Supplement of Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 10

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Supplement of Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 10 Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 54 | Supplement 10 2014 More Atlantic Crossings? European Voices and the Postwar Atlantic Community 03 Preface and Acknowledgments INTRODUCTION 07 More Atlantic Crossings? European Voices and the Postwar Atlantic Community Jan Logemann 19 Rethinking Transatlantic Relations in the First Cold War Decades Mary Nolan DIPLOMATS AND INTELLECTUALS: REIMAGINING THE TRANSATLANTIC WORLD 41 The Political and Cultural Underpinnings of Atlanticism’s Crisis in the 1960s Kenneth Weisbrode 61 The World Economy and the Color Line: Wilhelm Röpke, Apartheid, and the White Atlantic Quinn Slobodian TRANSFERS AND NEGOTIATIONS: ÉMIGRÉS AND POSTWAR AMERICA 91 Weimar Social Science in Cold War America: The Case of the Political-Military Game Daniel Bessner 111 Franz L. Neumann: Negotiating Political Exile Thomas Wheatland 139 The Transatlantic Reconstruction of “Western” Culture: George Mosse, Peter Gay, and the Development of the German Tradition of Geistesgeschichte Merel Leeman TRANSCENDING THE ATLANTIC WORLD: SHIFTING MENTAL MAPS 163 “The Atlantic Community in a Global Context”: Global Crisis and Atlanticism within the Context of the Club of Rome, 1960s to 1970s Christian Albrecht 2 GHI BULLETIN SUPPLEMENT 10 (2014) PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The essays in this volume originated in the 2012 workshop “More Atlantic Crossings?” at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC, which explored European inputs to and their rela- tive weight within transatlantic social relations. The editors would like to thank all the participants for their comments and contribu- tions. Special thanks go to Daniel Rodgers, whose scholarship not only inspired the leading question of the workshop, but who, as our third co-convener, greatly facilitated the workshop and our discus- sions. Several other contributions to this event appeared in the spring of 2014 as a special issue of the journal Planning Perspectives, edited by Carola Hein. We are grateful for the support we received from the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, and its director Hartmut Berghoff . A generous research grant from the German Ministry for Education and Research made this event possible as part of the larger research project “Transatlantic Perspectives” at the GHI. The members of this research group, Andreas Joch, Barbara Louis, and Corinna Ludwig helped to organize the event. Bryan Hart of the GHI is responsible for the cover design. Finally, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Lauren Shaw and Patricia C. Sutcliff e for their superb editorial work on this GHI Bulletin Supplement. Jan Logemann & Mary Nolan, editors PREFACE 3 Introduction Reimagining the Émigrés and Postwar Transcending the Atlantic Introduction Transatlantic World America World MORE ATLANTIC CROSSINGS? EUROPEAN VOICES AND THE POSTWAR ATLANTIC COMMUNITY Jan Logemann The decades following World War II are generally regarded as the height of the “American Century” in transatlantic relations. Ameri- can hard and soft power dominated diplomatic and political as well as economic and cultural relations to a degree that gave rise to the notion of American hegemony. The era saw the project of construct- ing a “modern” West unfold under the leadership of U.S. experts and institutions, with European societies oft en perceiving postwar reconstruction as, in many ways, an “Americanization” of their politics, cultures, and economies. The Marshall Plan, productivity missions, as well as American products and popular culture, all added up to a mas- sive fl ow of transatlantic transfers from the United States to Western Europe, expanding the reach of America’s “irresistible empire.”1 Was the Atlantic, however, truly a one-way street during the “Ameri- can Century”? European voices had been a prominent part of the Atlantic dialogue in the early part of the twentieth century, which had witnessed a vibrant back-and-forth with numerous “Atlantic cross- ings” resulting in social, political, and cultural exchanges.2 World War II was a signifi cant caesura, but, this volume contends, not an abrupt break in this reciprocal dialogue. Aft er the war, Americans continued to look to Europe in many areas — or to the expertise of their European colleagues — for inspiration and contrast. Europe, 1 Victoria de Grazia, Irre- sistible Empire: America’s for example, continued to matter in urban studies, particularly to Advance through Twentieth- American architects and planners tackling the problems of postwar Century Europe (Cam- bridge, 2005). urban development within a transnational framework.3 In fashion and design, as well as in the arts and postwar intellectual life, European 2 See, e.g., Daniel Rodgers, Atlantic Crossings: Social infl uences remained strong. As important as the American model Politics in a Progressive Age became, Europe and Europeans continued to be relevant in science (Cambridge, 1996). and academia, too. 3 On the transatlantic inter- connections in mid-twen- “European voices” continued to infl uence the postwar transatlan- tieth-century urban plan- ning, see, e.g., the special tic world. These voices included European diplomats and experts issue of Planning Perspec- in various transatlantic networks and institutions as well as, quite tives 2, no. 1 (2014), edited by Carola Hein, whose prominently, European immigrants and émigrés in the United States. contributions also draw The 2012 workshop “More Atlantic Crossings?” at the German His- primarily from the GHI’s 2012 workshop “More torical Institute in Washington, DC, from which the contributions Atlantic Crossings?” LOGEMANN | INTRODUCTION 7 to this volume stem, explored precisely these European inputs and their relative weight within transatlantic social relations.4 It asked, for example, about European migrants and émigrés and the degree to which their work not only maintained a continuing and sometimes expanding interest in European developments but also helped shape the very “American model” that became so dominant in the postwar period. Many of them became the “European voices” in the transat- lantic dialogues of the time. We are interested in the contributions of these migrants, visitors, diplomats, and members of transnational organizations of European background to transatlantic exchanges and mutual perceptions. What was their role — as Europeans of varying stripes — in reshaping the transatlantic world following World War II? We already know that the infl ux of European immigrants and émigrés 4 See the conference report by impacted the development of various professional and academic Lauren Shaw, “More Trans- atlantic Crossings? Europe’s fi elds in the U.S., but how did they, as a group, enable transatlantic Role in an Entangled His- exchanges and help shape American society more broadly?5 The tory of the Atlantic World, 1950s-’70s,” GHI Bulletin research project Transatlantic Perspectives at the German Histori- (Fall 2012): 122-28 (http:// cal Institute, which gave rise to this volume, aimed to highlight the les/publi- cations/bulletin/bu051/122_ multidirectional and circulatory fl ow of transfers in the interwar and bu51.pdf) postwar transatlantic world by emphasizing the role of European- 6 5 See e.g. Gerhard Loewenberg, born migrants in transnational transfers. In areas as central to “The Infl uence of European “postwar modernity” as mass consumption and business marketing, Émigré Scholars on Compara- tive Politics, 1925–1965,” the social sciences and urban planning, European migrants to the American Political Science Review 100 (2006): 597-604. United States helped build Euro-American networks and facilitated On émigrés in academia, exchanges within the transatlantic world. see also Lewis Coser, Refu- gee Scholars in America: Their Impact and Their Experiences (New Haven, 1984); Mitchell Qualifying the “American Century”: Transnational Approaches Ash and Alfons Söllner, eds., to the Postwar Atlantic Community Forced Migration and Scientifi c Change: Emigré This volume looks closely at European actors within transatlantic German-Speaking Scientists and Scholars aft er 1933 political, cultural, and economic networks and institutions. Daniel (Washington, DC, 1996). Rodgers’s Atlantic Crossings, a study that gave a decisive impetus for 6 For more information on the looking at the transatlantic dialogue as a multipolar conversation, in GHI project Transatlantic many ways pioneered a growing body of transnational scholarship. Perspectives, see www. Our intention here is to extend Rodgers’s transnational perspective The website contains short into the postwar period and to see what evidence of genuine recip- biographical entries on notable transatlantic careers rocal interaction can be found. Rodgers focuses on the fi rst half of in various fi elds as well as on the twentieth century, or more broadly the Progressive Era, and the the institutions and trans- fers that connect them. The impact European actors and ideas had on the way America negoti- project was funded by a grant ated the Social Question through networks of politically engaged from the German Ministry for Education and Research. professionals. In his narrative, World War II appears as a break 8 GHI BULLETIN SUPPLEMENT 10 (2014) Reimagining the Émigrés and Postwar Transcending the Atlantic Introduction Transatlantic World America World that eff ectively ended the circulatory fl ow of transatlantic exchanges » Anti-Americanization aft er 1945 (New York, 2006). in favor of more unidirectional transfer processes.7 Yet,
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