South Norfolk Council Amends Its Proposed Orders Accordingly.”
COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of South Norfolk District Council held at South Norfolk House, Long Stratton on Monday 19 February 2018 at 7.30pm Members Present: Councillors; Duffin (Chairman), Amis, Bell, Bendle, Bernard, Bills, Broome, Dale, Dewsbury, Easton, Ellis, Foulger, Fuller, Goldson, Gould, Gray, Hardy, L Hornby, Hudson, C Kemp, W Kemp, Larner, Lewis, Mason-Billig, Overton, Riches, Stone, J Savage, R Savage, Thomson, J Wilby, M Wilby, Worsley and (for parts of the meeting) Councillors; Edney, J Hornby, Neal, Pond and Thomas Apologies: Councillors; Blundell, Fulcher, Kiddie, Legg, Minshull, Mooney, Palmer and Wheatley Officers in The Chief Executive (S Dinneen), the Director of Growth and Business Development (D Lorimer), Attendance: the Director of Communities and Wellbeing (J Sutterby), the Assistant Director of Resources (P Catchpole) the the Head of Business Transformation (H Ralph), the Head of Governance and Monitoring Officer (E Hodds) and the Electoral Services Manager (J Tovee-Galey) Also in Mr R Foster and Mr J Halls (Petitioners) Attendance: The Press and 21 members of the public were also in attendance ` 3420 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST With reference to item 6, the petition (minute 3423) and item 7, the Community Governance Review and Recommendations from the Electoral Arrangements Review Committee (minute 3424) members declared the following interests: Members Pre-determination Cllrs: Broome, J Hornby Wymondham L Hornby Members declared that they were predetermined and did not take part in the debate or vote Pond and
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