m.-H~t of St. f u ncil • ••• WflM .~ ~~ :::.:~,~:' s,~o;:.r:c" ·:: :: ::;i flUI IIAUTS AHA ., II. ·-· , •• I!, ,_ Otll,tfy ti $NII Cht1tt Intl..... ll~lfl! ~ . " TN Tt1tlnt PIUA Intl" SHELL FUEL OIL -· NECROLOGY 6 :00 1 m - S• trtd""'' Huit ·••'- • ,,, ...... WfliAS 1""4ty Tolt,hlto 5114 E. Michigan St. " Sp1_c.l11!J.!"1 5ft $ou1h.1ld1 Mu" JACP8 MONiEL 9 1 STOREY'S FOOD SHOPS STIMSON OIL SERVICE Woodcroft Ph1rm1cy ., NIW AUAIIY AIIA ':,o '·"'·-~!!'" 9w!!'1~ ...... WT Hl ,TV 1M fplC\1ft fttft FL ,.,.,,.,,.., ... March 4, IK1 - · 91:,0 1.m.- llm, Ufl ll My htl •••• ,.t lO) 11,.,,,,r 7-15'6 t Ftr l1U1W1 ltnkt-6l6-UJt -C.cht & 1d. ttlltt fl•t dttU hN•t Ttlnh1H lt•HI Poui.,11 P1kn UU M~llllTT, O•;e; t,.7t; J c,..,,,,... s..tn. "'"' Thi.In, 4 •• 12 IA ,:,.~•,roe:: ' W1lcll11-Jtwtlft-Dl1111H•t Father G1or1t Todd 11130 • "' -Uuluocin, r, • •••••• ,g. .WAVt s.w, ..... 111 ~! Ill l-ff7t 1 e U'IOI PIIICIIPIIOII IUVIC I 1 1 March 2; lKS - . 9 1• S 1.m,- ltllt lon •••••• •• •••• ,.W1HI •~ •• ~-:;J:l ' .... KASH IS KING I Q'JALln OlUGI "" ~,,.. , ·;.~i ·::: 'rt,.~.:.··:. , :u1 ,•.·::: ·Msgr, Jostph Hamltl :~~-;;.:i!~"~"~°"k; :::i • COlll!lliYIUI UH FOOD STORES "~"f Ml •·"JI l114i1111ttll1 1, IN s..,., ... i. 1 March 6, 1U1 '- ....., ..... MULHERN'$ STANDARD f''Nt,t,t 't11fltr '1lU! l {t l it l ~ !fltJI~ 6115 I '" - ttour of s,. , ,, ncll •••• WllO 12100 p.m .- h crtd Hu ,1 • ·: •••••• , WN(f LITTIE fl.O Ii/ER IOll. 11,-.M ~ J TILSON-MUSIC CO. P'athor Jonph P', Duf,.y 71•S , .m.- S,(lt d Htm ••••••••••WJLN ~E'fml:~ ,.YOllf #JJ.11lc Hodqua,ftn" March 6, 19'1 - 1 11.S , .m.-s,u1d Htllf Kovr •••• ••WKAS IYANIYII.LI IIIA JOHANTGEN'S t d.S , .m.-Y°'-!r C,thollc Y,11101 . ..WHAS ...... , 1,1.. , ,,•• • UJ l . U,~:110111 e IAIIS 716- F1thtr Francis L111bbarman 6141 5 p m... S,clfd HUii Howt ••• • WAK'f' ·'·"JP~"· - ST CHRIST OP HER 11 , ,0 1.m,-ChtlUpohtn •••••••••••• , (7j DELBO DRUGS k,tll,.tt RURAL PHARMACY March 6, 1"8 - 71')0 p ~-(llhollc Hour ...... Wt.Vt 11"11" lullirlulfin :fc "" 1521 N , Emeraon . ..,.,.. , • . Father J, M. VIiiari ...... , ,.. , ,t, 15 p.m.- Cndo •• ••• .•••••••••. ,.(l ,t) '" Ind I •..... t~·•~.Jt' FL 9-12'5 · March ,, 1'27 - 1014..S • m.- t hrou~ for Todo ••• ,WK'f'W ROSNER PHARMACY 6 10 p m.- l tu r, 1,fou, • , ., • , ••• • WLIP ~ , SIJHfy l1lit UIICIIPTIONI IHI IIULl OIUG 111111 Ac.c.vr1t11, fll~ Father 010,11 Smith , "" .... - ...... 1,1. ,,..... 61,)0 1.m - A•t M1tl1 HOii• ••••••• .WIPS C H RIST THE KING P!IOIIIHUH! Merch ,. 1m~ 7.VI n.m.- Mo11l s.a, of Htw, ,,,,WHAi l id I m ... Ho1.11 cit St. F11nt11 ••••W[O,t, Ill( ,mui,110• O!LIYIIY Father G. G. Borrlu IICMMOND HU. I 1}0 p.m - C•lhollc Hour ••••.• ._ ••WCi lf March 9, 1'03 - • ..,... .. , "l uy l ht 1:;1 fo, lnt• « JACK MATHEWS & SON · Father Matthew Gtltlt 61IS I m.-H!~••;f•r,.•::~h .... WllV 5100 p m.-l out C•lholic P109'1.m . WGlf * f,Y, UIIO, 1!1•11 & 111110 IIIYICI 1t S T fRANCI S Wolfe• Shall Service Station ,., March 9, 1U2 - ... Wt Sot Yov Oolltn ,, fule, tl'ld ltlllf 711S • ,m.- S.crtd Htlfl • ,, •••• ., .WltlV MADISON IIIA Rlch1fd1 Market B11ket S.rwlu .. 1111 S. MICNIIIJI , Father N. Gatlwtlltr 7 1)0 1.m - s.c,td Hu,, •. 1• • •,,. WCIV h_,~, ldlt ;!!.. I, 11114 It. "! 1•11•• • Hl.fflJ 1t UIIO IIIPAlCNII * Merch 10, 1'54 - 7130 I m, l ht (hfllloptttf P1oq,• m WOY 7 ilS • rn.- How, of 91, rrtl'ICh ••••W Oll ,.._,mM, t.T,t.A, 'ART'S DRUGS ( , p, l tJb. - fl,.•lltltrr I01l0 o.m.-Au M,,•1 Hi>\11 ...... WGlM IL 6-1111 CIN I , Ill~ • IL 6-7 AIIN\11 J, ~•IUNIU Stu, - W,•, h - Simonlu Father WIiiiam Kreis NOIIN YIIIION AIIA "Your Rtxall Drugalat" * IIIYICI UL'.I * · March JO, 1161 - UltM AIIA ...... , ..... Elaon'1 Qu1lltv Foods • Ml 1-tCIU hdlr Idle 11 1JO I ffl.- .,11,,ou, Nt'#I •• ••• •••W OC H 11" It, ti IIIIIN 11, il MIU Father Ptler Yott 91)0 1,m.- Hw, of SI. F111'1Cll • ., .WSlM 1,30 p m.- S,u td tM•lf •••••••• • • WOCH U.S. (Nik • ':1i1uom l"'t MHU El'I __I'.,.__._. _____ , 111$11 IIUITI, Jowl YIGIUILI: Bruno TV 51111 & Service ..., PrH'irlet1on1 - INI -~ Ctllttt :US-2111 l .c.A. - UNIIN S,ecltlld•t H I ul SUt FL 7-3114- FL 7-7565 5 1 JAMES MIi I . 1'1~ It, I suP1111s 11mu 11011 INDIANA CENTRAL Schwinn Blc cits h Ff.lt'R1,1fKC -1-1- " Th, Wolld't 11,111" I, C, NUH Gto,91 W, Dvd9ton, I ''°"· Qu1llty Portraits Jolin w,11, t. , ..., ,.,,,,, w,11, --. Ph. uoe 1. .. M1411t• •• 1,1., Wtddlnt Phol01raphs 3993 Shelby 714-2431 116-n11 YOUTH HOUSE SHOES Call U1 ftt '"'"""""' Hocton Phot~ . !Ill I , lttl II. MIMMI Service S T . JOAN CF ARC All Q!l hot Ill~ W41U Repair M1ke1 t+tltn Jord.1 1'1. O•IIU Ml 6-UH Pied Piper1-... Shoes 11, 1t SAUi 111 SIIVICI 1t Cerpet ind Furniture A. J. Lekut 1rd Sona BECKER ROOFING CIIUdrm, Shon ErclYril,1111 JINltN 11, IU ',YALSH PHARMACY Recon1mendtd ,- Cleaning 1.,,.,., ,,1, 11., & ~IDGalLN•G· ..c, ,.o. &117 II. Ctllott a. MIii ======. TV In Yow, Homt Clf '" 0w, Shop latttler ...... ,i., 11~ 1 1 •1so •1u,HOmu1NG ..1 uHN 627 M111. Avt. 636-0666 ..,. .. J!!f't.~·o: ..•\\~''.' " Mt41M• A,1. 11 fM•,.•• Elli• Uphol1terlng 6-1111 IT ._,... H O LY A'IGEL S ~i C RE D HEART liv 11 WA 3-1553 WA 3.1554 ···-"·'· ,.,,.. 7164111 ,.,..... 1 ;:::;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::;:. BRAUN & SCHOTT MILLIR'S Cook'• 01111 & Mirror Co. CARSON BROTHERS llfflllOl-lnlllOI H(OUflNt MARKET REGAL MARKET MADISON VILLAGE . ,.uai~~\!:J.O:';tJI.~\~,hN ....., - ,,. WA ...... ,... s.,,,.,. 11...- 1100· ·,t;;•iiaf'I My Kind Gl•n 1.,1,ct4 ,2:,.•,•,:&-\W~~- Terrace ot M1dlaon Ave, - . TUXIDO PHARMACY AUIO GWI * fine MHII * 17U W, MNIII Cll «IP ""' IWltllM o,,1ny ,,.11. lltl v... , .... 100ft Mc(l,;,iey., 0-.-Nr) 2724 E, Mlcht11r1 6)t,201S 3~9-4971 '\: I\Ef!t¼.!- 0Ptft 'llll 9 p..m, aal 1. I... . R11dr For ' ve11r •"•N 7"""6-llltfftlC, t16-.J4U. Ptrmantnl Wen? JILi fL-1 ....PANILINI f' C LY SPIRI I T~ET~R'S [! r11t 1h411... IH. HII IIUYIU - nus o, u ,u 1rnu J & M TILING South Side Phu~•cy ...... No Oluppolfllfflt fl l, W• ICnoW Howl Wo,k ~ lllfllttd ftN 111. Utt AIMI Chtttt C11d 4 0p,,.1,n to hht YOI.I FIMMl"t. Aw111,,11 TIXAco•,u1L OIL " I.WILY HIALIH 11/PPLY CINIII" -•-·· ...... 1111-IJ ....,. Sl JU D E ' ~2524 ...> St,ta.- Sf 7•"'6 W11t

: MAl't ;l . THIS €0UI.ON tODAI -FOR. .FREE '

~l(T\S.. ' ·


No OF THE U.U.-ORGANIJ'.ED STRICl1.Y NOT-FOR-PROFIT Olll._,111 .y · Pl¥S Hospital Bills including Maternity Care IN EDU~~·~ of Aly I . KW . . Y tlMS Maximum of$3DDfor Operations-$500 for Doctors' V~its · .. Suri io _...... _.y -pAJS·himuiiioit~~ ~EO{Jhile,Unable to WORK~-=-·"'. Give Us . ~. Namtof ' \. •u'ii. , MIii. e,;; ..,..,. . . MIii. i. ~; ii ;.._. · ' "9R: 0.:1• rid il4,·.-, 1 ·Your Parish. .. old '°" 11111 1111' 1111111t1, '"' • llllfl'IKY ·opntlon. ' toldY dlulllld "1 • pilwtit,,11 ~. brain 1b1C111 dMI,! · Her lloaplt1I bifl. WH conclltloft .Md could tJt ,optd. He-~lmd 1471.00, the 'clodlr'I bill ,work: TIie • Holy, F111111j, 11 /, for .,.. lNlllh. ._.,,, WII MO:oo. · Thi ttoli . Sode_ty Nftt~lmSS oo ·· AGE EIMliliS 1 bllllldl01440.•15, TJlt ' F111111, loclet, peld · • to replace 1111. · 111d Holp ,.a, l5QdllJ pa1c1 1419.70, MIia K. paid • $150.00 for cal....._ · 3 ·Mos. to 98 Yrs. t14"4d.,ll5. 121.10. I fit.,.:...a total of $670,00. ___ ..._.. __., ' ' ·•-- -- ', µ._ _ _.,..J t ... n - - '- _ _ __. "'" ....,c .. •••l«I ,.. ,,,u., ,.,..w..,' . . T,.._ .,. w... ,.,," •I 1Ae ~ .,.,... ,,,.,., "'"•• "'""' ·.,, .... 11.w,. ,/2 ,, ' , -Tlie7 Cost is-So -Little ...., .• ~he ~enefits abd Coverage-S-o~Great, ··

-You Should G·et.the FREE FACTS TODA¥. No Obligation, of Course. IIT I~ ·TNII UII About t~• Holy Family Society · · ••••-~•-•••••·.; .... , f • ' - . , . 4 - The Holy Family Society of the U.S.A. was founded in 1914 as .a strictly NON-PROFIT Catholic Fraternal Benefit Society. It • •t•u- • is organized by and for ~•thollc1 to protect the Catholic home I/ you are·.a Calhol(c and lloe in Indiana ijt and family the lowest pos.slble cost. , . TOI HOLY PAMILY IOCilTY, lex IM7, c/o Crlterlen, .. ,1t•1IPINT1 TRIAIURIR1 IICHTAlY1 · , 114 It,, ti-lenapoll,, Ind. 46206 , , ' ITIVI J. ICOIAlt ANTON IMHKAlt JOIIPH J. KON~ w. a..,.,. Pll@f: .ru.aJi me FREE FACTS about the, Society'• NON-PROFIT beallb protecUoa "" Indiana Cl~ ONLY.' I am 'lntereated hi: · · r ."1.1 ~ ------.....-----llallj ·,I • :_r;,, t J Addln.l to My Prtlenl P1ln [] Family Group ProCtctioll ,r ·[ r Indlvtallll Pioi.ctlon . .[ ] Low-coat Life lllluiance . Thia la Indiana 'B /OBleal•gr.ou,in6 NON•PROFl'f. ' .- . . . . .NA:KB ••.••• , •. , •. .• ,.•..••••••.••. ·· ··•• ,. ·· ••· ....• ...•.. .•..•.••• , ••. •.•••••• .•..• .t:, , ••• •••••••••• HOBpilal•Doplor-liacome Plan/'ln 1966 more lhan, , ; 1 ADDRBSI .•••••••• ••, •••••· •••••••••••••••• , •••••••• ••. , •• ••••• : .·•••••••••••••• •: ••••••••••••••••••• OJTY ...... , ...... ZONE ...... STATE ...... : .... . 51,000 Catholic per,ona and famllle, Joined. · ·· , •' ' ' • I •' • . . , I•. AOI •••••••• PAaISJI ....•.••...... •.• .• ..•, ..•..•• : .....•.••..•.' ...•....• .•.••....••••••...•• : .•\ . • ,_. ~ •• 'J."" • I•'. • . • I • • I , • • • ~ 1i-t . . \ . • r\::c