Ance Rate Boost Cars Held

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Ance Rate Boost Cars Held ■n ‘ I : ,it-i -1 ■ r \ ^ a ;;-.', ■V,' - I ' r A J \ . /"■ ' '■ .:.j : ‘ : ’ ' -1 ' • ' ■ ■ . • * i - PAbE TWENTY-FOUB ; y \ !raUilSDAY, JUNE » . 1987 // . 'S \ ■/ . '0 '■ .i . Average Daily Net Press Run \ A ^ ' ■ ' Por the Week Ihided ' The ahnual June picnic of the cussion and planning for this clin­ a member e t the Browa Alumni June 8, 1957 1 The Weather " Catholic Graduates of Greater ic. The report alao mentioned some Asen., announced that a eiseable G raduate* Society Picks Foreeast of V. S. Wsather Barmw About Town Hsu^ford will be held at GardndCi^ of the work so far accomplished by sum wan,, realised from;, this con­ Lake, Salem, Sunday from l6 a.m. the clinic board. cert and that the money will be 8«lv»Uon Anny camps ar? open­ 12,540 to i i p.m. New President Miss Robb presented a suggested given to the Mancheater Mental Tonight fair and mikL Urn ing tftla week all over the country. program o f action for the Man- Health Society to be used for the Member of the Audit Four of the local young bandsmen near 60. Saturda.v fair eotitinned cheate^Mental Health Society for mental health clinic. The eociety Bureau of Circulation who will leave tomorrow for Won­ Miss Ethel Robb, principal of 1957-5A This includes a special warm. High in mtd 80'«. derland Camp In Sharon, Mass., Highway Group formally thanked the iponsoring Manchester— City o f Village Charm Waddell School, was elected pres­ meeting in the early fall for the groupe for this contribution. are Richard Lines, Tim McCann specific purpose of acquainting and Wajme Oole for the music -^ Examines Route ident of the Manchester Mental Health Society at the .'organiza- Manchester residents with the need VOLk L X X V I, NO. 223 camp. Barry Oole has been awapd^ for participating in mental health (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, .11 NE 21. 19.')1 tion'a annual meSting last evening Dairy QqV«« wilk ila soiaalh. (ClaMifled Adrerthitng on P^ge 16) ed a scholarship to the sam^.e^p. Members of the town's Express work and encouraging membership Personal Notices PRICE FIVE CENTS Capt, Richard Hols will-«6ach in­ in the auxiliary room of the Man­ IrMhlr-ireiaa ••edaeosl A kool Highway Committee have been chester Memorial Hospital. in the local Mental Health Society. strumental music. Songster Lead­ The plan denotes in detail projects (hot balls lae asora • • •- kaltar er Morley CalVert of Montreal, Irwking over the route of a piro- Mias Robb, who has been chair­ ' In Memoriant poeoal posed highway thr-'ugh the South to be assigned standing committees Canada, will teach singing. man of the education committee In lovlnf memory of our husband, • 4H7, 0ai«r 9UECN NATIONAl D€VROfU*NT CO.' End before deciding on recom­ to further the purposes of the So­ rather and .grandfather. Daniel Auguat. Culomhe Kishi Says for the past year, moves up to suc­ ciety. who paaaed away June 90. 29M. R a j^ on d T. QuUh is geners^l mendations td be made to the ceed Mrs. Jay Rubinow, ttie re­ Board of Directors. A t the conclusion of her report,- From our happy home and circle. chairman of the Eighth Annual tiring president. Miss Robb thanked Mrs. Rubinow ' They will meet some time next God haa taken one we loved. DfllRV OUEEN Strawberry. Festival of St. Bridg­ Other members of the executive for her leadership during the past He la born away from tin and aorrow L a beled Japs Stand et’s Church tomorrow, on the week to decide on their recom­ year. To a nobler real above. mendations. according to State board for the coming year will in­ ance Rate Boost church lawm, between the hours of clude Dr. Frank Horton, vice pres­ In April, the Junior Chamber of No one knows how much we miss him, Rep. Ray W arren,-who Is chsir- .None but aching hearts- can leih DAIRY QUEEN NO. 1 DAIRY Q l ^ 8 and 8:30. p.m. In case of rain, ident; Mrs. A. Hyatt Sutllffe, sec­ Commerce and the local Brown uan o f the committee. liost on earth but found In heaven, 500 Hartford Road 807 Middle 'Tuniplke W est It will be held Saturday evening at retary; Mrs. Alfred Sundquist, University Alumpi Assn, sponso-ed Jeeus doeth all things well. M oronic With West Owned and Operated By Owned and Operated By the same time. Ladies of the The controversial route proposed treasurer; Mrs. Alfred E. Schim- a concert by the Brown Glee Club Sadly mlsaod by A U .A N R. COE JR. AL ELKIN church will conduct a cake sale by the Stale Highway Department mel. education; Mrs. Ross Hahn, at the High School. Dr. Horton. Wife, children during the hours o f the festival. aroused opposition at a crowded and grandchildren Hartford, June 21 {/P)— W’a.sliington. June 21 (/!P)— — - ^ needs and resources; Mrs. Donald H hearing conducted by the oommit- McClain. membership: ‘Elmer Mental e.xperts were called to Japan*.s outipokcn Prime M in-' Members of the Past Chiefs Qub lee last week. i.stci' Nobusukc Ki.ahi said em­ of Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ pdelli publicity: Benjamin J. the witnes.s stand in Superior; The State v.’sjiL. to run the Samuel M. Dunlap Beyrcr, nominations; Mrs, Jay phatically today his counti'.v I Cars Held ters. who are dining at Cavey’s highway through Manchester from Court today to bol.ster the de-i Restaurant tomorrow night are re­ Rubinow, liaisoil,- W. J. Godfrey fense claims that .Arthur Cu- will never go or Laurel Lake on a route passing Samuel Milton Dunlop, son of Gourley, program. quested to meet in front of the Ma­ south of Hartford Rd., Charter loml)c was under the domina’-i neutralist. -------------- Mra. Rubinow, who presided at sonic Temple at 6 ;45. Oak Si,, and Highland St. The Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Dunlop, But it won't increased trade with the business meeting, re&d the tion of .Joseph L. Tahorsk.v in! road would enter Bolton south of 167 Maple’ St., graduated from the Commtmist China in a wav that president’s report which Included a perpetrating a aeries of hold-1 will not weaken free world aecur- Ike Seems the Howard Reser^’nir if the Hartford Technical Institute Mon­ histor^ of the association, the rea­ State's right-of-way line is fol­ Ups and murders last winter. i Ity. he Said. State Says GENERAL day evening In exercises held at son the group Was originally E a t p e t t ^ The ground work for Ihi. te.ti- * lowed. In a speech to a National Pies.s the Avery Memorial auditoriui^n, formed, and the necessity of eatab- niony wb.. laid late yesterday , Club luncheon. Kishi said Japan At the hearing attended by Hshing the present clinic board Calm over TV SERVICE more than 300 persons, opposition Hartford. when Culom)>e. himaetf. took the ' } hftji no Enixinp which la working toward the open­ stand and lold of hia niimeroua i New Seale Days M Q C ' A Can V as • expressed by tobacco in- . He majored In tool technology. Communist Cliina at present and ing of a mental health clinic in confinementa aince an early age ' Mlgfata Phis Parts te 'eata, the Connecticut Power He is a member of the American will "not take action in that direc­ town. The report showed that the in mentaj in.stitutiona. training tion except through the United N«- Co., Case Broe., and indtridual Society of Tool Engineers. His fu­ executive board had spent consid­ Cut Budget TEL. Ml 8-5482 school.a and pri.son. tions. home ownera. ture plana are indefinite. erable time during the year in dis­ h L E S S !, Unjustified Firat to testify this morning, The 60..vear-old . r'onser\'ali\'c under questioning by Atty. parly leader talked plainly and ^^’a,shingloll. June 21 (/P)— Thomas F. McDonough. cSilombe's forcefullv in Japanese. shortly Pfp.sirlent Ki.'sonliower wa.s j Hartford, June 21 (i<P)— The HALE’S court-appointed lawyer, wa.s Dr. after a final meeting with President „,i ,„ ,i . ; Slate of Connecticut toda.v tVladimir T. Uberson of the Eisenhower at the White House PlCtUlCfi toflax as not too dl.S- Rocky Hill Veterans Hospital. He sat'd his three days of talks 3t -what C on gress has ! was standing firm in its posi­ It was related by Dr. Ijbcrson with highest American authorities floilf- in I'edliclng his luidget.” tion that auto insurance com- that he made a "brain wave' of "aucceeded in widening the area of . Rep. Jensen of Iowa made that I panies are acting illegally in SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED Cilloinbe at Pt. Francia Hospital agreement between ua " and served report on F:i.senhower's attitude I selling insurance on the in- SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPT. which showed there ■was s 'dia- the u.seftil purpose of onening Ihe after .len.sen and 39 other House i creased rate scale. door to a new era in .lapanese- Repiiblieans had bi’eakfasl with function in the brain " Depuly,-Insurance Commissioner H ALE’S FRESH GROUND Amerii an relations. the President at the White House. KRAFTS Record Not Normal ! Alfre^N. Promo charged that the COMFORT AT PINEHURST "The conclusion was tliat the Kishi bluntiv called for adjust- The get-together over scrambled ; ne\y -rates have not been approved. COFFEE MIRACLE WHIP record was not normal." said Dr.
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