70 Perish As Flash Blaze Home for Old Folks
• , 4 ; ' . ^ ■ ' f SATURDilY, FEBRUARY 18, 1967 P A G E TEN ATerage Daily Net Press Run The Wasthar lEtrftting Ifpralb For the Week Ended FOraeoat of U. 8. Weather BirM i February 1$, 1967 ths court that she was only 17. ffike Noted Here Oloady teulght Mlawod bgr ooei About Town Regaining hie composure rapidly, HOSPITAL BEDS 12,459 elanal light mmw ending early the prosecutor tuped toward the Md WHEEL CHAIRS Member of the Audit Tneeday. Ceutinned meetly .elendy - Heard Along Mfiin Street State Trooper and glibly stated, In Jobless Claims Bureau ef CIrenlatioa ^ and colder Tneeday. Adult Girl Scout workeri of the "Then'Officer Conlon should have Business Bodies IfB ITU rURNRUBE IL C lIn OOBIFANE Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm Southwest Nei^borhood will meet an eye test." Claims for unemployment com at 9:S0 Tuesday morning at the And of Manchester*$ Side Streets^ Too By PHONE Ml 8-416* pensation in the Manchester arM ' Church of the Assunptlon.QuesUon . , . Until You Bee the . FOR SALE or BENT rose from 594 to 638 In the week ^VOL. LXXVI, NO. H 8 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CQNN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1967 (Claeallled Advartfalag on Page 18) to bet considered include troop fund Welcome, Stranger ^why her order had not bMn deliv One Bidwell St. resident report DON FRIEDMAN PRICE FIVE CENTS raisins, the cookie sale and out The HenUd's 75th anniversary edi ered. She had become impatient. ed, in strictest confidence, that he ending Feb. 9, according to the door Bctlvitiee. tion came along Jugta few'K'eeks to On Feb.
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