ACLS Annual Report 2005-2007 Excerpt
excerpted from American Council of Learned Societies Annual Report for the years 2006-2007 and 2006-2005. 2007 FELLOWS AND GRANTEES O F T he American COUncil of Learned Societies Funded by the ACLS ACLS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM Fellowship Endowment LILA ABU-LUGHOD, Professor, Anthropology and Women’s Studies, Columbia University Do Muslim Women Have Rights? An Anthropologist’s View of the Debates about Muslim Women’s Human Rights in the Context of the “Clash of Civilizations” ENRIQUE DesMOND ARIAS, Assistant Professor, Political Science, City University of New York, John Jay College Democracy and the Privatization of Violence in Rio de Janeiro: An Ethnographic Study of Politics and Conflict in the Three Neighborhoods JANINE G. BARCHAS, Associate Professor, English Literature, University of Texas, Austin Heroes and Villains of Grubstreet: Edmund Curll, Samuel Richardson, and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade GIOVANNA BeNADUSI, Associate Professor, European History, University of South Florida Visions of the Social Order: Women’s Last Wills, Notaries, and the State in Baroque Tuscany AVIVA BeN-UR, Associate Professor, Jewish History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Professor Ben-Ur has been designated an ACLS/SSRC/NEH International and Area Studies Fellow.* Jewish Identity in a Slave Society: Suriname, 1660–1863 ReNAte BlUMENfelD-KOSINskI, Professor, French Literature, University of Pittsburgh The Dream World of Philippe de Mézières (1327–1405): Politics and Spirituality in the Late Middle Ages CLIffORD BOB, Associate Professor, Political Science, Duquesne University Globalizing the Right Wing: Conservative Activism and World Politics SUSAN LeslIE BOYNTON, Associate Professor, Historical Musicology, Columbia University Silent Music: Medieval Ritual and the Construction of History in Eighteenth-Century Spain WIllIAM C.
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