
PROLOGUE RESPONSE TO DUTY 1 Citation for Oak Leaf Cluster to Dis- 4 Accounts have been given of this epi- tinguished Service Medal foi Gen of sode in Pres Truman's Aletiioirs, 11, the Army George C Marshall. read at 85-86, in int bv author 200ct59 with cereinony, Pentagon, 26Nov45, in ap- Sergeant Richard Wing, who took the pendis of Katherine T Marshall, To- call and summoned the General, in ge/har, 290-9 1 int by author 20Jun69 with Marshall's 2 Remxks by Gen Marshall at Penta- driver, Marjorie Payne Lunger I have gon cereniony, 26Nov45, ML followed the account given by Kather- 3 Ibid ine T Marshall, Togelhe), 282

I FINAL BATTLES 1 1 h,jve drawn general details on the Stilwell, 30ct44, WARX 40782, ML last months of the war in the Pacific 3 Samuel E Morison, Leyte, 338 lrorn my ints with Geii Marshall, 4 Ibid Robert Smith, Reticrri lo the Plirlippities, 5 Hanson Baldwin, Bnltles Lost ndll'ori, Samuel E klorison, Leyte, The Libtwi- ch I1 tiorr OJ' /lit> Pliilip/~rnes.and lirfoiy iti the 6 Report of the Cliiefof Stnfoj'tlie I: S ,4rmy PrrrrJir, D Clayton James, The JPnis of to Seoetniy of Ik'n,, 1943-45, 84-86 ~\lnrd4itliii~,11, Thomas Buell, A/astei of 7 JCS nitg with Pres, 18Jun45 Sen Poziw For the development of the 8 Stinison Diniy, 10May45 atomic bomb, I have drawn on my 9 Hewlett and Anderson, Neil1 l\'or/d, ints with Marshall and with Geii Les- Stimson Din,?, 90ct44 lie Groves For general details, I have 10 Hewlett and Anderson, Neui l\bi/d, relied heavily on Richard G Hewlett 46, 51 ' and Oscar E Anderson, Jr , The h?ew 11 Hewlett and Anderson, Nezo ll'otld, Ilbild, I Other ints include those 73 with Gen Thomas T Handy. Harvey 12 Int by author with Marshall, Bundy, Speaker Sam Rayburn Stim- 1 1Feb57, personal information on son's Dint?] was of great value The Groves from ints by author with Lt Army's oflicial tolume, Vincent C Gen Leslie R Groves. 7, 10May70 In Jones, Alnnhnttnri The iiriti.y oiid the Mar42 Marshall directed Brig Gen ,Jtoair Bod4 came out after my manu- William D Styer, Deputy Chief of script for this book had been submit- Staff of the new Army Service Forces, ted Its account of the Army's to keep in contact with the atomic pro- organization is detailed The index, ject For details of the Manhattan Pro- like mine, fails to give any idea of the ject arid its various chiefs, see Jones, number of times Marshall is men- Alntihnitnti The A4itq ant the ..ltoaic tioned in the book For the immediate Boiiib On Groves's appointment, see background, see Forrest C Pogue. the following papers from GCM Files, George C Afnrsiiall Orgnciizei of l'ictoiy, ML Bush to Bundy, ii d (17Sep42 on ch XSII envelope), Harrison and Bundy File 2 JCS directive to MacAr-thur, Nimitz, no 7. WDS/TYR memo 5Mrly42, ASF 550 Notes

CG’s file folder Stye? Cones Corres the g un-a s s eiii b I y iii e t h o d to bri n g a Box 64, Marshall to B~iiidy,12Feb42 critical mass of fissionable material to- 13 Int by author with Gen Groves. 7, gether In this method one subcritical 10May70, int by author with hlar- mass of fisgionable material wa\ fired shall. l l Feb57 as a projectile into a second subcriti- 14 Groves. Nozit 11 Cnti Be Told, 185-91 cal mass of. fissionablc material, the According to Buell in his life of King, target, producing momentarily a the Chief of Naval Operations was not supercritical inass which would ex- told of the atomic bomb until 1943 plode This principle was employed in 15 Groves. Nozii It Coir Be Told, 190-98 the design of the Thin Man bomb that

16 Stiinson Din!?, 14,15,18Feb45, int by was dropped on Hiroshima ” author with Marshall, 1 1 Feb57 “Another method was proposed 17 Int by author with Speaker Sam Ray- that utilized the eff-ects of implosion, burn, 6Nov57 See also Bdi to by directing the blast of conventional Bundy. 2-IFeb-H. with note “hltg 18 high explosives inward toward ‘3 Feb 44 by K [‘Katie’] M [Nichols]” in quantity of fi5sionable matei-ial The Harrison and Bundy File, no 7, h4L force of this bldst litterally squeezed 18 Iiit by author with Marshall, the material together until it reached 1 lFeb57 a critical mass and detonated This 19 Int by author with Rayburn. 6Nov57 principle was used In the Fat Man 20 Gen Groves recalled that Trunian ac- bomb which was delivered against cepted the reply with good grace Nagasaki ’’ Groves, :Vozci It CONBe Told, 365 For 28 Harry S Truman, Hcitt? S Ttrittrnii Ale- the moment, Truman left the Secre- ttroi?s. I, 10. says that just after the first tary boiling He wrote in his diary, Cabinet meeting after he had been I3Mar44, “Truman is a nuisance and sworn in as Pres , Secretary Stinison pretty untrustworthy man He talks stayed behind to inforin him briefly of

smoothly but acts meanlv ” Although the atomic bomb Tr~~iiaiimentioned Stimson never deleted the comment, that as a senator he had asked Stiinson his later judgments were most gener- ear I i er a bout ce r ta in ni y s t ei-ioci s 011s building projects and had been told 21 Stinison Dioyy. 26Feb45 they were top-secret Truman states 22 Ibid flatly, “I did not learn anything what- 23 Marshall does not give the date, but evei- as to what that secret was until he returned from Yalta about the time the Secretary spoke to me after the

mentioned Though he does not first Cabinet meeting ” name the representative, his descrip- 29 Stimson Dial?, 12,3,4May45 tion checks with Stinison’s, int by au- 30 Memo of mtg , Stimson, Marshall, and thor with Marshall, 11Feb57 Rep McCloy, 29May45, init JJMcC, ML George Mahon. a member of the com- Speaking of this and other discussions mittee, in the 1970s told the author during the period when Marshall was that he did not recall the incident and asked to make a recommendation, that it was not characteristic of Mar- McCloy says that he was struck by shall Marshall’s resistance to making a final 2-1 Groves, i\1ozo It Coir Be Told, 365 decision ’4s the fortieth anniversary 2!i Cordell Hull, Mettrorn, 309, John of the dropping of the bomb neared in Wheeler-Bennett and Anthony Ni- 1985, McCloy wrote several memo- chols, The Semblance of Pecice randa about his recollections In three William D Leahy. I Ilks There, 263- telephone conversations with the au- 65, Hewlett and Anderson, Nezii ll‘orld, thor, he quoted Marshall as saying,

327 “Don’t ask ttre to make the decision ” 2 ‘7 Groves to Marshall, 30Dec44, ML , Marshall also said that there were Groves, Nozii It Coil Be Told, 157 more than military matters con- “The most straightforward pro- cerned there were possible eKects

posal for the bomb’s design utilized with “primordial considerations ” At Notes 55' the same time. ininutes of these ineet- hooh piibliched in 1955. Truman ings indicate that on purely inllltar)~ takes full responsibility for tlie deci- grounds. Marshall fa\ ored using the sion He says that with tlie directive of bomb to shorten tlie war 24Jii145 to Spaatz, the first use of an 3 1 Ibid David Lilienthal. Joiitiicrk 11. atomic bomb oii a military target had 196, tells of Marshall's mention of this been set in inotion No formal reply conversation in 1947 At the same WAS rcceived, but Radio Tokyo said time he spoke of plans that had been that the Japanese would continue to considered if the home islands had to fight "The bomb was scheduled to be he invaded Assuming there would be dropped after August 3 unless

enough bombs, he envisaged the use surrendered before that day " It of several in front of invading units seeins clear that the directive to Supposedly, such ideas were informal Spaatz mentioned above W~Sin mo- plans mulled over by a very few peo- tion No indication has been found to ple in the Pentagon, because MacAr- show that another directive was given thur and Nirnitz were working on by the President )'et on l'LJan53, he act ual i iiv J s io n p I an s before they wrote an editor of tlie Army Air knew of the atomic boinb and before Forces official history that he had sent there were more than two available a directive from mid-ocean to drop The boinbs had not been tested hlar- tlie bomb (See copy of letter to James shall told the autt'ior nbout these ideas L Cate in M' F Craven andJ L Cate, in his int of 1 1Feb57 Th.ittiiy .-lit Fotcec 111 Il'otld Ilir, 11, lJ, 32 Stimson Dint?, 3 1 May45 between 7 12 and 7 13 ) Ti-uinan seem3 33 JCS nitg with Pres, 18June45 to have confused his issuance of ap- 34 Stiinson Dmty 4Juii-15. Hewlett and proval of a i-evised presideiltial an- Andci-son, l\~fW Ii>v/c/, 165 nounceinent to he i5sued after the 35 Iiit by author with Marshall, bomb was dropped ~.hichStimson llFeb57, ML sent him on 30Jul. asking for approval 36 Thc Combined Policy Comm in- by 1Aug The Pres went aboard the cluded Stiinson and Bush for the .iqits/rr on 2Aug. when the coiint- , Field Marshal Wilson down process was alinost in its final for the British, and Clarence Howe for stages and only a positive order to Canada Also sitting in were British withhold the bomb or a surrender by Amb Lord Halifax, British scientific the Japanese worild have halted the adviser Sir James Chadwick, Coun- progression His ~~~iconsciousconfu- selor of the British Embassy Roger sion would apparently account for his Makins. Harrison. B~iiidy. and failure to repeat the stateinent in the Groves Stimson Dint?], 4Jid45 book Craven and Cate handled it by 37 Much of the Pres 's activity was publishing his letter Vincent Jones, in chronicled in the Ship's Log, GJul- The 'inti) niid the .i/oniic Bomrb. 533-34, 7Aug-45, of the .litgi~sfn, printed in reprints a suininary of the letter with- FRUS 1945. Coilfeteirce rrt Beihn (Pots- out noting Hewlett and Anderson's don Cotlfelriice), 11, 4-98 Leahy, I Ilks caveat that no evidence of a message The. 2886-88 See also Arnold, Clobcil from mid-ocean had been found i\//.won, Stiinson Dirrty, 15Ju145 Mar- 44 Stimson Dirrjy 28Ju145 shall flight plan in Air Travel (GMC). 45 Ibid, 30Jir145 Stiinson to Truinan, 1939-45. ML 3OJii145. FRUS 1945, Berliti Cotference 38 Stiinson Dimy, 16.17Jid45 (Potshirr J, 1574 39 Ibid . 2 1,22Jul45 46 Hewlett and Anderson, iVezi~ Ii'mkf, 40 Ibid , 93Ju145 397-406. give a valuable summary of 41 Ibid , 24Jul.15, Truman i\/twioits, 11. final phases of operations against 420-2 1, iiicludes text of directive Hiroshima and Nagasaki 42 Hewlett and Anderson, i\lezu Ilurld, 47 Stimson Dirrty, 10Aug45 395-97 48 Int by author with Marshall, 43 Truman Mettrorrs, 420-21 In this 1 1Feb57 552 Notes

I1 NOT BY STILL WATERS 1 IMacArthur to Marshall. 22Nov.15. 4 Stinison Dicr,?l. 10Sep45 Marshall to MacArthur, 27Nov.15, 5 Gen Walter Bedell Smith to Marshall, l\?iarshall Personal File, ML 3Dec45, Marshall Personal File, ML 2 Stinison to Mal-shall, 8May45, Stiiii- 6 Isaac Newell to Marsh,ill, Marshall ‘;on reconstruction of comments for Personal File, ML IMarshall, Marshall Person Fde, ML 7 Katherine T Marshall to Frank 3 !jtiiiison to Truman, 18Sep45, in McCar-tti y, 3ODec45, Mars hall Per- Stinison Dinry for that date, 18Sep45 sonal File, ML !Statement in Stinison and Bunclv, Oii ,-lrliz~Set-uire, 663-64

I11 TOO MANY HATS-TOO MANY HATES 1 For background, see Charles Roma- warded by Hopkins to Marshall. nus and Riley Sunderland St1111~ell’.v 16Aug44, OPD Exec 10. Item 6 i\lission to Chiticr. Roiiiaii~i~arid Sund- 17 Stinison Din)?. 27Jiil and 3Aug44 erland, S~il~~~~Il’~Corrrrtrc~ird PIoblt.)tiq, 18 hlarshall to Stilwell. 4Aug44, CM- Pogue, Ceo,gt>C i2lcitshcill Ediiccrlioir of OUT 75332 OPD Exec 20, Item ‘GO,

10 ~~fviFlfl/.ch SIV. Pogue, Geoigc C Case 6 Hurley was later to say that in i~l(i,sh(ill Oidrtil rind Hope. ch XVI, late July Marshall and Stiinson had Pogue. Gfoqy C i21nislrnll Orgnnrxt of asked him about Chennault as a possi- l’itloyv, ch XSII ble cornrnander in China Even for the 2 Int by author with Marshall, 290ct56 purpose of sounding out Hurley’s Author’s notes views, it seeiiis remarkable that they 3 [tit by author with Marshall, would have made a suggestion that 2 1 Nov56 they would never for ,a moriient have 4 [nt by author with Marshall. 290ct56 entertained Hurley added that they 5 Int by author tvith Mxshall, seemed pleased when he said he was 2 1 Nov56 not in favor of such an appointment 6 [tit by author with MarshLdl,290ct56 19 Proposed draft with changes, Roose- 7 Int by author with Mardiall, velt to CKS, sent 21Aug44, OPD Exec 2 1 Nov56 10, Item 61 8 hlarshall to Pres, 15Feb44, with at- 20 Marshall to Stilwell, CM-OUT 25 105, tached letter, Alsop to Soong, 4Sep4-l. OPD Msg File 12Ju143, ML 21 Chennault, IVq of ci Fightet, 316-17, 9 Marshall to Stilwell, WAR 59012, see also 2 10 1Jul-l.l 22 Slilzuell Pnpejs, 32 1-22, 3 17 10 Stilwell to Marshall, CHC 124 1, 23 John Davies to Hopkins, 30Aug44, in 3Ju144 Hopkins to Roosevelt, 8Sep44 11 JCS for Pres, 4July44 24 Hurley to President, RAD CFB 22983, 12 Roosevelt to Generalissimo, WAR 23Sep34, OPD 201, Stilwell, Item 6, SVC 6080, 6Ju14-i. Stilwell Papers, ML Oklahoma File 25 Stilwell to Marshall, CFB 22638, CM- 13 Marshall to Stilwell, 7Jul4.1, CM-OUT N 14238, 15Sep44 See also Stilwell to 625 13 Marshall, 12Sep44. CFD 22467, Stil- 14 CKS to Roosevelt, SJiil-l-I, OPD Exec well Papers, Oklahoma File 9, Item 20 26 Later used against Stilwell was his

15 Roosevelt to CKS, 13Jul (received diary entry “ if the G-mo controls 15Jul)-l4, #25. Stilwell Files distribution I am sunk The Reds will 16 CKS to Koosevelt, 23Ju144, for- get nothing Only the G-mo’s hench- Notes 553 men will bc supplied and in). troops irigs. IV. 2875-76 ,See Cmdr J V (the Yoke Force) will suck the hind Smith, naval aide to the Pres , to Col

tit ” Stilzucll Pnpets. 33 I, see also Frank h1cCarthv for Geii Marshall, Roman us aiid Sunder land, S/iI~oell’r 27Sep44, enc Hurley to Pres. CFB Cotritricr~idPto6letti\, 439 2322 12. containing the nide-trihioirp, 27 Chennault, ll‘q o/-n Fighlet, 320-21 25Sep44, OPD Exec 10, Item 60 28 Pres to Generalissimo. 16Scp44. in 39 Stilwell to Marshall. CFB 23443, Gen Handy Memo foi- Sec War, eiic 29Sep44, Stilwell Papers, Oklahonia test of message, which was sent 18Sep File, Stilii~elIPnpets. 337 from Washington, OPD Exec 10, 40 H~rley to Roosevelt, RAD CFB Itey 59 Text also in FRUS 1944, 23864. 60ct44, Hurley Papers, Stil- 257-58 well to Marshall, CFB 23685, 70~144. 29 Roosevelt to Chiang Kai-shek (enc Stilwell to Mai-shall, CFB 24034, nisg from WD to Stilwell), WH 68, 90ct44, all in Stilivell Personal File filed in Washington 16Sep44, deliv- See Sherwood, Roosezirll (id Hopkitis, ered 0945, 19Sep44 Roosevelt to 804-5. on Soong’s undated cable to Marshall, 3May44, OPD Esec IO, Item Hopkins, aiid Roiiianus and Sunder- 57 Generd Marshall wrote to Stilwell land, Stilzileli Cotrirrintid Pto6letri.c. 457 on 7h.lay “The President is forivard- and no 39, for the test of Soong’s ing Gauss (American Ambassador to mi es s age ‘1 n d the I i- view that She rwoo d China) message indicates that he was probably mistaken in suggesting desires if possible be delivered in pcr- that spring rathei- than Sell44 was the son with a complete Chinese ti-aiisla- time of Soong’s initial reqiiest Hop-

tion ” He added that all msgs kins denied the stat em en t at t ri but ed were to relate to the War Dept the to hiin in Hopkins to Hui-ley. WH 79, time of delivery hlarshall to Stilwell, 70ct44 When stories of Kung’s pur- 7May44, CM-OUT 33493, OPD Msg ported actioii were announced in New File This practice grew from reports Delhi on 310ct. Kung declared that that inem be Is of the Genera 1i s T i iiio ’ s the accounts were “highly misleading

household did not delivei- unpleasant aiid unfounded “ Nez~ lbtk Heinld- msgs T?ibioip. 1 Nov44 30 Hurley testimony, Henritigs ot1 the Jfili- 41 Stilicdl Pnpet, 339, Stiiiison Dim?. /ai? Sitiintiori it1 /he Fnt Enst. IV, 2866 30ct44 See Foiieslnl Dinries, 50ct44, 31 Stilzc~ellPnpets. 333 p 12, on the two messages prepared 32 Ibid , 333-34 by Marshall’s directive and the Pres ’s 33 Hutley to Pres, RAD CFB, 22988. calmer view 23Sep44, OPD 201, Stilwell, Item 5 42 Leahy for Hull, 50ct4.1, forwarding 34 Leahy to Marshall, 25Sep4-1, em draft. Roosevel t to Hiirley for Genera- Hurley to Pres ,23Sep44. CFB 22988, lissimo. 50ct44, see also Marshall OPD Exec 10, Item 61, China File memo to JCS, 28Sep44, both in OPD 35 Hurley to Pres . 130ct44, Far Eastet~ Exec 20, Item 60 Stinison Diaty, Henjitigs, I\’, 2879 According to 50ct4.1, Stzlzciell Pnpets. 70ct44, Hop- Romaniis and Sundei-land in Stih~lell’s kins to Roosevelt, 90ct44, Hopkins Cotrittrad P,oblettiJ, 54 1, “the Opera- Papers, Bk 1 tions Division missed every warning 33 Soong to Hurley, 90ct44, Hurlcy Pa- hint and presented the whole course pers, Hurley to President, llOct4.1, of events to Handy and Marshall in OPD Exec 20, Item 60 bright, affirmative tones ” The brief 44 Stilwell to Marshall, CFB 24 101, of the msg was prepared on 25Sep4! 100ct44, Stilwell Papers 36 Stilwell to Mai-shall, CFB 22995, 45 McCarthy to Handy, 180ct44, inc 22Sep44, Stilwell Papers, Oklahonia Pres for Generalissimo, OPD Exec File 10, Item 60 37 Memo, Stilwell for Hurley. 23Se~4.1, 46 Chennault. 1i’q of n Figliter, 310-18. Item 31, BA 1, Hurley Papers Joseph and Stewart Alsop, “Impor- 38 Hurley statement in Fat Ensleiti Hen,- tance of Stilwell’s Ouster to Chinese 5 54 Notes

[JtiildSln/es Art/i?, 59-60 For the story of Stilwell’s return and subsequent as- signinenis, see Pogue. Cmga C Jfut - shnll Otgnt1i:tv of l71(-Ioty 478-79 47


Wedenieyer to Marshall, 6Nov44. Depi of State Bit// 2Dec45, 882-83 Wedemeyer Files, Box 1. Folders 1, 2, James I; Byrnes, Otrce iii n L!fi/ittw, Index 6, Strategy Radios, ML 3 2 8-2 9 Wederneyer to Marshall, 4Dec44, 17 Hurley to Trulnan. 26Nov45, FRUS Wedemeyer Files. Box 1, Folders 1, 2, 1945, VII, 722-26, see White House Index 6. Strategy Radios, ML arneiidment. 27Nov45. Marshall ap- Wedemeyer to Marshall. 10Dec44, pointment. ibid , 726, for Truman’s GChl Peronal File. Pentagon Clas- version, see Truman. li’(lts of’ Triol sified. ML Hope, 86, see also Acheson, Ptesctit 01 Ibid , enc copies of Wedemeyer’s ex- fhe Cien/iotr. 134-35 change of letter with Chennault 18 Hull to Wedemeyer, 30Nov45, uith Wedemeyer to Marshall for JCS, other drafts, CM-OUT 86 183, OPD 22Jan45, CFB S 3 1783, Wedemeyer 336TS. 30Nov45, ML Filec, Box 1. Folders 1, 2, Index 6, 19 Wedemeyer io Eisenhower, 20Nov35. Strateg!, Files, ML FRUS 1945, VII, 650-60 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 8Sep45. 20 Wederneyer to Eisenhower. 23Nov45, GCM Personal File, Pentagon Clas- FRUS 1945, VII, 662-65 sified, MI, 21 Patterson and Forr-estal to See State, 26Nov45, FRUS 1945, VII, 670-72 JCS tc; CG, U S Forces, China Thea- 22 Ibld , 676-77 ter, 240ct44, FRUS 1944, VI, 178-80. 23 Mtg of Secs , FRUS 1945, VII, 684- JCS to Wederneyer. 10Augd5, FRUS 85 1945. VII, 527-28 24 Memo, Marshall to Leahy, 30Nov45, 8 War Dept Memo, INov45, Consul in FRUS 1945, VII, 74748 Tientsin to Sec State, 1Nov45. Mar- 25 Ibid shall to Wedemeyer, 3Nov45, Robert- 26 Memo prepared in State Dept, son to Sec State, 4Nov45, FRUS 8Dec45, Hull to Marshall, 8Dec45, 1945, VII, 600-602 FRUS 1945. VII, 754-59 Y Wedemeyer to Marshall, 27Oct45, 27 Marshall to Leahy, 30Nov-15, FRUS GCM Personal File, Pentagon Clas- 1945, VII, 7-16-48 sified, ML 28 Sec State to WD, 9Dec15, incl ex- 10 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 5Nov45, re cerpt from his testimony, FRUS 1945, tntg of sees State. War, and Navy, VII, 760-61 GN0v45, FRUS 1945, VII, 603-7 29 Ibid 11 OPD to Wedemeyer, 9Nov45. JCS to 30 Marshall, memo of conv , mtg of Mar- Wedemeyer, 9Nov45, FRUS 1945, shall with Pres , Sec State, and Leahy VII. 610-11 at 3 30 P M , llDec45, FRL6 1945, 12 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 9Nov45, VII, 767-79 FRUS 1945, VII, 61 1-13 31 Ibid 13 Wedemever to Marshall. 14Nov45, 32 Int with James R Shepley, 15Ju157, FRUS 1945, VII, 627-28 int with Gen John E Hull, 14 Vincent to Sec State, 12Nov-15, FRUS 8,2 2 Aug5 7 1945, 1’11, 614-17 33 Memo of conv by Marshall, notes on 15 Telephone conv , General Eiiibick to mtg with Pres and Under Sec State, General Hull, 10Nov45, ABC 336 14Dec45, FRUS 1945, VII. 770 James China, Sec 1-B (75), MI, Shepley later said that Truman told 16 Sen Byrnes from Conf 26Nov56, in Marshall, “If you don’t like this, write 555

your own " Int with Jame\ R Shep- 15Dec45, OPD 336 TS. Case 228 ley. 15Jul57 (only). Item 32 34 Truman to Ma-\hall. 15Dec45, FKUS 39 Ltr , D~VIS,14R4ar75. ML 1945, 1'11. 770-73 40 IblCl 35 Ibid 41 Ibid 36 Acheson, P,twrI (it Itit Circitioti. 144 42 Int by author I\ irh Byroacle. 22JulCi9 37 Llr . Davis to author. 14hiIa1-75 43 Ibld 38 Memo on conf in Gen Hull's oflice,


1 Shepley, riieino to Marshall. 1 9Dec45, ing again in 1934 as the N~tionalSo- FRUS 1945, 1/11, 774-77 cialist Party, it favoi-ed a more 2 Ibid ag g res s 1ve po I i cy a ga i n s I J 'I 11an A ft e r 3 il>d~t~iryvRipoil.\ I, 363, int by author the Japane\e attack of 1937, Cai-sun with Gen Wedeiiie!fer. 1 Feb58 Chang iirgcd unity with the Eiuomin- 4 Int with Robertson. 6Sep62 tang, and tie was invited to join the 5 I bld Na t I o na 1 Dt. fc n s e 4clv is o i-\I C o 11n c i I 6 Mins kept by Wedemeyer, 2 1 Dec and. in 1938, to be a meiiiber of the niel in Nanking, FKLJS 1945, 1'11, Peoples' Political Council Although 794-99 the government shut do\\m an insti- 7 I bld tute that advocated 111s principles, it 8 lbid favored his efforts to bring minority 9 Ibid groups together in the Chinese Deni- 10 ~l~~rsli~~ll'sresidence there u as at 28 ocratic Lengue to oppose he Japa- Niu Kilo Tao. with his ofice on the nese In 1945 he \\as invited to be a first floor and his staff on the second member- of the Chinese delegation to I have depended 011 Chief W'irrant the LJ N Conf in Saii Francisco In Oflicer Richard Hickey's letter of 1946 tie attended the Political Consul- 2 1Xp1-81 foi- niiich of this description tative Conf in Chunghing as a iqire- 11 Notes on conf between Marshall and sentative of the Democratic League Chou En-lai, 23Dec45, FRUS 1945, Although klarshall was impressed by 1'11. 800-804 Carsun Chang, he ultimately decided 12 Notes on conf between Marshall and Chang could not hold minority Soong. 24Dec-45, Chiingking, FRUS groups together to forge a third force I 1945, VII, 804-1 3 See ii 15 below for- for- Ch111a Inore on Cai-sun Chang 16 Shepley to Marshall. 30Dec45, FRUS 13 Ibld 1945, 827-28 14 Notes by R.iarshal1 on conf with Pres 17 Memos of convs between By rnes aiid and blme Chiang hi-shek after Soviet leaders. 15-23Dec45, FRUS Christmas dinner, 26Dec45 1945. 835-39. 840-50 15 hl ars ha I1 to Triiiiia n , 30 D ec4 5. FR LI S 18 hlarshall to Truman. 1Jaii46, FRUS 1945, VII, 825-26 In all of these 1946, IS, 1-2 talks, Marshall looked for a leader of 19 Notes on hlarshall conv with Chou a third party who would bring non- En-lai, 3JaII46. FRLIS 1946, IS, 11- Eiuoiiiintang aiid non-Communists 17 together into an effective organiza- 20 Notes on Marshall coiiv with Chou tion His candidate for a time was En-la], 5Jaii46, FRL1.S 1946, IS, 20- Ch an g Ch 1a-sen . known to West ern - 25 ers as Carsun Chang Once a leader of 2 1 Biogrcifdricnl Dictioitnr? of Rfpublrcnn a movement for parliamentary de- C/l/t/U, 11, 206-1 1 iiiocixy in China. he was arrested and 22 Ibid , 111, 395-97. on Wang Shih- went abroad to avoid trouble fr-oiii chieh 1929 to 1932 On his return to China. 23 Marshall statement on Wang, ML he organized another party, which was 24 Biogiofdiicol Dielionor? of Repiiblrcn,i outlawed bv the Eiuoiiiintaiw Surfx- Chri?ci. 11, 206-1 1 55‘3 Notes

25 Ibid , 391-405 Chlh-chl~ng, 9 lJal136. FRLlS 1946. 26 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 7Jan46, IS, “01-2 FRUS 1946. IS. 9940 41 Min\ of iiitg , Ma~-sIirillbetween Chou 27 Rober tson to Marshall, 7Jan46, FRUS En-la], IFeb46, FRLIS 1946, IS. 203 1946. IS, 41-42 42 iL1,irshall to Trumm. 4Feb-l ti. FRUS 28 Notes on first five nitgs ofCornm of IC)46, IS, 207-8 Three, 7-9Jan46. FRUS 1946. IN, 43- 43 Mins of mtg , M,irshall between Gen 116, for Marshall’s description of the C ha 11g C h 1 h -C hu n g , 5 Fe b 66, FK U S dispute over Jehol and Chahal-, we his 1946, IX, 209-1 1 oflicial report on his mission to Chiii;l, 44 Mins of intorin,il mtg mil sub- pt I, 19-21, hlL coiiiiii , 1 1Feb46, FRUS 1946. IX, 29 Kennan to Scc State, lOJan46, FRUS 21 1-15 1946, IS. 116-19. repeated to US 45 Mins of nitg betwcen h~larshalland

Emb in Chunghng Chang Chih-Chuiig, 1 2Feb46. FRUS I 30 R/lins of mtg of Cornrn of Three, 1946, IS, 220-22 10Jan-16, FRUS 1946, IS, 127 4 ti h4lns of rntg of Militarv Subcomm 31 hlarshall to Truman, 10Jan46, FRLJS bct ween G C hl , C 11 a I1g C I1 I I1-ch 11I1 g , 1946, IS, 129-30 dnd Chou En-lni, 15Fcb46, FRUS 32 See iiieiiio by Philip Spr(.)use to State 1946, IS, 22-4-35 Dept , 8Ja1i46,sent I>\’ Walter Robert- 47 MI115 of mtg c;f hlllltary S11bco1nm , son, 1 IJanJG, FRUS 1946, IS, 132- 16Feb46. FRLIS 1946. IS, 23547 33, 25445 48 Ibld 33 hla I-shall to Truman, 24J an46. FRLJ S 49 Mins of mtg of Military Subcomm 1946, IS, 1.1343 between GCM, Chnng, and Chou, 34 Ibid , 1-43 18Feb.16, FRLIS 1W6. IS, 248-58 35 R4a1-sh~llto Truman, 3 lJan46, FKUS 50 Ibid 1946, IS, 149, Bai-biira Ti~chmm,“If 51 hlins of mtg between hlarsh,dl and Mao Had Come to Wa~hiiigton An Chou, 18Feb46, FRLJS 1946. 258-59 E, ss‘i Y in A 1 tern t I ws, ’ ’ FOIPI,< 11 .i@ii r. 52 Marshall to Truman. 19Feb46, FRLJS Oct72 For hkio’s earlier views on 1946, IS, 260-62 cooperation with the LInited States. 53 Ibid see John Service’s int with Mao, 54 Mins of iiitg between h4arsh;lll and 29Aug44, Iml Clrn11cr It1 C:llrlrcc. “95- C han g Chi h-ch ung , 2OFe b36, FRUS 307 1946, IS. 262-63 36 Smvth to Sec State, 15Feb46. FRUS 55 Mins of mtg between Marshall and 1946, I?<, 154-55. 156-57 Chou, 2 1 Feb.16, FRUS 1946, IS, 262- 37 Mal-shall to Wedemeyer, Wedenieyer 64, 265-77 to hlarshall, 13Jan46, FRUS 1946, IN, 56 Mins of Mtg of Military Subconiniit- 177 fl’ tee, 22Feb46, FRUS 1946, IS, 278- 38 Menio of mtg , h4ashall and Gen 89 Chang Chili-chung, 23Jan46, notes by 57 Mins of signing of military agree- Col Caug-hey, FRCIS 1946. IS, 194- ment, 25Feb.16, FRUS 1936, IS, 291- 96 95 39 Ibid, I96 58 Ibid 40 Mal-shall rntg between Gen Chang 59 Melby, hlcltidolr~of Hmupii. 95

VI SEEKING A CEASE-FIRE 1 Cliou’ En-la1 to Marshall, 13Jan46, 345-49 FRUS 1946. IN. 342 Chang Chun to Byroade to Marshall, 2 1Jan46, FRLJS Chou En-lai, 13Jan46, FRUS I94ti, 1946, IS, 369-70 IX. 34243. 34345 Marshall to Trumaii, 9Feb46, FRLJS 2 Mins of mtg between Marshall mcl 1946, IS, 426-29 Cha1ig ChllIi, 14Ja1146, R/ilnS of Ibid mtg between Marshall and Chou Trurnan to Marshall, 13Feb46, FRUS En-lai, 24Jm46, FRUS 1946. IS, 1946. IS. 434-35 , Notes 557 7 Smyth to Sec State, 23Feb46, FKUS wars aiid four Presidents later 1946, IS, 43911 20 Marshall to Truman, 6h4ar46. FKUS 8 Mins of. nitg between Marshall and 1946, IS. 5 IO- 1 I, Truman to h4x- Chou Eii-lai, 25Feb46, FRUS 1946, shall, 7Mar46, FKUS 1946, IS. 51 1 IX. 44142 21 Shepley to Marshall, 7Ma-46, FRUS 9 Marshall to hlccarthy. 22Feb46, 1946, IS. 51 1-12 hlrCarthy File. ML 22 Ludden inemo to Marshall, 9Mar-16, 10 hlarshall to Truman, 27Feb4G. FRUS FRUS 1946, IS. 513-16 Ludden was 19-46. IX,445-46. Marshall to Robert- one of the old China hands later ac- son, 21Feh46, ML, said he expected cused of p 1-0-Coin In u n i s t 1ea n i n gs , to end his work in China by August seriously compromising his career in 11 hlelby, ;\loiidotf of Hmwi, 96 the Foreign Service 12 Marshall cominents at Exec Hq , 23 Mtg of Coinin of Three, 11MaI-46. 28Feh-16, FRUS 19-16, IS, 463-64 FRLJS 1046. IX, 543-53 13 blarshall comments, 1Mar46, FRUS 24 hlenio by Marshall of statement by 1046, IS, 467 Chiang Kai-shck, lOh4ar46, FRlJS 14 Marshall comments during rntg at 1946, IS. 528-29 Tsinan, 2Mar4G. FRUS 1946, IS, 25 Chou En-lai to M~rshall, IOhlal-46, 472-73 FRUS 1946. IS, 529-35 15 Trip to Taiyiian, 3Mar-46, FKUS 1946, 26 Mins of Chou En-lai int with Mar- IX, 493-97 shall. l lMar46. FRUS 1946. IS,535- 16 I am indebted io James Reardon- 38 Anderson’s liwntr criirl the GimI Powis. 27 CKS to Truman, 1 IMal-46, FKUS part of which I was shown in its pre- 1946, IS, 540 publication stage, for a perceptive 28 Wedemeyer to Eisenhower (from analysis of the various shifts in Soviet Nnnking), 1 1 Mar46, M’DCSA 09 I, and Chinese Communist positions ’ China, 1946 (15Mar%), hlL 17 Terrdl, ;\/(lo Twrttlg, 183 29 Marshall Memo to Truman, 18hlar46, 18 T/ii/f, 18MaI-46 con ta i n i n g test of coin inu n ica t i on 19 Mtg between Marshall and Mao from Chiang Kai-shek io Marshall, Tse-tung. 4Mar46, FRUS 1946, IX, State Dept File DC/R 121 893/3- 501-2, 510, Terrill, i\/no. 183 Ter- 1946. with handwritten note to Sec rill added that Mao did not meet Byrnes from Marshall suggesting that an Ainencan official again until three he show it to Acheson


I Ti tiit>. 2 5Mar4 6 shall, 27Mar46, FRUS 1946. IS,593- 2 Marshall press conf . 16Mar46, CAim 96, 600-605 \ Il’hitu Pn/m, 14 1-43 10 Marshall to Gillem. 6Apr46, FRUS 3 Col L J Lincoln, Asiatic Sec , Thea- 1946, IX, 737-38 ter Group. to Gen H A Craig, 11 Int by author with Lt Gen A C GiI- 15Ma1-46, OPD 319 ITS, 15Mar46, lein, Sr , 22Jun62 ML 12 Wedenieyer (in Shanghai), Shanghai 4 Int by author with Adniiral C M 82 58 3, hl L Cooke, Nod0 13 Wederneyer to Hurley, 3 1 RIar36, 5 Mins of nitg of Military Subcoinm , Hurley Papers, cited in Russell Buh- 17hlar36, FRUS 1946, IX, 56676 ite, Hri?!ej! 318 6 Marshall to Gillem, 18Mar46, FRUS 14 Madame Chiang Kai-shek to Marshall, 1946, IX, 576 2Apr.16, ML 7 [bid 15 Marshall to Joan Bright, 4May46, ML 8 Marshall to Gillern, 2 1 Mar46, FRUS The description of the place is from 1946,,IS, 590-9 1 telephone conv , letters, and ints by 9 Gillem to Byroade, 22Mar46, author with Richard G Hickey, ML Caughey to Gillem, 23Mar4G, Gillern 16 Marshall to Bryden. 14Apr46, John to Mars ha11, 2 5hl ar4 6, G i1 leni to h4 ar- Robinson Beal. i\/nnhall it1 Chttio. 147 558 Notes 17 Marshall to Stettinius, 9Aug46, hlL 30 Mins of nitg with Chou En-lai. I8 Bed, .Ifnislrcill 111 Chirrci, 142-48 30May46, Marshall to Chiang hi- 19 Memo of Marshall conv w~th1‘11 Ta- shek. 3 1May45, FRUS 1946, IX, 925- wet, 22,4pr46, FRUS 1946, IS, 788- 26, for a summary of hlarshall’s 90 exchange of messages with the 20 Miiis of iiitgs between Marshall and Generalissimo dunng the former’s Chou En-lai. 23.27.29Apr-46, iiiins of absence from Nanking, see hlarshall nitg between Marshall arid Gen Hsii Rc/Io~(,145-5 1 1‘1itig-chaIig. 23Apl-46. FKUS 1946, 31 Mins of nitg between Marshall and IM, 790-805 Chou En-la[, 3Jun46, FRUS 1946, IS, 21 Melby. i\/oirdn/e of Htwzltvr, 1 14, nii~i) 950-73 of mtg between Marshall and Chou 32 Marshall memo ,to Chou En-lai, En-lai, Marshall and Gen Hsii Yiing- 3Jun46. Marshall to Truman, 5Jun46, chang. 4May46, FRUS 1946. IS. 650- FRUS 1946, IS, 976-79, Melby, ilfnn- 53, 813-14 cinctle o/’ Hcnivti. 129 22 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 4May-16, 33 Mins of conf between Marshall and GCM China Mission File, ML Chou En-lai, 1OJun46, MarFhall to 23 Melby, AI/nrrchtt,of 11m~tw91 17, hlar- Carter, 10Jun46, FRUS 1946, IS, shall to TI-liman. GMay-16, iiiins of 1008-21 West Potnter Col Marshall mtg between Marshall and Gen Yii S Ca-ter had been selected by Ache- Ta-wei. 8May46, FRUS 1946. IS, 8 18. son to succced Col Davis as liaison 820-22 between the Pentagon and Slnte and 24 Eisenhower letter to Marshall. Ma-shall Carter had served part of 28May46. State Dept RG 59, Mission the war in OPD and later with Gen to chin,^ Folder, “Report to the Presi- Wedenieyer’s headquarters in China dent”, Eisenhower to Marshall, 34 Memo by Second Sec of Emb Melby, 4J u n46, K A D . EI sen h o \\.e I- Pap e 1‘s. 13Jun46, FRUS 1946, IS, 104546 Acheson, P~twntn/ /he C~eu/iu~i.192- 35 Memo of coiiv by Second Sec of 93, Truman Aft>wrps,v 1, I’m,.\ o/ Der/- Emb , I4Jun46, FRUS 1946, - IS, .qro)r. 553 hlarshall explained all this 104647 in a rnerno for the record dated 36 Marshall to Truman, 17Jun4.5. FRUS 12Feb48, GChl Personal File, Penta- 19-16, IS, 1099-1101 gon Classified, ML 37 Stiiyth to Sec State, 21Jun46, FRUS 25 Mins of conf between Marshall and 1946, IX, 1123. 1272 Chiang hi-shek, 12May46, FKUS 38 Mins of mtg of Comm of Three, 1946, IS, 840-4 1 24Jiin-16, FRUS 1946, IX, 1169-88 26 Marshall, Rr,~oi/ mi I-lis Afrssroii to 39 Mars ha1 I to Truman , 2 9J 11114 6, FRU S Chlrrn, 14344 1946, IX, 1262 27 Ibid , 138-39. niins of conf between 40 Mins of mtg between Marshall and Marshall and Chou En-lai. 2 1 May46, Gen YLI Ta-wei, 20June46, FRLIS FRUS 1946, IS, 878-79 1946, IS, 1105-6, Beal, il/ctrshn-ll 1n 28 Chiang hi-shek, So7wt Rrissln 111 Ch111n. 97 Chrnn. 160, Tang Tsou, .-lmwrrtr i Forl- 41 Notes of mtg between Marshall and lire 111 C/irt/ci, 1941-50, 420 C ti ia n g Kai - sh ek , Nanking, 305 u ti4 6, 29 Marshall to Truman. 22May46, niins FRUS 1946, IX, 1263-65, int by a~- of mtg with Chou En-lai, 23May46, thor with Marshall, 290ct56, ML FRIJS 1946, IS, 881-90 42 Beal, AIn1s/1all 112 chi^, 109-1 10

VI11 ,PICKING LJ P THE PIECES 1 Gen Wedenieyer says that Hurley Wedemeyer to Marshall, 29May46, suggested the appointtilent in Sep45 hlarshall China Mission File, ML and that lie ashed Marshall about it 3 Eisenhower to Marshall. 2Jul19-46, 2 Marshall to Eisenhower for Byrnes, FRUS 1946, IS, 1277, Wedenieyer to 1 1 hlay46, Marshall to Wedenieyer, Handy, 15Jul45, WDCSA 091, Mar- 1Tun46. FRLJS 1936. IS. 833. 927. shall China Mission File, ML, Notes 559

Wedenieyer-, I I Pdmeyei R+ot Is I, 369- 21 Marshall to Truman, 6Sep46, FRUS 70. ints by author with Wedemever 1946, x. 160-62 and Acheson, ML 22 Stuart to Sec Stare, 17Sep-16. FRUS 4 For details on Stuart’s life, see his Fdiy 1946, X, 195 lZnrs /t/ Chrticr. chs I, I1 23 Memo by Chou En-la1 to Marshall, 5 Philip West, I?richrtiy lJnrversi(y ntid 15Sep46, FRUS 1946, X, 189-94 Sltto-11:pste~trReIa//oiis. 1915-52, ch I1 23 Mars ha I I to Tru nian , 2 3 Se p4 6, FR U S 6 Stual-t, Fft~1Pn)s I)/ Ch/t, if Igtmwti. 172 29Oct46, FRUS ;!MG, S, 449, hlar- 53 Beal, Alaislicrll it) Clriricr. 3 13, Marshall shall Rpt , 114-1 5 to Triinian. IDec46, FRUS 1946, S, 46 Melby, Jlntdn/e of-Henzwi, 16 1 575-78 47 Marshall to Truman, 8Nov46, FRUS 54 Marshall to Truman, 23Nov-46, FRLJS 1946, s,490-9 1 1946, s,558-59 48 Mtg between Marshall and Chou En- 55 Melby, Alniidn/r of Henileri, 173 lai, 10Nov46, FRUS 1946, S, 490- 5G Beal, Alcrishnll it1 Chino, 3 13. Marshall 91 to Truman, 1Dec46, FRUS 1946, X. 49 Mtg of Coiiim of Three. 11Nov46, 575-78 FRUS 1946, X, 51 1-20, Marshall Rpt 57 Carter to Marshall. 3Dec46, FRUS 334-37 1946, s,583 50 Mtg between Marshall and Chou En- 58 Mtg between Rlarshall and Stuart, lai, 12Nov36, FRUS 1946, X, 524-34, 5Dec46. FRUS 1936, S, 591-94

IX END OF THE MISSION 1 Mins of nitg between Marshall and 7 Ibid Dr Wer Tao-rning, 4Dec46. FRUS 8 Carter to Marshall, 3Jan37. hhshall 19-16, 602-5 to Carter, 4Jan47. FRUS 1947. X, 2 Acheson's rnsg , sent Marshall by 680-8 1 Carter, 6Dec46, FRUS 1946, S, 593- 9 Marshall notes on nitg with Genera- 9-1 lissimo, GJan47, FRUS 1946, ?(, 684- 3 Beal, :llclishnlli~Chriicr, 31 3 Mrs Mar- 85 shall flew to Guam in plane assigned 10 Marshall notes on mtg with Wang to General hlarshall Shih-chieh, 7Jad7. mtg between 4 Ibid , p 313. int by author with Marshall and T \i Soong, 7Jan57, M'IJ Gen George V Underwood, FRUS 1936, S, 688, 689-91 210ct70 11 Stuart. Fft? li.~,~/ti Chii10, 177-78 5 Stuart to Sec State, 27Dec46, Mar- 12 Personal statement by Marshall, shall to Truman, 26Dec-16, FRUS 7Jan47, U S State Dept , Chitin (called 1936, X, 665-66, 661-65 White Paper), 686-89 6 Beal, Alilislictll it1 Chitin. 345

X IN A CIVILIAN SETTING 1 Ilirshitigtoti Stat and llksliitig/uii Post. shall after he was sworn in Marshall 2 25 a 114 7 gave necessary directions and prepa- 2 Note of James Shepley to Col Mar- rations for the move. which began shall S Carter. 21Jan47 while he was in Moscow In explaining 3 Marshall statement, quoted in ll'os/t'- to his new enlisted assistant. Sgt C J ing/oii Stor, 22Jan47 George. just whv he was taking his 4 James Reston column, iVsezi1 lbik Titws, soon-to-be-discharged orderly, Sgt 22Jan-17, David Lawrence column, Wing, to Moscow instead of the new 2 2J a 1147 member of his staff, he said he would 5 Acheson. Presselit nt the Crenliotl, 2 13- want George in Washington to look 14, notes that the move of the State after his interests during arrange- Dept froin its old site to the building inents for the move (Sgt George had erected at the request of Sec Stinison entered the Armv out of high school and Gen Marshall in 1931 was one of in the period before the war and had the first items he discussed with Mar- been comrnissioned during the war, Notes 5b 1 advancing to major He left the Army inent of State,” cited in Marshall Li- after the war, but changed his mind brary News Letter, v I 1, no 2, Winter and returned to duty as a sergeant 71 Assigned to the Pentagon motor pool, 13 George liennan, Memoirs, 1925-50. he was teinporarily assigned as Mar- 1a7 shall’s driver when the new Secretary 14 Kennan, Memom, 294 For Kennan’s arrived After several weeks he was as- shift of emphasis, see John L Caddis, signed to permanent duty with Mar- Strategies of Con/ai~inie~i/,ch 2 shall, first as driver, then as an 15 Amb Walter B Smith to Sec State, assistant who became an aide, a part- 7Jan47, FRUS 1947, 11, 13942 time secretary, and a sometime 16 Marshall speech at New loik Herald- speech writer The Korean War re- Tr26irne Forum, 200ct45, cited in Mi- stored his coininissioned rank He re- chael Sherry, P1epnri)igfor the Nekt IVar, mained with iMarshall at the State 218 Dept , the Red Cross, aiid the Defense 17 Many of the incidents are suniniarized Dept , and was military aide through- in Eiseiihozuer Papers, Chief oJStnff l>ars. out Marshall’s retirement His re- 111, 753, n 1 See an article on the placement as orderly-driver was Sgt problem by R Altin Lee, “Army Mu- William Heffiier, who remained in the tiny of 1946,”Joumnl of .-litierican His- job until Marshall’s death ) /o?y, 1953, v 3, 555-71 (I personally 6 Dean Acheson, Aloiiii!ig ad Nooti, watched demonstrations in Frankfurt gives the iiiain details of his early ca- against the U S headquarters build- reer ing ) 7 Acheson, P)e.wti/ fit the Cren/ion, 14 1 18 Marshall directive cited in Sherry, Pte- a Int by author with Dean Acheson, pnringfor /he Ne.\/ Ilio; 193, Fn G 200ct57 19 Marshall, Repor/ /o /he Seoe/m? of Il’ar, 9 AcheSOil, ~rC.Wll/ fl/ fllF C~t‘O/lOll. 189- 19f3-45, 118 90 20 Sec War (Patterson to State Dep Hill- IO Int by author with Robert A Lovett, dring) eiic War Dept StaK paper 28Aug77 26Feb47, FRUS 1947. 11, 277-81 11 Acheson, PjFsenI nt /lie C)eo/ioji, 15 1 21 Patterson to Marshall 18Feb47, Mar- 12 State Dept Study, “A Program of shall to Patterson 28Feb47, FRUS Manageinent Reform for the Depart- 1947, 11, 170-71, 185

SI THE TRLJMAN DOCTRINE A convenient suinmary of factors that bore directly on the Truman Doctrine can be found in Bruce Kuniholni, Tli~Origins of the Cold Il’ar 111 /he Nen? Enst 1 File of corres between Marshall and economic inission to Greece and Mark Acting Pres Frank D Fackenthd, Ethridge, chief of the U N inission to 2 1Feb47. convocation, furnished by Greece, had made similar suggestions Virginia Santhos of University staff, of impending trouble But the mes- hiL sages of February 2 i that Acheson re- 2 Loy Henderson, in an int filed ,it the ceived and summarized for Marshall Truman Library, said that Marshall were not discussed with him then at was away because of his practice of the State Department, because the

1 le‘iving hi5 office early each Friday to itinerary for his trip shows that he was go to his home in Leesburg His ap- pickekl up by car at his quarters at 7 30 pointment books (in ML) show otlier- A M aiid taken to Union Station, wise where he joined General Eisenhower Qiiite possibly the Greek and Turk- in his special coach ish situations had been discussed be- Sgl C J George’s nieino for Gen fore the morning of February 2 i [/ S Marshall, 20Feb47, ML See EISF~I- Ambassador to Greece Lincoln Mac- /107OFl’ Pape?S, V VIII, 1535, Il ‘L Veagh had previously \% ;rrned of ai 3 Test of speech in Marshall Speech approaching crisis Paul Porter of the File, ML Appen, 525-28 562 Notes 4 Ilbid Walter Wanger, the film pro- 27Feb.17. to Pres ), which Rdarshall ducer, in congratulating Marshall on noted he made to congressmen that the speech, said that he should give a morning, FRUS 1947. V. 60-62 more comprehensive talh later along 9 Truman Aletmrs. 126, Vandenberg, the same lines Marshall replied that I kiidetitjerg Pnpys, 3 18-19 Jones, Ff- he planned to do so after his return tetw Ii‘eeks. 13942. Acheson. Pieseiil nt firom the Soviet Union While this the Crcntioii, 2 19 Ms Lynn Eden, for- should not be overstressed, it is clear mer Smithsonian Fellow at the Eisen- that he was thinking of the need to hower Institute. at niy request alert the United States to its respon- checked the Vandenberg papers at the sibilities University of Michigan She found no 5 hleino of director of the Office of the diary entries concerning this period, Near East Div to Sec State, 24Feh47, but two copies of the Marshall state-

< memo of conv between Marshall and ment The younger Vandenberg I nverchapel by Loy Henderson. cleai-ly drew on this source, leaving no 24Feb47, memo titled “Under Secre- indication that Acheson had spohen t.iry of State to Secretary concerning He actually quotes Marshall saying visit, 24Feb47,” FRLJS 1947, V, 42- the choice was between acting with 45 A notation says the last memo was energy or losing by default On that prepared for Marshall to sign for the point, says the editor, he struch a re- Pres and pertained to Marshall rather sponsive note with Vandenberg than to the Under Secretary See 10 Rdbei-t Donovan, Cory%-1 mid C~ISIS. Acheson, Picsent n/ /lie Cientioii. 2 18- 282-86, Jones, Fflerii Il’ecks, 153-60 19 The Joseph Jones and Clark Clifford 6 Miiis of Spec Conim, 24Feb.17. papers at the 1 rumcjn Library contain FRLIS 1947, V. 4547 various drafts of the speech 7 Jones, Ffteeji Il’eeks, 139, Acheson, 11 Charles Bohlen, ll’itiwss lo Hisloi?. P?twit nt tlw Ctealron. 2 19 26 1 8 This and the following paragraphs are 12 Do1io\lan. Co/lJl/(-I~rjid Ci-/sis, 28 1-83 based on a Sec St‘lte statement (un- 13 Acheson. Prewit (it the C?~ci~ioii,22 1 dated hut attached to note of

XI1 MEETING AT hlOSCOW Be5ides the official records, I have di-awn heavily on Col Marshall S Carter’s letters to his wife Important boohs are Walter Bedell Sinith, Afy Thire 1i.lris iti Afoscozu. Lucius Clay. Drc-rsion iii Grriiiuji?, John Backer, l17iidy o/H/stoj;~,Alan Bullock, Ei tws/ Bervi), Foieigii Spc-reliii?. Chai-les Bohlen, Ili/i/t~sslo Hisloi?. John Ciiiibel, Tile Origiiis oftlre i\l~i.~h~illPlaii 1 71inc. 10Mar47 Col Mal-shall S man Matthews had served for the Chrter, conscious of the historical ini- State Dept in European assigiinieiits portance of the trip, decided to coin- during World War I1 and wa\ highly bine personal letters to his wife with regarded as an expert on such mat- comments on the trip Copies of the ters letters to his wife and parents for this Sec Byi-nes, recognizing the impor- trip, and later ones \%.rittenwhen he tance of Senate ‘ipproval of treaties, accoiiipaiiied Marshall to Rio de took the Chairman of the Senate For- J,iiieiro and Rogot5, nre in ML eign Relations Committee, Republi- 2 Benjamin Cohen, one of the early can Arthur H \’andenberg, and the New Dealers. had joined with Thomas ranking Democratic 111 i nor1 t v me ni - Coi-coi-anin writing soiiie of the early her, Tom Connally, with him to the R oosevelt measui-es As counselor to U N mtg in in 1946 Mar- thc State Dept under James Ryrnes, shall saw the value of this support He he had become involved iii earlv post- saw to It that Vandenberg and Con- \%.;irGel-nian policy He wrote soiiie of nalh were with hini at the conf in Rio the key briefing papers for Marshall cle Jmeiro in 1947 before his ti-ip to Moscow H Free- 3 Ron,ilcl Ii Pruessen,Joliii Foslci DulleLs, Notes 563 338, Eleanor Lansing Dulles. Choiices 14 Carter to Mrs Carter, 20OMar47, of a Llfetitne. 220-21 Carter Papers. ML 4 Bohlen, 11’rltress to Hrstoty, 1-240 15 Carter to Mrs Carter, 21Mar47, 5 Notes on Marshall mtgs with Prime 9Apl-47 Min Paul Ramadier and Pres Vincent 16 Alan Bullock, E?iresf Bezvtz, Foteigrz Sfc- Aurlol, 6Mar47, FRUS 1947, 11, 190- I-elnty, 848-56 See also the delightful 95 Acting For Min Pierre-Henri ch on Bevin in Dean Acheson, Ske/c/res Teitgen sat In with Auriol at the conf jioiti L fe 6 Carter to Mrs Carter, 6Ma1-47. Carter 17 Georges Bidault. Resislnm-e The Polrlr- Papers, ML ccil .-liitobrogl-ophj~ of Geotpes Bidorill 7 See ref to this mtg with Senate For 18 h4ins of nitg of Marshall. Bidault, Rels Conim ni an earlier chapter and others, 13Ma-47, FRUS 1947, 11. Probably it should be placed here, 24649 along with a statement about the 19 Marshall to President and Acheson, lengthy briefings given by Cohen, 13Mar47, FRUS 1947. II,‘249-51 At Riddleberger. Bohlen, Thorp. and Moscow, Marshall continued the prac- others It may have been an injection tice he had begun in China of sending of Byrnes’s so-called moderate philos- almost nightly summaries of the days’ ophy, noted earlier. or a philosophy disciissioiis Most of those from China colored by Kennan’s views, a touch of were written by Marshall personally Forrestal, and parts of Acheson, Hen- At Moscow he wrote the first msg. derson, and others Although Mar- then, since Carter was also attending shall was pounded with various the gessions, asked him to write them studies reflecting the growing fear Carter, in turn, assigned most of the and antagonism toward the Soviets: it task to Bromley Smith, a member of would seem difficult to Inject a hard the State Dept staff who had accom- line into him in little more than a panied them to Moscow The author month The anti-Soviet remarks seen has used these summaries, signed by in his speeches after his return from Marshall, as if they were actually writ- Moscow depend more on his reac- ten by him, since they summarize what tions to Stalin and Molotov at the he said and heard Moscow Conf than on any material he 20 Smith, 111~Thee I’enis 111 Aloscoil~.2 14- got from the briefings Clifford, later 20 Marshall to Truman, 14Mar-15, to accuse Marshall of being a prisoner FRUS 1947, 11, 251-52 of the State Dept , was in accord with 21 Marshall to Pres , 17Ma1-17, FRUS those in State who took a hard line on 1947, 11, 256-57 the Russians 22 U S Delegation Mins CFM, 18 8 Lucius Clay, Decrsroii i~iGermntry. 147 Mar47, 260-6 1, Clay, Decisrotr 111 Get- Clay says the group arrived on the rrrnti?. 15 1, has a slightly different ver- 8th, but see summary of telegram sion from to State on 7Mar. saying 23 Marshall to Acting Sec State. that Marshall arrived shortly after 19Mar47, FRUS 1947, 11, 263 noon in Paris on Ghlar, and left nest 24 Marshall to Acting Sec State, day at 2 00 P M for Germany He 20Ma1-47,FRUS 1947, 11, 265 spent two nights in Gerinanjr FRUS 25 Memo of conv , hlarshall with Bewn, 1947. 11, 190, Walter Bedell Sinith, 22hlar-17, FRUS 1947, 11, 272-75 AI? Thtte I’erin in Alosc‘ozo. 215-16 26 Marshall to Actg Sec State 26Mai-47. 9 Smith, Tliife IPars. 213-14, Carter to FRUS 1947.3 11, 292 Mrs Carter, I4Ma-47, Carter Papers, 27 Gimbel, Ot-igitir oJ^ /he i\lmshnll Plrin, L/e, Mal-47, had aiarticle md photos 186-89 of Spaso House 28 Sec State to Acting Sec State, 2Ap1-47, 10 Int by author with Carter. April 18, FRUS 1947. 11. 304-06 1980 29 Sec State to Acting Sec State, SApr47, 11 Ibid FRUS 1947, 11, 313-15 12 Clay, Decisrorr I?I GetriiciriJ, 147 30 Memo of conv , Marshall and Bevin, 13 Pruessen , Joli Foslei Drtlles. 345 8Avr47. FRUS 1947. 11. 315-17 31 Sec State to Acting Sec State, 40 Marshall to Acting Sec State, 10kpr47, FRUS 1947. 11, 323-25 19Apr47, about his talk with Bevin the 32 Sec State to Acting Sec State, day before, FRUS 1947, 11, 357-58 15Apr47, FRUS 1947. 11, 334-36 See also Bullock, Ernes1 Beurn, Foreign 33 A, description of the discussion be- Serrefmy, 390-9 1 Bevin wanted to dis- tween Stalin and Marshall is in a cuss bizonal proposals with Marshall, memo that Bohlen says he prepared, Clay, and Robertson in Berlin, but in IliInesJ fo Hislo~y, 263 Memo of since he could not fly because of his Conv Marshall, Bevin et al), health, he suggested that Marshall’ar- 15Apr47, FRUS 1947, 11. 33744 range for a brief conf with Clay and 34 hlarshall to Acting Sec State, Robertson at Templehof before the 16Ap1-47.FRUS 1947, 11, 347 Secretary took off for the United 35 Marshall to Acting Sec State, States 22Apr47, FRUS 1947. 11, 376 4 1 Marshall inelno on conv with Bidault, 36 Marshall to Acting Sec State, 20Ap1-47, FRUS 1947, 11. 367-70 23Apr47, FRUS 1947, 11, 375-76 42 Bidault, Resisfnrire. 114 37 Marshall to Acting Sec State, 43 Robert Murphy, Diplo~traf.-lnroriglli-tm- 25Apr47, FRUS 1947, 11, 388-90 013, 342 38 Smith. Af? Three IPnrs it1 Afosrozii, 227- 44 Int by author with Marshall, 29 14Nov56 39 John Backer, The Decisiori fo Diwde Gel- 45 Bohlen, Ilifriess 10 Hislot?. 263 ttMlt1~. 45

XI11 THE HARVARD SPEECH 1 Int with Lt Geii Marshall S Carter, studies on economic aid Wood. a for- I 1 NovGO, int with Bohlen (Paris), nier broker, began a series of lun- 7Jun67 cheons with colleagues that provided 2 Test of speech as delivered to the material for later consideration press, 98Ap1-47, ML Acheson, Presetif rtt the Crercifroti. 228- 3 Eisenhower to Clay, 18Mar47, copy of 30 Truman quote is on 228 letter in Eheiihower files given to me Ibid , 236 by Stephen Ambrose For background, see int by author ’ 4 Acheson to Sec War. 5Mar47, nlenio with Marshall, 19Nov56. int by au- by Gen Hilldring. 17Ma1-47, Shep- thor with George Kennaii, Princeton, pard of Bur of Budget to Dir of Bud- 17Feb59 See also the memo Kennan get, 7Apr47, C Tyler Wood to had prepared before that on the Pol- Acheson. 17Apr-47. rpt of SWNCC, icy Planning Staff, the copy given the 21Apr-47. FRLIS 1947, 111. 204. 220 author is in ML, see Kennan, hfettroris, 5 Fn to above report indicating the final 313 For details on the founding of report was submitted 30ct47 FRUS the Policy Planning Staff, see FRUS 1947, 111, 219 1947.111, 220. n 2 Ronald Steel, ll’o/- One survey was prompted by a re- fer Lippirratiti nnd the .-ltrie~-icatiCetilioy, quest from the Bureau of the Budget 44042 Neither Acheson nor Kennaii for the setting of priorities A prelimi- mentions Lippniann in this connec- nary report on various programs al- tion, although Joseph .Jones says he ready in train was made by Tyler used an article by Lippniann in writ- Wood, special assistant to Assistant ing the Delta Speech Secretary for Economic Affairs WII- Views expressed in the Policy Plan- lard Thorp Among other things, it ning Staff on 15May were reported by noted the study being made of other Kennan the next day See Kennan po s s 1 b I e req ii ire inen t s w h i ch soon meino, 1 6May47. and Kennan to must be considered Thorp, Wood, Acheson, 23May47, FRLJS 1947. 111, and othei- ineinbei-s of the State De- 220-23, 223-30 partmcnt concerned with economic Int by author with Marshall, affairs, were soon at work on special 19Nov56, int with Kennan, 17Feb59, Notes 565 Kennan, Memoirs. 330-35 corporation and overseers in January 11 Memo by Under Sec Will L Clayton, Prof Robert Blackburn, present at the 27May47, FRUS 1947, 111, 230-32 speech, got additional material from 12 Acheson to Sec State, 28May47, Harvard for me FRUS 1947, III., 232-33 18 Text of reading copy initialed by Mar- 13 See file of corres with Dr James B shall, at Marshall Museum display, Conant on this degree, in 1945, 1946, ML 1947, and Laird Bell Correspondence 19 New lbrk Times. 6Jun47 in Harvard Speech File, ML 20 Int by author with Sir John Balfour, 14 Int by author with Marshall. 25Nov77 19Nov56 21 Balfour to Butler, 29May47, enc 15 Memo, Marshall to Gen Carter. 23May statement on talk with Ache- 3OMay47, ML son on 22May, For Off Files. British 16 Int by author with Bohlen, 3 1May67, Pub Rec Off, Kew (copy in ML) , at LJ S Emb in Paris. ML 22 Int by Barbara Vandegrift with Leon- 17 The basic facts about the ceremonies ard Miall at ML, 19Sep77 Miall had are in a detailed article in Hm7)ord published earlier accounts, which he .dLictiitii Biilletiii, 14Jun47, v 49, no 17, gave the ML Much of the material 7 14 See also iVe7o lbrk Titjies, 6Jun47 given to the author by Balfour and to E J Kahn, Jr , Hantnrd Throicgii Mrs Vandegrift by Miall may also be Charige ntid Thioicgk S/onti, ch SSIII, found in John Wheeler-Bennett and has interesting details on commence- Anthony Nicholls, The Seviblatice of ments and alumni meetings at Har- Pence, 568-71 In a few cases, pertain-, vard He incorrectly says that Marshall ing to authorship of the Harvard and MacArthur were offered open- speech and the surniise about some of ended degrees-Come and get them Marshall's actions, their book is in when you can He says all others were error proposed by a committee of fellows in 23 Nevile Butler to Balfour. 10Jun47, December and then approved by the Pub Rec Off, Kew, AN 1976 17/45

SIV PRELIMINARIES FOR ERP 1 Marshall to Emb in France (similar to I9Jlii147, FRUS 1947, 111, 264-66 text repeated to other missions), (gives names of Harriman Commit- 12Jun47, FRUS 1047, 111, 249-51 tee) 2 iVew lork Times. 7Jun47 10 Clayton memo on mtg with British 3 This and the following paragraph are Cabinet members and Ainb Douglas, based on Inverchapel to Sec State. 24Jun47, FRUS 1947, 111. 268-76 14Jun47. Galhian to Sec State, 11 Memo on mtg of Clayton with British 16Jun47, FRUS 1947, 111, 253-55 Cabinet members , 2 55 u 1137, FR LJ S See also B~llock,Ernest BBIV)~.Fo)eigri 1947, 111, 280-81 Srcidaiji. 404-9 12 Memo on intg of Clayton with British 4 Caffery to Sec State, 18Jun47. FRUS Cabinet members, 26Jun47, FRUS 1947, 111, 250-60 1947, 111, 288-89 5 Memo of conv , Sec State with Heiiri 13 Caffery to Sec State, 28Jun47 (re Bonnet and H Freeman Matthews, 27Jun nitg), Caffery to Sec State, l~]uil37. FRUS 1947. 111, 251-53 28Jun47. Caffery to Sec State, 6 Memo of conv with Polish Atnb by 29Jun47, FRUS 1937, 111, 298-301 Beiijaiiiiii Cohen, n d , FRUS 1947, 14 Caffery to Sec State. IJu147, FRUS 111. 260-61 1947. 111. 302 7 Smith to hhrshall, 26Juii47, FRLIS 15 Cafferv to Marshall, 29Jun47, FRUS 1947, 111, 294-95 1947. 111, 301 8 Caffery to Sec Slate. 19]1it147, FRUS 16 Caffery to Sec State. 1Ju147, FRUS 1947, 111, 262 1947. 111, 303-4 9 Pres to press, 22Jun47. proposals for 17 Douglas to Sec State, 3Ju147, FRUS study by Policy Planning Staff, 1947, 111. 306

1 566 Notes 18 Marshall to Emb in France, 3Ju147, 38 Acting Sec State for Marshall to Tru- FRUS 1947. 111, 308 man, 6Sep47, with n that statement 19 Caffery to Sec State, 3Jul.27, FRUS was to be released 10Sep47, FRUS 1947, 111, 308-9 1947, 111, 410-1 1 20 Ibid 39 Douglas to Marshall, 9Sep47. Caffery 21 Marshall to Clayton, 3Juld7, FRUS et al to Marshall, llSep47, FRUS 1947, 111, 309-10 1947, 111, 420, 421-23 22 Douglas to Sec State, 4Jd47, FRUS 40 Statements by Lovett and Truman on 1947. 111, 310-12 24, 25Sep47. State Dept Bidlelin, 23 Ibid 4Oct47 24 Caffery to Sec State, 4Ju147, FRUS 41 I have followed the extremely useful 1947. 111, 312-13 surnrnary of the report given in Harry 25 Steinhardt to i’vlarshall, 7Jul.17, FRLIS B Price’s Tlie iI/nishail Plnti ntrd /is 1947. 111, 313-14 hleoriijig, U S Dept of State, Cornni 26 Steinhardt to Sec State, 10Ju147, of Econ Cooperation. “General Re- FRUS 1947, 111, 319-20 port,” I, 27, Ernest H van den Beu- 27 Griffis to Sec State, 1089, IOJu147, gel, Fjorri Alntshall ,-lid lo .4/lati/ir Griffis to Marshall, 1092, 1OJu147, Partno hip. 86-88 Van den Beugel FRLJS 1947, 111, 320-22 was a member of the coordinating 28 Smith to Sec State, llJu147, FRUS group 1947, qII. 327 42 Informal aide-uiknorie by Franks to Lo- 29 This aiid the following paragraphs are vett, 220ct47, FRClS 1947. 111, 446- derived from Policy Planning Staff 80 memo, GFK notes for Marshall, ‘€3 C EEC Wash I n g t on del ega t 1 on t o 21Ju147, FRUS 1947. 111, 335-37 State Dept ,270ct.17, FRUS 1947.111. 30 Meino on Paris discussions, 8Aiig47, 452-56 FRUS 1947, 111. 345-50 44 Van den Beugel. Aln~shtrll.lid to ‘illotl- 31 Lovett and Wood to Clayton, tic Pojttw?s/iip, 92-93 IlAiig47, FRUS 1947, 111. 350-51 45 Ibid , 93 32 Caffery for Clayton to Lovett, 46 Record of intg between members of lZAug47, Lovett to Caffery, Advisory Steering Conim aiid the I4Aug47. FRUS 1947. 111, 356-60 CEEC delegation. 4Nov47, which 33 Memo by Policy Planning Staff, PPS-6. con t ai n s ref to i n formal n ide- mktrr or i e, 14Aiig47, FRUS 1947, 111, 360-63 Lovett to Franks, 3Nov47, FRUS 34 Rovett to Douglas, 20Aug-17, Douglas 1947. 111, 461-70 IO Lovett, 21Aug47, Clayton and Ca- 47 Van den Beugel, ;\ln~sholl.-lid to .itinti- ffery to State Dept , 20Aug47. FRUS trc Paj/rienhip, 94-97 1947, 111. 367-69. 364-67 48 Memo, 20Sep47, FRUS 1947, 111, 35 Lovett to Marshall, 23Aug-17, with n 472 The memo was appai-ently pre- (p 375) containing hkirshall’s reply, pared by the Advi5ol-y Steel-ing 24Aug47, FRUS 1947, 111, 372-75 Comm for the use of the President 36 Lovett to Caffery, 24Aug47, Clayton 49 Lovett to Truman, 130ct47, FRUS Ito Lovett, 25Aug47, FRUS 1947, 111, 1947. 111. 478-8 1 Marshall was at the 376-79 U N session in 37 Thir and the following paragraphs are 50 Lovett to Marshall, 4Dec47, FRUS derived from memo by Iiennm on 1947, 111, 482-84 ERP, 4Sep-27, initialed by Marshall. 51 Donovan, Cor@c/ ntid Crisis, 287, quot- FRUS 1947, 111, 397405 ing Clark CliKo1-d

1 Trtrre. 3Ja1144 Year ” After Marshall’s selection for 2 Ibid, 5Jan48 David Lilienthal. Joio- that title, a Trnw editor told Lilienthal nnls. 11, 275, says that he was told near that Luce had made an ”impassioned” the end of 1947 that Henrv Luce speech for his candidacy but a secret wanted hitri to be voted “Man of the vote of all the editors ruled otherwise Notes 567 3 Because of Marshall’s dependence on 11 Marshall speech before Pittsburgh this group in his personal efforts to Chamber of Commerce, 13Jan48, in sell the European Recovery Program. Marshall Speech File, ML it is usefiil to cite the following state- 12 Marshall speech before National COI- ment from the history of the Plan ton Council, Atlanta, 22Jan48, in Mar- sponsored by the Economic Coopera- shall Speech File, ML tion Administration on the Marshall 13 Ti uie. 2 6J a 1148 Plan, and written by Harry B Price I4 Ma I-sha 11 speech by t e 1ep h o n e from “Extensive groundwork was also Knoxville, to National Farm Institute, being laid, concurrently, by the execu- Des Moines, 13Feb48, Mc~rshall tive agencies of the government, Speech File, ML. int by author with under the general direction of Under Marshall, 20Nov.18 Secretary of State Robert A Lovett 15 lfksh/q/o)i Posl. 1 1 Feb48, article in Part of this consisted in support given i\‘ezo Ibrk Tiws, 1 1 Feb48, nienio by C to the Harrirnan, Nourse and Krug J George to Marshall, 13Feb48, Time, Committees Part was in further con- 29Feb48, ML verting the Marshall Plan from a gen- 16 Tirrie. 22Ma1-48, Marshall address to eral conception into a specific Federal Council of Churches. Na- program that could be presented to tional Cathedral, Washington, Congress 1 1 Mar48. in Marshall Speech file. ML “Participants in this intensive For niore complete details on the effort, to name but a few, included Czech Crisis, see 361-62 Willard Thorp. C Tyler Wood, Paul 17 Donovan, CorlJlic-l cirid Crisis. 580 Nitze who provided much of the intel- 18 Mal-shall address at University of Cali- lectual and organizing drive, Lincoln fornia, Berkeley,. 19Ma1-48. Marshall Gordon, C H Bonesteel 111, Charles Speech File, ML Kindlebergel-, Ernest Gross, and Ain- 19 Marshall address at LJniversity of Cali- bassadoi- Douglas, who was called fornia, , 20Nov48, Mar- back repeatedly from London to give shall Speech File political guidance and to coiiduct key 20 The Pr-rimtc Popets of Seriolot I ii~ieiibetg. consultations with members of Con- 388-93 gress *’ (Price, lllotsl~ollPk1ri orrd Iis 21 Ti me, 24 Ma r4 8 AIeorilr~g, p 45-46) 22 Marshall speech to General Federa- 4 Iiit by author with Marshall, tion of Women’s Clubs, 28May48, 19Nov56 Portland, Ore, Marshall Speech File, 5 .4,‘cw Jkrk Tiiiies, 9Jan48 ML 6 \’,indenberg to Douglas, 23 Int by author with Marshall, 7 Senate For Rels Conim , Heorrrigs ori 2 0 Nov5 6 Eli I o#~eo)iRecoiqI Pro


1 John Carter Vincent to hlarshall, tersoii and Forrestal, 12Feb47, FRUS 7Feb-17, Memo by Vinceiit to Mar- 1947, VII, 795-97 shall, 7Feb47, FRLJS 1947, VII, 789- 3 Marshall to Vincent, 27Feb47, FRCIS 93, 793-94 1947, 1’11, 803-0-1 2 Mtg of Marshall with Secretaries Pdt- 4 Stuart to Marshall. 12bIar47. Stuart to Notes

A4arshal1, 19Mar-47, FRUS 1947. VII, 18 Marshall to Stuart. 3Jul.17, FRUS 58-60, 63-67, Marshall to Stuart, 1947, VII. 213 16Mar47. FRUS 1947, VII, 68 19 Williani Stueck's ThII'edemy) Alrssron 5 S&m to Marshall, 2 1 Mar47, FRLJS appeared after I had written this chap- 19-47, VII, 73-81 ter It gives an exellent summary of 6 Stuart to Marshall, 22Mar47. Stuart to the problems involved with the Mis- Marshall, 23Ma1-47, FRUS 1947, VII, sion hlarshall's explanation of the €10-8 1, 82-83 background of the Mission IS given in 7 Stuart to Marshall. 29kla1-47,Stuart to his memo to Acheson, 2Jul47. FRUS Marshall, 4Apr-47, FRUS 1947, VII. 1947, VII, 634-35 91-95 20 Memo Wederneyer to Marshall, 8 Sruart to Marshall, 2 1 Mar47. Ringwalt ?Ju137, FRUS 1947, VII, 636-38 to Vincent. 2Apr47, FRLJS 1947, VII, 2 1 Final Directive to Wedeineyer by Tru- 81 1-13, 813-14 iiiaii, 9Jii147, FRUS 19-47, VII. 6-10- 9 Timberman to Butterworth, 22Apr47. 41 Memo bv Vincent giwng Marshall di- 22 Stuart to Marshall, 16Ju147, Marshall iections for transfer of arins and to Stuart, 16Ju147, FRUS 1947. VII, ;i~nmo,26May-17, FRUS 1947. VII, 650-5 1 82 1-822. 825-26 23 Ludden to Wedemeyer, 23Ju147, 10 Stuart to Marshall, 26Mai-47. Stuart to FRLJS 1947. VII, 656-60 IMar~hall,12.4pi-47. FRUS 1947, VII, 24 Wederneyer to Marshall, 29Ju147, 87-88, 96-97 FRUS 1947, VII. 682-86 I1 Stuart to Mar4iall; 8May-17, FRUS 25 Wedeineyei- to Marshall, 8Alig47, 1947, 1'11, 114-17 FRUS 1947, VII. 712-15 12 St uni-t to Mar$h'ill, 20 May4 7, S t uai-t 26 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 17Aug47. 10 Mnrshcill, 2 1 May47, Stunrt to Mar- FRUS 1047. VII, 725-26 ~~h~ll,2 1 May47. FRUS 1947, 1'11, 27 Wedernever's remarks, 23Aug47, are 13 1-33, 135-38 in State Dept , ITS Relolioirs Ilith Chore, 13 ,StlIal-t 10 M'11-Shall. ~JlIi1~7,St1ial.t to (White Paper), 758-62 Wedeineyer, Marshnll, ~~lii1~7,FRUS 1947, VII, Ili.drrrit;ve? Rtpotls I, 387-95, discusses 160, 161-62 what he intencled to do ti1 his later 14 Vincent to Mai-shall. 5Jun47, Vincent report to Marshall. 6Jun47. FRUS 1947. VII, 28 Wedeineyer to Marshall, 7Sep47, 165-66. 169 Wedemeyer to Marshall, 8Sep47, 15 Memo by JCS to SWNCC. 9Jun47. FRUS 1947, VII, 769-70, 770-71 FRUS 1947, VII. 83848 2 9 Butterwort h to Mal-shall, 26Sep47, 16 Meiiio by Dir Off of Far Eastern AH' Humelsine to Lovett, 28Sep47, FRUS (Viti ceii t ) to Marsha I I, 2 0J ii114 7, F RU S 1947, VII, 778, 779 1947, VII, 849-50 30 Wedeineyer, Ret, 19Sep-47, State 17 Mtg of Marshall, Patterson, and Dept , lis Relotioris Il'illi Chirin (White Foi-restal. ~6Jliil-i7,Merno by Vincent. Paper), 764-8 I4 27Jun47, Memo by LJnder Sec Ache- 31 State Dept , 11s Relo/rons llith Chrm son, 27Jun47, FRUS 1947, k"1, 849, (White Paper), 380-84 850-52. 853-54. 855 32 See FRLIS 1948, VII, 492-620


Robert P Bi-owder and Thomas G Smith, /ide,h)rdtwI, n Biog)oph>i of Lrzcli.5 11; Dorigios, ch '2 1, is valu,ible fbi- this ch,ipter 1 Hickerson ints at Truman Library Commerce, Chicago. Palniei- House. and :it Princeton in Dulles collection 18Nov47. Marshall Speech Book, ML 2 Joseph hl Dodge to Sec State, 4 Marshall to State, Pres, Lovett, and 4Nov47. FRLJS 194'7. 11, 673-75 others, 25Nov47, U S Delegation to 3 Test of \peech by Sec hlarsh,dl to State, Pres , and others, 26Nov47, Council or For Rels and Chainber of FRLTS 1947, 11, 731-33, 733-3-4 Notes 569 5 Clay, Deczszon in Germany, 344-45 24 Sec State to US Emb France, 6 Memo of conv between Marshall and 19Feb48, Sec State to US Embs , Bidault, 28Nov47, FRUS 1947, 11, 20Feb48, FRUS 1948, 11, 70-73 737-39 25 List of full delegation, ed note, memo 7 U S Delegation to Truman and by Benelux countries (, Neth- others, 28Nov47, FRUS 1947, 11, erlands, Luxembourg), 28Feb48, 73637 FRUS 1948, 11, 85-87, 91, 103-4 8 U S Delegation to Truman and oth- 26 Douglas to Sec State, 25Feb48, FRUS ers, 4Dec47, FRUS 1947, 11, 742-44 1948, 11, 89-90 9 U S Delegation to Truman and oth- 27 Douglas to State Dept’, 3Mar48, ers, 5Dec47, FRUS 1947, 11, 74748 Douglas to State Dept , 4Mar48, 10 Ibld , 748-50 FRUS 1948, 11, 120, 128-30 l 11 Marshall to Lovett, 6Dec47, on 28 Douglas to Lovett, 6Mar48, FRUS 4Dec47 conv with Bevin and others 1948, 11, 138-39 12 Marshall to Truman, Lovett, and oth- 29 Communique of London Conf, ers, 8Dec47, FRUS 1947, 11, 756-58 6Mar48, FRUS 1948, 11, 141-44 13 Lovett to Marshall, enc Truman mes- 30 Ibid, 143 sage, llDec47, FRUS 1947, 11, 764 31 Murphy to Sec State, 30Mar48, Mur- 14 Marshall to Truman and others, phy to Sec State, 1Apr48, FRUS 12Dec47, Marshall to Lovett, 1948, 11, 154-56, 158-60 13Dec47, FRUS 1947. 11, 766-70, 32 Murphy to State Dept ,8Apr48, FRUS State Dept Bullelin, 28Dec47, Clay, 1948, 11, 169-70, Clay, Decision zri Ger- Decision ut Germany, 348 Slightly diff- many, 397-98 erent paraphrase in FRUS, 767 33 Douglas to Marshall, 27Apr48, Sec 15 Marshall to Truman and others, State and Love11 to Douglas, 28Apr48, 15Dec47, FRUS 1947, 11, 770-72 FRUS 1948, 11, 205-7 16 Ibid 34 Douglas to Marshall, 12May48, FRUS 17 British memo of conv between Mar- 1948, 11, 235-37 shall and Bevin. n d , FRUS 1947, 11, 35 Royall to Marshall, 18May48, Lovett 8 15-22 for Marshall to Royall, 25May48, 18 Memo by Amb Murphy of conv be- FRUS 1948, 11, 251-53 tween Marshall, Bevin, and others, 36 Douglas to Sec State, 1May48, FRUS 18Dec47, FRUS 1947, 11, 827-29, 1948,11, 214-15 memo by Frank Roberts of conv be- 37 Douglas to Sec State, 21May48, tween Marshall, Bevin, and others. FRUS 1948, 11, 208-9 18Dec47, ibid , 822-29 38 Caffery to Sec State, 24May48, Ca- 19. Marshall to Inverchapel, 8Jan48, ffery to Sec. State, 25May48, FRUS, FRUS 1948,II, 24-26 N 1 on p 24 1948, 11, 273-74, 281 includes a summary of recommenda- 39 Caffery to Sec State, 2Jun48, FRUS tions by the British Cabinet transmit- 1948, 11, 317-18 ted by Inverchapel 40 Marshall to US Emb in Paris, 20 For messages dealing with this early 7Jun48, Sec State to US Emb in period, see FRUS 1948, 11, 1-25 For Paris, 7Jun48, FRUS 1948, 11, 320 Bidault’s complaint, see Caffery to 41 Amb Kirk to Sec State, 9Jun48, Ca- Marshall, 10Jan48, FRUS 1948, 11, ffery to Sec State, 9Jun48, ed state- 20-21, n 2 on p 21 ment, FRUS 1948, 11, 320 21 Associate Chief of the Div of Western 42 Caffery to Sec State, 10Jun48, FRUS Eur Affs (W Wallner), 16Jan48, 1948, 11, 319-20 FRUS 1948, 11, 27-28 43 Caffery to Marshall, 10Jun48, FRUS 22 Memo by Marshall on conv with 1948, 11, 327-28 Amb Bonnet, 20Jan48, FRUS 1948, 44 Douglas to Sec State, 17Jun48. FRUS 11, 37-38 1948, 11, 331-35 23 Chief, Div of Western Eur Aff 45 Caffery to Sec State, 17Jun48, ed (Achilles), to French For Min, note containing announcement of 13Feb48, Sec State to Pres, Amb Bonnet on Assembly action, llFeb48, FRUS 1948, 11, 60, 63-64 FRUS 1948, 11, 335-37 57'3 Notes

1 Kenriari, J/tw~t.s, 1925-50. 403. re- 14 Fori-estal. Dmm3 45 1-52 port by the Policy Planning Staff, 15 Ibld . 452-54 6Nov-17, FRUS 1947, 11, 771-77 16 Policy Planning Staffblerno, 23Jlin-48, Fv)ir>AlolDimits. entry of7Nov.17, 340- 17 John L Gaddis, S/ta/t~it~s(rf Cot~lnrti- 42 Truman ashed for a copy of the tt/rt//, 56-75 paper 18 Marsh J 11 5 tat em en t of 305 un4 8, State 2 Strang to Bevin, Feh-18, For Off Ikpt Bullelrll, v 19, Jll1-18, 54 Files, PRO, copies in ML 19 Forrestal, Dintres, 455-56 Entries in 3 CLry to Chaniberlin. 5Ma1-47, in The these pages are for July 2, 9, and 15 Poptits clf' Ct~iwtdLicc-ius D Cln?, Jean and cover topics discussed in this aiid Edw:ii-d Sinith, ed 11, 568-69 the nest three paragraphs See also 4 hlil Gov to For Off. 3hlC1i-48,70480, H,.~iy __ R Borowski, .4 Holloio Tfirent, FO 371, PKO, ML Chs VI aiid 1/11 5 For this and the nest two paragi-aphs, 20 blarshall to Soviet Anib , Washington we Donovan, Cv/iJrc-/ntidCris/s,and p'1- 6JiJul-18, FRUS 19-18, 11, 950-53 pers of Clark Cliffbr-d and George El- 21 Mar-shall to LJ S ,4mb , London scyn theTruinan Library.copie\ inhlL 9J11148,FRlJS 1948, 11, 954-56 6 Murphy to Sec State, 20Mar48, FRUS 22 Clay to Dept of Army, 1OJii148. FRCJS 1948, 11, 883-84. Clay, Dm.srv)r 1)) Gn- 1948, 11, 956-58 ti/(/Ill', 355-57 23 Soviet Ainh to Sec State, l4J~H8, 7 Mui-phv to Saltzinaii at State Dept . FRUS 1948, 11, 960-64 lApr-18. FRUS 1948, 11, 886-89 See 24 Lovett meriio of conv , 15Jii1-48, bhr- alho the mess,iges in The P[iprts o/Lu- shal I to Do ii g las , 2 OJ ti 1-1 8, hl ai-sha1 I ('/llL\D C/(i?, 11, 597-618 to D~)~gla\.2 1Ju138. teletype conv , 8 Lovett to Marshall, 2Apr48. FRUS Douglas to Sec State. 22JuI48, FRUS 1948, 11, 889-90 19-18, 11, 975-76, 977-82, 982-83 9 Do ii g l a s to Mal-sha 11, 2 8A pr-4 8, FR U S 25 N to teletype, 22JuI-18, FRUS 1948, 19-16', II, 899-900, see nn on the 11, 977, 'Truman, l~lmo~i.c,II, 124-26, stateinent by Lovett and Marshall Clay, Decrsroir 1)) Gpn~rnny,368 '> 6 10 Clay, Dmsroir ri) G~tiir~iry.365-66 - Record of teletype coiiv , 26Ju148, 11 For a helpful summary of the air lift. Smith to Sec State, 3OJu148, FRLIS see Rich'ird Collier. Bdge .-iooss /lie 1948, 11, 993-96, Smith, A!y Three Sky T/w Retliti BlocX.crdt~(itid .-id$ )Lais it1 Aloscozu, 240 12 Murphy to U S Emb , Paris, 4JuI-l8, 27 Smith to Sec State, 3Aug48, Siiiith to FRUS 1948, 11, 948-50, Clay, DPci.$iOt/ Sec State, 3Aug38, FRUS 1948, 11, /ti Certi/otr.y, 367, Clay to Draper, 999-1007, The first nisg was drafted 25J111148, 111 C/UJ PO/WtS, 11, 696-97 by Ambs of US, Br & Fr to the State 1 3 Dr Ewii L Lewis, in a letter to the Dept The second after Smith sent a author. I6Sep85. says that he was a message written by the rhree ainbs , resident at Walter Reed Hospital he dispatched it with his private coni- when klarshall was examined His de- merits to Marshall and Lovett scription of the infection IS like that 28 Sinith to Sec State, -#Aiig48, Clay to given in the diagnosis in Marshall's Dept of Ariny, 3.4ug48, FRUS 1948, ~neclical file (111 ML) Lewis was im- 11, 1010-13, Page 1013 gives the gist pressed by Marshall's belief that the of Douglas's comments (not printed Berlin crisis was so serious that he in the vol ) was prepared to risk his lire to wait 29 Bohlen to Marshall and others, irntil after the U N General Asseiii- -iAug48, FRUS 1048, 11. 1024-27, bly meeting in the fall 1035-38 57' 30 Smith to Sec State, GAug48, FRUS 1948. 11, 1122-24 1948, 11, 1018-21 41 Douglas to Sec State, 5Sep48. Doug- 31 Marshall to Smith, 7Aug48, FRUS Ins to Sec State, 6Sep48, FRUS 1948, 1948. 11, 1021-23 11, 1126-31 32 Smith to Sec State, 9Aug48, 42 Murphy to Sec State, 7,8Sep48. Mar- 12Aug48, FRLJS 1948. 11, 1024-27. shall to Smith, citing telecon msg to 1035-38 Douglas, 8Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11, 33 Smith to Sec State, 2 00 A hi , 1132-40, 1140-42 17Aug48, after mtg on 16Aug, FRUS 43 Smith to Sec State, 9Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11, 1042-47 1948, 11, 114244 33 Sec State to Smith, 17Aug. FRUS 44 Marshall to Smith, 1092, 10Sep48, 1948, 11, 1053-56 Marshall to Murphy, 1610. llSep48, 35 Bohlen memo. 2 lAug48, FRUS 1948. FRUS 1948. 11. 1145-49 11, 1058-60 45 Smith to Marshall, 1950, 12Sep48, 36 See exchange of nisgs between hlarshall to Smith, 1100. 12Sep48, Washington and Moscow, 24- nrde-tnPttior~e.110 1, 12Sep48, Marshall 26Alig48, FRUS 1948, 11, 1072-85 to Smith, 12Sep-18. FRUS 1948, 11, 37 Murphy to Marshall, 3 1Aug48, 1 150-56 1Sep48, FKUS 1948, 11, 1099-1103 46 Smith to Marshall, 1976,. 14Sep-18. 38 Murphy to Marshall, 1Sep48, FRUS FRUS 1948, 11, 1157-60 1948, 11, 1100-03 Bohlen memo, 47 Smith to Sec State, 16Sep48, Smith 2Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11, 1108-9- to Sec State, 2034, 18Sep48, FRUS 39 Murphy to Sec State, 2240, 4Sep48. 1948, 11, 1 16042. 1166-79 FRUS 1948, 11. 11 18-22 48 Forrestnl Dtniies, 487 40 Marshall to Douglas, 5Sep48, FRUS 49 Ibid , 487-89


I have found particularly helpful Alan Bullock. E?ties/ Bezvti, FoTeigti Secrelni?], Timothy Ireland. Ctrtilioti of'lhr Eti/otigli)ig ,-llliatice. Escott Reid, Tiine of Fen) atid Hope The i\laRitig of the Not /ti I-l/lrti/icTren/y9 I9J7-49, Gear Luiidestad, .-lmericn, Scniidinnziicc. niid the Cold It'clr, 19J5--fS, The hrzinle Popeis of Setin/ot 1 hiidenberg, Lord Gladwyn. il4elrioiis of Lord

Irit by Richard McKinzie with John FRUS 1948, 111, 6-7 Hickerson. 1 ONov'72. Truman Library 6 Sec State to Brit Amb, 20Jan48, Oral History Collection Hickerson FRUS 1948, 111, 8-9 says it was the first tiine he ever heard 7 Memo of conv between Inverchapel, of the ideas that led to the North At- Hickerson, and others, 2 1Jan48, lantic Treaty Organization This is FRUS 1948. 111, 9-12 contrary to the view that the plan was 8 Conv between Inverchapel and Lo- hatched over lunch between Marshall vett, 27Jan48, Inverchapel to Lovett, and Brvin at Bevin's quarters It also 28Jan48, Conv between Inverchapel helps demolish the notion that Mar- and Lovett, 7Feb48, FRUS 1948, 111, shall and Dulles worked on the project 12-22 on the voyage home from the London 9 Amer Amb to (Bay) to Sec Conf Marshall ffew back while Dulles State, 19Feb48, Caffery to Sec State, returned by ship See Herbert Feis, 19Feb-18, FRUS 1948, 111, 24-26 Froa Tri(s/ to Terroi. n 3 on 286 10 Douglas to Marshall, 2GFeb48, Mar- Hickerson int , 10Nov72 See also shall to Caffery, 27Feb48, Sec State Lord Gladwyn, illeiiioirs of Lord Glad- to Douglas, 3Mar48, FRUS 1948, 111, 71JJ?I, 32-34. 38 Brit Anib to U S Sec State, 13Jan-48, 11 Hickerson to Sec State, 4Mar48, FRUS 1948. 111, 3-6 FRLJS 1948, 111, 4042 Apparently Kennan to Marshall, 20Jan48, FRUS perplexed by Marshall's slowness in 1948, 111, 7-8 pushing the North Atlantic idea, Hick- Hickerson to Marshall, 19Jan48, erson concluded that Marshall did not 572 Notes lihe Bevin and therefore was slo\~~to 02/4-1848. Stjte Dept Files Natl Ar- act Several persons checked with this chives, copy in R41, author to see if I had such evidence 24 Ken naii . A/fiiioi)s. 404-5 Indications are that Marshall got 25 Conv between Vandenberg and Lo- along well with Bevin Lovett, Lord vett, llApr-18, FRUS 1948,111.82-84 Franks, and Sir Frank Roberts (private 26 Bevin and Bidault to Sec State, secretary to Bevin) all denied any 17Apl-48, Do~iglas to Lovett, basis for such a belief They empha- 17Apr48, FRUS 1948, 111, 90-91 sized that there was no evidence that 27 Conv between Vandenberg and Lo- Marshall ever allowed his personal vett, 18Apr-18. FRUS 1948,111.91-96 feelings about people to interfere with 28 Lovett to Marshall, 204pr-48, FRUS his working with them Some said that 1948, 111, 96-97 Marshall was nettled that Bevin gave 29 Marshall to Lovett, 23Apr48, FRUS him extremely short notice on the 1948. 111, 103 Greek-Turkish crisis Possibly Hicker- 30 Coni, between hlarshall, \.'anden- son caused Acheson to say that h4ar- berg, Dulles. and Loi'ett, 27Ap1-48, shall was displeased with Bevin at the FRUS 1948. 111. 104-8 London meeting. because of Bevin's 31 Kennan to Lovett, 29Apr48, FRLJS promise to make a motion and failure 1948, 111, 108-9 to do so Evidently Marshall and Lo- 32 U S State Dept press release, vett proceeded slowly because Van- 5May48. text of statement of Sec denberg warned that they should not Marshall before House For AR bring too many new issues before Coirim , FRUS 1948, 111, 11 1-11! Congress when they had not yet 33 See Hearings in Exec Sess before the completed all details on the appro- Comni 011 For Rels , U S Senate, on priations for ERP Senate Res 209 A detailed and per- 12 Anib in Norway (BAY)to Sec State, suasive account of the iiiiportance of 1 Ihlar48, FRUS 1948, 111. 4244 Senator Vaiidenberg in the framing of 13 Sec State to U S Amb Italy. U S foreign policy in this period is 1 lMar48, FRUS 1948, 111, 4546 given in Daryl J Hudson, "\'anden- 14 Brit aide-iirhiioiiu to Sec State, berg Reconsidered Senate Resolu- llMar48. FRUS 1948, 111, 4648 tion 239 and American Foreign 15 Marshall to Brit Amb , 12Mar48. Policy," Diplonralrc Ifrsloi?, v I, no 1, Marshall to Pres Truman, 12Mar48, Winter 1977, 47-63 FRUS 1948, 111, 48, 50 34 Memo of conv between Marshall and 16 Sec State to U S Aiiib, Norway, Brit Aiiib , I4June48, FRUS 1948, 12Mar48, Anib Denmark to Sec 111, 136-37 State, 12Mar48, FRUS 1948, 111, 51 35 Marshall to French Anib , 23Jun48, 17 Extracts, Truman irisg to Congress, FKUS 1948, 111, 139 17Mar48, FRUS 1948, 111. 53-55 36 Rpt by Nat Securit,y Council, 18 Bidault and Bevin to Sec State, 28Jun48, FRUS 1948, 111, 14041 17Mar48, FRUS 1948, 111. 3648 37 Escott Reid. Tiiiie of Feor oiid Hope The 19 Rpt of Policy Planning Staff. hfctking of /lie Nmth .4/li7)i/ic TTPO!~, 23Mar48, FRLJS 1948, 111, 54-56. 194 7-49. 62-63 Timothy P Ireland, Cicn/riig /lie Etilan- 38 Mins of second iiitg of exploratory glriig .4llrnirce Tile Orrgiirs of /lie Norlh talks, 6Jul48, FRUS 1948,111, 152-53 ..illnii/rc Treaty Oigctiirxfion, 82-83, 39 Mins of third iiitg , 7Ju148, FRUS Keiinan, Alemoiis, 404-9 1948, 111, 155-60 20 Mins of third nitg , Pentagon, 40 Mins of fifth mtg , 9J~i148, FRUS 24Mar48, FRUS 1948, 111, 66-67 1948, 111, 169-83 21 Mins of final iiitg , Pentagon, 41 Ed note in FRUS 1948. 111, 182 lApl-48, FRUS 1948. 111, 71-78 42 Mins of conv between Lovett and 2 f! Bevin to Brit Eiiib for Lovett, European diplomat, POAug48, FRUS 9Apr48, FRUS 1948, 111, 79-80 1948, 111, 214-21 2 3 Draft copy of reply, State Dept to 43 Marshall to Triiman. 23Aug48, FRUS Bevin, Marshall to State Dept , 840 - 1948, 111, 221-22 Notes 573 44 Kennan to Lovett, 31Aiig.18, FRUS harm the prospects for NATO legisla- 1948. 111, 225 tion in Congress, and that they per- 45 Mins of mtg , jOSep48, FRUS 1948, suaded Lovett to help get Bohlen 111, 249-50 trangferred elsewhere Lovett assured 46 Mins of conv between Manhall and the author that this was not true The Swedish For Miii, 140ct48, FRUS author then wrote Achilles that it 1948, 111, 264-66 would be most iinusual for Lovett to 47 Lovett to Marshall, 190ct.18, FRUS act behind Marshall’s back in regard 1948, 111, 260-67 to an adviser on whom Marshall heav- 48 Western Union Countries to Dept ily depended The record shows that State, 290ct48, FRUS 1948, 111, 270 Bohlen remained as counselor until 49 Rpt by Off of Intellig Research, after Marshall left office and that 17N0~48,FRUS 1948, 111, 273-77 Acheson took Bohlen with him on 50 Marshall memo on conv with For trips to the Hill to confer with the Sen- Min Lange, 20Nov48, FRUS 1948, ate For Re1 Committee Bohlen was 111, 279-81 rewarded with the post of Min to 51 Policy Planning Staff paper, 23Nov38, France, where part of his duties were FRUS 1938,111, 283-88 In his oppo- concerned with NATO His successor sition to including other than North as counselor was George Kennan Atlantic powers in the treaty, Kennan Achilles replied good-humoredly that challenged John Hickerson’s views this incident probably showed that Both Hickerson and Achilles feared one shouldn’t depend on the inemo- the adverse effect of Kennan and ries of old mexi Later articles by Bohlen on Congress In an int filed Achilles made no mention of any ad- with the Dulles Oral History Collec- verse influence by Bohlen tion, Theodore Achilles said that he 52 Reid. Tittie of Fear otic! Hope, 63 and Hickerson felt that Bohlen, as 53 Acheson, Present (11 the Crectliotr, 266 counselor to the State Dept , would

XX MARSHALL, THE UNITED NAT,IONS, AND PALESTINE I For the historical record of Palestine, matic and consular-offices, 13Jun47, see Howard M Sachar, A HISIO~~of Is- FRUS 1947, V, 1101-3 rael 11 Mins of conv between Silver and Sec 2 Ibid , 279 State, lOJun47,FRUS 1947,V. 1105-7 3 Fraser Wilkins memo, 14Jaii47, FRUS 12 Bevin to Marshall, 27Juii47, FRLTS 1947, V, 1004-5 1947, V, 1112-13 4 Memo of coiiv Inverchapel and Ache- 13 Memo on Cabinet nitg , 22Aug.17, Lo- son, 21Jan47. FRUS 1947, V, 1008- vett to U S Emb London, 22Aug47, 11 Douglas to Sec State, 26Aug47, 5 Bevin to Marshall, 7Feb47, FRUS FRUS 1947, V, 1138-40, 1140-42 1947, V, 1033-35 14 Ed note on U N Spec Comm on 6 Exec Secretariat to Marshall, Palestine, FRUS 1947, V, 1143 25Feb47, 105657, Truman state- 15 Ed note on ad hoc comni, FRUS ment, 26Feb47, FRUS 1947. V, 1057- 1947, V, 1146 58, Bullock, Ertiest Beztrn, Foreigti 16 Int by author with Mrs Roosevelt Secretary 17Mar58 7 Memo, ‘Marshall to Truman, 17 Extracts from mins of sixth mtg of 16May47, FRUS 1947, V, 1083-86 U S delegation to second Sess Gen 8 Austin to Marshall, 22May47, FRUS Assembly, 15Sep47, FRUS 1947, V, 1947, tJ.1086-90 1146-47 9 Conv Shertok and Epstein of the Jew- 18 Marshall statement to Gen Assembly, ish Agency with Acheson, 29May47, 17Sep47, FRUS 1947, V, 1151 FR‘LIS 1947, V, 1094-96 19 Ed note on protests, FRUS 1947, V, 10 Ed note, 6Jun47, Marshall to diplo- 1 158-59 574 Notes

2 0 H end e r s o 11 to Ma r s h a 1I, 2 2 Se p 47 , 43 Memo, POllC). Planlllng Staff' (sgd FRUS 1947, V, 1153-58 George Butler), 1 1 Feb48, FKUS 21 R3enio of luncheon given by hlarsh,ill 1948. V. 619-25 for Arab diplomats, 23Sep47, FKUS 44 hla~-~hallto kfrs Roosevelt (1%~th SUITI- 1947, V, 1159-62 miry of two notes froin her to hirn), 22 hlerno by Gen Hilldring, 24Sep-17, V. 16Feh48, FRUS 1948, V. 624 1169 45 Ed note, FRUS 1948, V. 632-33 23 Memo of coiiv between Amb Wads- 46 Marshall to Lovett, 19Feb4-l. Marshall worth and Arab delegates, by Samuel to U S Emh Iraq, 19Feh48, FRUS Kopper, 30Ocr-17, FRUS 1947, V. 1948, v, 653-54 2272-76 47 Paper prepared by State Dept for 24 Memo. Gen Hilldring to Sec Pres , n 1 showing in detail when the State. 90ct-17, FRUS 1947, V, 1177- msg was sent and rec'd on Pres 's 78 ship. 21Feb48, FRUS 1948, V, 637 25 hlemo of conv beti\een Brit Anib 48 Memo of conv between Lovett and and Lovett, 150ct47. FRUS 1947, V, Sliertoh, 21Feb48. FRUS 1948, V. 1181-83 64849 26 Ibn Saiid msg to Truman, 300ct47. 49 State Dept to Pres, 23Feb48 (incl FRlIS 1947, V, I212 statement for- release), FRUS 1948, V, 27 Brit Emb to St'ite Ikpt , 310ct47, 648-49 FRUS 1947. 1'. 1227-38 50 George T Mamzan, ll'o))cti R ,-luT/itj 28 Sec Stcite to Austin, 12Nov47, FRLJS nt /lip I" R: , I9f 6-53, 109-1 I, extracts 1947. V, 1255-56 from speech, FRUS 1948. V. 651-53 2 9 Austin, for Johnson and Hilldring, to 51 Policy Planning Staff Rpt , 24Feb48, LoLett, 18Nov47, Lovett to A4ustiii, FRUS 1948. V, 655-57 19N0~47.FRIJS 1947, 1'. 1266-68, 52 Statement by Austin nt l-1 N , 12139-70 25Feb48, FRUS 1948, V, 657-58 3 0 N to ineino by McClintock, 19Nov47. 53 Marshall press statement of 26 Feb in FRUS 1947. I', 1271-72 hlarshall to Austin. 27Feb48. FRUS 31 Henderson to Lovetr, 29Nov-17, 1948, V, 665-66 FRUS 1947. ,V. 1281-83 54 Rpt bv CIA. 28Feb48, FRUS 1948, V, 32 Lovett to .Johnson and Hilldnng, 666-75 24Nov47, FRLrS 1947. V, 1283-84 55 Memo, Sec State to Pres and Cabi- 33 Austin to Sec State. 25Nov47, Austin net, 5Mar48, FRUS 1948, V. 678-79 to Sec State, 29Nov47, FRUS 1947, 56 Memo, Spec Counsel Clark Clifford ir,1287 . to Pi-es ,6Mar48, FRUS 1948, \I, 687- 3 4 Bullock. L I twit &'71/1/, Forty ti Sw t>lnIy. 89 477, hlar-shall to Lovett, 25Nov47, 57 Memo, Clifford to Truman, 8Mar-48, FRUS 1947, V, 1287-88 FRUS 1948, V, WOff 35 Lovett to Ti-~niaii.10Ilec47, FRUS 58 Huinelsine to Marshall. 22Mar48, 1947, V, 1306-7 FRUS 1948, V. 149-50 3 6 hlarshall to Lovett, 17Dec47, FRLJS 59 Austin to Sec Slate, 15hIar.18, FRLJS 1947, V, 1312-13 1948, v. 725-28 3 '7 Lovett to lr S Emh Egypt, 20Dec47, 60 Austin to Marshall, 17Mar48, FRUS FRUS 1947, \I. 1319 1948, v, 732-37 38 Policy I'lanning Staff to Marshall, 61 Marshall to Austin, 1 tjMar-18, FRUS l9Jan48, FKUS 1948, V, 347-54 1948, V, 728-20 39 Rusk to Lovett, 26Jan48. FRLJS 1948, 62 For an account of Weizinann's visit. \', 556-62 see Barnet Litvinov, IIPix~nnti,253- 40 Iiennan coninients on Rusk rnemo, 54, Truman, Almot)s, 11, 161 29Jan48, FRUS 19-18. V, 574-90 63 Statement, Austin to Security Coun- 41 Henderson to Loitett and Rusk, cil, 19blai-48, FRUS 1948, 17, 34243 6Feb48, FRUS 1948, V. 600-603 64 Donovan. CoIy4icts cttid Cr/crs. 375 42 Memo, George M'adsworth to Hen- 65 Ed note, FRUS 1948, V, 74346, derson, 4Feb48, FRUS 1948, V, 592- Donovan, Co71pKt.c crtid CIrsls. 376 99 66 Ed note, FRLJS 1948, V, 74849 Notes 575 67 Marshall note to Bohlen, 22Mar48, Marshall, 12May48, FRUS 1948, V, FRUS 1948, V, 750 972-73. 68 LJ S Senate, Exec Sess , 74 Memo by Lovett on conv with Cli- 69 Marshall to U S Emb Egypt, fford, 17May48, FRUS 1918, V, 1006 25Mar48, FRUS 1948, V, 759-60 75 Ed note, FRUS 1948, V, 993 70 Conv between Marshall, Lovett, 76 Austin to Marshall, 19May48, FRUS Shertok, et a1 , 26Mar48. FRUS 1948, 1948, V, 1013-15 V, 761-64 77 Marshall to diplomatic missions. 71 Shertok to Marshall, 29Apr48, FRUS 21Sep48, FRUS 1948, V, 1415-16 1948, V, 874-76 78 Memo by Lovett for files. 30Sep48, 72 Conv between Lovett and Inver- FRUS 1948, V, 1437-38 chapel, 25Apr48. Douglas to Sec 79 Lovett to Marshall, 290ct48, FRUS State, 29Apr48, FRUS 1948, V, 868- 1948, V, 1527 69, 87677, Sachar, Israel. 310 80 Lovett to Marshall, 300ct48, FRUS 73 nilemo of conv between Pres and ad- 1948, V, 1584 visers, kept by McClintock and sgd by 8 1 Ed note, FRUS 1948, V, 1661-62

XXI STRENGTHENING LATIN AMERICAN TIES 1 Acheson, Present at the Creation, 188- Goes de Monteiro, 21Aug47, filed 90 22Aug47, FRUS 1947, VIII, 54-55 2. Charles J Pach, Jr, “The Commit- 9 Marshall to Acting Sec State, ment of U S Military Aid to Latin 21Aug47, FRUS 1947, VIII, 52 America, 1944-49,” Diplonintic Hisloty, 10. Marshall to Acting Sec State, Summer 1982, vol. 6, no 3, 225-27, 29Aug47, FRUS 1947, VIII, 75 see also Roger R. Trask, “The Impact 11 Memo on Truman speech of 2Sep47, of the Cold War on United States- FRUS 1947, VIII, 78 Latin American Relations, 1945- 12 Walters, Szlent Missions, 146, Margaret 1949,” D~plornntic Histojy, Summer Truman, Hany S Triu~ian,408-1 1 h 1977, VI,no 3, 27 1-84 An excellent 13 Time, 15Sep47,Pnvate Papeis of Seriatoi summary of Brazilian-U S relations in l’andenberg, including Mrs Vanden- this period may be found in Frank D berg’s tribute to the Marshalls, 360- McCann, “Brazil, The United States 71. and World War 11,” Diplonintic History, 14 Smith to Sec State, 17Sep47, FRUS Winter 1979, v 111, no 1, 59-76 1947, VIII, 85-86 3 Pach, “Committment of U S Military 15 Ness memo to Thorp, 19Feb48, Aid,” 226 FRUS 1948, IX, 2-9 4 Marshall to diplomatic missions, 16 Marshall to U S diplomatic repre- 3Ju147, FRUS 1947, VIII, 9.‘ sentatives to Latin Amer republics, ’ 5 For detailed coverage of problems 9Mar48, FRUS 1948, IX, 11-16 with Brazil for the period 1945-60, 17 Amb William Beaulac to Sec State, see Stanley B Hilton, “The United 22Mar48, FRUS 1948, IX, 22-23 States, Brazil, and the Cold War, 18. Gen Carte; to his wife, 30Mar48. 1945-1960 End of the Special Rela- 19 Int by author with Carter, Walters, tionship,” foiirnal of Aniencnn History, and George, 220ct59, M/Sgt C J. December 1981, v 68, no 3, 599- George was Marshall’s orderly and as- 624 sistant. Sec State to Acting Sec State, 6 Time, 25Aug47 1Apr48, FRUS 1948, IX, 28 7 Vernon Walters, Silent hfissions, gives 20 Memo of Marshall conv with Neves the outline of his career and the story by Amb Pawley, 2Apr48, FRUS 1948, of his service at the Rio Conference IX, 2628 See also int by author with Carter, 21 Martin Speech, 4, 9Apr48, FRUS Walters, and George, 220ct59 1948, IX, 3639 8 Memo of conv between Marshall and 22 Ibid , 38

I 576 Notes 23 For details of the uprising. I have lac, in FRUS 1948. VIII, 3941. give drawn on a composite picture given pert 1ne 11t de ta 11 s in Walters. Smpt !\fiss/oti~, 150-69, 24 The author has heard Lovett tell this Ridgway, Soldi~~,178. int by author version of the story in private conver- with Carter. Walters, and George, wtions and speeches Gen Carter 22Oct59 I have also draivn on a says that Pres Truman authorized paper by my research associate Dr payment when he authorized ship- James Nanney on "The CIA and rnent the Bogotazo '* ML has copies of a 25 Lovett to Marshall, lSApr.18, FRLJS few letters from Mrs William Paw- 1948, IS. 49 ley relating to the problems 111 Bo- 26 Marshall to Lovett,, 20Apr48, FRUS got& and William McChesney Martin 1948, IX, 53 has given me some of his recollections 27 Anib Beaulac to Acting Sec State, of the episode Kpts by Williaiii Beau- 22Apr48. FRUS 1948, IS, 54-55


1 The early paragraphs of this chapter James Van Fleet, Lexington, Va I are based on Queen Frederika's .-f 15Apr84. ML i\Im~ii,p of lJ&ts/ntidiqS (197 1 ) which 7 Rpt by NSC to Pres, 12Feb48, Hen- draws he'ivily on hei- corresponcleiice derson inemo of 16Feb-18, FRLJS with Gen Marshall 111 the years from 1948, IV, 3741, 48 1947 until the onset of his last illness 8 Sec State to Greek Mission for Aid to in 1959 After his de'ith, she asked the Greece. 12Mar48, Sec Stdte to Van- Marshall Foundation to return the denberg, 18Mar-18, FRLJS 1948, IV, handwritten correspondence 60: 61-62 2 Based 011 a politicnl summary by 9 Henderson to U S Charge 111 Greece, John 0 Iatrides. ed of Attrhassndot 25Mar48, FRUS 1948, IV, 64-65 Jfnrli~nghj. RtpolIs, 1933-1947, 714- 10 Rpt to NSC, 25Mar48, FRLJS 1948, 33 IV, 73-95, 100 3 Remarks 1)) Acting Sec Lovett. Lovett 11 C M Woodhouse. The Sttiiggle ji)? to Triinian, 24No\48. FRLJS 1948, V, Pence. 1941-49. 236-37 6 14-24 12 Ibid , 23945 4 Rpt to Nat Secunty Councd. 6Jan48. 13 Marshall to Charge in Athens, Leahy to Forrestal, 8Jan48. FRLJS 21Jul48, Sec State to Charge in Ath- 1948, IV. 2-7. 8-9 ens, 2Aug48. FRUS 1948, IV, 115-16, 5 Int bv author with Gen James Van 117-18 Fleet, 15Apr86 14 Marshall to U S Emh Athens, 6 These letters are published in Queen GAug48, FRUS 1948, 11'. 118-20 Fred erika ' s .-l A /em ii re of- C JiiClvi stcr ti di ng- 15 Memo of conv with Grady by Sec Ch 9 See Sec State to Mission for State, 180ct43, Sec State to Lovett, Aid to Greece, 26Jan48, FRLJS 1948, 200ct-48, FRLJS 1948, I\', 161-62, IV, 36-38, int by author with Gen 162-63

SXIII BERLIN CRISIS PART 11, OR MEETIN'G IN PARIS, 1948 1 Int by author with Marshall S Carter, niins of Britain and France, Paris, C J George, and Vernon Walters. 21Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11, 1177-80 2 1Oct59 5 Lovett to the Soviet Amh Washing- 2 Ibid , Vernon Walters, Sectei i\fi.uiotis, ton. 22Sep48, Soviet Anib to Lovett, 181 25Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11. 1180-84 3 Mins of rntg of Marshall with for 6 Mins of agreement between Marshall, ni111s of Britain and France. Paris, Bevin. and Schurnan. Paris, 26Sep48, 20Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11, 1173-76 FRLJS 1948, 1184-87 4 Mins of mtg of hlarshall with for 7 Mins of Policy Planning Staff (Amb

d Notes 577

Smith present), 28Sep48, FRUS 1948, l Washington. 2 1Oct59 11, 1191-97 12 James F Forrestal, Fon~stdDimes, 8 U S Charge, Moscow, to Washington, 500-502 30Sep48, FRUS 1948, 11, 1197-98 13 Bohlen, ~l’ltrlFSSto History, 270 9 Acting Sec State to Bohlen. Paris, 14 Ed note, FRUS 1948. 11. 1233-34 200ct-48. rpt of Policy Planning Staff, 15 Ed note, FRUS 1948, 11, 1241-52 10ct18, FRUS 19-18. 11, 1198-1200 16 Statement to author by Marshall in 10 hit by author with Robert A Lovett, 1957 New York City, 28Aug73 Cf Dono- 17 Dulles to Sec State, 24Nov48, FRUS van, Co@cI orid Gws, 423-25 Dono- 1948, 11, 1262-66 van says Truman asked Lovett to 18’ hlarshall to Emb in France, 25Nov48, arrange a broadcast to announce the FRUS 1948, 11. 1266-68 Vinson niission and then called hh-- 19 Murphy to Sec State, 2816, 96Nov18, shall in Paris Int by author with Mar- Marshall to Bohlen and Jessup, 602, shall S Carter, 210ct59, Washington, FRUS 1948, 11, 1268-70, 1272 gives gist of Marshall & Truinan trans- 20 Ed note, 1276, and Murphy to Sec atlantic conv See also Kenneth State, 2950, 21Dec-18, FRUS 1948, 11. Hechler, Il’orkitig zuilh Tticwnti. 98-99 1281-82 11 Int by author with Marshall S Carter,


1 Diagnosis of Marshall’s conclit~onIS 4 Ibid, 536 contained in Marshall’s medical re- 5 The letters mentioned in nn 6 and 7 cord for December 1948, copy in per- are from a large file covering a short sonal file, ML period after hlarshall‘s appointment 2 Mme Chiang Iiai-shek undated report was announced Letters are in alpha- (shortly after operation in December) betic order to Gen Flicker 6 Marshall to Queen Frederika, 23Dec- 3 Foster Rhea Dulles, The .-l~i~?-ic~riRed 49 QOSS. 53 1-38


I have drawn heavily in this chapter on interviews with Gen Marshall, former Pres Truman, Dean Acheson, Louis Johnson, Col C J George, and Robert A Lovett Especially helpful was Robert H Ferrell, ed , Off the RFCO?~The Prizwle,Pnpers of Harry S Trioiinri At the time I was writing this and the following chs on Marshall in the Dept of Def , I read the initial draft of Steven L Rearden. The Fortitatwe ]‘pats, 1947-50, the hrst volurne in the history of the office of Sec Defense I am indebted to it for special insights into the Defense Departinent I have also read the unpublished volume in the same series, by Doris M Coiidit on the dept during the Marshall and Lovett years 1 Truman to Mrs Truman, 7Sep50, in 3 Truman to Mrs Truman, Off the Re- off Ihe RFCO~,189-90, gives the back- cold, 189 ground of the appointment Margaret 4 Truman Diary, 14Sep50, 192-94 Truman in Hon7ry S Tritrriczn, 404. has 5 Johnson to Truman, 12Sep50. Sec an accoiint of visiting the Marshalls at Def files, ML Leesburg 6 iveui lbrk Tiaes, 17Sep50 2 Truman to Mrs Truman, 7Sep50, 7 llbshirigtori Post, 14Sep50 Diary entry. 14Sep50, Of the Record. 8 Lawrence and Lippman columns in 189-90. 193 The two entries are hiew lbrk Herald-Tribune, 19Sep50 slightly confusing about the date of 9 Cliicogo Tribuiie. 14Sep50 the meeting, but Marshall.5 appoint- 10 The questions to Marshall and his an- ments calendar shows that he met the swers are all from hearings before the Pres on GSep Comm on Armed Services. U S Sen- 578 Notes ate, 81st Cong , 2nd sess , “On the Anna Rosenberg,” 19Dec50, 8 1st Nomination of General of the Army Cong , 2d sess , ML George C Marshall to Be Secretary of 21 Rosenberg to Mrs Roosevelt, Defense,” Sec Def Files. ML, hlarx 12Dec50, hiInrshall Personal File, ML Leva Memo to Lovett, 230ct50, Sec 22 Marshall to Truinan, 18Dec50, J Def Files (SC 040 OS), ML 8lst Edgar Hoover to h.larshal1, 19Dec50, Cong , 2nd sess . House, rpt 3094, Marshall Personal File, ML authorizing appointment of Gen of 23 Notes by Marshall Carter for Marshall the Army George C Marshall as Sec on a telephone call to Bernard Bar- Def. Sec Def Files. ML uch, 11 Dec50, Marshall Personal File, 11 New Ibik Tiuies. 16Sep50 Approving M L were Byrd. Russell, Chapman, John- 24 Int by author with Mrs Rosenberg, son, Iiefauver, Hunt, Gurney, Salton- 10Dec57 She ga’ea slightly different stall, and Morse version at a dinner over which the au- 12 iVezu Ibrk Tirnes, 16Sep50 thor presided in honor of Marshall’s 13 Corig Record, U S Senate, 15Sep50 hundredth birthday 14 R‘PZO Ibrk Tirties, 1 GSep50. describes 25 hhrshall’s earlier relationship with Saltonstall’s reaction Bradley is described in Pogue, Orgm- 15 Nezo Ibrk Tirries, 2 1Sep50 izer of I‘ictorp, 183 16 \+’illlam S White, “Again for Mar- 26 Collins said of Marshall “He had shall, It Is ‘Duty’,” Ne711 Ib,k Tir/ies great character, wonderful intelli- illngnme, 24Sep50 gence, and stimulated everyone under 17 I B Holley. Jr , GenernlJohri A1 Palnier him with a spirit of progressiveness Citi-eii Soldier arid the .-lra? of Deiiiocinc?, and not being content with things as ch 51 they were but investigating and in- 18 The folder on Mrs Rosenberg in the quiring into new ways of doing things Marshall Personal File, ML, gives a I think he sacrificed his own complete biographical background ’ desires to come back and serve his ’ 19 Int by author with Rlrs Anna Rosen- country as Secretary of‘ State and as berg, New York City, 10Dec57 Secretary of Defense, thereby setting 20 Quotations on the testimony and as- an exainple for the future to follow sociated materials are from the Harry ” Int by author with Gen J Law- F Byrd report, “Nomination of Mrs ton Collins, 23Jan58


For operational details and command problems in this ch , I have been aided at every

stage by the excellent official volumes Jaines R Schnabel, Policy arid Dirwfron The First , I’enr, and Roy E Appleman, South to the h‘nktong, AIorih to the Ilii As a part of the ML project of adding to the Marshall Papers bt’ copying a mass of key documents, I directed the copying of many documents cited in the notes of these two books

1 Bruce Cumings, The 0,-igiiis of /he Ku- 8 Mins of Comm of Three mtg, leal1 JL’or, chs 1-3 9Apr47, Patterson File, Comm of 2 Trippartite Meeting, 24Ju1-15, FRUS Three. Box 3. Xeros 2327, ML 1945, Corference nt Berliu, 11, 35 1-52 9 Molotov to hlarshall, 19Apr47, Mar- 3 Rusk memo, FRUS 1945, VI, 1039 shall to Molotov, 30Apr47, FRUS 4 Schnabel, Policy arid Directioii. 13-20, 1947, VI, 632-35, 638-39 deals with this and the material in the 10 Mins of Comm of Three mtg, following paragraph 4May-17, Patterson File, Box 3, Xerox 5 Marshall to MacArthur, 10ct45, 2327, ML FRUS 1945, VI, 1067-68, MacArthur 11 Hilldring to Hodge, 21May47. giving to Marshall, 40ct45, OPD file, ML Marshall’s views, Hodge to MacAr- 6 Pol adviser to Sec State, 20Nov45, thur and State Dept , 27Ju147, Allison Byrnes to Langdon. 26Nov45, FRUS for State to ad hoc comm (SWNCC), 1945. VI. 1129-33, 1137-38 29Ju147, FRUS 1947, VI, 647-48, 7 Schnabel, Policy and Diicclioii. 23-26 734-36 Notes 579 12 Rpt by nd hoc conim on Korea, 1948, VI, 1195 4A 11g4 7, H illd ri n g to M ‘1 rs ha1 1. 21 Roval Inst Internat Aff , .Sirtrirrin,Jl oj GAug47, FRUS 1947, 73844 rtlle~~l~llo~lnl.-lyJ~llrs, I94 7-4s* 324 13 Marshall to Molotov, 11Aug47, Molo- 92 Schnabel, Policy ntid Diicclioii, 28 tov to Marshall. 27Aug47, Lovett to 23 hIarsha11 to Koyall, 17Sep48, Marshall pol adviser to Korea, 2Sep47, hlolo- to Hotfrnan, 17Sep48, FRUS 1948, tov to Marshall. 4Sep47, FRUS 1937. 1323-37 VI, 74849. 771-7.1, 776-81 23 Royal Inst Intnat Aff , Sutriirin,y, 13 SWNCC to JCS, 15Sep37, Sec Def to 1947-4s. 327 Sec State. 26Sep47, Policy Planning 25 Schnabel. Pdiq ntid DitecIioii. 32-35 Staff-to director, Off Far Eastern Aff , 26 Ibid , 61-66, gives a summary of the 24Sep47, FRUS 1947. VI, 789, 817- beginning of the ivar

18, 814 I 27 For a survey of the battle as seen from 15 Ed note, niotion by Austin, 17Sep47, Washington, see Robert J Donovan, FRUS 1947, VI, 792 TirtriirlIuoits l’ent.1, chs 22-26, the view 16 Eisenhower to Marshall, 3Dec.17, from ‘Tohyo is in D Clayton James. Saltzman to Marshall, JDec47, Mar- T~iitniyh arid DiSOsIt’r. 1945-64, chs shall to Eisenhower, 4Dec47, FRUS XIII-MV, the official Army account 1947, VI, 868, 869-90 can be found in Schnabel. Policj arid 17 Interim Comm of LJ N Gen Asseni- DrrecIioji, 66-1 87 bly, 26Feb.18, Butterworth to Sec 28 Franks to Prime hlin , 15Ju150. FO State, 48MaI-48, FRUS 1948, VI. 372/84089 27910, Pub Rec Off 1137-39 29 Alan Rullock. Erwsl Be~vti,Foteig)i Sec- 18 Memo of iiitg , Marshall with Butter- relnry, 1945-51. 790-94 worth and others of State Dept , 30 Franks to Prime Min , 15Jun50, FO 5bfar48, FRUS 1938, VI, 113941 371/84089 27910, Pub Rec Off 19 Rpt by Nat Security Council on posi- 31 Schnabel, Policjl niid DirecIioii, 123-24, tion of U S with re1 to Korea, has an excellent sunimary of the man- 2A1)1-48,FRUS 1948, VI, 1163-69 power measure4 20 Marshall pres4 conf, 12May48, FRUS 32 James, Triiirtiph orid DisnsIer. 467-85


For the view of the Chief of Staff during this period, see J Lawton Collins, IVnr itz Pecicelinie, and LighttiitigJoe .-In .-lit/obiogrnp/ry See also Matthew B Ridgwny, The Korenii ll’nr 1 One of Marshall’$ first acts as Sec Def “Courses of Action with Respect to was to send MacArthur an expression Korea,” memo by Sec State, “NSC of “personal tribute to the coura- Meeting. 7Sep50,” NSC 8 1/1, geous campaign you directed in “United States Courses of Action with Korea and the daring and perfect Respect to Korea,” FRUS 1950, VII, strategical operation which virtually 685-93, 705-7, 7 12-2 1

terininated the struggle ” MacAr- 3 Schnabel, Policy nrid Directrori The firs^ thur was suitably gratefirl, expressing ]$or, 181 appreciation for Marshall’s “unfailing 4 Sec State to Acting Sec State,

support ” He said, “It brings back viv- 26Sep50, Acting Sec State to US idly the memories of past wars and the niission at LJ N , 26Sep50, Marshall to coiiiplete coordination and perfect Acheson, 26Sep50, Sec Def to Pres unity of cooperation which has always 27Sep50, FRUS 1950. VII, 774-75. existed in our mutual relationships 78 1-82

and martial endeavors ” Marshall to 5 JCSto MacArthur. 27Sep50, Rad JCS MacArthur, 30Sep50, Rad WCL 92801, JCS Decimal File (CCS 383 2 1 36338, MacArthur to Marshall, Korea), ML 10ct50, Rad Z 18560. GCM Personal 6 Marshall to MacArthur, 29Sep50, File, ML FRUS 1950, VII, 826 2 Memo by JCS to Sec Def, 7Sep50, 7 MacArthur to Marshall. 30Sep50, FRUS 1950, VII, 707-8, NSC 81, Rad C 65034, JCS Decimal File 5801 Notes (CCS 383 21 Korea), ML Sec State to Em11 LJ K . 28Nov50. 8 FAacArthur to JCS. 28Sep50, Rad C State Dept memos of conv , G4805, JCS Decinial File (CCS 383 2 I 29Nov50, FRUS 1950, VII, 1241. Korea), ML 1249-51, 1252-53, 1257-58 9 JCS to MacArthur, 90ct50, FRIJS 30 Public Pnpris of the Piesideiits ojtlie Irtiited 1950, VII, 915 Strites Huii? S Tiuiirnii. 724-28 10 Substance of statements made at 31 Ed notes suniniarizing press conf , Wake Island Conf , 150ct50, conip incl test of White House clarification, by Gen of the Army Omar N Bradley FRIJS 1950, VII, 1261-62 from notes kept by the conferees, 32 Memo of conv by Amb Jessup re FRIJS 1950, VII, 9-48-60 In a later nitg in JCS conf room, Pentagon, account of the cod,Truman spoke of 1 Dec50. [incl Secs of State. Defense, having rcbuked MacArthur's high- Armv, Navy and Air Force and JCS] handedness, but the meeting seems to FRUS 1950. VII, 1276-82 have gone well 33 Memo by CIA, 'LDec50 (later-issued '1s 11 1Ed note, FRUS 1950, VII, 093-94 NIE-I l), FRUS 1950, VII, 1308-10 12 Schiiabel, Polic~niid Diraclioii. 222-30 34 Res subniitted on 19Nov by six na- 13 Roy E Appleman, .Sorilli lo the Nctktoiig. tions. incl the I1 S , asking Chinese iVoiIh to IhP lirlii, 673-81. 689-708, Coinmimists to refrain from fiirther '7 6 5-69 intervention in North Korea, but as- 14 Memo of conv by Sec State with suring that the U N intended to keep Acheson, Lovett, Rusk. 6Nov50, the frontier inviolate Vote, on SONov, FRLJS 1950, VII, 1055-57 was 9-1. with Indin not participating 15 JCS to MacArthur, 6Nov50, and n on Ed note, FRUS 1950. VII. 1126-27, following page, FRUS 1950, VII, 1268 1057-58 35 At the outset of the Korean M'x, the 16 MacArthur to Dept of Army, 6Nov50, entire U S Arniv had d total of ten Kad C-68396.JCS Decimnl File (CCS divisions, nine of them seriously 383 21 Korea), ML under strength Bv mid-July, total 17 JCS to MacArthur, 6Nov50, FRUS LJ S military personnel had increased 1950. \'II, 1075-77 f-rom 1,463.544 to 1,730,500 Shortly 18 Memo, Rush to Acheson, 7Nov50, after Mcirshall became Sec Def, he Marshall to Acheson, 1ONov50, FRLJS approved the JCS request to espand 1950, VII, 1077, 1 I26 forces to 2,806,735 for the remainder 19 Jt res of Security Council, 10Nov50, of the fiscal year For the Army alone. FRUS 1950, VII, 1126-27 this meant an increase of seven divi- 20 Testlnlony of Marshall. Vandenberg. sions by June 1951 Walter S Poole, and Acheson, "llnr.l~lhiii Htwriiigs, The JorirI Cliipfj- oJSfnfnird iVcttioiin1 Pol- 320 1410. 1723, 1912 l~?, IV, 1950-52, 38-39, 41, 45 21 JCS to MacArthur, 8Nov50, MacAr- Truman, inJan50. requested a rnili- thur to JCS, 9Nov50, FRUS 1950, VII, tary budget for fiscal 1951 of $13.- 1097-98, 1107-10 545.000,OOO In April, he asked for 22 James. Ti-iioiiph ciiid Disnsler. 535 supplemental $350 million, but Cong 23 Memo of cow by Amb Jessup re had not completed action on this re- nitg in Pentagon, 2 1 Nov50, MacAr- quest before the beginning of the Ko- thur to JCS, 25Nov50, FRUS 1950, rean War in June InJuly and Augiist, 1204-8, 1222-24 Truman asked for $1 1.643,106,000 24 James. Tniiii~pI~aid Disaster. 526-2 7 more, which was approved in late Sep 25 Ibid , 536 The President's supplemental request 26 Memo by Atnb Jessup on Nat Secii- of lDec brought the total requested rity Council mtg with Pres , 28Nov50, for fiscal 1951 to $42,984,862,250 FRUS 1950. 1/11, 124249 Ibid , p 46, Kenneth W Condit, The 27 Schnabel, Policy nird Diiectroir. 282 Joitit Clii$t ojStof aiid Nntioiral Policy, 28 JCS to MacArthur, 29Nov50, FRUS 11, 194749, Ch VI11 1950, VII. 1253-51 36 Eschmge of letters with Arthur Krock 29 Einb LJ K to Sec State. 28Nov50, in NPZPlork 7iii1es. 1 Dec50, 11 S News J U ll‘o?/d Report, 8Dec50, 16-22. insg 43 Memo by Luciiis D Battle on intg of to Hugh Baillie, Neui lbrk Tiniex. 6Dec50, FRUS, 1950, VII. 1430-32 2Dec50 44 Mins of fifth intg at White House of 37 MacArthur to JCS, 3Dec50, FRUS Trurnan, Attlee, and staffs, 7Dec50, 1950, VII, 1320-22 FRUS 1950, 1’11, 1449-61 38 Memo of tntg at Pentagon of Mar- 45 Mins of sixth (last) intg at White shall, Acheson, Joint Chiefs and staffs, House of Truman, Attlee, and staffs, 3Dec50, FRUS 1950, VII, 1323-34 8Dec50. FRUS 1950, VII, 1468-79 39 Memo by LUCIUSD Battle on mtg of 46 Schnabel, Policy nnd Direction. 305 Acheson and staff, 4Dec50, FRUS 47 JCS to MacArthur. 29Dec50, MacAr- 1950, VII, 1345-47, Acheson, Present thur to JCS, 30Dec50. FRUS 1950, af the Creation. 477, see also text of VII, 1625-26. 1630-33 Kennan note to Acheson that day, 48 Acheson, The Korenii IVm, 96-97, ibid , 476 James. Triiittipli adDiscrster, 54546 40 Mins of first intg at White House of 49 JCS to MacArthur, 9Jan5 1, FRUS Truman, Attlee. and staffs, 4Dec50, 1951, VII. 4 1-43 nieino re evening discussion intg of 50 MacArthur to JCS, loJan5 1, FRUS Acheson with British. 4Dec50, tnenio 1951, VII, 56-57 re mtg of Acheson and staff. 5Dec50, 51 JCS memo to Sec Def , 12Jan51, nienio re Acheson rntg with Brit, FRUS 1951, VII, 71-72 5Dec50, FRUS 1950, VII, 1361-77, 52 Truman to MacArthur, 1382-86, 1390-92 FRUS 1951, MI. 77-78 41 Mins of 5econd intg on “Willianis- 53 Memo by LUCIUSBattle, burg” of Truinan and Attlee and FRUS 1951, VII, 102-5 staffs. 5Dec50, FRUS 1950, VII. 54 A~Inc.-lithiii Hem-oigs, pt I, 13- 1392-1408, 1426 324 42 State Dept memo. 5Dec50, FRUS 55 hid, 324 1950, VII. 1408-10

XXVIII RELIEF OF MACARTHUR 1 Schnabel, Policy nnd Directloti The Firsf 13 Meiiio by Gen Bradley, 24Apr51, l>ni, 33240 GCM Personal File, ML, Truman’s 2 Acheson to Marshall, 23Feb5 1, ineino notes, as dictated to Eben Ayers and to Sec Def fi-om 3 service sec , George Elsey, 28.4~1-51, Truman Li- 24Feb51, JCS memo to Sec Def, brary 27Feb5 1, Marshall to Acheson, 14 Acheson, Pre.wif of the Crention, 521, 1Mar5 1. enc JCS memo to Sec Def , Truman. 12ni.y of Tml niid Hope. 447 27Feb51, FRUS 1951. VII, 189-95, 15 Alben W Barkley, Thnt Reiiiinds Ale, 202-6 2 13 3 Schnabel, Policjl niid Diiection. 354-59 16 Contrary to the version in Truman’s 4 JCS to MacArthur, 20Ma1-51, FRUS Aletiioiis, Marshall was reluctant to 1951, VII, 251 agree to the relief of MacArthur 5 MacArthur to JCS, 21Mar51, FRUS throughout the weehend and did not 1951, VII. 255-56 give his assent until the Monday- 6 Statement of MacArthur on Sec State morning meeting with the Pres , after to dip1 officers, 24Mar51, FRUS Bradley had presented the views of 1951. VII, 265-66 the Joint Chiefs Bradley memo, 7 Statement by Sec , Marshall, 7May51, 23Ap1-51, hfarshall question, A/cic.-lr- MacArthur Hearings, Part I, 344 thui H~nrlngs. pt I, 34345. Collins, 8 Statement by Sir Gladwyn Jebb Ilkr it1 Pencetine, 283-84, Schnabel 9 Hansoii Baldwin. iVezc1 lbik 7itwss. and Watson, TheJoi~f Ctiieji o/Sfnff cijid 10 Schnabel, Policy niid Diirc-tion, 36 1-64 iVntionn1 Policy, v 111, “The Korean 11 Brit For Min to Brit Einb , Wash- War,” pt 1, 540 ington, ii d , FRUS 195 1, VII, 280-82 17 Collins, Il’cii i)i Pmc-etinir, 284, Ache- 12 Alnc.4rrhiir Heniings, Port I, 340 son. Piesent of /lie C1entron. 522, Tru- 582 Notes man, lhnrs of Trial crnd Hope. 348 mentioned the trip to an old friend, 18 James, Triiiuiph arid Disasler, 597-98 Colonel Fay W Brabson, in a letter 19 Itit by Jerry N Hess with Walter Tro- written 12Jiin5 1 han, 70ct70. Truman Library, hlar- 26 Lt Rory T Quirk (son of the Colonel) shall s t a t em en t, lac.4 I /hiir Ht.nriiigs, to author, 170ct76 Quirk repeated 34345, Truman, Ihais of Trial atid the story as his father remembered it Hope. 41819 When author asked General Ridgway 20 Schnabel and Watson, Tile Jorut ChieJs about the account, the General said he 01 3cff and iValioiia1 Policy, v 111, pt 1, did not recall Marshall’s mention of 54346 the atomic bomb but that he had 21 JCS to Ridgway, 12Apr51, Rad JCS confidence in Qtiirk He did remem- 88374, JCS Decimal File (CCS 838 2 1 bered the terrible flying weather Korea), ML 27 Reeves, The Lfe and Tines of Joe 22 ~vi?7tI)‘oi/i Tiines, 20Apr5 1 hlcCm Iliv, 373-74 23 Sclinabel. Policy arid Duection. 379-90 28 Ti )lies, 23Ju 1150 24 Ihd , 392407 29 William F Buckley, Jr , and Brent Bo- 25 Excerpt of letter of Colonel James T zell, i\lcCrrl-f/ig aiid His E~ieriiies,Appen Quirk to his wife (n d , but it was writ- F ten around June 12, 195 1 ) Marshall

XXIS RETIREMENT 1 Unsigned and undated notes, appar- Documents and correspondence re- ently by h~larshallS Carter, found in tailing to these transactions are in the Marshall’s Defense Department file I Louis Marx file, Marshall Personal have followed a rough paraphrase in files, ML Marx had a special reason the account for showing gratitude to Marshall In 2 Pogiie. George C i\Icr~shnll 0tga)ii:et of 1944, his wife was in the last stages of I’ictmy, 365, fn 44 A special file in ML, cancer Hoping that penicillin might coinpiled by the author, has copies of be helpful, he found that the armed the legislation Shortly after Mar- services controlled the reserve stocks shall’s death the author rewrote the He asked Marshall to authorize the re- Mar~hallentry in the E~y-lopaedicrBn- lease of a small amount to hiin Mar- fniijiicn Several years later his state- shall had received othei- such requests iiient that Marshall was the earlier and. in one case involving an highest-ranking general in the Army old friend, had insisted that he could when he died was challenged by an do nothing When the friend’s wife Ai-my officer in ‘3 letter to the Britaji- died, Marshall had received a bitter jim To support the entry, the author letter Since then, the Army had ar- suhmitted copies of the legislation ranged for physicians and hospitals to and pages from the A4ruijl Regislei get small amounts of the antibiotic on showing Army ranks annually from the condition that they repay the loan 1948 until after Marshall’s death The from another source of supply Mar- assembled i-ecords are iri this file shall recommended this source of 3 Marshall to hlme Chiang Kai-shek, supply 5Feb47, R4rne Chiaiig Iiai-shek to The original manuscript of Together, Marshall, 19Dec48, Marshall to Mme with some editorial changes by Mar- Chiang Kai-shek, 6Apr49, in Marshall shall on part of the manuscript (ap- Personal File, ML parently he did not see all of it in -4 Ints by author with General and Mrs manuscript form). is in ML Part of the Marshall, correspondence regarding publica- 5 Statement of Dr Theodore Ropp to tion can be find in hlrs Marshall’s files author in 1959 there No statement of royalties is 6 Letters from Samuel “Corty” Slay- available maker I\’ to Marshall in Marshall Mu- Eisenhower to Marshall, 1952, Mar- seum display, Lexington, Va shall Personal file, ML Notes 583 10 Stephen E Anibrose. Eiseiihoziw, Sol- Truman or how accurate Miller’s dier, Gniernl of /he .4tiiiy. P~esrderr/-E/ec/, memory was Some of these stories, 563-67 such as the account of the President’s 11 Notes by author of a telephone con- meeting with MacArthur at Wake Is- versation with former President Ei- land, are contrary to what others who ’ senhower in May 1964 Leonard were there have said. and different Mosley used these notes in his book from Truman’s own published ac- on Marshall but suggested that the count ’ fiill transcript of the conversation was The question of accuracy concerns in the Eisenhower Library at Abilene not only Eisenhower, but involves un- There is a tape there of an interview characteristic behavior by Marshall with Eisenhower made by the author that requires examination in this biog- at Gettysburg in July 1962. but this raphy tape does not concern the postwar pe- According to Miller, Truman told riod and can be used only with the him that after the war ended in author’s permission, which has never Europe, Eisenhower wrote Marshall been given Eisenhower’s phone call that he was coming home to divorce to the author was for the purpose of Mamie so he could marry his secretary giving the Marshall Library title to his and former jeep driver, Kay Sum- speech at the Library’s dedication, so mersby Marshall was reported to that it could collect the fee offered by have replied that if Eisenhower came the ,-l//oiik- i\lon/hly for publication of near doing such a thing, “he’d not the speech only bust him out of the Army, he’d 12 Not mentioned in the campaign was a see to it that for the rest of his life he purported episode that surfaced years would not be able to draw a peaceful

later, concerning events that were breath ” Truman added that one of said to have occurred as early as 1945 the last things he did as President was Ei sen how e r , and , ind i rec t I y , Mars ha1 1, “tq get the letters from his [Eisen- were participants according to the hower’s] file in the Pentagon, and I story, which came out in 1973 with the destroyed them” (Miller, Ploii, Sp~ak- publication of Merle Miller’s Plniii /iig. pp 368-69) Speohiig. a book on Harry Truman As When asked about the tale in 1973, part of a project for a television series Harry Vaughan, Truman’s military on Truman, Miller, a liriik editor in aide during the White House years, World War I1 and later a best-selling could only recall that in 1952 Truman novelist, was sent to Independence in had said that he had heard that the 1961 tu interview the former Presi- Taft adherents were trying to get their dent The series was never made, but hands on the correspondence and Miller had his notes and tapes After that Truman had sent him to the Pen- Truman’s death, Miller put much of tagon to pick up some papers from the the material in his book on Truman office of the Chief of Staff Vaughan and published it in 1973 Although admitted that he had not looked at the much of the material was taped. Miller papers but did not believe that Tru- freely admitted that some of the most man destroyed them and suggested outrageous stories had been put down that he had probably sent them to later in his notes In his introduction Leesburg or to the Marshall Founda- to the book, hliller speaks of occasions tion The Marshall Foundation did when he and Truman would adjourn not exist in 1952, and any papers sent to a nearby restaurant lounge and to Leesburg found their way back to have two or three scotches or bour- Marshall’s papers in his Pentagon bons before lunch In later speeches office Colonel George, Marshall’s Miller told his audience thnt the most aide at the time, who sat in the office revealing information was given in where Marshall’s papers were stored, pre-lunch conversations, so that it IS declared that no such correspondence difficult to how how much of the uii- Mas there nor had anyone asked for it taped material was intended as fact by Gciieral J Lawton Collins, Chief of 584 Notes

Staff at the time, asserted that his in his book on h~lcirshall. suggests office never furnished any papers per- that the commissioning came as a re- taining to .the matter to the White sult of activities by Colonel Florence liouse, and was positive that no mem- Newsome of Marshall’s staff in grati- ber of his staff would do so without tude for entertainment she had re- ielling him Eisenhower’s files had ceived in Paris by Lieutenant gone with him to Coluinbia University Suiniiiersby In a telephone conver- when he became its president (Miller, sation with the authoi-, Colonel Phil SpPnklllp. pp 367-69) Newsome indignantly denied Mos- Vaughan later wondered why Tru- ley’s statement, explaining that her man would tell Miller of any siicli visit to Paris rvas as escort officer for ‘iffair if his purpose in destroying the a group of congressinen visiting EI- letters had been to protect Mrs Eisen- senhower’s headquarters, and came hower froin embarrassnient. since the a ft er Lieu ten ant Sum rne t s by had published account had the opposite h een coni miss ion ed Colon el News - effect oine added that had she known when Individuals closely associated with tlie cotiiinission was in the works, she Marshall and Eisenhower doubt the would have opposed it authenticity of the account as pub- At the end of the war in Europe, lished Neither the action nor the Eisenhowei- was under pressure from Ilanguage was in Mai-sh$l’s style He both Democrats and Republicans to ,

the coniinander was faced with many have nlloivecl nie to use them ” burdens in the field, lie though^ thev 13 M ;1 rs ha 1 I to E i sen h owe r , 7 No v 52, E1 - should do \\,hat they could to help seiihower to hlarshall, 1 ONov52, Mar- hili1 (Po~u~,Gtolgp C Af(1t~qhfiff0,- slid1 Pei-son,il file. ML p”/:fl (If’ I ic-lotj1, 1 13, has the \tory of 14 Ttliiiiaii to MarshaII. 24Jaii53, Mar- the coniiiiis sion ing Lcoiia rcl M osle)., \hall Personal file, ML Notes 585 15 Handwritten letter, Elizabeth I1 to 28 Marshall to Eisenhower, 14Aug58, Marshall, 28Feb 1952, Marshall Per- Marshall Personal file, ML sonal file, ML 29 The story of the period from the first 16 The details are in a lengthy letter, stroke to the General's death was Marshall to Truman, 8Sep53 Other gleaned by the author from daily ver- details in Colonel George to Frank bal reports by Colonel George, who McCarthy, 23Jun53, and in Leslie sat in the office next to where the au- Hollis, Clock zvilh Foiir Faces thor was working on the biography 17 Marshall to Truman, 4Nov53, Mar- Stories of visits by Herron, Bull, shall Personal file, ML Stayer, Snyder, and others were given 18 Eisenhower to Marshall, 2Nov53, the author by those individuals Pow- Acheson to Marshall, 4 Nov 53, Mar- der talked with him after leaving the shall Personal file, ML hospital Rose Page Wilson tells her 19 Marshall to Truman, 2Nov53, Mar- poignant story in General Alaishnll shall Personal file, ML Remeui bered 20 Marshall to Mme Chiang Kai-shek, 30 The author watched Pershing's fu- 6Nov53, Marshall Personal file, ML neral procession in 1948 and recalls 21 Marshall to Eisenhower, 2Nov53, the drenching rain and heat, the pha- Marshall Personal file, ML lanx of marching generals. glimpses 22 hlarshall to Truman, 27Feb54, Mar- of Marshall and Dawes in the proces- shall Personal file, ML sion Later, he saw the complete plans 23 Int by author with Col C J George, for the fiineral 18Nov80, statement of General 31 The Instructions, in Marshall's hand- Goodpaster to author, 8 May 1986 writing, were given to Colonel 24 The author attended the awards cere- George. who later gave the author a mony in Oslo and sat in the balcony copy Mosley's biography relies on a during the demonstration Later he statenlent by General Handy, who did picked up copies of the handbills not see the handwritten instructions These, plus copies of the program, In Marshall's office, Colonel and of the Dec 11 Oslo newspapers, George began the list of those to be are in the ML notified, several weeks before Mar- 25 Marshall's address in Oslo, 1 ODec53, shall's death Miss Mary Louise Spil- Marshall speech book, ML inan, Marshall's secretary, helped 26 Marshall to Truman, 27Feb54 check the list from Marshall's per- 26A Eisenhower to Everett E Hazlett. sonal file, and the author was asked to 8Dec54, in Ike's Lelle,s to n Friend, suggest names from several hundred 19fI-58 Ed by Robert W Grlfith associates of Marshall whoin he had Lawrence, Kansas LJniversity Press of interviewed A copy of the list drawn Kans;js Eisenhower noted that up by George, with additions in the Churchill perhaps had more of the handwriting of Mrs Marshall, Colonel qualities of greatness than any other George, and the author, IS in ML person he had known Others who 39 Mosley lacked access to the files on ranked high were Chancellor the Funeral, and lists as present Mar- Adenauer and Henry L Stimson shall's favorite barber. Nicholas J Anioiig members of Congress he in- Totalo, so much liked by the General cluded Senator Vandenberg and Sen- that he went with him to all the great ator Walter George Of those he had conferences Totalo, who barbered not met, he ranked John Quincy Marshall only once, was not at the fii- Adains. in his later years, first neral Marshall's longtime barber, 27 Details of the biographical project who was at the funeral, but never at which the author was named to head any conferences, was civilian Joe Ab- in Aug 54 have been taped for the bott (originally Abbate), whose chid- Marshall Foundation He has col- ing was related with delight by lected t he papers connected with the Marshall to Colonel George Mosley founding of the Research Center and apparently was inisled by a photo- the i n d ivI d ua 1s in v o 1v e d graph in the Marshall Museum, which 586 Notes shows a soldier-barber, Totalo, cut- morning of the funeral, and George ting Marshall’s hair at Potsdam, and made arrangements for him to attend concluded that Marshall had taken with the author him there, as well as to the other great 33 Although he writes of the instructions conferences There was no Filipino that Marshall gave, Mosley seems un- orderly at the funeral, since Marshall aware that Marshall specifically ruled n’ever had an orderly of that national- out a funeral in the Cathedral Eisen- ity, unless during the 1913-16 period hower and Truman did not crowd into in Manila Marshall did have an or- its Bethlehem Chapel Marshall’s derly named Semanko, of Ukrainian coffin had stayed there the night be- descent, but he did not attend the fu- fore the funeral, but by the General’s neral The orderly who did attend, express wish, the funeral was at the Anierican-born Richard Wing. of Chi- Fort Myer chapel nese descent, had gone with Marshall 34 The remaining details of the funeral to China in 1946 and to Paris and are from the author’s personal recol- Moscow in 1947 As related in the lections In greater detail, they are in text, he arrived at the Pentagon the the funeral file in ML.

EPILOGUE In an effort to draw together the chief quote his contemporaries, I have used characteristics of Marshall that I have material from my interviews with the described in the previous volumes, I individuals concerned The quotation found the simplest solution to be the from George F Kennan may be found use of much of what I had to say in in his Mettioirs (1925-50). pages 345- pages 13-20 in the Harmon Memorial 46 Marshall is discussed in Richard E Lecture which I gave on “George C, Neustadt and Ernest R May, Thitrkrjig Marshall Global Statesman” at the rti Time The Uses of Histojy for Deosron ‘ Aa-t Force Academy in 1968 The tnnkers, chapter 14 The citation from quotations there were drawn in turn Douglas Freeman’s editorial is in For- from Volumes I and I1 of the biogra- rest C Pogue, 0rniir:er of l’ic/o?y 34 phy and fron a draft of Volume 111, Churchill’s statement is in a letter which I was then writing In a few John C Hagan, Jr., President of the cases I have used several paragraphs Marshall Foundation, cited in Har- intact but have paraphrased and con- mon Lecture densed much of the others Where I