J.. •••• ,,. ,,- ·(- . '· ' .. • , ~ •I'll -~ , ' I I rRA'IC 15 r CL ARK i ~ . · , lil U(IJ :) Ath I I 0 URY U~IV or NOTR [ OA~[ Lutlie~ans NOTRC '. DA)I~ •IN 46 55<, :seek added ' - ... dfalogrie WASHINGTON- Four Lutheran bodlu have jointly submitted lo the National Con•. ·study~lot ference of Catholic Bishops pro­ ::4nder' .~~_si po11J1 that recent theolorlcal .. dlacu11lon1 be extended II part of the '50th Retorm1tlon Anni• By JAMIS C. O'NIILL versary observance 1h11 year. •; VATICAN CITY - Plana · • Four; dl1cu11lon1 belween f.u. to .restore the permanent lheran and Roman Calhollto dlaconate In the Western lheolosl1n1 hive been held. The Church are well under way, , moat recent occurred here 1111 It was revealed In an unex•. October when lhe lheoloalans peeled p a p a I · audience dl!fUlled lhe Eucharist. "Yhen Pope Paul VI re• A COMMITTII of Lulheran c,!lved 20 members or the cburchu hu Informed the blah• Commission (or the Dlaco­ • ops that an eJtlenslon and en• (Feb. 24) . laraement of the dl1cu11lon1 i'te · this )'tar would enhance tht ! The ~udlence i_u ,;a IUfllrlae prosram of 'acllvlllu under• b~caui e no announce'fnenl of the taken to commemorale • tbt eah.lenre of such a comml11lon Reformallon. The commlllet had' been made prior to a news represents four main Lutheran , relraae of the audience. It wu · bodies: the Lutheran Church of 1e·arned reliably that the nom• America, the ~;·nod at. E\•an• lnatlon or the members and gellcal Luther.an Churches. the l~elr 'Jummoplng lo Rome oc­ American Lutheran <;:liu rch. and etrred onl)' In 'recent week,. the Lutheran Church,Mluourl Syno~. · BATISVILLI LANDMAIIIC HOll'ITAL - latm}& •a Marttret-Mary He1Pllal, which .h,11 lHowever, the Pope In bis atrvtd the 1tuth,11ltrn lndl1n1 arta alnc• ltJ2, will !.1t•the 11rvlcu 1f the Francl1t1n 111• :t~~:rth~ot ~~J~~e~l~:l~~uti':; _V_O_L_ __V_l_l, ~-N0-._22 __ __________1_N D_-IA_N_A_P_O_L_I_S_, -IN- D-IA_N_A_,_M_ A_R_C_H_ Jl-lff_ 7_ • T~e. Lutheran committee su • ten' If tht PHr II of July 1. The prnlncl1I official, of , ... nun, In H•rtw,11, o., announced i;eJted°'-tj) the blihops that db· on the subject ol the restoration ~uulons lie undertaken In 13·cir they W9rt wllhdr1wln1 from tht 62-bed h11pll1l 11v1nl monlha •••· They clltd ln1ufllcl1nt of a permanent dlaconate had u cllltl ll'here there are edu, ltchnlcal peratMtl ind dtcllnlnt p•l~tn•t• 11 n11on1 for their dtcl~lon, dia. not known ,, alread)' been carried out at his AT THURSDAY JJIEET/NG , this lime whither lt11 t•ntral hoaplttl will bt continued under other ,,on'.. htp . The pru• callonal Institutions and schol• 0 o!.•n Instructions. Moreo1•er, ar.s. · Clet·g)' and college stu­ int staff Includes ID nun1, lht malorlty ,i which art ntl1l1nd nuriu. (Stiff photo) various national bl, hops' ron- dents .vould parllclpate. and the E h · 1· B d. ferenres lollowlng the ,end or the s talks ll'ould cO\'er matter, or Second · Vatlran Council hl\'e x· _pect ,C 00 oar faith, the Scriptures. the nature NOTES 'GROWING CONFUSION' set up commllloes to stud)' the df lhe Church. and the dcllnu• maller. For Instance, such 1 tlori or arru or agreement and D J body had been set up by the • · • disagreement between Luther­ if/ l , fi •h , anJ and Roman -Catholics. rontl ·uec. a_res vear ,o alt , ~~s~~~l~sil~n\~em~-!i,e'~sm~ne~I:~: h . b j ' In Home was one member ol FATHIR._John· F. Hotchkin. 1 the U.S. group. Bishop Err\est to· aut· or·1ze pro e· asslstanl execull\"e director or ~ ~ Untcrkoerter ol Charleston, S.C. --~ ~ J'..J:J>mmlttee for, .L ,..L • l · ..~J _ • Ecuiiienfcir~llalou1 . to eUrff-~_Oi . tea ·sne_emu-t"-h~l'J i--::-.iln!'~ '7n"Rnl"IT'rr"'"R':o~g-=m~. ~ c --""'.::-By-::P-:A-:-:U-:-L""'.G:".""'.F:'.O::X:---., ,-. )-.:- ,e... a-:cl :-,.-r -\\-:.,::-,11- , - s-:-,a-:t-e~l::-l.=-o,::f-.-ice_ _1..,ol::-lr-:-lt::-l-n,:-::,h:-e-:-,r"-v'."le_w_s_o_n~---- Aflalu, uld hcte thal lhe !Jl1h­ r Constitution on the Church had ' cense to SS,000; beglnnln_g sat- sel'cral of the proposed topics. op1 have expressed lntereal In pro,·icted !or the restoration or The Archdiocesan School ary or a lay teacher with a col- A summary of tlie opinions 11 lhe Lutheran propoula and will By ROB I RT A. GRAHAM, U . The Pope hopes th1l 'the call tempts, free from the support a permanent dlaconate at 1om• ,Boa rd Is expected to toke le~e deRrec to $4,500: and be- expected II the meetlni of lhe give furlher conaldcratlon to ROME-There Is no enlrma for~ common p~bllc 1ct-ol l1lth or the church's teaching author- fu ture time. The. off.Ice or dea- fina l nctlon next Thursdn Rlnnlng sa.lary .ol a la y ,clc school board. • them at their m(etlna lo be held 11 to-the purpose of the "Year will also find response from It)', were destined to prevail?" cohp . Is an order \\hlch stops _ I I Ill Y _with two )ears colleee to $3, • The Archdloc•san Sc b In Chlca10 In April. ., ' d ,s ort ol the pr1 est hood. A· dea- on n proposa Io n a Ic a This wlll represent a subst • O O1 ~ ~•~~ tproclalmed b>' P~Ce ~•~ Prot~~ai":,an E~tcr~ Or • Old Romans recall that Pope con rnn confer baptism solemn- comprehensive study of lnHease 'o,·er·the present salary 0111cc will formulate and con• Several Protesl1nt com mu- au O commemora 1e e 0, oxy r s ans. w 0 1 em-, St. Pius x, raced with a similar I>•. Ah'e Jlol)' Communion. uslst scale. duel the comprehensive 1lµdy nlons have agreed to cooperate 19th centennial of ,the m•rtyr, sehes put 1re1t store In apos- at and bless marriages In th Catholla., education 111 the • through committees of priest•, In the obser\'lnce.·' These In• dom In Rome of SS. Peler and ollclly and reco1nlu the same_C hurch crisis 60 years ago, re• name or lhe Chu11eh. bri ng th: Archdiocese, with the hope• ARCHDIOCESAN pastors this tuchlng nuns and Jay persona, elude the Methodl,11, the A!"erl- Paul. traditional prolc11lon or !~~fn~I ~o~:~nl!~.m.; ul~ls 0 Vlatlcum the dying, olflclate ful goal or formulating ru- week rercived a questlo.nnalre II the·school board ·1ppro1•u the ::,~~~nt 0 ci!~- 10 can B1pU1t Convention, the In his apostolic uhortatlon of - the clergy on assumln11 lmpor- al lunerals and preach and lure educationa l plans and from the Arrhdloccsan School rerommendall_on_.__ ___ Unltetl Prelb)'lerlan Church In February 23 lhe pontiff w•s In- The act ol faith Is recom- lant new posts must recite this carr)' out olher funftlons usual_ly policies. the United Slates, and the aplrel! by a contem 01·er the mended lor recitation e\'tr)'• solemn pledge reserved lo priests. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Southern Baptist Convention. arowlna conluslon amona mau- where but In thcologlcal facul- · Among the purposes of lhe • ea of the f1llhful resultln• from ties. Al le•st In the enumera- This time Pope Paul Is follow- Although It was an actl,•e proposed study would be to • D .Ioers h , certain po1t-conclll1r develop• - tlon, the lheoloay professors and 1n ~ a dillere nt lack . Th e act of permanenlLatin or W eosternrder ChurcIn thh.e inearly the ldenlir>' presrnt and fulure re, AhP J0 h F ments. He wants to counteract Scripture scholars arc not spe- faith 'Is encouraged among the rourrcs or, llnance1. lacllllles unsatlonall1ed theolo1lc1l spec- clflcally Invited to loll\ In such lallhlul rather than require~ or pau ai:e 01 time the dlaconate and tearhln" personnel. Plans • h • r , d hi Y became more ol n lorm or step Cofl/11:sion ma.rks B • G• • R e h ring ulallon by public 1ct1 of faith ceremonlu. I C pro esso,s. An I s acl I I II I th d d would also. be made to solicit P J all over lbe world. will. as the Pope puts It. be Oll'ar< ,c pr es 00 • an the views of parents and stu­ . h ·• Se · At the end of his men._., the •·Individual and collective, free fin ally was no longer allowed u dents on the direction or Catho­ resign l eir es The. Pope desires that on June Pope calls upon them, however, and deliberate, Internal and cx• • f,rr.manent order. lic education. 29, t~• Feut of the two Saints; to 11111I the Chur{h te•chlna 1ern1I, ,humble and frank." The rouncll le!t the door open waning ~ession WASlllNGTON-The re&Jsn•• .l!l,.J:rted. ~ ,recited In every' aulhorlty In drlendlns i~e true tifr the I ti I th The board will also be uked !Jona of Archhlahop John A. ca~•t•la U.. pmfflee,o( lhe ,faith from error. Whither the Al the same time h~ lnslats nm,rnl ~f:c~~~t~nd: endfn P~~ to Invite the other four dloieses By JOHN O."ACKl!LMIR• Is among the confured. At this Floeub, of Loulavllle, ana.Bllh• bishop, his priests, the semln• omission was pure rolncl,dence 1111n that he wishes to encour~ lhe decision ol the Pcomp:tent In the 1111e to p1rtlclp1te In a Auocl111 Editor writing, he h11 no more Idea op Georae J . Rehrlna. of Toledo, arl1n1, the rel11lou1, ind lay an,d without slgnlflc1nce, the age study or the teachings of the territorial bpd>· o( bishops wilh stile-wide rducatlonal stud)• to what the proper news lead will were announced thl• week by people en111ed In apostolic ac- p1p1l exhortation warns agalnsl r_ccenl Erumcnlcal Council and the a ronl or the l'o e.
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