Arnaldo Momigliano: the Historian of History
Arnaldo Momigliano: The Historian of History Anthony Grafton On February 19, 1952, Arnaldo Momigliano gave his inaugural lecture as professor of ancient history at University College London. “It was about twenty-five years ago,” he told his listeners, “that the name of Gower Street first impressed itself on my mind.” He had been reading Harriet Lewin Grote’s biography of her husband, George Grote, the banker, liberal politician, and historian of Greece who was one of the college’s founders. She described George returning home, tired out, by “a shilling fare of hackney coach” from meetings of the College Council at Gower Street. “Thus,” Momigliano explained, “in my admittedly rather imperfect map of a mythical London, the Gower Street of George Grote had its place beside the Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes and the George Street of Giuseppe Mazzini, near the Euston Road. The transition from myth to reality is always complicated. Yet for once the reality was not inferior to the myth.” Readers of the essays collected in this volume will soon see that this passage is typical of Momigliano’s writing, in its elegance of style, in its breadth of reference, and in its easy, confident transition from an opening anecdote to, in this case, a compliment to his new colleagues. They will come to know Momigliano as a scholar who could discuss the origins of Jewish and Greek historical writing in the first millennium BCE and the interpretive social sciences of the late twentieth century with equal insight and authority. They will depart with a new appreciation for the scholarly adventures and discoveries of Greeks and Romans, Dutch Calvinists and French Benedictines, Italian jurists and German professors—as well as a new understanding of the scholarly misadventures of those who have tried, across the centuries, to winch the original sources into their tough, corset-like theories.
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